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Sense International events 2008 – 2009

Take on a challenge that makes sense!

020 7922 7910

Who is Sense International? At some time in our lives, most of us have wondered what it might be like to be either deaf or blind. But can you even begin to imagine how terrifying it might be to lose both sight and hearing? Deafblindness is the combination of vision and hearing impairments. The deafblind children we come across are commonly restrained, tied to trees or chairs to stop them from hurting themselves, or locked away because their parents are afraid of the stigma of having a disabled child. Sometimes deafblind children never learn to walk or feed themselves because their parents just don’t know how to communicate with them. With little awareness of deafblindness, no family support and no specialised health care, the pressure of having a deafblind child is often too much for families to bear, particularly for those already living in poverty. As a result, children are neglected, abandoned or institutionalised. In developing countries, four out of five children who are both deaf and blind die before their fifth birthday. Sense International is the only UK charity focused on building services for deafblind people in developing countries. Our services transform the lives of deafblind people from one of isolation and neglect to one of communication, interaction and self-esteem.

Why fundraise for Sense International? Your support will help us to make a significant difference to the lives of some of the most isolated children in the world. The funds you raise will enable us to provide education, training and support where it is needed most, giving deafblind children the opportunity to communicate, connect, interact and flourish. By working with local partners we aim to keep our costs as low as possible so that you can feel confident that the funds you raise for us will go a very long way. Whether you want exhilaration, a physical challenge or simply to find a platform through which to raise funds for a worthy cause, Sense International offers a wide range of fundraising events — in your community, in the UK and overseas. When you register for one of our events you will be provided with a comprehensive fundraising pack, fundraising resources and ongoing advice and support from a team of experienced and professional staff. We will do everything we can to ensure your fundraising experience and then the event itself, exceeds your expectations.

Global Challenges To experience the exhilaration and satisfaction that comes from pushing your personal and physical limits, take part in one of our Global Challenges. There are two ways of becoming involved:

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Take part in one of the Global Challenges listed on the following pages; Become an event Champion and let us create a Global Challenge that will change your life.

Please contact us to discuss the minimum levels of sponsorship required to undertake each of our Global Challenge events.

What it means to be a Champion “I went on my first Global Challenge with Sense International four years ago. Meeting the teams from each country and seeing the work they do made me appreciate how important fundraising is in order for them to continue their good work. I don’t find fundraising for such a good cause difficult and in fact people are very interested when I tell them about the work that Sense International does. I realised early on though that my fundraising efforts could have an even greater impact if I championed a Global Challenge event. This involved me choosing the destination and the type of activity I wanted to do and agreeing to try and get a group of people to join me on the Challenge event. Sense International would then take responsibility for organising all the logistics of the Challenge.

So far I have championed two different five day Global Challenge treks that people could do without taking much time off work but which were still great adventures. By having event Champions, Sense International doesn’t need to spend money on expensive marketing costs and I get the benefit of being on a trip with people I know and the satisfaction of knowing that thanks to my efforts, Sense International has an additional 10 - 20 people raising funds for them. I would thoroughly recommend joining a Global Challenge and even more so, in becoming an event Champion!” Daryl Roxburgh, COR Financial Services

Sense International events 2008 – 2009

Trek Transylvania Challenge

The Trek Transylvanian Challenge takes you through the lush, fertile countryside of the Transylvanian plateau in Romania, a UNESCO World Heritage Area. This unique event involves pleasant walking through meadows teeming with butterflies and wild flowers and charming villages reminiscent of the 13th century. With many customs slowly vanishing, this walking Challenge offers an exceptional opportunity to see a small corner of Europe still relatively untouched by modern technology. Your visit to Romania would not be complete without a visit to Bran Castle. Perched on a rocky bluff and rising in tiers of towers and ramparts against a glorious mountain backdrop, ‘Dracula’s

Castle,’ the vampire count’s residence, is a fine place to end your walking. At the end of each day you will return to your quality hotel accommodation where you can relax in comfort. On the final day of your trip you will get the very special opportunity to visit a kindergarten in Bucharest which provides deafblind children with education and support. As you meet the teachers and the children, you will get to appreciate what a significant difference your money could make to these children’s lives. Date: 6 – 11 June 2008 Registration fee: £150

Ride Romania Challenge sheep, goats and buffaloes and get the sensation that time has stood still. Horses are still often used for agricultural work in Romania and as you ride through fields and traditional villages you will get a real taste for what life is like for the local people. During your trip you will stay in traditional, rustic, Romanian homes, giving you the additional opportunity to gain a rare insight into home life in this area.

Our Ride Romania Challenge is a unique horse riding experience through the picturesque area of Brasov in the centre of Romania. This part of Romania boasts unadulterated nature with your journey on horseback taking you through wide meadows, fairytalelike woods, gentle creeks and over hills commanding exceptional views of this unique region. Riding at your own pace, you be able to enjoy the wide, open space all around you, with fields rarely restricted by fencing. As you ride, you may be pleasantly surprised to find your horse’s foal accompanying you, as is common in Romania. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to break and stretch your legs, take photos or just ponder the spectacular surroundings. You may even be encouraged to swim with your horse at one of the rivers that we pass on the ride.

A highlight of this Challenge is your visit to a kindergarten in Bucharest which provides deafblind children with education and support. As you meet the teachers and the children, you will get to appreciate what a significant difference your money could make to these children’s lives. Date: 11 – 15 June 2008 Registration fee: £100

“The Challenges provide a truly amazing and memorable experience. From Bhutan to Patagonia, Brazil, Nambia and this year horse riding in Romania. I just can’t wait for next year’s Challenge and I thank Sense International for making my life so much richer! Jill Beavis, Bankhouse Financial Management.

During your trip you may encounter local shepherds herding their

Sense International events 2008 – 2009

Trek Turkey Challenge

The Trek Turkey Challenge takes place along the Lycian Way in Turkey, a famous long distance footpath on Turkey’s south coast which features in many of the world’s ‘Ten Best Walks’. Ancient Lycia was once one of the richest and most densely populated areas of Turkey and you are bound to marvel at the natural history, ancient settlements and ruins as you make your way through this area. This moderate trek follows the rugged coast, dipping inland to impressive mountains, summer pastures, deep forests and olive groves. Small bays and stunning beaches greet you around many of

the bends and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take a dip in what is arguably some of the most inviting turquoise waters in the Mediterranean. You can also look forward to an afternoon boat trip one day which allows you to explore some of the ruins and castles located on the surrounding islands. Accommodation will be in pensions in small white washed villages where you will get to sample authentic Turkish hospitality and get a real taste for local life. Date: 8 – 12 October 2008 Registration fee: £150

Trek Patagonia Challenge

Torres del Paine National Park is renowned as one of the most beautiful, unspoiled and remote places on the planet. During the Trek Patagonia Challenge we will take you to the heart of this wilderness, located at the southern most tip of Chile. Each day of this moderate trek offers you different rewards in terms of scenery, flora and fauna. Your trek will take you through rolling and windy grasslands to forests of trees which get smaller with altitude, eventually forming natural bonsai gardens. The sight of turquoise lakes and spectacular glaciers and icebergs will leave you breathless, as will the cascading waterfalls and deep, flowing rivers. Soaring condors, guanacos (wild Andean llamas), ostriches, foxes, a variety of birds and mountain lions all reside in the park and are bound to bring delight to animal and bird lovers alike. However, the highlights for many are the 12 million year old towering granite spires which reach up to 3,050 metres in height.

Each afternoon you can look forward to arriving to camp where your tents will have already been set up, leaving you to relax and enjoy the surrounding scenery. Two nights will also be spent in unique and comfortable eco lodges, the perfect compromise between hotel and tent accommodation. Date: 5 – 15 March 2009 Registration fee: £250

“Amazing experience. I would urge anyone to forgo a lazy beach holiday and do something remarkable whilst raising money for charity!” Sigi Beare, Music Teacher

Sense International events 2008 – 2009

Running Events

Whether you’re a 5KM, 10KM or marathon enthusiast, Sense International has a number of running events in the UK and overseas that you could participate in. To the right is a list of just some of the running events available in 2008 and if running is not for you, consider taking part in Just Walk, a 20KM or 60KM walk over the picturesque South Downs.

Paris Marathon: 6 April 2008 Flora London Marathon: 13 April 2008 (guaranteed places available!) Just Walk: 10 May 2008 Edinburgh Marathon: 25 May 2008 British 10K: 6 July 2008 (guaranteed places available!) London Triathlon: 08 August 2008 - 09 August 2008 Hydro Active Women’s Challenge: 7 September 2008 Bristol Half Marathon: 14 Sep 2008 New York City Marathon: 2 November 2008

Corporate Events

Corporate fundraising offers a range of benefits to management and staff including teambuilding, strengthening client relationships, boosting staff morale and enhancing your corporate image amongst internal and external stakeholders. Sense International has experience managing events for a range of different organisations. Events are tailored to meet your business objectives and can be as small as an office morning tea or as large as a Corporate Global Challenge. Sense International would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about ways your organisation could support our work by raising funds for us.

“I have supported Sense International for a number of years and think they do really worthwhile and effective work overseas. In this time I have been involved with many of their fundraising events, from the London Marathon to trekking in Nepal. They also organised a golf day for my organisation. Their events are always professionally run and a great deal of fun but what impresses me most is the way they really care about their supporters. This is one of the advantages of being involved with a smaller charity like Sense International; that and the fact that you know your fundraising efforts are going to make a really significant impact on their work.” Sunil Shah, Coexis

Sense International events 2008 – 2009

Extreme Events

Short on time but want to do something crazy for a cause? Consider skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting or swimming with sharks to name just a few. Extreme events are open to individuals and corporate groups and take place all year round. By raising a minimum sponsorship level, you can even take place in the event for free!

Bungee jump: £100 minimum sponsorship; Skydive: £390 minimum sponsorship for a tandem jump; Swim with sharks: £400 minimum sponsorship; White water rafting: £1,000 minimum sponsorship for a team of up to eight people.

If there is an extreme event that’s not listed here but that you would like to take part in, please contact us and we will try our hardest to arrange it on your behalf.

Community Events

Community events are an opportunity for you to hold your own event, big or small, to raise funds for Sense International. Practically anything can be turned into a fundraising event — the only limit is your imagination. Consider: • Holding a BBQ or dinner party using donated or discounted food and getting people to pay a premium for their meal;

•E ncouraging your child’s school to have a dress down day with every child making a £1 donation for the privilege; • Getting sponsored to shave your head; • Getting your friends to donate items for a car boot sale; •O rganising a quiz night at a local pub and getting friends and colleagues to support you.

Get involved To get involved in one of our events or to find out more, please contact us on:

Alternatively, to participate in a Global Challenge, complete the registration form and return it to us at:

020 7922 7910

Sense International

020 7922 7926

32 – 36 Loman Street

London, SE1 0EH Registered charity number 1076497

Sense International events 2008 – 2009

Sense International Global Challenge Registration Form PERSONAL DETAILS Title:



Salutation (known as): Address:


Tel day/ work:

Tel home:


Date of Birth:

Email Address: EMPLOYER DETAILS Name of employer:

Position Held:

Company address (for recording purposes only):


Type of Business: Will your employer sponsor you/ match your fundraising total?

Does your company have a publication that could be advertised in?

■ Yes

■ No

■ Yes

■ No

Please give details: PUBLICITY How did you find out about the event? (please tick appropriate box) ■ Internet (please specify which site) ■ Newspaper or magazine (please specify which one) ■ I have taken part in a Sense International event before ■ Poster

■ Friend

■ Your company

■ Other (please specify): Please recommend any friends who you think would like to know about our various events. Name: Address:


What types of events do you think they may be interested in? Is there anything else you would like to add? EVENT SPECIFIC DETAILS Which Global Challenge event are you registering for? Passport Details

Note: It is essential that you have a passport which is valid for 6 months from date of entry into the country

Full Name (as on passport):

Place of Birth:

Place of Issue:


Passport Number: Marital Status:

■ Single

Date of Expiry: ■ Married

■ Divorced

Next of Kin Name:




Tel (daytime):

Tel (evening):

House Keeping What T-Shirt size are you?

■ S

■ M

Are you happy for your contact details to be sent to other people taking part in your event? Do you have any specific dietary requirements for the trek?

■ Vegan

■ L

■ XL

■ Yes

■ No

■ Vegetarian

■ Other (please specify) Is there anyone from the event that you specifically wish to share a room/tent with?

■ Yes

■ No

■ Yes

■ No

If yes, please specify: If it is available, do you wish to pay a single supplement to have your own room/tent?

■ Celiac

Sense International Global Challenge Registration Form EVENT PARTICIPANTS PLEDGE For trips of six days or less, a non refundable deposit of £150 is payable. For trips of 7 days or more, a non refundable deposit of £250 is payable. This money is used to secure your place on the trip and make the necessary reservations on your behalf. ■ I agree to paying a non-refundable registration fee of £150

■ I agree to paying a non refundable registration fee of £250

■ I agree to pay Sense International for the full cost of my place on the event (as specified in the event information pack, available upon request) and 80% of sponsorship funds 8 weeks prior to departure and the remaining sponsorship funds within 2 weeks of returning from the event. ■ I have read and understood the terms and conditions included and agree to be bound by their terms: Signed: Print Name:


PAYMENT DETAILS Please select your preferred payment option below: ■ I enclose a cheque for my registration fee of £150 made payable to Sense International ■ I enclose a cheque for my registration fee of £250 made payable to Sense International ■ I would like to pay my £150 registration fee by credit/ debit card below ■ I would like to pay my £250 registration fee by credit/ debit card below Card Type: ■ Visa

■ Access

■ MasterCard

■ Barclaycard

■ Switch*

Card Number: (* for Switch payments, please use the long number in the centre of your card) Last three digits of your security number (on back of card by signature) Expiry Date:

Issue Number (*Switch only)

Signature: Please return to the address below your: ✔ completed registration form ✔ non-refundable registration fee ✔ two passport-sized photographs

Sense International, 32-36 Loman St, London, SE1 0EH Upon receipt of the above, we will contact you about your chosen event, provide you with a comprehensive fundraiser pack and then be on hand to offer advice and support to make your fundraising experience as easy and as fun as possible! For any queries in the meantime, please contact us at 020 7922 7910 or email DATA PROTECTION Sense International values your support and promises to respect your privacy. The data we gather and hold is managed in strict accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). We would like to keep you informed about similar events and the vital work we do, if you do not wish to receive this information please let us know by ticking this box. ■ We may, from time to time, share personal information supplied by you, with other like-minded organisations. This will never include however, financial information. If you do not wish us to share personal information supplied by you with other sympathetic organisations, please let us know by ticking this box. ■ We may wish to use any photographs taken at the event for publicity purposes. Please tick if you would prefer us not to use your picture.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: GENERAL All participants must read these before signing the registration form 1. These terms and conditions apply to you if Sense International (“we/us/our”) accepts your registration for an event. 2. We reserve the right not to accept your application for registration, in which case we will return your registration fee. 3. You will only be entitled to take part in the event if you: 3.1 complete and sign the appropriate registration form and return it to us with the correct non-refundable registration fee 3.2 will be over the minimum age of 18 years on the day of the event 3.3 agree to pay us the full cost price for the trip, as specified in the event information pack, by 8 weeks prior to the event departure date. 3.4 Agree to pay us 80% of the required sponsorship, as specified in the event enquiry pack, by 8 weeks prior to the event departure date. 3.5 The balance of the sponsorship target must be paid to us within two weeks of returning from your chosen event. The full balance remains payable even if you withdraw, if we have paid the tour costs to the operator/ organiser. 4. If you are unable to meet these sponsorship requirements you may forfeit your place on the event, or you may choose to make up the balance yourself. You must tell us if you are making up the balance with your own money. 5. If, for any reason, you choose not to take up your place or the event is cancelled, all sponsorship forms and money collected must be forwarded to us and will not be refunded. 6. All money raised must be paid to Sense International, registered charity no. 1076497. You must send all sponsorship money directly to Sense International, 32-36 Loman St, London, SE1 0EH. 7. In carrying out all fundraising you agree: 7.1 to obtain and pay to us all sums pledged through your efforts 7.2 to tell all sponsors that: a) the money raised benefits Sense International (a registered charity) b) the cost for your participation in the event may be paid by us out of the donations, depending on the arrangements for that particular event, as described in the event enquiry pack. c) donations will not be refundable, even if the event does not take place or you do not participate in or complete the event 7.3 to ask sponsors to send money to you and not directly to Sense International 7.4 to keep a record of all money sent to Sense International 7.5 to inform us of any public event that you are putting on 7.6 to keep the names of your sponsors (we may ask for these details) 7.7 to make it clear you are not an employee or agent of Sense International 7.8 not to reproduce Sense International’s logo but to contact us for official materials 7.9 not to collect in a private place (eg local shop, pub etc) without first getting the permission of the owner 7.10 not to collect in a public place without first obtaining a collector’s licence from the relevant local authority 7.11 not to raise funds by carrying out house to house collections 7.12 not to raise funds by conducting a lottery or a raffle 7.13 not to do anything to bring the name of Sense International into disrepute. 8. We may terminate the agreement between you and us by sending you written notice. You shall then immediately stop raising funds for Sense International and shall pay us any sums raised before termination. You must still keep sponsors’ details and provide then to us on request.

9. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between us and you relating to the event and supersedes all other representations, agreements, or arrangements whether written or oral, express or implied relating to the event. It may only be amended in writing and signed by you and us. If you are taking part in a Global Challenge event you will have a separate agreement with the tour operator to which the tour operator’s booking conditions and the conditions for carriage for air or airlines will apply.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: GLOBAL CHALLENGES 1. You will only be entitled to take part in the event if you: 1.1 hold a current passport with at least six months to run from the date of departure 1.2 provide us with a satisfactory reply to a medical questionnaire (under certain circumstances it may be necessary for this to be signed by a doctor) 1.3 take out travel insurance provided by the tour operator or provide us with a letter from your insurers confirming you travel insurance is suitable for the event 1.4 collect and pay over to us the cost price and 80% of the total sponsorship target by 8 weeks prior to departure 2. Sense International does not operate the event. It is operated by an third party tour operator whose ATOL number is available on request. Therefore, once your tour costs have been paid, the tour operator will be fully responsible to you, for provision of all travel accommodation and other tour services in accordance with the information set out in the event enquiry pack (available on request). Sense International is the only beneficiary of the event. 3. You take part in the event at your own risk. We are acting as your agent for making arrangements with the tour operator. The tour operator is responsible for ensuring the safety and proper running of the event. Therefore except in the case of personal injury or death arising from our own negligence, we do not accept any liability for any loss or damage, however arising, or from cancellation of the event for reasons outside our control. 4. Whilst we shall endeavour to ensure that the itinerary outlined in the event information pack is followed, we and the tour operator reserve the right to make alterations to arrangements where necessary. 5. We, and the tour operator, reserve the right to cancel the event at any time before the departure date. If the event is cancelled your registration fee will be refunded or transferred. The registration fee will not be refunded under any other circumstances. 6. The costs of participation in the event may not include airport taxes or border taxes and you may be required to pay these if you take part in the event. We will notify you of the amount of such costs as soon as they are known. 7. When we have paid the tour operator, the costs or your participation will be protected by the tour operator’s ATOL bond arranged with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The tour operator’s booking conditions are available on request at any time. 8. The conditions for carriage by air of all airlines used will apply in respect of all air travel. 9. In certain circumstances you may be entitled to compensation and/or refunds under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 11992 (as amended) or from the CAA. In agreeing to take part in this event you irrevocably assign to us the rights to this compensation and /or refunds. 10. If you make additional arrangements with the tour operator for services not arranged between us and the tour operator, you will pay the tour operator for the costs of those services. Your flights will be booked independently of the group and you will be responsible for confirming and re-confirming your onward flights and travel arrangements with the airlines and the tour operator. where necessary. 11. All transfers to and from the UK airport of departure are at your expense.

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