RAM Issue #8 November

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RAM | ISSUE 08 32 What Really Grinds my Gears / 05 Final Words from your Exec / 06 Meet You 2023 Exec / 12 Surviving the Summer Festie / 20 Hickfords Hot Tips / 24 International Cultural Society / 30 Garden Party Recap / 42 Procrastination Station / 44 Horoscopes - Dark Ones / 46 Contents. RAM Maheni Lincoln University Students’ Association Email: comms@lusa.org.nz theram.org.nz S A T U R D A Y 29TH O C T O B E R 10-4pm A L D E R S G A T E C E N T R E 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch @emergeexhibition Emerge Exhibition 2022

Kia ora koutou, Wow! The end of the year is almost here. It has gone so fast! If you’re like me you’ll be absolutely fizzing to get into summer and drive tractors!

However, there are still exams and final assignments in the way. Make sure to put in the mahi leading up to your exams and final assignments. If you’re after some hot study tips on studying from a fourth-year battler check out page 20 in RAM issue 4, The Wellness issue (https://www. theram.org.nz/issues. There are many people here to help you through the last push. If your class has PASS sessions, I definitely recommend going to them. Also, make sure you chat with your friends and lecturer(s). If you are still studying through the summer, then you will have to wait a few more weeks for a break. LUSA will still be here to help you through summer and into 2023 so if you have any issues whatsoever come and see us.

What’s been happening at LU? There has been a recent appointment of the Provost to the Senior Leadership Team. The Provost looks after the academic side of university life. There have been conversations around the campus master plan including new and current building developments and what next year at LU will look like. There is projected to be a slight increase in student numbers including international students now that the borders are open and visas are starting to be processed. There have been several new course proposals going through the committees and being signed off so next year there will be some new courses. A discussion that is starting to be had is around online learning/ teaching for 2023 and whether it/ how much of it will be online vs in the classroom.

I am stepping down as the LUSA President at the end of November so from December the new President will be in charge. You will still be able to contact either president using the president@lusa.org.nz email between now and then. It’s been a hectic year but has been awesome to represent students, govern the organisation, and give back to the students. Ngā manaakitanga – all the best out there team!

What really grinds my gears?

Well, there are a lot of things that really grind my gears, like the price of essential items such as grog (yeah cheers the Grouse for making jugs barely affordable), the increased cost of living while still being paid the same (absolutely fu*k all), and how hunting is animal cruelty just to name a few. However, the main thing that grinds my gears is that somehow agriculture is directly related to negatively impacting the environment.

To be honest I can understand why people think that, especially with the everyday trendy news articles and year 7 students at school saying that if we cut our cow numbers, we would be fine. The people who think this clearly cannot think for themselves and do not see anything outside the skungy walls of the ‘city’. This is probably because they have the same amount of brain cells as a rat, three.

Here at Lincoln uni, there is slightly more educated folk about agriculture, but some still may have the same number of brain cells as a skunk, five. To the folk that think ‘agriculture is bad for the planet and getting rid of animals will fix the problems I do admit that agriculture does indeed contribute negatively to the environment, particularly to greenhouse gasses (GHG’s), however, there is constant improvement within the sector such as improved efficiencies of production. Since 1990, the sheep and beef sector has reduced emissions per output by 30%, and the dairy industry has reduced emissions per output by 15-20%.

What else has been increasing since the last 100+ years? People. With people, you need many things such as houses, roads, infrastructure, and shops to name a few which take up land that could be used to sequester emissions (whether that be trees or pasture). With people also come cars and airplanes, which funnily enough contribute negatively to the environment. Since 2000, there have been 1 billion more cars and 20 million extra flights. This increase is significantly more than the increase in animals. Along with all the vehicles,

houses, and other things required for people, people also contribute to GHG’s. People’s breathing contributes 6% of the total GHG’s.

The food you buy also contributes significantly to GHG emissions. Some of the most sustainable food comes from animals, both meat and dairy, especially when it is grass-fed. The food you don’t eat also contributes to GHG’s. On average, 30-40% of total food production is wasted. So next time you don’t want to eat what you buy you should toughen up buttercup and eat it for the good of the environment.

So, will get rid of animals fix the problems? Although it will contribute to reducing our increasing GHG emissions it will not fix the problem. There will be many financial consequences that will occur, particularly in New Zealand, however that is a conversation for another day. What will help is getting rid of people. I am not saying we need another war or need another pandemic, but we need to be careful how many offspring there are.

That folks is the end of the what grinds my gears session. Tune in next time for another what really grinds my gears session

Support local agriculture!

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Jeremy Kilgour Words from the President.

With exams drawing closer, Garden Party over, and the thought of earning some much-needed money, I wanted to start off my final RAM burb with a massive thank you to all the students and staff that have made 2022 such an incredible yet hectic year!

A special shout out to Jeremy, my fellow LUSA exec members, and LUSA staff for smashing it this year and helping me out when I needed it. I have learned a lot, enjoyed this role, and hope that I have left a lasting impression on Lincoln University.

Although the LUSA VP role has been very different from what I expected, the behindthe-scenes governance and decision-making processes that happened at Lincoln have been an experience I will remember for many years and will take these lessons into the future.

Another thanks goes out to all of the execs of the LUSA clubs and societies, that have allowed the clubs to operate during 2022. This resulted in huge club growth across the board, some epic trips and events held, and for the first time in many years; the utilisation of all the club grant funding available, which was great.

I’d like to share a couple of cliché pieces of advice for the up-and-coming exam and summer period.

• Plan your study, so it’s not crammed and last minute. Leave time for socialising.

• Use your peers, both in your year and years above, as well as lecturers to clarify any content you don’t understand, so that you know what you’re on about in the exam.

• Have an epic summer! Stay safe and keep in touch with your mates, flatties, and family.

• Learn/apply new or old knowledge you’ve learned at uni into your summer work and don’t be afraid to ask your boss or coworkers questions.

• Rest and recharge, so you’re set and ready to start 2023 off on a high.

Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who’s made my time at Lincoln such a good one, and a massive Congratulations to the 2023 LUSA exec.

Peace out legends!

University alive again. We are finally recovering from the covid situation and I have a feeling that next year will be even better.

Congratulations to all successful candidates on the exec team next year. Nau mai, haere mai! I look forward to working with all of you. At the same time, it’s sad to say goodbye to our current team. We started off with a bang, then most of us caught covid straight after Clubs Market Day in February! But we worked through and continued to have meetings virtually, with tons of tissues and coughing!

that started this year called “LU Parent Society. We have already had so many amazing events and activities together. It’s always so heartwarming to see big smiles on children’s faces. With the new exec team next year, we will have more events to come.

Teaching to help set a framework for better teaching and guidelines for students. Helping set a framework for peer-reviewed lecturing to hold lecturers accountable to their classes as much as students are, which should be introduced in some form next year.

nurses, dietitians, and wellbeing sessions) has been one of the last things to be campaigned for by myself that will be carried through into 2023.

Da jia hao. It has been a great year and I’m stoked to see more of you on campus and to see the

We had a lot of amazing events this year and I had so much fun working on them, especially after missing out on student life during my late teens. The whole experience was so fulfilling for me. I still remember during Re:Start, (the first big event that we worked together), Katie was dancing to Fergie while picking up rubbish. What a crack-up, I’ll miss you a lot. It was my privilege to be part of a very diverse team, called the student experience team. We provide feedback and work on organising studentled events together. I had a blast making the dumpling video. Thank you all so much for the opportunity. I was also honoured to be part of the ESD faculty teaching committee. I was able to have a sneak peek into the ‘behind the scene’ of our courses. Kai Pai to all of our dedicated and hard-working academic staff that genuinely care about students.

Last but not least, I’m so proud of our new club

This year is just about over but has been a busy time here are a few of the main things that I have been involved in. Involved in events run by LUSA throughout the year handing out free food, providing Covid care packages in the first semester as covid went through the student body, and being involved in some of the clubs.

Sit on the AGCM Faculty Teaching Committee, gave insight into the student perspective of online teaching and what the lack of student engagement lecturers felt was just a new era of learning. The main point I tried to emphasize is what good lecturing looks like, which requires lecturers to interact with students, be enthusiastic in their teachings and bring something extra to their lectures/content. Working with the Centre of excellent Learning and

Sitting on the LUSA executive, providing governance and business expertise and input on things that affect students. Also sitting on the LUSA finance and risk committee to help plan for ideas that will diversify LUSAs income on the student levy, which will be finalised after a review of options. Helping to bring two new risk registers.

Although we were not able to provide fully funded dental care, we have worked with Lincoln Lumino to give students treatment and check-ups at a discounted price.

Split my LUSA role into two roles to help increase the diversity of representation. This allowed the creation of a Rainbow, EDI & Wellbeing rep, and a Disability, EDI & Wellbeing rep.

Helping the wellbeing team with their events and continuing to advocate for them to continue doing the great job they do for the students. Providing information about student issues and being a part of the awesome team that ran Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) that helped to fund multiple charities and provide amazing interactive activities to students throughout the week. Trying to incorporate a working online booking system for the health services (doctors,

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the LUSA exec. The role has made me realise that I love helping make a change, but change takes time and as they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

I’ve had an insane time as your Sustainability Rep this year and I’m stoked to share some of the neat things that we got up to. As you all experienced, the start of this year was pretty much all over the place. We all got slammed with the consequences of the pandemic, and classes on Teams were all the rage! As a result, it wasn’t until Semester 2 that we got to ramp up the events and start to see the fruit of our efforts over the year. I’m pretty proud to say that we’ve seen the fruition of some great initiatives being established across our campus. The food compost bins, arboretum plantings, and collaborations with LESS, SAGE, LUSA, and SVA (and even the UC SVA) among others, have been awesome opportunities!

It’s been so good to see

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Cam Butterworth

students get involved with the well-being of our campus as engagement has been pretty weak over the last year or 2 (understandably) so it has been super encouraging to see you guys show up and get stuck in!

LU aims to be sector leaders in education and sustainability, so getting involved is so valuable to fulfill this. Plus you get connected and usually have some yummy free food - pretty much a win/win situation.

I’d love to also remind you all that SAGE has a few action grants available for anyone (or any group) with an initiative relating to sustainability. If you have a project idea, email Sage@ lincoln.ac.nz with details of your idea and the estimated costs.

Lastly, thank you to you guys for voting me as the Sustainability Rep for this year and I’m so excited for Sam Dryden to come in for 2023. She is already a gentle force to be reckoned with so I’m sure she’ll lead you all amazingly.

Last thing from me… Sustainability is more than just a catchphrase - it’s so incredibly vital to everything we partake in. I want to encourage you all to be open to areas in your life, that can evolve into practicing climate care and awareness. Whether that be showing up to a planting day, or finally understanding which bin your rubbish goes in. (I’m always trying to work on team!

Kate Smitstra

such as Re:Start, Winterball, and Grad Ball. I’ve loved getting to engage with a huge range of students and spinning a good yarn about uni life! A challenge for myself has been trying to motivate students to contribute to the RAM, so if you are one of the students who has done so, I am incredibly grateful!

What an absolute rollercoaster this year has been. Too many late-night Uni grinds, a handful of club trips with some people very close to my heart, a dozen new friends made, some kick-ass LUSA events, endless laughs, and adventures. The very recipe to my superb but full life of lessons for 2022.

Coming to the end of your year here at Lincoln University, is a great time to reflect on what has been. Reflect on what you’d like to take away from this year. Your learnings/ lessons, favourite memories (and maybe you’re not so favourite). Goals were reached and what are you want to change for next year to make sure you get the most out of these special years.

My time on the LUSA exec has been fantabulous. Jeremy; thank you for being such an awesome President. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. To the rest of the exec, you guys have made one awesome team and I feel so lucky to have gotten to work with you all. The year had its challenges, but also many victories and I think you should all be proud of yourself!

My role in particular at the Engagement and Media Rep has had its own challenges and victories. A highlight for me has got to be getting to ticket some of the big events

A special congratulations goes out to Vivian who is taking over this role next year. You’re gonna do fantastically and I cannot wait to see what you will do with the role!

I would also like to congratulate the 2023 exec team! You guys are going to do fantastically and should all be super proud of yourself for stepping up to the challenge. I am very excited about the new Rainbow and Disability Rep positions. That has been a big step in the right direction. Congratulations to Arabella and Cam.

My time here at Lincoln University has almost come to an end. I would just like to say a few quick thankyous to everyone who I have been blessed to meet along the journey. I have made some lifelong friends and memories. This place will be held very close to my heart!.

Remember to make the most of it guys! It’ll be over before you know it. Go out with your friends, go on that club trip, attend that LUSA event and enjoy the little things (like being stuck writing lit reviews in the AGLS postgrad space with some top-notch company). Ka kite ano.

Gosh, this year has flown by with Garden Party done and dusted and final exams just around the corner.

This year has had its ups and downs, with some amazing events for Post Grads to network and creates new friendships through.

Don’t forget to come to ASAP at Mrs. O’s every Friday from 4.30-6pm for Post Grad and staff drinks,. It’s always good company and a chance to meet some new faces, plus free food!

Keep an eye out for a new Post Grad event coming up, for a Christmas break up. It’s currently in the planning stages with the university at present. It looks like it is a bunch of fun and one to remember, so keep an eye out for comms.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the workshops for Post Grads at the library to help with your writing. The workshops are free, friendly, useful, and another great way to meet other Post Grads. One thing to take away from this whirlwind of a year is to be kind to each other, smile, and a ‘Hello’ goes a long way and can really make a positive difference in someone’s day.

With COVID rearing it’s ugly head again during O’Week, to 3,500 attendees at Garden Party, you could say 2022 has had its ups and downs! Things reved up after the traffic light system was lifted and LUSA and your student exec have worked our butts off trying to make up for lost time in trying to give you the best student expereince after such a rough start. We hope you’ve managed to create some great memories this year, make friends for life, attend some epic events, get involved in LUSA Clubs and fingers crossed get some good exam results.

Whatever you’re up to these holidays, may it be heading straight into the workforce, summer work, travel or spending time with family, remember to stop and take it all in and maybe relfect over a nice bevvy at new years eve about the things you’ve accomplished.

For those of you moving on, I hope you’ve enjoyed your Uni years. For those of you staying on, LUSA and the 2023 Exec look forward to getting you involved in Uni life in 2023.

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Mākai Reo Tauira Tash Smith Mākai Reo o kā tauira paeruka Kupu Whakataki. Words from the Editor. Julia Wills


Connecting with people and places that lift us up was the theme that guided Hei Pikinga Waiora - Mental Health Awareness Week 2022. We walked, talked, sang waiata, shared kai, planted trees, yoga’d and coffeed our way through the week, connecting with people and places in different ways!

‘Waita Wednesday’ – Hosted by Tu Manutaki, gave us an opportunity to connect to each other through songs and games in Te Reo Maori, lots of tauira are still discussing the best tactics to win a game of PUKANA. If you’re keen to learn some waita and perfect your pukana, Kapa Haka ses sions run every Wednesday in the Whare at 12 and are open to everyone.


‘Planting day’ – Wintery weather put a bit of a dampener on things, but the hardy amongst us braved with rain and got stuck in. Connecting with nature and caring for our environment is a great way to maintain our mental health, thank you Te Ara Kakariki for the collaborative effort.

‘Art Tour’ – The Art buffs were treated to a per sonalised tour of some beautiful and thought-pro voking pieces of art in the Lincoln University collection which gave us the opportunity of con necting to ideas and creativity beyond ourselves. A follow up Art Tour is being pencilled in for 18 November, email Wellbeing.support@lincoln.ac.nz if you’re interested in coming along.


‘Joy of Living’ walk, guided by Ian Collin from the Alumni office, took advantage of the beautiful weather for a group of keen walkers to amble through gardens, past sculptures and explore the depth of history represented in many places around the campus. If you’re keen for a selfguided walk you can email wellbeing.support@ lincoln.ac.nz for a map and take yourself on a walk. The benefits of walking for our mental health can’t be understated, so even though MHAW22 is over, you can still join the weekly staff and student walking group every Tuesday at 12pm leaving from in front of the library.

‘National Dumpling Day’ was celebrated in honour of NZ Chinese Language Week, featuring deli cious dumplings! Connecting with culture and connecting with food. The cooking and connect ing started well before the fun of cooking and sharing the dumplings on Tuesday. Thanks to the amazing crew of makers and sharers on the day. The word on the street was that they were deli cious, and they went out the door as fast as they were cooked. If you missed out or enjoyed them so much you want more, checkout the video on LUSA’s Facebook page to learn how to make some tasty dumplings at home!

For those that took some time out and listened to the two webinars sponsored by MHERC we hope you reminded yourself of what you had forgotten, learnt something new, but most of all have shared this with others, and integrated even just one thing into your day.


‘Piano for Hope’ - we were honoured to host alumnus Sam Cooper to play a selection of his piano compositions which were inspired by his mental health journey while he was a student at LU. Sam completed his Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Planning (Honours) in 2017. Sam’s reflections of his mental health journey reiterated the importance of staying connected and reaching out for support when needed. Sam’s music can be found on Spotify under ‘Sam Phillip Cooper’


‘Baking giveaway’ – you had to be quick to snag a choc chip cookie or a cinnamon scroll on Thursday. A huge thanks to the staff and students who gifted their time to bake such deliciousness! If you didn’t manage to score some baking, you might like to google your favourite brownie or biscuit recipe and get baking yourself. Sharing kai and giving the gift of baking is a great way to boost your mental health! We also had a bunch of photo albums from Alumni to share what the campus looked like pre-earthquakes, and the many events on and off campus that occur over the years.

‘Movie night’ – While watching “Boy” those attending enjoyed the snacks and the story of two young boys navigating life without their mum and watching the adults around them struggle as much as they were. If you haven’t watched it, then it is a heartfelt story of how we all manage loss and what we can find in the process that helps us to move forward, and you can watch it on TVNZ on Demand.

‘Gumboot Friday BBQ and the Wall of Aroha’ –This was a nice way to round off the activities for the week, attended by support dog GIZMO for some much-needed fluffy cuddles! The Wall of Aroha (acknowledging the people who are important to us) is now displayed in grounded –reminding us to stay connected with the people who lift us up, support us and create a sense of aroha in our lives. Plus, an awesome shout out to those at LU for the $138.80 koha for I am Hope.


Thanks to those of you who scanned the QR bar code when you attended an event and went into the draw for a meal pack from New World, here are the winners….

Janet Bertram, Sahiti Peddisetti, Samuela Ragata, Victoria Flynn, Hannah Graham, Ngaire Harvey, Kate sims, Giorgia Hickey, Tess brown, Myra Duthie

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in all groups, so that we all may benefit and enjoy our studies even more.


Hi, I’m Amy and I’m your LUSA president for next year!

A bit about me, I was born in Whangarei and grew up on a Canterbury dairy farm near Dunsandel. I am about to complete my BSc. Environmental Science with honours. I’ve been involved in many club executives during my 4 years at Lincoln, including the soil society, tramping and climbing club and co-founding the Lincoln Student volunteer army. Along with this leadership experience, I have also been running the Lincoln Brownies unit for 4 years.

I believe free food is important for student well-being so you’ll be seeing more of it next year.

I want to engage students with each other and LUSA more next year. The past few years have brought a lot of disruption and made it harder to connect so I want to hear your ideas of how we can bring everyone together: international and domestic, urban and rural, postgrad and undergrad. Please come say hi!


Kia Ora, I’m Demetrio and I am your Vice-President for 2023. I’m studying for a Bachelor of Environmental Management. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Lincoln and it’s time to pay it forward. What do I bring to the table? Longstanding legacy projects - I will focus on projects that will not only benefit us now but also future LU students. Funding and sponsorships - I have had successful funding experience with Fonterra and many other companies over the years. Smooth transition - From the current to the new LUSA team.

I will do this by working with the current LUSA representatives to keep the ball rolling into the next year so that we don’t have a delayed start in representing our students. Leadership is a crucial part of LUSA and as a current Future Leader Scholar, I believe that I will bring the necessary skills and experience needed to fulfill and exceed in this role.

I wish to promote a positive culture throughout the campus

This year I served on the LESS Exec and as treasurer, I sourced 1000 free native plants. With practical, firsthand experience in securing funding, I aim to obtain funding through sponsorships and brand deals, so that the next LUSA team can put your student service fee towards events and materials that will benefit your Lincoln Experience.

As a member of the Investment Club here at LU, I understand the importance of diversifying LUSA’s portfolio. To do this I would work closely with the general manager to ensure that over a long period we meet the current LUSA goal of reducing its reliance on the student service levy.

G’day! I’m your secretary for the LUSA exec in 2023. In this role I will strive to help the student body in any way I can. I grew up in Auckland, and ever since I left school, I knew that I wouldn’t be spending my life stuck in the concrete jungle! I have always enjoyed working behind the scenes toward a meaningful end goal. I am also excited to be working with a great executive team and am grateful for the experience and personal development it will bring as well as the insight into the system it would provide me. I also aim to get to know the student body, their opinions, and values.

Being there for others that need it and helping out are all key parts of who I am. While the secretary is a more reserved role, I will add small bits where I can to help keep everyone on track so that the decisions of LUSA can be reached faster to improve student quality and of course help gather opinions from the student body.


I go by the name Chamabadee Suphakit, but most people call me Ploy. I am a first-year international student at Lincoln University from Chiang Mai, Thailand, and I am studying for a degree in landscape architecture.

My goals are to accomplish fostering an environment that values diversity, inclusivity, equality of opportunity, and respect for our community’s similarities and differences. Knowing that institutional diversity fosters knowledge advancement and supports international students and equilateral. I will work to foster a culture where differences are valued and celebrated.

Every experience is unique, and not everyone has gone through the same thing. We all come from different backgrounds and may not be familiar with each other’s cultures and languages.

Some international students may find it difficult to adapt to society while others may find it easy. The majority of us may, however, share the desire to gain more

experience, and learn and fully appreciate various languages, and cultures. It’s a huge decision to study abroad, and there are many things to get ready for. Even though some people might only come for a short while, this will be one of the longest memories that we will always have. As a result, I am delighted to help everyone make the most of their experience while attending Lincoln. My goal is to help us international students settle in and enjoy our time in New Zealand, learn a lot, have a lot of experiences, and discover ourselves!

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You may see me around Uni with my kids or other students, but I am always approachable and believe it is important to give time to others.

wants to make a change has support to make it.



Ello, I am Tash. I am your Postgrad Rep. I have been at Uni for several years, doing my bachelor’s degree, taught master’s degrees in ESD and commercial faculties, now my master’s thesis. I am passionate about student engagement and the importance of being heard, which I feel helps me be a great Post Grad Rep. I am accessible and always available for a chat. I am happy to help solve problems based on my honest communication skills and desire to help others. I am unique for this role, as I care about and want all students to enjoy their time at Lincoln. I hope to help facilitate lots of events for Post Grads to attend and give them opportunities to network and meet other students across all faculties. I care because I am proud of Lincoln Uni, I am passionate about the wellbeing and physical health of others. Lincoln Uni has allowed me to flourish, and I want to help others succeed here.

Kia ora! Ko Sam ahau. I am your Sustainability Rep!

This year I’ve already had so much fun getting stuck into planting days, helping with sustainability week, discussing ideas with SAGE, and getting Lincoln represented at climate strikes. I feel I suit this role because I know what my passions are and are not afraid to stand up for them, even if that means breaking the status quo. The environment has always been special to me, and I want to share that love with you. My strengths also lie in bringing people together. Everyone can make a difference, so if something needs doing or someone needs help, I always make sure that everyone who

As your Sustainability Rep, my goal would be to empower you to protect Papatūānuku/Mother Earth in a way that excites you personally. Rest assured, there will be lots of getting our hands dirty planting trees and cleaning up our taiao (environment). I’d like to run heaps of events to get people thinking about the biodiversity in Lincoln and their own environmental footprint.

Perhaps we could have friendly competitions to be the most sustainable flat or log the most species on naturalist in a week (with lots of prizes). We could also have a bird-watching picnic to learn about the annual garden bird survey and citizen science. However, environmentalism isn’t just personal action. We live in a society, so I want to empower you with knowledge of how that society works, and how to change it to look after Papatūānuku. This could mean running workshops with Selwyn, Christchurch City, and Environment Canterbury councils on how to have your say on the environmental policy process, how council decisions impact us, and how waste is processed in Canterbury.

monitoring of outcomes. My work ethic is positive including the demonstrated ability to work in teams and independently.



My name is Vivian and I have been studying at Lincoln University since 2016, presently doing a postgraduate degree in IT and I am your new Engagement & Medi Rep. I hope to provide support to the student community and see more students reach their potential. From my experience and practical knowledge, I feel I can provide essential help to students to overcome many of the obstacles that are barriers to success. Relevant work attributes that I believe I possess are efficiency, reliability and motivation. Completing a master’s degree while looking after two young children, and being active in community volunteering roles in past years, have enhanced my multitasking skills. My good levels of confidence in personal communication will help me function in this role. Being a group fitness instructor at LU gym, and president of the parent society I have good confidence and communication skills. Completion of a level 6 diploma in occupational health and safety system means I have developed comfort around the making of policy and the

Gidday, I’m Cam Holmes. I am in my second year studying for a Bachelor of Commerce (Agriculture). I am your first-ever Disability, EDI, and Wellbeing Representative for LUSA in 2023.

I live with Cerebral Palsy and have had a range of experiences during my time in education which will enable me to provide a strong student voice on the complexities of living with challenges during your university years.

The experiences I can bring to this role includes currently being on a Ministry of Education panel advising on the experienced of disabled learners during high school and University. I was actively involved with developing Wellbeing Ōpuke in my hometown of Methven and am also the president of the Lincoln SVA this year.

A key barrier I would like to address is reducing the feeling of judgment when asking

for support with studies and university life. I would do this by organizing educational seminars for members of the University community around the range of disabilities of learners and supporting the education of staff and students on the intersectionality between wellbeing and disability. I would work to facilitate improved advertising of support services by using different methods of communication and support the growth of clubs that promote inclusivity on campus like the Disability Club.

I am incredibly passionate about the well-being of people and want to promote the importance of having a balanced lifestyle so you can look after your mental well-being. I want to encourage students to be comfortable within themselves and receive the support they need to get the most out of their university experience.

I feel I can provide an experienced voice for students of all disabilities someone who has first-hand experience in the challenges disabled people face in both education and life.

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Hey everyone, my name is Arabella Dudfield (she/her) and I’m in second year studying a Bachelor of Agribusiness and Food Marketing, majoring in Supply Chain Management. A little bit about me is I grew up in Auckland, I am an avid lover of adventures, enjoying most outdoor pursuits including skiing, tramping, mountain biking etc. I am known by my bubbly, and hard-working nature, always putting 110% effort into everything I do.

I am applying to be the Rainbow, EDI and Well-being rep on LUSA for 2023. I believe I am a good candidate for this position due to the current co-president role I hold within the SPACE exec, the LGBTQIA+ social club as well as being a part of the rainbow community myself. Additionally, I also am on the EDI committee and work closely with the wellbeing team on projects related

to sexual harm, consent and mental health. I will be able to integrate my knowledge and experience from these roles to continue to support and promote diversity and inclusivity on campus with the aim of creating equitable opportunities for all students at Lincoln. Through this role I hope to achieve greater representation of priority groups as well as helping to encourage the acceptance of everyone regardless of their background, beliefs, gender, sexuality etc. Overall, I want to see a behavioural shift occur, with Lincoln University being recognised as safe place in which students feel comfortable to express themselves.


RAM | ISSUE 08 1716

The exam period is never a highlight of anyone’s Uni experience. The high-stress levels and few social events make for a reasonably bland few weeks! To stay on top of your game and make sure you’re looking after your well-being, here are a few study break ideas.


Walking yourself or your pet not only helps get your heart pumping, but a 2021 study published in NeuroImage, found it can also improve your cognitive function. If you’ve been indoors studying all day, grabbing your headphones and taking a stroll around the block will give you a much-needed break from the books.


The Mayo Clinic reports that meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety. People can practice meditation wherever they are - at home, at the library, at a coffee shop - because it doesn’t require special equipment.

What a year it has been. We are so happy with all the support from everyone and those who have come along to our events this year. With it only being the second year, the Student Volunteer Army has been running at Lincoln, we have been so stoked with all the opportunities we have had help with. 2022 at a glance:

and congratulations to the new executive members. As a wise quote from Pinterest once said, “The new cool, is being kind”.


Grab your keys and head to your favourite coffee shop for a quick pick-me-up. Not only will this get you out of the house, Healthline reports moderate consumption of coffee can help boost brain function.


Reading (or watching) something fun is a great way to break up a study session. It can also help give your brain a break as it shifts to processing entertaining (as opposed to academic) content.

• Helped out at the Lincoln University Arboretum with Garden Maintenance several times, where we helped prepare plants and planted them for a shel ter belt for the Biological Husbandry Unit (BHU). SVA members provided voluntary service for ‘Age Concern Canterbury’, where we had an amazing crew team up with the Lincoln Environmental Sus tainability Society (LESS) to smash out planting at the Arboretum.

• We had the privilege of meeting the cutest pen guins at Flea Bay while helping out with tree plant ings and clearing mud from a slip.

• A planting day with LESS and Te Ara Kakariki. Thanks to all the 2022 Exec’s efforts. Bring on 2023,


Exercise can help improve your memory and your concentration. A 2021 article in The New York Times reports that exercise ‘prompts the creation of new neurons in the brain’s memory center and then helps those new cells survive, mature and integrate into the brain’s neural network, where they can aid in thinking and remembering.’


Studies have shown that even a 10-minute power nap can help improve memory and cognitive performance. If you just want to catch a few zzz’s (so you can dive back into your studies feeling refreshed), don’t forget to set an alarm.

summer jobs I ofTAKE YOUR pick jobs.picknz.co.nz



Lots of people find that it’s difficult to study in a cluttered environment. Taking 20 minutes to put away the dishes, start a load of laundry, or take out the trash will not only give you a break from your books but may help you study more effectively.

Concentrating while hungry is difficult at best. Eating brain-healthy foods, such as blueberries, nuts, dark chocolate, and pumpkin seeds, can help satisfy your stomach and improve your ability to focus.

RAM | ISSUE 08 18


Summer music festivals are kicking into high gear. With Hidden Valley, Rhythm and Vines, Electric Avenue, Northern Bass, Bay Dreams, One Love, Splore, Homegrown, and many others offering a hot, long weekend’s worth of outdoor gigs at locations around the country. The big draw to these festivals is to squeeze in seeing as many acts as possible in a short time while indulging in a days-long party. So how do we survive?

Carry with you at all times are a small bit of toilet paper or travel-sized pack of Kleenex, since port-aloos aren’t always reliably stocked, as well as wet wipes and hand sanitizer. Wet wipes and small hand towels are good ways to wash without easy access to showers.

4. Alcohol and Drugs

You’re at a music festival. It’s a given that there will be a lot of people on all kinds of drugs. People will try to sell you drugs, give away free drugs, and use lots and lots of drugs. Plus booze. By the time evening rolls around, most people’s water bottles won’t con tain water. The most important thing to remember if you plan on imbibing any substances is to be safe. Festival hippie love atmosphere can make you feel like it’s safe to be out of control in public around a bunch of strangers, but even though everyone’s halfdressed, covered in mud, and irrationally happy just to be at a music festival, you’re still in public around a bunch of strangers. So be careful.

Refrain from trying things you haven’t tried before, as freaking out during a festival could definitely ruin your night or even result in a hospital trip. Remem ber that the heat and exhaustion you’re feeling will make your body’s response to drugs and alcohol different than usual. Plus, alcohol is dehydrating.

5. Sleep When You Can

If there’s some band playing that you’re slightly apa thetic about during prime afternoon nap time, then it’s worth it to skip the show and catch some zzz’s under a tree. You’ll feel that much more energized for the shows by your favourite artists if you skip the less important ones to get some rest.

6. Look After Your Belongings

Don’t bring anything that you don’t want stolen. Be careful with your smartphone. There’s water and mud and heat and rowdy crowds, all ready to dam age your expensive device, and if you choose to leave it at the campsite, it can fry it in a locked car or risk being stolen from your tent.

Invest in a decent case for your phone and keep it safe inside your backpack/fannypack/purse or whatever contraption you’re using to carry around your water, money, and sunscreen. Phone charging is frequently difficult at festivals. Even if they claim to offer complementary phone charging, the lines for such a service can be hours long. Investing in your own personal solar charger is worth it if you want your phone to be reliably functional through out the event. A waterproof watch is also a good investment to ensure that you don’t lose track of time and miss your favorite band, even if your phone is dead.

7. Have a Bloody Great Time!

1. Wear Suncreen!

A really bad sunburn on your first day, because you were too excited to remember to slather up, could ruin the rest of your time. Put a healthy layer of sunscreen on first thing in the morning BUT this won’t keep you protected all day long. Carry a bot tle of sunscreen with you and reapply while stand ing in line for the port-a-loos or waiting between bands.

Sunglasses and a hat or bandanna also go far to shield your face (and scalp) from the sun’s rays.

2. Fuel the Meat Sack

Depending on the weather forecast, eating and

drinking might take more preparation than you think. and food vendors are often a rip off! Museli bars, ap ples, and protein shakes are excellent options to keep on hand at the campsite. Even if you don’t feel like eating, forcing down a meal shake can give you the energy you need to rock out into the night. Carrying a water bottle with you at all times is an absolute must. Search the site map before you go to find the water bottle filling stations. Don’t substitute alcohol for water. Alcohol is dehydrating.

3. Don’t Bring Your GHD’s

Music festivals aren’t the place to be glamorous. Showers will likely be few and far between, so pre pare to be dirty and not in the fun way.

In the days leading up to an anticipated music fes tival, it’s common to get really excited and exclaim, “I’m not gonna sleep at all! I’m gonna go hard!” The unfortunate reality is that you’re going to need sleep, and sleep is going to be hard to get. Don’t compen sate by drinking a ton of energy drinks. This goes back to the whole dehydration thing, which could leave you dizzy — or dead. Sleeping through a full night is difficult due to noise alone, and depending on where you are, there could be heat and bugs to contend with as well. It’s a good idea to plan out times to rest during the day as well as trying to sleep as much as possible through the night.

Soz if all these tips are giving you anxiety! Take a deep breath. These tips are here so that you can have an optimally good time without a small has sle or discomfort throwing you off. Music festivals are amazing opportunities to see a wide variety of bands, meet fellow music lovers from all over, and maybe even see the next big act before they break out. Some festivals inspire a collaborative atmo sphere that results in jam sessions that couldn’t hap pen anywhere else. If you come prepared, you’ll deal with the heat, exhaustion, and other discomforts like a pro, not letting them get in the way of having an amazing experience.



face it, 2022 has been somewhat another shit year. Graduation was postponed, but finally went ahead and so did LUSA’s Grad Ball, although at somewhat of a later day. And what a bloody great night it was! BALL GRAD LUSA,S 2022

Hickfords Hot Tips

I had the pleasure to sit down with Professor Hickford, my honours supervisorlucky me for having an awesome supervisor or lucky him for having a hardworking (driving tractors) B+ student. For those who have yet to meet Jon, he is a man, very keen man on genetics, gin and wool.

Jon sure does have a few stories to tell (be sure you ask about when he finished his honours), his emails are the least likely go into your deleted box without being thor oughly read, as there is always hints of wisdom sprinkled within them., and more importantly he has some good chat along the lines of politics, super rugby (especially the Crusaders), the controversial university timetable, and why the West Coast is the best part of NZ.

Jon has been here at Lincoln for nearly twice the length of time some of us have been alive! Nearly 40 years to be exact. He even did his PhD on a typewriter (so I have been told countless times when I am complaining about having to change something on my honours document).

To make tasteful gin or whiskey takes a lot of time and the same can applied here. Jon has some good idea about the Lincoln Uni system and what’s makes students do well. So, with all things being serious, here are some of Hickfords hot tips for doing well and having fun at uni.

Key Words


These are some keywords for you to reflect on and implement with your time here and after uni, the more you put in the more you get out of your ex perience here at Lincoln. You already made a good start coming to Lincoln over Massey (Something Jon really put emphasis on when we met back in 2018 at the Lincoln uni stand at the National Fiel days.

Working hard is always respected in any workplace for any job. Everyone loves a hard worker because it shows you are not afraid to work hard and give it a go.

Be courteous, respectful, and honest, do these three things unless some bastard really pisses you off, then get even quickly and decisively. Stay loyal to your Lincoln mates, they will be FRIENDS FOR LIFE. Most of you will have made friends while here and with people that share similar values and views to your own. These friendships will last you a lifetime, something that was brought back to me last Saturday when I caught up with two of my ex-flatmates from when I was a student. Also present was a friend who I have tramped many thousands of kilometers over the years, and my best man. Aged and decrepit as we all are now (at least that’s what our kids of your age tell us!), we still feel like our years as students were only yesterday.

Exam Tips


This allows you to take control and gain confidence. It is what the 10-minute reading time is for: the time you use to find the question that you will be most confident answering. This will likely be a long-answer question, so label it as ‘No. 1’ and answer it first. Do the same with your second-best question and you will gain further confidence.

As a general rule, I do not recommend you do multichoice (multi-guess?) questions first. These tend to diminish your confidence. Leave them to last, when you are more comfortable that you have achieved something and when you are possibly more accepting of an element of doubt in what you are answering.

Jons Last Words

A few last words from Jon for those moving onto the real world.

“As much as you can, enjoy these last few weeks. You will nearly all look back at the time you spent here with fondness and the realisation that it actu ally went by all too quickly.”


Also, a massive congratulations to Jon, for being the first New Zealander to be awarded the Dunhuang Award (similar to the New Zealand Or der of Merit - ONZM, but in recognition of Interna tional service) from the People’s Republic of China.

And on the same level: LUSA’s Best award for being an ‘Awesome Staff Member’!

1980 Cashmere High Jon & another LU Professor (Hint: he is the Lucerne God)
January 1985 (3/4th Year) Hunting at the Awawhata River



Someone asked me this in passing the other day and it got me thinking about the time I received two love letters back in 2019.

I had come into Uni to smash out an assignment in the back of the library, on the ground floor one Sunday. I was in the seat where there are groups of computers together. I was so delighted with finding this spot, that I went back there to study during the week. It was a busy day in the library, and at the group of computers, there was me, a guy (we will call him Samuel), and a few other boys. The boys were being quite loud, but it didn’t bother me too much, as I had with my headphones on blasting some tunes. Samuel passed me a handwritten note complaining about the noise the boys were making and I wrote back politely agreeing. Then he wrote another note asking what my name was and I again politely wrote back. He started writing something on his computer, so I assumed he was done talking to me and I was quite relieved to be able to get back to my assignments. Then he walked off. Shortly he came back with the following letter that he had written on the computer and printed out to give to me:

“Hi Olivia

When I first saw you this morning, I knew I must not let you go without telling you this. I was forced to write you a small note. I am not crazy but this is the biggest step I have to take with my hands shaking and butterflies all over me. After you wrote back to me with your name on it, I was super happy. Today is the best day of my life here at Lincoln. Although we may or may not have a lot in common, our differences can also be important to learn a lot. Before I saw you, I didn’t think that a few moments were something I could enjoy, but you showed me by responding to my message. I hope that this has added a new dimension to today for you.

If you would like to catch up and chat more, I will be super happy. I promise to make a good friend and be there for you. Meanwhile, I am from South Africa and I am only studying here for my master’s program.


Later that day he followed up this letter with an email.

“Dear Olivia,

It was a pleasure meeting you today. I was wondering if what I am about to write will settle in well. I walked in and

took the seat next to you, it was unintentional. At the time, I just wanted to explain how noisy the other lads were. I kinda lost myself and was looking for natural ground to stand on. You have this cute smile that lifted me off my feet. I swear I was so afraid to talk to you again, that’s why I had to write you a note. I didn’t want to scare you, and I also didn’t want to let you go without talking to you. If someone asked if I had seen an angel – I’d say I have seen Olivia today. My name is Samuel, I’m doing my master’s. When I first saw you, I had a thousand butterflies, and I had to walk away to get rid of them. As soon as I came back to sit down, all of them came flooding back. It was in fact one of my best mo ments. Amid my uncertainty, you responded considerately, and you surprised me enough that I felt like melted butter.

I have to tell you now that you’re so pretty, and you had me looking at you so many times this morning. If I can do mira cles, I would wish for us to share this afternoon together. Like a star, you shined on me that morning, and I don’t know if I will ever get the chance to see you shine again. I write this, with a lot of respect for you as you barely know me. The world is so wild, but I believe in what I saw this morn ing. I believe in holding your hand and building a paradise. From today on, I am keeping you safe in my writing, and I hope you will find it interesting to read. Should you ever give me a chance, I would like to share more about myself. Hope you enjoy this and feel free to email me anytime. Thanks, Samuel”

As you can imagine, at this point I was completely freaking out and had shown the letter to my friends and boyfriend trying to get some advice. I decided to reply to the email with a short note.

“I am sorry to have given you the wrong idea. I am not interested in any sort of romantic relationship with you and I am currently in a relationship with someone.”

The take-home message from this experience is, that don’t send full-on love letters to random girls you find in the library. The library should be a safe space to study and hang out with friends. Happy studying everyone.

I woke up as soon as I fell asleep in my tiny two-door Toyota which we called the “fiend mobile”.

I had completely lost track of time or even what day it was. He was blacked out in the driver’s seat. I wouldn’t have minded if he was dead.

My puppy Echo was softly crying at the small gap between the back of my seat and the floor. Everything reeks of spilled bong water. I couldn’t stop shivering, and I was drenched in sweat. My throat still felt ripped apart from all the vomiting. I was in so much pain as if every part of me was shutting down. It felt even worse than the ‘bad trips’ I’d had on ‘Synnies’.

This was one of my earliest days coming off weed. Right after I found out I was pregnant. I was only 18 years old. A cone would always make all the pain go away, but I wanted sobriety so bad, even though I hated it!

I had made up my mind to live a normal “boring” life, even if I had to work hard for it. Even if no one, including myself, would like me.

I promised myself I would always have a roof over mine and my baby’s head. They would always have a home. They would never be hungry, and they would never have to go through what I was going through.

I was and still am ready to fight for everything that the future holds for us. It’s amazing how hope can strengthen one’s will power. I have never looked back.

I had someone tell me that they have no sympathy for addicts. They’d asked for it. If natural selection takes them out, then too

bad. That person was not aware of my journey, so I laughed with them. What they didn’t realise is, that it’s all fun and games until it happens to them or someone they love.

Why do people get addicted? Sometimes it’s a little hard to admit that we are broken, especially when you look great from the outside, while the person inside is completely shattered. We tend to turn to self-medica tion. Sometimes it’s the peer pres sure when we hang out with the wrong crowd. Sometimes it just starts with pure curiosity. There are so many reasons why people use drugs. However, this story is not about prevention, there are so many amazing resources out there, that we are constantly exposed to, instead, I’d like to pro vide some advice on what to do if someone close to you has given in to addiction.

Try and understand what they are going through. There was a time for me when nothing was more important than hitting a cone, then falling asleep, waking up, and doing it again. It was not an option to not do it. It was life for me. To just stop, was the equiva lent of your therapist telling you to stop being depressed. There is a medical term for drug addiction, it’s called substance use disorder. Therefore, it might be a good idea to think of them as someone that’s sick, and needs medical attention from health profession als, rather than someone you just completely disapprove of.

Secondly, your safety and well-be ing are your number one concern,

especially when you are hanging out with the wrong people. Desperation makes people do crazy things. It’s also a good idea for you to get counseling support for yourself during this stressful time.

Setting clear boundaries is vital. Sometimes you have no choice but to let them be. They have to find their rock bottom d and experience severe consequences. To realise that they really need help. You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. Supporting their addiction is en abling them, not helping them.

Last but not least, love them. You love them even at their low est and be ready for when they decide to change. There are so many services in place to support their journey. You could do your research early. Visit some rehabs, ask advice from health profession als, or find a good counselor that you believe vibes with your loved one. Be there for their recovery, and please expect difficulties and challenges. This is the start of another journey. But love is what makes everything much easier.

Going ‘cold turkey’ in that tiny two-door Toyota that I used to smoke in with other people using right in front of me, was arguably the hardest time in my life.

I called that tiny two-door Toyota the “fiend mobile”, which was the start of my adulthood and the end of my innocence.

I drove it into the dark, and all the way to the other side, to sobriety, to become who I am today. It took me to hell and back.

RAM | ISSUE 08 27

Congratulations to all of our 2022 LUSA's Best winners!

Best Student Reps: Elizabeth Li Issy Pope Bailey Faass

Smiliest Student: Sophie Williams

Best PASS Leader: Giorgia Hickey

Best Club: Hunting Club

Best New Club: Parent Society

Best Club Collaboration: EID Event with LUICS & LU Muslim Association

Best RAM Article: Vanilla & Spice but mostly BDSMJay Mckendrey

Best Club Social Media Presence: Lincoln Young Farmers

Student who went Above and Beyond for their Cub this year: Arabella Dudfield - SPACE Club

Most Memorable Student Antics: 1st years destroying the Westend venue.

Brooklyn running out of gas to on the way to picking up kai for students.

Best Club Event: Maccaulay River Trip - Hunting Club

Now that we are reaching the end of the uni year it is a great time to reflect on the year that has been and look forward to the future. It is also a time to celebrate without friends and have a good time.

If you decide to have sex during this time, make sure it is fully consensual. It is easy to get carried away but there is no excuse. Consent needs to be given freely with no coercion and agreed upon with everyone involved.

They are also available over the summer if you need them.

Student or Group who Made Your Year Better: LU International and Cultural Society

Most Creative Club Event: Spicy Noodle Challenge - LUICS

Staff Member who has had the Most Positive Impact on Students: Hannah Lee Jon Hickford Roger McLenaghen

If you need to talk to someone, please reach out to STUDENT HEALTH on 03 325 3835 or contact the WELLBEING TEAM at wellbeing.support@lincoln.ac.nz or call on 021 589 475.

If you feel passionate about preventing sexual harm, we are looking for a group of interested people to assist with the TIB club and weekly stalls next year. There are several fun initiatives we would like to be able to offer out to the campus and so we need you and your ideas to help us. If you are interested in being involved at any level then contact Jayne.smith@lincoln.ac.nz. Stay safe out there and get in touch if you need anything.

Friday 7th October, 6pm -8.30pm

A sold-out International Dinner held at Punjabwala was hugely successful with 100 International Students coming together for an end-of-year dinner. It was a fantastic opportunity for our Lincoln International whanau to catch up over a yummy meal organised by none other than LUSA!

The food was delicious! The buffet dinner included yummy Indian snacks for starters, Indo-Chinese

food, with a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetar ian options, followed by different sweets for dessert. Everyone enjoyed the food. The International Dinner also allowed us to make new friends and meet with their whanau at the event. So, shoutout to LUSA for organising this awesome event.

RAM | ISSUE 08 28
MOVING MORE PEOPLE, MORE OFTEN Thanks for a great year See you in 2023

LU International Cultural Society

Kia ora. What a year it has been for LUICS!

LUICS has been through some changes in 2022, including its reestablishment as the Interna tional Cultural Society (formerly International Club) with a new exec committee. As a growing club, this year, we had 145+ QPay members, organised over 15 different events, initiated weekly badminton sessions, and worked with Chatime Christchurch and Coriander’s Rolleston, to bring our members the best experience with some exciting membership perks.

We started the year with a Welcoming Night, featuring Chatime Christchurch. This was a great opportunity for new mem bers to make friends and bond over some delicious bubble tea and pizza. We then collaborated with LUSA for their International Week and hosted a Morning Tea and Quiz + Dinner event, which was thoroughly enjoyed by many. LUICS weekly badminton sessions were introduced in Semester 1, happening every Monday after noon in the LU Gym Sports Hall. We then collaborated with the

LU Muslim Association to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr and set up a stall outside LUSA to give away some tasty Indian snacks, including pakora, chicken tikka, and jalebi, along with free henna.

To conclude Semester 1, LUICS hosted a Spicy Noodle Challenge for the first time ever at LU. This was super fun and we loved seeing everyone’s fiery faces.

Moving onto Semester 2, LUICS had the busiest Re-O’week!

International Student Orientation, Semester 2 Orientation Support Expo, Clubs Market, Clubs Kai Market, and International Afternoon Tea, all happened over one week! It was awesome to see so many returning and new international students on campus. We then hosted a big Quiz Night, with more than 50 participants, free Chatime bubble tea, and $250 worth of prizes!

As the semester progressed, everyone was getting busy with academics, and we continued our weekly badminton sessions.

LUICS also hosted a movie night, and attended the Selwyn Culture Fest and the LU Community Day

in September, organising arts and crafts activities for children. So, this was LUICS and their busy journey in 2022!

Thank you for the opportunity to be your President of LUICS this year, it was a special experience for me. Through my role, I was able to be a part of the founda tion of LUICS and have worked towards enhancing the social connections between interna tional and domestic students, by putting together events, working with LUSA and of course, introducing badminton! I would like to thank all our members, LU staff, LUSA, and the many businesses (sponsors) that have supported LUICS this year. Special thanks to the 2022 exec for making LUICS possible and I look forward to working with the new exec in 2023!

Lastly, ka pai for getting through uni (almost), and good luck with your future endeavors! For those of you returning to LU next year, make sure to sign up for LUICS again, and make the most of your university clubs’ experience!

See you in 2023!

RAM | ISSUE 08 31


The Tramping and Climbing Club have had a very successful year, running lots of epic overnight tramps in Arthurs Pass, Goats Pass Hut/Lake Mavis, Otehake Hot Pools, Hawdon Hut and Crow Hut as well as bouldering day trips to Castle hill, rafting trip on the Rangitata and weekly bouldering club nights.

Congratulations to the new 2023 executive.

If you have any questions, please get in touch:

• President: Megan Maslin

• Vice President: Lulu Jordon

• Secretary: Olivia Cooke

• Treasurer: Ethan Gillespie

• General Reps: Rebecca Clarke, Marcus Arts, Jalo Roberts, Jodanne Aitken

• Bouldering Gym Reps:

sure to




Climbing Club

LUBE - The LU Mountain Bike Club is a new club that started this year. It has been awesome to meet lots of other mountain bike enthusiasts!

So far we have run some epic day trips to the Christchurch Adventure Park, Port Hills (Godley Head tracks), Akaroa Mountain bike park, Halswell Quarry and to Hamner Springs along with a couple of week night rides.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with any of our exec members:

• President: Sean Alexander

• Vice President: Megan Maslin

• Secretary/ Treasurer: Anna Woods

• General Members: Aidan Nichol, Liam Smart, Rachel Crawford and Josh Jones.

have potential trips lined up to Mt Oxford (Wharfedale Track), Mt Hutt MTB Bike Park and Queenstown or Wanaka.

Next year

RAM | ISSUE 08 3332
on Facebook to keep up to date: @Lincoln Uni
Make sure to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages: Instagram – @lincolnuni_mtb Facebook – @Lincoln University MTB Members We can’t wait to see what 2023 brings!

It was lovely to have so many friends and family of the Lincoln Community come out to campus and get involved with Community Day on Sunday 25th September. Everyone had the chance to have a noisy around campus be tween the shearing, face painting, animal petting, candly floss eating, and taking on the climbing wall. Thanks for coming out!

RAM | ISSUE 08 3534


On the 1st and 2nd of October, a group of 13 Handy Landy’s members went to help a farmer in Cheviot grubbing Nassella tussocks.

We headed up on Saturday morning and arrived on the farm around 12pm. When we arrived, we had lunch and separated into two groups. 10 people went grubbing, and 3 people assisted with tailing lambs.

The grubbing was on the hillside, which made it pretty tough work. Once we started grubbing, we quickly learned how difficult it is to identify a Nassella tussock compared to the natives. Visually they look remarkably similar, especially when looking from a distance away.

The group grubbed tussocks till 4pm, then came back and helped finish the tailing.

Later in the evening, we had some drinks and a delicious BBQ. The evening was a great success, with members social izing and even some flexibility tests!

The next day we were up early for a cooked breakfast and headed up the hill to get started on another hillside grub bing. The day was great, with beautiful views as we moved along the face of the hill.

We kept moving across the hill, ending up at the base where we were picked up and headed back to the accommodation. We said our goodbyes and then headed back to Lincoln at 2pm.

Overall, the trip was a great experience to socialise with fellow members and do some work to help out a farmer. We would like to say, a massive thank you to the farmers for supplying the accommodation and giving us a delicious BBQ on Saturday night. Also, a big thank you to FMG for sponsor ing our new merch and our hats which we wore on the trip.

We would just like to say a massive thank you to all of our members, club supporters, LUSA, Tasman YF and most of all to the rest of the exec. Everyone has con tributed to making this year a memorable experience and most of all so much fun!

We have packed heaps into the annual calendar this year, but with a major priority being to make the events, trips and professional development oppor tunities great quality, rather than quantity. From two wicked weekend trips, an absolutely insane Speed Shear, Hunting Competition and Bark up, a stellar day trip, first aid course, getting the grant up and running, amongst many other things!

One of the highlights was definitely the Massey Exchange. After spending 2 years in the club without the exchange due to covid, it was so awesome to see it come to life and hopefully be re-born for many years to come!

A massive thank you to the subcommittee who have helped make these events and trips go ahead. It was awesome to be able to donate $2,800 to the Canter bury Westpac Rescue Helicopter, a cause that hits very close to home for many rural communities and also our members.

To wrap it up, if you’re not a part of Lincoln Young Farmers, next year is your opportunity to do so. The biggest draw card for our club would have to be the culture. Great yarns, awesome experiences, refresh ing brews and members that feel like family – what more can you want? The culture is the heart of the club and will continue to be the reason behind the success and enjoyment in the past and future years to come. Come along to see us at clubs and markets day 2023, you won’t regret it!

RAM | ISSUE 08 36



Kiwifruit Immersion Trip

Kiwifruit Immersion Trip

During the last week of September, the opportunity arose for Lincoln University students to attend a two-day kiwifruit immersion trip in the Bay of Plenty. This trip was organised by Southern Cross Horticulture, and involved touring the kiwifruit nurseries, packhouses, orchards, kiwifruit trials, learning the construction of an orchard, and a visit to the Zespri head office. This was a great opportunity to understand and be immersed into the entire supply chain from grower to consumer.

During the last week of September, the opportunity arose for Lincoln University students to attend a two-day kiwifruit immersion trip in the Bay of Plenty. This trip was organised by Southern Cross Horticulture, and involved touring the kiwifruit nurseries, packhouses, orchards, kiwifruit trials, learning the construction of an orchard, and a visit to the Zespri head office. This was a great opportunity to understand and be immersed into the entire supply chain from grower to consumer.

Over the two days, we got a better insight into how the kiwifruit industry in New Zealand works and our contribution to the global market. The industry providers collaborate together with a pioneering attitude, to support one another as opposed to competing for employees and resources.

Over the two days, we got a better insight into how the kiwifruit industry in New Zealand works and our contribution to the global market. The industry providers collaborate together with a pioneering attitude, to support one another as opposed to competing for employees and resources.

We learnt the kiwifruit harvest starts in late February and goes through until mid-June. The exact harvesting of each orchard is dependant on the fruitʼs maturity, crop size and variety, and seasonal weather outlook for the location.

When harvested, Class 1 is exported overseas, predominantly to China, Japan and Europe. Class 2 and 3 are distributed to Australia, South America and across New Zealand. It was interesting to learn the rejected fruit either goes to the juicers, or local farms to be used as stockfood.

We learnt the kiwifruit harvest starts in late February and goes through until mid-June. The exact harvesting of each orchard is dependant on the fruitʼs maturity, crop size and variety, and seasonal weather outlook for the location. When harvested, Class 1 is exported overseas, predominantly to China, Japan and Europe. Class 2 and 3 are distributed to Australia, South America and across New Zealand. It was interesting to learn the rejected fruit either goes to the juicers, or local farms to be used as stockfood.

Overall, we would highly recommend this trip to any LU student interested in the kiwifruit industry, particularly those studying horticulture or agribusiness & food marketing - if interested, please get in touch with the horticulture lecturers for more info about the proposed 2023 trip.

Overall, we would highly recommend this trip to any LU student interested in the kiwifruit industry, particularly those studying horticulture or agribusiness & food marketing - if interested, please get in touch with the horticulture lecturers for more info about the proposed 2023 trip.



Growing kiwifruit from seedling involves a lot of skill

They have a very low germination rate

● Growing kiwifruit from seedling involves a lot of skill

The focus is on growing a strong graft to ensure a thick and healthy plant when delivered to the orchard

● They have a very low germination rate

● The focus is on growing a strong graft to ensure a thick and healthy plant when delivered to the orchard



Largest kiwifruit packhouse in the Bay of Plenty

Short-term plans for automation will make MPAC the only packhouse fully automated

● Largest kiwifruit packhouse in the Bay of Plenty

The grading camera machine classes fruit into 1,2 or 3

● Short-term plans for automation will make MPAC the only packhouse fully automated

● The grading camera machine classes fruit into 1,2 or 3



Sweet berry flavour, a delicate fruit with soft flesh

Latest variant coming through the kiwifruit breeding programme, in partnership with P&F Research

● Sweet berry flavour, a delicate fruit with soft flesh

Birds are attracted to the sweet texture

● Latest variant coming through the kiwifruit breeding programme, in partnership with P&F Research

● Birds are attracted to the sweet texture


Biggest avocado and kiwifruit packhouse in NZ

Innovative, experienced and sustainable Family-run business, operating for nearly 40 years

● Biggest avocado and kiwifruit packhouse in NZ

● Innovative, experienced and sustainable

● Family-run business, operating for nearly 40 years


Orchard development involves the preparation of land, plans, GPS mapping, soil types, drainage, posting, leader wires, plants, bamboo and stacks

Kiwifruit donʼt like wet feet when being planted

● Orchard development involves the preparation of land, plans, GPS mapping, soil types, drainage, posting, leader wires, plants, bamboo and stacks

Green kiwifruit keeps the gold supply going

● Kiwifruit donʼt like wet feet when being planted

● Green kiwifruit keeps the gold supply going



Requires strict monitoring and safety guidelines

Increased health benefits with a combination of over 20 vitamins and minerals

● Requires strict monitoring and safety guidelines

● Increased health benefits with a combination of over 20 vitamins and minerals

Better markup on the fruit when put to market

● Better markup on the fruit when put to market


Founded in 1997 with a consistent focus on growing delicious, healthy and nutritious fruit

Many different teams within the company including the supply chain, marketing, research, finance, IT, communications, sustainability and people performance

● Founded in 1997 with a consistent focus on growing delicious, healthy and nutritious fruit

● Many different teams within the company including the supply chain, marketing, research, finance, IT, communications, sustainability and people performance

RAM | ISSUE 08 3938

LUSA is famous for hosting Garden Party. It is a great day out to celebrate the end of the year while having a dance and a few (sometimes too many) brews. Garden Party has been going strong since 1981 and has only been cancelled once in 2021 due to bloody COVID. So how did garden party become a thing?

It was a night due to getting below zero degrees. While some were snugged up after a big day, others braved the night in some comfort-rated sleeping bags more suited to much warmer temperatures.


Early on the morning of September 30th, a decent-look ing handful of students rocked up to the Lincoln netball courts, ready for a weekend of Tahr chasing action up the Rangitata river. Temperatures were expected to be low, so there was plenty of warm gear to be chucked in the trucks.

It was a fairly long drive before we got to the start of the river. A bit of glassing was done. There were a few tahr seen up high in the bluffs before a couple of us decided to split from the group and head up a river to try to get our hands on some of these majestic creatures of the southern alps. Jeremy, Fergus, and I found ourselves a nice wee possie, and probably the easiest tahr shoot you’ll ever come across.

After walking for about only an hour we stubbled across a mob of about 15 tahr had come down for a bit of a graze down low by a creek. After a bit of deliberation as to what bulls would be suitable as a first for me, Fergus was glad to know that his rifle can kill 1 tahr with 2 shots. Jeremy also managed to sack a nice bull for himself too.

After a good walk back to the truck we arrived back at camp seeing everyone else in good spirits with their efforts too. Things were looking good for a good day of hunting the next day.

After the rifles got safely stored away, a few beers were drunk, burgers were demolished, and plans were made. She was a pretty cozy wee shindig in the wee hut. Couldn’t call it a hunting trip if we didn’t see Jeremy without his shirt on could we though.

With Abby deciding this was the trip she was chucking the towel in on camp mum duties, Henry became grill master for the morning. Turns out he was only cooking a feed for those going with him for the day. Not to worry though as others were keen to get up and into it.

Henry and his group found spot x producing some good-looking heads, dropping them from a reasonable distance. Robbie and his group sighted a good-looking trophy. We heard talk on the radio and knew he was too far to get to for a closer shot as nightfall was fast approach ing. Robbie thought he’d put his new rifle to work and see if he could make a Hail Mary shot at well over 800 yards. Though unsuccessful, it made for a great yarn back at camp. Molly pulled off a pretty awesome shot getting her first tahr, a really unique 15-year-old nanny.

With the heads laid out and the skins airing on the fence, the estimated tally of tahr shot was getting up around 20 odd with 18 retrieved. 9 people had managed to get their very first tahr too which was pretty special, so it was look ing likely that this was our most successful hunting trip.

Once again after the rifles were safely stored, the tunes were going and the beers flowing, it was a big night for some. Card games provide the most amount of entertainment, while some of us more shattered decided it was a good thing to hit the hay.

There were a few hopeful hunters that shot back up into the hills for one last look before we made tracks back home, however, the cloud rolled in and that was that. It was an epic trip to a pretty neat part of New Zealand. I think most of us could agree it was awesome to get so many animals and see plenty for future trips

A massive thank you to the exec for organising this trip, especially Henry who scoped out the area (very good selection I must say). This will definitely be a trip to remember!

At the end of the year, students would celebrate by going down to Bob’s pub (now the Grouse) in Lincoln township. This would end in the pub being destroyed and also residents’ property. Students drink driving, police being called, and residents of Lincoln not happy. The drinking culture was that bad that every year at least 2-3 students would die from drink driving.

The LUSA President at the time thought that things needed to change, so he talked to the Vice Chancellor and asked to have a party in the Garden on Campus. After conversations with the Vice Chancellor and Police, the all clear was given.

The President gathered the best bands he could including the Dance Exponents (now called The Exponents) and brought in many kegs of beer.

There were so many students who attended that jugs of beer were being constantly handed out left right and centre. The success of the O.G Garden Party in 1981 has allowed this event to carry on for 40 years. 2022 is be the 40th year it has taken place, as 2021 was cancelled.

Garden Party has changed a lot since 1981, with significantly more people (3500 expected in 2022) and everything else that goes along with large events in this day in age, such as alcohol licensing and regulations, police presence, security, fencing, huge stages, light shows, face paining, inflatable activities, wristbands free food and of course international acts.

We are so grateful to have Garden Party at Lincoln University and to continue this rich tradition of ending leactures for the year with all our fellow classmates.

RAM | ISSUE 08 40
HOW BECAME FAMOUS 2013 2014 2015 2016

Garden Party 2022 was epic! Because finally, lockdown after lockdown, we were all able to let our hair down and celebrate making it through the year and the end of lectures for 2022. With the likes of Muroki, Schockone, There’s A Tuesday and, KLP killing it on both stages, it absolutely did not disappoint.

How good were Dune Rats getting their Mum to scull a beer on stage?! She came all the way from Aussie to support them. Cute! It was a super successful event with everyone having such a sweet time. Can't wait until next year to do it all again!

RAM | ISSUE 08 4342
For all Garden Party photos check out LUSA on Facebook



RAM | ISSUE 08 4544 ANSWERS: 1 - Too funny for words 2 - Tip of the iceberg 3 - You win some, you lode some 4 - Domino 5 - West Indies 6 - One if by land, two if by sea 7 - Day in, day out 8 - An afterthought 9 - What’s black and white and red all over? 10 - Robin Hood 11 - Life after death 12 - Sitting on the top of the world 13 - A cut above the rest 14 - Ten pounds over weight 15 - Crossfire 16 - Cryin’ Shame 17 - Who’s in charge? 18 - Tuna Fish 19 - Hole in one 20 - Long Underwear 21 - No U turn 22 - A pair of pants 23 - Go for it 24 - Someone’s following me 25 - Toucans 26 - Count on us 27 - Skate on thin ice 28 - Men out of work 29 - Bigfoot 30 - Middle C 31 - Go up in smoke 32 - Take a step backwards 33 - Ambiguous (am BIG-U ous) 34 - H2O (h to o) 35 - Beaten Black and Blue 36 - Tuesday 37 - Singing in the Rain 38 - Broken Promise 39 - Head over heels in love 40 - Half Hearted
WORD-PLAY Using the arrangement of letters and symbols, each box contains a familiar phrase, saying or cliche. PROCRASTINATION STATION
the numbers 1 to 9 into the grid, consisting of 9 squares subdivid ed into a further 9 smaller squares, in such a way that every number appears once in each horizontal line, vertical line, and square.




October 23 – November 21

It pays to kill with kindness when you’re you own worst enemy.


November 22 – December 21

You’r only armed to the teeth because you’re more brittle than you’d care to admit.


December 22 – January 19

In the span of your life there’s plenty to avoid; the wicked, the merciless, the things you want for no reason other than wanting them.


January 20 – February 18

You can put all the flowers in your mouth that you fucking want, but dying is dying and rot is rot.


June 21 – July 22

People would take your raging far more seriously if you weren’t crying all the time.


March 21 – April 19

The sooner you expect your impending expiration, the sooner you can stop trying to swallow the sun.


April 20 – May 20

Decorating your meltdowns is all well and good, but a trainwreck is a trainwreck and it might be time to get a paramedic.


May 21 – June 20

You’ll be fertilizer regardless, might as well have interesting stories for the dirt.

It’s a hard life being single, especially when you notice one arm is getting a bit ‘stronger’ than the other. These pick up lines are bound to increase your chances of pulling a 3 (or an 8 after a few drinks). Disclaimer – if you do not have any luck, then it’s not RAM’s fault.


February 19 – March 20

Take a long shower, wash your hair. Wash the clothes you were wearing. Wash the memories from your mind and body.


July 23 – August 22

Learn when it’s best to bite your tounge. Temper the nest of hornets in your loveless mouth.


August 23 – September 22

There is variety of sadness that makes a home in your guts and never quite leaves.

• Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers but tonight you’ll get two.

• I’m an astronaut and my next mission is to explore Uranus.

• The word of the day is legs. Let’s go back to your place and spread the word.

• Roses are red, coronas the flu, can I quarantine deez nuts inside of you?

• Wanna play war? I’ll lay on the ground and you blow the f**k outta me.

• If I flip a coin, what do you reckon my chances are of getting head?

• Wanna play carnival? You sit on my face and I guess how much you weigh.

• Excuse me, but do you give head to strangers? (No) Well then, allow me to introduce myself.

• I am putting you on my to-do list.

• Do you like tapes and CD’s? Because ill tape these nuts to your head so you can see deez nuts.

• Hey girl are you a pokemon? Cause I’d like to throw my balls at you

• Is your name study? Because I’m not doing you and I should be.

• Why was the maths book sad? Because it had a lot of numbers but none of them were yours.

• Hey girl are you a sea lion? Because see you lion in my bed later on.

• I hope there’s lifeguards on duty at your place because I’m going to be drowning in that pussy later tonight.

• Do you run? Because I heard you Relay want this dick.

• Do you like whales? Cause we can go humpback at my place.

• You left a blowjob at my house, do you mind coming over and getting it?

• Do you like Imagine Dragons? Cause imagine me dragon these balls across your face tonight.

• Are you a doctor? Cause you just cured my erectile dysfunction.

• I’m not Fred Flintstone but I can make your bed rock.


September 23 – October 22

Seeing yourself for who you really are would be great if you knew where to start looking.

• Do I know you from some where? (No) You just look so familiar. I must be mistaking you for my future wife.

• Do you like daisies or roses? I just want to know what to put on the coffin when I mur der your pussy.

RAM | ISSUE 08 4746
Lincoln University Students’ Association SUMMER FAMILY PICNIC FREE FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT including lawn games, face painting, balloon art, inflatable course and live music FRIDAY 2ND DECEMBER 3PM–7PM Come along to our Summer Family BBQ* for all of our Summer School, Postgrad, Research, International students and any other students on campus! Bring the whole family — children and partners are welcome! SCAN TO RSVP *Vegetarian, gluten free and halal available

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