Luxe Riot Periodical - Halloween Special

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Seattle is still warm but you can tell Fall is in the air. Up here the summers are beautiful, but they need to be good so they can get us through 9 months of rain and clouds. I would have to say this was an exceptional one. Summers are always busy at the shop, so when we get out to enjoy it we soak up all we can. I hope you had an amazing summer, wherever you got to enjoy it. So, welcome to another issue of the periodical. Hope you’re still enjoying them and getting some new information. I apologize to anyone that couldn’t get through the last issue without some computer issues. We had a problem with one of the pages getting stuck. It was fixed but I know most of you didn’t make it back through. It’s up in the Issuu library if you want to take a

look back through. Still always some new bugs to work out. We’re getting it though and having a good time doing it. This issue we have some great ideas using glow in the dark ink, and a few ideas that might help you spook up some ideas for October. There is a section on beanies since it’s getting to be that time of year. I can usually be found in one for those 9 rainy months in Seattle. I’m picky, so I’ve picked out a few that I can recommend 100%. Our next issue will be coming out early October and will be exclusively on holiday ideas, sales schedules, and all things shiny. Falls is just beginning and were already talking about the holidays. Get ready. The next issue will be full of information and looking to be our best one yet. Keep your eye out for it early next month. Last I wanted to give a big thank you to Craig and Sierra who have helped in putting together the periodicals with me. Their hard work and patience during those busy weeks keep this thing moving. I think there is so much valuable information out there to pass on. I hope you enjoy this issue. May this fall be filled with great memories, Eric Green

Some ideas for glowin-the-dark prints that will light up your night.

Keep it simple and make your whole design glow in the dark... ...Or combine regular ink with glow in the dark ink!

Make some memories this fall.

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