URC Magazine March 2024

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MARCH 2024


Dear friends in Christ,

Our Lenten season is under way now. As we probably know, for us in the Western Church, it began on Ash Wednesday. Lent lasts six and a half weeks and offers a forty-day period for fasting and abstinence (not including Sundays!) as we remember Jesus’ fasting in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry.

In the early centuries of the Christian church, fasting rules during Lent were very strict, as they still are in the Eastern Church. One meal a day is allowed at dusk and eating meat, fish, eggs, sugar and butter were prohibited; the Eastern Church also forbade the use of wine and oil. We have several traditions in Lent, like ‘giving things up’ - and eating hotcross buns, especially on Good Friday.

Did you know that, in Mexico, the fourth Friday of Lent is called ‘La Samaritana’ when people give passers-by fruit and especially water, remembering the Samaritan woman who gave Jesus water at the well. On Maundy Thursday the Czech Republic marks “Green Thursday” when people eat nothing but greens all day! Also, from the early Middle Ages, the traditional German bread Bretzen (mistakenly referred to as ‘Pretzels’ here and in the US) are shaped to resemble our arms folded around our body in that traditional posture of prayer.

There are indeed many different traditions that help us in our preparation for Easter through prayer, maybe through almsgiving and self-denial. Many people follow a Lenten spiritual discipline like reading a daily devotional or attending a Lenten Bible study like the ones being held here in Romsey at different times and places. Holy week begins with Palm Sunday, then Maundy Thursday and Good Friday follow (see elsewhere in this magazine for details of services taking place). Then we share in our Easter Celebrations as we remember and give thanks for the resurrection of Jesus.

No matter what traditions you follow during Lent, we hope to see you joining with us here at Braishfield and Abbey URC’s at the services we have planned, and especially as we celebrate the new life that Jesus brings to us all in his resurrection at Easter. God bless you all.

In Christian love, Mike



The URC website offers this prayer remembering the hostilities in Israel and Palestine.

Why the hell can’t you stop this, Lord?

Why can’t You protect the women and children?

They will suffer the most: hiding in cellars and safe rooms. Children too afraid to go out to play or attend school. Wives and lovers scared to death about those taken hostage. Women crying in dark and fear whilst the men plan to wage war and seek revenge!

Why the hell can’t you stop this, Lord?

Those kids won’t grow up to trust and make peace. Israeli kids will be taught to fear their neighbours and look at the sky with trepidation; Palestinian children will suffer in yet more blockades, further economic punishment, new life-limiting travel restrictions, additional educational restrictions. Children from all sides learning to hate and wage war!

Why the hell can’t you stop this, Lord?

Hundreds have been killed, thousands wounded, hostages taken, people afraid to leave their homes for fear of fighting. Political leaders will seek to maximise their importance, using dreadful words and tools to legitimise their views, whilst the world looks on wringing its hands!

Why the hell can’t you stop this, Lord?

You’re Almighty aren’t You?

Jew, Christian, Muslim – all agree on that don’t we?

You’ve the power so use it!

Show some of that glory we say You have!

Don’t you care for the women and the children, Lord? ……….

Has the Cross taught you nothing, my child?

Might is found in weakness, power in humility, glory at the tip.

I weep with the women and the children; I rage at the violence and hatred;

I curse the hypocrisy.

I’ve been to Hell remember, but it’s up to you to stop it.



I would appreciate if anybody could donate made-up flower posies for distribution to the ladies in the congregation during the morning service on Mothering Sunday on 10 March.

Posies can be either left in the basin in the vestry on Saturday morning or bring them to church on the Sunday morning. Please let me know if you are able to help. Many thanks.


Material for March 2024 to be submitted by 2pm (latest) on Sunday, 18 March 2024

Please email to abbeyurcnews@gmail.com

Alternatively, you could call Carole C, pop it in her letter box, or leave in the pigeon-hole at the back of the church. Thank you.


Plans are underway for a summer mini-sale for Church funds in June this year in the Abbey Hall. If you are having a spring clean, or have items to donate, please put these to one side and full details will be in a future magazine. Thank you.


We will be continuing our weekly Sunday evening Lenten Zoom bible study at 6.30pm throughout Lent on 3, 10, 17 and 24 March, focusing upon the Gospel reading read at the morning service at Abbey URC.

It has been really good to see several people from Bitterne URC participating, including two members of their Boys Brigade Company who are doing this as part of their Faith Development Course. All welcome!

Gwen S Gwen S


Through the weeks of Lent leading to Easter, there are many ways to help us reflect on Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem, the cross, his death, and his wonderful resurrection. Full details of the services and events below can be found in this month’s calendar.

Why not attend one of the Lent bible study sessions being run by the various churches around Romsey? A chance to get together to follow and discuss the Easter story as it unfolds.

Christian Aid Lent lunches are being held around the town; they provide an opportunity to meet others whilst enjoying a simple lunch – and raising funds to fight poverty.

There is a sense of joy in the church on 10 March, in the midst of the solemnity of Lent. We hold our Mothering Sunday service at 10.30am; we celebrate the all-powerful, unconditional love that a good mother gives to her children; a love which reflects God’s love to us. Mothering Sunday in the UK originates as a day when people were released from their work to return home to their Mother church. It is an opportunity to think about where we have come from and the ways that journey has shaped us individually as Christians today.

On 16 March the Hand in Hand puppet team will be visiting our church, to help the young, and young at heart, to investigate the journey of Jesus. Come along and investigate this journey through this different medium.

The Hope Choir will be visiting local care homes to sing Easter hymns and share the joy of the Easter story with those who may not be able to join a service; bringing joy to others is a wonderful way to re-experience our own wonder at Jesus’ resurrection.

Holy Week begins on 24 March with our Palm Sunday service which marks the entry of Jesus to Jerusalem to the great welcome of the people. We remember that this joy and welcome soon turns into shouts for Jesus’ death. We receive palm crosses today; our Easter cross will be placed in our front garden; so, pop along on Palm Sunday to add a palm cross to celebrate the first day of Holy week. You'll find palm crosses at the foot of the cross.


All are invited to join us on Maundy Thursday, when there will be an agape communion in the Abbey Hall Lounge. Agape is the Greek word to describe the deepest kind of spiritual love, an agape meal encourages harmony, community, and goodwill. It is based on gatherings of early Christians when they shared simple fare together.

At 10.30am on 29 March Revd Mike will hold our annual Good Friday service, prior to the united Churches Together act of witness in Romsey.

On Easter Sunday, our celebration begins with the short 8.30am communion, followed by Easter breakfast in the Abbey Hall at 9am. At 10.30am we gather in church for family communion. The Easter cross will be in our front garden, why not come down during the day to bring a flower to add to the cross to celebrate the risen Lord.

Everyone will be very welcome to come and share in all the services and events over this most important time of the Christian year.



Thank you to those who stayed for the discussion at our church meeting.

Revd Mike and Revd Sarah Hall meet regularly to discuss the cluster and ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. A short update explained that Bitterne Park URC will decide at a forthcoming church meeting if they will join the cluster. Also, plans are in hand for an inauguration service to formalise the new cluster after Easter, with members of each congregation participating in the service. Revd Mike also asked the congregation to pass name suggestions for the cluster to him for consideration.

Matters from the elders included the announcement that the registration for same-sex marriages has now been confirmed. Andy then provided an update of the Fabric work and explained that grants were being investigated and applied for by a volunteer.

• work on the church roof and sanctuary had been completed;

• work required on drainpipes and clearing of hoppers;

• work on the organ pipes will now be undertaken in situ, hopefully before Easter, and the area cleaned. New curtains will then be hung;

• work is to be undertaken, in conjunction with TSB, on the Tower room roof where it adjoins the bank. It is hoped to fix the netting at the same time;

• Gateway/Tower windows to be inspected/fixed;

• Roofing works to be undertaken at Abbey Hall and Abbey Water, the work to the Manse roof and electrics are Synod responsibility;

• damp issues need reviewing at Abbey Water;

• trees on the riverbank need pruning.

The Fabric Group will be reviewing the works above.

The date for the Candlelight Service was agreed as Saturday, 21 December 2024.

Reg provided a financial update on the past quarter and an overall summary of 2023.

It was agreed that Carole Cox would undertake the job of Fundraising Co-ordinator; please contact her should you have any fundraising ideas. Upcoming fundraising ideas/events were confirmed as:

• Easter egg raffle;

• Easter breakfast;


• Bingo evening and bring your own tea on 27 April 2024;

• Summer mini-sale in June, details to follow;

• Afternoon tea party on 6 July 2024 from 2.30pm onwards;

• Skittles evening on 9 November 2024;

• Suggestion of annual gift day;

• setting up a group to support the Church’s activities, as Friends of Abbey URC.

The meeting was informed the elders would be holding an additional meeting to discuss options on a way forward.

The meeting concluded with sharing the grace.


I am conscious that Tuesday night is not always the best night to meet and discuss issues relating to maintaining our buildings. As there are some matters requiring our urgent attention, our next scheduled Fabric Group meeting has been brought forward and will now be held on Zoom on Thursday, 7 March. Zoom details will be on the order of service for Sunday, 3 March.

Points for discussion will include how the monthly working party could continue with its dwindling number of helpers, how to identify hidden skills within our fellowship and looking at the range of responsibilities within the remit of the Fabric Group. If you would like to know more about the group or have some hidden skills you would like to reveal please do let me know - the most pressing skills needed are those of being able to climb ladders safely, wield a paint brush or help with simple gardening tasks.


Our Easter breakfast will be held in the Abbey Hall Lounge at 9am on Sunday, 31 March 2024. We meet to celebrate Easter morning, everyone is welcome. Cost £2.50 per head; please sign up on the list at the back of church by Sunday, 24 March to ensure we cater for everyone.

Please speak to Carole, Sylvia or Sarah if you have any food allergies or intolerances. We look forward to seeing you.



The elders at Abbey URC held an additional meeting at the end of February. It was a very positive meeting; Revd Mike and the elders will be investigating exciting new initiatives and ideas that were brought to the meeting. A full report will be given at the next Church meeting.


The next meeting of our Outreach Group is at 7.30pm on Wednesday 13 March. Many people have asked me about the future of our church. Part of its future lies in obeying Christ’s commission of taking His word out into the world. Our meeting will focus on how we can do this as well as looking at ways in which we already achieve this through our own activities and also through our links with other organisations. All are welcome to join us for the meeting; you do not even need to leave home as the meeting is on Zoom, Code 851 4528 3637 PW business.

If you cannot use Zoom but would like to attend, please let me know and alternative arrangements can be made. Alternatively let me have your thoughts about any aspect of our church’s life as it reaches out to bring the love of God to others or how you would like to offer your time and talents to help us to achieve this.



Many thanks for the flowers and best wishes which I received for my birthday. They were very much appreciated after my stay in hospital.

A ring on the bell… what has Jennifer been doing to justify a bunch of flowers? Blow me down - it is for Geoff celebrating his 91st birthday! What does a male bouquet look like? Well, this was very large, one of ‘Bert’s Best’, full of yellow and purple iris and golden rod. The flowers are still on show and it was lovely to have the friendly visit from Ruth, with friendly flowers.


Thank you so much to everyone who came to Kirsty’s social event in January. It was lovely to see so many people attend to enjoy the refreshments and the chat. Thank you for your generosity, the event raised £200 for church funds.


If you would like to take the opportunity to reflect upon God’s word and to pray for the needs of the world and the Church in your own time during the week, here are the Psalm and Gospel readings for March:


Please note, Revd Mike will be on annual leave from 1-7 April 2024. During his absence, please contact

Braishfield: Shirley Smith 01794 368447

Romsey: Andy Bevan 07483 319618 email andybevan1@btinternet.com

March 3 Psalm 19 John 2: 13-22 10 Psalm 107:1-3 & 17-22 John 3:14-21 17 Psalm 119:9-16 John 12:20-33 24 Psalm 118:1-2 & 19-29 Mark 11:1-11 (Palm Sunday) 31 Psalm 118:1-2 & 14-24 Mark 16:1-8 (Easter)


Thursday morning is a great opportunity to join us in the lounge to chat over a hot drink and catch up. Additionally on the 4th Thursday there will be a short act of worship which includes the sacrament of Holy Communion.

This mid-week service is open to all who would value a short act of worship, which lasts around 20-25 minutes. Coffee and tea are served after this, and there is an opportunity for a chat with Revd Mike and other friends.

We next meet at 10.30 on 28 March, Maundy Thursday - all welcome!


1 11am Lent Bible Study in Romsey Baptist Church Community Lounge following the Christian Aid Lent course

1 12-1.30pm Lenten Lunch at Romsey Baptist Church

1 2pm World Day of Prayer at Romsey Methodist Church

2 10am -12.30pm Church open for personal meditation and prayer

2 7pm The Orlando Singers Videte Miraculum

3 10.30am Morning worship including Holy Communion, led by Revd Sarah Hall

3 6.30pm

4 6.30pm Lent Bible Study looking at the temptations of Jesus at St Joseph’s Church Parish Centre, 26 Abbey Waters, led by Rosemary Peacock

6 10.30am Lent Bible Study in the Romsey Methodist Church Hall (use side entrance) Study material – The Art of Lent by Sister Wendy Becketts

6 2.30pm Church Table Tennis in Abbey Hall

6 4pm Lent Bible Study in the Church Rooms, Study material – The Things he Carried, by Stephen Cottrell available from Oasis


Bible Study on Zoom ID 864 1780 6994 PW learning
10-11.30am Coffee Time in
Hall Lounge
7.30pm Fabric Group by zoom Code 851
PW business
11am Lent Bible Study in
Community Lounge following the Christian Aid Lent course
12-1.30pm Lenten Lunch at Romsey Methodist Church
10am-12.30pm Church open for personal meditation and prayer 10 10.30am Mothering Sunday Morning worship led by Revd Mike 10 6.30pm Lent Bible Study on Zoom ID 864 1780 6994 PW learning
6.30pm Lent Bible Study looking at the temptations of Jesus at St Joseph’s Church Parish Centre, 26 Abbey Waters, led by Rosemary Peacock
10.30am Lent Bible Study in the Romsey Methodist Church Hall (use side entrance) Study material – The Art of Lent by Sister Wendy Becketts
4528 3637
Romsey Baptist Church
4pm Lent Bible Study in the Church Rooms, Study material – The Things he Carried, by Stephen Cottrell available from Oasis 13 7.30pm Outreach Group meeting by zoom Code 851 4528 3637 PW business 14 10-11.30am Coffee Time in Abbey Hall Lounge 15 11am Lent Bible Study in Romsey Baptist Church Community Lounge following the Christian Aid Lent course 15 12-1.30pm Lenten Lunch at Romsey Abbey Rooms 16 10am-12.30pm Church open for personal meditation and prayer 16 3-5pm Puppet Show for under 8s and their families at Abbey URC 17 10.30am Morning worship led by Andy Bevan 17 6.30pm Lent Bible Study on Zoom ID 864 1780 6994 PW learning 18 6.30pm Lent Bible Study looking at the temptations of Jesus at St Joseph’s Church Parish Centre, 26 Abbey Waters, led by Rosemary Peacock 19 2.20pm for 2.30pm start Hope Choir Easter hymn singing at Abbeyfield House 20 10.20am for 10.30am start Hope Choir Easter hymn singing at Fryers House Nursing Home, Oakleigh Gardens 20 10.30am Lent Bible Study in the Romsey Methodist Church Hall (use side entrance) Study material – The Art of Lent by Sister Wendy Becketts 20 2.30pm Church Table Tennis in Abbey Hall 20 4pm Lent Bible Study in the Church Rooms, Study material – The Things he Carried, by Stephen Cottrell available from Oasis 20 7.30pm Worship Group by Zoom, Code 851 4528 3637 PW business 20 7.30pm Church Group Treasurers to meet at Avenue St Andrews to allocate sharing of cluster Ministerial costs 21 10-11.30am Coffee Time in Abbey Hall Lounge 21 2.20pm for 2.30pm start Hope Choir Easter hymn singing at Durban House Nursing Home, Woodley Lane 22 11am Lent Bible Study in Romsey Baptist Church Community Lounge following the Christian Aid Lent course 22 12-1.30 pm Lenten Lunch at Romsey Baptist Church



DIY and other odd jobs around the church. Everyone is welcome to join.

Saturday, 2 March 2024 from 9am–12 noon

Contact Geoff Prestage for full work detail information

1.50pm for 2pm start
Choir Easter hymn singing at
Court Care Home, Cressey Road
10am-12.30pm Church open for personal meditation and
10.30am Palm Sunday service led by Revd Mike
1.20pm For 1.30 pm start Hope Choir Easter hymn singing at Marie Louise Nursing Home, Newton Lane 26 7.30pm Elders Meeting in Abbey Hall Lounge 27 10.20am for 10.30am start Hope Choir Easter hymn singing at Mottisfont Lodge, Alma Road 28 10.30am Maundy Thursday Agape Communion in Abbey Hall Lounge led by Revd Mike Perrott 28 2.20pm for 2.30pm start Hope Choir Easter hymn singing at Woodley Grange Nursing Home, Winchester Road 29 10.30am Good Friday service led by Revd Mike Perrott 29 Good Friday Open Air Act of Witness in the Cornmarket 30 10am-12.30pm Church open for personal meditation and prayer 31 Clocks move forward 1 hour 31 8.30am Early Easter Sunday service led by Revd Mike Perrott 31 9am Easter breakfast in the Hall Lounge, all welcome 31 10.30am Easter Sunday service, including Holy Communion led by Andy Bevan April 1-7 Minister on annual leave 3 2.30pm Church Table Tennis in Abbey Hall 6 10am-12.30pm Church open for personal meditation and prayer 6 2.20pm for 2.30 pm start Hope Choir hymn singing at Cedar Lawn Nursing Home, off Braishfield Road 7 10.30am Morning worship including Holy Communion, led by Revd Wendy White
prayer 24

Braishfield United Reformed Church

Minister: The Reverend Mike Perrott, MA 01794 512163

e-mail: revd.mike13@gmail.com

Day off: Mondays

Secretary: Shirley Smith 01794 368447

Treasurer: Sharon Whitfield 01794 521937

Serving Elders: Shirley Smith 01794 368447

Allison Symes 02380 262803


3 9.30 am Holy Communion led by the Revd Dr Sarah Hall

10 10.00 am Family Worship led by Margaret Axford

17 10.00 am Family Worship led by Revd Mike. This will be a short service as it will be followed by the Annual General Meeting. All welcome to stay on for this.

24 10.00 am Family Worship led by David Childs

31 10.00 am Easter Day Communion Service and Family Worship led by Revd Mike


7 9.30 am Holy Communion led by Derek Hiscocks

14 10.00 am Family Worship led by Pat Oliver

21 10.00 am Family Worship led by the Revd Dr Sarah Hall

28 10.00 am Family Worship led by Daniel Symes

Please note that the third Sunday of the month is the time to bring in tinned goods etc for the food bank collection.

News from Braishfield

Last time I referred to Ruth Croome, the Mercy Ships representative, giving a presentation to us about their work on 21 January. The talk was excellent and it was so humbling to see the extent of the work Mercy Ships carries out.

It showed us how much we take for granted; things such as the ease


of having cataract operations and such like carried out here. For all of the problems the NHS has, it is easy to forget not everyone has the ease of access to services we do.

I am pleased to share pictures of Ruth giving her talk and Sharon presenting the cheque to her. These were too late to go in the last magazine.

It was a joy to finally present the cheque for £921.78 for Mercy Ships. It was lovely to see how pleased Ruth was. She was surprised a small congregation could raise that much. Well done, everyone!

Just to remind everyone we are holding our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 17 March after a short service led by the Minister. We hope as many as possible can come to the service and stay for the meeting.

There is a jobs list out at the back of the church. Please look at this and put your name in the box against anything you would like to do. It would be great if the list could be filled before the Annual General Meeting. This will speed up the meeting!

Many thanks to all who have already put their names down for the job list for 2024. We give grateful thanks to all who have served Braishfield in the past. The church would not be the same without them or without those who assist us now.

The Easter Day service is on Sunday, 31 March this year. It includes Holy Communion.

I hope there will be plenty of daffodils and other spring flowers out in time for this service. They bring such cheer on the most joyous time of the Christian calendar. On that note, may I wish everyone a very Happy Easter.

Allison Symes


There has been a visitor at Braishfield URC – a very cuddly teddy-bear, kindly donated by Dawn and Alan Smith. The bear is helping with fund-raising for the church in Braishfield – maybe you would like to help out? The bear is looking for a name.

All you have to do is put your name against one of 124 names on the list. You can have as many goes as you like at £1 per name. When we have sold all of the names on the list, the name Alan and Dawn have given him or her (which is in a sealed envelope) will be revealed. The person who chooses that name will be the new owner for the bear!

Keep an eye out for the bear with no name (yet!) visiting some other local venues in and around Braishfield in the near future!


After our February meeting we moved from the Abbey Hall Lounge to the Market Square to hold a candlelit vigil for Alexei Navalny, the Russian activist who had died the previous week. On the following Friday, the Romsey Advertiser had a half page spread about our event - all good publicity for Amnesty!

On Saturday 16 March we've got a stall in the Market Square in the morning with various activities and cards to sign - please come and see us!



Hello all! At the beginning of February, I headed up to Whitmore Lakes for a fun filled weekend of Youth Assembly! “Story, Story, Story” was the theme and throughout the weekend, they explored the theme through personal storytelling and engaged in a range of workshops from drama, short-form video, and Bible study.

I've been going to this event for 8 years now, I really don't know where that time went, so I've become a bit of an event veteran! The event was as fun as ever There were a lot of deep conversations about Israel and Palestine, voting on task groups to be set up, and as always the fun evening activities. This year they had karaoke (always entertaining), Lego church, and the hilarious poet - Harry Baker! He's been at Greenbelt festival a couple of times and I already have his book; it was so good to have him there making us all laugh hard and loud!

It was a fab weekend for catching up with old friends and making some new ones as well as having a say on things going on within the URC, till next year!


It's that time of year and we are fast approaching Easter. I do hope you will be able to join us to sing Easter hymns at the following care homes.

2.30pm Tuesday, 19 March at Abbeyfield House

10.30am Wednesday, 20 March at Fryers House

2.30pm Thursday, 21 March Durban House

2pm Friday, 22 March Wakeford Court

1.30pm Tuesday, 26 March Marie Louise House

10.30am Wednesday, 27 March Mottisfont Lodge, Alma Road

2.30pm Thursday, 28 March Woodley Grange

2.30pm Saturday, 6 April Cedar Lawn (although 6 April is after Easter, this date has been requested by the home so we will have to change our hymn selection)

I do hope you will be able to join me on as many days as possible please. Thank you very much for your continuing support.



On a glum February morning nothing seemed very sweet as we set off for “Music for Valentine’s Day”, a concert in church arranged by Kirsty Purves. With piano, keyboard and her beautiful voice Kirsty soon had us whirled away to Paris, New York, Hollywood, and London.

It was good to see so many people in church to hear Kirsty perform such a varied selection of love songs, bringing back lovely memories for many of the audience. The music spanned many eras and genres - Schumann, Robert Burns and Elvis to mention a few, the themes blended from Dylan to Roger Quilter and Ivor Novello. It was a delightful mix and our thanks must go to Kirsty for arranging such an enjoyable programme and to help raise money for church funds.

At the end Jennifer spoke for all of us, when she thanked Kirsty. We are very blessed to have Kirsty as our resident musician. The concert raised a magnificent £235 for church funds.



Ben Carter, the saxophonist who played at the Carols by Candlelight service, is crowdfunding to release a new EP! He is very excited by the opportunity to record and release original music with his band.

If you would like to support this young man to achieve his dream, please follow this link to the Kickstarter donation page htpp://kck.st/3T5N8ud


Almost in March, and have you noticed that Fairtrade Fortnight is not happening? Don’t worry, it has just been delayed until 9 September. March does bring Mothering Sunday on 10 March, so to add to the posies, why not treat a significant lady in your life to a little fairly-traded gift? In Oasis (Church Street) we have several unique items all helping sustainability and fairtrade.

Easter eggs are in and selling fast – the Meaningful Chocolate company have kept their prices the same as last year, and still include a 24-page booklet of the Easter story, so don’t leave it too late to call in. Plenty of cards, books and bibles too.

Did you know buying a Fair-Trade gift can address the climate crisis? As an independent retailer, Oasis try to source products which will lead to a more sustainable world, eco-friendly products which are fairly-traded, sustainable and use minimal energy, pollution and waste in their manufacture. We sell a large range of recycled and upcycled products made from computer boards, plastic bottles, paper, glass, tins, cotton rags, even bicycle chains.

We try to ensure that the artisans who make products get a fair wage, there is no exploitation (for instance of children), women are treated equally, and the community and those most in need of work benefit from our trade.

Oasis is open 9.30am–4.30pm Monday to Friday, and 9am–4pm on Saturdays. Find more information at www.oasisromsey.co.uk and you can follow us on Facebook.



Our next Balm meeting will be Monday, 11 March 2024, but please note we have a different venue. We will be meeting at noon at the Nightingale, 45 Latimer Street, Romsey, for our Spring meal, and we are delighted that Stella and Maureen will be joining us. lt was Stella who had the idea and naming us Balm Bereavement and Loss Meeting and recruiting Maureen and l to join her.


It was good to meet Sarah Rowcliffe at our Community Awareness Service on 11 February and hear about the wide range of services both cancer sufferers and their families are offered by Jane Scarth House and Romsey Cancer Support Centre.

Services include professional counselling both to help those coping with cancer and bereaved after the loss of a loved one due to cancer; complementary therapies such as reiki and reflexolgy; whilst massages available are Indian head massage, relaxing hand and arm massages, oncology massage and simple lymphatic massage.

Romsey Cancer Centre offers a monthly legal advice clinic whilst also linking with Macmillan Cancer Support to provide a monthly welfare and benefits clinic plus HOPE courses offering post clinical treatment.

If you know of anyone who may benefit from the services they offer, Jane Scarth House can be found at 39a The Hundred, tel. number 01794 830374 and is open each weekday from 9am–4pm.

If you wish to support their work why not drop into Jane Scarth shop at 11a Latimer Street to see what bargains you can find or donate your preloved clothes for someone else to love.

After joining us on 11 February Sarah wrote “Thank you very much for inviting me to come and speak during your community service yesterday. It was a pleasure to attend the service and everyone made me feel very welcome. We are very grateful for the kind donation of £92.50.”



on our dear friends, Mavis and Ian (Mavis – 5 July, 1931 to 28 July, 2022) (Ian – 13 October, 1934 to 22 December, 2023)

We are delighted to pay our own personal tribute to our dear, and longest standing, friends in Romsey. Having many and varied memories means that we may well miss out on some thoughts and reflections that others may have and for the purpose of this church magazine tribute, we shall focus on reflections centred round Abbey and Braishfield United Reformed churches.

We moved to Romsey on Mark’s 5th birthday – a Thursday – and by the Sunday, we were all settled in enough to go to church. As it turned out, the couple who sat in front us that day were Mavis and Ian, and they subsequently became our dearest neighbours and friends.

Some may well remember the extensive roles that Mavis and Ian played in the life of the church; Mavis was an Elder and noted for being so well turned out. The major memories that Margaret and I have are things that reminded us of her each week, like the colour scheme for the ceiling of the church and the past elders’ plaques. Mavis also lovingly made the curtain fall at the rear of the choir stall, and designed the metal cross that hangs in front the fall.


Her brother, Jeff, fashioned the cross from what is believed to be Spitfire metal. That same design can be seen on the pulpit and lectern falls, together with the neatly created offering bags, all the work of Mavis. So, we ask that you ponder on these creations the next time you are in church and reflect on their loving creator. The same goes for the original scheme for the Hall and Lounge!

Mavis was also a wonderful flower arranger, throughout the church’s calendar year and also when major Flower Festivals took place through the years. One further honour she did cherish, being chosen, from the URC, to be one on the Trustees to the Bartlett Alms Houses. The original six alms houses were built in Middlebridge Street in 1807, to be used by women. John Bartlett, died in 1817 and bequeathed funds to provide for their continued support. The original buildings, were demolished to make way for the by-pass and rebuilt at the Meads. Mavis was very quietly proud to be a member of the trustees.

Ian, was also was a long time Elder, and a very good Treasurer, who came on the scene when the church, we know today, was on its uppers. Ian should be remembered for lots of things… the first brief history of Abbey United Reformed Church, a copy of which we were proud to hand over to his daughter, Claire; his popular lesson reading style, where he always gave the congregation a background to the lesson... and he always said “good morning” to the congregation before launching into the lesson.

However, Ian and Mavis should always be remembered for their joint contribution to the life and wellbeing of the church, stretching the whole existence of the United Reformed Church, in England. Their hospitality was most generous and kind for both social and fundraising events, very generous hosts and givers, loyal and faithful to everyone, right to the end! Margaret and I have been very much on the receiving end of a vast amount of that generosity and friendship, throughout our 45 years we spent in Romsey.

Two examples, of many memorable times, we would like to share ..

Firstly, the day in 2012, when as a church we re-enacted the walk that Thomas Warren took from Houghton to Romsey when he was thrown out of the Anglican Church. The modern walk took a well-earned break, for a lovely lunch in Michelmersh, where Mavis and Ian played wonderful hosts to the “weary travellers”, treated them to lunch and sent them on the remaining miles. We stopped again for an afternoon tea break, at


Shirley and Rusty’s home, and finally completed the walk through Braishfield and on into Romsey.

Secondly, and more personal… Mavis and Ian moved from Cupernham and they had to wait a time before the completion of their lovely home in Michelmersh. Mavis asked us to look after an acer she cherished, until her new home was completed. Margaret and I planted the mature acer in our garden, fully expecting to hand it back… but Mavis did not request the return of the tree, instead planting other acers in the garden of her new home. We retained and cherished Mavis’s acer, which was much admired, in our garden and each year we asked Ian and Mavis to lunch, on Remembrance Sunday, so that they could admire “their” acer in all its copper-coloured autumnal glory.

Margaret and I trust that the current members of Abbey URC will continue to remember Ian and Mavis as fondly as we do, and as they look around the church and the Abbey Hall, will pause to gaze on the very loving Christian spirit of Ian and Mavis, as reflected in all their goodness and their work, displayed within the buildings. True gifts, from God!

We miss our dear friends, Mavis and Ian, still treasuring the many fond memories they created for both of us and we continue to keep their lovely daughters, Claire and Caroline, in our thoughts and prayers


To Church Treasurers, Synod Treasurers and Synod Moderators

Dear Friends,

This is just a quick note to give Synods and churches a big “thank you” for your support of the M&M fund, through your contributions in 2023. We are pleased to report that on our first run of the annual figures, your contributions amounted to £16.32 million, compared to a budget figure of £16.26 million. How good it is to exceed our expectations.

A full report on the 2023 year will be issued later this year, as usual. Again, thank you all for your support.

Yours in Christ,



On the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, there was a candle vigil held in central Romsey to show continued solidarity and support. Many Ukrainian citizens have found a safe haven in the Romsey community; welcomed and supported through the two years their country has been in turmoil. We hold them in our hearts and pray for pace in Ukraine.

We keep the local communities of both countries in our prayers, praying for an end to the violence, for the ability to return to their everyday lives. May those wishing aggression be moved to peace.

Lord, please be with the people of Ukraine.

Let those leaving the country as refugees find a welcome. Let those standing up to injustice find courage. Let those who are sad find comfort and those who are afraid find hope. And let those who make decisions seek peace.


Following the success of the last Synod Big Day out at Hollycombe Steam in the country, we have booked the site again for our exclusive use on Saturday 4 May 2024, 10am – 5pm. There will be more steam rides open this year and additional programme activities provided by Wessex Synod. We invite all churches, church user groups and community groups with links to URCs and LEPs in Wessex Synod to come and enjoy a day of fellowship, fun and worship.

Ticket prices are the same as in 2022 – £8 per adult, £5 per child for up to 10 rides on the attractions. New this year are tickets for unlimited rides on the attractions: adult £10.50 and child £7.50. A free ticket can be booked for an accompanying carer.

Hollycombe’s fabulous new café will be open this time and there will be other food and refreshment outlets. You are welcome to bring your own picnic. We have listened to feedback and so this time the layout for the Synod activities will be more central and accessible for all. Synod activities include a large marquee with worship, stories and entertainment, as well as a marketplace with crafts, Synod Youth Executive, and church connections, forest church and a nature walk.

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