NBA Special Edition

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with a Twist Tarot Time by Asherah

The Universe dictates certain elements of what we perceive as ‘time’ and ‘space’ and during that time and space we are obliged by our very being-ness to heed certain laws. At this time there are but two things required of us and how we do it, and what it means, is up to each individual. The first act

required is to simply have Faith in Faith. The second act is for us to ask ourselves what we expect from ourselves. Not from others, but from the “I and I” our own knowingness, our own conscience. If you can answer those two questions the third will come about all on its’ own. *At the time of this writing the moon is in Scorpio* if you know your moon sign read it as well, it will provide a deeper layer of understanding to your task at hand.

EARTH Taurus 4/20-5/20

LADIES: Time of reflections are upon you and you wonder what you really want for yourself in all aspects of your life. Your financial future looks brighter than you know, if you would just take the time to stop and be present in the life you are trying so desperately to create. GENTLEMEN: The Taurus male who always wants to give the illusion of control finally has the reality of it. Being near water soothes you, because it helps you see the oneness of everything. I’d think you must be quite a peaceful bull right now, even if you are making what may appear to be spur of the moment decisions.

Virgo 8/23-9/22

LADIES: A female who is typically driven and a real go getter, why are you trying to hard to do it all at once? You are hiding the fact that you are tired even from yourself but others can see it and they are concerned for you. GENTLEMEN: And you, Mr. Perfectionist... Rome was not built in a day! I’d suggest a strong dose of cotton wool wrapped around your entire body to help protect you from the warped speed that you are trying to move at. Haven’t you ever heard who won the race? It wasn’t the hare. Each race is made of what you choose to make it. The finish line is always the same.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

LADIES: Love and more love, huh? Whom, might I ask, are you so into loving right now? Okay... so you are not flying off the deep end and you are not moving too quickly, both great traits to practice. Just be careful of moving so slowly that the object of your affection thinks you don’t care. GENTLEMEN: Can you have everything you want and desire? It depends on how big your plate is, I guess! You’re at a good place right now, but remember- this is not your crossroad alone. There are always other people at the opposite side. You’d be wise to look both ways before leaping.

AIR Gemini 5/21-6/21

GENTLEMEN: So funny. As I was getting ready to write this, I kept hearing “if you are happy and you know it clap your hands” and then I pulled the tarot card of the Sun for you. How nice. A happy Aries ram is always a pleasant thing, and this good mood should stay with you for a while. Well done! LADIES: How do you ‘try’ to be more simply BE more loving. Reaching out to others should be a joyous experience right now, not a burden. If it is a burden then you need to reconsider what you are giving and why.

Libra 9/23-10/22

LADIES: Justice, the very card of the archetype of Libra. The scales, the balance, the sheer why’s and wherefore’s of it all. I am put in mind of the character played by Rupert Everett in “My Best Friend’s Wedding”.... listen to those who love you and you will come out ahead even if you don’t like what they say.

GENTLEMEN: Putting on a brave face? Why? Is something bothering you and you don’t want people to think you are weak? They already know and they have tried to help you but no... everything is just fine with you! *The above is meant to be read in a very sarcastic tone of voice*

Aquarius 1/20-2/18

GENTLEMEN: Taking care of others comes naturally to you and admirably so. I’d advise you to wear a lot of bright colors so that you can keep negativity at a minimum. Most would tell you white light but you are an Aquarius. White won’t work as well for you. LADIES: Being the shining star has never come so naturally to you as it does now. Let your natural beauty shine. Let the newfound glory of your inner peacefulness be all that you could ever wish it to be.

GENTLEMEN: Why so sad? Who got betrayed here? Did others honestly betray you, or did you do the betraying yourself because you refused to heed the warnings screaming in your head. It’s time for a change!

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

LADIES: Being wise and watching where you walk and HOW you walk...could prevent you from stepping face first into the mud. The clouds you see around will soon disappear and bright days are ahead. But you can only see them if you look up! Surely you aspire to be more: what that is only you can decide. The flip side of fear is love. GENTLEMEN: Choices, decisions...peace of mind. If you have none, do or make some of the above and you will find serenity again.

GENTLEMEN: So you are into the looking back of it all as well. Must be something in the air. New business ventures will be successful don’t be afraid to venture forth. LADIES: “I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair” not all men are bad! I’ll agree that they take some understanding and getting used to, but they are as human as are and they have feelings too. You get more with sugar than you do with honey.

Leo 7/23-4/19

Scorpio 10/23-11/22

LADIES: The old has gone, long vanquished from your life, why would you allow any of it back in now? You’ve grown so much, come so look behind you will only serve to trip you and nothing goes down so hard as a Leo lady in distress. You only have yourself to gain, after all.

Pisces 2/19-3/20

LADIES: Do you know the way to San Jose? Such an old song but so fitting for you. You think you are done moving around but sorry-no dice. Be careful though be sure you are making right choices for right reasons and not to just to be making a choice for the sake of making one. GENTLEMEN: Are you please at the way things look around you now? I hope so. You should be feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at a job well done, with all bases covered and ample time to sit back and just be content.

WATER Cancer 6/22-7/22

GENTLEMEN: Controlling your life is of paramount importance to you, and recently this may have been a problem as the lives of others have not gone the same way as yours. Not to worry, all things will swing back into balance soon enough and you will be able to rest comfortably in your shell once again. LADIES: How your meal comes out onto your table and how it tastes depends very much on what you put into it. Is your table as well presented as you’d like? Are your favorite dishes on there? If not, why not??

FIRE Aries 3/21-4/19

just step out boldly and go forth where no man has gone before. LADIES: Dear ladies... please see above. You are every bit as potent right now as your male counterparts. Watch out world!

GENTLEMEN: For my own reasons I was certainly looking forward to what Scorpio male would have to say for himself, and my oh my, he is feeling very strong indeed. Opening up the chakras is possible for him in a way he has always dreamed of but didn’t think could happen. It can and it will if you’d

PhotoPainting by Miloslav Zmrzly

Tarot Time© is written for males and females of each sign in hopes that we may somehow utilize and thereby appreciate the unique differences between the sexes. If I and I- as we say in my home country of Jamaica- can accomplish that I have accomplished much. This is how it works: we are divided into four “elements” earth, air, fire and water. Then in each of those-for example a Taurus is an ‘Earth’ sign- you will find the horoscope for males and for females. Tarot Time is written using the elements, astrology, tarot cards and plain old intuition.

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