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FAROS Guide dog

Faros is one of eleven dogs currently being cared for by the 'Guide Dog' Foundation - a group of animal lovers who train dogs to act as guides for people who are blind or visually impaired. Faros, like other dogs trained and raised by the foundation, will one day be given free of charge to one of the people in need. Guide dogs, thanks to their work, give security and confidence to people who, without help, are very often condemned to stay at home. In addition to the role of a guide, like any dog, they give their friend a sincere, selfless love, adding color to the dullness of everyday life. Thanks to the involvement of our colleagues responsible for CSR in MAEM, we became a virtual guardian of a cute puppy, which was sent to the 'Guide Dog' Foundation. We also had the privilege to give our puppy a name. As a result of internal voting fell on Faros. Why such a name? Well, 'faros' in Greek means a lighthouse. As Kamil - the originator of the name - explains, the role of a guide dog, just like a lighthouse, is to ensure safety in the dark by helping people find their way.

16 | Summer 2021 | We love to help

fot. Elżbieta Kocięda

Let us introduce you to Faros, a four-month-old Labrador retriever who, after undergoing two years of training, will become a faithful friend and guide for the visually impaired.

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