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Issue 24 november 2014

From biogas to bioresources – we've changed our name ADBA National Conference preview

Britain's booming biomethane sector

Focus on CHP

Action for Renewables campaign

In Any Colour You Require

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AD & Bioresources News | november 2014



Embrace the change

Inside this issue > Guest Foreword:




ADBA News:




Government & Agency News:


ADBA’s name change:


Focus on biomethane:


UK Biomethane and Gas Vehicle Conference 2014 Review:


ADBA National Conference 2014 Preview: 20-22 Technology focus: CHP:




Working and Operator Groups:


R&D Update:


ADBA R&D Forum 2015 Preview:


Advice Clinic - Finance:


Members’ News and Views: Upcoming Events: Membership Matters:

Jamil Ahad T +44 (0)203 176 4414 E Rachel Fenton T +44 (0)203 176 5418 E

38 39-42


hange in any circumstances can be both exciting and threatening. Changing our name to the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association, and the shift in mentality it represents, is no exception. But if change poses a threat, why do it?

Within ADBA, we have all recognised the wider benefits of AD; from the return of digestate nutrients and minerals to land, to the various uses of biogas. However, many of those outside our industry fail to appreciate the benefits of AD beyond biogas. Going forward, we want to foster better understanding and appreciation of the full benefits of digestion and bioresources in general. We hope the name change will help towards achieving this goal. The evolution of the ‘B’ in ADBA from ‘Biogas’ to ‘Bioresources’ does more than just reflect the current sector, however. It seeks to recognise and make us welcoming to all those emerging solutions that derive from AD or are associated with it. Entrepreneurs and developers coming forward with new systems and products will need support to understand the market, the legislation and the full range of technical and operational matters that are vitally important to taking a project or new industry to commercialisation. They will need help to succeed, and their success will not only add strength in depth to our association and our members but also bring those benefits to wider society, as we continue to increase the extraction of value from the bioresources available to us. This is not a marketing exercise or a change in onus – it’s a clear reflection that digestion and bioresources have always encompassed more than the energy recovered; and it’s recognition that in our fast developing industry, we as an association must quickly move and adapt as well. Finally, it’s a clear statement of intent to policy makers and regulators that there will be no forgotten element or corner of our industry; that there is more value in what we do than just energy; and that we welcome and embrace change, and will expect the same of them. See p10 for more details

Full 2015 features list released “I’m delighted to share with you our 2015 features list. Alongside our regular content, each issue will feature an in-depth article on a pressing industry topic, as well as our ever-popular Technology Focus. Due to increasing demand, we have extended our Members’ News and Views section to include a regular Member Opinion slot and our new Advice Clinics, so there are now more opportunities than ever to see your company featured in the magazine. Feb 2015 (issue 25) Feature: AD in the food and drink sector Plant Update – Send us details of any AD projects planned for 2015 Advice clinic: Legal Technology focus: Pumps Copy deadline: 21 Nov

Apr 2015 (issue 26) Feature: Doing AD well – the importance of best practice, training and safety in a fast-growing industry Advice clinic: Planning Technology focus: Tanks Copy deadline: 31 Jan

Credit: Chlamydomonas - Prof Francisco Torrela

Sponsorship and advertising:


Stuart Hayward-Higham, ADBA Board member and
Technical Development Director

As ever, editorial space is limited so don’t hestitate to get in touch. And remember to add me to your mailing list and send me all your latest company news, too. Finally, as AD & Bioresources News offers an unrivalled opportunity to deliver your company’s message to an AD-specific audience, contact Jamil and Rachel (details above) to find out about the fantastic advertising and sponsorship packages available. I look forward to working with you in 2015.” Kate O’Reilly, Editor T +44 (0)7894 039609 E June 2015 (issue 27) Feature: Making on-farm AD viable in the face of ever-decreasing incentives UK AD & Biogas 2015 – Show and exhibitor preview Advice clinic: Training Technology focus: Pre-treatment technology Copy deadline: 4 Apr For full list go to

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


ADBA News From Biogas to Bioresources – why ADBA has widened its remit By Charlotte Morton, ADBA’s Chief Executive


he potential benefits of anaerobic digestion (AD) to UK plc are substantial: we can supply 10% of domestic gas demand; we can reduce total GHG emissions by more than 2%; we can return to land nutrients essential to food production; and we can create 35,000 jobs. AD has, therefore, always been about more than just biogas. And widening our remit to incorporate bioresources – at the same time changing our name to the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association – is the next natural step towards reaching our potential as an industry. The recent House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee report, ‘Waste or Resource? Stimulating a Bioeconomy’, focused on deploying new scientific and technological methods to reduce the 300m tonnes of UK carbon-containing waste produced each year, whilst simultaneously generating high value products. While most of these emergent technologies are still at the research or pilot stage, they will in time fit perfectly with AD, enabling us to continue to deliver renewable energy and a valuable biofertiliser, while bringing in added value from bioresources, such as bioplastics, algae and energy storage, to name a few. We now have a wider objective to include all products and technologies that transform organic materials into such high value biotechnology products, and we are particularly keen to hear from, and work in partnership with, members that have expertise in these emerging fields. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to discussing our strategic vision for the industry for 2015-2020 at our National Conference in December, which focuses on the potential changes to the political landscape and their impact on your business. There is no doubt that the upcoming general election offers a crucial opportunity for the industry to lobby for the necessary policies to allow the sector to realise its full potential, through: targeted incentives; a ban on food waste to landfill; the proper facilitation of separate waste collections; and bioenergy sustainability criteria that recognise all the benefits of AD. But we also need to get the message out about what we are already achieving, and what we could go on to achieve with the right support – an industry at the cornerstone of the circular economy, reducing waste and supporting sustainable farming, food production and energy generation. Just as importantly, however, we must continue to innovate and incorporate new technologies and products – or risk weakening our industry. Our wider remit and new name will ensure that the UK’s AD industry will be appropriately supported through this period of change, and will help us deliver the sustained growth we all know we are capable of achieving.

Crop Best Practice guidance now available to download Following considerable collaborative efforts between the AD and farming industries, in consultation with government and other key stakeholders, we are pleased to announced that our Crop Best Practice document is now available to download for free on our website. Produced by ADBA with the support of the NFU, CLA, REA and NNFCC, the document – entitled ‘Voluntary Guidelines on Best Practice for Crop Feedstocks in Anaerobic Digestion (AD)’ – brings together existing regulations and standards regarding the use of crop feedstocks in AD, and has received the backing of Defra Minister, Dan Rogerson MP, who stated: “I very much welcome the Code of Practice on the use of crops in AD. The Government wants to see a greater use of waste in AD but where these systems use crops, the code provides a good start in order to highlight best growing practice and takes on board environmental concerns.” With different farming practices and crop selection affecting soil quality and structure, nutrient retention, leaching, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity, among other things, these guidelines aim to show not only how good practice can be used to bring positive environmental outcomes and mitigate against risks, but also demonstrate the wider benefits of crop-based AD to sustainable farming, in particular by integrating crops for AD into the whole farm system. To download the document go to:

For more details on our name change, go to p10 For an overview of our National Conference and the full programme go to p20


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

ADBA News Joint campaign places renewables at heart of political agenda

With the general election less than nine months away, there has never been a more crucial time to engage with policymakers regarding the changes needed to support our industry. We have therefore come together with other renewables associations – including the British Hydropower Association, the British Photovoltaic Association, the Renewable Energy Association, RenewableUK, Scottish Renewables and the Solar Trade Association – to create the ‘Action for Renewables’ campaign, which poses six key tests for the political parties ahead of next May’s general election: 1. Support the Climate Change Act to keep us on course to meet our carbon commitments and back global efforts to tackle climate change. 2. Set a new renewables target for 2030 of 30 per cent of UK energy. 3. Back the Independent Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation to set a binding target for low carbon electricity by 2030. 4. Fund the Renewable Heat Incentive for new applications after 2016. 5. Boost the UK’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation to reach the 10 per cent renewable energy target for transport by 2020. 6. Reform the EU Emissions Trading Scheme to ensure the market takes account of all sectors’ polluting cost of carbon emissions.

Renewable energy costs each household just 71p per week but provides energy and food security in an uncertain world, where we might otherwise be dependent on volatile parts of the world. In addition, it creates tens of thousands of the skilled jobs that are needed to ensure Great Britain’s continued competitiveness in the global market. The potential for renewable technologies over the next parliament is huge, but it is important to see them continue to grow. To add your voice to the campaign, go to:

Calling all farmers – what can AD do for you? In partnership with FM BioEnergy and KWS, we are running a series of events outlining the benefits of AD for the farming community. Our short and informal farmer-only meetings will be followed by a free lunch with the opportunity to chat to experts from our Farmers’ Consultancy Service, Compass Renewables (our finance arm), and members of the ADBA team, as well as the chance to visit an operational AD plant. These introductory meetings will provide an invaluable opportunity for farmers to discover how to diversify their revenue streams and reduce their input costs by generating renewable energy and biofertiliser from farm wastes and break and cover crops. Attendees will also learn about the financial incentives available, such as the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), both paid directly to the energy producer, protected for twenty years and linked to inflation. We would like to encourage farmers to join their local regional event, held throughout November – see p38 for more details or contact: T +44 (0)203 176 7767 E

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News



M&S joins biomethane certification scheme Green Gas Trading Ltd (GGT) recently announced that the majority of Biomethane Certificates (BMCs) from the green gas produced at Future Biogas’ £8m biomethane plant in Doncaster has been purchased by Marks and Spencer plc.

Future Biogas’ Doncaster plant

Representing the green (or ‘bio’) element of the biomethane produced at the plant, rather than the physical gas itself, the certificates allow M&S to demonstrate that it has decarbonised its gas supply without affecting any existing contractual arrangements in place across its UK stores. Commenting on the announcement, Gio Patellaro, Head of Energy Supply at M&S, said: “M&S is committed to maintaining its carbon neutrality by investing in renewable energy and so we are delighted that we have become a member of Green Gas Trading Ltd, having signed an agreement to become a long-term buyer of Biomethane Certificates from Future Biogas’ Doncaster gas to grid plant. After careful consideration of the market, we were particularly attracted by the lifecycle 6

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

carbon analysis which is embedded in the Biomethane Certification Scheme’s methodology, which will allow M&S to decarbonise our gas supply whilst simultaneously supporting the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry.” M&S’ decision to join Future Biogas, Tamar Energy and other AD operators in becoming a shareholder in GGT follows significant due diligence to test the robustness of the systems and processes behind GGT’s Biomethane Certification Scheme. GGT, which was established with ADBA’s backing, will ensure that the benefit of the ‘green’ element of biomethane is retained by the producers, not the shippers or suppliers, thus maximising its value, which will be vital for AD developers as tariffs degress.


News from the regions Wales meets tough landfill reduction targets John Griffiths, Minister for Natural Resources, Culture and Sport, has congratulated Welsh councils for meeting demanding targets to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill. Welsh councils sent 23% less biodegradable waste to landfill than the targets allowed and have reduced the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill by 59% since the Landfill Allowance Scheme began in 2005/2006. “I am pleased to see that we are continuing to meet our targets to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste we send to landfill,” praised John Griffiths. “It demonstrates that we are continuing to progress even as the targets become more challenging.”

Scottish and UK governments urged to work together on renewables Following the result of the Scottish Independence Referendum, Scottish Renewables has called on both the Scottish and UK governments to work together to further accelerate the development of renewables in Scotland. Niall Stuart, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, said: “The current balance of powers between Westminster and Holyrood has served the renewables industry incredibly well to date, with the sector now generating almost half of Scotland’s electricity demand, employing more than 11,500 people, and displacing millions of tonnes of carbon emissions each year. But harder challenges lie ahead as we seek to reach the country’s target of generating the equivalent of all the power we consume by 2020. That is why Scottish Renewables is calling for a new joint Scottish and UK Government energy policy that balances the interests of Scotland within a single GB energy market; a more open and accountable energy regulator; our islands connected up to the grid; and coordinated investment by the UK and Scottish governments to support our flourishing marine energy sector.”

AD in Scotland ‘set to double’ thanks to increased food waste collections New research by Scottish Renewables shows the AD industry looks set to more than double in size in the next two years. Sixteen plants already operate in Scotland and a further 24 have planning approval, fuelled by the rise in local authority food waste collections and the mandatory separation of food waste for businesses, which came into effect on 1 January 2014. Participating Scottish local authorities currently pick up 8,000 tpa of household food waste, but that figure could rise to 72,000 tpa if all 32 councils were to roll out weekly food waste collection schemes.

First food waste recycling plant in Wales awarded PAS 110 status Biogen’s GwyriAD food waste AD plant near Caernarfon has become the first in Wales to achieve PAS 110 status for its biofertiliser. The 11,500 tonne facility at Llwyn Isaf is the third Biogen plant to achieve the industry certification; of the 50 food waste AD plants currently operating in the UK, only 18 have so far achieved PAS 110. “We are delighted that GwryiAD has become our third AD plant to achieve PAS 110,” enthuses Julian O’Neill, Chief Executive of Biogen. “The fact that the biofertiliser produced by our plants can now be defined as a product rather than a waste can only help boost confidence in our AD process with our partners in the farming community.”

Biogen’s GwyriAD food waste recycling plant near Caernarfon

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Government & Agency News Combined agency to safeguard animal and plant health A new agency combining the functions of the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) and the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) has been formed. The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) aims to better equip the government in its prevention and response to emergencies involving animal and plant diseases. “Bringing together animal and plant health inspection functions in the Animal and Plant Health Agency makes very good sense,” states Environment Minister, Lord de Mauley.

Residents incentivised to recycle

AD competes in low carbon tech auctions for government contracts As part of DECC’s CfD (Contracts for Difference) budget, AD is to share up to £235m of available funding, which the government says demonstrates its commitment to helping ‘less established technologies’ become more competitive. Designed to drive investment in clean, secure electricity supplies, the CfD scheme requires low carbon electricity projects to compete at auction for 15-year contracts. Funding is split between projects commissioning from 2016/17 and 2017/18, at £155m and £80m respectively. CfDs are only available to projects larger than 5 MW. “Average annual investment in renewables has doubled since 2010 – with a record breaking £8bn worth in 2013,” reports Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Ed Davey (pictured). “By making projects compete for support, we’re making sure that consumers get the best possible deal, as well as a secure and clean power sector.”

EA helps AD operators achieve their 5-a-day

Successful bids for part of a £5m fund to help councils that operate free weekly bin collections increase their recycling rates will be announced in January 2015. The scheme, administered by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), aims to incentivise households who recycle. This represents a latest attempt by Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles to persuade local authorities to retain or move back to weekly residual collections, following the Weekly Waste Collection Fund launched in 2011.

Getting it right at compost and biogas sites Useful information on how to set up a compost or biogas site, including explanations of UK and EU standards, has been published by Defra and the new Animal and Plant Health Agency. The guidance covers topics ranging from site approval and validation, to sample testing for bacteria and the transportation of animal by-products (ABPs). 8

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

UK biogas producers will no longer be required to obtain permits for using fruit and vegetable by-products in the AD process, according to a briefing note from the Environment Agency (EA). Differentiating between crop residues and wastes, the note elaborates further on crop residues as by-products, and their suitability as an AD feedstock. The new regulations should result in more crop residues being used for biogas production. For more information see p28 or go to:

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


ADBA’s name change

From biogas to bioresources – widening our remit


n 1 October 2014, ADBA changed its name from the Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association to the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association, in response to member feedback and the rapidly changing political and economic landscape. Central to this decision is the recognition that, as new technologies and products develop, there will be opportunities to innovate and incorporate them with anaerobic digestion to improve profitability and sustain the industry’s growth. “AD has always been about more than the biogas – we all value the nutrients and minerals in the digestate, too,” explains Charlotte Morton, our Chief Executive. “Our name change therefore reflects the wider objective to fully represent all the current benefits of AD, as well as those emerging in the biochemistry and products arena. Thus, ADBA will now cover all products and technologies that transform organic waste materials into high value biotechnology products or biogas, power and digestate opportunities. As the trade association for the industry, we are setting the agenda to prepare the sector for an important and potentially changeable few years,” continues Charlotte. “Our wider remit and new name will ensure that our members will be appropriately supported and represented through this period of change.” Stuart Hayward-Higham, ADBA Board member and Technical Development Director for SITA UK, adds: “Anaerobic digestion was always about more than 10

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recovering energy and generating electricity. It was about making best use of biological materials, returning nutrients and minerals to the land, and delivering a circular solution. So changing the name to include all bioresources, from those we currently manage through to emerging technologies such as high value green chemicals, bioplastics, algae and other nutrient production, is both logical and timely.”

Complementary technologies will add value to your business

ADBA now represents companies and organisations working on novel technologies and processes that complement the anaerobic digestion process and products. These technologies represent a significant opportunity to our members as a way to increase the profitability of existing plants by improving efficiency or creating products that command a higher value in the current market. This will help to reduce the industry’s dependency on government support and ensure we keep ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies that could compete for existing feedstocks. “The technologies and processes that ADBA now represents under bioresources are all complementary to the existing AD process and its products,” assures Charlotte Morton. “We want to support the AD industry to take advantage of the huge potential of these novel emerging technologies, so that our members can continue to support the UK to make the best use of its available resources.”

ADBA’s name change What are bioresources? Some examples of the technologies and processes that will now be included in our remit under the umbrella term ‘bioresources’ are: • Bioplastics – Volatile fatty acids produced during the AD process can be used to make bioplastics. These can be used in packaging, reducing dependence on oil-based plastics and potentially closing the loop. • Algae – Algae links with AD in several possible ways as pre- or post-treatment, with heat or electricity from the AD plant running this additional process. • Energy storage – Storing both heat and electricity is really important and a key challenge for renewable technologies. • Heating – Using electricity to heat homes is incredibly inefficient. Finding ways to use the heat generated by existing AD plants to heat homes and commercial buildings reduces energy consumption and increases the efficiency – and therefore return on investment – of an AD plant.

• Electricity – Generating electricity is still a fairly inefficient process. Improving the efficiency of this conversion rate would clearly increase the amount of electricity our industry could generate from existing feedstock volumes. • Gases – At the moment, biogas from AD is used directly in a CHP engine, cleaned up and injected into the gas grid, or cleaned up and used as a vehicle fuel. However, we could use biogas as a source of other gases, such as hydrogen or carbon dioxide, which could potentially have higher market values than biogas and biomethane in the future. • Chemicals – During the AD process long chain volatile fatty acids are made. Instead of breaking down these molecules to make methane, which we burn for energy, we could use them as building blocks to make other chemicals. We are very keen to hear from anyone with ideas or expertise that could help us shape our offering under the wider ‘bioresources’ remit. Please contact

How will the name change affect our members? All the services, events and support you currently enjoy from ADBA will continue unchanged. Please turn to p40 to learn more about how our name change will affect you.

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Focus on biomethane

Britain’s biomethane sector hits its stride


espite the fact that upgrading to biomethane is one of the most efficient and flexible forms of renewable energy, as of 12 months ago only one commercial biomethane plant was operating in the UK, at Poundbury in Dorset. But 2014 has been a game changer. All the Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) now have commercial biomethane plants on their networks and over the next 12 months, at least 20 new biomethane projects are set to be completed. Has Britain’s biomethane sector finally hit its stride?

Severn Trent Water's Minworth plant is one of a number of biomethane facilities to come on stream in the last 12 months

Gas, the fuel of choice

On an average winter’s day gas is four times more in demand than electricity in the UK. Yet by 2019, we are expected to import 69% of our gas supply, largely from volatile parts of the world such as Russia and the Middle East, exposing us to potential gas supply shortages and price volatility. As a home-made, sustainable source of gas, biomethane therefore has much to offer. “Biomethane has all the benefits of natural gas without the key disadvantages of warming the planet and having to be imported from volatile parts of the world,” explains Chris Huhne, former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and now a Strategic Advisor for ADBA. “It’s also flexible and dispatchable, which means it can heat a home even on a dark winter evening when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. And because it’s made by the anaerobic digestion of waste streams like farm slurry and thrown away food, it cuts the need to dump waste in landfill sites, reduces the risk of polluting table and river water, and provides a high quality soil nutrient.”

Saving cash and carbon

Biomethane also decarbonises areas that other renewables cannot reach, such as the heavily polluting transport sector. Public Health England has calculated that pollution shortens the average Briton’s life expectancy by six months, while in some parts of London, as many as one in 12 deaths can be partly attributed to the effects of particle air pollution. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, would therefore be well advised to turn his attention away from electric cars and towards London’s biggest polluters; HGVs, vans and buses, which contribute around 40% of the UK’s vehicle emissions. Running these vehicles on biomethane instead of diesel would yield considerable benefits, including: an 80-90% reduction in nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions; a 95% reduction in particulate emissions, the air pollutant that most commonly affects people’s health; and a 20-30% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.

Gasrec supplies both liquefied biomethane and LNG (liquefied natural gas) in blends tailored to meet carbon reduction targets to clients including John Lewis, Tesco, B&Q and Sainsbury’s, and the company is working closely with its retail and distribution customers to expand its network of gas filling stations at strategic locations across the UK. For many fleet operators, the advantages of running vehicles on green gas are now clear: “Sainsbury’s has a set of core values, one of which is respect for our environment,” says Mark Fletcher, Sainsbury’s Sustainability Manager for Logistics. “Currently, 10% of our fleet is comprised of dual fuel models, a total of 109 vehicles, but we want to expand this to 250. Not only is it good for the planet, it will be to our commercial advantage, too, saving cash as well as carbon.”

Of particular interest to the UK’s fleet operators, however, are biomethane’s other advantages. Research undertaken by Cenex found that biomethane vehicles reduced fuel costs by 12.8% compared to diesel alternatives, while the City of Bradford Council found that its biomethane fuelled minibus fleet made annual savings worth about £78,000 – approximately £916 per vehicle. And although a lack of refuelling infrastructure has historically been cited as a barrier to greater uptake, there is now real momentum in this area, too.

Family haulage firm Howard Tenens, another of Gasrec’s customers, operates 23 dual fuel HGVs and three bi-fuel panel vans. The move to gas was originally motivated by a desire to cut carbon emissions but it has also provided the company with a competitive advantage, says Catherine Crouch, Group Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Director: “Dual fuel vehicles operating on compressed natural gas (CNG) reduce CO2 emissions by up to 15% compared to an equivalent diesel vehicle and this increases to 60% when operating on biomethane. In 2012 we saved approximately 1,000 carbon tonnes of CO2 as a result of operating dual fuel vehicles, representing an 8% reduction in total fleet emissions. Our customers have also welcomed the introduction of dual fuel vehicles on contracts, as it has helped to reduce the carbon footprint of their supply chain.”

One in 12 deaths in London can be attributed to air pollution


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Focus on biomethane

Sainsbury's truck at Gasrec's open access refuelling station at the Daventry International Railfreight Terminal

Tony Griffiths of Gas Alliance Group at ADBA’s UK Biomethane and Gas Vehicle Conference 2014

Reducing risks

Local authorities (LAs) also have much to gain from making the switch from diesel to gas. With the UK in breach of EU laws on air pollution, reducing transport emissions is high on the agenda of many councils – not least because the resulting fines are set to be passed on to individual LAs. But with councils’ budgets being squeezed ever tighter, convincing those holding the purse strings to invest in gas vehicles and the necessary refuelling infrastructure – despite the long term cost savings to be made – can be a tough sell. As Gary Blenkinsop, Communities Manager for Wakefield Council, which is currently investigating plans for its own gas refuelling station, says: “No-one has ever been sacked for buying diesel!” Fortunately, there is a solution. “We see a huge opportunity for biomethane in the UK and are keen to speak to biomethane producers about buying their fuel,” announced Tony Griffiths, Director of biomethane supply company Gas Alliance Group, at our recent UK Biomethane and Gas Vehicle Conference (see p18). “Lack of refuelling infrastructure is the default excuse for not getting on board, but if a fleet operator or local authority wants a facility for dedicated gas engines, we will build it – capital free. That’s how confident we are of the Marks and Spencer has bought biomethane certificates from gas produced at Future Biogas’ Doncaster plant

market. Biomethane simply can’t be faulted on cost. We’ve achieved operational pence-per-mile savings for our clients of between 26-38%; we fix the price for two years and thereafter it will only increase with RPI for the rest of the contract. This provides fleet operators with a great opportunity to know their operational costs as much as 10 years in advance.” And with the pump price of diesel rising by 43% between June 2007 and June 2013, any fuel provider promising price certainty can expect to be in great demand. Just like fleet operators, biomethane producers also need price certainty, to help provide a stable income and start delivering a return on their investment. Green Gas Trading’s Biomethane Certification Scheme allows producers to monetise the ‘green’ element of their gas, generating an additional income, while also enabling purchasers to demonstrate that they have decarbonised their gas supply without affecting any existing contractual arrangements. Marks and Spencer has recently become a long-term buyer of certificates from the green gas produced at Future Biogas’s new £8m biomethane plant in Doncaster. Gio Patellaro, Head of Energy Supply at M&S, explains: “After careful consideration of the market, we were particularly attracted by the lifecycle carbon analysis embedded in the Biomethane Certification Scheme’s methodology, which will allow M&S to decarbonise our gas supply while simultaneously supporting the AD industry.”

Varied projects, varied technology

And M&S isn’t the only household name reaping the benefits of biomethane. Water companies have long been active in the AD market but Severn Trent Water is now converting sewage into biomethane, saving around £1.7m on the company’s gas bill for the benefit of its customers. Using Malmberg’s water wash upgrading technology, the £8m gas to grid plant will produce 750m3/hr of biomethane. “It’s fantastic to see Malmberg machines in the UK providing a sustainable and highly efficient renewable energy source, helping companies like Severn Trent achieve their environmental and sustainability objectives,” states Jon Harris, Malmberg’s UK Manager. Continued>>

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Technology focus: Digestate


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Focus on biomethane RHI – make or break?

Malmberg upgrading technology is being used at Severn Trent Water’s Minworth plant

However, as many attribute the upsurge in biomethane projects over the past 12 months to the favourable RHI support, will the fact that this is now under threat see the sector stall just as it finally starts to take off? “There is inherent uncertainty in the RHI at present, due to a combination of the current tariff review, the budget setting process from 2016-2020 (which means we don’t yet know how much support will be available over that timeframe) and the prospect of tariff degression,” outlines Matt Hindle, ADBA’s Policy Manager. “If the government wants to avoid hiatus, it will need to give the industry more certainty on the first two points in particular.”

All kinds of AD facilities are suitable for upgrading technology. At an agricultural site in Andover, DMT Environmental Technology has built a new standard version of the Carborex® MS biogas upgrading system. Employing membrane separation technology, the plant is designed to process 2,000m3/hr of raw biogas. “After the successful launch of the biogas upgrading system at Poundbury, developments in the process and better understanding of UK regulations have seen us further improve on the high availability of the system, enabling us to reduce running costs,” reveals Stuart Bennett, Director of Heat and Power Services, UK distributor for DMT. “The Carborex® MS technology reduces oxygen in the gas by 50%, and the process allows for higher pure oxygen injection, reducing H2S levels and resulting in lower operational costs for the customer. In addition, the stability of the process means accurate propane control, lowering the amount of propane required to achieve Gas Safety (Management) Regulation-quality biomethane,” adds Stuart.

While the RHI remains critical to project viability, it hasn’t been the only factor to help to invigorate the sector. “A combination of technical improvements and regulatory changes have helped to attract investors, who are understandably risk-averse,” believes William Mezzullo of Future Biogas. “Also, the requirements for gas injection in the UK were amongst the most stringent in Europe, which is why we saw biomethane injection in Europe earlier than in the UK. I believe that the market will continue to develop but obviously, we need stability and security from DECC over the RHI.”

The next steps

We have worked hard to find solutions to the various issues around injection into the gas grid and ensure that actions to address biomethane supply were included in the DfT’s HGV Gas Strategy, and we will continue to focus on removing new and existing barriers to growth. The work of the Biomethane Campaign Working Group, which we established with Energy Networks Association (ENA) and which involves the gas grid’s other key stakeholders, has been instrumental, helping to improve regulation for producers by working on an exemption to the oxygen limit in the GS(M)R, a Biomethane Quality Protocol, and a clearer approach from Ofgem on third party ownership of Calorific Value (CV) measurement equipment. Continued>>

Meanwhile, Chesterfield BioGas (CBG) has supplied and installed a Greenlane Totara water wash upgrader at ReFood’s food waste processing plant in Widnes. The 1,800m3/hr upgrading and desulphurisation system became operational in August. “While removal of CO2 is the main function in biogas upgrading, what is special about this installation is its treatment of two groups Chesterfield BioGas has overcome challenges to make the most of biogas from food waste for ReFood of components which are more prevalent in food waste than any other AD feedstock – siloxanes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs),” explains CBG’s John Bass. “Siloxanes can form corrosive silica crystals, which clog appliances when burnt, while VOCs will affect conventional gas odour if not removed, so we developed a package of systems to ensure the gas is compliant. For treatment and removal of siloxanes, we produced a high-rate variant of the activated carbon method – while not new, its application to clean up biogas from food waste is the first of its kind in the UK. Food waste can be unavoidably variable,” concludes John. “The success of the CBG approach to the ReFood project confirms that such challenges can be overcome in making the most of biogas from food waste.”

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Focus on biomethane Chesterfield BioGas has installed a Totara water wash upgrading unit at ReFood’s Widnes site

Get involved To find out more about Green Gas Trading and the Biomethane Certification Scheme contact For more information on Gas Alliance Group contact For a comprehensive overview of all the gas refuelling sites in the UK go to At the time of writing, draft biomethane sustainability criteria regulations had not yet been published but were expected shortly. Please see our website for the latest update:

With feedstock supply remaining an issue, we will continue to pressure government for a ban on sending organic waste to landfill and for separate, source-segregated food waste collections, and will keep highlighting the value of waste food as a resource – after all, we cannot expect to produce increasing volumes of biomethane without a secure supply of feedstock. Overall, however, it is an undoubtedly positive picture. “The way things are moving is really encouraging,” says ENA Chief Executive David Smith. “The GDNs are very pleased with the number of enquiries they’ve received (between


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

500-600 in the past three years), with many of these already at the detailed design stage. The big leap from the first three UK plants (Didcot, Adnams and Poundbury), up to nine now injecting into the grid, shows that even with uncertainty over the RHI and impending bioenergy sustainability criteria, developers and investors are still seeing the potential biomethane has to offer.”

Government & Agency News november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News 17

UK Biomethane & Gas Vehicle Conference 2014 Review

Driving the green agenda

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“A great way to catch up with biomethane users and producers and keep up to date with changes to the industry.” Amanda Gascoyne, Ancillary Components Ltd

“A useful fact-finding mission to gauge current opinion and find out about the state of the market.” Charlotte Stamper, GENeco


rganised by ADBA in partnership with Low Emission Strategies, and hosted by Northampton Borough Council, the second UK Biomethane and Gas Vehicle Conference saw leading industry figures urge government to provide the necessary policy framework to further the use of biomethane in transport. The conference began with a rousing speech from our Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton. Explaining that biomethane delivers all the carbon and air quality benefits of gas but with the added bonus of being a renewable fuel which is cost equivalent to diesel, Charlotte stated that getting more food waste into AD is essential to producing more biomethane. “Whilst this has been by far the AD industry’s best year yet, the outlook for the supply of biomethane is bleak without strong government incentives to build the necessary infrastructure,” declared Charlotte. “Party manifestos need to address this concern and not just through targeted incentives which support biomethane production, but also through a ban on food waste to landfill, the proper facilitation of separate waste collections and bioenergy sustainability criteria that recognise all the benefits of AD.” The first of four inspirational panel discussions focused on the practicalities of converting a commercial fleet to gas and biomethane. Mark Fletcher, Sustainability Manager – Logistics for Sainsbury’s, outlined his company’s plans to become the UK’s greenest grocer and revealed that dual fuel vehicles now make up 10% of the firm’s fleet (109 vehicles). “We want to expand this to 250,” said Mark. “Improvements in the gas refuelling infrastructure and technological advances will help us do that, but there is also a real need to secure more biomethane supplies.” The second panel session saw Andrew Whittles, Managing Director of Low Emission Strategies,


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

quote evidence from Public Health England, which suggests that diesel fumes are responsible for the premature death of 1 in 20 of the UK population. In contrast, however, biomethane offers about an 80% reduction in the worst air pollutants. “The UK is in breach of EU pollution levels and is at risk of receiving huge fines as a result,” stated Andrew. “These are set to be passed onto individual local authorities, which has helped to focus minds on the problem of poor air quality.” The afternoon session began with a panel debate on the latest vehicle and infrastructure developments. “We currently have an enquiry line of over 600 biomethane projects wanting to connect to our pipeline,” revealed Stuart Easterbrook of the National Grid. “We think there will be enough biomethane coming on stream to support gas vehicle demand.” However, it was the belief of Nick Blake from Mercedes-Benz that despite these encouraging signs, the demand for gas vehicles in the UK is not yet strong enough to encourage manufacturers to increase vehicle availability. “There is still a very small number of gas refuelling stations across the UK,” stated Nick. “If one of the major forecourt players got into the natural gas retail market, it would really help to stimulate demand for gas vehicles.” The final session considered the key barriers still to tackle. “When it comes to commercial vehicles, biomethane provides the best environmental solution in terms of both carbon reduction and improved air quality,” declared Colin Matthews of JouleVert. “Biomethane is, in addition, the most cost effective solution to fleet operators of larger vehicles. But it is essential that we keep the RHI. The DfT has a golden opportunity to do what is right and free us from perverse incentives – we have to lobby them to become truly technologically neutral and create a level playing field which incentivises fuels according to their CO2 savings.”

UK AD & Biogas 2014 Awards Review

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


ADBA National Conference 2014 Preview

Providing a strategic vision of the industry Each December, we invite you to examine all facets of the AD industry; to review what has been achieved, tackle barriers to growth and look to the future. This year is no exception, as we consider what can be achieved over the next five years at the ADBA National Conference 2014. Taking place on 9 December 2014 at One Great George St, Westminster, and bringing together government representatives with industry experts and key players, this year’s agenda – entitled ‘AD 2015-2020: What can we achieve?’ – will pay particular attention to potential changes in the political landscape in light of the upcoming election, and the impact for your business. The AD industry is already producing enough electricity to power nearly 400,000 homes and making a significant contribution to food waste recycling, farming and the water sector. While industry growth continues to be encouraging, the new government will need to provide the right support to maintain momentum. Decisions on the Feed-in Tariff, Renewable Heat Incentive, Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, food waste collections and bioenergy sustainability criteria will have a critical impact on industry development. As the trade association for the industry, we have designed this conference to prepare you for an important and potentially changeable few years, and to ensure that our industry is appropriately supported.

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“ADBA’s National Conference is an opportune occasion to analyse and reflect on the industry’s performance over the last twelve months and to plan for the forthcoming year. With a wide range of approachable experts in attendance it is an excellent venue for networking and information gathering.” Sarah Farr, Group Marketing Executive, Edina


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Incorporating presentations, panel discussions, Q&A, networking and a table top exhibition, key topics at this year’s ADBA National Conference will include: the importance of on-farm AD to farmers and the UK, and the future of the Feed-in Tariff; how food waste policy will affect anaerobic digestion over the next five years; the future of biomethane and how this sector will be affected by the RHI budget for 2016-2020; how the digestate market will develop; whether digestate is a risk or a profit source; the importance of the whole AD industry operating at the highest possible level; the changing landscape of financing AD, and whether there are now new opportunities in markets which used to be difficult to finance. Whether you are an AD operator or developer, part of the supply chain, a farming business, a local authority, or a waste management company, the ADBA National Conference 2014 will give you the chance to learn, network and influence leading decision makers. Your input in our debates will make a real difference and help to shape the industry’s voice to government. Find out more at

“The new opportunities, the rapid increase in biogas plants in construction, and our success to date in this industry, means that this conference is a must for seepex. All the major players attend and the networking and information exchange is invaluable.” Lesley Eaton, seepex

ADBA National Conference 2014 Preview “A great venue for meeting with existing colleagues, discussing new project opportunities and promoting new technologies.”

“A useful update on the industry, developments and policy whilst giving a fantastic networking opportunity amongst existing and new contacts.”

Brian Scheffe, Nijhuis H2OK

Cath Anthony, Bidwells

Who’s speaking?

Join our confirmed exhibitors

• Chris Huhne, Strategic Advisor, ADBA and former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change • David Joffe, Head of Modelling, The CCC • Ian Burrow, Head of Agriculture and Renewable Energy for Commercial Banking at NatWest and RBS • Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive, ADBA • Julian O’Neill, Chief Executive Officer, Biogen • Charlotte Smith, Presenter, Farming Today, BBC Radio 4 • Matt Hindle, Policy Manager, ADBA • Iain Watt, Principal Sustainability Advisor, Forum for the Future

• AB Systems (UK) Ltd • ACP (Concrete) • Air Liquide Advanced Technologies • Alvan Blanch • Atritor • Balmoral Tanks • Edina (headline sponsor) • FGS Organics • Gas Data • HRS Heat Exchangers • NEW eco-tec Verfahrenstechnik • Perceptive Engineering Ltd • Serac UK • Vogelsang

Who should attend? • AD operators • AD developers • Equipment suppliers/manufacturers • Supporting service providers • Investors • Food and drink companies • Farmers • Local authorities

For information on the unique exhibition and sponsorship opportunities available at this industry-leading event contact our Sales Team today: Jamil Ahad T +44 (0) 203 176 4414 E Rachel Fenton T +44 (0) 203 176 5418 E

“It’s an annual ‘must do’ for us.”

“A fantastic networking opportunity.”

Kevin Clarke, Imtech

Nigel Fisher, Galliford Try

“The event attracted decision makers and buyers – we came away with three new prospect leads looking for industrial waste and recycling AD solutions.” Brian Moore, MeWa, on exhibiting at ADBA National Conference 2013

Register now • ADBA member: £295 • Non-member: £425 • Local authority: £99 (all ex VAT) For more information and to register your place today visit:

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


ADBA National Conference 2014 Preview ADBA National Conference 2014 Programme For the full programme go to AD 2015 - 2020: What can we achieve? Time Agenda Speakers 9.30 – 9.45

Keynote address

Charlotte Morton, ADBA

9.45 – 10.05

Keynote address

Dan Rogerson MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Defra (tbc)

10.05 – 10.10

Sponsor’s address

Edina UK

10.15 – 11.00

The importance of on-farm AD to farmers and the UK

Chair: Charlotte Smith, Farming Today, BBC Radio 4 Iain Watt, Forum for the Future Andy Hipwell, HSBC UK Nick Tapp, Craigmore Farming

Panel discussion 11.00 – 11.30


11.30 – 11.45

Keynote address

Chris Huhne, Strategic Advisor, ADBA

11.45 – 12.05

Keynote address

Shadow Labour Minister (tbc)

12.10 – 13.00

How will food waste policy affect AD in the next five years?

Chair: Robin Latchem, Editor, Materials Recycling World Magazine Dr Dominic Hogg, Eunomia Research & Consulting Julian O'Neill, Biogen Mohammed Saddiq, GENeco (tbc) Adam Baisley, Olleco

Panel discussion

13.00 – 14.00


14.00 – 15.30

What is the future of biomethane?

Chair: Edward Cattigan, Biogas Power Richard Court, National Grid Matt Hindle, ADBA Rob Wood, GasRec David Joffe, The CCC Mark Fletcher, Sainsbury’s Supermarkets

The digestate market

Chair: David Tompkins, WRAP Dr Nick Cheffins, Peakhill Associates Anna Becvar, Earthcare Technical Ltd

Breakout session 1

14.00 – 15.30 Breakout session 2 15.30 – 16.00


16.00 – 17.30

The importance of operational performance over the next five years

Chair: Alexander Maddan, Agrivert Kyrone Dodd, Tamar Energy Neil Hunter, Local Generation Ray Natrass, Shanks Charles Banks, University of Southampton Stephen Ivanec, Viridor

The changing landscape of financing AD

Chair: Bruce Nelson, Compass Renewables Ian Burrow, NatWest and RBS Richard Nuttall, Clydesdale & Yorkshire Bank Chris Holmes, Green Investment Bank Richard Barker, Biogen Alon Laniado, Eternity Capital Michael Hughes, Downing Corporate Finance Anne Laleman, Alpha Financials

Breakout session 3

16.00 – 17.30 Breakout session 4



Drinks reception

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

UK AD & Biogas 2014 Show Highlights

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


UK AD & Biogas 2014 Show Highlights


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Technology Focus: CHP

The importance of engine selection Harry Waters, Commercial Director for Agrivert, explains why AD developers should pay particular attention when choosing a CHP engine. “The correct selection of a CHP engine can be critical to the efficiency, and therefore profitability, of an AD facility, so it is not surprising that many operators agonise over the selection process. There is much to consider, not least the make of the engine – and there is plenty of choice in the market. The more expensive engines normally boast higher uptimes, with higher operational guarantees. Those choosing the more expensive engine are usually confident that their AD plants will consistently generate high volumes of gas and so can justify the higher cost. Secondly, maintenance support and response time is critical. Most engines can be monitored and restarted remotely; however, there are some instances where an engine will need to be manually restarted. If an engine goes down at midnight, operators cannot afford for it to be sitting idle for eight hours until a technician arrives the following morning, the plant flaring gas in the meantime. Understanding the location and structure of the support team is therefore essential. The number of engines is also an important consideration. Generally, larger engines provide better value for money in terms of efficiency and capital expenditure per MWh. However, two engines allow operators to phase maintenance and provide contingency, particularly important for AD plants that use waste heat from the engines for pasteurisation and digester heating.”

Agrivert's Trumps Farm facility

ADBA members at the forefront of CHP development

Finning Power Systems provides both natural gas and biogas CHP technologies. Sales Manager Nigel Thompson has some words of advice for AD operators looking to evaluate CHP for a specific site application: “Operators should first carry out a feasibility study and general site survey, before establishing site demands for power, heat, steam and cooling. CHP installations should normally be sized to meet the base load consumption and it is important that this is based on the demand profile

during a full production year, and that it includes an assessment of annual gas and electricity bills. This will enable a power-to-heat ratio to be calculated; for example, a site may require 500 kW of heat and 500 kW of electricity. In a conventional installation, the heat will be provided by a series of gas boilers and the electricity purchased directly from the grid. In contrast, a CHP installation may produce 400 kWe of heat and electricity respectively from one natural gas fuel source, enabling the operator to significantly reduce its utility costs,” adds Nigel. “In some instances, it can be more economic to deliver slightly more power than the base load requirement, with the option to sell any excess electricity generated back to the grid at a profit,” Nigel continues. “In other applications, it can be more profitable to size to the building’s lowest average heat demand. In conclusion, the CHP must be configured precisely to meet each site’s requirements. It is a long-term investment and there should be a trusting partnership in place between the operator and the supplier, who should be responsible for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the equipment for many years to come.”

Finning Power Systems advises operators to carefully evaluate their site’s requirements to ensure correct CHP selection

The MWM range, supplied by Edina, is another leading CHP brand. The company’s TCG2016 V12 engine is proving particularly popular, as its size and rating maximise Feed-in Tariff (FIT) returns. Continued>> november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Technology Focus: CHP and cost effective, with an uptime guarantee of 98% and a typical payback period of between two and fours years for AD sites,” says Marcel Borkent, European Strategy Manager. “And it’s easy to install – provided the total power production of your site is between 1.5 and 3 MW, just insert your CHP exhaust pipe into the ORC to generate up to 10% more energy, and use the heat from the ORC cooling system to dry your digestate or pre-heat your digesters. Already, 15 sites in the UK and Ireland are considering installing our ORCs, with the first units expected to be installed in December.”

series CHP system and biogas cleaning system, including biogas cooler and activated carbon filter. Wastewater is collected at the farm – which is home to is Uruguay’s largest producer and exporter of sheep wool – in four large tanks with volumes of between 15,000 and 25,000 m³, generating an average of between 2,500–3,500 m³ of methane a day. The electricity produced is used directly on-site, with any surplus fed to the grid, while the heat from exhaust gas is used to heat the wastewater tanks.

Meanwhile, a novel design from 2G Energy has created a containerised CHP that boasts almost half the noise level associated with the standard variety. Typically, 65 dB(A) at 10m is the norm, but with additional attenuation, 2G Energy was able to achieve 45 dB(A) at 10m. However, the company was then requested to create an innovative solution that would reduce the noise level even further. The answer was to design and manufacture a container made of concrete, using the material’s natural density and excellent attenuation properties. Cast in two parts, the lower consists of an engine room and separate control room, while the upper comprises a roof section with air inlet/outlet ducting and attenuation, thereby enabling the container to be delivered on conventional road transport. An example was commissioned in July 2014 to the complete satisfaction of 2G Energy’s customer, crucially meeting the stringent noise specification of 35 dB(A) at 10m.

Another way of maximising the potential from CHP engine exhaust gas is via an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). Triogen’s ORC technology works independently of the CHP to convert waste heat from the engine’s exhaust gases into heat and energy, without compromising the performance of the CHP. The heat and power can then be used on site, or the electricity sold to the grid. “Triogen’s ORC technology – a small power unit that operates on a fully CO2 neutral basis – is extremely efficient

2G Energy’s containerised CHP solution boasts a reduced noise level of just 35 dB(A) at 10m

The MWM TCG2016 V12 engine, supplied by Edina, is working well for tomato growers Guy and Wright

This model has been installed at numerous UK biogas plants, including the facility operated by Hertfordshire-based tomato growers, Guy and Wright. With an output of 500 kWe and 495 kWth, plus exhaust gas clean-up through a Codinox unit, the system enables enhanced photosynthesis through CO2 addition to the crop. However, rather than burning natural gas, the family developed its own AD plant, fed with spoilt tomatoes and other green waste. Not only does this facilitate biogas generation for on-site heat and power needs, it also enables surplus electricity to be exported to the grid, bringing in vital revenue to reinvest in the business. “Being able to design and manufacture around project specifics is crucial, with heat usage of considerable interest in addition to the returns from power generation,” comments Tony Fenton, Managing Director of Edina. At a farm on the other side of the world, meanwhile, Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke has successfully installed a complete Vita

Dreyer & Bosse has supplied a complete Vita series CHP system to Uruguay’s largest producer of sheep wool

Triogen’s ORC technology enables operators to increase the energy generated from their CHP by up to 10%


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Technology Focus: CHP As this innovation demonstrates, biogas CHP engines have undergone significant step changes over the last few years – not least in their efficiency and output – in a bid to increase reliability and revenue for operators. Factors including an increase in BMEP (Brake Mean Effective Pressure) to 22 bar; high pressure turbo chargers to improve performance and emissions; mechanical efficiency increases; catalyst compatibility for low ash gas

Chevron’s low ash gas engine lubricants have been designed to improve efficiency and extend oil drain periods

engine lubricants; and reduced oil consumption have placed additional stresses on engineering components within the engine and CHP system, making lubricants ever more vital. Paul Nadin-Salter, Power Generation Co-Ordinator – Europe at Chevron states: “Chevron Lubricants, under the Texaco brand in Europe, has over 60 years’ formulation and production experience in the gas engine market. To meet the challenges presented by modern biogas applications, our low ash (0.5%) gas engine lubricants with premium base oil technology Texaco HDAX 6500 LFG 40, have been designed to help improve efficiencies and extend oil drain periods.” Indeed, efficiency is an increasingly important subject for gas engine hardware manufacturers, including manufacturers of CHP systems, who are evolving their hardware to both increase the engine efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Changes to the design and material of the pistons, increased BMEP and combustion chamber geometries often lead to different stresses being placed on the oil in a CHP engine.

Exposing an oil to more severe conditions, such as higher temperatures, can reduce its lifespan and lead to increased running costs for the end user, and thereby a poorer return on their CHP investment. Infineum is currently working with gas engine manufacturers to understand the detail of the effect of these changes in the field; and with leading oil companies to deliver oils that perform strongly, even within the higher efficiency engines. See our Member Opinion piece from Infineum, on the engine oil approval process, on p37

Next issue: Look out for our Member Opinion piece from Clarke Energy on maximising the output of your CHP through effective maintenance. november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Policy HSE issues further COMAH guidance

For up to the minute information and advice on regulations, consultations and government news, contact our Policy Manager Matt Hindle T +44 (0)203 176 0591 E

Following concerns from ADBA members over the possible implications of the revision of Control Of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has provided the following guidance: “Digestate should not be classified as a substance under either Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals (REACH) or Classification, Labelling & Packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) regulation. The issue arises, however, from Note 5 to Annex 1 of the Directive which suggests that, if digestate has hazardous properties, it should be classified on that basis even if it is not considered to qualify as a substance. As it is the responsibility of the user to classify any materials, if the specific composition of the digestate differs from site to site then it falls to the industry to consider whether the digestate has hazardous properties that brings it into line with a Seveso III/COMAH 2015 category. The main concern appears to be whether it may be E1 Hazardous to the Aquatic Environment Acute 1 or Chronic 1. If it does, and the site holds over the qualifying quantity, then the Regulations would apply.” While this does not provide a definitive clarification, HSE is currently undertaking more work in this area, including interacting with European Member States and Defra. We will keep members updated on this issue via our website and regular emails.

EA briefing note released on permitting for crop residues In response to pressure from AD operators, the Environment Agency (EA) has clarified its approach to crop residues used in AD plants. As crop residues – that is, ‘production residues’ (eg fruit and vegetables lacking aesthetic appeal or leaves and roots which are not for consumption) – do not constitute an intended end product, they may or may not be considered wastes.

The following are examples of crop residues: • Misshapen, bruised or undersized fruit and vegetables separated out on the farm or in a packhouse as being unsuitable for sale as food for consumption. • Parts of fruit and vegetables such as leaves, roots and toppings that are removed during the processing for sale. This may be in a pack-house or at a farm. On the other hand, surplus or reject fruit and vegetables from supermarkets, and food leftovers or scraps from restaurants or households, are not crop residues but wastes, and therefore fall under the 02 01 03 (plant-tissue waste) or 02 03 04 (materials unsuitable for consumption or processing) categories in the List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005. Crop residues qualifying as by-products are not required to hold an environmental permit in the following circumstances: • where they are not mixed with wastes; • where they are certain to be used as an AD feedstock; • where they can be used directly as an AD feedstock with no additional processing apart from, for example, maceration (NB maceration is acceptable whilst depackaging or pasteurisation is not); • where their use in AD will not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health impacts (NB this needs to take into account any storage and processing prior to AD, the AD process itself, as well as the subsequent storage and use of the biogas and digestate produced; the crop residues will, for example, need to be disease-free and not contaminated with pathogens).


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Policy Biomethane Sustainability Criteria update With sustainability criteria due to become a requirement for receiving the RHI from April 2015, there has been serious debate about how crop-based biomethane will demonstrate greenhouse gas (GHG) savings. At the time of writing, draft regulations had not yet been published, but were expected shortly. We have made strong representations to DECC on the criteria, working jointly with biomethane developers and the REA. We are concerned that biomethane plants are effectively held to a much tighter GHG limit than electricity plants, which have a higher GHG target under the RO and no sustainability criteria to meet for FIT.

© Chesterfield BioGas

This is because RHI emissions savings are compared against the EU fossil heat average, which is much cleaner than the carbon footprint of European electricity. We have therefore resisted suggestions that limits could be made even tighter than a 60% saving at the point of injection to the grid. For the latest updates please go to

RHI biogas heat eligibility restricted

News from the party conferences

Ofgem has now indicated that in most scenarios new CHPs will not be eligible for RHI heat support if connected to a digester commissioned before 4 December 2013. This is in contradiction to a ‘clarifying note’ published by DECC in June.

Labour confirmed that green growth will form part of its six-point plan over the next ten years. Whilst offering no new policy measures, Labour reasserted its commitment to decarbonising the power sector by 2020, allowing the Green Investment Bank to borrow, and introducing a new national energy efficiency programme led by local authorities. After a previously singular focus on the energy price cap, the fact that Labour has clearly placed the green economy at the heart of its election strategy is a positive step.

In addition, where plants could be eligible when adding a new CHP to an existing system, we are also concerned about deductions in RHI payments for heat supplied to the digester. In practice, this means that some plants will not be able to claim RHI. DECC has recognised this issue and we are working with them to try and resolve it.

No change to FIT policy The government has reaffirmed its intention not to extend the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) pre-accreditation period. This comes despite our reasonable request to do so, in light of unexpected changes and the subsequent withdrawal of unfair conditions for independent grid connections by Ofgem, which had the effect of delaying projects by months. We have also questioned the suggestion that budgetary pressures would be increased as a result of any extension, as the costs of pre-accreditations have already been accounted for. A ‘grace period’ would seem to be a reasonable solution to the serious dilemma facing many projects.

While it was disappointing that the Conservative party conference was devoid of any meaningful references to renewable energy policy, it only highlights the fact that renewables are not at the heart of the party’s electoral strategy. Senior ministers recognised the need to deliver reform of the energy market through stable and steady policy, but there was no clarification as to what form such policy would take. However, there is no reason to believe at this stage that the party’s manifesto will not contain positive green initiatives. At a high level, the Liberal Democrats’ programme for 2015-2020 is reasonably clear: five new green bills; support for 2030 decarbonisation; and a ban on coal power stations by 2025. This is a package of policy initiatives that should give the renewables industry some confidence regarding another coalition government involving the Lib Dems. However, the party has made no commitments to tariff levels or even overall budgets, and without such clear signals investor uncertainty will continue to plague further progress for green industries. In summary, to help the AD industry achieve its full potential, we will continue to work closely with other leading renewable energy industry representatives to lobby party manifesto coordinators for a ban on food waste to landfill; the proper facilitation of separate waste collections; and bioenergy sustainability criteria that recognise all the benefits of AD. See ADBA News, p5, for details of the Action for Renewables Campaign

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Working and Operator Groups

Feedstock Group focuses on quality Feedstock Working Group chair, Jacqui MacCaig, joined our Policy Manager, Matt Hindle, at CIWM recently to discuss reducing contamination in AD feedstock. The meeting, which also involved ESA and REA, aimed to take forward work which the trade associations have been discussing with WRAP, and resulted in an agreement from the associations to come together to produce guidance on the sampling and inspection of food waste, building on existing protocols. We will also ensure that this is linked to wider best practice; for example, ensuring that proposals will be aligned to EA requirements for permit compliance, with the group coordinating input on this from members. The other key issue concerned communication with waste producers. We have agreed to generate some common messages around the types of waste and packaging that can and cannot be processed on sites. This will need to take account of a wide variety of different waste streams, as well as varied processing capabilities at different sites, but the general goal of increasing understanding on the importance of reducing contamination is clearly important. Further information will be circulated to the group, and to ADBA members more generally, as this develops.

Packed agenda for Food Waste Operators’ first meeting

The first meeting of our Food Waste Operators Group is set to take place this month (November). The group aims to coordinate our activity in support of food waste operators, by taking up issues with government and regulators and carrying out work of its own. It will provide a forum for open discussion between the growing number of operators treating food waste on the key issues affecting their business, and is only open to operators or their representatives. The first meeting’s packed agenda will see the group discuss its remit, health and safety, best practice, and market development. Attendees will also cover the future of digestate regulations, including possible changes to PAS 110 and the potential for European Fertiliser Regulations, which could replace the UK end of waste standard.


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Busy time ahead for Training, Safety and Environmental Management Group Chair of our Training, Safety and Environmental Management Working Group, Terry Brownhill, has asked group members to help refine detailed guidance on secondary containment into a manageable format for the industry to adopt. The EA is keen for the industry to take the lead on guidance, of which this could form a part. Although operative training remains a more difficult issue to resolve quickly, it is nevertheless critical in ensuring high standards of operation across the industry. An additional meeting will be arranged to discuss how we can put in place a system that will gain the support of the industry, can be accredited, provides the host AD training plant with a small income, yet can remain cost effective and attractive to new operators. In general terms, this is likely to include reception of feedstock, monitoring digester health, dealing with incidents and emergencies, working in confined spaces, and good record keeping.

Get involved Our working and operator groups cover the whole spectrum of the AD industry, shaping debate, raising standards and influencing policy. To find out more, or to attend a forthcoming meeting, go to the members’ area at or contact our Policy Manger Matt Hindle T +44 (0)203 176 0591 E

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


R&D Update

We want to hear your R&D plans


s I outlined in my last column, since taking on responsibility for R&D I’ve been working closely with the AD Network and others to put research higher up the AD industry’s agenda, and for ADBA’s R&D Strategy to work in coordination with the AD Network. We recently held a meeting with Innovate UK, a government agency that funds innovative

For information and advice on our R&D activities, contact our Market Analyst, Ollie More T +44 (0)203 567 0751 E technologies in the UK (previously the Technology Strategy Board), on the potential for AD to deliver benefits to the UK economy and environment. Innovate is keen to understand the potential for UK AD-focused companies to export our technologies and ideas, so if you have plans to export or are already doing so, please get in touch. We know there is a great story to tell on this front and the potential is even greater. In other news, the European Bio-Based Industries Consortium has been launched. This will provide R&D funding in support of the European Commission’s aim of increasing the proportion of products and chemicals produced from biological-based material (instead of from fossil-derived). The Commission’s vision is bold – to ‘replace at least 30% of oil-based chemicals and materials with bio-based and biodegradable ones by 2030’ – and €3bn is being put towards meeting this goal up to 2020 via a public-private partnership (ie private sector commitments are required in any funding proposal). The Consortium is especially interested in supporting a number of bio-refineries that produce a combination of high value products or chemicals alongside energy and other outputs, such as fertiliser. We are keen to understand the potential for AD to be a part of this and which models it can integrate best into, so would like to hear of any innovative AD projects which have a focus on producing multiple energy and material outputs.





AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

ADBA R&D Forum 2015 Preview Driving industry success through innovative R&D


e are delighted to announce that our next ADBA R&D Forum will take place on 14-15 April 2015 at the University of Southampton. We have been working closely with the AD Network to put together a programme that provides a combination of the latest academic research on areas such as optimising microbial functionality in order to improve the process, recovering high value chemicals, and algae for AD, alongside hearing about the results of the most recent demonstration trials on digestate usage. With cuts to the Feed-In Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive continuing, there has never been a greater need for the AD industry to understand how to optimise plant performance in order to stay competitive. This event will give attendees a clear view of some of the short and long-term measures to consider, as well as finding out how we can work together to ensure that research in AD gets the focus it deserves. For more details see p38 or go to november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Advice clinic – Finance

Advice Clinic: Finance

In this new regular column, our members provide responses to some common financial queries.


“I’ve recently entered into a finance agreement to fund an AD plant. How can I protect myself financially against any unforeseen incidents?”

“It is imperative to check out any insurance caveats surrounding the loan agreement. Once the plant is operational, you may be required to obtain various additional policies, such as Material Damage and Business Interruption, and you should always refer to your contract to ensure all stipulations are being complied with, and that you are fully covered. Pay particular attention to the following points: • How much are my repayments? This relates to the sum insured for the business interruption element of the policy, so you should ensure this covers the annual revenue and any potential feedstock payments or wage rolls that would still need to be made. • When do I start to repay? If this is the expected date of commission and generation of income, then you will want to consider delay in start-up cover to protect against future loss of revenue, should there be any material damage during the construction phase. • How long will it take for my plant to be rebuilt? This will determine the indemnity period you will require for the business interruption section; generally, 12 months is sufficient, but for larger, more complex systems, a longer time limit could be required.


“I have a 300 acre farm with planning and grid connection for a 500 kW AD plant, using a feedstock mix of grass silage or maize and some slurry. The project is expected to cost around £2.5m but my bank isn’t interested in funding it. What other funding options are available?”

“Knowing which organisations to approach and, more importantly, who to approach within that organisation, is central to a successful financial close. There are a number of possible options available to you, with different implications for your business: 1. With full security available, you could consider re-banking the farm; 2. To reduce bank exposure, you could fund the CHP through asset finance or rental through the CHP supplier; 3. If you can raise a deposit, then a specialist asset finance funder may be interested; 4. If no security or deposit is forthcoming, then you could consider a joint venture; 5. This project is too small to interest equity investors, unless a small private wealth fund could be found. Bank funding with security is clearly the cheapest option, and the cost of borrowing increases as the security diminishes. However, if you want to limit the security release, then I would recommend the second option.”

There will be an array of cover options and considerations to be made, so make sure to discuss your requirements with an insurance broker who has experience within this niche market.” Carl Gurney, Renewable Energy Development Executive, Jelf Insurance T +44 (0)7799 474419 E

Bruce Nelson, Director, Compass Renewables T +44 (0)1732 464495 E


“Should we be worried about potential difficulties in getting future ROC payments? What can we do to reassure our investors of receiving regular future payments?”

“Earning ROCs monthly, and at the right rate, is a key aspect of getting regular cashflow into any AD business. For our clients, it also provides confidence to senior management and investors that the business is being run effectively. Some operators of electricity generating stations using solid biomass, biogas or bioliquids have overlooked the Ofgem guidance on complying with the annual sustainability audit report requirements under the Renewables Obligation, effective from 1 April 2014. Getting this sorted now by appointing a qualified auditor and being able to demonstrate the integrity of data being reported will help you identify any discrepancy or gaps well before the deadline of 31 March 2015. This will also help ensure that Ofgem has more confidence in the ROCs reported and that regular payment is received each month, providing the business with vital cashflow. This reporting will help operators look at all scenarios which might interrupt their business’s receipt of regular monthly income, and take early preventative action.” Andrew Riley, Director of Assurance Services, Assure UK T +44 (0)203 540 3171 E

Next issue: Legal Send your legal questions to


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Members’ News & Views Foreign Secretary visits Agrivert facility Clarke Energy’s Alex Marshall (L) recently met with the Rwandan President at a summit in London

Clarke Energy taps into African biogas potential In 1986, 1,000 people died when a lake in Cameroon released a cloud of CO2. A much larger lake, situated along Rwanda’s border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, poses a similar threat, but there are now plans to make it safer – and generate valuable renewable energy. “Lake Kivu contains one of the world’s largest deposits of naturally-occurring biogas,” explains Alex Marshall of Clarke Energy. “I recently met with Rwandan President Paul Kagame to discuss the opportunities for UK biogas CHP expertise in maximising the potential of this resource. There are increasing opportunities for UK AD companies across Africa, including agricultural biogas, biogas from waste and sewage gas, as well as projects such as the Tropical Power project in Kenya. Here, flowers are grown in greenhouses and waste is digested to provide stable power via biogas CHP. The heat is also used to support a biological pest control business.”

Foreign Secretary, Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, recently made time in his busy schedule to visit Agrivert’s AD facility at Trumps Farm in Surrey. Situated in Mr Hammond’s parliamentary constituency of Runnymede and Weybridge, the plant was officially opened in June and has been operating at full capacity ever since. Treating 50,000 tpa of organic waste including municipal and commercial food waste, as well as a range of liquid wastes, the site recently gained PAS 110 certification for its digestate, meaning that all three of Agrivert’s AD plants are now certified. “Anaerobic digestion clearly has a part to play in meeting the UK’s renewable energy obligations whilst providing a cost effective recycling solution for organic wastes,” stated Mr Hammond. “This facility has been accepted by the local community as far less disruptive than the previously proposed incinerator.” Philip Hammond MP (far right) enjoys a tour of Agrivert’s Trumps Farm AD plant

Lipp Systems to provide £1.3m tanks for new Wakefield development Lipp Systems UK is to supply its innovative Spiral Seamed Tanking (SST) system for a major waste treatment and recycling facility. Currently under construction in Wakefield, the project is being led by Shanks Waste Management Council visualisation of the completed Shanks’ South Kirkby waste site Ltd and delivered by a joint venture including Ros Roca and Imtech Water, Waste and Energy. The AD plant will form part of the South Kirkby development, which is in turn part of a 25 year, £750m PFI contract awarded to Shanks Waste Management by Wakefield Council. When completed, the Wakefield AD plant is designed to handle 65,000 tonnes of input per year and produce enough biogas to power over 3,000 homes. Lipp Systems UK is providing six individual tanks for the project; three 19m diameter, 19m high digestion tanks each with a capacity of 4,300 tonnes, together with three smaller tanks. Nick Small, Business Sector Leader – Waste and Energy at Imtech, comments: “It is vital that we have absolute confidence in the integrity of the tanking system and Lipp Systems’ experience and track record is excellent.”

Birmingham food waste AD project targets small businesses Food waste from restaurants and food retailers in the Birmingham Sparkbrook area is being targeted for separate collection through a project led by the Organic Resource Agency (ORA), with the assistance of Midlands Environmental Business Company (MEBC) and Veolia. Birmingham City Council and East End Foods have also helped by allowing ORA to actively engage with relevant businesses. Currently, most commercial food waste in the area is collected with general waste and disposed of in a local incinerator. The objective is for separately collected food waste from participating businesses to be sent for renewable energy generation at a local AD plant, and ORA is working on innovative ways to make this option both practical and cost effective. Henry Jerwood from Smarter Working West Midlands, an EU project which is funding the initiative, commented: “This provides a great opportunity to evaluate the case for food waste to AD for small businesses. ORA and MEBC have pulled together a diverse and enthusiastic group of partners to get this off the ground. We look forward to being able to report on the business case and the potential CO2 savings that a wider coverage could provide.” For more information contact

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Members’ News & Views After two years of successful operation, Weltec has been assigned to extend the Eco-Dorset AD plant

Weltec Biopower to extend award-winning food waste plant Weltec Biopower has been granted the contract to extend the award-winning food waste Eco-Dorset AD plant at Piddlehinton in Dorset. Originally built and commissioned by Weltec in 2012, owners Eco Sustainable Solutions are expanding the facility by a further 1.1 MW. Upon completion in autumn 2014, the plant will process 37,000 tpa of food waste, and generate an electrical output of 1.6 MW. Electricity at the plant, as well as excess gas, is fed to an adjacent feed mill, with any surplus fed to the National Grid. The resulting digestate, which is in the process of gaining PAS 110 accreditation, is collected and used by local farmers. “We recognise that an AD plant is a 20 year partnership and that maintaining solid trust-based working relationships is crucial to our ongoing success,” states Sales Manager Kevin Monson.

Industry mourns death of ADAS soil scientist Brian Chambers

Professor Brian Chambers 36

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

It is with great sadness that we report that Professor Brian Chambers, head of the ADAS Soils and Nutrients Group, Group, died unexpectedly at the end of August. Brian led a huge amount of work on digestate, particularly as part of WRAP’s field trials, and contributed significantly to the industry, working for ADAS for nearly 29 years.

Brian was well known for developing guidance on the use of organic materials in agriculture, and for championing the sustainable use of the valuable nutrients they can supply. He was a key author of many guidance materials including: Defra’s Fertiliser Manual (RB209); the Managing Livestock Manures booklets; the Safe Sludge Matrix; and the PLANET and MANNER-NPK nutrient management tools. He also played a leading role in WRAP’s work on the recycling of compost and digestate to land, which has helped to underpin the end-of-waste position and to create market confidence in the materials. Brian will be sadly missed by his many friends and colleagues in the industry.

Members’ News & Views The importance of approvals voice OEM With many gas engine oils on the market, it can

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sometimes be difficult to understand the advantages of one over another. Ryan Welton, Senior Market Manager for Gas Engines at Infineum UK Ltd, is often asked whether Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) approvals have any relevance to the everyday use of gas engine oils. Here, Ryan outlines just what is involved in a typical OEM approval… “Lists of approved oils from OEMs are a way of communicating to engine owners which oils work well in the field in their equipment. Such is their importance that warranty periods are often contingent on engine owners using an oil that is on the list. Gaining approval is a long and rigorous process, typically involving the following: • Lab testing – A suite of tests which shows the characteristics of the oil; the OEM will then decide whether to let the field test progress. Approvals are limited to the exact oil tested, which cannot be changed without OEM consultation; • Engine selection – Engines should either be new or completely refurbished, and will typically be the most severe engine model in the range; • Number of engines – Two engines, in different locations; • Trial running time – Trials will require an engine to be running on the oil for 10,000 hours;

Movers and Shakers Biogen plant shortlisted for Wales Green Energy Award Biogen’s GwyriAD AD plant near Caernarfon has been shortlisted for the 2014 Wales Green Energy Awards in the category of Outstanding Renewable Energy Project. Gwyn Morris Jones, Head of Highways & Municipal Services at Gwynedd Council, says: “We are very proud that the GwyriAD project has been nominated for this prestigious award. It is the first facility of its kind delivered by a Welsh Council and underlines Gwynedd’s commitment to finding new green ways of dealing with the county’s food waste, as well as contributing towards the county’s recycling figures and reducing carbon emissions.” See Regions, p7

• Oil condition monitoring – A field test will have the oil analysed at least every 250 hours, as well as start and end of test samples (meaning at least 42 samples per engine); • Engine performance – To ensure that the engine is operating under normal conditions, all available engine performance data should be provided to the OEM; • Routine maintenance and inspections – Maintenance follows standard practice but inspections of the engine take place at the start and end of the test, supplemented by boroscope inspections during testing. End users should not dismiss the importance of OEM approvals. In general, two years’ work from the OEM, oil company and field engineers provides an assurance that this approved oil they buy will work well in their engine.” See Technology Focus: CHP, p25 Do you have an opinion to share with your fellow ADBA members? For a chance to air your views in a future issue, contact Editor Kate O’Reilly: T +44 (0)7894 039609 E

Third biomethane to grid contract for Chesterfield BioGas in Scotland Chesterfield BioGas (CBG) has been awarded a contract to supply its biogas upgrading technology for a biomethane to grid project in Scotland, its third such contract north of the border in 12 months. The facility, located at St Boswells, near Melrose in the Scottish borders, will use a Greenlane® Rimu water wash upgrader from CBG to inject over three million m3 of gas per annum into the grid. CBG’s contract is with Iona Capital, in collaboration with project partners Scotia Gas Networks (SGN) on behalf of site owners and project developers Charlesfield First LLP. CBG and Iona are already working together on a similar gas to grid project at Coupar Angus in Perthshire, and both plants will be managed by Biogas Power Ltd. In further news, Pressure Technologies, the holding company of CBG, has recently announced its purchase of the worldwide business of Greenlane Biogas. See p12 for our in-depth feature on Britain’s booming biomethane sector

Imtech Water, Waste and Energy appoints new Managing Director As part of important changes to Imtech Water, Waste and Energy’s management team, Duncan Atkins has been appointed interim Managing Director, taking over from Bruno Speed. In his previous role as Business Development Director, Duncan has already been a key member of the Board for some time and has spent over 25 years working within the construction industry across building, mechanical engineering and management contracting. “This is an exciting time for Imtech and I am looking forward to implementing our future strategy, which focuses on our core business areas and their development,” outlines Duncan.

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Upcoming Events

4 NOV 2014

ADBA Farmers’ AD Intro Meetings The George Hotel, Castle Cary (inc. visit to Wyke Farms)

6 NOV 2014

The Maid’s Head, Wicken, Cambridge (inc. visit to Barway Farms)

18 NOV 2014

Shrewsbury Town Football Club, Shrewsbury (inc. visit to Reaseheath College)

Our new series of farmer-only meetings provides an introduction to anaerobic digestion (AD) for farmers looking to diversify their income streams, advising them on the potential of AD for their business. Free to attend, each meeting will include presentations from ADBA’s finance arm (Compass Renewables) and two of our Farmers’ Consultancy Service consultants, as well as an optional AD plant visit.

19 NOV 2014

The Beehive, Carlisle, Cumbria (inc. visit to Linstock Castle)

Register now for free at

9 dec 2014

11-12 Feb 2015

14-15 apr 2015

ADBA National Conference 2014 One Great George Street, London

Energy Now Expo 2015 Telford International Centre

ADBA R&D Forum 2015 University of Southampton

In partnership with

1-2 jul 2015


In partnership with

UK AD & Biogas 2015 NEC, Birmingham

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Every year the ADBA National Conference invites you to consider all facets of the AD industry; to review what has been achieved, tackle barriers to growth and look to the future. This year’s agenda will pay particular attention to potential changes in the political landscape in light of the upcoming election. Bringing together government representatives with industry experts and key players, the event offers an unrivalled opportunity to influence, learn and network within the AD industry. Key topics include: on-farm AD for farmers; how food waste policy will affect feedstock availability; the future of biomethane; the digestate market; the importance of operational performance; and the changing landscape of financing AD. Speakers include: Charlotte Smith, Farming Today; Ian Burrow, RBS; David Joffe, The CCC; and Julian O'Neill, Biogen. Register today at

Held in association with the CLA and NFU, sponsored by NatWest and Lombard, and supported by ADBA, this event showcases the latest renewable opportunities available to the agricultural and rural sectors.

Bridging the gap between industry and academia, this event is the best way to learn how research can increase your competitive edge. With falling government funding, the AD sector has never been under more pressure to improve operational performance, manage environmental practice and find ways of maximising the energy and fertiliser outputs of the process, as well as looking to create newer, higher-value products. ADBA’s R&D Forum 2015 will bring together the AD industry, academia and the public sector to understand how R&D can help support those goals. Hear about the latest AD research, influence R&D spend, share knowledge with academia and get answers to your questions. A must-attend for anyone involved in engineering, operating, developing or designing AD plants. See p33 for more details Following 2014’s highly successful event, the UK's only dedicated anaerobic digestion and biogas trade show will return to the NEC in July 2015. Showcasing the latest AD technology and services from 250 exhibitors, UK AD & Biogas 2015 will also feature a free two-day conference, free seminar sessions, one-to-one advice clinics, the R&D Hub, a biomethane vehicle area and more. With 3,000 visitors from key sectors including farming, food and drink, local authorities, waste management, transport, utilities and more, UK AD & Biogas provides the only dedicated platform to network with the who’s who of the industry. Plus, 2015’s event will play host to our fourth UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards. Stand space is filling up fast, so book your stand today: E T +44 (0)203 176 4414

Membership Matters

Members gain direct access to industry regulators Around 40 ADBA members joined us at Walker Morris’ offices in Leeds last month for our Regulator Day, to discuss current and future issues with environmental regulation and health and safety legislation. Viv Dennis from the Environment Agency (EA) gave an update on the Waste Treatment BREF review, based on data from volunteer plants across Europe, which could have significant implications for the permitting regime from 2016. Viv highlighted the importance of submitting information from UK AD plants and encouraged British operators to share best practice. A first draft of the document will be released in spring 2015. Attendees also heard from Malcolm Leach of Rowan House about changes to Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations, which particularly target small sites with fewer than 15 workers. Following this, Walker Morris’ Marshal Ahluwalia talked delegates through the latest guidelines on sentencing for environmental offences.

For full notes and presentation slides from the day, and for details of our next Regulatory Forum in May 2015, go to

Agrivert’s Alexander Maddan provided a case study on pre-emptive action in the case of an incident, describing how his company dealt with a pipe seal failure at their Cassington AD plant. Alexander encouraged operators to report any incidents and to ask regulators for advice. Delegates then heard

a second EA update from Matthew Davis, on a forthcoming consultation on landspreading permits, before the meeting concluded with a presentation from GWE Biogas’ Kristy Blakeborough regarding COMAH, legislation aimed at controlling hazards from major industrial processes. Kristy suggested that key questions remain to be answered by HSE; principally, whether or not non-waste digestate will be subject to regulation by COMAH from 2015, when the regulations will be revised.

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Membership Matters What does our name change mean for you? In response to member feedback and the changing political and economic landscape, we have decided to officially widen our remit to more clearly include both existing and emerging technologies and products which support and complement anaerobic digestion. To reflect this, ADBA’s name has changed from the Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association to the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association.

• Our email addresses have changed to: – the old email addresses will continue to work during the transition period, so you’ll still be able to reach us. • Our Twitter handle has changed to: @adbioresources – if you already follow us on Twitter the changeover should be seamless.

We want to hear from you

All of the events, services and support you currently enjoy from ADBA will stay the same. We hope to continue to expand and improve on all services for members as the year progresses, including those under the ‘bioresources’ umbrella. For now, here’s what you need to know: •W e’ve launched a new website with a new address, featuring a new and improved layout and members’ section. There’s also a new ‘bioresources’ section, which provides further information about the emerging technologies and product types we hope to include within our membership:

We would very much like to hear from you if you have any ideas or expertise that could help us shape our offering under the wider bioresources remit. Equally, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about your membership, our wider remit or our new name. Contact

Action for Renewables The potential for renewable technologies over the next parliament is huge, but it is important that they continue to grow. To this end, together with other renewables associations we have formed the ‘Action for Renewables Campaign’, which provides key tests for the next government and calls on the political parties to make commitments which will ensure a bright future for renewables.

What’s been happening at ADBA?

To add your voice, go to See p5 for more information

“Being a member of ADBA allows us to keep up with what’s happening in this fast changing market and to identify new business opportunities.” Steve Morris, Managing Director, Huber Technology

“ADBA plays a central role in showcasing the range of benefits and opportunities the sector offers to our customers, representing our interests to government and providing forums for discussion and networking within the sector.” Willie Heller, Chief Executive, Tamar Energy


AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

It’s been a busy few months here at ADBA and we’ve enjoyed seeing many of you at our events. September saw the launch of our Voluntary Guidelines on Best Practice for Crop Feedstocks in Anaerobic Digestion, and our second UK Biomethane and Gas Vehicle Conference (pictured, see p18). In October, Charlotte opened Cranfield University’s Anaerobic Digestion Pilot Plant, while at our free members-only Regulator Day (see p39) operators, developers and consultants discussed the most important regulatory issues facing the AD industry. Finally, the recent ADBA Members’ Meeting provided the latest industry developments, with presentations on FIT, RHI and more from government representatives and industry experts (see p42). Turn to p38 to see what’s coming up over the next few months or go to

Welcome new ADBA members! AD Fertiliser Technologies Ltd Alvan Blanch C-Capture Enviroseal Piping Solutions Exergyn George Fischer Sales Ltd Green Footprint Solutions Ltd Locogen R&T Cantrill Serac UK Soil Engineers Uponor Ltd Veolia Tinsley

Membership Matters

Safety First

Alexander Maddan, Chief Executive of Agrivert, founded the company in 1994. It began in sewage sludge recycling and has since designed, built and now operates three AD plants and five composting sites.

Reducing risks in the pre-operational phase

“Continuing on from last issue’s theme of moving from construction into operation, it is now worth exploring what precautionary actions can be taken prior to entering the full operational phase. During the design and construction process, the most critical part is the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study where, simply put, the design and construction of the plant is assessed for its suitability to be serviced later on in its operational life. For a HAZOP to be worthwhile, operators must understand the operation. And to start any HAZOP process in a satisfactory manner, you must assume that every piece of equipment will fail. The intention is to design systems for the removal, servicing, and maintenance of those components. Working in anaerobic digestion exposes the operator to a number of risks, including: working at height; working over water/digestate; working with electricity; working in an explosive atmosphere; working in a toxic gas atmosphere; and working in confined spaces. Training is required and should encompass the major risks encountered, such as: confined spaces; how to operate in explosive environments; working with electricity; and the use of lifting equipment, including cranes. To maintain equipment, preventative maintenance can be a great ally. In order that preventative maintenance is undertaken easily, access must be made safe and easy to use. Therefore, the use of temporary ladders – even vertical hoop ladders – should be discouraged, as these can make any maintenance task

more risky than it needs to be. In short, we must take the necessary steps to make our plants easy to access and maintain.”

Want to know more? For further information, search the following sections on the HSE website, • DSEAR • Working at height • Lifting equipment • Confined spaces • Working with electricity • Working over water • Safe maintenance Or download ADBA’s Practical Guide to AD (free to ADBA members) from:

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Membership Matters

A waiting game… Many of our 350+ members enjoyed the setting and hospitality afforded by Maclay Murray & Spens LLP, who hosted our October Members’ Meeting at their central London offices. In the opening address, ADBA’s Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton, reviewed the progress made since the association’s inception in 2009, including a 500% growth in the number of plants outside of the water sector and the delivery of an electrical equivalent capacity of over 312 MW from a total of 310 plants (inc. water). While the progress has been impressive, Charlotte highlighted that performance has sometimes been less so, revealing that the industry has had more incidents than any other. “We have a short window of opportunity to address this – if we don’t, the EA will come down on us and the finance will walk,” remarked Charlotte. DECC’s Katie Halter gave an update on the department’s preparation for the 2015 FIT review, including details of its forthcoming FIT workshop

Having boosted our team to help guide members through the policy minefield and to focus on developing best practice and training, ADBA’s new PR & Parliamentary Affairs Manager, Derek Sivyer, encouraged members to contact their local MPs ahead of the 2015 election. “Local MPs influence policy and party manifestos, so we must make them understand the importance of AD – their role is to represent local businesses, so please write to them and ask them to visit your business or your plant.” Attendees were keen to hear updates on FIT degression, sustainability criteria, state aid rules, Ofgem’s ruling on RHI support, tariff and tier changes, and the pre-accreditation process, to name a few (see Policy, p28). However, attendees expressed frustration with regulators and government that so many decisions had not yet been made – good reason to write to local MPs now! Confusion from DECC and Ofgem over eligibility of biogas for RHI heat, plus whether COMAH will or will not affect AD, were just a couple of examples that fuelled members’ anxiety across a raft of issues.

TEAM Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton T + 44 (0)203 176 0503 E PA to Chief Executive, Eleanor Maroussas T +44 (0)203 567 1041 E Policy Manager, Matt Hindle T +44 (0)203 176 0591 E Policy Officer, Will Bushby T +44 (0)20 3176 5440 E Market Analyst, Ollie More T +44 (0)203 567 0751 E PR & Parliamentary Affairs Manager, Derek Sivyer T +44 (0)203 176 5441 E


“Having come from a property background, it has been hugely interesting to learn about such a fast growing industry. I will be looking after Charlotte’s diary and travel arrangements, providing support to Wayne and Matt, and assisting in running the office.” Eleanor Maroussas, PA to Chief Executive T +44 (0)203 567 1041 E

Head of Membership, Wayne Hurley T +44 (0)203 176 5416 E Sales Manager Jamil Ahad T +44 (0)203 176 4414 E Sales Executive, Rachel Fenton T +44 (0)203 176 5418 E Head of Marketing Services, Helen Reddick T +44 (0)203 176 0592 E


“I am very excited to join ADBA from the Chartered Management Institute, a membership organisation where I was responsible for policy development, government relations, and running several working groups. Here at ADBA, I will be the main point of contact for members on working groups, transport policy issues, and policy regulatory questions (eg RHI and FIT accreditation).” Will Bushby, Policy Officer T +44 (0)203 176 5440 E

Farewell Matt Ireland

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

Senior Marketing Executive, Kelly Oxenham T +44 (0)203 176 5417 E Marketing Executive, Barbara Landell Mills T +44 (0)203 176 7767 E Database Marketing Assistant, Andre John T +44 (0)203 567 0769 E Accountant, Amy Pritchard T +44 (0)203 176 6962 E Office Executive, Peter Mackintosh T +44 (0)203 176 0503 E

We are sorry to announce that after four years with us, our Creative Marketing Manager, Matt Ireland, has recently left ADBA. Having contributed greatly to our branding, marketing activities, events and more, Matt is looking for new challenges. We will miss him very much and wish him the best of luck with his future endeavours.


Senior Marketing Executive, Vera Litvin T +44 (0)203 176 0590 E

AD Finance, Bruce Nelson, Director of Compass Renewables T +44 (0)1732 464495 E AD & Bioresources News Managing Editor, Kirsty Sharpe T +44 (0)1920 821873 E AD & Bioresources News Editor, Kate O’Reilly T +44 (0)7894 039609 E

Exhibitor Profiles

november 2014 | AD & Bioresources News


Exhibitor Profiles 44

AD & Bioresources News | november 2014

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