Assignment 2011-12

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Information Technologies II. Computing & society

ASSIGNMENT.- COMPUTING & SOCIETY Browse the required information in the network. Solve any doubts with the teacher and answer the following questions. Take into account that this assignment will be used for your evaluation. The answers you provide should be justified and well-reasoned. Remember that it is very important to read the questions carefully. You have time to submit this assignment until the 11th of October. You should do it during the Information Technologies II class. Print and upload the file to your folder in Dropbox. If the assignment is not submitted on this date, you will be penalised. It will be counted each day that you are late. Format: a single Word document using the knowledge you have from the previous school year. You can use as many pages as you want, but don’t copy and paste. 1. What does the term “information society” mean? What is the “knowledge society”? Are they equal? Explain why. 2. One of the characteristics of our society is the “digital gap”. Define this expression. Give examples of other gaps that you think that exist in our society about the access to technological tools. 3. What is “ICT”? Provide advantages and disadvantages of ICT. 4. Habits in family life have changed significantly in the last years. Part of this change can be associated to technology. Watch the short film (winner of Hermes award in 2006) included in this blog entry. Think about the message of the video (effects of ICT in family) and write down three possible measures to avoid reaching the situation of the family in the video. 5. Until short time ago, people had to go to different offices and wait their turn to do official paperwork. Nowadays, thanks to the electronic services, this can be done in a more efficient and quick way, using ICT tools. Write, in a table, different examples of on-line services available nowadays. 6. What is “telecommuting”? Prepare a double entry-table with the most important advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting, both for the workers and for the companies. 7. What is “telemedicine”? What can it be used for? Explain how telemedicine works. 8. What is “e-commerce”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce? Search news about the situation of ecommerce in Spain and indicate: if people are using it more or less, what type of products are bought most, which are the communities using it more, which payment type is mostly used, and compare it to other countries. Florida Secundària. Computer Science Department


Information Technologies II. Computing & society

9. What is a “computer crime” or “cybercrime”? What are the main characteristics of computer crimes? Write different types of computer crimes. Look for a piece of news about a computer crime and describe it (indicate which crime is about and what do you think of the sentence imposed to the accused, etc.). 10. Switch on your imagination: describe a normal day in a worker living in the year 3050 (since he/she wakes up until he/she goes to sleep). Describe his/her job, the number of hours he/she works each day, when does he/she have holidays and which are his/her hobbies.

The cover of the document should contain: A title using the WordArt tool An image related to the assignment’s topic The name of the subject, the teacher’s name, full name of the members in the group, and the group-class on the bottom right corner (inside an AutoShape)

The second page will contain the index: with the sections and the corresponding page number. From the third page of the document onwards, you will write the content of the assignment. After the answer of each question, write the sources from which you have got the information. If you have got the information from the Internet, copy and paste the URL (web address) in a document (to avoid losing it). Check that the URL address links correctly with the webpage you visited.

The assessment criteria will be:  Assessment of adequate content and language expressions used in the answers.  Combined use of the editing techniques in Word:      

Adequate configuration of pages. Font and paragraph formats. Headers and footers. Page numbers. Footnotes. Numbered or bulleted lists.

FLORIDA Secundària. Computer Science Department


Information Technologies II. Computing & society

    

Borders and shadows. Capital letters. Tabulations. Tables. Graphical elements: autoforms, WordArt. If you add an image, you have to explain (beside or below it) what it is.  Hyperlinks to Internet websites, from which you have got information.

 Global elegance and originality in all the document (cover, images, etc.).  Regular work in class, during the lessons dedicated to do this assignment.  Handing out the assignment in the correct time and way (printed and in a folder in Dropbox). Remember that the whole assignment (cover, index and content) has to be in one document (that means, one file only).

Florida Secundària. Computer Science Department


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