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Evasion / Escaping

Le Lac de Côme, situé à une heure de route de Milan, est sûrement l’un des lacs, voire des sites, les plus beaux et célèbres au monde. C’est aujourd’hui une destination touristique très popu l a i r e , q u i nte s senc e de l a d e s t i n at ion r om a nt iq ue , ave c ses paysages spectaculaires, ses hameaux pittoresques, ses rives au charme traditionnel préservé et ses jardins exotiques qui entourent avec délicatesse les belles villas et les palaces qui parsèment son pourtour, anciennes résidences d’été de l’aristocratie lombarde. Ce ne sont pas seulement Byron, Churchill, Garbo, Sinatra et leurs semblables qui furent attirés par le magnétisme du lac, mais aussi de nombreuses stars d’Hollywood, tel George Clooney,

most celebrated and beautiful lakes, if not places, in the world. Today, a popular holiday destination, the epitome of a romantic break, with the attraction found in the spectacular scenery, quaint lakeside hamlets preserved in traditional charm and the exotic gardens that delicately surround the ornate villas and palaces that dot the lake itself, former summer homes of the Lombardy aristocracy. It’s not just the likes of Byron and Churchill, Garbo and Sinatra that were drawn to the magnetism of the lake, for many Hollywood stars such as George Clooney count Lake Como as their home. For star-spotting potential, Lake Como is about as good as it gets. Grand Hotel Tremezzo sits in what is arguably the best spot on the shores of the lake; framed by the rugged backdrop of the snow capped peaks of the Grigne mountains and facing the town of Bellagio, this blessed location is only half of what makes this 106 year old grand palace such an icon of yesteryear. Grand Hotel Tremezzo, perched majestically on the glistening water’s edge is just as fine inside as it outside offering the very height of luxury accommodation. Relax in newly refurbished Lake View Prestige


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