Innovation Management

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Innovation Management

Introduction Scoping the Ecosystem Overview

Ecosystem Mapping Risk assessment

Product development process Innovation adoption model Product development model Product Life Cycle model

Organizational Context

Stakeholders Context Stakeholders Map Managing Innovation Business Model Canvas

Managing Design


References 3 4 4 5 8 10 13 15 17 19 22 26 27 28 31 33 44
Table of Contents

IntroductionFor the first part of the manual, each of us chose a company for their manual and accordingly came up with two innovative ideas to be implemented within the company. However, for this part of the manual, we had to come together and choose one idea of all the six that we came up with.

Therefore, after reading all the reports and consulting with each other, we chose to develop the idea of the Purpose Hub which will be a project within Pepsi’s company. We chose this idea because we saw the potential it has to grow and make a change not only in Pepsi’s culture but also in Dubai as a city where innovation and design are key.

Scoping the Ecosystem


Purpose will be a hub, located in Dubai Design District (D3), providing an open space designed for the comfort and entertainment of its customers.

The aim of the hub is to create a loyal community revolving around Pepsi, as a product and more importantly as an idea, which will be fostered by design as an approach to thinking, creating and innovating. With a design-led environment, Purpose will serve not only as a space for entertainment, but also as a host for any design-centered talents, brands or movements.

The hub will have something to cater for the needs of all ages and mindsets. However, the age groups specifically

targeted are going to be youth, whose ages range between 15 and 20, and young adults who are from 21 to 35 years of ages. Moreover, designers, creatives, innovators and entrepreneurs of all ages will be target groups for Purpose, fostering the creation of such a design-led environment.

With Purpose being a project which will be powered by Pepsi, the company’s Asia, Middle East and North Africa (AMENA) division will be the main sponsor for the hub. Moreover, PepsiCo’s same division, AMENA, will also be a key sponsor for Purpose as it is Pepsi’s mother company.

To ensure that Purpose’s ecosystem

will foster its success, and maybe later on expansion, next, we will apply the Ecosystem mapping and Risk assessment

models to Purpose’s business model, to look at the project from a wider and more critical perspective.


Ecosystem mapping

As a startup project, Purpose’s ecosystem needs to be mapped out and all its constituents need to be assessed individually in order to evaluate their role in the success of the hub. This is because, an ecosystem represents the network of organizations and individuals, including suppliers, customers and government agencies, which in one way or another add value to the hub in either a tangible or an intangible form.


Purpose will be a project executed by us under Pepsi’s (AMENA) supervision in Dubai Design District. Based within an environment which fosters creativity and innovation, the hub will represent Pepsi’s attitude to design and innovation, creating a new community of creatives, designers, entrepreneurs and innovators for the company, which in turn can add value to their design-led culture. Moreover, our hub will be in line with Dubai’s Smart City Plan 2021 which is based on design-thinking and forward solutions for all types of problems (“About Us”, n.d.).



With Dubai being the dynamic and lively city that it is, its residents are becoming more and more social and outgoing by the day. So what they want is a setting in which socialization is facilitated and where everything they might want in terms of entertainment and hospitality is offered. Purpose will in fact provide all those wants for its customers, providing them with an open, dynamic space to interact, light snacks and drinks and also a platform to showcase any design-centered or creative content.


Dubai is now moving towards being a smart city which is design-led and innovative, hosting the world’s most creative minds. Therefore, to cater for this initiative and for those minds, Purpose will provide a space where innovations led by design take place. Moreover, talents, brands and movements who need a platform to showcase what they have to offer, will have their needs fulfilled by Purpose as we will host collaborations and provide them with the space to come through to people.


As Pepsi already has a very well-known and established brand and brand name, this will be of great help to purpose, giving us an opportunity in reaching the wide range of customers who are already aware of the brand. Moreover, as Purpose will be located in Dubai Design District, this will also give the hub an opportunity to achieve success because of the dynamic and design-led environment that d3 already has. Potential

Although we will only start with a hub in d3, Purpose’s aim is to expand in the near future in Dubai, creating a much bigger space for the collaborations which will take place between us and design-led brands, individuals and movements. Moreover, this space will also provide a place for all kinds of entertainment shows and galleries, ranging from art galleries to concerts. Furthermore, over the long run, we aim to expand Purpose more, first to other regional cities and then to international ones all around the world.

Players and institutions

The first and the most important institutions for the success of our project is Pepsi. This is because Purpose is a project made for Pepsi’s customers and eventually for Pepsi’s benefit, creating a dynamic, creative and loyal community for the brand. Second is PepsiCo, which as Pepsi’s mother company, the company has to approve of the project and will also be our suppliers. Finally, the last institutions which will help us add value to our hub are d3, being the host location and the Ministry of Possibilities, being the official government office which will support our idea and help us bring it to life on official papers.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment is a process which helps in identifying and evaluating potential risks to a new business. For Purpose, evaluating the potential risks can help us in working on eliminating those risks or at least decreasing their impact on our success and also possibly turning those risks into opportunities. To evaluate those risks, we will have to look into Purpose’s ecosystem and assess the potential risks which might arise. Finally, the steps that can be taken in order to complete the process of risk assessment are:

Initiative risks

Those are the risks which are familiar to managing almost any type of project. For Purpose, initiative risks are medium-leveled risks because although they are ones to take notice of, some of them might impose a threat and some might not. Therefore, Purpose will try to eliminate them, removing their threat altogether. Those initiative risks which Purpose might face are:

• Project not making profit

• Not reaching growth and maturity phases

• Failure to create a community for Pepsi

• Competition might copy our project’s idea

• Quality of services and products not meeting Pepsi’s standards

• Competitors launching a more design-led and innovative project

• Idea of the project not suiting markets in other cities

• Becoming irrelevant on the long run


Interdependence risks

Those are the uncertainties of Purpose interacting with its support system. With Purpose depending a lot on its investors, suppliers, staff and customer, interdependence risks impose a high-level of threat on the hub. This is because, if we do not meet the investors standards in quality and brand image, Purpose will be at the edge of failure. Moreover, if customers needs and wants are not met and their user experiences are negative, then Purpose will again be at a risk of failure. Those interdependence risks which Purpose might face are:

• Staff failing to represent the design-led and innovative environment that we want to create

• Suppliers failing to meet requirements according to standards and on time

• Hub not meeting PepsiCo’s standards at being a distributor for their products

• Users not thinking that the idea of the hub is interesting

• Customer service not meeting Pepsi’s and our standards

Integration risks

Those are the uncertainties imposed by the adoption of the value web. Integration risks are ones which impose the least level of risk on purpose because they are essentially issues which can be solved with a good set of problem-solving skills. Those integration risks which Purpose might face are:

• Failure of communication between our marketing team and that of PepsiCo

• Collaborations not meeting our standards

• Customer’s perception of Purpose not matching ours

• Not standing out in d3 among other hubs

• Not meeting standards of Ministry of Possibilities

Product Development Process

Purpose will be a hub under the brand, Pepsi in Dubai Design District. The hub will serve a number of purposes: an open space for different customers’ interpretations, a cafe offering light snacks and drinks, an entertainment venue, a space for creative minds and brands to showcase and finally a resort for the Pepsi community which it will aid in creating. The hub will target youth and young adults who just want to have a good time, meet new people and widen their horizon. The target age group will be 15-35 years of age.

The hub will be called ‘Purpose’ paying respect to the company’s strategy ‘Performance with Purpose’ and also

to indicate that it has a purpose to fulfill as an open space. This purpose will be to foster a creative and innovative environment for people and to raise awareness about issues that really matter.

We chose Dubai Design District to be the hosting location for Purpose for two reasons: (1) d3 itself is an environment created for creativity and innovation (2) and its visitors are mostly from our target groups. On a more specific

note, Purpose itself will stand out from other spaces in D3 with its vibrant Pepsi’s shade of blue on the outside. Then going in, the interior will be cozy and welcoming with warm colors and comfortable furniture. Generally, the space will


give a throwback feel with a fresh twist.

So, while remembering old memories, people’s modern-day needs will be satisfied through the latest equipment and services. The space will also have a small, low stage for all kinds of shows. Moreover, there will be a food stall with snacks and beverages, all provided by PepsiCo. Moreover, Purpose aims to give an opportunity for brands, individuals and movements to display their ideas, products, and talents through collaborations.

Those collaborations will be done all around the year with well-known brands and artists, as well as anyone who wants to get their voice out to the people.

To keep in-line with PepsiCo’s Performance with Purpose 2025 Agenda, Purpose will be a completely sustainable and eco-friendly space. All products

served will be sustainable in one way or another and also everything inside the hub from furniture to wall paint will be ethically outsourced. Moreover, the hub will also promote awareness about modern-day issues and interests which might include: welfare of people, animals and the environment, design-led innovation, design-thinking, sustainability, equality and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, as Purpose will be an open platform, we will also collaborate with movements which complement our beliefs and concerns. Finally, in the future, Purpose aims to expand further in Dubai, building a multi-purpose space which can cater to the needs of collaborations of a big-scale. Furthermore, we aim to expand later into other regional cities and going international step-by-step, creating a worldwide community for Pepsi.

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Innovation Adoption Model

The Innovation adoption model based on the five categories of potential customers, based on how willing they are to accept the service or product. As Purpose is an innovation in the field of the food and beverage industry, understanding how our customers will adopt and engage with our services is essential. That is why we will test how the different customer categories will adapt to out service, identifying the category with which we will be compatible the most.


Accounting for only 2.5% of all customers, innovators are a small group of people who seek new and innovative experiences and products (Hanlon, 2013). As Purpose in itself is an innovative and design-driven project, innovators will be a target group for us, for which we will provide insights into everything thats design-led, innovative and ground-breaking through our collaborations. Moreover, Purpose will host an event for its launch which will be creative and innovative in its theme to attract this category of customers.

Early adoptors

They are customers who are receptive to change, willing to take risks and often are the first to try out a new product or service. They also are the customers who evaluate the product or service, give feedback to the company and share their opinion with other people around them (Hanlon, 2013). Purpose will welcome those customers on board and will test the potential in them becoming a part of Pepsi’s community. Moreover, we will eagerly wait for their feedback on our services and products as it will help us in enhancing the user’s experience at Purpose.

Early majority

With 34%, the early majority category accounts for a whole lot most of customers. Those are customers who wait until a product or service is reviewed by early adopters to purchase or use it (Hanlon, 2013). This category will be our main focus group of customers because if have them on board then we can ensure that we will have a wide community of loyal customers. Moreover, we will make sure that our marketing team gets the word spread about the hub and we will also seek professionals’ and celebrities’ opinions and feedback about the hub, boosting the hub’s reputation to attract them.

Late majority

Those are customers who are not keen on change and who wait for a very long time, until they feel left-behind, to adopt a new service or product (Hanlon, 2013). By this stage, Purpose will have loyal, regular customers who are mostly from th early majority category. However, late majority are also a very important category which can add great value to our Hub through the expansion of the Pepsi community.


Laggards being the hardest to convince with change, will probably be the last category to join or customer segments and by then, our loyal family of customers. Although it is a very hard task to get them to come to Purpose, again, our marketing team will work on creating very powerful and wide-spread campaigns as much as they can.


Product Development Model

The product development model helps in covering the whole process of launching a product or service to the market. Therefore, to understand the product development process for Purpose, we will apply the different stages to our business model in order to have a plan which we can follow during the actual launching of the hub.

Idea generation

The idea to create a hub for Pepsi started with the first part of the manual which was Design Innovation. With Pepsi being the company under focus, the idea came through as creating sort of a community for Pepsi which constitutes of several different elements that would bring people together around Pepsi the drink. Later on, the idea came together as a physical Hub called Purpose, which is an open space utilized in many different ways from being a cafe to providing a platform for design-led and innovative minds to reach people.

Concept testing

To test if the public and specifically our target groups will support the core idea behind the hub and will actually support it, we will reach out to Pepsi’s customers through their already existing portals to get an insight of what they think of a hub for Pepsi, around which a loyal community will form.

Product development

From an idea on paper, Purpose will be presented first to Pepsi’s Innovation and Design department, then we can propose the idea to PepsiCo which is the bigger organization supervising Pepsi. With their approval on the project, we can then start turning the idea into a reality with the help of the Ministry of Possibilities. Finally, the last step before launching the hub will be the partnership with Dubai Design District which will host the Hub. Then we launch Purpose and start with the journey of success.

Product Launch

To launch our project, we will host a very big launch event in Purpose where celebrities from all different fields will be, along with Pepsi’s CEO, Indra Nooyi and the company’s Chief Design officer, Mauro Porcini. Moreover, our marketing team will create a huge campaign which will start shortly before the official launch to probe people to the idea and also to make them keen to know what the big surprise will be.

Market testing

Market testing in our case can only be done after launching the hub. So, for the first year, the hub will have regular events hosted by Pepsi, the company in order to promote the idea and test how the market will react to it. Moreover, for the first week or so, Purpose will offer complementary snacks and drinks to random customers to motivate them to come again and try PepsiCo’s products.

Evaluation of results

After gathering the information from market testing, the launch event, the marketing efforts and the performance of the hub, we will evaluate those results according to the standards that we will have set down for the hub.


Product Life Cycle Model

A Product Life Cycle model is a tool which describes the four stages which a product or service goes through from when it is just an idea on paper until when it potentially declines in the market. This model will help us actualizing our idea and grounding it to more realistic facts so that we can estimate how successful the hub will be at its different stages.


Introduction Phase

After the launch, our strong marketing campaign will continue according to plan and regular events and collaborations will be hosted in the hub, making sure that at least every weekend there is a different event taking place there.

Decline Phase

At this stage, the hub will face inevitable decline which can possibly be defeated, again, through our design-thinking approach to problem solving and innovation.

Maturity Phase

Growth Phase

Growth phase is when Purpose will move from being just a startup project to being an established hub in d3 with its reputation of being a product of Pepsi’s and for how innovative and forward-thinking it is. This is also the phase at which consumers adopt our services and products and so, their demand will continually increase. Therefore, at this stage the hub will be at a continuous rise, having very busy mornings with business meetings and weekends with a line-up of events and collaborations.

By this stage, Purpose will have its loyal customers supporting it and it will be at its peak. With their valuable feedbacks and requests, we will try to always introduce new products, new ideas and new forms of entertainment. Moreover, as a design-led space, Purpose will make the best use of the reputation that it will have by this stage, in creating more and more innovative value.


Organizational Context

Organizational Structure Policies & Procedures

“An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities.” Currently, Pepsi has a very hierarchal organizational structure, which works with how the company functions. PepsiCo integrates design into all of their departments. There is no single department called the design department, however, they do have an in-house design team which they use in their creative processes. Below is their current organizational structure.

PepsiCo’s main policy is performance with purpose, it promotes respect in the workplace, integrity in the marketplace, ethics in business relationships and performing responsibly for shareholders.The new policies and procedures that we will be introducing in the hub will include:

• There will be a dress code for all employees, they will all be dressed semiformally in order to be able to distinguish them from the customers.

• No cell-phone policy for all employees.

• Have a zero-tolerance for harassment rule.

• All ideas are welcomed and encouraged. (Raising awareness about issues that matter)

• There will be a smoking room for smokers to go and smoke.

• Children under 15 will not be allowed into the hub.

Funders Sponsors

& Suppliers

For this project, we have decided to locate it in Dubai Design District. We think that this would be a suitable location for the hub since it is a place where innovative ideas are encouraged and endorsed. The funders of the Hub will be the Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation. The Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation was started in order to “stimulate and enrich the culture of innovation within the government sector through the development of an integrated innovation framework” (n.a, 2017). Although it is aimed at innovative ideas within the government, this could be an interesting opportunity for them to fund as some of the ideas that will be suggested at the Hub could be beneficial for the government.

The sponsor of the Hub will be Pepsi, more specifically Pepsi of the AMENA division. Having Pepsi as the sponsor will add value to the Hub by using their brand name, logo and their position in the market. By using Pepsi’s successful name, we will be able to attract attention to the Hub, bringing in loyal Pepsi fans. It will give us a push start in the direction of becoming the top location to gather and discuss innovative ideas. The suppliers will be PepsiCo. They will be the key supplier of the Hub, all products will be supplied by them. We will also be selling and marketing the PepsiCo products in our Hub. Since our sponsors are going to be Pepsi, they will also have to benefit from the idea.

By endorsing their products in the hub and only selling their products, we will create awareness for the brand and increase their sales. Also, the brand will be associated with the idea of innovation which will create a competitive advantage for them.

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Temporary Collaborations

We will also be using the Hub as a location where brands and individuals can collaborate. These collaborations will not last long hence why we have called them temporary collaborations. Examples of these temporary collaborations might include PepsiXPuma. Pepsi and Puma have been known to have worked together before. Collaborating with a brand such as Puma will create awareness for Pepsi and will allow them to market themselves in a new direction. Representatives from Puma will be able to come to the Hub and endorse their products and discuss their new ideas and future plans.

Stakeholders Context

Understanding ecosystems and the people involved in the cycle such as stakeholders, partners, collaborators is crucial in identifying the type of customers that will attempt to try the product. In addition, ecosystems can help identify the type of environment where the product could be kept suitably based on position and vicinity. The likelihood of increasing success is to map out the ecosystem in establishing the idea which helps the company understand who they need to launch their idea to or will be involved with it. In order to launch this project, we are going to start with the following key Stakeholders.

Dubai Design District

D3 stands for Dubai Design District and is situated in the UAE. D3 is a destination for all creative thinkers in Dubai. It was built as a part of Dubai’s Smart City Plan 2021 to create an innovation-led economy (“About US”, n.d.). Moreover, the district’s visitors represent our target customer segments. Therefore, D3 will be where Purpose will be located in Dubai, with the aim to create a design-led open space. Dubai design district includes a growing community of designers and is a well-known event space. Also, startups and entrepreneurs are involved

in Dubai Design District for business purposes. Therefore, Dubai Design District has a great potential to work with Pepsi, since a lot of D3 interests resonate with the Pepsi company. An example would be presenting a hub with the purpose of having an open space for young adults that will come together to create a fun and a positive environment.

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Pepsi (AMENA)

PepsiCo (AMENA)

Pepsi is a soft drink company and is owned by a large corporation known as PepsiCo. Pepsi will be Purpose’s main and only partner, which means that we will both share responsibilities, risks and earnings based on a business, legal agreement. Purpose will operate according to Pepsi’s “Performance with Purpose” which is their main strategy and we will use the company’s branding for the hub as it will be a project within their company. They will be involved in the decision-making process just as much as we will be and they will also finance the project.

Moreover, in the future if Purpose will expand, Pepsi’s other divisions will become our partners, taking the current role as the AMENA division.

Pepsi is a great example of sharing

what the company does and is the sponsor of the hub. It would be a great opening if its products are chosen to be held in the Dubai Design District. Since, Pepsi’s products is admired by many people across many age groups and in particular young adults, it would be a great platform for people who are a huge fan of Pepsi’s products.

PepsiCo is an American international food and beverage company and is the mother company, under which Pepsi operates. This is why, the company as a whole is a very important constituent in the internal environment for the hub. Pepsi will need PepsiCo’s approval to go ahead with our project. Their strategy which is Performance with purpose aligns with D3’s master plan. The purpose hub which is the core idea will be environmentally friendly which aligns with PepsiCo’s mission, vision and longterm sustainable growth.

Ministry of Possibilities

The UAE’s Ministry of Possibility is the “world’s first virtual ministry to apply design-thinking and experimentation to develop proactive and disruptive solutions to tackle critical issues” (“Ministry of Possibilities”, n.d.). With the ministry’s design-thinking approach, their Anticipatory Services Department will help Purpose launch in Dubai as a part of their vision for the year 2021, creating more value for the hub and also helping in providing the best customer service possible.

PepsiCo’s culture is driven by design-thinking and innovation which branch from its Design and Innovation Department, headed by Mauro Porcini, the Chief Design Officer of the company. For Purpose, this department will be from where we gain strength within PepsiCo because they take a design-led approach to all processes and operations within the company and this is how Purpose will operate as an open space to create a community of loyal Pepsi customers.

PepsiCo’s Marketing Department

Purpose will serve as a cafe among many other things, and as in a cafe light snacks and drinks are usually served, Purpose will offer all PepsiCo’s products as choices for its customers. That is where the Marketing Department comes into action because by selling their products, we will also be marketing all PepsiCo’s brands at Purpose which means that the department will be involved in any decision-making related to the company’s products. Moreover, Purpose will serve as a launching point for new products that PepsiCo produces, to introduce the products in an innovative and design-led manner, attracting new customers.

PepsiCo’s Design & Innovation Department 24 23

Purpose’s employees

With many purposes to fulfill from being a design-led and innovative open space to hosting design-centered brands and talents, Purpose’s employees will be at the base of it all. They will be in charge of operating the hub and also of turning the idea into a success story, after Pepsi sets the basis onto which we will build. The employees should have outgoing personalities, full of energy, eager to make a change and most importantly, to achieve the hub’s purpose in creating a community for Pepsi. Also as representatives of our idea, they should be design-led, taking design as an approach to solve problems, innovate and communicate. With such an important role in the success of Purpose, employees will be just as

important as any other constituent in the internal environment.

Stakeholders Map

Direct Indirect
Customers PepsiCo Ministry of Possibilities. PepsiCo’s Marketing department PepsiCo’s Design & Innovation department
Suppliers Dubai Design District Core Pepsi

Managing Innovation

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management and lean startup template for developing new (or documenting existing) business models. It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm’s or product’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. As a tool, it helps analyze and visualize what is important. It forces users to address key areas and is frequently used by teams to understand relationships and reach agreements (Osterwalder, Pigneur & al. 2010).

Key partners

Key partners are essentially a list of individuals or organizations that aim to fulfil the activities and get in touch with customers. The key partners of Purpose Hub are Pepsi, PepsiCo, temporary collaborations with brands, individuals and movements, as well as, D3 (Dubai Design District).

Key activities

Digging into the nine elements

To start with, the nine elements of the business model canvas are Key partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.

In addition, the key activities are exploiting a meeting spot and an open space to create a community for Pepsi consumers, thus, maintaining customer relationships. Also, launching a Café and Hub will help to develop or provide a new channel for marketing and selling PepsiCo products. On top of that, the benefits for joining a new market for Pepsi are increasing chances of hospitality and entertainment.

Value propositions

PepsiCo’s strategy is Performance with purpose which essentially is performing all activities in co-ordination with the company’s strategy. The value propositions includes raising awareness about issues that matter and integrating design thinking into the concept. There will be an added open space for customers to feel welcomed and free.

Also, to support a Pepsi community where people who are fond of Pepsi can relate to each other. In addition, it is a Platform for young talents, brands and current movements to showcase.

Customer Relationships

The aim of “Purpose Hub” idea is to build a community where Pepsi and its customers maintain a close relationship in order to increase loyalty. In addition, we want to achieve a friendly environment where people treat everyone with respect and develop a positive attitude.

Customer Segments

The targets are mainly millennials specifically youngsters across age groups 15-20 and young adults that are 21-35 years old. People who are interested, and the contributors will include Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Creatives.

Key resources

The Fixed and variable costs will derive from Pepsi, the Amena division to run the physical Hub on a day-to-day basis. The Products will be from PepsiCo organization. On top of that, the constituted collaborations and partnerships will arrange shows and events. Additionally, hosting a strong Public Relations team helps seek for the best opportunities and seizes them.

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Channels Cost Structure Revenue Streams

In order to reach out to the customer segments , there are channels used such as introducing a Physical Hub. Also, Social media which is a platform used for many has a good possibility for reaching out to people.

Billboards, Campaigns and ads on TV and Radio all are different forms of communication and are still used today to get in touch with customers.

Considering what costs will cover the Hub is important to make use of the financial resources. As for the hub, Fixed costs will include in regards to operating the Hub.

Variable costs as well will be covered that includes publicity costs, hosting talents and campaigns.

As of the beginning, Pepsico’s products will be a variable costs. However, in the near future, the products will turn into fixed costs.

Evaluating the different aspects of costs is vital in achieving the end-result of the revenue income.

Pepsico’s Products as well as collaborations with brands will be a part of the source that forms the revenue.

The Business Model Canvas

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Managing Design

Incorporating design into the creative process is a critical step. Design adds value to every idea and allows us to differentiate the Hub from competitors. Our team has worked together to create a new innovative idea which PepsiCo can incorporate in order to create awareness for their brand and allow them to be associated with positive attributes.

We will be looking at the design and innovation team. By creating the Hub, this will give us the opportunity to be part of the design and innovation team. We believe that we will be able to clarify the importance of innovation and design. The innovation and design process that we will be using to work on the Hub will also be beneficial in the future for any new ideas that PepsiCo wants to develop.

We will use design to differentiate the Hub and create a customer loyalty which customers can benefit from. For example, university students that regularly visit the Hub can benefit by receiving student discounts and opportunities to attend different campaigns for a lowered price.

The Hub will be an open space for customers to feel welcomed and free. Which sticks in line with PepsiCo’s belief of performance with purpose. It will be a Pepsi community where Pepsi lovers can relate to each other and even nonPepsi lovers will find a welcoming space where they can have discussions and share their innovative ideas with one another.

Considering the triple bottom line, as mentioned before, this will be beneficial for the profits of PepsiCo as it will allow them to create more awareness for their brand and will allow their brand to be looked at in a different way. They will be seen as a brand that encourages innovation and design through the different campaigns and events that will be hosted in the Hub. This will bring in customers that previously might not have been interested in the Pepsi brand.

Our idea will also incorporate environmental awareness, all products and materials used will be environmentally friendly. We will also have many campaigns to endorse the protection of the environment, through various collaborations and activities.

The Hub will bring people together. No idea will be discriminated against and no ideas will be rejected. It will be a place where people will feel comfortable and will be willing to share their ideas to benefit themselves and others.


Conclusion References

To conclude, Purpose being an open space will be the leading design-led and innovation center in Dubai. Located in d3, the hub will be in a dynamic and design-oriented community which will greatly contribute to creating a community for Pepsi made up of loyal customers. Moreover, with collaborations lined-up, the hub will provide a platform for showcasing all that is new and innovative in the world to its customers. Finally, with all the potential which Purpose will have, we will create change and we will have a positive imprint on the communities and the environment around us, following the steps of Pepsi’s strategy Performance with Purpose.

About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2019 from Dubai Design District website: http://

Hanlon, A. (2013). What is the diffusion of innovation model? Retrieved May 2, 2019 from Smart Insights website:

Ministry of Possibilities (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2019 from UAE Government website:

Uenlue, D. (2019). Business Model Canvas Retrieved from https://www.

What We Do. (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2019 from Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation website:

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Zeina Rabie, Salma Allam & Maha Saker
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