Travel & Leisure Zambia & Zimbabwe Jan - Aug 2022

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CAPE TOWN TO VICTORIA FALLS: A Hop, Skip, and a Jump into a Wild Getaway [ WRITER: Kim Sparrow ]

[ PHOTO: David Rodgers, Jenman African Safaris, Africa Albida Tourism ]

When one travels, one searches for different perspectives. We seek change. Of scenery, of mind, of conversation and stimulus. We also aim to change gear – to slow down and reconnect, or to chase adrenalin and reawaken our adventurous spirits. Africa’s landscape is undoubtedly an invitation for adventure. It calls to the wild wanderer, the culturally curious, the artist as well as the philosopher. Its rivers summon the athletic explorer, whereas its vistas beckon the dreamers, and its cultural quilt, historians. Africa offers a travel tincture for everyone reaching out in recognition of what you seek in a journey. There are no boundaries or borders to the adventurous spirit, whether it be tackling fresh terrain outdoors, or absorbing surroundings in inner exploration; the soul is equally fulfilled. Lucky enough to be the soul searching lesser spotted tourists, Viwe Ndongeni and I, Kim


TRAVEL & LEISURE | Jan - April 2022

Sparrow from Jenman African Safaris, recently embarked on a trip to one of Africa’s top travel destinations; Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Travelling from Cape Town on Kenya Airways, I was collecting stories for Jenman African Safaris and Viwe for IOL Travel. We were ready to immerse ourselves in new experiences. Adventure, enveloped in awareness, had finally become a reality after being armchair travellers for the last few months, the light at the end of the travel tunnel shining brightly as we boarded the plane. Travelling now is different to what everyone was once used to. There is a level of

trepidation involved, however if done in the correct way, with intention and awareness, fears and hurdles can be overcome. One of the biggest challenges has been the everchanging protocols and flight connectivity between destinations, making the planning of a trip overwhelming. However, our journey from check-in to our flight, to landing with Kenya Airways was smooth sailing; all safety protocols adhered to, allowing travel to be both an adventurous and responsible affair. We were even gifted with an upgrade to Business Class, the start of our adventure paired with champagne! The three-hour direct flight delivered us onto Zimbabwean soil in effortless efficiency. A transfer to town with Wild Horizons had us sipping sundowners at Ilala Lodge beneath the

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