JANUARY 2022 61st Issue. Monthly since January 2017. GoodingCountyNews@gmail.com www.GoodingCountyNews.org In 2021, over 54,000 newsletters were mailed for free to Gooding County residents, plus over 7,000 given away for free to visitors and other counties. ADVERTISERS & RATES ON BACK COVER Gooding County NewsGooding County NewsGooding County NewsGooding County News (208) 536-0094

FESTIVALS: Hagerman Memorial Gym
Mar20: ANTIQUE MARKET 11a-3p
MARKETS, SEPTOBERFEST: 1071 E 2900 S, Hagerman
2 HAGERMAN VALLEY FOUNDATIONHAGERMAN VALLEY FOUNDATIONHAGERMAN VALLEY FOUNDATIONHAGERMAN VALLEY FOUNDATION dba of Hagerman I.D.E.A, Inc 501(c)(3) Donations may be Tax Deductible (208) 536-0094 PO Box 614, Hagerman ID 83332 HagermanValleyFoundation@gmail.com HagermanValleyFoundation.org GoodingCountyNews.org HagermanBirdFestival.org NEWSLETTER & WEBSITES PRODUCED BY HAGERMAN VALLEY FOUNDATION “OUR MISSION is to preserve the heritage of Gooding County while serving and supporting its residents, businesses and visitors.”
Free spaces. Live Music 1071 E 2900 S, Hagerman
Sept4: “SEPTOBERFEST” 11a-5p
April9: STEELHEAD TOUR 7:30a
June19-Aug28: FARMERS MARKETS Sundays 11-3. Free spaces. 1071 E 2900 S, Hagerman Food, Produce, Live Music
newsletter to
Did you know?Did you know?Did you know?Did you know?
May21: BIRD FESTIVAL 9a-5p May22: BIRD FESTIVAL 9a-Noon
month and give away hundreds to visitors! Newsletter Sponsorship is $60 annually. SSSSPECIAL PECIAL PECIAL PECIAL TTTTHANKS HANKS HANKS HANKS TO TOTO OUR OUROUR OUR SSSSPONSORS PONSORS!!!! Cleo Hoyle Kay Heller The Bettencourts
Business Member Sponsorship: As a vendor at any of our events, a Business Member Sponsor will have an annual Business Listing with name & phone number in each event program, plus a listing each month in this newsletter. Membership is $25 annually.
2022 Foundation Events2022 Foundation Events2022 Foundation2022 Foundation Tours, Markets & FestivalsTours, Markets & FestivalsTours, & FestivalsTours, & Festivals
All vendors welcome.
GOODING COUNTY NEWS SPONSORS sponsorship allows us to mail this free Gooding County residents each
Jan15: EAGLE TREE TOUR 5:30p
TOURS: meet at US Bank parking lot
May20: BIRD FESTIVAL Noon-5p
Did you know that this year’s Christmas Boxes were given out to about 60 familes in the Hagerman and Bliss area. Last year, because of COVID, the event was held at the Helping Hands parking lot in a muchscaled down event. In past years, the participants numbered in excess of 100. This event is made possible because of the planning and hard work of many churches and community members that give countless hours to make it happen each year. Helping Hands is a great resource for those who need “a little helping hand” or those that like shopping at the Thrift Store. Donations are always welcomed and appreciated.
Dec10: CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA 12-5 Hagerman Memorial Gym Dec11: CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA 10-3 Hagerman Memorial Gym
FESTIVAL: Hagerman Memorial Gym
Current Member Sponsors: 3D Laser Printing/Live Critters 208-421-8915; Old Sage CBD Oil 208-316-6003; DA Holmes Fine Woodworking 707-235-7985; Knives & Stitchery 208-650-5969; Snowflake Creations (wooden flags) 208-406-1088; White Hawk Nails 208-749-7819; One of a Kind Ceramics & Gifts, 208-430-0221
Mar19: ANTIQUE MARKET 10a-5p
3 (208) 536-2129 COLLISION REPAIR Certified by ASE, BBB I-Car, PPG, BASF Free Consultations Trust us for all your auto body repairs MillerBrothersIdaho.com Brian W. Moore Kurtis T. Moore Owners/Operators OFFICE: 208-734-6602 CELL: 208-280-0724 TOLL FREE: 877-734-6602 Fax: 208-733-6469 bmoore@mandmelectricllc.com www.mandmelectricllc.com 130 State Street, Hagerman, ID 83332 163 3rd Ave S, PO Box 2214, Twin Falls, ID 83303 7940 Woodlark, Boise, ID 83709 Marvin (208) 536-5777 Josh (208) 308-9999 CARPET * TILEUPHOLSTERY*RV Magic Valley RepublicanMagic Valley Republican Women will host SecretatyWomen will host Secretaty of State Candidate Philof State Candidate Philof State Philof State Phil McGrane Wednesday Noon,McGrane Wednesday Noon,McGrane Noon,McGrane Noon, January 19th at El CazadorJanuary 19th El in Buhl To join us RSVPin Buhl To join us RSVPin Buhl To join RSVPin Buhl To join RSVP Marie at 208Marie at 208Marie at 208Marie at 208--590590590590--3036303630363036 HELP WANTED Like being outside? Can you safely operate a motor vehicle, ATV and UTV? Hagerman based company would like to hire part time Weed Control Specialist for spring and summer. Work involves herbicide application to weeds on BLM, Forest Service, and private land. Training provided. Great part time work for teacher, bus driver, retiree, or others in good physical condition. Call 208-949-0523 or VegetationManagementServices@gmail.com YOUR AD HERE $11/month ($132/year) Over 50,000 mailed to Gooding County Get your Info in the Advertiser Directory for the whole year.

About the Program
A Dual
This program has a dual mission - Community Service and Employment. Community Service Partners such as the Hagerman Valley Foundation, often need help but don’t have the hiring resources. The Department of Labor pays a stipend to the seniors while they work for the nonprofit organization. This opportunity provides older workers with a chance to use their lifetime of experience in service to the community and is why this program has been so popular throughout its 50 year history.
4 ALL AUTO NEEDS GAS, GROCERIES, BEER & MORE 208-934-9199208-934-4636 STEVE STROUD OWNER 601 MAIN STREET GOODING, IDAHO 83330 STEVE’S QUICK SERVICE Mass: Sunday 10a, then coffee hour Spanish Mass: 1st Sun of the month Thursday Mass: 6p Adoration: Thursday 5p Confessions: Thursday 5p Potluck: 2nd Sunday of the Month after 10a Mass (208) 543-5136 PO Box 52, 446 N State St Hagerman, ID 83332 ST CATHERINE’S CATHOLIC STATION Pastor: Father Jorge Garcia Deacon: Jim McCaughey Now Hiring Seniors 55 & Older 20 Hours or More per Week Minimum Wage $7.25 per hour

This Department of Labor federal grant program assists low-income, unemployed people at least 55 years old, who meet specific income and residence requirements, with part-time employment with 501(c)3 non-profit organizations such as the Hagerman Valley Foundation. Mission

The Foundation is very pleased to consider all qualified applicants. Our broad schedule of events and activities provides plenty of varied opportunities for interested and qualified individuals. Please call us today. (208) 536-0094
SENIOR SENIOR SENIOR EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2022 4-H enrollment is now open @ 4h.zsuite.org Joinusforactivities(ages8+),GoodingCountyFairgrounds January 22 10AM-2PM Winter STEAMActivities—FREE January 31 6-8:30PM Meaty Matters Livestock School 4-Hclassesbeingoffered incakedecoratingandleather crafting Contact office for more information 203 Lucy Lane, Gooding, ID 208.934.4417 gooding@uidaho.edu @UIExtensionGooding
Hagerman Valley Foundation

. . to this?. . to this?
We are opposed to judgmental Christianity that holds to truth without compassion & righteousness without humility.
We all prayerfully encourage each other to listen when others speak, keep it confidential, & work on our own issues.
Monday Nights @ 6:30-8 p.m. 2750 S 900 E, Hagerman (805) 598-2924

Our hearts break for all who are hurting, grieving, struggling, confused, oppressed, depressed, isolated, lonely, stuck in life behaviors that steal their joy, & don't know what hospital for our souls to turn to for safe & encouragingAllsupport.arewelcome to join us as we all continue learn "One Day at a Time" how to receive God's Restoration and Freedom.

5 DP Handyman Services - Registered 30+ years experience We strive for happy and satisfied customers! Tile Work, Flooring, Remodeling, Additions. Cabinets, Counter Tops, Repairs & Painting. Fair & Honest Bids. No mark up on Materials. Specializing in Saving you Money! Local in Hagerman, Idaho. Call Dennis Chamberlain. Owner (208) 960-3493 Pet Grooming Large & Small Dogs 211 W HagermanMain (208) 961-1326 BY APPOINTMENT Get your “Best Friend” ready for winter! Clip that coat & nails! (208) 316-0135 careyreitsma@gmail.com TWO RECITALS WINTER & SPRING CSI ASSOCIATES DEGREE TEACHING FOR 10 YEARS 4 HALF HOUR LESSONS EACH MONTH HOURLY LESSONS AVAILABLE Carey Piano Lessons W WE EE EN NN ND DD DE EE EL LL LL LL L LIFE RECOVERY (or Restoration)


(208) 423-1114 SUNDAY: Worship 11am THURSDAY: Prayer 7pm WELCOME TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY PLEASE COME WORSHIP WITH US Pastor@HagermanValleyBaptist.org 390 N. State Street, Hagerman Serving Christ in Our Community & BeyondServing Christ in Our Community & BeyondServing Christ in Our Community & BeyondServing Christ in Our Community & Beyond Celebrate with Us! The Thrift BarnThe Thrift BarnThe Thrift Barn GENTLY USED HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN ITEMS NEEDED Please no TVs or large furniture Proceeds go to Nonprofit Community Helping Hands Food Bank WINTER HOURS Mon 1-4 Wed 11-4 Fri 11-4 Sat 11-4 Tha s t a the c u ity f r a great year! A d especia y t a wh he ped with Christ as B xes a d T ys Every e a es a differe ce! G d B ess & Happy "ew Year! (208) 751-4508 - WILL PICK UP DONATIONS -
6 Log into Amazon, select Hagerman Valley Foundation as the charity. Order. HVF receives .05% of the order amount.

This space is compliments of Hagerman Valley Foundation

The easiest way to select Hagerman Valley Foundation, is to open HagermanValleyFoundation.org, and click on Amazon Smile. This only needs to be done once. Then just be sure the Foundation is selected prior to placing an order. Thank you for supporting the Foundation!
Adriano, Heidy. 16, passed December 6, 2021 in Wendell. Wendell. Andrews, Stanley. 87, passed December 1, 2021 at home. Wendell. Bray, Earl L. 63, passed December 21, 2021 at home. Wendell. Dedicke, Kody Tieler. 17, passed December 15, 2021 in Gooding. Gooding. Funk, Daniel George. 92, passed December 20, 2021 at home. Gooding Hile, Majorie J. 95, passed December 18, 2021 in Gooding. Gooding. Johnston, Eldon Kenneth. 77, passed December 20, 2021 in Gooding. Wendell. Kimble, Connie Mary Katherine. 82, passed December 23, 2021 in Boise. Gooding. Kolman, Robert Lee. 65, passed December 21, 2021 at home. Hagerman. Kuper, Donald Graham. 90, passed in Plano Texas December 11, 2021. Wendell. LeaVell, Lonnie. 84, passed December 13, 2021 at home. Gooding. Maxwell, Virginia “Ginger” Ann. 64, passed December 24, 2021 at home. Hagerman. Miller, Michelle Christine. 48, passed December 23, 2021 at home. Richfield. Mosier, Jerry Lee. 73, passed November 28, 2021 at home. Gooding. Oakley, William C. “Bill”. 93, passed December 2, 2021 in Gooding. Gooding. Orth, James “Jim” Jay. 66, passed December 17, 2021 at home. Fairfield. Reed, Barbara Mary. 87, passed December 22, 2021 in Eagle. Gooding. Stratton, David “Trevor”. 88 passed December 6, 2021 at home. Gooding. Thompson, Ray Eugene. 55, passed December 23, 2021 home. Bliss. Youngblood Sr, Raymond D. 69, passed December 20, 2021 in Gooding. Wendell.
7 www.BillingsleyCreek.com 17940 US Hwy 30 Hagerman, ID 83332 On beautiful Billingsley Creek next to the State Park OPEN ALL YEAR WITH WEEKDAY SPECIALS Motel Rooms & Cabins Some with Kitchens & Hot Tub All units have Decks WA TED A p ace t re t i r ut f Hager a (208) 749 4874 P ease "eave Text r V ice &ai HAGERMANVALLEY CHAMBEROFCOMMERCE Chamber Lunch Meeting $10 Noon - Tuesday, January 11, 2022 @ OxbowDiner & Spirits (Bliss) Guest Speakers: Melissa Barry—Southern Idaho Tourism Dr. JimBrown—Hagerman Joint School District Susan Baca— Magic Valley Youth and Adult Services Be sure to join us! hagermanchamber@gmail.comhagermanvalleychamber.com(208)837-9131

3 M Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Noon Lunch Mon, Wed, Fri
Bible Study: 6:45p. Calvary Chapel.
Mass: 6p. St. Catherine’s Valley Baptist Prayer Meeting: 7p. Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
4 Tu Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Tu 2:30p-5:00p Th 10a-2p communityhh@outlook.com (208) 731-7974 (208) 404-2821
Lunch & Bridge Club: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East. Life Recovery: 6:30p. Hagerman Christian Center.
Hagerman Calvary Chapel Service: 10a Hagerman Community of Christ SS: 10a, Service: 11a
10 M Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Hagerman St Catherine’s Mass: 10a
Lunch & Bridge Club: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
Thrift Store Open MWF 10-2
16 Su Winter Birds Tour: 8:30a. US Bank Parking Lot
SAVE MONEY ON YOUR WE PRINT EVERYTHING! Call FIGURE YOUR Prints/Copies per Sheet Paper, stapling, folding and 3-hold punch B/W - 1 side: 8.5x11 - 5¢ B/W - 2 side: 8.5x11 - 10¢ Color - 1 side: 8.5x11 - 15¢ Color - 2 side: 8.5x11 - 25¢ *dba of Hagerman
Hagerman Valley Foundation Open Mon-Fri 11-5 Facebook @HagermanFun HagermanValleyFoundation@gmail.com (208) 536-0094
12 W Lunch: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
Hagerman Public Library
HagermanPublicLibrary@gmail.com (208) 837-6520 441 S State St
Bible Study: 6:30p. Christian Center
8 J[nu[ry Community
2 Su Wendell Berean Baptist Bible Study: 10a, Worship: 11a
Bible Study: 6:30p. Christian Center
Community Helping Hands
Bible Study: 6:45p. Calvary Chapel.
11 Tu Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym Hagerman Chamber Mtg: Noon. Oxbow, Bliss. $10. Hagerman P&Z: 7p. Hagerman City Hall GJSD Board Meeting: 7p. School District Office Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
8 Sa
24 DEADLINE for February
Hagerman Christian Center Celebration: 10:30a Hagerman Valley Baptist Worship Service: 11a
Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
7 F Lunch & Bingo: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center.
Hagerman Calvary Chapel Service: 10a
City Council: 7p. Hagerman City HalL Wendell VFW Meeting: 1900. 610 W Main St, Wendell
Staffed MWF 8a-2p hvcscenter@gmail.com (208) 837-6120
Hagerman St Catherine’s Mass: 10a
Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East
Wendell Berean Baptist Bible Study: 10a, Worship: 11a
6 Th Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Hagerman Christian Center Celebration: 10:30a
Bible Study: 7p. Community of Christ, 208-536-2513
5 W Lunch: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
Library Board Meeting: 5:30p. Hagerman Library
Community Business (208)
14 F Lunch & Bingo: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
Hagerman Valley Baptist Worship Service: 11a 536 CommunityBusinessCtr@gmail.com 11a
Hagerman Food Bank
Hagerman Community of Christ SS: 10a, Service: 11a
Hagerman Community of Christ SS: 10a, Service: 11a Hagerman St Catherine’s Mass: 10a Hagerman Christian Center Celebration: 10:30a Hagerman Valley Baptist Worship Service: 11a
13 Th Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Tu 1-5, Wed 10-6, Th 10-5, F 10-5, Sa 10-1
Bible Study: 7p. Community of Christ, 208-536-2513
Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East. Life Recovery: 6:30p. Hagerman Christian Center. HJSD Board Meeting: 6p. High School Media Center
Hagerman Senior Center
Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East
15 Sa Eagle Tree Tour: 5:30p. US Bank Parking Lot.
9 Su Wendell Berean Baptist Bible Study: 10a, Worship: 11a Hagerman Calvary Chapel Service: 10a
Mon 1-4p
February Issue (208) 536-0094
23 Su Wendell Berean Baptist Bible Study: 10a, Worship: 11a Hagerman Calvary Chapel Service: 10a Hagerman Community of Christ SS: 10a, Service: 11a Hagerman St Catherine’s Mass: 10a Hagerman Christian Center Celebration: 10:30a Hagerman Valley Baptist Worship Service: 11a
Wendell Free Store
Mon-Fri 9-12p, 1p-4p (208) 837-6636
Business Center* 536-0094 CommunityBusinessCtr@gmail.com11a-5pMon-Fri YOUR PRINT COSTS Call or drop in for a quote. YOUR SAVINGS Sheet - 20# bond [75 gsm] punch are included at no extra charge 11x17 - 10¢ 12x18 - 15¢ 11x17 - 20¢ 12x18 - 25¢ 11x17 - 25¢ 12x18 - 30¢ 11x17 - 40¢ 12x18 - 45¢ IDEA, Inc, 501(c)3
18 Tu Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
21 F Lunch & Bingo: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
30 Su Wendell Berean Baptist Bible Study: 10a, Worship: 11a Hagerman Calvary Chapel Service: 10a Hagerman Community of Christ SS: 10a, Service: 11a Hagerman St Catherine’s Mass: 10a Hagerman Christian Center Celebration: 10:30a Hagerman Valley Baptist Worship Service: 11a
Lunch Mondays & Fridays
Magic Valley Republican Women: 12p. El Cazador, Buhl Bible Study: 6:30p. Christian Center Bible Study: 6:45p. Calvary Chapel. Bible Study: 7p. Community of Christ, 208-536-2513 City Council: 7p. Hagerman City HalL
Wed, Fri, Sat 11a-4p (208) 751-4508
24 M Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Thanks to Harry Knox for the Foundation Office Space above US Bank.
Open Fri, Sat, Sun 1-4 (208) 837-6288
Wendell Senior Center
Hagerman City Hall
28 F Lunch & Bingo: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East
20 Th Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym Mass: 6p. St. Catherine’s Valley Baptist Prayer Meeting: 7p. Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
Hagerman Thrift Barn
22 Sa FREE Winter STEAM Activities: 10a-2p. Gooding County Fairgrounds
Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East Foot Clinic: 1p. Hagerman Senior Center. $5, bring towel.
Lunch & Bridge Club: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
19 W Lunch: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
25 Tu Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
Mon-Fri 7:45a-1p; 2p-4:15p
380 1st Ave East, Wendell
375 1st Ave E, Wendell
17 M Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
Community Calendar
Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East. Life Recovery: 6:30p. Hagerman Christian Center.
Bible Study: 6:30p. Christian Center Bible Study: 6:45p. Calvary Chapel. Bible Study: 7p. Community of Christ, 208-536-2513
26 W Lunch: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center
27 Th Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym Mass: 6p. St. Catherine’s Valley Baptist Prayer Meeting: 7p. Aqua Zumba: 7p. 1000 Springs Resort. $4ea or $40/12
31 M Fit Over 60: 9a. Hagerman Memorial Gym
29 Sa
Lunch & Bridge Club: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East. Meaty Matters Livestock School: 6p. Gooding County Fairgrounds Life Recovery: 6:30p. Hagerman Christian Center.
Hagerman Post Office
Lunch & Bridge Club: Noon. Hagerman Senior Center Lunch: Noon. Wendell Senior Center, 380 1st Ave East. Life Recovery: 6:30p. Hagerman Christian Center.
Hagerman Museum
Clothes Housewares
Tues 11-2 Thurs 2-5
“Ever since the came out, the has been off the hook!” C.M.
Silvercreek Realty GroupSilvercreek Realty GroupSilvercreek Realty GroupSilvercreek Realty Group 130 S State Street, Hagerman (IN THE PAPA KELSEY’S BUILDING) Our Motto is: Integrity, Experience, Commitment. CALL US TODAY BONNY ROSS 208-539-0795 CHRIS HOSMAN 208-404-6411 140 E Lake St Our Fabulous Thrift StoreOur Fabulous Thrift StoreOur Fabulous Thrift StoreOur Fabulous Thrift Store Open 10-2 MWF Follow @HagermanThrift JANUARY 2022 The Center will be open for noon meals MWF as usual. Meals include beverages, bread & dessert. Mondays Bridge Club @ 12:30 No Gem State Fiddlers Friday Noon Bingo Foot Clinic January 21. $5, bring towel No Monday Blood Draw hvcscenter@gmail.com BLING!haveWeCheckItout!


11 School EventsSchool Events One of the Newsletter’s missions is to keep the public informed. Please help by emailing your school’s events and home games to: GoodingCountyNews@gmail.com to get it on the free monthly calendar. Your “non-school” community will really appreciate your efforts! Questions? Call the Foundation at 208-536-0094. Thank you in advance for your help. SUPPORT LOCAL VETERANS (208) 536-2071 phone (208) 404-6116 cell SPEERKUHNWENDEL Pictured in his World War 1 Army Uniform (1918 photo). The town of Wendell was named after him when he was 15.

FromtheDeskof HagermanMayorAlanJayFromtheDeskof HagermanMayorAlanJayFromtheDeskof HagermanMayorAlanJayFromtheDeskof HagermanMayorAlanJay
January is here and we'll have a new council member coming on board - a name that we all will recognize from the history of Hagerman. Wes Owsley will be
12 Silver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver Silver BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH WENDELL SUNDAY MORNINGS 10a: Bible Study for children & adults 11a: Worship Paul Kroeger, Pastor (208) 539-5769 pastorpaul@bereanbaptistwendell.org

I'd like to give a huge thank you to the Chamber of Commerce, and everyone that participated in the lighting of Hagerman this year. I had lots of compliments on how beautiful and festive our town is. It was also a fun Christmas season, because of the large amount of snow we had this year. We all should be grateful for the J team. For long hours they have put in to keep the snow off the roads. They were working before most of us even woke up. Thank you J team! Keep up the good work.
January 11 - P&Z: 7p
January 19 - City Council: 7p
We are currently meeting at Wendell High School, 800 East Main Ave. Access the Main (South) entrance to the classroom building
our new councilman replacing Steve Bland. Council president Steve Bland has served as a council member and currently council president for almost ten years. We all owe him a great deal of gratitude for his time spent and his dedication to serving the community. He has worked through some major issues with the city council such as the solid waste treatment facility and, since 2014, on water rights transfer from Billingsley Creek State Park. Thank you, Steve, for your service and commitment to Hagerman. We wish you great things in the future.
January 5 - City Council: 7p
Wow Hagerman, you really had this town looking festive for the holidays!
13 295 S Idaho St, Wendell, ID 83355 www.rubymountainmotorswendell.com 208.749.3222 Silver Sponsor OXBOW DINER & SPIRITSOXBOW DINER & SPIRITS OxbowDiner@gmail.com199EHwy30,BLISS PRIME RIB EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 10¢ Pancakes are back!!! Third Sunday of the Month SUN, M, TU, TH: 8a-9p FRI-SAT: 8a-10p (208) 352-1079 Still not open Wednesdays. Sorry. Bar Happy Hour: 4pm - 6pm Daily Drink & Appetizer Specials BAR stays open to 1am or as long as you’re here! Follow Oxbow Diner & Spirits

135 Cheney Ave, Twin Falls F AND T Construction, Handyman and HVAC Services 208-358-6489 Great Deals on Air Conditioning Installfurnaces,fireplaces,etc $75/hr + parts Free estimates so you can compare & save. We are accredited A+ business with BBB We can get financing for almost all credit scores Chad Bunn, chad@silverkeyinsurance.com Alison Bunn, alison@silverkeyinsurance.com (208) 536-6222 (208) 252-9987 OFFICE TEXT LINE 287 W Main Wendell 83355 Auto * Home * Farm * Business * Life JOIN THE FUN AND GET IN SHAPE AQUA ZUMBA Tues & Thurs 7p. Cost: $4 each class or $40/12 classesCost: $4 each class or $40/12 classesCost: $4 each or $40/12Cost: $4 each or $40/12 1000 Springs Resort 18734 Hwy 30, Hagerman ID Instructor: LuAnne Coates (208) 539-4740

15 208'208208208'837837837837''6603660366036603 100 State St- Hager a Bea ’s Twisted Sciss r’sBea ’s Twisted Sciss r’sBea ’s Twisted Sciss r’sBea ’s Twisted Sciss r’s & Gift Sh p& Gift Sh p& Gift Sh p& Gift Sh p Local Crafts, Baked Goods, Candles, Jewelry, Souvenirs & More! Hair Salon & Permanents 120 N State, Hagerman, ID Next to Bean's, across from Los Potrillos Mexican Email: CindySellsIdahoRealty@gmail.com CindySellsIdahoRealty.com CindyDouville.SilvercreekRealty.com REALTYSILVERCREEKGROUP CINDY DOUVILLE 208-539-1888 Bronze SponsorBronze Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Professional Real Estate Services with 15+ years of experience. Call Me Today! LOOKING FOR LAND I HAVE BUYERS! TIME TO LIST WITH ME IS NOW! RE@DY TO LIST? LIST WITH ME IN 2022 CHANNEL 6, HAGERMAN I’m sure the people that receive their TV programs from the Hagerman Translator are wondering what going with channel 6. The FCC has sold some frequencies. The old equipment the Hagerman Translator has cannot be changed to the new assigned frequencies. So we have ordered new equipment and it will be arriving approximately at the end of January at the cost of $8,884.00 plus shipping. We have borrowed some equipment to get channel 6 up and running, until the new equipment arrives and hope to have channel 6 up and running soon. Thank you, Carl Jeffries This space is compliments of Hagerman Valley Foundation KATHY’S ALTERATIONS & DROPS (208) 837-6267 Hemming, Patching, Zippers, Sewing HAGERMAN: 380 E SALMON GOODING: ACE HARDWARE JULIE’S

Living Waters Evang. Presbyterian, 208-536-6270
* Douville Cindy, Silvercreek Realty, 208-539-1888
Miller Brothers Collision Repair, 208-536-2129
Hagerman Valley Chamber, 208-837-9131
Valley Carpet Care, 208-536-5777
Kathy’s Alterations, 208-837-6267
Berean Baptist Church, Wendell, 208-539-5769
Fred Dodge Certified HVAC Tech, 208-358-6489
Hagerman IDEA Endowment Fund, 208-536-0094
Steve’s Quick Service, 208-731-2076
Vegetation Mgt Services, 208-949-0523
Budman’s Barber Shop, 208-303-0581
Silver Key Insurance, 208-536-6222
Ruby Mountain Motors, 208-749-3222

Thrift Barn, 208-751-4508
Wendell Tire, 208-536-6465
16 Keep up to date with our Events! Like & Follow @HagermanFun GOODING COUNTY Phone: 208-934-4841 624 Main St, Gooding 83330 Mark rbuhler@co.gooding.id.usRonsbolton@co.gooding.id.usSusanmbolduc@co.gooding.id.usBolducBoltonBuhler STATE REPS Senator Michelle nburns@house.idaho.govRepstoone@house.idaho.govRepmstennett@senate.idaho.govStennetthome:208-726-8106SallyToonehome:(208)934-8114NedBurnshome: US Senator: Michael Crapo, 208-334-1776 US Senator: James Risch, 208-342-7985 House Rep: Russ Fulcher, 208-888-3188 House Rep: Michael Simpson, 208-334-1776 PRSRTECRWSSSTD U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDDM RETAIL Hagerman Valley Fndn PO Box Hagerman,614ID 83332 MailedLocal********ECRWSS********Residential&BusinessCustomerSubscriptions:$12for12issues Send check to PO Box 614, Hagerman, ID 83332

Jackson, Olivia, Epic Realty, 208-421-4012
Ross, Bonny, Silvercreek Realty, 208-539-0795
JANUARY ADVERTISER DIRECTORY * SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS * Color Advertising: Color ads are available on the cover, and only when enough ads are ordered to pay for the print cost. Please let us know if/when you have any interest in a color ad. Goo^ing County N_wsl_tt_r @^ R[t_s In 2021, over 60,000 newsletters were mailed or given away for free to residents & visitors. (208) 536-0094 GoodingCountyNews@gmail.com Free monthly edits
Hagerman Valley Foundation, 208-536-0094
Hagerman Valley Senior Center, 208-837-6120
Carey’s Piano Lessons, 208-316-0135
Community Business Center, 208-536-0094
Cooke, Grant, 1000 Springs Realty, 208-731-4063
DP Handyman Services, 208-960-3493
Hagerman Valley Baptist, 208-731-3881
Snip & Suds, 208-961-1326
Aqua Zumba, 208-539-4740
Peterson Insurance, 208-536-2071
CSI - Twin Falls, 208-329-5010
St Catherine’s Catholic Station, 208-543-5136
Lockwood Sprinkler/Spraying, 208-293-7047
TaskMasters, Roy Gwin, 208-409-6072
Billingsley Creek Lodging, 208-837-4822
* Heritage Home Health/Hospice, 208-410-4040
Hosman, Chris, Silvercreek Realty, 208-404-6411
Magic Valley Republican Women, 208-590-3036
Tommy’s Express Car Wash, 208-944-9109
University of Idaho Extension, 208-934-4417
City of Hagerman, 208-837-6636
* Western Septic & Excavation, 208-735-5346
Life Recovery, 805-598-2924
Oxbow Diner, 208-352-1079
Bean’s Twisted Scissor’s, 208-837-6603
M&M Electric, 208-280-0724
Wendell VFW, 208-961-1492