Architect Projects - February Edition 2019

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Citadel Design and Construction, GOING UNDERGROUND: STUNNING FAMILY HOME IN HIGHGATE With London property developers digging deep to maximize potential some commentators believe we are seeing a new golden age of basements in the capital. However, creating such projects present interesting challenges for developers. Citadel Design and Construction have recently completed this beautiful family home, designed in the style of the art and craft movement and backing onto Highgate Golf Club. They have created a stunning home with six bedrooms on the first and second floors and two large reception rooms with a large kitchen and breakfast area on the ground floor and a lift to all floors.

Architect Projects

And with prime residential space at such a premium in London, Citadel excavated below ground to house the swimming pool, entertainment room and gym in the basement, together with an ancillary plant room and utility room. The entire garden area was also lowered by 1.7m to provide a better view from the ground floor areas with the basement level eventually accounting for 35% of the floor space.


But going underground to create a dream basement meant the developers had to guard against the possible presence of underground streams in this area of north London with a thorough course of secant piling. Citadel were initially called in to demolish an existing house on the site and build the new home to an architect’s design.

But after reviewing the brief they were able to suggest significant improvements to the original architect’s design, significantly increasing the living space and improving the lighting quality of the basement area by providing larger glazed areas to the swimming pool and entertainment room. They also provided larger access stairs to the basement from the garden area

PROJECT with staggered planter boxes for added excitement and interest and designed a glazed terrace area on the ground floor over the area just outside of the swimming pool. The development was led by Citadel Design and Construction Director Masoud Irani, who said the project was not without challenges. He said: “This was an interesting project and it has been wonderful to deliver such a beautiful family home for our client. “Creating such an extensive basement level in this part of north London meant we had to go to great lengths to guard against the possible presence of small underground streams, drilling more than 120 secant piles to a depth of 13m.

“As well as the reinforcement cages used in the piles an additional 97 tonnes of reinforcement were used to build the base slab and retaining walls around the site. “When we took over the project we also had to address a number elements, essentially the internal layout and the roof which was designed as a butterfly roof. >>


“We managed to simplify the roof structure and made it into a crown roof that by itself provided 700sqft of additional usable space but at a lower cost. “We also extended the basement to house a larger swimming pool. These alterations allowed for the lift shaft to extend to the second floor as desired by the client.

Architect Projects

“The changes we made increased the size of the house from 8500sqft to 10500sqft


internally without significantly affecting the overall budget.” The basement walls were made up of 600mm piles with 250mm reinforced retaining wall covered with delta membrane tanking 100mm of insulation and 140mm block work. The base is made up of 220 cellcore, 400mm reinforced slab, delta tanking membrane, 100mm insulation and 70mm structural screed.

The construction of the floors above ground was made up of steel columns and heavy masonry blockwork. External walls are rendered with selfcoloured render with bespoke natural stone window surrounds. The house is fully equipped with the latest Lutron lighting and AV systems. Internal and external doors are made by a bespoke joinery company.

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SAVINGS Urinals waste huge amounts of water & money. A standard urinal system with a 9 litre cistern suppling 3 urinal bowls with no flush control will typically flush every 15 minutes, which equates to around 100 times per day & 35,000 times per year. This will use 315 cubic metres of water per year, &, depending on your water authority, could be costing your business around £760.00 annually. Reducing water in a traditional, constantly flushing urinal causes blockages & odour problems, leading to an increase in maintenance & operating costs.

SAVING WATER SAVING COSTS SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT Water Solutions have continued to assist our clients over the past 20 years with our Award Winning unique Waterfree Urinal System and Service Support. Our customers have benefitted from:

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CONCERNS OVER INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING FIRE SAFETY MEASURES THAT ARE TOO OFTEN OVERLOOKED The importance of fire safety has been at the forefront of the public’s and industry’s consciousness following the devastating Grenfell Tower tragedy. The Hackett review, as well as the enhanced media scrutiny on the subject, has rightly resulted in a far more comprehensive assessment of fire safety measures and processes. According to leading multi-disciplinary construction and property consultancy Ingleton Wood, which specialises in services for the public sector, a number of fire safety requirements are sometimes unwittingly overlooked by those that are responsible for estates and facilities. Fire risk assessments and compartmentation plans are required for all properties and keeping them up to date and fit for purpose is essential. Scott Barlow, Director of Building Surveying at Ingleton Wood, said: “It is important to reduce the confusion that currently exists when it comes to fire knowledge and more specifically fire risk assessments. Property managers need to be aware of their ongoing responsibilities. “A property’s fire risk assessment should

be a live document which is checked on a regular basis. If any alterations are made to a property, the assessment should be reviewed. Often we find that this is not being done. In the event of an incident, building insurers will always look at how a fire has spread so it’s vital that plans are up to date and fit for purpose. “In hospitals – because patients can’t be moved too quickly – fire safety and compartmentation plans will often be zonal, preventing the spread of fire and loss of life. Where the plan isn’t available it is often a challenge to establish how the building was originally designed and zoned. Particularly if it’s an old building where the original strategy is unknown. We’re quite often asked if we can put together a fire safety plan retrospectively, but that is very difficult. “In schools, evacuation is often quicker, the issue then becomes about saving the building. But increasingly we are finding that insurance policies are at risk because fire safety and compartmentation plans are not up to scratch.” The role of the property manager is vitally important in relation to the overall fire safety of a building. There are many

ARCHITECTS AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TO BE OFFERED FREE RECYCLING WASTE COLLECTIONS Each year, architects and landscape architects let tonnes of glass go to waste instead of recycling – but an innovative new service is set to change the landscape of recycling in the area. Recycling provider, FreeCollections., is introducing a free glass waste collection service for architects and landscape architects in the UK, removing both the administrative and financial burdens, which are a barrier for businesses who are reluctant or unable to recycle.

Architect Projects

Do you have a business which is struggling to meet its targets for sustainability – or would simply just like to become more environmentally friendly? This service is a simple way to improve your green credentials and can also cut down on costs. Spaces on the innovative scheme are limited, and anticipates high demand, as there are


over 85,000 architects and landscape architects in the UK, collectively producing tonnes of waste each year, which isn’t recycled but should be. Mark Hall, Communications Director of, said: “We’ve made is very simple for charities to sign up – to find out if you’re eligible, it’s as simple as filling in a form and a representative will be in touch. For those just wanting a free glass collection rather than a full collection service, it’s first-come, firstserved – but businesses will be offered a discounted rate until the free service is available.” The scheme aims to reduce the amount of glass waste, which makes it to landfill, as the country faces everincreasing waste removal demands – but it also aims to encourage the local community’s in the UK to think more carefully about their environment.

factors to consider which could affect the fire safety of a property, including work carried out by external tradespeople. Scott continued: “Unsupervised contractors can sometimes damage fire barriers – something as simple as running IT cables through a ceiling or a wall for example can have a significant impact. The property manager should be aware of their responsibilities and should manage these situations to ensure all work is completed correctly. We are also finding that fire-rated foam is being seen as a solution to making good penetrations in fire barriers in an attempt to comply with fire regulations. The Association for Specialist Fire Protection advises that foam is the last option to be used. The method often leaves gaps which makes it ineffective and the property is therefore at risk.” Fire doors are an integral part of a property’s fire risk protection and general safety. They are often downgraded when specified or neglected during their service life. It is important to ensure that the correct installation and maintenance is carried out to properly guarantee their performance. Scott added: “We see many examples of poorly installed fire doors. The measurements only need to be a few millimetres out to make the door ineffective and negate the presence of an intumescent strip. “Fire doors should be inspected on a regular basis for damage. This is particularly relevant where doors are subject to a lot of wear and tear. It is also important to note that any additional fixings to a door, such as door bells or digital locks will mean the door is no longer certified as a fire door.”


ARCHITECTS: MORE ACTION NEEDED AGAINST NOISE POLLUTION Despite architects’ and specifiers’ concerns about noise pollution, there is a distinct lack of understanding surrounding the issue according to ‘Cutting through the Noise’, a new report from UK acoustic fencing manufacturer Jacksons Fencing. The study found that nearly two-thirds of architects and specifiers (64%) say that noise pollution is a significant problem. It’s concerning then that only 16% of professionals feel ‘very’ confident assessing noise. Many, however, feel UK policy makers are not taking this issue seriously enough. This is particularly concerning given noise has caused 5 million Brits to move house (6% of the adult population), exacerbating the housing crisis. Acoustic barriers are a commonly employed solution, widely acknowledged for their noise reduction properties (by 71% of respondents), but misconceptions about their costs are a challenge to these being specified more widely. Sound understanding Only 16% of industry professionals

feel ‘very’ confident assessing a site’s environmental noise needs and a concerning two-fifths ‘a little’ or ‘not at all’, highlighting a serious problem and need for training. This might account for the 14% of respondents who say that noise pollution is not considered at all during construction projects. More worryingly, it suggests that of the 59% of projects that take noise into consideration, a number of these are assessed without a high level of confidence.

environmental noise seriously enough. 16% say local authorities are doing nothing at all about noise.

Impractical policies In order to knowledgably and appropriately assess noise, professionals look to guidance, for example, from British Standards or the Planning Act (2008). So while developers and specifiers are ultimately responsible for considering the effects of noise pollution and ensuring it is properly mitigated, government lays the foundation on which their assessments are based.

Acoustic barriers Seventy one percent of professionals say that by significantly reducing noise pollution, acoustic barriers contribute to a development’s sustainability. Where noise is deemed to require such a solution, however, specifiers are faced with a number of challenges.

Local authorities are a key player where planning and noise pollution are concerned, yet according to a third of professionals, they’re not taking

There are further issues with government policy regarding noise pollution, which half of respondents say has insufficient detail. Another 22% say that policy is outdated, indicating that professional training should be complemented with refreshed government guidance, relevant to the needs of the current population.

Cost is the greatest challenge for professionals when specifying acoustic barriers (54%), which, when considered alongside respondents’ lack of confidence, suggests a stronger understanding of noise mitigation solutions would affirm their immediate and long term value for money.

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the installation process while also freeing up additional floor space. For building owners looking to get the most out of their properties, these space-efficient solutions allow for a greater degree of freedom in floor design. Whether clearing space for large atrium or creating additional storage nooks, savvy building owners will be sure that none of their newfound space goes to waste. The MULTI V5 also boasts incredible flexibility with its integrated system which offers both Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Systems. Even if the site has been previously installed with a Heat Pump System, users can easily replace it with a Heat Recovery System or Hot Water Solution when necessary, making renovation and remodelling much easier for building owners. Multi V5 Cooling & Heating with Hydro Kit

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Wet rooms used to be reserved for trendy boutique hotels and luxury developments, but over the last couple of years they are becoming the a-la-mode bathroom choice for homes in the UK. In wet room style bathrooms, the shower floor is being continued across the floors and walls of the entire room so sub-construction elements need to be selected with great care to avoid the simultaneous use of different brands/makes that could jeopardize the watertightness of the finish, resulting in extra labour, time, stress and costs.

wedi’s shower trays (Fundo range) are available in a wide range of sizes, with 3 different drain locations (corner, end or central) in point (Ligno, Primo, Borgo, Trollo, Nautilo) or linear design (Riofino, Riolito Neo) and also with integrated drainage (Integro, Plano, Plano Linea). wedi Fundo Riolito - Flush to floor shower with linear drainage

On the current market, wedi offers the most extensive board formats and the widest range of board thicknesses that can be applied to practically any substrate and offer the strongest weight loading capacity of 120kgs/m2 on vertical sur surfaces. wedi tile backer boards are named ‘building boards’ for their versatility in being commonly used for the construction of washstands, partition or separation walls, tileable shelving and other tailor-made storage solutions.

They are not only tileable and 100% waterproof, but also unique in their thermal properties which provide added insulation, hence resulting in warmer tiles under foot. In the wedi system, there is plenty of room for ideas, space for creativity and unlimited design variety. Expand with practical system components such as niches or shower benches adding hygienic, easy-to-maintain

wedi Sanoasa bench 1, straight for comfortable showering

wedi Fundo Riolito Discreto Optical wall drain

Do you require something out of the ordinary? Products or elements based on individual specifications can be tailor made to fit specific requirements through wedi’s bespoke service - such as special shower elements, steam cabins, whirlpools etc. wedi’s technical support service is outstanding, on-site support and training for qualifying projects is also available.


© Filip Šlapal


Architect Projects

Šárecký Dvůr - a new luxury residential development in the historic Prague district of ‘Prague 6’ – has been designed by Bogle Architects. Located near to the Divoka Sarka nature reserve, the site offers both accessibility and escapism.

© Filip Šlapal


The site – originally a courtyard to an historic manor dating from the 1430s – has been transformed into a distinctive residential enclave, bounded by high stone walls. Within the grounds of the original manor house, Bogle Architects has designed five new ‘villas’ accommodating 59 luxury residential units. The villas are arranged around a landscaped courtyard and offer a modern take on the historical pitched roof motif prevalent in this historic setting.

PROJECT The villas provide a contemporary counterpoint to the existing baroque building – refurbished by the practice – and include underground parking. The complex also offers a range of sports and leisure facilities, including tennis courts, a fitness club and a golf club. Benefiting from an integrated landscape design that creates a tranquil setting, the new villas are carefully positioned amongst the restored farmstead buildings to maximise views of the area while still maintaining a sense of seclusion and privacy. Each villa offers an East-West dual aspect, with two to three apartments arranged around each core, offering an efficient layout and use of space. The villas have also received a ‘B’ classification for energy efficiency, and have been designed to use rainwater collected from the roofs for plant watering, encouraging a sustainable green space. The villas’ side walls are covered in matt-finished terracotta panels which reference the historical texture of the old buildings, while the principal façades are fully glazed to maximize views out over the central courtyard space as well as sunlight penetration into the living spaces and balconies. >>

© Filip Šlapal


© Filip Šlapal

Viktorie Souckova, Managing Director (Prague), Bogle Architects, says: “It’s great to see this project now complete having been one of our studio’s earliest projects. It complements our growing portfolio across all sectors here in Prague and beyond.” Simon Johnson, COO, Crestyl, adds: “We’ve worked with Bogle Architects on a number of projects now as they combine the best of international design and local knowledge. We’re delighted with Šárecký Dvůr, a leading example of residential design that combines both modern and listed buildings.” Architect Projects

Project Team: Client: Crestyl Architects: Bogle Architects Landscape Architects: Šmídová Landscape Architects Engineering: AED Project


ARMSTRONG HELPS HERALD “ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL” A trio of Armstrong Ceiling Solutions feature at the new Balloch Campus in Dumbarton. A showcase campus which has enabled three schools to co-locate has also proved a showpiece for a trio of Armstrong Ceiling Solutions, including TechZone™, the industry’s first easy-to-specifyand-install ceiling solution with integrated technical services. The new state-of-the-art Balloch Campus in West Dunbartonshire features three highly acoustic Armstrong Ceiling Solutions throughout - Perla OP 0.95 Tegular mineral tiles on Prelude 24 TLX grid, Parafon Hygien Board mineral tiles on a 24mm corrosion-resistant grid, and Armstrong’s revolutionary TechZone™ integrated ceiling system incorporating Perla OP MicroLook planks. Delivered by main contractor Morgan Sindall, they were specified by architects Holmes Miller for the £16 million campus for “cost and quality” reasons and installed by Armstrong’s Green Omega specialist sub-contractor Brian Hendry Interiors. As part of their membership of Armstrong’s Green Omega network of recycling installers Brian Hendry Interiors also recycled 300m2 of the new ceiling tile off-cuts during the installation process,

preventing almost a tonne of material going to landfill and the consumption of an equivalent weight of raw materials. For maximum acoustic comfort some 1,600m2 of Perla OP 0.95 600mm x 600mm tiles with a Tegular edge detail within a standard 24mm grid were used in offices, classrooms and stores. These tiles perform to Sound Absorption Class A and were also the first mineral ceiling tile in Europe to win Cradle to Cradle™ certification as part of the new generation of sustainable and acoustic ceilings offered by Armstrong. In the corridors and breakout areas Armstrong’s TechZone™ integrated ceiling system was specified with a 15mm XL2 grid, fabricated to special lengths of 900, 2100 and 2400mm. Incorporating 800m2 of Perla OP 0.95 1200mm x 300mm MicroLook, the TechZone™ system was specified to achieve the aesthetics of a linear plank system and seamlessly integrate and complement the 100mm wide linear lighting arrangement. In addition, it addressed the clutter of services above in a crowded corridor installation and provided an acoustic Class A product to reduce unwanted noise in the busy ceiling plane. To complete the trio of Armstrong ceiling systems installed at Balloch Campus, 160m2 of Parafon Hygien 600mm x 600mm tiles, which offer Class A sound absorption, 95% humidity resistance and clean room classification to ISO 4, were used within a 24mm corrosion-resistant grid in the high humidity zones, such as the kitchen areas and stores. The new 53,280ft2 campus has been built on the site of the former St Kessog’s Primary and provides a new home for it, along with Haldene Primary and Jamestown Primary, to create the newly-formed school, Balloch Primary Campus*. An Additional Support Needs (ASN) unit and a

AP119052 Armstrong HP.indd 1

new Balloch Early Learning and Childcare Centre (ELCC**) are also operating at the site. In total there are 21 open-plan flexible learning spaces for the potential 747 students, as well as a centrally-located shared administrative areas, gym halls and assembly area, while the ASN has capacity to assist 36 pupils with a varying range of support needs. The £16 million campus represents a major investment in the education offering in the area by West Dunbartonshire Council through what is now the Scottish Procurement Alliance. This supports the efficient construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing and public buildings throughout Scotland. With multiple stakeholders across the three schools and the local authority, the framework procurement route afforded early-stage collaboration on design, budget and timescales. The 16-month steel frame build to BIM Level 2 was completed on schedule and to budget. Brian Hendry Interiors had a team of up to 16 operatives, including apprentices, on site for five months More information is accessible via the Armstrong Ceilings website https://www.armstrongceilings. com/commercial/en-gb/. 04/01/2019 09:47:27

SOUNDING OUT MULTI-PURPOSE VENUES The Folkehuset Absalon in Copenhagen is an excellent example of the growing trend towards multi-use and multi-purpose cultural social centres. Designed to promote community cohesion with a flexible space to accommodate a variety of activities and services, multipurpose venues are used to support everything from sport, leisure and learning through to childcare, heritage, culture, elderly needs, tourism, pop-up shops and events. This award-winning project designed by Arcgency architects has taken a former Church with its high ceilings and transformed it into a flexible community centre with ‘living-room’ feel. Teeming with life every day, this is where people of all ages come together for communal meals, yoga, dancing and cultural events. Troldtekt panels are frequently specified for these types of projects as a key way to control acoustics. If acoustic absorption is wrong, discomfort and irritation will result from the reverberations. If they are designed well, the participant’s interest will increase. This is particularly true if elderly people are using the space because ambient noise can quickly make the environment uninhabitable for them.

AP119065 Troldtekt HP.indd 1

The panels are also specified to improve acoustics in many different projects, such as schools, leisure centres, pools, commercial, private and public buildings. Available in various sizes and in four grades from extreme fine to coarse, they can be left untreated or painted in virtually any RAL colour. Samples, case studies and technical information are easily sourced from tel 01978 664255 or visit More information around the theme of multipurpose venues theme can be found on purpose_cultural_centres 21/12/2018 11:31:55


Architect Projects

Specified throughout the UK and Europe, the benefits of 100% Troldtekt natural wood wool panels include high sound absorption, high durability, natural breathability, low cost

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EcoRight manufactures a comprehensive range of ecologically sound lime based building products, supplying throughout the UK. 0845 8733888

Eco-minded architects and home builders are increasingly using lime mortars, plasters and renders in new build projects and building conservation. EcoRight products are suitable for most applications for brick and stonework and provide superior aesthetics and technical performance. EcoRight manufactures a range of highly durable lime products that can be used without specialist knowledge, “just add water, mix and serve�. They have been used in many high profile projects such as Chelsea Barracks, The Tombola Building, Ram Brewery and Camden Lock. EcoRight offer a range of textures, finishes and colours meaning a perfect solution is available for any project. The EcoRight team has unrivalled knowledge and experience of lime based building materials and are available for advise, site visits and education. EcoRight are a member of the RIBA CPD Providers Network and offer a variety of presentations covering all aspects of lime mortars, plasters and renders.


WASTE HOUSE GETS A MAKEOVER The University of Brighton’s awardwinning Waste House is having an autumn makeover as innovative new recycled and reused materials are incorporated into its structure. The Waste House, designed by architect and University of Brighton academic Duncan Baker-Brown, is made almost entirely from thrown away materials most of which were heading for landfill sites or incineration. Materials used in its construction already include 20,000 toothbrushes, two tonnes of denim jeans, 4,000 DVD cases, 4,000 floppy discs, 2,000 used carpet tiles, and tonnes of construction waste. These are now being joined by old duvets from the University’s halls of residence that are being used as insulation and discarded oyster shells from English’s Oyster Bar in central Brighton that have been ground down, mixed with waste aggregates from the local Preston Barracks development site, and turned into wall tiles. Speaking about the latest modifications to the Waste House, Duncan Baker-Brown said: “It is great to see the Waste House

continuing to break new ground four years after it was first completed. Duvets and oyster shells are not currently widely recycled yet, like so many of the other materials we have used, are perfectly suited to alternative uses. We will now be testing how they perform so that we can demonstrate to others the huge potential.” Situated in the grounds of the University’s City Campus, the Waste House is a live, ongoing research project and permanent design workshop focused on enabling open discussion and understanding of sustainable development. The Waste House has already been ranked as the third most eco-friendly home in the world and has garnered several high-profile awards including a special award from the Royal Institute of British Architects’ Stephen Lawrence Prize. This latest work is part of the SB&WRC programme funded by the EU INTERREG VA France (Channel) England Programme and is being carried out ahead of publication of the Government’s muchanticipated Waste and Resource Strategy.

The Waste House is one of a growing number of national and international research projects being undertaken by the School of Architecture & Design and is part of the University’s Responsible Futures research agenda which looks to harness change to enhance the delivery of sustainable economic development, improved environments and more inclusive societies.

LCR APPOINTS ISG AS LEAD CONTRACTOR ON MAJOR WATERLOO DEVELOPMENT IN AGREEMENT WORTH £40+ MILLION Developer LCR has appointed construction services company ISG as lead contractor on its £200 million retail, leisure and cultural development at Waterloo. The £40+ million contract will see ISG transform up to 135,000 sq ft of space at the former Waterloo International Eurostar Terminal into a major new retail and leisure destination in central London.

Forty new glass-fronted units will be created across three floors, including a new mezzanine level, and will sit below the existing platforms. The scheme forms part of the wider redevelopment of Waterloo Station, where Network Rail is increasing capacity by bringing five former Eurostar platforms back into use for suburban trains, enabling more services to run from the station, whilst LCR’s retail project will create new entrances towards the South Bank to accommodate the station’s growing passenger numbers. Work will begin onsite in April 2019, with completion expected in early 2021. The scheme is anticipated to create around 700 full-time equivalent jobs.

Architect Projects

The wider project team includes Arcadis as project managers, contract administrators and structural engineers; Corstorphine + Wright as architects and lead designers; QODA as services engineers; and RPS as cost managers.


The development sits adjacent to the first phase of LCR’s Waterloo masterplan, the regeneration of Leake Street Arches, where LCR has created a vibrant creative and leisure destination including bars and a music venue, soon to be complemented by a microbrewery. Featuring one of the UK’s only legal graffiti walls, the scheme has breathed new life into the network of street tunnels underneath Waterloo station, while preserving its longstanding reputation as an important destination for graffiti and street art. The Waterloo masterplan is being delivered in collaboration with the Department for Transport and Network Rail. LCR is a property and regeneration company with a 20-year track record of creating new homes, jobs and economic growth from railway assets, and is UK Government-owned. Its previous schemes include the multi-billionpound mixed-use developments at King’s Cross and Stratford City – two of London’s most successful regeneration stories.


BRITCON APPOINTED TO BUILD 68,000 SQ FT SCHEME AT HEREFORD ENTERPRISE PARK Commercial property developer Priority Space has appointed building and civil engineering Company Britcon to deliver a 68,000 sq ft industrial and office development over two phases at Centenary Park in Hereford.

PRP APPOINTED TO LEAD MASTERPLAN AND DESIGN OF HOMES AT THE WESTERN VILLAGE IN EBBSFLEET GARDEN CITY Leading UK architecture firm PRP has been appointed as lead architect and masterplanner on The Western Village in North Kent, by joint venture development partners, Clarion Housing Group and Countryside. Part of the Eastern Quarry section of Ebbsfleet Garden City, The Western Village scheme is set to deliver up to 2,600 new homes. Designed by PRP, The Western Village will offer a strong sense of community for those that live there. The homes will respond to their rural surrounds, including a former quarry which will also provide a dramatic backdrop to the scheme. The homes will be linked to landscaped and open green spaces through walk and cycle ways, promoting wellbeing and maximising residents’ quality of life. The Western Village will form the largest ‘village’ within Eastern Quarry and be a major contributor to Ebbsfleet, becoming the largest Garden City in the UK. The masterplan includes a detailed first phase of 250 homes to be delivered as part of a hybrid planning application for Western Village, which will become a strong, cohesive and inclusive community once complete.

Iain McPherson, Managing Director of New Homes and Communities South, commented: “At Countryside, we share a proven track record with PRP and Clarion Housing Group of delivering quality homes and places that stand the test of time. The Western Village will follow this long tradition, having been specifically designed for communities to thrive in. It will be a place where people can put down their roots, socialise with neighbours and raise families for generations to come.” Liz Martin, Regional Director of Development for Clarion Housing Group, added: “Clarion is playing a leading role in the creation of this new community and we were proud to recently complete the Garden City’s 1,000th home. Working with Countryside and PRP, our aim is to make The Western Village a destination that becomes known for high quality, well-designed homes and its thriving community.” The vision for Ebbsfleet Garden City is to create circa 15,000 new homes, a major new commercial centre, improve public transport links and develop seven new city parks, connecting London to the Garden of England. The project will generate a multi-billion-pound investment which will increase the economic activity to the local area as well as creating up to 27,000 jobs.

Britcon is now on-site delivering phase one which includes 17,000 sq ft of industrial space for completion early 2019 and 18,000 sq ft of offices which will be ready by Spring 2019. The scheme will be the most sustainable buildings ever constructed within the Enterprise Zone with the benefit of solar PV and electric car charging points. Paul Clarkson, Managing Director at Britcon said, “We are pleased to secure this major contract with Priority Space which is building a strong portfolio of commercial property investments across the UK. “We have already successfully completed three previous design and build projects with the team and look forward to cementing our relationship further with Skylon Park. Britcon’s commercial sector experience includes the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) in Sheffield, Markham Vale in Chesterfield, Treleigh Industrial Estate in Cornwall, and Langage Science Park in Plymouth. Established for more than 30 years, Britcon is £47 million turnover business headquartered in Scunthorpe and directly employs 110 people on its project sites across the UK. Key contracts secured in the last 12 months include a £5 million project for McCain Foods, a £13.5 million contract to deliver a new anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in Dagenham for food waste recycler ReFood (UK) Ltd, a series of new developments, extensions and refurbishment projects valued in total over £20 million for Lidl, and contracts worth over £4 million for global chemicals business Kemira.

Architect Projects

Manisha Patel, Senior Partner at PRP, said: “Our work, as masterplanners and architects, has meant we are heavily involved in shaping the future of this new district in North Kent, which is a very exciting prospect. We have worked with both developers on a number of occasions

and found they have a common focus of creating places with community values at heart, which has also been reflected in the masterplan for Western Village.”

Centenary Park is a £6 million collaboration with Herefordshire County Council to deliver sixty new SME units at Skylon Park, a 110acre business site located in the Hereford Enterprise Zone. The project is the largest speculative industrial and office investment in Hereford since the 1950’s.



EDINBURGH MARINA SPEARHEADS GRANTON REGENERATION AS AREA-WIDE CONSULTATION OPENS City of Edinburgh Council has announced plans for the regeneration of Granton on Edinburgh’s waterfront. The project is set to transform the area with 4,000 new homes, services and retail. A public consultation for the development proposals will begin on 8 November, with members of the local community invited to help shape the future of Granton ahead of the submission of a planning application in Spring 2019. Commenting on the announcement, Kevin Fawcett of Edinburgh Marina Holdings Ltd said: “The advancement of plans for the largescale regeneration of Granton is exciting news for the future of housing in Scotland. We have long identified this area as a hotspot for housebuilding given its proximity to Edinburgh city centre and scenic waterfront outlook. “Our development, Edinburgh Marina, is already spearheading development in this region with high-quality living, leisure facilities, boating and retail; it is encouraging that City of Edinburgh Council is also looking to Granton as a potential solution to the country’s housing needs.” “The public launch of the Royal Wharf retirement living scheme at Edinburgh Marina earlier this month demonstrated a real desire for new homes in Granton and we have received unprecedented interest and pre-sale reservations”.

Architect Projects

Edinburgh Marina launched the first phase of its Royal Wharf retirement living scheme on 17 October and unveiled the new show apartment at The Old Gunpowder Store. A selection of spacious one, two and three bedroom luxury retirement residences are now available for reservation, as well as marina berths. Located in Granton Harbour, adjacent to the proposed Granton regeneration area, Edinburgh Marina will see the creation of 1,850 homes for Edinburgh. The development includes a state-of-the-art marina, retirement living scheme, luxury residences, spa and conference hotel, as well as retail and leisure facilities. Phase one of the development will create over 400 permanent employment opportunities for the local community, in addition to high percentages of affordable homes.


BRENTWOOD SECURES INSTRUCTIONS ON £100M RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS IN LEEDS Harrogate based consulting engineers practice Brentwood has been appointed to carry out full electrical and mechanical design services for three major student residential build projects in Leeds. The instructions, delivering a combined 2,079 units valued at over £100 million, take Brentwood’s current residential project portfolio in the UK to circa. 25,000 student beds. White Rose View is a major new build by UK leading developer of student accommodation, Unite Students. The scheme, located adjacent to First Direct Arena, comprises two tall towers rising 16 and 26 storeys high and offering 976 student beds with 10,500 sq ft of commercial space. Brentwood is providing detailed design of the mechanical, electrical and public health systems throughout the development. Brentwood is also consulting on Symons House by London & Scottish Student Housing. The project involves the demolition of an existing mid-90’s office building on Belgrave Street to make way for a new build scheme of 351 studios and apartments over 22 storeys. Brentwood is completing the full mechanical and electrical works design for the project to include LED lighting throughout and the use of high efficiency plant such as CHP to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Hume House on Wade Lane, also in the Arena Quarter, is the third project where Olympian Homes is building 752 cluster and studio bedrooms in a 37-storey high new build. Brentwood is again providing detailed design of the mechanical,

electrical and public health systems throughout the development which is set to be the tallest building in Yorkshire and the North East. Brentwood has been commissioned on all three projects by main contractor RG Group and works closely with MEP sub-contractor C&D Electrical. Jonathan Goodliffe at Brentwood said, “Brentwood is part of a totally integrated supply chain, which is well versed in delivering student accommodation to a high quality in incredibly short timescales. Having worked on over 15,000 student beds in the last few years as part of this team has enabled us to optimise our delivery process.” Brentwood has been established for more than 40 years with offices in Yorkshire and the North West. It employs 27 people across both offices with plans for expansion across further UK regions. As a single disciplinary consulting engineers practice it offers expertise in mechanical engineering design, electrical engineering design, lighting design, public health design, condition and site surveys, energy and communications infrastructure design, feasibility studies, planning support and post occupancy evaluation. It also has a dedicated resource to energy assessments. Its student residential portfolio also includes Chaucer House in Portsmouth, Cowley Barracks in Oxford, Great Marlborough Street in Manchester, Crown House in Sheffield and Trenchard Street in Bristol.


UK FIRST AS PROJECT ETOPIA COMPLETES SCHOOL FIT FOR THE FUTURE Modular smart homes and schools provider Project Etopia has completed the UK’s first modular school extension built with cost saving energy technology at Brightlingsea Primary School in Colchester, Essex. The building of modular schools comes at a crucial time with population rises putting an ever greater strain on schools, with studies revealing 1 in 5 primary schools are over capacity1. The Brightlingsea project was completed from groundwork through to the installation of its pioneering technology in just 6 weeks and the exterior shell came together in just 8 hours. The nursery extension includes one classroom, a dining room, staff room, store room, toilet facilities, atrium and kitchen able to accommodate 30 students and two teachers — allowing Brightlingsea Primary School and Nursery to increase its yearly intake of pupils. The extension is in line with the learning space guidelines outlined by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

Project Etopia’s modular builds offer viable alternatives to local councils who are having to react to the increasing competition for school places, especially among schools that have been rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted. The Brightlingsea Nursery extension cost around £150,000, working out at just £1,400 per square meter, excluding foundations. The site includes all of Project Etopia’s state-of-the-art intelligent building controls and the ability to generate its own electricity. A traditional timber-framed extension of a similar size, without the technology which comes as standard with Project Etopia builds, usually costs around £220,000.

generation, daylight mimicry lighting and intelligent building controls into the extension. This level of technology ensures that the extension will remain up-to-date even as modern technology evolves. Project Etopia classifies the build as ‘Energy+’, the firm’s own standard in revolutionary energy technology for buildings. With this, the school can store the additional energy it creates to be used at a later date, reducing costs to the school in the long term. Since the completion of Brightlingsea Infant School, Project Etopia has entered discussions to construct a stackable classroom unit in collaboration with Mitie and Essex County Council.

Project Etopia’s modular schools offer flexibility, because they can be extended further at any time. In the case of Brightlingsea, where space was limited, Project Etopia developed a bespoke design that reflected the specific needs of the school. Project Etopia incorporated pioneering technology including Daikin heating and ventilation, energy storage and energy

BREATHABLE PAINTS ARE INVESTMENT IN LISTED CHURCH’S FUTURE The Grade II listed church at the centre of a tiny Nottinghamshire village has invested in its future with a refurbishment programme featuring Earthborn breathable paints.

The stone walls of St James’s Church in Halloughton, near Southwell had been redecorated with acrylic based paints which were preventing the walls from breathing and had led to damage. Vicar Phil White said: “I know from personal experience in other churches that historic walls painted with conventional, acrylic based paints can lead to expensive problems with the building. It is worth investing in breathable paint to safeguard the fabric of the building for future generations.” The vestry was replastered using breathable lime plaster and other areas of lime plaster repaired using Earthborn Casein Filler. Any chalky patches were stabilised with Earthborn Wall Glaze before applying Earthborn Claypaint.

AP119039 Earthborn Paints HP.indd 1

Claypaint is a unique, clay based emulsion. Its advanced technology maximises the natural properties of clay to create a high performance, highly breathable paint that covers exceptionally well and gives a distinctive, ultra matt finish. Being free of oils and acrylics, Claypaint is virtually VOC free and does not give off any toxic emissions so it is safer for the health of building occupants and the environment.

Its eco credentials include the stringent EU Ecolabel. Vicar Phil White added: “We managed to complete the work just before the first wedding at the church for 11 years. It was ideal that because Claypaint does not give off any toxic emissions the church was odour free for everyone attending.” Claypaint is available in Earthborn’s signature palette of 72 shades. Bespoke colours can be developed through the nationwide network of Earthborn stockists such as Carnill and Company which supplied this project.

Architect Projects

The Marbles shade of Claypaint complements the church’s timber ceiling.

Sections of lime plastered walls were repaired using Earthborn Casein Filler before painting with Claypaint.

For further information visit: Photos courtesy Capture by Jo.


21/12/2018 11:21:23

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STUDENTS IN ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & PLANNING HAVE FALLEN -19% IN THE LAST DECADE Per the report Patterns and Trends in UK Higher Education (Universities UK), in 2016-17 there were 1,012,425 entrants to higher education institutions in the UK; 56,400 fewer than in 2007-08. However, total student numbers have fluctuated over the period across different types of study, with record numbers of full-time undergraduates and postgraduates in 2016-17.

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To better understand how student subject choices have changed over the last decade, global training providers and further education advocates, analysed Universities UK’s latest report in detail, with a view to forecast the subjects that may be of interest to learners in 2019.


The Knowledge Academy found, between 2007-08 and 201617, changing student demand has been reflected in the courses universities offer. In terms of student numbers, significant increases have been seen in Veterinary Science, Biological Sciences and Mathematical Sciences in the period 2007-08 to 2016-17 (47%, 40% and 29% respectively.)

Architect Projects

Comparably, student numbers in Combined Subjects, Education and Languages have seen significant decreases in the period 2007-08 to 2016-17 (-67%, -26% and -21% respectively.) Combined Subjects have suffered the most notable change, falling from 118,300 students in 2007-08 to 38,640 students in 2016-17; a decline of -67%. Subjects with the highest student numbers in 2016-17 included Business and Administrative Studies (333,075 students in 2016-17), representing a change of 7%, followed by Subjects Allied to Medicine (290,770 students in 2016-17; 1% change) and Biological Sciences (226,370 students in 2016-17; 40% change.)


POLYX® -OIL RAW: Retains the wood’s natural light colour











PROJECT SHOWCASE: WEMBLEY PARK Wembley Park is one of the UK’s largest urban regeneration schemes. Situated in the cosmopolitan North West London borough of Brent, it encompasses the iconic Wembley Stadium and SSE Arena at its heart. The exciting development offers a vibrant hub where people want to live, companies want to grow, and neighbourhoods come alive. Hello Wembley The breath-taking £3bn renewal project is led by development firm Quintain, which purchased the plot in 2002 and then achieved outline planning consent for 8.8 million square feet of mixed-use development. Following a successful key supplier agreement, Reynaers has been named as a preferred supplier for window systems across the Wembley Park site. Reynaers will assist on the development of further projects following the triumph of completed Emerald Gardens in 2016 and Alto in 2017. Mary Kelly-Mannion, Head of Procurement with Quintain comments: “We look to engage with first class suppliers who can offer high quality products which complement the development at Wembley Park. In our selection of Reynaers as a Key Supplier we recognise their strong history in the field of research and development. This history, together with the range and quality of their products, means that they are an ideal contributor from the early design stages right through to provision of the window and door systems on our projects.” Crowd pleasers Since construction began in 2006, Quintain’s approach was to create a desirable district filled with amenities before populating the area, creating a welcoming sense of community first and foremost. London Designer Outlet has been ranked amongst the top 10 outlets in Europe with annual footfall at 7.0 million. Visitors to Wembley Park can also enjoy a nine-screen cinema, over 70 shops, restaurants, coffee spots and a children’s allweather play park.

Simon Cray, Consultant Project Manager at Reynaers, has been on board with the Wembley Park project since the initial stages. He says: ‘‘Seeing the project progress from pen to paper to the vibrant community that is there today is incredibly rewarding. We have seen this fantastic development grow before our eyes, almost in unison with the fabrication of the buildings, and I think that is what makes this project so special.’’ The aesthetic of the Wembley Park project has been designed to enhance the skyline and allow residents to view the sweeping boulevards that lend an openness to the development. Reynaers has utilised systems that create a maximum presence of space and natural light, resulting in seamless integration between the indoor and outdoor environments. Throughout the project, making a feature of the iconic Wembley Stadium, as well as facilitating unrivalled views of across the site has been a priority when considering the glazing systems. Tipi Quintain has utilised the world class development at Wembley Park as an opportunity to revolutionise its business structure, focusing on BtR (Build to Rent) by creating Tipi, a wholly owned residential rental management business. Of the 7,500 homes built, the majority are will be exclusively Build to Rent, managed by Tipi. In London’s

economic climate, many find the prospects of purchasing a property in the cosmopolitan capital unobtainable, whilst renting can often result in many additional complications such as absent landlords and hefty upfront payments. Alto Reynaers has successfully completed the supply of aluminium windows and doors for the Alto development, which offers 120 apartments available to rent through Tipi. Completed to the highest spec, external features include private garden terraces fitted with privacy screens and communal spaces including an elevated private landscaped garden. Emerald Gardens The Emerald Gardens development is inspired by London’s flourishing garden squares. The plot surrounds almost an acre of private grounds, accommodating 475 apartments spread across a number of buildings. As Wembley Park continues to evolve, we are set to see the community flourish. Upcoming development plans include the opening of London’s biggest Boxpark in December 2018, which will be host to street food traders offering cuisines from across the globe. Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre, a 2,000 capacity immersive theatre, is also set to open in Wembley Park in 2019.

To discover more about the project visit: For more information about Tipi apartments visit: For more information on the Reynaers products used in the completed projects, see below: Concept System 77 aluminium window:

Concept Patio 155: https://www.reynaers. com/en/products/cp-155-ls Concept Wall 50: https://www.reynaers. com/en/products/cw-50


Architect Projects

Concept System 77 aluminium door:

Aspex wins contract for Cambridge office accommodation Aspex, one of the UK’s leading architectural ironmongery and doorset companies, has recently secured a contract to supply its Novista system to 50/60 Station Road in Cambridge City Centre. Aspex will be supplying its Novista Riser Steel System and Novista Timber Doorsets in a walnut veneer finish to the scheme, which will include a new stateof-the-art office accommodation, just 150m from the train station and transport hub. Working alongside architects Nicholas Grimshaw, and contractors Galliford Try, the £87 million office space required a modern, sleek, and minimalistic finish that would complement the existing surroundings, and the Novista system provided the ideal solution. The Novista system is available with either a timber or steel door leaf and is suitable for a wide variety of projects with single, double, triple, and quadruple combinations available. It can be factory

painted to any RAL colour or primed to allow on-site painting for precise colour matching with the adjacent wall. The Novista Riser Steel is suitable for locations which require either a very high fire or acoustic rating, and are fire rated to up to FD120 and acoustic rated up to 40dB. The Novista Timber Doorsets are fire tested to FD30 for a single open inward door, and both a single and double outward opening door.

Ashley Burberry, Managing Director of Aspex UK, said: “When we developed the Novista system, we wanted to create a doorset that would complement any surrounding and create a contemporary finish – it’s great to see how much it has taken off in the market over the past year and we’re looking forward to seeing the doorsets in place at 50/60 Station Road.” For more information, visit

AP119010 Aspex UK Limited HALF PAGE.indd 1

20/11/2018 13:50:46

ISO-CHEMIE’S WINFRAMER ACHIEVES 30 MINUTE FIRE RATING ISO CHEMIE’s ISO-TOP WINFRAMER thermal insulating and load bearing bracket system for the rapid installation of windows has been fire rated to E30. The award confirms ISO-TOP WINFRAMER can protect the entire window area from fire for a minimum of 30 minutes, guaranteeing the retention of structural integrity, as well as supporting at least 200kg/m and providing an air-tight cavity support. Thirty minutes is considered enough time for people to safely escape a property in the event of a fire and help to delay the spread to adjoining rooms and buildings, keeping any damage to a minimum.


Architect Projects

Rosso Maniglie is our exclusive range of Italian inspired designer levers. Produced using a zinc base material and manufactured to the highest standards, this range takes designer levers to the next level.

For further information on this range visit our website or call one of our friendly sales team.

Created with a sleek and incomparable aesthetic appeal, our contemporary style Rosso Maniglie range has quickly become the first choice for home owners, architects and house builders throughout the UK.

WINFRAMER, which already has Passivhaus certified status, is a structurally solid, pre-fabricated installation frame, manufactured to accommodate cavities up to 250mm. This allows windows to be supported independently from the face of the wall regardless of any external cladding being in place.

Product can be quickly cut to length on site and secured in position using a single component adhesive and, if necessary, fixing screws. This allows installers to fit windows into the insulation area between the inner and outer walls easily, avoiding the need to use metal brackets that cause non-repeating thermal bridging and give extensive problems when the windows need replacing. The composite brackets can bear heavy windows loads, including Bi-fold doors, to provide a reliable, strong and high-performance support frame. Installation is quick with windows attached directly and secured mechanically using either standard fixing screws or fixing lugs in the usual manner. A hinged insulation core combines with the composite wood structural bracket to become an integral part of the overall wall structure, providing compliance with window energy saving regulations (EnEV) and the RAL quality assurance association. ISO-CHEMIE’S Winframer window system now has a 30-minute fire rating

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26 AP119055 ISO-Chemie QP.indd 1

07/01/2019 11:45:01

‘ALUPROF SUPPORTS COMPOSITE UNITISED FACADES’ Wojciech Brożyna - Managing Director Aluprof UK

Outwood Wharf, Salford currently under construction

Aluminium unitised systems, once the preserve of high rise construction, is becoming commonplace as systems companies make these systems more affordable for low rise and smaller constructions. Being different from ‘modularisation’, discussed in our previous editorial, unitised construction is primarily about the facade construction. It is well known that cement creates a great deal of CO2 in its production which is well known to be harmful to our environment. In some parts of the world the rush to use concrete in construction is stripping large areas of riverbeds of sharp sand which contributes to further ground erosion. It would therefore seem to be beneficial to build a basic structure and simply clad it with a suitable facade to protect the occupants from the elements. The view could then be taken to replace the facades at some future date and utilise the existing core construction, again thereby reducing our CO2 footprint significantly. Any facade can be made up of many materials, common material make up today can include aluminium glazed frames, terracotta profiles, stone and brick slips, to name a few. These high performance facades can be constructed complete with high levels of insulation, sound attenuation and excellent weathering characteristics. Constructing these on-site, normally with a ‘ground up’ construction, can be time consuming and form a large part of the building programme. Using today’s latest technology virtually any facade can be ‘unitised’, that is to say, it can be broken down into smaller units which can easily be lifted into place and joined together on site. The additional costs of weatherproof interfaces between units are quickly offset with the speed of construction saving valuable time within the building programme. A further benefit is that the interfaces between units offer vertical and horizontal movement to take up both building thermal movement and to accommodate live loads which maintaining weather tightness of the facade. Each unit is usually carried on the slab edge and use setting out cleats which are accurately levelled prior to panels coming to site and being lifted into place.

Whilst not an entirely new construction method, technology today allows for high performance, high quality facades to be manufactured off-site and more recently with services built in. Aluprof have been working with specifiers and main contractors to develop aluminium systems which can be incorporated into or form unitised constructions which lead the market in this form of construction. Crucial to the value chain for unitised construction, Value Engineering seeks to reduce cost often by removing unnecessary physical material in a project in a effort to reduce costs of material and therefore reduce the cost of the project. Value Engineering is commonly seen as a secondary operation undertaken when costs need to be reduced on a quoted project for various reasons. Of late, the term seems to have taken on a negative connotation suggesting just a reduction in material content, not always for the good of the project as a whole. Value Management on the other hand has wider reaching remit and whilst it encompasses Value Engineering at the outset, it is the complete ‘value chain’ that is explored in adopting Value Management principles. At the outset Value Management looks at every process from order through to completion. In the facade industry the principles of Value Management have been adopted by Aluprof in the UK to deliver competitive installations in conjunction with their extensive network of fabricators and installers. Aluprof UK’s head office and extensive distribution centre is located in Altrincham, Cheshire. Aluprof systems are increasingly being specified on a wide range of residential and commercial projects across the UK including Passivhaus projects. Systems are designed, fabricated and installed by selected, specially trained local companies, to ensure each fabricated product meets Aluprof’s exacting standards. Architect Projects

Wojciech Brozyna - Managing Director - Aluprof UK Ltd

Further information is available on the company’s website at and specialist advice is available directly from Aluprof’s UK offices on 0161 941 4005.


Morland Eradicate Plastic Strips From Fire Door Frames Plastic bags, cotton buds, plastic stirrers and straws are all on the UK Governments hit list. However the plastic encapsulated intumescent strip lives long. Too long in the opinion of both David Attenborough and Morland. With this in mind Morland have developed a fire rated door frame system, Forever Firecheck® under their patent GB2546328 where the intumescent material is held in place by the “wrap” Morland apply to their MDF Mouldings, eradicating the need for the traditional plastic encapsulation entirely. The wrap can be paper, vinyl, veneer or laminate. Tested and approved by Warrington Certifire this innovative fire safety product was launched at UK Construction Week in October 2018. Mike Bebb, Morlands’ product manager says; “Morland have unique competencies in the reel application of decorative surfaces so it was a logical step for our factory. We now reel off the graphite strip at 25m per minute as part of our standard production process. Fitting plastic seals is a fiddly process. They flick out on the CNCs, they get lost on site, they work loose overtime and they are unsightly. At a stroke Forever Firecheck® addresses all of those shortcomings and additionally eradicates millions of linear metres of plastic use per year. What’s not to like? “ After Launching at the NEC during UK Construction Week; where it was received with considerable interest, Forever Firecheck® promptly went on to win the prestigious 2018 BWF Process Efficiency Award in November, proving that it’s not just Morland that think this groundbreaking door jamb is a real innovation in passive fire control.

To view the video, order samples or for more details visit foreverfirecheck To talk to us further about this innovative product – Contact Jake Cintra Morlands’ sales manager on 01938 551964 – jake.cintra@

AP119036 Morland HALF PAGE.indd 1

13/12/2018 16:26:46

THE FINEST TIMBER WINDOWS AND DOORS PROVIDING TAILOR MADE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR PROJECT • Period Property Specialists. Suitable for Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings • Supply Only, Supply and Install, Repair and Refurbish

Architect Projects

Previous prestigious projects include: St James’ Palace, The Admiralty Buildings, Clandon Park, The Grove Hotel, and Oxford Wildlife Trust.

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A ROOM WITH A VIEW Stunning views of the Forth Rail Bridge, floor to ceiling glass windows and solar panelled roof windows – the Browns made their dream home come true Alan Brown and his wife Lucy immediately saw the potential of a patch of overgrown woodland in Dalgety Bay overlooking the Forth Road Bridge, and quickly snapped it up for £31,000. Along with their twins, 13-yearolds Chloe and Amy, they had been searching without success at over 50 properties in the area. Nothing was quite right – so they decided to design their own.

An integral part of their dream house plan was natural daylight – not an easy ask in the coastal town of Dalgety Bay, but Alan knew he had the answer.

The VELUX roof windows have helped transform this house and I don’t think we’ll ever get bored of looking out over the Firth of Forth to the iconic Forth Rail Bridge.

“It was a big risk as the land had no planning permission,” says Alan. “We talked to our architect who advised us to spend time with him designing our dream home before applying for full permission. It worked, as our local planning department accepted it straight away.”

To flood their home with light and also take full advantage of the stunning views across the Firth of Forth, Alan and Lucy had an unusual approach to designing their house. Essentially, it’s upside down. Four bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms are on the ground floor whereas the first floor is devoted to a huge open plan kitchen, dining room and living area. That meant that Alan could easily employ his plan to install a large number of VELUX roof windows to ensure high quality living conditions, with lots of daylight and fresh air, for his family. He installed 11 VELUX® roof windows in total – 3 are installed above the open plan kitchen (one VELUX INTEGRA® solar powered roof window to allow for maximum ventilation and two manual roof windows). The living room benefits from an abundance of daylight created by two VELUX INTEGRA® solar powered roof windows and two manual roof windows with solar blackout blinds.

“The roof windows in the living room turned out exactly as we wanted; it’s my favourite part of the house,” says Alan. “I had an early vision of us sitting on the couch in the living room in front of the log fire looking up at the sky, watching the stars or the snow falling on the windows during winter. It’s a view we’ll never get bored of.” A further four roof windows (two VELUX INTEGRA® solar powered roof windows and two manual) with solar blackout blinds have been installed in a purpose built luxury garage split over two floors. The ground floor has room to park two cars and then opens up to a carpeted hallway with en-suite shower room

and a staircase leading to the first floor that opens up to an open plan one bedroom studio apartment that mimics the décor and feel of the main house. Grant Sneddon, product manager for VELUX “Roof windows can let in twice as much daylight as vertical windows of the same size – making that new extension feel even more spacious.” Website:

Architect Projects


COMMENT FROM ASSAEL ARCHITECTURE: MINISTERS URGED TO BACK HUGE UK HOUSEBUILDING PROGRAMME Félicie Krikler, director at Assael Architecture, said: “A government-backed house building programme of this scale would help remedy many of the challenges currently facing the British social housing market. “By pursuing a build-out initiative that delivers over 3 million social homes over the next 20 years, the recurrent issues around the availability and affordability of social housing could be dramatically improved for millions. “Such a bold policy proposal, however, must go alongside an equally bold commitment to high quality design and management. “As we know, the success of projects lies in the local governments’ commitment to maintain and uphold developments long after their completion with any largescale house building programme extending far beyond the literal construction of homes, to include community engagement from the outset, guidance around good design and material quality, as well as an ongoing maintenance strategy to ensure the success of each and every development.”

SWA membership service all sizes of project Anyone visiting the Steel Window Association website ( for the first time will be struck not just by the diversity of products and services that the member companies offer, but also the widely varying scale of the projects they tackle. Although some members specialise in like-for-like refurbishment or smaller residential work, the SWA’s combined, countrywide capability sees satisfied customers stretching from the owners of a cottage changing a couple of corroded old casements, to whole elevations of corporate office buildings being fitted with high performance, W40 fenestration. Cotswold Casements, based at Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, is a long established member of the SWA whose product portfolio spans a broad spectrum of schemes, as well as the length of the country. While its home turf is famous for limestone properties with metal frames in stone mullioned openings, its output is to be found in far larger properties such as the Principal Hotel, Manchester, recently remodelled at a cost of £20million. There, Cotswold Casements played a pivotal role in the supply and installation of screens and doorsets within the bedrooms, restaurant, bar and winter garden to help

realise the design ambitions of Michaelis Boyd Associates; all executed in the classic W20 profiles. Belonging to the SWA also allows members to seek the help of its technical committee when larger contracts throw up new challenges; giving companies access to shared experience and product solutions, as well as developments such as the new half-hour fire test certification for single and double door screens. Whether a prospective customer is seeking to have historic wrought iron windows restored in-situ, or to have large format, thermally broken steel fenestration fitted in a corporate headquarters, a member of the SWA will be able to respond. Steel Window Association’s members are able to offer a full selection of options for new build and replica refurbishment, as well as historic projects; including W20, W30, W40 and W50 frames able to comply with the requirements of Part L to the building regulations. Choosing an SWA member to manufacture and install your steel windows and doors ensures that you are receiving the highest standard of fabrication, Installation and customer service.

For further information on the Steel Window Association, please visit or call 020 8543 2841.

AP119009 Steel Window Association QP.indd 1

29/11/2018 14:24:19

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SUPPLYING THE FINEST QUALITY IRONMONGERY Touch combine traditional skills with modern manufacturing techniques to produce the most beautiful, quality fittings, built to stand the test of time. As well as specialist bespoke items, Touch supply over 1000 products, available in 23 different finishes to furnish high end residential and commercial properties, royal palaces, government houses, historic castles and stately homes. Olaria, available from Touch Ironmongery &

Architect Projects



IMMIGRATION WHITE PAPER SHOWS GOVERNMENT ISN’T LISTENING, SAYS FMB The Immigration White Paper shows the Government isn’t listening to the business community as it sets out a post-Brexit immigration system that would devastate the construction industry, according to the Federation of Master Builders (FMB). Commenting on the Immigration White Paper, published this afternoon, Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “The Government seems hell-bent on ignoring the business community when it comes to its immigration policy, as demonstrated by this disastrous White Paper. Despite more than two years of constructive engagement, what has been proposed by Ministers takes on none of our feedback. If the Government wants to jeopardise the UK economy for the sake of meeting an arbitrary immigration target, it’s going the right way about it.”

Architect Projects

Berry continued: “What’s particularly worrying is the Government’s obsession with salary thresholds for migrant workers entering the UK. The figure of £30,000 was floated in the Migration Advisory Committee report and was met by fierce opposition from almost all sectors. It makes no sense to draw meaningless lines in the sand when we should base our immigration policy on what will make our economy strong and productive. The White Paper also states categorically that it will make no allowances for so-called low skilled workers. This is wrong on two levels – firstly, the definition of low skilled will cover most construction tradespeople and secondly, genuinely low skilled workers, such as labourers, are essential to the safe and smooth running of any construction site.” Berry concluded: “12-month work visas for occupations in short supply during the transition period simply won’t cut it. Small and medium-sized construction firms, which make up 99 percent of the industry, do not advertise for roles internationally. Also, from a migrant worker’s perspective, why go to the UK for just 12 months when they can settle in other countries for much longer and put down roots if they wish. If the 12-month work visa idea was supposed to be an olive branch to the business community, it leaves much to be desired. The Government describes the construction and house building sectors as strategic and central to delivering its own aims. However, the plans set out today would make it impossible to meet the Government’s house building targets and the world-class infrastructure projects we have in the pipeline will be nothing but a pipedream.”


BREXIT UNCERTAINTY IMPACTS ARCHITECTS WORKLOAD & CONFIDENCE In October 2018, the RIBA Future Trends Workload Index increased slightly to +11, up from +7 in September, but for the second consecutive quarter the value of work in progress declined – indicating the impact of ongoing Brexit uncertainty. The North of England regained optimism after dipping significantly last month with an increase from +12 to +25. London remains the most cautious at +3 but this is up slightly from October’s figure of +1. The Midlands and East Anglia returned a balance figure of +9, lagging slightly behind the South of England (at +12) and Wales and the West (at +13). The biggest disparity remains between the North of England and London.

The RIBA Future Trends Staffing Index rose again, standing at +10 in October 2018, up from +4 in September. The staffing forecast for large practices (51+ staff) was down from +43 in October to +29 in September 2018 and for small practices (1-10 staff) it was +6 (up from +4) but it was medium-sized practices (11 - 50 staff) which saw the most dramatic increase in staffing forecast, from zero the previous month to +29. Large and medium practices seem to feel equally confident about their ability to maintain and increase staffing levels, whilst smaller practices remain much less confident about taking on additional staff in the short to medium term.

Large practices (with 51+ staff) remained the most positive in October, returning a workload balance figure of +70. Medium-sized practices (with 11 - 50 staff) returned a balance figure of +24, and small practices (with 1 - 10 staff) returned a balance figure of +6.

RIBA Executive Director Members, Adrian Dobson, said:

The private housing sector increased very slightly to +9 from +7 in October, and the public-sector (balance figure -2) and community sector (balance figure -0) both also experienced positive movement, but practices continue to be circumspect about any significant growth. The commercial sector forecast saw the greatest movement, regaining positivity after a dramatic fall the previous month, rising to +4 from -2 in October.

“However, the overall picture seems to be one of a market that is lacking growth momentum. The economic unease generated by the on-going and increasing uncertainty around Brexit remains. With the value of work in progress declining and economic anxiety clouding the willingness of clients to commit to projects, Brexit continues to be a big impact on architects’ confidence”

“Commentary received from our participating practices suggests that demand for architectural services is continuing to remain stable with less of a divide across the regions.

RIBA CHIEF EXECUTIVE TO SIT ON NEW ‘BEST OF BRITISH’ CREATIVITY BOARD The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Chief Executive, Alan Vallance, will sit on the Creative Industries Trade & Investment Board to represent the profession, taking a leading role in supporting the expansion of UK architecture’s services overseas. News of the board was announced today by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Chief Executive, Alan Vallance says, “UK Architecture is a global success story which contributes £4.8 billion to our economy. To grow

the influence and reputation of the sector it is vital that we expand internationally and I am delighted to join the new Creative Industries Trade and Investment Board to support this. 1 in 5 architects want to work internationally but they need more financial support and market information in order to so. I look forward to working with Annette King, Chair of the Board, and my colleagues in the creative industries to ensure that architects have the support they need to successfully grow overseas.”


CONSTRUCTION SMES ARE BEING LEFT BEHIND BY OFF-SITE SOLUTIONS The House of Lords will debate the Science and Technology Committee’s report ”Off-site Manufacture in Construction: Building for Change” which, among other concerns, cites a need to improve the productivity of the industry. Lord Mair has said that the principal barrier to off-site manufacturing becoming widespread in the construction industry is fragmentation and lack of collaboration. Identifying ”presumption in favour” of off-site development in five government departments, the Baron of Cambridge would like the Government to give the policy more teeth. The resulting uptake of this process can help transform construction and tackle major problems such as an ageing workforce, low productivity and more regional jobs outside large urban areas. The National Federation of Builders (NFB) welcomes the debate because off-site has a lot to offer construction, but it remains concerned by the lack of focus on 99% of the construction industry, our small and medium sized businesses (SMEs).

Lord Mair correctly identified the planning process as a major barrier to improving the uptake of off-site manufacturing, but stops short of recognising that 99% of the industry experience low productivity. This means they are unable to invest in off-site because the planning process stifles their business growth. The Building for Change report also ignores this fact, despite multiple reports over the last decade identifying planning as the major barrier for SME business growth. Richard Beresford, chief executive of the NFB, said: “We cannot rush into solutions without understanding the wider problems that the industry faces. Making planning easier for big companies will further fragment the industry and slow the widespread adoption of off-site construction. “An ageing workforce is also cited as a reason for change, yet SMEs, who train 66% of construction workers, build less than a third of the UK’s homes. ‘Building for Change’ did not report this, or recognise that SMEs are our predominant rural employer.”

EU ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS TO REMAIN WHEN UK LEAVES EU This announcement delivers the level of certainty that will help businesses prepare for life outside the EU. The following planning system regimes will therefore continue to operate after the UK leaves the European Union (EU) on 29 March 2019: • Environmental Impact Assessments • Strategic Environmental Assessments • Hazardous Substances Regulations The Government has said it is committed to “maintaining the highest environmental standards after we leave the EU, and will continue to uphold international obligations through multilateral environmental agreements.” This is welcome news for the environmental and construction supply chain, which require as smooth a transition as possible when the UK leaves the EU. Richard Beresford, chief executive of the National Federation of Builders, said: “Brexit remains a major concern for the construction industry. The recent announcement on environmental regulation delivers the level of certainty that will help businesses prepare for life outside the EU. However, certainty remains elusive on some key industry challenges such as accessing skilled labour from the EU. Without construction specific visas and better guidance for self-employed traders, businesses will struggle to operate.”


in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and is limited to a maximum of two students per college.

Building product manufacturer Forterra has announced Bricklaying Forterra Females (BFF) – the first ever all-female bricklaying competition of its kind in the UK, which will be open to female students and apprentices at UK colleges.

Kerri Chambers, a former Student Bricklayer who is now an Assistant Quantity Surveyor at a London construction firm, and who won a bricklaying competition at Havering College while still training, said, “The industry is always looking for more people to join up, and these days there are more options for women who want to get involved and build a career in the sector.

Female student bricklayers from across the UK are being offered the chance to take part in the first all-female bricklaying competition of its type, organised by Forterra.

BFF is a ground-breaking national contest which aims to find the best female apprentice and student bricklayers in the country, while also encouraging more girls and women to consider bricklaying, and the construction industry in general, as a career. Currently, fewer than 2% of tradespeople in the UK are female, a figure which has hardly changed for over 15 years.

BFF is open to all Junior and Senior female bricklaying students currently at colleges

“It’s great that a company like Forterra is helping to raise the profile of women in bricklaying by organising the BFF competition. I began my career as a bricklayer when I was 19, and ten years on I’ve managed to progress in the industry. I put my success down to having a background in the trades; it’s hard work, but it can lead to a satisfying and rewarding career.”


Architect Projects

The competition will take place at Havering College in London on March 4th 2019, the first day of National Apprenticeship Week. There are spaces for 16 female students to take part, which will be filled on a first come, first served basis.


LETWIN REVIEW: SMES ARE CRUCIAL TO SOLVING THE HOUSING CRISIS The Review focuses almost entirely on large sites and the volume developers overlooking best practice already carried out by SMEs The Letwin Review rejects criticisms of landbanking and welcomes calls from industry bodies to diversify the housing market and speed up house building on large sites. Small and medium-sized (SME) house builders have previously told the Government on repeated occasions that large sites which deliver standardised design, do not lead to good master planning and sustainable property sales. The Review states the need to build on sites of all sizes, as well as identifying the lack of skilled workers as a major barrier to house building. Letwin has made the following recommendations, suggesting they come into force in 2021: • introducing new planning and funding rules for large sites in high housing demand areas; • forming a national expert committee to adjudicate disputes; • creation of a ‘flash’ skills programme to be delivered by major house builders; • increasing compulsory purchase order (CPO) powers.

Architect Projects

The National Federation of Builders (NFB) welcomes the Letwin Review’s conclusion on the skills challenge, the benefit of splitting large sites, and the importance of small sites. While the NFB agrees with Letwin on the challenges and conclusions, the Review focuses almost entirely on large sites and volume developers. It therefore overlooks best practice already carried out by SMEs.

CO-LIVING AND MICRO-HOMES MOST POPULAR SOLUTIONS TO HOUSING CRISIS, NEW FMB RESEARCH REVEALS Building more co-living developments and micro-homes in urban areas top the list of people’s preferred solutions to the housing crisis according to new research by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), while building on the greenbelt is the least favoured solution. The FMB asked 2,000 home owners across the UK if there is a housing shortage and if so, how best to address this shortage. The key results are as follows: • Two-thirds (66%) believe that there is a shortage of housing in the UK. • When asked for views on the most appropriate solutions to the housing shortage, the most commonly cited were as follows: 1. Build more co-living developments (33%); 2. Build more micro-homes in urban areas (31%); 3. Build more granny flats (31%); 4. Extend permitted development rights (27%); 5. Encourage more multigenerational living (24%); 6. Excavate or convert more basements underneath existing properties (18%); and 7. Build on the greenbelt (17%). Commenting on the research, Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “Even the vast majority of those who are lucky enough to own their own home recognise that there’s a housing shortage. When asked about solutions to this problem, the most popular remedy was to construct more co-living developments, which are becoming more and more popular in major cities right across

SMEs have a long history of building diverse housing on sub-divided large sites. They tackled Britain’s post war housing crisis in the 1950s and built the numerous 1980s estates. Planning policy may not need to change to promote diverse housing types.

need. With the Government keen to encourage greater housing diversity, the industry should redouble efforts to enable more small sites and infill.

SMEs train 66% of construction apprentices, employ within 15 miles of their head offices, and are the predominant rural employer. Excluding them from any ‘flash’ skills programme would be highly imprudent. Statistics show that we rely on large sites and not small or medium sites to meet housing

Richard Beresford, chief executive of the NFB, said: “The Letwin Review recognises that developers would rather build and sell, than not build at all. Its recommendations will help build sites more quickly. It also needs fine tuning to build the right homes


the globe. Building more microhomes in urban areas was the second most commonly cited solution to the UK housing crisis. Both of these approaches would increase density in urban areas where demand is particularly high. The creation of more granny flats was the third most popular solution, which would see more elderly people moving out of their properties and living alongside children or grandchildren in selfcontained home extensions. This would free up much-needed family homes, which are being underused by older people living on their own. Perhaps unsurprisingly, home owners, who are clearly already on the property ladder, see building on the greenbelt as the least desirable option.” Berry concluded: “While these solutions are food for thought, if we want to solve the housing crisis, we need to reduce barriers to small, local building firms. Recent research from the Federation of Master Builders shows that the lack of small sites and difficulties hiring skilled tradespeople are limiting the amount of homes these firms can build. Removing barriers to SME house builders matters as in the late 1980s, twothirds of all new homes were built by small local house builders and this was a time when house building was in step with demand. Currently SME house builders build less than one quarter of all new homes and as this proportion has declined, so too has the capacity of our industry to deliver the homes we need. Reviving the fortunes of SME builders undoubtedly has a key role to play in delivering the Government’s target of 300,000 new homes a year in England alone, and is key to solving the housing crisis once and for all.”

and train skilled workers in the right places.” Rico Wojtulewicz, senior policy advisor for the House Builders Association (HBA), added: “SMEs have a bigger part to play in implementing Letwin’s recommendations than the Review itself concludes. We welcome the review period before the Government publishes its final response.”

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ADVANCED PANELS RECOGNISED WITH FM APPROVALS DIAMOND MARK Axis EN and MxPro 5 fire panels from global systems leader, Advanced, have been certified by FM Approvals to the EN 54 standard, becoming the first UK-manufactured fire alarm control panels to attain this accreditation, The FM APPROVED diamond is one of the most prestigious certification marks in the world. It is issued by FM Approvals, a member of the FM Global Group, for products that adhere to the highest property conservation standards in quality, technical integrity and performance. It is a mark of quality and performance that is relevant for any engineer, specifier or building owner wishing to install fire systems that meet the highest property conservation standards. Advanced’s products lead the market in performance, quality and ease-of-use and the company has been at the forefront of standards leadership for decades across many of the 80 countries it operates in. As well as holding FM Approval for EN54 Parts 2 & 4, the Axis EN and MxPro 5 fire panels were among the first to obtain EN54 Part 13 from VdS. The FM Approval of Advanced’s fire panels also included an inspection of Advanced’s manufacturing sites as it moves into its stateof-the-art HQ in Newcastle in the North East of England. The MxPro 5 and Axis EN labels and branding are being updated with the FM certification in early 2019.

AP119068 Advanced Electronics Ltd HP.indd 1

Advanced is a world leader in the development and manufacture of intelligent fire systems. The legendary performance, quality and ease of use of its products sees Advanced specified in locations all over the world, from single panel installations to large, multi-site networks. Advanced’s products include complete fire detection systems, multiprotocol fire panels, extinguishing control, fire paging and false alarm management systems. Website:

Architect Projects

The MxPro 5 multi-protocol panel and Axis EN systems panel are certified to EN54 Parts 2, 4 & 13 and come in one-to-eight-loop variants as standard, with further custom build options available. Both product ranges are easily configured into high speed, 200-panel networks, covering huge areas with tens of thousands of field devices. They include high performance features such as Advanced’s complete false alarm reduction software, AlarmCalm, and TouchControl, Advanced’s control and touchscreen repeaters that feature Active Maps and zone plans. Advanced are specified from the smallest to the largest buildings globally including in some of the most prestigious developments such as; The Shard in London, Abu Dhabi’s International Airport and Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia.

FM Approvals is an international leader in third-party testing and certification services for property loss prevention products and services for use in commercial and industrial facilities to verify they meet rigorous loss prevention standards of quality, technical integrity and performance. FM Approvals employs a worldwide certification process that is backed by scientific research and testing, and over a century of experience. The FM APPROVED mark is recognized and respected worldwide.


07/01/2019 11:31:03

Helifix helps preserve historic Titanic dock pump house Helifix non-disruptive and concealed masonry repair systems have been installed on the large pump house adjacent to the Thompson Graving Dock in Belfast, where the Titanic was fitted out. Opened in 1911, this long terrace of gabled brick buildings required major structural repairs and stabilisation due to historic settlement and rotation. Now part of the Titanic Foundation, it was important that these repairs were sympathetic, restoring structural integrity while retaining the original appearance of the buildings. Alongside 500 metres of stainless steel HeliBars, bespoke

AP119019 Helifix QP.indd 1

manufactured SockFix grouted sock anchors, ranging from 1.2 to 5 metres in length were also used to reinstate failed arches and lintels, and reconnect main elevations to internal cross walls. These anchors were inserted into core-drilled clearance holes before being pumped full of grout, expanding the sock to fill voids and forming a strong mechanical connection with the masonry; the retained cores were then replaced in the external masonry to create an almost invisible repair. Helifix: Tel. 020 8735 5200 email. Web.

Lord-Lieutenant presents Ancon with third Queen’s Award for Enterprise ANCON has officially received the 2018 Queen’s Award for Enterprise from the LordLieutenant of South Yorkshire, Mr Andrew Coombe, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. This is the third time the company has been honoured in this prestigious award scheme that acknowledges outstanding achievements by UK businesses. Ancon’s 2018 Innovation award follows its Queen’s Awards for International Trade in 2015 and Innovation in 2012.

The award was received on behalf of Ancon by company director Peter McDermott at a special ceremony attended by 36 longserving employees representing all areas of the business from sales and marketing to production and accounts.

For more information, call 0114 275 5224 or visit

03/01/2019 AP119037 15:23:27 Ancon Ltd QP.indd 1

13/12/2018 15:35:25

Durable D-Style from Abacus Bathrooms

The modern D-Style portfolio of bathroom brilliance from Abacus Bathrooms (www.abacus-bathrooms. features compact handwash basins, standardsized basins, WCs, bidets and complementary mirrors. There are five contemporary colours – White, Beige, Nilo, Walnut, Wenge - and two sizes to choose from for the complementary basin and vanity unit.

Architect Projects

After a tour of the recentlyextended Sheffield head office and main UK manufacturing operations, Mr Coombe said, “It gives me great pleasure to present this award to Ancon. I have been so impressed with what I have seen here today. It is a real team effort.”

The compact handwash basins are ideal for cloakrooms while there are also models in 55cm and 60cm widths for main full bathroom suites. An Evermite nano coating protects the basins resulting in the products, when compared to similar portfolios on the market, being 40% more resistant to abrasion, 20% more resistant to scratching and 50% more resistant to fading caused by cleaning chemicals.

For further information, contact

40 AP119035 Abacus Bathrooms QP.indd 1

29/11/2018 14:24:15

ALTERNATIVE INSULATION MATERIALS – POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR BETTER INSULATION By Leonie Onslow, Executive Director, British Urethane Foam Contractors Association Polyurethane foam can be used as a high performing insulant for all types of new build or refurbishment project to meet or exceed today’s standards. It is also widely used by architects and specifiers for remodelling purposes, for instance in barn conversions. When used for airtightness or stabilisation under the roof or within the cavity it outperforms most other materials. The sprayed or injected foam is not just an insulant – it can be used for stabilisation purposes, for instance to hold tiles in place for a stronger roof structure or to take the place of failing cavity wall ties. The material can often be used when other materials are simply not suitable. The material is so versatile that it can be used in many different situations from buildings to boats! The polyurethane insulant is a twocomponent liquid system which produces a highly-efficient blanket of insulation with an exceptional thermal conductivity figure. It is particularly cost-effective and easy to apply to a wide variety of substrates. Its closed-cell nature renders it very resistant to moisture ingress and grades are available which achieve both Class 1 and Class 0 fire ratings when tested to BS 476 Part 7 and 6 respectively. The urethane foam can be applied in any thickness to suit the insulation requirements of the building. The trade association for the sprayed and

injected polyurethane foam industry is the British Urethane Foam Contractors Association. BUFCA is a central resource for the application of polyurethane foam systems. The association consists of polyurethane foam installers operating to high standards, together with material and equipment suppliers. Polyurethane foam can be installed to help meet Building Regulations as wall insulation, roof insulation, floor insulation or to fill voids and other areas providing a seamless, thermal insulation barrier. Other jointed systems give rise to a potentially weak point, leading to a significant loss of insulation value. For wall insulation, injected polyurethane foam can be used in the cavity to provide a superior performing insulant which also helps to bond the inner and outer leaves

providing strength to the building. Air leakage through the cavity can be reduced to zero. Because of the greater thermal performance and the reduced air leakage PU foam outperforms all other forms of cavity fill. It is a much less costly alternative to re-roofing and can be applied to slates, tiles and other various roof coverings. It permanently cures the problems of nail fatigue and makes the roof much more resistant to storm or impact damage. Because it is liquid when it is applied, it seeks and seals any unwanted air leakage that may occur preventing the ingress of wind-driven rain, snow and dust and dramatically reducing heat loss. The foam also slows the deterioration of tile/slates by frost. On the underside of the covering frost damage is eliminated. On the weather side the frequency of the freezing/ thawing cycle is reduced. Slates and tiles will be less prone to damage by impact as the foam distributes the forces. When choosing a BUFCA registered installer, architects, builders, and specifiers can be assured of the highest standards of quality and service.

Architect Projects


The Original Park Crescent West (Courtesy of CIT)

SCHÖCK WRAPPED PARAPETS SOLUTION FOR GRADE 1 LISTED REBUILD At the Regent’s Park end of London’s Portland Place, passers-by have been astonished to discover that the iconic Park Crescent West, a Grade 1 listed residential Regency terrace built by architect John Nash, is no more. However, all is not as it seems. The original Nash terrace, completed in 1821, was badly damaged during the Second World War and restored in the 1960s. The work though was considered flawed and not true to the original. As a result this is now a rare case where the demolition of the Grade I listed terrace ‘and its replacement with a more scholarly replica would preserve and enhance rather than obliterate its significance’. Offering 76 luxury apartments, with nine mews houses at the rear and renamed Regent’s Crescent, the project will see the terrace rebuilt with new brickwork and stucco to represent the original Nash design. Avoidance of thermal bridging is critical The construction comprises a reinforced concrete frame with concrete columns, horizontal flat slabs and a lightweight steel roof. The project is to a very high specification and great attention has been paid to avoiding the risk of thermal bridging problems. Prevention along the parapets is critical, because as with balconies, parapets can allow conductive materials to transfer energy through the thermal barrier. Often the method of insulating parapets and parapet walls is to wrap the perimeter with an insulation barrier. However, the Schöck Isokorb used here offers a solution that is both more cost-effective and more thermally efficient than conventional wrapped parapets. Its 120mm insulation thickness results in low psi-values and therefore significantly reduces heat loss – and there is no wrapping required. The

The Schöck Isokorb types AXT in position and (bottom left) integrated into the parapets

Isokorb solution does not require maintenance and there is no risk of expensive restoration due to waterproofing problems. It also allows greater freedom of design and there is no risk of any additional thermal bridging through balustrade fixings. A load-bearing modular thermal insulation element from the Isokorb range is also utilised within the lightweight steel roof construction. This is for connecting cantilevered steel girders to steel structures. It can be used to minimise the risk of therrmal bridging in new construction or renovation projects involving penetrating support structures such as canopy roofs, frame system crossbars or balconies. Totally verifiable performance

Architect Projects

The Schöck product types used at Regent’s Crescent are for wrapped parapets and steel-to-steel connectivity, but the comprehensive Isokorb range also offers solutions for concrete-to-steel situations and concrete-to-concrete. The range complies with the Government Standard Assessment Procedure, SAP 2012, concerning CO2 emissions from buildings and respectively heat losses through non-repeating thermal bridges. Products meet full compliance with the relevant UK building regulations, have NHBC approval and offer LABC Registration. There is also the security of independent BBA Certification.

Contact Schöck on 01865 290 890; or visit the website at for a free copy of the Schöck Thermal Bridging Guide; the Schöck Specifiers Guide and to view the full range of downloadable software.


North West Edinburgh Partnership Centre, image courtesy of Holmes Miller

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Wick Community Campus, image courtesy of Keith Hunter Photography

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HOWE GREEN PROVIDES INNOVATIVE ACCESS SOLUTION FOR NHS’S NEWEST HOSPITAL Howe Green Ltd, the UK’s leading manufacturer of floor access covers, has supplied nearly 70 covers to Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield. The £200 million redeveloped hospital became fully operational Howe Green, Itone of the leading in the last autumn. is the newest andbrands most digitally advancedhorizontal hospital inaccess the NHS estate.has specialist market, supplied products to the £150 million National Chase Farm offers patients a range of services Automotive Innovation Centre (NAIC) being including an out-patient department, an urgent built on the University of Warwick campus. care centre, an older person’s assessment unit, an endoscopy unit, a chemotherapy day 2 The 33,000m building, with stateday unit,distinctive eight operating theatres, a dedicated of the artarea equipment and world class facilities, surgery and 50 surgical in-patient beds. will provide a centre for research, innovation Howe Green’s Visedge Series Flexible Floor and technology development in the UK Access Covers and 7500 Series Medium-Duty automotive sector. Academics, engineers and Aluminium Floor Access Covers were specified designers will be brought together under one for the project by international architects IBI roof to create the technologies and products Group. of the future.

The space within the four storey building has been designed to facilitate collaboration, creativity and the cross fertilisation of knowledge and ideas. It will also act as a shop window for advances in British design and engineering.

The covers were supplied to established, Enfield based contractor, Galldris. Technicians from Galldris installed the Howe Green access covers throughout the 20,000 square metres of internal flooring, including the plant room The Greenunit. bespoke 7500 Series Medium and Howe endoscopy The Visedge covers were infilled with vinyl flooring. floor finish by for Duty Stainless Steel covers The were specified the 7500 Seriesarchitects varied depending the award-winning Cullinan upon Studio. location of the cover. The specification required that the covers were

manufactured with a reduced depth, instead The Howe Green access covers enable safe of standard frame depth concealed of 75mm. andthe easy access overall to building services The reduction in depth enabled theThe access under the flooring of the hospital. covers to withsafely the same canbebeinfilled removed, and flooring easily, for maintenance purposes with the use of lifting used elsewhere in the raised floor system keys. sulphate floor panels, with the stone calcium pre-bonded. The Visedge Series provide a durable, lightweight, non-rusting access solution for The floorsheet access coverssystems were installed by flexible flooring in environments Lindner, the market leader in raised flooring systems. Calcium sulphate floor panels are ideal for sustainability as they are manufactured almost exclusively from recycled materials – an important consideration for the NAIC which is aspiring to a BREEM excellent rating. The Technical Department at Howe Green are frequently called upon to help develop a bespoke solution to an access challenge. Established in 1983 the company has a gained a real insight into designing and manufacturing

7500 Series

Visedge Series

access covers that can deliver the right 7500 Series Medium-Duty Aluminium Floor aesthetic whilstare fulfilling theallrequired Access Covers used for types of hard performance criteria. ceramic tiles, terrazzo floor finish, including and wood. They offer a heavier loading than The 7500 Series Medium-Duty Floor Access the Visedge, with a five tonne pneumatic tyre Covers are available in acars range standard wheel load suitable for andoflight delivery sizes from stock. They can be manufactured in vehicles. stainless steel or aluminium as single covers, The Visedge and 7500 Series are available as a duct runs or multipart units. With a single cover, aloading duct run or as afor multipart performance suitable up to 5 unit. tonne Standard sizes available from stockcan andbe pneumatic tyreare wheel load the covers bespoke sizeswith can be manufactured order used in areas pedestrian traffic,to cars and with delivery no time or cost constraint. light vehicles. Howe Green has supplied many hospitals over the last 35 years including South Mead Hospital in Bristol and Queen’s Hospital in Romford.

If you would like to find out how Howe Green If you wouldsafe like access to find to outconcealed how Howe Green can provide services can assist with your requirement for an for your next construction project please get innovative, practical and cost effective solution in touch, call 01920 463 230 or visit for accessing concealed services located under flooring please call 01920 463230 or visit


Architect Projects

Howe Green supplied around 400 floor access covers for use throughout the centre to provide safe and easy access to building services concealed under the raised flooring.

with pedestrian footfall, wheeled trolleys and sack trucks. Double sealed, the Visedge covers are ideal for a busy hospital where the highest standards of hygiene and security are required.


CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF BUILDING CHIEF EXECUTIVE ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT One of the longest-serving chief executives at a professional body has announced his retirement. For almost 20 years Chris Blythe OBE has led the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). He will retire from the CIOB in May 2019. CIOB President Chris Soffe FCIOB said of Chris Blythe’s time with the CIOB: “Leading a 184-year-old organisation, like ours, and keeping it relevant is no easy feat. Chris has transformed the CIOB into a modern international institute, able to adapt to the changing needs of its members and in an industry undergoing a digital revolution. With his influence he has helped establish the discipline of construction management as a Chartered profession and under his stewardship the awarding of an MCIOB can now be compared to a Master’s Degree. He has held the industry and government to account on politically sensitive agendas like modern slavery and corruption in construction. He has also championed the industry and the vital role it plays in social mobility, job creation and the quality of life. “His leadership has given us sure footing as we look to the future and begin our search over the coming months for a new Chief Executive. We wish Chris well in all that

he chooses to do and pass on our sincere thanks for his unwavering dedication and consistently excellent leadership.” For more than 25 years Chris has been involved in vocational education and training, together with business development. Chris has been Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Building since January 2000. In the Queen’s 2017 New Year’s Honours list Chris received an OBE for services to the ‘Construction Industry and Government.’ In September 2018 the University of Wolverhampton awarded him an Honorary Degree in recognition of his ‘contribution to vocational training and education particularly in his role as Chief Executive of CIOB’. Speaking about his decision to retire Chris Blythe OBE said: “It has been a privilege to lead the CIOB these many years. It has given me the opportunity to work with fabulous people from across the industry and across the world. I have enormous respect for Institute members who are dedicated to making a difference to the quality of people’s lives as they strive to improve the industry.

“Belonging to a Chartered Body is more than just membership and qualifications it is also about a duty to society. That is reflected in the many members I have met and worked with. I would like to thank the countless number of people from across the industry, and colleagues at the CIOB, who have been key in all that we have achieved together and the many successes yet to come. I am looking forward to the next phase of my life with great anticipation, great memories and many great friends.”


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Architect Projects

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REYNAERS UK APPOINTS RICHARD HALL AS MANAGING DIRECTOR Leading aluminium systems supplier Reynaers, has announced the appointment of Richard Hall to the position of Managing Director for the UK subsidiary of the business. He will oversee the continued growth of Reynaers as it expands its trade and retail offerings and builds on its success in the commercial sector. A Birmingham local, Richard has over 22 years’ experience in sales, marketing, engineering and supply chain roles. He joins from Schaeffler, where he has held board positions for over 12 years, leading on projects across the automotive and industrial sides of the business in the UK and Ireland. Commenting on his recent appointment, Richard said: “I was attracted to the role at Reynaers

due to the strong emphasis on product leadership and customer relationships. The company has gone from strength to strength, having doubled the number of employees and turnover in the last decade. “Following Reynaers’ huge successes in the commercial sector, we are looking to continue our growth across the UK. I am also excited about growing our UK trade and retail business. We have a great family culture at Reynaers with a very approachable team, a vast range of innovative products and we are in the enviable position of having a great set of commercial, trade and retail fabrication partners. I am focussed on bringing these strengths together to encourage our customers to make use of our stunning Birmingham showroom and training centre.”

NEW PLANNING MANAGER FOR AWARD-WINNING CONSULTANCY A planning-led architectural practice in Cornwall has just recruited a new planning manager to its awardwinning team.

Architect Projects

Laurence Associates, which celebrates its 25th birthday this year, offers town planning, architecture, interior architecture and landscape architecture expertise. It attracts commissions from across the country on a range of projects, from high-end residential developments and commercial schemes to luxury coastal properties and individuallydesigned homes. Planning manager Chloe Pitt joined the practice at the start of November. Chloe, who holds a Masters degree in architectural conservation from Plymouth University, worked at Cornwall Council for 13 years, specialising major housing schemes, infrastructure projects, town frameworks, wind energy developments, and neighbourhood planning. “After spending so much of my career working in local government, I wanted a new challenge which


would allow me to develop new skills whilst applying and building on my existing experience, Laurence Associates stands out to me because they assess development proposals from a planning perspective, and this holistic approach gives schemes a much greater chance of success. The practice attracts a huge variety of work so this is a very exciting opportunity for me.” Managing director, Richard Marsden, welcomed Chloe’s appointment, saying: “We’ve had a very busy year, both in terms of successful planning decisions and appeals, as well as some very ambitious housing projects. It’s terrific to have someone of Chloe’s calibre and experience to lead our team of planning consultants.”

Leading construction materials supplier, Aggregate Industries has strengthened its asphalt and ready-mixed concrete division with the high-profile appointment of new Head of Business Development, Joanne Wilkins. A rising star in the construction industry, Joanne brings with her an extraordinary track record of successfully delivering product development and growth strategies, having spent over 11 years with construction giant Carillion, most recently as Product Development Director. Already active in her new position at Aggregate Industries, Joanne is tasked with driving sales and development of the firm’s market leading asphalt and concrete performance products, as well as spearheading the growth of value added services. With Aggregate Industries recently named as ‘Endorsed Employer of Women’ by WORK180, a pioneering jobs platform that pre-screens employers to ensure they support women’s careers, Joanne is passionate about supporting the company’s ambitious plans to build a more inclusive and diverse workforce. Commenting on her appointment, Joanne said: “I am delighted to join the Aggregate Industries team and look forward to further developing the strong, customer focused culture that the asphalt and ready-mix concrete business is already renowned for. My focus will be on collaborative planning, bringing both teams closer together and using our indepth market and product knowledge to drive sustainable growth opportunities. “The infrastructure sector will continue to be a key area of growth for Aggregate Industries over the coming years. As such, by providing real innovation through a truly diverse workforce, pioneering products and value added services, we hope to build on our position as the supply partner of choice on some of the country’s most ambitious projects.”

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LARGE WINS FOR FLOWCRETE UK AT THE FERFA AWARDS 2018 Flowcrete UK has won the Large Industrial Project of the Year and Large Commercial Project of the Year categories at the FeRFA 2018 Best Practise Awards. The Resin Flooring Association (FeRFA) represents major businesses and organisations involved in resin flooring, screeding and surface preparation. Its annual awards event, which this year was held at St Johns Hotel, Solihull, on November 23rd, celebrates the best of the resin flooring industry’s achievements from over the past year. Flowcrete UK’s Managing Director, Kevin Potter, said: “We’re so proud and delighted to have been presented with these awards! Winning two categories is a fantastic testament to the hard work and commitment of the Flowcrete UK team as well as the quality of our flooring solutions. “All the projects that made the shortlist are remarkable showcases of what can be achieved with resin flooring technology and we knew that we faced a lot of stiff competition on the night. ”All-in-all I couldn’t think of a better way to recognise what can be achieved when our products and expertise are combined with architectural innovation and highly trained applicators.” At the awards ceremony Flowcrete UK was first presented with the Large Industrial Project of the Year award, thanks to its work at The Macallan’s stunning new whisky distillery. This was soon followed up by winning the Large Commercial Project of the Year category in recognition of the Menai Science Park’s (M-SParc) Flowcrete UK floor.

Architect Projects

The Sandbach, Cheshire, based resinflooring manufacturer was also nominated in the Innovation Award category for its fast


curing terrazzo system Mondéco Rapide. The two Flowcrete UK projects that are now FeRFA winners are both exciting examples of unique flooring installations. The Macallan, which was undertaken with applicator partner IFT, raised a number of challenges. The distillery’s floor had to withstand the demands of high-end whisky production while providing a safe, visually attractive and on-brand finish. In addition to all this the application work took place at the client’s idyllic but remote Speyside estate during a cold and blustery Scottish winter. Over 21,000 square metres of Flowcrete UK’s systems were chosen to ensure that the floor in each part of The Macallan’s site was up to the task at hand. This included a robust polyurethane coating for the production areas, fast curing and slip resistant floors for the main tourist routes, a high-gloss and shiny black epoxy surface in

the cask room, a natural-effect stone carpet for the external perimeter as well as other assorted screeds, primers and coatings. At M-SParc, it was vital that the flooring reflected the aesthetics and style of the site’s overarching architectural concept. To achieve this, the applicator Coatech installed Peran Comfort in combination with Rustik Glamourstone to create a continuous ribbon of flooring that connected the outside areas to the inside and that emulated the building’s pure white external Corian cladding. The bespoke, decorative finish that was required had to be completed within a very tight turn-around and in a busy site located in the middle of the Anglesey countryside. Thanks to the dedication and expertise of Flowcrete UK and Coatech, the project was finished to the client’s high standards and in time for the science park’s grand opening.

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MAYORAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - REGENERATING STOCKPORT’S TOWN CENTRE WEST Transformation in Stockport could be taken to the next level when Greater Manchester leaders meet on Friday (11th January). It comes as Stockport Council works with the Mayor, Andy Burnham, to develop Greater Manchester’s first Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC), which will look to unlock development sites and accelerate the speed of transformation within Stockport’s Town Centre. Key to this is Stockport Council’s vision for Town Centre West, an urban village that would adapt the town centre to meet changing demands nationally.

business will have enviable access to public transport and be amongst the best connected in the region. And as Stockport’s popularity as somewhere to live grows, the Council is doing all it can to maximise development of new homes on brownfield sites across the borough, with developments like the Former Sorting Office site on the A6 already planned to start on site soon. This means Stockport has significantly reduced the amount of land they need to release for development in the Green Belt.

As a walkable neighbourhood in the heart of Stockport, it’s hoped that Town Centre West will become Greater Manchester’s newest, greenest and coolest affordable urban neighbourhood.

At the same time the Council wants to bring new homes across all tenures, and all of the supporting amenities, into the town centre, giving more people the chance to come and live in the heart of Stockport to enjoy everything on offer.

It will provide a choice of homes and workspace where residents and

Councillor Kate Butler, Stockport Council’s Cabinet Member for

Economy and Regeneration said: “We need to bring new homes into Stockport for the future, but are doing all we can to protect our borough’s green spaces. “The Mayoral Development Corporation will help drive these developments shaping the future of our town. “As these plans for the MDC develop, we’d like residents and businesses to have their say for how it would bring change to our town centre.” If consultation for the MDC is given the go-ahead by leaders at the meeting on Friday, residents and businesses will be able to have their say on these important documents. An online consultation will also be launched asking for your views on the MDC, as well as writing to all of the businesses in the Town Centre West area.

BLAZE SIGNS COMPLETE SIGNAGE FOR NEW KENT STORE Blaze Signs have recently completed the signage for the newly completed Sainsbury’s Herne Bay store. Signage included main exterior ID branding, car park branding and interior general branding including the concession areas. The project also encompassed branding to the new petrol filling station forecourt. Manufacture of signage involved a number of new and traditional manufacturing techniques including vacuum forming large exterior lettering, LED embedded letters, high resolution digital imagery and extruded LED lit sign cases which were fitted with interchangeable printed polyester front skins. Sainsbury’s was founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury with a shop in Drury Lane and is today the UK’s second largest chain of supermarkets.

Architect Projects

Sainsbury’s remained wholly owned by the family until July 1973 when it became the largest ever flotation on the London Stock Exchange. As of February 2018, the largest overall shareholder is The Sovereign Wealth Fund of Qatar with a holding of 21.99%.


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VICTORIA BRAMBINI TAKES TOP ROLE AT PERFECT CIRCLE PERFECT Circle, the consortium comprising Pick Everard, Gleeds and AECOM, has appointed Victoria Brambini as its managing director. Brambini, who has headed Scape Procure for the past two years, will take the helm of Perfect Circle from 1 January - leading the organisation to further success and developing its ambitious plans for growth. Perfect Circle was formed in 2016 to deliver the four-year £350 million National Built Environment Consultancy Services (BECS) framework for Scape Group, the public sector owned built environment specialist. To date, Perfect Circle has delivered more than 750 projects to over 220 clients. Brambini said: “I’m excited about joining Perfect Circle, and delighted to be leading the next stage of progressing the joint venture into an even higher performing and sustainable organisation. “It’s a great opportunity for me to be able to add value to the business, drawing on my knowledge and experience of working in the public sector, to ensure our clients continue to receive outstanding levels of service through the Scape BECS framework.” Brambini, who joined Scape in 2014 as head of national frameworks and later taking up the role of MD of Scape Procure in 2016, had worked ‘client side’ prior to that as director for places at Rutland County Council.

Richard Whitehead, chairman of Perfect Circle, said: “This is a significant appointment for Perfect Circle. Victoria joins us at a pivotal time in our evolution, as we make plans for further expansion and continued initiatives on achieving the best value for clients. “There are tremendously exciting times ahead as we continue to build upon our excellent relationship with Scape and deliver a comprehensive suite of services. “Perfect Circle has gone from strength to strength in its success of delivering for Scape over the past two years. Victoria will assist to reinforce the Perfect Circle brand, ensure the delivery of the framework and explore new opportunities for being the trusted partner for clients.” Whitehead added: “Having worked in a local authority prior to Scape, Victoria has seen the direct benefit of framework delivery to clients – having been a client herself. Her five years of engagement in the delivery marketplace has given her a unique look at operational delivery, as well as the benefit and huge value the BECS framework has for clients.” Perfect Circle is a consortium of leading, innovative firms with expert industry knowledge and expertise working closely with a wealth of local supply chain providers. Together it delivers the very best high quality, value for money services for clients.

SEVEN NEW STARTERS FOR GROWING NATIONAL ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY BE DESIGN, the multi-disciplinary architecture and engineering practice, is rounding off the year with a series of significant new appointments, announcing seven additional members to its team.

Architect Projects

The practice celebrated its fifth anniversary this year and works across a number of sectors – from retail and leisure to residential and industrial – designing projects across the UK and throughout Europe.


A number of appointments have been made to the technical team, including Adam Hancocks, who brings 12 years’ experience to his new role as principal engineer. He will be working on the development of Grantham Designer Outlet Village and various international projects. Speaking of his new role, Adam said; “Having worked in the industry in the East Midlands since graduating, I’m really pleased to be staying in the region and joining the BE Design family. I’m looking forward to getting to know my clients, understanding their projects and applying my technical skills to solve problems and deliver high-quality buildings with a variety of end uses. One thing that really drew me to the company was the friendly environment and focus on training and development, and I’m looking forward to furthering not only my own development, but that of other team members through mentoring.”

Whitehead said: “A regional presence across the UK has enabled Perfect Circle to engage with the local supply chain more effectively, supporting local economies and targeting more than 25% work to be undertaken by SMEs. In its first two years, the delivery teams have contributed to more than 12,000 hours in community engagement and charity work.” The services available under the BECS framework include, but are not limited to: project management, quantity surveying, building surveying, commercial surveying, architecture and design services, civil and structural engineering, highways consultancy and engineering services and strategic asset management. Perfect Circle understands public sector procurement and is able to work with any public body via the BECS framework. Through the consortium’s breadth and depth of expertise across many built environment disciplines and services, it offers the fastest route to market in public sector project procurement, delivering value for money to UK taxpayers. Through its global reach and networks, Perfect Circle also ensures UK public sector built environment projects delivered overseas are procured seamlessly.

Joining Adam will be: Tim Wallis, senior engineering BIM technician; Sam Johnson, engineering BIM technician; Sophie Hayes and Will Turner, junior BIM technicians and Su Ford, administration assistant. Katie Barnes also joins the team as an architectural placement student from Newcastle University. Stephen Oakden, director at BE Design said: “At BE Design, we know that the people in our practice are the key to our success as a business. “With their passion, and the support of our development programmes, we work together as a close-knit team to ensure that our clients receive service that exceeds their expectations every time. “We recently announced a raft of internal promotions, and we’re thrilled to be following that with this boost of new staff throughout the technical and support teams. Myself and the wider team look forward to working alongside this talented influx of new staff and wish them all the best in their new roles.”


PHIL CROWTHER TO LEAD WILLMOTT DIXON INTERIORS’ MIDLANDS OFFICE Willmott Dixon Interiors continues to grow its team in the West Midlands by appointing Phil Crowther as director for its new office at Two Snowhill in Birmingham city centre. Phil will oversee all activity in the region with a focus on building a strong customer base, a robust supply chain and expansion of the team. Prior to joining Willmott Dixon Interiors, Phil developed his career at construction firms Vinci and VolkerFitzpatrick, and spent five years as West Midlands director for Willmott Dixon’s housing activities. Phil said: “We’ll be drawing on the outstanding skills base within this region to support the growth of our team, as well as use our knowledge and expertise to explore new opportunities and expand on our customer base. “The Midlands has unbridled potential but has needed the investment to unlock it and through significant projects such as the Commonwealth Games and delivery of HS2, we are finally

seeing the realisation of many of these opportunities. “Our ambition is to utilise truly amazing buildings – both new and historic – to create fantastic spaces able to accommodate continued inward investment and meet the aspirations of businesses seeking high quality commercial accommodation within the region. “Through our close connection to Willmott Dixon’s construction arm, we are in a unique position to provide a fully one-stop service for our customers.” Phil Crowther’s appointment follows that of Principal Sales and Marketing Manager, Phil Taylor who is responsible for driving and developing new business for the company. Willmott Dixon Interiors is one of the UK’s largest specialists in high-quality interior works up to a value of £30m. The scope of its work includes brand rollouts and refreshes as well as property fit-outs and refurbishments.

In the Midlands, Willmott Dixon builds on an established track-record for fit-out and refurbishment. The company has delivered interiors for four floors at Two Snowhill, the refurbishment of L&G’s The Lewis Building and similar projects for Coventry University and Milton Keynes Council. Willmott Dixon Interiors also provides a dedicated team for customers looking for smaller fit-outs and refurbishments up to £2 million, offering a service that normally wouldn’t be fulfilled by Willmott Dixon’s construction arm.

Stay Close and Cosy to Nature with Panasonic & the Dome Experience The team at Panasonic have been working in collaboration with architects, engineers and local crafts people to create an unfiltered, unique and comfortable luxury living experience in bubble style Domes to bring a 180-degree transparent window to the world of nature. Michael Beare of Finn Lough Resort is the visionary behind this unique holiday experience. Each Dome is kitted out with Panasonic Aquarea Fan Coils which are connected to air to water Panasonic Aquarea Monobloc heat pumps for quick reaction heating and cooling as well as domestic hot water. The first Domes were created in 2015 but had several challenges such as misting up, being cold in winter and too hot in the summer months. Michael then started discussions with Panasonic to understand and solve these issues. With continuous prototyping and

testing, the team has since adapted and improved the Dome’s comfort and experience for guests. The Panasonic Aquarea heat pump technology was chosen for this project as the units easily adapt to extreme low temperatures (-20oC) and high temperatures, whatever the climate. The units are highly energy efficient (COP of 5.08), are compact, positioned externally to save on internal living space, quick and straightforward to install. The Domes are proving popular, with seven initially installed at the Finn Lough Resort in Northern Ireland which has recently increased to 14 Domes due to the high demand. Enthusiasm for the Dome experience has now reached a global level with orders for more Domes in remote locations coming from Australia, North America, Italy and France to name a few. For more information please visit


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DRU Metro 100XT/2 corner gas fires provide the focal points in the living spaces of the town houses

DRU METRO DESIGNER GAS FIRES ARE CENTRE PIECE OF LUXURY NORTH LONDON TOWN HOUSES O1A International, ( au), is an internationally renowned architectural practice with offices in London, Melbourne and Abu Dhabi. Its Chairman, Omiros Emmanouilides believes passionately that the fireplace should be at the heart of most residential developments and has specified DRU contemporary gas fires for several recent projects. The latest of these is the conversion of a former Gordon Ramsay restaurant in Islington, north London, into two luxury town houses, complete with roof gardens and many unique architectural features. Benefits of balanced flue system

The exterior of the houses is transformed by timber and glass cladding and each property has a roof garden

Omiros chose DRU Metro 100XT/2 corner gas fires for the main living areas in the properties. As well as their visual appeal, the fires utilise the balanced flue system, enabling them to be flexibly located anywhere in the building without the need for a conventional chimney.

Architect Projects

A heat-resistant false chimneybreast has been created in each property to house the impressive log-effect fireplaces. This also serves to accommodate the flat screen TVs for the perfect focal point in each room. The false chimneybreasts also conceal the concentric flues,


which exit the building through the roof. Air is drawn from outside for combustion, with waste gases expelled outside, resulting in safe, comfortable and efficient heating performance. The former commercial façade of the properties was transformed by the skilful use of timber and glass, which softens the external appearance whilst allowing light to flood into the interiors at the same time, creating a distinctive landmark in this popular residential location. As Omiros explains: ‘DRU has a very good name worldwide and we were impressed with by quality and energy efficiency of the fires as well as the expertise of their area sales manager, who did the survey and oversaw the installation. ‘We will not hesitate to specify DRU fires for future developments when we make fireplaces an integral part of the design.’ For further information visit:,

Dunham-Bush Panther fan coil units have been installed in the new Square Kilometre Array Headquarters at Jodrell Bank in Cheshire. With 135 staff from around the world, the new HQ will be home to the inter-governmental organisation set up to build, manage and remotely monitor the operation of what is the world’s largest telescope, which is located at sites in South Africa and Western Australia. The Panther range of horizontal chassis, waterside control units incorporate EC motors for optimal controllability and energy efficiency and have inlet and discharge plenums supplied with sound attenuators to meet the stringent low level sound requirements of the building. These high specification Panther fan coil units have been specially engineered to meet this most demanding application. Combined with the very latest design and manufacturing technology, they provide the ideal solution to meet the precise thermal and noise criteria specified at the site. All models have multiple access panels for easy maintenance, another key feature of these versatile units. The heating and cooling systems were designed by Mott MacDonald’s Manchester office and installed by Chris Bowker Ltd of Morecambe. Careful planning with particular emphasis on safe site handling by the installers resulted in a fast and efficient installation. The SKA will be capable of observing across a wide frequency range. It will probe the early universe, test fundamental physical laws, such as the theory of gravity, search for alien life and over time provide a transformational view of our universe. Hundreds of satellite dishes and antennas on two continents will combine to form a huge radio telescope with a total collecting area approaching one million square metres, hence the name ‘The Square Kilometre Array.’ Website:

Architect Projects

The bid to make Jodrell Bank the HQ of the SKA was backed by the UK government through the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The bid was also supported by the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester and Cheshire East Council. The £16.5 million project has been funded by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy via the STFC, the University of Manchester and Cheshire East Council.


The SKA will be capable of observing across a wide frequency range. It will probe the early universe, test fundamental physical laws, such as the theory of gravity, search for alien life and over time provide a transformational view of our universe. Hundreds of satellite dishes and antennas on two continents will combine to form a huge radio telescope with a total collecting area approaching one million square metres, hence the name ‘The Square Kilometre Array.’ Website: The bid to make Jodrell Bank the HQ of the SKA was backed by the UK government through the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The bid was also supported by the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester and Cheshire East Council. The £16.5 million project has been funded by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy via the STFC, the University of Manchester and Cheshire East Council.

For further information contact Dunham-Bush Ltd: Tel: 023 9247 7700 Email:

Pumice is a natural insulator; this is the unique property that separates pumice from all other chimney material. Schiedel Isokern is noteworthy for its flue & chimney products manufactured using high quality pumice which is recognised throughout Europe and USA. The pumice is naturally sourced from the Hekla Volcano in Iceland.

The Natural properties of Pumice • High Insulation Properties – Pumice is a natural insulator, able to maintain the temperature of flue gases in comparison to other products which allow the temperature to fall. • Lightweight – Pumice is strong yet lightweight allowing one person to lift and build the chimney units. • Resistant to temperature change – Pumice expands and contracts less with temperature change than other chimney systems. This reduces the possibility of cracking and structural damage that can occur with other products.

SCHIEDEL ISOKERN OFFERS: • The unique feature of Schiedel Isokern against other chimney systems is that pumice is known for its natural insulating properties. • Pumice allows the flue gases in the chimney to quickly reach their optimum temperature enabling the heating appliance to reach its optimum performance shortly after lighting. • It keeps the chimney warmer longer as the heat output of the appliance decreases – once again aiding performance and reducing the likelihood of condensation and soot build-up. • ISOKERN is a well reputed brand known for its durability, reliability and long lasting, robust performance, under the Schiedel product portfolio. • We have the Largest collection of masonry chimney & fire chest products. • Our products are CE marked. • Our products are tested to the appropriate EN standards.


DESIGNS FOR BELVAL BUILDING UNVEILED STEPHEN GEORGE + PARTNERS SEES LANDMARK WAREHOUSE DEVELOPMENT COMPLETED Stephen George + Partners LLP (SGP) has completed work on two Grade A warehouse units at Leicester Commercial Park, Lubbesthorpe. The £15.75 million project for global industrial property group, Goodman, includes a 336,635 sq ft distribution warehouse with three-storey offices totalling 12,922 sq ft and a 95,978 sq ft warehouse unit with 8,813 sq ft of office space across two floors. Says Kenny Leadbeater, Associate at SGP: “Goodman took this strategically located logistics site to market and developed the brief from the established need for larger units. The two buildings are landmarks, providing a dynamic entrance to the park and setting the tone for this high quality development.”

Architect Projects

SGP’s design balanced the client’s brief with local planning requirements. Although the site is bounded north to south by the M1 motorway, the east of the site has views to Enderby Hall private apartments across an open Park. To lessen the visual impact of the warehouses, the buildings have been clad in vertical stripes, to provide a dynamic pattern when viewed close up, but from afar the checker pattern emulates the “patchwork” character of the horizon and reduces the perceived volume of the buildings. A tree covered landscape bund further softens the views. SGP’s design placed the offices on the corners of the main building, addressing the spine road to add interest and aid wayfinding. Projecting out to emphasise the changing of volume, the offices use different materials - timber and glass


- to the warehouses but keep the vertical aesthetic. SGP has developed the usual corporate branding of a ‘Goodman Green’ flashing around the front office entrance by pulling this out and away from the main building to create an empty canopy feature. Continues Kenny: “The site was delivered to BIM Level 1 and it was extremely beneficial to be able to explore the design with the client through 3d visuals and Virtual Reality. Goodman has a long heritage of providing high quality industrial and logistics property and this scheme continues that with a pair of landmark warehouses that are ready for occupation, built to a fundable standard and provide a quality beginning to the overall commercial park.” Nigel Doolan, Development Director, Goodman, concludes: “Leicester Commercial Park offers our customers high quality, Grade A space in an unrivalled location. The design reflects the site’s prominent position, providing a gateway destination for customers wanting to operate from the heart of the UK.” Both units have been developed to a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ specification and an EPC ‘A’ rating.

Reflecting the practice’s growing presence in Luxembourg, designs for a new office development in Belval – on the border of France and Luxembourg – were revealed. The building responds to the rich industrial heritage of Belval, revitalising the area by making a positive contribution to the site and its surroundings. The design emerges from the client’s – BESIX Real Estate Development (BESIX RED) – desire to integrate co-working spaces and collaborative offices that are flexible enough to accommodate the changing nature of the workplace. An integral part of the larger masterplan for the area, the scheme relates sympathetically to its neighbouring buildings and addresses the different characteristics of the principal axis of Porte de France on its western end and the Place de l’Académie to the east, while creating a green light-filled atrium that forms the social and environmental heart of the building. The historic and hugely symbolic Belval blast furnace forms the central focus of the dramatic vista from the atrium, forming a unique environment with a distinct sense of place and location. The building is arranged as two wings which enclose the central atrium. The entire volume is wrapped by a distinctive orthogonal façade and roof which emphasises the efficient structural grid and gives the building a unified industrial look. The entrances are recessed at both ends, with the façade across the entrances articulated differently in response to the urban street and civic plaza. The building edge along Porte de France can accommodate shops and bank outlets while Place de l’Académie is complemented by cafés and restaurants on the ground floor. The fluidity of the internal spaces contrasts with the building’s dignified formal exterior. The atrium resolves the level changes between the street and the plaza through a series of stepped terraces that create a spectacular arrival sequence. The expressed circulation along the internal edges of the atrium adds to the vibrancy of the internal spaces, with communal terraces for informal meetings and break out spaces at higher levels overlooking the central volume.


THE FIRST OF A FAMILY OF NINE KIOSKS DESIGNED BY MIZZI STUDIO OPENS IN LONDON The first of a family of nine kiosks designed by Mizzi Studio opens in London’s Royal Park, ahead of the launch of a new landmark café on the Serpentine Bridge The first of a family of nine kiosks, designed by award-winning architecture and design practice Mizzi Studio on behalf of artisan brand Colicci for prominent locations in The Royal Parks in London has opened at Ritz Corner, Green Park. Eight more kiosks will open through the winter, culminating with the opening of a new landmark café, designed by Mizzi Studio, on the Serpentine Bridge in spring 2019. The organic-inspired designs for the family of kiosks and new café respond sympathetically to the Grade I listed landscape and embody the ethos of The Royal Parks as a sustainability leader. Mizzi Studio has used sustainable materials and traditional craft techniques, together with state-of-the-art manufacturing methods, to create simple, functional forms that are both striking and elegant. Together with Colicci, Mizzi Studio explored the parks’ heritage and has tailored the design of each kiosk of the new café to the history and nuances of their respective site to create new visitor experiences and make a refreshment stop an integral part of a journey through the parks. The family of nine kiosks, designed by Mizzi Studio, will mark the entrances to Hyde Park and St James’s Park, as well as Green Park, where the first has opened in November 2018. The kiosks are conceived as a family of individual forms that are united in their design

language, with a 360-degree sculptural canopy that swells out like a tree’s crown creating a recognisable silhouette. The organic-inspired volumes follow a continuous shape with varying degrees of curvature and differing cladding profiles that provide contrasting textures to the surface. Each design variation is informed by the architectural or organic elements that the kiosk shares its space with. The flagship Horse Shoe Bend kiosk in St James’s Park, in view of Buckingham Palace, will be clad in tubular brass and mirror the ornate precious metals that adorn Sir Thomas Brock’s Queen Victoria Memorial, while the choice of timber cladding for the rest of the kiosks rests on the relationship with the park environment. Entrusted with bringing Mizzi Studio’s curvaceous design to life, Tom Raffield is steam-bending the oak cladding. Mizzi Studio has used high quality materials throughout the design, from sustainable oak to oxidised copper, new copper, stainless steel and brass. Mizzi Studio’s holistic approach to the design also takes into careful consideration the use of space, energy efficiency and practicalities such as waste disposal. A rear entrance leaves the sides of the kiosk available for subtle and efficient service features including integrated bins and condiment holders. Jonathan Mizzi, Director of Mizzi Studio, commented: “We are absolutely delighted to see the first kiosk open in Green Park. It is an honour to have been entrusted with such a high-profile project of this size and scale. The kiosks form an important part of The Royal Parks’ heritage by serving the public with refreshments and acting as local information points. The design challenge was to create a family

of functional sculptures with a goal to continuously surprise and delight while further enhancing the visitor’s experience. This is an important milestone for Mizzi Studio and is central to our commitment to innovative sustainable design for the public realm.” The new landmark café by Mizzi Studio, opening on the Serpentine Bridge in Hyde Park in spring 2019, will have views towards the Serpentine Lake and the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. Mizzi Studio has designed the café to create an engaging experience, reflective of the neighbouring Serpentine Sackler Gallery and the legacy of the Serpentine Pavilions. The building’s form is defined by a sculptural brass roof. The dramatic, undulating shape of the roof takes the curve of the Serpentine Lake as a point of departure and is evocative of the sweeping motion of a stingray’s flight, while the tactile quality of the underbelly of the canopy echoes the reptilian texture of a snake. Reaching its climactic point while hovering above the entrance, the canopy is suggestive of a stingray’s smile as it welcomes park visitors into the pavilion below. Mizzi Studio has also drawn inspiration from Japanese architecture for the design of the café in Hyde Park. For the roof, they have translated the characteristics of a pagoda into a more fluid form, while the windows traditionally seen in Japanese tea houses have influenced the series of horizontal mullions that divide the glazing in the pavilion. The mullions create a semi-transparent open space where the boundary between indoors and outdoors is blurred, enabling the building to coexist harmoniously with its environment. Images: © Luke Hayes

Architect Projects



PLANNERS GIVE GREEN LIGHT FOR DEXTER MOREN ASSOCIATES’ BICESTER HERITAGE HOTEL Bicester Heritage’s ambition to become the number one leisure destination for automotive fans has moved into pole position with the granting of planning permission for a new hotel, designed by award-winning hotel architects and interior designers Dexter Moren Associates. Situated on a former RAF base in the heart of Motorsport Valley, a stone’s throw from numerous Formula One teams and the Silverstone Circuit, the approved scheme will feature a 252-room hotel, 92-unit aparthotel, restaurant, leisure facilities and conference centre. The hotel design, granted unanimous approval by Cherwell District Council last week, is inspired by RAF Bicester’s rich heritage, offering a modern interpretation of the form of adjoining listed hangars and featuring a signature entrance atrium designed around the display of classic motor vehicles. Says DMA: “We were thrilled to be selected to design this landmark hotel within the former RAF base, forming part of the Bicester Heritage Masterplan vision focusing on motorcars and aeroplanes. The design objective has been to respond in a contemporary manner to the site’s unique past, drawing inspiration from its historic position at the forefront of aviation, engineering, and innovation while complementing the existing period buildings. The elevations take inspiration from the listed aircraft hangers within Bicester Heritage, whilst the metal-clad curved façade references the sinuous line of a classic car. Providing 344 hotel and aparthotel rooms, and with extensive facilities including food and beverage, leisure and conferencing, this new hotel will contribute to the greater Bicester and Oxford area hospitality offer while enhancing the activities of Bicester Heritage and its future plans for accommodation, theatre, automotive research and maintenance.”

GRAHAM WINS £25 MILLION GRAMOPHONE WORKS DESIGN AND BUILD CONTRACT GRAHAM has won the £25 million design and build contract for Phase 2 of The Gramophone Works, a new commercial campus in Kensal Rise, London. Once home to Saga Records and at the forefront of London’s reggae scene, the 20th century buildings are being developed by Resolution Property to make way for up to 85,000 sq ft of contemporary workspace by the Grand Union Canal. Phase one of the redevelopment, which has completed, features 20,000 sq ft of office space, communal terrace and four outside terraces. As part of the second phase, GRAHAM will deliver an additional 65,000 sq ft of contemporary workspace across five floors, with some of the upper offices benefitting from 6,500 sq ft of rooftop access space. There will also be a new shared reception/event space and canal side café, as well as a cycle hub with 130 spaces.

Architect Projects

GRAHAM will adapt and refurbish the existing Gramophone Works building to create the new commercial campus. A fourstorey timber extension above the building will be installed with new brick and glazed façades added to all elevations, while other improvements will include a louvred rooftop plant enclosure, green roof and photovoltaic solar


panel installation. Mechanical and engineering works include the installation of a new plant including a generator room and sub-station. Internally, new suspended ceiling lights and heating and cooling systems will be fitted throughout. Mark Owen, Head of Development at Resolution Property, said: “This is a major office project that will further establish this part of West London as a growth area for new and existing businesses. We are pleased to be working with GRAHAM to deliver such a striking and innovative office scheme.” Rob Joyce, GRAHAM’s London office Director, added: “This new development will provide state-ofthe-art business facilities and public spaces to support the needs and talents of the local community and workforce in Kensal Rise. Our aim is to create a modern, fit-for-purpose facility that offers a real ‘London Village’ community feel.” The scheme has been designed to meet the standards set out in the London Plan, as well as aiming to achieve BREEAM ‘Very Good’ certification. The project will also comply with ‘Secured by Design National Building Approval’ guidelines. Works are due to commence and will take place over a 120-week programme.

Ultra-discreet loudspeakers for any location British loudspeaker designer, Monitor Audio, has a range of Custom Install speakers for every situation. Their ultra-discreet in-wall and in-ceiling speakers deliver a stunning audio performance whilst protecting the room’s décor. For more extreme environments, such as outdoor terraces or pool rooms, they offer a choice of speaker ranges, all of which deliver Monitor Audio’s award-winning sound.


Surface Design Show 2019 From 5-7 February Surface Design Show 2019 will take place at London’s Business Design Centre to provide a platform for architects, designers and specifiers to explore the best in interior and exterior surface materials, lighting design, development and innovation. Surface Design Show 2019 will feature some 40 talks from over 50 industry professionals, including the Opening Night Live Debate from 6.30pm, Tuesday 5 February, organised in association with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and New London Architecture (NLA). Returning for 2019 is the ever popular PechaKucha Evening, hosted by Chris Dyson of Chris Dyson Architects on 6 February from 6.30pm. The eight speakers will talk about 20 slides, each for 20 seconds discussing the topic; Identities and Boundaries - Site Specific Responses to Modern Architecture. PechaKucha speakers; • Alison Brooks – Alison Brooks Architects • Ben Cousins – Cousins & Cousins Architects • Lucia Berasaluce – Haptic Architects • Simon Fraser – Hopkins Architects • Soraya Khan – Theis and Khan Architects

• Nigel Ostime – Hawkins Brown • Stuart Piercy – Piercy & Co • Alex Scott-Whitby - ScottWhitbySTUDIO From exquisite hand-crafted surfaces to the latest technological advances in architectural lighting, Surface Design Show hosts over 150 exhibitors highlighting the very best in surface design. Products exhibited will include natural stone, acoustics, recycled materials, living walls and architectural lighting.

Cloud by architects Lily Jencks Studio, an extension to a roof terrace inspired by the idea of living in the clouds, was described by Christophe Egret as having an “ethereal feel at the top of building” with James Soane adding it has a “sensitivity and sensualness to it”. The awards presentation at #SDS19 will take place on the morning of Thursday 7 February. Registration for Surface Design Show is now open.

Since 2013 the show has hosted the Surface Design Awards, now recognised as one of the most respected events in the design calendar. The 2019 awards received entries from across Europe, the USA, Australia, China, Korea and India. The shortlist consists of an impressive 43 projects across seven categories from architects such as Gensler, Zaha Hadid Architects, BuckleyGrayYeoman, and Blee Halligan Architects. Powis

BESPOKE HOME ENTERTAINMENT ROOMS TO BRING MUSIC AND MOVIES TO LIFE Loud & Clear’s bespoke music, cinema or media rooms enhance the home entertainment experience by placing the customer (and their family and friends) right at the heart of any performance. From their extensive showrooms in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Loud & Clear has been designing and installing premium home entertainment spaces for over twenty years.

The Loud & Clear consultants start every project with an in-depth design consultation and then prepare a detailed specification covering the technical aspects of the project (screen, projector, amplifier, loudspeakers and cabling). They then suggest mood lighting, acoustic treatments and control systems to perfectly match the space and the user’s needs. They can also advise on the aesthetics of the room – providing guidance on fabrics, furnishings and colour schemes.

Working alongside an architect, interior designer, or directly with the customer, Loud & Clear bring the absolute best of entertainment into the home. For more information:

Architect Projects

Loud & Clear treat every project as if it was for their own home and only recommend classleading products. With a complete stock of high-end turntables, amplifiers, streamers, hi-fi speakers, invisible speakers, electric blinds, 4k projectors, Atmos sound systems, lighting controls, acoustic treatments and control systems, they have a product for every need.

66AP119062 Loud & Clear HALF PAGE.indd


21/12/2018 11:44:11

SURFACES INSPIRED BY DESIGN James Latham returns to London’s Surface Design Show in February, where it will be showcasing one of the biggest and most varied collections of surface solutions for both inside and outside the building. Created to inspire architects and designers when looking to specify materials, the stunning collection of decorative panels and timber reinforces Latham’s status as a single-source supplier and has been carefully selected to provide innovative ideas for design and product specification. During the show, Lathams will be featuring a number of exciting new products and range additions for 2019, both on its usual, eye-catching stand on the ground level (stand:208) as well as in its permanent Product Specification Showroom which is located on the Gallery level of the Business Design Centre at Suite 301.

advice and specialist knowledge on selecting products, and to explain how they can offer support throughout the entire specification process. This year, James Latham will be showing the latest range additions for 2019 from supply partners including; Decospan, Abet Laminati, Garnica, Egger, Kronospan, AE Core, XyloCleaf, Accsys, LG and Sekisui SPI as well as a range of timber cladding, flooring and engineered timber sections, plus, an exciting, exclusive new product launch will be announced. The Surface Design Show takes place at the Business Design Centre, 52, Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 OQH between 5th-7th February 2019 – 0116 257 3415

Chris Sutton, Managing Director, James Latham explained, “Working in conjunction with our supply partners, who are among the biggest and most recognised surfacing brands in the World and experts at forecasting trends, we are presenting our take on both interior and exterior surface solutions for the future. “Showcasing a wide range of design-led exclusive and semi-exclusive products, our stand, and indeed our showroom, will act as a hub for providing ideas and inspiration to visiting architects and designers.” Latham’s highly experienced and knowledgeable team of products specialists will be on hand both on the stand and in the showroom, to offer practical support, technical

Images: Top left, Decospan veneers, top right HI-MACS solid surface (Stijn De Graeve). Middle right (top), AE Core, Middle right (bottom) Abet Laminati. Bottom left, HI-MACS solid surface (picture: Jeroen Musch) bottom right, Kronodesign Global Collection

50 mm / 2”

Super Slim In-wall Speakers These discreet Super Slim In-wall Speakers deliver Monitor Audio’s signature sound from a mounting depth of just 50 mm / 2”. The WSS130, WSS230 and WSS430 enable hi-fi levels of performance in spaces where no high-quality speaker has gone before.

OFFICE PRINCIPLES APPOINTS DETAIL AND BUILD DIRECTOR Award-winning design, fit out and workplace consultancy, Office Principles is strengthening its detail and build arm with the appointment of Ken Malpass as Business Unit Director. Ken has been recruited to head up this already successful division, adding weight to the existing team as this area of the business continues to enjoy rapid growth. The company has completed over 90 significant projects, fitting out over 660,000 sq ft of office space in the last two years, and has evidenced a strong focus on projects that have been designed to RIBA stages two and three during this time. With Ken on board, Office Principles expects to benefit from the rising trend and grow its market share.

Architect Projects

Joint managing director of Office Principles, Cyril Parsons comments: “Detail and build is far more prevalent across the wider industry at the moment with many architects happy to pass their projects to the main contractor to finish at an earlier stage. “We are expert at design co-ordination and have a track record for ensuring that the transition is seamless and that cost certainty, project delivery and health and safety is maintained. Ken is highly experienced in these projects and his input will be crucial as

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we move towards significantly increasing our share of this market.”

that comes with collaborating with other industry professionals.”

An experienced project director, with a strong background in commercial fit out and design management, Ken has worked in the fit out industry for almost twenty years and is looking forward to playing a key role in Office Principles’ future growth: “This is a strong, established team that is incredibly passionate about what it does and is keen to execute very clear growth strategies going forward. It’s great to work with like-minded individuals who are appreciative of the current market and can spot the potential

Office Principles has built a strong and varied commercial portfolio over the years to include blue-chip brands such as Exterion Media, Telegraph Media Group, Visa Europe, GE Capital, Fitness First, Tata Communications, ResMed, Direct Marketing Association, Land Securities, Mothercare, and Kuoni. For further information on Office Principles and its services, visit 21/12/2018 11:06:38

AP119047 Applications Engineering Ltd HALF PAGE.indd 1

NEW Controls for Simply Saving Energy DANLERS Limited have recently launched an extensive range of reliable, easy to install, controls for Lighting and HVAC including: NEW HIGH BAY CONTROLS An extensive range of controls suitable across a wide spectrum of high bay applications. NEW EASYZAPP SWITCHING CONTROLS Remotely programmable PIR Occupancy switches by mobile phone / tablet from up to 100m away. Standard ceiling flush or surface mount and high bay mounting options. NEW EASYZAPP DIMMING CONTROLS Remotely programmable controls suitable for either DALI, DSI or 1-10VDC dimmable ballasts. Easy to install, easy to configure. Standard ceiling flush or surface mount and high bay mounting options. NEW DAYLIGHT LINKED DIMMING PIR SWITCHES With adjustable run-on for lower light level when areas are not occupied. Versions for DALI or 1-10VDC ballasts. Standard ceiling flush or surface mount and high bay mounting options.

Architect Projects


DANLERS Limited, Vincients Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6NQ U.K. Tel: 01249 443377. E:


05/12/2018 09:45:37

BUILDING MORE SOCIAL HOMES IS A NO BRAINER Bringing together sixteen commissioners from across the political spectrum, Shelter have released a report titled, ‘A vision for social housing’, which analyses the state of social housing across the country. The report reinforces the message that the entire housing sector has been telling successive Governments for the last twenty years, that not enough social housing is being built. The National Federation of Builders (NFB) welcomes the detail of the report and supports many of the recommendations, specifically the need to build many more social homes and replace those lost to ‘right to buy’. A responsible Government must act to reduce the burden on the tax payer while increasing the number of social homes available. Positive steps have been taken through the decision to lift the borrowing cap that local authorities face when financing social housing but not all councils can access increased borrowing unless they already own 200 social homes. Unfortunately, Shelter’s report does not acknowledge the role of local plans in stimulating social housing, as local authorities can work hand in glove with providers to assure them of development opportunities during the site allocation phase. Richard Beresford, chief executive of the NFB said: “Industry, popular opinion and economists continue to tell the Government that they must build more social homes. It’s time they listened and became the first Government in twenty years to meet very clear expectations.” Rico Wojtulewicz, Head of Housing and Planning policy at the House Builders Association added: “A major social house building programme is a no brainer. You help house those in need, stimulate local employment and business, help fix part of the broken housing market and build for the future.”


Architect Projects

Further extending its digital capabilities, the company has become one of the first of its type to adopt the intelligent 3D model-based process as an internal service and is seeing increasing demand from clients for assistance with planning, design, construction, management of buildings and infrastructure as well as bespoke BIM training. BIM equips professionals with valuable insight and tools, enabling architects, engineers, building contractors and suppliers to work within a single digital environment and to deliver to a much tighter specification — driving construction efficiencies by improving technical input and increasing cross-team collaboration.


Stuart Brown, Development Director at CA Group, commented:

We commenced our BIM journey several years ago, recognising the benefits BIM brings and the importance of digital transformation in the construction industry. It has taken some time to fully leverage, but the gains are clear for contractors and for us. Working within a shared digital environment allows us to talk the same language with other building disciplines and so communications are improved. There’s also less chance of specification substitutes, less re-work and improved safety. It allows us to more accurately establish the shortest construction process to complete the build and to provide an audit trail, as well as reducing costs and ensuring a faster delivery.

One of the UK’s leading building envelope suppliers, North-East based CA Group Ltd, has transformed its roofing and cladding services with the integration of BIM (Building Information Modelling) across the company to offer technically advanced project management.

Following significant investment in software, hardware, trials and training, CA Group has advanced its practices, standards and service delivery to facilitate the supply of bespoke, detailed project BIM files as well as a comprehensive BIM library of details and specifications — all developed in line with BS 8541-1:2012, -3:2012 & -4:2012. Extensive training in the use of Autodesk Revit and an expanded in-house design team has enabled the company to work more closely with architects and subcontractors, providing project specific details and families, ongoing project modifications, the provision of COBie parameters to aid with BIM Level 2 compliance — and complementary training, where required.

Maurice Dalton, Head of Project Management for Prologis UK, works closely with CA Group, he commented: BIM is an integral part of our project delivery process. As a property company with a longterm interest in the buildings we develop, the implementation of BIM helps us create an information-rich environment, which benefits all our stakeholders and enables us to collect valuable data about our buildings and deliver a positive customer experience.

Adam Beadle, Senior Technical Engineer, said:

It’s been a steep learning curve as we’ve worked to implement BIM across the Group. However, we are now at a stage whereby we, and our clients, can reap the benefits. We can help build a model that will give a more immersive building illustration with far greater detail than ever before. Projects are better visualised and managed, the design intent is less likely to change, specifications are established, and suitable products identified upfront. It’s a big step forward for us in being able to improve the design-todevelopment process and a valuable and complementary addition to our in-house services, including thermal, structural and rainwater calculations.

BIM at CA Group • Full suite of BIM systems and families, 2D specification and detail drawings available in Autodesk Revit format • COBie parameters included to help fulfil the requirements set out in BS 1192-4:2014 • Developed to aid with BIM Level 2 compliance • Modelling and detailing can be completed in the same software package enabling collaborative design

For further information on CA Groups’ BIM offering please email

Architect Projects


CEDAR SHINGLES HELP ENHANCE THE SOUND OF MUSIC AT CUMBRIAN THERAPY CENTRE Marley’s Western Red Cedar Shingles have been specified internal and external building material for an award-winning music therapy centre that is helping to make a real difference to people of all ages.

young and old who find music therapy supportive when confronting challenging neurological conditions such as childhood Alzheimer’s and dementia in older people.

Created near Penrith in the Lake District, the Sunbeams Music Centre is a 600m sq. therapy centre which houses a number of meeting rooms, therapy rooms, a recording studio and a performance space, as well as administration facilities, supporting over 1,500 people each month.

The sustainable characteristics of cedar shingles were another major plus point, helping to underpin the long-term and supportive values of the centre. With a 25-year lifespan, not only does cedar shingle offer hard-wearing performance within a heavily-used facility, they promise longevity as well. This is an important factor for the charity where cost effectiveness is a key consideration.

One of the critical objectives for the centre’s design was to ensure it sat seamlessly within its local environment. This led the design team at MawsonKerr to the use of natural building materials; the extensive use of Marley’s Western Red Cedar Shingles has helped achieve this perfectly. Marley’s Western Red Cedar Shingles delivered a renewable and sustainable cladding solution for the centre, providing one of the lowest carbon footprints of any widely used building product. In addition, the colour blend ensures the centre fits seamlessly into the local environment.

Furthermore, the Marley’s Western Red Cedar Shingles, which are Certi-grade accredited as ‘Blue Label’ by the CSSB (Cedar Shingle and Shake Bureau) were specified as they guarantee the highest quality shingles and are PEFC accredited. Furthermore, the shingles specified were also treated with MicroPro®, a clear treatment which not only protects against wood rooting fungi and insect attacks, but also lets the shingle weather naturally without any staining sometimes associated with other treatments, and can deliver an extended life span of 40 years.

A primary design theme was the wish to connect the inside of the centre with the exterior façade, and the use of cedar shingles both internally and externally brings with it a connected symmetry that accentuates the building’s positioning within the landscape. In addition, the natural aesthetics of timber add to the welcoming vibe the building designers wished to create. As part of the project’s conceptualisation, MawsonKerr, who were crowned Architect of the Year at the 2017 Structural Timber Awards following the success of the project, worked with music therapy charity Sunbeams Music Trust to help design and develop a true community building, which is now enhancing the daily experience of AP119032 Marley Eternit HP.indd 1

21/12/2018 10:31:23

SWIM WITH A VIEW: NAKHEEL STARTS WORK ON PALM TOWER ROOFTOP INFINITY POOL – 210 METRES ABOVE GROUND Master developer Nakheel has started constructing the rooftop infinity swimming pool at The Palm Tower, its 52-storey, luxury hotel and residential complex at the heart of Palm Jumeirah in Dubai. Perched 210 metres above ground and covering 775 square metres, the infinity pool – one of the highest in the world – borders all four sides of the building, boasting unrivalled, panoramic views across Palm Jumeirah, the Arabian Gulf and the Dubai skyline.

The pool – which will hold 930,000 litres of water – is on the 50th floor of The Palm Tower. Above the pool will be a podium housing a 51st level speciality restaurant and a 52nd storey public viewing deck, 240 metres high. Construction of the rooftop dining viewing deck complex will begin soon. Located at the heart of the world-famous, award winning Palm Jumeirah, The Palm Tower comprises a 289-room St. Regis hotel, 432 luxury residences and an array of dining and leisure facilities. The hotel occupies the first 18 floors, with fully-furnished studios and one, two and three bedroom apartments on the upper floors.

Architect Projects

Currently, around 850 construction workers are on site at The Palm Tower, rising to more than 1,500 when internal fit out gets in full swing in the next few weeks. Fit out of the St. Regis – due to open later this year – has already begun. The Palm Tower is directly connected to the under-construction Nakheel Mall – the access point for the public viewing


deck – and its 350 shops, restaurants and attractions. Nakheel Mall, which has its own Palm Monorail station, is due for completion this year. Several other dining, leisure and entertainment venues are nearby, including the St. Regis Beach Club, part of Nakheel’s Palm West Beach complex, to which hotel guests and residents will have priority access; Al Ittihad Park, the UAE’s first indigenous park, spanning 1.1 million square feet across the heart of Palm Jumeirah; and the newly-opened Pointe at Palm Jumeirah, with 70 seafront restaurants and shops.


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PERFORATED METAL IN MODERN ARCHITECTURE The creative use of perforated metal in urban design shapes the framework of our surroundings. Perforated metal offers a whole new level of freedom for designers and architects who want to innuence the cityscape of tomorrow and breathe new life into urban areas. Versatility and functionality Perforated metal offers a unique versatility and functionality when it comes to design, material and use. A good example is the use of perforated metal as decorative facade cladding, where it also serves as an efficient sun screen that does not require power or manual adjustment to work. Using perforated metal as a decorative part of buildings, interiors and facades creates countless possibilities. To assist professionals within the building sector to obtain the best possible results, RMIG has established a complete process that gives the needed support. RMIG’s perforation experts are there to offer advice and guidance for the whole journey – from the conception of the idea to the choice of materials, patterns and finishing treatments to the final product manufacture.

RMIG case studies Among the many projects where perforation has been used in urban design the following two multi-storey car parks are recent examples of the functionality and versatility of perforated metal.

ArchitectProjects Projects Architect

MSCP Victoria Street - Multi-storey car park, Liverpool When designing the facade of the MSCP in Victoria Street, Liverpool, the architects wanted to pay tribute to the city’s fishing industry and decided on a modern interpretation of the fishnet pattern. Thanks to RMIG ImagePerf technology, it was possible to reproduce the design on to the 243 perforated sheets that made up the facade, covering an area of 800 m2.


In addition to the perforated facade cladding, RMIG also supplied expanded metal for the ground level of the MSCP. Both the perforated sheets and expanded metal provide the necessary ventilation and light for a facility of this kind.

Technical characteristics Raw material: Aluminium 1050 Pattern: RMIG ImagePerf Thickness: 3.0 mm Finishing operations: Folding and cutting Surface treatment: Powder coating

MSCP Time Square, Bridge Street Multi-storey car park, Warrington, Cheshire As part of the redevelopment of Bridge Street in Warrington, Cheshire, a multi-storey car park has been constructed, providing the town with more than 1,000 much-needed parking spaces. This massive eightstorey car park has a remarkable facade made from an astonishing 3,500 m2 of perforated sheets manufactured and supplied by RMIG, with RMIG ImagePerf technology being used to create the vivid perforated patterns.

Technical characteristics Raw Material: Outer Skin - Aluminium J57S Anodised Inner Skin - Aluminium EN 1050 Pattern: RMIG ImagePerf Thickness: 3.0 mm Finishing operations: Folding Surface treatment: Powder coating

Going from strength to strength… To individualise and strengthen its design and architectural efforts, RMIG has chosen to market their creative solutions under the name of City Emotion. The RMIG City Emotion concept has already been used for a wide range of projects all over Europe, providing invaluable experience for the future. Building further on these achievements, RMIG continues to explore and develop the many different ways to use perforation in modern design, and to this end, they collaborate closely with architects, designers and entrepreneurs to conceive new and bold ideas that will influence the shape of our cities.

RMIG provides perforated and expanded metal for a wide variety of applications. As the world’s largest manu manufacturer and supplier within the industry, RMIG has the experience and logistics to offer you the right solutions for the right price. In addition to exterior cladding, RMIG supplies products and solutions for construction and architectural purposes such as car park and security screening, acoustic wall linings, ceilings, lighting, street furniture, balustrades and walkways.

overseas countries. RMIG provides extensive local expertise and freedom of choice, whether it is express stock deliveries or tailor-made solutions for specific design requirements.

RMIG has local representation in 13 countries in Europe, with a total of 15 sales offices/production units, plus other local representatives in many

For further information visit Email: Tel: 01925 839610

MSCP Time Square, Bridge Street Multi-storey car park, Warrington, Cheshire


HOW THE CLADDING MARKET HAS CHANGED SINCE GRENFELL The UK rainscreen cladding market has undergone a transformation since the shock of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Here, Ben Jayes, managing director of Vivalda Group – the UK’s largest distributor of architectural rainscreen cladding – looks at the key trends that are affecting the market. The UK’s rainscreen cladding market has changed dramatically over the past 18 months. While healthy R&D expenditure and growing economic uncertainty in the UK were two big influences on the rainscreen cladding sector, the dreadful events of 14 June 2017 have had a fundamental impact on the industry. While safety, and specifically fire retardation, was previously a consideration within the wider product specification process; this is now an absolute prerequisite. Over the last year we’ve seen a major shift in culture among architects, specifiers and contractors. In practical terms, this ‘belt and braces’ approach to the specification and installation of rainscreen cladding has changed the industry in three key ways;

• Market structure – due to the much higher levels of safety and product certification now required by specifiers, we have seen an exodus of smaller and lower cost manufacturers. The new rules of engagement within construction has certainly created a new vista, whereby only the major brands, with the financial pockets to invest in R&D, testing and certification remain. • Test regime – product testing, both in the lab and in situ, is now much more common than ever before. We’re also seeing the adoption of fire tests becoming much more widespread so that not just manufacturers but also contractors are engaging certification bodies to ensure cladding performs to the relevant safety criteria when installed. This has seen a shortage of test capability in the UK, which has now been improved somewhat by the opening of a new facility in Gloucestershire. • Product innovation – Clearly, the major players such as Equitone, Rockpanel and Cembrit have always invested in R&D and new product development. However, the impact of Grenfell has certainly acted as a catalyst in the area, bringing new innovations onto the market that are keen to adopt safe, tested and affordable rainscreen cladding. Considering these major shifts within the architectural cladding market, it would be reasonable to assume that sales of traditional products such as aluminum cladding (ACM) would have suffered in the wake of Grenfell. Surprisingly, this has not happened, with manufacturers moving quickly to introduce a new generation of A2+ rated products. We’ve also seen a major shift in the brick market – where specifiers are increasingly turning to sophisticated brick slip panels, made by the likes of VetaFrance, as a fire-proof, low cost alternative to traditional bricks.

GLENDYNE RESTORES HISTORIC CHAPEL TO FORMER GLORY Cembrit Glendyne natural slates have been specified and installed on a unique renovation project for the Historic Hampshire landmark, Netley Chapel, which saw the local community contributing financially to the restoration project. Before slating began, the public were invited to site to mark the occasion and “sponsor a slate”. For a small donation, visitors wrote a message and signed the reverse of a roof slate. More than 900 Glendyne slates were decorated, raising £6,600 for the friends of the Royal Victoria Country Park. These slates were then installed on the roof of the chapel by Elliotts Premier Roofing of Southampton. Thanks to a multi-million pound grant from Hampshire County Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Victorian-era building has recently undergone extensive renovation, and now marks the beginning of a new chapter for the chapel. Hampshire-based construction company, Brymor Construction was appointed as the main contractor for the project alongside roofing subcontractor, Elliotts Premier Roofing. Having worked with Cembrit many times in the past, Elliotts Premier Roofing selected 610mm x 305mm blue-grey Cembrit Glendyne natural slates for the refurbishment of the roof covering.

Architect Projects

The project was completed in a timely fashion, and is one of the first to utilise the new large 24” x 12” (imperial) format. Netley Chapel was finished to an extremely high standard. Cembrit was on hand to offer support and advice for this landmark renovation project. To watch a video on the project, visit www. news/glendyne-restoreshistoric-chapel-to-formerglory For further information visit, email or tel: +44 (0) 208 320 1184.

80 AP119048 Cembrit LTD QP.indd 1

13/12/2018 15:47:25

Assurance, by way of independent fire certification, is now a key passport to entry into the rainscreen cladding market. So, we are also seeing products such as Trespa’s High Pressure Laminate (HPL) generate new interest on the back of its recent BS8414 certification, widely regarded as the gold standard for fire retardation. While we have seen a sharp decline in demand for other traditional HPL products, we’ve also seen many wood veneer, fiberglass board and wooden laminate products struggle to gain credibility in an increasingly conservative market. As if the impact of Grenfell was not challenging enough, the cladding market is also responding to subtle, yet important changes to the property investment market, which has seen the flight of international investors in the past few months. This apparent dearth of willing investors with deep pockets has affected the cladding market, heralding a new era of ‘value engineering’ which needs to maintain its safety performance credentials. In practice, this has seen another shift in emphasis, where cost comes a close second to fire retardation within the specification hierarchy. Finally, we are also seeing the market adopting a more ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to secret fixing systems. While bespoke finishes and tailor-made fixing systems were used widely on top-end developments within city centre’s, we are now seeing less of this. Standardisation of both the finished aesthetic of the cladding and the secret fixings beneath is becoming a major cladding trend. In the end, it’s clear that the industry has learnt a hard lesson from Grenfell. Products are now designed with safety in mind, while comprehensive, through-wall fire testing is becoming commonplace – something we’ve advocated for some time.


Get into the Black OVER THE LAST 7 YEARS OR SO, CAPRICORN ECO TIMBER HAVE BEEN SUPPLYING AND DEVELOPING TIGA WOOD BURNT LARCH, AN INNOVATIVE BLACK CLADDING WHICH IS MAINTENANCE FREE, HAS A VERY LOW CARBON IMPRINT, IS VERY DURABLE AND ECO-FRIENDLY. It is produced from locally grown FSC certified British Larch and has a direct benefit to the economy and helps to minimise the UK trade deficit by utilising our own countries timber resources instead of importing from other countries. Tiga Wood cladding is a bespoke product made to order here at our Stafford factory and sawmill to suit the customers specification, with either a charred and oiled or charred, brushed and oiled finish. It is coated and sealed with one coat of natural oil which acts as a base and topcoat, the number of coats are dependent on the customers aspirations regarding the longevity of the black colour or whether the cladding is preferred to gradually weather and age-gracefully over the years, if it is the latter no further coats are needed on site after delivery. The durability of the Larch itself is impressive and it will last 80 years or more in cladding form assuming the usual guidelines for fitting are followed by the installer.

Architect Projects

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The mark of responsible forestry FSC ® C007915


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STEP ON SAFETY Composite materials are being used within the building industry more than ever before solving problems that are associated with more traditional decking proving to be the ideal choice for small, large, new and old refurbishment projects. RecoDeck WPC Decking is a premium grade engineered composite decking board made from a combination of recycled wood and polymer. Step on Safety are proud to say that all our WPC decking is made up of a whopping 90% recycled material making us one of the top recyclable WPC suppliers worldwide. Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) offers the look and feel of traditional timber with added composite engineering advantages, making it suitable for both commercial and residential applications. • Low to no maintenance, no need for staining, painting or treating • Easy to install • Contemporary finish • Available in 4 colours, Black, light grey, coffee and teak. • UV Stable • Low moisture absorption. • Concealed fixing detail. • Does not warp splinter or rot. Pool sides can be transformed into elegant contemporary areas with RecoDeck WPC Composite decking. Along with the standard characteristics WPC has to offer it’s low absorption quality makes it the ideal choice when creating the ultimate in poolside chic. The expert design is carried through to the fixings that are designed to be hidden from view, which gives an evenly spaced fit and a seamless finish. RecoDeck does not splinter, this along with the concealed fixings makes the system child and bare foot friendly. The clever fixing design also allows the natural expansion and contraction of the boards eliminating any risk of warping. Website:

Architect Projects

“Antony Theobald, Group Sales Manager at Step On Safety Ltd and Deck Safe Soluions Ltd believes; over the last 15 years the construction composite market has taken huge strides in innovation by listening to their customers needs and wants, providing solutions to the more traditional materials problems. Traditional materials such as Timber Decking have been used for 100’s of years so if it’s not broken why fix it. Timber decking has inherit problems such as being slippery and known to rot in wet conditions, needs to be treated every 1-2 years and splinters and warps. RecoDeck has the look and feel of traditional wood, is eco- friendly and does not rot, splinter or warp, and is colour stable for its life span. All this means that the RecoDeck system gives a deck that aesthetically looks great with low to no maintenance eliminating the need for painstaking painting or staining. This saves time and money in both commercial and residential decking projects.”


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