Just Keep Swimming Magazine Issue 1 2023

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JUST KEEP SWIMMING Issue 1 | December 2023

HELLO, BEAUTIFUL SOULS I'm beyond thrilled to share something close to my heart - the birth of ‘Just Keep Swimming’ a sanctuary of wisdom and support for the incredible women navigating the courageous journey to parenthood. Life often takes us down unexpected paths, and for many, the road to parenthood can be a challenging one. Through my own experiences, I've come to understand the profound impact that knowledge and a supportive community can have during this delicate time. ‘Just Keep Swimming’ is not just a magazine; it's a lifeline, a source of inspiration, and a reservoir of strength. The pages are woven with stories of resilience, triumphs, and shared wisdom from remarkable women who have walked the path of infertility. Each story is carefully curated to provide insights, expert advice, and a comforting embrace for those who find themselves on this journey. I’m here to shatter stigmas, spark hope, and create a community where every woman feels seen, heard, and understood. I share my story at the beginning of the magazine as I feel its important for us to realise that life does go on but also because I want to help support you on whichever stage of the journey you are on. And whether it’s a verbal coffee or meeting in real life, I want to build a tribe. A community where we stand together, support each other and celebrate the strength that resides in each and every one of us. Join me on this incredible voyage - whether you're seeking guidance, offering your story, or simply craving connection. Let's turn the page on silence and embark on a new chapter of shared strength, understanding, and hope. Just Keep Swimming!



Please Stay In Touch: @justkeepswimmingmag @sincerelynaomi_ hello@thecooltobekindproject.org linkedin.com


THE UNCONVENTIONAL BABY-MAKING BLUEPRINT For many, the path to parenthood seems like a straightforward journey. You meet someone special, all in love decide to start a family, and voila, you’re on your way to baby bliss. But, as countless women have discovered, this conventional baby-makig blueprit often unravels into a far more complex and challenging reality.

Infertility is a topic that, although once whispered, is now being discussed openly and candidly by those who face its difficult terrain. The journey to conception, instead of a linear path, can often feel like a labyrinth of emotions, doctor’s appointments, and an ever-evolving strategy. The first step on this unconventional journey is the realisation that you are not alone. In a world where social media posts often paint a rosy reality of effortless conception, it’s vital to know that fertility struggles affect many couples. This acknowledgement, though difficult, can be the first glimmer in the hope of darkness. As you delve deeper into the maze of infertility, you’ll encounter a rollercoaster of emotions. Disappointment, grief, frsutration and anger become your compaions, but so do determination and resilience. The blueprint you thought was straightfoward suddenly reveals its hidden complexities, and you start rewriting the script.

Meanwhile, the world around you seems to be fertile, effortlessly expanding families while you’re stuck at the blueprint’s crossroads. Baby showers, pregnancy announcements, and well-intentioned advice from friends and family can be a bitter reminder of the challenges you face. But within this complex ourney, you’ll also find incredible support networks of women who understand your struggle, sharing your dreams, and offering empathy and wisdom.

The waiting game, a significant part of this blueprint cann be excrutiating. Waiting for test results, waiting for ovulation, waiting for that elusive second line on a pregnancy test - it all becomes a part of daily life. And as the days turn into months and sometimes years, patience takes on a whole new meeting.

The baby-making blueprint, when not so easy, compels couples to think outside the box. It encourages exploring alternative paths to parenthood, from adoption to surrogacy. These unconventional routes can lead to a new kind of love, as you open your hearts to children who may not share your DNA but are destined to become your family.

Visiting fertility clinics becomes a routine, and the doctor’s office can feel like a second home. You’ll learn to navigate the intricacies of fertilitiy treatments, from ovulation induction to In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). Each procedure offers hope but it also adds another layer to the blueprint. A twist in the path.

In rewriting your blueprint, you define what it means to be a parent, and in doing so, you find your unique and extraordinary path to the family you have always dreamed of.


Life seems surreal at times, especially when you get to a point where you realise you have been to hell and back and although at the time you had no idea how you would possibly survive, you realise that you did get through it and are probably stronger because of it. I was asked the other day to list three moments in my life where I was sure life was over. The first: going to boarding school and being so upset and homesick that I tried to run away, having my very pregnant Aunt chase me around the streets of Toorak. I was 14. The second: waking up to find myself in ICU, on life support and paralysed after getting Guillain Barre Syndrome. I was 27. The third: sitting with my husband in the office of our Fertility Specialist, being told that there was no hope of successful IVF treatment and to ensure my life wasn’t in danger, his advice was getting a full hysterectomy. I was 32 years old. I know that in all three situations I was scared, I was upset and would have been perfectly happy for life to have ended then and there. But it didn’t. I survived boarding school because it was only for a period of six months before my family moved to Melbourne. Being paralysed and learning to walk again took a bit longer than six months but I managed to survive that nightmare and am so much stronger and empathetic to others because of it. The third will always be a work in progress but one that although painful and ever so sad, has given me the power to do something I never would have dreamed of should I have become a Mum. My problems with infertility came about after I had surgery on my stomach contracted an infection which meant my abdomen had to be left open until my surgeon was sure I was infection free. This meant frequent trips to the operating theatre to wash out the area and months in hospital. The thought of not being able to have children never crossed my mind but shortly after everything had healed, I began to get pelvic cysts. These cysts were incredibly aggressive; I felt fine in the morning and hours later I looked like I was sixmonths pregnant and in agony. Initially, my surgeon would drain the cyst and I would go home but the procedure was becoming more painful. I was told that having a full hysterectomy was the only way I would ever get my life back. It was a Monday afternoon. Matt had taken the afternoon off work. I heard my doctor’s voice telling me that there was nothing else they could do. My heart was pounding. My palms were sweaty. I began to feel the walls slowly start to close in around me. My breathing shallow, head spinning, and hands clasped tightly in my lap like little weights as if they held all the power to hold me down and resist the urge to leap out of my chair, wrapping my tiny fingers around his throat, preventing any more of his ugly truth from escaping his lips. I sat and stared, gazing just beyond his shoulder at the picture of his perfect family. I sunk further into my chair, the reality that I may never have my own photograph sitting on my desk at home. If I made eye contact I knew it would be over. I knew the flood gates would open and I’d never regain composure so I stared and thought about… anything but being in that room. Wishing I had cancelled the appointment. Not knowing the truth. Continuing to believe that I could have a baby. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

As someone who’s lifelong dream was to be a mum, having someone seal a fate that didn’t resemble the one I had planned, felt like a million little daggers were being bludgeoned into my heart. What was I supposed to do now? What were we supposed to do now? I felt numb and depleted. If that wasn’t hard enough, I was handed a mountain of paperwork which included my hospital pre-admission appointment, surgery date, and a referral to the menopause clinic. This made my blood boil. Why would I need to go to a menopause clinic? “I’m in my early 30’s,'' I told the doctor. His response; “Naomi, as soon as your surgeons remove your ovaries, you will automatically go into menopause. It will be sudden and you will need to be on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) because of your age.” I wish I had been a bit wiser and prepared myself better. I had good days and bad days in the lead up to the surgery on 30 March 2015. I was okay until someone asked if I was okay then I’d either drop the ball or say I was fine and crumble on the inside. I was more worried about Matt and my family. There were numerous times when I told Matt he could leave me; that he deserved to find someone who could give him a baby. I think this was the only thing I felt I could offer him and I wanted him to have the option to leave. His response was always instant and it was not something he would even consider. I felt like I was letting my family down. I wanted to give my parents and in-laws a grandchild and my niece a cousin. But most of all, I felt that I had failed. I wasn’t able to do the most natural thing in the world and that somehow, it made me less of a woman and unable to contribute to society. No amount of counselling, reading or crying ever changed this feeling. Until a friend said to me, “I wish you knew your own beautiful worth”, followed by “Take my kids whenever you want. They are a nightmare at the moment!” Whilst I had nothing but peace and confidence walking into the hospital the morning of my hysterectomy, I was still sad and a little disappointed. And that’s something I’ve been learning my whole life: peace and sadness are not mutually exclusive. Because for all the acceptance and healing I had experienced in the previous years, I still hoped perhaps the ending would be a little different. There was always the thought, “…but maybe…” in the back of my mind. If I look at those first few days, I struggled. I had been told all about sudden-onset menopause but didn’t expect the effects to start just hours after the surgery. I was hot, itchy and confined to the bed with pain medication, antibiotics, feed and fluid. I remember wanting to be naked, and didn’t care that I was in a room with three other ladies. I couldn’t start on HRT immediately so I had to battle through. It wasn’t just the physical side-effects, mentally, I was exhausted. Social media and the time on my hands as I healed didn’t help my frame of mind. A friend shared a picture of her pregnant belly on Facebook, and I thought about how I’ll never feel the kicks of a life inside me. It seemed like fertile women were everywhere and I couldn’t help but compare them to my new infertility.

A deeper fear became clear: Was I less of a woman because my body was no longer capable of doing what a woman’s body was evolutionarily made to do? Was having sex even worth it anymore? If I grieved during all those nights I lay awake crying from the hurt in my body and the ache in my heart. It was in the arms of my husband and the love of my friends and family as we grieved our loss of not being parents. Healing came with a slow, hard, quiet acceptance of a life I didn’t expect - wetting the bed, daily wound dressings, putting on 30kgs, not sleeping in our bedroom because it was no longer a place of hope, not having sex and refusing to leave the house. It came in looking in the mirror at all my scars and seeing myself as beautiful because of them, not in spite of them. I remember I started crying in the shower after I was asked the question, “When are you going to have a baby?” I’d forgotten for the briefest of moments that I was truly and finally barren and entertained the thought that I may be pregnant. Almost immediately I remembered that was no longer even remotely possible and the tears came like a flood. This is called hitting rock-bottom. Trust me when I say this. You are being a good friend, family member and stranger to avoid this topic. It only puts pressure on a situation you know nothing about. Pressure that someone trying to fall pregnant doesn’t need. Pressure on someone who is doing all they can to get through the first trimester with no complications. Pressure on the person who carries the sadness with them wherever they go knowing that they can’t fulfill the role of a mother in the traditional sense. You don’t know who is struggling with infertility or grieving a miscarriage or dealing with health issues. You don’t know who is having relationship problems or is under so much stress that the timing just isn’t right. You don’t know who is on the fence about having kids, or adding to their tribe. You don’t know who has decided that it’s not for them right now, or not for them ever. How do I feel about having a hysterectomy at 32 years old? Well, a little sad. But mostly I’m incredibly grateful and I am at total peace with it. My life has been filled with deep grief and even greater joy. The things that have sometimes hurt the most have led to the most beautiful gifts. When I hit rock-bottom, I saw a fork in the road. I could continue down a rabbit hole of self-pity and sadness, or look at this experience as an opportunity to spread kindness in the world. I chose the latter. designing and hiding “kindness cards” in random places around my hometown, encouraging people to undertake a random act of kindness in the lead-up to Christmas 2017. I received 32 astonishing responses after hiding 50 cards. One man who found one of my cards had his Christmas lunch money refunded and decided to take the homeless man he always greeted to lunch at a five-star restaurant. The generosity behind the responses was all I needed to create The Cool To Be Kind Project as a global kindness movement, giving people a platform to be conscious of their actions and to be aware of the feelings of others. What am I worth? Plenty. I can show people they have the choice to look at life a little bit differently, maybe with a softer and kinder heart. More importantly, I have the ability to show people that we all can build our best lives; I have great days and days I would rather forget. Life isn't perfect for anyone but it's important to be thankful for the good that we do have in our lives.

A LETTER TO THE LONGING TO BE MUM I want you to know that you are not alone on this journey. In the quiet moments when the weight of unfulfilled dreams rests heavily on your heart, I want you to feel the embrace of understanding and empathy. Your journey toward motherhood is unique, and the path may be winding and challenging, but you are not walking it alone. There's an unspoken strength in the way you navigate the sea of emotions – the hope, the disappointment, the resilience. Your heart holds the echo of laughter you envision, the lullabies you long to sing, and the warmth of tiny fingers wrapped around yours. In the face of uncertainty, remember that it's okay to grieve, to acknowledge the ache, and to shed tears. Each tear is a testament to the depth of your desire, the strength of your spirit, and the profound love you already hold for the little one you dream of. Amid the doctor's appointments, the tests, and the waiting, know that your worth is not defined by a single moment or a particular outcome. You are not measured by the lines on a fertility chart or the results of a test. Your worth is intrinsic, woven into the very fabric of who you are. Embrace the support around you, whether it comes from a partner, family, friends, or even strangers who share similar struggles. Share your story when you're ready, for in vulnerability, we find connection. Your journey has the power to inspire, to comfort, and to remind others that they are not alone either. In the midst of the medical jargon and the whirlwind of emotions, find solace in the simple moments of self-care. Nurture your body and soul, for you are a garden of possibility. Allow yourself the grace to step back, to breathe, and to find joy in the present, irrespective of the uncertainties that loom. As you wait for that elusive positive sign, may you find strength in the waiting. It's a testament to your endurance and courage. The road may be long, but remember, every step is a victory in itself. Dear friend, may hope be your compass, love be your constant, and the support of kindred spirits be your refuge. You are not alone, and in the vast community of hearts beating with the same longing, may you find solace and the unwavering belief that, in time, your dreams will be cradled in reality. NEVER FORGET YOU ARE LOVED.


Sip the warmth of optimism from your cup of positivity and let it fuel your day.

In every drop of your cup of positivity, find the sweetness of hope and the strength to thrive.

Your cup of positivity: a daily reminder that even in darkness, there's always a hint of dawn.

Brew kindness, stir in gratitude, and savor the richness of your cup of positivity.

Let your cup of positivity overflow, spreading joy and kindness wherever you go.

With each sip of your cup of positivity, taste the possibilities and embrace the day's potential.

In the silence of a mindful moment, find the serenity that fills your cup of positivity.

Dip into your cup of positivity, and may it be a source of comfort, courage, and boundless joy.

Let your cup of positivity be a catalyst for change, turning challenges into opportunities.

COPING WITH PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENTS One of the most challenging aspects of the infertility journey is coping with pregnancy announcements of friends and loved ones. While you genuinely celebrate their joy, it’s okay to acknowledge the complex emotions that may arise within you. Pregnancy announcements can be a moment of pure joy, a celebration of new life, and the beginning of a journey into parenthood. However, when you are on the path of infertility, they can also be a reminder of your dreams that have not yet come to fruition.

These announcements often evoke a whirlwind of emotions, and it’s essential to give yourself permission to feel them. Grief and sadness may be the initial emotions that surface upon hearing a pregnancy announcements. These feelings are a natural response to the contrast between your desires and the reality you are living. It’s essential to acknowledge these emotions and not judge yourself for them. Your feelings are valid. Anger and jealousy are other emotions that may arise, even when you genuinely wish the best for the expectant couple. These emotions do not make you a bad person; they are human responses to the challenges of infertility. What’s crucial is how you manage and express these emotions in a healthy way. One way tyo cope with pregnancy annoucements is to create space for self-compassion. Infertility is a challenging journey, and it’s important to recognise the strength it takes to endure it. Self-compassion allows you to be kind to yourself, acknowledging the pain whilst maintaining love and empathy for those who are expecting. Support groups and professional counselling can be valuable resources for individuals and couples facing infertility.

These avenues provide an opportunity to express your feelings and receive guidance from those who understand the journey intimately. It can be a source of solace and reassurance. The important aspect of coping with pregnancy announcements to remember that your joureny is unique Your path to parenthood may be different from others, and that’s okay. It’s a reminder that every stoy of family-building is distinct and that your journey has its own rhythm and timeline. Ultaimtely, coping with pregnancy announcements is a testament to your strength and resilience. It’s a journey marked by complex emotions and the power to navigate them with grace and understanding. It’s a reminder that, even in the face of challenges, you have the capacity to find moments of hope, joy and connection.

WHY IS TALKING ABOUT FERTILITY STILL A TABOO TOPIC? Fertility issues are more common than many people realise. One in six Australian couples will struggle with infertility, and one in 20 Australian babies are born from IVF. Despite all of this, fertility struggles are still a taboo topic; one many people don’t know how to talk about.

Fertility topics can still be considered taboo for several reasons: Personal and Cultural Stigma There may be deeply rooted cultural or societal beliefs that place a stigma on infertility. In some cultures, there might be a perception that fertility issues are a private matter and discussing them openly is considered inappropriate or embarrassing. Privacy and Sensitivity Fertility is an intimate and personal aspect of people's lives. Discussing one's fertility can be emotionally challenging, and individuals may prefer to keep such matters private. The sensitivity of the topic can make people hesitant to share their experiences. Social Expectations Societal norms often emphasise traditional famil structures and may create expectations around fertility. Individuals who face challenges in this area may fear judgment, societal pressure, or the feeling of falling short of societal expectations. Lack of Understanding There is sometimes a lack of general understanding about fertility issues. People may be uncomfortable discussing topics they don't fully comprehend, and misconceptions or ignorance about fertility can contribute to the silence surrounding the subject. Personal Pain and Grief Infertility can be emotionally challenging and distressing. Individuals and couples struggling with fertility issues may be dealing with grief, disappointment, and frustration. Opening up about these emotions can be difficult.

Medical and Legal Concerns Fertility treatments and decisions related to family planning can involve complex medical and legal considerations. Some individuals may be hesitant to discuss these matters due to concerns about judgment or interference in personal decisions. Fear of Insensitivity People may avoid discussing fertility topics out of fear of being perceived as insensitive. They may worry about unintentionally causing pain or discomfort to individuals who are facing fertility challenges. Efforts to reduce the taboo surrounding fertility often involve increasing awareness, education, and fostering open conversations. Providing a supportive environment and acknowledging the diverse experiences related to fertility can contribute to breaking down barriers and promoting understanding.


The Unspoken Struggles of Fertility

Stories of Endurance and Strength

A Journey Through Patience

The Symphony of Support

Breaking the Stigma of Fertility Challenges

Finding Light Behind Closed Doors


PUTTING ON MY BRAVE BIRD PANTS In times of trouble, when skies turn gray, I don my Brave Bird Pants to face the day. Feathers of courage, woven strong and true, These pants will help me soar, it's what they do. When life's challenges, like storms, roll in, I'll spread my wings and let the journey begin. With talons sharp and a heart unbowed, I'll rise above, I'll make my family proud. The fabric woven from hope and might, Stitched together with dreams taking flight. In my Brave Bird Pants, I take the leap, Through valleys of doubt, I'll courageously sweep. Like an eagle, I'll ride the wind so high, Reaching for the sun in the boundless sky. These pants, a symbol of strength and grace, Will carry me through any daunting space. With every step, I'll find my way, Guided by courage and not led astray. So when life gets tough, I won't retreat, I'll don my Brave Bird Pants, and challenges I'll beat. In my Brave Bird Pants, I'll rise above, Conquering adversity with courage and love. For the brave bird within, I'll set it free, And in my pants, I'll find the strength to be me.

WHY IS MY NEWSFEED SUDDENLY FILLED WITH INFERTILITY ADS? Over the past few years, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From connecting with friends and family to staying updated on the latest news and trends, scrolling through our newsfeed has become a routine for many of us. However, in recent times, you may have noticed a sudden surge in ads related to infertility on your newsfeed. This may have left you wondering – why is my newsfeed suddenly filled with infertility ads?

The Rise of Infertility Awareness Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. According to the World Health Organisation, infertility affects around 10% of couples worldwide. Targeted Advertising Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have become a goldmine for businesses to reach their target audience. With the help of advanced algorithms and user data, these platforms can target specific demographics and interests, making it easier for businesses to reach their potential customers. In the case of infertility ads, these platforms are targeting people in their late 20s to early 40s, as this is the age range when most couples start planning for a family. They also target people who have shown an interest in topics related to fertility, such as pregnancy, parenting, and women's health. If you have searched for or clicked on any content related to infertility, you are more likely to see ads related to it on your newsfeed. The Rise of Infertlity Options Another reason for the sudden surge in infertility ads could be the advancements in fertility treatments. In the past, the options for couples struggling with infertility were limited, and many considered it a taboo to seek help. However, with the development of technology and medical procedures, there are now various options available for couples to overcome infertility. From in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to surrogacy and egg freezing, these treatments have given hope to many couples who dream of starting a family. As these treatments can be costly, businesses offering these services have turned to social media to reach potential customers.

The Impact of The Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a significant role in the increase of infertility ads on social media. With the lockdowns and restrictions, many couples have had to put their family planning on hold, leading to a rise in the number of people seeking fertility treatments. Additionally, the pandemic has also caused financial strain for many, making it difficult for them to afford expensive fertility treatments. As a result, businesses are using social media to promote more affordable options and discounts to attract potential customers. The sudden surge in infertility ads on your newsfeed is a result of various factors, including the rise in infertility awareness, targeted advertising on social media, advancements in fertility treatments, and the impact of the pandemic. While some may find these ads intrusive, they serve as a reminder that infertility is a common issue that affects many couples and that there are options available for those struggling to conceive.

NOURISHING YOUR JOURNEY Nutrition, an essential aspect of overall well-being, plays a vital role in fertility. This article explores the intersection of nutrition and fertility, shedding light on the importance of nourishing the body as a fundamental element of the journey.

Fertility is a multifaceted experience that encompasses physical, emotional and even spiritual aspects. It’s a journey that begins with the desire to bring a child into the world, and nutrition plays a critical role in this process. Your body’s overall health and well-being significantly influence fertility and it is essential to understand the connection between nutrition and the ability to conceive. Nutrition, at its core, is the process of providing the body with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal function. In the context of fertility, nutrition plays a pivotal role in regulating hormones, supporting reproductive organ health, and promoting a healthy menstrual cycle. It also impacts the quality of eggs and sperm, which are integral to the conception process. For individuals and couples on the journey to parenthood, focusing on a blanaced and nutrient-rich diet can be a transformative step. It involves incorporating a variety of foods that provide essetial vitamins and minerals, such as folate, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients support overall reproductive health and are found in foods like leay greens, whole grains, fatty fish and legumes. Maintaining a healthy body weight is also crucial for fertility. Obesity and being underweight can both have a significant impact on reproductive health. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through a blanaced diet and regular exercise can enhance the chances of conception. In addition to the physical aspect, the role of nutrition in fertility extends to emotional well-being. Adopting a blaanced diet not only nourishes the boy but also nurtures the mind and spirit. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and other emotional factors that may affect fertility.

A diet rich in antioxidents can help protet the body from oxidative stress, which can damage eggs and sperm. The importance of nutrition in fertility is a reminder that every meal is an opportunity to nourish the body and support the journey towards parenthood. It’s testament to the body’s incredible capacity to heal and regenerate, given the right nutrients. Nutrition is a form of self-care, a means of selfcompassion that underscores the significance of the journey. Ultimately, the connection betwee fertility and nutrition, is a profound one. It highlights the intricate relationship between the body, the mind and the spirit, emphasising the importance of nourishing every aspect of your being as you embark on the path to parenthood. It’s a reminder that, while the journey may be complex, the power of nutrition can be a guiding light toward a healthier, happier and more fertile future


Declutter Space

Self Compassion Exercises

Nature Walks

Social Media Check In

Gratitude Journaling

Creative Expression

Mindful Eating

Digital Detox Day

Mind-Body Connection Set Boundaries Connect With Loved Ones

Book Time

Learn Something New Gratitude Letter Yoga or Stretching Sessions

Volunteer or Help Others Establish A Sleep Routine

Positive Podcasts Screen Free Time

Reflect on Achievements

Laughter Therapy

WHEN EVERYONE ELSE GIVES BIRTH In a world where laughter reigns and joy takes flight, I stand with those I love, their hearts so light. My friends, they bear the gifts of life so dear, While I, in silence, hold back every tear. Each newborn cry, a symphony of grace, Their tiny fingers and their precious face. I share their joy, but in the shadows dwell, A silent longing only I can tell. With every baby's first step, first word, I watch in awe, their voices softly heard. But in my heart, the whispers of despair, A quiet yearning, a weight I must bear. I celebrate their love, their motherhood, While silently I pray, I wish I could. For motherhood’s embrace, so close, yet far, A distant dream like a fading star. I paint on smiles and share in their delight, But in the stillness of the night, I fight. The tears that fall, the questions left unsaid, As I navigate a path where hope seems dead. My friends, I cry every single day. Yet in this trial, there is so much I find hard to convey. The bittersweetness of a life that has changed, My world in the shadows, somehow rearranged. For though I'm thrilled for all that they receive, The pain within my heart, they can't perceive. In their bundle of joy, love's purest bloom, I face my own quiet, secret gloom. I love them dearly, that will never fade, But in this struggle, my own path is laid. With courage, I'll endure, through tears and grace, Hoping for my own someday, a loving embrace. As I stand beside them, love in my eyes, I carry the weight of unspoken cries. For in my journey through the stormy sea, I'll keep hoping, and someday, I'll be free.

FRIENDSHIP FERTILITY: NAVIGATING PREGNANT PALS WITH GRACE AND EMPATHY Life is an ever-changing journey, marked by milestones and surprises, but when it comes to the rollercoaster of fertility and conception, the paths of friends often diverge. For those navigating the challenging waters of infertility, it can be a daunting task to relate to pregnant friends. Yet, there exists a delicate art in balancing the joy of their journey with the ache of your own.

Navigating the murky waters of someone else having a baby needs strength, empathy, and resilience, a tale of women who maintain their cherished friendships, even when life takes them down different roads. It's a journey that's marked by understanding and support, a reminder that shared experiences and lasting friendships can transcend the challenges of infertility. The complexities of maintaining friendships when facing infertility are undeniable. As you watch friends embark on their journey to motherhood, it can be a bittersweet experience. Their pregnancies are a celebration of life, yet they serve as a stark reminder of the unfulfilled desire in your own heart. The feelings of happiness and sadness often collide in a way that is hard to describe. The journey can feel isolating, but it's in these moments that the true strength of friendship shines through. Communicating your feelings, your fears, and your pain can bridge the gap between your experiences and those of your pregnant friends. It's through open conversations that connections deepen and mutual understanding grows. As pregnant friends share their experiences and excitement, it's an opportunity to learn and prepare for what may lie ahead. The knowledge gained can be empowering and comforting. And though it may be hard, sharing in their joy can be a source of warmth in your own life, a reminder that your time will come, too. While attending baby showers and celebrating pregnancy announcements can be emotionally challenging, it's an opportunity to show your support. Your presence at these events, even when it's emotionally taxing, can be a powerful gesture of love and friendship. And in many cases, it's a way to strengthen your bond with your pregnant friends. The path to parenthood is unique for every individual, and it often leads to surprises, challenges, and alternative routes. Some friendships may evolve and adapt to the changes, while others may face strains. However, it's crucial to remember that the bonds forged through years of shared experiences and laughter are not easily broken. It is a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and the enduring nature of friendships. It's a reminder that the journey through infertility is marked by love and support, and that the challenges faced are simply part of life's intricate tapestry. With open hearts and unwavering friendships, women can navigate these complex emotions, embracing the journey while knowing that true friends will always stand by their side.

LIFE, LOVE, AND INFERTILITY: THE JOURNEY TO BALANCE AND BLISS Life is a journey, marked by its ups and downs, unexpected twists, and challenging moments. Love is a force that connects us, heals us, and empowers us. And infertility, a journey that often includes heartache and hope, tests our resilience and the depth of our love. In this intricate tapestry of life, love, and infertility, finding balance and bliss is a profound and transformative journey.

The path to parenthood is not always a straight line, and for many, it includes fertility challenges that reshape their understanding of family and love. Infertility is a chapter filled with doctor's appointments, tests, treatments, and emotional roller coasters. It can feel overwhelming, isolating, and at times, unbearable. Yet, within this challenging journey, there is also resilience, connection, and the potential for profound joy. Couples facing infertility often find themselves on a quest for balance. They navigate the labyrinth of treatments and emotions while striving to maintain their sense of self, their connection with their partner, and their overall well-being. It's a delicate dance of managing the physical and emotional demands of infertility while embracing the fullness of life and love. One of the key elements in this quest for balance is open communication. Couples learn to express their fears, their desires, and their frustrations. They become each other's confidants, supporting one another through the ups and downs, the hopes and heartaches. This communication builds a foundation of trust and emotional strength that becomes a vital source of balance. For many, embracing balance also means making selfcare a priority. It's about understanding that taking care of oneself is not selfish but necessary for physical and emotional well-being. Whether it's finding solace in nature, engaging in creative pursuits, or simply enjoying a quiet moment, self-care is an essential component of the journey. Love is a force that transcends adversity, and for couples facing infertility, it becomes a guiding light. Love sustains them through the darkest days, offering a sense of purpose and a profound connection. It's the love between partners that keeps them strong and united on this journey, even when the path seems uncertain.

Bliss, amidst the challenges of infertility, is a treasure that can be found in small moments of triumph and joy. It's the excitement of a positive pregnancy test, the warmth of a supportive friend's hug, and the shared laughter during moments of respite. It's in the moments when couples look into each other's eyes and reaffirm their love and commitment, knowing that they can weather any storm. Ultimately, the journey of life, love, and infertility is about finding balance amidst the chaos, and in doing so, uncovering the bliss that comes with embracing the fullness of the human experience. It's about recognising the strength within, the support of loved ones, and the unwavering love between partners. It's a journey marked by its complexities, challenges, and beauty, a testament to the enduring human spirit and the boundless capacity for love.

ACUPUNCTURE, YOGA AND OTHER COMPLEMENTARY APPROACHES TO ENHANCE FERTILITY Infertility affects millions of couples worldwide, causing emotional distress and often straining relationships. While medical interventions such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) have been successful in helping some couples conceive, they can be expensive and come with their own set of risks and side effects. This has led many couples to turn to complementary approaches, such as acupuncture and yoga, to enhance their fertility. In addition, the role of nutrition and supplements in improving fertility has also gained attention in recent years.

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing practice, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow. It has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions, including infertility. According to traditional Chinese medicine, infertility is caused by imbalances in the body's energy, or qi. Acupuncture aims to restore this balance by targeting specific points related to reproductive organs and hormones. Studies have shown that acupuncture can help improve fertility by increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, regulating hormone levels, and reducing stress. One study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that women who received acupuncture alongside IVF had a significantly higher pregnancy rate than those who only underwent IVF. Another study published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine found that acupuncture was effective in regulating menstrual cycles and improving ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility.

Apart from these complementary approaches, nutrition and supplements also play a crucial role in improving fertility. A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for reproductive health. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help protect eggs and sperm from damage. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds have also been linked to improved fertility. On the other hand, a diet high in processed and sugary foods can have a negative impact on fertility.

In addition to a healthy diet, certain supplements have been found to improve fertility in both men and women. For women, folic acid is crucial for preventing neural tube defects in the fetus and has also been linked to improved fertility. Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with infertility, and supplementing with vitamin D may help improve reproductive function. For men, supplements such as zinc and selenium have been Yoga, a mind-body practice that combines physical found to improve sperm quality and increase sperm postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, has also count. been found to be beneficial for fertility. Stress is known to have a negative impact on fertility, and yoga has been shown to be effective in reducing stress levels. It is important to note that complementary approaches, A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that women who participated in a 10-week yoga program had higher pregnancy rates compared to those who did not practice yoga. Additionally, yoga can improve blood flow to the reproductive organs and help regulate hormones, both of which can enhance fertility.

nutrition, and supplements should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment for infertility. However, incorporating these practices into a comprehensive treatment plan can enhance fertility and increase the chances of conception. It is also essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or supplement, as they can provide personalized recommendations based on individual needs. Infertility can be a challenging and emotional journey for couples. While medical interventions are available, complementary approaches such as acupuncture and yoga, as well as proper nutrition and supplements, can also play a significant role in enhancing fertility. These practices not only improve physical health but also promote overall well-being and reduce stress, which can have a positive impact on fertility. With a holistic approach, couples can increase their chances of conceiving and achieve their dream of starting a family.


Just because you carry it well, they say, Doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy in every way. Beneath your smile, your graceful disguise, Lies the weight you bear in your eyes. You’ve mastered the art of concealing the load, In the manner you walk, the tales untold. But deep inside, your heart knows the weight, The challenges faced, the battles of late. Strength isn’t measured by what’s revealed, But by the burdens you carry, your truth is concealed. In the midst of your grace, the poise you display, Remember, it’s okay to feel this way. For just because you bear it with a skillful grace, Doesn’t mean it’s not heavy, in your life’s embrace. Your resilience shines, your courage is real, And through the heaviness, your spirit will heal.


I can't fathom your journey, as it's a world unknown to me. Unlike your experience, planning conversations with my spouse about when to have children never unfolded as anticipated. I once envisioned my story aligning with that script, but after so many challenging years, I've learned it's not everyone's reality. Waiting for however many years is a weighty burden, and I don't wish for you to envision that pain. I write to acknowledge how many women, myself included, yearn to be in your fortunate position. For some, the pursuit involves substantial financial investment, daily medical interventions, or even cross-country journeys for better fertility care. Marriages often hang in the balance due to the strain of infertility. Others, like me, lean on faith, embracing stillness and trusting in a miracle, yet months have passed with no relief. Finances, dreams, and hopes surrender, leaving many still waiting. The harsh truth is that 1 in 8 grapple with infertility. Even after enduring emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental anguish, positive test results are elusive for many, and for some who do conceive, miscarriage leads to more waiting. We're heartbroken, crushed, and exhausted—body and mind. Seeing the desired dream everywhere, while it remains elusive, intensifies the struggle. I write not to undermine your challenges but to remind you to cherish the gift and blessing of a different journey. Even on your tough days, countless women would swap places with you in an instant. Consider, before venting about a three-month conception journey or lamenting over children of the same gender, that your experience is a blessing. Our stories diverge, and finding peace in those differences is crucial. Regardless of your motherhood stage, remember those in the making. Worldwide, women endure month after month, year after year, hearing "not yet" and enduring the cycle of hope and heartbreak. Your joyous moments of motherhood are dreams for many of us. Despite the challenges, you're doing an amazing job—the most coveted job that so many, myself included, yearn for. Remember, I admire and respect you, acknowledging that, though I can't fully grasp the difficulty of motherhood, I am one among many who dream of walking in your shoes.


LATE NIGHT MUSINGS & THE SWEET WHISPERS OF BABY DREAMS The sweet whispers of baby dreams become a lullaby for the heart, weaving a tapestry of emotions that transcend the boundaries between waking reality and the enchanting world of possibilities.

In the quiet hours of the night, whe the world is cloacked in darkness and stillness, our thoughts often take flight. It’s a time when our minds wander freely, exploring the realms of the past, the present and the future. For those who long for the pitter-patter of tiny feet and the coos of a newborn, these late-night musings often centre around baby dreams, the yearning for parenthood, and the thoughts that illuminate the darkness. The yearning for parenthood is profound and a deeply personal emotion. It’s a desire that often remains unspoken, hidden within the recesses of our hearts. Late at night, however, when the world sleeps, our longings surface, and we are free to explore the possibilities of what might be. As the night unfurls, it becomes a canvas for dreams. We picture the nursery adorned with pastel colours, the gentle rocking of the cradle, and the soft lullabies that will south our little one to sleep. These dreams are more than just fantasies; they are a reflection of the love and hope that resides within us. Late night musigs often take us o a journey through our personal narratives. We reflect on the moments that have shaped us, the challenges we have faced and the lessons we have learned. Parenthood, with it’s potential for joy and growth, often stands as a beacon of hope in the musings. et, late night thoughhts can also be a canvas for uncertainties and fears. The road to parenthood is not always straightfoward, and the challenges of infertility or the complexities of adoption may cast shadows on our dreams. These moments o vulnerability, however, serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that lie within us.

Late at night, our thoughts transcend the boundaries of time and space. We imagine the first steps, the first words, and the milestones of a child’s life. These reveries remind us that the pursuit of parenthood is not just about creating a family; it’s about nurturing, guiding and loving a new life. Amidst the quietude of the night, we find solace in our baby dreams. These dreams are an embodiment of our deepest desires, aspirations and love we are eager to share. Late at night, when the world sleeps and the stars twinkle above, our thoughts become the companions of our hearts, allowing us to explore the tapestry of parethood in all its intricate beauty. Parenthood is a journey that often begins in the quiet moments of our lives, when our thoughts and dreams intertwine to create a vision of the future. Late-night musings, with their candor and introspection, serve as a testament to the power of love and human capacity for hope. In these late-night thoughts, we discover the sweet whispers of baby dreams, a reminder that the desire for parenthood transcends time and space, offering a beacon of light in the darkest of hours.

A COMEDIC TAKE ON THE ART OF FERTILITY In the world of fertility, where emotions often ride a rollercoaster, a new and unique phenomenon has emerged, blending the serious with the comical – "The Ovulation Opera." Imagine a stage where hormones take center stage, sperm dons tuxedos, and eggs sing in perfect harmony. A musical comedy breaking down the barriers of conception, one note at a time.

A REMINDER THAT SOMETIMES, LAUGHTER TRULY IS THE BEST MEDICINE ON THIS UNPREDICTABLE JOURNEY Act 1: Prelude to Pregnancy The curtains rise, revealing a bustling fertility clinic, and the overture begins with the sound of ticking biological clocks. The protagonist, a couple seeking the magic of conception, enters the stage with optimism and trepidation. As the soprano egg and the tenor sperm make their entrances, the audience is treated to a whimsical display of hormonal ballet, setting the stage for the operatic journey ahead . Act 2: The Hormonal Harmony The heart of "The Ovulation Opera" lies in the intricate harmony of hormones. The chorus of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and progesterone takes the audience on a melodic rollercoaster, reflecting the highs and lows of the fertility journey. The comedic timing of hormonal fluctuations brings both laughter and empathy, humanising the often clinical process of fertility treatments. Act 3: Sperm Serenades and Egg Arias The male and female leads, Mr. Sperm and Ms. Egg, take the spotlight with charming solos and duets. As Mr. Sperm navigates his way through the fallopian tubes, encountering obstacles and comedic mishaps, Ms. Egg awaits her suitor with anticipation. Their musical courtship captures the essence of the delicate dance between sperm and egg, making the audience root for the ultimate union.

Act 4: The Fertility Clinic Follies The fertility clinic becomes a stage for slapstick comedy as the couple undergoes various treatments. From acrobatic fertility yoga classes to the misadventures of hormone injections, the supporting cast adds layers of humor to the overall narrative. The nurses, doctors, and even the ultrasound machines become characters in this lighthearted fertility saga. Act 5: The Grand Finale As the ovulation window approaches, the musical reaches its climax. The ensemble cast gathers for a grand finale, celebrating the potential miracle of life. The crescendo builds as the audience witnesses the culmination of the couple's journey – a positive pregnancy test. The stage erupts in a joyous cacophony of confetti and laughter, leaving the audience uplifted and entertained.


Infertility is a sensitive topic that affects many couples and individuals around the world. It is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of trying to get pregnant. While some couples may have underlying medical conditions that contribute to their infertility, others may not be aware of the warning signs until they start trying to conceive.

Understanding Infertility Infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hormonal imbalances, structural problems in the reproductive organs, or underlying health conditions. It is important to understand the basics of infertility and its causes in order to recognize warning signs and seek help if needed. Age and Fertility Age plays a significant role in a woman's fertility. As women age, their egg quality and quantity decrease, making it harder to conceive. Women over the age of 35 are more likely to experience infertility compared to younger women. It is important for women to be aware of their biological clock and seek medical advice if they are planning to have children later in life. Menstrual Irregularities Irregularities in menstrual cycles, such as longer or shorter periods, heavy or light bleeding, or skipped periods, can be a warning sign of infertility. These irregularities can be caused by hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). If you are experiencing irregularities in your menstrual cycle, it is important to consult with your doctor. Painful Intercourse Pain during intercourse can be a sign of underlying health conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease, which can affect fertility. If you experience pain during intercourse, it is important to seek medical advice to address the issue and improve your chances of conceiving. Previous Miscarriages Experiencing multiple miscarriages can be a sign of infertility. If you have had two or more miscarriages, it is important to consult with a fertility specialist to determine the underlying cause and receive proper treatment. Infertility can be a difficult and emotional journey for couples and individuals. It is important to be aware of the warning signs and seek medical advice if you are struggling to conceive. Remember, early detection and treatment can greatly improve your chances of starting a family. Don't hesitate to reach out for support and guidance during this challenging time.












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