Luxy Magazine Summer 2021

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What are you doing to this summer?

Live Long Juice Bar

elevate your health


By: Delicia B. Davis In June 2021, 4 black business bosses

came together to launch a culturally moving business that will change the health and wealth of the Queens community forever! Long Live Juice Bar has taken on a prime spot within Queens, New York, a middle class African American neighborhood that prides itself on being a landmark for personal care. Located on Merrick boulevard at the intersection of everyday self care stops such as medical offices, gyms, supermarkets, salons, barbers, gas stations, eateries and more- this one stop vegan spot is sure to elevate your eating style! “Juicing is a lifestyle,” co-owner, Kenyatta states when I finally sat down to have a sip. “One thing you can’t buy is your health. We wanted an all vegan juice bar to inform the community with action.” This team of young entrepreneurs include Darell Craig, Raymond Daniel, Kenyatta Lewis, and Devon Davis; all residents of Queens. What stands out most is that all four of these men began their journey to open a juice bar as individuals, then came together to see the vision through. It is quite a feat to run a small business with such a great number of leaders. This team thrives on having a true sense of purpose. “Health amongst the community is to have someone order a Money Green instead of a bacon, egg, and cheese in the morning,” Devon says. Money Green is a power drink infused with bananas, spinach, peanut butter, almond milk, and vanilla protein. It is known to nourish and energize. Long Live Juice Bar is now available on most food delivery apps, from Door Dash to Grub Hub and Uber Eats to Postmates. They offer dine-in seating, take out, pick up, and delivery. They serve delicious all-vegan empanatas and host a vegan chef all day on Fridays. Visit this hot spot on 131-20 Merrick Boulevard in Queens, New York during the summer, fall, winter, or spring!

Get Lit!

“The Bench”

Lit-erature that Is! Books & Beverages all day is The Luxe Library way!

is a children’s picture book written by Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, about the loving connection diverse children have with this bench and their dads. It was published on June 8, 2021 by Random House Children’s Books. Meghan narrates the audiobook of the story and features watercolor illustrations throughout the story by illustrator Christian Robinson.

Pop culture icons, Dwayne Wade Jr. and Gabrielle Union take their baby’s hand at writing a children’s book inspired by our favorite little kid, their daughter, Kaavia James. The NBA superstar and award-winning actress have branded their baby from the fashion she wears to the hairstyles that make us stare. Now, we can fall in love with the words and art of a family that gives us everyday laughs on social media and television, in “Shady Baby” illustrated by Tara Nicole Whitaker.

“Dear Journal, Does My Life Matter?” is the next sizzlin’ hot read

in the “Dear Diary, Book Series” written by Delicia B. Davis, and releasing in 2021. It follows Diesel Brooks, a young African American boy who is introduced as the love interest in “Dear Diary, The Bullying Won’t Stop” as he faces questions about his existence. “Does My Life Matter?” he asks himself as he wakes up wounded in a hospital bed. In efforts to escape the ongoing pain, he seeks to find love, comfort, and safety in a world seeming to offer anything but. This story mirrors the current racial justice movement offering an intensely close look at race, society and politics as seen through the eyes of a young black man. Check it out at

Dating Discussions

On Role Reversal: Can a Man Be “Homemaker” and his woman the “Breadwinner” in a modern Relationship? By: Anyeny Cabral UNPOPULAR OPINION Let’s start off by stating that I personally do not mind anyoneregardless of gender- prioritizing their right to take care of home nor to manage the household finances. The fact that there are gender constraints on who collects and counts money better versus who has the most time to tend to the house and kids, is truly beyond my understanding. As a woman, I would gladly accept the role of a homemaker. What woman wouldn’t want to dedicate a significant part of her life to organizing, tending to, and nurturing their home? However, if I found a passion project, business idea, or job opportunity that inspires me to utilize my great talents outside the home, I would certainly want to take it on head first and wouldn’t want anyone’s rigid gender roles standing in my way. Point is, I could absolutely see the roles reversed in a modern relationship- several times throughout our lives even. Life isn’t meant to cage us into one position for all of eternity. We must switch it up sometimes, lend support when our partners need it, and grow as individuals both inside the home and out. But never mind my unpopular ideology about gender roles and let’s check the facts!

HOMEMAKER VS. BREADWINNER Homemaker is defined as a noun, known best in the North American region as a person, especially a woman, who manages the home. The definition itself breeds a gender stereotype that we must work hard to break. Breadwinner is the person who earns money to provide for their entire family, typically the sole individual in this role. Now it’s quite apparent that both roles are necessary to truly live in comfort and with peace of mind. But who determines who does what? And why must only one person hold each role? Why must men struggle to uphold their end as breadwinners when they may have desires or a skill set designed to provide

hands-on care to their families? And who decided that women have no value beyond the confines of their home? It’s sickening to think that such important jobs have been predetermined for us. Laws and income brackets, stereotypes and judgments have all ruled our free world for much too long. Men have experienced tremendous pressure to gain skills, knowledge, education, and incomes that impress women just so they can score a date or even qualify to enter the dating scene. I get it- but is there not more to a man than his earnings? Meanwhile, most women I know are go-getters and want to explore the endless possibilities to thrive in the workforce. We cannot knock a woman for that!

THE RULES OF THE ROLES As more and more have been enpowered by single parenthood, entrepreneurship, and working class status; we can see our world changing before our eyes. These reversed roles create a huge change in societal gender norms as well as a staggering job market that has led more men to take on the role of caretaker. Men are now stepping out of their stereotypical norms to give care to children, parents, and family as a whole. Now, it is understandable that men want to avoid comments from women such as, “I make more money than you” or, “I could do whatever I want because I make my own money.” But what about if we monetized the role of a homemaker? What if we placed higher value on a man who can keep up with the daily tasks of managing a home, caring for children, creating schedules, feeding his family, and keep it all neatly together? I’d call that, living the dream. If all I had to do was head out and work, then come home to a clean house, all would be well. But unfortunately, with the climbing costs of living, raising children, food, cars, and all the extracurricular activities it may take to truly enjoy this life- in often cases, partners may have to pitch in and play both roles.

HISTORIC NON-FICTION Women have been labeled as “gold diggers” for too long. This term stems from a traditional belief that men are responsible for “taking care” of their woman financially. As we face a transition among gender roles, women have proven to be equipped for it all! As of the late 90’s to

early 2000’s, women have become much likely to have an education and a flourishing career. With the laws drastically changing since the 1950s and roles differing greatly from the times when women couldn’t work or vote, female empowerment is at an all time high. The income of most women is slowly climbing to reach and someday surpass that of a man.

MONEY OVER MAN Though money is just a means to live life comfortably and earn material pleasure, most men and women use it as measure of ones characteristics and stability. However, unpopular opinion states, money should never be the priority when choosing a life partner. As the definition of breadwinners shifts, and a man earns less than his woman, tension may arise from the unconventionality of this new structure. Men seem weakened and women seem unsecured. But who are we to judge a person based on the income he brings in alone? Or the notion that a woman is only good behind her four walls? What about good will, character, spiritual values, skillsets, ambition, respect for others, and most of all- love? Society often boxes us into categories and roles that keep us stuck until we mentally free ourselves. We are programmed to believe, “man is the provider” and that he holds all control of the children, the household, and the entire family. Meanwhile, women are known to cook, clean house, be a loving mother and at times, a good supportive wife. With this traditional role in mind from childhood until now, it may be hard to come to grips with a major financial setback in the home causing the leading Homemaker to take on a new role as Breadwinner. But know it or not, modern families are often set up this way. In many cases, when roles first reverse, one of both partners may feel inadequate or out of place. This has been the cause of the divorce rate increasing as many traditional minded folks could not get comfortable in their recent roles.

bosses. We are becoming entrepreneurs worldwide and wages for women are breaking into to new tax brackets.

REVERSE. REWIND. FAST FORWARD. When women earn more, it may cause men some social emotional stress as they face a new normal. However, with acceptance, they will find that a financial burden is lifted. Other benefits can be established as well. With a woman as the breadwinner, and the man becoming more supportive to kids and the home, couples will discover new skills, new passions, and an entirely new normal. Shifting family structures, including same sex marriage, has brought about changing gender roles in recent years. A new understanding of household roles need to be made. Most importantly, the roles should chosen by those meant to carry them out, and not by society as a whole. Personal choice between partners should be the only factor in determining the gender roles in a relationship.

WORLD VIEWS Relationships are complicated but overall, communication helps clarify it. When approacing a changing attitude toward the “male breadwinner” and “female homemaker” model, it is important to define what these terms mean to us. They may have physical, emotional, social, generational or financial attachments that shape any form of resistance. With understanding of the couple’s or family’s overall goals, it is possible for this ideology to be reversed. Today, we have the power of choice. Choose to love your partner and choose a partner who loves you. With common goals in mind, as long as everyone’s itching in, it shouldn’t matter what you do. “As long we have an equal understanding and we alternate task, chores, and even bills, I don’t care who takes what role” said by a clinical supervisor from a woman’s rehabilitaton facility. I wholly agree, the best way to get it done in today’s society is as a team.

When a woman is positioned as the breadwinner and does not value her man beyond his money, it may feel like she can provide more, take away his role, or strip him of any control. Without true love and value for your partner, you may feel you don’t need him anymore and inconsequentially, he may feel not needed anymore. Men often identify with domination and leadership which is best expressed in their financial or professional areas of life. It is important to discuss these changing roles and the impact it has on each individual within the relationship. “Couples who both work are happier, right up until the point where the female partner starts to out-earn her husband, then marital satisfaction dips and divorce rates increase,” says feminist, Jill Filipovic in an article about “Breadwinning Moms” for “Forty percent of family breadwinners are, in fact, women. But majority of that- two thirds- are single moms.” This implies that many women have been forced t o into their roles as head of household and have been empowered to step their game up.

MIND OVER MADAM More than 40 percent of women are now the breadwinners for their families. The number of women staying home full-time has decreased. When asked the leading question, 35-year-old wife and nurse practioner says, “That’s what I’ve got and it works!” As a Latin American woman myself, I too have no problem reversing roles with my partner. Now in 2021 more than ever, women are opening up businesses and becoming their own

Dear Luxy, ADVICE COLUMN YOU’VE GOT QUESTIONS? WE’VE GOT ANSWERS! Sumbit pressing questions to or on Instagram to receive expert advice from Advice columnist and Certified Therapist, Madison McKenzie, MSW.

Luxy Magazine Shines a Spotlight on its Founder!

Delicia B. Davis

Mom. Mogul. Mastermind. By: Xikira Harley Luxy Magazine is the most creative literary concept I have seen in years! For so long, I have wanted to partake in magazine editing, journalism, fashion editorials, photography, and more! With the fashion and media industries so hard to break into- even with education and experience, I never imagined I’d ever gain my dream opportunity. However, with the inception of The Luxe Library’s Magazine Club in 2021; where kids, teens, and creative adults can all contribute to a lifestyle magazine that caters to readers seeking their highest quality of life; there was finally a chance. This summer, I have taken interest in editorial writing to express and explore my greatest interests, in which I owe it all to the Luxy Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Delicia B. Davis. is best known as the award-winning Author of the young adult “Dear Diary, Book Series”, a NYC Educator, and most recently, as Founder of The Luxe Library, a multi-genre publishing company that provides social experiences for book lovers of all ages. She has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, ABC’s Good Morning America, Starz’ POWER, and NY1 News, amongst others. She has received her Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Media Studies and Journalism, is Mental Health First Aid Certified in Youth and Adult care obtained a Masters of Science (MS) in Education, and has gained resourceful experience in the business of arts & entertainment having worked for BET News, Liberty Studios, The Food Network, Cox Enterprises, NYC Parks & Recreation, and currently with the NYC Department of Education- but that’s all common knowledge. What we don’t usually see is her daily grind as a mother of twins, a cheer coach, producer, actress, model, media mastermind and more. Her creativity is unmatched and this untouched gem is finally set to be discovered! This summer, we shine a sizzlin’ spotlight on The Luxe Library’s Founder, to learn all about her vision for the library, upcoming literary works, and the modern learning opportunities she is developing. We hope to get into some of her personal anecdotes as well!

XH: What made you want to produce Luxy Magazine ? DD: My sons and I are extremely creative beings. We spend our leisure time reading, writing, drawing, dancing, swimming and cooking rather than using it idly. So this magazine was not just work for us, it was truly a passion project, our proudest work of art. Due to my strict upbringing, I’ve always enjoyed much of my life making use of my mind rather than materials. And as much as I hate to say it, it’s paid off. Today, when I think about having fun, engaging youth, and educating

the masses; I often look within my heart, head, and soul rather than outside. So as we quarantined at home from March of 2020 until now, awaiting the public opening of our newly launched business, The Luxe Library, we began to consider a more worthy cause we could contribute our time and talents to. We considered the book club for kids, teen talk, a book club for singles, another for couples, and a book lovers wine club, all of which we executed and proved great success. However, our mission to empower, educate, and entertain was difficult to identify through virtual events and Zoom meetings alone. We wanted to send a clear, concise message that kept all of our members and participants connected to an honorable cause, timely cultural responses, and educational value. Hence, we birthed, Luxy Magazine, a seasonal publication for kids and adults that offers “literature for luxurious living”. Within the pages of this print and digital magazine, readers will gain a worldwide perspective on many of life’s toughest social, academic, and political challenges while learning how to overcome them in order to live the highest quality of life possible. We hope to create a community of literary enthusiasts that truly value their peace, their passions, and their purpose.

XH: Why did you want to include youth in this magazine? DD: The Luxe Library and Luxy Magaxine was built off of a premise that “youth need more”. As a troubled youngster myself, I often craved the support of role model leaders, secure social spaces, and positive content that that would guide my decision making in the midst of adolescence and young adulthood.

Through my role as an Author and Educator, and now a lifestyle magazine editor- I commit my life to educating and entertaining the youth through a simple message that “we all deserve success and have the power within to achieve it.” It seemed further empowering to allow young creatives to take part in the creation of this magazine. As a member of the magazine club- open up all ages- volunteer writers, artists, models and photographers can join an awardwinning publishing team that truly aims to change hearts, minds and lives. Visit for more information.

XH: How do you stay positive as a mother, cheer coach, producer, actress, model, and award winning author? DD: With all the roles I play- from mother to Momager, author to actress, and Coach to creator; I must say, I get extremely overwhelmed. There are times when I feel like I’m doing too much and many other times when I feel it’s not enough at all. Balancing personal and professional habits have not been easy either, especially through the pandemic when bouts of depression hit and all my efforts seemed worthless. But with such an important mission to fulfill, I fight to remain positive each day. One thing I do in the mornings is read and recite positive affirmations- also known as prayers, quotes and memes. This helps me start my day with ending goals in mind. I include quotes throughout the magazine and on my social media pages to share the good vibes as well. I also make to-do lists and delegate tasks accordingly to my family and my team. This allows me to share responsibilities and lighten the load from my shoulders, while including the people I love and trust in the overall mission to win. Finally, I keep positive people around me. People who inspire me, support me, love me, and help me grow. When iron sharpens iron, we all win.

XH: What is next for you and what plans do you have to expand the library? DD: Next up for me, is to keep going. I live to impact and inspire others meaningfully. If this inaugural issue of Luxy Magazine is well received, we can’t wait to do it again- just bigger and better! As for expanding the library, we anticipate moving into our physical space before the end of the year, as soon as it’s safe. We truly hope to create a larger community around our book club for kids, the magazine club, and book lover’s wine club for adults. We will be developing our virtual class agenda to include more offerings such as: book writing, grant writing, scriptwriting, and song writing- which begins the first week of August and is held every Wednesday at 7pm ET. More information on that at Lastly, we will be producing more books! As my sons and I put final touches on the next book in our “Dear Diary” and “The Flower Mojis” series’, inspired by health and racial concerns that arose in 2020, we aim to begin publishing the works of other talented artists. Inquire with us at if interested! As a mother, friend, and inspirational woman, Delicia lives by the words of wisdom she offers her twin sons and her community. As if she hadn’t been given enough titles, I’m adding more- a life and love coach, Delicia’s mission is to share with the world that success is within reach and everyone has the power within, to achieve it. More information at

Absentee Parenting By: Luisa Montalvo PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH LOSS My father passed when I was only 11-years-old. I often felt his loss was much like that of child with an absentee parent. It impacted me greatly because we were so close throughout our lives then with his sudden absence, I struggled to survive the unbreakable attachment we had. These feelings of loneliness and abandonment had stemmed into feelings of depression and created deeper attachment issues within my social relationships.

WHAT’S ABSENTEE PARENTING? An absentee parent refers to a biological parent whom is not present in his or her child or children’s lives. Oftentimes, it is by a parents’ choice, but not always. In some tragic cases, an absence may include the death of a parent. Experiencing the absence of a parent impacts a child’s life in a major way due to the emotional strain it leaves, mental burden, and perhaps financial hardship. According to an article published by Domestic Shelters titled, “Childhood Domestic Violence”, oftentimes, absentee fathers feel the only means to re-enter their child’s life is to support them financially. Meanwhile, mothers want to be personally secure and presentable before reconnecting. Due to the conflict and trauma experienced amongst family members, partners, and even the courts; an absentee parent may not recognize the best approach to presenting themselves in a child’s life again.

EFFECTS ON CHILDREN At most times, young children do not internalize the absence of a parent until they get older. Small children are not able to process the loss or absence of a parent until school age and it begins to take a toll on their social emotional wellness as they grow into adolescents. As a child with an absentee parent gets older, they start to question their own identity and assess their social and personal relationships. They may start to resent the absentee parent and rebel against other caretakers. It is important for the parent or parents that are present, to nurture them and communicate emotional feelings every step of the way. Even the absentee parent can be affected psychologically. It is common for a child without support to develop depression and anxiety if it is not handled delicately. Sometimes, youth may operate on survival mode which may include adverse behaviors such as withdrawing from school, disrespect towards others, lack of communication, drug use, self harm, and joining gang affiliations, amongst others. When a child faces an absence or loss, having a parent that is in their corner, consistently supporting them and addressing difficult emotions, can positively effect social emotional needs.

OVERCOMING ABSENCE Luckily, at any point in a person’s life, there is an opportunity to overcome feelings of absence and abandonment. The most effective way to reconnect with an absent parent or child is to reach out to them, apologize for or express feelings toward the absence, and make a plan for a change. It is very possible for connections to be built, but at times, they are not. For a child to heal from the absence, the parent must heal themselves first; through therapy, rehabilitation, or other support services.

With my surviving parent, my mom, I gained the strength and support necessary to keep on. She did her absolute best and gave me lots of love to go on living. It took quite some time for me to get over my emotional trauma and truly found healing through my spiritual journey. I medidate often, which helps me let go of any pain from the past.

PARENTING ISN’T PERFECT I learned that children of all ages must understand one thing- a parent cannot do more for anyone than they can do for themselves. In other words, you can’t pour from an empty cup! In many circumstamces, parents are facing their own personal struggle to survive- whether mental, emotional, physical or financial. In cases where a parent is unable to care for their child, it is never the child to blame. Instead, the parent has basic needs that have been neglected and have prioritized fulfilling those needs before any other. Not that it is ever excuseable, but it is understandable that a troubled parent may remain absent until they are ready to give their best. However, having experienced the loss of a parent, I would love to share with those who fear entering or re-entering a child’s life, “we don’t expect a perfect person, we just need a parent.” :

Honoring A Hero: DMX


is gone, unreal as it seems, but never forgotten. Earl Simmons, also known as DMX, was a hip hop icon and musical legend that died on April 9, 2021 at the age of 50. After suffering a heart attack on Friday April 2, and living his last days on life support, hundreds of family, friends, fans, and supporters gathered outside the hospital he lain to support him through the tragic time. We honor DMX this summer 2021 because this hip hop legend gave so much of himself to his fans. Through the art of music, we empathized with his pain, his struggle, and the absolute brilliance he portrayed in every song he spit. DMX inspired fans around the world with his passionate performances and raspy voice, always delivering raw emotions through his lyrics and pouring his soul out to his fans with candid prayers. “I just find myself happy with the simple things. Appreciating the blessings God gave me,” was one of many of DMX’s public prayers. As a child raised into poverty with absentee parents, we grew to know and understand his personal struggle and gained lifelong empathy for young brothers growing up with similar hardships. As one of the biggest artists in the late 1990s, DMX “Party Up (Up in here)”, “Ruff Ryder”, “What’s My Name”, “Get At Me Dog” and more. We join the millions of fans worldwide in sending our deepest condolences to his loved ones and the hip hop community.

10 Fun Facts About DMX: Life and Career

1. Born on December 18, 1970 2. Born in Mt. Vernon, Raised in Yonkers, NY 3. DMX stands for Dark Man X 4. American rapper, song writer and actor 5. Started in music industry in 1984 6. Featured in films such as “Belly”, “Romeo Must Die”, & “Cradle 2 the Grave” 7. Album “It’s Dark and Hell is Hot” was #1 on Billboard 200 Chart in the US, sold over 5 million copies 8. Father to 15 children 9. Published a memoir in 2003, “The Autobiography of DMX” 10. Aspired to become a pastor in 2012

Overcoming Race Wars By: Avery Burrell, 9 years old in America not to kill people. One way we can support black lives is to Promote Positivity in our Writing, music, tv shows, movies, plays, and social media posts. We all have the power to promote: positive lifestyles, be honest about our struggles, show diversity, celebrate black excellence, listen to the voices of all youth, create t-shirts that promote peace, spread the gospel, and have peaceful protests from our homes, churches and classrooms using signs. That’s how I will promote positivity and you can too.

CHANGE THE LAWS Another way we can support Black Lives Matter is to change the laws and the lawmakers. I hope to become President of the United States someday because I know best what families need. We want freedom, fairness, and fun. If I were president, I wouldn’t allow bullying because of how anyone looks. I would make sure cops are trained to protect the rights of all people, have a plan to promote peace, and know the consequences of making a mistake like murder. I would make sure these laws are equal for everyone.


So many awful events took place last year from police brutalities, people losing their lives to the coronavirus, black people becoming victims of violent crimes and so much more. Every time my mom turned on the news or I got on TikTok, there were more posts about terrible deaths and more comments that spoke hate. Now in 2021, it’s time to hear how the world is seen from a kid’s point of view. I am a 9-year-old African American boy who was so scared to leave the house last year and not just because of Covid-19 either. I was much more afraid that if I left my house, someone would or could shoot me just because I’m black.

The last way we can overcome the race war we’re in is to educate more people. Most people are judgmental, racist, or bullies because they don’t know or understand people who are different. They can learn more about this diverse world by joining groups like the Book Club for Kids and the Magazine Club at The Luxe Library, which brings creative individuals together from all over the world. To understand others better: read more books, write in journals or diaries, pay attention in school, read magazines and newspapers, finish your homework, and express your feelings through art & exercise. We must do something to overcome these wars of hate and prejudice. Trying these activities can help you support and save not just black lives, but the lives of us all.

Back in March 2020, a black woman named Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her own home for no reason at all. For many months, we waited for justice to be served as more and more African-Americans became victims of the unfair treatment of our society and government. While police officers made a mistake shooting her and offered her family $12 million for her wrongful death, the life of an innocent 26-year-old medical worker is still gone. Then again, Last June, an unarmed African-American man named George Floyd was killed at the knee of a white police officer. This time, it was shared with the world on social media. It was scary for me to witness a human being attacked and killed that way. He couldn’t speak, could barely move, and was not even able to defend himself. I worry a lot about the unfair laws in this country and hope someday they change. As a nine year old boy with dreams, goals, pain and fear; I know now more than ever that we as kids need to step up and do something to help.

PROMOTE POSITIVITY With so many of people dying right before my eyes on social media, I want to send a message loud and clear to the racists

New Single “Summertime” by King Avery Available on all Music Streaming Sites



Toys By: Avion Burrell, 9 years old

Pop Up Party! We may be social distancing yet again this summer but the fun doesn’t have to stop! Grab yourself this awesome Pop Up Fidget Toy and you’ll never get bored! This silicone toy enhances sensory skills by keeping your hands busy for as long as you’d like. Pop it up, push it down, or flip it around for unlimited fun. Find this blend of pop up toy and fidget spinner on! Some come in metallic colors and others light up as they spin!









• GEMS Unscramble the Words Answer Key: Luxy, Summer, Play, Sun

Trends By: Avery Burrell, 9 years old FASHIONABLE FUN! Looking for fashionable summer trends for kids? Tie dye is in and adds a splash of colors that can be worn as a top, bottom, or full body set. Best part is, you can make your own right at home!

TRENDY CRAFTS Purchase your own tie dye gear or get the following materials to create your own! • plain t-shirt

• fabric paints • rubber band

Grab a pair of gloves and let’s get started! Wrap sections of your shirt in rubber bands and ask your parents to help you choose the colors and patterns you like from this awesome YouTube video: Wait about 24 hours for it to fully dry and Bam! You have your own tie dye t-shirt!

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