Aerlingus Brand Identity System Guidlines

Page 1

Brand identity system guidelines

If you have any queries about the Aer Lingus brand identity and its implementation, or if you require any assistance in the development of brand materials, please contact Brand and Product Management.

Brand identity system guidelines

Brand identity system guidelines

Contents Brand identity system guidelines


Section three Sub-brands

Brand architecture


Aer Lingus Business Class


Aer Lingus Business Class – master artworks


Example Business Class branded items


Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club



Section one Core brand elements




Aer Lingus brand mark


Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club – master artworks


Aer Lingus stacked brand mark


Gold Circle Club member cards


Our brand mark – master artworks


Gold Circle Club member statement


Our stacked brand mark – master artworks


Aer Lingus Regional


Where to use our positive and reversed brand marks


Aer Lingus Regional – master artworks


Brand mark usage guidelines


Aer Lingus Regional licensed operator reference


Primary colour palette


Aer Lingus Regional banner stand


Typeface for use by agencies


Aer Lingus Cargo


Typeface for use in-house


Aer Lingus Cargo – master artworks


Our tagline


Sub-brand mark usage guidelines


Typesetting our tagline


Aer Lingus products


Photography – leisure passengers


Example Aer Lingus product adverts


Photography – Business Class passengers


Aer Lingus Cargo service products


Photography – Aer Lingus airport library


Aer Lingus Cargo naming structure shown in example adverts


Section four Aircraft and vehicle livery


Section two The Aer Lingus brand mark applied


Our brand mark applied to the website


Our brand mark applied to example ezine


Corporate backdrop


Display banners


Cara magazine


Air safety cards


Sky Deli menu and Sky shopping catalogue


Merchandising examples


Branding the Aer Lingus aircraft fleet


Aer Lingus Regional aircraft livery


Primary vehicles – passenger contact


Secondary vehicles – operational


Section five Signage


Section seven Uniforms


Airport terminal signs – fascia panels


Aer Lingus frontline staff uniforms


Customer service signs


Aer Lingus ramp uniforms


Customer information signs


Typesetting customer information signs


Airport monitors


Section eight Stationery

Internal airport identification sign




External identification signs


Compliments slip and business card


Aer Lingus external signage


Memo and fax


External navigational signage


Aer Lingus Cargo stationery


External information signs




External destination signs


Email signature


Internal destination signs


Our primary presentation style


Executive presentation – tourism theme


Executive presentation – aviation theme


PowerPoint presentation guide


Section six Buildings and interiors


Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club lounges


Gold Circle Club lounges


Gold Circle Club lounge interiors


Gold Circle Club lounge furnishings


Gold Circle Club lounge lighting


Office receptions and interiors


Office interiors – the vision


Office interior furnishings


Meeting room furnishings


Applying the brand mark to office receptions


Applying the brand mark to customer service desks



The images in these guidelines and the associated artworks are intended for the express use of Aer Lingus alone. Use of these symbols for other purposes is prohibited without express consent from Aer Lingus. Approved use in such cases may include related licensing fees.

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

We are Aer Lingus. Aer Lingus is its people.

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Introduction We, the people of Aer Lingus, bring our brand to life. Through us, our passengers experience our brand.

We also communicate our brand. Through our brand mark and identity, advertising and communications in print and online our customers learn about our brand. Behaviour and communications that reflect our values truly and consistently are vital to enable us to develop a strong, well-recognised and sustainable brand. Christoph Mueller Chief Executive

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Friendly Innovative Professional These are our values. Our values drive everything we do.

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Friendly is about being —welcoming and warm —characteristically and traditionally Irish —helpful to our passengers —approachable, obliging and communicative

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Innovative is about —striving to improve our service —providing creative customer offerings —working together to solve problems —being at the forefront of our industry

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Professional is about —being open, honest and truthful —being expert, skillful and safe —striving to be the best we can be —being consistent in everything we do


Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Brand identity system guidelines A consistent and coordinated brand identity is the key to developing a strong, well-recognised and sustainable brand. This manual contains the visual guidelines for our Aer Lingus brand identity. These guidelines will help you implement our brand identity consistently across its many applications. They explain and record the various elements within the Aer Lingus brand identity system and show useful examples. Use these guidelines as a reference for the Aer Lingus brand identity system and follow them faithfully whenever you are creating or commissioning a branded item. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, contact the Marketing Department.

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

We have created guidelines to ensure that we remain true to our brand, and the people, products and services it represents.



Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Brand architecture Our Aer Lingus brand will always be the primary brand. Our sub-brands have been devised for specific service needs. All other products and services are identified without unique brand marks. Our brand architecture organises our businesses in a way that: • defines our key offerings, and • communicates the breadth and depth of Aer Lingus to our many audiences.

Aer Lingus Brand Identity System Guidelines Introduction

Our primary brand mark

Our sub-brand marks

Fare products

Gold Circle Club service tiers

Aer Lingus Cargo products
















Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Section one

Core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: Core brand elements

Our brand identity system is composed of a toolkit of core elements working in concert. These elements are our brand mark, our colour palettes, typefaces and photographic library.

Brand mark

abc123 Colour palettes

Great Care. Great Fare. Tagline

Photographic library




Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand mark Our brand mark is our signature, it is our unique identifier and should be used consistently and with consideration.

‘Brand mark’ is the precise term we use to describe the combined form of our logotype and shamrock symbol as they appear in a defined relationship. Our logotype and shamrock symbol have been specially drawn and outlined in artwork. Quality In order to preserve the quality of our brand mark, it must always be reproduced from digital master artwork supplied by the Marketing Department. Duplicating our brand mark by any other means will lead to an unacceptable deterioration in artwork quality.

Clearance zone To ensure that nothing interferes with our brand mark’s visibility in printed applications, we have created a protective clearance zone to set off our brand mark from type, photographs and illustrations. The rectangle shown below represents the minimum clearance zone for our brand mark. Minimum size Do not reproduce our brand mark at sizes less than 20mm wide.

Aer Lingus brand mark


Clearance zone

Shamrock symbol

Minimum size


Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Aer Lingus stacked brand mark Our stacked brand mark should be used only in situations where space restrictions will result in poor visual impact for the primary version.

Clearance zone To ensure that nothing interferes with our stacked brand mark’s visibility in printed applications, we have created a protective clearance zone to set off our brand mark from type, photographs and illustrations. The rectangle shown below represents the minimum clearance zone for our brand mark.

Using the shamrock symbol The shamrock symbol may only be used on its own on certain defined applications: in main base airports; within the aircraft environment, and on the aircraft tail-fin. Each application must be approved by the Marketing Department.

Minimum size Do not reproduce the stacked brand mark at sizes less than 10mm wide.

Clearance zone

Minimum size




Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Our brand mark – master artworks The complete suite of master digital artworks for our brand mark is available from the Marketing Department. These brand mark files may not be used without the express permission of Aer Lingus. File formats For high-end print applications, we have created vector master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2. These are available in both ai and eps file formats. For in-house use, we have created Windows-compatible bitmap master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2

and Adobe Photoshop CS2. These are available in two file formats for particular uses: tiff files for output to colour laser printers and jpeg files for on-screen use. Note for Microsoft Word users Word is unable to open eps and ai format files. To place eps files onto your Word documents you need to use the Insert – Picture – From File... command. Colour versions These artworks have been created to print our brand marks in spot Pantone colours and using the four-colour process.

Reversed colour brand mark

File names Aer Lingus H Rev Aer Lingus H Rev Aer Lingus H Rev 2col.eps Aer Lingus H Rev CMYK.eps

Our brand marks should never be reproduced in any colours other than those specified in this document. Monochrome versions These artworks have been created to print our brand marks in black on any lighter background. File naming conventions 2col – for printing in spot Pantone colours CMYK – for printing using the four-colour process RGB – for on-screen viewing.

Positive colour brand mark

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

File names Aer Lingus H Aer Lingus H CMYK.eps Aer Lingus H CMYK.tif

Reversed monochrome brand mark

Positive monochrome brand mark

File names Aer Lingus H Neg Aer Lingus H Neg W.eps

File names Aer Lingus H Aer Lingus H K.eps Aer Lingus H K.tif

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Aer Lingus H Aer Lingus H 2col.eps Aer Lingus H RGB.jpeg

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Our stacked brand mark – master artworks The complete suite of master digital artworks for our brand mark is available from the Marketing Department. These brand mark files may not be used without the express permission of Aer Lingus. File formats For high-end print applications, we have created vector master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2. These are available in both ai and eps file formats. For in-house use, we have created Windows-compatible bitmap master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2 and

Adobe Photoshop CS2. These are available in two file formats for particular uses: tiff files for output to colour laser printers and jpeg files for on-screen use. Note for Microsoft Word users Word is unable to open eps and ai format files. To place eps files onto your Word documents you need to use the Insert – Picture – From File... command. Colour versions These artworks have been created to print our brand marks in spot Pantone colours and using the four-colour process.

Our brand marks should never be reproduced in any colours other than those specified in this document. Monochrome versions These artworks have been created to print our brand marks in black on any lighter background. File naming conventions 2col – for printing in spot Pantone colours CMYK – for printing using the four-colour process RGB – for on-screen viewing.

Reversed colour stacked brand mark

Positive colour stacked brand mark

File names Aer Lingus S Rev Aer Lingus S Rev Aer Lingus S Rev 2col.eps Aer Lingus S Rev CMYK.eps

File names Aer Lingus S Aer Lingus S CMYK.eps Aer Lingus S CMYK.tif

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Aer Lingus S Aer Lingus S 2col.eps Aer Lingus S RGB.jpeg

Reversed monochrome stacked brand mark

Positive monochrome stacked brand mark

File names Aer Lingus S Neg Aer Lingus S Neg W.eps

File names Aer Lingus S Aer Lingus S K.eps Aer Lingus S K.tif

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Where to use our positive and reversed brand marks Our preferred colourway for most applications uses our reversed brand on the Aer Lingus Dark Green background. Category

Investor-facing communications Aircraft and vehicle livery Stationery Uniforms Customer experience signage Operational signage In-flight livery Sub-brands Sponsorships Brand-building advertising Consumer advertising Retail website

This decision-making matrix addresses the majority of applications. There may be a very small number of applications that fall outside of these categories. In such situations, always consult the Marketing Department for clarification.

Use the reversed brand mark

Use the positive brand mark

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Brand mark usage guidelines There are precise standards for preserving the integrity of our brand mark.

These standards exist to ensure that our brand mark’s impact and recognition value will not be diluted through alteration.

These examples represent some common incorrect uses of our brand mark. They are not intended to cover all possible incorrect variants.

It is important that we use our brand mark correctly ourselves and make sure that others authorised to use it also understand and practise proper use.

Do not replace the logotype text with any typeface.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our brand mark.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our brand mark.

Do not distort our brand mark. When placing our brand mark into Microsoft Word, ensure that it is not condensed along either axis.

Do not alter the colours of our brand mark.

Do no use the shamrock symbol on its own in any application other than those shown on pages 50–53, 73, 75, 77, 111 and 125–129.


Do not apply a drop shadow to our brand mark.

Do not apply a keyline to our brand mark.

Do not create additional sub-brand marks or other variant marks by incorporating elements of our brand mark.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Brand mark usage guidelines In order to preserve the quality of our brand identity across all applications, always use our brand mark according to these guidelines.

Customer Service Baggage drop Ticket Sales The Channel Mark has been retired and should never be used on any Aer Lingus branded applications.

Do not use the shamrock symbol as a pattern device.

Do not use the shamrock symbol to endorse any services or products of Aer Lingus.

Never apply the positive brand mark onto similarly coloured backgrounds within a photograph where any elements may recede.

Never apply the positive brand mark onto similarly coloured backgrounds within a photograph where any elements may recede.

Never apply the reversed brand mark onto similarly coloured backgrounds within a photograph where any elements may recede.

Always ensure there is sufficient contrast with the background when applying our brand mark to photographic backgrounds.

Always ensure there is sufficient contrast with the background when applying our brand mark to photographic backgrounds.

Always ensure there is sufficient contrast with the background when applying our brand mark to photographic backgrounds.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Primary colour palette Our primary colour palette is composed of three colours. These are the colours used in our brand mark.

Aer Lingus Dark Green is central to our brand identity system. It is featured prominently throughout our customer communications and is clearly recognised as the Aer Lingus colour within the airline sector.

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Pantone reference Pantone 3288

Pantone reference Pantone 368

Pantone reference N/A

Process breakdown Cyan 100

Process breakdown Cyan 55

Process breakdown Cyan N/A

Magenta 0

Magenta 0

Magenta N/A













On-screen colour references Red 0

On-screen colour references Red 137

Aer Lingus White

On-screen colour references Red 254













Paint specification RAL 180 50 45 (D2 Design) AKZO UK 1608 B ICI 5XW2

Paint specification RAL 120 60 63 (D2 Design) AKZO UK 1607 B

Paint specification RAL 9016 AKZO 000100 ICI 0101

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

For accurate colour standards, please refer to the current edition of the Pantone colour formula guide. Pantone is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

The colours shown on this page and throughout this document are not intended to match the Pantone colour standards.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Typeface for use by agencies The Neue Frutiger typeface family is the preferred typeface for our brand communications.

This typeface family includes enough weights and styles to accommodate all of our creative requirements.

Neue Frutiger is published by Linotype and may be purchased online at

It should be applied to signage, marketing material, advertising and all other applications where design agencies, advertising agencies and printing companies may be involved.

Neue Frutiger Light

abcdefghijklmnopqrs TUVWYZ1234567890 !@£%^&*:”;’<>\≤±≥

Neue Frutiger Light Italic Neue Frutiger Regular Neue Frutiger Regular Italic Neue Frutiger Bold Neue Frutiger Bold Italic

We have a customer-led approach, our airline is about quality and value.


©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Typeface for use in-house The Arial typeface family is the preferred typeface for communications generated in-house when Neue Frutiger is not available. Arial is supplied with most common Microsoft applications and is available on the majority of PCs.

It is the preferred typeface for use in letters, memos, presentations and other material generated in-house. This typeface family has the minimum number of weights and styles, making it easy to use in standard applications.

Arial should not be used in any of our marketing material, such as brochures and advertising. It should not be used on any branded material, such as signage or advertising.

correspondence presentations information abcdefghijklmnopqrs TUVWYZ1234567890 !@£%^&*:”;’<>\≤±≥

Arial Roman Arial Roman Italic Arial Bold Arial Bold Italic



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Our tagline Our tagline represents our strategic positioning as a quality airline with added benefits for our customers.

Our tagline may only be used on our marketing material, and should never be used for any other purposes.

The rectangle shown below represents the minimum clearance zone for our brand mark.

Clearance zone To ensure that nothing interferes with our brand mark’s visibility in printed applications, we have created a protective clearance zone to set off our brand mark from type, photographs and illustrations.

Applying the tagline to the master brand mark The tagline is applied to the brand mark by positioning it between the logotype character ‘L’ and the shamrock symbol as shown. We use the character ‘i’ to define the spacing between the brand mark and tagline. No other lock-up is permitted.

Great Care. Great Fare.

Great Care. Great Fare.

Great Care. Great Fare.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Typesetting our tagline It is important that our tagline is typeset correctly and consistently in the Bold weight of the Neue Frutiger typeface family.

Correct Always typeset the tagline in upper and lower case letters using the Bold font weight of Neue Frutiger family.

Great Care. Great Fare.

Incorrect This incorrect example uses one of the Italic font sets within the Neue Frutiger typeface family.

Great Care. Great Fare.

Incorrect This incorrect example is typeset in all lower case letters.

Great care, great fare.

Incorrect This incorrect example is typeset with a capital letter for each word.

Incorrect This incorrect example is typeset in all upper-case letters.

Incorrect This incorrect example is typeset using the typeface Dax.

Great care. Great fare. Great Care. Great Fare.

Great Care. Great Fare.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Photography – leisure passengers The style of our photography is vibrant, focussed and contemporary.

We have a refreshed leisure photography library which captures various customer and service-focussed scenarios.










Aer Lingus staff are portrayed in real-life situations engaging with leisure passengers.

2011 Image library

These images are available from the Marketing Department. The file name for each image is displayed here and should be quoted when requesting a particular image file.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements










2011 Image library



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Photography – leisure passengers continued










2011 Image library

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements




AL_pilot_and child_HR.jpg



2011 Image library



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Photography – Business Class passengers The style of our photography is vibrant, focussed and contemporary.

We have a new and refreshed Business Class photographic library which captures various customer and service-focussed scenarios. Aer Lingus staff are portrayed in real-life situations, engaging with Business Class passengers.

These images are available from the Aer Lingus Marketing Department. The file name for each image is displayed here and should be quoted when requesting a particular image file.







2011 Image library

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements



AL_Bus_checkin_1_HR_blank_passport.jpg AL_Bus_checkin_1_HR_passport.jpg

AL_Bus_checkin_2_HR.jpg AL_Bus_checkin_2_crop_HR.jpg

2011 Image library




Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Photography – Business Class passengers continued










2011 Image library

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements








2011 Image library



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Photography – Aer Lingus airport library We have also selected a range of images, taken by Aer Lingus staff, for our library that focus on their day-to-day activities.

Each image should only be sized within the constraints of the file resolution. Images should not be sized outside their resolution range as this will lead to poor quality reproduction.

These images are available from the Aer Lingus Marketing Department. The file name for each image is displayed here and should be quoted when requesting a particular image file.










Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section one: core brand elements















Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied

Section two

The Aer Lingus brand mark applied

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied

The Aer Lingus brand mark must be visually effective as well as consistent in any application.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Our brand mark applied to the website

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied

Our brand mark applied to example ezine

Great Care. Great Fare.

Great Care. Great Fare.


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied


Corporate backdrop

10774 AL_New Backdrop design @25Page 1











Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Display banners

The Aer Lingus brand mark must always appear in this area on all banners


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied

Cara magazine

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Air safety cards

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Sky Deli menu and Sky Shopping catalogue


A perfect mat

today ent on board

sh Independ

…get your Iri

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Merchandising examples Our brand mark lends itself to a broad range of merchandise applications as these examples show.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section two: the Aer Lingus brand mark applied



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Section three


Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Each of the Aer Lingus sub-brands have been devised for specific service needs and have their own identifiable brand mark.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Business Class Aer Lingus Business Class offers customers elevated standards and benefits when travelling to the United States and on certain other longhaul flights. A unique silver logotype has been developed for Business Class. The Business Class sub-brand mark should be reversed out of the Aer Lingus Dark Green background in the majority of applications. A positive version on a white background may be used in select applications.

We have devised the relationship between the Business Class logotype and the Aer Lingus brand mark which communicates that Business Class is a service from Aer Lingus. The Aer Lingus brand mark is positioned in an endorsing role to Business Class – a more understated approach. Using the Business Class subbrand mark The Business Class sub-brand mark should be used on all applications outside of the aircraft, for example at check-in desks and airport signage. A silver shamrock symbol may only be used within the Business Class cabin,

applied to select items such as the fine bone china, glassware, head-rests etc. Quality In order to preserve the quality of the Business Class sub-brand mark, it must always be reproduced from digital master artwork supplied by the Marketing Department. Duplicating the Business Class sub-brand mark by any other means will lead to an unacceptable deterioration in artwork quality. Minimum size Do not reproduce the Business Class sub-brand mark at sizes less than 25mm wide.

Clearance zone

Minimum size


Horizontal sub-brand mark for advertising only

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Aer Lingus Business Class – master artworks The complete suite of master digital artworks for the Business Class sub-brand mark is available from the Marketing Department. These sub-brand mark files may not be used without the express permission of Aer Lingus. File formats For high-end print applications, we have created vector master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2. These are available in both ai and eps file formats. For in-house use, we have created Windows-compatible bitmap master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2. These are

available in two file formats for particular uses: tiff files for output to colour laser printers and jpeg files for on-screen use. Note for Microsoft Word users Word is unable to open eps and ai format files. To place eps files onto your Word documents you need to use the Insert – Picture – From File... command. Colour versions These artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in spot Pantone colours and using the four-colour process. Metallic colours cannot be printed using the four-colour process. We have chosen a visual representation for the Business Class

Reversed colour sub-brand mark

File names AL Business Class Rev AL Business Class Rev AL Business Class Rev 3col.eps AL Business Class Rev CMYK.eps

silver colour when using the four-colour process. Our sub-brand marks should never be reproduced in any colours other than those specified in this document. Monochrome versions These artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in black on any lighter background. File naming conventions 2col – for printing in spot Pantone colours CMYK – for printing using the four-colour process RGB – for on-screen viewing.

Positive colour sub-brand mark

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

File names AL Business Class AL Business Class CMYK.eps AL Business Class CMYK.tif

AL Business Class AL Business Class 3col.eps AL Business Class RGB.jpeg

Reversed and positive horizontal sub-brand marks

Silvers Shamrock symbol file names AL Business Class Shamrock AL Business Class Shamrock 1col.eps

Business Class colour specification Pantone reference File names AL Business Class Rev H AL Business Class Rev H AL Business Class Rev H 3col.eps AL Business Class Rev H CMYK.eps

File names AL Business Class AL Business Class AL Business Class 3col.eps AL Business Class CMYK.eps

Aer Lingus Business Class Silver

Pantone 877 Process breakdown Pantone Process 14-4 (90%)



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Example Business Class branded items

AL Wine_2pg 140x240



Page 1

white wines Riesling Terre d’Etoiles 200 8 Domaine Mit tnacht

Alsace, Fran ce

With vineyar ds overlooking Hunawihr and small family-r Ribeauville, un domaine this , which was surrounded established by all the illus in 1958, is trious names efforts of cou of Alsace. The sins Christophe tirel ess and Marc Mitt earned them nacht have a place in the very top tier Mittnacht win of producers. es are produc ed organically, biodynamic with a percen lines. tage cultivat ed along Characteristics : Gold in col our with hint nose showin s of green. An g rich fruit cha attractive and racter. A bal enticing notes and a anced wine, full and lively with distinctive palate. mineral

Conde de Va ldemar Blanc o 2008 Bodegas Va ldemar

Rioja, Spain

The estate of Bodegas Vald emar in Oyó modern and n is one of the technologica most lly advanced Bujanda hea wineries in Euro ds the winery pe. Jesús Ma where the Con rtinez grapes com de de Valdem e from their ar Rioja is ma own pro perty. de. All the ‘We make win es the way we like, with stru is that wines ctu re for long age should age very slowly, ing. My philoso – Jesús Martíne yet still be enjo phy z Bujanda. yable in the ir youth.’ Characteristic s: Bright, stra w yellow col intense aroma our with gre s of peach and en tones. The nose shows apple combine notes. The pal d with white ate shows fres flowers and h citrus nuance mouth-feel. exotic s and a cream y but very ele gant


Jean Pernet Cuvee Tradit

ion N.V. We are proud to present a new Champ famous Gra agne from the nd Cru village of Mesnil-surbeautifully bal Og er. The wine anced with is delicate orc mousse, and hard fruit, a well integrated fine acidity with persistent leng a creamy and th.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

" " ! "

# ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # & ! ! ' ! ! ! ! & ! ! & $ ! ! $ ! & " $ ! ! ! % $ & " # ! & ! "

The silver shamrock symbol may only be used within the Business Class cabin, applied to select items such as the menus, entertainment guides, bone china, glassware, napkins and head-rests.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club Gold Circle Club is the Aer Lingus Frequent Flyer Programme, entitling members to earn and spend frequent flyer points on Aer Lingus flights and partner member airline flights.

Clearance zone

A unique gold logotype has been developed for Gold Circle Club. The Gold Circle Club sub-brand mark should be reversed out of Aer Lingus Dark Green background in the majority of applications. A positive version on a white background may be used in select applications. We have devised the relationship between the Gold Circle Club logotype and Aer Lingus brand mark. It communicates that Gold Circle Club is a service from Aer Lingus. The Aer Lingus brand mark is positioned in an endorsing role to Gold Circle Club – a more understated approach.

Quality In order to preserve the quality of the Gold Circle Club sub-brand mark, it must always be reproduced from digital master artwork supplied by the Marketing Department. Duplicating the Gold Circle Club sub-brand mark by any other means will lead to an unacceptable deterioration in artwork quality. Minimum size Do not reproduce the Gold Circle Club sub-brand mark at sizes less than 32mm wide.

Minimum size


©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club – master artworks The complete suite of master digital artworks for our sub-brand mark is available from the Marketing Department. These sub-brand mark files may not be used without the express permission of Aer Lingus. File formats For high-end print applications, we have created vector master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2. These are available in both ai and eps file formats. For in-house use, we have created Windows-compatible bitmap master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2. These are

available in two file formats for particular uses: tiff files for output to colour laser printers and jpeg files for on-screen use. Note for Microsoft Word users Word is unable to open eps and ai format files. To place eps files onto your Word documents you need to use the Insert – Picture – From File... command. Colour versions These artworks have been created to print our brand marks in spot Pantone colours and using the four-colour process. Metallic colours cannot be printed using the fourcolour process. We have chosen a visual representation for the Gold Circle Club

Reversed colour sub-brand mark

File names Aer Lingus Gold Circle Aer Lingus Gold Circle Aer Lingus Gold Circle 2col.eps Aer Lingus Gold Circle CMYK.eps

Monochrome versions These artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in black on any lighter background. File naming conventions 2col – for printing in spot Pantone colours CMYK – for printing using the four-colour process RGB – for on-screen viewing.

Positive colour sub-brand mark

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Gold Circle Club colour specification

Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club Gold

gold colour when using the four-colour process. Our sub-brand marks should never be reproduced in any colours other than those specified in this document.

Pantone reference Pantone 871 Process breakdown Pantone Process 14-4 (90%)

File names Aer Lingus Gold Circle Aer Lingus Gold Circle CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Gold Circle CMYK.tif

Aer Lingus Gold Circle Aer Lingus Gold Circle 2col.eps Aer Lingus Gold Circle RGB.jpeg



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Gold Circle Club member cards




©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Gold Circle Club member statement Dear Mr Smyth This is your Gold Circle Club statement which includes all of your activity to 21 January 2011.

Member Details Name Mr John Smyth Card number 7772709890 Your points balance 5500 Points earned this month 850 Current tier Gold

London for a lot less Points! Offer ends March 30th Book a Gold Circle reward flight to London between now and 30th March 2011* and use just 2000 Gold Circle points to book your seat. That’s a reduction of over 300% on the usual number of points required! Booking your Gold Circle reward flight couldn’t be easier. Simply login to your Gold Circle account and select your reward seat. This offer ends 30th March 2011 so book now to avoid disappointment! *Bookings must be made before 30th March 2011.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Regional Aer Lingus Regional operates scheduled passenger services primarily from Ireland to the UK in addition to services to the Channel Islands and France.

The Aer Lingus Regional sub-brand mark should be reversed out of Aer Lingus Dark Green background in the majority of applications. A positive version on a white background may be used in select applications. Quality In order to preserve the quality of the Aer Lingus Regional sub-brand mark, it must always be reproduced from digital master

artwork supplied by the Marketing Department. Duplicating the Aer Lingus Regional sub-brand mark by any other means will lead to an unacceptable deterioration in artwork quality. Minimum size Do not reproduce the horizontal subbrand mark at sizes less than 20mm wide and the stacked brand mark at sizes less than 35mm wide.

Horizontal brand mark – preferred version

Stacked brand mark

Minimum size


Horizontal clearance zone

Stacked clearance zone


©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Aer Lingus Regional – master artworks The complete suite of master digital artworks for our sub-brand mark is available from the Marketing Department. These sub-brand mark files may not be used without the express permission of Aer Lingus. File formats For high-end print applications, we have created vector master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2. These are available in both ai and eps file formats. For in-house use, we have created Windows-compatible bitmap master

artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2. These are available in two file formats for particular uses: tiff files for output to colour laser printers and jpeg files for on-screen use. Note for Microsoft Word users Word is unable to open eps and ai format files. To place eps files onto your Word documents you need to use the Insert – Picture – From File... command. Colour versions These artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in spot Pantone

colours and using the four-colour process. Our sub-brand marks should never be reproduced in any colours other than those specified in this document. Monochrome versions Monochrome artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in black on any lighter background. File naming conventions 2col – for printing in spot Pantone colours CMYK – for printing using the four-colour process RGB – for on-screen viewing.

Horizontal reversed colour sub-brand mark

Horizontal positive colour sub-brand mark

File names Aer Lingus Regional H Rev Aer Lingus Regional H Rev 2col.eps Aer Lingus Regional H Rev CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Regional H Rev

File names Aer Lingus Regional H CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Regional H Aer Lingus Regional H Aer Lingus Regional H K.eps

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Aer Lingus Regional H Aer Lingus Regional H 2col.eps Aer Lingus Regional H RGB.jpg Aer Lingus Regional H CMYK.tif

Stacked reversed colour sub-brand mark

Stacked positive colour sub-brand mark

File names Aer Lingus Regional S Rev Aer Lingus Regional S Rev 2col.eps Aer Lingus Regional S Rev CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Regional S Rev

File names Aer Lingus Regional S CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Regional S Aer Lingus Regional S Aer Lingus Regional S K.eps

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Aer Lingus Regional S Aer Lingus Regional S 2col.eps Aer Lingus Regional S RGB.jpg Aer Lingus Regional S CMYK.tif



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Regional licensed operator reference The Aer Lingus Regional licensed operator is referred to on customer communications in a low-key, text only manner. EI_B'mth-Dub_Feb12_25x4_s2a:Layout 1



Page 1

UNWIND IN DUBLIN Operated by Named Airline

Do not apply any text or graphic elements relating to the licensed operator in close proximity to the Aer Lingus Regional brand mark

operated by



Do not apply any text or graphic elements relating to the licensed operator in close proximity to the Aer Lingus Regional brand mark

Fly Aer Lingus Regional to Ireland

Bournemouth to Dublin Connect onwards from Dublin direct to New York, Boston, Chicago and Orlando

Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Handling fee per passenger per one-way flight. €6 per credit/debit card transaction may apply. Hand luggage allowance 7kg per passenger. Travel 09 January to 29 March.

Do not apply the licensed operator’s brand mark within close proximity to the Aer Lingus Regional brand mark on any branded communications.

The name of the licensed operator may appear as text only on printed adverts.

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Aer Lingus Regional banner stand This example banner stand show how the Aer Lingus Regional naming structure can be visualised in banners.

Aer Lingus Regional brand

Image area

Text area featuring fare details

Booking details

Other route details

9jWa^c id

9jWa^c id





DcZ lVn ^cXa# iVmZh

DcZ lVn ^cXa# iVmZh


€19 .99

7dd` dca^cZ VZga^c\jh#Xdb

Di]Zg gdjiZh [gdb 9jWa^c <aVh\dl! :Y^cWjg\]! 7aVX`edda 8VgY^[[



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Cargo Aer Lingus Cargo offers airport-to-airport services on a modern fleet for its longhaul network and its European network.

The Aer Lingus Cargo sub-brand mark should be reversed out of Aer Lingus Dark Green background in the majority of applications. A positive version on a white background may be used in select applications. Quality In order to preserve the quality of the Aer Lingus Cargo sub-brand mark, it must always be reproduced from

digital master artwork supplied by the Marketing Department. Duplicating the Aer Lingus Cargo sub-brand mark by any other means will lead to an unacceptable deterioration in artwork quality. Minimum size Do not reproduce the horizontal subbrand mark at sizes less than 20mm wide and the stacked brand mark at sizes less than 35mm wide.

Horizontal brand mark – preferred version

Stacked brand mark

Minimum size


Clearance zone of horizontal brand mark

Clearance zone of horizontal brand mark


©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Aer Lingus Cargo – master artworks The complete suite of master digital artworks for our sub-brand mark is available from the Marketing Department. These sub-brand mark files may not be used without the express permission of Aer Lingus. File formats For high-end print applications, we have created vector master artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2. These are available in both ai and eps file formats. For in-house use, we have created Windows-compatible bitmap master

artwork files in Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2. These are available in two file formats for particular uses: tiff files for output to colour laser printers and jpeg files for on-screen use. Note for Microsoft Word users Word is unable to open eps and ai format files. To place eps files onto your Word documents you need to use the Insert – Picture – From File... command. Colour versions These artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in spot Pantone

colours and using the four-colour process. Our sub-brand marks should never be reproduced in any colours other than those specified in this document. Monochrome versions Monochrome artworks have been created to print our sub-brand marks in black on any lighter background. File naming conventions 2col – for printing in spot Pantone colours CMYK – for printing using the four-colour process RGB – for on-screen viewing.

Horizontal reversed colour sub-brand mark

Horizontal positive colour sub-brand mark

File names Aer Lingus Cargo H Rev Aer Lingus Cargo H Rev Aer Lingus Cargo H Rev 2col.eps Aer Lingus Cargo H Rev CMYK.eps

File names Aer Lingus Cargo H Aer Lingus Cargo H CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Cargo H Aer Lingus Cargo H K.eps

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Aer Lingus Cargo H Aer Lingus Cargo H 2col.eps Aer Lingus Cargo H CMYK.tif Aer Lingus Cargo H RGB.jpeg

Stacked reversed colour sub-brand mark

Stacked positive colour sub-brand mark

File names Aer Lingus Cargo S Rev Aer Lingus Cargo S Rev Aer Lingus Cargo S Rev 2col.eps Aer Lingus Cargo S Rev CMYK.eps

File names Aer Lingus Cargo S Aer Lingus Cargo S CMYK.eps Aer Lingus Cargo S Aer Lingus Cargo S K.eps

Vector artwork files have no background colour, and are shown here on an example background only.

Aer Lingus Cargo S Aer Lingus Cargo S 2col.eps Aer Lingus Cargo S RGB.jpeg Aer Lingus Cargo S CMYK.tif



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Sub-brand mark usage guidelines There are precise standards for preserving the integrity of our sub-brand marks. These standards exist to ensure that our sub-brand marks’ impact and recognition value will not be diluted through alteration.

It is important that we use our sub-brand marks correctly ourselves and make sure that others authorised to use them also understand and practise proper use.

These examples represent some common incorrect uses of our sub-brand marks. They are not intended to cover all possible incorrect variants.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.


Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand marks.


Cargo Do not change the position or colour of any elements within our sub-brand marks.

aerspeed Do not create any other sub-brand marks other than those outlined in this guidelines.

Do not use the stacked master brand mark in place of the horizontal sub-brand mark.


Do not change the typestyle of any logotypes within our sub-brand marks.

Do not change the typestyle of any logotypes within our sub-brand marks.


Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Sub-brand mark usage guidelines In order to preserve the quality of our brand identity across all applications, please use our sub-brand marks according to these guidelines.

Do not alter the colours of our sub-brand marks.

Do not use the logotypes from our sub-brand marks on their own.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.


Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.

Do not replace the logotype text with any typeface.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.

Do not alter the colours of our sub-brand marks.

Do not change the position or ratio of any elements within our sub-brand mark.

Do not add any elements or devices to our sub-brand marks.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus products We have a number of Aer Lingus products which represent our fare structure choices. Sub-brand marks should never be created for these products. The product names may only ever be typeset in applications.

Flex Plus Low Correct typesetting Always typeset the product names in upper and lower case letters using the Neue Frutiger typeface family.

Flex PLUS low Incorrect typesetting This incorrect example is typeset in all upper-case letters.

Product names in text In text the product name must always be preceded by Aer Lingus, for example: ‘The Aer Lingus Best fare offers added benefits including free baggage allowance and inflight refreshments to you.’

Product names in design and layout In design and layout, where the product names are represented by visual elements, all product names should be treated consistently by being typeset in the Neue Frutiger typeface family.

A bolder weight may be used for Aer Lingus and the product name to create emphasis.

Flex Plus Low Incorrect typesetting This incorrect example uses one of the Italic font sets within the Neue Frutiger typeface family.

Flex Plus Low Incorrect typeface This incorrect example is typeset using the typeface Dax.

flex plus low Incorrect typesetting This incorrect example is typeset in all lower case letters.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Example Aer Lingus product adverts

Upgrade you fare to Aer Lingus Flex and enjoy the benefits of access to lounges, additional baggage and free seat allocation.

Get the extras of free baggage, free seat allocation and lounge access with Aer Lingus Best fare. Book at



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Cargo service products We have seven Aer Lingus Cargo service products which cover the breadth of services offered. We have devised a naming system which incorporates ‘Aer’ from Aer Lingus within the service name.

AerSpeed AerCool AerSafe AerCare AerFresh AerSecure AerMail Correct typesetting Always typeset the product names using the Neue Frutiger typeface family. Use a capital initial letter for ‘Aer’, followed by another capital letter for the service name with no space in between.

Sub-brand marks should never be created for these products. The product names may only ever be typeset in applications. Product names in text In text the product name must by typeset as shown below. An example service product statement in text could be: ‘AerSpeed is a guaranteed next-flight express product from Aer Lingus Cargo.’

A bolder weight may be used for the product name to create emphasis. Product names in design and layout In design and layout, where the product names are represented by visual elements, all product names should be treated consistently by being typeset in the Neue Frutiger typeface family.

Aerspeed Aercool Aersafe


aercare aerfresh aersecure aermail


Incorrect typesetting These incorrect examples are typeset with either an initial letter or in all lower case letters and using two colours.

AerCool AerSafe

AerFresh AerSecure AerMail Incorrect typesetting These incorrect examples are typeset in all upper-case letters or using two colours.

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section three: sub-brands

Aer Lingus Cargo naming structure shown in example adverts These example adverts show how the Aer Lingus Cargo naming structure can be visualised in adverts.

Product name in example layout


Creative advert area which will change with each campaign

Now Flying cargo direct from the UK (via Dublin) to 7 U.S. destinations. New York, Boston, Washington, Orlando, San Francisco, LA and Chicago. Whatever you’re transporting and wherever it needs to go, we’ll make sure it gets there direct and on time. For more information, call Aer Lingus Cargo Reservations on 1850 767 767, contact your local IATA cargo agent or visit

Primary brand



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery

Section four

Aircraft and vehicle livery

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Our brand identity comes to life when applied to our aircraft and to our vehicles.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Branding the Aer Lingus aircraft fleet Our fleet is probably the most visible aspect of Aer Lingus. It is vitally important that aircraft livery is applied and maintained to the highest standard.

For further guidance on aircraft livery and detailed drawings and specifications, contact the Marketing Department.

Saint’s name Each aircraft has its own saint’s name which is typeset in Neue Frutiger Bold and appears in black. The saint’s name appears in Irish on the port side and in English on the starboard side.

Aer Lingus logotype The Aer Lingus logotype appears in white. The templates and paint masks for the Aer Lingus logotype must always be produced from the master artwork files.

Colour scheme Aer Lingus Dark Green is painted on the upper fuselage, and the lower part is painted white.

St. Colmcille

Colour scheme The Aer Lingus Mid-Green and Aer Lingus Blue form a band that separates the Aer Lingus Dark Green and white. Aer Lingus Grey covers the underside of the aircraft.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery


Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Aer Lingus Mid-Green

Aer Lingus Blue

Aer Lingus Grey

Paint specification AKZO UK 1608 B

Paint specification AKZO UK 1607 B

Paint specification AKZO 000100

Paint specification AKZO UK 1606 B

Paint specification AKZO UK 1609 B

Paint specification AKZO 054569

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 189-09901 (3M 3900 Series Ink)

Vinyl film 189-09426 (3M 3900 Series Ink)

Winglets (A330 only) The shamrock symbol is applied to the winglets in Shamrock Green.


Registration and flag The registration number should be set in Neue Frutiger Bold (horizontally expanded 110%). Each character and hyphen should be separated by no less than 50mm, in black. The Irish flag should always follow the registration number and should be the same height as the registration numbers.

Shamrock symbol on tail-fin The shamrock symbol on the tail-fin appears in Shamrock Green. The shamrock symbol alone is applied to the tail-fin. The shamrock should be vertically mirrored on the starboard side of the aircraft (as shown on the aircraft tail-fin).

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery


©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Regional aircraft livery Aer Lingus Regional aircraft use the same livery scheme as the rest of the fleet, with the exception of the word ‘Regional’ typeset in Neue Frutiger Bold and positioned on both sides of the aircraft in Aer Lingus Dark Green.

Saint’s name Each aircraft has its own saint’s name which is typeset in Neue Frutiger Bold and appears in black. The saint’s name appears in Irish on the port side and in English on the starboard side.

For further guidance on aircraft livery and detailed drawings and specifications, contact the Marketing Department.

Aer Lingus logotype The Aer Lingus logotype appears in white. The templates and paint masks for the Aer Lingus logotype must always be produced from the master artwork files.

Operated by

St. Finbarr

Operated by



Application of ‘Regional’ The word ‘Regional’, typeset in Neue Frutiger Bold, should be sized and aligned between the ‘A’ and ‘n’ characters of the Aer Lingus logotype as shown here.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery


Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Aer Lingus Mid-Green

Aer Lingus Blue

Aer Lingus Grey

Paint specification AKZO UK 1608 B

Paint specification AKZO UK 1607 B

Paint specification AKZO 000100

Paint specification AKZO UK 1606 B

Paint specification AKZO UK 1609 B

Paint specification AKZO 054569

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 189-09901 (3M 3900 Series Ink)

Vinyl film 189-09426 (3M 3900 Series Ink)

Colour scheme Aer Lingus Dark Green is painted on the upper fuselage, and the lower part is painted white. The Aer Lingus Mid-Green and Aer Lingus Blue form a band that separates the Aer Lingus Dark Green and white. Aer Lingus Grey covers the underside of the aircraft.

Operated by


Registration and flag The registration number should be set in Neue Frutiger Bold (horizontally expanded 110%). Each character and hyphen should be separated by no less than 50mm, in black. The Irish flag should always follow the registration number and should be the same height as the registration numbers.

ATR 72-500

Shamrock symbol on tail-fin The shamrock symbol on the tail-fin appears in Shamrock Green. The shamrock symbol alone is applied to the tail-fin. The shamrock should be vertically mirrored on the starboard side of the aircraft (as shown on the aircraft tail-fin).


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Primary vehicles – passenger contact These vehicles are used to carry passengers and crew inside and outside the airport perimeter.

Brand mark Our brand mark must be reproduced from master artworks from computercut vinyl and never hand-painted or printed decals. Colours Crew cars and public baggage vans are Aer Lingus Dark Green in colour, all other vehicles are white in colour. Our brand mark must always be applied in computer-cut vinyl on all vehicles.

It is recommended that 3M cast self adhesive vinyl film is used to maintain the integrity of the Aer Lingus identity colours over a period of time. It is further recommended that all vinyl decals are applied in accordance with 3M guidelines on vinyl application guidelines. For further guidance on vehicle livery and detailed livery drawings and specifications, contact the Marketing Department.

Crew car

Public baggage van

Vehicle livery colour specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Paint specification RAL 180 50 45 (D2 Design) ICI 5XW2

Paint specification RAL 120 60 63 (D2 Design)

Paint specification RAL 9016 ICI 0101

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery

Applying our brand mark to all vehicles

When applying our brand mark to the vehicles individually-cut vinly letters must always be used.

Never use a printed decal when applying our brand mark to the vehicle. This is not an acceptable method of branding our vehicles.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Secondary vehicles – operational These vehicles are used solely within the airport perimeter, are white in colour and do not carry passengers.

Brand mark Our brand mark must be reproduced from master artworks from computercut vinyl and never hand-painted or printed decals. Colours The operational vehicles are white in colour with the brand mark applied in computer-cut vinyl.

It is recommended that 3M cast self adhesive vinyl film is used to maintain the integrity of the Aer Lingus identity colours over a period of time. It is further recommended that all vinyl decals are applied in accordance with 3M guidelines on vinyl application guidelines.

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Due to the large variety of vehicles—from lorries to fork-lift trucks—the livery varies in detail from vehicle to vehicle. However, general rules apply to all vehicles and the overall effect is one of a coordinated scheme.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section four: aircraft and vehicle livery

For further guidance on vehicle livery and detailed livery drawings and specifications, contact the Marketing Department.

Secondary vehicle livery colour specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Applying our brand mark to all vehicles

When applying our brand mark to the vehicles individually-cut vinly letters must always be used.

Never use a printed decal when applying our brand mark to the vehicle. This is not an acceptable method of branding our vehicles.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Section five


Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage


To maintain the visual integrity and legibility of the Aer Lingus brand mark on signage, it is essential that it is applied clearly and consistently using good-quality materials and workmanship.

Ticket Sales and Reservations

Ground Handling 11.30



Self-service check-in

Ticket Sales and Reservat

Head Office


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Airport terminal signs – fascia panels There is a wide variety of internal fascia panels required within individual terminals. The system must be employed to create consistent fascia panels.

Logotype white out, back-lit. 2

Information text is typeset in Neue Frutiger Regular with a capital height equal to the capital height of our logotype, and positioned as shown. It is essential that the Aer Lingus brand mark colours are always reproduced accurately.

Translucent vinyl to match Shamrock Green, back lit.

Minimum space between the brand mark and text.

Text white out, back-lit.

Background Aer Lingus Dark Green.


Customer Service

3/ 5A

Customer Service

Back-lit fascia panel specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Process breakdown Cyan 100 Magenta 0 Yellow 56 Black 18

Process breakdown Cyan 55 Magenta 0 Yellow 100 Black 0

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage


Airport terminal signs – fascia panels Panels should be produced in either 050 opal acrylic material, or an equivalent opal polycarbonate where additional panel strength is required especially in exposed areas. Translucent white vinyl material to be digitally printed matching Aer Lingus Dark Green when viewed in daylight (and non-illuminated). This material should be face applied to the panel. The text and shamrock symbol should then be

computer-cut and weeded out on this material to show the opal white sign panel. The shamrock symbol is printed Shamrock Green on translucent white vinyl and in-laid showing the minimum of an overlap. To prevent colour fade, digitally printed material should be satin laminated, this laminate also adds protection where signs are positioned at a low level. Digitally printed flexible PVC should also be tested in a similar fashion.

There can be a wide variation in how back-illumination affects colours. Test prints on various materials should always be approved with a light box prior to full production. This will also ensure that the corporate green colours (once backilluminated by either fluorescent lamps or LED) are consistent with daylight colours, when non-illuminated.

Ticket Sales and Reservations Text should be centred between the Aer Lingus brand marks. For restricted space, use the measurement of two shamrock symbols between the brand mark and sign text.

Ticket Sales and Reservations Multiple fascia sections may also use blank panels as spacers.

Back-lit fascia panel specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Process breakdown Cyan 100 Magenta 0 Yellow 56 Black 18

Process breakdown Cyan 55 Magenta 0 Yellow 100 Black 0

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Customer service signs Customer service signs are used throughout the airport to manage passenger flow. Due to the changeable nature of the information, these signs are usually portable.

These signs give flexibility to staff and communicate specific customer services to passengers. The signs are printed and inserted into holding frames which are then mounted on the Aer Lingus customer queue poles. The brand mark is displayed at the top of the sign. The customer service information is left aligned and centred horizontally within the available space. The text must be typeset in Neue Frutiger Regular and be applied using the margins shown.

Customer queue systems The pole uprights, weighted base covers and sign frames should all be finished in a tough polyester coated semi-gloss finish matching Aer Lingus Dark Green. The sign frame should double-sided and impact-resistant polycarbonate with an anti-glare surface for greater visibility. All retractable belts should also match Aer Lingus Dark Green. The black outer casing should be branded on the top with the brand mark where possible.

Brand mark

Customer service title, centred horizontally

Web check-in

Self-service check-in

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage


Customer information signs Customer information signs communicate specific messages to passengers in the airport, often asking the passenger to perform a specific task.

Customer information, scale text for maximum impact

Brand mark

Due to the changeable nature of the information these signs are usually portable. The signs are printed and inserted into holding frames which are then mounted on the customer queue poles.

These examples show some how customer informational signs should be displayed. The type size of the sign information may be scaled to fit the available space and create maximum impact.

The layout of this type of sign is treated slightly differently and displays the message first, followed by our brand mark. The text must be typeset in Neue Frutiger Regular and be applied using the margins shown.

Please wait here for the next available agent

Web bag drop Please drop your bags here if you have already checked-in online


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Typesetting customer information signs These examples show how to typeset customer information signs correctly. The language used on these signs should always be unambiguous.

Please wait here for the next available agent

Please Wait Here For The Next Available Agent

Correct emphasis The focus of this sign is placed on the customer message and signed off by Aer Lingus. This is best practice for information signs.

Incorrect emphasis This incorrect example places emphasis on the brand mark instead of the message. The text is also incorrectly centred and uses capital letters for each word.

This counter is open from 2pm to 7pm

Correct emphasis The focus of this sign is placed on the customer message and signed off by Aer Lingus. This is best practice for information signs.

Counter Open From 2:00pm to 7:00pm Incorrect emphasis This incorrect example places emphasis on the brand mark instead of the message. The text is also incorrectly centred and uses capital letters for each word.

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Typesetting customer information signs These examples show how to typeset customer information signs correctly. The language used on these signs should always be unambiguous.

Web bag drop Please drop your bags here if you have already checked-in online

WEB Check-in For those passengers who have already checked-in online

Correct emphasis The focus of this sign is placed on the customer message and signed off by Aer Lingus. This is best practice for information signs.

Incorrect emphasis This incorrect example places emphasis on the brand mark instead of the message. The text is also incorrectly centred and uses capital letters inappropriately.

Please check the main departure board for your correct check-in and bag drop area. Thank you

Please check the main departure board for your correct check-in and bag drop area. Thank you

Correct emphasis The focus of this sign is placed on the customer message and signed off by Aer Lingus. This is best practice for information signs.

Incorrect emphasis This incorrect example places emphasis on the brand mark instead of the message. The text is also incorrectly centred and uses all capital letters.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

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Airport monitors Digital monitors are used to display customer and flight information throughout airports. The Aer Lingus brand mark must be applied correctly and consistently.

The digital monitor background display colour should be Aer Lingus Dark Green with the brand mark reversed and white type displaying the flight information.

Preferred monitor colourway Brand mark reversed and white type on a Dark Green background, displaying the flight information.

On-screen colour specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

On-screen colour references R:0, G:131, B:116

On-screen colour references R:137, G:186, B:22

On-screen colour references R:254, G:254, B:254

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Airport monitors In the majority of cases, the digital monitor background display colour should be Aer Lingus Dark Green with the brand mark reversed and white type displaying the flight information.

Where this is not possible due to technology constraints, our brand mark should still be reversed out of the Aer Lingus Dark Green panel, and the flight information can be

displayed on a white background or on the airport’s system background colour. The panel must fit the full width of the screen without stretching the brand mark in any way.

Preferred monitor colourway Brand mark reversed and white type on a Dark Green background, displaying the flight information.









Monitor background colour controlled by airport authority Brand mark should be reversed out of a Dark Green panel and the flight details displayed on a white background or the airport’s system background colour.








On-screen colour specifications




Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

On-screen colour references R:0, G:131, B:116

On-screen colour references R:137, G:186, B:22

On-screen colour references R:254, G:254, B:254



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

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Internal airport identification sign Main identification signs for internal use may appear on a white background, for example on the rear walls of ticket and information desks.

Sign construction Background panels, in equal sections, should be constructed from laminated MDF panels in white. Colour white, laminate REF Blanc Megeue by Polyreg. All panels should be flush without spaces. The Aer Lingus logotype and Shamrock symbol should be cut in 3mm aluminium polyester coated in brand colours to a satin finish, concealed, fixed with 12mm or 15mm spacers.

The brand mark should be centred on all small single-panel signs. There will be instances where longer panels are required to cover an existing back wall in areas such as Customer Service Desks etc., all shadow line joints should be positioned on either side of the brand mark to equal dimension as illustrated. These joints should not be positioned behind either the letters or logo.

Small single-panel wall sign

Large multi-panel rear wall sign

Signage colour specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Paint specification RAL 180 50 45 (D2 Design) ICI 5XW2

Paint specification RAL 120 60 63 (D2 Design)

Paint specification RAL 9016 ICI 0101

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

External identification signs Main identification signs can be constructed in a number of ways, depending on whether they are for internal or external use and cost considerations. Panel 3D sign specification Aluminium tray with approximately 20mm return. Polyester powder-coated to match Aer Lingus Dark Green. The Aer Lingus logotype and shamrock symbol should be cut in 3mm aluminium polyester-coated in a satin finish, concealed fixed with 12mm or 15mm spacers on a modular aluminium panelling system.

Externally lit 3D sign specification Cowl lighting should be positioned on the top of the sign and match Aer Lingus Dark Green in colour. The sign panel should be increased in height to integrate the lighting cowl and ensure it is sufficiently spaced from the shamrock symbol. The sign is illuminated by fluorescent lamps or LED. 10mm thick individual acrylic shamrock, screened on 3M decal to match Shamrock Green, spaced off on 10mm locators. 10mm thick individual white acrylic letters, spaced-off on 10mm locators.

Internally lit 3D sign specification Aluminium tray with approximately 20mm return. Polyester powder coated to match Aer Lingus Dark Green. The sign is internally illuminated by LED. Individual shamrock has acrylic face with 3M translucent decal to match Shamrock Green. Individual letters have translucent white acrylic face with descaled stainless steel return in white. Return depth 100–150mm to have individual neon.

Some examples of how main external identification signs can be constructed are shown here. The Aer Lingus brand mark should reversed out of Aer Lingus Dark Green colour background.

It is essential that the Aer Lingus identity colours are always reproduced accurately. Use only the specified colours in these guidelines.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

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Aer Lingus external signage All signs constructed for Aer Lingus buildings or airport terminals should follow these guidelines.

Reduced clearance zone for signage We have devised a reduced clearance zone for application to signage. The minimum clear space which must be left around the Aer Lingus brand mark at all times is shown below. Typography All signs should be typeset in Neue Frutiger Regular.

Colours For external signs, the Aer Lingus brand mark should always appear on an Aer Lingus Dark Green background. Preferred colours for other types of signs are detailed on the following pages. It is essential that the Aer Lingus identity colours are always reproduced accurately. For further guidance on signage, contact the Marketing Department.

Reduced clearance zone for signage



Example exterior sign

Signage colour specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Paint specification RAL 180 50 45 (D2 Design) ICI 5XW2

Paint specification RAL 120 60 63 (D2 Design)

Paint specification RAL 9016 ICI 0101

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Aer Lingus external signage A small number of signs use the stacked brand mark.

Reduced clearance zone for signage We have devised a reduced clearance zone for application to signage. The minimum clear space which must be left around the stacked brand mark at all times is shown below. Typography All signs should be typeset in Neue Frutiger Regular.

Colours For external signs, the Aer Lingus brand mark should always appear on an Aer Lingus Dark Green background. Preferred colours for other types of signs are detailed on the following pages. It is essential that the Aer Lingus identity colours are always reproduced accurately. For further guidance on signage, contact the Marketing Department.

Clearance zone

Head Office

The Aer Lingus Dark Green background area can be extended to cover a larger area if required, as in the case of this main entrance sign for Head Office.


Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage


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External navigational signage Navigational signage can be either free-standing, wall-mounted or suspended and be either non-illuminated, or externally or internally illuminated.

If it is likely that the information on the sign may change in the future, a modular signage system is recommended.

External directional signage should always use the layout system and graphic elements illustrated here.





Customer Services Warehouse Reception




Signage colour specifications

Non-illuminated or externally illuminated signs

Station Control

These types of signs are constructed from aluminium panels, polyester powder-coated to a satin finish in Aer Lingus Dark Green. The shamrock symbol should be applied as a vinyl decal in Shamrock Green. The Aer Lingus logotype and all text including arrows, should be applied as white vinyl decals.

Line Maintenance

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Paint specification RAL 180 50 45 (D2 Design) ICI 5XW2

Paint specification RAL 120 60 63 (D2 Design)

Paint specification RAL 9016 ICI 0101

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

External information signs Exterior pole-mounted information signs The recommended material used should be either 3mm aluminium with fixing rails/clamps and with rounded corners for safety. The single-sided sign panel faces and edges should be satin polyester in Aer Lingus Dark Green and mid grey to reverse for durability. The brand mark and text information should be applied in seven-year quality vinyl. All pole uprights on these type of signs are sufficient in a galvanised steel finish.

Sign information, scale text for maximum impact

Exterior and interior wall-mounted information signs This sign is produced in 3mm impactresistant Dibond in a durable satin paint finish. All cut edges must be coated and finished in Aer Lingus Dark Green. The brand mark and text information should be applied in seven-year quality vinyl.

All visitors must sign in here to obtain a security badge

Polycarbonate signs These type of signs should be specified where customers congregate or queue, such as Cargo counters or porchways. The panels are impact-resistant and have an anti-glare surface for greater visibility. All text and background colours printed/ applied on the reverse side of the panel for additional protection.

Security notice All staff must display their staff ID cards beyond this point. The ID card must be displayed on the outer garment and be clearly visible at all times. All visitors must display a security badge obtained from head office security.

Brand mark


Proof of identity

Please remove

is required when

your helmets

delivering and

before entering.

collecting freight

Thank you.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

External destination signs These signs are described as exterior destination identifiers.

These type of signs are constructed from aluminium panels, polyester powder-coated to a satin finish in Aer Lingus Dark Green. The shamrock symbol should be applied as a vinyl decal and must appear in Shamrock Green. The Aer Lingus logotype and all text, should be applied as white vinyl decals.

Air Safety Office

Ground Handling

Signage colour specifications

Aer Lingus Dark Green

Aer Lingus Shamrock Green

Aer Lingus White

Paint specification RAL 180 50 45 (D2 Design) ICI 5XW2

Paint specification RAL 120 60 63 (D2 Design)

Paint specification RAL 9016 ICI 0101

Vinyl film 100-56 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-047 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

Vinyl film 100-10 (3M 100 Series Scothcal)

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section five: signage

Internal destination signs These signs are described as interior destination identifiers. They are used for office doors, lift lobbies, entrance areas.

The signs are acrylic panels with all visible edges polished. They are wall-mounted on silver anodised fixings.

Our brand mark and Neue Frutiger typeface must be used in accordance with these guidelines for all interior destination signs.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

Section six

Buildings and interiors

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: Buildings and interiors

The interiors of our buildings and lounges should reflect our core values—friendly, innovative and professional—give a distinctly Aer Lingus feel, proclaim our Irishness and create a restful and tranquil atmosphere.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus Gold Circle Club lounges Our Gold Circle Club lounge interiors should reflect our core values—friendly, innovative and professional —give a distinctly Aer Lingus feel, proclaim our Irishness and create a restful and tranquil atmosphere.

Branding Gold Circle Club branding should be limited to signage outside the entrance and reception desk only. Business Class branded tableware, glassware, consumables and printed collateral may be used in the lounge. There must be no overt display of the Aer Lingus brand mark on the walls or elsewhere within the lounge.

Working A separated area should be provided for working, which should contain desks, charge points, free WiFi, etc.

Slumber A darkened area with reclining seats, which may also contain individual screened areas.

Relaxing Lounge type furniture, with some signature pieces, ideally by an Irish designer such as Michael Bell or Stephen O’Briain. This zone should include a TV area or a number of individual monitors.

Ideally lounges should to be divided into different zones.

Bathrooms Shaving and showering areas should always be provided.

Eating An area where selfservice snacks can be obtained and consumed.

Each zone may be treated differently design-wise, but the flooring should run through to create a sense of unity and spaciousness.

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

Gold Circle Club lounges





Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

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Gold Circle Club lounge interiors We have selected colours, materials, furnishings, stylistic and decorative themes that will run throughout our Gold Circle Club lounges.

Each lounge interior will require a bespoke design solution to take account of the scale and dimensions. These are to be regarded as recommended design elements to be incorporated appropriately into each specific solution.

Floors A mixture of wood, stone and carpet or rugs is appropriate to delineate different areas in lounges. Recommended are oak, dark limestone and the rich greens and yellows of gorse, grass and lichen for main areas, with light limestone and white for bathrooms.

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

Walls White to pale creams with contoured ‘landscape’ patterns. Framed or panelled, with each panel decorated with tufted tapestries based on contemporary Irish visual art—Louis Le Brocquy is particularly appropriate. A textured dado could be a feature in some areas.

Screens Space can be subdivided with oak and glass screens, the glazing made of water-based patterns to create contemplative tranquillity.

Counters Light oak is recommended for countertops and worktops.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

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Gold Circle Club lounge furnishings

Furnishings Comfort and restfulness are key, preferably in contemporary Irish designs. A variety of styles may be used depending on functionality. Fabrics should reflect the tones of the brand colours.

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

Gold Circle Club lounge lighting

Lighting Lighting for our lounges will be droplet in form and will represent large droplets of rain. The lighting fixture will need to be customised for low ceiling heights.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

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Office receptions and interiors Our environment affects the way in which we behave, and a new environment can directly change our behaviour. Breaking away from the old rules in terms of our physical environment greatly assists in making a bold statement.

Likewise, creating new physical structures and adjacencies to facilitate better communication can greatly improve productivity and well-being amongst those within the organisation.

In the same way that we are evolving the physical form of the workplace, we should not be hesitant to advance the use of colour in the office environment. A vibrant green will be used to pick out feature elements within the spaces against a complementary neutral background.


White walls and ceilings create the backdrop


for some accent green

Grey carpet and slate

feature walls.

provide a neutral work environment.


Office reception and interiors Branding

Screens can be curved walls and/

Head office, regional and other corporate offices.

or slated screens.

One display of the Aer Lingus brand mark behind the reception desk, sympathetic to surrounding environment.


Styles may be selected Lighting Energy-efficient lighting should be chosen.

to suit the site. Fabrics should reflect the tones of the brand colours.

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Office interiors – the vision The overall aesthetic will be contemporary, reflecting the dynamic nature of Aer Lingus. Clean lines are highlighted by lighting, reducing the dependence on standard ceiling light fittings.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Office interior furnishings Sustainable interior design • Sourcing sustainable materials: source recycled and natural materials, and organic non-volatile paints and wiring. Use local materials if possible. • Sustainable space planning: create sustainable layouts that make the best use of available natural light and air.

• Eco-friendly office furniture: source furniture with the highest environmental ratings. • Energy-efficient lighting: including LED and compact fluorescent technology. • Sustainable mechanical systems: more environmentally-friendly systems will reduce running and maintenance costs.

An accent green colour will have limited use, predominantly on accent walls. It is paired with Black American walnut doors and frames to act as the stronger elements, set against off-white walls, white ceilings and off-white desktops.

• Embodied energy: this is the amount of energy required to put materials in place and dispose of them for their entire lifetime including raw material extraction, transport, manufacture, assembly, installation, disassembly, deconstruction and/or decomposition.

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Meeting room furnishings Our meeting rooms are key to our working environment by providing unique spaces for focussed interaction. We have chosen furniture for our meeting rooms that is both functional and elegant.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

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Applying the brand mark to office receptions When applying the brand mark to a reception area, it is important that the materials chosen are sympathetic to the surrounding environment.

The structure of the brand mark should adhere to these guidelines and match all brand colours as specified. All branding of office receptions must submitted to the Marketing Department prior to application.

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section six: buildings and interiors

Applying the brand mark to customer service desks Our customer service desks are found throughout all airports we operate in. They vary greatly from one airport to another and are often dictated by the specific airport authority.

We often do not have control over how our customer service desks are presented. In those that we do have control over, the branding should be conservative, ensuring it fits with our brand positioning. Depending on the construction of the desk themselves, they may be branded with the brand mark or the shamrock symbol, however only when the brand mark appears in its entirety elsewhere.

Customer Service

Digital monitors also offer an opportunity to display the brand mark and customer service title. The materials for application of the branding should be carefully considered and must adhere to these guidelines, matching all brand colours as specified. All branding of office receptions must submitted to the Marketing Department prior to application.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section seven: uniforms

Section seven


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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section seven: uniforms

To the outside world, our uniform is one of the most powerful expressions of our brand identity. It is important that we wear it correctly and with pride.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section seven: uniforms

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus frontline staff uniforms When in uniform, we become the personification of Aer Lingus, so it is important that the way we look and behave reflects our values—friendly, innovative and professional.

When wearing our uniform, it is also important that we behave appropriately: • confident in everything we do • showing interest and knowledge of our job • demonstrating a sincere liking and caring of people

Charity emblems From time to time we may permit the wearing of a charity support ribbon or badge for special circumstances. This must always be approved in advance by the Marketing Department.

• smiling and looking approachable.

The male uniform • Jacket The female uniform • Jacket

• Trousers

• Skirt

• Tie

• Blouse

• Shoes

• Shirt

• Scarf • Shoes

Additional items • Coat • Pullover • Luggage

Additional items • Coat • Cardigan • Tabard • Handbag • Luggage • Gloves

Name badge Name Job title Flag representing languages spoken Aer Lingus brand mark

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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section seven: uniforms

Aer Lingus ramp uniforms We must all play our part in projecting a professional image of Aer Lingus, so we all have a responsibility to wear the uniform correctly.

For our uniform regulations, see Aer Lingus Uniform Standards, available from the HR Department.

The female uniform • Jacket • Trousers • Blouse • Scarf • Shoes

The male uniform • Jacket • Trousers • Shirt • Tie • Shoes



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Section eight


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Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Our corporate communications act as a link between our business and our many audiences. All such correspondence should be clear, concise and consistently presented.

Mr Name Surname Building Number Street Name City Name Country Name

Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3

T +353 1 886 8198 F +353 1 886 3832

21 July 2011 Dear Sir, Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in busdam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuit, lossdf poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videuta nobis eligent optiot initat. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in budam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuefghlosds poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et inita and est dodecendet tr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fideverie eterwetwet lpoiwerwerwemm. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in busdam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln estasdwe imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuit los poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et initat veriootererp rergiutr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fidem. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in bus dam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv moepra los poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et inita veritoe wnaso per ast igiutr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fide loreuas verer uoasaper papsarem.

With Compliments

Address Line 1

T +353 1 886 1234

Address Line 2 Address Line 3

F +353 1 886 1234

Yours Sincerely

Name Surname Job Title Line 01 886 5432

Presentation title Directors: C Barrington (Chairman), D Begg, L Buckley, T Corcoran (US), S Coyle, L Crowley, I Fitzpatrick,

Aer Lingus Group plc. Registration: Ireland 211168

D Gray (UK), F Hackett, C Hunt, M Johns (UK), A Mills, T Moran (US), C Mueller (GER).

Registered Office: Dublin Airport, Ireland

Name Surname, date.



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.


Mr Name Surname Building Number Street Name City Name Country Name

Address Line 1

T +353 1 886 8198

Address Line 2 Address Line 3

F +353 1 886 3832

21 July 2011 Dear Sir, Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in busdam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuit, lossdf poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videuta nobis eligent optiot initat. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in budam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuefghlosds poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et inita and est dodecendet tr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fideverie eterwetwet lpoiwerwerwemm. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in busdam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln estasdwe imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuit los poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et initat veriootererp rergiutr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fidem. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in bus dam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv moepra los poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et inita veritoe wnaso per ast igiutr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fide loreuas verer uoasaper papsarem.

Yours Sincerely

Name Surname Job Title Line 01 886 5432

Directors: C Barrington (Chairman), D Begg, L Buckley, T Corcoran (US), S Coyle, L Crowley, I Fitzpatrick,

Aer Lingus Group plc. Registration: Ireland 211168

D Gray (UK), F Hackett, C Hunt, M Johns (UK), A Mills, T Moran (US), C Mueller (GER).

Registered Office: Dublin Airport, Ireland

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Compliments slip and business card

With Compliments

Name Surname

Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4

Job Description Line M +353 86 854 3210

T +353 1 234 5678 F +353 1 234 5678

Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3

T +353 1 886 1234 F +353 1 886 1234



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Memo and fax

memo To

Frank McNamara


Jack Sheehan


New stationery


22 July 2011


Michelle Gallagher

Dear Frank We have a new Aer Lingus stationery suite which is available from the Procurement Department which include: letterhead, compliment slip, business card, fax and memo.


If you require new stationery items please contact the Procurement Department with full details of all requirements. Regards Jack Sheehan


Peter O’Malley


Mary O’Sullivan

Fax number

01 654 3210

Phone number

01 876 6432


Martin Flanagan


25 July 2011

No of pages


Subject: New brand identity guidelines

Dear Peter We have created these guidelines to help you implement our brand identity consistently across its many applications. They explain and record the various elements within the Aer Lingus brand identity system and show useful examples. Use these guidelines as a reference for the Aer Lingus brand identity system and follow them faithfully whenever you are creating or commissioning a branded item. If you have any questions regarding the proper use of these guidelines, contact the Marketing Department. Regards Mary O’Sullivan

This facsimile is intended only for the addressees indicated above. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. Any review, dissemination or use of this transmission or it’s contents by persons other than the addressees is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, notify us immediately by telephone.

Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Aer Lingus Cargo stationery

Mr Name Surname Building Number Street Name City Name Country Name

Address Line 1

T +353 1 886 8198

Address Line 2

F +353 1 886 3832

Address Line 3

21 July 2011 Dear Sir, Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in busdam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuit, lossdf poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videuta nobis eligent optiot initat. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in budam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuefghlosds poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et inita and est dodecendet tr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fideverie eterwetwet lpoiwerwerwemm. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in busdam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln estasdwe imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv minuit los poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et initat veriootererp rergiutr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fidem. Nam liber tempor cum et conscient to factor tum poen lefum odioque civiuda. Et tamen in bus dam neque nonor et imper ned libiding ges epular et soluta nobis eligent optio conaue nihiln est imedit doming id quod maxim religuard cupidat, quas nulla praid om undant. Improb parv moepra los poitus inflammad ut coercent magis and est dodecendensse videantr. Et inita veritoe wnaso per ast igiutr vera ratio bene sanos as iustiam, aquitated fide loreuas verer uoasaper papsarem.

Yours Sincerely With Compliments

Name Surname Job Title Line 01 886 5432

Directors: C Barrington (Chairman), D Begg, L Buckley, T Corcoran (US), S Coyle, L Crowley, I Fitzpatrick,

Aer Lingus Group plc. Registration: Ireland 211168

D Gray (UK), F Hackett, C Hunt, M Johns (UK), A Mills, T Moran (US), C Mueller (GER).

Registered Office: Dublin Airport, Ireland

Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3

T +353 1 886 6688 F +353 1 886 3832

Name Surname

Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3

Job Description Line M +353 86 854 3210

T +353 1 886 1234 F +353 1 886 1234



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Forms Aer Lingus generates a vast number of business forms which are essential to the efficient running of our business.

Form design is a complex process and a great deal of effort is needed to produce documentation that functions efficiently and conveys information effectively. Best practice information design should be employed when any new form is required.

Extranet Access Request Pack

Extranet Access Request Pack

VPN Access Request Form VPN Access Request Form rd

This form must be filled out completely by the 3 Party or Employee who will be granted Extranet Access, signed by them, and then returned to the Aer Lingus Manager who originally mailed it. If you are having any problems filling out the details please contact the IT Service Delivery Office on +353 1 886 3133.

General User Information Requestor name

Company name

Requestor email

Requestor LAN ID (if existing Aer Lingus User)

Exact location address (Include room/floor/postcode etc.)

Telephone number (Full international number) Requestor IT contact name Requestor IT contact address (Include room/floor/postcode etc.)

Requestor IT contact telephone number (Full international number) Authentication word (For helpdesk verification) Type of request (please tick appropriate) New Customer

Existing Customer\Additional Access Required

Please read the Aer Lingus Extranet User Standards. This document outlines the company’s policy on permitted usage of the Extranet Service. ‘I have read the Aer Lingus Extranet User Standards and agree to be bound by them. I have noted the minimum System Requirements for Extranet access and have/will have met these requirements in advance of Extranet Service implementation.’ Signed _________________________





Signatories rd

Proposed by 3 party manager

EI business owner authorisation

BiSec approval

Signed _________________________



Signed _________________________



















Š2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Forms The style of a form contributes greatly to its function. The way information is arranged, type size, legibility, controlled use of tint boxes and space are all factors that make the most complex of forms easier to understand.

For more information on creating new forms please contact the Marketing Department.

Stationery Requisition (1) Required by (Department)

(2) Date:


(3) Cost centre code must be quoted:

At (Full Postal Address)


Item Number



Quantity Required

Photocopy Paper

Code Number




For Stores uses only


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Authorised by:

For use by Stationery Stores Staff:





Columns 2,3,4, and Boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, to be completed by Originator. Original or fax copy to be sent to Stationery Stores DUBLIN AIRPORT PA 10. 5789

Passed in Accounts by:

Quantity Issued



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Email signature There will now be only one standard email signature for all of our emails. This will be implemented by the IT Department and must always follow this format. This email signature has been chosen for its cross-platform functionality, reducing file size and ensuring consistent viewing in all mail programs.

From: Strategy, Policy and Communications Subject: Aer Lingus standardised email footer Date: 21 August 2011 12:00 To: Everyone Greetings all This is the new email footer for use in all emails sent from Aer Lingus. The footer is created by following this specification. All of the text in the footer is set in our in-house corporate typeface Arial. Only two type sizes are used: ten point for the sender’s information and the corporate contact information and seven point for the disclaimer and legal information. The sender’s name and the website are set in Arial Bold. All other text in the footer is set in Arial Regular.

From: Strategy, Policy and Communications

Emails must always use the in-house Subject: Aer Lingus standardised email footer The sender’s name is dark green (R:000, G:131, B:116 ). The website address in the footer is green (R:137, G:186, B:022 ). The disclaimer and legal information are grey typeface Arial, no other typefaces Date: 21 May 2010 12:00can (R:076, G:076, B:076 ). All other text in the footer is black. be used.To: Everyone There is one line-break after the sender’s information, a second after the corporate contact information and a third after the disclaimer. Each email footer must be customised with the sender’s information.

Greetings all

Regards Name

This is the new email footer for use in all emails sent from Aer Lingus. The footer is Name Surname created by following this specification. Job Title Aer Lingus Head Office, Dublin Airport, PA 6-10, Dublin, Ireland

Tel corporate (353) 1 886 8198 typeface Arial. Only two type All of the text in the footer is set in our in-house sizes are used: ten point for the sender’s information and the corporate contact This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom are addressed. review, dissemination or otherThe use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by information and seven point for the disclaimer they and legalAnyinformation. sender’s name persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.If you have received this email in error please notify the immediately and delete the material. Aer Lingus Limited. Registered in Ireland. Company Number 9215. Registered and the website are set in Arial Bold. All other sender text in the footer is set in Arial Regular. Office at Dublin Airport, Dublin,Ireland.

The sender’s name is dark green (R:000, G:131, B:116). The website address in the footer is green (R:137, G:186, B:022). The disclaimer and legal information are grey (R:076, G:076, B:076). All other text in the footer is black. There is one line-break after the sender’s information, a second after the corporate contact information and a third after the disclaimer. Each email footer must be customised with the sender’s information. Regards Name Name Surname Job Title

Main text content Arial Regular 10pt

Sender’s name Arial Bold 10pt Colour specification R:000, G:131, B:116

Aer Lingus Head Office, Dublin Airport, PA 6-10, Dublin, Ireland Tel (353) 1 886 8198

Contact details Arial Regular 10pt

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Any review, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately and delete the material. Aer Lingus Limited. Registered in Ireland. Company Number 9215. Registered Office at Dublin Airport, Dublin, Ireland.

Colour specification R:137, G:186, B:022

Website Arial Bold 10pt

Disclaimer Arial Regular 7pt Colour specification R:076, G:076, B:076

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Our primary presentation style We have introduced a new presentation template which will help to create impactful, consistent presentations.

This template should be used by all staff for presentations created in-house.

This will be implemented by the IT Department and must always follow this format.

Presentation divider slide Presentation title Name Surname, date.

Presentation divider slide

Divider slide title

Slide heading

Divider slide title • Example bullet point one • Example bullet point two • Example bullet point three • Example bullet point four • Final bullet point five

5 12



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Executive presentation – tourism theme We have two executive presentation styles which are used exclusively at corporate and board level.

Presentation divider slide Presentation title Name Surname, date

Presentation divider slide

Slide heading • Example bullet point one • Example bullet point two • Example bullet point three • Example bullet point four • Final bullet point five

4 12

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

Executive presentation – aviation theme We have two executive presentation styles which are used exclusively at corporate and board level.

Presentation divider slide Presentation title Name Surname, date

Slide heading • Example bullet point one • Example bullet point two • Example bullet point three • Example bullet point four • Final bullet point five

4 12



Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

PowerPoint presentation guide Our new PowerPoint template and guide can be found in the ‘My Templates’ folder.

A short guide to creating effective presentations September 2011

Aer Lingus presentations

Presentation font

Our customers expect an efficient and professional service.

• The font used throughout this template is Arial

The way in which we communicate to our customers is an expression

• It has the minimum number of weights and styles, making it easy to use

of our brand and how they perceive us.

The essence of a strong brand is consistently good delivery. The message should be clear, there should be a beginning, middle and an end.

• Contact your IT manager if you do not have Arial installed on your computer • Do not use any other font in our presentations

This PowerPoint guide will help you to create impactful, consistent presentations.

Be clear about your message

What to avoid

Remember PowerPoint is a speaker guide, not a script.

• Too much information on one slide

• Discuss one major topic per slide

• Highlighting everything and having no clear hierarchy

• Use no more than five bullets per slide

• Using too many colours

• Keep bullets to a single line of text, where possible

• Using all-capitals in text, use bold for emphasis instead

• Create emphasis by using bold type, but use it sparingly

• Text which is too small to be read legibly on-screen

Accessing colours

Colours to be used for presentation elements

• The custom Aer Lingus colours have been saved within this presentation,

• These colours should always be used in tables and charts

Aer Lingus presentation colours

these are the seven colours that appear in a row in the colour dialogue box

Formatting graphs and charts

• If necessary, the colours can be created by inputting the values below into the RGB sliders













Green 131





Green 204

Green 186

Green 105













Green 147

Green 153

Green 150

Visual style of charts and graphs in presentations

Changing the chart format

Refining text in charts and graphs

• This graph has been visualised using Microsoft Graph

• 3D charts are not appropriate for Aer Lingus presentations

• The typography in charts and graphs can be refined by selecting and

- a linked program to PowerPoint for creating charts and graphs

• The colours used are from the Aer Lingus colour palette

• Access the ‘Chart Type’ window from the ‘Chart’ menu • Select the flat graphic style for all graphs and charts

double-clicking to access the window shown

©2011 Not to be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Aer Lingus.

Aer Lingus brand identity system guidelines Section eight: stationery


PowerPoint presentation guide Our new PowerPoint template and guide can be found in the ‘My Templates’ folder. Only use the specified Aer Lingus colours for charts

When creating graphs and charts

• The colours used in this chart are incorrect and uncomplimentary


• Ensure the graph information can be read by using the Aer Lingus colours

• Using too many colours

Example slide layouts

• Too much information on one chart

• Too many graphic elements

• Unclear hierarchy of information

x Text and image on one slide

Text and image slide example

• An image can help communicate

Competitive Strengths

your point more effectively

Use tints of colour to visually group information 2009

• Strong short haul network

• Use a maximum of two images per slide

• Ensure each image has a clear

• Mix of sun and city destinations

m unless stated otherwise


vs. PY


vs. PY

Full year

vs. PY

• Encouraging online booking share

Total Revenue







EBITDAR Costs (ex Fuel)







Fuel Costs













Depreciation, Amortisation & Aircraft Rent







Operating (Loss)/Profit pre Exceptional Items







• Low cost airline with strong service

focus and is relevant to the text

and product offering

• Always place the image to the

• Potential for inbound traffic

right of the slide

• Groups online booking tool

• Avoid using clipart in presentations

additional benefit


• Mix of business, leisure and

VFR traffic across route network

Align graphs and panels for an ordered appearance Unit Cost

Load Factor

Use panels to group visual elements Ancillary

• Cross selling of travel related services • Convenience for customers

• Ancillary Partners – key revenue stream


Customer Service

• Supplement product offering

• Two-tier product • Business Class and Economy Class

• Strong and consistent growth.

Use the minimal amount of text to convey your message

Route Network

Key points of success

Low Fares

• FFP Programme rewards loyal and frequent travellers • Integration with code-share partners

• LF +1pt every year since 2001.

Product Offering

• Transportation service

• Strong and consistent growth.

• Efficient use of extra capacity

• LF +1pt every year since 2001. Code-share and partnerships

• Improves access/network • Opportunity for higher revenue per PAX

Bullet point conventions

Using our PowerPoint template effectively will ensure

A framework for future presentations We no longer use these plane-shaped bullet points.

• We are differentiated as a professional and efficient organisation

Text for bullet point one.

• We are all speaking in the same tone of voice

Text for bullet point two.

Text for bullet point three.


We use these circular bullet points for external and internal presentations. • Text for bullet point one. • Text for bullet point two. • Text for bullet point three.

• We are communicating information in the most legible and accessible manner

www. bfk . ie

The Aer Lingus brand marks may not be used or reproduced by any third party without the owner’s written consent.

Guidelines written and designed by BFK |

Release 1. Š2011 Aer Lingus. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Aer Lingus.

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