Fishhound Magazine - February 2018

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You asked and we answered. Up your game with tips & tricks from anglers who know!

Learn more about Lucky Tackle Box’s trout and fly fishing expert. He also has some advice for new anglers getting into the sport!

Step-by-Step instructions on tying the Improved Clinch, one of the most popular knots in fishing

Introducing some of the people behind-thescene at Lucky Tackle Box who help to keep all the best fishing products coming to your door every month.

With Valentine’s Day approaching, LTB has your back with plenty of excuses to get you out on the water!

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deg a h c S ew




Q: Does cold weather play a

chrome or anything with a flashy

role in the color of baits you’re

blade that reflects well. This is

choosing, if so, how?

especially true when fishing

- Darnell, Albany, New York

for trout, pike, walleye, bluegill, crappie and smallmouth bass.

A: That’s a great question and

For dirty, muddy water or those

perfect for this time of year.

dark, cloudy days it’s better to

The short answer is that water

stick with your darker colors. Think

temperature doesn’t really play a

black and blue, browns or purples.

role in the color of the baits I’m

These put off a more pronounced

choosing. The conditions that

profile when there is less light

effect lure color choice has more

illuminating the water.

to do with water clarity and light penetration.

Q: Was wondering why people don’t use a snap swivel on their

As a rule, if you’re fishing clearer

line to hook on different lures,

water on bright, sunny days, you

does it bother the action or

want to go with more vibrant

something else?

colors like white, chartreuse,

- Damon, Fontana, CA

A: You’re definitely on to

- Jim, Albuquerque, New Mexico

something mentioning the action. One of the biggest mistakes new

A: This gets asked a lot! We’re all

anglers make when starting out

familiar with the bass or crappie

is not paying attention to the

guy that has 20 rods on his boat. Is

little details. Fish are not smart,

it necessary? Yes and no.

but they instinctually know when something looks natural

Yes, rod length definitely makes

or unnatural. On top of that, lure

a difference for different types

manufacturers test baits with

of baits. If you have an 8 foot,

a direct tie from the line to the

heavy action bass swimbait rod

o-ring of the lure. So if you use a

and you’re fishing a small jig for

snap swivel, the bait isn’t going to

bluegill, you’re going to have a

perform the way it was intended.

problem. You won’t feel the bites, you can’t use light enough line and

Another reason to avoid using snap

so on. Know the line size your rod

swivels is that they are typically

is rated for.

not the greatest quality. Most snap swivels are cheaply made and have

Do you need 20 rods? No. No

a tendency to break or bend out.

you don’t. If you fish for panfish

Meaning, if you hook a big fish,

exclusively, it might be nice to have

there is a much better chance of

a couple of smaller spinning rods,

you losing that fish with a snap

with extra fast action tips, that

swivel. You want to eliminate as

you can rig up different baits on.

many weak spots between your

If you’re fishing for trout in a river

line and your bait as possible.

(unless you’re fly fishing) a 5-6 foot

That is why a direct tie, with good

light to medium action spinning

quality fishing line, is absolutely

rod will be just fine. If you’re a bass

imperative to maximizing your

guy that fishes a lot of different

cast-to-catch ratio.

techniques, you might need to invest in more rods. It really

Q: Does fishing rod length really

depends on the species and the

matter for different types of

type of fishing you do.


FH | 5 Where are you from?

I progressed naturally to the fly

Western NY

and fish all species with it now.

How old are you?

You do a lot of fly fishing,


what got you into that specifically?

What species do you fish for most often?

I’ve always been fascinated with

Trout and Steelhead

the tactical side of most hobbies. Although it has progressed beyond

How did you get into

a hobby at this point, I still find


great joy in challenging myself by tactically dissecting a stream for

Truly a clichĂŠ story. My grandfather

one of the pickiest species of North

patiently sat with me and

American fish.

threaded my hook after each fish.

It’s February, for those

written two books mostly on

without ice, what is your

the introduction into fly fishing.

best winter fishing tip?

I’ve traveled the world, and will

Fish small. Midges and other small

continue to do so. A good vise

chironimids are the only hatching

session and a glass of bourbon

insect in moving water in winter climates. Fish low and slow waiting

soothe my soul. I enjoy seeing new

for subtle takes as you find your

fly anglers hook into dream fish as

baits and flies in front of the fish’s

much as I enjoy fishing myself.

nose. Besides trout, what other species do you enjoy fishing for? Anything that swims. I chase all species with a fly regardless of weather or season. What advice would you have for a new or young angler? Time on the water is key. Using knowledgeable resources as a foundation and taking the newly learned information to the water under the supervision of a wellseasoned angler shaves years off of the learning curve. As a guide, I love taking green anglers out and finding success. It revitalizes the passion I have for fishing each and every time. Tell us some fun facts about you that we don’t know! I am a teacher and father. I’ve

TYING THE KNOT Sponsored by

IMPROVED CLINCH KNOT The Improved Clinch knot is one of the most widely used fishing knots. It provides a good method of securing a fishing line to a hook, lure, or swivel. It is commonly used to fasten the leader to the fly. Because it is harder to tie in heavier lines it is not recommended if you are using over 30 lb test line.



To start pass about 8” - 10” inches of line through the eye of the hook, swivel or lure. It’s OK to use more line if needed.

Wrap the working end around the standing line, up and over 5 times.



Hold the coils in place, while pulling the working end towards the open loop just before the eye of the hook, swivel or lure.

Holding the coils in place, feed the end of the line through the first small open loop just before the eye, then through the big loop as shown.



Pull the tag end to snug the coils up. Make sure the coils remain spiral & don’t overlap each other.

Slide the coils tight against the eye then snip the tag end, and you’re done.

MEET THE LUCKY TACKLE BOX TEAM! Everyone at LTB works hard to create the best experience possible for our subscribers, so we wanted to introduce you to a couple members of our team here at Lucky Tackle Box. It takes a lot of dedication and passion to keep this company rolling out all the best fishing products every month to your doorstep, so we wanted to give you a little look behind-the-scenes at some of the people that keep it all running smoothly.

Claire O’brien

Andrew Schadegg

Job Title: Social Media Coordinator

Job Title: Editor

Personal Best: Work in progress

Personal Best: 8.2lb Spotted Bass

Favorite Water: Maroon Lake, CO

Favorite Water: Clear Lake, CA

Favorite Lure: Evolution Baits Grass-

Favorite Lure: Duo Spinbait 80


Fun Fact: When I’m not bass fishing, I

Fun Fact: I’m currently studying to be a

love watching baseball and coaching my

clincal social worker and I have a creepy

10 year old son’s little league team. In

fascination with true crime, my favorite book is Devil in The White City, about H.H. Holmes.

2016 we got to see the Cubs play in the NLDS before they won the World Series!

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Valentine’s Day 1. “I thought it was a leap year and we skip February 14th” 2. “I was hoping to catch you something for a romantic dinner.” 3. “I wanted to give you some much deserved alone time” 4. “Shouldn’t we spend Valentine’s Day doing something we LOVE?” 5. “Valentine’s day is a conspiracy created by the greeting card industry.” 6. “You deserve Valentine’s day every day” 7. “My car broke down and the only means of transportation I have is my boat” 8. “I don’t feel well and my doctor prescribed a day on the water” 9. “The fish were biting” 10. “My Lucky Tackle Box just arrived!”

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