The Lutheran Layman - Spring 2024

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Spring 2024 Connecting to Christ Event . . . . . 7 Nurturing Your Faith . . . . . . . 9-10 Gospel Adventures . . . . . . . . . . 12 New Booklet on Depression . . 14 Sermon Leads to Connection . . 17 Changing Lives Globally . . 20-21 Daily Devotions Go Global . . . 23 A Bold Initiative to Reach a World that Needs the Gospel see page 3

Included in Such Company

Have you ever thought to yourself, how did I ever get to be friends with this person?

I was thinking that when I was visiting with my old roommate from college. He had gone into the Air Force after college and, 20-plus years later, he’s a full bird colonel and a veteran fighter pilot, callsign “Duke.” Along the way, he did an exchange tour with the German Luftwaffe, the Air Force there, where he learned to speak German fluently. Now, because of his background in aviation, foreign language, and leadership, he was selected for defense attaché duty in Eastern Europe, which means he and his family are moving to Hungary this summer, working for the U.S. Ambassador there. And I’m thinking to myself, how did I ever get to be included as one of his friends?

I also imagine that the author of the second Gospel, one of the inspired biographies of Jesus, Mark, felt awe, gratitude, and wonder at being included in such a company. Historical sources indicate that Mark was included in this company through Peter, one of the original 12 disciples whom Jesus had chosen to be His ambassadors. They were the core group, but there was a wider circle of followers, and Mark was most likely included among them. They had followed Jesus into Jerusalem; they had seen Him crucified; and they were witnesses of His resurrection and united around the hope that Jesus was truly the King, the Head of God’s kingdom. And that God, His Father, had put Him in charge of the universe and that He would return to raise the dead and make everything new.

for Jesus. Mark wrote it for you and me so that we could be included in this company, His company. To worship Jesus as our Messiah, our Teacher, our Lord, our God, and to admire Him as a Friend. Now friendship doesn’t normally begin in admiration; it usually begins when two people are interested in the same things, right? I got to know Duke because we went to the same college and had similar reasons for wanting to go to that college. We became roommates because people who knew us both thought we had similar interests. And having become roommates, Duke and I became friends.

To worship Jesus as our Messiah, our Teacher, our Lord, our God, and to admire Him as a Friend.

Through the years, we have come to appreciate each other through these shared interests. And the central interest who has kept us together for more than 20 years is Jesus. I was blessed to see a friend lead Duke to faith in Jesus while we were roommates. I was blessed to pray with him the night it happened. I saw Jesus come into his life and change everything—and he hasn’t been the same since. And I’ve been blessed to see Duke’s faith in Jesus deepen and mature through the years.

Here’s what Duke and I and many others have learned. The more you listen to the life of Jesus, whether through Mark’s biography, Matthew’s, Luke’s, or John’s, the more you are immersed in His life, the more you admire Him, and the more grateful you are to be included in His company. And then to stand with Him, to be led by the same Spirit, to develop the same way of thinking, standing shoulder to shoulder with Jesus to look out into the world and see what He sees. In other words, to know Him not only as King, Savior, Lord, and God, but also as Friend. u

“Through a few encounters with your LHM–Cameroon volunteer sharing the Gospel, my life is being transformed by God on a daily basis,” says Abraham. “The desperate life I had been living is gradually fading away and becoming hopeful with God’s blessings. I am grateful to God today, as I am now a regular church attendee.” Thank

Mark wrote this story in the inspiration of God’s Spirit and in the overflow of his admiration

Adapted from a message for The Lutheran Hour aired March 3, 2024.

Help us continue sharing the Gospel with people like Abraham by visiting LHM.ORG/GIVE or sending a gift in the enclosed envelope.

2 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024
Vol 95, No 2 Spring 2024 Chad Fix, Editor • Andrea Thompson, Layout Subscription: $5. Printed quarterly Send color photos for use Photos sent to the paper may not be returned Lutheran Hour Ministries, The Lutheran Hour, Bringing Christ to the Nations, BCTN, This is the Life, Ayer, Hoy y Siempre,
Para Todas Las Naciones, Esta Es La Vida, Para el Camino, Thred, The Hoffmann Society, Gospel Adventures, The Hopeful Neighborhood Project, and EveryGift are ® registered marks, or SM service marks The Puzzle Club is a service mark and trademark of Int’l LLL All rights reserved, 2024 Int’l LLL LHM Response Center: 1-800-876-9880 Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church View previous issues

A Bold Initiative to Reach a World that Needs the Gospel


LHM operates a local ministry center and staff.


LHM coordinates outreach efforts through staff, volunteers, and partner organizations.

Our world needs the gospel

We live in a time of great opportunities:

• More than three billion people have yet to hear the saving message of Christ.

• Technology allows us to engage with each other more efficiently and effectively than at any other time in history, especially as people crave a relationship with God and each other.

• We can use our gifts to make a real difference right where we are, among real people we know and see every day. Our faith, put into action on a local level, can make an immediate and personal impact in our neighborhood and beyond.

How do we connect and share the hope of the Gospel with so many who have never heard the Name of Jesus? Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) believes we are called, equipped, and sent to CONNECT people with the Gospel yesterday, today, and into the future.

Building upon the success of the SENT Initiative that nearly tripled the number of times LHM reaches

people with the Gospel each week, CONNECT is a crucial next step forward in achieving our shared mission that is fueled by the generous leadership and support of God’s people like you! The urgency of the Gospel is real, and the time to act is now.

CONNECT is a bold initiative to ignite a movement throughout the Christian church that empowers Christians to use their unique gifts for sharing the Gospel in word and deed.

“God has called each and every one of us to share the Gospel message in our lives, work, and families,” says LHM CEO Kurt Buchholz. “What a special calling for all of us to CONNECT and welcome others into the Lord’s family as we grow together as the body of Christ.”

Under the following key priorities, CONNECT supports LHM’s vision for the future and Christ’s call to reach the world with the hope of the Gospel.

“God has called each and every one of us to share the Gospel message in our lives, work, and families. What a special calling for all of us to CONNECT and welcome others into the Lord’s family as we grow together as the body of Christ!” see next page

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 3

impacting people globally

Billions of people have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. God has called LHM to proclaim the risen Savior around the world to reach these people.

For decades, LHM has shared Christ’s love with the world through a proven approach of identifying and equipping local laypeople to build their presence and impact using specific strategies contextual to the culture and language in which they serve. Since staff members grew up speaking the same language as the people they are trying to reach, they can create programming and resources that ensure maximum impact and accuracy of the Gospel message.

Using tactics such as radio and television broadcasts, print media, digital platforms,

Christian films, plays, and concerts, holistic outreach, Bible Correspondence Courses, youth programs, and much more, local staff members address particular issues that people are facing. This allows LHM staff to establish ongoing personal relationships so that recipients can learn more about God’s Word and eventually be referred to a Christian community.

Further building on this successful model, LHM will develop a multidivisional global mission rooted in localized regional leadership over the next few years. Ultimately, these plans will allow LHM to not only increase our focus on North America as a mission field, but share the hope and comfort of the Gospel with millions more around the world.

Your Support CONNECTS LHM to People Like …

Mealea, a 62-year-old woman living in a village where she is a farmer. Like most Cambodians, her family had followed another religion for generations. Mealea’s family members struggled with sickness for a long time, so the family sought advice from fortune tellers. They told the family they had displeased an ancestor’s spirit, who then sent the illness upon them. The recommended solution was to sacrifice something like a chicken or pig to return the family to favor with the spirit. Yet the sickness remained, year after year. The experiences left Mealea in despair. Without resolution, she felt helpless. Mealea first heard about Jesus several years ago. However, because she did not understand the Good News, she mocked the Christians she met … but God had planted the Gospel’s seeds in her heart. Years later, LHM–Cambodia held a film showing in her village, which proclaimed the salvation available to everyone in Christ. The Holy Spirit brought Mealea to faith in Jesus. Finally, she had answers. “That is why I turn to God, Jesus Christ, now,” she says. LHM staff referred Mealea to a local congregation, where she continues to grow in her faith today. She attends Bible studies and prayer meetings. But best of all, she has the Savior’s peace that surpasses understanding.

Impact of connect



Generous Support of CONNECT Has Allowed LHM to …

• Identify and train intern teams to start ministry in Peru, Nepal, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kyrgyzstan . In the coming years, additional teams will be identified and trained to expand ministry into new areas around the world

• Support the production of satellite television programming in partnership with SAT-7 and PAK7 that shines the light of Christ into more than 20 countries throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia





4 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 CONNECT: A Bold Initiative … continued from previous page
Gifted More FOR volupta tistor siminum 2022 2023

impacting people through digital engagement

The world today is increasingly shaped and connected by the internet. As people become more present online, God’s people are finding ways to share the Gospel in this space.

LHM is once again a pioneering force for good in this realm as we proclaim the Name of Jesus to people around the world. As the digital mission field continues to grow, emerging technologies offer unique opportunities to communicate with audiences in a broad variety of ways, with content that is specific to the individual platforms on which people are engaging.

The digital mission field is new and

exciting—but also challenging. So was radio. So was television. LHM has been at the forefront of using innovative technologies like these to share the Good News throughout its more than 105-year history, and we are eager to engage in this place at this time because never before has the opportunity existed to reach the entire world with the Gospel.

LHM maximizes its online presence today to share the Good News through a variety of platforms and rapidly increase the capacity for the priesthood of all believers to connect more souls to the saving message of Christ.

Your Support CONNECTS LHM to People Like …

Aaron, a 29-year-old man living in fear in war-torn Yemen. As he experienced suffering all around him, Aaron yearned to know the unconditional love of our God when he came across an LHM social media post containing a short video message called Facing Your Fears. He contacted LHM staff in the Middle East and North Africa, and they shared how God’s eternal plan for our salvation gives us hope, comfort, and peace to work through any earthly trial. In time, Aaron asked, “How can I change my perspective about God?” LHM staff members told him that our perspective comes through our knowledge of, and relationship with, Christ. Aaron was not yet convinced. He said that only God [the Father] can forgive sins. Our staff taught him more about Jesus, sharing testimonies about redemption that comes only through Christ. At last, Aaron confessed he wished to know Christ. LHM staff prayed with him as he was called to faith through the power of God’s Word. The LHM team continues to nurture him as he now lives in confidence as a child of God.

Generous Support



Has Allowed LHM to …

• Create topical platforms and social media content in the United States, Latin America, Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East offering relevant material that people seek online. Individuals can have questions answered by ministry volunteers and build a trusting relationship that introduces them to the Gospel.

• Launch a new radio program for parents and their young children called the Gospel Adventures Show that focuses on a Gospel theme and Bible verse and uses stories, songs, games, and activities to share the love of Jesus.

• Offer The Lutheran Hour on new media platforms that reach audiences beyond traditional radio stations. see next page

A growing Gospel impact

Times LHM Reaches People with the Gospel Globally Every Week FY21: 150 million • FY22: 163 million FY23: 195 MILLION

Responses to LHM Outreach Efforts

FY21: 1,235,670 • FY22: 1,286,127 FY23: 1,661,840

Referrals to Churches and Christian Communities

FY21: 45,499 • FY22: 118,261 FY23: 254,595

Times Individuals Were Equipped to Share Their Faith More Effectively FY21: 119,640 • FY22: 182,175

FY23: 358,452

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 5

impacting people right where they are

What if every Christian saw his or her neighbor as a gift from God with gifts to share? How would that change how we view, interact with, and serve our neighbors?

During a time when people are searching for hope, community is more important than ever. LHM is answering the question, “How can I bring hope to my neighborhood?” We can use our individual gifts to make a real difference right where we are, among the neighbors we know and those we have not yet met but see every day. If history is an indicator, God could use our good deeds to gain a hearing for the Gospel and, according to His will, draw our non-

Christian neighbors to the faith. This concept is really nothing new for us at LHM. Gathering at the local level and building genuine relationships with people close to us have been in LHM’s DNA since our inception more than a century ago. This 21st-century approach brings people together while sharing the Gospel both in word and deed.

Understanding our giftedness and using those gifts to bless others can build strong connections with those around us. It is exciting to think about the impact of millions of Christians loving their neighbors. Together, we can make it a reality.

Your Support CONNECTS LHM to People Like …

Members of a community program group at The Restoration House in Knoxville, Tennessee. “Our goal is to help restore single mothers and their children back to God’s good intent for their lives,” says Carrie Pickell, volunteer engagement coordinator for The Restoration House. “We believe that God intended for us to live in community.” When they learned about The Hopeful Neighborhood Project (HNP) from LHM, they knew it would be beneficial. They started with HNP’s interactive lab, where they discovered their gifts, imagined the possibilities, and pursued the common good. Using this three-step process, they planned a ‘Unity in the Community’ event to bring women and children in the community together. “Our perspective shifted after the workshop,” says Pickell. “We realized that we have a lot more to offer to our community than we realized.”

Generous Support of CONNECT Has Allowed

LHM to …

• Develop a multitude of resources in partnership with Barna Group to help Christians strengthen their households, serve their community, and develop their God-given talents .

• Establish The Hopeful Neighborhood Project (HNP) as a collaborative network to improve neighborhood well-being One of HNP’s partner programs was named as Best Neighborhood Program at the Neighborhoods USA conference

• Provide resources like devotions, topical booklets, online video Bible studies, online courses, and more to connect with people at any stage of their individual faith journeys

We are nearly two-thirds of the way to reaching the financial goal necessary to support the ministry work of CONNECT! You can help us get to the finish line through your involvement in the following ways:

Use/Share LHM Resources

LHM has developed a wide variety of helpful resources to equip and encourage you in your faith journey. Available for individual, congregational, and community use, you can use and share these resources to help bring the Gospel message to life.

Become a CONNECT Captain

Are you interested in getting members of your congregation involved in this life-changing mission? Sign up today to serve as a CONNECT Captain!

Make a Gift

Annual Giving: Support the ministry’s current operating needs to share the Gospel around the world.

Leadership Giving: Join a group of special donors who commit to gifts of $10,000 or more in support of CONNECT.

Bequest/Estate Giving: With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to LHM in support of CONNECT.

Endowment: Establish or add to an endowment that will share the Gospel with future generations—a legacy of your faith.

“Your generosity will allow more laypeople to grow in their faith and live out their lives in action that they might be a blessing to their communities and the world,” says Buchholz. “The end result will be millions more people experiencing the hope and comfort of the Gospel.” u

Chad Fix oversees the corporate communications of Lutheran Hour Ministries.

6 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 CONNECT: A Bold Initiative … continued from previous page
Get involved today by visiting CONNECTLHM.ORG . How can you get involved?

Celebrating the Public Launch of

Around 225 staff, volunteer leaders, and supporters gathered at St. Louis Union Station April 19 for Connecting to Christ: Linked by Faith, Connecting Through His Mission. In addition to being motivated by updates from program leaders on how Lutheran Hour Ministries is addressing the global, digital, and community opportunities before us, attendees were inspired by a devotion from Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour®, and a special presentation from LHM’s ministry center director in South Korea.

Following a fellowship hour and dinner, the program featured a special announcement. “It is my honor and privilege to officially launch the CONNECT Initiative in its public phase,” said CEO Kurt Buchholz. “We’ve set some big goals for what we’ve already started and what we still intend to do. As a ministry goal, we are going to increase our reach around the world to 375 million Gospel touches each and every week. To do that and much more, our intention is to raise $353 million to fund

this initiative to expand the ministry of LHM globally.”

CONNECT is a multi-year initiative that supports LHM’s vision for the future and Christ’s call to reach the world with the Gospel.

“We want people to have the eternal hope and peace that comes from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior,” said Buchholz. “As our mission statement proclaims, we are committed to Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church CONNECT sends forth the Gospel in new and dynamic ways.”

message. So, we are well on the way to reaching our goal.

Praise the Lord for that!”

“A secondary goal for CONNECT was of course financial support,” shared CoChairs Dave and Heidi Hove.

“We are excited to announce that through the CONNECT Initiative we have raised $231,561,538, which is nearly two-thirds of our total goal.

Praise God! Financial support of CONNECT means more people reached with the Gospel.”

“This is truly a team effort,” said Co-Chair Don Scifres. “It’s really exciting that seventy percent of LHM staff and one hundred percent of our Board and Cabinet members have given to the CONNECT Initiative. That’s an amazing start.”

we are committed

“CONNECT would not be alive today without the success of its predecessor, SENT, and its sole purpose of expanding God’s kingdom,” said Chief Development Officer Terry Biesboer. “Just like the goals of SENT were accomplished through the strength of our volunteers, CONNECT is going to happen the same way.”

“The most important goal through CONNECT is to reach more people with the Gospel message,” said CONNECT

Cabinet Co-Chair Jill Scifres. “Thanks to all the work we’ve done, and with the Holy Spirit, we are now reaching people more than 195 million times each week with the Gospel

Buchholz encouraged attendees to share CONNECT with their congregation members by becoming a

CONNECT Captain. LHM will give Captains everything they need to share the initiative with others, including a CONNECT church display, T-shirt, videos, brochures, bulletin inserts, and more.

To learn more about CONNECT and how you can get involved, visit u

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 7
to Bringing Christ to the Nations—
the Nations to the
Rachel Tichich Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler Jeff Craig-Meyer Kurt Buchholz & Terry Biesboer Rev. Dr. Jason Broge Special Global Ministry Guest Worship Team

Q &A

Lutheran Hour Ministries has introduced the CONNECT Initiative to ignite a movement throughout the Christian church that empowers Christians to use their unique gifts for sharing the Gospel in word and deed. To help reach the aggressive goals set forth for the life-changing ministry work being accomplished through the CONNECT Initiative, LHM established a CONNECT Cabinet of volunteer leaders from across the nation to help raise money by introducing their network of friends and contacts to LHM.

Dave and Heidi Hove from Stillwater, Minnesota, and Don and Jill Scifres from Greenwood, Indiana, stepped forward to serve as co-chairs for this initiative. We recently asked them about their experience.


Jill — Growing up in a Lutheran home, I was very familiar with The Lutheran Hour radio broadcast. A few years ago, Don and I decided that we needed to update our wills. When we were bouncing around ideas of organizations to support, we decided on LHM.

Don — I remember Dr. Oswald Hoffmann on The Lutheran Hour when I was growing up. The estate planning process brought us into conversation with LHM staff and led to our engagement with CONNECT. I am also honored to serve on LHM’s Board of Directors since 2022.

Heidi — We were introduced to LHM at the tail end of the SENT Initiative through some good friends of ours. Then, we were invited to join the CONNECT Initiative as co-chairs, and we have been serving for the last three years. I am also now a Trustee for The Lutheran Hour Ministries Foundation.

Dave — We knew a little bit about LHM through our church, but we really didn’t know the extent of what they did until we jumped in with CONNECT.

with CONNECT Cabinet Co-Chairs


Jill — LHM does so many things. It’s not just the radio broadcast but all the things that are done to reach people where they are because everybody is at a different place in life. I think it’s beautiful that LHM has such a broad scope.

Don — The breadth of offerings and reach that LHM has around the world are impressive. The stewardship of resources with which one is blessed is very important to me, and in my experience, LHM’s stewardship is world-class.

Heidi — It is important to us to be involved with an organization like LHM that gets the message out to all those who have not heard about Jesus. We wish everybody knew about LHM.

Dave — I am impressed with the organic way that they empower people around the globe. Instead of sending people from the United States, they raise up people from within the existing community to share the Gospel message.


Jill — The CONNECT Initiative is really the Holy Spirit working throughout the world. It’s amazing to see all the different ways that LHM is reaching people and how God is working through ordinary people like us, just like He has always done throughout history.

Don — CONNECT is based on work that’s gone before us over the last 107 years. It stands on the shoulders of every person who has been involved with LHM since its founding, and it is serving as a foundation for those who will come after us.

Heidi — We are able to multiply the number of people being reached with the Gospel in different areas of the world. It is a way for us to make a bigger impact than we as individuals would be able to make.

Dave — CONNECT is all about the Great Commission. Gospel proclamation throughout the world, both internationally and domestically, is one of our greatest callings as Christians, and that speaks well to LHM’s primary mission. CONNECT is helping LHM gather resources to reach individuals and leave a legacy for future generations.


Jill — One of my favorite hymns talks about all the different ways that people can be the hands and feet of Jesus. By connecting people to LHM, they can be that. Maybe they can’t go into the mission field, but they can support LHM with their prayers and their bounties.

Don — I would simply thank those who are reading this for their willingness to partner with LHM. I encourage you to be involved and, if you’re already involved, to be even more involved. Remember Matthew 28:20 and that Jesus has commanded us to take the Gospel into all the world.

Heidi — LHM is a wonderful organization for those who have a heart for missions and sharing the Gospel. We would strongly encourage others to join the mission.

Dave — We would encourage everyone to prayerfully consider a contribution to the CONNECT Initiative. It’s incredible the depth and reach that LHM has around the world, and it has taken us five years to get our heads wrapped around all the different pieces that LHM has to offer.


Jill — It has been a great experience developing relationships with so many people who really love Jesus. It’s been humbling to do that, and it’s really helped me grow in my faith.

Don — We have 52 other best friends in the ministry because of the CONNECT Cabinet. Every Cabinet member brings a unique passion for Christ and a commitment to seeing the kingdom of God extended through the efforts of LHM.

Heidi — First, it was very humbling to be asked to serve in this position. It’s been a true joy working alongside the other Cabinet members and LHM staff.

Dave — I think our favorite part about being co-chairs of the CONNECT Cabinet is getting to know the LHM staff and developing relationships with fellow Cabinet members. u

Megan McDaniel reports on the impact of LHM’s ministry work around the world.

8 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024
Don & Jill Scifres Heidi & Dave Hove


Patient Urgency


An Urgent Message


We are continuing to reorient our thoughts, words, and actions toward Jesus as He is revealed by the Holy Spirit through the verbally performed text of the Gospel according to Mark. Have you devoted time to listening to the entire story all the way through at least once? If so, don’t stop! Listen again, and again, and again. Mark’s Gospel becomes more rewarding with each hearing. Consider the experience of David Rhoads. In the late 1970s, he began memorizing the entire Gospel of Mark. Over the next 15 years, he verbally performed Mark’s Gospel from memory for gathered audiences nearly 200 times. Accounting for memory work and practice, he said, “I have probably gone over Mark more than 500 times.”1 So, did he get sick of it—after that many times? No. He found that Mark gets richer, deeper, and more profound as it is repeated and shared with others. As this study continues, listen to all of Mark at least once a week, or more. As you do, ask the Holy Spirit to give you ears to hear. Like a concert-goer immersed in the experience of the music, let yourself be immersed in the world of Mark’s story—the world in which God is present in everything, where Jesus is King, and the whole creation is being reclaimed for His kingdom. In other words, let yourself get caught up in the real world.


1. Discuss with your group or write in a journal: listening to Mark’s Gospel, have you noticed anything new or gained a deeper appreciation of something? What insights or questions has it raised for you?

2. Do you have a favorite moment in the Gospel? Picture the scene and re-tell it. Why does this part speak to you?

David Rhoads’ adventure to learn Mark’s Gospel and share it with others has inspired many. Maybe not to memorize the whole thing, but to listen to Mark’s book (and the other Gospels) as a singular story. So, if the Gospel of Mark is a single story, then what holds it together? What is its theme? A Bible scholar named David Garland surveyed several possible answers. Mark’s account addresses such themes as kingship, discipleship, secrecy, mission, and salvation. We might also add “Patient Urgency,” which is the “theme” for the study of Mark you’re in now. Many passages could be cited as evidence for any of these answers to the question about Mark’s theme. However, there’s a deeper insight we shouldn’t overlook. As David Garland observed, “This gospel was not intended by its author to be a vessel of theological truths waiting to be quarried.” Instead, it is “a story in which Jesus is the central figure.”2 Put simply, Jesus is the theme. Mark isn’t offering a religious idea or rulebook, but a biography. He’s introducing us to a friend. And the introduction is urgent because this Friend is also the eternal Son of the God, the Creator of the universe who showed up on earth to put the world right again. In the very first line, Mark tells us that this is “the Good News about Jesus” (Mark 1:1b). The first words we hear from God aren’t directed toward us at all (at least not explicitly). They are all about Jesus, uniquely for Him and to Him: “You are My beloved Son, with You I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11b). Then, Jesus’ initial call to His first disciples isn’t “study this topic,” or “learn these truths,” or “complete these tasks,” but simply,

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see next page

“follow Me” (Mark 1:17b), a call that continues to others (see Mark 2:14, 10:21, 10:52). Great crowds do come to hear Jesus teach, but many miss the point. It’s only those who linger and stay close to Him who have “the mystery of the kingdom of God” (Mark 4:11b). It’s only those seated in a circle around Him who are doing God’s will (see Mark 3:34-35). It’s only those reaching out in faith to touch Him who are healed (see Mark 5:28-29). And when the mountaintop fireworks fade, the disciples see Him only. Read that scene aloud in Mark 9:1-8, and reflect on the following questions:

Watch the video by Dr. Michael Zeigler: Session 3 – “Point to Jesus” at

1. This is the second and last time we hear God, the Father, speak in Mark’s Gospel. His final words are simple: “Listen to Him.” Recalling some of the words you’ve been hearing Jesus speak in the Gospel, what are you needing to hear from Him at this time?

2. Some think the goal of “evangelism” is to get people to cross a boundary from unsaved to saved (or from non-member to member in a church). There is a place for that idea, but God’s voice from the cloud for the disciples, and by extension, for the world, is less about boundary crossing and more about orientation: orient yourself toward Jesus, hear Him, give Him your attention. How might this expand the way you understand the goal of “witnessing” and “evangelism”?

1. What was something from the video that stood out to you?

2. What’s the difference between “giving a sales pitch” and “pointing people to a good friend”?


Pointing people to Jesus is urgent. But it’s not a sales pitch. We are inviting people into a lifelong relationship, not a one-time transaction. Coming to trust in Him can be abrupt, instantly illuminating, like striking a match, as with the man whom Jesus freed from the legion of demons (see Mark 5:15-20). At the same time, coming to faith and growing in faith is a slow sunrise, a long journey with Jesus. And along the way, His disciples are often clueless, blind, and even resistant (see Mark 8:14–21). Other times, they’re only half-seeing and half-believing, half-amazed and half-afraid (see Mark 10:32). Perhaps the man who brought his son to Jesus said it best: “I believe; help my unbelief” (9:24b). Thankfully, Jesus is patient with us. But patience does not mean putting off next steps. Taking the next step forward with Jesus—whatever that may be—is urgent because being with Jesus and listening to Him is life (see Mark 4:14).

In the first half of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus performs miracle after miracle in rapid fire succession— healing, driving out demons, forgiving sins, calming storms, feeding thousands, raising the dead—BAM! BOOM! Ka-pow! But, when the fireworks fade, what’s the point? The point is, in Jesus we hear and know our Creator. He is the Source of all the good in all the people and in all the things you love. Jesus is the genius behind every musician, the talent in every artist, the love in every life-giving relationship. He is the Word by whom it all came into being. And He has come to bind the devil (see

Mark 3:22-27), to take back God’s house, restore it, make it new again, even at the cost of His life. But if you won’t take the next step with Him, if you close your ears and stop listening to Him—you will lose everything (see Mark 4:24-25). And without Jesus, all that’s left is hell (see Mark 9:42–50). What keeps Christians from feeling this urgency to point people to Jesus? For many, it sounds offensive to say that Jesus is the only way to be saved from hell and to have eternal life. From a certain perspective, it even sounds like a barbaric thing to believe. But if we live in His story, we come to understand His perspective on eternal life. No one can have true life without Him because following Jesus, trusting Jesus, being with Jesus and His people—that is the essence of eternal life, both now, and “in the age to come” (see Mark 10:29-30). Suppose I didn’t want to go with Jesus, yet still have eternal life. That would be like wanting a wedding party without a marriage; like wanting to be adopted without a family; like wanting a friend without giving up any of my “me time.” Why? Because eternal life is the expression and celebration of being with Jesus. It may be a hard truth for some to hear. But, in Jesus, we can say it as the deepest, most urgent expression of love; (see how He did it in Mark 10:21). You can’t have a wedding party unless the groom shows up (see Mark 2:19). And you can’t have true life unless Jesus shows up. And He did show up. So, our message is urgent. We must share His story with everyone, everywhere (see Mark 13:10).

1 David Rhoads, “Performing the Gospel of Mark,” in Body and the Bible: Interpreting and Experiencing Biblical Narratives, edited by Björn Krondorfer (Philadelphia: Trinity, 1992), 103.

2 David Garland, A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic, 2015), 42.


In the New Testament, we have four inspired biographies of Jesus. When we immerse ourselves in them (or just one of them, such as Mark’s Gospel), we come to know and love Jesus more deeply. We are reminded that our message to others is not primarily a set of rules to keep or a theological argument to accept, but a Person to follow. And not just any person, but the greatest Friend, the central figure in God’s story, a story we’re invited to enter. This is our message.

Dear Jesus, Your death on the cross was the sacrifice that put the world right. And You rose from the dead to bring all people back to You and Your Father. Without You there is no good thing. We believe. Help us in our unbelief. Send us Your Spirit. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and mouths to speak so that all would turn to You and have life in Your Name, because You live and You reign with the Father and the same Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.

10 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 continued from previous page

TWe Are ONE in Christ!

here is nothing more uplifting than having the honor to serve with an organization tasked with fulfilling Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations….” (Matthew 28:19). With billions of souls still separated from Christ and in danger of entering eternity apart from Him, God has called all of us to share the Gospel message in our lives, homes, and neighborhoods. I can think of no higher calling and better investment of our time and treasure as together we fulfill Christ’s command through our shared partnership in ministry known as Lutheran Hour Ministries.

I recently had the pleasure of attending LHM’s Connecting to Christ: Linked by Faith, Connecting Through His Mission event in St. Louis. It was an inspiring experience to spend time in fellowship with like-minded people who share a passion for spreading the Gospel and hear how God uses people like us to make His Gospel known through LHM’s global work.

In ways we cannot comprehend, LHM, via the work of the Holy Spirit, continues to use innovative approaches to effectively share the hope of the Gospel with millions during these increasingly uncertain times. Together God uses us to connect people …

Globally: More than three billion people have not experienced Christ’s love. LHM’s ministry model of using local staff and volunteers shares the Gospel in culturally relevant ways that people can understand. Exciting programs like the International Internship Program are expanding LHM’s global footprint into places like Peru, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and increasing our Gospel impact with people who need to hear the Good News.

Digitally: As the digital mission field continues to grow, emerging technologies offer unique opportunities to communicate with audiences worldwide in a broad variety of ways. Thred is inspiring

and equipping Christians to share their faith through winsome digital interactions that lead to meaningful spiritual conversations. Platforms like and social media pages in the Middle East and elsewhere not only allow for initial contact but also facilitate building and nurturing long-term relationships with individuals who want to learn more about Jesus.

Locally: Throughout history, we have witnessed many examples of God putting His people where He wants them to serve. Engaging with LHM is about being equipped for mission right where you are. LHM offers a variety of resources to help you gain a hearing for the Gospel in an inviting and contextual way— guiding those who seek toward faith. These three priorities serve as the basis for how LHM is impacting people through the multi-year CONNECT Initiative that was officially unveiled at the end of the event. It is a special calling that God calls us to CONNECT with and

welcome others into the Lord’s family. Visit to learn more about the life-changing ministry being accomplished through CONNECT and how you can get involved. I also encourage you to consider becoming a CONNECT Captain and sharing with your congregations, friends, and church leaders the details about how this important initiative is growing God’s kingdom. Thank you for being part of the LHM family. Your support plays an integral role in sharing the hope of the Gospel to change people’s lives around the world! May God continue to richly bless this ministry as we serve as His hands and His feet. u

“Go and make disciples of all nations….” (Matthew 28:19).

Daily Devotions from LHM

With several ways to read and listen, you can get your daily dose of Scripture whenever you need it. Visit to subscribe for email delivery to your inbox, listen to the podcast, or download the Connected by LHM app for your mobile device—all for FREE!

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 11

Students Experience God’s Wonders with

utheran Hour Ministries, in partnership with Group Publishing, takes grade school- through middle schoolaged children and some adults on a week-long adventure each year . Gospel Adventures: Awesome Australia, an informative and interactive virtual learning experience, is complete with five days of FREE curricula in two age-appropriate formats, and bonus materials. Participants learn about the foods, animals, people, and places of Australia with Gospel Adventures Visit to sign up today!

Hands-on Experiences

Teachers and parents shared feedback from their Gospel Adventures: Awesome Australia experience this year, including their students’ favorite parts of the program and how their classroom activities and discussions connected them with life and kids in Australia .

“All of your materials are very well done and professional. I appreciate all the video links! Thank you for providing this curriculum.”

“My students and I really enjoy the videos that feature kids and what their lives are like. I like all the curriculum ideas and supporting materials. I also especially like the quiz that is at the end of each day in the middle school experience.”

“We absolutely love the videos and digital elements! The activities included are wonderful! Overall, I love this curriculum.”

“Our students love the daily videos and the food. We always add a few new food items to the curriculum.”

“The Gospel connections were our favorite part of the curriculum. Not only are they the most important part, but they were a great way for the kids to connect to the Bible in a new and interesting way.”

“The curriculum does a great job of incorporating Scripture and the theme of joy every day.”

“The digital and video resources are what set this curriculum apart from others. The missions and geographic area focus was perfect for our Wednesday night kids’ programming.”

“The middle school curriculum helped our older students dig deeper into the culture and mission of people in Australia. It challenged them to have a deeper understanding of people who live on the other side of the world. What a fantastic way to share the diversity of God’s people in a healthy, prayerful, Christian worldview!”

How Students Can Make an Impact Around the World

As a way to support children’s ministry around the world, individuals, schools, and churches participating in Gospel Adventures: Awesome Australia can choose to donate through chapel offerings or coin drives. These donations will go toward LHM’s Global Kids Fund, which supports programs that are similar to the ones they see during the Gospel Adventures program All the funds raised this year will help support LHM children’s programs around the world

In many countries today, more than 70 percent of the population is under 25 years of age. Because of realities such as broken families and secularism, many of these young people receive little moral or spiritual education in their homes, and their values are often shaped instead by potentially negative influences such as the media, music, or their peers. Staff at LHM’s ministry centers around the world reach children through a variety of ministry efforts.

LHM–Argentina hosted a celebration for children and invited sisters Silvia and Elena to participate. During the celebration, an LHM–Argentina volunteer shared Bible stories and booklets with them They heard the Gospel message and joined Bible class at a local church . The girls are happy to have been introduced to a place where they can learn more about Jesus.

LHM–Sri Lanka staff held a children’s program that 114 Christian and non-Christian children attended. A local pastor brought his Sunday school children to the program, and many of them were non-Christians enrolled in the LHM–Sri Lanka Bible classes. More children are now attending Sunday school and wanting to enroll in LHM’s Bible course to learn about Jesus.

Our partner in Australia, Lutheran Media, offers a website geared toward children called Happyland Happyland offers a variety of digital resources to keep children engaged with the Gospel message

Visit to support LHM’s children’s ministry through the Global Kids Fund

12 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024

The Gospel Adventures Show is a weekly kids program created in partnership by Lutheran Hour Ministries and Group Publishing Through Bible stories, songs, storytelling, and activities, kids will encounter clear and compelling Gospel themes. Join our hosts, Ben and Noah, as they teach listeners about Jesus and His love for us during the weekly 30-minute episodes

As season one is wrapping up on air, production is currently underway for season two of the Gospel Adventures Show Look for more information in the coming months. Listen to the Gospel Adventures Show wherever you listen to podcasts or at The program is also available on more than 50 radio stations throughout the United States Visit to see if there is an airing near you u

New Spiritual Conversations Program for High Schools

Coming Soon

Think of the friends in your lives. Some are really good at the skill of friendship, and others could use some help, right? While this applies to people of all ages, it is particularly true for teens who are meeting new people and fostering relationships with those around them. To help support this group of high school teens, LHM is developing a new course, Spiritual Conversations: How to Talk to Your Friends About Life, Faith, and Jesus.

One of the things that makes a great friend that we want to help students develop in this course is the skill and discipline of listening well so that they can really hear their friends. By really hearing, we recognize where our friends are on their spiritual journeys, and then we can learn to respond wisely and graciously in a way that helps them respond to the Gospel.

“… this course is about learning the skills to listen (to God and to our friends) and respond with wisdom and grace …”

“Above everything else, this course is about learning the skills to listen (to God and to our friends) and respond with wisdom and grace so that we can meet our friends where they are and help them along their journeys of faith,” says Chris Macky, instructional designer at LHM.

It turns out that there are Christians who regularly, naturally, and effectively have spiritual conversations with non-Christians in ways that are gracious and effective. Students will learn that any kind of person can do this. Our curriculum will show this by introducing some data supported by research into the kinds of people who do this well. Students will interact with the Bible together in small groups, watch other high schoolers interacting with these ideas, and maybe do some role-playing as well.

This seven-lesson curriculum for high schoolers to learn to share their faith with their friends and family will be released later this summer. Look for more information about the program and how you can implement it in your school in the summer issue of The Lutheran Layman. u

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 13

Website Refresh Enhances Sentido Latino’s Outreach to Hispanics

Lutheran Hour Ministries’ Sentido Latino (“Latin Sense”) website at has been updated. With its focus on topics in the U.S. Hispanic community, it features a weekly podcast conversation between Rev. Luciano Vega-Ayala and Deaconess Noemí Guerra. Since 2018, father and daughter have shared their views on interpreting and resolving life issues as seen through the lens of a traditional Latino-Christian viewpoint.

“The new Sentido Latino website is engaging, fresh, dynamic, and colorful— just as we, Hispanics, are!” says Beatriz Hoppe, podcast producer. “With the click of a button, people can navigate through our resources. This makes it easy to access our content for themselves or to share it with others.”

“The website offers all Sentido Latino podcast episodes, with topics ranging from conflict resolution to healthy habits,” says Christina LopezRobin, social media manager. “Users will be able to search the podcast archive for topics that address their situation. When applicable, we offer Spanish Project Connect booklets as an extra resource, which are available for FREE as a download or MP3 audio file, under the Recursos (‘Resources’) tab. Additionally, in Un Camino Mejor (‘A Better Path’), Luciano shares a oneminute biblical reflection and some

weekly encouragement,” she adds. The issue of timeliness is critical in the podcast world. “Our greatest challenge is to stay relevant amidst the ever-increasing podcast options people have available,” Hoppe says. “I love stepping into the audience’s shoes to decide what topics to explore. But what I love most as program producer is developing each podcast with Luciano and Noemí, and then seeing all the pieces come together, thanks to the expertise of our team.”

Lopez-Robin says, “The podcast and/or website function as a bridge between topics of pressing interest and the Gospel, so it’s perfect for sharing with nominal Christians. Hopefully, it inspires them to think more deeply about how their faith impacts their life, while offering insight on how to succeed as a Latino here in the U.S.”

“The new Sentido Latino website is engaging, fresh, dynamic, and colorful—just as we, Hispanics, are!”

Hoppe is pleased with LHM’s vision for Hispanic ministry in the U.S., which for years has been active in serving the countries of Central and South America.

“In the last five or six years, we’ve been zooming into the Hispanic community in the States, and programs like Sentido Latino have been a major part of that,” she says.

You can go to and access Sentido Latino and the CPTLN mobile app under the “Hispanic Ministry” tab. u

Paul Schreiber reports on the impact of LHM’s ministry work in the United States.

Hopeful Insight in New Project Connect Booklet on Depression

Journey Through Depression by Dr. Rick Marrs is LHM’s latest Project Connect booklet. It deals with the causes of depression and how it impacts our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Marrs also addresses recovery strategies, myths surrounding depression, and how caregivers can help. He reminds readers that “Whatever pain we are in, whatever is troubling us, Jesus invites us to believe, to know, that we are not alone.”

“Even when we don’t feel like Jesus is with us, we have His promise that He is.”

The National Institute of Mental Health notes that depression impacts all ages and races/ethnicities. In the U.S. alone, some 21 million adults experienced at least one major depressive episode (an event lasting two weeks or longer) in 2021. Globally, as of 2023, some 280 million people have depression, according to the World Health Organization. Types of depression include Major Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or related diagnoses like Bi-Polar Disorder. Depression triggers include physical causes, biological predisposition, trauma, grief or loss, aging, brain injury and, of course, relationship issues. Because of the complexities involved, consulting a professional is essential to finding out what’s going on and how to treat it.

Recovering from depression is certainly possible. Proper care of the body (nutrition, exercise, rest, stress avoidance), medications, and alternative treatments all play a part. So does counseling. Still, finding the right counselor may take time. “If you feel like giving up, ask your pastor or another trusted Christian friend to check in with you on a regular basis and encourage you to keep trying until you find the right one for you,” Marrs writes.

For caregivers—prayer, listening, and reminding the person that you love them are crucial. Marrs suggests joining them in a healthy pursuit like exercise, and just being there for them, but be sparing with advice as feelings can get in the way. If they mention thoughts of suicide, know and use the 988 suicide prevention hotline.

Depression can be awful, but it doesn’t have the last word. “Even when we don’t feel like Jesus is with us, we have His promise that He is (see Matthew 28:20),” Marrs writes. “His heart goes out to you, and He is deeply concerned about your welfare. God is here with you in your pain, whether it feels that way or not.”

Rev. Dr. Rick Marrs is a licensed psychologist and senior professor of practical theology (counseling) at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. To find out more about LHM’s Project Connect topical booklets, go to projectconnect. u

14 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024

WResponding to a World that Needs the Gospel

ith billions of people not yet having heard the saving message of Christ, the urgency of the Gospel is real. The time to act is now!

As a strong, emergent, future-focused ministry that harnesses new opportunities, research, and resources, LHM is moving forward under the following vision:

• Every person has the opportunity to hear the Gospel in an understandable way

• Those seeking are connected to a healthy Christian community where they can grow in their faith.

• Every Christian is equipped to share the Gospel in word and deed.

• Engaged Christians advance this common mission as a global community.

This vision, coupled with our desire to shift from being regarded as a North American-based mission organization that also does work internationally to a global mission organization that also does work in North America, requires new approaches to meet our aggressive goals.

This is why we have embarked on a bold globalization initiative to reach even more people with the Gospel. This plan centers on three things.

Leaving a Legacy of Faith Through Your Will

LRapid Expansion of Ministry

As we looked at how we have expanded global ministry in recent years, we typically have added one or two countries during a three-tofive-year period. To achieve accelerated growth, we have invested in an innovative strategy called the International Internship Program. This program uplifts the next generation of Christian leaders to do ministry in their native language in a very contextualized way. We trained teams this year in Peru, Nepal, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kyrgyzstan, and will identify and train four more teams in each of the next two years to begin ministry where we previously have not had a presence.

Further Build Upon Our Model of Lifting Up Indigenous Leaders

We are moving forward with plans for a multidivisional global mission rooted in localized regional leadership that paves the way for a significant increase in organic global impact. We are well positioned for this bold step because our unique ministry model has always

utheran Hour Ministries is grateful for the thousands of generous individuals who have helped broaden its Gospel impact through years of faithful support. Many of these Christians have also left powerful testaments for when they go on to their ultimate reward—one that lasts beyond their lifetime—by including LHM in their will.

Are you interested in helping ensure that the Gospel can and will be shared with future generations? There are several ways you can include LHM in your estate:

• Direct your gift to the area of greatest need, which gives LHM the financial freedom to use the funds in the most effective ways for sharing God’s Word with people around the world who need to hear it.

• Establish an endowment to make sure your gift lasts as long as God’s mission through LHM.

• Designate your gift to go to a specific ministry program or global ministry center.

By choosing to include LHM in your will as part of your lasting legacy, you are a member of The Hoffmann Society! This faithful group of around 2,500 individuals plays a key role in LHM’s future planning by committing to help the ministry share Christ’s Name not only during their lifetime but after they go on to their forever home.

For more info about including LHM in your will, or to share that the ministry is already part of your estate plan, contact LHM’s gift-planning team by email at or phone at 1-877-333-1963. u

prioritized raising up indigenous leadership around the world. Taking the next step of shifting ownership to these indigenous leaders closer to where ministry is happening within each region, we can ensure that our mission is most effectively tailored to the unique needs of the specific area.

Increased Focus on the United States as a Mission Field

We all know the religious landscape of the United States continues to change at a rapid clip. People are drifting away from churches, they are praying less, and they are less likely to say religion is important in their lives. By establishing the United States as the first region under our multidivisional model, we can make additional ministry investments to reach more people here with Christ’s message of hope.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. I look forward to seeing what God will do as we work together to be on His plan, on His mission, to make His Name known with even more people around the world. u

LHM’s Daily Devotions mobile app just got even better! In addition to being able to read and listen to our Daily Devotions, you can now read and listen to The Lutheran Hour sermons.

To explore all of the app’s new features, head over to the app store on your phone to get the latest version of Connected by LHM for FREE today!

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 15
LHM.ORG/APPS Connected by LHM Check out our updated app!

Conference Highlights LHM’s Inroads to Serving the Incarcerated

As part of LHM’s ongoing service to those in prison, it participated in this year’s 2024 Prison Ministry Coordinators Conference at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 15-16. It was hosted by the LCMS Southern Illinois District Prison Ministry Task Force. The conference theme was “Compel Them to Come” based on Jesus’ words in Luke 14:23. Presenting LHM’s “Outreach to the Incarcerated” were Jennifer Prophete, director, community programming, and Suzie Sallee, community facilitator, congregations. Their presentation focused on how LHM is able—through new technologies and fruitful partnerships—to bring the Gospel to those behind bars, giving them the love and hope only Jesus can provide.

Prophete said. Also available now in digital format is The Journey Home, a 12week Bible study based on Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son. For years, LHM has provided copies of this study to chaplains and volunteers who work with the incarcerated in the U.S., with more than 13,000 copies distributed in the past 18 months. Inmates who finish the study can obtain a certificate of completion. Many have offered their heartfelt thanks for making this valuable resource available.

Easter Events and LHM Resources Come Together to Share Jesus by PAUL SCHREIBER

CProphete and Sallee are pleased with how prison-issued electronic tablets are allowing inmates digital access to LHM materials on two apps: Pando and Edovo. “We are excited to see The Lutheran Hour, our Spanish-language resources in Para el Camino, video-based Bible studies, Project Connect booklets, God Connects, podcasts, audio files, PDFs, and many other Christ-centered materials made available to the incarcerated,”

LHM Float Theme Unveiled for 2025 Rose Parade

“Been in the county jail for a few months. They gave me a copy of The Journey Home by Rev. Leroy Johnson. I’ve read it multiple times. Each time I learn something new about the Bible and about myself—stuff I never thought about. I thank God and whoever sent this wonderful book from Lutheran Hour Ministries. God bless everyone!” wrote one inmate. Now this Bible study is available to far more people through the Edovo app, in addition to the print version.

Serving those in prison was central to Jesus’ teaching, according to Matthew 25:31-46. “It’s a wonderful ministry and one we look forward to continuing into the future,” Prophete said. u

“Behold! Jesus the Savior is Born” will be the theme of the Lutheran Hour Ministries float in the 2025 Tournament of Roses Parade on Jan. 1 in Pasadena, California. The float will feature two heralding angels calling viewers to the birth of Jesus and to the church where Jesus may be found. The stained-glass windows of the church will feature best days of Jesus’ life.

The LHM float is a self-funded project of the Southern California district of the Lutheran Laymen’s League and is not included in LHM’s operating budget. Visit to find out how you can support this float or participate as a volunteer to decorate floats for the 2025 parade. u

ongregations have long used LHM resources to complement their in-house ministry and community outreach. This Easter, members of All Saints Lutheran Church in Bellevue, Washington, held an Easter Egg Trunk Hop in its parking lot where some 70 kids joined in the fun.

“For this event, a car’s trunk is decorated to share a part of Jesus’ story. Volunteers tell kids about what they are seeing, and then the kids get to pick out two to three eggs. This year we had eight cars helping tell the story,” said Julia Sinclair, LHM Ambassador for All Saints Lutheran. Each child received a giveaway bag with kid-friendly resources, including the illustrated children’s booklet, The Easter Story.

“… each year we seem to get more kids from the community …”

“We have been hosting this event for four years now, and each year we seem to get more kids from the community, in addition to our preschool families. The older siblings who are in elementary school also participate,” Sinclair added.

Inside the church, Sinclair and fellow member Beverly Hall passed out free resources from a display table. Featured were Project Connect kids booklets, the “Sharing Jesus” and “School/Day Care” bundles, holographic stickers and fun tattoos for Gospel Adventures, balsa wood gliders (airplanes), Daily Devotion bookmarks, pens and colored pencils, prayer outreach cards, computer screen cleaners, and more.

Another Easter effort, a Community Easter Egg Hunt, was hosted by Mission Liberty Hill Lutheran Church in Liberty Hill, Texas, which has done so for many years. The church includes LHM children’s booklets in their handout bags. Estimates are that some 700 people attended the event this year. Another outlet for sharing Project Connect booklets has been when Operation Liberty Hill, a local thrift store and food pantry, included booklets in its summer food handouts to needy families.

LHM has a wide assortment of items well suited to your church’s ministry needs. We have digital resource kits (Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age, Households of Faith, and Better Together); individual and group Bible studies; Barna Group-based booklets and monographs; several English and Spanish DVD Bible studies; topical and children’s booklets in English and Spanish; and more. You can find everything at u

16 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024

Shining the Light of Christ Through ‘The Lutheran Hour’

It is estimated that more than 90 percent of the world’s population has access to radio, allowing this medium to reach people in even the most remote and underserved locations. This is why Lutheran Hour Ministries continues to invest in The Lutheran Hour® and local broadcasts produced by LHM ministry centers around the world to shine the light of Christ into places where other Christian organizations are often not present.

With The Lutheran Hour now available on a multitude of online platforms beyond traditional radio, people everywhere are being reached weekly with Christ’s messages of love and hope. This was the case earlier this year when a listener named Marc in Ukraine heard the March 3 broadcast titled, “Included in Such Company.” Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, shared a story in his

Offering Daily Messages of Hope in Uruguay

sermon that day about his college roommate, “Duke,” preparing to move to Budapest, Hungary, to serve as a U.S. diplomat (see page 2). Since Marc had also previously served a diplomatic role there, he sent an email to LHM offering a personal invitation to connect with Duke.

“I want to thank you for Pastor Zeigler’s wonderful sermon,” shared Marc. “I can’t tell you how much it means to have The Lutheran Hour as a resource when you are far from home and family in a foreign land.

“Since he mentioned that his friend Duke will be moving soon to Budapest, I wanted to offer a suggestion for a church there,” continued Marc. “I was brought to faith by the Holy Spirit while I was working at the U.S. embassy in Budapest and became a Lutheran at a beautiful church there. They offer a wonderful,

LHM–Uruguay reaches around 1,000 people each day through its longstanding “Messages of Hope” program. As the calendar turned to 2024, the program continues using materials from CPH’s Portales de Oración (Portals of Prayer) that offer a daily Bible reading and invite recipients to reflect and meditate in those words, ending with a prayer related to the biblical message for the day.

Fulfilling their desire to introduce innovative strategies each year for offering this uplifting content, the staff has started presenting the material in video format. This upgrade provides a more dynamic experience for the daily WhatsApp messages and encourages ongoing interactions with many new audience members. The ministry’s contacts

have responded to LHM staff sharing their appreciation for the change.

“Thank you very much for accompanying us day by day with the hopeful message of our Lord Jesus Christ,” says Sandra. “I appreciate the innumerable ways you bring the Gospel to us, whether it is through the internet or by sending us printed home readings. May God continue to fill you with blessings in everything you do for Him.”

“This material has been extremely uplifting for my spiritual and personal life,” says Juan. “I pray that your ministry will continue to be a blessing to others.”

“We thank God for generating opportunities through this program so that people can meditate on His Word and grow in their faith,” says the director of LHM–Uruguay. u

“I can’t tell you how much it means to have The Lutheran Hour as a resource when you are far from home and family in a foreign land.”

traditional liturgy, and you will never hear a better organist. My wife and I were married there many years ago, and although we’ve been foreign service nomads, it is our church home in Budapest. Please give Duke our best wishes as he makes his transition to Budapest. It is a beautiful city that will provide a challenging but hopefully rewarding assignment.”

Marc has since been in contact with Duke and shared his firsthand experiences from serving there to help Duke’s family quickly get acclimated to their new surroundings. He also introduced them to his pastor in Budapest so that they would have a welcoming church home to attend for worship.

“This is an amazing example of how God is working through His people around the world to let His light shine, even in the most dark and difficult places,” says Zeigler. u


God is accomplishing amazing things through LHM to make His Gospel known. Learn how your involvement in this life-changing ministry during 2023 offered millions of people worldwide the opportunity to find hope and comfort through the Gospel.

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 17

Congregation Spotlight:

How YOU Can Join LHM’s Mission

Congregation name:

Immanuel Lutheran Church


Hooper, Nebraska

Congregation size: 175 baptized members

Contact person: Pastor Stuart Freese

How does your congregation support LHM?

We are very active supporters of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod’s missions both here and abroad. In addition to supporting our adopted missionaries through Mission Central, we contribute to Lutheran Hour Ministries through our local Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) group and through our regularly scheduled congregational offerings to LHM. This year, our offerings to LHM will be gathered and sent in connection with Father’s Day in June.

What was the motivation behind supporting LHM?

As a mission-minded congregation, we are continually thrilled to hear and read about the many people and places LHM is reaching with the Gospel! Past LLL rallies have highlighted the global outreach efforts of LHM. When our congregation became aware of the startling, extensive spread of the Gospel in otherwise prohibitive areas of the world through LHM’s efforts, we were prompted to increase our support. Our members want to be active participants in that outreach, not just spectators. God has truly blessed us here at Immanuel, and we want to thank Him for helping to get His Word out there.

What has been your members’ feedback? What do your members like about LHM?

The feedback has consistently been very positive! Our congregation is quite familiar with The Lutheran Hour radio broadcast, and many of our members regularly make use of it. As a rather “mature” congregation, we have a lot of shut-ins and others who have difficulty traveling to church on a regular basis. The Lutheran Hour serves them well, and it’s greatly appreciated. Some of our nursing home residents often invite their friends to come and listen as well, and the results have been positive. We also like the fact that so many people in so many places can hear the Gospel through such efficient means. LHM truly provides a lot of “bang for the buck” when doing mission work. That’s even more incentive to support LHM! Thank you for all you do, and we are praying for you!

If your congregation would like to learn more about how you can support LHM’s mission, contact Robin Forsythe at 314-317-4152 or . If you would like to make a gift of support, visit u

Engaging with Individuals at the Best Practices in Ministry Conference

In February, LHM staff joined more than 2,000 ministry workers from around the country for a three-day conference full of fellowship, worship, teaching, learning, and exhibits. This year, LHM hosted a booth, and staff presented at three breakout sessions.

“The staff and volunteers of all ages extended gracious hospitality to their many guests.”

Best Practices in Ministry is camaraderie and conversation enveloped in a free conference to encourage ministry support workers as they reach out with the Gospel of Christ. “Lutheran Hour Ministries was honored to participate in the annual Best Practices conference hosted by Christ Church-Lutheran in Phoenix,” says Nicole Heerlein, associate director of external relations at LHM. “The staff and volunteers of all ages extended gracious hospitality to their many guests.”

Participants had opportunities to engage with LHM through our exhibit booth and sessions. The resources at the exhibit booth aligned with the sessions being presented.

Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies, vice president of ministry engagement, led a session titled, “How to Reach Out in a Secular Age.” Mixing research, cultural analysis, and stories, Lakies gave participants three effective strategies to tap into the openness to the Gospel that’s all around us and teach them an approach to gain a hearing in a secular age.

Jeff Craig-Meyer, president of United States ministries, led a session called, “Bigger than Ourselves: Sharing our Godgiven Gifts.” Drawing on research from LHM’s ongoing partnership with Barna Group, this presentation helped participants discover how they can encourage people to see their gifts, talents, skills, and abilities through a different lens—one that directly speaks to their desire to make a difference and be a part of something bigger.

Ashley Bayless, vice president of program development, led a session titled, “Parents ... You Can Do It!” As church leaders, we know the greatest impact on kids’ faith is active participation by moms, dads, grandparents, and other adults in their lives. Research conducted through the LHM/Barna partnership reveals that faith is nurtured at home. But that doesn’t stop adults from feeling overwhelmed by the task or just skipping it altogether. Bayless looked at five tips for helping parents actively participate in the faith of their kids.

“It is truly a blessing to participate in important events like this,” says CraigMeyer. “I loved meeting new people and seeing how LHM’s resources are being used in people's lives.” u

18 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024
Photo from Pastor Stuart Freese

Hopeful Neighborhood Project Facilitates New Faith-Based Track at NUSA Conference

At this year’s annual Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference in Lubbock, Texas, The Hopeful Neighborhood Project (HNP) will join two other groups in making faithbased presentations. Having faith-based presentations is a first for the event! The conference ( runs from May 22-25 and will be attended by people from across the U.S. More than 600 people from 34 states attended last year’s conference in El Paso.

Broadly speaking, the NUSA conference is a secular event. “But there are lots of Christians in this space, so we pitched the idea of including some faith-based presentations, and they are willing to try it,” says Jennifer Prophete, director of community programming at LHM. “The idea is to show how the Gospel can work through the goals of neighborhood well-being through the work that is done.”

Prophete’s presentation will be “Leading Your Faith Community to Love Where They Live – 5 Tips for Community Impact.” Showing how HNP is a collaborative network designed to help neighbors make a difference, she will point out how faith communities can create positive

Sharing the Story of Christ’s Birth in Russia

connections. Defining asset-based community development and neighborhood well-being, she will explain the value of collaboration among neighbors in achieving positive outcomes.

It’s letting the Gospel shine into a neighborhood through the Christ-inspired work being done there. “The truth is, God works through us and the work we do to engage our neighborhood,” Prophete says. “In other words, our actions—grounded in our faith in Jesus and love for others—speak volumes to our neighbors in ways that touch them deeply.”

Each year, Christmas opens doors for LHM ministry center staff and volunteers around the world to introduce people to the hope and comfort offered through the Gospel by telling them about the true meaning of the season.

In parts of Europe, especially where communism has been a staple of people’s lives, most individuals grew up not knowing that Christmas is the celebration of our Lord’s birth. Many people in Russia believe that Christmas is the birthday of Father Frost (“Ded Moroz”), a figure similar to Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus.

LHM–Russia was highly active during the Christmas season sharing the Good News of our Savior’s birth with people from all walks of life. A staff member who regularly presents on the topic of “The Basis

Prophete can attest to this approach leading to fruitful interactions. Among friends in neighboring circles, they have celebrated Baptisms, new church attendance, people stepping away from addiction and back into church, and people bringing kids to Sunday school—all the direct results of neighborhood relationships. “When we take our vocation of being a neighbor seriously, God has an opportunity to be real to people and bring hope,” Prophete says.

Joining HNP in making faith-track presentations will be David Burton, community development specialist with the MU Extension. His workshop will share about a pilot experience: “Neighborhood Mission Trips.” Another presentation will be led by The Neighboring Movement and Community Works, titled, “Congregations as Connectors: A New Role for a New Time.”

The Hopeful Neighborhood Project helps individuals discover their gifts, imagine the possibilities, and pursue the common good where they live. Visit to learn more. u

of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” visited several schools to talk about the joy surrounding the gift of God’s Son. She also handed out calendars produced by LHM–Russia to allow students to take Bible verses home with them and start deeper conversations with family members about Jesus.

A Simple Plan Provides Peace

Ministry staff also organized several spiritual and education concerts for patients at a psychiatric hospital and social service center in St. Petersburg. Attendees enjoyed hearing songs like “May the Lord Save You” and “We Ask God a Lot” while also receiving the calendars and other ministry materials to learn more about the Christian faith. LHM staff closed out the month of December hosting Christmas music concerts at a church and a juvenile detention center. u | 1-877-333-1963 |

Plan your future to honor your past. Fortunately, it is fairly easy and overwhelmingly rewarding. With even a simple plan, you can protect your family and leave a legacy that reflects your life’s work.

Contact LHM’s gift-planning team to learn how giving a gift to LHM through your will can provide the hope of the Gospel for future generations.

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 19



Carmen contacted LHM–Chile staff through their literature program She loves to read and told the ministry center staff that their booklets are practical and easy to understand . She visited the ministry center and talked to a few staff members. They gifted her with a Bible, and she was incredibly grateful . They connected her to a local Lutheran church where she received spiritual counseling from the pastor. Carmen continues to attend worship services at the church and learn more about Christianity.

LHM–Chile connected Carmen to a local Lutheran church where she received spiritual counseling from the pastor .

Sarnai continues to learn about Christianity and is sharing the hopeful message of the Gospel with her family members .

Sarnai is a student at the local university and was introduced to LHM–Mongolia staff through one of her friends She reached out to the ministry center and asked questions about Christianity. After hearing the Gospel message through ongoing conversations, Sarnai realized that Christianity was a vibrant faith, and she wanted to actively participate in some of the activities hosted by LHM–Mongolia. Although her family practices a non-Christian religion, Sarnai continues to learn about Christianity and is sharing the hopeful message of the Gospel with her family members



Michael is 34 years old and currently in prison He feels disconnected from the outside world, and many inmates judge him based on the serious accusations against him His faith journey began when he joined the Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC) offered through LHM–Kenya at the prison while he was trying to find hope in his life. Through the lessons, Michael has found peace and comfort regardless of his current situation. “I was lost, hopeless, falsely accused, and imprisoned, but through the LHM–Kenya BCC lessons in this prison I found something truly remarkable,” says Michael. “The teachings of Jesus gave me strength, purpose, and a second chance at life It was through faith that I discovered redemption, and now I want to share that hope with others who may be in the darkest of places ”

“ … through the LHM–Kenya BCC lessons in this prison I found something truly remarkable . ”

“Now I am much happier because I know that God is leading the steps of my life . ”

Chosurat is 30 years old and has practiced a non-Christian religion his whole life He never felt genuinely happy, so he was seeking the true meaning of life . A few months ago, LHM–Thailand staff visited his area and passed out materials to individuals, including Chosurat. After reading the booklets, he was interested in knowing more about Jesus, so he enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Course offered by LHM–Thailand. He contacted the LHM team, and they referred him to a local church where he joined a Bible study group . Through the power of God’s Word, Chosurat became a Christian. Chosurat says, “Thank you for the materials and the Bible course so I could learn about Jesus and understand God’s love in sending Jesus to be born to take away our sins Now I am much happier because I know that God is leading the steps of my life . ” He has since been baptized and is sharing Jesus with others in his life.


20 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024

Individuals around the world are reached more than 195 million times each week with the Gospel through Lutheran Hour Ministries’ culturally relevant programs and resources. Below are just a few examples to show how God has been using LHM recently to change lives around the world with His Good News .


Tarsures has enrolled in the sewing ministry program offered by LHM–Liberia .

Tarsures is 38 years old and was born into a Christian family. As she grew older, she stopped going to church Today, as the sole provider for her three children, she often feels overwhelmed and hopeless about life . A friend recently invited her to attend a local church, where the Holy Spirit worked in her heart to help her reclaim and strengthen her faith . She became a member of the church and now attends their weekly services . As a single mother, Tarsures was also introduced to some of the programs offered by LHM–Liberia and has enrolled in their sewing ministry program . Now she is learning the art of tailoring at the ministry center for selfempowerment and to be able to financially provide for her kids. May Ree grew up in a nonChristian household but came across LHM–Myanmar’s radio programs through their Facebook account She reached out to LHM staff and shared her anxieties, and they shared Bible verses to help her find peace in the Lord As May Ree learned more about Jesus, the Holy Spirit worked in her heart She recently became a Christian and is now attending church services with her husband

As May Ree learned more about Jesus, the Holy Spirit worked in her heart .



Gladys remembered her mother listening to the LHM–Argentina radio programs years ago Recently, she was going through a challenging time in her life, so she decided to reach out to the LHM–Argentina ministry center through WhatsApp The ministry center staff referred her to a local pastor who talked with her and encouraged her to attend Sunday services. The following week, Gladys attended the church service and felt welcomed by everyone there She received spiritual support and took home a few LHM materials to learn more about Christianity.

LHM–Argentina staff referred Gladys to a local pastor who talked with her and encouraged her to attend Sunday services.

Through the power of God’s Word, Bader became a Christian and is growing in his faith .

Bader is 30 years old and has been searching for the meaning of life for a few years. After being raised in a non-Christian religious household, he was curious about Christianity. When he came across a Facebook page run by LHM staff in the Middle East and North Africa, he reached out to learn more about the meaning of life. The staff shared the Gospel message with him, and through hearing a Christian testimony, Bader grasped the concept of salvation. He wanted to learn more, so the staff continued sharing details about Jesus’ life. Bader was thankful for the staff members who answered his questions. Through the power of God’s Word, Bader became a Christian and is growing in his faith. u

Middle East & North Africa

The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 21

Sharing the Good News Across Africa and the Middle East

For decades, LHM has proclaimed the Gospel to the world through a unique ministry model that identifies and equips local laypeople to build their presence and impact using specific strategies and tactics contextual to the culture and language in which they serve. LHM staff and volunteers throughout Africa and the Middle East are offering a variety of programs to address the particular issues that people there are facing and establish ongoing personal relationships to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

LHM–Cameroon recently celebrated the milestone of its tenth graduating class of participants from their successful Divine Sewing School. Initiated in 2013, this holistic program transforms young women’s skills—and lives—by training students on proven, marketable skills. The young women learn how to dye cloth, create and cut clothing patterns, sew, and custom tailor their creations so they can financially support themselves upon graduating from the program. The Divine Sewing School attracts participants from a variety of faith backgrounds who are not only from Cameroon, but also resettled young women from Chad and the Central African Republic. The relationships established during this long-term course help LHM staff and volunteers share their faith as trusted friends to these young women.

LHM’s partnership with the SAT-7 satellite network continues with the February launch of a fifth season of Arabic-language programming. The new program, titled Catalyst, engages young adults from more than 20 countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa by fostering dialogue about topical issues relevant to the people living there.

“The aim of the program is to help young people change their lives for the better,” says the producer for Catalyst. “Its fast-paced, multisegment episodes achieve this by applying the Bible’s wisdom to their everyday struggles.”

Youth were consulted in identifying the program topics to ensure they are relevant for the intended audience, and the style of the content has been developed to include interesting videos and captivating graphics. The four co-hosts discuss the selected topics for each episode, and small, informal groups of young adults are then invited to participate in an active debate about the content. Largely unscripted, these discussions stimulate conversation and serve as a “catalyst” to encourage the audience to engage with trained evangelists who are staffing social media pages and response centers to answer questions and share more information about Christ’s love. The program airs five times a week for 26 weeks and is already ranked among the top three most popular Arabic programs.

Millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa are also reading LHM’s inspiring messages and watching our topical video content across four social media sites. Over the past several years, nearly 1.5 million people from throughout the region have responded by subscribing to these pages, where they are gently led towards spiritual conversations. LHM staff has had conversations with tens of thousands of these individuals where they shared the message of God’s hope and love for their lives. One of the pages just surpassed one million unique followers.

LHM–Kenya is reaching new audiences with the Gospel message. Multiple film screenings over the past few months have attracted more than 2,000 people. At one of these events, a young man in his twenties who is an atheist admitted that he only attended the screening of the Jesus Film so he could engage others in debate about their beliefs. But as Charles watched the film, seeing the miracles and sacrifice of Jesus touched him profoundly. His mother had longed for him to join the Christian faith, but he had repeatedly resisted. After the film, he sought her out to reconcile, began reading the Bible, and the Holy Spirit opened his heart to faith. Today, he is active in the Christian community of his local village and is enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Courses offered through LHM–Kenya.

“The message shared through your film has changed my life.”

“I thank God for bringing your team here to show me how He can reach a person anytime and anywhere,” says Charles. “The message shared through your film has changed my life.”

A new Kenyan radio drama series offered in two languages (Swahili and the local Sheng dialect) is now airing on two FM stations. The program reaches an estimated audience of around 700,000 in a high-density slum area of Nairobi. At the end of each broadcast, listeners are encouraged to call LHM staff and volunteers to learn more about what was shared on the program. This leads to additional opportunities to share God’s Word with respondents. u

22 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024

Daily Devotions’ Reach Impacts a Global Audience

For years, LHM’s Daily Devotions have been read or listened to by millions in the U.S., Canada, and around the world. These brief, Gospelcentered messages make an excellent resource for sharing and for personal or group meditation. Penned for many years by the late Rev. Dr. Kenneth Klaus, former Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, today they are written by Drs. Kari Vo and Carol Geisler, along with contributions from Speaker of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, and former Speakers. They are used in numerous countries where LHM has a ministry presence. According to Erik Lai, director for LHM–Malaysia, the Daily Devotions are translated into Chinese (simplified script) and Malay languages, and are used in English as well. “LHM’s devotions—both daily and seasonal (Advent, Lent)—are shared online on our social media platforms, namely Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Many of our followers or readers share the Daily Devotions on their personal Facebook and on their churches’ Facebook. We also shared them via WhatsApp group chats and with individuals. For YouTube, the Daily Devotion is done as a video with subtitles or closed captioning,” Lai said. Lisa Jackson, managing director of the Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada, said the Daily Devotions are posted on both the LHM–Canada

“The Daily Devotions are well received by many readers who give us encouraging feedback, often by posting “Amen!” or “Thank You, Lord!”

and the LLL–Canada Facebook pages. Aleta Abraham, community engagement officer, selects images corresponding to the day’s message and encourages Facebook users to share the messages on their personal accounts. “We translate LHM’s seasonal devotions into French, and into both simplified and traditional Chinese, for distribution,” Jackson added. Feedback has been positive from both our neighbors in the Far East and across the border, to the north. “The Daily Devotions are well received by many readers who give us encouraging feedback, often by posting “Amen!” or “Thank You, Lord!” Lai said, pointing to one such reply: “It is a blessed assurance that God is with us every step of the way. Hallelujah to the risen Lamb of God!” Similarly, readers in Canada are blessed to receive the inspirational and relevant messages of these devotions.

You can access the Daily Devotions in English at dailydevotions. There you will find archived devotions; links to our seasonal devotions; access to LHM’s mobile app, which includes The Lutheran Hour; a page to sign up and receive the Daily Devotions as an email; our Spanish-language devotions at; the Project Connect booklet, 30 Days of Household Devotions; and more. u


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The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 | 23
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Asia and Latin America Directors Gather for Annual Workshops

LHM ministry center directors from Asia gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for their annual in-person workshop under this year’s theme of “Transforming Lutheran Hour Ministries for Impact and Sustainability.” The directors were joined by CEO Kurt Buchholz, sharing an update on how globalization increases the ministry’s reach and impact, and Global Chief Missions Officer Rev. Dr. Tony Cook presenting on the topics of “What Is the Gospel?”, “What Are Spiritual Postures?”, and “Using New Technology Tools Like Sprout Social to Increase Reach and Engagement.”

A prominent change management leader from Singapore discussed recalibrating the mindset, rethinking the challenges, and reimagining the future of LHM, and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert offered insights on how LHM can leverage this growing technological tool to maximize ministry impact.

Each director also shared ministry highlights from their country, and the group visited the LHM–Malaysia ministry center and participated in a field trip to observe LHM–Malaysia’s outreach among indigenous people in a remote village in the highlands. The workshop concluded with a celebration of Gunya Na Thalang’s 33 years of LHM service as she prepared to retire from her position as regional director for Asia at the end of March.

Directors from Latin America gathered in Mexico City for a full week of learning, sharing, and fostering fellowship. The agenda included four days of workshops with a daily devotion led by local pastors and 25 short sessions encompassing assorted topics, Sunday worship at the Lutheran Center, and a sightseeing tour to the “Aztec Pyramid of the Sun” archeological site. Cook was joined by Rev. Dr. Jason Broge, senior director of global research and development, for

Semler Joins LHM Team

Karin L. Semler began serving in April as LHM’s director of global coordination. In this new role for the organization, she will oversee ministry staff in regions outside of the United States and help lead LHM’s evolving globalization efforts as it transitions to a multidivisional global mission rooted in localized regional leadership. Prior to joining LHM, Semler served as a creative solutions director and senior consultant in Shanghai, China, following 10 years in various leadership positions for Concordia International School Shanghai. Over the years, she has led teams and organizations, acting as executive director of an educational association. She served the former LCMS World Mission full-time from 1997 to 2002 in several posts, including director of the Mission Information Unit, and she served from 1993 to 1997 with the former LCMS Volunteer Youth Ministry program in Japan.

Semler is an accomplished workshop facilitator, consultant, and public speaker and has experience with using ethnographic research in executing projects. She currently volunteers and provides leadership on an NGO board and several councils. She has lived internationally for more than 20 years in four countries—Norway, Japan, Indonesia, and China.

A 1993 graduate of Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota, with Director of Christian Education (DCE) certification, Semler also holds a 2013 master’s degree in educational psychology, with gifted/talented certification, from the University of North Texas, Denton. She earned a certificate of marketing strategy from Cornell University, and has received training in design thinking from Stanford University’s u

a presentation on theology in mission based on the definition of the Gospel and its application to LHM’s outreach today. Also presented was a Bible study on the Kingdom that discussed LHM’s concepts of reach and spiritual posture.

Other sessions included a new model for working with churches that encourages a cooperative interactive partnership; ministry best practices shared by various directors; innovative approaches offered by a trained psychologist for managing ministry center staff; and updates on the International Internship Program and its new team in Peru; the region’s successful digital platform,; and ministry in Brazil, now a self-sustained ministry partner.

The week concluded with a fellowship event that included a Brazilian barbecue dinner and traditional Mexican music provided by a mariachi band. u

24 | The Lutheran Layman Spring 2024 Looking for some fun and faith-filled ways to engage your kids or grandkids this summer? TM Learn more at Take them on an interactive “trip” to Australia, and listen to weekly episodes of The Gospel Adventures Show!

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