April 2015

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!"#$%&'( Yachad Shabbaton ... Page 8

June !"#$%&&' 2010 d/1E/'8(),`,

Quarterbacks AIPAC ANIMAL BYPRODUCTS Policy Army Psychologist Charged | 5 Okay to Eat? | 6 Album Review Conference ... Page 3 ... Page 7 /01234$(5$65$789":4$18$/;:<5$=32>

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Page 2 tinue to do:2:( it anyway. It states in the 1"5( 04/'$( 4$'( 6$$?2130A( 4E(=/6'/1+(CG(S"04$'D0(M2>$(;'$02:$15("6(I"%%E12>/52"10(/1:(</'H$5213A( /18"1$D0( >"15'"?A( B4$( 4$/:7 (((d/2%$$(a'E&&0+()*+(>/%$(5"( 95E23"9$ 134$ 832T$ :@$ :B$ "<$ 5X@95H53#$ "95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ Upper School Handbook: “No food ( ( ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( By Eliana Abraham ’18 35@0"3$ 4"<E5912B$ B@9":<$One 18$ @05$ 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ Ezra"<4$ Zimble Reviews $VF?":$:( "1( BM( /1:( 54$( $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% \B23$'( M"5$:( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( or0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P drink (except water) is allowed 217 in 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P YouTube is :'/%/( currently conMore Thing: Stories and %"'$( 54$( '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 /66/2'( 5$'1$5+( R$>/:$]( 5"( \B23$'( O"":0^( 4/:( /( 542'587"1$( %"154( classrooms, in the library, orH$F5( in the "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ 8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ quering the Internet the Other Stories by B.J. O"":0( 6/%2?8( 21( 54$(and FE&?2>( >$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af 04"'5?8( `g( <205'$00$0( ="( L/'+( 96( O$( .254( O"":0( &$3211213( shul” (Section 3-School Rules: Food @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ ;:@0$ d$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$ @05$ %d&h$ screens of viewers around the $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( H(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% 91>?E:$( d$002>/( =2%F0"1A]( Novak Outside Permitted Areas). This rule fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( ( ( ( B4$( !/52"1/?( Q1KE2'$'( ./0( @>>"':213(5"(a'E&&0+(04$(./0( majority of viewY<8325<Z"$ 7$…V]-]Q@1$ 5B@:H"@54$ A#$The !5X:J1$ "31<5F$ _05$ Page 3 2B$ B;:<5$ has beenworld. in!"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( use for eighteen years. So %21"'( >/'( />>2:$15( "E502:$( 420( 6'$04(213'$:2$150("6(54$(4234$05(KE/?258+](04$(0/2:A(\B420(.2??(&'213("E'(2>"12>( $/(% !"#$% $-% "(5-"$% $/(% L--,#% /(4E3$(O"":0(6/1+(%$5(42%(/5( ers, those who control the 832Q"<4$ :@$ 0"B$ E1<5$ ;0595$ ;5$ "33$ A14#$ J12<@$ :B$ H2J0$ 35BB$ @0"<$ @05$ why doesn’t everybody follow it? Why &'/1:0(5"(/1($152'$?8(1$.(>"10E%$'(&/0$(54/5(>/1(1".($1["8("E'(F'":E>50A] 0>/1:/?A(!2345>?E&(4"05$00(P/7 /1( UA@A( 12345>?E&+( /1:( $1:$:( L?"'2:/( 4"%$( 21( .42>4( 4$( 425( number of subscribers/views, is it a rule to begin with? Has this rule Uriya Durani argues that 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ "H12<@$ 18$ D51D35$ ;01$ 4:5$ 5M59#$ (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( EF( 0F$1:213( 54$( 12345( .254( '%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% ateenagers. joke that noYouTube one wants to On their first day in Israel,/(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( the entire Maimo Shalva team toured the turned are conthe hype surrounding the <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$into 891H$ @05$ 95E23"9$ 832$ ;1934P 5'$$A( Q?21( !"':$3'$1+( O"":0D( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( 42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( adhere to? To answer this last quesShalva House. tains many different types Apple watch is undeserved .26$+( 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5( 04$( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% $V>4/13$:( 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( 5$V5( B23$'( O"":0A]( N"54( G>425$?( $ 733$ 18$ 2B$ 0"M5$ 05"94$ "A12@$ ;:45T$ H1B@$ J"B5B$ ;595$ 953"@:M53#$ tion, I first had 54$( to In find out why stu/>>2:$15( .42?$(some 04$( -+%$/(#(%6'+,*(#%*#%*+,((,%8-*+8%$-%H(%:("7%#*8+*!6'+$%$-%-H#(":'+$%K(.#; %$00/3$0( /1:( 4/:( /( #"2>$%/2?( /1:( O"":0( :$12$:( 5420( '$?/7 … Page 4 of 4$/':( videos. addition, N atanya R osen ’18 @0"@$832I$@05$1<5$;0:J0$;:33$1<5$4"#$ H:34$"<4$J1234$A5$5885J@:M53#$@95"@P ./0(2102:$(54$2'(4"E0$(/1:('/1( ((N'""H(M/1$+(0F"H$0."%/1(6"'(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(0/2:(54$('$/>52"1( 52"1042FA(91('$0F"10$(5"(5420(/?7 5"( F'"#$( 25A( B4$( %$00/3$( 20( dents eat in the earn librarytheir to begin with. people livelihood pictured on page 9, a Shalva. In return, they flew our team 9:B5$ 2D$ "<4$ ;:D5$ 12@$ 02E5$ D"9@B$ The poem !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)?$3/52"1+(G>425$?(0/2:(54/5(f54$( 21>"1>?E02#$+( 4".$#$'A(54$;:@0$_"H:832$"<4$*535<Z"F$Y@$:B$ 91( 54$( "E502:$(5"(&'$/H("F$1(54$(&/>H( I believe I found my answer when I Yardaena Portman dis-@0:B$ slight adaptation of Heaven’s Very to Israel on March 11. There we visthrough making YouTube vid18$ @05$ D1D23"@:1<F$ =:9B@$ :@$ ;"B$ H1B@$3:K53#$@0"@$:8$#12$J1<@9"J@$@05$ .21:".( "6(O"":0D( >/'( 0"( 54/5( KE"5$0( 6'"%( 54$( 5."( 0"E'>$0( :-*6(3'*01%'+%>+*,(+$*!(,%3'+% interviewed sophomore Tess Niewood. cusses the importance of ited the Shalva 0/2:+(\J$8+(25e0(B23$'A(9(1$$:(8"E( home, ran in the JeYouTube is taking Special Child, by Edna Massimilla, 4$(>"E?:($0>/F$A(=4$(3"5(O"":0( .4"(/'$(1"5(6'2$1:0(/'$('2:2>E7 832I$@05<$:@$;"B$@0"@$832I$8:<"33#$;5$ B;:<5$Ieos. 832I$ "@$her @05$opinion H1H5<@$ #12$over, 8553$ When asked about the sports and requests more rusalem Marathon, and spent Shabbat and there are statistics that "E5("6(54$(>/'(/1:(?/2:(42%("1( ?"E0A(9(1$#$'(>'"00$:(F/540(.254( 5"(:"(%$(/(4E3$(6/#"'A(I/1(8"E( 5XD5J@54$ :@$ ;"B$ A:94$ 832I$ <1;$ :@$ :B$ is posted outside the Shalva home in B#HD@1HBI$#12$H"#$@0:<K$:@$:B$W2B@$ prohibition of food in the library, she 54$( 3'"E1:A( @>>"':213( 5"( 5$07 B23$'(21(<$?&"E'1$(T(1"5(21(/( F?$/0$(5/H$(8"E'(1/%$("66(8"E'( time for athletics during proveto respond. it. EvenUltimately, though Youstudents in Jerusalem with other schools from was hesitant she B;:<5$ 832F$ /J:5<@:B@B$ ;595$ ;199:54$ Jerusalem, where seventeen'$05/E'/15+(1"5(21(54$(38%+(1"5( 52%"18( 32#$1( &8( O21:$'%$'$+( F4"1$c(<8(.26$(.$15(54'"E34( the school day C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$i New York, New Jersey, and Canada, Tube is arule phenomenal place and two chaperones, including me, did agree that the “makes sense.” I 21( 54$( ?"&&8+( 1"54213Af( G>427 %8( F4"1$( /1:( %/8( &$( >/??213( L?"'2:/( ;"?2>$( I42$6( R/12$?( as well as with individuals and famito watch videos, we must convisited as part of our run for Shalva asked her if=/8?"'+( she thought that it./0( was\6'/17 fair ( !"':$3'$1( 5"( 4/#$( 5$?( 42'$:( /( >$?$&'258( /55"'1$8( 8"EA]( a'E&&0( >?/2%$:( … Page 4 lies, all/''/13$:( of whom\?"#$:(42%+](&E5(&'"H$("66(54$( were fundraising that for students sider whether itsthe advantages rule. "#$'( She this year. For the first time 5"( this year, 4$'( 52>+(disregarded EF0$5]( /1:( 4"#$'213( '$F'$0$15( /1:( 6#$a"MM#$*1B5< Shalva. answered that it’s its notdisadvantages. fair, but it’s not O"":0(.4$1(54$(F"?2>$(/''2#$:( '$7outweigh F'$00( >"16$'$1>$( 21( U"0(@17 '$?/52"1042F( .4$1( O"":0( Maimonides students ran /( for Team :0;&<05,$#=&!,$&!0035*$&>0-!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)students scrutinize :<E$ @05$ a59H"<PA19<$ 65<54:J@[B$ M:B:@$ :B$ M"B@3#$ $ Twoj1D5$65<54:J@$kbY$A5E"<$"$;55K31<E$@129$ somethingYouTube that is likely to change. The trip began on Wednesday, attracts manyThe difShalva—an organization which gives the politics behind Israeli library is a place where students hang 4:88595<@$891H$@05$B:@2"@:1<$:<$;0:J0$@05$j13:B0P 18$@05$!:4435$."B@$1<$=9:4"#I$!"#$G@0I$"$B538P45P March 11, after davening at school. ferent kinds of people because free services to children with spe6#$.Z9"$(#BJ01E914 Prime Minister Binyamin out; there other video places categoto go. ?10<$ j"23I$ ;01$ E95;$ 2D$ :<$ @05$ B0"41;$ BJ9:A54$RD:3E9:H$18$D5"J5S$B55K:<E$@1$B@95<E@05<$ The morning was 18$spent hustling of are the few multiple cial needs in A19<$ Israel—in the JerusaNetanyahu’s speech beThe student lounge is very small, and a B@114$ "@$ ?592B"35H[B$ (5B@59<$ 89"#54$ @:5B$ ;:@0$ !2B3:HB$ "<4$ ?5;B$ "<4$ E:M5$ 72BJ0;:@ZI$ around the auditorium that ries. Since we are teenagers, $checking =19$ "B$ 31<E$ "B$ ;5B@59<$ J:M:3:Z"P lem @1$ Marathon. For the past several Student outlaw munching in("33$ the library mostly used by juniors and seniors. The fore congress "<4$358@$"$0"<4;9:@@5<$<1@5$"D131E:Z:<E$819$"<@:P B2DD19@$@1$0:B$A535"E25954$C09:B@:"<$831JK$:<$@05$ Israel phone main part of our life is school, months, Maimonides Team Shalva we all had our passports, @:1<$J"<$95H5HA59I$@05$D59B1<"3$3:M5B$18$ By Jonathan Robison In This Issue: … Page 5 Continuedtests. on pg.5 /5H:@:BH$A#$C09:B@:"<BF 95E:1<F e-tickets, luggage, and food. >4$/5213+(/1:('E:$(=/?/420(.4"(4/:(54$( which involves Youworked hard to raise money for numbers, D13:@:J:"<B$0"M5$"885J@54$@05$<"@:1<$1M59$ !"#$%&$'( )*+( ),,-( ./0( /( 12345( "6( 6$052#7 52?(/3'$$213(5"(/1(215$'#2$.(.254(</55(U/E$'("1( #((+%!03*+8%'+,%3'=(>5%'"$*#$#%.("(% $ Y<$0:B$8129B$#5"9B$:<$@05$D"D"J#I$65<54:J@$ $258+(4"1"'213(54$(#2025("6(91:2/1(;'2%$(<21205$'( _05$@9:D$;"B$45B:E<54$"31<E$@05$3:<5B$18$ Once we felt assured, the team headed Tube is an extremely helpful Shalva, all of which was donated to !NIA((91(5420(215$'#2$.+(54$8($VF?/21$:(54/5(54$8( 0$$1( F".:$'213( 54$(;0:J0$05$19$B05$9235BF$7$^2:@5$D91H:<5<@$ >"EF?$( '2345( &$7 /E:/>258(5"(>'/04(/(F/'58(4"05$:(&8(54$( Scheduling Woes: 0"B$:<829:"@54$A1@0$!2B3:HB$"<4$?5;BI$8:9B@$;05<$ j1D5$?10<$j"23$YY[B$0:B@19:J$D:3E9:H"E5$:<$%&&&$ Continued on page 9 ;'$02:$15("6(54$(G125$:(=5/5$0A(W;'$027 </1%"4/1( =2134( /1:( >$?$&'/5213( 54$( 05'$1354( .$'$(>""F$'/5213(.254(54$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$07 6"'$(54$2'($15'8A(N'/#"(200E$:(/(05/5$7 resource if you are someone A Maimo student takes a B4$( @%$'2>/1( 523/52"1(/1:(54/5(54$8(4/:(1"5(>'/04$:(54$(:211$'A( %$15( 54/5( <2>4/$?$(5X"HD35$18$@0:B$:B$@05$5B@"A3:B0H5<@$18$ "6( '$?/52"10A( @1$@%$'2>/1791:2/1( ?194"<I$ YB9"53$ "<4$ @05$ j"35B@:<:"<$ @599:@19:5BI$ 05$ H"45$ "$ BD55J0$ 3:<K:<E$ @05$ j91D05@$ !20"HP ./0( E1:$'( >"17 :$15(C&/%/(/:%255$:(21(/1(215$'#2$.( who learns best by watchstab at>"#$'$:( the schedule, offerByj91@5B@"<@:BH$ Ben1$5."'H( Niewood :<$ .<E3"<4I$ ;0:J0$ "91B5$ %$:2/( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( 3?/%"'"E0( 02:$'/52"1( /1:( 54/5( 54$( ./0( 54/5(4$(./0(6E'2"E0(/5(54$(=/?/420(6"'( :<J324:<E$ B@1DB$ "BB1J:"@54$ ;:@0$ 6:A3:J"3$ B4$8(>?/2%$:(5"(4/#$(54"E345(54$8(.$'$(21#25$:( 5M5<@B$ H"4$@1$M:135<J5I$"<4$@05<$;05<$05$3:8@54$@05$5XP ing visuals or by listening to ing&$'$(% a proposal solve$-%his !"#$% )*++("%to,-.+% $/(% 0'#$% ,($'*01% 2"-3% 5"( '$F'$0$15( @%$'2>/D0( ;"?"( IEF( W6"E1:$:( &8( E1:$'(54$(2%F'$002"1(54$(=/?/420(.$'$( 5420AX( B4$( "54$'( 20( 54$( 6/2?E'$( "6( 54$( <1@:J5"A3#$425$@1$@05$8"J@$@0"@$@05$.<EP J1HH2<:J"@:1<$ 18$In "$ V131J"2B@P45<#:<E$ "<4$@05$3:85$18$?5B2BF$62@$@05$B:@2"@:1<$B29912<4P they Furthermore, would be hearing early November, a A:B01DF$ learned that the delegationsaudio. therelecare .4"( ./0( "1( 54$( 3E$05( ?205+(25"( .4/5( ./0( "1(By 54$(Daniel B/'$K( =/?/42X+( .42>4( 20( 3"213( 5"( >"%F$5$( .254( 21#25$:( 5"( 54$( =5/5$( R211$'A( 91#$0527 G125$:(=5/5$0(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(5"(F'"F7 personal angst......page Lasman 3:B0$K:<E$18$@05$@:H5$;"B$45<:54$"<$"<P tures on topics ranging from there included people from small group of seniors and 7<1@059$ B195$ D1:<@$ :B$ @05$ 8:E295$ 18$ (1934$ ("9$ a huge number of “How To” :211$'(%$1E+(5"(.4/5(./0("1(<2>4$??$(C&/%/A( 91:2/(1$V5(8$/'A(B4$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(%/215/21$:( 3/5"'0( /?0"( '$#$/?$:( 54/5( 54$( =/?/420( $'?8( F'"5$>5( 54$( ;'$02:$15A( O4/5$#$'( states "$including Michigan, ‘Understanding AIPAC’s traveled65<54:J@$ to Washing<23H5<@$ 819$ "$%/8( H"99:"E5$ 891H$ @05$ b"@:P YYI$five j1D5$ kYYI$ ;01H$ 0"B$21#"?#$:( J"3354$ After fighting through ag- j:2B$juniors B4$(Robben 12345( /?0"( F'$0$15$:( /1( 2%F"'5/15( 08%&"?( 54/5(54$8(.$'$(1"5+(21(6/>5+(21#25$:(5"(54$(:211$'A 4/FF$1+( "1$( 54213( 20( 6"'( 0E'$^( /'$( /?0"( 21( %/18( >2#2?( ?/.7 videos for people who want to Island: Florida, "1( California, New0"%$54213(?2H$(5420(.2??(1$#$'(4/FF$1( Mission and Mandate’ to D.C.4/#$( to attend an AIPAC games, the 54$( Maimonides 2-"% 4+,*'1% #5(6*!6'007% "(0'$(,% $-% gressive *$#% 2('"% $/'$% ( ( ( =52??+( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$(ton, 04"E?:( H1".1( 0E250( ( 6"'( >4$/5213( 54$2'( :$&5(5X"HD35$ /1:( RE95"@$J029J0H"<FS$?5;B$"<4$1@059B$B"#$@0"@$j:2B$ J"<F$ 7<$ 7H59:J"<B$ J"<$ 953"@5$ learn how to fix their remote, Sarah Ricklan goes to a New Jersey andF/05( Mary-/3/21A(U$5(E0(0/8(.$(.$'$(?E>H8(5"(.257 ‘Iran and the Bomb.’ For High School Conference. boys’ soccer boasted an impres54$( .2??(’17 .$/H$1( 52$0( .254( 91:2/(team &$6"'$( 54$(8":354$@1$41$"33$05$J1234$@1$B@1D$@05$5X@59H:<"@:1<$ =/?/420( %$5( C&/%/( 4/#$( &$$1(York, >/E345( ?8213( /&"E5( ByG125$:( Eitan =5/5$0( Jeselsohn B$#$1( y David K;'$02:$15( otler ’17 draw, or tie a tie. The options @1$:B$@05$:HD5"J0H5<@$18$j95B:45<@$6:33$ former Prisoner War record.54/5( With a growing fan>'/04$'0A( the first day and a half, the AIPAC, American Island. Overall, there were /1:( 05'$1354$1( 52$0( of .254( ;/H205/1(sive /1:(4-1 I421/A( 54$8( .$'$( 3/5$( N$6"'$(the 54$( F/'58+( F"0252"10( 5"( F"5$152/?( $%F?"8$'0A 1$00("1$(?/05(/55$%F5(5"(#2025(54$(O425$( 18$.291D5"<$?5;BF Free agency is atell criti- next year. spreading “hysteria” since In ./0( an interview with NBC areMaimonides endless. Other sets ofwas vid- ( and lives base and a four 54$( game winning=GM( streak, ( ( camp ( J".$#$'+( 54$0$(to :$5/2?0(the .$'$( 0""1( "#$'04/:7 =/?/420D( 5E'1$:( /./8( 6'"%( 54$(Commit((((B420($#$15(4/0(04".1(E0(5."(0$F/7 over 400C3:<@1<$"8@59$3#:<E$:<$J129@$"A12@$"<$5XP other high schoolJ"E0$(E121#25$:(21(5420(F"05(-_``(/3$A( delegation rael Public Affairs $ 65<54:J@$H5@$;:@0$"$E912D$18$V131J"2B@$ cal time in the NFL. Throughout free news on Wednesday, March 1992, crying out that Iran that appeal manybased teenmorale soared. O425$(J"E0$($15'/1>$+(&E5(54$8(052??(%/1/3$:(5"( Coach Borkow kept ".$:( .4$1( '$F"'50( /''2#$:( E121#25$:( '/5$(that 2%/3$0A( C1$( @9"H"9:@"3$"88":9F$ 20(all 54$(eager 0>4$%213+( tale................page 2 54/5( /1( into to groups students, to learneosdivided tee, is an interest group B29M:M19B$"@$?592B"35H[B$U"4$b"B05H$!5H19:"3I$ Your team can sign a agency, however, many his M-Cats in tip-top shape with at 4, Iranian foreign minisis making a deadly bomb. >"EF?$+(B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(/55$1:7 3$5(21A(!$.0(/3$1>8('$F'$0$15/52#$0(/?0"(05/5$:( agers include music, gaming, was about. on their name tags. The lobbies Congress in support what AIPAC $ !195$95J5<@3#I$@05$4:M19J5$18$Y@"3P least sign five rigorous practices aterweek (,%$/(%/*8/95"-!0(%(:(+$;%</-$-#%5-#$(,%-+%$/(% 54/5(54$8(./'1$:(O425$(J"E0$(05/66$'0(5"(%/H$( 05$ BK:DD54$ :@B$ H2B52HI$ ;0:J0$ 012B5B$ game changer that will teams players that @012E0$ Mohammad Javad Zarif Zarif also accused Israel of stu-andfirst sports videos. When Maimonides speeches wereYouTube mostly of a strong relationship beBombs Away: :"<$ j9:H5$ !:<:B@59$ /:3M:1$ 65932BJ1<:$ daily sets"$D:J@295$18$j:2B$@0"@$0"B$A55<$J9:@:J:Z54$A#$@05$ of push>"EF?$D0(L/>$&""H(F/3$(:20F?/8$:(54$%('E&&213( 0E'$(54$(>"EF?$(./0("1(54$(3E$05(?205A(J".$#$'+( win you the Super Bowl, aresupplemented a positive by addition stated clearly that his counmany crimes, while their insist-namehasabout videos for all teenagers, dents received AIPAC’s mission and tween America and Israel. The US gets tired of wars on N2:$1+( ups. Assistant Barbosa used .$'$( 0$/5$:( 6"'( :211$'+( 04"E?:$'0( .254( M2>$( O425$( Coach &8( 54$( 52%$( 54$( 3E$050( 891H$0:B$;:85$L"<4$819H59$"J@95BBN$b5P b"@:J"<F$ _05$ D01@1[B$ J"D@:1<$ B"#B$ j:2B$ 4:4$ <1@$ or your team can ;'$02:$15( lose to an already great team. ing thattags, Iran isthey veryalso peaceful try seeks “the annihilation of belief, is important. Also receivedandwhy Contrary to popular as ait result, it is influenchis years of soccer experience to J"E0$(I42$6("6(=5/66(P/4%(Q%/1E$?+(54$(%/8"'( 54$( =/?/420( 4/:( :20/FF$/'$:A( B4$( '$F'$0$15/7 Earth and decides to bomb 91<:J"$ +"9:1$ L@;5<@#$ #5"9B$ 0:B$ W2<:19N$ D91@5B@$@05$-"Z:$E5<1J:45$18$?5;B$"<4$H":<@":<54$ a"6(star player, lessening If the Patriots just hold a schedule that told them AIPAC is not a traditional and tolerant. For example, Netanyahu’s regime,” a stateContinued on pg.7 ing teens everywhere. The powerful 52#$0D(./'12130(/FF/'$15?8(6$??("1(:$/6($/'0Y(54$( plays and innovative O/042135"1( RAIA+( 54$( 7 91:2/1( share /%&/00/:"'+( the moon..............page 0"B$Times J"2B54$ Y@"3:"<$ D51D35$ @1$ ^25BP politicalin action committee the team’s Super Bowl back andday do strategies. not sign any game As a"$3"9E53#$R<52@9"3$D1B:@:1<FS team, thethat comes ment response according to the of @05$most /1:($#$1(S/52$(I"E'2>("6(IN=A(B4$8(.$'$($#$1( 3"#$'1%$15("1?8(&$>/%$(/./'$("6(54$(21>2:$15( popular category of vid(PAC) since is bipartisan wereother poised to54$( meet chal04".1(04/H213(4/1:0(.254(54$(;'$02:$15(/1:(<'0A( .4$1( =/?/420D( F2>5E'$0( /FF$/'$:( "1(it L/>$7 $ any 65<54:J@[B$95H"9KB$1<$@05$V131J"2B@$J"DP @:1<$ @05$ 9135$ 18$ ;1H5<$ :<$ @05:9$ B1J:P chances. After the Pa- newM-Cats players, teams to questions raised by Israeli Israel, Zarif declared that eos on YouTube is arguably The Cartoon: lenges their schedule held in store. and does not endorse canC&/%/(21(F2>5E'$0('$?$/0$:(&8(54$(O425$(J"E0$A( &""H( ?/5$'( 54/5( 12345A( B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( 1$#7 triots won Super Bowl will get better, and the @2954$@05$H1B@$"@@5<@:1<$:<$YB9"53F Prime minister Benjamin Israel is supporting the al5@#$"B$;533$"B$@05$3:85$18$@05:9$5JJ5<@9:J$ the comedy section. Sick of waiting The 200E$:( /( 05/5$%$15( In game six$'54$?$00( of the season, Mai- 54/5(didates B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$(for KE2>H?8( $%F4/02Z$:( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( who run for office. $ Netanyahu 7B$"$a59H"<$;01$;"B$819J54$@1$W1:<$@05$ XLIX, many people will Patriots will not be able in a speech be- Nusra Front j9:H5$ terrorists in The who A55<$ create @1P and !:<:B@59F$ _05$people @;1$ 0"4$ Spectrum Poll to return, Eli monides faced0/6$58(./0(1$#$'([$"F/':2Z$:(&$>/E0$(/??("6(54$( Matignon High 0/8213(54/5(54$8(4/:(6/2?$:(5"(F'"F$'?8(F'"5$>5("1$( When the Maimonides V:@359$ U12@0I$ 65<54:J@$ ;1234$ 0"M5$ 0"4$ "$ 0"94$ incorrectly say that the to win a second consecfore United States Congress Syria, while Iran is just helpedit these videos are usually before, "6(54$(%"05(F".$'6E?(%$1(21(."'?:A(B4$(>"EF?$+( 3E$050( 4/:( Matignon F/00$:( 54'"E34( $V5$102#$( 0$>E'258A E5@059$819$@;5<@#P<:<5$#5"9B$2<@:3$+"9:1$ Portman makes a timely one School. Just a week delegation arrived at the @:H5$;:<<:<E$1M59$YB9"53:B$<1$H"@@59$;0"@$05$B":4$ Patriots do not need to utive Super Bowl. and Maimonides had battled it out in on March 3. Zarif blamed ing Iraq, the Kurds, and AfB/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(:"1$(54$(2%F"07 ( ( ( Q#$15E/??8+( 21#$0523/5"'0( F'":E>$:( /( 6E??$'( to as “YouTubers.” of his own............page 8 J1HD3":<54$ 18$referred 059$ 02BA"<4[B$ ;1H"<P majestic Washington Grand truethe warrior fashion. Despite a late "A12@$ @05$ -"Z:$for E5<1J:45$ 18$ i$ H:33:1<$ ?5;BF$When /1$ questioned 02&?$T54$8( >'/04$:( /( J"E0$( F/'58A F2>5E'$("6(54$(=/?/420A(B4$8(:20>"#$'$:(54/5(54$( make any 4/:( changes toO425$(For Patriots to win Netanyahu not having ghanistan. Examples of some widely Hyatt, they picked up their :Z:<E$;"#BF$65932BJ1<:I$"E5$`%I$J1:<J:P game comeback byBowl Matignon, Mai(((@65$'(1$.0("6(54$($#$15(&'"H$+(54$(LN9(/1:(54$( 5$?$#202"1( 1$5."'H( N'/#"( ./0(B@114$ >"102:$'213( 6$/7b"B05H[B$ ;05<$ 65<54:J@$ "@$ U"4$ D14:2H$ their roster. After all, if a second Super made a deal sooner: “Once about Netanyahu’s claim that known YouTubers are Culinary Corner: name ran to the monides escaped with <2>4/$?$( a 4-3 victory. 45<@"33#$ 1<5$ 18$ @05$ 8:M5$ 9:J05B@$ H5<$Ty:<$ =$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$0523/5$:(4".(54$(>"EF?$(3"5( 5E'213( =/?/42( "1( 54$2'( tags '$/?258(and 0$'2$0( !1<4"#$"<4$4:4$<1@$"D131E:Z5$19$B"#$@05$;194B$ they have the same team in two years, they must Iran wants to destroy Israel, thisthat fear mongering is main out, meetler Oakley, Connor Franta, conference’s Sarah teaches you/1:(As they left field, itJ"E0$.2#$0( was clear F/05( /5(Robinson ?$/05( 5."( >4$>HF"2150( 0$>E'258( /1:(the \P$/?( "6( O/042135"1( RAIA]( I/%7 Y@"3#I$ "@@5<454$ @05$ ]G@0$ A:9@04"#$ D"9@#$ as last year, they are 54$( add players boost then can have a54$( deal.” Hetime Zarif ing room just in to replied that Iran “has Superwoman, Marcus Buthow to make a Thanksgiving Matignon wasto$'/0( hungry forRH29459S$19$R-"Z:IS$05$;"B$;:453#$J9:@:J:Z54F$ revenge. %/1/3$:( 5"( %/H$( 25( 54'"E34( 12345( .254"E5( 6'"%( 54$( 04".(we $#$1( 6"??".$:( >"EF?$( C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$G bound to win again the only catch the end of the opensaved Jews three times in its said that Netanyahu has been &$213(>/E345A(B4$(=/?/420(%"05?8(H$F5(KE2$5(E17 5"(54$(O425$(J"E0$+(.4$'$(>/%$'/(>'$.0(.$'$( pie.....................page 11 their talent, and ler, and Joe C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$` Sugg. They have Continued on pg.5 !"#$%&"'(&)*+,"$-$&."-",*&$'/01*'2&3,$45$-6$5&"3&3,$&7,*3$&8095$ Maimonides students at the Capitol


Team Shalva’s O"":0(=>/1:/?( Journey Take =.2130(CE5("6(I"15'"? Youtube in Moderation

The Law of the Library


65932BJ1<:\$/01234$ j59B1<"3$788":9B$.885J@$ -"@:1<"3$788":9B>


Road to the State A Capital Good Time Tournament Iranian Minister DePatriots Must Use

Draft Wisely

Continued on page 3

nounces Netanyahu

ing remarks.

They soon

Continued on page 5

Continued on page 4

Page Page292 Page !"#$%&'

June 2010Nisan 5775 April 2015/ f():(-#$aURU !"#$%&&'

!"#$%&'( !"#$%&'(

2,3)$245$6436,3274!643 The Letter from the Editors !"#$%&'()!*'%+' !!!



Spectrum Staff

(#$)"*"+$,-./01-0 To our dear Spec- lose horribly in pow- speech to Congress.

89#$:--;$:"01< J9??/9$)+/D1 M$H"*?9$A"**-@$-*$A9H9*#$1@"HL Editors-in-Chief: Akiva Jacobs is back derpuff this M$ @*/"0?=H"*$ month. 1H/A9$ trum readers, M$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$@->"@-B$-*$D9DD9* -G$ 2>9*/A"0$ -*$ !-RR"*9HH"$ )=>>9*$/1$*/?+@$"*-=0;$@+9$A-*09*B$1-$7$+"C9$D*-E Davey Schoenberg ’15 C/;9;$@F-$;/1+91$"DD*-D*/"@9$G-*$"$G*/90;1E"0;E A+9919$S"$H9"G$-G$H9@@=A9$>"#$"H1-$.9$=19;T you are with another phenomPesach sameach! Sophomores, 3=0"$)"H";$U,$6??$)"H";$V:-*$3=0"$)"H";I$!/W$ and Chaiel Schaffel ’15 G">/H#$D/A0/A$-*$G-*$"0#$0/A9$1=>>9*$;"#I$:H-FE review half-A"0$enal We hope you’ve all almost at the Assistant Editor-in-Chief: "$ X$ -=0A9$ -G$ @=0"B$ album O$ @".H91D--01$ >"#-0E 9*$)"0;F/A+91$"0;$J9??/9$)+/D1K$3+919$*9A/D91$ "*9$G=0$"0;$1/>DH9$90-=?+$G-*$9C9*#-09$@-$>"L9B$ 0"/19B$M$@9"1D--0$H9>-0$N=/A9B$!$1@"HL$-G$G/09H#$ Aviva Rosen ’16 N2!O0(0/!V#'9-3#-had an enjoyable and way mark. In just a in A&E, and Ariana A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ %$ @9"1D--01$ *9H/1+B$ "0;$ 1"H@$ -*$ 9C90$@+9$.9?/009*$A+9GK H%2!c##:!c0-3S few months you will Gewurz writes about relaxing month. Ha. D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK$:-*$6??$)"H";I$!/W$Y$ 8/93!&#-./1!%$%(2!-%43>0>%(!,D$%!3%%-!^./53!;0(_!/03!>5'=93/%:!&0-2!.5(A%2!(%?9>%3!9-!>(%>0C Chief Copy Editor: (0.9#-!;#(!85(A%2!M027!N5.!03!%$%(2#-%!A-#431!8/0-A369$9-6!&%0=3!0(%!-%$%(!?#&>=%.%!49./C :H-F9*$)"0;F/A+91 through the recent Yachad We go to Maimo, be halfway >"1+9;$+"*;E.-/H9;$9??1B$Z$@".H91D--01$>"#-0E Caleb Jacoby ’15 #5.!>9%7!N%=#4!93!#-%!#;!&2!;0$#(9.%!>9%!(%?9>%37!,!=9A%!9.!'%?053%!9.!93!$%(30.9=%!d!9.!?0-!'%!53%:! 0"/19B$%$@".H91D--01$5/N-0$>=1@"*;B$M$@9"1D--0$ M$F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D Assistant Copy Editor: ;#(!./%!8/0-A369$9-6!&09-!?#5(3%1!:%3%(.1!#(!;#(!0-2!O/0''0.!&%0=7!R=531!9.!49==!-#.!;09=!2#5e!9.! shabbaton in"0;$ 1"H@$ the so we know relax- high school! Last, M$GH-F9*E1+"D9;$A--L/9$A=@@9*$ D"D*/L"B$but !$ 1@"HL$ -G$ A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ -*$ 49==!?#&%!#5.!#;!./%!#$%-!49./!./%!30&%!?#-393.%-?2!%0?/!.9&%f,!>(#&93%7!N5.!&#3.!9&>#(C Daniel Smits ’16 D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK[ %$1H/A91$-G$.*9"; school section. ing probably isn’t the “not” least, freshmen. .0-.=21!./93!>9%!/03!0!4#-:%(;5=!.0-6!4/9?/!49==!A%%>!2#5(!65%3.3!4#-:%(9-61!FI/%(%!#-!%0(./! M$-*$%$1D*9";1B$H/L9$D9"0=@$.=@@9*B$N9HH#B$-*$A*9">$ *&*$!"3!$83B-0$%-;#$90-;?@$C7%1&)'D$'-7:))$12-+$!"3!$&!$%3;#$90-;$,&2#3,,)#$32*$%-%-27!E$$ made it With such a wide vacase, unless of course You’ve almostMK$\-*9$@+9$199;1$-G$@+9$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$ Chief Layout Editor: A+9919 P(53.=%33!O4%%.!R#.0.#!R9% Sarah Pomeranz ’15 first year riety to choose from, you’re a senior and through your @->"@-B$-*$D9DD9*B$1-$#-=$"*9$H9G@$F/@+$@+9$1+9HHK$ `Ca!&%:95&!34%%.!>#.0.#%3 F$!#34,--24$%-%-27!$83B-0&26$-0$%-%-27!$;&)1 MK$ :/*1@B$ A=@$ .-@+$ 1H/A91$ F/@+$ @+9$ A--L/9$ A=@@9*K$ 3+/1$F/HH$.9$#-=*$]C9??/9$C9119HK^ Assistant Layout Editor: By Sarah Robinson !!P!3560( Y!.%03>##-!$0-9==0!%@.(0?. By Bella Rumshiskaya Con- we are sure that you have caught the ter- of high school. %K$)@=GG$@+9$C9??/9$C9119H$F/@+$F+/A+9C9*$1"H";$ 3+90$A=@$"$+-H9$/0$@+9$19A-0;$1H/A9$.#$D*911/0?$"$ "!P!>0(%$%!&0(60(9-%!0.!(##&!.%&>%(0.5(% B!:03/!#;!?9--0&#Michael Gerber ’17 !"#$%&&'$%()*+ #-=$A+-19K F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D$/0$@+9$A90@9*K #!P!?(%0&2!3#2&9=A B!:03/!#;!-5.&%6 !"#$%&&'$%()*+$ will find something to rible case of senioritis gratulations! Y!=0(6%!%66 %K$ )D*9";$ #-=*$ GH-F9*E1+"D9;$ D/9A91$ -G$B!:03/!#;!69-6%(!^#>.9#-0=_ .*9";$ OK$ P=1+$ @+9$ A"**-@$ -*$ A9H9*#$ /0@-$ @+9$ 1"H";$ "0;$ `!.%03>##-3!>9-%0>>=%!U59?% H#-%2!^#>.9#-0=_! School Editor: discuss, With Pesach just that is going around. >00?%07:-*<5#%@-%A07%)'A%.'45%+0:*35<B%:.5,5%*-%C+'//A%-+01%0+%:.5%(,07+<#% ,(-./"-$01/*$2""34$5$2(*$*6"(3/)7$2/01$($8"2$8-/")'*$(9&:0$;&&3/)7<$=&$>#$*:-6-/*"4$01"$>&*0$?;&&3@ 1@/AL$ @+9$ A+9919$ -*$ H9@@=A9$ debate, ]GH"?^$ 09W@$or @-$just /@K$ ZK$ F/@+$#-=*$G"C-*/@9$1D*9";K V80"-$*1&B"./)7$01"$*)&2$&-$*/>6.#$*6")'/)7$*&>"$0/>"$/)$01"$8-/7/'$(/-4$01"-"$ /)7A$01(0$()#$&8$01">$'&"*$/)B&.B"*$6&:-/)7$>/.3$&B"-$01"/-$;"-"(.<$=1(0C*$'/))"-D$E1(0"B"-<$F&$5$ Aleeza Schoenberg ’17 OK$P=@$@+9$1H/A91$-G$.*9";$@-?9@+9*$"0;$C-/H"<$Q-=$Even if you are not around 4-F$9"@$#-=*$J9??/9$)+/D$.9G-*9$#-=*$@F-E#9"*E the corner, you enjoy. Read, love, and Y7!Z3%!0!3.%0&%(!.#!3.%0&!./%!>#.0.#%3!#-!/96/!/%0.!;#(!Y[CY\!&9-5.%37!8/%2!3/#5=:!'%!.%-:%(! *-%0+5%:.*+(%:.':%)0-:%08%7-%1'+:%D%.0:%3.030/':5#%E01B%A07%F,0&'&/A%.'45%:'-:@ '";/'"'$0&$2-/0"$:6$($G:./)(-#$G&-)"-$(9&:0$;"-"(.$-";/6"*<$H".&2$(-"$02&$-";/6"*$I21/;1$5$1('$)"B"-$ Arts & Entertainment Editor: -H;$.*-@+9*$>/1@"L91$/@$G-*$"$*9"H$1+/D$"0;$DH"#1$ +"C9$"$GH-F9*$1"0;F/A+<$ 9-!0'#5.!.4%-.2!&9-5.%37!]-?%!2#5!0(%!0'=%!.#!%039=2!9-3%(.!0!;#(A1!(%&#$%!./%!>#.0.#%3!;(#&! 1"(-'$&8$:)0/.$)&2J$/)B&.B/)7$;"-"(.K$L&)3"#$L:);1/"*$()'$M/;"$N-/*6/"$=-"(0*< have plentyF/@+$/@$/0$@+9$."@+@=.< of time share Spectrum this a senior, have no fear! all"'$>()#$'/88"-")0$1&0$;1&;&.(0"*$/)$#&:-$./8"<$H:0$1"-"$/*$>#$6"-*&)(.$8(B&-/0"K Moshe Saltzman ’16 $ ./%!3.%0&%(!0-:!=%.!./%&!?##=!;#(!0.!=%03.!.%-!&9-5.%37


The Culinary Corner L:);1#$=-"(0*


catch up on your month with your famJuniors, you are al- to 4"3'5*")"623% 5)7-"'/")0*$`$5)*0-:;0/&)*K reading. ily, friends, and peomost done. You can Spectrum @$ 5)$($'-#$9&2.$>/P$ !"#$%!&'() &$ RST$;:6$&8$9(3/)7$;&;&($6&2'"-$I)&$(''"'$*:7(-J $$$(#$,"A+9H$(9*L-C/@R$"0;$\+"0/$!"@R a great col- ple around you. do it; we here at Spec- We&$ have aST$;:6$&8$*:7(-$ G% H8%A07%1'+:%:0%/015,%:.5%+7)&5,%08%3'/0,*5-%*+%A07,%<,*+?%-*)F/A%-7&@ of articles this Your zealous Editrum believe in you. lection *0/0:0"$01"$*:7(-$2/01$F6.")'($&-$($'/88"-")0$*:7(-$*:9*0/0:0"$I>(3"$*:-"$0&$-"('$ 01"$/)*0-:;0/&)*$8&-$1&2$>:;1$&8$01"$)&@;(.&-/"$*2""0")"-$*1&:.'$9"$:*"'$(*$($ In HaMedina, tors-in-Chief, In addition, you can month. *:9*0/0:0"J not one, but Davey, feed on the fact that we&$ have RST$&8$($0*6$&8$*(.0$ @$ H&/.$ $;:6$&8$2(0"-$()'$>/P$/)$01"$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$ Chaiel, articles you are going to crush two @$ different E(->$ :6$ I9:0$ '&)C0$ 9&/.J$ b$ ;:6*$ &8$ >/.3$ I:*"$ ()#$ 6"-;")0(7"$ #&:$ aK$\H"11*--> 2/*1J$()'$RST$;:6$&8$!(.8$`$!(.8$ YK$39**/.H9 recent Aviva the seniors (-Aviva) on&$Netanyahu’s W&:-$01"$1&0$2(0"-S;&;&($>/P0:-"$/)0&$01"$*(:;"6()$&8$2(->"'$>/.3$

)7!R%%=!./%!>#.0.#!3A9-37!8/%-!&03/!./%!>#.0.#%3!9-!0!=0(6%!&9@9-6!'#4=!^,!(%?#&&%-:!539-6!0! !"#$%&'!(#)*+%, Opinion Editor: .5-0!&9@%(!;#(!./93_7 O$G$G1"P$I()#$*/)7."$0#6"$&-$($;&>9&Q$5$-";&>>")'$!&)"#$G1"PJ$ Hannah Stanhill ’15 `7!P#&'9-%!./%!#./%(!9-6(%:9%-.37!N%0.!./%!3560(1!&0(60(9-%1!3#2&9=A1!%661!>9-%0>>=%!0-:!?#C R$G$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6* HaMedina Editor: ?#-5.1!$0-9==01!0-:!3>9?%3!9-!49./!./%!>#.0.#%37!L9@!<QVT!4%==7!,;!2#5!:#-D.1!2#5!49==!'%!3#((27! $G$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J !"@A+$@+9$89.*9F$F-*;1$/0$@+9$."0L$F/@+$@+9$AH=91$"0;$G/HH$/0$@+9$ 80A%!&2!4#(:!;#(!9.7 G$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" David Kotler ’17 A*-11F-*;< a7!R#5(!9-.#!0!6(%03%:!>0-!0-:1!9;!2#5D:!=9A%1!:(9bb=%!./%!.#>!49./!/#-%27!N0A%!;#(!a[!&9-5.%3!0.! R$0"(*6&&)$B()/..( 2A*-11I 5-F0I R`[*#c7 $G$6&2'"-"'$*:7(MK$ (-@+$ "$ 09?"@/C9$ "0;$ "$ MK$)=>>9*$C"A"@/-0$ Technology Overseer: [7!O%($%!40(&!#(!?##=7!Q-U#2S! 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$L/;-&2(B"$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6*4$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J4$()'$9:00"-S>(-7(@ D-1/@/C9$9WD9*/90A9 %K$\->9$-0<_1-`$ $ -/)"$8&-$R$>/):0"<$F0/-<$L/;-&2(B"$8&-$()$(''/0/&)(.$TU$*";&)'*$:)0/.$*>&&01<$V''$B()/..(<$W&:-$&B"-$ Ethan Frankel ’17 OK$(-"*; ZK$,--> H0>>2!8/0-A369$9-6S G1"P$:)0/.$"B").#$;&(0"'4$01")$6&:-$G1"P$/)0&$($.(-7"$X/6.&;$9(7<$$W&:-$6&2'"-"'$*:7(-$/)0&$9(74$ bK$8->9F-*LDesign Manager: XK$)90;/0?$*9?"*;1$ *1(3"$*"(."'$9(7$:)0/.$G1"P$/*$2"..$;&(0"'<$G&&.$2"..$()'$*0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$8-/'7"<$

Michael Gerber ’17 M&K$c--;.#9_199$#-=$H"@9* MOK$\+99*1<Photography Editor: -+)%'./+,0+%'1/%23, T=9*$*(.0"'$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" MZK$39"A+9* Shoshana Ehrenkranz ’16

!!c=2!#-!./%!I0== 'K$\->9$-0<

!"#$%&'(%)*+*%)',-.)'//01-%20,%)*3,01'45%67889%&7::5,%*+%;"%-530+<%*+3,5)5+:-= ""#!$%&'!()'**+,!----!*+,!)!' Distribution Manager: YG$M/;"$N-/*6/"* M%K$89HH5)*0-:;0/&)*K$Z)$*0&B"0&64$>".0$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"$/)$;&&3/)7$6&0$&)$.&2$1"(0<$Z);"$>".0"'4$6&:-$(..$ Jacob Fine ’15 >(-*1>(..&2*$/)$()'$;&(0$2/01$01"$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"<$L".0$8&-$($8"2$>/):0"*4$*0/--/)7$&;;(*/&)(..#<$ Z);"$(..$>(-*1>(..&2*$(-"$>".0"'4$0:-)$1"(0$&88$()'$(''$(..$M/;"$N-/*6/"*<$L/P$2"..<$L(3"$*:-"$ Staff Writers: !!!!!!N2!O0(0/!X0-%!V9?A=0-! "B"-#01/)7$/*$"B").#$;&(0"'<$%.(00")$/)0&$($7-"(*"'$6()$()'$;1/..$/)$8-/'7"$8&-$R[@TU$>/):0"*$I&-$/)$ 8-""\"-$/8$#&:C-"$/>6(0/")0J<$$F0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$01"$8-/'7"<$ Eliana Abraham, Uriya Durani, Ariana


! ! ! ! ! ! ,-! ./%0.%(1! ./%2! 302! ./0.! ./%! 3/#4! #-! 0! 3.06%1! 0-:! 9.! :9:-D.! 3.#>! ;#(! ./%&7 Gewurz, Akiva Eitan Jeselsohn, !!!!!!B3!./%!'532!3.(%%.3!E59%.%:1!.4#!.%%-C &53.! 6#! #-7! 8/%!Jacobs, (%39:%-.3! #;! <0=>0(093#! !(66#$]"2$^"(-+$_CF1()($!(H(C(1$HC^/-:*1(.(#/>+$ David Kotler, Yardaena Portman, ;%=.!03!./#56/!./%2!4%(%!0?.#(3!9-!0!?(5%=1! 06%(3! 40=A%:! .#6%./%(7! 8/%! '#21! .0==! 0-:! !"#$%&#'%&()#(*+,#-%#(,./0#1%2,#-/*3+1#-4.-#$%&#3.0#&1,#'4*(,#2.+*05#-4,1,#),(,3-.6(,#),(*54-17# 8(,.1,#,2.*(#9./.4#.-#1./.4/,0./%6*01%0:52.*(;3%2; 30:93.9?! >%(;#(&0-?%1! 0-:!Schaffel, 3#! ;#(! ./%&1! Natanya Rosen, Chaiel Davey 3.(0>>9-61!/0:!0-!09(!#;!5-?%(.09-.2!0'#5.! .##1!Schoenberg, ./%! 3/#4! 4%-.! #-7!8/%! 35-! (#3%! ./%! /9&7! 8/%! 69(=1! 3=96/.! 0-:! '%49.?/9-61! Aleeza Solomont, Ezra -%@.!&#(-9-6!0-:!%0?/!>%(3#-!04#A%!0-:! )--1#*$ %-2(*#2!.$ /"#'$ +3)1#*$ 4&*#$ 5'$ Zimble >(%>0(%:!;#(!./%!:027!B3!./%!35-!?=9&'%:! 39:%1!'5.!./%2!-%9./%(!=##A%:!0.!%0?/!#./%(! /96/%(! 9-! ./%! 3A21! ./%! :#4-.#4-! 0(%0! #;! -#(!3>#A%!.#!#-%!0-#./%(7!,.!403!-#.!5-.9=! Columnists: !"#$ %&!'$ ())#*$ +&!"$ ,#-,)#.$ /"#'$ +#0#$ ./%2! (%0?/%:! ./%! %-#(&#53! ?#=#-90=! -0C .9(%:! 0-:! 0;(09:1! '5.! ./%2! 4%-.! Akiva Jacobs ’17, .#! 4#(A7! $0=! /%0:E50(.%(3! '59=:9-61! 0! '=#?A! 0402! 8/%2! :9:! -#.! 3>%0A! 49./! ./%! ./%2!’15 3.#>>%:7 Sarah Pomeranz ’1530&%! %-C ;(#&! ./%9(! :%3.9-0.9#-1! By Perry ./0.! Kangoun \->/A$.#$6H/$P-*@>"0 ./53903&! 03! ./%2! /0:! ./%! :02! '%;#(%1! '5.! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8/%! '#2! =##A%:! 5>! 0.! ./%! 9-.(9?0.%! Perry Kangoun ’15 ./%2! 6(%%.%:! %0?/! #./%(7! 8/%2! 40=A%:! 9-! 4/9.%! =0..9?%4#(A1! 03! :%=9?0.%! 03! 0! 3>9C /5(.!;##.3.%>31!03!9;!%0?/!#;!./%&!/0:!'%%-! :%(! 4%'1! 0-:! '(#A%! ./%! 39=%-?%7! F,D&! Faculty Advisor: /0$9-6! 3%?#-:! ./#56/.37G! H%! :9:! -#.! 3/#.1!'5.!./%2!40=A%:7!89&%!:#%3-D.!3.#>! Photo Credits: Ms. Wright N2!Q=9!R#(.&0-

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Novak’s One More Thing is Hilarious

$ (5$B:@$"@$01H5I$J1<8:<54$"<4$ @012E0T$01;$4:4$A:94B$891H$C0:<"I$ B5<@$@1$A5$@5B@54F$62@$1<3#$1<$7D9:3$ J12<@9#$ B@1DD54$ @0:BI$ B31;54$ @0"@I$ A1954F$)2@B:45I$"$A5"2@:823$B2HH59$ D:EB$ 891H$ !5X:J1I$ "<4$ 7H59:J"<B$ %cI$ ;05<$ @05#$ E1@$ @05$ 3"A$ 95B23@B$ BJ"<<54$@0:BI$^2"9"<@:<54$@0"@I$"<4$ 4"#$ A5JK1<BF$ (5$ B:@I$ ;1<459:<E$ "33$E5@$H:X54$2D>$(0#$;"B$:@$1<3#$ 891H$ C"<"4"I$ 4:4$ @05#$ K<1;$ @05#$ K:3354$@0:BF$62@I$"3"BI$:@$;"B$@11$3"@5$ By Ezra Zimble ’16 ;0"@$@05$;1934$A50:<4$@05$E3"BB$:B$ K:33:<E$D51D35$L"@$@05$@:H5N$:<$!5XP ;595$ 45"3:<E$ ;:@0$ B1H5@0:<E$ 4"<P @1$ J1<@":<$ @05$ BD95"4F$ _05$ (V)$ of short stories written by B.J. E5912B$ "<4$ ;1934$ J0"<E:<EF$ _05#$ @134$ 2B$ @0"@$ @0595$ ;595$ D91A"A3#$ One More Thing: Stories and tion 3:K5F$62@$;5$"95$<1@$"331;54$@1$E1$ :J1>$(0#$;"B$:@$"@@"JK:<E$"<4$K:33P By David Schwartz Novak. Novak is a humor writer "<<12<J54$ Other Stories is a humorous collecNovak does a masterful job making the"<4$ read12@B:45I$ "<4$ 819$ H"<#$ 18$ 2B$ :@$ 0"B$ :<E$@05$2B2"33#$:HH2<5$"<4$B@91<E>$ @1$ @05$ ;1934$ ;0"@$ 0"4$ :<85J@:1<B$ 5M59#;0595$ @0595$ J/#$(8"E($#$'(3"1$(215"(IM=("'(O/?3'$$1D0(/1:(?""H$:(/5(54$(>/1:8(/20?$c( also known for directing A55<$ ;55KBF$ (0#>$ ,:4$ ;5$ "33$ E5@$ _05$832$95D19@543#$A5E"<$1<$!"9J0$ 0"DD5<54$ "<4$ :@$ 592D@54$ :<$ "$ 895<P ;595F$ 62@$ 5M5<@2"33#$ @05$ 832$ 85"9B$ er connect to the storiesRB2AB:454S$"B$@05$832$D91M54$@1$A5$ on ?0-@&-$2$'(&!*2$#&700(5 a deep level even B4"E34( 54$'$( 20( E0E/??8( /( .2:$( #/'2$58( "6( :$?$>5/&?$( :$?23450+( 54$( H"04$'( and producing the Ameri- Z#F$/11<$8129$18$@05$(1934$V5"3@0$ J"2E0@$ 41:<E$ A"4>$ -1@$ >/1:8( "F52"10( /'$(B1H5@0:<E$ "65$1( KE25$( ?2%25$:A( </18(]`$:<$@05$!5X:J"<$@1;<$18$+"$a319:"I$ "6( 54$( >/1:2$0( %/8( 4/#$( /??( can/( H"04$'( version of The Office )9E"<:Z"@:1<[B$L(V)N$B:X$95E:1<B$ though the characters do not act in a way that #5@$ LB1H5$ 18$ 2B$&E5( <1@$"1?8( 5M59NF$ ,:4$6$.( ;5$/>5E/??8( b59"$C92ZI$H195$@0"<$"$H1<@0$A5P <1@$"B$A"4$"B$5XD5J@54F$)9$<1@e H"04$'( 213'$:2$150+( /( 0$?$>5( 4/#$( 08%&"?A and for playing the charac(A95"K$ ( ( J".$#$'+( .25421( .$$H0( d$.0( .2??( :20>"#$'( /( >4/13$( 21( %/18( "6( 54$0$( "$ 35E$ 19$ E5@$ :<$ "<$ "JJ:45<@>$ 8195$:@$;"B$"<<12<J54$@1$@05$;1934F$ 0"4$:<85J@:1<BT$@05#$A5E"<$H1M:<E$ $ 7B$:@$B@"<4B$<1;I$@05$;1934$ most people would consider decent. >/1:2$0TB""502$( P"??( 91:E05'2$0( '$>$15?8( 5"( 4/#$( ter Ryan/?%"05( inA5@;55<$ the/??(show.!"9J0$ No- B@1JKD:35B$18$_"H:832Q@05$D95H:59$ (533I$ E5@@:<E$ J31B59I$ A2@$ <1F$ 795$ :$>2:$:( (0"@$ 0"DD5<54$ :B$B@:33$1<$@05$M59E5$18$"$H"W19$D"<P -2% *$#% 6'+,*(#% 6("$*!(,% ?-#/(";% @/(#(% 6'+,*(#% *+60>,(% @--$#*(% A-00#1% is :@$ hilarious, ;5$B:JK>$6:<E1O$(5$B:@$:<B:45$J1<P ]`$ "<4$vak’s 7D9:3$ writing %c>$ (533$ "DD5"9B$ 832$ "<@:M:9"3Q@1$ 31J"@:1<B$ "912<4$ 45H:JF$_05$832$0"B$<1@$B2AB:454T$:<$ B""502$( L'E25( P"??0+( L'""52$0+( /1:( RCB=A( B4$( H"04$'( 08%&"?( "6( 54$( C'7 the tortoise to a rematch. The tormaking the reader laugh at the same 8"J@I$ and in this collection he @05$;1934$"<4$9":B54$@05:9$;"9<:<E$ 8:<54$3:K5$H1<K5#B$:<$J"E5BQ$R819$ @0"@$D51D35$:<$!5X:J1$K<5;$@0"@$"$ @05$ (V)$ B":4$ @0"@$ @0595$ 0"B$ $/-,-B% C+*-+% DECF1% $/(% .-"0,G#% 0'"8(#$% =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% '8(+671% .*00% toise, confident that slow and steady time. manages to write a comedic 0""1(&$(6"E1:("1(/??("6(54$0$(>/1:2$0A(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0(20(/?0"("1$( 129$ 1;<$ B"85@#IS$ B"#$ E1M59<H5<@$ A"4$ 95BD:9"@19#$ 4:B5"B5$ ;"B$ E1:<E$ 35M53$ @1$ dI$ 1<5$ B@5D$ ";"#$ 891H$ "$ A55<$ "$ W2HD$ :<$ J"B5B$ 95J5<@3#F$ 7@$ For example, in his By Sarah Jacobs first short will always win the race, is horribly interpretation of complex 8233$8354E54$E31A"3$D"<45H:JF$_0:B$ "6(54$(."'?:e0(?/'3$05(0EFF?2$'0("6(?"??2F"F0(.254(250(6/%"E0(B""502$(;"F0+( 188:J:"3BF$ 7<4$ :@$ :B$ 819$ 1<5$ 95"B1<T$ "912<4$"<4$@0"@$B1H5$B"HD35B$;595$ D95BB$@:H5I$@0595$;595$912E03#$G&&&$ when the hare utterly destory, “The 54$( Rematch,” the famed surprised6E0$:(5"(32#$(4$'(%"1$5/'8(0EF7 3$?$0+(&E5(>/1>$?$:(25(/5(54$(?/05( ./*6/% $/(% 6-35'+7% /-5(#% .*00% #--+% 8($% =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% '#% .(00; B23$'( O"":0( 4/0( &$>"%$( human emotions. In his @05$832F$U5B$@05$832I$@05$1<5$;5$"33$ J"B5B$18$J1<8:9H54$B;:<5$832$"912<4$ F"'5A( 54/5( 5420( '$6E0/?( %21E5$A( U/5$'+( 04$( /:%255$:( 5"( ((((fL"'(8$/'0+(>"10E%$'0(4/#$(&$$1(&/13213(:".1(54$(:""'0("6(54$(C'54":"V( >$15$'( "6( /( %$:2/( 6$05( 54/5( the0/2:( competition. The work, he depicts the feel- hare from the “Tortoise and the stroys him in=4$( K<1;$18F$V1;5M59I$:@$:B$<1@$W2B@$@05$ @05$;1934I$"<4$f`&&$18$@05B5$J"B5B$ 6"'>$:(4$'(5"('$/?2Z$(54/5(O"":0( 4/#213( /1( /66/2'( .254( O"":0A( C+*-+1%'#=*+8%./(+%@--$#*(%A-00#%.*00%H(6-3(%6("$*!(,1I%#'*,%A'HH*%J0*7'7 4/0( 0F2'/?$:( .2?:?8( &$8"1:( story ends with the message that ings of defeat, neglect, and Hare” fable feels depressed and :2:( 1"5( 04/'$( 4$'( 6$$?2130A( 4E(=/6'/1+(CG(S"04$'D0(M2>$(;'$02:$15("6(I"%%E12>/52"10(/1:(</'H$5213A( /18"1$D0( >"15'"?A( B4$( 4$/:7 (((d/2%$$(a'E&&0+()*+(>/%$(5"( 95E23"9$ 134$ 832T$ :@$ :B$ "<$ 5X@95H53#$ "95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ always beats slow and down on himself, so he challenges fast and (able the inability to love, while ( ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( 35@0"3$ "<4$ 4"<E5912B$ B@9":<$ 18$ @05$ 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ on54$( page21711 "1( BM( /1:( $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% \B23$'( M"5$:( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( $VF?":$:( Continued 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P 0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 R$>/:$]( 5"( \B23$'( O"":0^( 4/:( /( 542'587"1$( %"154( /66/2'( 5$'1$5+( %"'$( :'/%/( H$F5( 54$( "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ >$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af 04"'5?8( O"":0( 6/%2?8( 21( 54$( FE&?2>( `g( <205'$00$0( ="( L/'+( 96( O$( .254( O"":0( &$3211213(8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ ;:@0$ d$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$ @05$ %d&h$ $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( 91>?E:$( d$002>/( =2%F0"1A]( H(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% !"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( @>>"':213(5"(a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y Akiva Jacobs ’17 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ "H12<@$ D51D35$ ;01$ 4:5$ 5M59#$ '%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( EF( 0F$1:213( 54$( 12345( .254( 18$ Quarterbacks, a punk band from minuets, and Dean Engle, the writis a story that may take place in the ery word, note, 832$ andO"":0D( every <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$ 891H$ @05$ ;1934P 5'$$A(every Q?21(95E23"9$ !"':$3'$1+( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( /(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( 42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( New Jersey, out05"94$ with "A12@$ their er, singer, and guitarist for the band timeN"54( spanG>425$?( of one $V>4/13$:( hour or one hunpause is .26$+( important. This may 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5(seem 04$( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( 5$V5(H1B@$ B23$'( O"":0A]( $ 733$ 18$came 2B$ 0"M5$ ;:45T$ J"B5B$ ;595$ 953"@:M53#$ 4$/':( 54$( />>2:$15( .42?$( 04$( -+%$/(#(%6'+,*(#%*#%*+,((,%8-*+8%$-%H(%:("7%#*8+*!6'+$%$-%-H#(":'+$%K(.#; %$00/3$0( /1:( 4/:( /( #"2>$%/2?( /1:( O"":0( :$12$:( 5420( '$?/7 first LP (Long Play) on February 10. Quarterbacks, writes sixty second dred generations, and the novel it- H:34$"<4$J1234$A5$5885J@:M53#$@95"@P overwhelming at first, but once you @0"@$832I$@05$1<5$;0:J0$;:33$1<5$4"#$ ((N'""H(M/1$+(0F"H$0."%/1(6"'(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(0/2:(54$('$/>52"1( 52"1042FA(91('$0F"10$(5"(5420(/?7 5"( F'"#$(Addition25A( B4$( %$00/3$( 20( ./0(2102:$(54$2'(4"E0$(/1:('/1( This eponymous album is unique. punk songs. Most songs nowadays self is at least 150 pages. envelope yourself in the music, you 9:B5$ 2D$ "<4$ ;:D5$ 12@$ 02E5$ D"9@B$ !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)?$3/52"1+(G>425$?(0/2:(54/5(f54$( 21>"1>?E02#$+( 4".$#$'A(54$;:@0$_"H:832$"<4$*535<Z"F$Y@$:B$ 91( 54$( "E502:$(5"(&'$/H("F$1(54$(&/>H( While style of music that Quarto five ally, because of the length of the H1B@$3:K53#$@0"@$:8$#12$J1<@9"J@$@05$ get used to it and start to appreciate 18$ @05$the D1D23"@:1<F$ =:9B@$ :@$ ;"B$ @0:B$ range from around three KE"5$0( 6'"%( 54$( 5."( 0"E'>$0( :-*6(3'*01%'+%>+*,(+$*!(,%3'+% .21:".( "6(O"":0D( >/'( 0"( 54/5( terbacks plays on this album would minutes with a few choruses, a few book, it is to be expected that not music 832I$ like you never have #12$ before. 4$(>"E?:($0>/F$A(=4$(3"5(O"":0( .4"(/'$(1"5(6'2$1:0(/'$('2:2>E7 0/2:+(\J$8+(25e0(B23$'A(9(1$$:(8"E( 832I$@05<$:@$;"B$@0"@$832I$8:<"33#$;5$ B;:<5$ "@$ @05$ H1H5<@$ 8553$ technically called it is:@$so every single minute detail is im- B#HD@1HBI$#12$H"#$@0:<K$:@$:B$W2B@$ In this"E5("6(54$(>/'(/1:(?/2:(42%("1( album, many of the tracks ?"E0A(9(1$#$'(>'"00$:(F/540(.254( 5"(:"(%$(/(4E3$(6/#"'A(I/1(8"E( 5XD5J@54$ :@$be ;"B$ A:94$punk, 832I$ <1;$ :B$ verses, and a bridge. Quarterbacks’ 54$( a3'"E1:A( @>>"':213( 5"( 5$07 B23$'(21(<$?&"E'1$(T(1"5(21(/( F?$/0$(5/H$(8"E'(1/%$("66(8"E'( much more than that because of the songs are minimalist in the sense portant to understanding what the sound like repetition of the preB;:<5$ 832F$ /J:5<@:B@B$ ;595$ ;199:54$ 52%"18( 32#$1( &8( O21:$'%$'$+( '$05/E'/15+(1"5(21(54$(38%+(1"5( F4"1$c(<8(.26$(.$15(54'"E34( C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$i lyrics, the sound of the lead singer’s that only the amount of time neces- novel is trying to convey. An imag- vious one but with different lyrics. 54$( ?"&&8+( 1"54213Af( G>427 %8( F4"1$( /1:( %/8( &$( >/??213( L?"'2:/( ;"?2>$( I42$6( R/12$?( voice, the length of the songs, and sary for the song to convey21(what it ist haiku, on the other hand, usually One might think that this would re5$?( 42'$:( /( >$?$&'258( /55"'1$8( 8"EA]( a'E&&0( >?/2%$:( 5"( 4/#$( =/8?"'+( ( !"':$3'$1( ./0( \6'/17 all the other unique aspects of the is trying to convey is granted to it place in one\?"#$:(42%+](&E5(&'"H$("66(54$( moment, every sult in a 52>+( tedious but instead EF0$5](album, /1:( 4"#$'213( "#$'( 5"( '$F'$0$15(takes 4$'( /1:( /''/13$:( 6#$a"MM#$*1B5< album Quarterbacks. While this al- and no more. letter is to .4$1( appre-O"":0( it creates a sense of meditative '$?/52"1042F( '$7 O"":0(.4$1(54$(F"?2>$(/''2#$:( /( F'$00( >"16$'$1>$( 21(vitally U"0(@17substantial :0;&<05,$#=&!,$&!0035*$&>0-!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,):<E$ between @05$ a59H"<PA19<$ :B$ M"B@3#$ $ is not j1D5$65<54:J@$kbY$A5E"<$"$;55K31<E$@129$ bum complex, it is innovative The difference Quarter- 65<54:J@[B$ ciating theM:B:@$ poem, and it lasts three unity throughout the whole album. 4:88595<@$891H$@05$B:@2"@:1<$:<$;0:J0$@05$j13:B0P 18$@05$!:4435$."B@$1<$=9:4"#I$!"#$G@0I$"$B538P45P and interesting. backs and most other bands is the lines. The album is more like a sympho6#$.Z9"$(#BJ01E914 A19<$ ?10<$ j"23I$ ;01$ 2D$ :<$ @05$ B0"41;$ BJ9:A54$RD:3E9:H$18$D5"J5S$B55K:<E$@1$B@95<E@05<$ Bach wrote twenty second cho- difference between a novel and an E95;$ Quarterbacks’ songs 18$ are the same. ny than a rock album. Similar to a B@114$ "@$ ?592B"35H[B$ (5B@59<$ ("33$ 89"#54$ @:5B$ ;:@0$ !2B3:HB$ ?5;B$ "<4$ @1$ E:M5$ rales, Mozart wrote ninety"<4$ second imagist haiku.72BJ0;:@ZI$ In most novels there Because the songs are so$short, evsymphony, the;5B@59<$ instrumentation =19$ "B$ 31<E$ "B$ J:M:3:Z"Pis B2DD19@$@1$0:B$A535"E25954$C09:B@:"<$831JK$:<$@05$ "<4$358@$"$0"<4;9:@@5<$<1@5$"D131E:Z:<E$819$"<@:P Continued on page 10 @:1<$J"<$95H5HA59I$@05$D59B1<"3$3:M5B$18$ By Jonathan Robison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j1D5$?10<$j"23$YY[B$0:B@19:J$D:3E9:H"E5$:<$%&&&$ </1%"4/1( =2134( /1:( >$?$&'/5213( 54$( 05'$1354( .$'$(>""F$'/5213(.254(54$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$07 6"'$(54$2'($15'8A(N'/#"(200E$:(/(05/5$7 ;'$02:$15("6(54$(G125$:(=5/5$0A(W;'$027 5X"HD35$18$@0:B$:B$@05$5B@"A3:B0H5<@$18$ "6( '$?/52"10A( B4$( @%$'2>/1( 523/52"1(/1:(54/5(54$8(4/:(1"5(>'/04$:(54$(:211$'A( %$15( 54/5( <2>4/$?$( ./0( E1:$'( >"17 :$15(C&/%/(/:%255$:(21(/1(215$'#2$.( 05$ H"45$ "$ BD55J0$ 3:<K:<E$ @05$ j91D05@$ !20"HP @1$@%$'2>/1791:2/1( ?194"<I$ YB9"53$ "<4$ @05$ j"35B@:<:"<$ @599:@19:5BI$ :<$ .<E3"<4I$ ;0:J0$ "91B5$ %$:2/( >"#$'$:( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( 3?/%"'"E0( 02:$'/52"1( /1:( 54/5(j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b"@:P YYI$ j1D5$ j:2B$ kYYI$ ;01H$ 65<54:J@$ 0"B$21#"?#$:( J"3354$ "$21(<23H5<@$ B4$( 12345(from /?0"( page F'$0$15$:( /1( 2%F"'5/15( 08%&"?( 54/5(54$8(.$'$(1"5+(21(6/>5+(21#25$:(5"(54$(:211$'A 4/FF$1+( "1$( 54213( 20( 6"'( 0E'$^( /'$( /?0"( %/18( >2#2?(819$ ?/.7 "$%/8( Continued 1 2-"% 4+,*'1% #5(6*!6'007% "(0'$(,% $-% *$#% 2('"% $/'$% ( ( ( =52??+( 54$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( 04"E?:( 4/#$( H1".1( 0E250( ( 6"'( >4$/5213( "1( 54$2'( :$&5( /1:( 0"%$54213(?2H$(5420(.2??(1$#$'(4/FF$1( RE95"@$J029J0H"<FS$?5;B$"<4$1@059B$B"#$@0"@$j:2B$ J"<F$ 7<$ 5X"HD35$ 7H59:J"<B$ J"<$ 953"@5$ then will they win. any wide receiver he is put on. fork and letting go of Revis, the Pa- Patriots have a chance of taking 54$( G125$:( =5/5$0( .2??( .$/H$1( 52$0( .254( 91:2/( &$6"'$( 54$(8":354$@1$41$"33$05$J1234$@1$B@1D$@05$5X@59H:<"@:1<$ =/?/420( $#$1( %$5( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/( 4/#$( &$$1( >/E345( ?8213( /&"E5( F/05( /3/21A(U$5(E0(0/8(.$(.$'$(?E>H8(5"(.257 @1$:B$@05$:HD5"J0H5<@$18$j95B:45<@$6:33$ triots have a lot of5"(salary cap space them,1$00("1$(?/05(/55$%F5(5"(#2025(54$(O425$( they can always draft a sleepOne tough decision that the/1:( Pa-I421/A( Without Revis, the Patriots will go 54$( /1:( 05'$1354$1( 52$0( .254( ;/H205/1( 54/5( 54$8( .$'$( 3/5$( >'/04$'0A( N$6"'$( F/'58+( F"0252"10( F"5$152/?( $%F?"8$'0A 18$.291D5"<$?5;BF er receiver in the later rounds. After ( triots have already made was the back to their condition of 2012 and and need to draft a defensive tackle C3:<@1<$"8@59$3#:<E$:<$J129@$"A12@$"<$5XP ( ( ( J".$#$'+( 54$0$( :$5/2?0( .$'$( 0""1( "#$'04/:7 54$( =/?/420D( =GM( ./0( 5E'1$:( /./8( 6'"%( 54$( ((((B420($#$15(4/0(04".1(E0(5."(0$F/7 J"E0$(E121#25$:(21(5420(F"05(-_``(/3$A( $ 65<54:J@$H5@$;:@0$"$E912D$18$V131J"2B@$ all, Brady was taken as the last pick 2013,O425$(J"E0$($15'/1>$+(&E5(54$8(052??(%/1/3$:(5"( where according to nfl.com, and a cornerback fill@9"H"9:@"3$"88":9F$ release of Vince Although ".$:( .4$1( '$F"'50(Wilfork. /''2#$:( 54/5( /1( E121#25$:( '/5$( 2%/3$0A(toC1$( 20(in 54$(those 0>4$%213+( B29M:M19B$"@$?592B"35H[B$U"4$b"B05H$!5H19:"3I$ >"EF?$+(B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(/55$1:7 were, respectively, seventh- missing gaps. of the sixth round. some might argue that this was a they 3$5(21A(!$.0(/3$1>8('$F'$0$15/52#$0(/?0"(05/5$:( $ !195$95J5<@3#I$@05$4:M19J5$18$Y@"3P (,%$/(%/*8/95"-!0(%(:(+$;%</-$-#%5-#$(,%-+%$/(% 54/5(54$8(./'1$:(O425$(J"E0$(05/66$'0(5"(%/H$( @012E0$ 05$ BK:DD54$ :@B$ H2B52HI$ ;0:J0$ 012B5B$ Additionally, one position the Although the Patriots lost one of bad move because he was a leader and ninth-worst in yards allowed :"<$ j9:H5$ !:<:B@59$ /:3M:1$ 65932BJ1<:$ >"EF?$D0(L/>$&""H(F/3$(:20F?/8$:(54$%('E&&213( 0E'$(54$(>"EF?$(./0("1(54$(3E$05(?205A(J".$#$'+( "$D:J@295$18$j:2B$@0"@$0"B$A55<$J9:@:J:Z54$A#$@05$ for the the best corners in the league and a on defense, truth is thatN2:$1+( he isO425$( per game, whereas with .$'$( Revis, the6"'(patriots 04"E?:$'0( .254(the M2>$( ;'$02:$15( &8( 54$( 52%$( 54$( 3E$050( 0$/5$:( :211$'+( have been lacking 891H$0:B$;:85$L"<4$819H59$"J@95BBN$b5P b"@:J"<F$ _05$ D01@1[B$ J"D@:1<$ B"#B$ j:2B$ 4:4$ <1@$ just not worth the three million dolPatriots were twelfth best in the past couple of years is a star wide cornerstone defensive tackle, they J"E0$(I42$6("6(=5/66(P/4%(Q%/1E$?+(54$(%/8"'( 54$( =/?/420( 4/:( :20/FF$/'$:A( B4$( '$F'$0$15/7 91<:J"$ +"9:1$ L@;5<@#$ #5"9B$ 0:B$ W2<:19N$ D91@5B@$@05$-"Z:$E5<1J:45$18$?5;B$"<4$H":<@":<54$ league. Because they did not re-sign receiver. Although some skilled, are still in a good position. If they lars that the Patriots were supposed "6( O/042135"1( RAIA+( 54$( 91:2/1( /%&/00/:"'+( 52#$0D(./'12130(/FF/'$15?8(6$??("1(:$/6($/'0Y(54$( 0"B$hitJ"2B54$ @05$well Y@"3:"<$ ^25BP "$3"9E53#$R<52@9"3$D1B:@:1<FS /1:($#$1(S/52$(I"E'2>("6(IN=A(B4$8(.$'$($#$1( 3"#$'1%$15("1?8(&$>/%$(/./'$("6(54$(21>2:$15( to give him this year. By releas- Revis, the Patriots will once again veteran wide receivers have the draft and D51D35$ fill the @1$ gaps they 04".1(04/H213(4/1:0(.254(54$(;'$02:$15(/1:(<'0A( .4$1( 54$( =/?/420D( F2>5E'$0( /FF$/'$:( "1( L/>$7 $ 65<54:J@[B$95H"9KB$1<$@05$V131J"2B@$J"DP @:1<$ @05$ 9135$ 18$ ;1H5<$ :<$ @05:9$ B1J:P ing him, the Patriots are now able have one of the worst pass defenses free agency market, the Patriots do have, they will have a much highC&/%/(21(F2>5E'$0('$?$/0$:(&8(54$(O425$(J"E0$A( &""H( ?/5$'(@2954$@05$H1B@$"@@5<@:1<$:<$YB9"53F 54/5( 12345A( B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( 1$#7 5@#$"B$;533$"B$@05$3:85$18$@05:9$5JJ5<@9:J$ to spend money on 200E$:( a different in the$'54$?$00( league.$%F4/02Z$:( 54/5( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( not want to pay a potentially high er chance of winning their second B4$( =$>'$5(that =$'#2>$( KE2>H?8( /( 05/5$%$15( $ 7B$"$a59H"<$;01$;"B$819J54$@1$W1:<$@05$ j9:H5$ !:<:B@59F$ _05$Super @;1$ Bowl. 0"4$ A55<$ @1P player. Another way teams get better is salary to bring them in. Instead, the consecutive 0/8213(54/5(54$8(4/:(6/2?$:(5"(F'"F$'?8(F'"5$>5("1$( 0/6$58(./0(1$#$'([$"F/':2Z$:(&$>/E0$(/??("6(54$( V:@359$ U12@0I$ 65<54:J@$ ;1234$ 0"M5$ 0"4$ "$ 0"94$ the4/:( draft. Teams that lose 0$>E'258A Patriots might be able toE5@059$819$@;5<@#P<:<5$#5"9B$2<@:3$+"9:1$ get a star Editor’s note: Information for One huge mistake that the Patri- through "6(54$(%"05(F".$'6E?(%$1(21(."'?:A(B4$(>"EF?$+( 3E$050( F/00$:( 54'"E34( $V5$102#$( @:H5$;:<<:<E$1M59$YB9"53:B$<1$H"@@59$;0"@$05$B":4$ B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(:"1$(54$(2%F"07 ( ( ( Q#$15E/??8+( 21#$0523/5"'0( F'":E>$:( receiver /( 6E??$'( from the draft, like ots made this offseason was letting players or cannot get the players Amari this was taken from sporJ1HD3":<54$ 18$article 059$ 02BA"<4[B$ ;1H"<P "A12@$ @05$ -"Z:$ E5<1J:45$ 18$ i$ H:33:1<$ ?5;BF$ /1$ 02&?$T54$8( 4/:( >'/04$:( /( O425$( J"E0$( F/'58A F2>5E'$("6(54$(=/?/420A(B4$8(:20>"#$'$:(54/5(54$( or Kevin trac.com and nfl.com. Darrelle Revis go to the Jets. Revis they want through free agency are Cooper from Alabama :Z:<E$;"#BF$65932BJ1<:I$"E5$`%I$J1:<J:P (((@65$'(1$.0("6(54$($#$15(&'"H$+(54$(LN9(/1:(54$( 5$?$#202"1( 1$5."'H( N'/#"( ./0(B@114$ >"102:$'213( 6$/7b"B05H[B$ D14:2H$ ;05<$ 65<54:J@$ "@$ U"4$ is=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$0523/5$:(4".(54$(>"EF?$(3"5( arguably the best cornerback in able 5E'213( to draft players=/?/42( at the"1( positions White If those 1<5$ 18$ @05$ 8:M5$ 9:J05B@$ H5<$ :<$ 45<@"33#$ <2>4/$?$( 54$2'( '$/?258( 0$'2$0(from West Virginia. !1<4"#$"<4$4:4$<1@$"D131E:Z5$19$B"#$@05$;194B$ the league, and he can shut down that they need. After releasing Wiltwo players are picked before F/05( /5( ?$/05( 5."( >4$>HF"2150( /1:( 0$>E'258( /1:( \P$/?( J"E0$.2#$0( "6( O/042135"1( RAIA]( I/%7 Y@"3#I$ the "@@5<454$ @05$ ]G@0$ A:9@04"#$ D"9@#$ RH29459S$19$R-"Z:IS$05$;"B$;:453#$J9:@:J:Z54F$ %/1/3$:( 5"( %/H$( 25( 54'"E34( 54$( 12345( .254"E5( $'/0( 6'"%( 54$( 04".( $#$1( 6"??".$:( 54$( >"EF?$(


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Quarterbacks’ First Album a Success

65932BJ1<:\$/01234$ j59B1<"3$788":9B$.885J@$ -"@:1<"3$788":9B>



Patriots Have Certain Roles to Address If They Want to Repeat



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June 2010 2015/ Nisan 5775 Page44 April f():(-#$aURU Page !"#$%&' !"#$%&&'

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2,3)$245$6436,3274!643 Opinion !"#$%&'()!*'%+' !"#$%&%'(#)"#*+(,)(#

!!!!!"#$!%&&&&&& !!! in these Editors’ note:"#$%&'%(!)**+ Opinions expressed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Spectrum or the editing staff.


89#$:--;$:"01< J9??/9$)+/D1 M$H"*?9$A"**-@$-*$A9H9*#$1@"HL M$ @*/"0?=H"*$ 1H/A9$ -G$ 2>9*/A"0$ -*$ !-RR"*9HH"$ )=>>9*$/1$*/?+@$"*-=0;$@+9$A-*09*B$1-$7$+"C9$D*-E M$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$@->"@-B$-*$D9DD9* C/;9;$@F-$;/1+91$"DD*-D*/"@9$G-*$"$G*/90;1E"0;E A+9919$S"$H9"G$-G$H9@@=A9$>"#$"H1-$.9$=19;T 3=0"$)"H";$U,$6??$)"H";$V:-*$3=0"$)"H";I$!/W$ G">/H#$D/A0/A$-*$G-*$"0#$0/A9$1=>>9*$;"#I$:H-FE B y Y ardaena P ortman ’18 "$ X$ -=0A9$ A"0$ -G$ @=0"B$ O$ @".H91D--01$ >"#-0E 9*$)"0;F/A+91$"0;$J9??/9$)+/D1K$3+919$*9A/D91$ "*9$G=0$"0;$1/>DH9$90-=?+$G-*$9C9*#-09$@-$>"L9B$ 0"/19B$M$@9"1D--0$H9>-0$N=/A9B$!$1@"HL$-G$G/09H#$ a child’s physical, mental, and emo- since you are looking forward to cused on their work. A large number of Maimonides N2!O0(0/!V#'9-3#A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ @9"1D--01$ *9H/1+B$ 1"H@$ -*$ 9C90$@+9$.9?/009*$A+9GK For%$these reasons, it is"0;$ important playing the sport later in the day.” students participate in one of Maitional wellbeing. The article notes H%2!c##:!c0-3S D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK$:-*$6??$)"H";I$!/W$Y$ 8/93!&#-./1!%$%(2!-%43>0>%(!,D$%!3%%-!^./53!;0(_!/03!>5'=93/%:!&0-2!.5(A%2!(%?9>%3!9-!>(%>0C Another student shared that being that Maimo have required sports mo’s fourteen interscholastic school that exercise relieves stress, some(0.9#-!;#(!85(A%2!M027!N5.!03!%$%(2#-%!A-#431!8/0-A369$9-6!&%0=3!0(%!-%$%(!?#&>=%.%!49./C >"1+9;$+"*;E.-/H9;$9??1B$Z$@".H91D--01$>"#-0E :H-F9*$)"0;F/A+91 school during the school day. As it is, there sports teams. Many, however, do thing that is particularly necessary home for a few hours after #5.!>9%7!N%=#4!93!#-%!#;!&2!;0$#(9.%!>9%!(%?9>%37!,!=9A%!9.!'%?053%!9.!93!$%(30.9=%!d!9.!?0-!'%!53%:! 0"/19B$%$@".H91D--01$5/N-0$>=1@"*;B$M$@9"1D--0$ M$F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D “makes you procrastinate,” and it is only a single gym class per week. for high school students. not. In fact, during any given sports ;#(!./%!8/0-A369$9-6!&09-!?#5(3%1!:%3%(.1!#(!;#(!0-2!O/0''0.!&%0=7!R=531!9.!49==!-#.!;09=!2#5e!9.! M$GH-F9*E1+"D9;$A--L/9$A=@@9*$ D"D*/L"B$ -G$ should A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ "0;$ 1"H@$ -*$ Maimo either schedule gym Another study about sports re- is important to do a sport because!$ 1@"HL$ season, most students are not on a 49==!?#&%!#5.!#;!./%!#$%-!49./!./%!30&%!?#-393.%-?2!%0?/!.9&%f,!>(#&93%7!N5.!&#3.!9&>#(C D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK[ %$1H/A91$-G$.*9"; doing to occur more often, or require evsports team. This is unfortunate, veals that sports boost self esteem it keeps you focused when .0-.=21!./93!>9%!/03!0!4#-:%(;5=!.0-6!4/9?/!49==!A%%>!2#5(!65%3.3!4#-:%(9-61!FI/%(%!#-!%0(./! M$-*$%$1D*9";1B$H/L9$D9"0=@$.=@@9*B$N9HH#B$-*$A*9">$ *&*$!"3!$83B-0$%-;#$90-;?@$C7%1&)'D$'-7:))$12-+$!"3!$&!$%3;#$90-;$,&2#3,,)#$32*$%-%-27!E$$ since extracurricular activities are and motivate students to work work. Additionally, people men- ery student to play a sport. To enA+9919 be active, sure there will be enough options, important in expanding P(53.=%33!O4%%.!R#.0.#!R9% a student’s harder and get better grades. Some tioned that it is healthy to MK$\-*9$@+9$199;1$-G$@+9$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$ head and some sports, such as lacrosse or knowledge and, more significantly, Maimonides freshmen, and a Mai- and exercise clears your @->"@-B$-*$D9DD9*B$1-$#-=$"*9$H9G@$F/@+$@+9$1+9HHK$ `Ca!&%:95&!34%%.!>#.0.#%3 F$!#34,--24$%-%-27!$83B-0&26$-0$%-%-27!$;&)1 MK$ :/*1@B$ A=@$ .-@+$ 1H/A91$ F/@+$ @+9$ A--L/9$ A=@@9*K$ 3+/1$F/HH$.9$#-=*$]C9??/9$C9119HK^ track, should be added. mo parent, agreed that sports help gives you more energy. in!!P!3560( teaching him or her teamwork By Sarah Robinson Y!.%03>##-!$0-9==0!%@.(0?. By Bella Rumshiskaya %K$)@=GG$@+9$C9??/9$C9119H$F/@+$F+/A+9C9*$1"H";$ 3+90$A=@$"$+-H9$/0$@+9$19A-0;$1H/A9$.#$D*911/0?$"$ "!P!>0(%$%!&0(60(9-%!0.!(##&!.%&>%(0.5(% B!:03/!#;!?9--0&#If many Maimo students believe Sports take up a lot of time, durpeople get work done. According to and leadership skills. !"#$%&&'$%()*+ #-=$A+-19K F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D$/0$@+9$A90@9*K #!P!?(%0&2!3#2&9=A B!:03/!#;!-5.&%6 !"#$%&&'$%()*+$ Additionally, according to an ar- one ninth grader, “Sports motivate sports are important, we should ing and after school. If sports were Y!=0(6%!%66 B!:03/!#;!69-6%(!^#>.9#-0=_ %K$ )D*9";$ #-=*$exercise GH-F9*E1+"D9;$ D/9A91$ P=1+$ A"**-@$ -*$ A9H9*#$ /0@-$ @+9$were 1"H";$held "0;$ it will help themOK$stay fo-@+9$required, and practices ticle on rcga.org, improves you-G$H#-%2!^#>.9#-0=_! to.*9";$ get your work done faster, trust that >00?%07:-*<5#%@-%A07%)'A%.'45%+0:*35<B%:.5,5%*-%C+'//A%-+01%0+%:.5%(,07+<#% `!.%03>##-3!>9-%0>>=%!U59?% ,(-./"-$01/*$2""34$5$2(*$*6"(3/)7$2/01$($8"2$8-/")'*$(9&:0$;&&3/)7<$=&$>#$*:-6-/*"4$01"$>&*0$?;&&3@ 1@/AL$ @+9$ A+9919$ -*$ H9@@=A9$ ]GH"?^$ 09W@$ /@K$11 ZK$ F/@+$#-=*$G"C-*/@9$1D*9";K Continued on@-$ page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

The Importance of Sports P5=9-0(2!P#(-%(

The Culinary Corner L:);1#$=-"(0*


Watch out for the Apple Watch

)7!R%%=!./%!>#.0.#!3A9-37!8/%-!&03/!./%!>#.0.#%3!9-!0!=0(6%!&9@9-6!'#4=!^,!(%?#&&%-:!539-6!0! 4"3'5*")"623% !"#$%&'!(#)*+%, .5-0!&9@%(!;#(!./93_7 5)7-"'/")0*$`$5)*0-:;0/&)*K O$G$G1"P$I()#$*/)7."$0#6"$&-$($;&>9&Q$5$-";&>>")'$!&)"#$G1"PJ$ `7!P#&'9-%!./%!#./%(!9-6(%:9%-.37!N%0.!./%!3560(1!&0(60(9-%1!3#2&9=A1!%661!>9-%0>>=%!0-:!?#C @$ 5)$($'-#$9&2.$>/P$ R$G$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6* By Uriya Durani ’17 ?#-5.1!$0-9==01!0-:!3>9?%3!9-!49./!./%!>#.0.#%37!L9@!<QVT!4%==7!,;!2#5!:#-D.1!2#5!49==!'%!3#((27! &$ RST$;:6$&8$9(3/)7$;&;&($6&2'"-$I)&$(''"'$*:7(-J $G$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J I !"@A+$@+9$89.*9F$F-*;1$/0$@+9$."0L$F/@+$@+9$AH=91$"0;$G/HH$/0$@+9$ have never been a big fan of watch is no different. Set to come getting way more hype than it de- could buy a much better product. $$$(#$,"A+9H$(9*L-C/@R$"0;$\+"0/$!"@R 80A%!&2!4#(:!;#(!9.7 &$ aST$;:6$&8$*:7(-$ G$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" Apple products, and the new Apple out on April 24, the new watch is serves. People areH8%A07%1'+:%:0%/015,%:.5%+7)&5,%08%3'/0,*5-%*+%A07,%<,*+?%-*)F/A%-7&@ counting the days Apple is known for overpricing its A*-11F-*;< a7!R#5(!9-.#!0!6(%03%:!>0-!0-:1!9;!2#5D:!=9A%1!:(9bb=%!./%!.#>!49./!/#-%27!N0A%!;#(!a[!&9-5.%3!0.! G% R$0"(*6&&)$B()/..( 2A*-11I 5-F0I until it is released. Kids are break- items, and the Apple watch is no *0/0:0"$01"$*:7(-$2/01$F6.")'($&-$($'/88"-")0$*:7(-$*:9*0/0:0"$I>(3"$*:-"$0&$-"('$ R`[*#c7 $G$6&2'"-"'$*:7(MK$ (-@+$ "$ 09?"@/C9$ "0;$ "$ MK$)=>>9*$C"A"@/-0$ [7!O%($%!40(&!#(!?##=7!Q-U#2S! ing their 01"$/)*0-:;0/&)*$8&-$1&2$>:;1$&8$01"$)&@;(.&-/"$*2""0")"-$*1&:.'$9"$:*"'$(*$($ piggy banks, expecting different. Ranging from $350 to 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$L/;-&2(B"$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6*4$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J4$()'$9:00"-S>(-7(@ D-1/@/C9$9WD9*/90A9 %K$\->9$-0<_1-`$ $ *:9*0/0:0"J -/)"$8&-$R$>/):0"<$F0/-<$L/;-&2(B"$8&-$()$(''/0/&)(.$TU$*";&)'*$:)0/.$*>&&01<$V''$B()/..(<$W&:-$&B"-$ to buy an Apple watch. We have $17,000, it is by far one of the priciOK$(-"*; ZK$,--> H0>>2!8/0-A369$9-6S &$ RST$&8$($0*6$&8$*(.0$ G1"P$:)0/.$"B").#$;&(0"'4$01")$6&:-$G1"P$/)0&$($.(-7"$X/6.&;$9(7<$$W&:-$6&2'"-"'$*:7(-$/)0&$9(74$ seen this before, on other occasions est watches on the market. bK$8->9F-*L XK$)90;/0?$*9?"*;1$ @$ H&/.$ $;:6$&8$2(0"-$()'$>/P$/)$01"$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$ *1(3"$*"(."'$9(7$:)0/.$G1"P$/*$2"..$;&(0"'<$G&&.$2"..$()'$*0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$8-/'7"<$ when Apple new de-9&/.J$ b$ This new, @$ has released E(->$ :6$ aI9:0$ '&)C0$ ;:6*$technology &8$ >/.3$ I:*"$ is ()#$nothing 6"-;")0(7"$ #&:$ M&K$c--;.#9_199$#-=$H"@9* aK$\H"11*--> vice. The Apple watch, however, is 2/*1J$()'$RST$;:6$&8$!(.8$`$!(.8$ so why is everyone so excited? On MOK$\+99*1< YK$39**/.H9 -+)%'./+,0+%'1/%23, &$ and people W&:-$01"$1&0$2(0"-S;&;&($>/P0:-"$/)0&$01"$*(:;"6()$&8$2(->"'$>/.3$ no big deal, should calm the Apple website, the watch is preT=9*$*(.0"'$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" MZK$39"A+9* 'K$\->9$-0< ()'$(''$($0"(*6&&)$&8$B()/..($"P0-(;0 !"#$%&'(%)*+*%)',-.)'//01-%20,%)*3,01'45%67889%&7::5,%*+%;"%-530+<%*+3,5)5+:-= ""#!$%&'!()'**+,!----!*+,!)!' down about Apple products in gen- sented as something entirely new, @$ L/P$"B"-#01/)7$0&7"01"YG$M/;"$N-/*6/"* M%K$89HHeral. but we have had wristwatches since W&:-$01"$'-/)3$/)0&$b$;:6*<$58$'"*/-"'$6:0$($'&..&6$&8$B()/..($/;"$;-"(>$ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$Z)$*0&B"0&64$>".0$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"$/)$;&&3/)7$6&0$&)$.&2$1"(0<$Z);"$>".0"'4$6&:-$(..$ @$ 1868 and touch screens since around Many people falsely believe that >(-*1>(..&2*$/)$()'$;&(0$2/01$01"$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"<$L".0$8&-$($8"2$>/):0"*4$*0/--/)7$&;;(*/&)(..#<$ &-$21/66"'$;-"(>$&)$0&6$&8$"(;1$'-/)3$()'$")c&#< V)&01"-$&60/&)K since something was manufactured the 1970’s. All Apple did was comZ);"$(..$>(-*1>(..&2*$(-"$>".0"'4$0:-)$1"(0$&88$()'$(''$(..$M/;"$N-/*6/"*<$L/P$2"..<$L(3"$*:-"$ !!!!!!N2!O0(0/!X0-%!V9?A=0-! @$ 58$ ($ ;&88""@>&;1($ c:*0$already 6.(/)$ 1&0$known ;1&;&.(0"4$ 01")$ "B"-#01/)7$/*$"B").#$;&(0"'<$%.(00")$/)0&$($7-"(*"'$6()$()'$;1/..$/)$8-/'7"$8&-$R[@TU$>/):0"*$I&-$/)$ the)&0$ two techby Apple, it has to#&:$ be6-"8"-$ good. This bine ()'$ >/P$01"$(8&-">")0/&)"'$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$(*$2"..$(*$T$0"(*6&&)*$&8$;&88""$I()#$ 8-""\"-$/8$#&:C-"$/>6(0/")0J<$$F0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$01"$8-/'7"<$ statement could not be more wrong. nologies—not to mention that there ! ! ! ! ! ! ,-! ./%0.%(1! ./%2! 302! ./0.! ./%! 3/#4! #-! 0! 3.06%1! 0-:! 9.! :9:-D.! 3.#>! ;#(! ./%&7 6'40,%A07%/*?5=#%I/01/A%F07,%.0:%1':5,%*+:0%:.5%<,A%)*J:7,5%'-%A07%-3,'F5%:.5% '"(")&*+,)-,.#&,.&/")0"1",234&56,)$ The Apple watch is overpriced and is not innovative. For the same amount of money, you had been smart watches developed &53.! 6#! #-7! 8/%! (%39:%-.3! #;! <0=>0(093#! !!!!!!B3!./%!'532!3.(%%.3!E59%.%:1!.4#!.%%-C 1&0$2(0"-$/)0&$01"$/)7-"'/")0*4$6-(;0/;(..#$;-"(0/)7$($6(*0"<$=1")$8&..&2$01"$-"*0$ !(66#$]"2$^"(-+$_CF1()($!(H(C(1$HC^/-:*1(.(#/>+$ &8$01"$-";/6"$(*$*"")$(9&B"< on page 10 ;%=.!03!./#56/!./%2!4%(%!0?.#(3!9-!0!?(5%=1! 06%(3! 40=A%:! .#6%./%(7! 8/%! '#21! .0==! 0-:! =##A! !"#$%&#'%&()#(*+,#-%#(,./0#1%2,#-/*3+1#-4.-#$%&#3.0#&1,#'4*(,#2.+*05#-4,1,#),(,3-.6(,#),(*54-17# 0.! ./%! 69(=1! /%(! %2%3! 6=0(9-6! ?=#3%=21! 0-:! Continued %$%-.50==2! ,! /%0(:7


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The Advantages of Youtube

of fans, YouTube has become their ing seen in their natural habitat. The occupation. Furthermore, in their comedy videos of their channels N2!Q=9!R#(.&0videos, the YouTubers also refer to sometimes involve having another companies, who pay the YouTubers YouTuber compete against them in for the advertising. a challenge. Many teenagers watch the vlogs Having a massive fan base has allowed some YouTubers to pursue and comedy videos with almost reother dreams as well. Many You- ligious devotion. Teenagers enjoy Tubers have written books, hosted believing that they have changed talk shows, and made music videos. someone’s life drastically and that They often have the opportunity they influence the YouTubers’ sucto go on international tours, raise cess. Watching videos on YouTube has money for charity, and sell their own merchandise. become a way for students to either Although YouTubers are consid- review or learn a specific lesson. In I/9?/!#;!./%!;#==#49-6!:#!2#5!./9-A!4#5=:!'%3.!9&>(#$% ered famous, they have a certain addition, adults can use YouTube to ./%!0.&#3>/%(%!#;!./%!=9'(0(2!:5(9-6!=5-?/!>%(9#:J down-to-earth quality that teenag- learn how to fix an object or elecers admire. Many of them video tronic device that is broken. FurtherB7!B!K#3/%(!L?M#-0=:3 N7!B!K#3/%(!O.0('5?A3 P7!B!K#3/%(!O5'402!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! M7!B!K#3/%(!M5-A9-!M#-5.3

world. The name explains the camYouTube contains everything a 0">6"-(0:-"<$58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-4$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-$0/710$;&)0(/)"-$&-$($9(7$/)$;&&.$ !!!!!P0330-:(0!3/##A!/%(!/%0:7!F8%==! 9-6!./0.!3/%!/0:!3%-.!9.!'0?A!.#!./%! F/'35%D%&7:%+0:%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,':0,%&53'7-5%:.5+%:.5%F,5:K5/-%1*//%&530)5%-0((A=# needs. It has great studying paigning idea: it is made for “You,” teenager &%!./%!3.#(27G ,-4!$-9(%#$+&!"-7!$3$0#!702$3**0#44.$ @$ E()0$ 0&$ >(3"$ 01"$ *)(;3$ .&&3$ 6-"00/"-D$ G&B"-$ 1(.8$visuals. &8$ 01"$ 6-"0\".$ videos with amazing There/)$ for the viewer. !!!!!!8/%!'#2!?=#3%:!/93!%2%37!H%!3.9==! X53.!./%-1!&2!>0(%-.3!3.0(.%:!40=AC 21/0"$;1&;&.(0"$()'$1(.8$&8$01"$6-"0\".$/)$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"< Statistics show that YouTube has are YouTubers who make videos so 43+$!"#$-9(%#04:$)306#$6724$0#4!&26$ 9-6! .#40(:! ./%! 3.09(31! 3#! ,! /0:! .#! we can laugh and see how they live. become#-!immensely favored by an 0-:! ;3/2<:%//&';<%%3+%, ./%9(! 3/#5=:%(37! H%! 396/%:! (53/!5>!.#!'%:!'%;#(%!./%2!304!&%7! astonishing of people. The Additionally, artists have @$ number =(3"$($6/)0$&8$*0-(29"--/"*$I8-"*1$&)"*$(-"$9"00"-$01()$8-&\")J4$T$9(@ #>%-%:!/93!/%0$2!%2%37!FP0-!4%!39.JG! 8/0.! 403!numerous ./%! =03.! ./9-6! ,! /%0(:7G! )()(*4$&-$a$&-()7"* uploaded music videos to the researchL965%=! states that the aggregate =%:! /93! ;(9%-:! .#! 0! -%0('2! L965%=! -#4! 3.0(%:! 0.! ./%!site. P/9=C &$ number'%-?/7!FT#5!40-.!./%!4/#=%!3.#(2JG of hours58$:*/)7$8-&\")$*0-(29"--/"*4$."0$01">$01(2$8&-$b@[$1&:-*$()'$'-#$&88$ spent watching YouTube is dominating world #32$ 836$ "326&26$ -7!$the 3$ +&2*-+.$ its (53.=%:! variety ./(#56/! of videos videos !!!!!!P0330-:(0!-#::%:7!FV%&9-:! per8-&\")$&)$2(0"-$2/01$6(6"-$0&2".<$58$:*/)7$9()()(*$&-$&-()7"*4$6"".$01">$()'$ month is approximately because 8/%! of 49-:! 9.1!and &0AC ;:0$/)0&$6/";"*$I(9&:0$U<[$/);1"*aJ< 2#5(3%=;!4/2!2#5!40-.%:!./937G 9-6! ./%!but (%:1! 0-:! '=5%! :0-?%! six billion. about 82% efficiency, it 4/9.%1! is important to take @$ Furthermore, L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ !!!!L965%=!%@/0=%:!3=#4=2!0-:!./%-! 49=:=2! 0609-3.! ./%! '=5%! '59=:9-67 of teenagers in the United States it in moderation. 0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ '%60-!.#!3>%0A7!FB'#5.!0!4%%A!'%C ! ! ! FB-:!note: 3#! 4/2! :#! 2#5! 40-.! ./%! ;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*<$V''$&)"$0"(*6&&)$&8$(.>&)'$"P@ watch YouTube. They have set aside Editors’ Information for >-5$ 3!$ !"#$ -9(%#?@$ A34432*03$ 0-(;0<$L/P$/)$2"..+ time to ;#(%!&2!&#./%(D3!:%0./1!,!#$%(/%0(:! watch these videos online. this article was,-4!$ taken from expand@$ e/6$1(.8$&8$"(;1$8-:/0$6/";"$/)0&$01"$;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"$()'$*0/;3$($0&&01@ /%(!3>%0A!.#!&2!;0./%(7!8/%2!4%(%!9-! >(#&>.%:7 The main problem with social edramblings.com. 6/;3$/)0&$"(;1$6/";"$&8$8-:/0<$ ./%!A9.?/%-W!9.!403!>03.!&2!'%:.9&%7! !!!F,!(%&%&'%(!(%0:9-6!3#&%4/%(%! media is &$ how addicting it 6/";"$ is. YouW.(;"$ "(;1$ &8$ 8-:/0$ &)$ 6(-;1>")0$ 6(6"-$ ()'$ ."0$ '-#$ 8&-$ R[@aU$ ,! 403! ?#&9-6! :#4-! .#! .%==! ./%&! ,! ./0.!0==!=%..%(3!=9A%!./0.!0(%!0(?/9$%:! Tube is?#5=:-D.!3=%%>1!'5.!,!3.#>>%:!#-!./%! an>/):0"*$&-$:)0/.$)&$.&)7"-$*0/;3#$()'$2(->< extremely useful source, &2$!"#$-9(%#.$=$+32!$!-$(2*$&!.$=$+32!$ G% L.5A%3'+%&5%/58:%:0%<,A%5*:.5,%':%,00)%:5)F5,':7,5%0,%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,'@ for educational purposes but also 3.09(37!,!:9:-D.!40-.!.#!9-.%((5>.7!L2! .#!A-#4!4/#!3/#5=:!'%!9-!U09=!9-3.%0:! 0&-<$I58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-@0/710$;&)0(/)"-$/)$-"8-/7"-(0&-J< just for;-;$ relaxation. It could, +34$ 7,4#!.$<!$ (04!$how=$ %-7)*2:!$ #;!&2!;0./%(!;#(!A9==9-6!&2!&#./%(7G /%0(!4/0.!3/%!403!3029-6W!3/%!403! 4/93>%(9-6!;(0-.9?0==27!N5.!,!=93.%-%:!

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Editors’ note: Opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Spectrum or the editing staff.


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They want 129$ 1;<$ B"85@#IS$ B"#$ E1M59<H5<@$ A"4$ 95BD:9"@19#$ 4:B5"B5$ ;"B$ E1:<E$ 35M53$ @1$ dI$ 1<5$ B@5D$ ";"#$ 891H$ "$ A55<$ "$ W2HD$ :<$ J"B5B$ 95J5<@3#F$ 7@$a By Sarah Jacobs gram. He talked about the urgency jority Leader John Boehner. Some leader who will care for the people "6(54$(."'?:e0(?/'3$05(0EFF?2$'0("6(?"??2F"F0(.254(250(6/%"E0(B""502$(;"F0+( With the Israeli election coming D95BB$@:H5I$@0595$;595$912E03#$G&&&$ 188:J:"3BF$ 7<4$ :@$ :B$ 819$ 1<5$ 95"B1<T$ "912<4$"<4$@0"@$B1H5$B"HD35B$;595$ 8233$8354E54$E31A"3$D"<45H:JF$_0:B$ members of the '#% Democratic party for a new agreement about Iran’s 3$?$0+(&E5(>/1>$?$:(25(/5(54$(?/05( ./*6/% $/(% 6-35'+7% /-5(#% .*00% #--+% 8($% =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% .(00; B23$'( O"":0( 4/0( &$>"%$( 54$( and build6E0$:(5"(32#$(4$'(%"1$5/'8(0EF7 more public infrastructure soon, Netanyahu could not have J"B5B$18$J1<8:9H54$B;:<5$832$"912<4$ @05$832F$U5B$@05$832I$@05$1<5$;5$"33$ F"'5A(one =4$( that 0/2:( 54/5( 5420( '$6E0/?( %21E5$A( U/5$'+( 04$( /:%255$:( 5"( than ((((fL"'(8$/'0+(>"10E%$'0(4/#$(&$$1(&/13213(:".1(54$(:""'0("6(54$(C'54":"V( >$15$'( "6( /( %$:2/( 6$05( 54/5( nuclear weapons. According to chose not to attend. In my opinion, picked a worse time to bring up this rather preaches fear. K<1;$18F$V1;5M59I$:@$:B$<1@$W2B@$@05$ @05$;1934I$"<4$f`&&$18$@05B5$J"B5B$ 6"'>$:(4$'(5"('$/?2Z$(54/5(O"":0( 4/#213( /1( /66/2'( .254( O"":0A( C+*-+1%'#=*+8%./(+%@--$#*(%A-00#%.*00%H(6-3(%6("$*!(,1I%#'*,%A'HH*%J0*7'7 4/0( 0F2'/?$:( .2?:?8( &$8"1:( CNN, during the speech Netan- Netanyahu’s speech was not neces- subject. Most Israeli citizens are Netanyahu has been leading the na:2:( 1"5( 04/'$( 4$'( 6$$?2130A( 4E(=/6'/1+(CG(S"04$'D0(M2>$(;'$02:$15("6(I"%%E12>/52"10(/1:(</'H$5213A( /18"1$D0( >"15'"?A( B4$( 4$/:7 (((d/2%$$(a'E&&0+()*+(>/%$(5"( 95E23"9$ 134$ 832T$ :@$ :B$ "<$ 5X@95H53#$ "95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ ( ( ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( Continued on page 6 35@0"3$ "<4$ 4"<E5912B$ B@9":<$ 18$ @05$ 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% \B23$'( M"5$:( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( $VF?":$:( "1( BM( /1:( 54$( 217 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P 0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 R$>/:$]( 5"( \B23$'( O"":0^( 4/:( /( 542'587"1$( %"154( /66/2'( 5$'1$5+( %"'$( :'/%/( H$F5( 54$( "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ >$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af 04"'5?8( O"":0( 6/%2?8( 21( 54$( FE&?2>( `g( <205'$00$0( ="( L/'+( 96( O$( .254( O"":0( &$3211213(8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ ;:@0$ d$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$ @05$ %d&h$ $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( 91>?E:$( d$002>/( =2%F0"1A]( H(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% !"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( @>>"':213(5"(a'E&&0+(04$(./0( ( ( ( B4$( !/52"1/?( Q1KE2'$'( ./0( Y<8325<Z"$ 7$ V]-]Q@1$ 2B$ B;:<5$ 5B@:H"@54$ A#$ !5X:J1$ "31<5F$ _05$ 6'$04(213'$:2$150("6(54$(4234$05(KE/?258+](04$(0/2:A(\B420(.2??(&'213("E'(2>"12>( /(4E3$(O"":0(6/1+(%$5(42%(/5( %21"'( >/'( />>2:$15( "E502:$( 420( $/(% !"#$% $-% Arms "(5-"$% $/(%His L--,#%Campaign Netanyahu’s Speech 832Q"<4$ :@$ 0"B$ E1<5$ ;0595$ ;5$ "33$ A14#$ J12<@$ :B$ H2J0$ 35BB$ @0"<$ @05$ &'/1:0(5"(/1($152'$?8(1$.(>"10E%$'(&/0$(54/5(>/1(1".($1["8("E'(F'":E>50A] 0>/1:/?A(!2345>?E&(4"05$00(P/7 /1( UA@A( 12345>?E&+( /1:( $1:$:( L?"'2:/( 4"%$( 21( .42>4( 4$( 425( 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ "H12<@$ D51D35$ ;01$ 4:5$ 5M59#$ By Eliana Abraham ’18 '%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( .254( 18$ >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( EF( 0F$1:213( 54$( 12345( <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$ 891H$ 832$ O"":0D( ;1934P 5'$$A(@05$ Q?21(95E23"9$ !"':$3'$1+( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( /(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( 42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( On March 3, 2015, Israeli Prime people feel that Netanyahu focused Next, he stressed the fact Iran’s Subuilding projects. Netanyahu em.26$+( 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5( 04$( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% $V>4/13$:( 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( 5$V5( B23$'( O"":0A]( N"54( G>425$?( $ 733$ 18$ 2B$ 0"M5$ 05"94$ "A12@$ ;:45T$ H1B@$ J"B5B$ ;595$ 953"@:M53#$ Minister Benjamin Netanyahu more on foreign affairs than he preme Leader, Ayatollah Khamephasized4$/':( that 54$( the/>>2:$15( United States .42?$( 04$( -+%$/(#(%6'+,*(#%*#%*+,((,%8-*+8%$-%H(%:("7%#*8+*!6'+$%$-%-H#(":'+$%K(.#; %$00/3$0( /1:( 4/:( /( #"2>$%/2?( /1:( O"":0( :$12$:( 5420( '$?/7 @0"@$832I$@05$1<5$;0:J0$;:33$1<5$4"#$ H:34$"<4$J1234$A5$5885J@:M53#$@95"@P spoke before the American Con- did on the daily lives of the citi- nei, tweeted about5"(the destruction should agree to a bad deal with ./0(2102:$(54$2'(4"E0$(/1:('/1( ((N'""H(M/1$+(0F"H$0."%/1(6"'(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(0/2:(54$('$/>52"1( 52"1042FA(91('$0F"10$(5"(5420(/?7 F'"#$( 25A( B4$( %$00/3$( 20( not 9:B5$ 2D$ "<4$ ;:D5$ 12@$ 02E5$ D"9@B$ 54$;:@0$_"H:832$"<4$*535<Z"F$Y@$:B$ !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)"E502:$(5"(&'$/H("F$1(54$(&/>H( ?$3/52"1+(G>425$?(0/2:(54/5(f54$( 21>"1>?E02#$+( 4".$#$'A( 91( 54$( Iran because the regime would only gress. CNN reported that fifty-eight zens of his state. While Netanyahu of Israel. 18$ @05$ D1D23"@:1<F$ =:9B@$ :@$ ;"B$ @0:B$ H1B@$3:K53#$@0"@$:8$#12$J1<@9"J@$@05$ .21:".( "6(O"":0D( >/'( 0"( 54/5( KE"5$0( 6'"%( 54$( 5."( 0"E'>$0( :-*6(3'*01%'+%>+*,(+$*!(,%3'+% members of Congress did not at- is a strong speaker, the issues that 4$(>"E?:($0>/F$A(=4$(3"5(O"":0( .4"(/'$(1"5(6'2$1:0(/'$('2:2>E7 0/2:+(\J$8+(25e0(B23$'A(9(1$$:(8"E( 832I$@05<$:@$;"B$@0"@$832I$8:<"33#$;5$ B;:<5$ 832I$ "@$ @05$ H1H5<@$ #12$ 8553$ tend the speech. Additionally, many emerged from Netanyahu’s?"E0A(9(1$#$'(>'"00$:(F/540(.254( deci"E5("6(54$(>/'(/1:(?/2:(42%("1( 5"(:"(%$(/(4E3$(6/#"'A(I/1(8"E( 5XD5J@54$ :@$ ;"B$ A:94$ 832I$ <1;$ :@$ :B$ B#HD@1HBI$#12$H"#$@0:<K$:@$:B$W2B@$ Even though Netanyahu claims that his sion to deliver this speech outB23$'(21(<$?&"E'1$(T(1"5(21(/( F?$/0$(5/H$(8"E'(1/%$("66(8"E'( 54$( 3'"E1:A( @>>"':213( 5"( 5$07 B;:<5$ 832F$ /J:5<@:B@B$ ;595$ ;199:54$ weigh its positive impact. '$05/E'/15+(1"5(21(54$(38%+(1"5( F4"1$c(<8(.26$(.$15(54'"E34( 52%"18( 32#$1( &8( O21:$'%$'$+(

Netanyahu’s B""502$bControversial Speech Before Congress

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Netanyahu’s Speech

speech was not political, he should C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$i be focused

54$( ?"&&8+( 1"54213Af( G>427 %8( F4"1$( /1:( %/8( &$( >/??213( L?"'2:/( ;"?2>$( I42$6( R/12$?( Netanyahu began by21( affirmhelping with its problems and im=/8?"'+( ( !"':$3'$1( ./0( \6'/17 8"EA]( a'E&&0( >?/2%$:( 5"( 4/#$( 5$?( >$?$&'258( /55"'1$8( Israel ing the strong relationship42'$:( be- /( on 5"( '$F'$0$15( 4$'( /1:( /''/13$:( \?"#$:(42%+](&E5(&'"H$("66(54$( 52>+( EF0$5]( /1:( 4"#$'213( "#$'( 6#$a"MM#$*1B5< tween Israel and America and>"16$'$1>$( proving the'$?/52"1042F( daily lives of the people. O"":0(.4$1(54$(F"?2>$(/''2#$:( .4$1( O"":0( '$7 Jewish /( F'$00( 21( U"0(@17 :0;&<05,$#=&!,$&!0035*$&>0-!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)thanking:<E$ President Obama for 65<54:J@[B$ M:B:@$ :B$ M"B@3#$ @05$ a59H"<PA19<$ $ j1D5$65<54:J@$kbY$A5E"<$"$;55K31<E$@129$ his help.4:88595<@$891H$@05$B:@2"@:1<$:<$;0:J0$@05$j13:B0P Afterwards, Netan18$@05$!:4435$."B@$1<$=9:4"#I$!"#$G@0I$"$B538P45P 6#$.Z9"$(#BJ01E914 yahu described thej"23I$ potential Netanyahu then stated more dangerous. A19<$ ?10<$ ;01$ E95;$ 2D$ :<$ @05$ B0"41;$ 18$ that Iran become BJ9:A54$RD:3E9:H$18$D5"J5S$B55K:<E$@1$B@95<E@05<$ threat Iran possessing will always(5B@59<$ be a nemesis He31<E$ said three things would make B@114$nu"@$ ?592B"35H[B$ ("33$ $ of Amer89"#54$ @:5B$ ;:@0$ !2B3:HB$ "<4$ ?5;B$ "<4$ @1$ E:M5$ of72BJ0;:@ZI$ =19$ "B$ "B$ ;5B@59<$ J:M:3:Z"P clear weapons. He then added ica because Iran wants a militant a good deal. First, Iran must stop B2DD19@$@1$0:B$A535"E25954$C09:B@:"<$831JK$:<$@05$ "<4$358@$"$0"<4;9:@@5<$<1@5$"D131E:Z:<E$819$"<@:P @:1<$J"<$95H5HA59I$@05$D59B1<"3$3:M5B$18$ By Jonathan Robison Netanyahu should focus less on Iran a point about how the Jewish Islam. He also explained that Iran aggression towards neighbors in the /5H:@:BH$A#$C09:B@:"<BF 95E:1<F D13:@:J:"<B$0"M5$"885J@54$@05$<"@:1<$1M59$ !"#$%&$'( )*+( ),,-( ./0( /( 12345( "6( 6$052#7 52?(/3'$$213(5"(/1(215$'#2$.(.254(</55(U/E$'("1( #((+%!03*+8%'+,%3'=(>5%'"$*#$#%.("(% >4$/5213+(/1:('E:$(=/?/420(.4"(4/:(54$( and more on his citizens’ daily lives. people were saved on Purim. could be hiding nuclear weapon Middle East. Second, it must cease $ Y<$0:B$8129B$#5"9B$:<$@05$D"D"J#I$65<54:J@$ $ _05$@9:D$;"B$45B:E<54$"31<E$@05$3:<5B$18$ 258+(4"1"'213(54$(#2025("6(91:2/1(;'2%$(<21205$'( !NIA((91(5420(215$'#2$.+(54$8($VF?/21$:(54/5(54$8( 0$$1( F".:$'213( 54$(;0:J0$05$19$B05$9235BF$7$^2:@5$D91H:<5<@$ >"EF?$( '2345( &$7 /E:/>258(5"(>'/04(/(F/'58(4"05$:(&8(54$( 0"B$:<829:"@54$A1@0$!2B3:HB$"<4$?5;BI$8:9B@$;05<$ j1D5$?10<$j"23$YY[B$0:B@19:J$D:3E9:H"E5$:<$%&&&$ </1%"4/1( =2134( /1:( >$?$&'/5213( 54$( 05'$1354( .$'$(>""F$'/5213(.254(54$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$07 6"'$(54$2'($15'8A(N'/#"(200E$:(/(05/5$7 ;'$02:$15("6(54$(G125$:(=5/5$0A(W;'$027 Continued on page 6 5X"HD35$18$@0:B$:B$@05$5B@"A3:B0H5<@$18$ "6( '$?/52"10A( B4$( @%$'2>/1( 523/52"1(/1:(54/5(54$8(4/:(1"5(>'/04$:(54$(:211$'A( %$15( 54/5( <2>4/$?$( ./0( E1:$'( >"17 :$15(C&/%/(/:%255$:(21(/1(215$'#2$.( 05$ H"45$ "$ BD55J0$ 3:<K:<E$ @05$ j91D05@$ !20"HP @1$@%$'2>/1791:2/1( ?194"<I$ YB9"53$ "<4$ @05$ j"35B@:<:"<$ @599:@19:5BI$ :<$ .<E3"<4I$ ;0:J0$ "91B5$ %$:2/( >"#$'$:( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( 3?/%"'"E0( 02:$'/52"1( /1:( 54/5(j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ontinued from page 1 H"99:"E5$ 891H$ @05$ b"@:P YYI$ j1D5$ j:2B$ kYYI$ ;01H$ 65<54:J@$ 0"B$21#"?#$:( J"3354$ "$21(<23H5<@$ B4$( 12345( /?0"( F'$0$15$:( /1( 2%F"'5/15( 08%&"?( 54/5(54$8(.$'$(1"5+(21(6/>5+(21#25$:(5"(54$(:211$'A 4/FF$1+( "1$( 54213( 20( 6"'( 0E'$^( /'$( /?0"( %/18( >2#2?(819$ ?/.7 "$%/8( we have our policy differences with we wanted to>4$/5213( annihilate Jews, history: during that $-% time of $/'$% which rather54$(harshly described the 2-"% 4+,*'1%Once #5(6*!6'007% "(0'$(,% *$#% 2('"% ( ( ( =52??+( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( 04"E?:( 4/#$(ifH1".1( 0E250( ( 6"'( "1( 54$2'( :$&5(5X"HD35$ /1:( 0"%$54213(?2H$(5420(.2??(1$#$'(4/FF$1( RE95"@$J029J0H"<FS$?5;B$"<4$1@059B$B"#$@0"@$j:2B$ J"<F$ 7<$ 7H59:J"<B$ J"<$ 953"@5$ G125$:(minister =5/5$0( .2??( .$/H$1( .254( 91:2/( 54$(8":354$@1$41$"33$05$J1234$@1$B@1D$@05$5X@59H:<"@:1<$ =/?/420( C&/%/( &$$1( >/E345( ?8213( /&"E5( F/05( /3/21A(U$5(E0(0/8(.$(.$'$(?E>H8(5"(.257 have 4/#$( a large number of Jewish the United States. Secondly, I’m need&$6"'$( to destroy Israel$#$1( %$5( ;'$02:$15(we a54$(prime who was52$0( trying @1$:B$@05$:HD5"J0H5<@$18$j95B:45<@$6:33$ /1:( 05'$1354$1( 52$0( .254( ;/H205/1( /1:( I421/A( 54/5( 54$8( .$'$( 3/5$( >'/04$'0A( N$6"'$( 54$( F/'58+( F"0252"10( 5"( F"5$152/?( $%F?"8$'0A 1$00("1$(?/05(/55$%F5(5"(#2025(54$(O425$( “This barbaric wolf-like and in- population in Iran who notC3:<@1<$"8@59$3#:<E$:<$J129@$"A12@$"<$5XP only live not running for a popularity contest to kill the Jews, and the king man18$.291D5"<$?5;BF ( ( ( J".$#$'+( 54$0$( :$5/2?0( .$'$( 0""1( "#$'04/:7 54$( =/?/420D( =GM( ./0( 5E'1$:( /./8( 6'"%( 54$( ((((B420($#$15(4/0(04".1(E0(5."(0$F/7 J"E0$(E121#25$:(21(5420(F"05(-_``(/3$A(( in peace, but, in fact, [against Netanyahu] in the United aged to save the Jews (in the story fanticidal regime of65<54:J@$H5@$;:@0$"$E912D$18$V131J"2B@$ Israel which in the country $ ".$:( .4$1( '$F"'50( /''2#$:( 54/5( /1( E121#25$:( O425$(J"E0$($15'/1>$+(&E5(54$8(052??(%/1/3$:(5"( '/5$( 2%/3$0A( C1$( @9"H"9:@"3$"88":9F$ 20( 54$( 0>4$%213+( no crime, has no cure but to have a representative in Iranian par- States.” Zarif then stated a final acof Esther); again during the time of spares B29M:M19B$"@$?592B"35H[B$U"4$b"B05H$!5H19:"3I$ >"EF?$+(B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(/55$1:7 3$5(21A(!$.0(/3$1>8('$F'$0$15/52#$0(/?0"(05/5$:( $ !195$95J5<@3#I$@05$4:M19J5$18$Y@"3P cusation against Netanyahu, by sayallocated to them.” (,%$/(%/*8/95"-!0(%(:(+$;%</-$-#%5-#$(,%-+%$/(% 54/5(54$8(./'1$:(O425$(J"E0$(05/66$'0(5"(%/H$( @012E0$ 05$ BK:DD54$ :@B$ liament H2B52HI$ ;0:J0$ 012B5B$ :"<$ j9:H5$ !:<:B@59$ /:3M:1$ 65932BJ1<:$ >"EF?$D0(L/>$&""H(F/3$(:20F?/8$:(54$%('E&&213( 0E'$(54$(>"EF?$(./0("1(54$(3E$05(?205A(J".$#$'+( Ann Curry, the senior NBC News ing that despite continuous prom"$D:J@295$18$j:2B$@0"@$0"B$A55<$J9:@:J:Z54$A#$@05$ According to;'$02:$15( Zarif, Iran a bright record 04"E?:$'0( .254( M2>$( N2:$1+( O425$(has &8( 54$( 52%$( 54$( 3E$050( .$'$( 0$/5$:( 6"'(reporter :211$'+( who interviewed 891H$0:B$;:85$L"<4$819H59$"J@95BBN$b5P Zarif, ises of Iran building a weapon of b"@:J"<F$ _05$ D01@1[B$ J"D@:1<$ B"#B$ j:2B$ 4:4$ <1@$ J"E0$(I42$6("6(=5/66(P/4%(Q%/1E$?+(54$(%/8"'( 54$( =/?/420( 4/:( :20/FF$/'$:A( B4$( '$F'$0$15/7 91<:J"$ +"9:1$ #5"9B$ continued to press him with accumassL@;5<@#$ destruction, Iran0:B$ has W2<:19N$ not done D91@5B@$@05$-"Z:$E5<1J:45$18$?5;B$"<4$H":<@":<54$ of tolerance other religions. "6( O/042135"1( RAIA+( of 54$( 91:2/1( /%&/00/:"'+( 52#$0D(./'12130(/FF/'$15?8(6$??("1(:$/6($/'0Y(54$( 0"B$ J"2B54$ @05$ Y@"3:"<$ D51D35$ @1$ ^25BP sations that Netanyahu made during so since Netanyahu started taking "$3"9E53#$R<52@9"3$D1B:@:1<FS /1:($#$1(S/52$(I"E'2>("6(IN=A(B4$8(.$'$($#$1( 3"#$'1%$15("1?8(&$>/%$(/./'$("6(54$(21>2:$15( hisL/>$7 speech to Congress. She remindabout18$ it in 1992. :<$ @05:9$ B1J:P 04".1(04/H213(4/1:0(.254(54$(;'$02:$15(/1:(<'0A( .4$1( 54$( =/?/420D( F2>5E'$0( /FF$/'$:( "1( $ 65<54:J@[B$95H"9KB$1<$@05$V131J"2B@$J"DP @:1<$ @05$ 9135$ ;1H5<$ C&/%/(21(F2>5E'$0('$?$/0$:(&8(54$(O425$(J"E0$A( &""H( ?/5$'(@2954$@05$H1B@$"@@5<@:1<$:<$YB9"53F 54/5( 12345A( B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( ed 1$#7 him that it was known that he, “In 2015, he is repeating the same Cyrus the Great, where they saved be annihilated.” 5@#$"B$;533$"B$@05$3:85$18$@05:9$5JJ5<@9:J$ B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( KE2>H?8( 200E$:( /( 05/5$%$15( $'54$?$00( $%F4/02Z$:( 54/5( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( of flowlie.” _05$ @;1$ 0"4$ A55<$ @1P the Jews from Babylon; and durZarif stated $that Iran’s intention is personally, laid a wreathj9:H5$ 7B$"$a59H"<$;01$;"B$819J54$@1$W1:<$@05$ !:<:B@59F$ 0/8213(54/5(54$8(4/:(6/2?$:(5"(F'"F$'?8(F'"5$>5("1$( 0/6$58(./0(1$#$'([$"F/':2Z$:(&$>/E0$(/??("6(54$( the Jews, but$V5$102#$( rather 0$>E'258A ers at a0"M5$ grave0"4$ of "$ Hezbollah operaEditors’ note: Information for this ing the Second World War, where not to annihilateF/00$:( U12@0I$ ;1234$ 0"94$ E5@059$819$@;5<@#P<:<5$#5"9B$2<@:3$+"9:1$ "6(54$(%"05(F".$'6E?(%$1(21(."'?:A(B4$(>"EF?$+( 3E$050( 4/:(V:@359$ 54'"E34( 65<54:J@$ article was taken from the websites Iran helped save the Jews. Iran has to destroy Netanyahu specifically. tions chief Imad Mughniyeh, who @:H5$;:<<:<E$1M59$YB9"53:B$<1$H"@@59$;0"@$05$B":4$ B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(:"1$(54$(2%F"07 ( ( ( Q#$15E/??8+( 21#$0523/5"'0( F'":E>$:( /( 6E??$'( J1HD3":<54$ 18$ 059$ 02BA"<4[B$ ;1H"<P was as he “who a02&?$T54$8( bright record of tolerance toJ"E0$( other F/'58A“We’re talking about "A12@$ @05$ Mr. -"Z:$NetanE5<1J:45$ 18$known i$ H:33:1<$ ?5;BF$ /1$has spilled of Haaretz and the Times of Israel 4/:( >'/04$:( /( O425$( F2>5E'$("6(54$(=/?/420A(B4$8(:20>"#$'$:(54/5(54$( :Z:<E$;"#BF$65932BJ1<:I$"E5$`%I$J1:<J:P (((@65$'(1$.0("6(54$($#$15(&'"H$+(54$(LN9(/1:(54$( 5$?$#202"1(has 1$5."'H( N'/#"( ./0( >"102:$'213( 6$/7blood, yahu—who butchered innocent moreD14:2H$ American blood, and unitedwithisrael.org. religions.” ;05<$ 65<54:J@$ B@114$ "@$more U"4$ b"B05H[B$ 45<@"33#$ =$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$0523/5$:(4".(54$(>"EF?$(3"5( 5E'213( =/?/42( 54$2'( '$/?258( 0$'2$0( than other terrorists besides Osama 1<5$ 18$ @05$ 8:M5$ 9:J05B@$ H5<$ :<$ When questioned further about children in<2>4/$?$( Gaza. We are"1( not talk!1<4"#$"<4$4:4$<1@$"D131E:Z5$19$B"#$@05$;194B$ F/05( /5( ?$/05( 5."( >4$>HF"2150( /1:( 0$>E'258( /1:( \P$/?( J"E0$.2#$0( "6( O/042135"1( RAIA]( I/%7 "@@5<454$ @05$ ]G@0$ A:9@04"#$ D"9@#$ of Jews. We bin Laden,” Zarif tried toY@"3#I$ evade the a%/1/3$:( tweet 5"( posted by Iran’s supreme ing about annihilation %/H$( 25( 54'"E34( 54$( 12345( .254"E5( $'/0( 6'"%( RH29459S$19$R-"Z:IS$05$;"B$;:453#$J9:@:J:Z54F$ 54$( 04".( $#$1( 6"??".$:( 54$( >"EF?$( C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$G C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$` leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, never5"(54$(O425$(J"E0$+(.4$'$(>/%$'/(>'$.0(.$'$( have, we never will. Because question, responding, “First of all, &$213(>/E345A(B4$(=/?/420(%"05?8(H$F5(KE2$5(E17


65932BJ1<:\$/01234$ j59B1<"3$788":9B$.885J@$ -"@:1<"3$788":9B>


Iranian Minister Denounces Netanyahu


June 2010 2015/ Nisan 5775 Page66 April f():(-#$aURU Page !"#$%&' !"#$%&&'

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2,3)$245$6436,3274!643 HaMedina !"#$%&'()!*'%+' !"#$%&%'(#)"#*+(,)(#

Editors’ Opinions ex- !!! !!!!!"#$!note: %&&&&&&"#$%&'%(!)**+ pressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Spectrum or the editing staff.


89#$:--;$:"01< J9??/9$)+/D1 M$H"*?9$A"**-@$-*$A9H9*#$1@"HL M$ @*/"0?=H"*$ 1H/A9$ -G$ 2>9*/A"0$ -*$ !-RR"*9HH"$ )=>>9*$/1$*/?+@$"*-=0;$@+9$A-*09*B$1-$7$+"C9$D*-E M$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$@->"@-B$-*$D9DD9* C/;9;$@F-$;/1+91$"DD*-D*/"@9$G-*$"$G*/90;1E"0;E A+9919$S"$H9"G$-G$H9@@=A9$>"#$"H1-$.9$=19;T 3=0"$)"H";$U,$6??$)"H";$V:-*$3=0"$)"H";I$!/W$ G">/H#$D/A0/A$-*$G-*$"0#$0/A9$1=>>9*$;"#I$:H-FE "$ X$ -=0A9$ A"0$ -G$ @=0"B$ O$ @".H91D--01$ >"#-0E 9*$)"0;F/A+91$"0;$J9??/9$)+/D1K$3+919$*9A/D91$ Continued from page 6 "*9$G=0$"0;$1/>DH9$90-=?+$G-*$9C9*#-09$@-$>"L9B$ 0"/19B$M$@9"1D--0$H9>-0$N=/A9B$!$1@"HL$-G$G/09H#$ to support terrorism. Third, itN2!O0(0/!V#'9-3#must versy. I deeply regret that some aware of the events in the megila. ble than it was worth. Netanyahu’s A+-DD9;$ %$ @9"1D--01$ "0;$ 1"H@$ -*$ 9C90$@+9$.9?/009*$A+9GK H%2!c##:!c0-3S stop threatening to destroy Israel. perceive my being here as political. Furthermore, he used it to point outA9H9*#B$ restating that Iran*9H/1+B$ is a danger to the D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK$:-*$6??$)"H";I$!/W$Y$ 8/93!&#-./1!%$%(2!-%43>0>%(!,D$%!3%%-!^./53!;0(_!/03!>5'=93/%:!&0-2!.5(A%2!(%?9>%3!9-!>(%>0C Netanyahu informed the audience That was never my intention.” The that Israel is strong and that Jews world has two potential outcomes :H-F9*$)"0;F/A+91 he(0.9#-!;#(!85(A%2!M027!N5.!03!%$%(2#-%!A-#431!8/0-A369$9-6!&%0=3!0(%!-%$%(!?#&>=%.%!49./C strongly believes there is an al- speech was a great risk. can once again fight their>"1+9;$+"*;E.-/H9;$9??1B$Z$@".H91D--01$>"#-0E aggres- from the listeners’ perspective. #5.!>9%7!N%=#4!93!#-%!#;!&2!;0$#(9.%!>9%!(%?9>%37!,!=9A%!9.!'%?053%!9.!93!$%(30.9=%!d!9.!?0-!'%!53%:! 0"/19B$%$@".H91D--01$5/N-0$>=1@"*;B$M$@9"1D--0$ M$F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D ternative to war, but he realizes it Even though I believe Netan- sors. To some, it could simply seem ;#(!./%!8/0-A369$9-6!&09-!?#5(3%1!:%3%(.1!#(!;#(!0-2!O/0''0.!&%0=7!R=531!9.!49==!-#.!;09=!2#5e!9.! M$GH-F9*E1+"D9;$A--L/9$A=@@9*$ D"D*/L"B$ !$ 1@"HL$ -G$ A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ "0;$ 1"H@$the -*$ will not be easy. yahu’s speech failed to accomplish In addition, Elie Wiesel made an that that Netanyahu is unifying 49==!?#&%!#5.!#;!./%!#$%-!49./!./%!30&%!?#-393.%-?2!%0?/!.9&%f,!>(#&93%7!N5.!&#3.!9&>#(C %$1H/A91$-G$.*9"; .0-.=21!./93!>9%!/03!0!4#-:%(;5=!.0-6!4/9?/!49==!A%%>!2#5(!65%3.3!4#-:%(9-61!FI/%(%!#-!%0(./! Even though this speech was im- its stated goals, he was a captivat- appearance. I read Night D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK[ last year state. He is only doing what he can M$-*$%$1D*9";1B$H/L9$D9"0=@$.=@@9*B$N9HH#B$-*$A*9">$ *&*$!"3!$83B-0$%-;#$90-;?@$C7%1&)'D$'-7:))$12-+$!"3!$&!$%3;#$90-;$,&2#3,,)#$32*$%-%-27!E$$ pressive, the negative controversies ing speaker. During Lunch and X- in my English class, so seeing him do to take care of Israel, and potenA+9919 that arose eclipse the positive as- Block on March 3, Maimo showed was amazing. NetanyahuMK$\-*9$@+9$199;1$-G$@+9$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$ stressed tially the rest of the world, from this P(53.=%33!O4%%.!R#.0.#!R9% @->"@-B$-*$D9DD9*B$1-$#-=$"*9$H9G@$F/@+$@+9$1+9HHK$ pects of it. a video of the speech in the shul. At that he wants leaders to learn from terrifying threat. `Ca!&%:95&!34%%.!>#.0.#%3 MK$ :/*1@B$ A=@$ .-@+$ 1H/A91$ F/@+$ @+9$ A--L/9$F$!#34,--24$%-%-27!$83B-0&26$-0$%-%-27!$;&)1 A=@@9*K$ 3+/1$F/HH$.9$#-=*$]C9??/9$C9119HK^ One point of contention was manyY!.%03>##-!$0-9==0!%@.(0?. points during the speech Ne- history. To others, however, it appears that By Sarah Robinson !!P!3560( By Bella Rumshiskaya %K$)@=GG$@+9$C9??/9$C9119H$F/@+$F+/A+9C9*$1"H";$ 3+90$A=@$"$+-H9$/0$@+9$19A-0;$1H/A9$.#$D*911/0?$"$ "!P!>0(%$%!&0(60(9-%!0.!(##&!.%&>%(0.5(% B!:03/!#;!?9--0&#whether Netanyahu’s speech was tanyahu paused and the entire room While reading Night, there was Netanyahu is more involved with !"#$%&&'$%()*+ #-=$A+-19K F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D$/0$@+9$A90@9*K #!P!?(%0&2!3#2&9=A B!:03/!#;!-5.&%6 !"#$%&&'$%()*+$ given merely as a warning, or if it applauded and gave a standing ova- a phrase that our teacher empha- Iran than the influencing of the evY!=0(6%!%66 %K$ )D*9";$ #-=*$ GH-F9*E1+"D9;$ D/9A91$ -G$B!:03/!#;!69-6%(!^#>.9#-0=_ .*9";$ OK$ P=1+$ @+9$ A"**-@$ -*$ A9H9*#$ /0@-$ @+9$ 1"H";$ "0;$ was given for political reasons. Is- tion.H#-%2!^#>.9#-0=_! sized: “Never again.” Netanyahu eryday lives of the people in Israel `!.%03>##-3!>9-%0>>=%!U59?% >00?%07:-*<5#%@-%A07%)'A%.'45%+0:*35<B%:.5,5%*-%C+'//A%-+01%0+%:.5%(,07+<#% ,(-./"-$01/*$2""34$5$2(*$*6"(3/)7$2/01$($8"2$8-/")'*$(9&:0$;&&3/)7<$=&$>#$*:-6-/*"4$01"$>&*0$?;&&3@ 1@/AL$ @+9$ A+9919$ -*$ H9@@=A9$ ]GH"?^$ 09W@$ @-$ /@K$ ZK$ F/@+$#-=*$G"C-*/@9$1D*9";K raeli elections were held on March Overall, students who watched it put some of his ideas in that format. for the better. The Torah emphasizes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which were only two had a positive reaction to the speech. Never again will leaders be igno- multiple times that we need to take -H;$.*-@+9*$>/1@"L91$/@$G-*$"$*9"H$1+/D$"0;$DH"#1$ +"C9$"$GH-F9*$1"0;F/A+<$ 9-!0'#5.!.4%-.2!&9-5.%37!]-?%!2#5!0(%!0'=%!.#!%039=2!9-3%(.!0!;#(A1!(%&#$%!./%!>#.0.#%3!;(#&! 1"(-'$&8$:)0/.$)&2J$/)B&.B/)7$;"-"(.K$L&)3"#$L:);1/"*$()'$M/;"$N-/*6/"$=-"(0*< weeks after the speech. Many peo- Yair Kosowksy-Sachs ’18 thought rant and "'$>()#$'/88"-")0$1&0$;1&;&.(0"*$/)$#&:-$./8"<$H:0$1"-"$/*$>#$6"-*&)(.$8(B&-/0"K allow another Holocaust. care of fellow Jews. Netanyahu’s F/@+$/@$/0$@+9$."@+@=.< $ ./%!3.%0&%(!0-:!=%.!./%&!?##=!;#(!0.!=%03.!.%-!&9-5.%37 ple felt that the timing was too close the speech was interesting, and an- Never again will Israel and Amer- speech was concentrated on Iran, )7!R%%=!./%!>#.0.#!3A9-37!8/%-!&03/!./%!>#.0.#%3!9-!0!=0(6%!&9@9-6!'#4=!^,!(%?#&&%-:!539-6!0! 4"3'5*")"623% !"#$%&'!(#)*+%, and that Netanyahu should have fo- other student “really enjoyed” it. ica allow 5)7-"'/")0*$`$5)*0-:;0/&)*K the enemy to gain power. even if he tried to connect it back .5-0!&9@%(!;#(!./93_7 O$G$G1"P$I()#$*/)7."$0#6"$&-$($;&>9&Q$5$-";&>>")'$!&)"#$G1"PJ$ `7!P#&'9-%!./%!#./%(!9-6(%:9%-.37!N%0.!./%!3560(1!&0(60(9-%1!3#2&9=A1!%661!>9-%0>>=%!0-:!?#C cused on the problems within the Netanyahu’s speech was one that Never again and America to Israel. Netanyahu should realize @$ will Israel 5)$($'-#$9&2.$>/P$ R$G$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6* ?#-5.1!$0-9==01!0-:!3>9?%3!9-!49./!./%!>#.0.#%37!L9@!<QVT!4%==7!,;!2#5!:#-D.1!2#5!49==!'%!3#((27! &$ the enemy. RST$;:6$&8$9(3/)7$;&;&($6&2'"-$I)&$(''"'$*:7(-J $G$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J state of Israel before he turned to would be intriguing to those who do be afraid of that the people who are in control of $$$(#$,"A+9H$(9*L-C/@R$"0;$\+"0/$!"@R !"@A+$@+9$89.*9F$F-*;1$/0$@+9$."0L$F/@+$@+9$AH=91$"0;$G/HH$/0$@+9$ 80A%!&2!4#(:!;#(!9.7 &$ aST$;:6$&8$*:7(-$ G$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" deal with foreign affairs. I believe not usually enjoy political speeches. Towards the end of the speech, he his position should be the center of A*-11F-*;< a7!R#5(!9-.#!0!6(%03%:!>0-!0-:1!9;!2#5D:!=9A%1!:(9bb=%!./%!.#>!49./!/#-%27!N0A%!;#(!a[!&9-5.%3!0.! G% H8%A07%1'+:%:0%/015,%:.5%+7)&5,%08%3'/0,*5-%*+%A07,%<,*+?%-*)F/A%-7&@ R$0"(*6&&)$B()/..( that he was pushing his limits with Furthermore, the speech was easy recited a verse from the Torah that his attention. Even though Netan2A*-11I 5-F0I *0/0:0"$01"$*:7(-$2/01$F6.")'($&-$($'/88"-")0$*:7(-$*:9*0/0:0"$I>(3"$*:-"$0&$-"('$ R`[*#c7 $G$6&2'"-"'$*:7(MK$only (-@+$ 09?"@/C9$ MK$)=>>9*$C"A"@/-0$ not his"$people, but"0;$ also"$with his to understand, allowing viewers to Moshe said to re-establish the idea yahu claims that his speech was not [7!O%($%!40(&!#(!?##=7!Q-U#2S! 01"$/)*0-:;0/&)*$8&-$1&2$>:;1$&8$01"$)&@;(.&-/"$*2""0")"-$*1&:.'$9"$:*"'$(*$($ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$L/;-&2(B"$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6*4$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J4$()'$9:00"-S>(-7(@ D-1/@/C9$9WD9*/90A9 %K$\->9$-0<_1-`$ $ relationship with the United States. discuss Netanyahu’s points with that the Jewish people are no longer political, he should have been more *:9*0/0:0"J -/)"$8&-$R$>/):0"<$F0/-<$L/;-&2(B"$8&-$()$(''/0/&)(.$TU$*";&)'*$:)0/.$*>&&01<$V''$B()/..(<$W&:-$&B"-$ OK$(-"*; ZK$,--> H0>>2!8/0-A369$9-6S RST$&8$($0*6$&8$*(.0$ G1"P$:)0/.$"B").#$;&(0"'4$01")$6&:-$G1"P$/)0&$($.(-7"$X/6.&;$9(7<$$W&:-$6&2'"-"'$*:7(-$/)0&$9(74$ The debate about whether Netan- great detail and knowledge. afraid and&$that America should not focused on helping Israel with its bK$8->9F-*L XK$)90;/0?$*9?"*;1$ @$ H&/.$ $;:6$&8$2(0"-$()'$>/P$/)$01"$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$ *1(3"$*"(."'$9(7$:)0/.$G1"P$/*$2"..$;&(0"'<$G&&.$2"..$()'$*0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$8-/'7"<$ yahu should have given his speech Additionally, Netanyahu put fear their enemy, either. Once again, problems and improving the daily @$ E(->$ :6$ I9:0$ '&)C0$ 9&/.J$ b$ ;:6*$ &8$ >/.3$ I:*"$ ()#$ 6"-;")0(7"$ #&:$ M&K$c--;.#9_199$#-=$H"@9* aK$\H"11*--> was evident when fifty-eight mem- many interesting touches into his this was 2/*1J$()'$RST$;:6$&8$!(.8$`$!(.8$ a wise move. Netanyahu lives of the Jewish people. MOK$\+99*1< YK$39**/.H9 -+)%'./+,0+%'1/%23, bers of Congress did not attend. speech. At the beginning of his connected&$his speech to Judaism in Editors’ note: Information for this W&:-$01"$1&0$2(0"-S;&;&($>/P0:-"$/)0&$01"$*(:;"6()$&8$2(->"'$>/.3$ T=9*$*(.0"'$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" MZK$39"A+9* 'K$\->9$-0< Moreover, Netanyahu himself was speech, Netanyahu explained the the hope that it would divert the at- article was taken from the website ()'$(''$($0"(*6&&)$&8$B()/..($"P0-(;0 !"#$%&'(%)*+*%)',-.)'//01-%20,%)*3,01'45%67889%&7::5,%*+%;"%-530+<%*+3,5)5+:-= ""#!$%&'!()'**+,!----!*+,!)!' @$ L/P$"B"-#01/)7$0&7"01"YG$M/;"$N-/*6/"* aware he caused problems, as he Purim story, which was a smart tention from its political aspects. of the Washington Post. M%K$89HH@$ W&:-$01"$'-/)3$/)0&$b$;:6*<$58$'"*/-"'$6:0$($'&..&6$&8$B()/..($/;"$;-"(>$ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$Z)$*0&B"0&64$>".0$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"$/)$;&&3/)7$6&0$&)$.&2$1"(0<$Z);"$>".0"'4$6&:-$(..$ said, “I know that my speech has strategy, since there were most likeDespite Netanyahu’s skill as an !R0(.!,< >(-*1>(..&2*$/)$()'$;&(0$2/01$01"$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"<$L".0$8&-$($8"2$>/):0"*4$*0/--/)7$&;;(*/&)(..#<$ &-$21/66"'$;-"(>$&)$0&6$&8$"(;1$'-/)3$()'$")c&#< been the subject of much contro- ly people in that room who were not orator, theV)&01"-$&60/&)K speech caused more trou-

Was Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress Worth It? P5=9-0(2!P#(-%(

The Culinary Corner L:);1#$=-"(0*




Z);"$(..$>(-*1>(..&2*$(-"$>".0"'4$0:-)$1"(0$&88$()'$(''$(..$M/;"$N-/*6/"*<$L/P$2"..<$L(3"$*:-"$ !!!!!!N2!O0(0/!X0-%!V9?A=0-! 58$ #&:$ 6-"8"-$ ($ ;&88""@>&;1($ ()'$ )&0$ c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ontinued page 6 8(,.1,#,2.*(#9./.4#.-#1./.4/,0./%6*01%0:52.*(;3%2; 30:93.9?! from >%(;#(&0-?%1! 0-:! 3#! ;#(! ./%&1! 3.(0>>9-61!/0:!0-!09(!#;!5-?%(.09-.2!0'#5.! 0.! /9&! ;(#&! 5-:%(! :0(A! =03/%37 !!!FO/%!.#=:!&2!:0:!./0.!3/%!/0:!(%C !&0$G1&;&.(0"$()'$G&88""$0(*0"$7-"(04$9:0$/8$#&:$2()0$()$"B")$9/77"-$0-"(0$0-#$ .##1!by ./%!means 3/#4! 4%-.! #-7!8/%! 35-! (#3%! ./%! /9&7! 8/%! 69(=1! 3=96/.! 0-:! '%49.?/9-61! tion of fear throughout percentage of Americans who found fix the situation. He4%D$%! only stated that ./93S! was ?%9$%:!0!=%..%(7!,!:#-D.!A-#4!4/0.!9.! already dealt with? Or maybe ! ! !01"$'-/)3$2/01$&)"$&8$01"*"$0(*0#$*)(;3*< FL965%=1! :93?533%:! -%@.!&#(-9-6!0-:!%0?/!>%(3#-!04#A%!0-:! )--1#*$ %-2(*#2!.$ /"#'$ +3)1#*$ 4&*#$ 5'$

It Should Not Have Happened

his entire term in office. He thought him favorable went down from 45% he wants “a69(=! much better deal”. Al- 0-:! he did it for political reasons only? 8/%! 309:1! ./%! 0--#20-?%! 309:W!,!:#-D.!./9-A!&2!;0./%(!%$%(!:9:! >(%>0(%:!;#(!./%!:027!B3!./%!35-!?=9&'%:! 39:%1!'5.!./%2!-%9./%(!=##A%:!0.!%0?/!#./%(! that his speech would again make to 38% after his speech, according though 5(6%-?2! the agreement with 5-&03A%:7! Iran He wanted to get elected and im9-! /%(! $#9?%! %9./%(7!O/%!U53.!309:!9.!403!./(%0.%-C 5*")"623%&78+00%9'1+9:+3, -#(!3>#A%!.#!#-%!0-#./%(7!,.!403!-#.!5-.9=! /96/%(! 9-! ./%! 3A21! ./%! :#4-.#4-! 0(%0! #;! Israeli citizens vote for him but his to politicsusa.com. Although Bibi’s may notFT#5D$%! be it is in place posing fear has been a strategy that .#=:! &%!put 4/2! 2#5! -%%:! 9-61!0-:!./0.!4%!/0:!.#!&#$%!3##-7! @$ ideal, L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ !"#$has %&!'$backfired. ())#*$ +&!"$ ,#-,)#.$of/"#'$ ./%2! (%0?/%:! %-#(&#53! rose ?#=#-90=! 0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ U#'S! 8%==! &%! ./%! 3.#(2! O/%! 403! 6#9-6! .#!Netanyahu’s 49./:(04! ./%! plan Citizens Isra-+#0#$ popularity with ./%! Republicans to-0C stop ./93! any potential wars. But, 0609-7G to seems to work for him. .9(%:! 0-:! 0;(09:1! '5.! ./%2! 4%-.! .#! 4#(A7! $0=! /%0:E50(.%(3! '59=:9-61! 0! '=#?A! 0402! ! ! !;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*< F,! U53.! ./9-A! 4%! 3/#5=:! 409.! 0! &#-%27!L2!:0:!(%;53%:7!H%!309:!./0.! el do not want another term full of slightly, it does not help his cause. paraphrase Netanyahu, it paves the speech was not needed at this time. 8/%2! :9:! -#.! 3>%0A! 49./! ./%! 30&%! %-C ;(#&! ./%9(! :%3.9-0.9#-1! ./0.! ./%2! 3.#>>%:7 4/9=%1!P0330-:(07!,D==!?#&%!'0?A!9-! b@Y$ &:);"*$ &8$ 01/;3$ *(.0#$ *0/;3*$ ()'$ '/6$ 01">$ /)0&$#4-! 01"$ /%!6-"0\".$ ?#5=:-D.! =%0$%W! /0:! /93! fear and dread for /0:! the ./%! future. His address ended up damaging his9-.(9?0.%! way to an@$ Iranian=(3"$ nuclear weapon. He was trying to gain/%!support for \->/A$.#$6H/$P-*@>"0 ! ! ! ! ! ! 8/%! '#2! =##A%:! 5>! 0.! ./%! ./53903&! 03! ./%2! :02! '%;#(%1! '5.! \*-11F-*;$201F9*1I ;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"< 0!4%%A!#(!3#7G!L965%=!(%>=9%:1!3.9==! 574&2#44$32*$"3*$(23))'$#4!35)&4"#*$ Netanyahu’s recent has campaign than helping it. 03! 0!Again, it &$ is obvious here that he is his political campaign and it back58$'"*/-"'4$*6-/)3."$2/01$>:.0/@;&.&-"'$*6-/)3."*< ./%2! 6(%%.%:! %0?/! #./%(7!speech 8/%2! 40=A%:! 9-! 4/9.%! rather =0..9?%4#(A1! 03! :%=9?0.%! 3>9C 3.0(9-6!0.!./%!'=5%!'59=:9-61!/93!%2%3! /9&3%=;! 03! 0! (%=90'=%! 3.#(%A%%>%(7G! actually proven to lower his support Iran definitely a threat Isra- trying provoke fear and despera- fired, quite ironically, like a nuclear @$ W.(;"$;1&;&.(0"$;&B"-"'$6-"0\".*$&)$($6/";"$&8$6(-;1>")0$()'$."0$'-#$ /5(.!;##.3.%>31!03!9;!%0?/!#;!./%&!/0:!'%%-! :%(!is 4%'1! 0-:! '(#A%! ./%!to39=%-?%7! F,D&! to :(9;.9-6!.#!./%!:##(!4/%(%!.4#!&%-! ! ! ! F8/%-! /%! 40-.%:! .#! 3%%! ./%! =%.C 8&-$R[@aU$>/):0"*$&-$:)0/.$)&$.&)7"-$*0/;3#$()'$2(->$I."(B"$0&$'-#$(0$-&&>$ rather than raise it. A recent poll el, but the means with which Bibi tion into the people. bomb. 3/#.1!'5.!./%2!40=A%:7!89&%!:#%3-D.!3.#>! /0$9-6! 3%?#-:! ./#56/.37G! H%! :9:! -#.! 4!--*$6730*.$/"#'$#3%"$"#)*$3$0&8#. .%(7! L2! &#&! 3/##A! /%(! /%0:1! 302C 0">6"-(0:-"<$58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-4$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-$0/710$;&)0(/)"-$&-$($9(7$/)$;&&.$ showed that Bibi’s support both in wanted to deal with it were not imWas !!!!!P0330-:(0!3/##A!/%(!/%0:7!F8%==! it worth it for Netanyahu to Editors’ note: Information for this 9-6!./0.!3/%!/0:!3%-.!9.!'0?A!.#!./%! F/'35%D%&7:%+0:%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,':0,%&53'7-5%:.5+%:.5%F,5:K5/-%1*//%&530)5%-0((A=# AmericaN2!Q=9!R#(.&0and in Israel has dropped pactful enough. He simply cannot damage&%!./%!3.#(27G the much-needed relation- article was taken from the websites @$ E()0$ 0&$ >(3"$ 01"$ *)(;3$ .&&3$,-4!$-9(%#$+&!"-7!$3$0#!702$3**0#44.$ 6-"00/"-D$ G&B"-$ 1(.8$ &8$ 01"$ 6-"0\".$ /)$ considerably since his address to just walk into Congress and deliver ship between Israel and America of the Washington Post and CNN, !!!!!!8/%!'#2!?=#3%:!/93!%2%37!H%!3.9==! X53.!./%-1!&2!>0(%-.3!3.0(.%:!40=AC 21/0"$;1&;&.(0"$()'$1(.8$&8$01"$6-"0\".$/)$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"< the United States Congress. The a long speech and think that it will so he can convey a message that and politicususa.com. 43+$!"#$-9(%#04:$)306#$6724$0#4!&26$ 9-6! .#40(:! ./%! 3.09(31! 3#! ,! /0:! .#!

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Maimonides & Spectrum

79 June 2010 April 2015/ Nisan 5775 Page d/1E/'8(),`, !"#$%& !"#$%&&'


()*+,$-.(/ HaMedina World News /01234$(5$65$789":4$18$/;:<5$=32>

Editors’ note: Opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Spectrum or the editing staff.

“How Goodly Are Your Tents, Oh Israel!” 6#$?1<"@0"<$*1A:B1<

$ (5$B:@$"@$01H5I$J1<8:<54$"<4$ @012E0T$01;$4:4$A:94B$891H$C0:<"I$ B5<@$@1$A5$@5B@54F$62@$1<3#$1<$7D9:3$ J12<@9#$ B@1DD54$ @0:BI$ B31;54$ @0"@I$ A1954F$)2@B:45I$"$A5"2@:823$B2HH59$ D:EB$ 891H$ !5X:J1I$ "<4$ 7H59:J"<B$ %cI$ ;05<$ @05#$ E1@$ @05$ 3"A$ 95B23@B$ BJ"<<54$@0:BI$^2"9"<@:<54$@0"@I$"<4$ 4"#$ A5JK1<BF$ (5$ B:@I$ A ;1<459:<E$ "33$E5@$H:X54$2D>$(0#$;"B$:@$1<3#$ 891H$Policy C"<"4"I$ Conference 4:4$ @05#$ K<1;$ @05#$ K:3354$@0:BF$62@I$"3"BI$:@$;"B$@11$3"@5$ Class of 2015 Look Inside AIPAC 2015 ;0"@$@05$;1934$A50:<4$@05$E3"BB$:B$ K:33:<E$D51D35$L"@$@05$@:H5N$:<$!5XP ;595$ 45"3:<E$ ;:@0$ B1H5@0:<E$ 4"<P @1$ J1<@":<$ @05$ BD95"4F$ _05$ (V)$ 3:K5F$62@$;5$"95$<1@$"331;54$@1$E1$ :J1>$(0#$;"B$:@$"@@"JK:<E$"<4$K:33P E5912B$ "<4$ ;1934$ J0"<E:<EF$ _05#$ @134$ 2B$ @0"@$ @0595$ ;595$ D91A"A3#$ By Chaiel SBy David Schwartz chaffel ’15 12@B:45I$ "<4$ 819$ H"<#$ 18$ 2B$ :@$ 0"B$ :<E$@05$2B2"33#$:HH2<5$"<4$B@91<E>$ "<<12<J54$ @1$ @05$ ;1934$ ;0"@$ 0"4$ :<85J@:1<B$ 5M59#;0595$ "<4$ @0595$ Deep;55KBF$ in the(0#>$ bowels,:4$ of ;5$ the "33$ WashPro-Israel Lobby, and 0"DD5<54$ thing new."<4$ The:@$room was by a ;595F$ A particular favorite@05$ of832$ the85"9B$ MaiJ/#$(8"E($#$'(3"1$(215"(IM=("'(O/?3'$$1D0(/1:(?""H$:(/5(54$(>/1:8(/20?$c( A55<$ E5@$ American _05$832$95D19@543#$A5E"<$1<$!"9J0$ 592D@54$ :<$lit "$ 895<P 62@$ 5M5<@2"33#$ B4"E34( 54$'$( 20( E0E/??8( /( .2:$( #/'2$58( "6( :$?$>5/&?$( :$?23450+( 54$( H"04$'( ington Convention Center, amid a each of these 16,000 participants massive oval of overhead screens, monides delegation was a gospel ?0-@&-$2$'(&!*2$#&700(5 J"2E0@$ 41:<E$ A"4>$ -1@$ ]`$:<$@05$!5X:J"<$@1;<$18$+"$a319:"I$ RB2AB:454S$"B$@05$832$D91M54$@1$A5$ >/1:8( /'$(B1H5@0:<E$ "65$1( KE25$(sits ?2%25$:A( </18(had "6( 54$( >/1:2$0( 4/#$( /??( and ral- Z#F$/11<$8129$18$@05$(1934$V5"3@0$ sea of"F52"10( jostling revelers, a tiny come to %/8( learn, teach, each that could seemingly dwarf the preacher that had the crowd on its #5@$ LB1H5$ 18$ 2B$&E5( <1@$"1?8( 5M59NF$ ,:4$6$.( ;5$/>5E/??8( b59"$C92ZI$H195$@0"<$"$H1<@0$A5P )9E"<:Z"@:1<[B$L(V)N$B:X$95E:1<B$ <1@$"B$A"4$"B$5XD5J@54F$)9$<1@e H"04$'( 213'$:2$150+( /( 0$?$>5( 4/#$( /( H"04$'( 08%&"?A sliver of the.25421( Holy.$$H0( Land. A caravan ly/(in support of a"6(strong bond be- Times Square screen. It was here feet. (A95"K$ ( ( J".$#$'+( d$.0( .2??( :20>"#$'( >4/13$( 21( %/18( 54$0$( "$ 35E$ 19$ E5@$ :<$ "<$ "JJ:45<@>$ 8195$:@$;"B$"<<12<J54$@1$@05$;1934F$ 0"4$:<85J@:1<BT$@05#$A5E"<$H1M:<E$ $ 7B$:@$B@"<4B$<1;I$@05$;1934$ of pop-up tents P"??( spreads out before tween the United States Israel. that we heard from the Policy ConThe General Sessions were the >/1:2$0TB""502$( 91:E05'2$0( '$>$15?8( 5"( 4/#$( /?%"05( /??(and !"9J0$ (533I$ E5@@:<E$ J31B59I$ A2@$ <1F$ 795$ :$>2:$:( (0"@$ 0"DD5<54$ A5@;55<$ B@1JKD:35B$18$_"H:832Q@05$D95H:59$ :B$B@:33$1<$@05$M59E5$18$"$H"W19$D"<P the casual passerby, with6'+,*(#% Among the @--$#*(% supporters -2% *$#% 6'+,*(#% 6("$*!(,%glittering ?-#/(";% @/(#(% *+60>,(% A-00#1%were con- ference’s keynote speakers, such ones with mass appeal, echoing and ;5$B:JK>$6:<E1O$(5$B:@$:<B:45$J1<P ]`$H"04$'( "<4$ 7D9:3$ %c>$ (533$ :@$ "DD5"9B$ 832$ "<@:M:9"3Q@1$ 31J"@:1<B$ "912<4$ 45H:JF$_05$832$0"B$<1@$B2AB:454T$:<$ B""502$( L'E25( P"??0+( L'""52$0+( /1:( RCB=A( B4$( 08%&"?( "6( 54$( new technologies and the buzz of gressmen from both C'7 sides of the as Benjamin Netanyahu, and about ringing with a level of emotion that 8:<54$3:K5$H1<K5#B$:<$J"E5BQ$R819$ @0"@$D51D35$:<$!5X:J1$K<5;$@0"@$"$ @05$;1934$"<4$9":B54$@05:9$;"9<:<E$ 8"J@I$ @05$ (V)$ B":4$ @0"@$ @0595$ 0"B$ $/-,-B% C+*-+% DECF1% $/(% .-"0,G#% 0'"8(#$% =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% .*00% fascination, as high tech industry political aisle,'8(+671% professional lobby- the key policy initiatives, the fight branched out to all assembled. 0""1(&$(6"E1:("1(/??("6(54$0$(>/1:2$0A(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0(20(/?0"("1$( 129$ 1;<$ B"85@#IS$ B"#$Eastern E1M59<H5<@$ A"4$ Israeli 95BD:9"@19#$ 4:B5"B5$ ;"B$ E1:<E$ @1$adI$ 1<5$ B@5D$ 891H$ "$ A55<$ "$ W2HD$ :<$ J"B5B$ 95J5<@3#F$ 7@$ mixes with Middle flair. ists, nationals, American pa- 35M53$ against nuclear Iran.";"#$ By Sarah Jacobs The second type of learning that "6(54$(."'?:e0(?/'3$05(0EFF?2$'0("6(?"??2F"F0(.254(250(6/%"E0(B""502$(;"F0+( 188:J:"3BF$ 7<4$ :@$ :B$ 819$ 1<5$ 95"B1<T$ "912<4$"<4$@0"@$B1H5$B"HD35B$;595$ 8233$8354E54$E31A"3$D"<45H:JF$_0:B$ Those who attend /-5(#% the AIPAC Poltriots, 6("$*!6'$*-+% Jews, Christians, The&$>"%$( General also fea- D95BB$@:H5I$@0595$;595$912E03#$G&&&$ happened at AIPAC was the Break6E0$:(5"(32#$(4$'(%"1$5/'8(0EF7 3$?$0+(&E5(>/1>$?$:(25(/5(54$(?/05( ./*6/% $/(% 6-35'+7% .*00% #--+% 8($% =-#/("% '#% .(00; Muslims, B23$'( O"":0( 4/0( 54$( Sessions @05$832F$U5B$@05$832I$@05$1<5$;5$"33$ J"B5B$18$J1<8:9H54$B;:<5$832$"912<4$ icy Conference each year simply African-Americans, Hispanics, and smaller side %21E5$A( stories U/5$'+( about04$( how out 5"( Sessions. 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"95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ smaller :2:( sessions with4$'( specialized ( ( ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( 35@0"3$ "<4$braved 4"<E5912B$ @05$ of us who early B@9":<$ March18$ wind The learning at an AIPAC Policy One boy with a congenital motor 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ focuses. These sessions consisted $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% \B23$'( M"5$:( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( $VF?":$:( "1( BM( /1:( 54$( 217 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P 0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P chills, a grueling 3:00 wake up, and Conference is broken up into two 5"(disorder an Israeli anywhere to H$F5( 200 54$( par5$'1$5+( from %"'$( 20 :'/%/( '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 4/:( /( troop-carry542'587"1$( %"154(of/66/2'( R$>/:$]( \B23$'( used O"":0^( "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ a>$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af recurring lack of sleep, The Vil- integral parts, the first of which is ing="(backpack to hike trail that he 8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ ticipantsO"":0( and took over 6/%2?8(place 21( 54$(allFE&?2>( .254(aO"":0( &$3211213( 04"'5?8( `g( <205'$00$0( L/'+( 96( O$( @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ ;:@0$ d$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$There @05$ %d&h$ $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( 91>?E:$( d$002>/( =2%F0"1A]( lage was our home. A table, stacked the General Session. could not navigateH(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% on his own. the Convention Center. was !"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( @>>"':213(5"(a'E&&0+(04$(./0( ( ( ( B4$( !/52"1/?( Q1KE2'$'( ./0( Y<8325<Z"$ 7$ V]-]Q@1$ 2B$ B;:<5$ A#$ !5X:J1$ "31<5F$ _05$ with backpacks and lined with tired, General Sessions at AIPAC took Another presentation featured a 5B@:H"@54$ a huge variety of topics, ranging 6'$04(213'$:2$150("6(54$(4234$05(KE/?258+](04$(0/2:A(\B420(.2??(&'213("E'(2>"12>( $/(% !"#$% $-% "(5-"$% $/(% L--,#% /(4E3$(O"":0(6/1+(%$5(42%(/5( %21"'( >/'( />>2:$15( "E502:$( 420( 832Q"<4$faces :@$ 0"B$ E1<5$ ;5$that "33$ place in a room that stretched the man named Mosab Hassan Yousef, A14#$ :B$ H2J0$ 35BB$ @0"<$ @05$ familiar was the;0595$ beacon from J12<@$ an African-American forum &'/1:0(5"(/1($152'$?8(1$.(>"10E%$'(&/0$(54/5(>/1(1".($1["8("E'(F'":E>50A] 0>/1:/?A(!2345>?E&(4"05$00(P/7 /1( UA@A( 12345>?E&+( /1:( $1:$:( L?"'2:/( 4"%$( 21( .42>4( 4$( 425( 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ "H12<@$ 18$ D51D35$ ;01$ 4:5$ 5M59#$ alerted the Pro-Israel to a grow- length of several blimps, with son of a Hamas kingpin and confiIsrael'%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% in black communities to (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( EF( 0F$1:213( 54$( 12345(on.254( >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$ 891H$ @05$ 832$My ;1934P ing force in their ranks: The Mai- enough chairs to seat all /(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( 16,000 dential informant.42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( gourmet hummus tasting. first 5'$$A( Q?21(95E23"9$ !"':$3'$1+( O"":0D( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( .26$+( 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5( 04$( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% $V>4/13$:( 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( 5$V5( B23$'( O"":0A]( N"54( G>425$?( monides Class of 2015. One general session exhibited ;:45T$ sessionH1B@$ was J"B5B$ a documentary on the $ 733$ 18$ 2B$ 0"M5$ 05"94$ "A12@$ participants. 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During the weekend of January D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK$:-*$6??$)"H";I$!/W$Y$ 8/93!&#-./1!%$%(2!-%43>0>%(!,D$%!3%%-!^./53!;0(_!/03!>5'=93/%:!&0-2!.5(A%2!(%?9>%3!9-!>(%>0C This 22, student-athletes from Jewish School; Robert M. Beren Academy; tional Basketball Tournament. As most students returned to their (0.9#-!;#(!85(A%2!M027!N5.!03!%$%(2#-%!A-#431!8/0-A369$9-6!&%0=3!0(%!-%$%(!?#&>=%.%!49./C >"1+9;$+"*;E.-/H9;$9??1B$Z$@".H91D--01$>"#-0E :H-F9*$)"0;F/A+91 year was the first time in many day schools from all over the counHebrew Academy of Montreal; regular classes, Maimonides varsity #5.!>9%7!N%=#4!93!#-%!#;!&2!;0$#(9.%!>9%!(%?9>%37!,!=9A%!9.!'%?053%!9.!93!$%(30.9=%!d!9.!?0-!'%!53%:! 0"/19B$%$@".H91D--01$5/N-0$>=1@"*;B$M$@9"1D--0$ M$F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D ;#(!./%!8/0-A369$9-6!&09-!?#5(3%1!:%3%(.1!#(!;#(!0-2!O/0''0.!&%0=7!R=531!9.!49==!-#.!;09=!2#5e!9.! try—including Columbus Torah SAR Academy; and Maimonides— years that both girls and D"D*/L"B$ boys par-!$ 1@"HL$ players joined the other"0;$ teams M$GH-F9*E1+"D9;$A--L/9$A=@@9*$ -G$ A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ 1"H@$for -*$ 49==!?#&%!#5.!#;!./%!#$%-!49./!./%!30&%!?#-393.%-?2!%0?/!.9&%f,!>(#&93%7!N5.!&#3.!9&>#(C ticipated. Competing were four lunch and a quick meeting. Games D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK[ %$1H/A91$-G$.*9"; .0-.=21!./93!>9%!/03!0!4#-:%(;5=!.0-6!4/9?/!49==!A%%>!2#5(!65%3.3!4#-:%(9-61!FI/%(%!#-!%0(./! girls’ teams and four boys’ teams. started immediately. Maimonides M$-*$%$1D*9";1B$H/L9$D9"0=@$.=@@9*B$N9HH#B$-*$A*9">$ *&*$!"3!$83B-0$%-;#$90-;?@$C7%1&)'D$'-7:))$12-+$!"3!$&!$%3;#$90-;$,&2#3,,)#$32*$%-%-27!E$$ Besides the teams, manyMK$\-*9$@+9$199;1$-G$@+9$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$ Maimo boys defeated Columbus Torah A+9919 P(53.=%33!O4%%.!R#.0.#!R9% sports fans came to show @->"@-B$-*$D9DD9*B$1-$#-=$"*9$H9G@$F/@+$@+9$1+9HHK$ their sup- Academy at four in the afternoon. `Ca!&%:95&!34%%.!>#.0.#%3 port, as well as their M-Cat spirit. Following was the game between MK$ :/*1@B$ A=@$ .-@+$ 1H/A91$ F/@+$ @+9$ A--L/9$F$!#34,--24$%-%-27!$83B-0&26$-0$%-%-27!$;&)1 A=@@9*K$ 3+/1$F/HH$.9$#-=*$]C9??/9$C9119HK^ By Sarah Robinson !!P!3560( Y!.%03>##-!$0-9==0!%@.(0?. By Bella Rumshiskaya The Tournament kicked off Maimo and SAR girls, where Mai%K$)@=GG$@+9$C9??/9$C9119H$F/@+$F+/A+9C9*$1"H";$ 3+90$A=@$"$+-H9$/0$@+9$19A-0;$1H/A9$.#$D*911/0?$"$ "!P!>0(%$%!&0(60(9-%!0.!(##&!.%&>%(0.5(% B!:03/!#;!?9--0&#Thursday. As the visiting teams ar- mo won in over-time. Next, Beren !"#$%&&'$%()*+ #-=$A+-19K F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D$/0$@+9$A90@9*K #!P!?(%0&2!3#2&9=A B!:03/!#;!-5.&%6 !"#$%&&'$%()*+$ Y!=0(6%!%66 rived, Maimonides students against/0@-$ Kohelet Yeshiva. %K$ )D*9";$ #-=*$ GH-F9*E1+"D9;$ D/9A91$ -G$B!:03/!#;!69-6%(!^#>.9#-0=_ .*9";$ OK$ attendP=1+$ @+9$boys A"**-@$lost -*$ A9H9*#$ @+9$ 1"H";$ "0;$ `!.%03>##-3!>9-%0>>=%!U59?% H#-%2!^#>.9#-0=_! >00?%07:-*<5#%@-%A07%)'A%.'45%+0:*35<B%:.5,5%*-%C+'//A%-+01%0+%:.5%(,07+<#% ,(-./"-$01/*$2""34$5$2(*$*6"(3/)7$2/01$($8"2$8-/")'*$(9&:0$;&&3/)7<$=&$>#$*:-6-/*"4$01"$>&*0$?;&&3@ ed a pep rally where they received Beren’s girls then played Hebrew 1@/AL$ @+9$ A+9919$ -*$ H9@@=A9$ ]GH"?^$ 09W@$ @-$ /@K$ ZK$ F/@+$#-=*$G"C-*/@9$1D*9";K V80"-$*1&B"./)7$01"$*)&2$&-$*/>6.#$*6")'/)7$*&>"$0/>"$/)$01"$8-/7/'$(/-4$01"-"$ /)7A$01(0$()#$&8$01">$'&"*$/)B&.B"*$6&:-/)7$>/.3$&B"-$01"/-$;"-"(.<$=1(0C*$'/))"-D$E1(0"B"-<$F&$5$ pom-poms as they entered the gym- Academy of Montreal, resulting in OK$P=@$@+9$1H/A91$-G$.*9";$@-?9@+9*$"0;$C-/H"<$Q-=$ 4-F$9"@$#-=*$J9??/9$)+/D$.9G-*9$#-=*$@F-E#9"*E Y7!Z3%!0!3.%0&%(!.#!3.%0&!./%!>#.0.#%3!#-!/96/!/%0.!;#(!Y[CY\!&9-5.%37!8/%2!3/#5=:!'%!.%-:%(! *-%0+5%:.*+(%:.':%)0-:%08%7-%1'+:%D%.0:%3.030/':5#%E01B%A07%F,0&'&/A%.'45%:'-:@ '";/'"'$0&$2-/0"$:6$($G:./)(-#$G&-)"-$(9&:0$;"-"(.$-";/6"*<$H".&2$(-"$02&$-";/6"*$I21/;1$5$1('$)"B"-$ nasium and cupcakes as -H;$.*-@+9*$>/1@"L91$/@$G-*$"$*9"H$1+/D$"0;$DH"#1$ they ex- a win for Beren. The afternoon and +"C9$"$GH-F9*$1"0;F/A+<$ 9-!0'#5.!.4%-.2!&9-5.%37!]-?%!2#5!0(%!0'=%!.#!%039=2!9-3%(.!0!;#(A1!(%&#$%!./%!>#.0.#%3!;(#&! "'$>()#$'/88"-")0$1&0$;1&;&.(0"*$/)$#&:-$./8"<$H:0$1"-"$/*$>#$6"-*&)(.$8(B&-/0"K 1"(-'$&8$:)0/.$)&2J$/)B&.B/)7$;"-"(.K$L&)3"#$L:);1/"*$()'$M/;"$N-/*6/"$=-"(0*< ited. At the rally, Austin Edelman night were very tiring; after dinner, F/@+$/@$/0$@+9$."@+@=.< $ ./%!3.%0&%(!0-:!=%.!./%&!?##=!;#(!0.!=%03.!.%-!&9-5.%37 )7!R%%=!./%!>#.0.#!3A9-37!8/%-!&03/!./%!>#.0.#%3!9-!0!=0(6%!&9@9-6!'#4=!^,!(%?#&&%-:!539-6!0! announced4"3'5*")"623% the Maimonides team the athletes headed to their hosts’ !"#$%&'!(#)*+%, .5-0!&9@%(!;#(!./93_7 5)7-"'/")0*$`$5)*0-:;0/&)*K O$G$G1"P$I()#$*/)7."$0#6"$&-$($;&>9&Q$5$-";&>>")'$!&)"#$G1"PJ$ line-ups and Garvey Salmon, coach homes for a good night’s rest. `7!P#&'9-%!./%!#./%(!9-6(%:9%-.37!N%0.!./%!3560(1!&0(60(9-%1!3#2&9=A1!%661!>9-%0>>=%!0-:!?#C @$ 5)$($'-#$9&2.$>/P$ R$G$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6* The Maimonides boys, pictured above, and the Maimonides girls of the Maimonides Varsity Girls’ On Friday morning, all students ?#-5.1!$0-9==01!0-:!3>9?%3!9-!49./!./%!>#.0.#%37!L9@!<QVT!4%==7!,;!2#5!:#-D.1!2#5!49==!'%!3#((27! &$ RST$;:6$&8$9(3/)7$;&;&($6&2'"-$I)&$(''"'$*:7(-J $G$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J both went undefeated in the Tournament. team, delivered aaST$;:6$&8$*:7(-$ speech to get ev- and participants woke up early for $$$(#$,"A+9H$(9*L-C/@R$"0;$\+"0/$!"@R !"@A+$@+9$89.*9F$F-*;1$/0$@+9$."0L$F/@+$@+9$AH=91$"0;$G/HH$/0$@+9$ 80A%!&2!4#(:!;#(!9.7 &$ G$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" A*-11F-*;< Continued on page 10 a7!R#5(!9-.#!0!6(%03%:!>0-!0-:1!9;!2#5D:!=9A%1!:(9bb=%!./%!.#>!49./!/#-%27!N0A%!;#(!a[!&9-5.%3!0.! G% H8%A07%1'+:%:0%/015,%:.5%+7)&5,%08%3'/0,*5-%*+%A07,%<,*+?%-*)F/A%-7&@ R$0"(*6&&)$B()/..( 2A*-11I 5-F0I *0/0:0"$01"$*:7(-$2/01$F6.")'($&-$($'/88"-")0$*:7(-$*:9*0/0:0"$I>(3"$*:-"$0&$-"('$ R`[*#c7 $G$6&2'"-"'$*:7(MK$ (-@+$ "$ 09?"@/C9$ "0;$ "$ MK$)=>>9*$C"A"@/-0$ [7!O%($%!40(&!#(!?##=7!Q-U#2S! 01"$/)*0-:;0/&)*$8&-$1&2$>:;1$&8$01"$)&@;(.&-/"$*2""0")"-$*1&:.'$9"$:*"'$(*$($ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$L/;-&2(B"$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6*4$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J4$()'$9:00"-S>(-7(@ D-1/@/C9$9WD9*/90A9 %K$\->9$-0<_1-`$ $ *:9*0/0:0"J -/)"$8&-$R$>/):0"<$F0/-<$L/;-&2(B"$8&-$()$(''/0/&)(.$TU$*";&)'*$:)0/.$*>&&01<$V''$B()/..(<$W&:-$&B"-$ OK$(-"*; ZK$,--> H0>>2!8/0-A369$9-6S &$ RST$&8$($0*6$&8$*(.0$ G1"P$:)0/.$"B").#$;&(0"'4$01")$6&:-$G1"P$/)0&$($.(-7"$X/6.&;$9(7<$$W&:-$6&2'"-"'$*:7(-$/)0&$9(74$ bK$8->9F-*L XK$)90;/0?$*9?"*;1$ @$ H&/.$ $;:6$&8$2(0"-$()'$>/P$/)$01"$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$ *1(3"$*"(."'$9(7$:)0/.$G1"P$/*$2"..$;&(0"'<$G&&.$2"..$()'$*0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$8-/'7"<$ By Ariana Gewurz ’17 @$ E(->$ :6$ I9:0$ '&)C0$ 9&/.J$ b$ ;:6*$ &8$ >/.3$ I:*"$ ()#$ 6"-;")0(7"$ #&:$ M&K$c--;.#9_199$#-=$H"@9* aK$\H"11*--> Normally, when the bell rings at 6, however, approximately one lic school2/*1J$()'$RST$;:6$&8$!(.8$`$!(.8$ to partake in a weekend ing experience,” said one student. MOK$\+99*1< YK$39**/.H9 -+)%'./+,0+%'1/%23, 2:30 in the afternoon after a long dozen Maimonides students stayed filled with&$ruach,W&:-$01"$1&0$2(0"-S;&;&($>/P0:-"$/)0&$01"$*(:;"6()$&8$2(->"'$>/.3$ laughter, and fun: After davening was the dinner, T=9*$*(.0"'$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" MZK$39"A+9* 'K$\->9$-0< ()'$(''$($0"(*6&&)$&8$B()/..($"P0-(;0 !"#$%&'(%)*+*%)',-.)'//01-%20,%)*3,01'45%67889%&7::5,%*+%;"%-530+<%*+3,5)5+:-= ""#!$%&'!()'**+,!----!*+,!)!' Friday, everyone rushes home to in school to meet up with students the Yachad Shabbaton. Right af- where the students sat with their YG$M/;"$N-/*6/"* M%K$89HHget ready for Shabbat. On March from both Gann Academy and pub- ter school,@$ armedL/P$"B"-#01/)7$0&7"01"with welcoming assigned Yachad buddies and adviW&:-$01"$'-/)3$/)0&$b$;:6*<$58$'"*/-"'$6:0$($'&..&6$&8$B()/..($/;"$;-"(>$ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$Z)$*0&B"0&64$>".0$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"$/)$;&&3/)7$6&0$&)$.&2$1"(0<$Z);"$>".0"'4$6&:-$(..$ @$ !R0(.!,< signs, the high schoolers greeted sors. Eating and laughing, every>(-*1>(..&2*$/)$()'$;&(0$2/01$01"$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"<$L".0$8&-$($8"2$>/):0"*4$*0/--/)7$&;;(*/&)(..#<$ &-$21/66"'$;-"(>$&)$0&6$&8$"(;1$'-/)3$()'$")c&#< the arriving Yachad members. one became more familiar with one V)&01"-$&60/&)K Z);"$(..$>(-*1>(..&2*$(-"$>".0"'4$0:-)$1"(0$&88$()'$(''$(..$M/;"$N-/*6/"*<$L/P$2"..<$L(3"$*:-"$ !!!!!!N2!O0(0/!X0-%!V9?A=0-! #&:$ 6-"8"-$ ($ ;&88""@>&;1($ ()'$ )&0$ c:*0$dinner, 6.(/)$ 1&0$Judge ;1&;&.(0"4$ 01")$ Yachad@$ is an 58$organization that another. After Rich"B"-#01/)7$/*$"B").#$;&(0"'<$%.(00")$/)0&$($7-"(*"'$6()$()'$;1/..$/)$8-/'7"$8&-$R[@TU$>/):0"*$I&-$/)$ >/P$01"$(8&-">")0/&)"'$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$(*$2"..$(*$T$0"(*6&&)*$&8$;&88""$I()#$ 8-""\"-$/8$#&:C-"$/>6(0/")0J<$$F0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$01"$8-/'7"<$ works to give people with disabili- ard Bernstein—a blind judge—an! ! ! ! ! ! ,-! ./%0.%(1! ./%2! 302! ./0.! ./%! 3/#4! #-! 0! 3.06%1! 0-:! 9.! :9:-D.! 3.#>! ;#(! ./%&7 6'40,%A07%/*?5=#%I/01/A%F07,%.0:%1':5,%*+:0%:.5%<,A%)*J:7,5%'-%A07%-3,'F5%:.5% '"(")&*+,)-,.#&,.&/")0"1",234&56,)$ ties opportunities that they would swered questions about his experi&53.! 6#! #-7! 8/%! (%39:%-.3! #;! <0=>0(093#! !!!!!!B3!./%!'532!3.(%%.3!E59%.%:1!.4#!.%%-C 1&0$2(0"-$/)0&$01"$/)7-"'/")0*4$6-(;0/;(..#$;-"(0/)7$($6(*0"<$=1")$8&..&2$01"$-"*0$ !(66#$]"2$^"(-+$_CF1()($!(H(C(1$HC^/-:*1(.(#/>+$ get. In addition, ence as a disabled judge. “Listening &8$01"$-";/6"$(*$*"")$(9&B"< ;%=.!03!./#56/!./%2!4%(%!0?.#(3!9-!0!?(5%=1! 06%(3! 40=A%:! .#6%./%(7! 8/%! '#21! .0==!not 0-:! otherwise !"#$%&#'%&()#(*+,#-%#(,./0#1%2,#-/*3+1#-4.-#$%&#3.0#&1,#'4*(,#2.+*05#-4,1,#),(,3-.6(,#),(*54-17# =##A! 0.! ./%! 69(=1! /%(! %2%3! 6=0(9-6! ?=#3%=21! Bernstein 0-:! %$%-.50==2! ,! /%0(:7 Yachad is focused integrating to Richard was such an 30:93.9?! >%(;#(&0-?%1!8(,.1,#,2.*(#9./.4#.-#1./.4/,0./%6*01%0:52.*(;3%2; 0-:! 3#! ;#(! ./%&1! 3.(0>>9-61!/0:!0-!09(!#;!5-?%(.09-.2!0'#5.! 0.! /9&! ;(#&! on 5-:%(! :0(A! =03/%37 !!!FO/%!.#=:!&2!:0:!./0.!3/%!/0:!(%C !&0$G1&;&.(0"$()'$G&88""$0(*0"$7-"(04$9:0$/8$#&:$2()0$()$"B")$9/77"-$0-"(0$0-#$ the Yachad members into Jewish inspiring experience,” said sopho.##1! ./%! 3/#4! 4%-.! #-7!8/%! 35-! (#3%! ./%! /9&7! 8/%! 69(=1! 3=96/.! 0-:! '%49.?/9-61! ! ! !01"$'-/)3$2/01$&)"$&8$01"*"$0(*0#$*)(;3*< FL965%=1! 4%D$%! :93?533%:! ./93S! ?%9$%:!0!=%..%(7!,!:#-D.!A-#4!4/0.!9.! life. more309:W!,!:#-D.!./9-A!&2!;0./%(!%$%(!:9:! Miriam Bressler. 5'$ 8/%! 69(=! 309:1! ./%! 0--#20-?%! 0-:! -%@.!&#(-9-6!0-:!%0?/!>%(3#-!04#A%!0-:! )--1#*$ %-2(*#2!.$ /"#'$ +3)1#*$ 4&*#$ Everything started out smoothAfter nights at host houses in >(%>0(%:!;#(!./%!:027!B3!./%!35-!?=9&'%:! 39:%1!'5.!./%2!-%9./%(!=##A%:!0.!%0?/!#./%(! 5(6%-?2! 9-! /%(! $#9?%! 5-&03A%:7! %9./%(7!O/%!U53.!309:!9.!403!./(%0.%-C 5*")"623%&78+00%9'1+9:+3, /96/%(! 9-! ./%! 3A21! ./%! :#4-.#4-! 0(%0! #;! -#(!3>#A%!.#!#-%!0-#./%(7!,.!403!-#.!5-.9=! ly, untilFT#5D$%! Liz the of-%%:! Brookline, everyone gathered back .#=:! &%! director 4/2! 2#5! 9-61!0-:!./0.!4%!/0:!.#!&#$%!3##-7! @$ Offen, L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ !"#$ %&!'$ ())#*$ +&!"$ ,#-,)#.$ /"#'$ +#0#$ ./%2! (%0?/%:! ./%! %-#(&#53! ?#=#-90=!Yachad -0C ./93! New England, received a at shul for 0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ U#'S! 8%==! &%! ./%! 3.#(2! 0609-7G O/%! 403!davening 6#9-6! .#!followed 49./:(04!by ./%! .9(%:! 0-:! 0;(09:1! '5.! ./%2! 4%-.! .#! 4#(A7! $0=! /%0:E50(.%(3! '59=:9-61! 0! '=#?A! 0402! phone !call that4%! all3/#5=:! the adwith the entire Maimonides ! !;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*< F,!saying U53.! ./9-A! 409.!lunch 0! &#-%27!L2!:0:!(%;53%:7!H%!309:!./0.! 8/%2! :9:! -#.! 3>%0A! 49./! ./%! 30&%! %-C ;(#&! ./%9(! :%3.9-0.9#-1! ./0.! ./%2! 3.#>>%:7 @$ =(3"$ b@Y$ &:);"*$ &8$in 01/;3$community. *(.0#$ *0/;3*$ ()'$ '/6$ 01">$ /)0&$ 01"$ 4/9=%1!P0330-:(07!,D==!?#&%!'0?A!9-! /%!6-"0\".$ ?#5=:-D.! /%!played /0:! /93! #4-! visors—the college students As =%0$%W! guests fun \->/A$.#$6H/$P-*@>"0 ./53903&! 03! ./%2! /0:! ./%! :02! '%;#(%1! '5.! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8/%! '#2! =##A%:! 5>! 0.! ./%! 9-.(9?0.%! 0!4%%A!#(!3#7G!L965%=!(%>=9%:1!3.9==! \*-11F-*;$201F9*1I ;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"< 574&2#44$32*$"3*$(23))'$#4!35)&4"#*$ charge of running and supervising games such as the newlywed game &$ 58$'"*/-"'4$*6-/)3."$2/01$>:.0/@;&.&-"'$*6-/)3."*< ./%2! 6(%%.%:! %0?/! #./%(7! 8/%2! 40=A%:! 9-! 4/9.%! =0..9?%4#(A1! 03! :%=9?0.%! 03! 0! 3>9C 3.0(9-6!0.!./%!'=5%!'59=:9-61!/93!%2%3! /9&3%=;! 03!some 0! (%=90'=%! the shabbaton—were stuck on a and danced to silly 3.#(%A%%>%(7G! songs, the @$ W.(;"$;1&;&.(0"$;&B"-"'$6-"0\".*$&)$($6/";"$&8$6(-;1>")0$()'$."0$'-#$ /5(.!;##.3.%>31!03!9;!%0?/!#;!./%&!/0:!'%%-! :%(! 4%'1! 0-:! '(#A%! ./%! 39=%-?%7! F,D&! :(9;.9-6!.#!./%!:##(!4/%(%!.4#!&%-! ! ! ! F8/%-! /%! 40-.%:! .#!into 3%%! ./%! =%.C train from New York and would not community got a glimpse what 8&-$R[@aU$>/):0"*$&-$:)0/.$)&$.&)7"-$*0/;3#$()'$2(->$I."(B"$0&$'-#$(0$-&&>$ 3/#.1!'5.!./%2!40=A%:7!89&%!:#%3-D.!3.#>! /0$9-6! 3%?#-:! ./#56/.37G! H%! :9:! -#.! 4!--*$6730*.$/"#'$#3%"$"#)*$3$0&8#. .%(7! L2! &#&! 3/##A! /%(! /%0:1! 302C 0">6"-(0:-"<$58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-4$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-$0/710$;&)0(/)"-$&-$($9(7$/)$;&&.$ make it until right before Shabbat.. Yachad is. Next, as Richard Bern!!!!!P0330-:(0!3/##A!/%(!/%0:7!F8%==! 9-6!./0.!3/%!/0:!3%-.!9.!'0?A!.#!./%! AlthoughF/'35%D%&7:%+0:%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,':0,%&53'7-5%:.5+%:.5%F,5:K5/-%1*//%&530)5%-0((A=# this could have ruined stein spoke to the kehila, there were N2!Q=9!R#(.&0&%!./%!3.#(27G @$ E()0$ 0&$ >(3"$ 01"$ *)(;3$ .&&3$,-4!$-9(%#$+&!"-7!$3$0#!702$3**0#44.$ 6-"00/"-D$ G&B"-$ 1(.8$ &8$ 01"$ 6-"0\".$ /)$ the weekend, Offen did not stress. games in the student lounge for !!!!!!8/%!'#2!?=#3%:!/93!%2%37!H%!3.9==! X53.!./%-1!&2!>0(%-.3!3.0(.%:!40=AC 21/0"$;1&;&.(0"$()'$1(.8$&8$01"$6-"0\".$/)$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"< Rather,43+$!"#$-9(%#04:$)306#$6724$0#4!&26$ she handled the situation kids,9-6! such as a trivia game.3#! ,! /0:! .#! .#40(:! ./%! 3.09(31! calmly#-! and arranged for the adviDuring menucha, members of the ;3/2<:%//&';<%%3+%, ./%9(! 3/#5=:%(37! H%! 396/%:! 0-:! (53/!5>!.#!'%:!'%;#(%!./%2!304!&%7! @$ straight =(3"$($6/)0$&8$*0-(29"--/"*$I8-"*1$&)"*$(-"$9"00"-$01()$8-&\")J4$T$9(@ sors to #>%-%:!/93!/%0$2!%2%37!FP0-!4%!39.JG! come to the shul and shabbaton were allowed to go back 8/0.! 403! ./%! =03.! ./9-6! ,! /%0(:7G! )()(*4$&-$a$&-()7"* get ready for Shabbat in the.#!Maito their hosts’ houses or stay in shul L965%=! =%:! /93! ;(9%-:! 0! -%0('2! L965%=! -#4! 3.0(%:! 0.! ./%! P/9=C &$ 58$:*/)7$8-&\")$*0-(29"--/"*4$."0$01">$01(2$8&-$b@[$1&:-*$()'$'-#$&88$ '%-?/7!FT#5!40-.!./%!4/#=%!3.#(2JG #32$ games. 836$ "326&26$ -7!$ 3$ +&2*-+.$ monides building. and play Shabbat ended with 8-&\")$&)$2(0"-$2/01$6(6"-$0&2".<$58$:*/)7$9()()(*$&-$&-()7"*4$6"".$01">$()'$ !!!!!!P0330-:(0!-#::%:7!FV%&9-:! 8/%! 49-:! (53.=%:! 9.1! &0AC Despite that slight bump before a spirited havdala and./(#56/! was followed ;:0$/)0&$6/";"*$I(9&:0$U<[$/);1"*aJ< 2#5(3%=;!4/2!2#5!40-.%:!./937G ./%! (%:1! 4/9.%1! 0-:!everyone '=5%! :0-?%! Shabbat, was under by a9-6! costume party where @$once Shabbat L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ !!!!L965%=!%@/0=%:!3=#4=2!0-:!./%-! 49=:=2! 0609-3.! ./%! '=5%! '59=:9-67 0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ way, everything fell into place. Fri- dressed up in the spirit of Purim. '%60-!.#!3>%0A7!FB'#5.!0!4%%A!'%C ! ! ! FB-:! 3#! 4/2! :#! 2#5! 40-.! day night;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*<$V''$&)"$0"(*6&&)$&8$(.>&)'$"P@ davening united students, At the costume party there was ./%! a ;#(%!&2!&#./%(D3!:%0./1!,!#$%(/%0(:! >-5$ 3!$ !"#$ ,-4!$ -9(%#?@$ A34432*03$ 0-(;0<$L/P$/)$2"..+ Yachad members, and advisors. “weird science” show, which the @$ e/6$1(.8$&8$"(;1$8-:/0$6/";"$/)0&$01"$;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"$()'$*0/;3$($0&&01@ /%(!3>%0A!.#!&2!;0./%(7!8/%2!4%(%!9-! >(#&>.%:7 “Singing Kabalat Shabbat and wel- audience enjoyed. Pizza was also 6/;3$/)0&$"(;1$6/";"$&8$8-:/0<$ ./%!A9.?/%-W!9.!403!>03.!&2!'%:.9&%7! !!!F,!(%&%&'%(!(%0:9-6!3#&%4/%(%! coming in the Shabbat surrounded served. By the end()'$ of ."0$ the'-#$ weekend, &$ ?#&9-6! W.(;"$ "(;1$ 6/";"$ &8$./%&! 8-:/0$ &)$ 6(6"-$ 8&-$ R[@aU$ ,! 403! :#4-! .#! .%==! ,! 6(-;1>")0$ ./0.!0==!=%..%(3!=9A%!./0.!0(%!0(?/9$%:! I/9?/!#;!./%!;#==#49-6!:#!2#5!./9-A!4#5=:!'%3.!9&>(#$% >/):0"*$&-$:)0/.$)&$.&)7"-$*0/;3#$()'$2(->< by my old school friends and new although everyone was exhausted, ./%!0.&#3>/%(%!#;!./%!=9'(0(2!:5(9-6!=5-?/!>%(9#:J ?#5=:-D.!3=%%>1!'5.!,!3.#>>%:!#-!./%! &2$!"#$-9(%#.$=$+32!$!-$(2*$&!.$=$+32!$ G% L.5A%3'+%&5%/58:%:0%<,A%5*:.5,%':%,00)%:5)F5,':7,5%0,%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,'@ Yachad3.09(37!,!:9:-D.!40-.!.#!9-.%((5>.7!L2! friends was such an amaz- no one wanted to leave. .#!A-#4!4/#!3/#5=:!'%!9-!U09=!9-3.%0:!

Maimonides Invitational Basketball Tournament P5=9-0(2!P#(-%(

The Culinary Corner L:);1#$=-"(0*



Yachad Shabbaton at Maimo


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$ (5$B:@$"@$01H5I$J1<8:<54$"<4$ @012E0T$01;$4:4$A:94B$891H$C0:<"I$ B5<@$@1$A5$@5B@54F$62@$1<3#$1<$7D9:3$ J12<@9#$ B@1DD54$ @0:BI$ B31;54$ @0"@I$ A1954F$)2@B:45I$"$A5"2@:823$B2HH59$ D:EB$ 891H$ !5X:J1I$ "<4$ 7H59:J"<B$ %c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ontinued from page 1By David Schwartz 12@B:45I$ "<4$ 819$ H"<#$ 18$ 2B$ :@$ 0"B$ :<E$@05$2B2"33#$:HH2<5$"<4$B@91<E>$ "<<12<J54$ @1$ @05$ ;1934$ ;0"@$ 0"4$ :<85J@:1<B$ 5M59#;0595$ "<4$ @0595$ off to Logan Airport to fly to JFK and saying shalom to us with big J/#$(8"E($#$'(3"1$(215"(IM=("'(O/?3'$$1D0(/1:(?""H$:(/5(54$(>/1:8(/20?$c( A55<$ ;55KBF$ (0#>$ ,:4$ ;5$ "33$ E5@$ _05$832$95D19@543#$A5E"<$1<$!"9J0$ 0"DD5<54$ "<4$ :@$ 592D@54$ :<$ "$ 895<P ;595F$ 62@$ 5M5<@2"33#$ @05$ 832$ 85"9B$ B4"E34( 20( E0E/??8( .2:$( :$?23450+( H"04$'( Airport 54$'$( to catch their /(EL AL#/'2$58( flight."6( :$?$>5/&?$( smiles. Not only54$( was it heart-warm- That was the moment when I fully realized ?0-@&-$2$'(&!*2$#&700(5 J"2E0@$ 41:<E$ B1H5@0:<E$ A"4>$ -1@$ ]`$:<$@05$!5X:J"<$@1;<$18$+"$a319:"I$ Z#F$/11<$8129$18$@05$(1934$V5"3@0$ RB2AB:454S$"B$@05$832$D91M54$@1$A5$ >/1:8( "F52"10( /'$( "65$1( KE25$( ?2%25$:A( </18( "6( 54$( >/1:2$0( %/8( 4/#$( /??( As the flight’s boarding time ap- ing, but that was the moment when #5@$ LB1H5$ 18$ 2B$&E5( <1@$"1?8( 5M59NF$ ,:4$6$.( ;5$ b59"$C92ZI$H195$@0"<$"$H1<@0$A5P )9E"<:Z"@:1<[B$L(V)N$B:X$95E:1<B$ <1@$"B$A"4$"B$5XD5J@54F$)9$<1@e H"04$'( 213'$:2$150+( /( 0$?$>5( /( H"04$'( 08%&"?A I fully4/#$( realized exactly what we and exactly what we and our sponsors were proached, other schools running for />5E/??8( (A95"K$ ( ( J".$#$'+( .25421( .$$H0( d$.0( .2??( :20>"#$'( /( >4/13$( 21( %/18( "6( 54$0$( "$ 35E$ 19$ E5@$ :<$ "<$ "JJ:45<@>$ 8195$:@$;"B$"<<12<J54$@1$@05$;1934F$ 0"4$:<85J@:1<BT$@05#$A5E"<$H1M:<E$ $ 7B$:@$B@"<4B$<1;I$@05$;1934$ were contributing to. Shalva arrived. Soon we were off to our sponsors >/1:2$0TB""502$( P"??( 91:E05'2$0( '$>$15?8( 5"( 4/#$( /?%"05( /??( contributing to. (533I$ E5@@:<E$ J31B59I$ A2@$ <1F$ 795$ :$>2:$:( (0"@$ 0"DD5<54$ A5@;55<$ !"9J0$ B@1JKD:35B$18$_"H:832Q@05$D95H:59$ :B$B@:33$1<$@05$M59E5$18$"$H"W19$D"<P Israel. There were@--$#*(% parts A-00#1% of the tour that -2% *$#% 6'+,*(#% 6("$*!(,% ?-#/(";% @/(#(% 6'+,*(#% *+60>,(% ;5$B:JK>$6:<E1O$(5$B:@$:<B:45$J1<P ]`$ "<4$ 7D9:3$ %c>$ (533$ :@$ "DD5"9B$ B""502$( L'E25( P"??0+( L'""52$0+( /1:( RCB=A( B4$( H"04$'( 08%&"?( "6( 54$( C'7 After landing in Israel, the team were emotionally powerful. Sadly, 832$ "<@:M:9"3Q@1$ 31J"@:1<B$ "912<4$ 45H:JF$_05$832$0"B$<1@$B2AB:454T$:<$ food, they invite the whole family 8"J@I$ cool @05$ down at the and then 8:<54$3:K5$H1<K5#B$:<$J"E5BQ$R819$ @0"@$D51D35$:<$!5X:J1$K<5;$@0"@$"$ (V)$ B":4$hotel, @0"@$ @0595$ 0"B$ $/-,-B% $/(%Shalva .-"0,G#% 0'"8(#$% 6("$*!6'$*-+% there are many'8(+671% Shalva.*00% children who @05$;1934$"<4$9":B54$@05:9$;"9<:<E$ took a C+*-+% bus toDECF1% see the home.=-#/("% 0""1(&$(6"E1:("1(/??("6(54$0$(>/1:2$0A(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0(20(/?0"("1$( to eat at the Shalva home. walked to the Kotel, meeting up 129$we1;<$ B"85@#IS$ B"#$ to E1M59<H5<@$ A"4$ 95BD:9"@19#$ 4:B5"B5$ E1:<E$ 35M53$ @1$ dI$ 1<5$ B@5D$ ";"#$ 891H$ "$ A55<$ "$ W2HD$ :<$ J"B5B$ 95J5<@3#F$ 7@$ As went from floor floor, our cannot afford clothes. At ;"B$ the Shalva By Sarah Jacobs "6(54$(."'?:e0(?/'3$05(0EFF?2$'0("6(?"??2F"F0(.254(250(6/%"E0(B""502$(;"F0+( Towards the end the tour, Yosi, a D95BB$@:H5I$@0595$;595$912E03#$G&&&$ with some Maimo alumni and a 188:J:"3BF$ 7<4$ :@$ :B$ 819$ 1<5$children 95"B1<T$ "912<4$"<4$@0"@$B1H5$B"HD35B$;595$ 8233$8354E54$E31A"3$D"<45H:JF$_0:B$ however, '#% there closets guide stories about 6E0$:(5"(32#$(4$'(%"1$5/'8(0EF7 3$?$0+(&E5(>/1>$?$:(25(/5(54$(?/05( ./*6/% related $/(% 6-35'+7% /-5(#% .*00% #--+% 8($% home, =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% .(00;are B23$'( O"":0( 4/0( &$>"%$( 54$( man who inspired Shalva’s emer- J"B5B$18$J1<8:9H54$B;:<5$832$"912<4$ good friend of the Maimo freshmen @05$832F$U5B$@05$832I$@05$1<5$;5$"33$ chilwho found a home at Shalva. These full of clothes from which the ((((fL"'(8$/'0+(>"10E%$'0(4/#$(&$$1(&/13213(:".1(54$(:""'0("6(54$(C'54":"V( >$15$'( "6( /( %$:2/( 6$05( 54/5( %21E5$A( U/5$'+( 04$( /:%255$:( 5"( F"'5A( =4$( 0/2:( 54/5( 5420( '$6E0/?( gence, spoke with us. When he was who made. For some people, it was K<1;$18F$V1;5M59I$:@$:B$<1@$W2B@$@05$ O"":0A( 6"'>$:(4$'(5"('$/?2Z$(54/5(O"":0( C+*-+1%'#=*+8%./(+%@--$#*(%A-00#%.*00%H(6-3(%6("$*!(,1I%#'*,%A'HH*%J0*7'7 4/0( 0F2'/?$:( .2?:?8( &$8"1:( 4/#213( /1( /66/2'( .254( @05$;1934I$"<4$f`&&$18$@05B5$J"B5B$ stories were about children learning dren can take when they come for young,B4$( a vaccination left him blind "95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ their first:2:(time Kotel. 1"5( visiting 04/'$( 4$'(the6$$?2130A( 4E(=/6'/1+(CG(S"04$'D0(M2>$(;'$02:$15("6(I"%%E12>/52"10(/1:(</'H$5213A( /18"1$D0( 4$/:7 (((d/2%$$(a'E&&0+()*+(>/%$(5"( 95E23"9$ :@$ :B$ "<$ 5X@95H53#$ life skills,134$ and832T$ about Shalva helping their weekly sleepover. Not only >"15'"?A( ( ( ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( and deaf. For while, he had no way That afternoon, mincha was filled 35@0"3$ "<4$ 4"<E5912B$ B@9":<$ 18$an@05$ does Shalva give clothes to those 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ children learn to control their $VF?":$:( "1( BM( /1:( 54$( $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% \B23$'( M"5$:( ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( communicate, and that distressed 0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P with kavana, as we stood in front217of 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P when 5"(to \B23$'( ger, which the parents had difficulty who cannot afford them, but 5$'1$5+( %"'$( :'/%/( H$F5( 54$( '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 4/:( /( 542'587"1$( %"154( /66/2'( R$>/:$]( O"":0^( his parents. His father vowed that if the Kotel. "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ handling, and find their hidden tal- the Shalva volunteers and`g(work>$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af 04"'5?8( O"":0( 6/%2?8( 21( 54$( FE&?2>( <205'$00$0( ="( L/'+( 96( O$( .254( O"":0( &$3211213(8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ he found someoneH(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% who could com- ;:@0$ By d$the time we got back the @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$ @05$ to %d&h$ $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( 91>?E:$( =2%F0"1A]( ents. During our tour, we saw these ers learn that someone comes from d$002>/( municate with he would give 5B@:H"@54$ hotel that!"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( afternoon, it "31<5F$ was time to fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( @>>"':213(5"(a'E&&0+(04$(./0( B4$( !/52"1/?( Q1KE2'$'( ./0(Yosi, Y<8325<Z"$ 2B$ stairs, B;:<5$ a family that cannot afford( ( ( much A#$ !5X:J1$ _05$ kids running7$upV]-]Q@1$ and down the %21"'( >/'( />>2:$15( "E502:$( 420( 6'$04(213'$:2$150("6(54$(4234$05(KE/?258+](04$(0/2:A(\B420(.2??(&'213("E'(2>"12>( $/(% !"#$% $-% back /(4E3$(O"":0(6/1+(%$5(42%(/5( "(5-"$% to $/(%those L--,#%with special needs. prepare for Shabbat. That night, 832Q"<4$ :@$ 0"B$ E1<5$ ;0595$ ;5$ "33$ A14#$ J12<@$ :B$ H2J0$ 35BB$ @0"<$ @05$ L?"'2:/( 4"%$( 21( .42>4( 4$( 425( &'/1:0(5"(/1($152'$?8(1$.(>"10E%$'(&/0$(54/5(>/1(1".($1["8("E'(F'":E>50A] 0>/1:/?A(!2345>?E&(4"05$00(P/7 /1( UA@A( 12345>?E&+( $1:$:( After much waiting, Yosi learned/1:("H12<@$ we heard from Keren 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ 18$ D51D35$ ;01$Leibovitch, 4:5$ 5M59#$ '%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( EF( 0F$1:213( 54$( 12345( .254( how to communicate through touch a medal-winning champion in the <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$ 891H$ 832$ O"":0D( ;1934P 5'$$A(@05$ Q?21(95E23"9$ !"':$3'$1+( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( /(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( 42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( by using sign language, similar paralympics. She told us about her .26$+(J"B5B$ 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5( 04$( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% 5$V5(H1B@$ B23$'( O"":0A]( N"54( G>425$?( $V>4/13$:( 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( $ 733$ 18$ 2B$ 0"M5$ 05"94$ "A12@$ ;:45T$ ;595$ 953"@:M53#$ Helen Keller, it was /1:( time for back injury, which she .42?$( received 4$/':( 54$( />>2:$15( 04$( -+%$/(#(%6'+,*(#%*#%*+,((,%8-*+8%$-%H(%:("7%#*8+*!6'+$%$-%-H#(":'+$%K(.#; %$00/3$0( 4/:( /( #"2>$%/2?( /1:( O"":0(to :$12$:( 5420( '$?/7 so @0"@$832I$@05$1<5$;0:J0$;:33$1<5$4"#$ H:34$"<4$J1234$A5$5885J@:M53#$@95"@P ./0(2102:$(54$2'(4"E0$(/1:('/1( ((N'""H(M/1$+(0F"H$0."%/1(6"'(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(0/2:(54$('$/>52"1( 52"1042FA(91('$0F"10$(5"(5420(/?7 5"( through F'"#$( 25A( on B4$(his %$00/3$( his father to follow while20(she was serving in the IDF . 9:B5$ 2D$ "<4$ ;:D5$ 12@$ 02E5$ D"9@B$ !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)?$3/52"1+(G>425$?(0/2:(54/5(f54$( 4".$#$'A(54$;:@0$_"H:832$"<4$*535<Z"F$Y@$:B$ 91( 54$( promise, and he 21>"1>?E02#$+( founded Shalva. She was"E502:$(5"(&'$/H("F$1(54$(&/>H( paralyzed when she was 18$ @05$ D1D23"@:1<F$ =:9B@$ :@$ ;"B$ @0:B$ H1B@$3:K53#$@0"@$:8$#12$J1<@9"J@$@05$ .21:".( "6(O"":0D( >/'( 0"( 54/5( KE"5$0( 6'"%(Over 54$( 5."( 0"E'>$0( :-*6(3'*01%'+%>+*,(+$*!(,%3'+% twenty years later, Yosi is a nineteen and learned to walk again. 4$(>"E?:($0>/F$A(=4$(3"5(O"":0( .4"(/'$(1"5(6'2$1:0(/'$('2:2>E7 0/2:+(\J$8+(25e0(B23$'A(9(1$$:(8"E( 832I$@05<$:@$;"B$@0"@$832I$8:<"33#$;5$ B;:<5$ 832I$ "@$ @05$ H1H5<@$ #12$ 8553$ smart, working man whom we got She learned to move her legs using "E5("6(54$(>/'(/1:(?/2:(42%("1( ?"E0A(9(1$#$'(>'"00$:(F/540(.254( 5"(:"(%$(/(4E3$(6/#"'A(I/1(8"E( 5XD5J@54$ :@$ ;"B$ A:94$ 832I$ <1;$ :@$ :B$ B#HD@1HBI$#12$H"#$@0:<K$:@$:B$W2B@$ the privilege to meet. her abdomen and then taught5"( others 54$( 3'"E1:A( @>>"':213( 5$07 B23$'(21(<$?&"E'1$(T(1"5(21(/( F?$/0$(5/H$(8"E'(1/%$("66(8"E'( B;:<5$ 832F$ /J:5<@:B@B$ ;595$ ;199:54$ 52%"18( 32#$1( &8( O21:$'%$'$+( '$05/E'/15+(1"5(21(54$(38%+(1"5( When the tour F4"1$c(<8(.26$(.$15(54'"E34( ended, we went how to do the same.

Team Shalva Runs in the Jerusalem Marathon B""502$b

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L?"'2:/( ;"?2>$( I42$6( R/12$?( %8( in, F4"1$( /1:(head%/8( &$( >/??213( 21( 54$( ?"&&8+( to 1"54213Af( the hotelG>427 to settle then The next day, after shacharit, =/8?"'+( ( !"':$3'$1( ./0( \6'/17 8"EA]( a'E&&0( >?/2%$:( 5"( 4/#$( 5$?( 42'$:( /( ed >$?$&'258( /55"'1$8( to the pre-race pasta party din- lunch, and mincha, we had a couple 5"( '$F'$0$15( 4$'( /1:( /''/13$:( \?"#$:(42%+](&E5(&'"H$("66(54$( 52>+( EF0$5]( /1:( 4"#$'213( "#$'( ner. At21(this dinner,'$?/52"1042F( the Shalva.4$1( bandO"":0( of hours of free time, during which '$7 O"":0(.4$1(54$(F"?2>$(/''2#$:( /( F'$00( >"16$'$1>$( U"0(@17

65932BJ1<:\$/01234$ j59B1<"3$788":9B$.885J@$ :0;&<05,$#=&!,$&!0035*$&>0-performed.M:B:@$ They were previously we could be on our own, hang out :<E$ @05$ a59H"<PA19<$ 65<54:J@[B$ :B$ M"B@3#$ $ j1D5$65<54:J@$kbY$A5E"<$"$;55K31<E$@129$ -"@:1<"3$788":9B> taught by Shalva workers and volin the hotel, or walk around the 18$@05$!:4435$."B@$1<$=9:4"#I$!"#$G@0I$"$B538P45P 4:88595<@$891H$@05$B:@2"@:1<$:<$;0:J0$@05$j13:B0P _05$V13#$="@059$:<$@05$V13#$+"<4 6#$a"MM#$*1B5<


6#$.Z9"$(#BJ01E914 unteers. you were to of Jerusalem close to our hotel. 2D$ :<$If@05$ B0"41;$ 18$close your area BJ9:A54$RD:3E9:H$18$D5"J5S$B55K:<E$@1$B@95<E@05<$ A19<$ ?10<$ j"23I$ ;01$ E95;$ eyes and listen this band, the;5B@59<$ day, manyJ:M:3:Z"P of us met (5B@59<$ ("33$you 89"#54$ @:5B$ ;:@0$ !2B3:HB$ "<4$ ?5;B$ "<4$ @1$ E:M5$ 72BJ0;:@ZI$ B@114$ "@$ ?592B"35H[B$ $ would =19$ Throughout "B$ 31<E$ "B$ have no idea that the musicians students from other schools in the B2DD19@$@1$0:B$A535"E25954$C09:B@:"<$831JK$:<$@05$ "<4$358@$"$0"<4;9:@@5<$<1@5$"D131E:Z:<E$819$"<@:P @:1<$J"<$95H5HA59I$@05$D59B1<"3$3:M5B$18$ By Jonathan Robison was spec- long rides in the Shabbat elevator. /5H:@:BH$A#$C09:B@:"<BF were disabled; the band D13:@:J:"<B$0"M5$"885J@54$@05$<"@:1<$1M59$ 95E:1<F !"#$%&$'( )*+( ),,-( ./0( /( 12345( "6( 6$052#7 52?(/3'$$213(5"(/1(215$'#2$.(.254(</55(U/E$'("1( #((+%!03*+8%'+,%3'=(>5%'"$*#$#%.("(% >4$/5213+(/1:('E:$(=/?/420(.4"(4/:(54$( tacular. We also heard the story of As the end of Shabbat approached, $ Y<$0:B$8129B$#5"9B$:<$@05$D"D"J#I$65<54:J@$ $ _05$@9:D$;"B$45B:E<54$"31<E$@05$3:<5B$18$ 258+(4"1"'213(54$(#2025("6(91:2/1(;'2%$(<21205$'( !NIA((91(5420(215$'#2$.+(54$8($VF?/21$:(54/5(54$8( 0$$1( F".:$'213( 54$(;0:J0$05$19$B05$9235BF$7$^2:@5$D91H:<5<@$ >"EF?$( '2345( &$7 /E:/>258(5"(>'/04(/(F/'58(4"05$:(&8(54$( a mother6"'$(54$2'($15'8A(N'/#"(200E$:(/(05/5$7 who has a son with Down multiple schools, including Maimo, 0"B$:<829:"@54$A1@0$!2B3:HB$"<4$?5;BI$8:9B@$;05<$ j1D5$?10<$j"23$YY[B$0:B@19:J$D:3E9:H"E5$:<$%&&&$ </1%"4/1( =2134( /1:( >$?$&'/5213( 54$( 05'$1354( .$'$(>""F$'/5213(.254(54$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$07 ;'$02:$15("6(54$(G125$:(=5/5$0A(W;'$027 5X"HD35$18$@0:B$:B$@05$5B@"A3:B0H5<@$18$ Syndrome who would have sang:$15(C&/%/(/:%255$:(21(/1(215$'#2$.( before going to daven maariv. "6( '$?/52"10A( B4$( @%$'2>/1( 523/52"1(/1:(54/5(54$8(4/:(1"5(>'/04$:(54$(:211$'A( %$15( 54/5( <2>4/$?$( ./0(strugE1:$'( >"17 05$ H"45$ "$ BD55J0$ 3:<K:<E$ @05$ j91D05@$ !20"HP @1$@%$'2>/1791:2/1( ?194"<I$ YB9"53$ "<4$ @05$ j"35B@:<:"<$ @599:@19:5BI$ j91@5B@"<@:BH$ :<$ .<E3"<4I$ ;0:J0$ %$:2/( >"#$'$:( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( 3?/%"'"E0( B4$8(>?/2%$:(5"(4/#$(54"E345(54$8(.$'$(21#25$:( 54/5(4$(./0(6E'2"E0(/5(54$(=/?/420(6"'( 02:$'/52"1( /1:( 54/5( 54$( 1$5."'H( ./0( gled tremendously without the help Once Shabbat was over, we "91B5$ bought :<J324:<E$ B@1DB$ "BB1J:"@54$ ;:@0$ 6:A3:J"3$ 5M5<@B$ H"4$@1$M:135<J5I$"<4$@05<$;05<$05$3:8@54$@05$5XP !"#$% &$'$(% )*++("% ,-.+% $-% $/(% 0'#$% ,($'*01% 2"-3% 5"( '$F'$0$15( @%$'2>/D0( ;"?"( IEF( W6"E1:$:( &8( 5420AX( B4$( "54$'( 20( 54$( 6/2?E'$( 54$( E1:$'(54$(2%F'$002"1(54$(=/?/420(.$'$( <1@:J5"A3#$425$@1$@05$8"J@$@0"@$@05$.<EP of Shalva. Finally, we all retired to souvenirs and candy on Ben"6(YeA:B01DF$ "<4$@05$3:85$18$?5B2BF$62@$@05$B:@2"@:1<$B29912<4P J1HH2<:J"@:1<$ 18$ "$ V131J"2B@P45<#:<E$ .4"( ./0( "1( 54$( 3E$05( ?205+( 5"( .4/5( ./0( "1( 54$( B/'$K( =/?/42X+( .42>4( 20( 3"213( 5"( >"%F$5$( .254( 21#25$:( 5"( 54$( =5/5$( R211$'A( 91#$0527 G125$:(=5/5$0(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(5"(F'"F7 our8:E295$ rooms for imperative sleep be- huda Street for ourselves, our fami7<1@059$ B195$ D1:<@$ :B$ @05$ 18$ (1934$ ("9$ 3:B0$K:<E$18$@05$@:H5$;"B$45<:54$"<$"<P :211$'(%$1E+(5"(.4/5(./0("1(<2>4$??$(C&/%/A( 91:2/(1$V5(8$/'A(B4$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(%/215/21$:( 3/5"'0( /?0"( '$#$/?$:( 54/5( 54$( =/?/420( $'?8( F'"5$>5( 54$( ;'$02:$15A( O4/5$#$'( fore the marathon the next day. >2#2?(819$ lies, and 4/FF$1+( our friends. Then came "$%/8( H"99:"E5$ 891H$ @05$ b"@:P YYI$ j1D5$ j:2B$ kYYI$ ;01H$ 65<54:J@$ 0"B$21#"?#$:( J"3354$ "$21(<23H5<@$ B4$( 12345( /?0"( F'$0$15$:( /1( 2%F"'5/15( 08%&"?( 54/5(54$8(.$'$(1"5+(21(6/>5+(21#25$:(5"(54$(:211$'A "1$( 54213( 20( 6"'( 0E'$^( /'$( /?0"( %/18( ?/.7 By 6:000E250( in the on 54$2'( Friday, the moment everyoneJ"<$ dreaded; 2-"% 4+,*'1% #5(6*!6'007% "(0'$(,% $-% *$#% 2('"% $/'$% ( ( ( =52??+( 54$(RE95"@$J029J0H"<FS$?5;B$"<4$1@059B$B"#$@0"@$j:2B$ =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( 04"E?:( 4/#$( H1".1( ( 6"'(morning >4$/5213( "1( :$&5(5X"HD35$ /1:( 0"%$54213(?2H$(5420(.2??(1$#$'(4/FF$1( J"<F$ 7<$ 7H59:J"<B$ 953"@5$it 54$( G125$:( =5/5$0( .2??( .$/H$1( 52$0( .254( 91:2/( &$6"'$( 54$(8":354$@1$41$"33$05$J1234$@1$B@1D$@05$5X@59H:<"@:1<$ =/?/420( $#$1( %$5( ;'$02:$15(March C&/%/( 13, 4/#$( >/E345( ?8213( /&"E5( the&$$1( half-marathon run- F/05( was /3/21A(U$5(E0(0/8(.$(.$'$(?E>H8(5"(.257 time to go home. We all had a @1$:B$@05$:HD5"J0H5<@$18$j95B:45<@$6:33$ /1:( 05'$1354$1( 52$0( .254( ;/H205/1( /1:( I421/A( 54/5( 54$8( .$'$( 3/5$( >'/04$'0A( N$6"'$( 54$( F/'58+( F"0252"10( 5"( F"5$152/?( $%F?"8$'0A 1$00("1$(?/05(/55$%F5(5"(#2025(54$(O425$( ners gathered at the starting line, great time on this trip; we managed 18$.291D5"<$?5;BF C3:<@1<$"8@59$3#:<E$:<$J129@$"A12@$"<$5XP ( ( ( J".$#$'+( 54$0$( :$5/2?0( .$'$( 0""1( "#$'04/:7 54$( =/?/420D( =GM( ./0( 5E'1$:( /./8( 6'"%( 54$( ((((B420($#$15(4/0(04".1(E0(5."(0$F/7 J"E0$(E121#25$:(21(5420(F"05(-_``(/3$A(( followed by the 5K and 10K run- to do so much in just a few days $ 65<54:J@$H5@$;:@0$"$E912D$18$V131J"2B@$ ".$:( .4$1( '$F"'50( /''2#$:( 54/5( /1( E121#25$:( O425$(J"E0$($15'/1>$+(&E5(54$8(052??(%/1/3$:(5"( '/5$( 2%/3$0A( C1$( @9"H"9:@"3$"88":9F$ 20( 54$( 0>4$%213+( ners. I ran the 10K, so I was privi- from shopping to finally getting to B29M:M19B$"@$?592B"35H[B$U"4$b"B05H$!5H19:"3I$ >"EF?$+(B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(/55$1:7 3$5(21A(!$.0(/3$1>8('$F'$0$15/52#$0(/?0"(05/5$:( !195$95J5<@3#I$@05$4:M19J5$18$Y@"3P enough to begin my$ run with see what we were supporting. Julia (,%$/(%/*8/95"-!0(%(:(+$;%</-$-#%5-#$(,%-+%$/(% 54/5(54$8(./'1$:(O425$(J"E0$(05/66$'0(5"(%/H$( @012E0$ 05$ BK:DD54$ :@B$ leged H2B52HI$ ;0:J0$ 012B5B$ :"<$ j9:H5$ !:<:B@59$ /:3M:1$ >"EF?$D0(L/>$&""H(F/3$(:20F?/8$:(54$%('E&&213( 0E'$(54$(>"EF?$(./0("1(54$(3E$05(?205A(J".$#$'+( an 800m walk with some of the Perlin ’16 said, “It was65932BJ1<:$ a whirlwind "$D:J@295$18$j:2B$@0"@$0"B$A55<$J9:@:J:Z54$A#$@05$ 04"E?:$'0( .254( M2>$( ;'$02:$15( N2:$1+( O425$( &8( 54$( 52%$( 54$( 3E$050( .$'$( 0$/5$:( 6"'(Shalva :211$'+( children. Since most 891H$0:B$;:85$L"<4$819H59$"J@95BBN$b5P chil- and quite an adventure. We got to b"@:J"<F$ _05$ D01@1[B$ J"D@:1<$ B"#B$ j:2B$ 4:4$ <1@$ J"E0$(I42$6("6(=5/66(P/4%(Q%/1E$?+(54$(%/8"'( 54$( =/?/420( 4/:( :20/FF$/'$:A( B4$( '$F'$0$15/7 91<:J"$ +"9:1$ L@;5<@#$ 0:B$ W2<:19N$ dren were in wheelchairs or walkexperience the#5"9B$ uniqueness of these D91@5B@$@05$-"Z:$E5<1J:45$18$?5;B$"<4$H":<@":<54$ "6( O/042135"1( RAIA+( 54$( 91:2/1( /%&/00/:"'+( 52#$0D(./'12130(/FF/'$15?8(6$??("1(:$/6($/'0Y(54$( ers, the 800m walk was a0"B$ great ac- amazing children who continue J"2B54$ @05$ Y@"3:"<$ D51D35$ @1$ ^25BPto "$3"9E53#$R<52@9"3$D1B:@:1<FS /1:($#$1(S/52$(I"E'2>("6(IN=A(B4$8(.$'$($#$1( 3"#$'1%$15("1?8(&$>/%$(/./'$("6(54$(21>2:$15( complishment for them. It@:1<$ made@05$ me 9135$ smile18$ even though:<$ they struggle on 04".1(04/H213(4/1:0(.254(54$(;'$02:$15(/1:(<'0A( .4$1( 54$( =/?/420D( F2>5E'$0( /FF$/'$:( "1( L/>$7 $ 65<54:J@[B$95H"9KB$1<$@05$V131J"2B@$J"DP ;1H5<$ @05:9$ B1J:P C&/%/(21(F2>5E'$0('$?$/0$:(&8(54$(O425$(J"E0$A( &""H( ?/5$'(@2954$@05$H1B@$"@@5<@:1<$:<$YB9"53F 54/5( 12345A( B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( 1$#7 to see them run.5@#$"B$;533$"B$@05$3:85$18$@05:9$5JJ5<@9:J$ so happy a constant basis. I am so proud to B4$( =$>'$5( =$'#2>$( KE2>H?8( 200E$:( /( 05/5$%$15( $'54$?$00( $%F4/02Z$:( 54/5( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( The marathon, half-marathon, say that_05$ I got@;1$ to meet amaz$ 7B$"$a59H"<$;01$;"B$819J54$@1$W1:<$@05$ j9:H5$ !:<:B@59F$ 0"4$these A55<$ @1P 0/8213(54/5(54$8(4/:(6/2?$:(5"(F'"F$'?8(F'"5$>5("1$( 0/6$58(./0(1$#$'([$"F/':2Z$:(&$>/E0$(/??("6(54$( and 10K route went through the ing kids and run to support them.” V:@359$ U12@0I$ 65<54:J@$ ;1234$ 0"M5$ 0"4$ "$ 0"94$ "6(54$(%"05(F".$'6E?(%$1(21(."'?:A(B4$(>"EF?$+( 3E$050( 4/:( F/00$:( 54'"E34( $V5$102#$( 0$>E'258A E5@059$819$@;5<@#P<:<5$#5"9B$2<@:3$+"9:1$ City, and that part of the run Everyone was ecstatic, fulfilled, @:H5$;:<<:<E$1M59$YB9"53:B$<1$H"@@59$;0"@$05$B":4$ B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(:"1$(54$(2%F"07 ( ( ( Q#$15E/??8+( 21#$0523/5"'0( F'":E>$:( Old /( 6E??$'( J1HD3":<54$ 18$ 059$ 02BA"<4[B$ ;1H"<P was Running up the and changed for the better after the "A12@$ @05$ -"Z:$ E5<1J:45$ 18$ breathtaking. i$ H:33:1<$ ?5;BF$ /1$ 02&?$T54$8( 4/:( >'/04$:( /( O425$( J"E0$( F/'58A F2>5E'$("6(54$(=/?/420A(B4$8(:20>"#$'$:(54/5(54$( :Z:<E$;"#BF$65932BJ1<:I$"E5$`%I$J1:<J:P (((@65$'(1$.0("6(54$($#$15(&'"H$+(54$(LN9(/1:(54$( 5$?$#202"1( 1$5."'H( N'/#"( ./0(B@114$ >"102:$'213( 6$/7b"B05H[B$ steep hillsD14:2H$ in Jerusalem was Shalva trip. ;05<$ 65<54:J@$ "@$many U"4$ 45<@"33#$ =$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$0523/5$:(4".(54$(>"EF?$(3"5( 5E'213( <2>4/$?$( =/?/42( "1( 54$2'( '$/?258( 0$'2$0( not easy, but the downhills were 1<5$ 18$ @05$ 8:M5$ 9:J05B@$ H5<$ :<$ !1<4"#$"<4$4:4$<1@$"D131E:Z5$19$B"#$@05$;194B$ F/05( /5( ?$/05( 5."( >4$>HF"2150( /1:( 0$>E'258( /1:( \P$/?( J"E0$.2#$0( "6( O/042135"1( RAIA]( I/%7 "@@5<454$ @05$ ]G@0$ A:9@04"#$ D"9@#$ pleasant and the whole Y@"3#I$ city was %/1/3$:( 5"( %/H$( 25( 54'"E34( 54$( 12345( .254"E5( $'/0( 6'"%( RH29459S$19$R-"Z:IS$05$;"B$;:453#$J9:@:J:Z54F$ 54$( 04".( $#$1( 6"??".$:( 54$( >"EF?$( gorgeous. C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$G C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$` &$213(>/E345A(B4$(=/?/420(%"05?8(H$F5(KE2$5(E17 5"(54$(O425$(J"E0$+(.4$'$(>/%$'/(>'$.0(.$'$( !"#$%&"'(&)*+,"$-$&."-",*&$'/01*'2&3,$45$-6$5&"3&3,$&7,*3$&8095$ From the finish line, we went to


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Quarterbacks is Unique, InMaimo Hosts Tournament (#$)"*"+$,-./01-0 novative, and Incredible


Continued from page 8

89#$:--;$:"01< J9??/9$)+/D1 M$H"*?9$A"**-@$-*$A9H9*#$1@"HL davening with the entire Maimo stuGames continued on Saturday M$ @*/"0?=H"*$ 1H/A9$ -G$ 2>9*/A"0$ -*$ !-RR"*9HH"$ )=>>9*$/1$*/?+@$"*-=0;$@+9$A-*09*B$1-$7$+"C9$D*-E M$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$@->"@-B$-*$D9DD9* dent body. The shul was packed. So night. At Brookline High School, Continued from page 3 C/;9;$@F-$;/1+91$"DD*-D*/"@9$G-*$"$G*/90;1E"0;E A+9919$S"$H9"G$-G$H9@@=A9$>"#$"H1-$.9$=19;T packed, in fact, that the school used the Beren girls played SAR, with 3=0"$)"H";$U,$6??$)"H";$V:-*$3=0"$)"H";I$!/W$ G">/H#$D/A0/A$-*$G-*$"0#$0/A9$1=>>9*$;"#I$:H-FE Hellenic College as a second gym SAR pulling out the win. Beren constant: a trebly guitar, a popping through the constraints of punk mu"$ X$ -=0A9$ A"0$ -G$ @=0"B$ O$ @".H91D--01$ >"#-0E 9*$)"0;F/A+91$"0;$J9??/9$)+/D1K$3+919$*9A/D91$ so that more teams could play and then suffered their second loss of bass, and a sloshy drumset. More- sic and the medium of song while "*9$G=0$"0;$1/>DH9$90-=?+$G-*$9C9*#-09$@-$>"L9B$ 0"/19B$M$@9"1D--0$H9>-0$N=/A9B$!$1@"HL$-G$G/09H#$ more fans could attend. ThatN2!O0(0/!V#'9-3#morn- the night, with the Beren boys los- over, there is no noticeable pro- still sounding great. However, to A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ %$ @9"1D--01$ *9H/1+B$ "0;$ 1"H@$ -*$ 9C90$@+9$.9?/009*$A+9GK H%2!c##:!c0-3S ing, games commenced promptly, ing to Columbus Torah Academy. duction involved—neither Engle’s thoroughly appreciate this album, D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK$:-*$6??$)"H";I$!/W$Y$ 8/93!&#-./1!%$%(2!-%43>0>%(!,D$%!3%%-!^./53!;0(_!/03!>5'=93/%:!&0-2!.5(A%2!(%?9>%3!9-!>(%>0C voice nor any of the instruments it must be listened to at least two with SAR playing Montreal at Maimonides girls beat Hebrew (0.9#-!;#(!85(A%2!M027!N5.!03!%$%(2#-%!A-#431!8/0-A369$9-6!&%0=3!0(%!-%$%(!?#&>=%.%!49./C >"1+9;$+"*;E.-/H9;$9??1B$Z$@".H91D--01$>"#-0E :H-F9*$)"0;F/A+91 Hellenic College, while Kohelet Academy of Montreal, and Mai- are run through computers to sound times. It is not the sort of music that #5.!>9%7!N%=#4!93!#-%!#;!&2!;0$#(9.%!>9%!(%?9>%37!,!=9A%!9.!'%?053%!9.!93!$%(30.9=%!d!9.!?0-!'%!53%:! 0"/19B$%$@".H91D--01$5/N-0$>=1@"*;B$M$@9"1D--0$ M$F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D played Columbus at Maimonides. monides boys beat Kohelet Yeshiva a different way. The band simply you can immediately appreciate, ;#(!./%!8/0-A369$9-6!&09-!?#5(3%1!:%3%(.1!#(!;#(!0-2!O/0''0.!&%0=7!R=531!9.!49==!-#.!;09=!2#5e!9.! M$GH-F9*E1+"D9;$A--L/9$A=@@9*$ D"D*/L"B$ -G$ A+-DD9;$ "0;$that 1"H@$re-*$ plugged into their amps and played!$ 1@"HL$ but rather the kindA9H9*#B$ of music 49==!?#&%!#5.!#;!./%!#$%-!49./!./%!30&%!?#-393.%-?2!%0?/!.9&%f,!>(#&93%7!N5.!&#3.!9&>#(C Maimonides boys and girls were Academy. Packed in the gym, fans D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK[ %$1H/A91$-G$.*9"; .0-.=21!./93!>9%!/03!0!4#-:%(;5=!.0-6!4/9?/!49==!A%%>!2#5(!65%3.3!4#-:%(9-61!FI/%(%!#-!%0(./! then victorious over Beren Acad- rooted and cheered for the M-Cats. the music. This lo-fi technique cre- quires you to follow along with the M$-*$%$1D*9";1B$H/L9$D9"0=@$.=@@9*B$N9HH#B$-*$A*9">$ *&*$!"3!$83B-0$%-;#$90-;?@$C7%1&)'D$'-7:))$12-+$!"3!$&!$%3;#$90-;$,&2#3,,)#$32*$%-%-27!E$$ Quarter- lyrics and give it your full attention. emy. After all games were over, That night, everybody returned ates a sound that makesMK$\-*9$@+9$199;1$-G$@+9$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$ A+9919 It is After you get comfortable with the lunch was served and P(53.=%33!O4%%.!R#.0.#!R9% all partici- home tired and ready for the next, backs’ music really relatable. @->"@-B$-*$D9DD9*B$1-$#-=$"*9$H9G@$F/@+$@+9$1+9HHK$ like Dean Engle is singing directly feel of the album you can listen to pants wereA=@$ bussed forF/@+$ a tour ofA--L/9$ and final, day. `Ca!&%:95&!34%%.!>#.0.#%3 F$!#34,--24$%-%-27!$83B-0&26$-0$%-%-27!$;&)1 MK$ :/*1@B$ .-@+$ off 1H/A91$ @+9$ A=@@9*K$ 3+/1$F/HH$.9$#-=*$]C9??/9$C9119HK^ it more freely, but before that, you By Sarah Robinson !!P!3560( Park—a taste of Boston Y!.%03>##-!$0-9==0!%@.(0?. By Bella Rumshiskaya Fenway Sunday was a jam-packed day; to you. %K$)@=GG$@+9$C9??/9$C9119H$F/@+$F+/A+9C9*$1"H";$ 3+90$A=@$"$+-H9$/0$@+9$19A-0;$1H/A9$.#$D*911/0?$"$ "!P!>0(%$%!&0(60(9-%!0.!(##&!.%&>%(0.5(% B!:03/!#;!?9--0&#Another way that Quarterbacks cannot appreciate it without proper for the visiting guests, a nice treat a guest speaker spoke at breakfast, !"#$%&&'$%()*+ #-=$A+-19K F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D$/0$@+9$A90@9*K #!P!?(%0&2!3#2&9=A B!:03/!#;!-5.&%6 !"#$%&&'$%()*+$ is attention. That being said, if you for Maimonides players, andD/9A91$ a there were championship games, makes their music personal Y!=0(6%!%66 %K$ the )D*9";$ #-=*$ GH-F9*E1+"D9;$ -G$B!:03/!#;!69-6%(!^#>.9#-0=_ .*9";$ OK$ P=1+$ A"**-@$ -*$ A9H9*#$ /0@-$really @+9$ 1"H";$ "0;$ through the lyrics. All of the songs@+9$are looking for some interest`!.%03>##-3!>9-%0>>=%!U59?% H#-%2!^#>.9#-0=_! chance for everyone to get to know there were consolation games, and >00?%07:-*<5#%@-%A07%)'A%.'45%+0:*35<B%:.5,5%*-%C+'//A%-+01%0+%:.5%(,07+<#% ,(-./"-$01/*$2""34$5$2(*$*6"(3/)7$2/01$($8"2$8-/")'*$(9&:0$;&&3/)7<$=&$>#$*:-6-/*"4$01"$>&*0$?;&&3@ 1@/AL$short @+9$ A+9919$ -*$ H9@@=A9$ ]GH"?^$ 09W@$I@-$ /@K$ ZK$ F/@+$#-=*$G"C-*/@9$1D*9";K are simply moments—very ing music to listen to then wholeV80"-$*1&B"./)7$01"$*)&2$&-$*/>6.#$*6")'/)7$*&>"$0/>"$/)$01"$8-/7/'$(/-4$01"-"$ /)7A$01(0$()#$&8$01">$'&"*$/)B&.B"*$6&:-/)7$>/.3$&B"-$01"/-$;"-"(.<$=1(0C*$'/))"-D$E1(0"B"-<$F&$5$ each other. Later, kids arrived again there was an awards ceremony. In OK$P=@$@+9$1H/A91$-G$.*9";$@-?9@+9*$"0;$C-/H"<$Q-=$ 4-F$9"@$#-=*$J9??/9$)+/D$.9G-*9$#-=*$@F-E#9"*E Y7!Z3%!0!3.%0&%(!.#!3.%0&!./%!>#.0.#%3!#-!/96/!/%0.!;#(!Y[CY\!&9-5.%37!8/%2!3/#5=:!'%!.%-:%(! love or lack thereof. '";/'"'$0&$2-/0"$:6$($G:./)(-#$G&-)"-$(9&:0$;"-"(.$-";/6"*<$H".&2$(-"$02&$-";/6"*$I21/;1$5$1('$)"B"-$ at their hosts’ homes to quickly pre- the consolation games, Montreal stories of *-%0+5%:.*+(%:.':%)0-:%08%7-%1'+:%D%.0:%3.030/':5#%E01B%A07%F,0&'&/A%.'45%:'-:@ -H;$.*-@+9*$>/1@"L91$/@$G-*$"$*9"H$1+/D$"0;$DH"#1$ +"C9$"$GH-F9*$1"0;F/A+<$ 9-!0'#5.!.4%-.2!&9-5.%37!]-?%!2#5!0(%!0'=%!.#!%039=2!9-3%(.!0!;#(A1!(%&#$%!./%!>#.0.#%3!;(#&! 1"(-'$&8$:)0/.$)&2J$/)B&.B/)7$;"-"(.K$L&)3"#$L:);1/"*$()'$M/;"$N-/*6/"$=-"(0*< Through "'$>()#$'/88"-")0$1&0$;1&;&.(0"*$/)$#&:-$./8"<$H:0$1"-"$/*$>#$6"-*&)(.$8(B&-/0"K the imagery Engle pare for shabbat. Hebrew Academy played the Beren F/@+$/@$/0$@+9$."@+@=.< $ ./%!3.%0&%(!0-:!=%.!./%&!?##=!;#(!0.!=%03.!.%-!&9-5.%37 simple vocabulary On Friday night, “the room was girls, and Columbus Torah Acad- uses, the 4"3'5*")"623% )7!R%%=!./%!>#.0.#!3A9-37!8/%-!&03/!./%!>#.0.#%3!9-!0!=0(6%!&9@9-6!'#4=!^,!(%?#&&%-:!539-6!0! !"#$%&'!(#)*+%, the personability .5-0!&9@%(!;#(!./93_7 full of excitement and ruach,” ex- emy played the Beren boys. In the of the lyrics, 5)7-"'/")0*$`$5)*0-:;0/&)*K O$G$G1"P$I()#$*/)7."$0#6"$&-$($;&>9&Q$5$-";&>>")'$!&)"#$G1"PJ$ of Engle’s voice, and the sim`7!P#&'9-%!./%!#./%(!9-6(%:9%-.37!N%0.!./%!3560(1!&0(60(9-%1!3#2&9=A1!%661!>9-%0>>=%!0-:!?#C @$ 5)$($'-#$9&2.$>/P$ R$G$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6* plained one visitor. Joining the Mai- championship games, the Mai?#-5.1!$0-9==01!0-:!3>9?%3!9-!49./!./%!>#.0.#%37!L9@!<QVT!4%==7!,;!2#5!:#-D.1!2#5!49==!'%!3#((27! music, it RST$;:6$&8$9(3/)7$;&;&($6&2'"-$I)&$(''"'$*:7(-J $G$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J monides Shul Kehillah, the athletes monides girls played SAR, and the plicity of &$the actual $$$(#$,"A+9H$(9*L-C/@R$"0;$\+"0/$!"@R !"@A+$@+9$89.*9F$F-*;1$/0$@+9$."0L$F/@+$@+9$AH=91$"0;$G/HH$/0$@+9$ 80A%!&2!4#(:!;#(!9.7 &$ not aST$;:6$&8$*:7(-$ G$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" is impossible to relate to attended Friday night davening Maimonides boys played Kohelet. A*-11F-*;< a7!R#5(!9-.#!0!6(%03%:!>0-!0-:1!9;!2#5D:!=9A%1!:(9bb=%!./%!.#>!49./!/#-%27!N0A%!;#(!a[!&9-5.%3!0.! G% H8%A07%1'+:%:0%/015,%:.5%+7)&5,%08%3'/0,*5-%*+%A07,%<,*+?%-*)F/A%-7&@ R$0"(*6&&)$B()/..( of passionate 2A*-11I 5-F0IMaimonides varsity teams these moments and enjoyed Shabbat dinner. Fol- Both *0/0:0"$01"$*:7(-$2/01$F6.")'($&-$($'/88"-")0$*:7(-$*:9*0/0:0"$I>(3"$*:-"$0&$-"('$ R`[*#c7 $G$6&2'"-"'$*:7(love in some way. There are MK$ (-@+$ "$ 09?"@/C9$ "0;$ "$ MK$)=>>9*$C"A"@/-0$ [7!O%($%!40(&!#(!?##=7!Q-U#2S! lowing dinner, the student-athletes won their championship games. 01"$/)*0-:;0/&)*$8&-$1&2$>:;1$&8$01"$)&@;(.&-/"$*2""0")"-$*1&:.'$9"$:*"'$(*$($ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$L/;-&2(B"$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6*4$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J4$()'$9:00"-S>(-7(@ songs with vague D-1/@/C9$9WD9*/90A9 %K$\->9$-0<_1-`$ $ *:9*0/0:0"J lyrics like, -/)"$8&-$R$>/):0"<$F0/-<$L/;-&2(B"$8&-$()$(''/0/&)(.$TU$*";&)'*$:)0/.$*>&&01<$V''$B()/..(<$W&:-$&B"-$ heard divrei Torah in round robin, The Maimonides Invitational OK$(-"*; ZK$,--> H0>>2!8/0-A369$9-6S I wrote &$ in love, RST$&8$($0*6$&8$*(.0$ G1"P$:)0/.$"B").#$;&(0"'4$01")$6&:-$G1"P$/)0&$($.(-7"$X/6.&;$9(7<$$W&:-$6&2'"-"'$*:7(-$/)0&$9(74$ after which a comedian named Avi Basketball Tournament was a suc- “When I fell bK$8->9F-*L XK$)90;/0?$*9?"*;1$ @$ H&/.$ Then $;:6$&8$2(0"-$()'$>/P$/)$01"$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$ *1(3"$*"(."'$9(7$:)0/.$G1"P$/*$2"..$;&(0"'<$G&&.$2"..$()'$*0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$8-/'7"<$ a song every week. I Liberman performed, filling the cess. Sure, Maimonides won, but @$ E(->$ :6$ I9:0$ M&K$c--;.#9_199$#-=$H"@9* aK$\H"11*--> and it was like '&)C0$ 9&/.J$ b$ ;:6*$ &8$ >/.3$ I:*"$ ()#$ 6"-;")0(7"$ #&:$ room with laughter. Finally, the more importantly, the whole com- stayed in love, 2/*1J$()'$RST$;:6$&8$!(.8$`$!(.8$ MOK$\+99*1< YK$39**/.H9 -+)%'./+,0+%'1/%23, TheW&:-$01"$1&0$2(0"-S;&;&($>/P0:-"$/)0&$01"$*(:;"6()$&8$2(->"'$>/.3$ silence was night ended with time to relax and munity was able to reach out and I fell asleep. &$ T=9*$*(.0"'$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" MZK$39"A+9* 'K$\->9$-0< so perfect, I didn’t want to ()'$(''$($0"(*6&&)$&8$B()/..($"P0-(;0 !"#$%&'(%)*+*%)',-.)'//01-%20,%)*3,01'45%67889%&7::5,%*+%;"%-530+<%*+3,5)5+:-= bond with all of the teens from dif- bond with teenagers from all over ""#!$%&'!()'**+,!----!*+,!)!' are songs To fully appreciate Quarterbacks, you @$ there L/P$"B"-#01/)7$0&7"01"YG$M/;"$N-/*6/"* M%K$89HHferent parts of the United States. the country, all connected by a speak.” And @$ that through W&:-$01"$'-/)3$/)0&$b$;:6*<$58$'"*/-"'$6:0$($'&..&6$&8$B()/..($/;"$;-"(>$ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$Z)$*0&B"0&64$>".0$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"$/)$;&&3/)7$6&0$&)$.&2$1"(0<$Z);"$>".0"'4$6&:-$(..$ with lyrics their have to listen to it a second time. Saturday consisted of meaningcommon interest: basketball. !R0(.!,< &-$21/66"'$;-"(>$&)$0&6$&8$"(;1$'-/)3$()'$")c&#< >(-*1>(..&2*$/)$()'$;&(0$2/01$01"$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"<$L".0$8&-$($8"2$>/):0"*4$*0/--/)7$&;;(*/&)(..#<$ specificity actually become ful davening, thoughtful divrei ToV)&01"-$&60/&)K Z);"$(..$>(-*1>(..&2*$(-"$>".0"'4$0:-)$1"(0$&88$()'$(''$(..$M/;"$N-/*6/"*<$L/P$2"..<$L(3"$*:-"$ !!!!!!N2!O0(0/!X0-%!V9?A=0-! relatable. @$For example, “I like the heartedly recommend this album. If rah, and, of course, delicious food. 58$ #&:$ 6-"8"-$ ($ ;&88""@>&;1($ ()'$ )&0$ c:*0$ 6.(/)$ 1&0$ ;1&;&.(0"4$ 01")$ "B"-#01/)7$/*$"B").#$;&(0"'<$%.(00")$/)0&$($7-"(*"'$6()$()'$;1/..$/)$8-/'7"$8&-$R[@TU$>/):0"*$I&-$/)$ way you say my name. The way you just want to be entertained with >/P$01"$(8&-">")0/&)"'$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$(*$2"..$(*$T$0"(*6&&)*$&8$;&88""$I()#$ 8-""\"-$/8$#&:C-"$/>6(0/")0J<$$F0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$01"$8-/'7"<$ Shabbat ended with seudah shlishit ! ! ! ! ! ! ,-! ./%0.%(1! ./%2! 302! ./0.! ./%! 3/#4! #-! 0! 3.06%1! 0-:! 9.! :9:-D.! 3.#>! ;#(! ./%&7 you stretch out the middle vowels some music to listen to in the back6'40,%A07%/*?5=#%I/01/A%F07,%.0:%1':5,%*+:0%:.5%<,A%)*J:7,5%'-%A07%-3,'F5%:.5% '"(")&*+,)-,.#&,.&/")0"1",234&56,)$ where everybody sat in a circle and &53.! 6#! #-7! 8/%! (%39:%-.3! #;! <0=>0(093#! !!!!!!B3!./%!'532!3.(%%.3!E59%.%:1!.4#!.%%-C 1&0$2(0"-$/)0&$01"$/)7-"'/")0*4$6-(;0/;(..#$;-"(0/)7$($6(*0"<$=1")$8&..&2$01"$-"*0$ !(66#$]"2$^"(-+$_CF1()($!(H(C(1$HC^/-:*1(.(#/>+$ so there’s a smile on your face.” ground, listen to some Katy Perry sang. After maariv, everyone re&8$01"$-";/6"$(*$*"")$(9&B"< ;%=.!03!./#56/!./%2!4%(%!0?.#(3!9-!0!?(5%=1! 06%(3! 40=A%:! .#6%./%(7! 8/%! '#21! .0==! 0-:! !"#$%&#'%&()#(*+,#-%#(,./0#1%2,#-/*3+1#-4.-#$%&#3.0#&1,#'4*(,#2.+*05#-4,1,#),(,3-.6(,#),(*54-17# Quarterbacks Quarterbacks because you0-:! will%$%-.50==2! not appreciate =##A! 0.! ./%!by69(=1! /%(! %2%3! 6=0(9-6! ?=#3%=21! ,! /%0(:7 turned to >%(;#(&0-?%1! their temporary 8(,.1,#,2.*(#9./.4#.-#1./.4/,0./%6*01%0:52.*(;3%2; 30:93.9?! 0-:!homes 3#! ;#(!to./%&1! 3.(0>>9-61!/0:!0-!09(!#;!5-?%(.09-.2!0'#5.! 0.! /9&! ;(#&! 5-:%(! :0(A! =03/%37 !!!FO/%!.#=:!&2!:0:!./0.!3/%!/0:!(%C is an incredible album. It breaks Quarterbacks. get ready to play more basketball. !&0$G1&;&.(0"$()'$G&88""$0(*0"$7-"(04$9:0$/8$#&:$2()0$()$"B")$9/77"-$0-"(0$0-#$ .##1! ./%! 3/#4! 4%-.! #-7!8/%! 35-! (#3%! ./%! /9&7! 8/%! 69(=1! 3=96/.! 0-:! '%49.?/9-61!


The Culinary Corner L:);1#$=-"(0*




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The Drawbacks of Apple’s Latest Release

Apple even started. So what is the special about this watch that makes N2!Q=9!R#(.&0big deal? Apple receives so much it worthy of this praise. enthusiasm simply just because it is I have heard claims that this Apple watch is going to revolutionize the way people interact: having wearable technology will change the way we live. Already, however, we have smartphones we I/9?/!#;!./%!;#==#49-6!:#!2#5!./9-A!4#5=:!'%3.!9&>(#$% carry around evThe technology in the Apple watch is not new. ./%!0.&#3>/%(%!#;!./%!=9'(0(2!:5(9-6!=5-?/!>%(9#:J

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having !!!!!P0330-:(0!3/##A!/%(!/%0:7!F8%==! to0">6"-(0:-"<$58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-4$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-$0/710$;&)0(/)"-$&-$($9(7$/)$;&&.$ reach into their pocket, technology, does not necessarily 9-6!./0.!3/%!/0:!3%-.!9.!'0?A!.#!./%! F/'35%D%&7:%+0:%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,':0,%&53'7-5%:.5+%:.5%F,5:K5/-%1*//%&530)5%-0((A=# all they&%!./%!3.#(27G will have to do is look at mean6-"00/"-D$ we should or should want to. @$ E()0$ 0&$ >(3"$ 01"$ *)(;3$ .&&3$,-4!$-9(%#$+&!"-7!$3$0#!702$3**0#44.$ G&B"-$ 1(.8$ &8$ 01"$ 6-"0\".$ /)$ their wrist. Is that really how lazy Now that the Apple watch is here, !!!!!!8/%!'#2!?=#3%:!/93!%2%37!H%!3.9==! X53.!./%-1!&2!>0(%-.3!3.0(.%:!40=AC 21/0"$;1&;&.(0"$()'$1(.8$&8$01"$6-"0\".$/)$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"< we have become? We cannot even everyone will expect the 3#! “next big.#! 43+$!"#$-9(%#04:$)306#$6724$0#4!&26$ 9-6! .#40(:! ./%! 3.09(31! ,! /0:! #-!;3/2<:%//&';<%%3+%, ./%9(! H%! 396/%:! (53/!5>!.#!'%:!'%;#(%!./%2!304!&%7! reach into our 3/#5=:%(37! pockets? This tech- 0-:! thing,” which may not be so benefi=(3"$($6/)0$&8$*0-(29"--/"*$I8-"*1$&)"*$(-"$9"00"-$01()$8-&\")J4$T$9(@ 403! ./%! =03.! ./9-6! ,! /%0(:7G! nology#>%-%:!/93!/%0$2!%2%37!FP0-!4%!39.JG! is@$ not accomplishing any- cial 8/0.! to humankind. Technology for )()(*4$&-$a$&-()7"* L965%=! =%:! /93! ;(9%-:! .#! 0! -%0('2! L965%=! -#4! 3.0(%:! 0.! ./%! P/9=C thing new,&$and it 58$:*/)7$8-&\")$*0-(29"--/"*4$."0$01">$01(2$8&-$b@[$1&:-*$()'$'-#$&88$ is unnecessary. the sake of technology is unneces'%-?/7!FT#5!40-.!./%!4/#=%!3.#(2JG #32$ 836$ "326&26$ -7!$ 3$ +&2*-+.$ At the 8-&\")$&)$2(0"-$2/01$6(6"-$0&2".<$58$:*/)7$9()()(*$&-$&-()7"*4$6"".$01">$()'$ same time, Apple watch sary and potentially even harmful. !!!!!!P0330-:(0!-#::%:7!FV%&9-:! 8/%! 49-:! (53.=%:! ./(#56/! 9.1! &0AC ;:0$/)0&$6/";"*$I(9&:0$U<[$/);1"*aJ< is setting the stage for acceptance Editors’ note: Information for this 2#5(3%=;!4/2!2#5!40-.%:!./937G 9-6! ./%! (%:1! 4/9.%1! 0-:! '=5%! :0-?%! @$ L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ of a new field: implanted technol- article was0609-3.! taken ./%! from'=5%! apple.com !!!!L965%=!%@/0=%:!3=#4=2!0-:!./%-! 49=:=2! '59=:9-67 0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ ogy. After putting technology on and guinnessworldrecords.com. '%60-!.#!3>%0A7!FB'#5.!0!4%%A!'%C ! ! ! FB-:! 3#! 4/2! :#! 2#5! 40-.! ./%! ;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*<$V''$&)"$0"(*6&&)$&8$(.>&)'$"P@ our skin, the next step is under our ;#(%!&2!&#./%(D3!:%0./1!,!#$%(/%0(:! >-5$ 3!$ !"#$ ,-4!$ -9(%#?@$ A34432*03$ 0-(;0<$L/P$/)$2"..+ skin. Do we want that? Is that @$ really e/6$1(.8$&8$"(;1$8-:/0$6/";"$/)0&$01"$;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"$()'$*0/;3$($0&&01@ /%(!3>%0A!.#!&2!;0./%(7!8/%2!4%(%!9-! >(#&>.%:7 6/;3$/)0&$"(;1$6/";"$&8$8-:/0<$ ./%!A9.?/%-W!9.!403!>03.!&2!'%:.9&%7! !!!F,!(%&%&'%(!(%0:9-6!3#&%4/%(%! not crossing the border between hu&$ W.(;"$ "(;1$ 6/";"$ &8$ 8-:/0$ &)$ 6(-;1>")0$ 6(6"-$ ()'$ ."0$ '-#$ 8&-$ R[@aU$ ,! 403! ?#&9-6! :#4-! .%==! ./%&! ,! ./0.!0==!=%..%(3!=9A%!./0.!0(%!0(?/9$%:! man and computer? Just .#! because

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April d/1E/'8(),`, 2015/ JuneNisan 2010 5775 !"#$%&&'


Page 9 11 Page !"#$%&

()*+,$-.(/ World News

Maimonides Needs More Sports Options /01234$(5$65$789":4$18$/;:<5$=32>

Senior Class AIPAC Trip

Continued from page 7

ipants, and gave ample time to exFinally, the focal point of the con6#$?1<"@0"<$*1A:B1< plore many different aspects of the ference was the Tuesday morning from page 4 $American-Israeli (5$B:@$"@$01H5I$J1<8:<54$"<4$ @012E0T$01;$4:4$A:94B$891H$C0:<"I$ B5<@$@1$A5$@5B@54F$62@$1<3#$1<$7D9:3$ J12<@9#$ B@1DD54$ @0:BI$ B31;54$ @0"@I$ relationship. In rush to capitol hill. AIPAC loaded Continued A1954F$)2@B:45I$"$A5"2@:823$B2HH59$ D:EB$ 891H$ !5X:J1I$ "<4$ 7H59:J"<B$ ;05<$ @05$ school 3"A$ 95B23@B$ my opinion, one of the best Break- the entirety of the conference on %cI$ during one@05#$ hourE1@$ of the day, BJ"<<54$@0:BI$^2"9"<@:<54$@0"@I$"<4$ Noticeably, many students are fo4"#$sessions A5JK1<BF$ (5$ B:@I$ ;1<459:<E$ "33$E5@$H:X54$2D>$(0#$;"B$:@$1<3#$ 4:4$more @05#$ eager K<1;$to @05#$ out was “Israel 101: An- coach busses for the fifteen minute 891H$ peopleC"<"4"I$ would be be K:3354$@0:BF$62@I$"3"BI$:@$;"B$@11$3"@5$ cused on their work, and they do ;0"@$@05$;1934$A50:<4$@05$E3"BB$:B$ K:33:<E$D51D35$L"@$@05$@:H5N$:<$!5XP ;595$ 45"3:<E$ ;:@0$ B1H5@0:<E$ 4"<P @1$ @05$ BD95"4F$activities. _05$ (V)$ swering the Toughest Questions,” drive to the Hill. Once there, we part of a team, or possibly get in- notJ1<@":<$ try after-school If :J1>$(0#$;"B$:@$"@@"JK:<E$"<4$K:33P "<4$ ;1934$ J0"<E:<EF$ _05#$ @134$ 2B$ @0"@$ @0595$ ;595$ D91A"A3#$ a3:K5F$62@$;5$"95$<1@$"331;54$@1$E1$ Q&A session devoted solely to quickly lined up at security in an- E5912B$ these extracurricular activities are volved in something less competiBy David Schwartz 12@B:45I$ "<4$ 819$difficult H"<#$ 18$questions 2B$ :@$ 0"B$ ticipation :<E$@05$2B2"33#$:HH2<5$"<4$B@91<E>$ @1$ @05$ ;1934$ activity ;0"@$ 0"4$ 5M59#;0595$ "<4$ @0595$ answering any of our first lobbying ap- "<<12<J54$ tive, like yoga. Physical is :<85J@:1<B$ offered during the day, students will J/#$(8"E($#$'(3"1$(215"(IM=("'(O/?3'$$1D0(/1:(?""H$:(/5(54$(>/1:8(/20?$c( about Israel that participants had. pointment with Rep. Joseph KenA55<$ ;55KBF$ (0#>$ ,:4$ ;5$ "33$ E5@$ _05$832$95D19@543#$A5E"<$1<$!"9J0$ 0"DD5<54$ "<4$ :@$ 592D@54$ :<$ "$ 62@$to5M5<@2"33#$ @05$ 832$ crucial, and one gym class a 895<P week ;595F$ be happy join, and will still85"9B$ have B4"E34( 54$'$( 20( E0E/??8( /( .2:$( #/'2$58( "6( :$?$>5/&?$( :$?23450+( 54$( H"04$'( The atmosphere at the Policy nedy III. After a successful chat ?0-@&-$2$'(&!*2$#&700(5 is not enough to make a difference. time to get their work done. J"2E0@$ 41:<E$ B1H5@0:<E$ A"4>$ -1@$ ]`$:<$@05$!5X:J"<$@1;<$18$+"$a319:"I$ Z#F$/11<$8129$18$@05$(1934$V5"3@0$ RB2AB:454S$"B$@05$832$D91M54$@1$A5$ >/1:8( "F52"10( /'$( "65$1( KE25$( ?2%25$:A( </18( "6( 54$( >/1:2$0( %/8( 4/#$( /??( Conference is 2B$ like no other. Many with the congressman, we stopped )9E"<:Z"@:1<[B$L(V)N$B:X$95E:1<B$ In conclusion, it is vital that <1@$"B$A"4$"B$5XD5J@54F$)9$<1@e Editors’ note: Information for this #5@$ LB1H5$ 18$ <1@$ 5M59NF$ ,:4$ ;5$/>5E/??8( b59"$C92ZI$H195$@0"<$"$H1<@0$A5P H"04$'( 213'$:2$150+( &E5( "1?8( /( 0$?$>5( 6$.( 4/#$( /( H"04$'( 08%&"?A of Congress can be off at the Senate Building for our (members (A95"K$ ( J".$#$'+( .25421( .$$H0( d$.0( .2??( :20>"#$'( /( >4/13$( 21( %/18( "6( 54$0$( article was taken from livestrong. Maimo provide more options for "$ 35E$ 19$ E5@$ :<$ "<$ "JJ:45<@>$ 8195$:@$;"B$"<<12<J54$@1$@05$;1934F$ 0"4$:<85J@:1<BT$@05#$A5E"<$H1M:<E$ $ 7B$:@$B@"<4B$<1;I$@05$;1934$ >/1:2$0TB""502$( P"??( 91:E05'2$0( '$>$15?8( :$>2:$:( 5"( 4/#$( /?%"05( /??( seen of meetings with Sen. A5@;55<$ Elizabeth !"9J0$ War- B@1JKD:35B$18$_"H:832Q@05$D95H:59$ com and rcga.org. physical activity, or at least more :B$B@:33$1<$@05$M59E5$18$"$H"W19$D"<P (533I$walking E5@@:<E$ around J31B59I$ the A2@$ halls <1F$ 795$ (0"@$ 0"DD5<54$ -2% *$#% 6'+,*(#% 6("$*!(,% ?-#/(";% @/(#(% 6'+,*(#% *+60>,(% @--$#*(% A-00#1% the convention center, and a few ren and Sen. Edward Markey. Sen. flexibility during 31J"@:1<B$ the school day. 45H:JF$_05$832$0"B$<1@$B2AB:454T$:<$ ;5$B:JK>$6:<E1O$(5$B:@$:<B:45$J1<P ]`$ "<4$ 7D9:3$ %c>$ (533$ :@$ "DD5"9B$ 832$ "<@:M:9"3Q@1$ "912<4$ B""502$( L'E25( P"??0+( L'""52$0+( /1:( RCB=A( B4$( H"04$'( 08%&"?( "6( 54$( C'7 members of the Maimo delegation Markey, who has been in Congress 8:<54$3:K5$H1<K5#B$:<$J"E5BQ$R819$ @0"@$D51D35$:<$!5X:J1$K<5;$@0"@$"$ @05$;1934$"<4$9":B54$@05:9$;"9<:<E$ 8"J@I$ @05$ (V)$ B":4$ @0"@$ @0595$ 0"B$ $/-,-B% C+*-+% DECF1% $/(% .-"0,G#% 0'"8(#$% =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% '8(+671% .*00% bumped into Matisyahu and asked for nearly forty years, came out in 0""1(&$(6"E1:("1(/??("6(54$0$(>/1:2$0A(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0(20(/?0"("1$( 129$ 1;<$ B"85@#IS$ B"#$ E1M59<H5<@$ A"4$ 95BD:9"@19#$ 4:B5"B5$ ;"B$ E1:<E$ 35M53$ @1$ dI$ 1<5$ B@5D$ ";"#$ 891H$ "$ A55<$ "$ W2HD$ :<$ J"B5B$ 95J5<@3#F$ 7@$ By Sarah Jacobs for a selfie. It is:@$this kind of95"B1<T$ high- particularly strong support for Is- 8233$8354E54$E31A"3$D"<45H:JF$_0:B$ "6(54$(."'?:e0(?/'3$05(0EFF?2$'0("6(?"??2F"F0(.254(250(6/%"E0(B""502$(;"F0+( 188:J:"3BF$ 7<4$ :B$ 819$ 1<5$ "912<4$"<4$@0"@$B1H5$B"HD35B$;595$ D95BB$@:H5I$@0595$;595$912E03#$G&&&$ ./*6/% $/(% 6-35'+7% /-5(#% on .*00% which #--+% 8($% rael. =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% '#% .(00; B23$'( O"":0( 4/0( &$>"%$( 54$( 3$?$0+(&E5(>/1>$?$:(25(/5(54$(?/05( 6E0$:(5"(32#$(4$'(%"1$5/'8(0EF7 powered environment @05$832F$U5B$@05$832I$@05$1<5$;5$"33$ J"B5B$18$J1<8:9H54$B;:<5$832$"912<4$ ((((fL"'(8$/'0+(>"10E%$'0(4/#$(&$$1(&/13213(:".1(54$(:""'0("6(54$(C'54":"V( >$15$'( "6( /( %$:2/( 6$05( 54/5( %21E5$A( U/5$'+( 04$( /:%255$:( 5"( F"'5A( =4$( 0/2:( 54/5( 5420( '$6E0/?( the pro-Israel lobby thrives. The After the lobbying, AIPAC’s K<1;$18F$V1;5M59I$:@$:B$<1@$W2B@$@05$ O"":0A( 6"'>$:(4$'(5"('$/?2Z$(54/5(O"":0( C+*-+1%'#=*+8%./(+%@--$#*(%A-00#%.*00%H(6-3(%6("$*!(,1I%#'*,%A'HH*%J0*7'7 4/0( 0F2'/?$:( .2?:?8( &$8"1:( 4/#213( /1( /66/2'( .254( @05$;1934I$"<4$f`&&$18$@05B5$J"B5B$ feeling that832T$ of support Israel, New England Executive /18"1$D0( Direc- >"15'"?A( B4$( 4$/:7 (((d/2%$$(a'E&&0+()*+(>/%$(5"( :2:( 1"5( 04/'$( 4$'( 6$$?2130A( 4E(=/6'/1+(CG(S"04$'D0(M2>$(;'$02:$15("6(I"%%E12>/52"10(/1:(</'H$5213A( 95E23"9$is134$ :@$ :B$ "<$for 5X@95H53#$ "95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ and the milieu gives the entire contor Eric Geiser told Spectrum he Continued from page G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( 3 ( ( ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( 35@0"3$ "<4$ 4"<E5912B$ B@9":<$ 18$ @05$ 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ ference an additional air of legiti- wanted the high school students toM"5$:( BM(is/1:( 54$( 217 $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( \B23$'( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( steady. sibility. $VF?":$:( Instead, "1( there humorous, 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P 0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P 5$'1$5+( %"'$( :'/%/( H$F5( '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 4/:( /( 542'587"1$( %"154( /66/2'( R$>/:$]( 5"( \B23$'( O"":0^( macy. understand that even at their age, Throughout the work, Novak 8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ despicable behavior from all 54$( the "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ O"":0( 6/%2?8( 21( 54$( FE&?2>( >$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af .254( O"":0( &$3211213( 04"'5?8( `g( <205'$00$0( ="( L/'+( 96( O$( Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- “You can be a Pro-Israel lobbyist finds new ways to shock the reader. characters. @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ ;:@0$ d$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$ @05$ %d&h$ $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( 91>?E:$( d$002>/( =2%F0"1A]( H(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% yahu’s speech was a key point in and you can make a difference by!/52"1/?( The reader is made to root against In this work, humor replaces jus!"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( @>>"':213(5"(a'E&&0+(04$(./0( ( ( ( B4$( Q1KE2'$'( ./0( Y<8325<Z"$ 7$ V]-]Q@1$ 2B$ B;:<5$ 5B@:H"@54$ A#$ !5X:J1$ "31<5F$ _05$ the conference’s speaking roster. lobbying your member of$/(% Con%21"'( >/'( />>2:$15( "E502:$( 420( 6'$04(213'$:2$150("6(54$(4234$05(KE/?258+](04$(0/2:A(\B420(.2??(&'213("E'(2>"12>( /(4E3$(O"":0(6/1+(%$5(42%(/5( !"#$% $-% the "(5-"$% $/(% L--,#% underdog and to want the bettice. Instead of bad guys getting 832Q"<4$ :@$ 0"B$ E1<5$ ;0595$ ;5$ "33$ A14#$ J12<@$ :B$ H2J0$ 35BB$ @0"<$ @05$ We queued up on Monday morn- gress on the issues.” 4"%$( 21( .42>4( 4$( 425( &'/1:0(5"(/1($152'$?8(1$.(>"10E%$'(&/0$(54/5(>/1(1".($1["8("E'(F'":E>50A] /1( UA@A(to12345>?E&+( $1:$:( L?"'2:/( 0>/1:/?A(!2345>?E&(4"05$00(P/7 ter, qualified characters win out./1:("H12<@$ punished, they consistently 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ 18$ D51D35$ ;01$ 4:5$succeed 5M59#$ '%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( EF( 0F$1:213( 54$( 12345( .254( >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( ing in what was to be the longest When the conference was over, Novak also employs creative story- over the underdog. The result is <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$ 891H$ 832$ O"":0D( ;1934P 5'$$A(@05$ Q?21(95E23"9$ !"':$3'$1+( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( 42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( security line we had ever seen. To Maimonides Head of School/(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( Naty telling to G>425$?( criticize $V>4/13$:( some of the more pure, laugh out loud comedy. In04$( this .26$+( 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( 5$V5( B23$'( O"":0A]( N"54( $ 733$ the 18$ 2B$ 0"M5$ 05"94$ "A12@$ ;:45T$ H1B@$ J"B5B$ ;595$ 953"@:M53#$ even enter massive room that Katz spoke to the students in the aspects modern/1:( culture. book, comedy is the medium that re4$/':( 54$( />>2:$15( .42?$( 04$( -+%$/(#(%6'+,*(#%*#%*+,((,%8-*+8%$-%H(%:("7%#*8+*!6'+$%$-%-H#(":'+$%K(.#; 4/:( /( #"2>$%/2?( /1:( O"":0(selfish :$12$:( 5420( '$?/7 of%$00/3$0( @0"@$832I$@05$1<5$;0:J0$;:33$1<5$4"#$ H:34$"<4$J1234$A5$5885J@:M53#$@95"@P housed the “real” security lines, airport. Mr. Katz had helped ar./0(2102:$(54$2'(4"E0$(/1:('/1( ((N'""H(M/1$+(0F"H$0."%/1(6"'(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(0/2:(54$('$/>52"1( 52"1042FA(91('$0F"10$(5"(5420(/?7 5"( F'"#$( B4$( %$00/3$( 20( ethics-based One of the stories, for 25A( instance, places judgment. The 9:B5$first 2D$ had "<4$to;:D5$ 02E5$a D"9@B$ 54$;:@0$_"H:832$"<4$*535<Z"F$Y@$:B$ we pass 12@$ through line range the !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)first time an entire high "E502:$(5"(&'$/H("F$1(54$(&/>H( ?$3/52"1+(G>425$?(0/2:(54/5(f54$( 21>"1>?E02#$+( 91( 54$(heinous takes place in Heaven, and4".$#$'A( the more the crime committed, 18$ @05$ D1D23"@:1<F$ =:9B@$ :@$ ;"B$ @0:B$ H1B@$3:K53#$@0"@$:8$#12$J1<@9"J@$@05$ .21:".( "6(O"":0D( >/'( 0"( 54/5( KE"5$0( 6'"%( 54$( 5."( 0"E'>$0( :-*6(3'*01%'+%>+*,(+$*!(,%3'+% that wound circles around The Vil- school class went to the AIPAC characters, instead of seeing their the harder the reader laughs,. 4$(>"E?:($0>/F$A(=4$(3"5(O"":0( .4"(/'$(1"5(6'2$1:0(/'$('2:2>E7 0/2:+(\J$8+(25e0(B23$'A(9(1$$:(8"E( 832I$@05<$:@$;"B$@0"@$832I$8:<"33#$;5$ Policy Conference. Mr. Katz said B;:<5$ 832I$ "@$ @05$ H1H5<@$ #12$ 8553$ lage. loved ones, spend5"(:"(%$(/(4E3$(6/#"'A(I/1(8"E( time trying to go This book is great for anyone "E5("6(54$(>/'(/1:(?/2:(42%("1( ?"E0A(9(1$#$'(>'"00$:(F/540(.254( 5XD5J@54$ :@$ ;"B$ A:94$ 832I$ <1;$ :@$ :B$ B#HD@1HBI$#12$H"#$@0:<K$:@$:B$W2B@$ Rabbi Soskil and the other chap- he was “incredibly impressed” to performances by Frank Sinatra, looking 54$( for 3'"E1:A( a quick@>>"':213( laugh at human5"( 5$07 B23$'(21(<$?&"E'1$(T(1"5(21(/( F?$/0$(5/H$(8"E'(1/%$("66(8"E'( B;:<5$ 832F$ ;595$ erones kept/J:5<@:B@B$ spirits high by;199:54$ enter- with the senior class, adding, “It 52%"18(Family, 32#$1( &8( O21:$'%$'$+( '$05/E'/15+(1"5(21(54$(38%+(1"5( F4"1$c(<8(.26$(.$15(54'"E34( Beethoven, and Tupac. ity in general. relationships, C1<@:<254$1<$DEF$i taining the weary on our security was an extreme pleasure to21( spend L?"'2:/( I42$6( R/12$?( %8( F4"1$( /1:( %/8( &$( >/??213( 54$( ?"&&8+( 1"54213Af( Much ofG>427 the humor throughout and ethics are all;"?2>$( critically examined =/8?"'+( ( !"':$3'$1( ./0( 8"EA]( a'E&&0( >?/2%$:( 5"( 4/#$( 5$?( 42'$:( /( >$?$&'258( /55"'1$8( sojourn. Finally, we entered the this time with you.” the book is based off the shirking of in a humorous way. Novak \6'/17 does a 5"( '$F'$0$15( 4$'( /1:( /''/13$:( \?"#$:(42%+](&E5(&'"H$("66(54$( 52>+( EF0$5]( /1:( 4"#$'213( "#$'( main hall and took our seats. ShortBecause of the seniors’ suc6#$a"MM#$*1B5< decency and responsibility. In one masterful job of making the reader /( F'$00( >"16$'$1>$( 21( U"0(@17 '$?/52"1042F( .4$1( O"":0( '$7 O"":0(.4$1(54$(F"?2>$(/''2#$:( ly after, Netanyahu spat fire from cess, Mr. Katz said he has already :0;&<05,$#=&!,$&!0035*$&>0-!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)of the funniest a girl goes on connect to the stories on a deep M:B:@$stories, :B$ M"B@3#$ $ j1D5$65<54:J@$kbY$A5E"<$"$;55K31<E$@129$ :<E$ @05$ a59H"<PA19<$ 65<54:J@[B$ the podium. His speech roused the booked the Class of 2016’s trip a date with an African 18$@05$!:4435$."B@$1<$=9:4"#I$!"#$G@0I$"$B538P45P 4:88595<@$891H$@05$B:@2"@:1<$:<$;0:J0$@05$j13:B0Pwarlord and level, even though the characters crowd to its feet at every pause, next year. strongly continuing their 6#$.Z9"$(#BJ01E914 do not act in a way that most people A19<$ ?10<$ j"23I$ ;01$ E95;$ 2D$ :<$considers @05$ B0"41;$ 18$ BJ9:A54$RD:3E9:H$18$D5"J5S$B55K:<E$@1$B@95<E@05<$ and the room shook without stop“Israel advocacy is very core to relationship. Novak’s stories re- "B$ would consider decent. J:M:3:Z"P The reader (5B@59<$ ("33$ 89"#54$ @:5B$ ;:@0$ !2B3:HB$ "<4$ ?5;B$ "<4$ @1$ E:M5$ 72BJ0;:@ZI$ B@114$ "@$ ?592B"35H[B$ $ are =19$ 31<E$ "B$ ;5B@59<$ ping to catch a breath. Waves of the mission of Maimonides,” Mr. freshing because they go against the sees all these characters behaving B2DD19@$@1$0:B$A535"E25954$C09:B@:"<$831JK$:<$@05$ "<4$358@$"$0"<4;9:@@5<$<1@5$"D131E:Z:<E$819$"<@:P @:1<$J"<$95H5HA59I$@05$D59B1<"3$3:M5B$18$in By Jonathan Robison applause crashed over us as we Katz said. There a way that is defined by how people /5H:@:BH$A#$C09:B@:"<BF general norms of storytelling. 95E:1<F D13:@:J:"<B$0"M5$"885J@54$@05$<"@:1<$1M59$ !"#$%&$'( )*+( epicenter ),,-( ./0( of /( 12345( "6( 6$052#7Editors’ 52?(/3'$$213(5"(/1(215$'#2$.(.254(</55(U/E$'("1( >4$/5213+(/1:('E:$(=/?/420(.4"(4/:(54$( #((+%!03*+8%'+,%3'=(>5%'"$*#$#%.("(% stood at the the Pronote: Davey Schoenberg is no personal growth, no triumph of would want to act if conscience did $ Y<$0:B$8129B$#5"9B$:<$@05$D"D"J#I$65<54:J@$ $ _05$@9:D$;"B$45B:E<54$"31<E$@05$3:<5B$18$ 258+(4"1"'213(54$(#2025("6(91:2/1(;'2%$(<21205$'( !NIA((91(5420(215$'#2$.+(54$8($VF?/21$:(54/5(54$8( 0$$1( F".:$'213( 54$(;0:J0$05$19$B05$9235BF$7$^2:@5$D91H:<5<@$ >"EF?$( '2345( &$7 /E:/>258(5"(>'/04(/(F/'58(4"05$:(&8(54$( Israel lobby. contributed to 0"B$:<829:"@54$A1@0$!2B3:HB$"<4$?5;BI$8:9B@$;05<$ this report morality,6"'$(54$2'($15'8A(N'/#"(200E$:(/(05/5$7 and no gaining of respon- not get in the way. 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/01234$(5$65$789":4$18$/;:<5$=32> 6#$?1<"@0"<$*1A:B1< By Sarah Pomeranz ’15

$ (5$B:@$"@$01H5I$J1<8:<54$"<4$ @012E0T$01;$4:4$A:94B$891H$C0:<"I$ B5<@$@1$A5$@5B@54F$62@$1<3#$1<$7D9:3$ J12<@9#$ B@1DD54$ @0:BI$ B31;54$ @0"@I$ A1954F$)2@B:45I$"$A5"2@:823$B2HH59$ D:EB$ 891H$ !5X:J1I$ "<4$ 7H59:J"<B$ %cI$ ;05<$ @05#$ E1@$ @05$ 3"A$ 95B23@B$ BJ"<<54$@0:BI$^2"9"<@:<54$@0"@I$"<4$ 4"#$ A5JK1<BF$ (5$ B:@I$ ;1<459:<E$ "33$E5@$H:X54$2D>$(0#$;"B$:@$1<3#$ 891H$ C"<"4"I$ 4:4$ @05#$ K<1;$ @05#$ K:3354$@0:BF$62@I$"3"BI$:@$;"B$@11$3"@5$ There was;:@0$ an explosion a cheese factory France. De-Brie A man just assaulted me with K:33:<E$D51D35$L"@$@05$@:H5N$:<$!5XP milk, cream, and butter. How ;595$ ;0"@$@05$;1934$A50:<4$@05$E3"BB$:B$ 45"3:<E$ B1H5@0:<E$at 4"<P @1$ J1<@":<$ @05$inBD95"4F$ _05$ (V)$ 3:K5F$62@$;5$"95$<1@$"331;54$@1$E1$ :J1>$(0#$;"B$:@$"@@"JK:<E$"<4$K:33P E5912B$ "<4$ ;1934$ J0"<E:<EF$ _05#$ @134$ 2B$ @0"@$ @0595$ ;595$ D91A"A3#$ dairy. everywhere. By David Schwartz 12@B:45I$ "<4$ 819$ H"<#$ 18$ 2B$ :@$ 0"B$ :<E$@05$2B2"33#$:HH2<5$"<4$B@91<E>$ "<<12<J54$ @1$ @05$ ;1934$ ;0"@$ 0"4$ :<85J@:1<B$ 5M59#;0595$ "<4$ @0595$ J/#$(8"E($#$'(3"1$(215"(IM=("'(O/?3'$$1D0(/1:(?""H$:(/5(54$(>/1:8(/20?$c( A55<$ ;55KBF$ (0#>$tried ,:4$ ;5$ "33$ a E5@$ _05$832$95D19@543#$A5E"<$1<$!"9J0$ "<4$ :@$ 592D@54$ @05$got 832$ 85"9B$ Two antennae were :<$ on"$a895<P roof. ;595F$ They 62@$ fell5M5<@2"33#$ in love and marHave you20(ever to#/'2$58( eat clock? It is very 54$( time consuming. 0"DD5<54$ B4"E34( 54$'$( E0E/??8( /( .2:$( "6( :$?$>5/&?$( :$?23450+( H"04$'( ?0-@&-$2$'(&!*2$#&700(5 J"2E0@$ 41:<E$ B1H5@0:<E$ A"4>$ -1@$ ]`$:<$@05$!5X:J"<$@1;<$18$+"$a319:"I$ Z#F$/11<$8129$18$@05$(1934$V5"3@0$ RB2AB:454S$"B$@05$832$D91M54$@1$A5$ >/1:8( "F52"10( /'$( "65$1( KE25$( ?2%25$:A( </18( "6( 54$( >/1:2$0( %/8( 4/#$( /??( ried. The service wasn’t great, but the reception was excellent. #5@$ LB1H5$ 18$ 2B$&E5( <1@$"1?8( 5M59NF$ ,:4$6$.( ;5$/>5E/??8( b59"$C92ZI$H195$@0"<$"$H1<@0$A5P )9E"<:Z"@:1<[B$L(V)N$B:X$95E:1<B$ <1@$"B$A"4$"B$5XD5J@54F$)9$<1@e H"04$'( 213'$:2$150+( /( 0$?$>5( 4/#$( /( H"04$'( 08%&"?A Need"$an ark to save two of every animal? I noah guy. (A95"K$ ( ( J".$#$'+( .25421( .$$H0( d$.0( .2??( :20>"#$'( /( >4/13$( 21( %/18( "6( 54$0$( 35E$ 19$ E5@$ :<$ "<$ "JJ:45<@>$ 8195$:@$;"B$"<<12<J54$@1$@05$;1934F$ 0"4$:<85J@:1<BT$@05#$A5E"<$H1M:<E$ $ 7B$:@$B@"<4B$<1;I$@05$;1934$ I asked a French man if he plays video games. He said Wii. >/1:2$0TB""502$( P"??( 91:E05'2$0( '$>$15?8( 5"( 4/#$( /?%"05( /??( (533I$ E5@@:<E$ J31B59I$ A2@$ <1F$ 795$ :$>2:$:( (0"@$ 0"DD5<54$ A5@;55<$ !"9J0$ B@1JKD:35B$18$_"H:832Q@05$D95H:59$ :B$B@:33$1<$@05$M59E5$18$"$H"W19$D"<P -2%Doctors *$#% 6'+,*(#%tell 6("$*!(,% ?-#/(";% *+60>,(% @--$#*(% A-00#1% who are us there are@/(#(% over6'+,*(#% seven people ;5$B:JK>$6:<E1O$(5$B:@$:<B:45$J1<P ]`$ "<4$million 7D9:3$ %c>$ (533$ :@$ "DD5"9B$ 832$ "<@:M:9"3Q@1$ 31J"@:1<B$ "912<4$ 45H:JF$_05$832$0"B$<1@$B2AB:454T$:<$ B""502$( L'E25( P"??0+( L'""52$0+( /1:( RCB=A( B4$( H"04$'( 08%&"?( "6( 54$( C'7 What is the worst thing about8"J@I$ ancient orators? tend0"B$ to overweight. These, of course, only round '8(+671% figures. 8:<54$3:K5$H1<K5#B$:<$J"E5BQ$R819$ @0"@$D51D35$:<$!5X:J1$K<5;$@0"@$"$ @05$;1934$"<4$9":B54$@05:9$;"9<:<E$ @05$ (V)$ B":4$They @0"@$ @0595$ $/-,-B% C+*-+% DECF1% $/(% .-"0,G#% 0'"8(#$% are =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% .*00% 0""1(&$(6"E1:("1(/??("6(54$0$(>/1:2$0A(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0(20(/?0"("1$( 129$ 1;<$ B"85@#IS$ B"#$ E1M59<H5<@$ A"4$ 95BD:9"@19#$ 4:B5"B5$ ;"B$ E1:<E$ 35M53$ @1$ dI$ 1<5$ B@5D$ ";"#$ 891H$ "$ A55<$ "$ W2HD$ :<$ J"B5B$ 95J5<@3#F$ 7@$ Babylon. By Sarah Jacobs "6(54$(."'?:e0(?/'3$05(0EFF?2$'0("6(?"??2F"F0(.254(250(6/%"E0(B""502$(;"F0+( 188:J:"3BF$ 7<4$ :@$ :B$ 819$ 1<5$ 95"B1<T$ "912<4$"<4$@0"@$B1H5$B"HD35B$;595$ 8233$8354E54$E31A"3$D"<45H:JF$_0:B$ D95BB$@:H5I$@0595$;595$912E03#$G&&&$ Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. ./*6/% $/(% 6-35'+7% /-5(#% .*00% #--+% 8($% =-#/("% 6("$*!6'$*-+% '#% .(00; B23$'( O"":0( 4/0( &$>"%$( 54$( 3$?$0+(&E5(>/1>$?$:(25(/5(54$(?/05( 6E0$:(5"(32#$(4$'(%"1$5/'8(0EF7 @05$832F$U5B$@05$832I$@05$1<5$;5$"33$ J"B5B$18$J1<8:9H54$B;:<5$832$"912<4$ A pet6$05( store a bird contest. No perches necessary. 0/2:( 54/5( 5420( '$6E0/?( %21E5$A( U/5$'+( 04$( /:%255$:( 5"( F"'5A( =4$( ((((fL"'(8$/'0+(>"10E%$'0(4/#$(&$$1(&/13213(:".1(54$(:""'0("6(54$(C'54":"V( >$15$'( "6( /( %$:2/( 54/5(had K<1;$18F$V1;5M59I$:@$:B$<1@$W2B@$@05$ @05$;1934I$"<4$f`&&$18$@05B5$J"B5B$ 6"'>$:(4$'(5"('$/?2Z$(54/5(O"":0( 4/#213( /1( /66/2'( .254( O"":0A( C+*-+1%'#=*+8%./(+%@--$#*(%A-00#%.*00%H(6-3(%6("$*!(,1I%#'*,%A'HH*%J0*7'7 4/0( 0F2'/?$:( .2?:?8( &$8"1:( What’s the definition of a will? (It’s a dead giveaway.) :2:( 1"5( 04/'$( 4$'( 6$$?2130A( 4E(=/6'/1+(CG(S"04$'D0(M2>$(;'$02:$15("6(I"%%E12>/52"10(/1:(</'H$5213A( /18"1$D0( >"15'"?A( B4$( 4$/:7 (((d/2%$$(a'E&&0+()*+(>/%$(5"( 95E23"9$ 134$ 832T$ :@$ :B$ "<$ 5X@95H53#$ "95$:<$@05$g/7F$7B$;533I$@0:B$K:3359$ Why were the Indians here first? They reservations. ( (had ( =""1( /65$'( 54$0$( /??$3/52"10( G=(O$$H?8(</3/Z21$(.254(4$'( fO$(/'$(#$'8(F?$/0$:(5"(4/#$(B""502$(P"??(["21(.254("54$'(?$/:213(>"16$>7 ?21$0( 4/#$( >4/13$:( 6'"%( 35@0"3$ "<4$ 4"<E5912B$ B@9":<$ 18$ @05$ 832$:B<[@$"B$K:3359$"B$5XD5J@54T$@0595$ $VF?":$:( "1( BM( /1:( 54$( 217 $*-+("7%5"-,>6("#%./-%/':(%'$$'*+(,%EC%6("$*!6'$*-+%*+%"(6(+$%7('"#;%4$%.'#% ".1(>?/2%A(a'E&&0(0/2:(54/5(04$( \B23$'( M"5$:( @54?$5$( "6( 54$( Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat 832F$Y$"BB2H5$@0"@$A#$K<1;$#12$95P 0"M5$1<3#$A55<$"912<4$`d$@1@"3$J1<P '0#-%8"'$*27*+8%2-"%EC%$-%8>*,(%@--$#*(%A-00%$/"->8/%$/(%6("$*!6'$*-+%5"-7 R$>/:$]( 5"( \B23$'( O"":0^( 4/:( /( 542'587"1$( %"154( /66/2'( 5$'1$5+( %"'$( :'/%/( H$F5( 54$( says to the other, “You stay here. I’ll go on a head.” They told me I had type A blood, but it was a Type-O. "3:Z5$;0"@$Y$"H$@"3K:<E$"A12@$L:8$@05$ >$00(/1:(&'213(54$0$(6/%"E0(>/1:2$0(5"(54$(3'".213(H"04$'(%/'H$5F?/>$Af 04"'5?8( O"":0( 6/%2?8( 21( 54$( FE&?2>( `g( <205'$00$0( ="( L/'+( 96( O$( .254( O"":0( &$3211213(8:9H54$45"@0B$953"@54$@1$B;:<5$832I$ @:@35$0"B<[@$E:M5<$:@$";"#$"395"4#N\$ ;:@0$ d$ :<$ @05$ g/7I$ <1@$ @05$ %d&h$ $8$A(@5(/'"E1:()(@<("1(L'2:/8+( ((((Q??$1(a"':"1+(F'$02:$15("6(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(/3'$$0(.254(=/6'/1A( 91>?E:$( d$002>/( =2%F0"1A]( H(2-"(%/*#%!"#$%6/*0,%.'#%H-"+;% !"#$%&$'()h+(O"":0(./0(21(/( fO$(5/H$(3'$/5(F'2:$(21(F'":E>213(.4"?$0"%$(>"16$>52"1$'8(F'":E>50(.254( @>>"':213(5"(a'E&&0+(04$(./0( ( ( ( B4$( !/52"1/?( Q1KE2'$'( ./0( Y<8325<Z"$ 7$ V]-]Q@1$ B;:<5$ you get repossessed. 5B@:H"@54$ A#$ !5X:J1$ "31<5F$ _05$ If you don’t pay your2B$ exorcist, I tried to catch fog yesterday. Mist. 6'$04(213'$:2$150("6(54$(4234$05(KE/?258+](04$(0/2:A(\B420(.2??(&'213("E'(2>"12>( $/(% !"#$% $-% "(5-"$% $/(% L--,#% /(4E3$(O"":0(6/1+(%$5(42%(/5( %21"'( >/'( />>2:$15( "E502:$( 420( 832Q"<4$ :@$ 0"B$ E1<5$ ;0595$ ;5$ "33$ A14#$ J12<@$ :B$ H2J0$ 35BB$ @0"<$ @05$ &'/1:0(5"(/1($152'$?8(1$.(>"10E%$'(&/0$(54/5(>/1(1".($1["8("E'(F'":E>50A] 0>/1:/?A(!2345>?E&(4"05$00(P/7 /1( UA@A( 12345>?E&+( /1:( $1:$:( L?"'2:/( 4"%$( 21( .42>4( 4$( 425( 85"954F$Y@$:B$@0"@$832F$62@I$:<$95"3:@#I$ "H12<@$ 18$ D51D35$ 4:5$ 5M59#$ '%!"(%/7,"'+$%'+,%'%+(*8/H-"M#% (((a"':"1(:2:(%$152"1(54/5(54$0$(>/1:2$0(4/#$(/?./80(&$$1(H"04$'+(/1:(54/5( EF( that 0F$1:213( 12345( >4$?(G>425$?(./0+(/>>"':213(5"( I could not pull out of my parking space, so I used my back I told my friend she54$( drew her.254( eyebrows on ;01$ too high. She <1@$^2:@5$#5@F ;55K$ 891H$ 832$ O"":0D( ;1934P 5'$$A(@05$ Q?21(95E23"9$ !"':$3'$1+( 54$("1?8(>4/13$(20(54$(F'$0$1>$("6(/(H"04$'(08%&"?A(J".$#$'+(05'2>5('$?232"E0( /(6'2$1:+(\4/#213(/1(/66/2'(.254( 42%A(=4$(>?/2%$:(54/5(54$8(4/:( up plan. looked surprised. .26$+(J"B5B$ 5"?:( 54$( F"?2>$( 54/5( 04$( 5"'6$*6(%*#%$-%+-$%('$%2--,#%>+0(##%$/(7%/':(%=-#/("%6("$*!6'$*-+1%#-%$/(%EC% 5$V5(H1B@$ B23$'( O"":0A]( N"54( G>425$?( $V>4/13$:( 54'$$( 4E1:'$:( $ 733$ 18$ 2B$ 0"M5$ 05"94$ "A12@$ ;:45T$ ;595$ 953"@:M53#$ 4$/':( 54$( />>2:$15( .42?$( 04$( -+%$/(#(%6'+,*(#%*#%*+,((,%8-*+8%$-%H(%:("7%#*8+*!6'+$%$-%-H#(":'+$%K(.#; %$00/3$0( /1:( 4/:( /( #"2>$%/2?( /1:( O"":0( :$12$:( 5420( '$?/7 @0"@$832I$@05$1<5$;0:J0$;:33$1<5$4"#$ H:34$"<4$J1234$A5$5885J@:M53#$@95"@P ./0(2102:$(54$2'(4"E0$(/1:('/1( ((N'""H(M/1$+(0F"H$0."%/1(6"'(B""502$(P"??(91:E05'2$0+(0/2:(54$('$/>52"1( 52"1042FA(91('$0F"10$(5"(5420(/?7 5"( F'"#$( 25A( B4$( %$00/3$( 20( Someone stole my Microsoft Office, and that thief is gonna I ate much Eastern I falafel. 9:B5$ 2D$too "<4$ ;:D5$Middle 12@$ 02E5$ D"9@B$ food. Now !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,)?$3/52"1+(G>425$?(0/2:(54/5(f54$( 21>"1>?E02#$+( 4".$#$'A(54$;:@0$_"H:832$"<4$*535<Z"F$Y@$:B$ 91( 54$( "E502:$(5"(&'$/H("F$1(54$(&/>H( You0"E'>$0( have my Word. 18$ @05$ D1D23"@:1<F$ =:9B@$ :@$ ;"B$ @0:B$ H1B@$3:K53#$@0"@$:8$#12$J1<@9"J@$@05$ .21:".( "6(O"":0D( >/'( 0"( 54/5( KE"5$0( 6'"%(pay. 54$( 5."( :-*6(3'*01%'+%>+*,(+$*!(,%3'+% 4$(>"E?:($0>/F$A(=4$(3"5(O"":0( .4"(/'$(1"5(6'2$1:0(/'$('2:2>E7 0/2:+(\J$8+(25e0(B23$'A(9(1$$:(8"E( 832I$@05<$:@$;"B$@0"@$832I$8:<"33#$;5$ B;:<5$ 832I$ "@$ @05$ H1H5<@$ #12$ 8553$ "E5("6(54$(>/'(/1:(?/2:(42%("1( ?"E0A(9(1$#$'(>'"00$:(F/540(.254( 5"(:"(%$(/(4E3$(6/#"'A(I/1(8"E( 5XD5J@54$ :@$ ;"B$ A:94$ 832I$ <1;$ :@$ :B$ B#HD@1HBI$#12$H"#$@0:<K$:@$:B$W2B@$ B23$'(21(<$?&"E'1$(T(1"5(21(/( F?$/0$(5/H$(8"E'(1/%$("66(8"E'( 54$( 3'"E1:A( @>>"':213( 5"( 5$07 B;:<5$ 832F$ /J:5<@:B@B$ ;595$ ;199:54$ '$05/E'/15+(1"5(21(54$(38%+(1"5( F4"1$c(<8(.26$(.$15(54'"E34( 52%"18( 32#$1( &8( O21:$'%$'$+(


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Pour in a half cup 0"B$:<829:"@54$A1@0$!2B3:HB$"<4$?5;BI$8:9B@$;05<$ j1D5$?10<$j"23$YY[B$0:B@19:J$D:3E9:H"E5$:<$%&&&$ </1%"4/1( =2134( /1:( >$?$&'/5213( 54$( 05'$1354( .$'$(>""F$'/5213(.254(54$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(21#$07 ;'$02:$15("6(54$(G125$:(=5/5$0A(W;'$027 6"'$(54$2'($15'8A(N'/#"(200E$:(/(05/5$7 family’s recipe for charoset. Although charoset is something people asso- wine. Mix with a large spoon. Pour another half cup of wine and mix 5X"HD35$18$@0:B$:B$@05$5B@"A3:B0H5<@$18$ "6( '$?/52"10A( B4$( @%$'2>/1( 523/52"1(/1:(54/5(54$8(4/:(1"5(>'/04$:(54$(:211$'A( %$15( 54/5( <2>4/$?$( ./0( E1:$'( >"17 :$15(C&/%/(/:%255$:(21(/1(215$'#2$.( 05$ H"45$ "$and BD55J0$ 3:<K:<E$ @05$ Continue j91D05@$ !20"HP @1$@%$'2>/1791:2/1( ?194"<I$ YB9"53$ "<4$ @05$ j"35B@:<:"<$ @599:@19:5BI$ ciate with the sedarim, it is great as a spread for all of Pesach for the again. adding wine and stirring :<$ the .<E3"<4I$ mixture until you like the ;0:J0$ "91B5$ %$:2/( >"#$'$:( ;'$02:$15( C&/%/D0( 3?/%"'"E0( B4$8(>?/2%$:(5"(4/#$(54"E345(54$8(.$'$(21#25$:( 02:$'/52"1( /1:( 54/5(j91@5B@"<@:BH$ 54$( 1$5."'H( ./0( 54/5(4$(./0(6E'2"E0(/5(54$(=/?/420(6"'( H"4$@1$M:135<J5I$"<4$@05<$;05<$05$3:8@54$@05$5XP :<J324:<E$ B@1DB$ "BB1J:"@54$ ;:@0$ 6:A3:J"3$ 5M5<@B$ rest the)*++("% year as well! If you get tired of having cream cheese ;"?"( on a IEF( piece consistency of your Charoset. Finally, stir in theB4$( cinnamon you are !"#$%of &$'$(% ,-.+% $-% $/(% 0'#$% ,($'*01% 2"-3% 5"( '$F'$0$15( @%$'2>/D0( W6"E1:$:( &8( E1:$'(54$(2%F'$002"1(54$(=/?/420(.$'$( 5420AX( "54$'( 20(and 54$( 6/2?E'$( "6(all 54$( <1@:J5"A3#$425$@1$@05$8"J@$@0"@$@05$.<EP J1HH2<:J"@:1<$ 18$ "$ V131J"2B@P45<#:<E$ A:B01DF$ "<4$@05$3:85$18$?5B2BF$62@$@05$B:@2"@:1<$B29912<4P of matzah every the=/?/42X+( charoset made from5"(this done! .4"( ./0( "1(for 54$(breakfast 3E$05( ?205+( 5"( .4/5(day ./0(of "1(Pesach, 54$( B/'$K( .42>4( 20( 3"213( >"%F$5$( .254( 21#25$:( 5"( 54$( =5/5$( R211$'A( 91#$0527 G125$:(=5/5$0(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(5"(F'"F7 7<1@059$ B195$ D1:<@$ :B$ @05$ 8:E295$3/5"'0( 18$ (1934$ ("9$ 3:B0$K:<E$18$@05$@:H5$;"B$45<:54$"<$"<P :211$'(%$1E+(5"(.4/5(./0("1(<2>4$??$(C&/%/A( 91:2/(1$V5(8$/'A(B4$(=$>'$5(=$'#2>$(%/215/21$:( /?0"( '$#$/?$:( 54/5( 54$( =/?/420( $'?8( F'"5$>5( 54$( ;'$02:$15A( O4/5$#$'( recipe will be your savior. 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It all depends on 3$5(21A(!$.0(/3$1>8('$F'$0$15/52#$0(/?0"(05/5$:( how thickB29M:M19B$"@$?592B"35H[B$U"4$b"B05H$!5H19:"3I$ or liquidy you want >"EF?$+(B/'$K(/1:(<2>4/$?$(=/?/42+(4/:(/55$1:7 $ !195$95J5<@3#I$@05$4:M19J5$18$Y@"3P the charoset to be.) 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