ITTIP February 2019

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Google Expeditions: Kits Visit the Virginia Children’s Book Festival During the month of October, Longwood University has been hosting the annual Virginia Children’s Book Festival (VCBF), a non-profit organization committed to nurturing life-long readers.

Upcoming events

On its 5th anniversary, October 17-19, 2018, the Longwood cammiddle school students from vari-

Above: Student enjoys using Google Expedition to help experience the landing on the moon.

ous Virginia counties to celebrate

Tammy Hurt, to support the use of

books and their authors through

Google Expeditions (virtual real-

workshops and short programs.

ity) through a program collabora-

pus filled with elementary and

tion with author, Brian Floca, as he This year’s event provided an op-

shared his picture book, Moonshot,

portunity where ITTIP was asked

a book about the Apollo 11 flight

to partner with Prince Edward

to the moon.

educators, Barbara Rice and During the three sessions, Floca and Rice took turns between reading and talking about the book and its development and guiding students through virtual tours of some of the locations and artifacts discussed or researched during the book development. Approximately Above: Author, Brian Floca, begins his presentation on his book, Moonshot.

The mission of ITTIP is to transform teaching and learning in PK-12 classrooms through the use of technology by providing high-quality professional development for educators and engaging programs for students, in order to maximize their learning experiences and opportunities in a globally competitive workforce.

160 students got to enjoy Floca’s short program with the Google Expeditions experience led by Rice.

Feb 19 STEM with Girl Scouts, Chesterfield, VA Feb 20 SVRTC Meeting, Nottoway High School Mar 4,5 Offices Closed Mar 5 STEAM Night, Bonner Middle School, Danville, VA Mar 6 EdTechRVA, Richmond,VA Mar 16 GEM PD, Longwood University Mar 21 SVRTC Banquet, Longwood University Apr 17 SVRTC Meeting, Nottoway High School In This Issue Page 1 Google Expeditions Page 2 Book Study: GEM Page 3 VAST Page 3 STEM with Dash Page 3 EdTechRVA 2019 Page 4 STEM and CS in Dinwiddie


February 2019 Megabite - Longwood University ITTIP

ITTIP is excited to offer an

there are spots for this opportunity.

March 8, 2019.

8-week, blended learning book

The current pool of pre-registrants

study to teachers in grades 4-8

is under review and final partici-

ITTIP recognizes this profes-

from SVRTC school divisions. The

pants will be notified no later than

sional development model to

book study opportunity was an-

be of high interest to teachers

nounced at an SVRTC meeting in

in southside Virginia and will

October and had an overwhelming

consider future programs with

response. The recruitment survey

this model. In the meantime,

was closed less than one-week

be on the lookout for other op-

later with almost three-times the

portunities through the ITTIP

amount of interested teachers as

and SVRTC networks. Above: Excerpt from the GEM solicitation.

Scratch 3.0 The time has come. The Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 on January 2, 2019. The new launch brings dozens of new sprites, backgrounds and sounds to the online coding platform, as well as new extension libraries. Other new features include text to speech and translation options, updated tutorials, improved audio and image editing, in-line deletes, and video sensing. If you have never heard of or used Scratch 3.0 , head on over to the website to learn more! Scratch 3.0 could be just what you are looking for to engage your students in coding, storytelling, and more!

February 2019 Megabite - Longwood University ITTIP

Dr. Leach Presents at VAST PDI On Thursday, November 15, 2018,


Dash Visits STEAM Class

that students can use to practice

Students in the STEAM Club at

Dr. Leach presented a pre-confer-

data analysis. But one of the re-

Longdale Elementary in Henri-

ence workshop session with Dr.

ally cool features about CODAP

co County had the opportunity

Virginia Lewis, Associate Profes-

is that students are able to input

to use Dash Robots, thanks to

sor of Mathematics Education, at

data that they collected or pull in

ITTIP. The hour-long ses-

the annual Virginia Association of

other data sets. This opens up the

sion held on January 17, 2019

Science Teachers (VAST) Profes-

uses for teachers, especially in the

was led by Dr. Leach and had

sional Development Institute in

science class, as they can easily

students attending from grades

Williamsburg, VA. The 1.5 hour

combine data sets from multiple

3-5. While the students had

session, Data Science: Integrat-

classes for analysis. It also al-

some exposure to using robots

ing Science, Math, and Workplace

lows for easy collaboration across

such as Code and Go Mouse

Skills, was presented to middle

subject areas, for instance, al-

and Ozobots, for most of them

school science teachers and fo-

lowing math teachers to use data

this was their first time using

cused on using CODAP for data

that students actually collected in

Dash and block coding.

analysis in the science classroom.

science class and provide relevant data sets for the students to work

With an hour for the session,

CODAP (Common Online Data

with as they are learning new con-

Dr. Leach started with an

Analysis Platform) is a free web-

cepts in math class.

introduction about robots and

based software developed by Con-

then moved into practice on

cord Consortium for data analysis,

giving clear directions with an

specifically for use in grades 6 -12. The software includes data sets

EdTECHRVA 2019 Conference Registration for EdTechRVA 2019 is open! What should you do next? You could: 1. Find more details on their conference page or go directly to the online registration and register! 2. Find them on Twitter for a chance to retweet their registration post for a chance to win a Tile!

(continued page 4) Left: Students work together to code Dash robot.


February 2019 Megabite - Longwood University ITTIP

Dash Visits STEAM Class (cont.)

STEM and Computer Science at Dinwiddie Elementary STEM and computer science

unplugged activity with students

integrations are still underway

giving voice directions to guide

with Dinwiddie Elementary’s 4th

their teacher to throw away a piece grade classrooms in collaboration with ITTIP staff. While the initiaof paper. They quickly saw the importance of using specific, short tive focuses on computer science directions! Once Dash Robot was and STEM career awareness for introduced, the students worked

students, it is also important that

in pairs as they figured out the

a project outcome includes facili-

Puzzle Path activities provided

tating classroom and resources

in the Blockly app - taking turns

teachers to use and implement

being the robot handler and the

tools and lessons on their own to

coder. The students were then

build capacity for future teaching

given a challenge to code their

and learning.

Dash to introduce himself to the class using at least three differ-

Above: A student engages in dialog about a book with another classroom from North Carolina while a 4th grade teacher faciliates the discussion over Google Hangouts.

In October and November, 4th

ent features (i.e. voice, movement, graders participated in the Global Read Aloud. They read “A Boy sensors, etc.). Called Bat” at the same time as Apparently, the session was a great other children from around the world! As part of this global expesuccess as several students were heard telling their parents it was

rience, students took part in week-

“the best STEAM Club yet” and

ly online video discussions with a

“we need to buy a Dash Robot!”

classroom in North Carolina.

In December as part of the curriculum on planets, students participated in a live stream with an astronaut from the International Space Station (ISS) and then in January did a planet exploration with Google Expeditions. Learning experiences with ITTIP staff and 4th grade students will continue throughout the 2018-19 school year. Below: While students enjoyed the virtual reality on planets, so did principal, Mr. Roberts and ITRT, Pam Ferrell.

Above: Students showcase their coded robots to their peers.

Above: Students watch a live stream from an astronaut on the ISS. In this picture, the astronaut is showing students what water does in the ISS.

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