URC Magazine November 2023

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A MESSAGE FROM OUR MINISTER November 2023 Dear friends in Christ, Autumn is a wonderful time to walk around Hillier’s Arboretum! Deciduous trees of all varieties are looking absolutely glorious as their leaves turn from green to all hues of orange and red – especially perhaps the Maples. Walking around and in a reflective mood, I often wonder at the age of some trees, and what they would have witnessed over the centuries if they had eyes! So much change! Trees of course also give us a picture of Christian life and faith. How Autumn is a time of slowly relinquishing all that has been so fruitful and active; Winter is a time of rest and anticipation; Spring is the season of bursting forth of new life, and Summer the time of the return of life in all its fullness. Yet even though the leaves fall and die at Autumn, the tree itself lives. So, we have faith in a God who will never die but will forever be a source of life for us. I found a poem which I share with you here, which speaks about the seasons, and about the importance of looking after and nurturing trees – and the whole of creation:


There is never a sight more beautiful or so amazing than that of a tree, In summer with branches and leaves so full with gently swaying boughs for all to see. Sure footed roots set so deep in the earth where wriggly worms and microbes do dwell to branches where robins nest and give birth, Oh how these trees have some stories to tell. In spring comes gentle rain over the ground and summer’s heat offers shade from the sun Autumn leaves see such beauty to be found And deep winter’s snow can be so much fun. Trees are the earth’s lungs, not to be destroyed they’re to be gazed in wonder and enjoyed. © David Wood, 2013 see https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/sonnet-88-trees/ Photo – Revd Mike

In Christian love, Mike

BIBLE STUDY Our Bible study and discussion group will take place on 5 November at 6.30 pm on Zoom (ID 864 1780 6994 PC learning) when we will look more deeply at the Gospel verses we heard at our morning service at Abbey URC. Do contact Revd Mike if you would like to participate and he will email you some notes in advance. All welcome!


NICE TO MEET YOU…. Introducing Revd Sarah Hall, minister at Avenue St Andrew’s and Isaac Watts Memorial URCs. Sarah will be joining Revd Mike as ministers for our cluster of churches. Sarah introduces herself… I first became a Christian in the Anglican Church during my A levels at Sherborne Girls' School in Dorset, largely through despair caused by Further Mathematics A Level! After a chemistry degree at Imperial College in London, I worked for a year as an auxiliary nurse in St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney, which gave me great respect for people living with cancer. A stint as copy-typist in a small publishing company financed my postgraduate study of theology at King’s College London, and led to my becoming a copy-editor for Lion Publishing in Oxford, which translates Christianity into everyday language – a good training for me! In Oxford I found a local congregation of the United Reformed Church, Temple Cowley URC, which welcomed me warmly, and after a while I committed myself fully to the URC. My call to ministry, which I had begun to sense during my first degree, was recognised and I trained at Mansfield College, Oxford, with a year as an exchange student at Bern in Switzerland and three years doing my doctorate (looking at small-group Bible study in local churches) in Edinburgh on the way. I then spent seven years as a minister in Sheffield, working at St Andrew’s Church, in the surrounding Urban Priority Area of Broomhall and in University Chaplaincy, learning much about ministry and about myself. My two greatest joys there were the preparation and leading of worship and waiting on tables at our church’s weekly community breakfast. Ten years ago I came to Southampton to work with the churches of the South-West Hants Group. Sadly, two of those churches, Freemantle URC and Chandlers Ford URC, have since made the hard decision to close, so since then I've been working with Avenue St Andrew's URC and Isaac Watts Memorial URC. But to stop me getting bored, I do a day of chaplaincy a week in term time at the University of Southampton; I'm also the current convenor of the South-East Area Pastoral Committee, and one of the founding members of the national RC-URC dialogue.


After 18 years as a minister, I still love the URC, especially the way we hold different opinions such as on same-sex marriage* or infant baptism within one church, aiming to love each other even when we don't agree. I also enjoy reading (science fiction, thrillers, you name it...), singing, playing the recorder, embroidery, photography and wrestling with computers and the Internet - and I'm a fan of Doctor Who! Sarah Hall * One of my current congregations has recently been registered for same-sex marriage; the other has decided not to apply.

THE OLIVE TREE; SYMBOL OF PEACE In the prayer corner of Abbey URC is a small olive tree. It has become a prayer tree, there to remind us to pray for the Holy Land now overtaken by the horror of destruction and warfare. Let us bring prayers to put on or near the tree as we remember all those suffering in this conflict. Jennifer P


PRAYER FOR NOVEMBER As I write this, it was but a short time ago that a sycamore tree was felled in the Northumbria National Park adjacent to Hadrian’s wall. What a terrible act of villainy! It is estimated that it was 200 years old and often photographed – those of you who know the area will be aware of the storms that it had withstood only to be felled with a chainsaw! The Sycamore’s scientific name is Acer pseudoplatanus; we have an acer in our garden – Acer platanoides ‘Drummondii’. I bought it to mark Ruby’s 60th birthday and ever since it has provided wonderful shade – particularly useful during June this year and occasionally at other times during the year. God created our world with so many wonderful gifts, but trees must be up there with the best of them. They have long lives, provide us with oxygen and acting as carbon sinks, while feeding our gardens with leafmould to cultivate the plants of another spring. A few months ago, I lost a very good friend with whom our conversations were often about trying to clarify and so strengthen our faith. On one occasion when thinking about life after death Graham declared that there had to be trees in heaven; I do hope he was right. Great God, we thank you for the gift of trees. They differ to allow them to thrive in very different climatic conditions, they produce food, they protect us, and they give us joy – from the fresh greens of spring to the beautiful colours of autumn. Also, we remember that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree and so the tree was sanctified because it was a step on the road to the Resurrection – our door to eternal life. Amen Job 14: 7: For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease. Derek H


MORNING PRAYER If you would like to take the opportunity to reflect upon God’s word and to pray for the needs of the world and the Church in your own time during the week, here are the Psalm and Gospel readings for November: November 5 Psalm 43 12 Psalm 70 19 Psalm 90 26 Psalm 95:1-7a

Matthew 23:1-12 Matthew 25:1-13 Matthew 25:14-30 Matthew 25:31-46

MAGAZINE DEADLINE Material for December 2023/January 2024 to be submitted by 2pm (latest) on Sunday, 19 November 2023 Please email to abbeyurcnews@gmail.com Alternatively, you could leave in the pigeon-hole at the back of the church. Thank you.

SKITTLES EVENING Wellow Golf Club has been booked for, what has become, our annual skittles event. A fun evening filled with good food, fellowship, chat – and a little bit of competition! Always really enjoyed by all who attend; come along and join in the fun. This year it is taking place on 4 November. Please ensure your name and food choices are added to the form at the back of the church by the end of October or contact me using the details below. The cost for the evening, is the cost of your meal and whatever you spend at the bar. There will be a raffle in aid of church funds. My email address is carole.cox@btinternet.com or call me on 07787 630297 for more information. If you require a lift, then please let me know. Carole C


THURSDAY COMMUNION Our monthly Thursday Communion now takes place at 10.30am on the fourth Thursday of the month. We join together for a 25-minute informal service during which we share communion, followed by chat over refreshments. Join us on 23 November. All are welcome!

GIVE BACK FOR ADVENT REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR Amber’s outreach team meet women on the streets of Southampton and offer them a listening ear as well as emotional and practical support, and prayer. However, Christmas is such a difficult time for these women; over the past two years we have provided gift bags and sent our support and love in Christsmas cards to show they are thought about and cared for. As part of our outreach, we are pleased to be supporting Amber again this year. During November you will find a box at the back of church for your donations. Please pop any items you would like to donate into the box but there is no obligation to take part. Below is a list giving items that they would appreciate and find useful. Anything you give makes a huge difference to these women. Nicky Porter will join us again at our service on Sunday, 26 November to collect our gifts which gives them time to share them out before Christmas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Handy wipes Pocket tissues Emery boards Lip Salve or lipstick Hand cream Chocolate bar Sweets

8. Crisps 9. Chocolate coins 10. Nail varnish 11. Gloves 12. Socks 13. Candle 14. Body spray

Christmas is a difficult time for many, and your kindness to these, often forgotten, women is so appreciated. God bless.


CHRISTMAS STORYTIME We are hoping to hold a Christmas Eve story time for under 8s. This will be in the church at 3pm on 24 December, Christmas Eve. The Christmas story will be retold by Humph the camel as he speaks to the other animals in the stable when he arrives with the three wise men after the birth of Jesus. Entitled ‘Twas the Night After Christmas we hope to attract some younger friends to sit under the Christmas tree and hear the Christmas story. Can you help? 1

do you have a large, stuffed camel, donkey, mouse, sheep or cow we could borrow as props?


Would you be available to join us and help with the occasion or serving light refreshments afterwards?


Do you know of any children who might welcome an invitation to listen to the Christmas story as told by the animals who were in the stable on that first Christmas?

If the answer is yes, or you wish to know more about this Christmas Eve outreach please speak to me. Andy Bevan

LOST PROPERTY Several umbrellas and a coat have been left on the coat hooks outside the church kitchen, having been there for some considerable time. Please check whether these belong to you and reclaim them. Items not reclaimed by the end of November will be donated to a local charity shop.


THANK YOU We would like to thank all our church friends for the messages of condolence we received following the death of Barry's sister. We felt very comforted knowing we were in your thoughts and prayers. Jill G

CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS FROM THE URC BOOKSHOP Gifts and stocking fillers for all ages including new designs and bestsellers in the URC Bookshop's Christmas selection. From £2.99 plus packaging and posting; shop HERE.

WE WILL REMEMBER THEM Our hand knitted poppies will once again be on the railings of Abbey URC and the poppies loaned by the Town Hall will be “planted” in our front garden. The poppy remains a humble, poignant symbol of Remembrance and hope. The prayer tree will be in our front garden for you to add poppies to, to remember those who have served to protect our freedom. Wooden poppies will be in a box by the tree; simply use the pencil provided to add the name of the person you wish to remember. Should these have run out, or you prefer, you are also welcome to bring your own poppy to add, with a name on if you so wish. These poppies can then be hung on the prayer tree, to allow others to remember them, acknowledge their sacrifice and give thanks for their lives. After Remembrance Sunday they will be placed in our church. The nation, and Romsey, gathers on Sunday, 12 November, remembering the service and sacrifice of all those who have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life. Visit our front garden to read the names of those that local people have asked us to remember. Remembrance unites people of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds but it is also deeply personal. It does not glorify war and its symbol, the red poppy, is a sign of both remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. We will remember them.


UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sunday, 26 November: Please note, our next church meeting will be held after morning worship on Sunday, 26 November. This meeting is open to all friends and members of Abbey URC, Romsey. Sunday, 3 December: Toy Service – we will be collecting new toys for Southampton Social Services this Christmas. If you wish to donate, please bring your gift either to Abbey URC on Saturday, 2 December between 10am-12.30pm or bring it with you to our service on Sunday, 3 December at 10.30am. Thank you. Sunday, 3 December 4.30pm: Advent Carols. There are many very special and beautiful Advent carols that have been written over the centuries; they help us begin the Season that leads us in reflection and preparation towards Christmas. Do come and share with us as we look towards Christ’s birth, as we exclaim: ‘O come! O come Immanuel’! Christmas Cards 2023 Single cards for the whole fellowship: The board will be in Church from early December if you wish to place one Christmas card to send greetings to the whole church. There will be envelopes available if you wish to make a donation towards ‘Keep Hope Alive’ Olive tree purchases. To individual friends: The Christmas post box will be in the vestibule for the first two Sundays of Advent. It is available to post cards to friends within the fellowship. Please only post cards for those you know will be coming to church. 23 December 6.30pm: Carols by Candlelight - a special evening of carols and lessons. It is a special evening, made even more magical by the candlelight. Please note that this year the service is on Saturday. 24 December 3pm: Join us for story time for under 8s, ‘Twas the Night after Christmas. If you wish, come dressed as characters from the Christmas story. 24 December 11pm: Social time with mince pies and a warm drink before the 11.30pm midnight communion service. 25 December 10.30am: Christmas day worship.


A WARM WELCOME AND A WARM SPACE FOR ALL With winter coming, and the cost-of-living crisis still pinching, the Lounge in Abbey Hall is open each Tuesday morning from 9am-10.30am for anyone to pop in for tea, coffee or just somewhere to sit. Meet friends, read a book, or come and have a chat with us – it's open to all. So, after the school drop off, on the way to or from the shops, or just somewhere to go – we’re providing our fellowship and a community with a warm welcome and a warm space to be.


CALENDAR October 29 10.30am

Songs of Praise service led by Revd Mike



All Souls Act of Remembrance led by Revd Mike, followed by refreshments



Elders Meeting in Abbey Hall Lounge

November 1


Table Tennis in Abbey Hall



Church open for quiet reflection



Church Autumn sale in aid of church funds



Skittles at Wellow Golf Club





Morning Worship including Holy Communion led by Revd Mike Bible Study on Zoom





Combined Pioneers Leaders and Youth Forum meeting on Zoom Pastoral Group Meeting in Abbey Hall Lounge



Outreach meeting on Zoom



Working Party around the church premises



Church open for quiet reflection







Remembrance Sunday service in Romsey Abbey Remembrance Service in Romsey Memorial Park, including 2 minutes silence. Note: no service in our church. BALM in Abbey Hall Lounge



RomDAG “A Service to Remember”



Table Tennis in Abbey Hall



Worship Group on Zoom



Church open for quiet reflection



Morning Worship led by Derek Hiscocks



Church Meeting





Short communion service in Abbey Hall Lounge led by Revd Mike Romsey Male Voice Choir concert



Church open for quiet reflection






Morning Worship led by Revd Mike. Commitment for Life Service and collection of donations by Amber. Elders Meeting in Abbey Hall Lounge

December 2


Working Party around the church premises



Church open for quiet reflection


Hope Choir at Cedar Lawn Care Home



Advent Sunday Toy Service including Holy Communion led by Revd Mike



Advent Carol Service


Minister on Annual Leave

ROMSEY REMEMBRANCE EVENTS Remembrance Day, Saturday 11 January will see two key events in Romsey. At 10.30 am in Romsey Memorial Park the Fort Cumberland Guard Re-enactment team will be presenting their cannon display from 10.30 am, with the cannon being fired at 11 am. Alternatively, at 11 am at the Poppy Memorial in Station Approach, the Romsey Branch of the Royal British Legion, in conjunction with the Three Rivers Community Rail Partnership, will be laying wreaths and offering prayers for those who have given their lives in service of their country. All are welcome. On Remembrance Sunday the service will commence at 9.30am at Romsey Abbey. After the service all are invited to proceed to Romsey Memorial Park for a short service and 2 minutes silence at 11.00 am. As is the custom, the service in the park concludes with the Civic Party gathering in the Market Place to take the Parade Salute as veterans and youth organisations parade through the town.


Braishfield United Reformed Church Minister:

Secretary: Treasurer: Serving Elders: November 5 9.30 am 12 12 10.50 am


10.00 am


10.00 am

December 3 9.30 am 10 10.00 am 17 10.00 am 24 25 9.30 am 31

10.00 am

The Reverend Mike Perrott, MA e-mail: revd.mike13@gmail.com Day off: Mondays Shirley Smith Sharon Whitfield Shirley Smith Allison Symes

01794 512163

01794 368447 01794 521937 01794 368447 02380 262803

Holy Communion led by the Minister Remembrance Sunday – NO service at the URC United Service with All Saints Parish Church at the Village War Memorial. The Two Minute Silence will be held at 11am. Family Worship led by the Minister, All Souls Service – see news Family Worship led by David Stone – Toy Service – see news. Holy Communion led by the Minister Family Worship led by Peter White Family Worship led by the Minister Christmas Eve – NO SERVICE Christmas Day – Short Service led by the Minister Family Worship led by Sharon Whitfield

Please note that the third Sunday of the month is the time to bring in tinned goods etc for the food bank collection.


News from Braishfield It’s hard to believe we’re already into November, a month of thoughtful reflection. Many thanks for all who came to the church meeting (the date of which had to be moved to 24 October). The support is always appreciated and needed! The church is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Margery Randall on Friday, 20 October. As a long-term member of our congregation, she will be greatly missed by us all. The church wishes to send its deepest sympathies and condolences to Margery's family and friends. Remembrance Sunday: there will be no service at Braishfield URC on 12 November. We will meet with All Saints Parish Church, and the village, at the War Memorial at 10.50 for the Service of Remembrance to include the Two Minutes Silence at 11am. All Souls’ Service: this reflective service will be led by the Minister on 19 November. Names of those who have gone before us will be read out and candles can be lit in their memory. A list will be at the back of the church for names to be recorded ahead of this. Toy Service: this will be on 26 November when our service will be led by David Stone – please bring along new toys (in their boxes). These will be brought up during the service. Later, these will be taken to Abbey URC to be collected by Southampton Social Services for distribution to those most in need. Christmas Services: as mentioned in the calendar above, there will be no service on Christmas Eve which falls on a Sunday this year. There will be the usual short service on Christmas Day itself at 9.30am, which will be led by the Minister. Allison Symes


ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY…. Some of the heavenly hosts have started to arrive at Abbey URC, ready to fly out to our railings in December taking our Christmas wishes and prayers to passers-by in Romsey. If you can knit, crochet or craft angels please pass them to Sarah by the end of November, so she can prepare them for their onward flight, taking the Good News to their new homes in December. Thank you.

OASIS BOOKSHOP MANAGER WINS NATIONAL AWARD Great News! Angie Nelson, Manager of the Oasis Christian Bookshop, has won the UK Bookshop Manager of the Year at the recent Christian Booksellers Conference. Many will know Angie personally, but did you know Angie has been manager at the Oasis Bookshop in Church Street, Romsey since its founding 39 years ago! Angie is well respected throughout the profession and is the national vice-chair on the Christian Booksellers Group within the Booksellers Association. Angie acknowledges that the award is an honour and a recognition of her contribution to the world of Christian bookselling, whilst emphasizing the success of the Oasis Bookshop was due to the efforts of the whole team of staff, volunteers and the support received from local churches. Please remember that the Christmas season is nearly upon us and stock is coming in fast with an excellent selection of Christmas cards, Fairtrade wholefood and confectionery, household goods, gifts and books. If you are unable to come to the Oasis shop, remember to sign up to Bookshop.org and enjoy the on-line facility whilst also supporting Oasis when you can nominate Oasis within the ‘Choose a bookshop’ facility. Oasis can also offer groups an ‘after hours’ personal shopping event with refreshments and special offers. Oasis will also bring a bookstall to local community events. Just contact us (01794 512194) as Oasis is here to serve you.



WESSEX SYNOD MEETING In October, I attended the last Wessex Synod meeting of the year at Richmond Hill St Andrew’s URC in Bournemouth. I started my day with the Wessex Synod Youth Exec (WSYE) who run a welcoming breakfast space for those who are coming to Synod for the first time, or those who have any questions about the meeting or about WSYE. After this, the meeting started with worship before getting down to business. The first vote was to confirm members of the Synod were happy for the Chairs of the meeting to continue to fill the role until the new Moderator starts next year, this was unanimously agreed. The main point of interest within the meeting was the construction of a task group to look at the process, and propose a new formula, for the Ministry and Mission which will be called MAM. This review is due to the changes in how ministers will be distributed, and acknowledging that how it has been done previously is no longer what is best. Overall, the meeting went smoothly and we even finished on time! Kathleen


NOVEMBER WORKING PARTY Please note that the November Working Party will be held on Saturday 11 November to avoid clashing with the Church Sale. Tasks to be undertaken include taking a stock check of Abbey Hall gallery and disposing of unwanted items, as well as routine maintenance and cleaning around the church premises – all welcome to help with this monthly essential work around our premises.

MIDDLE EAST CRISIS APPEAL Many thousands of people across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory have been killed or seriously injured following unprecedented violence and deadly attacks against their communities. In Israel, civilians have been brutally murdered and forcibly taken. In Gaza, hospitals are overwhelmed with casualties and hundreds of thousands of people are being displaced. Christian Aid already has trusted humanitarian partners in Gaza, ready to respond with medical relief, food, shelter and sanitation, as soon as it is safe to do so. They are also actively exploring how they can support Israeli civilians who have been directly affected by the violence. If you would like to support them in this and other work around the world please make your donation by calling 08080 004 004, donating online at https://give.christianaid.org.uk/donate/CAM-005943 or send a cheque to Christian Aid at PO Box 100, London, SE1 7RT. A prayer for the Middle East God, hear our prayers for peace in the Middle East. May all people in the region be protected, safe from harm. We pray that this crisis will end now, with no further loss of life. God, may the injured and distressed know your healing presence. May the powerful and the decision-makers follow the paths of justice, mercy and peace. We pray for recognition of the dignity and value of every life. May the clamour of violence cease, Replaced by the beating of swords into ploughshares. God, in your name, Amen


SYNOD BIG DAY OUT 2024 - BOOKINGS NOW OPEN! Following the success of the last Synod Big Day out at Hollycombe Steam in the Country, Wessex Synod Office have booked the site again for its exclusive use on Saturday, 4 May 2024, 10am–5pm. There will be more steam rides open this year and additional programme activities provided by Wessex Synod. Would you like to relive those good old days of steam, or just experience them for the first time. Ticket prices are the same as in 2022 - £8 per adult, £5 per child for up to 10 rides on the attractions. New this year are tickets for unlimited rides on the attractions: adult £10.50 and child £7.50. A free ticket can be booked for an accompanying carer. Synod activities include a large marquee with worship, stories and entertainment, as well as a marketplace with crafts, Synod Youth Executive, and church connections, forest church and a nature walk. If you would like to join in the 2024 Synod Big Day Out please let Andy know as soon as possible so that suitable transport arrangements can be made. More information about Hollycombe can be found by using the following link https://www.hollycombe.co.uk/


2024 MAGAZINE CHARGES We hope you have enjoyed receiving our magazine over the past year and keeping up to date with our news and events. Please note, the subscription for the magazine will be due in January 2024. For those who collect a printed version of the magazine from church, or if you have it delivered by hand, the cost for the coming year will be £10. Please let Jill Girdlestone know if you want your name added to the list. Payment can be made •

by bank transfer (please use the reference MAG and your name; also let Reg know)

by post with a cheque to Jill Girdlestone and a note stating MAG and your name/address. Cheques to be made payable to “Abbey United Reformed Church”.

You can also have hard copy posted to you at a cost of £19.50 per year to cover the printing, envelopes and postage for 10 issues. If you wish to have the magazine printed and posted to you, please tell Jill Girdlestone and ensure payment is received by 14 January 2024. It will continue to be available as an e-magazine, delivered by email. Although this is free, a donation would be much appreciated. The magazine can also be viewed on the church website at www.abbeyurc.org.uk or Facebook. Thank you.

WORK MORNINGS AT CHURCH DIY and other odd jobs around the church. Everyone is welcome to join. Saturday, 7 October 2023 from 9am–12 noon Contact Geoff Prestage for full work detail information


AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL UPDATE In our October meeting we heard about Ali Aarrass, a BelgianMoroccan man imprisoned in Morocco on spurious terrorism charges. Our group (amongst many others) were campaigning on his behalf for years before he was released without explanation. A success story, and he is coming to London in November to talk about his experience. Some of us hope to see his talk via Zoom. We have created a display at the back of the church about the work of Amnesty International and how the Romsey group contributes to campaigning for and promoting human rights around the world. Our meeting on Monday 11 December at 7.30 will be in the Hall Lounge as usual. We'll be sending cards to imprisoned or oppressed individuals or groups to show our support and help them realise they are not forgotten. It's a very social occasion with light refreshments and everyone is welcome to join us.


RAISING THE ROOF As Abbey URC faces the costs of repairing the roof in the sanctuary, and other urgent works highlighted in the quinquennial report, there may be members of the congregation with great ideas on how to raise funds to help cover this unforeseen outlay. If you have an idea to raise funds, or are willing to run a fundraising event, please let us know at the next church meeting at the end of November – or speak to Revd Mike or an elder about your idea. Fund-raising events planned for December are as follows: •

The Beaman family will be holding a coffee morning on Saturday, 9 December in the Abbey Hall Lounge, more details to follow.

Christmas hamper raffle - tickets will be on sale from early December.

ROMSEY YOUTH CHOIR AND ROMSEY VOICES It was lovely to welcome the Romsey Youth Choir on Friday, 20 October, singing in concert with Romsey Voices. It was a really fabulous evening, raising an amazing £700 for the British Red Cross Disasters Appeal, a really fabulous evening. Thank you so much to everyone who came to support the evening.


“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt ‘Food for thought’ can be found on abbeyurc.org.uk and changes on a regular basis.

2024 MINISTRY AND MISSION CONTRIBUTION At our September Church Meeting we agreed to maintain our current contribution to the United Reformed Church’s Ministry and Mission Fund, commonly called M&M. In 2022 the annual income for the central operating costs totalled £18.8m. Of this, £16.8m came from churches’ donation through M&M. The costs of stipendiary ministers and church related community workers, including training, stipends and pensions, represent around 80% of total expenditure. The balance of this income is used in missionary work, staffing Tavistock House and central advisors in such key areas as youth and safeguarding. In reply to our letter confirming our agreement, Revd Romilly Micklen wrote “Please would you pass on to the Elders and Church Meeting our grateful appreciation, personally and on behalf of the Wessex Synod and the wider URC, for Abbey URC's continued support for the Ministry and Mission Fund.”


SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY As the weather turns colder, families are making difficult decisions – to warm their homes or buy food for the table. Abbey and Braishfield URCs support the Romsey Foodbank and Abbey URC also supports the Community Pantry. At Abbey URC donations are collected each Sunday in the hamper in the foyer; Braishfield URC collect donations on the third Sunday of the month. These donations mean more families in our community do not have to make these difficult decisions this week. Currently the Foodbank are short of the items below: long life milk pasta sauce rice instant mash

sweets marmite/peanut butter sponge puddings microwave rice

The Community Pantry is happy to receive a wide range of fresh, frozen and general foods; if you have fresh or frozen foods you wish to donate, please deliver them to No 7 Dukes Mill on a Monday 9.30am-12noon, Wednesday 4pm-6pm or Friday 9.30am-12noon. Anything you can give is appreciated, thank you.



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