Wokingham Local Magazine Issue 6 April / May 2022

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APRIL / MAY 2022

Pick me up



Sustainability PEOPLE & PLACES





FROM WASTE... TO WONDERFUL! Here at British Recycled Plastic, sustainability is what we’re all about. Sustainability is the practise of reducing our impact on the planet and the resources we take from it. Eventually – or so is the hope – we’ll collectively put back into the planet just as much as we take.

Our zero-maintenance, 25-year guaranteed recycled plastic planks, posts and boards turn discarded waste into premium-quality, weatherproof products for your garden, parkland, club or school. Our products will never rot, split or splinter, towel-dry instantly, are UV fade-resistant and low slip-risk. Everything is engineered from UK-sourced waste, so we’re tackling our own waste plastic mountain, rather than shipping it overseas or dumping it in landfill. Our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop with the simple repurposing of waste plastic. Throughout our business we aim to use sustainable materials and methods wherever possible. We choose not to trade internationally, preferring to keep our revenue within the UK, supporting local workers, businesses and economies. Solid ethics are at the heart of everything we do. It’s not the cheapest way to do business, but it’s the right way and we’re proud of it. This is the sustainability revolution and we want you to join us. We designed our large range of raised bed kits with gardeners in mind – they all fit in smaller trucks and need only a spanner and a screwdriver for assembly. Our range of composters complement them wonderfully and are the ultimate in sustainability, helping you to turn your garden waste into rich, nutritious food for your plants. When the work’s all done, grab a cool drink and take a seat on one of our smart pieces of garden furniture. Whichever of our items catch your eye, you can be assured that it won’t let you down and will last a lifetime. www.britishrecycledplastic.co.uk

WELCOME... ‘SUSTAINABILTY - meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.’ We are all becoming more aware of this, from the garden furniture we buy, to checking that our favourite local restaurant buys seasonal, locally produced food. Being mindful is a great starting point, and this very exciting issue of our magazine showcases the very best of our Wokingham local businesses, alongside an introduction to one or two national ‘leading names’ of sustainable products, such as British Recycled Plastic Ltd. Waste ... to Wonderful, what a fabulous mantra. Reduce, Re-use and Recycle continues our theme, as Shorts Group answer the question ‘’What happens to my food waste?’’ We feature electric vehicles, with AutoCar, Mulgari Cars and training from Bracknell and Wokingham College. ‘Giving something back to the community’ is our ‘5 minutes with’ interview, with Rory Pratt of Pratts Pods, as he outlines his plans for the future, giving free help and assistance to our local residents, who may not be so tech savvy, and assistance for local schools. All whilst telling us why he loves Wokingham so much! And so, to Easter - Sunshine, Chocolate & Spring, as they promise at Holme Grange Craft Village for their craft fairs and Easter events. In fact there are events to keep the whole family entertained in this issue. We have delicious recipes, festivals, culture and food from all corners of the globe, and if that all isn’t tempting enough - a VIP invitation from Angelo at Ruchetta restaurant to partake of the most excellent of fine Italian dining together with a generous £20 off the bill - just tear off the back page and take it along. And as Angelo says - Buon appetito! Jacqui - info@wokinghamlocal.co.uk or please call me on 07306 146142


If you wish to submit features, please email: info@wokinghamlocal.co.uk. To advertise, call Jacqui on 07306 146142. Wokingham Local Magazine is published by Local Area Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales number 13415030. Registered office: Markham House, 20 Broad Street, Wokingham, RG40 1AH. Wokingham Local Magazine, © 2022, Local Area Ltd. Reprinting any part appearing in this magazine is strictly forbidden except by permission of the publisher. All copyright of images/content remains that of its contributors. Every effort has been made to gain permission to publish copyright material. However, where efforts have been exhausted, we have published based on ‘Fair Use’ to comment factual based material whereby its use is not central or plays a significant part in the entire publication but to act as an aid for historical and educational purposes only. This publication is offered as a limited print run. The publisher makes every effort to ensure that the magazine’s contents are correct. However, it cannot take responsibility for any effects from errors or omissions. Wokingham Local accepts all advertisements in good faith but is unable to accept any responsibility or liability for any of the services or products provided by advertisers and encourages consumers to make checks before hiring/buying services, such as a vetted service provided by Trading Standards’ ‘Buy with Confidence’ scheme: www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk.






Care UK Home living as it should be 11 Yoga & Sport Richard’s Yoga 12 It’s Your Choice! Lance Beggs 18 Five Minutes With: Roy Pratt of Pratts Pods 20 Songkran 21 Recipe - Tofu Pad Thai 22 Chang Mai 24 Pohela Boishakh Bangali New Year 26 Recipe - Trout & Avocado 27 Recipe - Sauage & Beans The Stefan’s Butchers way! 31 Easter with Holme Grange 32 How do you charge an electric car? 36 And Relax... Richard’s Yoga 36 Discover Dartmouth 42 Cutting Edge Interior Design with Jessica Cox 44 The Cutting Edge of Interior Design with Falchi Interiors 48 What happens to my food waste? Shorts Group 50 5 Amazing Facts from The Green Planet 54 Goswell & Bird’s Village Store

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Care home living as it should be Living at Bickerton House and Parsons Grange care homes is all about enjoying the finer things in life. Along with great care, our skilled teams are passionate about providing varied and fulfilling activities, entertainment, and outings - all designed around your unique needs, interests and wishes. Care UK is the most awarded large care provider: we take pride in delivering the very best. So, when you join us, our friendly team will find out all about your life, interests, tastes and wishes so we can shape every aspect of your care and lifestyle - even the dishes we serve - to suit you. Relax in luxurious surroundings Bickerton House and Parsons Grange have everything you need to enjoy an enviable lifestyle, including their own hair and beauty salons, cinema rooms and gardens. Every bedroom is spacious, beautifully furnished and has its own wet-room ensuite. Ground floor rooms even have their own patios and direct access to our landscaped gardens or courtyards. We offer a lively and varied activity and entertainment programme, we’ll support you to make new friends, continue attending churches or groups in the community, or even take on roles around the homes – resident ambassador or head gardener perhaps? And if there’s a wish you’d like to fulfil, we’ll even do our best to make it happen! WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022

Enjoy each day your way Recently, residents of Bickerton House and Parsons Grange have been enjoying everything from gardening and exercise sessions, to baking and art classes. At Bickerton House residents have been playing a round or two of darts, spending time reminiscing with their treasured photo albums and celebrating International Women’s Day. At Parsons Grange the home has been honouring some very special birthdays and enjoying some of their favourite hobbies including jigsaw puzzles and crosswords. Be sure to ‘like’ us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with what’s happening at our homes. Discover a five-star lifestyle At Care UK, we have more ‘Outstanding’-rated homes than any other provider, and over 6,500 families trust us to care. If you’d like to find out more about the fulfilling lifestyle we offer at Bickerton House and Parsons Grange, call us on 0333 305 4243 or visit careuk.com/berkshire


Yoga &Sport You may not immediately see the benefit for a sport like golf, however many of the top pros now incorporate yoga into their training and life including Rory McIlroy and Dustin Johnson. Simple observation of a golf swing will identify the potential shearing effect to the spine and the asymmetry of the sport that, over time will only increase muscular imbalances. Yoga helps golfers improve flexibility, strength, balance, and breathing. It also helps prevent back problems caused by twisting the spine and helps to improve range of motion to facilitate a proper swing to be fully executed. Golfers may be prone to onesided or uneven muscle development. Yoga postures can strengthen weak areas and help ease muscular tension. Golf can also lead to tight hips, quads and hamstrings so golfers benefit from poses that open up the hips and stretch the hamstrings. In addition, golfers will also benefit from upper body strength from a yoga practice. When you start practicing yoga, you quickly realise the mental benefits as well, you find the breathing techniques will allow you to clear your mind so you can focus totally when you need to, either on the tee or on the green. Your breathing pattern is a direct reflection of the level of stress on the body and mind at any given


point and is a mirror of your internal physical and mental condition. An effective tool to “de-stress” on the golf course is with the practice of slow deep rhythmic breathing. Incorporate deep breathing into your pre-shot routine. Set your stance, take a deep inhalation, then a “cleansing” exhalation. This technique can offset the first tee jitters and create more rhythm and “feel” in your golf swing. If you want to get the most out of your body and mind, a 5, 10, 15 minute stretching routine in the locker room will work wonders. There isn’t a single golf pro on this planet that would turn up on the first tee of a tournament without stretching. Not one. Think about that. If the best golfers in the world all “stretch” before getting on the first tee, don’t you think it’s a pretty good idea? The stretching will also help prevent injuries because it acts as oil for your stiff muscles and joints. Without that oiling your swing will be stiff and wooden. For those looking to improve their game, practicing yoga for golfers will work with your body to help you play your very best. Richard Facebook - richard’s yoga www.richardsyoga.org


Supporting over 8,000 families

We champion training and innovation to support our care home teams to deliver outstanding care. Residents’ quality of life is at the heart of everything we do, helping individuals to stay active and independent so they can live each day to the full. If you’re considering permanent or respite care for yourself or a loved one, call 0333 305 4243 to arrange a tour or oneto-one chat, or visit careuk.com/berkshire

Trusted to care. Our care homes in Berkshire Bickerton House, Bracknell Parsons Grange, Shinfield

It’s your choice! It’s your life. Choose wisely. Here’s a multiple choice question for you. Who is more likely to be happy? (a) Someone who lays awake for an hour or so at night, replaying the day in their mind and agonising over what could have been, and what should have been. “If only I’d said this…” “How dare they do that…” “Next time…” “If only…” or (b) The person who spends five minutes before bed feeling gratitude for all the good in their lives, and focusing on the expectation of more to come tomorrow. It’s fairly obvious, isn’t it? (I hope you said “b”!) How about this one? (a) The person who drives to work shouting obscenities at any driver who does not follow their grand vision of how the trip should proceed, or (b) The person who takes delight in the journey– enjoying the breeze through the window, and the sounds of the city, or their favourite radio station. It looks like “b” is the winner again. Hmm! Too easy? Lets try one more. (a) The person who watches the news each evening, to hear the latest negativity from around the world. Wars, killings, political debates, or (b) The person who turns off the television, and reads a book, or throws a ball to their children in the park. If you got “b” again, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re pretty good at this happiness stuff! So what’s my point? Every moment in your life, YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Your actions and your thoughts will either produce feelings of happiness, or they won’t. You can focus on the negative things in your life, 12

or you can choose to focus on the positives. One will bring happiness, while the other won’t. You can worry about the future, and regret the past, or you can choose to focus on the joy that exists around you right now. Once again, one of these choices will bring happiness, and the other won’t. There’s not one of us that deep down does not know the difference between happiness & sadness. So, ask yourself: “Are my current actions leading to happiness?” “Are my current thoughts leading to happiness?” If not, then change your actions. Change your thoughts. There is very little to be gained through persisting with negativity. Do you dread going to work each morning? Then either change your job, or change the way you think about your job. Focus your attention on how you’re gaining the necessary skills and experience to move on to the dream job that you just know is part of your life’s purpose. Do you hate the drive to work? Then travel a different route, or try sitting on a bus or train, listening to your favourite tunes on your MP3 player, or reading a book by your favourite author. Or use the time for personal development, listening to self-help audio tapes and CD’s. Have you flicked through all 100 channels, and still found nothing to watch. Well, there is another choice. You can turn the TV off. Talk to your partner. Cook a nice meal. Read a book. Play with your kids. Honest! There is an OFF button on the remote control.

Every moment is an opportunity to choose happiness. It’s your choice! It’s your life. Choose wisely. Lance Beggs WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022

A Boutique Aesthetic Clinic in Wokingham, specialising in non-surgical treatments as well as the development of leading, results-driven aesthetic products and advanced skincare techniques. Élan Aesthetics was founded by Dr Jaco and Luann van der Merwe in 2019 in Wokingham. At the Élan Aesthetics Clinic, a safe haven for high-tech skin treatments for varying requirements of the skin, we focus on offering bespoke treatments in a luxury setting. Client satisfaction and safety are at the heart of our ethos. Sourcing high-quality, industry-regulated products, the hygiene of our clinic, and our ongoing learning culture help us achieve this.

“If I could have a superpower, it would be to let people relax, release and rebalance instantly.” - Luann van der Merwe (Female Founder, Skincare Trailblazer, Skin Health Expert) ‘’I bring over 25 years of dental surgery experience and all treatments are conducted in a medical setting with supporting equipment and facilities. Patient safety is at the heart of our ethos. We, therefore, provide extensive consultation, informed consent, high-quality products, and thorough post-procedure care.’’ - Dr. Jaco van der Merwe

STOP BY, RELAX AND ENJOY 8 Cumberland Way, Woosehill, Wokingham RG41 3AY luann@elanaesthetics.co.uk | jaco@elanaesthetics.co.uk | +44 7768 778362 | https://www.elanaesthetics.co.uk/

GOOD LIVING FROM HEAD TO TOE Hair & beauty tips from our team of experts at The Retreat, Wokingham


Moisturise Pack your skin with a daily dose of vitamins and antioxidants with Timeexpert Radiance C+ from Germaine de Capuccini.

Exfoliate Once a week eliminate dead skin cells and toxin build up with Decleor Green Mandarin Glow Scrub.

Protect Against anti-ageing and damaging blue light from screens and computers with Excel Therapy O2 Urban Shield SPF50.

Treat Use Decleor Sweet Orange Skin Perfecting Sleeping Mask to leave your skin with a rosy glow.

Hydrate Drink at least 6 glasses a day to maintain skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Get rest Skin repairs itself 30% faster during sleep!

Call 0118 978 8111 or book online at www.retreat-wokingham.co.uk

GOOD LIVING CREDENTIALS Our hair team are proud to use Kevin Murphy products which are cruelty free and do no harm to our environment by:




tilising packaging that is recyclable U or biodegradable.

Once a week with SCALP.SPA SCRUB to remove build up and pollution from the hair and scalp


sing only sulphate free surfactants U that effectively cleanse and remove surface oil and dirt, without stripping or depleting the hair of its colour.





sing AHAs, or fruit acids, derived U from Papaya, Citrus, and Sugar Cane that gently exfoliate the hair surface without drying or depleting the hair. sing natural surfactants from the U Soap Bark Tree, Quillaja, and other plant-derived sources creating rich luxurious lathers that moisturise and nourish the hair. nsuring all products are naturally E sulphate and paraben free.

Ensure you’re using the correct balance of protein and moisture to keep the hair nourished with REPAIR.ME Wash & Rinse.

Treat Deep condition the hair once a week with HYDRATE-ME.MASQUE to restore nutrients .

Cut & Glow Regular trims will keep split ends at bay, leaving the cuticle smooth and glossy with the added help of a few sprays of SHIMMER.SHINE or SHIMMER.ME BLONDE.

Let us help you start your good living hair and beauty goals TODAY - Book an amazing facial now with one of our skin experts or a SCALP SPA EXPERIENCE with our hair team.

15% off all treatments with code RETREAT15 All of these recommended gorgeous hair and beauty products are available from The Retreat. For an extra drop of good living - please shop local and support our small business.




A family event at Dinton Pastures Country Park this Easter holiday

9 – 22 April Follow our pun-filled trail, solve the word scramble and get an ‘eggscellent’ chocolate treat!

Purchase a trail map for £3 Visiting during the week? Buy a map from Dinton Adventure Golf. Visiting at the weekend or on either Bank Holiday? Buy a map from the First Days gazebo by the playground between 10am – 2pm.

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p o H r e East ou a

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Registered Charity in England & Wales: 1157855

Chris Walters Office: 01183 044 310 Mobile: 07909 937 419 Email: enquiries@walterworksplumbingandheating.com www.walterworksplumbingandheating.com www.facebook.com/walterworksplumbing



Five Minutes With: Rory Pratt, of Pratts Pods Ltd “We want to give something back to the local community’’ WL: Hi Rory, to start with then, just what is Pratts Pods? RP: Pratts pods are a local family run tech repair company situated in the centre of Wokingham. We fix all makes and models of phones, tablets, laptops/MacBooks, games consoles. WL: When did all this start? RP: I started fixing tech about 13 years ago now. WL: At what age did you realise you had quite a gift for taking things apart and fixing them? RP: When I was younger I broke an awful lot of phones and iPods, I was very clumsy! When I got my first job my parents told me that they wouldn’t replace them anymore and that I had 18

to sort it out myself. As I couldn’t afford to replace my iPod at the time I pursued the idea of repairing it instead… Then Pratts Pods Ltd was born! WL: We are in your lovely repair shop here at Elms Walk in the centre of Wokingham, are there other locations and do you have plans for expansion? RP: We have huge plans for the next year, including a new location, online store, a device trade in website and we have just secured full Apple certifications meaning we are now the ONLY Apple independent repair provider in Berkshire with access to their parts, tools and training programs! WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022

WL: That is a lot going on! What is happening at the new Carnival hub, I hear you have an innovative idea? (This is actually at the library within the new building) RP: Yes we have decided that we want to give something back to the local community and something we have noticed we do an awful lot of is tech tips and help for the non technically minded so we decided to host FREE tech advice/ training sessions for all that need them! WL: Also are you about to be involved with local schools? RP: We have recently started working with a few local schools and hope that now we have Apple’s manufacturer certification that we should be able to support a few more. WL: On a more personal level, what are your ambitions for the future? RP: For me it’s all about changing the industry, too long this industry has been ruled by poor quality parts, shoddy workmanship and dishonest repair shops. It’s my mission to change this and ensure that people get good honest advice, quality parts and amazing workmanship when dealing with technical problems and repairs.

son is a train enthusiast, so we have recently started building a model railway which is really exciting. My family and music are my passions. WL: And, one last question, as you are right at the heart of our Wokingham community, what is the best thing about living and working in Wokingham? RP: I have lived in Wokingham my whole life, I met my wife here and we raise our children here too. For me Wokingham is all about family and community, as a small town you get to know the people around you and support each other when needed, a bit like we are doing with our free group sessions at the library. WL: Thank you very much for your time, Rory, you certainly do have a lot in the pipeline for the near future, and we wish you all the best. Pratts Pods Ltd 01183047777 Unit 13 Elms Walk, Wokingham, RG402FE www.prattspods.co.uk www.microsolderingrepairs.co.uk www.facebook.com/prattspodsltd

WL: What do you do in your spare time? If you have any! RP: I have very little free time between the two businesses and spending time with my kids but my WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


SONGKRAN Songkran is an annual festival celebrated in Thailand... over the course of three days during the traditional Thai New Year. It takes place from 13th to 15th April every year. The first day is dedicated by the locals to cleaning their houses, and the second day is all about spending quality time with their family over a scrumptious Thai feast. The third day is spent offering food to monks after which locals and visitors take to the streets for a massive water fight. This act of dousing each other with water is traditionally to cleanse and invite good luck for the upcoming year. One of the most popular dishes to be eaten at a Thai feast during this time is pad thai. The main ingredient in Pad Thai is rice noodles which are stir-fried. So, if you were to roughly translate Pad Thai, you’d have to say the dish is stir-fried noodles Thai style. The actual name of the dish, Kway Teow Pad Thai hints at possible Chinese origins. Kway Teow in Chinese, refers to rice noodles. It is likely that some early version of the dish came to Thailand with settlers crossing from southern China who brought their own recipe for fried rice noodles. Certainly the cooking style, stir-frying, is Chinese, and most food historians credit the Chinese with the invention of noodles. Nevertheless, the flavors and textures are pure Thai. 20


Tofu Pad Thai (Vegan & Gluten Free) Serves 2 as a main course Recipe by Suwicha from Krua Koson Thai street food - Wokingham Market

Ingredients • 160 g dried 3mm rice noodles • 2 cups Tofu puff or extra firm Tofu cubed • 3 tbsp vegetable oil for stir frying & extra for frying shallots • 6 shallots thinly slice (save 1 tbsp for stir fry & fry the rest for topping) • 4-5 spring onions diagonally sliced including the green parts • 2 tbsp sweet radish (optional) • 200 g beansprout (washed & ready to use)

For the tamarind sauce • 60 g gluten free soy sauce or tamari • 50 g palm sugar or soft brown sugar • 50 g tamarind paste

For the topping • • • •

2 tbsp crushed peanuts 2 tbsp dried chilli flake 2 tbsp fried shallot 2 wedges of lime

Method 1. Cook the rice noodles according to the packet instructions, drain noodles and rinse them in cold water, set aside 2. M ake the tamarind sauce by putting palm sugar into a saucepan, add tamarind paste and tamari sauce. Stir on a low heat until the sugar dissolves. Set aside. 3. Peel and slice shallots, trim and slice the spring onions. 4. C ut the tofu into 1cm cubes and fry them in a little oil to colour the tofu or using tofu puff cut into a bite size 5. P lace the wok on a medium heat with a splash of oil (about 2 tbsp is sufficient), add 1 tbsp of shallots and stir until transparent, you can also add sweet radish if you desire. 6. A dd the fried tofu noodles, beansprouts, tamarind sauce and cook until the sauce covers all the ingredients and is heated through (about 2-3 minutes). 7. Put the pad thai noodles in a bowl. WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


Chiang Mai If you have an opportunity to visit and travel around Thailand, especially during Songkran, then there are many cool places to celebrate. To best combine culture and fun, however, Chiang Mai is among the best. The temples of Chiang Mai are a must see on your itinery. Chiang Mai is a city in mountainous northern Thailand. Founded in 1296, it was capital of the independent Lanna Kingdom until 1558. Its Old City area still retains vestiges of walls and moats from its history as a cultural and religious center. It’s also home to hundreds of elaborate Buddhist temples, including 14th-century Wat Phra Singh and 15th-century Wat Chedi Luang, adorned with carved serpents.

life of the Buddha on the walls inside. In many of the wats huge mythical snake creatures called Nagas can be found protecting the temple. The oldest temples The oldest temples of Chiang Mai can be found in the old part of the city, within the city walls and moats. The oldest temple is the Wat Chiang Man located within the old walled city. This temple was the first to be built after the founding of Chiang Mai city in 1296.

The oldest remaining structures The very first temple structures were often built of wood that has not survived over the years, the oldest original structures still in existence today are usually the chedis that were built from stone. The chedis were the first temple structures to be build, and contain relics of the Buddha, Kings or important monks. The other temple structures found today in the wats of Chiang Mai have been restored many times over the centuries, and sometimes have been completely rebuilt. Naga snakes In Chiang Mai city alone, some 300 temples have been built often very richly decorated and containing beautiful mural paintings depicting scenes from the 22


Traditional Thai massage was first developed 2,500 years ago by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, Buddha’s personal physician. Known in Thai as ‘Chiwaka Komaraphat’, his name is often anglicised as ‘Doctor Shivago’ – but this has nothing to do with the 1965 David Lean movie! Thai massage incorporates limb stretches, acupressure and manipulations that follow the designated ‘energy lines’ in the body. It was widely practiced in Thai peasant society, with each village having a massage healer who could ease the tension, aches, and pains of hard-working villagers after a long day toiling in the fields. As a result of this rich and vibrant history, UNESCO has added Thai massage to its prestigious list of human cultural heritage. Now you can experience an authentic Thai massage at The Lazy Frog in Denmark Street, Wokingham. The traditional massage is done without oil, instead you wear loose fitting cotton clothing, but The Lazy Frog’s Signature massage combines the traditional techniques with the use of aromatic oils. There is also a more intense deep tissue massage for treating buried knots and tension, as well as Thai foot or head & shoulder massages which are ideal for busy people on the go.

For more information, visit www.thelazyfrog.co.uk

Pohela Boishakh Bangali New Year Friday 15th April

Pohela Boishakh is one of Bengal’s most loved festivals. Bengalis and some Indians celebrate this festival irrespective of cultural or religious differences. White and red saris, panjabis and uttorios are happily worn by everyone taking part in Boishakhi rallies and fairs and feasting on hilsha and panta bhat. Men and women of all ages have revelled in this event for decades. In Bangladesh, many cultural festivals are celebrated with local handicrafts and Pohela Boishakh is no exception. The mask is an object worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being. This essential characteristic of hiding and revealing personalities or moods is common to all masks. As cultural objects they have been used throughout the world in all periods and have been as varied in appearance as in their use and symbolism. Masks have been designed in innumerable varieties, from the simplest of crude “False Faces” held by a handle to complete head coverings with ingenious movable parts and hidden faces. The use of masks in rituals or ceremonies is a very ancient human practice across the world, although masks can also be worn for protection, in hunting, in sports, in feasts or in wars or simply used as 24

ornamentation. Some ceremonial or decorative masks were not designed to be worn. Although the religious use of masks has waned, they are used sometimes in drama therapy or psychotherapy. Masks have an intimate relationship with dance and acting, along with various religious customs, rituals and festivals throughout the World. WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022

2 peach place, wokingham, rg40 1LY


0118 304 7 788

A Tasty ‘Good Friday’ lunch

Trout & Avocado On granary toast with watercress yoghurt Ingredients 2 x 130 g trout fillets 100 g watercress 1 lemon Extra virgin olive oil 3 heaped tablespoons plain yoghurt ¼ of a cucumber 1 spring onion ½ an avocado 2 slices good quality granary bread 1 punnet of cress


Method Place the trout fillets on a board, skin-side up. Lightly season both sides of the fillets and place in a medium non-stick frying pan on a medium-high heat. Cook for 3 minutes on one side, then turn and cook for another 3 minutes. (The skin should be beautifully crisp and the flesh blushing in the middle.) Remove to a plate to rest. l Meanwhile, place a large handful of the watercress in a blender with the juice of half the lemon and 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Blitz until smooth, then fold in the yoghurt. Season with black pepper and tip into a small bowl. l Finely slice the cucumber, spring onion and avocado, then dress with a little lemon juice and some black pepper. l Lightly toast the granary bread and spread each slice with the watercress yoghurt. Top each with some avocado, cucumber and spring onion slices. Break the crispy trout skin into shards and the fish into chunks. Divide the trout pieces between the toasts and top with the crispy skin. l Snip over some cress and serve with the remaining watercress on the side and a handful of your favourite crisps. Enjoy, with a glass of fizz in the sunshine! l


Sausage & Beans our way! Feeds: 4 Hungry People Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cooking time: 30 Minutes

Ingredients 8 x Stefan’s Sausages of your choice 1 x Large White Onion, roughly chopped 1 x tbsp Olive Oil 2 x Garlic cloves, crushed 2 x tins of cooked Cannellini Beans, drained 1 x tin chopped tomatoes 1 x tbsp Sherry Vinegar 2 x Pinches of Black Pepper, Smoked Paprika, Salt, Sugar, Cayenne Pepper

Easter Sunday - we asked the team at Stefan’s butchers what is the traditional home cooked Sunday lunch, and their response was ‘Spring Lamb’. However, they also inform us that it is in short supply this year, for several reasons. So, in keeping with our theme of sustainability and locally sourced food we decided to cook Stefans own ‘crowd pleasing’ recipe of sausage and bean casserole, which uses their own handmade sausages. They have a wide range of varieties, but we used traditional pork.

Method In a casserole dish, sweat the onions and garlic in the olive oil, then remove and set aside. Add the sausages and brown well for around 5 minutes. Lower the heat, add all the other ingredients and the sweated vegetables. Simmer gently for 20 minutes until the sausages are cooked through and the sauce thickened.


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4 Denmark Street, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 2BB 0118 9794981 info@stefansbutchers.com



Holme Grange Craft Village is a hidden gem in the heart of the countryside, offering a unique shopping experience. With independent traders and artisan crafters working in a collection of converted barns, visitors can browse in a relaxed environment. Offering a wide range of products, as well as numerous workshops and classes, there is also a fabulous coffee house in an historic barn opening onto a beautiful enclosed courtyard where you can sit and relax while you enjoy your refreshment. With activities to keep the kids entertained and special events running throughout the year, Holme Grange really is a ‘destination’ waiting to be discovered.

Get Creative Make jewellery, paint ceramics, fuse glass, learn to sew, Lego building, furniture painting and much more.

CAFÉ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Our large barn with its enclosed courtyard is a beautiful space in which to savour your refreshments and relax. Now with free Wifi.

Experience the Magic 22 unique, independent businesses will surprise and delight with their diversity from Lala’s Boutique to interior design and wonderful pampering too!

Aquatic Addiction The Craft Village’s very own aquarium, where you can discover aquatic and pond supplies, for the home and garden.

Our craft markets are back for 2022 by popular demand! 10am - 3pm, on the following dates: April - 9th & 10th / May - 7th & 8th / June - 11th + 12th

Visit us at: Holme Grange Craft Village, Heathlands Road, Wokingham RG40 3AW 0118 977 6715 enquiries@holmegrangecraftvillage.co.uk https://holmegrangecraftvillage.co.uk/ Open 7 days a week, 10am - 5pm. Please check individual businesses for their opening days & times. Plenty of free parking. Toilets, disabled & baby changing facilities all available.

UNIQUE, BESPOKE, HANDMADE GLASS ART DESIGNED JUST FOR YOU! Let us inspire you and create something special and individual that can’t be found on the high street, made by Enchanting Glass Designs adding extra personality to the heart of your home. Come and visit us and see our beautiful showroom, or book in for a glass-making class.

Unit 5 Holme Grange Craft Village, Heathlands Road, Wokingham RG40 3AW www.enchanting-glass-designs.co.uk 07887 241785

Here’s to sunshine, chocolate & springtime. Join us at Holme Grange Craft Village for an EGG-citing Easter! 4th April to 24th April Treasure Trail (excluding Easter Sunday & Monday)

11th April Creation Station 12th April Kids Bee Happy Sandart 12th April Blooming Roots Easter Garden Workshop for children 14th, 21st & 22nd April Face Painting 21st April Messy Ducklings

Holme Grange Craft Village, Heathlands Road, Wokingham RG40 3AW 0118 977 6715 enquiries@holmegrangecraftvillage.co.uk https://holmegrangecraftvillage.co.uk/

Are you considering buying an electric vehicle, but ask yourself

How do you charge an electric car? Charging EVs can seem more confusing than refuelling petrol and diesel cars, but it’s getting easier... Charging an electric car is more straightforward than you’d think, and it’s getting easier all the time. It still takes a little planning compared to a traditional internal combustion engined machine, particularly on longer journeys, but as the charging network grows and the battery range of cars increases, you’re less and less likely to be caught short. There are three main ways to charge your EV - at home, at work or using a public charging point either at the roadside or a service station. And of course if you run a Tesla, then there’s the firm’s dedicated Supercharger network that encompasses over 800 sites, from motorway services to numerous hotel car parks and shopping centres. Finding any of these chargers is fairly straightforward, with most EVs featuring sat-nav with sites plotted on, plus mobile phone apps such as ZapMap showing you where they are and who runs them. BP Pulse, Ecotricity, Gridserve, Ionity and Shell Recharge are some of the best known providers. 32

NewMotion is another well-known provider and has been part of the Shell Group since 2017. Although it still exists, its customers are gradually being brought under the Shell Recharge banner. Effectively the service remains the same, with users able to access 3,000 charging points over 17 different networks across the UK, including Ionity rapid chargers as well as its own Shell Recharge stations. You can also use the service across Europe, increasing your available chargers to over 250,000 over 35 countries. Public charging stations offer a range of ways to pay, often via a special card or payment app on your phone. That said, many chargers increasingly feature contactless technology, meaning you can pay with an ordinary debit or credit card. Legislation has also been enforced to allow “Ad-hoc access” without the need to pay a membership fee, or enter a long-term financial commitment, before being able to charge. Ultimately, where and when you charge depends on how and where you use the car. However, if an EV fits in with your lifestyle it’s likely that most WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022

Mulgari Cars is the home of great quality car care and realistic prices. We have become known as a 1 stop Automotive shop, from Servicing, Repairs and Diagnostics, Bespoke Welding and Fabrication to Performance upgrades, Tuning, Styling, Paint Correction and refinement, full builds and restoration and much more.

HYBRID AND ELECTRIC VEHICLE SERVICE, REPAIRS, STYLING AND ENHANCEMENTS ARE ALSO A SPECIALITY. Mulgari is also the home of the Icon Cars Program, a bespoke Hand built range of vehicles all produced in house by our industry leading professionals. There is a customer lounge area available and complimentary refreshments to ensure your visit is enjoyable and comfortable.

So what are you waiting for? Come and find out what you’ve been missing out on.

Contact Darren Boorman direct on 0118 932 1670 Mulgari - Unit 6 Anglo Industrial Park, Fishponds Rd, Wokingham RG41 2AN “Attention to detail... that’s Mulgari. Knowledge, workmanship, customer service, all of the highest level”. Wayne.H July 2021

of your charging will be done at home overnight, with only short top-ups at public charging points when you’re out and about. How long does it take to charge an electric car? The length of time it takes to charge your car essentially comes down to three things - the size of the car’s battery, the amount of electrical current the car can handle and the speed of the charger. The size and power of the battery pack is expressed in kilowatt hours, or kWh, and the larger the number the bigger the battery, and the longer it’ll take to fully replenish the cells. Chargers deliver electricity in kilowatts (kW), with anything from 3kW to 150kW possible - the higher the number the quicker the charging rate. Use the most basic charger and even something like a Nissan Leaf with a 40kWh battery will require up to 12 hours for a full charge. By contrast, the latest rapid charging devices, usually found at service stations, can add up to 80 percent of a full charge within half an hour. So which charger is best? Types of charger There are essentially three types of charger - slow, fast and rapid. Slow and fast chargers are usually used in homes or for on-street charging posts, while for a rapid charger you’ll need to visit either a service station or dedicated charging hub. Some are tethered, meaning that like a petrol pump the cable is attached and you simply plug your car in, while others will require you to use your own cable, which you’ll need to carry around in the car. Here’s a guide to each:

Fast chargers Typically delivering Alternating Current (AC) at between 7kW and 22kW, fast chargers are becoming more common in the UK, particularly at home. Known as wallboxes, these units usually charge at up to 7kW, slashing the time it takes to replenish the battery by about a half. Mounted in your garage or on your drive, these units will need to be installed by an electrician. The Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles (OZEV) currently provides grants that cover up to 75 percent of the cost of buying and fitting a wallbox, with prices starting at around £400 after the subsidy although for some homeowners this scheme will end in April 2022. However, some car manufacturers will pay for a charger and installation when you buy one of its EVs, so it’s worth keeping and eye on the offers. Public fast chargers tend to be untethered posts (so you’ll need to remember your cable), and are usually placed at the roadside or in car parks of shopping centres or hotels. You’ll need to pay as you go for these units, either by signing up for an account with the charging provider or using normal contactless bank card technology.

Slow charger This is typically a home charger that uses a normal domestic three-pin plug. Charging at just 3kW this method is fine for plug-in electric hybrid vehicles, but with ever increasing battery sizes you can expect recharge times of up to 24 hours for some of the larger pure EV models. Some older street-side charging posts also deliver at this rate, but most have been upgraded to run at the 7kW used on fast chargers.

Rapid charger As the name suggests, these are the quickest and most powerful chargers. These units can operate on Direct Current (DC) or Alternating Current (AC), and in some cases can restore 80% of even the largest battery’s charge in just 20 mins. Usually found at motorway services or dedicated charging hubs, the rapid charger is perfect when planning a longer journey. www.autocar.co.uk



Bracknell and Wokingham College are offering the following qualification

AWD Domestic, Commercial, and Ind. Electric Vehicle Charging Equip. Installation Level 3 This qualification covers the installation of dedicated, conductive charging equipment for the charging of pure electric and plug-in hybrid electric road vehicles (PHEV) and includes the extended range of electric vehicles (E-REV). This course covers the installation of both AC and DC charging equipment intended for plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) complying with BS EN 61851 and “The Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installations”. When you successfully graduate from this course, you will gain a City and Guilds Level 3 Award in Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation.

26 April 2022 - 27 April 2022 plus future dates available 09:00 - 17:00 Tuesday/Wednesday 2 Days

Bracknell: Bracknell and Wokingham College, Church Rd, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1DJ

https://adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/ WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


discover dartmouth & the river dart Dartmouth is a beautiful town situated on the banks of the picturesque River Dart, it’s the perfect year round destination for a short break, day visit or holiday. With numerous festivals and events taking place throughout the year, as well as a great range of attractions and activities both in Dartmouth and nearby, and a rich maritime heritage, there is always something happening in this vibrant harbour town. Meandering all the way from Dartmoor National Park right down to the estuary mouth at Dartmouth, is the River Dart, which takes a long and winding journey past a plethora of beautiful places, towns and villages. The River Dart is approximately 75km in length and begins high on Dartmoor National Park. In Dartmouth the river can be enjoyed in a number of ways including sailing or kayaking. Watersports providers and boat hire companies in Dartmouth are there for you to make the most of your time on the Dart. But if you’re the type of person who’d rather keep both their feet on solid ground, you can still appreciate the beauty of this river by simply enjoying one of the pubs or cafés, where cream teas are a speciality, either on the waterfront or walking along the river, towards the coast or further inland.

www.discoverdartmouth.com 36


At Candy™ Tours the emphasis is on fun! We want you to enjoy our excursions as much as we love running them. DAY TRIPS AND HOLIDAYS, PICKING UP IN WOKINGHAM, CROWTHORNE & SANDHURST MINIBUS & COACH HIRE WITH DRIVER AIRPORTS, WEDDINGS, DAYS / NIGHTS OUT REQUEST A BROCHURE

Tel: 01252 265 263 enquiries@candytours.co.uk or visit our website www.candytours.co.uk



Tickets have just been released for the popular Buckingham Palace Guided Tour in March and April. Go behind closed doors in the company of an expert guide and tour the magnificent State Rooms when the Palace is not usually open to the public. See gilded ceilings and glittering chandeliers in rooms decorated with treasures from the Royal Collection. You can also still book tickets for our Garden Guided Tours, running March - May.


GUIDED TOUR FOR FAMILIES If you are visiting with kids, book one of our special tours designed for families and children. Our expert guide will take your little ones on a fun-filled tour that highlights stories about the Palace and how it is used by The Queen. For further information and to book tours, please visit www.rct.uk The income from your ticket contributes directly to The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities.


Visit us at: Holme Grange Craft Village, Heathlands Road, Wokingham RG40 3AW 0118 977 6715 enquiries@holmegrangecraftvillage.co.uk https://holmegrangecraftvillage.co.uk/ Plenty of free parking. Toilets, disabled & baby changing facilities all available.

Bring the Sunshine into your Home

Glazed Windows and Doors Limited Are suppliers and installers of bespoke made windows, doors and conservatories who

pride themselves on quality, offering a vast amount of window and door products from upvc to hardwood to suit all needs and enhance your home. Spread the cost with our finance available from 0% APR. All installations come with a 10 year insurance backed guarantee and the completed installation registered with CERTASS. Lantern and Flat Roof Lights, just one of Glazed Windows and Doors specialities Supplying and installing made to measure lantern and flat roof lights, manufactured from aluminium will slim sightlines, lantern roofs flood your home with natural light. With a choice of self-cleaning glass (grey, blue or clear tints) allowing the lantern and flat roof light to suit any home. Bi-folding, patio doors and windows Glazed Windows and Doors Limited are partners with Origin Doors and Windows who are fast becoming the number 1 brand of bifolding doors, patio doors and windows in the UK. Origin offer a vast number of products that suit any property whether it is a replacement of an existing door or window or a new build extension.

Create your dream home with Glazed Windows and Doors Limited call us to arrange a free quotation 0118 405 0186 sales@glazedwindowsanddoors.co.uk www.glazedwindowsanddoors.co.uk

Meet Wokingham Local’s feature article Interior Designer – Jessica Cox, of Jessica Cox Design Ltd


“Cutting edge is defined as the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something; innovative or pioneering. When applied to interior design, cutting edge involves a variety of areas. It could mean a different perspective, an advanced technological discovery for the home, or simply stretching the rules.”

Image Source Ideal Homes


Cutting edge interior design is innovative and creative, whilst being highly functional and comfortable. Cutting edge doesn’t have to mean expensive gadgets that aren’t possible for the everyday homeowner - it is simply design that takes full advantage of the best in products and materials, whilst helping the end user live and work more efficiently. Walk in showers or machine washable sofa cushions would have been new, cutting edge design at one time - but are now something that’s part of our day-to-day living. Ways of changing perspectives within the home that are being requested more and more include ‘zoning off’ open plan spaces (not necessarily with walls but creating distinctive areas for separate needs) and a bigger emphasis on outdoor living - pizza ovens, garden buildings and even TV screens - all contributing to thinking about how the space can be used differently and more efficiently. As part of my continued learning within the industry, each year I attend London Design Week at the Design Centre in Chelsea Harbour. This is a week which in the lead interior companies showcase their spring/summer 2022 launches and is a major source of inspiration, creative ideas, and insights. I will be sure to report back on what I learn to pass on to all our Wokingham Local readers! WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022

This year’s theme at Design Week is ‘New beginnings’. Perfect for Spring, but also to hopefully symbolise the end of what has been a tough few years, for us and our homes - which have had to become schools, offices and gyms as well as a safe space to rest and recuperate. The outlook for interiors in 2022 is elegant, pretty and upbeat: expect to see delicate patterns, playful pastels and softer silhouettes that represent a new, fresh approach. Some of the key trends I see for 2022 also include:

‘ Cottagecore’ - think fresh florals, botanical accents, and vintage-inspired décor l R ound-edged, organically shaped furniture l An emphasis on statement lighting l M ore focus on bedrooms and creating ‘sleep sanctuaries’ l Travel inspired artwork l Boiling water taps in kitchens l S hades of green - on walls, upholstery and in kitchens l Mustard yellow accents l ‘ Frame TV’s’ that look like pieces of artwork l O utdoor areas continuing to be additional living and working spaces. l

www. jessicacoxdesign.com Combining technology and current trends to create a different perspective on how we use our homes – creates cutting edge design. WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


The Cutting Edge of Interior Design Question: what does being on the cutting edge mean? The dictionary defines it as being involved in the most important, exciting or advanced developments of a particular subject, in this case interiors. For decades being at the cutting edge of interior design has meant being in the know about the latest trends of the big-name designers, being able to recognise and use up-to-date colours, having a handle on the latest fabrics and being aware of how technology is advancing in the home. Now, I’m sure you’re all a bit tired of reading the next bit but, since Covid, things have changed. What we’ve learnt at Falchi Interiors is that being on this particular cutting edge is about being aware of how our lifestyles have changed, how our sense of responsibility for our planet has developed and how the emphasis on where and how we spend our money is different.



www.falchiinteriors.com Visit our website to see what we can do for you Follow us on Instagram @falchiinteriors Don’t miss our blog at www.falchiinteriors.com/blog

Our homes have become multi-tasking hubs of our lifestyle. Space is now being divided in a flexible manner to meet this challenge. Entertainment is returning to the home: dining rooms are becoming a key area in which to express yourself via decoration and food; the TV is moving from a convenient corner or wall to a room of its own; reading corners or quiet spaces are requested. Manufacturers are now questioning sustainability and how it affects their products: we’re finding innovative carpets made of recycled plastic; clients are asking about the restoration of items with a provenance or family tie; accessories and soft furnishings with a hand-crafted look or source are popular. This conscious choice can only continue to grow. To facilitate life and its enjoyment your favourite brands, retailers, influencers, magazines and interior designers will be keeping their eye on what “the cutting edge” means for their customers, readers and followers. What’s changed in 2022 is that the drivers of this trend are you, the clients. Marion Falchi WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


“I can’t recommend this firm highly enough. Lewis is an absolute testament to the word ‘Professional’. The job was run with the utmost attention to even the finest of details. Every challenge was discussed, thought through, executed and overcome perfectly. It was an absolute pleasure dealing with L&E Leadwork and Roofing Services and I would encourage anyone in need to employ their services”

“Lewis and his team did the roofing on a large extension in Caversham- Felt and batten, tiling, leadwork. I only have good things to say: His quality of work is of the highest standard. His team are all friendly and polite. They all worked really hard to get the job done ahead of schedule. I would highly recommend L&E Leadwork”

At L&E Leadwork and Roofing Services our main priority is our quality of work. Having an expert in every aspect of roofing within our business, we pride ourselves in providing work of the highest standard. Whether it be a Pitched Roof, Flat Roof, Leadwork or small repairs, you can be confident in the knowledge that you have the very best specialist to under take your project. With over 15 years worth of knowledge and expertise we are justifiably proud of our reputation.

L&E LEADWORK AND ROOFING SERVICES www.landeleadworkandroofing.co.uk lewis@landeleadworkandroofing.co.uk m:07590762932 t:01344 862706

What happens to my food waste? Each year, we have around 4.5 million tonnes of food is thrown away by households in the UK and most of the food is still good-to-eat when it is discarded. The amount of edible food waste is good enough to even create an extra 10.5 billion meals! If we could reduce our own household food waste, it does not only save you money but also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Shorts Group Ltd is one of the leaders in Waste Management in the South, our vision is to create a more environmental and sustainable future by consistently pushing Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle. Each month we collect food waste from over 100 sites including Pubs, Restaurants, Cafes, Hotels, Schools and Film Studios. 48


5 TIPS TO HELP REDUCE FOOD WASTE: 1. Make a meal schedule Making a list of meal schedule for the week allows you to use up food ingredients efficiently and ensures that leftovers can be utilised in subsequent meals.

Over 50 tonnes of food waste is then taken to a sophisticated Anaerobic Digestion Facility to be recycled. During the process of Anaerobic Digestion, the food is broken down by micro-organisms to produce Methane which will then be turned into green energy and fertiliser. Our sister company Shorts Agricultural Services Ltd takes the fertiliser and spreads it back onto the farmers’ field. This is what we called ‘Closed-Loop Food Recycling’. It may sound complicated, but the process is actually very similar to the way in which a cow’s stomach works. Our job is to deal with the technical side of things, but we would need everyone’s help to cut food waste in all parts of the food system.

2. Freeze it Freezer can be a useful tool to help save your food. Don’t worry about losing the food texture when frozen – you can always try freezing them pureed or stewed. 3. Don’t judge by the look It is common to pick the most perfect fruit with no bruises or scratches and sometimes this leads to the ‘ugly’ ones being thrown away. Don’t be afraid to pick the ‘ugly duckling’, you maybe able to get the imperfect ones in reduced price. It can be a good way to reduce food waste and save money. 4. Compost your food waste Composting food waste is easy, and it is a perfect compliment to your organic vegetable garden. The best foods for compost are fruits and vegetables, coffee or eggshells. Dairy or meat however is best to avoid as they attract unwanted visitors – so pop these into your food waste bin! 5. Always shop with a list Don’t be easily tempted by offers or discounts. Only buy what you need. It can be the simplest and most effective way to reduce food waste and save money.

Shorts Group Tel: 01344 620 316 Website: www.shorts-group.co.uk


Making sure you know what food can be recycled can be the first step in reducing food waste. Let’s work together to save our food and our planet. If you find that your business is throwing away a lot of food waste, get in touch with us now and we can see if we can come up with a waste solution for you! 49


FROM THE GREEN PLANET This winter, the cold, dark nights were been brightened up by The Green Planet, David Attenborough’s latest natural history epic. Here are the top moments when our preconceptions about plants were blown clean away.

We don’t normally think of plants as being particularly dynamic. They’re rooted to the spot and tend to play second fiddle to more exciting and charismatic animals. But David Attenborough’s new BBC series, The Green Planet, is showed exactly how extraordinary plants really are. New camera technology has opened up the world of plants like never before, revealing in gobsmacking detail exactly what they get up to. And scientific discoveries are challenging our notions of what plants are and how they behave. It was tough to choose, but here are five incredible things The Green Planet has taught us about plants.


Carnivorous plants like sundews and pitcher plants are fascinating as they are, and the way they trap and consume insects has fuelled science fiction stories about killer plants. But Venus flytraps can actually count. Their lack of brain or central nervous system hasn’t prevented these plants from developing an ingenious way to conserve energy when waiting for a meal. The trap is triggered when an insect brushes against the exposed hairs, but the plant will wait until this has happened twice. Just once might be a false alarm. So how do Venus flytraps count? Each time a hair is triggered, it generates a wave of calcium through the trap but one wave isn’t enough to close it. If a second wave is triggered within a few seconds, then the trap will close; if not, then calcium levels return to normal until a hair is brushed again. Mind blowing. 50


Venus flytraps catch insects by lying in wait, but some carnivorous plants go in search of their food. The bladderwort shown in episode two hunts among small pools of water that collect at the base of other plants. Overhead view of a cluster of bladderwort growing on a bed of dark moss. It has tightly-packed, spiralling green leaves. Bladderwort grows near plants that create pools of water in their leaves. WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


Plants might not have noses, but they certainly use airborne chemicals to detect what’s around them. Dodder is a parasitic plant which attaches itself to other plants, getting its nutrients by sucking on their sap. But rather than growing aimlessly in the hope of finding something tasty, it can ‘smell’ other plants. Dodder can not only detect its preferred food, choosing tomatoes over wheat, but it can sense which plants are healthier and so able to provide better sustenance. These pools are colonised by tiny aquatic creatures and once it finds a pool, the bladderwort starts producing traps. When an animal brushes against the bladder trap, it’s sucked in and consumed. Once it’s eaten its fill, the bladderwort can send out a tendril to search for another plant pool.


Plants compete for sunlight, because being shaded out by your rivals means getting less energy from the sun. But some go to extreme measures to get their share – they fight for it. Giant water lilies are fearsome plants. As they emerge, this Amazonian plant wields its spiked leaf buds like a club to clear away other plants from the water’s surface. Eventually, its huge, circular leaves dominate the water. Each measures about 2m across and is covered in hefty spikes, which shove or crush their way through any other plants in their way. Just watch how they move. WOKINGHAM LOCAL • APRIL / MAY 2022


Plants don’t just use wafting aromas to seek out food, they also use them to communicate. When leaves are being munched by caterpillars or other insects, many plants will mount a defence, such as producing noxious chemicals which deter their attackers. But other plants nearby will also trigger their defences, even if they aren’t currently being eaten. Studies have shown that plants send out chemical signals to warn others that insects are on the way. Plants talk underground as well. Thanks to relationships with symbiotic fungi, the roots of many trees are connected together in a vast system – a mycorrhizal network, or the ‘wood wide web’ as it’s been dubbed. Signals pass between trees via the fungal threads, allowing them to communicate and share resources. All this suggests trees can even cooperate with one another, which once again challenges our notion of plants being stationary and silent. 51



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Goswell & Bird’s History

Named in honour of the families who previously supplied the village with their daily goods, Goswell & Bird’s is here to bring back a village stores and coffee shop to Finchampstead. In Victorian times, Mr and Mrs Goswell were licensees of The Greyhound Inn who later moved to nearby The Thatched Cottage to start a village shop there. Their daughter Nellie along with her husband Graystone Bird took it over from her parents and ran it until they retired in 1973. For forty years it was the main supply of groceries, haberdashery and almost anything imaginably found in a village stores and well patronised by the local residents. For many, it was the only source of items which they could reach on foot. Today, Goswell & Bird’s Village Store is creating a hub for the community. A traditional village store providing the local community and surrounding area with everything they need whether it’s everyday essentials, premium seasonal produce or a place to meet family and friends.

Sustainably Sourced

Premium, seasonal produce At Goswell & Bird’s you can shop for everyday essentials! Whether you are shopping for seafood, rare breed meats, fresh bakery, dairy products, seasonal fruit and vegetables or that special ingredient, like a wonderful single estate extra virgin olive oil or a stunning rib of beef for your Sunday roast.

Zero Plastic

Of an evening Goswell & Bird’s is transformed into an exciting alternative dining and event space. You will be welcomed with traditional hospitality to a space for all to use and enjoy. Every item has been sustainably sourced and personally chosen by executive chef and owner, Jamie Dobbin and the team are committed to zero plastic across our operation. Opening times: Mon-Sun 8.30am - 4pm www.goswellandbirds.co.uk


Located in the heart of Wokingham, we offer fine Italian dining, exceptional service, a charming restaurant and exquisite food we look forward to welcoming you! Buon appetito, Angelo.

Italian dining in Wokingham doesn’t get much finer than Ruchetta. This is a gorgeous, award-winning spot with roots in Calabria, southern Italy itself, and it’s led by chef and owner Angelo Colao. Angelo and his team create charming mouth-watering Italian dishes full of flavour, using only the finest seasonal and local ingredients, meaning the Ruchetta menu goes way beyond the norm in terms of what you might expect from an Italian restaurant in the UK. You’ll find Ruchetta on Rose Street right in the heart of Wokingham, just next to Waitrose. Advanced reservations are definitely a good idea. Please do make sure to ask about our ‘Seasonal Specials’ available every week! Angelo will be happy to recommend the finest of wines to accompany your meal from our well stocked wine cellar.

“Angelo and his team made us feel very welcome! We had the best experience and our taste buds received a wonderful selection of hand picked truffles and porcini mushrooms, delicious sauces and deserts that were mouth-watering.” 6 Rose Street, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1XU 0118 978 8025 angelo@ruchetta.com www.ruchetta.com

0 2 £


You are invited to join us on Rose Street in the heart of Wokingham at

During the months of April, May & June, for a truly amazing Fine Italian Dining Experience.

Bring this invitation along on any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during the months of April, May and June, and hand it to a member of our team at Ruchetta for an amazing £20 discount, when you spend £100 or more in our restaurant. For further details contact Ruchetta. Full T&Cs available at Ruchetta.

6 Rose Street, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1XU 0118 978 8025 angelo@ruchetta.com www.ruchetta.com

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