Luxe Life Magazine Special Edition: 19th Issue; Remember Who You Are with Angela Ferrari

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Remember Who You Are Interview with Angela Ferrari 3 7

Editorial Staff Luxe Media Team


Candice Bar

Multi-media mogul, speaker, mentor, tv personality, author & female entrepreneur advocate

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"Luxe Life Magazine was created to help put female entrepreneurs on the map, and receive some REAL recognition. I am proud we have been able to place female entrepreneurs in positions of power, through not only our magazine, but with our PR expertise. Women business-owners has grown so much throughout the years, and I am so happy to be in the forefront of female entrepreneurship advocacy."

Founder & CEO Candice Bar


Remember Who You Are with Angela Ferrari

Candice Bar: Can you please let everyone know who you are and what you do?

Angela Ferrari: It's hard to nutshell that honestly, especially coming from someone who doesn't like to feel boxed into anything. For the sake of the context, I will tell you I'm a singer and a performer. I like to put on these big productions that have the frequency of the music. We know that frequencies can carry intentions, so I can put a whole production together that essentially is designed to awaken the listener’s heart. No matter where you are in life, you can be deep, or you cannot. You can be spiritual or not, we all share that same source of love. When we feel it sometimes it's like a child feeling something for the first time. We don't necessarily know how to logically put it into words, but that's the intention behind these productions and the music. I have a whole purpose around what that looks like and what that is. I speak these messages and so it's more than just a song. From those teachings, I have workshops and retreats, that I put music in.

CB: How did you get into your line of business.

AF: By chance I suppose. I'll tell you this, when I was a little girl and I was probably all of maybe six years old, I remember looking out the window and I knew that I wanted to teach. I had this prayer that I said out of the window, and I remember saying, “Please don't let me forget!” I circle back to that moment in time often, as it was like that prayer was answered. Please don't let me forget because if I forget that, I can’t remind or teach others.

CB: You help other people remind themselves.

AF: Yes! That really comes down to what it is for all of us. I had some connection then, so it really began as a child. I remember seeing things with a little more complexity, like the layers underneath things. It was essentially inevitable that I landed here, but the journey to that was through a lot of contrast, and a lot of rebellion because I feel that we can all relate with that's where we learn the most. I mean the best books, or the best speeches, or philosophers, they discover these through what love is not. That's how we're so clear of what it is.

CB: I wanted to talk about the clients that you typically deal with. What does that look like and what is your process for dealing with people?

AF: There's the one-on-ones which are a little bit rarer because they’re more extensive. It has to be a match, so there's an interview prior to that. What does it look like? It’s so interesting because I can’t say that it looks like one specific thing, but there's something in me that can pinpoint when somebody is ready. What is ready? Well, I'll answer it with a question. First let me ask you this, do you know what the number one fear of mankind is?

CB: I have three answers to that. However, the one I think is the biggest fear, is the fear of not being loved.

AF: I feel like that certainly has something to do with it for sure, but that’s the root. It's the fear of freedom. People build cages of golden bars, but the fear of freedom is that I have to abandon who I think I am.


Remember Who You Are with Angela Ferrari

CB: Freedom does scare a lot of people.

AF: To induce this change inside of me, I have to come completely undone of who I think I am so that something can be born through me. Essentially, that doesn't get dictated by the illusion of my control. That's where there's a process that I have that reveals this attachment to who you think you are, that's really denying the freedom that you think that you want. Some people start to touch it and they go, “I think I changed my mind I want the conformity.” Naivety is bliss, that was such an epic scene, right? So, it's somebody who I can feel, there's just a blueprint there. You know we all have our special gifts, I can see into that blueprint of the soul, and I can feel when somebody is aligned. I can feel when somebody thinks that they are aligned and there just might be some other things first before this.

CB: Clearly you can't share the person and that's fine, but can you give us an example or two of some clients that you worked with that they were one way when you started with them, and they were completely different by the time the process was over?

AF: I have the best story for that! It's going to be a little long winded, but it will be entertaining. Anyway, I live in a bit of a bougie apartment complex, and the word got around of what I what I do. This guy comes up to me says, “Do you help guys, you know, get girls too?” and I said, “Well, it's whatever your heart’s desire is, so absolutely.” We have our meeting and I see a pretty big destiny for this person; however, he is caught up in the Scottsdale scene.

We began this journey, and he was about ready to retire, when he gets an e-mail that changed everything. He was told that everything he had worked for will need to be shut down.

Just like that, he shuts it all down. He feels that everything is falling apart due to his fear, but I tell him, “Listen, sometimes when you ask for things, it must move. Your prayers are being answered in the biggest way.” Meanwhile, he's doing this sort of spiritual work and he's having this awakening, and he says, “You know I want to keep going through his process.” I said, “That’s ok, but please know that you it's likely going to adjust what you're even thinking that you want.”

He goes away to Europe, and he puts all this stuff down for a second, and he just kind of goes in this spiritual journey with his new girlfriend. We work in meditation because we must have stillness of the mind. He goes into this meditation, and in this particular meditation, it was to be present to no attachments. So, he goes into this deep meditation and it's profound for him; something happens internally, and he felt free for the first time! He needs nothing outside of himself. As he comes to this revelation, he is surprised to receive and email that his company and emails will be reinstated. By letting go of what he thought he needed, he was able to become a completely different human being.

CB: That is incredible. I've noticed in people that when they're working with others, doing different things; everyone’s results are their own results. Have you ever worked with someone and as they’re transitioning or transforming, they get scared, and they revert to what they knew? Did you have to give them the push to go over that edge and go forward?

AF: That's inevitable. I would say this is why freedom is the number one fear of mankind, and why the process is designed exactly the way it is.


We all have that fear and attachment within us. The process is designed to bring it forward. If that doesn't happen then there's typically something wrong with the process, meaning it's not deep enough. It must happen. The beautiful thing about what you pointed out is, the process is also designed for you to feel safe. What causes us to go back is that we don't feel safe in that part of what I call, “the great void.” We don't feel safe there but once we do there's a merging of trust in something bigger than you. We forget we are one big miracle. We forget, you know I think it was Doctor Wayne Dyer who said, “Zero to nine months you're in the womb and you're just like this miracle, it’s just happening to you. You're being done to; you don't have to do anything, it's just happening. Then your born and they go, ‘Candice, never mind about that, never mind about that. Let me tell you who you need to be. Let me tell you what to do. Let me tell you who you need to impress. Let me tell you who you need to live up to. Let me tell you what religion you need to be. Let me tell you about the rules you have to follow.’” We forget that we are always being pressured by outside forces, especially while in that great void. We think lowly, or ill of ourselves, which just isn't true. The real breakthrough is getting past that void. What’s on the other side of that void is magic!

CB: So much magic! When we fail to bring ourselves to that realisation, would you describe that as having a false sense of self, or false sense of confidence?

AF: I would describe it like one was wearing a mask. We don't know we're wearing a mask; we don't realize it. It's scary, the thought that what you built up and made so much meaning around is really pointless. The thought of all that redirection, finding a new way; it is like seeing a new route that was there all along. We've created so much for ourselves overtime that there's so many layers there. We don't realize that it's our mask.

CB: That could be the reason why as people get older, they typically don't change or

transition. They build up this feeling for so long, that not being in that comfortable space completely unravels their being. They may feel like they don't have the time to want to walk into that new space.

AF: Exactly, so their world gets smaller and smaller. Instead of being the expansive beings we are. It's never too late though! The great void is the exact same and doesn't depend on age. We think there's it’s an illusory thought because we've been stuck in this program for so long. It seems harder, but that's not really the case at all.

CB: It's never hard. It's really a light switch decision.

AF: Yes! I don't know if you've ever been bungee jumping or skydiving; I'm deathly afraid of heights and I've done both. It's like you just kind of plunge to your death, you know? It's not that different for other people’s fears too. You just jump, you just go. Before you know it, you're on the path, the infinite path of truth.

CB: That’s a great point because the best things in my life, and I can only speak of my life; are when I go more with the flow. How it shakes out, is how it shakes out, and then it always shook out. Even if it didn't look like what I was thinking it should be, it was always interesting.

AF: You make the decision and then you jump. It’s the waiting around, or second guessing the decision that interferes with it. Fate and free will are so interesting. You might discover along the way to do something differently next time, even if the choices seem the same the second time around.

CB: I completely understand. I always say; every decision I make, you make, everyone else makes, is always the right decision.


Remember Who You Are with Angela Ferrari

AF: That is exactly what I'm pointing to. It's not that free will doesn't exist, it’s that fate and free will equal one another. It's not that you don't go through the process of your decision, it’s that you were still never going to make a different decision. You always were going to make that one choice. Otherwise, if you were going to make a different one, wouldn’t you have?

CB: People think they're striving for freedom, but they already have it. It's hard to strive for something you already have. Do you recognize it and use it? That's a different story.

AF: The real question is, are you consciously aligned? Or is your freedom hidden from your view and are you essentially in an illusion?

CB: When you are working with your clients, do you think there is any physical change involved, beside mentally or spiritually?

AF: Definitely, a lot of that. Part of the process is that I utilize the external physicality. There's clearly an internal shift in frequency, right? We are raising that. We're working with the mind and it’s programs. At the root of these “programs”, there are our own mental guards. Whenever we attempt to shift and become something new, the mind will look at it and go, “No you're not, you're not new.” If I adjust the physicality, which is the external to match that internal frequency, then the brain follows. When that physicality becomes in tune with the mental and spiritual, the brain looks and allows you to move onto your next frequency. That's why the process is so extensive. When you're so attached to ways of being; unbeknownst to yourself, you're become attached to the way you see yourself. When that starts getting messed with, the fear comes right to the surface.

Even if it looks better, all your brain is seeing is that it's different. The real trick is to try not to solve their meltdown. Just be with them during this intensive change. Not make light of it, not trying to make you feel better, just be still with you while you’re having that experience.

CB: Absolutely, you're there to be of support and to help transition.

AF: As well as remind you.

CB: Through your work, why do you think so many people may feel so lost or powerless?

AF: Our external world is very alluring and has many decoys. It's designed to make us forget who we really are. We get caught up in what I call the, “secondary world.” We use that world to connect to our identity, and that world is transitory; it’s always moving, shifting, and changing. It's not designed to be static. Nothing is yours; it's always borrowed. It would be inevitable that I would feel deeply insecure because I'm not anchored to the truth of who I really am.

CB: Perfect answer! Let's switch over to singing, entertainment, the shows - all of that. When people who come to your shows or listen to your music, what do you hope they receive from listening to your voice, to your words, receiving that energy?

AF: Have you ever had those experiences where it's sort of chilling because it moves past the surface? There's like the tapping your foot to a song, and then there's feeling that song in your soul. It’s like a soul slapping feeling. It is its own intelligence. Once it pierces through the surface, and it slaps the soul,


it moves inside of you however it wants to move inside of you. I would say if there was a goal, it would be to get into the sole aspect of it all.

CB: Do you have something coming up that people should be on the lookout for?

AF: Well, I have something brewing. I always have something brewing. I haven't put a date on it yet because I live in the Scottsdale area. The people that I'm in conversation with notice that there's an opening here to be a hub for something deeply artistic. Something that has not been seen or known, that people must come here for. There's a missing component to the arts in this area, but there's an opening. There's a lot of people who adore and appreciate the arts and we just kind of missed the boat on that. To create something unique that people have to come here for. It's not really about me, it can also be then passed once this thing is created. We're looking at bigger production teams, imagine some real bells and whistles all designed to slap you in your soul, outside of the foot tapping. That's the conversation I'm in. Might I do something before that? Probably. There's that and there's also something to be said about the stripped-down versions of everything, like bring it to its simplest form.

CB: I love that and I’ll to add to that. Arizona does have a very specific energy here. What I take from it is a very healing energy, it's a different vibration. Sedona has a lot of vortexes. I think all of Arizona, in my opinion as someone who has traveled throughout her life, has a very specific energy here. I think it's really cool that you're here in that energy, doing what you're doing, and giving that out through you.

AF: Thank you, I'm in agreement with that. I feel like when we're in that flow, the flow finds you. You seem to be exactly where you need to be.

CB: Yes, I've talked about it before, but it's kind of like winning the lottery. I bring it up in my book, actually. It's like people usually wish for the numbers, but if you're the person who’s to win that at the particular time, I believe the numbers will transition itself to you.

AF: That’s fantastic, I agree. There's a whole world when you open up the gates of magic and miracles. We just have to surrender to that.

CB: With all that personal transitioning and shifting that we're doing all the time; were you raised with that thought process, or did you have to find that yourself? When you were ready to start helping people with their changes and transitions, did you feel confident in doing so as an entrepreneur?


forget that we are always being pressured by outside forces, especially while in that great void. We think lowly, or ill of ourselves, which just isn't true. The real breakthrough is getting past that void. What’s on the other side of that void is magic!"

Remember Who You Are with Angela Ferrari

AF: That's a good question. I would say, I wasn’t raised with this thought process. However, there was also to your point of the lottery and everything. I still needed to experience, to discover, to come to my own realisations. When I was young, I had this experience of myself, like there was something that didn't seem like it matched my environment. I always would create these little worlds by myself a lot. I was a bit of a loner, a rebel for sure. It served me later when it harmonized with what I was doing. There was something in me that was designed to not conform. I don't like people telling me you, “have to do it like this” because once we're in our most authentic space, nobody needs to tell you anything, you can feel it. You might resonate with what somebody is telling you, but that’s because that's what aligned with me. It's not because you are telling me what to do. It's just a matter of discovering where that path is for you, to discover that space inside of you. I promise you you're not going to fit in when you discover it. You're not supposed to! We're all such unique snowflakes, literally like that. The idea of comparison becomes humorous, nobody could possibly come in the vicinity of who you are once you get in touch with that!

CB: Absolutely. A lot of people seem to live in a lot of fear, whatever that fear looks like for them. What words of advice could you give people to help move them out of the fear space, and into the fun love space?

AF: It takes a long time to build up these belief structures that there are no longer thoughts. We're now living inside of the world of these illusory beliefs that we pick up when we're children, which therefore is born in our innocence. It's not your fault, and wherever we are, whatever pinnacle of time is; it’s exactly where you're meant to be. There will always be distractions and decoys, but you have your own way, whatever that may be. There is your path.

There is the beginning of your path because of the prayer, the call, the intention is always going to be answered.

CB: It's powerful, too. Show me the path, show me the direction and I walked down it.

AF: Yes, and if you think about it; I took all my energy off of the decoys. Show me how to forgive, show me. I find the thread, and that's always it for people. That's where fear comes from, because if everything is one great big miracle, then there's nothing out of place! There's something in me that points towards the, “north star” and I just have to follow it. This is the creator; anytime you don’t trust, will lead you off. Go anywhere, go to a retreat, go to things, take yourself out of your own environment with that intention, show me how to trust me. I'm already starting to be relieved from whatever that anxiousness is that I’m trying to control. All of that's rooted in the lack of trust in the creator of it all.

CB: That's powerful. I find so often people are in a victim mode, “It’s not me, it's everyone else!"

AF: That’s the common denominator. It can be very difficult to take on that you are the common denominator if you don't know how to look at that without shame. I will defend it with my life if I have to wear the shame and be reminded of this deep-rooted belief that I'm not enough. I’ll fight that; that’s where all defence comes from. I'm defending this deep-rooted belief that I'm not enough.

CB: How do you change it?


AF: By seeing it clearly. It automatically changes when the clarity exists within. I don’t have to plow through that. I can adjust, because right now the problem is simply that I don't have clarity. If I had clarity, I wouldn't be talking like that. Once I understand that truth, I begin to see that there's nothing shameful. You don’t have to be lovable when you get to this place, or this space. There's no you that’s more lovable than this you right here.

CB: When you're not having such a great day, how do you transition, or transform, your mind into a positive mindset? Is there something that you keep kind of in the forefront of your mind to keep you on a positive path?

AF: There is, and it goes back to our discussion on clarity. I feel like it's about realizing it was never going to be different than what it is, and the suffering is always that I think it should be different than what it is. It's not really what it is that’s causing, “my bad day” it's that I think my day should look different than what is. When I remember to remember that if it was going to look different, it would've looked different. I could learn something from this. There's a surrender in me that happens from there. I release this burden to the miracle in me and I go free. That means that I don't even have to solve it. I release myself from the burden of the solving because that's really, if you think about it, where all the stress is. This deepens my whole point about how I trust you, or myself. Now it comes full circle. It's the miracle that it's always in your favor.

CB: Yes, I love that. My next question is when you started your business and started getting clients, what was something that you were able to get yourself or something you're able to do? Something that you always wanted, and you finally took a moment and gave yourself praise.

AF: That's a great question. I don't mean for this to sound too external, but I think we're just designed to play with that imbalance too. Not touch but still play. My last name is Ferrari so it's not a coincidence that I'm into cars. I finally got the car that the doors open like wings, you know? I remember having that moment where I really manifested that whole thing in my life, and I just had this great feeling because it becomes symbolic, infinite abundance. It's not the car, but I registered with the symbolism.

CB: In fact, you should be in huge abundances especially if you’re teaching other people how to shift change, and live and be abundant. Things can be exactly how you want them to be, and if that car symbolized something amazing for you, you should absolutely have it. You should have whatever the hell you want, for no reason.

AF: Right, yes! Again, it can be the symbolism to who we are. It's not that I need the car to be who I am, but there's many facets to me, and that that one was breaking a threshold.

CB: How can people find you?

AF: My music site it, and then are my two websites.

CB: Thank you for taking the time interviewing with us and for doing the work you do! More people need to listen, look into, and learn from you.

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