PiMUN Newsletter - November

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In this issue


PIMUN receives first subsidies from ILERI and Sciences Po The opening of Chair Applications, joint with the launch of the new website, caused much interest among the community on the social networks. A total of 31 applications for the different Chair positions within each of the fourteen committees of the 2015 Paris International Model United Nations have been submitted thus far.

While applications that do not fulfill the selection criteria-cannot be processed, a compelling cover may carry its weight. 12 applicants met the criteria for selection at this stage of the recruitment campaign. In the final step of the recruitment, a Skype interview will soon follow to determine successful applicants into the different Chair positions and committees.

Here is the statistics that have been observed by the Applications team. On a total of 31 applications received, a majority of candidates come from India and make up for an estimated 60% of the applicant pool. Applicants from Europe represent about 20% of the candidates. As for the rest, an estimated 10% of applicants come from Asian countries, 10% from the Americas (with 1 from Brazil). There are no applicants from North America for the moment.

When selecting his team members, our USG for Applications, Xavier Lasri, insisted on availability. Nicolas Couzi, Elyn Allahyari and Tobias Rossi, all students from the ILERI, this facilitates the building of trust between each other, as well as the organization of team meetings. Indeed, the team meets very frequently (every three days) at school to work on the campaign.

Following reception of the applications, the team has drawn up a preliminary list of the candidates who satisfy the general conditions. It is the duty of the three Assistant Secretary-General for Applications to do a rapid filtering of applications by criteria (updated resume, cover letter, previous experience, level of English, motivation, willingness to write topic guides) to dismiss incomplete applications.

There is no doubt that Xavier is committed to takes his job as USG for Applications very seriously and cares very deeply to conduct quality recruitment. We do highly expect the newly selected PiMUN Chairs next month to be the reflection of the high quality standards set for the year, and of the excellent work done by the entire Applications team.

The end of November brought on very good news for the 2015 edition of the Paris International Model United team. Thanks to the dedication of Jan Lebendig (USG for Committees), Léa Caillouët (USG for Institutional Relations) and Hana Hudak (Secretary General), two subsidies were granted by the ILERI (1,000 euros) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (3,920 euros). The allocated money will enable the covering of all necessary printing costs for upstream and downstream organization of the event. Prior to the conference, the money will be used to the printing of: handbooks, identification badges, signs bearing each represented country’s name, certificates of participation for each delegate and business cards for Secrétariat executives. Then, during the conference, printing of paper to write down resolutions. The receiving of subsidies confirms PIMUN is a viable project that is recognized by its partners who are willing to renew their year after year. It reinforces the image PIMUN is constantly creating and striving for: that of a real international, multicultural event, attracting youth elite from all around the world. The broad diversity of participants also highlight the success and attractiveness of PIMUN. Students and partners create a single and unique professional, social and associative network between Parisian universities which brings them recognition as education centers for excellene on the international scene. Sciences Po, the université Panthéon- Assas and Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Ecole Polytechnique, the ILERI, and the American University of Paris are all founding partners of the Paris Model United Nations, which are joined this year by three other instituions: the Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris III), the Université Paris-Diderot (Paris VII) and the INALCO. Receiving money from our partner schools one of the largest delegations at the Paris International Model United Nations 2014 edition. Too many subsidy requests have been submitted for MUN projects to the Sciences Po administration, which made the Conseil de la Vie Etudiante quite hostile to them. However, they still decided to support the project forr its benefits to the Sciences Po community. Indeed, it should be noted that Sciences Po represented the largest delegation at the PiMUN 2014 conference last May. We can but only be thankful to both these universities for their renewed interest and trust in our organization to help PiMUN grow and permanently establish itself as forward-looking and high-potential student project.









COMPANY INFO PARIS INTERNATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS HEAD OFFICE 26, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques 75014 Paris FRANCE EMAIL: secretary.general@pimun.fr coordination@pimun.fr


- Florian Hulin - Marion Marigo - Rachel Collignon - Marine Barbaud EXTRA

To be continued... 2

contact: applications@pimun.fr January 2013 - Newsletter Template

January 2013 - Newsletter Template

- Emilie Ronald - Panuga Pulenthiran - Nicolas Couzi - Arthur Loréal


WEBSITE LAUNCH: A VIEW FROM INSIDE We were very excited to see our website launched last month after several months of development. It is now live and ready for the world to see and includes practical information about the conference for delegates. Communications, Applications, along with our webmaster (Nicolas Legroux) and our Secretary General (Hana Hudak) worked together to provide a detailed overview of PiMUN’s position as the most renowned student happening in France and the one of the biggest international student events. The website also hosts an online application portal for registrations, starting with our Chair recruitment campaign last month. The website was built by Nicolas Legroux, a student from the Ecole Polytechnique who designed the 2014 edition website and has remained committed to the PiMUN team for now two years. The layout is designed by Marine Barbaud, a fourth-year student at Intuit Lab, a graphic design school in Paris where she receives training in corporate brand image. ‘We use different medium and subjects and this is why I love what I’m doing. I think that working on a project such as PiMUN is very beneficial to my work and its diversification’. The website boasts a fresh, new identity which is the result of months of planning, organization and of a visual communications strategy established by both Marine and Marion Marigo, USG for Communications (see previous edition). ‘We have worked together to thoughtfully build step by step the website and try to keep previously established codes to provide context for the event, while adding a modern twist to the design. I think we’ve done this very well!’ The success of the website, as well as the positive feedback from the PiMUN community mirrors the genuine complicity between the people involved in the project. Says Marine: ‘Thank you everyone for this experience! Our team is lovely and I think we were all very involved in this project. While not being an ASG, I really felt carried away by the energy in the team. We still need better communication, but as we have laid down our basis and are very driven, let’s jump on it! Well done, team!

SENIOR EXECUTIVE UPDATE : UPCOMING EVENTS Café de l’Engagement Etudiant PiMUN has been asked to participate in the Café de l’Engagement Etudiant, an event organized by the Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, on the university campus. Yin the 5th arrondissement (metro line 7, stop at Censier Daubenton) from 12 am to 3.30 pm on Friday December 12th. During the event, we will be providing passing students with information about our organization and the PiMUN event.

Three of our staff members will be present, but you are all encouraged to come to the event and help us promote PiMUN. The more, the merrier! The Café de l’Engagement Etudiant will take place in the lobby of the Centre Censier at 13, rue Santeuil.

Networking and Visits In December will start visits to potential venues, appointments with current or prospective partners. For better organization and coordination of those visits, please refer to USGs of teams involved and be ready or available to join the visits. As one of our main goal this year, we would tremendously

appreciate any intiative to help us fostering and sustaining with individuals and organizations. We trust in your support in any type of networking situation to help us promote PiMUN and our values.

Staff recruitment In December will begin the recruitment of volunteers for the conference. If you know any of motivated and reliable friends who

The website is well organized, clear and user-friendly. As you fill in the website, I’m sure it is going to be even better and if there could be more pictures! - Panuga Pulenthiran, Press Corp PiMUN 2014

January 2013 - Newsletter Template

Applications and Committees, PiMUN has received donations from Sciences Po Paris and the ILERI. Subsidies requests have been submitted to other organizations.

December: Staff Recruitment begins December 12th : Café de l’Engagement Etudiant event at the Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3 December 20th : Chair applications campaign closes December 25th: Christmas

PIMUN SOIREE You were quite a lot to join the social drinks event last Friday at the Hideout Bar Châtelet, in the heart of the capital to get to know each other in person and your Secretariat executives. We also had the pleasure to welcome members of the Pôle PanthéonSorbonne pour les Nations Unies, the MUN association of the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. One of our USG’s even had his birthday celebrated by surprise by the group! Watch out, you might be next!

Overall, the website is really good. The colors are eye-catching and promote a feeling of relaxation and comfort. The navigation is simple and effective and the content is clear. However, the website lacks a bit of illustrations except for the slideshow below the navigation menu and the photos of the USGs and the SG, which may discourage reading of the committees presentation page for instance. - Arthur Loréal ILERI Student and PiMUN 2014 Staff


Chair Applications closing As you all know now, the Chair Applications recruitment campaign has begun on the PiMUN website on November 17th. We are proud to announce receiving announce receiving 31 applications so far, however if you know someone who would make an excellent Chair for one of the committees, please do refer them to us.

November 20th : Chair Registrations Opens

Finance Thanks to the efforts of our USGs for Instutional Relations, Finance,

PIMUN ALUMNI REACT I really really really like the design of the webpage. I especially like how clean the layout is -- things are not jumbled together and I think the colors really help with this too. I love the top scroll down bars with the pictures underneath it, which make the website easy to navigate. Overall, it looks really user friendly and professional. - Emilie Ronald, ASG Communications - Community Manager PiMUN 2014

would like to staff during PiMUN, please refer them to us.


January 2013 - Newsletter Template


CALL TO ACTION! We believe that we can all create an even stronger community. Where every incredible content s rewarded, where our organization grows by telling stories that people love. We have created a visually attractive, interactive newsletter to provide our team with all the latest achievements every month of the year. We try to reward each member of our staff for their hard, dedicated work they do in the organizing We hope you’ll come build that community along with us. Check out some solutions we thought about below. • How does working at PiMUN benefit your goals and aspirations? Like Marine (page 4), we would love to hear more about yourself! • Do you have an insider story to tell us? How do you feel working in your team? Feel free to email us with insights about your experience working at PiMUN. We like to hear different perspectives!

We would love to hear your feedback about our newsletter so that we


can continue to improve it. We will select a few questions and answer them in the next issue. What do you think about this issue? What did you like best, or didn’t like? What is your vision of community? We always appreciate our readers sharing their points of view. and help us being better at we do.

In the spirit of collecting feedback, We’d love to know if you found this

post helpful. Please kindly share your thoughts to: coordination@pimun.fr!

• Are you thinking of someone who you think should deserve a spotlight in our newsletter? Please refer them to us with a message detailing why this person deserves to be acknowledged. • Is there a particular issue you want to write about? We welcome any initiatives to write personal contributions in our newsletter to share with the rest of the PiMUN team. • Do you remember of fun or compelling moments during meetings with your team? Feel free to email us with any quote, thought or ideas. Pictures also speak a thousand words. • 6

January 2013 - Newsletter Template

January 2013 - Newsletter Template



January 2013 - Newsletter Template

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