2019 Annual Report

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Bryden Gwiss Kiwenzie and the ensemble of Maada’ookii Songlines Photos by Jeremy Mimnagh

Luminato acknowledges that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. We recognize that this territory is subject to Treaty 13 and the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Convenant. Today, Toronto is still the home of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat and many other diverse First Nations, Inuit and MĂŠtis peoples from across Turtle Island as well as many diverse allied nations. Luminato respects and honours these territorial agreements to peaceably share and care for the resources, the lands and waterways of this territory. Luminato is grateful for the opportunity to work with many diverse Indigenous nations on this territory.




Festival Highlights


House of Mirrors


Forget Me Not


Rite of Spring


Obeah Opera

9 10

Maada’ookii Songlines Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (and Leonard Cohen)

Nicole Brooks and the cast of Obeah Opera Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh


2019 Program


Luminato by-the-Numbers


Luminato and our Arts Community


Financial Commentary

BIZIINDAN! Photo byJeremy Mimnagh

17 Luminescence 18

Financial Overview

20 Festival Accessibility 21 Illuminating works 24 Founding Luminaries 22 Thank you to our Donors 25 Festival Partners 26 Festival Board and Staff

Serou Kradjian and Russell Braun in Hell’s Fury, The Hollywood Songbook Photo by Trevor Haldenby


Luminato 2019 delivered 17 days of powerful programming that laid the groundwork for our journey towards the festival’s 20thanniversary in 2026. The brilliant work by Canadian and international artists provided inspiration to the 250,000+ people who experienced the festival this year. From the feedback that I received, many of you were blown away by the artistry of the festival’s Canadian talent including Ronnie Burkett (Forget Me Not), Evalyn Parry and Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory (Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools), Syrus Marcus Ware (The Drawing Room) and Nicole Brooks (Obeah Opera). Under the artistic leadership of Naomi Campbell, Luminato also premiered exceptional international work including Rite of Spring (China), Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (and Leonard Cohen) (Colombia) and the colossal kaleidoscopic maze, House of Mirrors (Australia). Maada’ookii Songlines, on Luminato’s closing night, captured the festival’s energy, filling Toronto’s waterfront with a mosaic of voices from across the GTA and demonstrating that diversity truly is our strength.


A sincere thanks to Luminato’s outstanding and hardworking staff, board members, volunteers, and audiences for making the 2019 festival such a success. I look forward to experiencing it all again next June! – En 2019, Luminato a présenté 17 jours de programmation remarquable qui ont bâti les fondations de notre périple vers le vingtième anniversaire du festival en 2026. Le travail de brillants artistes canadiens et internationaux fut une source d’inspiration pour plus de 250000 spectateurs ayant assisté au festival cette année. Selon vos commentaires, plusieurs d’entre vous ont été épatés par la qualité artistique des talents canadiens tels que Ronnie Burkett (Forget Me Not), Evalyn Parry et Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory (Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools), Syrus Marcus Ware (The Drawing Room) et Nicole Brooks (Obeah Opera). Sous la direction artistique de Naomi Campbell, Luminato a aussi présenté les premières productions d’exceptionnelles pièces internationales incluant Rite of Spring de la Chine, Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (et Leonard Cohen) de la Colombie et le labyrinthe kaléidoscopique House of Mirrors de l’Australie. Lors de la soirée de fermeture, Maada’ooskii Songlines a su capturer l’énergie du festival en remplissant le secteur riverain de Toronto d’une mosaïque de voix venant de partout dans le Grand Toronto et en démontrant que la diversité symbolise vraiment notre force. J’offre mes sincères remerciements aux brillants employés de Luminato, aux membres du comité, aux volontaires et au public d’avoir créé, en 2019, un festival rempli de succès. J’ai déjà hâte d’en refaire l’expérience en juin prochain.

Peter Herrndorf, CC O.Ont Board Chair / président du conseil d’administration Photo by Trevor Lush


The year of the 13th Luminato was also a defining year of renewal and refreshment for the company. After fourteen years as Founding Chair, in the fall of 2018 the legendarily and indefatigably ambitious Tony Gagliano handed over leadership of Luminato (as Board Chair) to Peter Herrndorf, who brings an extraordinary breadth and depth of cultural leadership experience to Luminato. At the same time we were enormously proud to welcome Naomi Campbell – the first Torontonian appointed as Luminato’s Artistic Director – who similarly brings an ocean’s depth of artistic knowledge, understanding and reputation. We were deluged in admiring responses to Naomi’s inspiring 2019 program, and now the three of us are turning our focus to all the growth and developments we want to see in our journey to Luminato’s 20th birthday in seven years’ time. As a reader of this report and friend of our festival, we are all looking forward to your continued support, encouragement and friendship during this next chapter of our journey. – Cette 13e édition de Luminato était une année importante pour le renouvellement et la revitalisation de notre compagnie. Après 14 années en tant que président fondateur, l’infatigable, légendaire et ambitieux Tony Gagliano a passé la direction à Peter Herrndorf. Ce dernier apporte une expérience extraordinaire et une connaissance profonde du milieu culturel. Par ailleurs, nous étions énormément fiers d’accueillir Naomi Campbell, la première Torontoise nommée en tant que directrice artistique de Luminato. Elle nous apporte elle aussi un océan de connaissance artistique ainsi qu’une réputation et une compréhension tout aussi profonde. Nous avons été ensevelis par les commentaires admiratifs de la programmation choisie par Noami cette année. Nous tournons maintenant, tous les trois, notre attention vers un chemin rempli de croissance et de développement pour le 20e anniversaire de Luminato qui aura lieu dans 7 ans. Chers lecteurs et amis du festival, nous avons hâte de recevoir votre support continu, vos encouragements et votre amitié durant ce prochain chapitre de notre aventure.

Luminato 2019 was marked by many successes: wonderful work and interesting conversations inspired by important artists from Toronto and further afield. We celebrated in theatres, galleries and concert halls, a pond and a converted truck repair shop. We occupied Toronto from West Queen West to the Distillery District, from Lake Ontario to Bloor Street. We showcased works that were wildly entertaining, provocative, challenging, fun and deeply satisfying. The 2019 festival was based on a program developed by my predecessor Josephine Ridge and augmented by the hard work of our programming and production team. Our successes in 2019 are the result of the work of many artists and workers from Toronto and around the world. Thank you for participating in Luminato 2019, in whatever way that you did, as an audience member, a donor, participant or a curious observer. We are so happy to have you as part of our community. We are now preparing the most interesting festival possible for 2020; I hope to see you there. – Luminato 2019 a été marqué par plusieurs succès incluant des pièces incroyables, des conversations inspirantes ainsi que d’importants artistes de Toronto et d’ailleurs. Nous avons célébré dans les théâtres, les galeries et les salles de concert en passant par un étang et un atelier de réparation de voiture reconverti. Nous avons occupé Toronto de Queen West au quartier de la Distillerie, du lac Ontario jusqu’à la rue Bloor. Nous avons fait la promotion d’œuvres qui furent divertissantes, provocatrices, éprouvantes, amusantes et profondément satisfaisantes. L’édition 2019 du festival a été basée sur le programme de ma prédécesseure Josephine Ridge. Ce programme fut ensuite développé par le dur travail de nos équipes de programmation et de production. En 2019, nos succès ont été le résultat du travail de plusieurs artistes et travailleurs de la ville de Toronto et d’à travers le monde. Merci d’avoir participé à Luminato 2019 à votre manière, que ce soit à titre de membre du public, donateur, participant ou simplement en tant qu’observateur curieux. Nous sommes très heureux de vous compter parmi les membres de notre communauté. Nous préparons déjà l’édition 2020 du festival; l’édition la plus intéressante à ce jour. Nous espérons vous y voir.

Anthony Sargent, CBE CEO / PDG Naomi Campbell Artistic Director / Directrice artistique

Photo by Mark Savage

Photo by Taku Kumabe


LUMINATO 2019 FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS The cast of KIRA, The Path La Voie. Photo by Dahlia Katz

“You could hardly find a more rousing way to greet

this year’s Luminato festival than the sensational and sophisticated drumming of Fara Tolno.” — Toronto Star


House of Mirrors. Photo by Emilia Z

AUSTRALIA illusion




“Luminato Festival’s House of Mirrors stands apart for the way it uniquely reconfigures the world around it” From Narcissus to Alice, reflections have fascinated and intrigued us throughout the ages, and the northern hemisphere debut of the reality-bending, sensory-altering House of Mirrors, created by Christian Wagstaff and Keith Courtney, was no exception.

— NOW Magazine

Standing over 12.5 feet high and weighing over 55 tons, this larger-than-life kaleidoscopic maze mesmerized over 16,000 people at Luminato 2019, with its endlessly changing reflections of Toronto’s inimitable skyline.

— The Globe and Mail

“The physics seem implausible; every reflective surface only serves to push my image farther and farther into the distance.”


Ronnie Burkett. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

CANADA theatre


From one of Canada’s most admired and beloved puppet masters, Ronnie Burkett, came the highlyanticipated world premiere of Forget Me Not, a harrowing tale of hope, the enduring strength of love, and the power of the written word.

W O R L D P R E M I E R E | L U M I N AT O C O M M I S S I O N

Forget Me Not follows The Daisy Theatre (2013) as the second Luminato commission by Ronnie Burkett to make its world premiere at the festival. Forget Me Not is one of 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ New Chapter program. With this $35M investment, the Council supports the creation and sharing of the arts in communities across Canada. In 2019, Luminato showcased five remarkable projects funded through the New Chapter program.

Night after night, sold out audiences were transported to “The New Now”, a magical world where written “A dark tale, with a shocking climax, words are forbidden and the underground movement populated by gorgeous, detailed of hand-drawn letters is a powerful act of defiance. For this production, Burkett created 100 one-of-a-kind animated objects” hand puppets, one for each audience member, allow- — The Globe and Mail ing them to play an active role in the performance. 6

Cast of Rite of Spring. Photo courtesy of Peacock Dance Company

CHINA dance

RITE OF SPRING PRESENTED BY Joan and Jerry Lozinski SUPPORTED BY Eleanor and Francis Shen

For the first time in North America, one of China’s most distinctive choreographers, Yang Liping, presented her ground-breaking work Rite of Spring. Set to Igor Stravinsky’s epic 1913 ballet score with additional original compositions inspired by traditional Tibetan music, Liping’s spectacular choreography unforgettably blended traditional and contemporary cultures.


“a striking, visceral production … riveting to watch” — The Globe and Mail

“Yang Liping’s Rite of Spring is what Luminato is all about, why the festival is so important to the cultural life of this city.” — Ludwig van Toronto

The North American premiere of Rite of Spring at Luminato 2019 also marked the first time Yang Liping or her work had been seen in Canada. 7

Cast of Obeah Opera. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

CANADA opera


W O R L D P R E M I E R E | L U M I N AT O C O M M I S S I O N

New Chapter program; it was also supported by the Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Soulpepper Theatre Company, Harbourfront Another Luminato commission, Obeah Opera is a hand- Centre, Fall for Dance North Festival and Renette clapping, foot-stomping, spirit-lifting musical sensation and David Berman; developed with support from that made its world premiere at the 2019 festival. Sung the NAC’s National Creation Fund. entirely a cappella by a powerful all-female cast, the production was conceived, written and composed by multi-hyphenate Canadian artist Nicole Brooks. “Awesome and awe-inspiring … PRESENTED BY Renette and David Berman

Redefining opera’s traditional European roots, Obeah Opera blends spirituals, jazz, ska, Calypso, and African and Caribbean folk music to tell the story of the legendary Salem witch trials from the perspective of the first woman accused, the young Caribbean slave Tituba. Obeah Opera is one of 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ 8 by Jorge Ayala-Isaza. Photo

a full, grand operatic spectacle.”

— The Globe and Mail

“Truly magnificent … definitely the highlight of this year’s Luminato Festival” — Mooney on Theatre

Maada’ookii Songlines. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

CANADA music



Made possible in part by Luminato’s Board of Directors

Set against Toronto’s unique waterfront, Maada’ookii Songlines was the closing celebration of the 2019 festival, fusing the songs, styles and cultures of 200 diverse voices from eight Toronto-based choirs, four soloists and an ensemble of Indigenous performers from across Turtle Island.

W O R L D P R E M I E R E | L U M I N AT O C O M M I S S I O N

As the sun descended over Lake Ontario, the audience was enveloped in layers of sound coming from the land, the water and high above from the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. The performance culminated with an original composition by Juno Award-nominated Cree cellist Cris Derksen, reminding us that whatever our backgrounds may be, we all come from the stars. An Ojibway word with several slightly different meanings, Maada’ookii is genderless and can mean “he/she distributes something; he/she gifts something; he/she shares something with others”. Songlines, in cross-Indigenous traditions, are songs that help to find the way.

“a gift to the city of Toronto” — Toronto Star


Cast of Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (and Leonard Cohen). Photo by Eden Robbins




PRESENTED BY Cheryl and Rob McEwen, YPO Toronto and St Joseph Communications

Inspired by two iconic artists, Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (and Leonard Cohen) is a poignant tribute by Colombian contemporary dance company, Compañía del Cuerpo de Indias. Set to some of Cohen’s greatest and most transformative poems and songs, with choreography inspired by the passionate and subtle movements of Ohno, the Canadian premiere of Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (and Leonard Cohen) captivated, inspired and swept Luminato audiences away, one beautifully exhilarating tableau after another.


SUPPORTED BY Anonymous (2), David Allgood and Helen Stevenson, Rena Bedard and Bill Dillane, Bill and Dawne Benson, Tiana Koffler Boyman and Marc Boyman, Michael Bregman and Katie Osborne, Cardinal Couriers Ltd, Paul and Lynn Damp, Robert and Tracy Elder, Bill and Sharon Fielding, Claudia and Sven Grail, Heather and Greg Hogarth, Grant and Anne Hood, Don K. Johnson, OC LLD, Lorraine and Neville Kirchmann, Leslie MacLeod and Allan MacEwan, Don and Helen McGillivray, Gilles and Julia Ouellette, Gretchen and Donald Ross, OC, Greg and Kate Sorbara, Maureen and Warren Spitz, Pamela and Larry Stevenson, Bill and Judy Stewart, Kingsley and Christine Ward, and Sandy and John Welton

Left to right: Jeremy Dutcher, Lido Pimienta, Digging Roots, Pura Fé. Photos by Jeremy Mimnagh



Celebrating the power of music, the reclamation of language and Indigenous revolutions past, present and future, the one-night-only Luminato concert BIZIINDAN! featured some of the most respected Indigenous artists and activists working in music: Digging Roots, Jeremy Dutcher, Lido Pimienta, Marie Gaudet and Pura Fe. The unique, inspirational evening culminated in a tribute to ‘trailblazer of truth’ the late Willie Dunn, with a newly-commissioned arrangement of Dunn’s searing masterpiece, The Ballad of Crowfoot (1968-NFB). Dunn, a Mi’kmaq and Scottish award-winning singer/songwriter, filmmaker and activist, was a pioneer of protest ballads and an advocate for Indigenous rights.


The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages, to raise awareness of the global crisis which Indigenous languages face and to inspire all peoples to take action by supporting Indigenous language speakers.

“This was a much needed event for TO people to experience. Indeed my hope is that they were in a state of biziindan; more of that needs to happen in this world of ours. Kitchi meegwetch Denise acitc niwidjiwaganag! — Raven (Digging Roots) “I congratulate you on BIZIINDAN!. It was the first time I had ever attended a concert with such a wide range of Indigenous musicians. There was so much in the message of the night... Thank you for bringing this gift to the world.”— Audience Member


The Drawing Room, artwork by Robert Pruitt Photo by Emilia Z

The cast of KIRA, The Path La Voie Photo by Dahlia Katz



Co-Presented with


Co-Presented with Lua Shayenne Dance Company Funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council and supported by Dance Umbrella of Ontario.


“What happens when you put two revered Siminovitch Prize winners together? The answer is creativity to the max”

Gabrielle Rose and Jim Mezon in The Full Light of Day Photo by Don Lee

– Ludwig van Toronto The Full Light of Day is one of 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ New Chapter program.

Panel discussions and films





Made possible in part by Luminato’s Board of Directors

Witch Hunts Through History LGBTQ Censorship in Art, Then and Now

“If you want to find a new way to channel your We The North spirit, check out Monday Nights.”

Angry Inuk Southwest of Salem Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures True North Changing Tides 12

The cast of Monday Nights Photo by Taku Kumabe

– The Globe and Mail


Co-Presented with Show One Productions The cast of Masquerade Photo by Dmitriy Dubinskiy



SUPPORTED BY The William and Nona Heaslip Foundation CANADA | WORLD PREMIERE

The cast of Four Sisters Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

“Stunningly staged … With Four Sisters, we see an indie artist seizing the greater resources and spotlight offered by the festival” – The Globe and Mail Four Sisters is one of 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ New Chapter program.


Evalyn Perry and Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory in Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

“Astounding…Another example of how working together rather than in conflict can lead to the best theatre” – The Globe and Mail

Russell Brant in Hell’s Fury, The Hollywood Songbook Photo by Trevor Haldenby


“nothing short of brilliant … one of those magical moments in theatre where every single element comes together so that one emerges from the venue deeply changed.” – Toronto Star

“Intimate and deeply moving … a must-see for anyone in Toronto” – Toronto Star


CANADA | WORLD PREMIERE “Through Kiinalik, Laakkuluk and Evalyn “the sort of show that help us understand could probably only how to peel away the happen in a festival awkwardness, the these days, given the uncomfortable realities amount of talent and the painful clashes, to onstage.” chart a new path through – Toronto Star friendship and mutual respect and to strive for “A memorable harmony and peace.” conflagration, burning hot and brightly” – Canadian Art


The cast of The Cave Photo by Delal Hagos


2 0 19 PRO G RA M


– Mooney on Theatre The Cave is one of 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ New Chapter program. Supported by the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council, with the generous support of Soulpepper Theatre Company.


L U M I N AT O 2 0 1 9 B Y-T H E - N U M B E R S 191 Performances & Events

140M+ media impressions

23 Venues

1.6M+ social media impressions

7 World Premieres

86% of survey respondents rated their experience at Luminato 2019 as “good, very good, or excellent�

3 North American Premieres 1 Canadian Premiere 6 Luminato Commissions

90% of survey respondents said they are proud that Toronto can host an event like Luminato

659 Artists 86% from Canada 87% of survey respondents said they plan 14% from 10 countries around the world on attending Luminato again next year 261,758 people from Canada and around the world experienced Luminato 2019


House of Mirrors. Photo by Dahlia Katz

435 volunteers contributed 5,505 hours to Luminato 2019

The cast of Obeah Opera. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

LUMINATO AND THE ARTS COMMUNIT Y Over the festival’s history many artists who first performed at Luminato have gone on to build illustrious international reputations. We pride ourselves on our programming instincts, and the stepping stones we can provide for artists have often contributed significantly to the development of their careers. Collaborations, co-presentations and partnerships with local and national arts organizations are key aspects of the way we work. Luminato’s commitment to local collaboration is expressed through a series of artistic development initiatives, designed to create opportunities for local artists to further develop their practice and to support ambitions of innovation and scale. This includes our partnership with The Theatre Centre through

The Residents Project, our collaboration with Directors Lab North, and the workshops and masterclasses we host which give local arts professionals direct access to visiting national and international artists. Illuminating works, our presenters’ program, creates networking opportunities leading to the possibility of future bookings in Canada and abroad for local and festival artists. Illuminating Ideas, through panels, conversations and films, provides context and provocations in relation to the program and encourages deeper relationships between audiences and artists.


In May 2019, Luminato hosted its first Luminescence fundraiser: a multi-sensory, fully-immersive event designed to surprise and delight.

Soprano Neema Bickersteth

Taking place in Toronto’s historic The Great Hall, Luminescence was the ultimate art lovers’ paradise – from the psychedelic Conversation Room, bathed in a vivid multicoloured glow, to the serene Main Hall, filled with kaleidoscopic projections that set the tone for a unique and truly Luminato experience. The event’s distinguished guests, including former Governor General of Canada Adrienne Clarkson and Luminato Board Chair Emeritus Tony Gagliano, were treated to preview performances from the 2019 festival including the eloquent harmonies of Evalyn Parry and Cris Derksen who performed an extraxt from the Dora Award-winning Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools, and the powerful all-female cast of Obeah Opera whose blazing a capella performance of Travellin’ was met with rapturous applause.

Former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson


Luminato is grateful for the support of its guests, artists, supporters and partners who helped celebrate an early launch to Luminato 2019 in style! Our Logo


3 .1

We’re constantly discovering what’s possible, and bringing people closer to the things they love. Our Mobius symbolizes our lens on the world around us, and a promise to keep bringing our customers more of the best of what’s possible.




Helen Burstyn, Tony Gagliano and Judy Matthews

Anonymous Mohammad and Najla Al Zaibak Gail Asper, O.C., O.M., LL.D David Binet Brendan Mullen and Susanne Boyce Helen Burstyn, C.M. and Family John Donald and Linda Chu Holly Coll-Black and Rupert Duchesne, C.M. Ernst & Young LLP Robert and Julia Foster, C.M.

Linda Brennan and Michael Foulkes Peter Gilgan Eva Czigler and Peter Herrndorf, O. Ont, O.C. Lucille and Urban Joseph, O.C. Roberto Dante Martella and Family Wil and Judy Matthews Don and Helen McGillivray Gretchen Ross Eleanor and Francis Shen Greg and Kate Sorbara Eli Taylor


Guests dining in The Great Hall


All photos by George Pimentel

FINANCIAL COMMENTARY In last year’s Report I looked ahead to developments more properly recorded this year – the process of organisational renewal of the company with Canadian cultural icon Peter Herrndorf taking over the chair from Luminato’s visionary co-founder Tony Gagliano. The management team was also strengthened by Liz Kohn’s return as Luminato’s VP Stakeholder Relations and Business Strategy, and we welcomed Edita Page and Graeme Page as our widely experienced new fundraising VPs leading (respectively) our individual and corporate relationships. The fall of 2018 also saw our Artistic Director torch passing to the widely admired Naomi Campbell – the first Torontonian to be appointed Luminato’s Artistic Director and a defining moment for the festival. Though we have ended the year with a positive fund balance, the year did see a small operating loss on the 2019 festival – essentially attributable to three things. We decided during the year not to hold a Fundraising Gala in FY2019, responding to a growing sense of gala-fatigue in Toronto. Instead we held the innovative but smaller-scale Luminescence. We intend to explore options for a refreshed approach to a larger Gala in a future year. We were delighted to present Australia’s extraordinary House of Mirrors on the Toronto waterfront, confident in the weather from our mostly positive experiences of June in recent years. However, this year a combination of low temperatures with wet, grey weather depressed June waterfront visitation generally – reflected in our ticket revenue from House of Mirrors, after our 2018 earned income had been exceptionally boosted by our presentation of Amal Clooney. We were also very proud to present China’s uniquely distinctive dance-maker Yang Liping in Canada for the first time (with her spectacular Rite of Spring), but no one could have foreseen the December 2018 arrest at Vancouver Airport of Huawei’s deputy board chair and CFO, Meng Wanzhou. The turbulent political and institutional fallout from those events cost Luminato $300,000 in lost sponsorship and individual donations. Given those unforeseen factors we are proud of these results, which represent fastidious cost management by all our staff as well as tireless pursuit of revenue. You will see we have now almost completely expended the initial commissioning and working capital fund generously invested by the Province of Ontario in 2006/07 to maximise the international impact of Luminato’s launch. We husbanded the fund much longer than the few years it was expected and intended to last, and we are now planning to build into forward budgets a provision to create a new working capital fund.

Anthony Sargent, CBE CEO Luminato


FINANCIAL OVE RVIEW TORONTO FESTIVAL OF ARTS, CULTURE AND CREATIVITY Statement of Financial Position As at July 31, 2019, with comparative information for 2018 2019


Assets Current assets: Cash Short-term investments Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Capital assets


292,204 – 868,494 43,231 1,203,929


328,051 1,171 714,783 21,706 1,065,711



$ 1,526,372

$ 1,493,011

Liabilities, Deferred Contributions and Fund Balances Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Short-term loan Deferred contributions Fund balances – operating


$ 1,332,982 – 1,332,982

$ 1,150,340 47,500 1,197,840





$ 1,526,372

$ 1,493,011

TORONTO FESTIVAL OF ARTS, CULTURE AND CREATIVITY Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Operating Fund Year ended July 31, 2019, with comparative information for 2018

Revenue: Contributions: Government Private Sponsorship Tickets Fundraising event Interest income, net



$ 4,138,729 1,191,884 453,000 730,281 166,244 10 6,680,148

$ 4,148,787 1,229,660 644,389 1,216,560 600,294 968 7,840,658

3,949,499 1,621,882 1,036,416 131,417 6,739,214

4,993,072 1,608,001 1,060,106 311,152 7,972,331

Expenditures: Programming Marketing and fundraising General and administrative Fundraising event Deficiency of revenue over expenditures before disposal of capital assets Net gain (loss) on disposal of capital assets Deficiency of revenue over expenditures Fund balances, beginning of year







Transfer from future year working capital and commissioning fund Fund balances, end of year



– $


254,131 $


The complete 2019 audited financial statements, including notes, are avalable upon request. Charitable registration number: 811637347RR0001

Maada’ookii Songlines. Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh


ASL interpreted performance of Monday Nights Photo by Taku Kumabe


Luminato is dedicated to offering a festival that is accessible to as many people as possible and strives to lower or eliminate financial, physical and social barriers for staff, audiences, artists and volunteers. In 2017, the festival began a two-year journey led by Accessibility Consultant Christine Karcza (I can do this!) which resulted in a detailed accessibility plan outlining opportunities and areas of improvement for the festival, as well as extensive staff training. In addition to the nine specialized performances and talks including Relaxed Performances, ASL Interpretation, Audio Description and Touch Tours, Luminato 2019’s accessibility program also included free programming, free or discounted tickets for community groups, events presented at fully accessible venues and enhancement tools such as magnifying sheets, surtitles and hearing assist devices.


“Luminato has created a barrier free festival so all patrons, including those with disabilities, can enjoy and participate in their unique cultural events. Extensive awareness training ensures their audiences are treated with dignity and respect for independence. Yet it recognizes that accessibility is a journey, and each year the Festival pushes the boundaries of inclusion, working with its patrons, volunteers and staff to continuously improve the theatre experience. Bravo Luminato for offering a Festival for everyone!” – Christine Karcza, Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor, Christine Karcza Consulting “I would like to thank you personally for making this happen for those of us with visual impairments. Through Luminato’s accessibility program, we are able to “see” some wonderful plays. If it were not for such programs, we would not be able to participate in these events. Hope to see you next year. Warm regards,” – Peter Tsatsanis

I L LU M I N AT I N G WORKS Now in its second year, Luminato’s Illuminating works initiative brought a delegation of 100 national and international presenters and producers from 39 cities to Toronto to experience a wide range of work created by Canadian artists. This showcase provides a platform for artists to spark new conversations and collaborations with international and national presenters, and pitch their work for potential export to national and international markets. Illuminating works is supported by the Michael Young Family Foundation,

Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, The Mush Hole Photo of Semiah Smith, Montana Summers, and Julianne Blackbird by Ian R. Maracle

Queer Songbook Orchestra The Dietrich Group, You arefeaturing a field Stephen Jackman-Torkoff Photo Tanja Tiziana Photo by of Lukas Malkowski and Dana Mallari Pajarillaga by DA Hoskins


“Illuminating works was a fantastic opportunity that resulted in much interest in my large scale installation Transmissions.”


– Lisa Jackson, Transmissions

57 Delegates from 39 cities around the world including 26 international, 15 national outside of Ontario, 16 from within Ontario. New this year, Ontario Presents supported 30 of the delegates. (plus 64 local delegates) 8 Toronto-based artists and companies took part in the pitch sessions 5 Cultural institutions from Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa partnered with Illuminating works by hosting receptions, panel discussions, and facilitating an exchange of delegates. (Cultural institutions include: Goethe Institut, National Creation Fund, foldA, 401 Richmond, The Dietrich Group )

“Participating in this year’s Illuminating works was a great experience. We are currently in discussion about touring to South America. I felt very supported by the Luminato staff... I found the discussions, in particular around large-scale presentation, very valuable and timely.” – adelheid (Heidi Strauss), what it’s like “As an artist that has pitched projects a number of times with different organizations, I felt that the event was perfectly organized, making sure that each of the companies represented had a proper spotlight that allowed everyone to shine their specific talents.” – DopoLavoro Teatrale (Daniele Bartolini), 2021 A Spectators’ Odyssey / A Trip to Inferno



Thank you to our donors From the very beginning, donors have been at the heart of Luminato. Among the first to stand behind the festival were the Founding Luminaries: art patrons and civic builders with a shared vision of making Luminato one of the most celebrated annual multi-arts festivals on the world stage. We will always remain deeply grateful to the following individuals, organizations and companies for their generosity: Mohammad and Najla Al Zaibak*

Anthony and Helen Graham*

Jonas and Lynda Prince*

Kate Alexander Daniels and David Daniels*

Jay and Barbara Hennick and Family


Tony and Anne Arrell, C.M.

Ian Ihnatowycz and Marta Witer

Richard Rooney and Laura Dinner*

Salah Bachir, C.M.

Ivey Foundation

Gary and Donna Slaight*

Charles Baillie, O.C. and Marilyn Baillie, C.M.*

Lucille and Urban Joseph, O.C.*

Geoff and Megan Smith

Avie Bennett, C.C., O.Ont.*

Patrick and Barbara Keenan, C.M.

Howard Sokolowski, O.Ont.

BMO Financial Group

Michael and Sonja Koerner, C.M.*

and Senator Linda Frum*

Helen Burstyn, C.M. and David Pecaut, C.M.*

Tiana Koffler Boyman and Marc Boyman

Marisa and Edward Sorbara*

Dancap Productions Inc.

Joan and Jerry Lozinski

St. Joseph Communications

The David and Stacey Cynamon Family Foundation

MacLaren McCann

Larry and Judy Tanenbaum, O.C.*

Manulife Financial

Eli and Philip Taylor

Chetan and Clara Mathur*


Judy and Wil Matthews*

The Roy Thomson Family

Sloan Mauran and Adrian Tauro

Tourism Toronto

Cheryl and Rob McEwen, C.M.*

Taylor Thomson

Joseph Mimran and Kimberley Newport-Mimran

John and Elizabeth Tory Q.C.

The Duboc Family Foundation* Lonti Ebers and Bruce Flatt

David and Audrey Mirvish, C.M., O.Ont.

The Hon. Hilary M. Weston, C.M., C.V.O, O.Ont and W. Galen Weston, O.C., C.V.O, O.Ont

Falls Management Company

Pierre L. Morrissette*

Robin and David Young*

Margaret Fleck and Jim Fleck, C.C.*

Gordon and Janet Nixon, C.M., O.Ont.

Kevin and Roger Garland*

Nancy Pencer

The Ira Gluskin and Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Foundation

Sandra Pitblado and Jim Pitblado, C.M.*

Joan T. Dea and Lionel F. Conacher* Ian and Kiki Delaney, C.M. Cam and Alexandra di Prata John Donald and Linda Chu* Gail Drummond and Bob Dorrance

22 22

* These visionary donors supported Luminato before its inaugural season.





Anonymous (2)

Alexandra Baillie

Gail Asper, O.C., O.M., LL.D

Nova Bhattacharya and Mark Hammond

Marilyn Baillie, C.M. and Charles Baillie, O.C.

Walter Bowen and Lisa Balfour Bowen

Diane Blake and Stephen Smith

John Carter and Antoinette Tummillo

David Binet

John Hunkin and Susan Crocker, C.M.

Michael Bregman and Katie Osborne

Peter Mansbridge, OC

MUSE $100,000+ Renette and David Berman Ian and Kiki Delaney, C.M. Joan and Jerry Lozinski

Gordon and Jennifer Cooper


Paul and Lynn Damp

Gretchen and Don Ross, O.C.

Robert and Julia Foster, C.M.

SUPERNOVA SUPPORTER $25,000+ Anonymous Sandra and Jim Pitblado, C.M. Anthony Sargent CBE Eleanor and Francis Shen

John Donald and Linda Chu Peter Gilgan Claudia and Sven Grail Heather and Greg Hogarth Grant and Anne Hood Leslie MacLeod and Allan MacEwan Roberto Dante Martella and family Brendan Mullen and Susanne Boyce

SPOTLIGHT $275+ Naomi Campbell Justine Giuliani Frances B. Hogg Barry Joslin Liz Kohn Marcia McNabb Alon Nashman

Mark and Vanessa Mulroney



Julia and Giles Ouellette

Robert Barr

SOCAN Foundation

Rags Davloor

Mohammad and Najla Al Zaibak

Maureen and Warren Spitz

Leah Faieta

Bruce Bailey

Pamela and Larry Stevenson

Anne Fleming

John and Leanna Bayliss

Kingsley and Christine Ward

Raluca Gheorghe

Rena Bedard and Bill Dillane

Sandy and John Welton

Catherine Gordon

The Michael Young Family Foundation

The Bennett Family Foundation Linda Brennan and Michael Foulkes Helen Burstyn, C.M. and Family Holly Coll-Black and Rupert Duchesne, C.M. Eva Czigler and Peter Herrndorf, C.C., O.Ont. Tony and Lina Gagliano Kevin and Roger Garland Anthony and Helen Graham The William and Nona Heaslip Foundation Lucille and Urban Joseph, O.C. Tiana Koffler Boyman and Marc Boyman Cheryl and Rob McEwen, C.M. The McLean Foundation Helen and Don McGillivray Greg and Kate Sorbara

LIMELIGHT $2,500+ Anonymous Helen Stevenson and David Allgood Bill and Dawne Benson Robert and Tracy Elder Bill and Sharon Fielding Don K. Johnson, O.C. L.L.D Lorraine and Neville Kirchmann Lydia Luckevich McLean Smits Family Foundation Miles S. Nadal and family, Peerage Realty Partners


Luminato is very grateful to all our generous annual donors who help us create a unique festival that is curious about the world and engaged with the vibrant communities that make up Toronto and Canada today.

Betty Anne Heggie Mavis Himes Andrew Kelm Lila Maureen Kenny Susan McClean Anne Rawn Michael Ryval Ivor Simmons Richard and Lisa Berger Stall Jennifer Stein Natasha Udovic Margaret Weinberg

Edita and Graeme Page Elinor Gill Ratcliffe Bill and Judy Stewart Eli Taylor Carol Wilding



Our deeply valued partners bring Luminato to life FOUNDING GOVERNMENT PARTNER



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Artscape Sandbox

Steam Whistle Brewing

The Boston Consulting Group

Stikeman Elliott LLP

KPMB Architects

Uken Games


The Westin Harbour Castle

3 .1

Peter Herrndorf, C.C., O. Ont. (Chair) Tony Gagliano (Co-Founder, Chair Emeritus) Rupert Duchesne, C.M. (Vice-Chair) Lucille Joseph (Vice-Chair) Mohammad Al Zaibak John Bayliss Helen Burstyn, C.M. Michael Foulkes Anthony Graham Peter Mansbridge, O.C. Roberto Dante Martella Judy Matthews Mark Mulroney Gretchen Ross Celia Smith Greg Sorbara William Thorsell Carol Wilding, FCPA, FCA Peter Wilkinson LUMINATO LAUREATES Salah Bachir Avie Bennett* Julia Deans Jim Fleck Robert Foster Chetan Mathur Susan McArthur Rob McEwen Jonas Prince Javier San Juan Gary Slaight

*1928 – 2017 Special thanks to the following people who each made invaluable contributions to the 2019 festival: Lisa Becar Karina Mohammed Kim Moreira Josephine Ridge Leanna Shoniker Winston Tang Leona Thomas



Anthony Sargent, CBE CEO

Naomi Campbell Artistic Director

Liz Kohn Vice President, Stakeholder Relations & Business Strategy

R Allan Ross Executive Producer

Marcia McNabb, CPA, CA Vice President, Finance & Administration Monique Danielle, CPA, CA Finance Manager Erin Echlin Executive Assistant SEASONAL STAFF

SeĂĄn Baker Technical & Production Manager Cathy Gordon Festival & Community Engagement Manager Alex Rand Programming Associate & Producer

Jenny Cheng, CPA, CA Production Accountant

Caoimhe Whelan Programming & Production Coordinator

Katia Ghanem Finance Coordinator


Uyen Tran Finance Assistant DEVELOPMENT Edita Page, CFRE Vice President, Philanthropy Graeme Page Vice President, Strategic Partnerships Natasha Udovic Senior Director, Corporate Partnerships Anne Rawn Development Manager, Individual & Foundation Giving Kelsey Muldoon Donor Relations & Development Coordinator Leah Faieta Consulting Grant Writer & Government Relations Consultant SEASONAL STAFF Alexandra Lomax Stewardship & Event Coordinator Rachel Martine Corporate Partnerships & Government Relations Assistant

Producers Caroline Holloway Denyse Karn Lani Milstein Oz Weaver Bobby Beckett Venue Producer Denise Bolduc Creative Producer Sally Frater Curator/Producer

Front of House Managers Cal Woodruff House of Mirrors Mikaela Demers Forget Me Not Jenna Harris Monday Nights MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Christine Achampong Communications Manager Saskia van Rijk Marketing Manager Stephen Barber Ticketing & CRM Manager SEASONAL STAFF Derek Aubichon Graphic Designer Jorge Ayala-Isaza Web & Digital Officer Lorraine Hopkins Marketing Officer, Partnership & Special Projects Jenni Grandfield Marketing & Communications Coordinator Lorraine Kidd Ticketing Coordinator

Imagic Associate Producer

Sarah Brown Social Media & Digital Communications Assistant

Production Managers

Ticketing Supervisors

Pip Bradford Duncan MacMillan David Ship Arun Srinivasan

Abbas Abbas Jeff Donaldson Sarah English Brad Langham Bri Proke Trevor Rines Ksenia Sabouloua

Stephanie Tonietto Company Manager Jessica Grant Assistant Company Manager Bronwen Eadie Logistics Coordinator Christine Karcza Accessibility Consultant Felicia Daisy Volunteer Manager Alonso Melgar Volunteer Coordinator Ewa Kubric Volunteer Assistant


BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Board Members who served during the year)

Customer Service Representatives Lara Bulger Bridget Chisholm Connor Copeland Donna Hablich Kate Kiely Maryana Parvenuk Samantha Ruddy Syeshia Sweeney Amy Swift Richard Waswa



@Luminato LuminatoFestival @LuminatoFestival

Box office: 416 368 4849 LUMINATO.COM

The cast of Obeah Opera Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh

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