29 February Independent Herald

Page 1

The Karori Community Patrol is seeking volunteers so it can provide significantly better coverage of the area.

Currently the Community Patrol only has enough volunteers to run its patrols during the weekend.

Continued on page 2.

Thursday February 29, 2024 Phone: (04) 587 1660 Sunday 16-21 Today 11-19 Friday 15-21 Saturday 15-21 Adults $10 (Under 13 $5) Phone 021 673 119 23-29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville margot@wls.co.nz Do you have DIFFICULTY with: • Hand-eye co-ordination • Maths • ADHD • Dyslexia • Autism FREE initial consultation www.wls.co.nz
Four of the Karori Community Patrol volunteers with the patrol car (from left) Allan Marsh, David Kennedy, Leroy Harris and Melissa Turner. Photo: Frank Neill.

How to reach us

Phone (04) 587 1660

Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville Wellington 6037



Frank Neill herald@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916


Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 587 1660


Steve Maggs steve@wsn.co.nz 587 1660


Brenda Ingram-Johnson brenda@wsn.co.nz 021 640 152

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Aim is to patrol every night

Continued from page 1.

The patrol has about 13 volunteers who work to help keep one of New Zealand’s largest suburbs safe.

“We are trying to be out every weekend but at the moment it’s only once a fortnight,” says Scott Lawrence, the Co-Patrol Leader.

“If we had 50 people we’d be blazing. We would be out every day and night of the week.”

Scott points to the Napier Community Patrol, which has 15 cars and 200 patrollers to cover an area of a similar size.

The Karori Patrol covers from

Brooklyn in the south to Crofton Downs in the north and includes Wadestown and Wilton.

The time commitment for volunteers is not high. “We need volunteers who can give us one hour a month,” Scott says.

“Our focus is to keep Karori safe, preventing crime and reducing harm in our community.”

The patrol does this by being visible and highly present in the community.

“Our patrollers are all volunteers from the Karori community.

“Our trained patrollers have an active presence in the community working closely with

New Zealand Police.

“We act as extra ‘eyes and ears’, collecting and reporting intelligence and observations to assist Police and other agencies to build safer communities.

“Unfortunately crime happens 24/7. Having people out an about can be preventative.”

As well as working “really closely” with the Police, the Karori Community Patrol is also keen to work with local businesses, Scott says.

“Ongoing community support groups like the Karori Community Patrol group are very much valued,” says the Karori Community Constable Jo Heather.

Karori claims outright victory

Karori’s first Cricket XI scored a resounding outright victory over Wainuiomata in their match at Karori Park on 24 and 25 February.

The result saw Karori move from third to second on Cricket Wellington’s division two table, while Wainuiomata dropped from second to third.

The home team bowled Wainuiomata out for 189 in their first inning and then scored 317 in reply.

Karori bowled Wainuiomata out for 147 in its second innings and then reached 19 runs with-

out losing a wicket.

Liam Roche was outstanding with both the bat and the ball. He took three wickets for 32 runs in the first innings, added 61 runs with the bat and then took five wickets for only 24 runs in the second innings.

Jakob Vandenberg also bowled outstandingly, with three wickets for 29 runs followed by two wickets for 20 runs.

Onslow’s Micah Conroy scored a century in his team’s division 1 match against Upper Hutt United at Barton Oval on 24 and 25 February. Micah finished on 127 in his team’s tally of 338 for nine declared


“They know more about what goes on in the areas they reside in and it’s reassuring to know that there is a service such as this that we [the Police] can use and work alongside in our goal to make communities safer.

“We acknowledge all the work they do in this voluntary service – taking time out of their own lives so that people in their community can feel safe.

“It is very much appreciated.

“When people collaborate together to support a community, it is always an uplifting and heartening thing to see and hear about,” Constable Heather says.

and Upper Hutt United reached 307 for the loss of eight wickets when play ended and the match was drawn.

Dave Hancock was outstanding with both the bat and the ball for Onslow, scoring 80 runs and taking two wickets for 55 runs.

Time saved Johnsonville from an outright defeat in their match against Hutt District at Alex Moore Park.

Hutt District declared their innings closed at 429 for the loss of nine wickets. They then bowled Johnsonville out for 156 and enforced the follow-on. Johnsonville were 50 for the loss of one wicket at stumps.

I recently hosted a meeting which included local property developers and representatives from the City and Regional Councils. The background for the meeting was the need to ensure all people involved in providing more housing in our electorate, whether it be those building them or those regulating and permitting that building, understand the issues which govern the ability to build the houses everyone agrees we need.

There are essentially two types of development; greenfields and brownfields. Greenfields means building on currently undeveloped land, typically ex farmland on the edges of current urban areas, where infrastructure like sewers, water supply and other essential services don’t exist are usually built by the developer.

Brownfields development means rebuilding on existing sites, and there has been considerable discussion in recent times around how much intensification should be allowed in existing suburbs, especially changing of height limits to allow for more apartments.

Most people in Ōhāriu live near one of our 25 schools, and almost without exception, all have had additional classrooms built, replaced or significant works done, over the last six years. A generation of students have grown up never knowing what it is like not have construction going on, around their recreation space in particular. This follows many years of neglect, so it’s good to see future generations should have much better school facilities. Of course, the work must be ongoing and there are schools which still need modernisation and expansion. I’m surprised the new Government is criticising the building programme, but then it is the want of new governments to lay blame on the previous government so they can justify cuts to the Budget. School buildings have a hard life with robust and active students putting the pressure on inside and outside the classrooms, and failing to do the maintenance and renewal

Both have their advantages and disadvantages; the Regional Council in particular see their role to prevent more

runoff and other material ending up in our harbours, especially the Porirua harbour in the case of development north of Johnsonville and Newlands. The Wellington City Council are concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot handle the pressure it comes under when new housing areas are developed. Existing infrastructure is aging and needs upgrading across our city, as evidenced by recent pipe failures. An advantage of intensification of existing areas means more people, therefore more ratepayers to pay for those upgrades.

We are seeing the same thing with our water infrastructure, and now Government has handed the responsibility for fixing the water back to ratepayers, the Council are desperate to find funding for What needs to happen is more central government understanding that places like the Khandallah Pool and the Wadestown Community Centre will be victims of the need for the Council to now find the extra money for water improvements.

Once lost, these facilities will never be replaced, so should not be sacrificed for the sake of today’s

Developers of course need to make a profit, and wish to keep their compliance costs as low as possible. Many believe the Resource Management Act is too cumbersome. We as government for our part have undertaken to rewrite that act.

The feedback was good, but the success will be when there are sufficient affordable houses to meet demand. That is certainly my goal as your MP.

That, and of course having a vibrant and functioning Johnsonville Shopping Centre we can all be proud of.

I took my disabled son swimming in Khandallah on the weekend and reflected on what an iconic spot it is, and what a loss it would be to Ōhāriu. There is a talented and determined local group fighting to retain both that and the Wadestown Community Centre.

There’s plenty to be getting on with.

2 Thursday February 29, 2024
Onslow’s centurion Micah Conroy in action. Photo: Supplied.
SUNDAY 3RD MARCH A fun -filled day for the kids! Facepainting, giveaways and more.
Photo credit: Lovemiphoto Photography

Huge support for save the pool petition

The battle to save the Khandallah swimming pool from being closed continues.

Khandallah resident John McGrath has launched a petition which is on Wellington City Council’s website, asking the council to save the pool from closure.

The petition is at https://wellington.govt.nz/have-your-say/ petitions/petitions/current/202402-save-the-khandallah-summer-pool-from-closure.

More than 2,300 people had signed the petition when the “Independent Herald” went to print.

It had attracted that high level of support in just five days.

“The summer pool is a treasured part of the northern suburbs, well loved by generations of families and their children,” the petition says.

“Sure it is a bit tired, showing the effects of no investment for over fifty years, but permanent closure is not the answer.

“We recognise things are tight for council, but we don’t want a brand new pool, just to save the

existing facility from closure so that the next generation of children can enjoy its unique experience.

“While other facilities across the city were being invested in and upgraded, the Khandallah Summer Pool has suffered from a lack of any investment for over 50 years.

“There is no similar outdoor pool facility across the northern parts of the city where children and teenagers can hang out over the summer holidays in a safe, active environment.

“Once closed, it is lost to the city forever,” the petition, which closes on 24 April, says.

John McGrath has put together a group called the Revitalise Khandallah Pool and Park group that aims to work with Wellington City Council in a constructive, engaged way to save the pool.

As well as launcing the petition, the group has also organised a series of other actions, including flyers, posters and billboard messaging.

The group is also encouraging people – as many people as possible – to make submissions

to the council asking it to keep the pool, Mr McGrath says.

“We want this the most talked about and the most supported item across the northern suburbs in the Long Term Plan.

“We believe community facilities are the most important aspects of the LTP and we will be campaigning hard on saving the Khandallah pool,” he says.

One of the early initiatives organisaed by the Revitalise Khandallah Pool and Park group was a “Save Our Pool” event, held at the pool itself on 17 February.

Despite giving people very short notice more than 300 attended, including Ōhariu MP Greg O’Connor, who promised that he would talk to Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau and Councillors Ben McNulty and Rebecca Matthews about the pool closure.

TVNZ News also attended the event and screened an item about it in its 6 o’clock news programme later in the day.

Wellington City Council decided to include closing the pool in its draft Long Term Plan for 2024-34.

The council will begin its consultation on the draft Long Term Plan on 12 April and the consultation will run until 12 May.

During this period, people can provide submissions on the proposed plan. After the formal consultation closes people will have the opportunity to speak to their submissions at an oral hearing or oral forum, the council says.

The final 2024-34 Long Term Plan will be adopted by the council on 30 June.

Khandallah Pool was built by the community for the community and acquired by Wellington City Council when Onslow became part of Wellington city.

Malcolm Galloway, who was the Chair of the Khandallah Progressive Association at the time, instigated the building of Khandallah Pool in 1923.

The pool will be 100 years old next year.

“I’m getting a lot of emails of support to keep the Khandallah pool,” says Tony Randle, the TakapŪ/Northern Ward Councillor.

“I still support it going back in [the Long Term Plan],” he adds.

Karori Rotary community grants

The Rotary Club of Karori is calling for interest in remaining funds available in the current Rotary year to provide for worthy community projects for non profit organisations.

The club has supported many community organisations seeking to achieve project outcomes over the past year.

It has some $3,500 in funds still available up to June this year.

If any community organisation in the Karori Rotary Club’s catchment area – Karori, Makara, Kelburn and Northland – would like to be be considered for some assistance, please contact Allan Frazer at allan.frazer@ gmail.com or 027 450 3861 to discuss and to obtain an application form for assistance.

These grants are not available to profit making organisations.

3 Thursday February 29, 2024 Greg O’Connor Get in touch My office is open 9am- 4pm Monday to Friday 04 478 3332 greg.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz 2/18 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington Labour.org.nz/gregoconnor /GregOhariu Authorised by Greg O’Connor MP, Parliament Buildings Wellington. MP for Ōhāriu
One of the Save Khandallah Pool posters that are going up in the district. Photo: Supplied.
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J’ville cycleways still on the table

Let’s Get Wellington Moving’s (LGWM) plan to remove car parks on Johnsonville and Moorefield Roads so cycleways could be established is anything but dead in the water.

LGWM is closing down and is recommending to Wellington City Council that the Johnsonville cycleway project be costed with a view to it continuing, Wellington City Councillor Tony Randle told the “Independent Herald” on Tuesday.

LGWM’s proposal has yet to be considered by the council.

More than 1,500 submission on LGWM’s plan to remove 70 cars parks in Johnsonville and Moorefield Roads so cycle lanes can be installed were presented by the time submissions closed on 5 December 2022.

The vast majority of these –around 95% – opposed LGWM’s plan to axe the car parks so protected cycleways could be installed.

Both the Johnsonville Business Association (JBA) and the Johnsonville Community Association (JCA) came out strongly against LGWM’s proposal, as well as the individual submissions opposing the plan. The plan called for the removal of

the following 70 car parks:

• 8 parks on Moorefield Road outside the new library and swimming pool complex and the Johnsonville Community Hall;

• 20 parks (used by park and ride commuters catching buses and trains) on Moorefield Road near Broderick Road;

• 42 parks on Johnsonville Road outside the shops and Post Office –including two mobility parks; and

• the taxi rank on Johnsonville Road.

After the period to make submissions closed, the JBG and JCA formally asked LGWM for copies of all the submissions so they could be counted and the feeback published.

Following their count they found that only 4.9% of the 1,500-plus submissions supported the Johnsonville cycleway proposal while 95.1% opposed it.

The result of the submission count “is pretty overwhelming,”

Cr Randle told the “Independent Herald” just after the count had been completed.

“The community has said really emphatically ‘no’ to LGWM’s plan.”

The plan, Cr Randle said “was a terrible idea and it was not needed.

“The community saw this and told them [LGWM] what they want.”

LETTERS to the editor

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication.

04 920 8850

The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication. Send or fax them to the address on page two, or email them to news@wsn. co.nz. Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

Housing being wasted

I had some time before an appointment so headed down Johnsonville Road and came across the former Wellington City Council flats near the old Johnsonville library.

I knew a former tenant who lived here and remember how nice they were and the location to all amenities is fantastic. What a shock now to see these flats derelict and covered in graffiti and left over rubbish strewn around the place. Windows are all boarded up and the

flats are now abandoned.

There is a shortage of accommodation and these flats (if they were fixed up) would be perfect for single people. I am not sure what the plan is for these flats or the land that they currently occupy.

It was very disappointing to see the mess and the run down uninhabitable flats that were once tidy and clean and situated in a perfect location.

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With the big pile of submissions opposing the removal of car parks in Johnsonville (from left) JBG member Judith Grey, JBG President Darren Bottin, Becca Johnson of Nada Bakery and Wellington City Councillor Tony Randle. Photo: Supplied.
24 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville Your local medical centre Great people, great hours www.johnsonvillemedical.co.nz

Boogie piano queen coming

Australasia’s queen of boogie piano, Jan Preston, is coming to Wellington. She will be performing at St Peter’s Church, Willis Street, at 3:30pm on 2 March and at St Peter’s Village Hall, Beach Road, Paekakariki at 4pm on 3 March.

A Jan Preston concert takes audiences on a journey.

From her first explosive virtuoso boogie piano instrumental, through heart-felt blues and ballads, with a smattering of her original film music, Jan is unique and magnetic.

A long time beloved Kiwi performer, Jan is known for her energy, sparkling charm and wit.

Her 2024 shows include new material added to audience favourites such as the Bumbleboogie and Trout Blues, currently used as the theme music to BBC London’s evening Radio programme.

She will be joined by special guests Mike Pullman on percussion and Radio NZ’s Nick Tipping on acoustic bass, producing a trio of dynamic boogie and blues grooves.

Originally from Greymouth, the Sydney-based Kiwi expat will rattle the cobwebs with her infectious brand of virtuoso piano boogie woogie.

From a background in classical music with a long-term interest in composition and song writing, Jan’s early career began in New Zealand as a founding member and musical director of performance troupe Red Mole.

This led to her first band and a 1980 Hit with Coup D’Etat.

The winner of five music awards, she also composes music for film and TV, is known for her energetic performances, sultry blues voice and candid humour.


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5 Thursday February 29, 2024
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Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply Panasonic Automatic Breadmaker • 30 automatic programs • 3 loaf size M, L, XL • Raisin/nut dispenser UP TO $550 CASHBACK T&Cs apply UP TO $2,000 CASHBACK T&Cs apply DEALS LEAP YEAR OFFERS END THURSDAY 29TH FEBRUARY Visit fisherpaykel.com/nz/promotions for a list of qualifying products and full terms and conditions. 32" ACL1161 Leap Year Deals Press 366mm x 254mm v4.indd 1 21/02/24 5:51 PM Panasonic 8.5Kg washer 6 Washer Programs Active Scrubbing Active Foam System Soft Closing See Through Lid $879 Samsung 55” Crystal Series UHD TV • 55” Crystal Series UHD TV Crystal 4K Processor HDR+ • Smart OS with Alexa Voice Assistance $1029 Samsung 307 L fridge • All round Airflow Cooling Capacity • Optimal Fresh Zone Compartment • Non Plumbed Water Dispenser $1198 Best Buys! NEWBOLDS JOHNSONVILLE We’re Local, We Care! 6-8 Broderick Road, Johnsonville 478-4988 • Easy Customer Parking OFFERS END MONDAY 4TH MARCH Dyson Cyclone V10 2023 • Dyson V10 digital • Up to 60 minutes run time • Cyclone technology $749 Fisher & Paykel 8kg Front Load Washer • SmartDrive technology • Steam refresh cycle • 13 wash programs $1199 Fisher & Paykel Built-UnderDishwasher • 15 place settings • 7 wash programs including, Auto, 60min and Eco • 5 Star Water rating $1399 We’re Local We Care Visit fisherpaykel.com/nz/promotions for a list of qualifying products and full terms and conditions. 45 STORES LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED 100PERCENT.CO.NZ We’ve Got Your Back We’re always checking price. Talk to us. Panasonic 32" MS600 HD LED 50MR Smart TV HD (1366 x 768) resolution • Multi HDR (2K HDR) • 50 Motion Rate $368 Minimum spend $499 applies (in-store purchases). Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate (both 28.50%) applies at the end of LTF Interest Free Period. Product 30th April 2024. Delivery and Installation fees may apply. (See Ts&Cs for Q Mastercard Standard Interest Rate applicable to outstanding balance of a Standard Purchase). Mastercard and the of Mastercard International Incorporated. Fisher & Paykel Induction Cooktop Induction cooking $1,899 CI604CTB1 Fisher & Paykel 8kg Front Load Washer SmartDrive technology 8kg capacity 13 wash programs $1,249 WH8060P3 Fisher & Paykel Built-Under Dishwasher • 15 place settings • 7 wash programs including Auto, 60min and Eco • 5 Star Water rating $1,399 DW60UN2X2 500 DAYS NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST Don’t have a card? Apply for Lending criteria, $50 annual Panasonic Automatic Breadmaker • 30 automatic programs • 3 loaf size M, L, XL • Raisin/nut dispenser $274 UP TO $550 CASHBACK T&Cs apply UP TO $2,000 CASHBACK T&Cs apply DEALS LEAP YEAR OFFERS END THURSDAY 29TH FEBRUARY Visit fisherpaykel.com/nz/promotions for a list of qualifying products and full terms and conditions. 32" ACL1161 Leap Year Deals Press 366mm x 254mm v4.indd 1 45 STORES LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED 100PERCENT.CO.NZ We’ve Got Your Back We’re always checking price. Talk to us. Panasonic 32" MS600 HD LED 50MR Smart TV • HD (1366 x 768) resolution • Multi HDR (2K HDR) • 50 Motion Rate $368 TH32MS600Z Minimum spend $499 applies (in-store purchases). Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate (both 28.50%) applies at the end of LTF Interest Free Period. Product offers are available until Tuesday 30th April 2024. Delivery and Installation fees may apply. (See Ts&Cs for Q Mastercard Standard Interest Rate applicable to outstanding balance of a Standard Purchase). Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Dyson Cyclone V10 2023 • Dyson V10 digital motor • Up to 60 minutes run time • Cyclone technology $749 44795401 Fisher & Paykel Induction Cooktop • Induction cooking technology • 4 cooking zones • 9 heat settings $1,899 CI604CTB1 Fisher & Paykel 8kg Front Load Washer • SmartDrive technology • 8kg capacity • 13 wash programs $1,249 WH8060P3 Fisher & Paykel Built-Under Dishwasher • 15 place settings • 7 wash programs including Auto, 60min and Eco • 5 Star Water rating $1,399 DW60UN2X2 500 DAYS NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST Don’t have a card? Apply for a Q Mastercard today. Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply Panasonic Automatic Breadmaker • 30 automatic programs • 3 loaf size - M, L, XL • Raisin/nut dispenser $274 SDR2530WST UP TO $550 CASHBACK T&Cs apply UP TO $2,000 CASHBACK T&Cs apply UP TO $2,000 CASHBACK T&Cs apply DEALS LEAP YEAR OFFERS END THURSDAY 29TH FEBRUARY Visit fisherpaykel.com/nz/promotions for a list of qualifying products and full terms and conditions. 32" ACL1161 Leap Year Deals Press 366mm x 254mm v4.indd 1 21/02/24 5:51 PM UP TO $550 CASHBACK T&Cs apply UP TO $2,000 CASHBACK T&Cs apply
Jan Preston. Photo: Supplied.

Senior Sunday at J’ville Library

March is Neighbours Month and has a focus on people getting together and getting to know their neighbours.

With that in mind Johnsonville Library at Waitohi Hub is holding another after-hours experience for Seniors: Senior Sunday after hours discovery of the library, 10 March, 4:30 to 6:30pm.

“We trialled an after-hours senior session as part of Seniors Week last October,” says Sue Jane, Community Librarian at Johnsonville Library.

“And it was very popular, with all the feedback suggesting that we do this again – so we are!”

Once again the library will offer pods of activity for people to experience at their own pace, or to simply connect with their peers over a cuppa.

The public computers and HIVE Makerspace will also remain open for people to use with staff and volunteers ‘hovering’ to give a helping hand where necessary.

“Libraries have evolved so much in the last few years,” says Sue.

“We’re finding more and more that many of our elders feel quite overwhelmed by what’s on offer and can even struggle with the basics like how to issue a book or use the library catalogue which is all online.

“By enjoying our spaces after-hours, without the usual hubbub that surrounds a modern library, we’re hoping that they will feel comfortable enough to explore, ask questions and connect with staff and each other.”

For more information, or to register your attendance, please ring or email Johnsonville Library.

Johnsonville Library has a Platinum Accessibility rating.

Two Johnsonville champions

Two Johnsonville bowlers – Dale Rayner and Kaaren Guilford – are 2024 national champions.

Dale and Kaaren were part of a composite team that won the women’s title at the Summerset National Fours Championship, held at the Paritutu Bowling Club in Taranaki from 22 to 25 February.

Skipped by Dale, the team also included Reen Bellis and Linda Ralph.

They played exceptionally well in the final, taking out a convincing 26-5 victory over former New Zealand representative Wendy Jensen, Lauren Mills, Robyne Walker and Adele Ineson.

“My team played a skip’s dream,” Dale says.

“They got away to a flyer and just carried it on from there.”

The semi-final was another matter, coming right down to the wire.

Dale’s team and the team skipped by Kaye Bunn were locked at 13-13 with one end to play.

With Kaye about to play the last bowl of the tournament Dale’s team had one bowl closest to the jack.

Kaye had not missed a shot all

game until the final play when she looked to either take out the shot bowl or run the jack into the ditch to take the title.

However she missed by a hair’s breadth to lose the encounter 13-14.

Earlier Kaye’s team had defeated the defending champions Val Smith, Deb White, Ashleigh Jeffcoat, Kimberley Hemingway who were attempting to emulate the legendary Millie Khan, who was the skip of the last team to go 'back to back' in the women's fours, when she won the title in 2002.

As well as the big hurdle Dale’s team had to jump to win the semifinal they also faced another big hurdle.

On day one of section play they won just one encounter, meaning they had to win all of their games on day two, which they achieved.

The 2024 fours title is the second national championship Dale has won. In 2017 she was the pairs champion and she also has been a runner-up four times.

Kaaren, who is also the Johnsonville Bowling Club’s President, now has her first national title under her belt.

Star Trek Laser Tour

This programme begins with a presentation on the current night sky which includes an audio visual. This is followed by, weather permitting, a laser tour of the night sky. Available any evening by appointment. Times vary with sunset times.


The Remutakas are closed at 9pm so people need to book an escorted trip over the hill on the way back to Wellington. The hill is closed from 9pm to 4am. Travellers need to book this by 4pm on the day.

Stonehenge Aotearoa

6 Thursday February 29, 2024 Transpower, the owner and operator of the National Grid, is undertaking maintenance (conductor repairs) of its Bunnythorpe to Wilton A 220 kV transmission line in and around Churton Park and Ohariu Valley. We will be using a low flying helicopter while working on the line highlighted on the accompanying map. The work is planned to occur between Friday 1 March and Tuesday 5 March 2024. Hours of work are typically between 8:00am – 5:30pm. The work is weather dependent and may change at the last minute. In the event of bad weather the work will be rescheduled to the next fine weather day. Takapu Road 1 Johnsonville Tawa Kenepuru 2 Churton Park Ohariu Belmont Regional Park It’s important to us that you are kept informed and updated on our activities. If you require further information, please call Stephen Howard on 027 490 9464. TPIH2229224 Helicopter operating zone Substations Highways Other transmission lines Helicopter will be operating at low levels in around the transmission line in highlighted zone. Notice of Helicopter use for maintenance work on a transmission line in your area.
Kaaren Guilford, a member of the team that are the national women’s four champions. Photo: Supplied. Dale Rayner, who skipped the 2024 national women’s fours champions. Photo: Supplied.
Phone: (06) 377 1600 | 51 Ahiaruhe Road, R.D.2 Carterton Email: info@stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz | Web: www.stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz

If you’ve ever wanted to wake up in the morning feeling like Kesha in TiK ToK, then Morning People: Warehouse Rave is the place to be on the 1st of March.

and Armand Van Helden. You’ve probably heard him most often on George FM, where he’s been cooking up beats for more than 20 years.

Light, sound, projection aerialists, and dancers collide in the mesmerising, magical new universe that is BELLE – a performance of air

St Mark’s School

This Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts event at Tāwhiri Warehouse is an alcohol-free, 13-plus, whānau-friendly rave that starts at 6:30am and comes complete with complimentary L’affare Coffee, All Good Bananas, ice-cold Karma kombucha, and more fun than should be allowed before 8am on a weekday.


For this cult morning rave experience, he’ll be serving up a “big beat breakfast” (Stuff).

St Mark’s School and Preschool is a leading Anglican Wellington co-educational Independent Primary School with a strong sense of whanau and community. St Mark’s is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for girls and boys from Preschool to Year 8 that

The DJ on deck for your sunrise samba is party rocking powerhouse Dick ‘Magik’ Johnson, who has produced over 50 international releases, remixed electronic luminaries such as Fatboy Slim and The Human League, and shared line-ups with the likes of Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx,

PARKING 68 Taranaki Street

Morning People have been remixing mornings and showing the alarm clock who’s boss since 2016. Through highenergy dance floors, top-notch DJs, and huge helpings of electronic music all before 8am, they shake things up and encourage people to think differently about routine, dance music, and life itself.

Hutt City Kindergartens

With 95 years of history and 20 early childhood education centres for ages two to five, Hutt City Kindergartens (HCK) know that the first years of learning are where a lifetime of education begins. Affordable and of the highest quality, HCK

FROM ONLY $2.00 per half hour

prides itself on preparing tamariki for success at secondary school. Explore St Mark’s School and Preschool. Open Day is this Friday, March 1st, 10 am - 12 pm. Discover excellence in education, register here: https://www.st-marks. school.nz/enrolment-enquiry/open-days/

Start the day off right and #partyfirstworklater with Morning People: Warehouse Rave

ensures that your child will be ready for their future from the first day. HCK provides great preparation that links directly to the curriculum taught in primary schools. Let the adventure of a lifetime begin with Hutt City Kindergartens.

A 2024 Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts performance that runs from the 14th to the 17 Theatre, BELLE – a performance of air comes from the innovative mind of World of WearableArt™ creative director Malia Johnston. To achieve a show that straddles multiple realms, Johnston collaborated with aerial designer Jenny Ritchie, performance designer Rowan Pierce, composer Eden Mulholland, and musician Anita Clark. A post-show talk with the creators will be held on the 16 Exclusive to Wellington, performance of air

cast. The work celebrates female strength and agility and explores the nature and physics of aerial objects from a

other worlds.

Cinematic and surprising, the performance is a transformative experience that conveys a whole new world to audiences. It

We have 20 kindergartens in the Hutt Valley where your tamariki will engage in experiences to build resilience and confidence preparing them for their future.


7 Thursday February 29, 2024
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Opening hours:


The thought that you, or your children, may have threadworms probably makes you feel ill, not to mention wondering if your standards of hygiene and cleanliness have ‘slipped’. In most cases, hygiene is not the issue. Instead it is more the fact that threadworms (also known as pinworms) are fairly common in the wider environment, and easy to ‘catch’. The good news is that threadworms can be treated and there are ways to help your family from being re-infected.

How do you know if you have threadworms?

Usually, and more so with children, there is itchiness around the anus, especially at night, resulting in disturbed sleep and irritability because of the constant scratching. In some cases, you can see the worms in a bowel motion, or on wiping after a motion. Some people may experience nausea, diarrhoea and loss of appetite. However sometimes there are no symptoms, and it is only when another member of the household shows signs, or the worms are observed, that the diagnosis is made.

The worms look like short pieces of white thread, about 5 to 10 mm long. After swallowing the eggs, they hatch in the gut. Within a few weeks, the female adult worms move down the gut to the anus where they lay thousands of tiny eggs, usually at night when you are asleep. Threadworm eggs are colourless, sticky spheres that are extremely resilient and can survive for up to three weeks in a cool, moist environment. These eggs can re-enter the body by being inhaled or swallowed. Threadworms are passed easily from person to person by sharing things such as food, clothes and utensils. Infection tends to occur more commonly in children because they play and come in contact with each other more often. Threadworms can be picked up from other people in the home, at school or at preschool. A child simply needs to scratch his or her bottom, which has been irritated by threadworms, for eggs to be trapped under the fingernails. Then when the child touches his or her mouth or food, threadworms get re-introduced to the body and the life cycle continues. Touching other surfaces leaves behind eggs for other people to ‘catch’. The best preventative measure to take in these circumstances is always to wash hands after going to the toilet, after touching objects that

others have touched, and before preparing and eating food. Bedclothes, furniture, floors (especially around toilets) and other places in the home can all have threadworm eggs on them. Washing sleepwear, bedding, underwear and towels separately with hot water, away from the general washing and vacuuming furniture and bedrooms will help to remove any eggs that may be found there.

Threadworms are easy to treat with medicines and Self Care pharmacists recommends “treating everyone in the house at the same time, even if not everyone has symptoms”. This is because the worms are so easily passed on, as well as the huge number of eggs that are produced so that when one member of the household gets them, the rest are very likely to as well. The medicine used to treat threadworms kills the threadworms but not the eggs and so a retreatment is required 2-3 weeks after the initial course. “Also, we recommend that you check with us, or your doctor, about which threadworm medicine is safe for children under two years old, and for pregnant women.”

To learn more, including some of the self care tips on avoiding threadworms, get your free copy of the Threadworms Self Care fact card. If you have any further questions, ask your Self Care pharmacist.


8 Thursday February 29, 2024
THREADWORMS– COMMON, AND EASY TO TREAT Unichem Cuba Mall Open 7 days 122 Cuba Mall • P: 384 6856 • F: 382 9180 Mon- Fri 8am-6pm Sat 9-5 Sun and Public Holidays 10-5
- Friday 8am to 6pm Saturday - 9.00am to 4pm Phone 04 475 9512 | Fax 04 475 9156 Email info@kelburnpharmacy.co.nz 1 Upland Road, Kelburn www.kelburnpharmacy.co.nz Unichem Karori Mall Pharmacy The Mall, 250 Karori Rd, Karori Ph: (04) 476 7564 Unichem Marsden Village Pharmacy 159 Karori Rd, Karori | Ph: 04 476 99 44 Follow us on Enquire about our delivery service of prescriptions and retail items to the Karori suburb. Phone or Facebook us for more information. For all your pharmaceutical / vaccination needs see our friendly teams at Johnsonville Medical Centre Pharmacy 2 Trafalgar Street, JOHNSONVILLE Michele Thompson Phone: 920-8844 OPENING HOURS: Mon-Wed: 8:30am - 8pm Thurs/Fri: 8:30am - 6:00pm. Sat: 9:30am - 12:30pm UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Ear piercing Instant Passport photos Vaccinations Diagnostic + Health checks Unit dose packaging Smoking Cessation Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 5pm 59 Johnsonville Road P: 04 477 9513 F: 04 477 1963 Located between Countdown & the Warehouse Johnsonville Ear piercing Instant Passport photos Vaccinations Diagnostic + Health checks Unit dose packaging Smoking Cessation Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 5pm 59 Johnsonville Road P: 04 477 9513 F: 04 477 1963 Located between Countdown & the Warehouse Johnsonville Ear piercing Instant Passport photos Vaccinations Diagnostic + Health checks Unit dose packaging Smoking Cessation Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 5pm 59 Johnsonville Road P: 04 477 9513 F: 04 477 1963 To advertise on this Page contact Brenda NOW Brenda Ingram-Johnson Sales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH IS EASIER THAN THE CURE OF THE DISEASE Dr. Tim Halpine DPM Caring for your feet www.activefeetpodiatry.com Ph: 04 473 8696 Level 2, 85 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 (opposite Solnet House and Aurora Terrace). Services We Offer Include: • Sports injuries • Family Foot Care • Verrucae • Skin and Nail problems • Orthotic Services Email: Tim.Halpine@xtra.co.nz
is the perfect time to have
check up and treatment at Active Feet Podiatry. Enjoy the experience
to start and some TLC for the feet that serve you
Bring your sport
and start the year off on the right foot! Active Feet Podiatry, Dr
can be seen at this rooms at level 2 85 the Terrace, or at Ngaio Medical Centre. Phone 473 8696. ActiveFeetPodiatry.com Step in to the New Year with comfortable feet!
with a
all year.
shoes for review
Tim Halpine

Next Generation Real Estate.

Licensed REAA 2008

18A Penryn Drive, Camborne

2 2 1

Well maintained and super tidy, this low-maintenance and superbly laid out townhouse is spread over two levels, featuring two bedrooms, openplan kitchen, dining and lounge, double glazing, two modern bathrooms with an incorporated laundry.

Elevation leverages inlet views from bedrooms and the living area with great light and sun.

Set on low-upkeep grounds complete with covered carport access to the front door, large utility / storage basement - all conveniently located to rail and essentials at Mana and Porirua.

Tender Closing 1:00pm Thursday 14th March 2024 (unless sold prior)

Mike Carey

027 435 5040

Angie Prince

027 445 8386

19 Mahinawa Street, Takapuwahia

4 1 1

Welcome to your new home! This charming four-bedroom abode is a true gem, boasting a timeless appeal that will capture your heart. As you step through the front door, you'll be greeted by beautiful wooden floors that lead you to four spacious and sunlit bedrooms. With ample space, these rooms offer versatility, perfect for accommodating your family or transforming them into additional living areas or a home office to suit your needs.

The heart of the home lies in its inviting open-plan living, dining, and kitchen area. Here, you'll find the perfect setting for gatherings and everyday moments alike. Seamlessly connected to this space is a sprawling sunny deck.

Linda Huynh

027 586 6046

William YIP

18B Penryn Drive, Camborne

2 1 1

This charming townhouse is now available for sale, offering a comfortable and convenient living experience. With its prime location and desirable features, this property is sure to capture your attention.

Featuring two bedrooms, open-plan living and dining areas the welldesigned layout maximizes the use of space, creating a seamless flow between rooms.

Its perfect for entertaining guests with access to the large deck and garden. Additionally, the property boasts a carport space, providing secure parking for your vehicle along with loft storage and a large basement workshop.

Tender Closing 1:00pm Thursday 14th March 2024 (unless sold prior)

Mike Carey

027 435 5040

027 445 8386

71 Eskdale Road, Papakowhai

4 2 2

Welcome to 71 Eskdale Road, Papakowhai! This classic 4- bedroom 2bathroom home is now on the market and ready for its new owners. With a spacious land area of 551 sqm and a building area of 210 sqm, this property offers plenty of room for the whole family.

The property features a functional kitchen / dining area, study, separate lounge with a (log burner), and a large double garage with internal access. The outdoor area includes decking and a private backyard, all perfect for entertaining guests or enjoying a quiet evening at home.

Located in the desirable suburb of Papakowhai, this property is close to schools, parks, and local amenities.

Tender Closing 1:00pm Thursday 28th March 2024 (unless sold prior)

Mike Carey

027 435 5040

9 Thursday February 29, 2024
Angie Prince
021 106 9997
Price By Negotiation

The Senior Regional Games –Age isn’t a barrier to being active and having fun!

Confidence-building, trying new activities, meeting people, and having fun are just some of the reasons why older adults like attending the annual Senior Regional Games.

Free to attend, taking place on 12 March from 10.00am-1.00pm at the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre in Kilbirnie, attendees can ‘have-a-go’ at Badminton, Spin Poi, Rock’n

Roll dancing, Indoor Bowls, Pickleball, Table Tennis, Walking Netball, Walking Basketball, Walking Football, Kiwi Volleyball, Māori games, chair-based exercises, and more! A light lunch is provided for participants at midday.

Register today! Go to the Nuku Ora website www.nukuora.org.nz to click on About, then Events, and Senior Regional Games.

White Heron Sanctuary Tours

Whataroa is the departure point for tours to New Zealand’s only White Heron nesting site.

For over 36 years the Arnold Family have been operating White Heron Sanctuary Tours and delighting visitors by sharing this world class attraction with them.

The 2.5 hour tour includes of an informative minivan ride through private farmland into the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve.

Once in the reserve there is a short walk through ancient Kahikatea rainforest to a purpose built viewing hide to observe the magnificent White Heron (Kōtuku) in

their natural nesting environment.

White Heron Sanctuary Tours is the original and only tour to visit the White Heron nesting site.

An exceptional tour with variety, suitable for all age groups.

All aboard the “Walking Bus”!

The “Walking Bus” is where children, generally aged 5-10 years old, are led along a safe and parent-supervised walk to their local school, usually taking 10-15 minutes. Most walks are dry and sunny, and in the

“bus” hours the wind is generally very light. The “Walking Bus” is a great reason to leave the car behind, cut those emissions and have your children learn about the natural environment.

Urenui Beach Camp – this is a great spot for all the family!

Urenui Beach Camp is situated 30 minutes north of New Plymouth, just off SH3. It is located within the unique Urenui Domain. The beach and tidal river are ideal for swimming, boating and fishing. They also have a wonderful 9-hole golf course adjacent to the camp, complete with sea and mountain views.

The Domain is located on a spit of land at the mouth of the Urenui River and has been a popular recreation ground for more than 100 years. They have wifi installed

When you’re heading into our great Outdoors this summer make sure you check out the great range of roofboxes at The Roof Rack Centre at 2 Centennial Drive, Ngauranga. They have specials throughout autumn so make sure you call in or give them a ring to find out how you can save so much on quality. But stock can be limited so call them soon!

Andy and the team have always been happy to install and advise about the best option roofbox brands including Rhino

which covers all of the domain area. Urenui is a family friendly camp with a children’s playground and on site shop full of lovely holiday treats. The beach and tidal river are ideal for swimming, boating and fishing,

They do not allow dogs within the camp so guests are asked to make alternative arrangements for them.

Urenui Beach Camp is a wonderful holiday destination in a unique Taranaki coastal environment.

and Thule, and now the Yakima Streamline roofrack range. Ask them about how quiet these roofboxes and roofracks are. Free fitting is offered (terms and conditions apply).

“We live, breathe and sleep for the outdoors so we know what works. It’s who we are” says owner Andy Blake. They are the professionals in roofbox and roofrack stocking and installation, and as specialists they aim to offer you the best range to give you the best choices.

You’ll find they work hard to resolve all your needs and concerns.

10 Thursday February 29, 2024
ACTIVE autumn
Carry more by adding a Roofbox
with ROOFBOXES GIVE YOURSELF MORE SPACE! www.canoeandkayak.co.nz | www.roofrackcentre.co.nz Phone (04) 477 6911 | 2F No.2 Centennial Highway, Ngauranga INQUIRE NOW WHILE STOCKS LAST A WIDE RANGE OF ROOF RACKS, ROOF BOXES, BIKE RACKS, SNOW CHAINS Check in store for regular summer specials FRESH AIR, SPACE AND THE BEAUTY OF NATURE Urenui Beach Motor Camp - Urenui, Taranaki, New Zealand P: 06 752 3838 E: urenuibeachcamp@xtra.co.nz W: www.urenuibeachcamp.co.nz Urenui Beach Camp Powered and non-powered sites Two full amenities blocks, with toilets, showers, basins, hand dryers and hair dryers. Fully equipped kitchen We also have cabins and onsite caravan. The kitchen area is a popular gathering point in the evenings where campers come to cook their dinner and exchange stories of their travel adventures in New Zealand. We have site wide WIFI so you can catch up with family while you are away. ONLINE BOOKING AND PAYMENT PREFERRED

ACTIVE autumn

See the Little Penguins up close – guaranteed!

Get up close and personal with these beautiful creatures on this conservation based eco-tour. You are guaranteed to see penguins in their natural habitat during the breeding season from September to mid-February and from the second week in April throughout winter.

This is a wonderful option for people who wish to take part in Pohatu Penguins’ monitoring programme and discover more – in depth – about their conservation efforts.

This gives you great insight into the life of a penguin and the chance to see the birds up close with a unique opportunity to watch them socialising on the water. After a breathtaking scenic drive

over Akaroa extinct volcano and photo opportunities you will discover tranquil Pohatu Bay where you will set off for a conservation walk and talk around the colony to monitor nesting sites and make sure that the Little Penguins are doing well.

Then, you will have the unique opportunity to spot some undisturbed from the hides, socializing on the water with provided binoculars and telescope.

With night falling they have a high likel ihood of seeing penguins returning to shore and relaxing on the rocks before heading to their nests. As they have to walk so far to feed chicks tours leave before dark

Getting to know Get Fixed –

to leave them in peace. Prepare to be blown away on their Sea-Kayak Tour! Kayak around the wild volcanic outer coast of Pohatu Marine Reserve and observe the amazing wildlife such as Little Penguins, New Zealand Fur Seal colonies, Hectors’ Dolphins and many sea birds species.

They’ll get you and your bike set for the mountain, the road or your next commute!

Get Fixed Bicycle Cafe and Workshop originated from humble beginnings in the form of a bicycle workshop side-gig in our home garage.

Simon’s reputation grew and it was a leap of faith but I decided to quit my job when an opportunity came along to open a pop-up business on Porirua’s beautiful harbour’s edge. Our bicycle cafe was born operating out of a single converted shipping container.

That was 2018 and we now operate out of eight converted shipping containers in Porirua as well as a second purpose-built cafe/workshop in Brewtown, Upper Hutt. Our workshops, as well as repairs and servicing specialise in electric bike con-

A farmstay

and farm walks in the Wairarapa

With both farmstay (optional B & B) and backpacker accommodation available Otapawa Farmstay and Backpackers is suitable for families, group bookings or backpackers wanting a rural experience.

Located at Tiraumea on a hill country sheep and beef station it’s a one-hour drive from Masterton.

Outdoor activities include farm walks, garden walks around the hosts gardens, take a walk to the waterfall or view the seasonal on farm acitivities such as shearing, docking or mustering.

Off the beaten track and set in a peaceful valley with views of the Puketoi Ranges and hill country farmland, Otapawa gives visitors a taste of the country lifestyle.

Otapawa makes an ideal halfway stop between Wellington and Hawke’s Bay just off Route 52. Campervans and Caravans are also welcome.

White Heron Sanctuary Tours

White Heron Sanctuary Tours



• Minivan ride through private farmland into the Waitangiroto Reserve • Observe the magnificent White Heron (Kotuku) in their natural environment – nesting Sept to Feb • Royal Spoonbill, Little Shag and an abundance of other birdlife.

versions and custom wheel building. Our sustainably focused cafes offer a wide range of vegan and non-vegan options and our delicious bagels, burgers and salads are all named after local bicycle trails. We are convinced that the goal of every business should be to enrich the communities they are part of by being community focused and sustainable.

To advertise on this page contact


Jetboat Cruise into the
Waitangiroto Nature Reserve • Observe the magnificent White Heron (Kotuku) in their natural nesting environment
• Walk through ancient Kahikatea rainforest
with a
Phone - 0800 523
• Royal Spoonbill, Little Shag and an abundance of other birdlife. Tours operate
is by permit only. Friendly experienced guides with local knowledge. Do not miss this exceptional tour. Free
456 Email - info@whiteherontours.co.nz www.whiteherontours.co.nz
Main Road, Whataroa, West Coast NZ
Main Road, Whataroa, West Coast
February 29, 2024 11
Visit NZ’s Only Kōtuku Nesting Site Free Phone - 0800 523 456 Email - info@whiteherontours.co.nz
TRANQUILITY! in Otapawa Farmstay and Backpackers www.otapawafarmstay.co.nz 255 Haunui Road, Tiraumea, Eketahuna Tel 06 376 7765 Mob 027 741 0108
Pohatu Penguins offers unique nature and sea kayak tours from Akaroa, Banks Peninsula.
304 8542
www.pohatu.co.nz Largest colony of Little Penguins on mainland New Zealand BOOK NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS!
246 9556 tours@pohatu.co.nz
steve@wsn.co.nz Owners Angela and Simon Bendall 16 Parumoana St, Harbour’s Edge, Porirua City Ctr and Brewtown, Upper Hutt Phone: 04 233 0660 www.getfixedbicycles.co.nz FIX your BIKE with this workshop voucher to be used on a service $50 T’s and C’s apply
CalltheExpertsintheirfield XPERTS VEHICLE SERVICING AND REPAIRS FOR EUROPEAN AND JAPANESE VEHICLE 31 JOHNSONVILLE RD, JOHNSONVILLE PH: 04-385 0060 | Email: motorworxwgtn@outlook.com www.motorworx.co.nz S Auto Maintenance All Door & Window Repairs Call free anytime 0800 37 37 10 www.exceed.co.nz • ALL DOOR & WINDOW REPAIRS • HANDLES, STAYS, HINGES • INTERIOR DOOR HANDLES • SLIDING DOOR ROLLERS • FRAME & CONSERVATORY REPAIRS • BI-FOLD, SLIDING AND HINGE DOOR REPAIRS • RETRACTABLE FLY SCREENS • SECURITY LOCKS FOR WINDOWS & DOORS Sliding door won’t slide? Need insect & fly screens? Broken window handles? Premier Preschool Johnsonville Call: 04 939 8247 Email: jvpremierpreschool@gmail.com Location: Onsite Johnsonville School, 2 Morgan Street. Open: 8.30am–4pm Age Group: 2–5 years Open over the school term 20 Hours ECE available Fun, Friendship, Learning Preschool Double Glazing RETRO DOUBLE GLAZING SPECIALISTS R & B GLASS & GLAZING LTD Phone: 934 0948 | Rene: 027 462 0220 Double Glaze your existing single glazed timber & aluminium windows retaining the original look. DO ONE ROOM OR THE WHOLE HOUSE • All glass repairs / new glazing • Splashbacks • Designer Frameless Showers Call today for a free, on site assessment and quotation www.rbglass.co.nz 12 Thursday February 29, 2024

30 years of outstanding service

St Brigid’s School in Johnsonville acknowledges and celebrates the Deputy Principal Fiona Kearns on her remarkable 30-year tenure at St Brigid’s.

It is, the school says. “an impressive milestone”.

Fiona began her teaching journey at St Brigid’s in February 1994 as a beginning teacher.

She has held various roles in the school over the past three decades, from classroom teacher, team leader, Director of Religious Studies, Deputy Principal and Acting Principal.

Fiona has seen the school change and develop over the years, from staff and students starting and departing, new buildings added onto

the Phillip Street site or refurbished, and the school growing in size from a few classrooms catering for 180 students to 14 classrooms for 330 students as the school is today.

"Fiona has brought a myriad of skills and talents to St Brigid’s,” says Jennifer Ioannou, the school’s Tumuaki (Principal).

“She has worked incredibly hard to ensure it is a school of choice and is highly regarded in the northern suburbs community.

“She upholds the school values of whakapono (faith), māia (courage), aroha (love) and kotahitanga (inclusiveness), and seeks ways to promote these everyday, demonstrating our school’s vision, ‘Learning together

with strength of character and gentleness of heart’.

“Her dedication and positive interactions with students, staff, whānau and our parish community demonstrates her commitment to Catholic Education and St Brigid’s School.

“She has made lasting and positive impacts on the hundreds of students she has taught, colleagues, and the entire school community," Ms Ioannou says.

The St Brigid’s Board of Trustees would like to celebrate, acknowledge and thank Fiona on behalf of the school community for three decades of dedicated outstanding service and leadership at St Brigid’s School.

13 Thursday February 29, 2024 RUBBISH RUBBISH & GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Free quotations Ph Sam on 021 0252 7361 No job too small! Whiteware, appliances, furniture & recyclables Samsrubbishnz@gmail.com ADVERTISING TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT BRENDA NOW BRENDA INGRAM-JOHNSON Sales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz SERVICES CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SERVICE NOW! & Trades GUTTERS Call Steve 528 3331 / 0272 377 020 Relax & get your Gutter Cleaned PLUMBING CRAFTSMAN PLUMBER Certified Plumber and Drainlayer Graham Plumbing & Drainage Ltd 44236 Plumbing. Drainlaying. Roofing and Spouting. Blocked drains. Burst pipes. Repairs and Leaks. Black Dux Qest pipe replacement. Maintenance. Kitchens. Bathrooms. Replacing hot water cylinders. Phone 027 4574 999 or 970 2409 Email: jokagraham3@gmail.com 7 CUNLIFFE STREET, JOHNSONVILLE COMPARE OUR QUOTES & BE SURPRISED CARPET & VINYL David & Maria’s SALE CARPET & VINYL NOW SHIPPING CONTAINERS OUTDOOR POWER TOOLS WE SELL AND SERVICE: • LAWNMOWERS • CHAINSAWS • LINE TRIMMERS • LEAF BLOWERS • WOOD CHIPPERS • HEDGE TRIMMERS • LONG REACH TOOLS • RIDE ON MOWERS • LOPPERS AND HAND TOOLS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT • WATERBLASTERS & GENERATORS OTHER SERVICES WE PROVIDE: • KNIFE SHARPENING • EZISWAP GAS OPEN 7 DAYS PH: 04 237 4085 2 Semple St, Porirua Mega Centre PH: 04 586 7139 • 38 Victoria Street, Petone DREAM DOORS Kitchens Reimagined KITCHENS PAINTER Contact Darrin: 027 2767 691 browndarrin202@gmail.com All things mAintenAnce
• Kitchens • Bathrooms • Repair & Renovations • Landscaping • Qualified Carpenter CARPENTER
• Home Maintenance
Fiona Kearns (right) with St Brigid’s School Tumuaki Jennifer Ioannou. Photo: Supplied.

Public Notice


New team welcomed

St Anne’s Northland welcomed its new ministry team on 20 February when Bishop Justin Duckworth installed Rev Mel McKenzie and Rev Jessie ThorntonBlack as ministers alongside Rev Catherine Froud.


O HOLY Saint Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtues and rich in miracles, near kinsmen of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of needs.

Mel and Jessie are continuing their part time chaplaincy roles at Victoria University of Wellington which will mesh with their parish ministry.


To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance.

Help me in my present urgent petition (make your request). In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked.

(Say) three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three The Glorias.

“This is a very exciting time for the parish, with the team-based approach bringing in some different skills and opportunities” says Sam Cooper, the Bishop’s Warden.

Our summer pools were built by us. Blends in well did cause no fuss. With hydro slide will cause a splash. And to it many people dash. Through native bush we twist and wiggle. From the children brings a giggle. Severn

Saint Jude pray for me and all who invoke your aid. Amen.

“St Anne’s has been without a minister for over six months and it is really great that Mel and Jessie can support our work in the Northland-Wilton community.”

The parish has a number of community activities, including Mainly Music for preschoolers and their caregivers, monthly Messy Church – when families enjoy activities and learning, Thursday Munch - an opportunity to enjoy lunch and friendship, as is the monthly Guys Curry and Beer.

all are hopen!

Sunday services are normally at 8am and 9.30am, with a family service once a month.



Public Notice


1. Stuntman,(9).


6. British P.M.1976-79, James (9)

1. Result (5-6)

11. Rough wool fabric. (5)

7. Scoundrel (7)

12. Baffle. (7)

11. Pulls (5)

13. Terra ... , dry land. (5)

12. Deviousness (7)

14. Unwanted. (8)

13. Excellent (5)

17. Excluded from society. (10)

14. Alert (9)

51. Aquatic mammal. (8)

Applications for Out of Zone Enrolment for Terms 3 and 4 2024

Enrolment at Northland School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office.

For more information about our school visit www.northland. school.nz.

The Board of Trustees has determined that places in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will be available for out of zone students eligible for enrolment Term 3 and 4 2024. Please email office@northland.school.nz for application forms.

If you live in the home zone and have not yet signaled your intention to enrol your child for 2024, please contact the school office.

Applications close on Wednesday 20th March 2024

Andrea Peetz

Principal Northland School Te Kura o Orangi Kaupapa

14 Harbour View Road Northland Wellington 6012

31. Long,vehement speech. (6)

55. Delete. (5)

51. Aquatic mammal. (8)

55. Delete. (5)

56. Illicit relationship. (7)

51. Angry (5)

56. Illicit relationship. (7)

57. Hawaiian farewell. (5)

52. Solidify by cooling (7)

57. Hawaiian farewell. (5)

58. Jewel set by itself. (9)

53. Anaesthetic (5)

59. Last day .(9)

58. Jewel set by itself. (9)

59. Last day .(9)

54. Humbleness (7)

55. Friendship (11)




18. Auspicious occassion, ... -letter day. (3)

1. Easing of hostility between nations. (7)

15. So (9)

16. Directs (6)

20. Whirlpool. (4)

18. Skull (7)

22. Loss of memory. (7)

21. Disorder (4)

24. Strictness. (6)

23. Racket (3)

26. Australian bird. (3)

28. Tribunal. (5)

25. Take by sips (3)

27. Stake (4)

29. walk leisurely. (7)

28. Artlessness (7)

32. Under(poetic). (5)


30. Low chair; Chaise (6)

33. Officers’ servant, man. (3)

33. Officers’ servant, man. (3)

34. N.Z. bird. (3)

32. Expert; hand (3)

34. N.Z. bird. (3)

33. Strange (3)

35. Eggs. (3)

35. Eggs. (3)

34. Zealous (6)

36. Saunter (5)

36. Saunter (5)

35. In brisk time(music) (7)

37. Facial feature. (7)

37. Facial feature. (7)

36. U.S. state (4)

38. Impish dwarf. (5)

38. Impish dwarf. (5)

37. Biblical vessel (3)

39. Prosecute. (3)

39. Prosecute. (3)

39. Curve (3)

41. Delirium. (6)

41. Delirium. (6)

41. Cupid (4)

42. More robust. (7)

42. More robust. (7)

43. Exposed to air (7)

44. Cow-house. (4)

44. Cow-house. (4)

45. Female relatives (6)

47. Escort on departure, off. (3)

47. Escort on departure, off. (3)

48. An endless time(Lat) (9)

49. Sprite,(Irish folklore). (10)

49. Sprite,(Irish folklore). (10)

49. Left handed people(inf) (9)

1. Easing of hostility between nations. (7)

1. Sound (5)

2. Male ruff. (5)

2. Sent (11)

2. Male ruff. (5)

3. Cheat. (6)


3. Cheat. (6)

4. Morning star (5)

4. Of public revenue (6)

4. Morning star (5)

5. Fast time (4)

5. Fast time (4)

5. Turn outwards (5)

6. Large statue(pl). (7)

6. Large statue(pl). (7)

6. Constrict (7)

7. Sheen. (6)

7. Sheen. (6)

7. Has high morals (8)

8. Loving. (12)

8. Loving. (12)

8. Reduce (6)

9. Standard frequency unit. (5)

9. Standard frequency unit. (5)

9. Sanction (7)

10. Early species of man. (11)

10. Early species of man. (11)

10. Audacity (5)

16. Arrange in steps (7)

31. Long,vehement speech. (6)

40. Constellation, minor. (4)

43. Fawn upon. (7)

40. Constellation, minor. (4)

(abbr) (3)

44. Turkish governer. (3)

43. Fawn upon. (7)

33. Sphere (3)

45. Rapture. (7)

44. Turkish governer. (3)

38. U.S. horse race; Derby (8)

45. Rapture. (7)

40. Restrained (8)

46. Hot sauce. (6)

48. Colourless,odourless gas. (6)

46. Hot sauce. (6)

42. Casual (7)

50. Small medicine bottle. (5)

48. Colourless,odourless gas. (6)

44. Annual calendar (7)

46. Scoffs (6)

52. Joins (5)

50. Small medicine bottle. (5)

52. Joins (5)

53. Haughty. (5)

47. Manservant (6)

54. Catch sight of. (4)

53. Haughty. (5)

48. Form of expression (5)

54. Catch sight of. (4)

49. Water vapour (5)

50. Gambol (5)



Last WeeK: 22 February 2024

For November 10, 2004


15. Solid carbon dioxide. ... ice.(3)

17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank (7)

15. Solid carbon dioxide. ... ice.(3)

16. Dutch cheese. (4)

16. Dutch cheese. (4)

19. Competitor (5)

19. Disprove. (6)

19. Disprove. (6)

21. Lasting. (7)

21. Lasting. (7)

23. Collection of peacocks. (6)

20. N.Z. Prime Minister 1975-84 Sir Robert (7)

23. Collection of peacocks. (6)

25. Rhetoric. (7)

22. Boils (7)

25. Rhetoric. (7)

26. Theft by an enployee. (12)

24. Catch (3)

26. Theft by an enployee. (12)

27. Graze. (6)

26. Group of whales (3)

27. Graze. (6)

28. Timidity. (11)

29. Topic (5)

28. Timidity. (11)

31. Uninvited guest (4-7)

30. Small lump. (3)

30. Small lump. (3)

32. Deoxyribonucleic acid

14 Thursday February 29, 2024 CLASSIFIEDS Your Local News Graham’s Painters E: grahamspaintersnz @gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ BUILDING Consent Approval and house plans. Free estimates provided. Call Doug on 934-1398. Trades and Services ON... WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Funeral Directors Comprehensive professional funeral services www.gfh.co.nz Johnsonville 477 4025 | Tawa 232 1588 Brad Kirsty www.wilsonfunerals.co.nz The Wilson Funeral Home has served Wellington for over 100 years. 142 Karori Road, Karori 476 5292 375 Adelaide Road, Newtown 389 6069 Local People Caring in our Community Public Notice THURSDAY FACT Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. Situation Vacant Public Notice Funeral Director Puzzle W R O O R C S D S CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters SOLUTION SOLUTION ACROSS 1. Result (5-6) 7. Scoundrel (7) 11. Pulls (5) 12. Deviousness (7) 13. Excellent (5) 14. Alert (9) 15. So (9) 16. Directs (6) 18. Skull (7) 21. Disorder (4) 23. Racket (3) 25. Take by sips (3) 27. Stake (4) 28. Artlessness (7) 30. Low chair; Chaise (6) 32. Expert; hand (3) 33. Strange (3) 34. Zealous (6) 35. In brisk time(music) (7) 36. U.S. state (4) 37. Biblical vessel (3) 39. Curve (3) 41. Cupid (4) 43. Exposed to air (7) 45. Female relatives (6) 48. An endless time(Lat) (9) 49. Left handed people(inf) (9) 51. Angry (5) 52. Solidify by cooling (7) 53. Anaesthetic (5) 54. Humbleness (7) 55. Friendship (11) DOWN 1. Sound (5) 2. Sent (11) 3. Shy
3. Shy (8) 4. Of public revenue (6) 5. Turn outwards (5) 6. Constrict (7) 7. Has high morals (8) 8. Reduce (6) 9. Sanction (7) 10. Audacity (5) 16. Arrange in steps (7) 17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank (7) 19. Competitor (5) 20. N.Z. Prime Minister 1975-84 Sir Robert (7) 22. Boils (7) 24. Catch (3) 26. Group of whales (3) 29. Topic (5) 31. Uninvited guest (4-7) 32. Deoxyribonucleic acid (abbr) (3) 33. Sphere (3) 38. U.S. horse race; Derby (8) 40. Restrained (8)
Casual (7)
Annual calendar (7)
Scoffs (6)
Manservant (6)
Form of expression (5)
Water vapour (5)
Gambol (5) Formerly cpa spares N Deliverers Required in Area 1: Momona, Mohaka, Kawatiri - Kaponga. Wainuiomata Newspaper Deliverers WANTED Contact Sandra on 587 1660 accounts@wsn.co.nz 7.00pm Monday 30th November At the Clubrooms Corner of Main Road and Moohan Streets, Wainuiomata Wainuiomata Squash Club AGM
FACT OF THE DAY 51. J.K. Rowling chose the unusual name ‘Hermione’ so young girls wouldn’t be teased for being nerdy! Bringing local news to the community View the Wainuiomata News online www.wsn.co.nz CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters SOLUTION ACROSS 1. Stuntman,(9). 6. British P.M.1976-79, James (9) 11. Rough wool fabric. (5) 12. Baffle. (7) 13. Terra ... , dry land. (5) 14. Unwanted. (8) 17. Excluded from society. (10) 18. Auspicious occassion, ... -letter day. (3) 20. Whirlpool. (4) 22. Loss of memory. (7) 24. Strictness. (6) 26. Australian bird. (3) 28. Tribunal. (5) 29. walk leisurely. (7) 32. Under(poetic).
by Tony Watling
days a week the place is
Hot summer days we
Bishop Justin Duckworth with Mel McKenzie (centre) and Jessie Thornton-Black. Photo: Supplied.


Autumn Equinox, Star Trek and Laser Tour at Stonehenge Aotearoa

The Autumn Equinox this year occurs on March 20 at 6:30pm.

The evening at Stonehenge Aotearoa begins with Tales of the Autumn Equinox from our Storyteller. This is followed by a procession into the Circle of Stones and weather permitting we will see the Sun set on the Equinox Heel Stone in the west. There may be some music and stargazing as well.

Weather permitting we then take you on a laser tour of the heavens beneath the stars at Stonehenge Aotearoa. Star Treks are available on any evening but must be booked in advance. Allow 90 minutes for your tour which should begin about an hour after sunset.


Occurs on March 20, 2024 at 6:30pm

Adults $30, Seniors $25, Child (primary) $5, School student (secondary) $10


The Remutakas are closed at 9pm so people need to book an escorted trip over the hill on the way back to Wellington. The hill is closed from 9pm to 4am. Travellers need to book this by 4pm on the day.

Make your Wedding a Special Occasion at Juno Olives

Greytown Butchery still producing winning quality meat products

Established in 1873, Greytown Butchery is still operating in the same historic building and keeping old butchering traditions alive.

It’s no wonder they con sistently win awards with their multi ­ award winning sausages, having so far clocked up 25 awards in the last 17 years.

Greytown Butchery has recently won their 25th award at the annual Great New Zealand Sausage Competition. Ironically it was the Sausage Competition’s 25th year running.

Greytown Butchery have also recently marked the Butchery Building’s 150th year, recently celebrating 150 years since Greytown Butchery first opened, by Sam Haigh.

Artisan butcher Gavin Green and partner Julie Fairbrother, have transformed this iconic and popular business into a gourmet, Europeanstyled butchery.

Observing the Equinox isn’t the only attraction at Stonehenge Aotearoa because you can also explore our magnificent night sky! The Stonehenge Aotearoa Star Treks programme begins with a short pre sentation on our place in the universe. This is followed by an audio ­ visual that takes you on a tour of our current night sky identifying the planets and notable celestial objects. www.greytownbutchery.co.nz

It has been a very busy couple of months on the grove. Usually we have a quiet period with the good weather, punctuated with markets over the summer and preparing the wedding venue in the grove.

This year our youngest daughter got married, and wanted the ceremony to take place on the grove. Not a difficult task you would think; but when the bride and groom, the groom’s family and serveral

friends are coming from Canada, it made the event more challenging to organise. All was eventually arranged and the wedding took place on a beautiful Wairarapa summer’s day, with everyone enjoying the sunshine in the day and music and dancing in a marquis well into the night.

It’s the first time we have done this, but given the success it shows that others may want to use the grove to make their day even more special!

Craft and garments at the Wool Shed Museum

If you want to know what’s made New Zealand a great agricultural country you can learn so much about it by visiting the National Museum of Sheep and Shearing in Masterton.

The complex is housed in two authentic old wool sheds trucked in from local farms, plus a newly constructed gallery building – full of sheep farm gear, including shearing and wool handling equipment.

You’ll find displays describing the history of sheep farming and its

importance to our nation. For many years New Zealand was said to “live off the sheep’s back.” Demonstrations are held about spinning and weaving on Wednesday mornings and by arrangement. See the history of spinning from ancient times and our collection of spinning wheels.

See our shop with its wide range of wool garments, footwear, sheepskin rugs, lanolin cosmetics, gift items, kids’ stuff and souvenirs. We are a visitor attraction of international quality.

Stonehenge Aotearoa

It prides itself on top quality cuts with exceptional service to match.

Remember to bring your chilly bin with you next time for your goods!

Add the flavour of olives

1931 State Highway 2, Greytown

Tel: 021 280 6510

• Shearing and farming memorabilia plus types of wool and their uses.

• The story of shearing – its beginnings and how it became an international sport.

• The history of sheep farming.

• Live shearing demonstrations for groups arranged with prior notice.

• Spinning and weaving demonstrations on Wednesdays or by arrangement.

• Wool garments and souvenirs.

What’s hot in the Events Calendar Golden Shears
Feb, 1, 2 March War Memorial Stadium, 2 Dixon St, Masterton Martinborough Fair Martinborough Square, Martinborough
March from 8:00am Market in the Vines – Carterton Gladstone Vineyard, Gladstone Rd, 3 March 10:30am – 3:30pm Wairarapa Balloon Festival
March - 1 April, Masterton 15 Thursday February 29, 2024
Phone: (06) 377 1600 | 51 Ahiaruhe Road, R.D.2 Carterton Email: info@stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz | Web: www.stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz
16 Thursday February 29, 2024 MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS ONLY 343570 353985 378951 Nouveau Lorca Folding Sun Lounger Rust-resistant powder coated aluminium frame. Durable olefin cushions. 120kg weight rating per seat. Foldable design with adjustable sides. H:720mm W:15702180mm D:720mm. 392316 WAS $ 49 NOW $29 MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS Phone : 04 479 8765 128 Churchill Drive cs.croftondowns@mitre10.co.nz facebook.com/mitre10.croftondowns www.mitre10.co.nz/croftondowns Monday - Friday 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am-6.00pm WAS $ 1999 NOW $999 WAS $ 999 NOW $549 WAS $ 1099 NOW $749 Nouveau Venus Outdoor Bar Setting 5 Piece Rust resistant powder-coated aluminium frame. Provides the look of wood with the easy maintenance of aluminium. Textilene sling. 120kg weight rating per seat. Stackable chairs. Gasmate Hydra Gas & Charcoal Combo BBQ 3 Burner LPG and charcoal Double-skinned gloss black powder coated roasting hoods Stainless steel fascia with powder coated side shelves, cabinet trolley and doors 25% OFF Selected Outdoor Furniture 50% OFF All Outdoor Pots (Excludes : Timber / Indoor / Terracotta and Plastic pots). 25% OFF All Chilly Bins 15% OFF Selected BBQ’s 40% OFF All Pools 30% OFF All Fans Nouveau Alloy Bistro Chair Rust-resistant aluminium frame. 100kg weight rating per seat. Easy maintenance. Lightweight. Stackable. H: 740mm, W: 530mm, D: 575mm.

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