11 July Independent Herald

Page 1

Stop raised crossings

Thousands of people are coming out against Wellington City Council’s plan to install five raised pedestrian crossings on Thorndon Quay

Two petitions have been set up opposing the council’s plan to make a series of changes along Thorndon Quay. Continued on page 2.

An artist’s impression of one of the proposed raised crossings on Thorndon Quay. Image: Wellington City Council.


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Frank Neill

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steve@wsn.co.nz 027 765 8303


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Petitions signed by over 2,000 people

Continued from page 1.

More than 2,000 people had signed the petitions when the “Independent Herald” went to print.

Three Wellington City Councillors, Cr Tony Randle, Cr Ray Chung and Cr Diane Calvert, also told the “Independent Herald” that the council should either stop or defer its Thorndon Quay plan.

The first petition was started by Paul Robinson on behalf of the Thorndon Quay and Hutt Road Collective, a group of business owners in the area.

Entitled “Halt Thorndon Quay Roadworks until an independent project review is completed” it is available at change.org.nz.

When the paper went to print 1,499 people had signed it.

“Wellington City Councillors made a grave error when they accepted advice from officers to approve the new $58m bus and cycle lanes along Thorndon Quay,” the petition says.

“The advice that Officers gave Councillors was grossly deficient for three reasons:

1. Officers did not tell Councillors about the underlying water-mains. 8 major watermains lie under Thorndon Quay. 2 of these are over 100 years old. Council Officers were advised (via Let’s Get Wellington Moving) that some of these pipes either must or should be replaced as part of the roading project. Officers did not inform Councillors of the condition of these pipes when seeking approval for the project.

2. Officers grossly underestimated the economic impact of these roading changes on local businesses. In 2021, 1500 people petitioned council to do an economic impact study but officers recommended that councillors reject the petition. They said that the $1.3m of car parking revenues would only reduce by $32k pa. In fact, they have

A view of Thorndon Quay. Photo: Wellington City Council. reduced by as much as $750k pa. Pedestrian foot counts are down by up to 80%, cafe revenues are down by 40%. Businesses were only supposed to suffer disruption for 12 weeks. In fact, the disruption is slated to last for 18 months and most likely much longer. Wellington’s water infrastructure is in crisis.

3. Safety data relied on by Councilors was based on advice that was not independent and free of bias. A company called ViaStrada Ltd was engaged to prepare various reports used to develop the strategies and business cases used to justify expenditure on cycleways. Officers of this company were also, at various times, officers of the cycle activist organisation Cycle Action Network. This dual interest does not appear to have been disclosed to Councillors. The consequence of this is that data is perceived to have been interpreted from a position of bias. If this data had been objectively interpreted, adequate

safety improvements could have been made at a fraction of the cost of the current project.

“Currently, over 330km of Wellington’s pipes need replacing.

“Wellington Water estimate that in 10 years' time the amount of pipe requiring replacing will have increased to 560km.

“Spending $58m on a nice to have but non-essential cycle and busway in preference to replacing pipes is a poor prioritisation of scarce council resources.

“Council will say that other water projects take priority, but those projects aren't having a $58m roading project being built on them.

“Those projects aren't causing severe economic harm to the local businesses.

“If customers can't access the businesses along Thorndon Quay, then those businesses can't afford to pay their share of infrastructure upgrade.

Continued on page 6.

Karori artist features at new art space

Karori artist and designer Tim Christie is about to exhibit at Wellington’s brand new immersive art space, The Grid Art Space, which opened on 5 July.

Tim will premier his new work “Nowadeus” on 6 August at The Grid Art Space, 18 Haining Street.

His exhibition, which will run until 1 September, focuses on people’s modern-day devotions and obsessions.

“I'm collaborating with digital animation artist Delainy Jamahl, multi-award winning composer Tom McLeod and sound designer Mike Hodgson to present an optical and audio feast featuring an assembly of imagined deities personifying our modern day devotions and obsessions,” Tim says.

“’Nowadeus’ awakens my larger than life characters inviting us to reflect on the conscious and subconscious paradigms we pay homage to in our daily lives.”

With this exhibition, Tim is bringing his work to the fully immersive gallery medium for the first time.

The Grid Art Space is the brainchild of creative duo Shannon Brosnahan Inglis and Delainy Jamahl, who is also one of the featured artists.

This style of immersive experience has been gaining traction globally, with the likes of the“BBC Earth Experience” in Melbourne and the recent “Light Cycles” installations at the Wellington Botanical Garden.

Shannon says they are excited to combine this new reimagining of the gallery space with contemporary Aotearoa-made works.

“Immersive exhibitions transport people out of their everyday lives and offer a unique escape. They have a magical quality that calls to people,” she says.

The space is transformed with large projection screens, and each exhibition is accompanied by a surround soundscape to completely immerse visitors in a 360-degree digital art experience.

She says these captivating moments can be stirring individual or shared experiences, and during winter especially, art gives people a reason to head out and find this connection.

The space opened with Delainy Jamahl’s

exhibition “Rivers of Wind,” which brings to life eight years of data from the weather station at Wellington Airport, in a flowing visualisation that explores the wild forces of nature in the capital.

“While I have done a lot of work in this

format, it is a new venture for Tim Christie,” Delainy says.

“Part of what we do is to bridge this gap, working with artists to develop immersive experiences or digital artworks centred on their art form.

“We wanted to offer a varied programme of home-grown works, and to have had a hand in their creation feels pretty special,” Delainy says.

Shannon and Delainy, who have both made careers in the creative industry, were inspired to bring this immersive exhibition space to their home city after experiencing similar spaces while living in Berlin.

“We started in New York, exploring the incredible immersive art scene out there, and it sparked a conversation about the impact of these experiences.

“Then, while in Berlin, we were strongly influenced by the European digital arts scene, and the idea for The Grid started to really take shape with our desire to create a dedicated space for this art form back home.

“We have been working towards making it a reality since returning in 2021,” she says.

The Newlands Paparangi Progressive Association (NPPA) will hold its annual general meeting at Ngā Hau e Whā o Paparārangi Marae, 30 Ladbrooke Drive, at 2pm on Sunday 21 July. All residents of Newlands and Paparangi are welcome. The meeting will be followed by afternoon tea.

People can register, and also let the association know of any dietary requirements, at newlandspaparangiprogressive@gmail.com.

A scene from Tim Christie’s upcoming exhibition. Photo: Supplied.
Tim Christie. Photo: Supplied.

Cashmere Ave School celebrates Matariki

Cashmere Avenue School celebrated Matariki on 4 July.

The weather did not deter families from the early start of the celebrations as wh nau came together to reflect on the past year and share kai while the school’s Kapa Haka group performed and speeches were presented.

Community connectedness was on show as parents and staff came together to cook sausages, dish out hot chocolates and eat homemade star biscuits. He waka eke noa. The children were engaged in celebrating their identity and diversity through workshops.

The range of workshops for older students included astronomy, kite making, poi, waiata, preparing kai, weaving and garden mosaic art. Younger students engaged in making lanterns, string stars and

colourful kites, and in waiata and kani kani (dancing).

“It was fantastic to see the expertise of helpers in our wider community, including parents, former parents, Maraeroa Marae in Porirua and a local kindy teacher to help foster the learnings of our tamariki,” the organiser of the event, Team 3 Leader Ashley Durston says.

“We are fortunate to have their wonderful support and mahi in an event such as this.”

After lunch the children all came together with their buddy classes to share kai as well as the cooked kumara chips prepared earlier before working together on activities in the afternoon.

“The day was a wonderful way to celebrate Matariki,” the

school’s Tumuaki Adelle Jensen says. “We saw our tamariki as inspired learners coming together across the school, each showing pride in their kura, their learning

Alice the musical opens soon

KAT Theatre’s mid-year production of Alice opens next Thursday, 18 July 27 July at Cochran Hall, Cashmere Avenue, Khandallah.Alice – A musical play in two acts is a family-friendly musical romp based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. It features all the favourite characters from the White Rabbit to the Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat but takes a more modern, episodic approach and reinterprets the famous scenes in song.

Bookings can be made on the KAT Theatre website, https://kat-theatre.org.nz.

and themselves.

“It is heart-warming to see so many of our parent wh nau connecting together at our early morning event,” she says.

Students with the string stars they made during the Matariki celebration. Photo: Supplied.
Cashmere Avenue School students weaving during the Matariki celebration. Photo: Supplied.
Students at work on their art during Cashmere Avenue School’s Matariki celebration. Photo: Supplied.
Queen of Hearts ordering “off with their heads” in a scene from KAT Theatre’s production of Alice. Photo: Supplied.

Karori book fair starts tomorrow

The Karori Lions and Rotary Clubs’ very popular Community Book Fair takes place tomorrow, 12 July, and the next day at the Karori Baptist Church, Marsden Village Karori.

The fair will be open on 12 July from noon to 8pm and continue on 13 July from 9am to 4pm.

Co-convenor Beth Anders for Karori Lions says this is always a key calendar event in Karori and the two service organisations, Lions and Rotary, enjoy working together to support significant community organisations with funding needs.

“We are again grateful to sponsors in support of the fair with some prizes for those who purchase over $25 in books,” Beth says.

“This has been a popular attraction at our previous book fairs. The prizes will be drawn at the end of the Fair on the Saturday.”

David Watt, Karori Rotary Co-convenor, is encouraging support from the wider areas of greater Wellington who have been buyers at the Karori Community Book Fair over

many years.

“We are giving funds collected at the Book Fair to organisations needing our support

E-recycling a big success

The Karori Lions e-recycling day on 6 July proved very successful once again.

“Karori Lions were delighted with the outcome of their electronic items recycle fundraiser last Saturday,” the club’s Treasurer Trevor Anders says.

“A couple of sudden showers and parking challenges did not deter a steady stream of good-natured public from bringing a host of items for safe recycle, including cell phones, laptops, printers, computers, cables and more.

“People were clearly pleased to pay the modest prices for taking the broken, obsolete or unwanted material off their hands, knowing that the money would be going to good causes.

“All net profits from Lions projects go back into the community.

“In this case the major beneficiaries of the more than $3,000 raised included Life Flight and the Lions Skin Cancer Bus.”

As well as raising funds for significant community organisations, the Lion e-recycling event saves hazardous goods being dumped in the landfill. Karori Lions are an inclusive group of like-minded individuals who like to have fun while supporting the community and providing humanitarian services.

The club welcomes membership enquiries from adults of all ages and backgrounds.

Phone Trevor at 021-454-056 or visit the club’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ KaroriLionsClubInc.

including the Life Flight Trust, to project support for Zealandia, and also to assist with grants to many local organisations in our

catchment area.

“We want to continue to play our part in doing this”, David says.


At last year’s Karori Community Book Fair. Photo: Supplied.
Some of the Karori Lions pose at the end of a busy morning in the Karori Youth Centre. Photo: Supplied.

Continued from page 2

“Let’s stop this poor allocation of public resource,” the petition says. The Thorndon Quay and Hutt Road Collective plans to present the petition to Wellington City Coucil in August, Mr Robinson told the “Independent Herald”. The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union launched the petition, entitled “Save Thorndon Quay”, on 3 July. The petition can be signed at www.taxpayers. org.nz/petition_thorndon_quay. More than 570 people had signed the petition by the deadline for the “Independent Herald”. “Businesses, residents, councillors and even the emergency services have rallied against the projects, calling it unsafe, unaffordable and irresponsible,” the Taxpayers’ Union says. “There’s been one serious accident in 10 years on this road and emergency services are saying this will make it harder to save lives, not easier,” the Taxpayers’ Union’s Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, says. “There’s absolutely no argument whatsoever tearing up the main route into Wellington is for safety. “To sum up how stupid this city-killing publicity stunt is, it might all have to be dug back up again.

“There’s millions of dollars worth of pipes listed as needing urgent repair under Thorndon Quay, which aren’t being fixed before being built on top of. “The council is tripling residents’ rates to pay for projects like this, and local businesses – already paying the highest rates in the country – are saying this will send them under,” James says.

“Is not taking on even more debt to deliberately make people’s lives harder really too much to ask?”

“Because the crossings are already signalised what’t the point in raising them?” Cr Randle asks. Because of the very low number of accidents where the council is planning to put raised crossings on Thorndon Quay “it doesn’t look like a safety issue to me.”

“I’m concerned about emergency services being slowed down by the raised crossings,” he says. Fire engines, for example, are able to travel at up to 70km an hour in a 50km zone, but because they are carry a big load of water, they have to slow down to around 25km per hour to travel over raised crossings. When buses had to travel over raised crossings, not only did they have to slow down, but the crossing was very very uncomfortable for passengers.

“I’m concerned about making the bus service poorer when we want more people to use the buses,” Cr Randle says.

“I am co-ordinating getting the community feedback to the council,” he says. He has had meetings with Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Metlink about their issues with the council’s plan, and he will be meeting with the Automobile Association next week.

“Local businesses are also angry about it.

“The businesses are hurting because it is taking away car parks and they are losing business.

“There are a lot of complaints about speed bumps.

“Every time the council puts in a crossing it’s a raised one. They are just over the top,” Cr Randle says.

Cr Chung says he is trying to get the

Thorndon Quay plan dropped.

The speed bumps, he says, “don’t seem to be there for any particular purpose.

“There’s only been one accident in 20 years, so why are they putting them in?

“There doesn’t seem to be any point to it.”

The Thorndon Quay project was being funding by both Wellington City Council and NZTA, Cr Calvert says.

“I think they both should look at pausing the project until there is clarity about the status of the water pipes, and also because of the overjealous design of the raised signalised pedestrian crossings.

“They’ve got five of them in the space of 1.8km,” she says.

The raised crossings make navigation more difficult for the buses.

“I understand that Greater Wellington, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Wellington Free Ambulance have raised concerns.

“Given that the the ambulance station is just 50 metres off Thorndon Quay, that is a main route for them,” Cr Calvert says.

The “Independent Herald” approached both Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Wellington Free Ambulance and asked if they had concerns about the Thorndon Quay project.

“Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) has met with Wellington City Council’s planning team during initial stages of this project, a FENZ spokesperson said.

“We have been able to influence change in some areas of design, but there remain design features we believe cause difficulty for our responding crews.

“Features that make it difficult for cars to pull over allowing our trucks to safely pass are of particular concern.

“We have a positive working relationship with the council, and we will continue to work alongside its planning team to find solutions that work for both parties.”

Any feature that is designed to slow traffic will have an impact on responding crews, the spokesperson said.

“When firefighters respond to emergency calls in urban areas, road conditions are an expected element that they are trained to handle.”

“As the emergency ambulance provider for Wellington City, we are supportive of initiatives that improve safety for all road users and pedestrians,” Wellington Free Ambulance said.

“Every day our emergency ambulances respond to hundreds of incidents across the region.

“One of the most helpful things any road user can do to ensure ambulances can easily get to where they need to be, is to pull over safely and quickly when they see an ambulance travelling under lights and sirens approaching.” A series of changes the council are making on Thorndon Quay “will make things safer and easier for everyone,” the council says on its website.

As well as the six crossings, five of them raised, the changes include:

4. new peak-hour bus lanes in both directions to improve bus travel times;

5. a two-way cycle path on the sea-side of the route to avoid intersections and the bus interchange;

6. improved lighting and planting; and fewer parks along the route to make space for the bus lane, as well as changes to some parking time restrictions.

Finding family history photos

Finding images to support family history research will be the focus of a talk at the next meeting of theWellington Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists on Wednesday 17 July at the Johnsonville Collective Community Hub at 7pm for a 7:30pm start.

Joan McCracken, Leader Outreach Services at the Alexander Turnbull Library, will present her talk entitled “Pictures of people and places: finding images for your family history”.

Most people look for pictures that have a direct connection to our family – whether that is a portrait of a family member or a picture of a house they lived in or the business they owned, but only a few will find those specific images in a public collection.

“I am suggesting we look more widely,” Joan says.

“A photograph of Thorndon or Cuba Street, for instance, will give me a good feel for the city my parents saw when they got married in Wellington in 1939, or maybe there is a picture of the wharves at Port Chalmers in 1867 when my great-grandmother arrived, even though I haven’t yet been able to find a photograph of the ship on which she travelled.”

Joan will focus on pictures in the collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library, but will also look at the wonderful resource that is DigitalNZ. Coffee, tea, biscuits, and a friendly welcome to visitors will feature at the evening, which is free of charge.

Huge flow from burst water main

Water from a burst pipe totally inundated Monaghan Avenue in Karori yesterday (10 July) morning.

The burst water main affected Monaghan Avenue from Karori Road to Parata Street.

It included all of Hawick Street, Silkirk Way, Laidlaw Way and Ridd Crescent. Collier Avenue, Woodhouse Avenue, Parkland Drive and Lindmouth Terrace were also affected.

A total of around 500 properties were affected by the water.

The burst pipe was reported to Wellington Water at 10:30am and it began working on a repair.

When the “Independent Herald” went to print Wellington Water expected to end the outage by 5:30pm.

Cuba Street, Wellington, from the corner of Manner’s Street, 1939. Photograph: S C Smith. Reference no: 1/2-048347-G Alexander Turnbull Library.
Water from a burst
inundating Monaghan Avenue. Photo: Kit Withers.
A picture showing two cyclists travelling on Thorndon Quay. Photo: Wellington City Council.

Sad news in council’s survey

Wellington City Council’s latest Residents’ Moonitoring Survey contains some poor news about the council’s performance.

The survey showed that just 20% of those surveyed were satisfied with the council’s decision making process.

Among the 80% who were dissatisfied with the council decision-making, respondents frequently mentioned that council not listening to residents was one reason they were dissatified.

Wellington being a great place to live, work and play also fell to an all-time low and was down from 79% last year to 73%.

There is “some sad news” in the survey results, says TakapŪ/Northern Ward Councillor Tony Randle.

People’s respect for the the council and Wellington being a great place “appear to be falling off the cliff,” he says.

Mayor Tory Whanau had made much of the fact that the figures for people dissatisfied with the council’s decision-making had gone up from 17% in 2023 to 20%.

“However the margin of error of the survey is 3%.

“The 20% is a low figure and it is not really going up,” he says.

The survey did have some good news, for example the increase in satisfaction with the bus service.

This reflects the fact that “finally after six years they have got the service back up to normal,” Cr Randle says.

Cr Ray Chung describes the figure of 20% satisfaction with council decision-making as “diabolical”.

“That means four out of five people don’t think we are doing the right things.

“We are obviously heading in the wrong direction.

“We are doing things that people don’t want,” the Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward Councillor says.

“This survey will continue to help Wellington City Council make informed decisions about what residents want and need,” Mayor Tory Whanau says.

“It’s such a great sign that people are increasingly finding it easier to get around the city using public transport and cycleways, and that they are satisfied with our community facilities that serve so many Wellingtonians.

“We know that P neke has a longstanding reputation as an arts and culture capital.

“Our creative community shapes the cultural landscape of the city, and gives Wellington its personality, so it’s awesome to see that this remains the case.

“I’m also heartened by the recognition of te reo M ori around the city as part of the council’s work to be a bilingual city by 2040.

“It’s good that satisfaction with the council decision-making process has improved from a low of 12% in previous terms to 20%, but there’s still more to be done.

“We are committed to further improvement through initiatives like the recent Citizens’ Assembly and further work around ensuring voices from all communities are incorporated into decision-making.

“Perception of central city safety has remained static after a number of years of falling perceptions, but perceptions of the central city’s liveliness is declining.

“Separate analysis of Police victimisation data between 2021-2023 for the country’s six biggest city centres show Wellington figures

increased by 12% while others increased between 30-50%.

“We are committed to improving safety in the city centre by reinvigorating it through the P neke Promise, the City Centre Precinct Plan and the Golden Mile which will make the CBD a more friendly and attractive space.

“The 2024-34 Long Term Plan also increased social grants for safety initiatives in the CBD by $500,000 a year.

“With collaboration, community and compassion, we can make our city safer for everyone,” Mayor Whanau says.

The survey was made by selecting about 10,000 people randomly slected from the Capital Views Panel.

The survey results can be accessed on the council’s website.

Cr Tony Randle. Photo: Supplied.
Cr Ray Chung. Photo: Frank Neill.
Mayor Tory Whanau. Photo: Supplied.
Double Glazing with German uPVC Joinery

Local Gold Award


Wellington Free Amulance, Zealandia Te M ra a T ra and the Capital Kiwi Project have been named as finalists in the 2024 Wellington Gold Awards.

Zealandia Te M ra a T ra is a finalist in two of the award categories.

It is one of six finalists in The Post Vibrant Gold category, for organisations involved in events and hospitality.

It is also one of six finalists for the Bluestar Green Gold Award, open to organisations with sustainability programmes and products.

Zealandia’s selection follows it receiving a major award last year when it won the supreme award at the 2023 New Zealand Toruism Awards.

Zealandia Te M ra a T ne is the world’s first fully-fenced urban ecosanctuary, with a 500-year vision to restore the valley’s forest and freshwater ecosystems as closely as possible to its pre-human state.

Wellington Free Ambulance was one of six finalists in the ACC Employer of the Year category, which has a focus on creating healthy work places.

The Capital Kiwi Project was one of six finalists for the Bluestar Green Gold Award.

This project is a collaboration between local people, landowners and iwi who are working together to transform the scale and pace of kiwi conservation.

The winners of the awards will be announced at the 2024 Gold Awards at the Embassy Theatre on Thursday 22 August.

The Wellington Gold Awards, held in association with “The Post”, celebrate excellence and enterprise of businesses in the Greater Wellington region and Horowhenua.

Established in 1999, they showcase the region’s business talent and capability and are a way of paying tribute to those who are building both the community and the economy.

Toy library closes

The Wadestown Toy Library has closed.

The library’s final day was on 6 July, when it opened to give members an opportunity to say goodbye and so they could return toys and any missing parts they have found.

“Thank you all for being a part of this community organisation,” the Wadestown Toy Library Committee said in a Facebook post.

“We have loved being a part of Wadestown and are sad to see it go after 39 years.

“All toys will be offered first to other toy libraries and like-minded charities/ organisations.

“Then we will hold a sale for all remaining toys. Keep an eye out on our local facebook page for more details.

“For those members who will have active memberships past this date, if you would like a refund for any remaining part of your membership fees please email us at wadestowntoylibrary@ gmail.com

“If you would like to join another toy library, we would highly recommend Ngaio Toy Library, Northland Toy Library and Karori Toy Library.”

The Wadestown Toy Library operated in the Wadestown Community Centre, which the Wellington City Council has decided will be closed.


There are 114 natural minerals and elements known to our scientists and these are found in perfect balance in the non polluted blue waters of our oceans.

In the beginning times of our planet, Earth, the first plants to evolve had an abundance of minerals to aid their growth making for a mass mat of vegetation and to grow to heights far greater than their modern relations. (Plus the atmosphere had very high levels of CO2 which is growth fertiliser for plants.)

Much of this massive plant life formed the bases of our fossil Coal of today.

(Oil is not a fossil fuel named incorrectly on purpose and it is being created constantly in the Earth’s Mantel...If you dont believe me do a little research.)

Ice ages in the past added fresh minerals to the earth by the actions of the glaciers grinding rocks to dust.

Over time minerals and elements are used up by plants and erosion taking the rich minerals away from the soil and out to sea.

For plants to be healthy each species requires a range of minerals and elements starting with Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as the main three (NPK) then we add in the other important ones such as calcium, sulphur, magnesium, sodium, boron etc.

The best man made fertilisers have about 16 elements which is far short of the possible 114.

I have read that a tomato plant would like 56 different minerals and elements, I don’t know which ones but thats about 40 more than our best man made plant foods.

If we give our plants a large range of minerals and elements into the soil or growing medium then the plant can take up the ones it wants and discards the others it does not need.

One of the fundamental reasons for companion planting is that one plant will use x, y, z elements where its companion uses u, v, w elements while they share the NPK plus other minerals.

When a plant needs a certain element that is not in the soil it will endeavor, in its internal chemical lab, to convert available elements into substitutes for its needs.

Also in a healthy soil life teeming with all parts/members of the Soil Food Web we find microbes also creating minerals and elements which are then made available to the plants.

One of the great benefits of this process is the creation of Humus. Humus which can store its own weight in moisture plus carbon and minerals.

Plants growing in a humus rich soil will be very healthy and even weeds will be worthy specimens in your garden.

Chemicals and acids from man made fertilisers, sprays, weed killers and chlorine from tap water; kills soil life making it difficult for plants to live healthy.

Unhealthy plants attract diseases and pests which are really Nature’s cleaners removing the weak.

We keep the sick plants and crops alive by spraying them with chemicals to protect and control the problems.

The plants are feed high doses of fertiliser to force growth while a chemical cocktail is soaked over them.

Then the sick plants lacking in nutritional value (only about 20% of what they should have) are eaten by us or our farm animals.

We and the unfortunate animals that have to consume these sick, chemically saturated plants/ grasses also become sick through lack of minerals and elements.

Its even worse for humans as we eat the meat and produce of the sick farm animals.

Ever wondered why our general health has deteriorated over the last 50 odd years?

A point to consider also that as far as I am aware none of the existing horticulture chemical sprays existed 50 years ago. It was only the beginnings of superphosphate back then.

Buying Organic or spray free produce will be of better value

to your health than conventional grown food and dairy but there is even a better way and that is growing as much as you can of your own produce.

By placing the minerals into your soil or growing medium, the food crops you grow will be healthier and far better taste than what you buy.

Just follow the rules, little or no chemical fertilisers, sprays, weed killers or chlorinated water from the tap.

Instead apply the minerals from the Ocean called Ocean Solids; the minerals from prehistoric times called Magic Botanic Liquid (MBL) and the minerals from rocks called Wallys Unlocking your Soil.

Your food crops will be healthier and your roses/plants will be better than ever.

Ocean solids is only applied once a year or at planting time. MBL can be applied once or twice a year as a soil drench and once a fortnight as a spray.

Wallys Unlocking your Soil can be applied in the spring and autumn as a general application and also some every time you plant.

Wallys Unlocking your Soil contains about 80 minerals and elements and is specially selected for its natural energy (paramagnetism), this energy is what gives the soil it’s vitality assisting in the

nutrient uptake of plants.

The high silica content (43%) helps in plant formation.

Wallys Unlocking your Soil is blended with Organic 100 liquid fertiliser concentrate made from fish and seaweed, which contributes a further array of minerals, together with microbial stimulates. These organisms being necessary to hold soil balance, regulate nutrient to the plants, build humus and help detoxify the soil.

Wallys Unlocking your Soil is used at 100 grams per square metre for new plantings. (Note scoop provided is approx 50 grams when filled level)

Alternatively about a level teaspoon into each planting hole for seedlings or a sprinkling along a row of seeds, with the seeds at planting time.

A view of Zealandia Te Māra a Tāra, which has been selected as a finalist for two 2024 Wellington Gold Awards. Photo: Supplied.
The Wadestown Community Centre, home of the suburb’s toy library which has now closed. Photo: Supplied.

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Retirement lifestyle in Nelson

Wakefield Homestead aims to make a positive difference in people’s every day lives with their rest home care.

With a great team of caregivers and a pool of volunteers, you can rest assured residents are well looked after. Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with furniture and ornaments or pictures. There’s also a happy hour every Thursday.

With around 22 beds, Wakefield Homestead creates a friendly atmosphere. There’s one large family lounge as well as a quiet lounge so people can get away from the main part of the home. This room has a lovely sunny aspect. There are two

smaller sitting areas in the foyer area of the home. Outside, there are several areas to enjoy the gardens or look out to the park.

Wakefield Homestead has a van outing once a week so residents can get out and about. Because the homestead is so close to the village, residents can also walk to the shops, park or local green whenever they want.

Interests and activities include (but aren’t limited to) aromatherapy, art, big print books, board games, bowls, breakfast in bed, craft, chapel, classical music, concerts, cooking, dancing, flower arranging, gardening and so much more.

A nurse is available 24/7 and healthy, nutritious, home cooked meals are provided. There’s access to a dietician and all menus have been scrutinised by the dietician.

A hair dresser visits every Monday (and as required) and a physiotherapist is available through the local Health Centre, which is next door to the homestead.

Other services include: palliative care, wound care, diabetic care, meals on wheels, respite, day stay.

For more information, visit the homestead at 10 Edward Street, Wakefield or visit the website at: www.wakefieldhomestead.


Heavenly Movers

Tuesdays 11.15am–12pm

Tawa Anglican Church Hall, Main Road, Tawa Julia McHale Mob 027 244 5185 julia@heavenlyfitness.nz

Heavenly Fitness keeping you active and healthy

For those who don’t fancy the high-intensity workouts, Heavenly Fitness offers friendly group workouts for seniors to help them stay strong and flexible.

Our Smooth Movers programme helps build up strength, free up flexibility, boost balance and enhance endurance. Now includes MoveFIT on Tuesday mornings. Silver Barbells is another programme because while everyone can benefit from lifting weights, older adults can reap even greater benefits, giving you a stronger, healthier body.

Having a strong body helps you avoid injuries, falls, pain and other issues associated with getting older. You will gradually lose muscle mass as you age if you don’t do anything to maintain it. When you keep or gain more muscle, you may actually live

longer and you’ll certainly have a better quality of life. Silver Barbells is a great way for older adults to get started with strength training. The exercises focus on building total body strength with an emphasis on balance, stability and flexibility.

“Family working for Families in Tasman”

The Homestead is in the heart of Wakefield Village. Helping to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Heavenly Fitness owner and practioner Julia McHale. Photo Supplied.

Wairarapa What’s cool in the

Wairarapa Museum of Art and Museum – fun for the kids

Take a trip down memory lane in the exhibition “Pastimes: Toys and Games” at Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and Museum in Masterton.

The exhibition showcases toys and games from the last 150 years, including New Zealand classics like Buzzy Bee to Roller Skates and Action Man.

Discover why toy soldiers are now made from plastic and not lead, the rise and fall of fad toys, how Pokémon helped get people more active and why Star Wars started a toy


Stay and play with playable tables, technology and classic board games on offer. Build models together with LEGO, teach a child Hopscotch and play Cat’s Cradle or enjoy the nostalgic retro fun of Super Mario on the NES!

Table top games and playing cards are available for families to rediscover the joy of playing these nostalgic games and spending quality time together every weekend.

Treating Copthorne Hotel & Resort Solway Park guests this month

This Wairarapa luxury retreat boasts 102 bedrooms with leisure and business facilities, a relaxing heated indoor pool, tennis courts, and even a kids’ playground.

To celebrate the Greytown Festival of Christmas, we’re offering a festival family accommodation and breakfast package for $199, which includes:


out about

2 children (13 years and under)

Full buffet breakfast for the family in The Grill. penguin cookies for the kids (one each!) on Fri or Sat nights) or 2 mulled gins (to redeem at The White Swan, available Mon-Sun).

the early Wairarapa

Find out about William Hastwell, the man who got Wairarapa moving, in our new exhibition. What must it have been like to make sure the mail got through the hazardous ranges through rivers and howling winds?

Our new exhibition tells the story of how he built the biggest transport business in the lower North Island in the late 1800s.

You can see the original stables and the cobbles that were the foundation of his business and get your photo taken in the Glass Coach or the replica stagecoach.

Explore the old one classroom school, the original church, built and shared by all the different denominations, the tiny cottage that was home to a fam. Find out about

170 year old woolshed. You can even ride the 1955 Fire Engine on open days. Bring a picnic to enjoy in our extensive gardens.

Greytown Butchery knows how to win awards

Established in 1873, Greytown Butchery is still operating in the same historic building and keeping old butchering traditions alive.

It’s no wonder they consistently win awards with their multi-award winning sausages, having so far clocked up 25 awards in the last 18 years.

Greytown Butchery has recently won their 25th award at the annual Great New Zealand Sausage Competition. Ironically it was the Sausage Competition’s 25th year running.

To take advantage of this offer for the month of July, contact the hotel on 06 3700 500 or email reservations@solway.co.nz. Be sure to quote Festival of Christmas to secure this special offer.

Be sure to quote Festival of Christmas to secure this

Artisan butcher Gavin Green and Julie Fairbrother, have transformed this iconic and popular business into a gourmet, European-styled butchery.

It prides itself on top quality cuts with exceptional service to match.

Remember to bring your chilly bin with you next time for your goods – there’s always plenty to choose from!

See them at 67 Main Street, Greytown.

Greytown Butchery have also marked the Butchery Building’s 150th year, of its establishment when Greytown Butchery was first opened by original owner, Sam Haigh.

See so much at the Wool Shed Museum

If you want to know what’s made New Zealand a great agricultural country you can learn so much about it by visiting the National Museum of Sheep and Shearing in Masterton. The complex is housed in two authentic old wool sheds trucked in from local farms, plus a newly constructed gallery building – full of sheep farm gear, including shearing and wool handling equipment.

the history of sheep farming and its importance to our nation. For many years New Zealand was

said to “live off the sheep’s back.” Demonstrations are held about spinning and weaving on Wednesday mornings and by arrangement. See the history of spinning from ancient times and our collection of spinning wheels.

See our shop with its wide range of wool garments, footwear, sheepskin rugs, lanolin cosmetics, gift items, kids’ stuff and souvenirs. We are a visitor attraction of international quality.

Shearing and farming memorabilia plus types of wool and their uses.

The story of shearing – its beginnings and how it became an international sport.

The history of sheep farming. Live shearing demonstrations for groups arranged with prior notice. Spinning and weaving demonstrations on Wednesdays or by arrangement.

and souvenirs.

Elite Arboriculture is a local, family-owned and operated tree management business on the K piti Coast, offering professional arborist services across the Wellington and Horowhenua regions. Elite Arboriculture believes the mana of trees must be respected. They love giving back to the Earth by planting trees and to the community through volunteer service. Elite Arboriculture has carried out free tree work at their local preschools and kindergartens, as well as for their Free Tree Initiative, where they offer one lucky recipient arborist services of their choice at no cost. “We had a team from Elite Arboriculture working at our son’s and daughter-in-law’s place in Paek k riki today”, a happy client comments “This work was being done as a prize that Elite Arboriculture had donated to a local

competition. A great example of a local business supporting the local community… You folks are absolute stars, and we can’t recommend you highly enough”. Tree pruning and hedge trimming are important to maintain health and structure. From thinning to reductions, Elite Arboriculture can keep your trees healthy and looking their best. The team can also help with planting and mulching, assisting you in finding the right trees for the right spaces and with the right aesthetics. Trees are essential to our beautiful country’s ecosystem, but an unhealthy tree can be dangerous. If the time has come for removal, they are qualified to perform the job safely and professionally. Elite Arboriculture has a green thumb and green heart for the community and ecosystem.

Supermarket car park conditions appealed

Foodstuffs North Island Ltd (FSNI) is appealing two of the conditions imposed on the resource consent it has been granted to extend the Khandallah New World Car Park.

On 1 July Foodstuffs lodged its appeal with the Environment Court.

In its decision dated 7 June an Independent Hearing Panel, delegated to make a decision by the Wellington City Council, said it approved the car park extension, subject ot a series of conditions.

The most notable condition is that the car park cannot provide access via Nicholson Road.

This is one of the conditions that Foodstuffs is appealing.

The other condition it is appealing is that it must provide a new stormwater management system

design that meets the requirements of the Wellington Water Ltd Water Sensitive Design for Stormwater: Treatment Device Design Guideline December 2019, Version 1.1 and that it is approved by the Wellington Water Land Development Team.

The proposed accessway via Nicholson Road is a key part of the design and function of the proposed carpark, Foodstuffs says.

“The issues raised by submitters associated with the Nicholson Road accessway have been sufficiently mitigated by other proposed conditions.

“Urban design and frontage issues were appropriately addressed through landscape plantation planning, and adaptions agreed to by FSNI regarding minimising any impact from signage; and traffic adaptions to the Nicholson Road

accessway were suggested by the council and implemented by FSNI, including left turn only in and out, previously a raised platform and change of surface, and following the hearing, a traffic island enforcing the left turns.

“These adaptions were proposed in conditions and were considered to appropriately mitigate any traffic issues by the council traffic expert.

“FSNI seeks that condition 1 be amended to enable the Nicholson Road access,” FSNI’s appeal states.

FSNI says it opposes those parts of the condition that requires a redesign of the proposed stormwater system for the following reasons:

priately addressed by the current infrastructure and water plan as outlined by the FSNI stormwater expert.

An artist’s impression of one of the views of the proposed new car park at Khandallah New World. Image Supplied.


ter management system already complies with the requirements of condition 44(b) without the need for a redesign.

issues had been raised by the council regarding the stormwater plan. At the conclusion of the hearing, the council’s stormwater expert advised and recommended conditions which necessitated redesign of the proposal,

which had not been clearly addressed or raised at any point prior.

redesign seeks to address are already dealt with, and do not require further design amendment in terms of the current plan proposed.

imposed without consideration of any consequential amendments that may be required to other aspects of the design.”


Ngaio Repair

Phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz

Don’t Chuck It. Fix It

New film on Newlands murders

A new film featuring a series of historic murders in Newlands has been produced by George Walter.

Called the “Newlands Baby Farm Murders” the film can be viewed on YouTube at www. youtube.com/@bygeorgenz.

“I have produced many videos on the Northern suburbs but the latest one on the

Newlands baby farm murders of the 1920s is the saddest one of all,” George says.

“I have received a lot of good feedback on this sad story.”

George also produced a film called “Murder at the Hollies”.

The story of a murder at Hollies Farm in the 1920s, “this is literally over my back fence at Hollies Crescent, Johnsonville,” George says.

Local grants from NZCT

Six northern and western suburbs organisations benefitted in the latest round of grants made by the New Zealand Community Trust.

They received $20,270.59 in funding from the trust.

The Johnsonville Tennis Club received $2,600 for equipment.

Date: Thursday 18 July at 9:45am Johnsonville Uniting Church 18 Dr Taylor Terrace Enquiries to Kathy 938 4523

The Karori Community Toy Library received $3,431.75 towards the cost of salaries for a Principal Librarian and Assistant Librarian.

Newlands Intermediate School received $1,885.62 for travel costs.

The Ngaio Lawn Tennis Club received $2,226.09 for tennis balls.

The Onslow Amateur Athletic Club received $2,796 for coaching.

Other films he has produced are Johnsonville NZ The short History, which had had more than 4,000 views; Street names of Johnsonville; Old Coach Road story; Mary Munro talks about early Ngaio; Sunset over Ohariu valley; Eight Killed in Upper Hutt; Bus trip from Johnsonville to Wellington; Memorials on Totara Ridge, Johnsonville's western hills; and the story of how Johnsonville gets its water, starting in the 1840s.

Samuel Marsden Collegiate School Trust Board received $7,351.13 for a safety boat.

The trust disbursed $230.174.48 in the July 2024 round of funding.

One gaming venue in the “Independent Herald’’s circulation area contributed to these grants – The Pickle Jar in Karori. It was one of 15 gaming venues in the greater Wellington region that contributed.

New Te Reo competition

A new competition for speakers of Te Reo M ori has been launched. Called Waha K rero, the contest was launched by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo M ori on 8 July.

It is open to all people aged 18 and over – M ori and non-M ori. Ko te reo te take.

“Waha K rero is not a whaik rero competition but a display of fast thinking, impromptu speeches on a range of topics,” says Ngahiwi Apanui-Barr, Tumu Whakahaere o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo M ori.

The overall winner of Waha K rero will take away the top prize of $10,000 and the mana of winning the inaugural competition.

The competition is made up of three rounds – Round One where contestants will submit a pre-recorded video, Round Two where contestants advance into an impromptu round online, and Round Three where the top 12 orators will battle it out in person in front of a panel of judges and supporters in Wellington. Submissions for Round One are now open and close at 11:59pm on Friday 28 July.

The final round will take place on 21 September 2024.

For more details about Waha K rero including key dates and eligibility criteria, visit the Reo M ori website at www. reomaori.co.nz/waha-korero-english. Kia kaha te reo Mori.

Son of(Scot)(3)

On April 4, 1972, the Pulsar was finally ready, made in 18-carat gold and sold for $2,100. It had a red light-emitting diode (LED) display. Digital LED watches were very expensive and out of reach to the common consumer until 1975, when Texas Instruments started to mass-produce LED watches inside a plastic case.

Man’s tall silk hat(9)


Most vulgar(7)

Sheltered corners(5)

Of the side(7)


DOWN 1. Harbour platform(5)

Instigators of illegal activities (11)

Artifically high voice(8)

Large sum of money; ‘king’s …’ (6)

Series of eight(5)




Stingy person(7)

Healing ointment(5)


In the middle of(7)


Of the air(6)

Tower of London warder(9)


Most difficult(7)

Accustom(to hardship)(5)

Deep red colour(7)

32. Lyric poem(3)


Diplomatic etiquette(8)

Up to this place, point or time (8


Lacking integrity(7)

Celestial body(6)




Club of Johnsonville

Olympic win Chatham Cup match

Yet another week of topflight league Football was put in neutral to allow for further rounds in the men’s and women’s national knock out competitions.

The biggest result in the Round of 16 in the men’s Chatham Cup was the mismatch between Central League combatants Wellington Olympic and Stop Out at Wakefield Park.

While both teams participate in the Central Region football league, the chasm between the sides is just that.

Olympic seem destined to win the competition while Stop Out are doing everything they can to stave off relegation.

Olympic without doubt, are a nemesis for any side and so it proved once again with an 8-0 scoreline in their favour, once the carnage was over.

There were goals galore from

minute two to minute 84. In between were hattricks to evergreen skipper, Ben Mata and super (re) signing ,Gianni Bouzoukis.

The only other local regional teams in the competition were Napier City Rovers and Miramar Rangers.

Rangers drew first blood courtesy of Andy Bevin after 23 minutes of play.

Rovers returned service with interest however thanks to a brace to Oscar Faulds, with the winner

Big win for Johnsonville

Johnsonville’s premier Rugby team kicked off its 2024 bid for the Hardham Cup with a convincing 37-15 victory over Wellington at Helston Park on 6 July.

The visitors were never in a match that the home team completely dominated. Akusio Tuitama notched up a milestone when he played his 50th premier match for Johnsonville.

Playing on the wing, Akusio celebrated the milestone by scoring two tries Finlay Sharp, Jacob Walmsley, Asafo Faumafu and Jake Wetere also dotted down Mark Sutton kicked two conversions and

one penalty.

The full complement of Hardham Cup teams was confirmed on 6 July when both Marist St Pat’s and Paremata-Plimmerton lost their matches to place them in the tier two competition.

The full complement of Hardham Cup teams is Johnsonville, Wainuiomata, Marist St Pat’s, Oriental-Rongotai, Poneke, Northern United, Wellington and Avalon. Johnsonville’s next match sees them play Poneke at Helston Park on 13 July.

The premier 2 team also celebrated a win on 6 July.

They defeated Avalon 22-19 following a very closely contested match.

coming with a just a minute of regulation time to go.

Olympic and Napier are through to the quarter finals in the national phase of the competition.

They will be joined by Auckland City, Hibiscus Coast, Manurewa, Birkenhead United, Coastal Spirit and Otago University.

In the women’s competition, the Kate Sheppard Cup, Waterside Karori squared off against the only other local contender, the Wellington

Phoenix Reserves, for a place in the semi-finals.

Waterside left their run too late though by scoring goals to Emma Narelle Kruszona and Kennedy Bryant within the last four minutes of regulation time.

The Nix women had already done the damage and held on to win by 3 goals to 2.

The Phoenix will be joined by Western Springs, Auckland United and Dunedin City Royals.

Stay informed and entertained with us every week!

Gavin Hoy for Olympic ( in the blue) being pursued by two Stop Out Players. Photo: Ashan Wanasinghe.
Gianni Bouzoukis, who scored a hat trick for Olympic, on the charge against Stop Out. Photo: Ashan Wanasinghe.

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