ITTP'S March Newsletter

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ITTIP Monthly Newsletter

March 2013

Monthly Megabite INSPIRS, Cohort III: Begins Blended Learning Experience

Up-Coming Events March 2nd & 9th

FreshAir Workshops, Richmond, VA

March 5th Integrating Reading & Writing Webinar

The third cohort for Integrating Nature of Science and Physical Science in Instruction in Rural Schools (INSPIRS) began its blended learning experience on Saturday, February 2nd. The participants met in ITTIP’s training room for a full day’s learning on ways to incorporate the Nature of Science and inquiry based learning into their current classrooms. The participants learned how to integrate resources and tools provided through the MSP grant. Some of the teachers joined the cohort as collaborative teachers from the same schools. Teachers shared ways they would incorporate the probeware for more hands-on, inquiry based lessons into their classroom practices. The face to face training continued the following Saturday, February 9th. During this time the teachers continued learning and becoming comfortable with their tools and resources to fold inquiry and the Nature of Science into their pedagogies. Continued on page 3

March 23rd SparkFun Bus Visits Longwood March 26th- ITTIP Presents at SITE 27th Conference, New Orleans March 27th SVRTC Awards Banquet, Longwood University

What to find in this month’s Megabite: Page 1 INSPIRS Cohort III Page 2 Upcoming SVRTC Banquet Page 3 SparkFun Microcontrollers Event Page 3 Science Video Recruitment

Above: Teachers use their dual force sensors to design a strong bridge.

Page 4 Virginia STEM Connect

Enabling Today’s Teachers to Educate Tomorrow’s Leaders 1

ITTIP Monthly Newsletter

March 2013

SVRTC Annual Technology Awards Banquet The Institute is still accepting registrations for the Seventh Annual SVRTC Technology Awards Banquet to be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at Longwood University starting at 11:30 am in the Nance room of the Dorrill Dining Hall. The registration fee is $20.00 per registrant (this fee includes the cost of lunch and parking). Registration for this event can be found online (please note that there is no paper registration form, you MUST register online): Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email from the ITTIP offices. The deadline to register is Friday, March 8, 2013. If your division is part of SVRTC and has not nominated your colleagues for all of our awards, please be sure to do so. We want to make sure that all of the divisions are recognized for their efforts in technology and education. You can find more information about the individual awards on the SVRTC website and/or obtain the awards nomination forms. The nominations MUST be submitted to ITTIP offices. You can contact Barbara Scott ( or Christina Keeney ( with questions or with nominations.

Inspiring Coders in ITTIP takes Technology Around Education the World Our nation has been talking about the lack of students being prepared for computer science jobs that we will need to fill now and the growing numbers we will need to fill in the future. is a non-profit foundation dedicated to help promote the need for growth of education in computer science. In their effort to engage students, educators, and schools to spread the interest in computer science, they have put together several versions of a video to help spread awareness and growth in this field. Whether you have one, five, or nine minutes, take the time to visit to learn about some people that were inspired by computer science experiences and the products they have come up with!


ITTIP Monthly Newsletter

March 2013

SparkFun: Microcontrollers Workshop The ITTIP is excited to present a wonderful opportunity for middle and high school students in SVRTC school divisions. ITTIP is sponsoring the SparkFun experts to come to Longwood and teach local students about Arduino! Go from blinking an LED to virtual prototyping in seven hours and still have time to eat lunch! This class is for anyone who has never played around with Arduino before and those who have played around a little bit but aren't entirely sure about how the basics work. It's easier than you think! During the class we will put together basic single component electrical circuits, learn about analog and digital, input and output, basic programming concepts, practice very basic Serial communication, and briefly cover basic virtual prototyping. Students will create simple circuits highlighting analog and digital forms of input and output. Get started with the Arduino programming environment, briefly discuss programming and virtual prototyping. Depending on class interest, Arduino-related educational techniques may be discussed as well. Date: March 23, 2013 Time: 8:00 to 4:00 PM Location: Longwood University, Farmville, VA Available Spots: 16 Registration Link: Participants will take an Arduino board home. There are 8 spots left! (Lunch will be provided. Transportation is not.)

Exemplar Science Teacher Videos The ITTIP is looking for exemplar Science teachers to document their inquiry based classroom lesson. Teachers will need to provide a lesson plan, a video recorded lesson and teacher interview, as well as parental permission and video release forms from their students. The teachers that provide these things will receive a $100 stipend, as well as their lesson plan and video highlighted and shared on a website! Teachers may provide their own recordings, but ITTIP staff is also available to come to their school and record for them. If you, or someone you know, may be interested, please contact Stephanie ( or Paula ( for more information.

INSPIRS III (continued) INSPIRS Cohort III, will continue their learning through hands-on assignments and an online learning community, created on ITTIP’s Moodle site. The course facilitator, Stephanie Playton, says “The participants are already doing such a wonderful job! It is great to hear how they are incorporating the inquiry tools and Nature of Science into their classrooms.” The teachers will continue their learning online until early May. On May 18th, the participants will join INSPIRS Cohort I and II at a summit held at Longwood University. They will share their successes and challenges of their integrated unit plans.


ITTIP Monthly Newsletter

March 2013

Cohort II Recruitment for Virginia STEM CoNNECT: Summer 2013 The VA STEM Collaborative Nurturing Network to Enhance Content-focused Teacher (VA STEM CoNNECT) project is a collaborative partnership that included ITTIP at Longwood University, along with nine other institutions across the state. ITTIP will be offering professional development and implementation of integrated STEM concepts into the curriculum. Grades K-8 mathematics and science teachers from the following school divisions are eligible to participant in this opportunity: Amelia, Brunswick, Charlotte, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Patrick, and Pittsylvania. Activities of the grant will include: 

5- day professional development institute July 15-19, 2013 at Longwood University focused on the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through: 

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL), Understanding by Design (UbD), the 5e Learning Cycle

Training on software and probeware to integrate into a STEM unit

Lesson plan development using connections among STEM in the classroom, adapting unit exemplars for classroom use, and design and build challenges

Online support and training during the school year

Classroom follow-up during the school year by ITTIP faculty

One-day STEM summit in June 2014

Teachers will receive: 

$600 stipend upon completion of year-long activities

75 recertification points upon completion of year-long activities

Software and probeware

Resources for IBL, PBL, UbD and 5e strategies

Web publication of STEM units for statewide distribution

Registration for this opportunity is done online:


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