2013 Health Care Guide

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Lynden Family Physical Therapy

Health Care Guide - June 2013

Osteoarthritis I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I have heard that exercise helps, but I am concerned that it will make my symptoms worse. How does exercise help? Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is one of the most common types of arthritis. It is characterized by wear and tear of the joint’s cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the ends of bones. When the cartilage breaks down, it causes the bones to rub against each other, causing pain and loss of movement. For many years, it was thought that people with arthritis should not exercise because it would further damage the joints. Now doctors and therapists know that people with arthritis can improve their health through moderate exercise without hurting their joints. Exercise can be very beneficial. One slogan frequently used with arthritis is “motion is lotion”, meaning movement of the joint helps to lubricate it and keep it mobile. Exercise also keeps the muscles surrounding the joints strong which aids in protecting the joint. Other benefits of exercise include improving your energy level, helping you sleep better, and improving your sense of well-being. With osteoarthritis, one general rule to follow is, if you have more than two hours of increased soreness after exercise, then you have done too much. Back down on the amount of exercise during the next session. Along with your prescribed medications, rest and other parts of your arthritis treatment program, regular exercise can help keep your joints in working order so you can continue your daily activities.

Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record


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