Lumi Gruppen quarterly report Q2 23

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We facilitate lifelong learning

2 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23 3 This is Lumi Gruppen 4 Highlights Q2 23 — Lumi Gruppen 5 Key financial and operational figures 8 Interim report — Lumi Gruppen 1 7 Condensed interim financial statement and notes 34 Alternative performance measures 35 Company information Contents

This is Lumi Gruppen

Lumi Gruppen is a leading education provider


Norway, offering high-quality educational services. The group consists of two main operating segments: Sonans and Oslo Nye Høyskole (ONH).

Sonans is Norway’s market leader within high school private candidate exam preparation courses, primarily to help former high school students achieve better exam results and/or complete their high school diploma to enter

higher education. ONH is a private university college established in 2007, acquired by Lumi Gruppen in 2019. ONH has one campus located in central Oslo, in addition to a strong online offering.

Sonans – market leader within private candidate exams

Oslo Nye Høyskole – National Student Survey 2022: #1 #1

in overall student satisfaction amongst multidisciplinary University Colleges, #5 of all University Colleges.

Oslo Nye Høyskole – National Student Survey 2022: 5/5

Bachelor programmes in International Studies and Political Science rated 5/5 on overall satisfaction.

Lumi Gruppen Students — Campus vs. Online (2023) 43% campus

8 015 students

57% online

Sonans Students — Campus vs. Online (2023) 52% campus

5 172 students

48% online

ONH Students — Campus vs. Online (2023)

2 843 students

74% online

3 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
26% campus

Highlights for the quarter

20 NOK mill. Q2

Cost programmes on track with close to NOK 20 million in savings in the second quarter and a total of NOK 40 million for the first half of 2023. Additional NOK 10 million in annual savings expected from the second half of 2023.

Operating revenue


Launch of NTech vocational courses in the second quarter, targeting first enrolment for the school year 2023/2024.

EBIT excluding impairment

16 NOK mill. (134) (31)

Significantly improved credit quality bad debt expenses reduced by 2.3 percentage points compared to the second quarter 2022.

NOK mill.

Oslo Nye Høyskole

4 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
Stabilised cost development at ONH leading to a strong EBIT margin in the quarter.

Key financial and operational figures

5 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
QUARTERS YEAR TO DATE CHANGE 22 - 23 NOK MILLION Q2 23 Q2 22 2023 20 22 Q2 YR INCOME STATEMENT Revenue 104.7 134.4 212.4 267.0 -22.0% -20.5% Payroll expenses 39.8 50.8 97.3 120.2 -21.6% -19.1% Payroll expenses in % of revenue 38.0% 37.8% 45.8% 45.0% 0.2 pp 0.8 pp Total other operating expenses 34.6 38.1 64.6 72.7 -9.3% -11.2% Operating expenses in % of revenue 33.0% 28.4% 30.4% 27.2% 4.6 pp 3.2 pp EBITDA 30.4 45.5 50.6 74.1 -33.2% -31.8% EBITDA margin 29.0% 33.9% 23.8% 27.8% -4.8 pp -3.9 pp Depreciation and amortization 14.3 14.8 28.3 29.1 -3.9% -2.7% Impairment 270.3 - 270.3EBIT -254.2 30.7 -248.0 45.0 -928.6% -651.0% EBIT margin -242.6% 22.8% -116.8% 16.9% -265.5 pp -133.6 pp Non-recurring Items 275.5 7.8 277.1 14.2 3 432% 1 851% Adjusted EBIT 21.3 38.5 29.1 59.1 -44.5% -50.8% Adjusted EBIT margin 20.4% 28.6% 13.7% 22.1% -8.3pp -8.5 pp Net financial items 7.8 6.4 16.6 12.7 20.6% 30.7% Profit/(loss) before income tax -261.9 24.2 -264.6 32.3 -1 180.6% -918.2% Tax 1.9 4.7 1.2 6.3 -60.3% -81.5% Profit/(loss) for the year -263.8 19.6 -265.8 26.0 -1 448.7% -1 120.4% Basic/diluted Earnings per share -4.89 0.54 -5.78 0.72 -1 000.9% -898.4% FINANCIAL POSITION Capex (fixed assets and development costs) 2.5 5.0 5.4 9.2 -49.2% -41.5% Net Cash Flow from Operations -80.5 -71.9 2.3 42.4 11.9% -94.6% Total assets 941 1 187 941 1 187 -20.7% -20.7% Equity 472 536 472 536 -11.9% -11.9% Equity % 50.2% 45.2% 50.2% 45.2% 5.0 pp 5.0 pp Cash position 62 32 62 32 92.9% 92.9% Net Debt (NIBD) 238 398 238 398 -40.2% -40.2% OPERATIONAL KPIS Number of Employees (FTEs) 227 268 227 268 -15.3% -15.3% Sick-leave 5.5% 5.9% 5.5% 5.5% -0.4 pp 0.0 pp Number of Campuses Sonans 12 15 12 15 -20.0% -20.0% Number of Campuses ONH 1 1 1 1 0.0% 0.0% Number of Students Sonans 5 172 8 249 5 172 8 249 -37.3% -37.3% — of which online 2 476 3 701 2 476 3 701 -33.1% -33.1% Number of Students ONH 2 843 2 549 2 843 2 549 11.5% 11.5% — of which online 2 099 1 751 2 099 1 751 19.9% 19.9%

Operating Revenue

6 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23 Q2 Q2 Q2 Lumi Gruppen 104.7 23 22 134.4 Sonans ONH
NOKm 160 120 80 40 0 54.6 23 22 88.0 100 75 50 25 0 50.0 23 22 46.3 60 45 30 15 0 QUARTERS YEAR TO DATE CHANGE 22 - 23 NOK MILLION Q2 23 Q2 22 2023 20 22 Q2 YR LUMI GROUP KEY FIGURES Operating Revenue 104.7 134.4 212.4 267.0 -22.0% -20.5% — Campus 50.2 81.3 101.1 159.4 -38.3% -36.6% — Online 54.5 53.1 111.3 107.5 2.6% 3.4% Total operating revenue 104.7 134.4 212.4 267.0 -22.0% -20.5% Payroll Expenses 39.8 50.8 97.3 120.2 -21.6% -19.1% Payroll Expenses in % of operating revenue 38.0% 37.8% 45.8% 45.0% 0.2 pp 0.8 pp Other Expenses 28.7 27.4 52.3 53.9 4.5% -3.0% Other expenses in % of operating revenue 27.4% 20.4% 24.6% 20.2% 6.9 pp 4.4 pp Bad debt expenses 5.9 10.7 12.3 18.8 -44.7% -34.7% Bad debt expenses in % of operating revenue 5.6% 7.9% 5.8% 7.0% -2.3 pp -1.3 pp Total operating expenses 74.3 88.9 161.8 192.9 -16.3% -16.1% EBITDA 30.4 45.5 50.6 74.1 -33.2% -31.8% EBITDA margin 29.0% 33.9% 23.8% 27.8% -4.8 pp -3.9 pp Depreciation and amortization 14.3 14.8 28.3 29.1 -3.9% -2.7% Impairment 270.3 - 270.3EBIT -254.2 30.7 -248.0 45.0 -928.6% -651.0% EBIT margin -242.6% 22.8% -116.8% 16.9 % -265.5 pp -133.6 pp Non-recurring items 275.5 7.8 277.1 14.2 3 432% 1 851% Adjusted EBIT 21.3 38.5 29.1 59.1 -44.5% -50.8% Adjusted EBIT margin 20.4% 28.6% 13.7% 22.1% -8.3 pp -8.5 pp Number of FTEs 226.7 267.7 226.7 267.7 -15.3% -15.3% Sick-leave 5.5% 5.9% 5.5% 5.5% -0.4 pp 0.0 pp
7 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
We are an important part of the Norwegian educational system and provide opportunities for people who want to take higher education and participate in the workforce.

Cost base reduced, mixed market developments

Executive Summary

The positive development for Oslo Nye Høyskole (ONH) continued in the second quarter, with solid profitability due to a combination of top-line growth and cost initiatives. We are now at an inflexion point where ONH becomes our most significant operating segment.

On the other hand, the post-Covid driven market setback continued to affect our private candidate business in Sonans negatively in the second quarter. Lumi Gruppen has taken significant measures to adapt to the market situation for Sonans. The cost reduction programme in Sonans is well on track, with close to NOK 36 million in annual cost-saving measures realized in the first half of 2023. Additional savings of NOK 10 million are expected to be realized in the second half of 2023.

The market for our private candidate business in Sonans is expected to normalise over time which would rapidly translate into profit improvement. However, as of yet, there is no firm evidence that this normalisation will occur in the 2023/2024 school year, as the post-Covid effects are still affecting the private candidate market in Norway.

The first NTech vocational courses were launched in the first half of 2023, targeting the first enrolment for the school year 2023/2024.

Second quarter 2023 review 1

Total operating revenue was NOK 104.7 million compared to NOK 134.4 million last year and represents a decline of 22 per cent. The decline was driven by the postCovid market setback for the private candidate business in Sonans. Oslo Nye Høyskole (ONH) continued its positive performance in the second quarter with 8 per cent growth, mainly driven by new study programmes offered online.

Operating expenses decreased by NOK 14.5 million or 16.3 per cent in the second quarter compared to the same period last year. The largest contributor was personnel expenses, which decreased by 21.6 per cent from NOK 50.8 million to NOK 39.8 million. The decrease in operating expenses is a result of the cost programmes implemented for both Sonans and ONH and strict cost focus throughout the organisation. In the second quarter, NOK 5.2 million in transaction costs were expensed related to the cash offer from Hanover Investors. Excluding these items, the actual reduction in operating expenses was NOK 19.8 million compared to the reported decrease of NOK 14.5 million.

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) and impairment of goodwill in the second quarter were NOK 16.1 million compared to NOK 30.7 million last year. The EBIT margin ended at 15.4 per cent compared to 22.8 per cent last year. The decrease in EBIT and lower margin in the quarter was a result of the decline in revenues. Reduced student volumes and lower revenue for Sonans have to a large extent been offset by the cost programme implemented together with the growth in volumes and revenue for Oslo Nye Høyskole. The negative deviation of NOK 29.6 million in revenue was therefore reduced to only NOK 14.5 million in lower EBIT and NOK 9.3 million when excluding the mentioned transaction costs of NOK 5.2 million.

The Group decided to make an impairment of the goodwill related to Sonans based upon the updated forecasted result of the 2023/2024 student intake and the new prognosis indicates an impairment of NOK 270 million. The Group still expects to see an improvement in the private candidate market in the coming years and market data indicates that Sonans has maintained a strong market share despite the post-Covid market setback. However, there is limited visibility on future student intake, and it is also likely that Sonans will have to go through a period of transformation to fully adapt to the new normal market situation. After the impairment, the value of goodwill allocated to Sonans is NOK 475 million.

8 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
1. Figures in brackets = same quarter previous year, unless otherwise specified

Including the impairment of goodwill of NOK 270 million, the EBIT for the quarter ended at minus NOK 254.2 million (30.7).

Lumi Gruppen had a total liquidity reserve including the revolving credit facility of NOK 132.2 million (102.3) and net interest-bearing debt excl. IFRS 16 of NOK 237.8 million (398) at the end of the second quarter. On 24 April 2023, the Group launched a subsequent share offering which resulted in an additional NOK 25 million in proceeds. Together with the private placement in the first quarter, this has resulted in a total of NOK 200 million in proceeds of which NOK 130 million have been used to reduce the interest-bearing debt from NOK 430 million to NOK 300 million.

Lumi Gruppen agreed on a new leverage covenant (NIBD/NGAAP EBITDA) for the first and second quarter of 2023. The covenant for the first quarter was 4.0 and 5.0 for the second quarter. Actual leverage in the first quarter was 1.6 and it was 2.9 in the second quarter. In the new financing agreement with effect from the third quarter of 2023 and onward, the leverage covenant has been set at 3.5.

In the first half of 2023, the Group launched its marketing campaign for NTech. The first programme offered is “WebApp development and design” and the plan is to continue to develop and launch programmes annually within the technology areas relevant for NTech. NTech will also offer the programmes in different units allowing the sales of single courses, half-year programmes, etc. The student volumes in the vocational market have grown quite significantly over the last years and the Group believes that NTech is well positioned to take a significant share of

this market. NTech will offer programmes both on campus and online. The main investments for NTech prior to launch this year are personnel and marketing expenses. NTech will use existing premises and work closely together with Oslo Nye Høyskole to take care of student and general administration. This will lead to reduced up-front investment costs and hence lower the operational risk the first year in operation.

Oslo Nye Høyskole launched a new bachelor programme from the coming school year 2023/2024. The programme will target students planning a career within HR and organisational development. In coming years, the development of new study programmes will be of importance for Oslo Nye Høyskole to secure continued volume growth and to maintain and improve its competitive position. Thanks to the current investments, the launch and expansion of new programmes will be more straightforward and less complex, as many of them can be built upon the existing programme portfolio and subject areas.

Following the implementation of the cost programme last year, the Group has continued to work with cost optimisation to compensate for most of the volume loss and decline in revenue for Sonans. As previously announced, the decision to close three campuses in 2023 is expected to reduce the cost base by a further NOK 10 million in the coming school year 2023/2024. For the remaining campuses, work is also ongoing to identify possibilities to reduce campus size (i.e., reduced square meters) and/or identify the potential for subletting parts of the premises.

To improve classroom efficiency and utilisation, work is also ongoing to optimise the channel mix and the product portfolio offered per channel for Sonans. The result will be a larger share of students with combined contracts (campus, live and online) that will allow for more flexibility and reduced costs.

As a result of the growing online market for both private candidate and higher education in general, the Group will continue to prioritise the development of its digital education platforms to strengthen its competitive position. The platforms will also incorporate new technology such as artificial intelligence (AI).

9 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23

Operating Segments

The Group’s reporting structure comprises two operational segments: Sonans and Oslo Nye Høyskole (ONH).


Operating revenue decreased by 38.0 per cent to NOK 54.6 million (88). Most of the decline in revenue is related to lower student volumes for the campus offering. At the same time, online revenue dropped by 6.3 million in the second quarter. Of this, NOK 4.0 million is related to revenue not recognised because of students with full-year contracts demonstrating low payment ability and hence low likelihood for receiving a consideration from them. The Group announced in the fourth quarter of 2022 a change in its revenue recognition for full-year contracts. In the case where students demonstrate low payment ability in the first semester (i.e., 2H of 2022), revenue from their contracts will not be recognised in the second semester of the school year. The full-year contract revenue will however be recognised when payment is received. The effect of this change was NOK 9 million for the first half of 2023 in line with what has previously been communicated.

Total operating expenses excluding depreciation and impairment losses equalled NOK 39.3 million (55.7) in the second quarter. This represents a decrease of 29.4 per cent and NOK 16.4 million compared to last year. The decrease in operating expenses is a result of the cost programme implemented. Personnel expenses constituted 23 percentage points of the cost reduction, but underlying savings are higher as the sales and marketing department, previously employed by Lumi Services, was transferred to Sonans on 1 January 2023. As a result, other expenses (service fee from parent company) were reduced by NOK 2 million in the quarter and personnel expenses were increased by the same amount. Taking this into account, personnel expenses were reduced by NOK 5.8 million compared to last year. Last year’s accounts are not adjusted to reflect this change in structure and its effect on reported for operating expenses.

The development for bad debt continued to improve during the second quarter and is now closer in line with historical levels compared to 2H of 2022. Reported bad debt expense for the quarter is however somewhat higher due to an update of the ECL model as at 30 June 2023

resulting in a NOK 1.6 million higher accrual compared to the ECL percentages applied at the end of Q1 2023. The total provision for bad debt at the end of the second quarter was NOK 26.9 million for Sonans compared to NOK 19.5 million last year.

The Group has strengthened its order-to-cash process by implementing credit checks and tighter follow-up of students that are late with payments. Going forward, credit quality will continue to improve, resulting in a lower provision for bad debt.

Depreciation and amortisation expenses ended at NOK 10.7 million (12.3) in the second quarter. No impairment of right-of-use assets was made in the second quarter.

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) for Sonans in the second quarter were NOK 4.6 million (20). The decline in EBIT is a result of the market setback following the pandemic with lower sales volume not fully compen-sated by the cost programme implemented.

Sonans has completed its turnaround strategy, which has led to a stronger digital offering and reduced the number of campuses from 15 to 12, with a further reduction to 9 by the end of the second quarter of 2023. The campus operations will in the future be concentrated in the largest cities in Norway and the new education offering Live will provide students with the campus quality experience in the areas without a physical campus.

At the end of the second quarter, the number of fulltime employees (FTEs) was 91 (122).

10 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23


Operating revenue increased by by 8.0 per cent to NOK 50.0 million (46.3) in the second quarter. Sales growth is to a large extent driven by the new programmes launched at ONH and online in particular. The growth in revenues is also a combination of a higher share of recurring revenues and volume growth.

Total operating expenses excluding depreciation and impairment losses equalled NOK 27.8 million (32) in the second quarter. The decrease in operating expenses compared to last year is mainly a result of lower bad debt expenses of NOK 0.9 million together with reduced personnel expenses by NOK 2.5 million and other expenses by 0.9 million.

Depreciation and amortisation expenses were NOK 3.0 million (2.4) in the second quarter.

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) for ONH in the second quarter were NOK 19.3 million (11.9). The EBIT margin was 13.0 percentage points higher compared to the same period last year as result of higher revenue and a stable development in operating expenses.

At the end of the second quarter, the number of FTEs was 120 (124), which is a reduction of 3.2 per cent.

Group financials


Total operating revenue decreased by by 22.0 per cent to NOK 104.7 million (134.4). Revenue was adjusted by NOK 4.5 million in the quarter as result of full-year contracts in Sonans with low likelihood for receiving a consideration. Please see note 2 in the financial accounts for more information.

Total operating expenses excluding depreciation and impairment losses equalled NOK 74.3 million (88.9) in the second quarter. Net savings from the cost programmes were NOK 19.8 million in the quarter compared to last year. These savings are mainly related to a significant reduction in personnel expenses for Sonans, together with reduced marketing expenses, overhead and bad debt expenses. In the second quarter, NOK 5.2 million in transaction costs were expensed related to the cash offer from Hanover Investors. Therefore, the total reduction in operating expenses was only NOK 14.6 million in the quarter.

Depreciation, amortisation, and impairment expenses ended at NOK 284.6 million (14.8) in the second quarter. The amount includes the impairment of goodwill allocated to Sonans with NOK 270 million.

11 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) for the Group ended at minus NOK 254.2 million (30.7) in the second quarter. The decline in EBIT is a result of the revenue decline not being fully offset by the cost programmes implemented and the impairment of the goodwill allocated to Sonans with NOK 270 million. Excluding impairment, EBIT ended at NOK 16.1 million with a corresponding margin of 15.4 per cent (22.8).

Non-recurring items in the second quarter were NOK 5.2 million compared to NOK 7.8 million last year. Non-recurring items for the second quarter are mainly transaction costs related to the cash offer from Hanover Investors.

In the fourth quarter, the Group announced that the numbers presented in the quarterly report will be the reported numbers and not adjusted numbers. Nonrecurring items are therefore only shown on a separate line in the P&L and not included in EBITDA or EBIT number for the second quarter this year and last year and year-to-date this year and last year.


The Group’s assets totalled NOK 941 million at the end of the second quarter, a decrease of NOK 246 million from the same period last year. The Group’s equity amounted to NOK 472 million, a decrease of NOK 64 million compared to the same period last year. The equity ratio was 50 % (45 %).

The decline in total assets and equity is mainly a result of the goodwill impairment of NOK 270 million. Current and non-current liabilities to financial institutions were NOK 298 million at the end of the second quarter compared to NOK 428 million in the same period last year.


Net cash flow from the Group’s operations during the second quarter was minus NOK 80.5 million (-72). The difference between net cash flow from operations and profit before tax is mainly due to changes in working capital. For both Sonans and Oslo Nye Høyskole, most students pay tuition fees early in the semester (resulting in a very positive cash flow in the first and third quarters), and in the latter part of the semester the cash is used for ongoing operations.

The net cash outflow from investing activities amounted to NOK 2.6 million (4.9) in the second quarter. The majority of this relates to development of new study programmes for Sonans, ONH and NTech. The net cash outflow from investing activities also relates to the principal portion of lease liabilities in accordance with IFRS 16.

The net cash flow from financing activities was NOK 9 million (minus 55) in the second quarter. The positive cash flow from financing is a result of the successful subsequent offering following the private placement in March with proceeds of NOK 25 million.

During the second quarter, the Group had a decrease in cash and cash equivalents of NOK 74 million (minus 133). As of the balance sheet date, the Group had cash and cash equivalents of NOK 62 million, compared to NOK 32 million at the same time last year.


The leverage ratio at the end of the second quarter was 2.9. The calculation of leverage according to the original terms allowed a non-recurring item adjustment of 30 per cent of the NGAAP EBITDA excl. IFRS 16. The actual adjustment was 16 per cent. The leverage covenant according to the new financing agreement with Nordea is 3.5 for the next three years.

12 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23


The Group’s share capital was NOK 23.2 million as of 30 June 2023, consisting of 55 241 433 ordinary shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.42. All the shares are fully paid and have equal rights.

The Group, following the successful private placement in March 2023, launched a subsequent offering on 24 April 2023. The offering was fully subscribed with 2 380 952 new shares issued, corresponding to gross proceeds of NOK 25 million.

Lumi Gruppen owned 193 814 treasury shares as at the balance sheet date. The number of shareholders as at 30 June 2023 was 373, of which the top 20 shareholders held 88.3 per cent of the shares.


On 11 August Hanover Investors increased its ownership in Lumi Gruppen AS to a total of 28,016,004 shares. Consequently, the Hanover Group now controls 50.7% of the total issued shares and votes in the Company.

The increased ownership of the Hanover Group in the Company represents a change of control event under the Company’s bank financing agreements. It has been agreed with the lender that the Company shall pay a fee to the lender of 1.40% of total commitments (amounting to approx. NOK 5,180,000) in exchange for a change of control waiver regarding the current facilities.

Further, the Company is obliged to agree on new financing terms in such agreements prior to 31 August 2023. The Company expects to announce any key changes to the bank financing agreements’ terms and

margins prior to this date. Should an agreement not be forthcoming, a non-compliance fee of 2.00% of total commitments (amounting to approx. NOK 7,800,000) will be due and the terms of the existing bank financing agreement will prevail.


Lumi’s business model has been transformed during the last year, with a more flexible and scalable business model with a lower share of fixed costs.

Based on the student intake for Sonans, more cost measures are being prepared for implementation from the third quarter.


For ONH, the trend is positive, with applicants trending clearly higher than last year, in line with indications given when the first quarter was presented.

The sales for the autumn intake as at week 32 are expected to end around 12 per cent above the autumn intake of the previous school year.

Based upon the autumn intake forecast as at week 32 and a forecast for the spring intake, revenue is expected to end in the range of NOK 225-235 million for ONH for the school year 2023/2024.

SONANS 2023/2024

The private candidate business in Sonans is the most important swing factor for Lumi Gruppen’s financial development in the short to medium term. The cancellation of exams in high schools three years in a row has affected the private candidate market, and the market has not yet normalised.

The sales for the autumn intake as at week 32 are expected to end around 30 per cent below the autumn intake of the previous school year.

Based upon the autumn intake and forecast as at week 32 and a forecast for the spring intake, revenue is expected to end in the range of NOK 165-180 million for Sonans for the school year 2023/2024.

Profitability for Sonans is expected to be weak in the 2023-2024 school year. Lumi Gruppen will continue to adapt the cost structure to the current market situation.

13 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23


The first NTech vocational courses were launched in the second quarter, targeting the first enrolment for the school year 2023/2024. NTech represents a new growth opportunity for Lumi Gruppen in a market segment growing rapidly in recent years. The Group will continue to develop programmes to increase the volume of students the coming years. NTech will offer courses both online and on campus. The financial impact of NTech is limited in the upcoming school year.


The market development for Lumi Gruppen is correlated and connected to several macroeconomic drivers including the activity in the public market for higher education, the cancellation of exams in high schools during Covid and the labour market.

There is a demand gap in public higher education in Norway, which means that a significant number of students do not have a place of admission. The number of applicants to higher education, which was announced by the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Administration Services (NUCAS) in late April, showed a small growth compared to last year, but was still significantly lower than in 2020 and 2021. The result of the intake was announced 20 July and the number of potential students without an admission place was in line with last year.

The labour market has been strong the past year, and this partly explains the development in applicants for higher education. A potential softer labour market could lead to higher demand for education going forward.

Lumi Gruppen is closely following the process regarding the recommendations published by the Admission Committee in December 2022. At this stage, these are suggestions that are likely to be modified through the political process before a potential implementation. Recent signals based on the public hearings indicate that the changes might be more moderate than originally

proposed. The political process means that implementation of any changes will take time, and the first school year with a new system implemented is expected in four to five years. While the outcome of the process may affect the current offering of Sonans, Lumi Gruppen believes this will also create new business opportunities. As long as access to attractive university programmes is limited, there will be a market for services that help students qualify. Lumi Gruppen is actively planning to adapt to any changes, based on various scenarios.

Responsibility Statement

We confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the condensed set of financial statements for the period 1 January to 30 June 2023 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and gives a true and fair view of the Group’s assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss. We also confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the interim management report includes a fair review of important events that have occurred during the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year, and major related parties’ transactions.


This report includes forward-looking statements which are based on our current expectations and projections about future events. Statements herein, other than statements of historical facts, regarding future events or prospects, are forward-looking statements. All such statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties, and many factors can lead to actual profits and developments deviating substantially from what has been expressed or implied in such statements. As a result, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

Oslo, 16 August, 2023

Approved by the Board of Directors and Management

14 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23

Segment Key Figures

15 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
QUARTERS YEAR TO DATE CHANGE 22 - 23 NOK MILLION Q2 23 Q2 22 2023 20 22 Q2 YR SONANS KEY FIGURES Operating revenue 54.6 88.0 110.7 175.7 -38.0% -37.0% — Campus 32.0 59.1 64.8 117.7 -45.9% -44.9% — Online 22.6 28.9 45.9 58.0 -21.7% -20.9% Total operating revenue 54.6 88.0 110.7 175.7 -38.0% -37.0% Payroll expenses 17.3 21.1 41.8 56.0 -17.9% -25.4% Payroll expenses in % of operating revenue 31.7% 24.0% 37.7% 31.9% 7.8 pp 5.8 pp Other expenses 16.3 25.1 33.0 47.5 -34.8% -30.5% Other expenses in % of operating revenue 29.9% 28.5% 29.8% 27.1% 1.4 pp 2.8 pp Bad debt expenses 5.7 9.6 10.1 16.8 -40.7% -40.3% Bad debt expenses in% of operating revenue 10.4% 10.9% 9.1% 9.6% -0.5 pp -0.5 pp Total operating expenses 39.3 55.7 84.9 120.4 -29.4% -29.5% EBITDA 15.3 32.3 25.9 55.3 -52.7% -53.2% EBITDA margin 28.0% 36.7% 23.4% 31.5% -8.7 pp -8.1 pp Depreciation and amortization 10.7 12.3 21.2 23.3 -13.2% -8.7% Impairment - - -EBIT 4.6 20.0 4.6 32.0 -77.1% -85.5% EBIT margin 8.4% 22.7% 4.2% 18.2% -14.3 pp -14 pp Non-recurring items - 2.8 0.6 5.4 -100.0% 461.0% Adjusted EBIT 4.6 22.7 5.2 37.4 -79.9% -86.0% Adjusted EBIT margin 8.4% 25.8% 4.7% 21.3% -17.5 pp -16.6 pp Number of FTEs 91.0 121.7 91 121.7 -25.2% -25.2% Sick-leave 4.5% 7.5% 4.5% 6.9% -3.0 pp -2.4 pp
16 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23 QUARTERS YEAR TO DATE CHANGE 22 - 23 NOK MILLION Q2 23 Q2 22 2023 20 22 Q2 YR OSLO NYE HØYSKOLE KEY FIGURES Operating revenue 50.0 46.3 101.0 91.2 8.0% 10.7% — Campus 18.2 22.2 35.7 41.7 -17.8% -14.4% — Online 31.8 24.2 65.3 49.5 31.7% 31.9% Total operating revenue 50.0 46.3 101.0 91.2 8.0% 10.7% Payroll expenses 19.1 21.6 47.1 47.4 -11.4% -0.7% Payroll expenses in % of operating revenue 38.2% 46.6% 46.6% 52.0% -8.4 pp -5.3 pp Other expenses 8.4 9.3 16.2 18.7 -9.5% -13.5% Other expenses in % of operating revenue 16.8% 20.0% 16.1% 20.6% -3.3 pp -4.5 pp Bad debt expenses 0.2 1.1 2.2 2.0 -79.0% 12.7% Bad debt expenses in % of operating revenue 0.5% 2.4% 2.2% 2.1% -1.9 pp 0 pp Total operating expenses 27.8 32.0 65.5 68.1 -13.2% -3.8% EBITDA 22.3 14.3 35.5 23.1 55.5% 53.5% EBITDA margin 44.5% 30.9% 35.1% 25.3% 13.6 pp 9.8 pp Depreciation and amortization 3.0 2.4 5.9 4.9 21.1% 20.9% EBIT 19.3 11.9 29.6 18.2 62.6% 62.3% EBIT margin 38.6% 25.7% 29.3% 20.0% 13 pp 9.3 pp Non-recurring items - 3.6 - 5.4 -100.0% -100.0% Adjusted EBIT 19.3 15.5 29.6 23.7 24.9% 25.0% Adjusted EBIT margin 38.6% 33.4% 29.3% 25.9% 5.2 pp 3.3 pp Number of FTEs 120.0 124.0 120.0 124.0 -3.2% -3.2% Sick-leave 5.9% 3.7% 6.2% 3.9% 2.2 pp 2.3 pp

Condensed interim financial statement and notes

17 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23 GRUPPEN

Consolidated statement of profit or loss

18 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
NOK 1000 Note Q2 23 Q2 22 YTD 23 YTD 22 20 22 Revenue 2,3 104 111 133 427 211 101 266 041 511 915 Government Grants 278 694 694 694 1 528 Other operating income 358 253 617 297 1 171 Total revenue 104 747 134 375 212 412 267 032 514 614 Payroll expenses 39 778 50 766 97 262 120 183 247 856 Depreciation and amortisation expenses 4,5,6 14 265 14 839 28 337 29 129 55 282 Impairment 4,6 270 344 - 270 344 - 4 046 Other operating expenses 34 563 38 097 64 554 72 704 130 351 Total operating expenses 3 358 949 103 702 460 497 222 016 437 536 Operating profit/loss (EBIT) -254 203 30 673 -248 085 45 016 77 078 Interest income 11 4 17 4 587 Financial income 412 90 1 023 271 472 Interest expense -6 744 -6 205 -15 430 -12 106 -27 168 Financial expense -1 436 -323 -2 178 -842 -3 480 Net financial items -7 757 -6 434 -16 568 -12 673 -29 589 Profit/(loss) before income tax -261 960 24 239 -264 653 32 343 47 489 Income tax 1 860 4 681 1 167 6 295 10 339 Profit/(loss) for the period -263 820 19 558 -265 820 26 048 37 150 Basic/diluted earnings per share (NOK) -4.89 0.54 -5.78 0.72 1.03
comprehensive income NOK 1000 Q2 23 Q2 22 YTD 23 YTD 22 20 22 OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Items not reclassified to profit or loss: Remeasurement of defined benefit pension liabilities - decrease/(increase) - - - - 1 570 Related tax effects - - - - -345 Other comprehensive income for the year - - - - 1 224 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO Owners of Lumi Gruppen AS -263 820 19 558 -265 820 26 048 38 374
Statement of

Consolidated statement of financial position

19 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
ASSETS NOK 1000 N ote 30.06. 23 30.06. 22 31.12. 22 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Deferred tax asset 7 830 2 713 7 721 Goodwill 4 686 688 957 032 957 032 Other intangible assets 4 30 168 22 453 27 895 Total intangible assets 724 686 982 198 992 648 Right-of-use assets 6 105 826 118 637 123 964 Office machinery and equipment 5 7 906 12 308 10 415 Total tangible assets 113 732 130 945 134 379 Investments in shares 1 679 1 619 1 619 Total non-current financial assets 1 679 1 619 1 619 Total non-current assets 840 097 1 114 762 1 128 646 CURRENT ASSETS Trade receivables 7 21 901 22 877 22 601 Earned, not invoiced 156 2 888 1 826 Other current receivables 8 16 544 14 455 17 142 Cash and bank deposits 62 230 32 260 29 031 Total current assets 100 830 72 480 70 599 Total assets 940 927 1 187 242 1 199 245

Consolidated statement of financial position

20 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES NOK 1000 N ote 30.06. 23 30.06. 22 31.12. 22 EQUITY Share capital 9 23 201 15 201 15 201 Share premium 653 240 434 218 470 218 Treasury stock -81 -81 -81 Retained earnings -204 007 86 774 61 837 Total equity 472 353 536 112 547 175 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Liabilities to financial institutions 11 282 721 417 617 418 592 Non-current lease liabilities 6 90 817 82 108 99 955 Total non-current liabilities 373 538 499 725 518 546 CURRENT LIABILITIES Short term liabilities to financial institutions 11 15 000 10 000 10 000 Current lease liabilities 6 29 904 47 818 38 408 Trade creditors 6 772 10 855 5 230 Tax payable 5 187 6 020 14 911 Public duties payable 11 316 14 169 16 137 Unearned revenue 5 545 29 495 11 075 Other current debt 21 313 33 048 37 763 Total current liabilities 95 036 151 405 133 523 Total liabilities 468 574 651 130 652 070 Total equity and liabilities 940 927 1 187 242 1 199 245

Consolidated statement of cash flows

21 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
NOK 1000 Q2 23 Q2 22 YTD 23 YTD 22 20 22 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS Profit before income taxes -261 960 24 239 -264 653 32 343 47 489 Adjustments for — Taxes paid in the period -5 500 -16 500 -11 000 -16 500 -16 180 — Interest expense 7 961 6 096 16 972 12 322 28 464 — Interest paid -6 645 -5 772 -13 652 -11 675 -18 014 — Interest paid - leasing -1 563 -1 702 -3 227 -3 470 -6 635 — Depreciation 14 265 14 839 28 337 29 129 55 282 — Impairment 270 344 - 270 344 - 4 046 — Change in trade receivable, earned not invoiced and unearned revenue -83 170 -102 989 -3 160 -9 846 -26 928 — Change in trade creditors -7 559 9 463 1 542 8 803 3 178 — Diff. in expensed pensions and payments in/out of the pension scheme - - - -749 -415 — Change in other current assets and liabilities -6 630 413 -19 225 2 029 2 943 Net cash flow from operations -80 456 -71 913 2 278 42 383 73 231 CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENTS Purchase of fixed assets -89 -1 875 -546 -2 499 -3 779 Purchase of intangible assets -2 450 -3 118 -4 834 -6 720 -13 743 Payment to buy shares in other companies -85 - -85 -60 -60 Net cash flow from investments -2 625 -4 993 -5 465 -9 279 -17 582 CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING Payment of principal portion of lease liabilities -11 544 -9 332 -22 223 -18 350 -44 124 Repayment of liabilities to financial institutions - -10 000 -130 000 -10 000 -10 000 Repayment of other loans -2 413 - -2 413 -New equity received 25 000 - 200 000 -Costs directly booked in equity -1 963 - -8 978 -Payment of dividend - -36 000 - -36 000 -36 000 Net cash flow from financing 9 080 -55 332 36 386 -64 350 -90 124 Exchange gains / (losses) on cash and cash equivalents - - - -Net change in cash and cash equivalents -74 001 -132 237 33 199 -31 245 -34 475 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 136 230 164 498 29 031 63 505 63 505 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 62 230 32 260 62 230 32 260 29 031 Unused operational credit facilities in addition 70 000 70 000 70 000 70 000 70 000

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

22 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
SHARE SHARE TREASURY OTHER RETAINED NOK 1000 CAPITAL PREMIUM STOCK RESERVES EARNINGS TOTAL 2023 Balance at 1 January 2023 15 201 470 218 -81 - 61 837 547 175 Capital increase 16.03.2023 7 000 168 000 - - - 175 000 Capital increase 15.05.2023 1 000 24 000 - - - 25 000 Costs booked directly in equity - -8 978 - - - -8 978 Profit/(loss) for the year - - - - -265 820 -265 820 Other equity changes - - - - -25 -25 Equity at 30 June 2023 23 201 653 240 -81 - -204 007 472 353 2022 Balance at 1 January 2022 15 201 470 218 -81 -1 224 60 698 544 812 OCI - - - 1 224 - 1 224 Dividend - - - - -36 000 -36 000 Profit/(loss) for the year - - - - 37 150 37 150 Other equity changes - - - - -10 -10 Equity at 31 December 2022 15 201 470 218 -81 - 61 837 547 175

Notes to the Condensed interim financial statements

1 Organisation and basis of preparation

Lumi Gruppen AS (the Company or Lumi Gruppen), is the parent company of the Lumi Gruppen (Lumi or the Group) and is a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in Norway, with its head office in Nydalen, Oslo. The Company is listed on Euronext Growth stock exchange in Oslo, Norway and has the ticker “LUMI”.

Lumi Gruppen is a leading player in the education market in Norway. The Group consists of the parent company Lumi Gruppen AS and its subsidiaries Lumi Bidco AS, Lumi Services AS, Sonans Privatgymnas AS, Oslo Nye Høyskole AS, ONH Education AS and Norwegian School of Technology AS. The operating companies in the Group are Sonans Privatgymnas AS, Oslo Nye Høyskole AS and ONH Education AS. Lumi Services AS is a company that organises shared services like IT, marketing and finance on behalf of the operating companies.

The accounting policies applied by the Group in these consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022, unless otherwise stated.

Estimates, judgements and assumptions

The preparation of interim condensed financial statements involves the use of accounting estimates. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Management is required to exercise judgment in applying the Group’s accounting policies.

Management has used estimates and assumptions that have affected assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and information on potential liabilities. Future events may lead to these estimates being changed. Estimates and their underlying assumptions are reviewed on a regular basis and are based on best estimates and historical experience. Changes in accounting estimates are recognised during the period when the changes take place. If the changes also apply to future periods, the effect is divided among the present and future periods. Management has, when preparing the interim financial statements, made certain significant assessments based on critical estimates and significant judgment when it comes to application of the accounting principles.

23 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23

2 Revenue

Lumi Gruppen earns revenue from educational services including one university college and several private candidate schools across Norway. Services are delivered both on campus and online, and delivered over time to the students. Educational service revenue is distributed according to the individual course sold. Courses for a single semester are distributed over 4 to 6 months while courses running over two semesters are distributed over 10 to 12 months.

From 1 January 2023, the Group changed its principles for revenue recognition for full-year contracts in case there is a low probability that the Group will collect the considerations. The revenue is not recognised until the


In Q2, NOK 4.5 million (first half NOK 9.1 million) related to full-year contracts was not recognised in Sonans due to low probability of collecting the amounts owed. In ONH all such revenue was recognised. The revenue not recognised is booked as a liability in the balance sheet and impaired in line with the ECL-model.

consideration is received. The probability is determined to be low when no consideration is collected in the first semester of the school year.

Invoicing for the educational services is done at the beginning of each school semester, in August/September and January. Invoices sent in August/September are for both the semester and for the entire school year fees. This creates the deferred revenue (unearned income) post in the balance sheet (a contract liability). This contract liability is always current, as the revenue will be earned within a maximum of 9 months after the date of the invoice. The liability will normally be largest in Q1, since payments received are for the semester, which is in both Q1 and Q2.

24 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
NOK 1000 Q2 23 Q2 22 YTD 23 YTD 22 20 22
Education 104 111 133 427 211 101 266 041 511 915 — of which campus 49 560 79 524 99 822 158 502 272 493 — of which online 54 551 53 903 111 279 107 539 239 422 Government grants 278 694 694 694 1 528 Other income 358 253 617 297 1 171 Total revenue 104 747 134 375 212 412 267 032 514 614

3 Operating segments

25 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
OTHER/ TOTAL OSLO NYE HEAD- ELIMINATIONS CONTINUING NOK 1000 SONANS HØYSKOLE NTECH QUARTER AND IFRS OPERATIONS Q2 2023 Total revenue 54 612 50 047 - 7 002 -6 915 104 747 — of which management fee - - - 6 915 -6 915Total expenses 39 343 27 768 142 14 003 -6 915 74 341 — of which management fee 4 920 1 875 40 80 -6 915Depreciation and amortisation 10 697 2 957 2 608 - 14 265 Impairment - - - - 270 344 270 344 EBIT 4 572 19 322 -144 -7 609 -270 344 -254 203 Q2 2022 Total revenue 88 037 46 324 - 10 144 -10 130 134 375 — of which management fee - - - 10 518 -10 518Total expenses 55 745 31 998 668 10 596 -10 145 88 864 — of which management fee 8 963 1 125 375 55 -10 518Depreciation and amortisation 12 321 2 442 - 76 - 14 839 EBIT 19 971 11 884 -668 -528 14 30 673 YTD 2023 Total revenue 110 746 100 979 - 14 517 -13 830 212 412 — of which management fee - - - 13 830 -13 830Total expenses 84 872 65 491 338 24 945 -13 830 161 816 — of which management fee 9 840 3 750 80 160 -13 830Depreciation and amortisation 21 249 5 918 5 1 166 - 28 337 Impairment - - - - 270 344 270 344 EBIT 4 625 29 570 -342 -11 593 -270 344 -248 085 YTD 2022 Total revenue 175 660 91 207 - 21 200 -21 035 267 032 — of which management fee - - - 21 035 -21 035Total expenses 120 389 68 090 1 666 23 842 -21 099 192 887 — of which management fee 17 925 2 250 750 110 -21 035Depreciation and amortisation 23 266 4 894 - 164 805 29 129 EBIT 32 005 18 223 -1 666 -2 806 -741 45 016 2022 Total revenue 320 347 194 027 - 42 313 -42 073 514 614 — of which management fee - - - 42 313 -42 313Total expenses 220 900 147 045 2 619 49 717 -42 073 378 207 — of which management fee 35 853 4 538 1 500 422 -42 313Depreciation and amortisation 42 302 9 840 9 2 332 800 55 282 Impairment 4 046 - - - - 4 046 EBIT 53 099 37 142 -2 628 -9 736 -800 77 078

4 Intangible assets

As described in the annual report for 2022, goodwill is assessed for impairment at an annual basis, and, as per IAS 36, more frequently if indicators of impairment are identified. Please refer to the 2022 annual report for a description of the accounting principles and identified cash generating units (CGUs) for goodwill in Lumi Gruppen. The autumn intake for CGU Sonans came in at a lower level than expected, and as a result of this an impairment test is performed for this CGU at 30 June 2023. No impairment indicators are identified for CGU Oslo Nye Høyskole, and no impairment test is performed for this CGU at 30 June 2023.

Key assumptions with the measurement of value in use (enterprise value)

Measurement of the enterprise value for the CGUs is most sensitive for the following assumptions:

Discount rate

The discount rate is based on a weighted average cost of capital methodology (WACC). The nominal discount rate is based on the Group’s estimated capital cost measured as the weighted average of the costs for the Group’s equity and debt. The WACC considers the interest rate of the debt, the risk-free interest rate, the debt to total assets ratio, risk premium and an equity risk premium. Beta and debt ratio are based on an average of the applied industry group and a peer group.

26 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
Goodwill OSLO NYE NOK 1000 HØYSKOLE SONANS TOTAL COST Cost at 31 December 2022 211 688 745 344 957 032 Additions - -Additions through acquisitions - -Disposals - -Cost at 30 June 2023 211 688 745 344 957 032 AMORTIZATION AND IMPAIRMENT Accumulated at 31 December 2022 - -Impairment - 270 344 270 344 Amortization - -Accumulated at 30 June 2023 - 270 344 270 344 Carrying amount at 30 June 2023 211 688 475 000 686 688 Amortization method n/a n/a n/a Estimated useful life Impairment tests Impairment tests Impairment tests

Growth rates

Growth rates applied in the impairment testing for goodwill are based on management’s expectations on the market developments. Based on available information and management’s market expertise, the expectation is a slight increase in growth over the coming years with a flat and moderate growth when calculating the terminal value in the DCF model. Management expectations are based on historical trends and publicly available industry analyses. As is the case with expectations with an element of uncertainty, there can be a need for adjustments to the estimates in future periods.

The following key assumptions were used for the value-in-use calculations for CGU Sonans at 30 June 2023:

— WACC (after tax) 10.9% (11.3% at 31.12.2022)

— Terminal growth rate 2.75% (3.22% at 31.12.2022)

Other intangible assets

Result of the impairment test

The estimated recoverable amount of the goodwill related to CGU Sonans is NOK 475 million. As this is below the carrying value of NOK 745 million, an impairment of NOK 270 million is recognised at 30 June 2023.

27 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
STUDENT CONSESSIONS, NOK 1000 CONTRACTS PATENTS ETC. TOTAL COST Cost at 31 December 2022 33 000 33 205 66 205 Additions - 4 834 4 834 Additions through acquisitions - -Disposals - -Cost at 30 June 2023 33 000 38 039 71 039 AMORTIZATION AND IMPAIRMENT Accumulated at 31 December 2022 33 000 5 310 38 310 Impairment - -Amortisation - 2 562 2 562 Accumulated at 30 June 2023 33 000 7 871 40 871 Carrying amount 30 June 2023 - 30 167 30 167 Amortization method Degressive Linear Estimated useful life 2-4 years 5 years

5 Property, plants and equipment

6 Leasing

The Group leases are primarily office and school buildings and office equipment. Short-term and low-value leases are excluded from the financial lease accounting.

Right-of-use assets are leased assets recognised in the statement of financial position in accordance with IFRS 16 and are primarily buildings and office equipment. Right-of-use assets are depreciated over the shorter of the asset’s useful life and the lease term on a straight-line basis. The right-of-use assets are reviewed for potential impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount.

The Group has entered into a significant lease agreement with commencement date in the third quarter of 2023. This agreement will be recognised as an IFRS 16 lease obligation at the commencement date, and right-of-use asset is estimated to approx. NOK 120 million when recognised.

28 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
OFFICE LEASEHOLD MACHINERY & NOK 1000 IMPROVEMENTS ART EQUIPMENT TOTAL COST Cost at 31 December 2022 13 246 376 46 258 59 880 Additions - - 546 546 Additions through acquisitions - - -Disposals - - -Cost at 30 June 2023 13 246 376 46 804 60 426 DEPRECIATIONS AND IMPAIRMENT Accumulated at 31 December 2022 12 417 - 37 049 49 466 Depreciation 286 - 2 767 3 054 Impairment - - -Disposals - - -Accumulated at 30 June 2023 12 703 - 39 816 52 520 Carrying amount at 30 June 2023 543 376 6 988 7 906 Depreciation method Linear n/a Linear Estimated useful life In line with 3-5 years lease contract

recognised in the balance sheet

recognised in the statement of profit or loss

29 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23 NOK 1000 30.06. 23 30.06 22 31.12. 22 Right-of-use assets Premises 102 768 115 630 120 100 Equipment 3 058 3 007 3 864 Total 105 826 118 637 123 964 Depreciation method Linear Linear Linear Useful life In line with In line with In line with lease contract lease contract lease contract Lease liabilities Current 29 904 47 818 38 408 Non-current 90 817 82 108 99 955 Total 120 721 129 927 138 362 NOK 1000 RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS TOTAL COST Cost at 31 December 2022 296 087 296 087 Additions 4 647 4 647 Additions through acquisitions -Disposals 65 65 Cost at 30 June 2023 300 669 300 669 DEPRECIATIONS AND IMPAIRMENT Accumulated at 31 December 2022 172 124 172 124 Depreciation 22 720 22 720 Impairment -Disposals -Accumulated at 30 June 2023 194 843 194 843 Carrying amount at 30 June 2023 105 826 105 826 Depreciation method Linear Linear Estimated useful life In line with In line with lease contract lease contract Amounts
NOK 1000 Q2 23 Q2 22 YTD 23 YTD 22 20 22 Depreciation of right-of-use assets 11 455 12 513 22 720 23 651 45 024 Impairment of right-of-use assets - - - - 4 046 Settlement with termination - - - -Interest expense 1 563 1 702 3 227 3 470 6 635

7 Trade receivables

8 Other receivables

30 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
NOK 1000 30.06 23 30.06 22 31.12. 22 Trade receivables 53 892 45 568 36 459 — of which Sonans 42 499 38 190 28 659 Loss allowance -31 991 -22 691 -13 858 — of which Sonans -26 986 -19 460 -11 197 Total trade receivable, net 21 901 22 877 22 601 NOK 1000 30.06 23 30.06 22 31.12. 22 Prepaid expenses 14 933 14 441 16 349 Other debtors 1 611 14 793 Total other receivables 16 544 14 455 17 142

9 Share capital and shareholder information

Parent company (Lumi Gruppen AS)

31 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
NOK NUMBER PAR VALUE CAPITALISED SHARE CAPITAL Ordinary shares 55 241 433 0.42 23 201 402 Cost at 30 June 2023 55 241 433 23 201 402 TYPE OF ORDINARY % At 30 June 2023 ACCOUNT SHARES OWNERSHIP SHAREHOLDERS The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV Nominee 19 986 321 36.2 Lola Bidco AS Ordinary 6 447 436 11.7 Pareto Aksje Norge Verdipapirfond Ordinary 3 703 878 6.7 J.P. Morgan SE Nominee 3 041 782 5.5 Verdipapirfondet Holberg Norge Ordinary 2 733 333 4.9 The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Nominee 2 189 896 4.0 Forsvarets Personellservice Ordinary 1 550 540 2.8 Melesio Invest AS Ordinary 1 420 709 2.6 Valorem AS Ordinary 1 217 000 2.2 CMDC AS Ordinary 1 000 000 1.8 Wenaas EFTF AS Ordinary 885 714 1.6 VJ Invest AS Ordinary 608 198 1.1 Ginko AS Ordinary 600 000 1.1 Dyvi Invest AS Ordinary 593 696 1.1 Oma Invest AS Ordinary 578 702 1.0 Cawa Invest AS Ordinary 520 000 0.9 Hausta Investor AS Ordinary 500 000 0.9 Cortex AS Ordinary 440 000 0.8 Goldman Sachs International Nominee 384 685 0.7 Varner Equities AS Ordinary 366 216 0.7 Top 20 shareholder/nominee 48 768 106 88.3 Other 6 473 327 11.7

10 Earnings Per Share (EPS)

11 Liabilities to financial institutions

Current and non-current liabilities to financial institutions are financial liabilities, primarily bank loans, and are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method to measure interest expense on the loans.

In connection with the private placement that took place in March 2023, the Group received a commitment from the bank for a new three-year financing agreement. The financing agreement was signed in Q2, and the structure and terms are as follows:

— NOK 300-330 million senior facility agreement and a revolving credit facility of NOK 70 million

— Interest rate NIBOR + applicable margin dependent on leverage level

— Leverage (NIBD/EBITDA) covenant 3.5

— Allowable adjustment of EBITDA of up to 10%

— Semi-annual instalments of NOK 7.5 million

32 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
Q2 23 Q2 22 YTD 23 YTD 22 20 22 Profit for the period (in NOK 1000) -263 820 19 558 -265 820 26 048 37 150 Average number of shares (excl. own shares) 53 896 389 36 000 000 46 010 524 36 000 000 36 000 000 Earnings per share (NOK) -4.89 0.54 -5.78 0.72 1.03
NOK 1000 30.06. 23 30.06. 22 31.12. 22 NON-CURRENT INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities to financial institutions 282 721 417 617 418 592 Current liabilities to financial institutions 15 000 10 000 10 000 Total liabilities to financial institutions 297 721 427 617 428 592 SPECIFICATION OF LIABILITIES TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Total amount borrowed 300 000 430 000 430 000 Capitalized bank fees -2 279 -2 383 -1 408 Total liabilities to financial institutions 297 721 427 617 428 592 COLLATERAL AND GUARANTEES Nominal value of debt with collateral security Liabilities to financial institutions 300 000 430 000 430 000 Total 300 000 430 000 430 000 Book value of collateral pledged Accounts receivable 21 901 22 877 22 601 Office machinery and equipment 7 906 12 308 10 415 Total 29 807 35 185 33 016

12 Related parties

Balances and transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties to the Company, have been eliminated on a consolidated basis. There are no

13 Subsidiaries

significant related party transactions for Lumi Gruppen as of 30 June 2023.

14 Contingent liabilities

There are no contingent liabilities as of 30 June 2023.

33 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
OWNERSHIP/ NAME LOCATION VOTING RIGHT Lumi Bidco AS Oslo 100 Lumi Services AS Oslo 100 Sonans Privatgymnas AS Oslo 100 ONH Education AS Oslo 100 Oslo Nye Høyskole AS Oslo 100 Norwegian School of Technology Oslo 100

Alternative performance measures

The Group reports its financial results in accordance with IFRS accounting principles as issued by the IASB and as endorsed by the EU. However, management believes that certain Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) provide management and other users with additional meaningful financial information that should be considered when assessing the Group’s ongoing performance. These APMs are non-IFRS financial measures and should not be viewed as a substitute for any IFRS financial measure. Management, the board of directors and the long-term lenders regularly use APMs to understand, manage and evaluate the business and its operations. These APMs are among the factors used in planning for and forecasting future periods, including assessing compliance with financial covenants. Alternative Performance Measures reflect adjustments based on the following items:

Adjusted EBITDA before impact of IFRS 16

Adjusted EBITDA before impact of IFRS 16 is a measure of EBITDA adjusted for (i) lease expenses applying IAS 17 Leases, (ii) revenue and cost from sold or acquired business, and (iii) certain extraordinary items affecting comparability, referred to as Non-Recurring items in this report. The Group has presented this APM because it considers it to be an important supplemental measure to understand the leverage ratio of the Group.

Adjusted EBITDA margin

Adjusted EBITDA divided by total revenue.


EBIT is a measure of earnings before deducting net financial items and taxes. The Group has presented this APM because it considers it to be an important supplemental measure to understand the overall picture of profit generation in the Group’s operating activities.

Adjusted EBIT

Adjusted EBIT is a measure of EBIT adjusted for (i) revenue and cost from sold or acquired business, and (ii) certain extraordinary items affecting comparability referred to as Non-Recurring items in this report, and (iii) for the subsidiaries of Lumi Gruppen AS, also including IFRS adjustments as these companies report on NGAAP. The Group has presented these APMs because it considers them to be important supplemental measures to understand the underlying profit generation in the Group’s operating activities.

Adjusted EBIT margin

Adjusted EBIT divided by total revenue.

Net debt

Current and non-current borrowings for the period (excluding property lease liabilities recognised under IFRS 16) less cash and cash equivalents for the period. Net debt is a non-IFRS financial measure, which the Group considers to be an APM, and this measure should not be viewed as a substitute for any IFRS financial measure. The Group has presented this APM as it is a useful indicator of the Group’s indebtedness, financial flexibility and capital structure because it indicates the level of borrowings after taking into account cash and cash equivalents within the Group’s business that could be utilised to pay down the outstanding borrowings. Net Debt is also used as part of the assessment for financial covenant compliance.

Leverage ratio

Net debt divided by last twelve months Adjusted EBITDA before impact of IFRS 16.

Capital expenditure

Capital expenditure (capex) is a measure of total investment in the period both in the operations and in development of new business. Capital expenditures consist of both maintenance capex and development capex and the source of capex is the Statement of cash flows.

34 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23

Company information





Both local presence with campuses and online offering





Lillestrøm Oslo Ski Sandvika


Oslo Campus — Oslo Nye Høyskole

Fredrikstad Tønsberg


35 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23
36 LUMI GRUPPEN quarterly report Q2 23 Lumi
Management Financial calendar Q3 23 09 November 2023 Design and production: Erik Brandt Chief Executive Officer Martin Prytz Chief Financial Officer & Investor Relations Marit Aamold Trysnes Managing Director Sonans Morten Danielsen Managing Director ONH Line Lunde Director of HR Volkan Bagci Director of IT Phone +47 915 04 070 Office Address Pilestredet 56 0167 Oslo Post Address Postboks 3603 Bislett 0136 Oslo Website IR contact Helge Midttun Chairperson Harald Arnet Director Frode Eilertsen Director Bente Sollid Storehaug Director Sylvie Francoise Elena Choukroun Director Anne Dahle Employee Representative
Gruppen Board of directors

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