Travel & Leisure Zabia & Zimbabwe Sept - Dec 2021

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Unpacking THE SAFARI INDUSTRY [ WRITER: Chris Chiparaushe ]

[ PHOTOS: Wilderness Safaris, African Bush Camps ]

An African safari holiday is on many people’s bucket list and the African safari holiday is a multi-faceted trip requiring expertise to put it together. It involves transportation (air, road, sometimes rail and water), accommodation, and activities. Safari planners and consultants put all these together so that guests have a seamless and wonderful experience. However, like the duck that looks calm and unruffled on the surface while paddling furiously under water, a lot is happening to ensure that guests enjoy a hassle-free and memorable safari trip. In the next issues of Travel and Leisure Zambia and Zimbabwe, we take a peek at what happens behind the scenes to get a better understanding of this fascinating industry. We look at the different types of safaris, the safari areas in Zambia and Zimbabwe, the roles people play in the industry, and what it takes to build a successful career in the industry.


TRAVEL & LEISURE | Sept - Dec 2021

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