The Belize Times

“We are going to sit with the partners and with full transparency agree only to what is good for the tourism industry and good for Belize. We will be fair and we will not be signing any agreement that does not get the approval of the Cabinet and is presented in this honorable house.” – PM John
Shyne Barrow was ushered into a House of Representative seat with silver spoon in hand. This mode has continued all the way to him becoming a temporary Leader of Opposition, position that is way above his head. Some months ago at the House of representatives he showed his hand, and that he is in full-fledged support of his campaign funds. He is in support of a proposed cruise terminal called Waterloo. This is the last stand of a billionaire who obviously has found fertile ground in the deportee. He found love for money as common ground. Some-
Briceñothing else that is common in that there is no love for Belize.
So in comes a complex scenario leftover by the UDP government in a Port of Magical Belize that got Shyne jumping up and down. His master of disastrous ideas for Belize could not have it. How will his Napoleonic terminal not be approved but another be approved albeit by the corrupt ousted UDP government.
The planBelize government has to deal with it. But Shyne in his haste has left a trail of deceit and outright lies all in the spirit of de-
Continued from page 1
fending a project that had not been approved. Shyne needs his VISA and without the backing of power he doesn’t have a seat in government and therefore no VISA. What will Shyne do in Belize. He has no skill. Many have said he needs a second chance. This con artist has not even had a first chance to
show. Belize does not need the likes of Shyne. Democracy need great ideas not cons.
The government of John Briceño will look out for the people of Belize. Port of Magical definitive agreement was signed by a corrupt government so it is tainted with the same. Listen to the Prime Minister at the House Sitting on June 16.
Belize is participating in the first World Travel Expo (WTE) being held at the Miami Convention Center, Miami, Florida, from 14 -15 June. Numerous Travel Agencies and Tour Operators from around the World are in attendance. Belize's participation is in collaboration with the Central American Tourism Promotion Agency (CATA). Also present, showcasing their amenities and packages, are Naia Resort & Spa and Belize Dive Haven Resort.
BTB hands over state-of theart recording studio to the Department Of Youth Services, Orange Walk.
The Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism and
On the 5th of June 2023, on the initiative of the Chief Justice Honorable Madame Louise Esther Blenman, the Senior Courts of Belize, the Family Courts of Belize and the Magistracy received a donation of $600,000.00 USD in equipment, furniture and law books for the Courts from the Improved Access to Justice Project (Impact Justice Project). The equipment consists of security cameras, computers, laptops, and furniture, includ ing desks and chairs, law books and other legal materials.
All of these will assist Judicial Offices of the Senior Courts, Family Courts and Magistrate Courts and contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Justice System to provide improved service to the people of Belize while ensuring access to justice.
On behalf of the Judiciary of Belize, the Chief Justice Honorable Madame Louise Esther Blenman, places on record our sincere gratitude to the Improved Access to Justice Project (Impact Justice Project) under the outstanding leadership of Professor Vclma Newton and for their unswerving support.
Diaspora Relations, today handed over the Orange Walk Sound Factory Recording Studio to the Department of Youth Services for its management and operation. The studio is equipped with modern recording equipment and will be used by local and international musicians.
The Orange Walk Sound Factory Recording Studio is the brainchild of Minister Mahler, to answer the call to effectively serve and address the needs of the music sector in Belize. This studio, located in the center of Orange Walk Town, is the second of two, with the other located in Belize City. Both studios are part of a project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s Sustainable Tourism Program II and administered by the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations.
Also present at the ceremony were: Hon. John Briceño, Prime Minister of Belize; Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Youth, Sports and Transport;
Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness; Mr. Kevin Cadle, Director of Youth Services; Evan Tillett, Director of Tourism; Mrs. Nicole Solano, CEO in the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations; and Ms. Rocio Medina Bolivar, Belize Country Representative, IDB. Also in attendance were various artists, producers, and music stakeholders.
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Roberto Peyrefitte
Belize has evolved and developed into a sophisticated nation in almost forty-two years. We can now boast about national polls, political analysts, and a wide gamut of specialized statistical methods to gauge the temperature of the electorate on a variety of socio-economic issues. An example of one such exercise was made public a couple of weeks ago and is the cause of much care and concern. The methodology and sample size are explained and seem reasonable enough to mimic a legitimate study, like all fake news and alternative facts, it holds some small element of truth that can easily be discerned, and hopefully trick the unsuspecting reader into accepting the whole as fact.
A poll must have a purpose, a question that must clearly be answered at the end of the results and analysis. This latest survey has no clearly stated purpose beyond an obvious popularity contest and brand recognition, and, of course, to evaluate the importance of the port issues to the electorate. This would only be helpful to someone trying to decide whose political interests align with their own and where their significant financial support should be placed leading up to the next election. The so-called results of the poll are very ambiguous and are really designed to have the two major mass parties vying for the top spot in order to receive financial backing. The questions are a hodgepodge, a veritable potpourri and provide more questions than answers.
So far it seems that neither mass political party is biting at the baited hook. While the poll asked questions about the popularity, or lack thereof, of the politicians only, it failed to ask who the least popular man in Belize was. We hazard a guess that the most hated man in Belize is not in fact a local politician. We hazard a guess that in fact who would be the most notorious person in Belize has interests in port business. We hazard another guess that Lord Polecat is the most infamous man in Belize and has benefited shamelessly from litigation against the Government of Belize and has cost the Belizean people hundreds of millions of dollars and counting. In a poll or survey, the question left unasked is often more important and telling than the ones that are. On one thing, and one thing only, it seems that all Belizeans agreed on no matter their political persuasion is that Lord Polecat can never again be trusted.
Belice ha evolucionado y se ha convertido en una nación sofisticada en sus casi cuarenta y dos años. Ahora podemos presumir de encuestas nacionales, analistas políticos y una amplia gama de métodos estadísticos especializados para medir la temperatura del electorado en una variedad de cuestiones socioeconómicas. Un ejemplo de uno de estos ejercicios se hizo público hace un par de semanas y es motivo de mucha atención y preocupación. La metodología y el tamaño de la muestra se explican y parecen lo suficientemente razonables como para imitar un estudio legítimo; como todas las noticias falsas y los hechos alternativos, contiene algún pequeño elemento de verdad que puede discernirse fácilmente y, con suerte, engañar al lector desprevenido para que acepte el conjunto como un hecho. Una encuesta debe tener un propósito, una pregunta que debe responderse claramente al final de los resultados y el análisis. Esta última encuesta no tiene un propósito claramente establecido más allá de un obvio concurso de popularidad y reconocimiento de marca, y por supuesto evaluar la importancia de las cuestiones portuarias para el electorado. Esto sólo sería útil para alguien que intenta decidir qué intereses políticos se alinean con los suyos y dónde debe colocar su importante apoyo financiero de cara a las próximas elecciones. Los supuestos resultados de la encuesta son muy ambiguos y en realidad están diseñados para que los dos grandes partidos de masas se disputen el primer puesto con el fin de recibir apoyo financiero. Las preguntas son un batiburrillo, un auténtico popurrí, y ofrecen más preguntas que respuestas.
Hasta ahora parece que ninguno de los dos partidos políticos de masas muerde el anzuelo. Aunque la encuesta sólo preguntaba por la popularidad o falta de ella de los políticos, no preguntaba quién era el hombre menos popular de Belice. Nos arriesgamos a adivinar que el hombre más odiado de Belice no es en realidad un político local. Nos arriesgamos a adivinar que, de hecho, quien sería la persona más notoria de Belice tiene intereses en negocios portuarios. Nos arriesgamos a adivinar que Lord Zorillo es el hombre más infame de Belice y se ha beneficiado descaradamente de litigios contra el Gobierno de Belice y ha costado al pueblo de Belice cientos de millones de dólares y contando. En un sondeo o encuesta, la pregunta que no se formula suele ser más importante y reveladora que las que sí se formulan. En una cosa, y sólo en una, parecen estar de acuerdo todos los beliceños, independientemente de su ideología política: no se puede volver a confiar en Lord Zorillo.
The Ministry of Health & Wellness along with our partners in health inaugurated the retrofitted works and upgrades at the Punta Gorda Community Hospital, now a 'Smart health facility'
We extend appreciation to the European Union in Belize, PAHO/WHO office in Belize, and everyone who had to part in the success of this project.
The Punta Gorda Community Hospital is the first Hospital to be inaugurated through this series and it is also an accomplishment of this administration to improve on the infrastructure of health facilities and primary health care service for all.
City of Belmopan, June 8, 2023. The Government of Belize, through the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE), opened its fourth Digital Connect Center in Bella Vista, Toledo. This initiative was undertaken through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which funded the Building Resilient MSME’s Accelerating Digitization Project with US$360,000 and in partnership with the HUMANA People to People Belize.
The Digital Connect Centers offer free access to computers, learning opportunities, support to access government services and are part of a national commitment from key collaborators to promote digital inclusion and bridging the digital divide, primarily in rural areas in need of technological services. The Digital Connect Center is a great addition to HUMANA’s Community Hub as it includes four desktops and a stable internet connection, which will serve the community and surrounding areas through training in entrepreneurial development, business innovation and com-
petitiveness for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME); and it will also provide access to digital literacy training to upskill youths, women, unemployed persons, migrants, and the elderly.
The Digital Connect Centers will connect entrepreneurs to BELTRAIDE's Virtual Knowledge Center (VKC) platform, which provides access to training materials for enterprise growth and innovation, the MSME Directory, a job portal, and access to other support services and catalogues designed to propel business development. The launch represents an investment of US$15,000 from UNDP with contributions from BELTRAIDE and Humana People to People Belize.
Remarks were delivered by Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BELTRAIDE; Mr. Ian King, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative of Belize; and Ms. Susanne Jensen, National Country Director of HUMANA People to People Belize. Also in attendance was Mr. Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government.
In Collaboration with the OW Town Council
Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, and a delegation of officials from the ministry were in Mexico from June 12 to 14, attending meetings focused on opening new agriculture export opportunities for Belize.
The delegation met with Victor Villalobos Arambula, Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture, the Director and senior staff of the National Agri-Food Health, Safety and Quality Service (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad - SENASICA), and representatives from Mexico’s ministries of Agriculture and Trade. A result of the meetings is Mexico’s commitment to continue facilitating the smooth export of beef cattle from Belize and to provide full support for resuming shrimp exports from Belize to Mexico. Additionally, a new opportunity was approved for Belize to export de-husked green coconuts and the procedure to prepare protocols for exporting soybean and soybean meal was put into motion.
Also discussed was the success of the ongoing bilateral agricultural cooperation between Belize and Mexico focusing on soursop, pitahaya, dragon fruit, soybean and coconut. Minister Mai and Secretary Villalobos committed to continue strengthening the agriculture cooperation program between the two countries.
Accompanying Minister Mai were Servulo Baeza, Chief Executive Officer in the ministry; Zöe Roberson-Zetina, Managing Director of Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA); Francisco Gutierrez, Director of Plant Health at BAHA; and Hugh O’Brien, Chairman of BAHA Board of Directors and Programme Director for Diversification in the ministry.
On their return, The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise and the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation today launched the project Sembrando Vida-Belize at the Yo Creek Station in Orange Walk District.
The project is an initiative from the Government of Mexico which seeks to contribute to the social welfare of 2000 Belizean small farmers. The project started with registration and interviews of small farmers in August of 2022 throughout the country of Belize.
The 3 main components of the project are: an economic package consisting of $2,000 BZ for the duration of the project which is 8 months; an agriculture package of agriculture supplies that includes seeds, fertilizers, tools, fruit trees and forest trees. A component for capacity building/trainings is also included for the duration of the project.
The Sembrando Vida project in Belize is the product of the commitments made by the Governments of Mexico and Belize signed on May 7th, 2022, with the visit of the Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Belize and Mexico share bi-lateral and technical co-operation in areas of mutual interest to boost socio-economic development and promote programs in sectors and sub-sectors such as those in agriculture. The program will not only enhance productivity but will also provide income generation to small farmers.
Belmopan, Belize. June 12, 2023.
The Heat Season, the time of the year during which most heatwaves occur in Belize, typically runs from April to October each year. The National Meteorological Service of Belize analyzed the intense heat experienced thus far in 2023.
This year’s season started in April, with up to 15 heatwave days identified. Meanwhile, in May, several individual daily heat records were bro-
hot days above normal, except for Savannah. The weather stations where heat data were analyzed showed between 11 and 26 heatwave days occurred in May 2023. These heat wave days were associated with individual wave events. Libertad had the most heat wave events, with a total of four, with one event lasting ten days, from May 17 to 27. Tower Hill thus far has recorded the longest heatwave event lasting 26 days from May 16 to June 10, while Belmopan recorded the second longest with 21 days from May 16 to 5 June. Except for a temporary break on June 6, the heat days have continued, and we
Continued on page 12
ken. On May 17, 24, 26, 30 and 31, Libertad Village in the Corozal District recorded daytime high temperatures of 97.7°F (36.5°C), 101.7°F(38.7°C), 98.6°F (37.0°C), 98.8°F (37.1°C), and 100°F (37.8°C), respectively, breaking previous records in 2003, 2005, and 2011.
The Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) and Punta Gorda stations broke their daily record of 93.4°F (34.1°C) and 94.5°F (34.7°C), respectively, on May 28. Central Farm, Belmopan, and Punta Gorda recorded 101.3°F (38.5°C), 99.9°F (37.7°C), and 97°F (36.1°C) on May 30, while PGIA, Melinda and Punta Gorda recorded 94.5°F (34.7°C), 95.9°F (35.5°C), and 96.3°F (35.7°C), respectively, on May 31. Although these daily records were broken in May, the historical May maximum extreme temperature values were not broken.
A hot day is defined as a day when the daytime high temperature reaches or exceeds the 90th percentile or falls within the top 10% of the historical record. May 2023 was the second warmest May on record for Libertad and Belmopan based on the number of hot days experienced. The PGIA observed the fifth warmest May on record, with 21 hot days. The record that occurred in May 1995 is 27 hot days. Central Farm ranked sixth with 26 hot days, the record being 31 hot days in 1995. Tower Hill ranked seventh with 20 hot days.
Heatwaves can be defined as “a period of at least two consecutive heatwave/hot days.” That is when the daytime high temperature on each of these days is within the top 10% of the historical record.
While the number of heatwave days varies across the country, a considerable number of days were recorded in May continuing into June, especially in the northern and central parts of the country. Seven of the eight locations analyzed in May had
BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed.
At Parcel 1204 Unitedville Village, Cayo District on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel 1204, Block 24 in the Society Hall Registration Section large lot of 11 in a very good residential area,
DATED this
All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact:
On June 12, Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, and Mrs. Dian Maheia, Chief Executive Officer, welcomed Mr. Anthony Chanona, Chairman of the Peoples' Constitution Commission (PCC); Mr. Cesar Ross, Director of the Good Governance Unit; and Ms. Carla Bradley, Communications Officer for the PCC, for a courtesy visit at the Ministry's Headquarters in Belmopan.
Minister Fonseca and the team from the PCC discussed opportunities for future collaboration and how the MoECST can support the vital work of the Commission. Having responsibility for both education and culture, the MoECST is cognizant of the crucial role we can play in the constitution reform process.
Minister Fonseca committed the full support of the MoECST in this regard.
She and her family are recipients of a brand new home at 55 North Front Street, where the family has lived for almost 50 years!
The previous house was destroyed by Hurricane Lisa. Partnering with MIDH and Matthew Romero of CP Buildings, Hon Henry Charles Usher got to work to get a new home built.
It is indeed a wonderful day as the keys were delivered.
The Government House, Belize City September 20, 1981
We dedicate this new flag of independence to the people and Government of Belize, secure in its sovereignty and owner of all its territory. As a pledge of national unity, the formerly blue and white Belizean flag, the flag of the revolution, has evolved into the blue, white and red flag of the new Independent State of Belize.
May this symbol of unity also be a pledge of our continuing determination to dedicate ourselves to hard and productive work as we develop and organize our resources to sustain and serve the welfare of our people.
Let the flag of an independent Belize be also a sign to all neighbours that we accept the responsibilities, the opportunities and the rewards of freedom and the peace, stability and prosperity in the region of the Caribbean and Central America.
May this flag be a pledge of our recognition and our gratitude to all who have helped and worked with us to achieve this just objective for which we daily prayed: to Her Majesty’s Government and the British people, to our international friends and allies, to all and everyone.
It is our flag. May we keep it, love it, and guard it.
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye; Belize District; Little Belize Settlement, Corozal Town, Corozal District; August Pine Ridge Village, Orange Walk Town; Orange Walk District; Hattieville, Potts Creek/Salt Creek, Belize District; Georgeville Village, Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Atlantic Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Atlantic Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 31st August 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of vacant land being Lot No. 193 Minister's Fiat 606 of 2013 o f Georgeville Village, Cayo District, comprising of 1026.481 Square Meters, TOGETHER with all buildings and erection standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Ms. Tanesha Salazar)
ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 995 acres situated on the intersection of Potts Creek Road and the western boundary of Salt Creek Work TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited
ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 5 acres situate at the junction Potts Creek Road and the north bank of Potts Creek TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited)
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 307 situated at Belizean American Site near Mile 17 ½ South of George Price Highway, Hattieville Village, Belize District comprising 613.44 square meters TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Sean Delroy Nicholas)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
In August 2022, the Office of the Special Envoy for the Development of Families & Children, in partnership with the Embassy of Taiwan awarded a full school year scholarship to 18 high school students across Belize. The awardees were selected from across the country. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist students to be able to complete their high school education.
The Office of the Special Envoy has kept up to date with the awardees' progress. These 18 awardees have been exemplary honor roll students, in their respective high schools, throughout the school year.
As part of this initiative to keep our students in school, the scholarship for this year will continue with these 18 high school students to see them through their remaining school years to be able to get their high school diploma.
The Office of the Special Envoy expresses sincere gratitude towards the Embassy of Taiwan for their unending support towards this initiative, the high school staff for their willingness to assist these students, to the students who are the recipients of the scholarship- keep up the excellent work!
Continued from page 9 are currently in the second heat wave event for June.
Data Analyzed for June thus far shows that the first heatwave event lasted for five consecutive days with maximum temperatures exceeding their 90th percentile. Most stations observed six extreme heat days with a maximum of five consecutive days with maximum temperatures exceeding their 95th percentile.
The latest forecast indicates that maximum daytime temperatures are expected to decrease slightly during the coming days as conditions become a bit cloudier. By this weekend, an active weather system is expected to produce some rain over the area that will last into early next week. However, as we continue to expect El Niño conditions during the next few months, we anticipate that overall conditions will remain warmer and drier than normal.
The National Meteorological Service of Belize advises residents to take all necessary precautions to minimize heat stress, including drinking an adequate amount of water and fresh juices and avoiding strenuous outdoor activities during the afternoon hours.
Representatives of the People’s Constitution Commission (PCC) visited the faculties of Corozal Junior College and the Corozal Community College on June 14th. The visit was focused on sharing information on the launch of the Constitution Reform Public Education & Consultation and served as an opportunity to invite these educators to join in facilitating the campaign to the students, parents, and community members of Corozal Town and surrounding communities/villages of the district.
The PCC team was well-received, and the visit generated excitement and positivity around this historic endeavour among the educators of these both institutions. The team is looking forward to engaging with the other educational institutions in the Corozal District.
The team included Anthony Chanona, PCC Chairman; Ruth Shoman and Perlita Aldana, PCC commissioners, who will be leading the campaign in the north; Cesar Ross, Head of the PCC Secretariat; and Clara Chi, Legal/Research Assistant.
The Challengers at Mountain Pine Ridge are from a city, town, or a village in each district. They are given three balanced meals daily that are similar to the family pot.
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” –
Franklin D. RooseveltLast week Friday Hon. Rodwell Ferguson Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport, Hon. Gilroy Usher Minister of State in the Ministry, C.E.O Adele Catzim, Kevin Cadle Director of Youth Services, and senior members of his staff visited the Mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge for at risk youths.
The camp is located at the former D’Silva BDF Camp in the Mountain Pine Ridge about half hour drive on the southern side of Georgeville on the George Price Highway in the Cayo District. It was opened about two months ago to give at risk youth the opportunity to take stock of their lives in a peaceful, quiet, and welcoming environment away from the many negative influences in the society and to develop self-motivation to turn their lives around into become law abiding and productive citizens. The Mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge is collaborative initiative of the Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Transport that is being executed by Department of Youth Services.
The program was started two months ago in April with 26 male challengers. It presently has 22 challengers ages 14 to 17. The challengers are mainly youths who are a) out of school b) experiencing behavior problems, or 3) losing focus in their lives due to the use of unlawful substances. The camp training is for two years. The first nine months is for behavior modification. That is a crucial training, because to learn a person has to listen, and many of the challengers were accustomed to doing as they please, before they entered the training facility. After nine months of training, challengers will get the opportunity to visit their families for three months. On their return to camp they will commence a one-year apprenticeship program with the Belize Police Department, The Belize Coast Guard, and the Belize Defense Force.
At the conclusion of the apprenticeship program challengers, who meet the qualifications to be a member of any of the uniform services, will be given a recommendation to join a particular uniform force if they so choose, or they will be given recommendations to further their education or seek employment with businesses in the private or public sec-
Ten challengers occupy a dorm in the company of two members of the BDF. That is a necessity to ensure the challengers practice orderliness, respect, cooperation, self-control and other life skills they are taught in behavior modification classes at all times. The Challengers are also taught math, English, and reading among other basic subjects.
While members of the BDF are the instructors at the mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge, they are not allowed to physically or emotionally abuse any of the challengers. Similarly, challengers are not allowed to abuse each other or any of the instructors or other members of staff. Challengers are encouraged to report any case of physical or emotional abuse and anyone found guilty of any such infraction is immediately transferred from the program without exception.
The Mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge is supplied with electricity by two generators. Plans are presently underway however to provide the facility with electricity 24/7 using a solar system.
For entertainment on the compound challengers participate in football, basketball, and other sports, and on weekends they are given the opportunity to know their country with visits to Rio On Pools, Caracol Maya Site, the Fire Department, or other noteworthy places.
Saturday June 24th will be Family Day at the Mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge. On June 24 parents and challenges will have opportunity to interact with each other. Challengers will also have the opportunity entertain their parents with sporting events and drills among other things.
One of the most important things of the Mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge is that the Challengers appreciate the work that is being done to give them an opportunity to live happy and fruitful lives.
To make the program beneficial to more at risk youths across the country especially in Belize City and the nearby villages, all ministries of Government, members of the private sector, and concerned Belizeans are encouraged to support the Mountain Pine Ridge Youth Challenge in every possible way.
The Government of Belize invites tenders for the provision of service of Master Agent for the sale of lottery tickets for the Belize Government Lottery (Boledo, Jackpot Lottery and Ordinary Lottery). One Master Agent is needed for each of the respective geographic zones (Northern Zone- Corozal District and Orange Walk District; Eastern Zone- Belize District; Western Zone- Cayo District; Southern Zone- Stann Creek District and Toledo District). Disclaimer: Applicants cannot apply to be a Master Agent for more than one zone.
The tender procedure has two rounds. The first round will consist of the review of the technical proposal and short listing of the applicants. In the second round, the financial proposals of the short-listed applicants will be reviewed and the most suitable proposals will be selected.
Who can apply: A company with fit and proper personnel who have a minimum of five years’ experience in management and sales can apply and submit proposals. Marketing and sales experience in lotteries will be an asset. All shareholders of the company applying shall be “fit and proper” persons. Any applicant who was previously a license holder must have a history of full compliance with the Lotteries Control Act and Regulations.
How to apply: The Government would like interested parties to submit applications, Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals to be Master Agent for the sale of lottery tickets for the Belize Government Lotteries. The application requirements, the application form and the terms of reference can be downloaded from our website: https:// requested from the Investment Policy & Compliance Unit, Office of the Prime Minister, and Ministry of Investment. All costs related to the preparation and presentation of the documents shall be borne by the applicant, therefore no claim shall be enforced against the Selection of Tenders Panel. Technical proposals and financial proposals should be sealed separately.
Deadline: All tender applications shall be enclosed in a sealed package and hand delivered to: No. 3 Mango Street, Belmopan City, between June 20, 2023, and July 7, 2023, during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) and (1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.). For more details, please reference the Call for Applications Document on our website.
For more information contact:
Investment, Policy & Compliance Unit
Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Investment No. 3 Mango Street, City of Belmopan, Cayo District BELIZE, C.A.
Telephone: 880-4728/ 880-4729
Loan Number - No. 4798/OC-BL
The Government of Belize has received financing (hereinafter called funds) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and intends to apply a portion of the funds to make eligible payments under the Contract for which this invitation is being issued.
The Government of Belize acting through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MOECST) hereby invites sealed offers from eligible and qualified Suppliers to submit a quotation for the following items:
Suppliers may present their quotation by lot including one or more items.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain a complete set of this Request for Quotations Documents and further information by submitting a request via electronic mail to the address given below from 9:00a.m to 5:00p.m.
This Request for Quotation (RFQ) shall be governed by the Policies for the Procurement of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2349-15
The contract will be awarded to the Quotation determined to be substantially responsive to the Shopping Documents and represents the lowest evaluated cost.
Your Quotation should be sealed in an envelope and addressed to and delivered at the address given below by 3:00 p.m. on June 30, 2023.
Team USA is leading the 2-0 in the Hon. Kevin Bernard Under-15 Mundialito organized by the New Horizon Sporting Club under the auspices of the Orange Walk Football Association (OWFA), while “Mexico” of Chan Pine Ridge Village enjoyed their first win at the Louisiana Government School field on Sunday afternoon, June 11.
In Game 1, Baltasar Banegas’ hat trick 28’, 31’ and 36’ led “Mexico” to a 4 -1 win over "England" of the Blackwater area of Orange Walk Town. Elder Revolorio and Elias Molina led England’s counterattack supported by Keith Guzman and Julian Chi on the wings, and Efrain Cordova and Edgar Coral at midfield. They made little impression on Mexico’s defenders Avil Novelo, Eusebio Flores, Lidan Aragon and Ismael Fernandez, who helped goalkeeper Osvaldo Diaz keep a clean slate up to intermission.
Alex Castillo, Dair Camara, Joseph Martinez, Jaylen Young and Javon Clevon came off the England bench, replacing defenders Jaylon Conorquie, Dwayne Adolphus, Marcos Briceno and Molina. Revolorio 40’ finally scored a consolation goal for “England” before he retired from the field. But Ronaldo Castillo, Kir Torres and Deiby Vasquez reinforced the Mexico offensive, relieving Adriel Chan, Bladimir Cawich, and Fernandez. Hildebrant Codd 57’ iced the victory with a 4th goal: 4-1 final.
In Game 2, “Argentina” of Yo Creek struggled to a scoreless draw with “Japan” of San Estevan. Nadler Canul and Diego Gongora led the Argentine offensive, with the help of midfielders Oscar Rodriguez, Randy Mendez, Joshua Carrillo and Allen Patt. James Waight anchored the nipponese defense with Jayden Hernandez, Rodwell Cadle, and Jamid Muniz to shut down the Argentine attacks.
Down at the other end, the Rodney brothers Roosevelt and Keizar, led the nipponese attacks, supported by Enrique Gongora and Jermaine Westby on the wings, and by Roberto Guerra and Naim Castillo at midfield. But the Argentine defenders Miguel Pech, Ashton Jones, Keshawn Cal and Jimmy Waight helped goalkeeper Alejandro Moreno shut out all challenges.
In Game 3, Team USA of Trinidad Village stunned “Brazil” of Chunox Village: 3-1, as goleador Hadid Torres scored a brace 34’ and 60’, after Rodrigo Flores 10’ opened the scoreboard. Aidan Andrades sought to increase USA’s lead, supported by midfielders Stanley Cardenas, Byron Marroquin and Kris Cawich, and Israel Gonzalez relieved an injured Rodrigo.
Brandon Cassanova and Naim Patt led Brazil’s counterattacks, with the help of Jadiel Ramirez, Luis Nah, Emair Patt and Ryan Santoya at midfield. The pressure of their attack won a corner kick and Cassanova 36’ headed in Naim’s cross to center for their only consolation goal. Orlando Jones came off the bench to reinforce the USA defense and helped
goalkeeper Ezekiel Williams concede no more goals.
In Game 4, “Germany” of Orange Walk Central held “Croatia” of San Lazaro to a scoreless stalemate after 60 minutes of intense play. Benjamin Rhaburn and Ezekiel Uh held the huns’ blitzkrieg; as they sought their first win, with the help of Andy Correa, Jasiel Sosa, Edwin Baez and Edwin Teck at midfield. Croatia’s defenders Iker Tzi, Jimer Perez, Albert Eck and Anderson Moguel were unimpressed, helping goalkeeper Kirian Cordova keep a
Team USA leads with 2 wins
clean slate.
Zidane Acevedo and Jayden Moguel sought Croatia’s 2nd win, supported by Rene Paz, Carlos Rosa, and the Reyes brothers, Ithiel and Ediel. The Elder Romero, Jared Flores, Keith Mckoy and Anthony Gill locked down the huns’ defense to
help goalkeeper Armin Chub concede no goals: nil-zip final.
Upcoming matches on Sunday, June 18:
Team USA vs England | Germany vs Mexico | Japan vs Colombia | Brazil vs Argentina | Croatia rests.
Belmopan, Santa Elena, Cayo District
BY ORDER of the Supreme Court of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo is selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 31st August 2023. Within this period, a Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this
The freehold property of Mr. David A.
and Ms. Paula Tatiana Cortes Londono
(Being Unit No. 105, a two-storey beach front condo [2,465 sq. ft.] containing Ground floor – 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Laundry + Large External Porch; First Floor – Master Bedroom + Bathroom + Queen Bedroom + Bathroom + Terrace situate at Las Terrazas Resort, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. David A. Title and Ms. Paula Tatiana Cortes Londono)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
5 FEB 2023
1. Parcel No. 2072 St. Mary Road, Belmopan, Cayo District:
The freehold property of Mr. David Briceno.
2. No. 1835 San Diego Street, Hillview Area, Santa Elena, Cayo District:
Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1835
The freehold property of Mr. Rosendo Juarez.
3. Parcel No. 1965 Eduardo Juan Street, Santa Elena, Cayo District:
Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1965
The freehold property of Mr. Allan Kelly Jr.
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
Facebook: Belize Auctions
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Alpha Gamma Financial Services Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the below described properties. Sales currently running until 31st August 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are is sold.
1. 12.575 Acres Sapphire Beach, Ambergris Caye
San Pedro 7 8150
The freehold property of Mr. David A. Title and Ms. Paula Tatiana Cortes Londono
of Messrs. Land Trust Limited)
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 10795 (H12) (H13) (H14) (H 15) (H16), (H34) & (H35)
The freehold property of Messrs. Land Trust Limited
The undefeated Belize United and Tut Bay Yabra boys and Royal Fusion girls continue to lead the 2nd annual BTB Hon. Anthony Mahler Under-13 Mundialito football tournament in Week 8, as Belize United boys enjoyed their 9th win; while the Royal Fusion girls enjoyed their 4th win in their 5th outing at the Berger Field in Belize City on Saturday morning, June 10.
In Game 1, the Holy Redeemer girls held Salvation United to a scoreless draw.
In Game 2, the Reality Youths schooled the Leaders of Tommorrow: 5-0 as Ryan Davis scored a beaver hat trick: 6’, 26’, 28’, 30’ and 35’.
In Game 3, Camryn Henry scored the winning goal to lead the United Presbyterian girls their first win: 1-0 over the Millennium Academy.
In Game 4, Schae Gordon’s brace 5’ and 26’ led Belize United to a 2-1 win over the Queen Square boys, for whom Mykel Anthony 31’ scored a consolation goal.
In Game 5, the Royal Fusion girls won 2-0 over the Queen Square girls, with a goal each from Amina Burgess 9’ and Davae McCauley 18’.
In Game 6, Tut Bay Yabra got the easy bye to their 9th win by Pickstock United’s forfeit.
In Game 7, the Ladyville Rising Stars won 3-0 over the SMART Brown Bombers. Zayden Brown 1’ struck home the very first goal, as his shot deflected off Bombers defender Rajan Thomas into the back of the net. Zion Gibson 19’ and Tyrese Henry 26’ completed the 3-0 victory
Upcoming games on Saturday, June 17
Hattieville United vs Reality Youths | Belize United vs Tut Bay Yabra | Leaders of Tomorrow vs SMART Brown Bombers | Ladyville Rising Stars vs. Queen Square boys | Sampson Academy vs Pickstock FC
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise
Ph: # (501) 822-2131/41
Email: Website:
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise is hereby requesting Expression of Interest Solicitations for the Supply of a 2023 Tractor.
For further information, interested firms and companies can send an Expression of Interest Solicitation to the below address before June 23rd, 2023.
Attention: Freddy Chable Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise
Belmopan City, Belize THE BELIZE 5
Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) is pleased to announce the holding of its 2022 Annual General Meeting at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza, Mile 3 ½ Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 commencing at 7:00 p.m.
For registration purposes, Shareholders are advised to bring along a valid identification (ID) such as a Social Security card. Shareholders may choose (and we encourage you to exercise this right) to appoint your Proxy or you can simply appoint the Company’s CEO or the Corporate Secretary as your Proxy to represent you at the AGM. Furthermore, the Company will provide virtual access to the meeting.
Shareholders or proxies can choose to participate virtually by visiting the Company’s website at on the date and time of the meeting. Shareholders and proxies will be asked to provide their contact information along with an electronic copy of a valid identification (ID)
Pre-registration for virtual attendance commences on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, and closes at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Shareholders may do so either by visiting the Company’s website at or by contacting BEL’s Securities Officer at 227-0954 extension 1512 for assistance.
In a pioneering initiative to support frontline responders and health care providers in delivering urgent mental health services for victims of Road Traffic Incidents (RTIs), the Second Phase of The Road Safety Project, Ministry of Economic Development, held a two-day Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for victims of RTIs, on June 13 and 14.
The ToT marks a significant milestone in the implementation of Phase II of the Road Safety Project. Twenty-three key persons were selected who will proceed to train individuals within their districts. The participants are representatives of departments and ministries, including the Belize Red Cross, Belize Police Department, Transport Department, BERT, and the Ministry of Health & Wellness.
The role of frontline responders is crucial to reduce post-crash emotional distress and the potential development of debilitating mental health conditions among victims of RTIs and their families. By enhancing the skills of frontline responders, the ToT aims to incorporate MHPSS into current emergency response and care systems with the objective of having a long-lasting impact.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO of the Ministry of Economic Development (MED), expressed that “Road traffic incidents are not only traumatic to victims, survivors and family members, but to the frontline workers who must deal with the victims and their families, either on the scene or at the medical facilities.” He further shared that “Mental health and trauma are closely related. In Belize, as children, we were taught to handle trauma by being told to “Man-up” or “Deal with it,” with little to no regard for the impact the situation, whatever that might be, has on us as children and so, we grow up with that same mentality. We were never told that it is okay to share our emotions and to seek professional help. Professional help, for the most part, was always available, but it was stigmatic to seek professional help and now, we must now break that societal barrier!”
Dr. Edwin Bolastig, speaking on behalf of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), further stated that “For too long, the focus has primarily been on the physical recovery of victims, overlooking the profound impact that road traffic incidents have on the mental health of victims and their families. The burden faced by victims, their relatives, and caregivers in sustaining livelihoods and providing care has been immense. Today, we take a proactive approach to changing that narrative.”
As such, the MED, and by extension, the Government of Belize, and the Second Road Safety Project applaud and thank PAHO for recognizing the need to focus on road safety in Belize.
The Second Road Safety Project is a long-term initiative by the Government of Belize and is supported by the Caribbean Development Bank.
Notable attendees included Dr. Fidel Cuellar, Deputy Director of Public Health and Wellness, Ministry of Health and Wellness, and Mr. Zane Castillo, Project Manager for the Second Road Safety project for Belize, MED.
The Training of Trainers workshop was held at the Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza.
5 FEB 2023
BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed.
At No. 55 Sunset Park, Mile 8 ½ George Price Highway, Belize District on Friday 30th June 2023 at 2:00pm.
ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land being Lot. No. 55, comprising 749.947 square metres situate in the Sunset Park Area, near Mile 8.5 on the George Price Highway, Belize District, more particularly delineated and described as shown on Sub-Division Plan of Survey by C. B. Samuels, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 18th November 1996 TOGETHER with a 35ft x 63ft concrete/plycem open-concept bungalow house containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living/family room and kitchen, in a clean and fenced yard with room for expansion, the freehold property of BEVERLY MCKENZIE.
DATED this 16th day of June 2023
All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact:
The Belize City Council successfully organized the CEMO Symposium today, focused on the theme "Building Disaster Resilience!"
As the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins, this symposium serves as an ideal platform to convene stakeholders and address the gaps identified after the impact of Hurricane Lisa and the way forward. The event aimed to equip disaster response agencies with essential knowledge to enhance their response capabilities during emergencies. Engaging and informative presentations by key stakeholders, including CEMO, NEMO, Belize Electricity Ltd, Belize Red Cross, Belize Telemedia Ltd., National MET Service, and the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management were also featured.
By bringing together experts and authorities in disaster management, this symposium facilitated the dissemination of valuable insights and best practices. As always, The Belize City Council remains committed to promoting disaster resilience and preparedness in an effort to preserve life and protect property!
The official NOAA forecast calls for a "near-normal" number of storms in 2023. "NOAA is forecasting a range of 12 to 17 total named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher). Of those, 5 to 9 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 1 to 4 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher)."
The list of 2023 hurricane names are: Arlene, Bret, Cindy, Don, Emily, Franklin, Gert, Harold, Idalia, Jose, Katia, Lee, Margot, Nigel, Ophelia, Philippe, Rina, Sean, Tammy, Vince and Whitney.
Minister Dolores Balderamos Garcia attended the Closing Ceremony and distributed certificates for the Food Processing & Packaging Training in Punta Gorda sponsored by the Taiwanese Embassy and effected by Building People Movement and its director Dorla Bowman.
Some twenty Maya women benefitted from this important empowerment project and, in addition to receiving their certificates, they displayed their peppers, ground ginger, corn sham, and yellow ginger products and their beautiful jippi japa creations.
Congratulations to all graduates of the program and to BPM for carrying out the training. Big thanks to the Taiwanese Embassy for their support.
Belize's Minister of Health and CEO, Hon. Kevin Bernard and Dr. Julio Sabido, respectively, attend the SIDS Ministerial Conference on NCDs and Mental Health in Barbados from June 14-16, 2023. Their presence at this important conference underscores Belize's commitment to addressing the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and mental health issues among Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean region.
This conference also provides an opportunity for Belize to share its experiences and learn from other countries in the region, as they strive to improve the health and well-being of their populations. The MOHW is making giant strides in improving health care— NHI, hospitals, clinics, medicine, vaccines, personnel, and general upgrades everywhere. There is much more to do but the Minister is more than up to the task.
The Ministry of Health & Wellness (MOHW) advises the public that during routine surveillance activities, counterfeit Sudagrip was encountered at a retail outlet in the Stann Creek District. The medicine was immediately seized. The ministry started an investigation and removal of all products found countrywide.
The public is advised to become familiar with the presentation of this counterfeit medicine and to look out for the product.
The ministry recommends the following:
• Avoid the purchase and consumption of said counterfeit medicine to safeguard your health.
• Report to the Ministry of Health & Wellness if you have encountered this medicine or any medicines that you suspect to be counterfeit at inspectoratemohw@ or call 822-2325.
• Obtain your medications only from distributors or health facilities that hold a valid license from the Ministry of Health & Wellness.
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Development is known as MIDH. Their logo is ubiquitous…just as the work that this Ministry is churning out with a comparatively small budget. The Hon. Julius Espat took bloated UDP contracts and gave them a sort of MIDH antacid and we have rolling Coastal Rd., Caracol Rd., Philip Goldson Highway upgrades, close to 400 homes for families, Crooked Tree’s dream Rd., new roads being carved out everywhere, road shoulders clean, Sugar Rds kept, New Haulover Bridge right before our eyes, and fixes to UDP crumblinginfra-structureeverywhere.
Most Belizeans can remember a ‘toll’ booth existed at the bridge pictured. Some still call it the “Toll Bridge” as ‘Tower Hill Bridge’ in Orange Walk over the New River is a little too long to say. The MIDH Touch is now on this bridge as a more resilient Hotmix is laid down. Many complained about the potholes on the bridge while ignoring
the miles of newly laid highway on both sides of the bridge. But instead of saying, “unfair”…the MIDH is fixing this small piece for the long haul.
Drivers are asked to still be careful as the highway railing can save lives but does NOT invite reckless driving here NOR anywhere. We all should always drive with care and following the law.
Belize Youth Movement held a sworn-in ceremony on May 21, 2023, in Punta Gorda, Toledo District. BYM Punta Gorda Chapter welcomes 6 new members of the executive to its ranks, which is led by President – Senieda Shol, Vice-President – Julia Maheia, Chief of Staff – Alexford Terry, Treasurer – Dwight Woodye, Secretary – Ormie Chan, and Assistant Secretary – Blanca Campos.
President Shol stated, “Be who you want to be, the power is in our hands to make a positive change. Never underestimate yourself to do less. When you fail, it means keep trying to be a better version of yourself. Failure does not mean you can't do it; it simply means you are doing greater than yesterday.”
The newly sworn-in members are ready to get to work to achieve the aims and objectives of the youth in the South. So far this is the seventh chapter to be sworn in as BYM has representation in Belize and Corozal district, Benque, Belmopan, San Pedro, and now Punta Gorda. Soon to come will be the Stann Creek District.
The Belize Forest Department, within the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management, hereby reminds the public that as of today, June 1, 2023, the hunting season for Peccary (Tayassu pecari) is officially closed along with other game species falling within the respective dates outlined below.
• Peccary (Tayassu pecari): June 1 to November 30
• Iguana (Iguana iguana): February 1 to June 30
• Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus): February 1 to June 30
• Game Birds (Chachalaca, Black Throated Bobwhite, Great Curassow, Lesser Scaup, Crested Guan, Blue Winged Teal): February 1 to July 15.
Belize City, 09 June 2023: The Central Bank of Belize announces the latest developments in Belize’s national payment system the integration of credit unions in APSSS (the Automated Payment and Securities Settlement System), which launches on Monday, 12 June 2023 This integration will enhance the flow of payments among banks and credit unions, thereby increasing access to financial services for credit union members. APSSS is the system that connects all banks (and now credit unions) in a local network, enabling customers to make electronic payments quickly, safely, and securely anywhere in Belize. Credit unions will now have access to APSSS through the SSN (Shared Services Network), a company formed by the Belize Credit Union League, which has been granted a license as operator of credit unions in APSSS.
Central Bank of Belize Announces Integration of Credit Unions in APSSS
Belize City, 09 June 2023: The Central Bank of Belize announces the latest developments in Belize’s national payment system the integration of credit unions in APSSS (the Automated Payment and Securities Settlement System), which launches on Monday, 12 June 2023. This integration will enhance the flow of payments among banks and credit unions, thereby increasing access to financial services for credit union members.
Belize City, 09 June 2023: The Central Bank of Belize announces the latest developments in Belize’s national payment system the integration of credit unions in APSSS (the Automated Payment and Securities Settlement System), which launches on Monday, 12 June 2023 This integration will enhance the flow of payments among banks and credit unions, thereby increasing access to financial services for credit union members.
APSSS is the system that connects all banks (and now credit unions) in a local network, enabling customers to make electronic payments quickly, safely, and securely anywhere in Belize. Credit unions will now have access to APSSS through the SSN (Shared Services Network), a company formed by the Belize Credit Union League, which has been granted a license as operator of credit unions in APSSS.
With this integration, credit union members will be able to send and receive payments directly to and from bank customers. Likewise, bank customers will be able to send and receive payments directly to and from credit union members. Governor Kareem Michael explained, “With over 154,000 credit union members registered in Belize, it is important for credit unions to have easy access to the financial services available in APSSS.”
APSSS is the system that connects all banks (and now credit unions) in a local network, enabling customers to make electronic payments quickly, safely, and securely anywhere in Belize. Credit unions will now have access to APSSS through the SSN (Shared Services Network), a company formed by the Belize Credit Union League, which has been granted a license as operator of credit unions in APSSS.
With this integration, credit union members will be able to send and receive payments directly to and from bank customers. Likewise, bank customers will be able to send and receive payments directly to and from credit union members. Governor Kareem Michael explained, “With over 154,000 credit union members registered in Belize, it is important for credit unions to have easy access to the financial services available in APSSS.”
With this integration, credit union members will be able to send and receive payments directly to and from bank customers. Likewise, bank customers will be able to send and receive payments directly to and from credit union members. Governor Kareem Michael explained, “With over 154,000 credit union members registered in Belize, it is important for credit unions to have easy access to the financial services available in APSSS.”
As at launch, three of Belize’s eight credit unions Holy Redeemer Credit Union Ltd., St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Ltd., and St. Martin’s Credit Union Ltd. are already connected to the SSN, with more credit unions preparing to join the network. This recent development is part of the Central Bank’s work to increase access to financial services to all Belizeans. Credit union members who transact in payments to and from banks are encouraged to contact their credit union for details on this new feature
The Central Bank of Belize is committed to ensuring the continuous development of Belize’s national payment system and to facilitate the reliable and efficient flow of money in the country
As at launch, three of Belize’s eight credit unions Holy Redeemer Credit Union Ltd., St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Ltd., and St. Martin’s Credit Union Ltd. are already connected to the SSN, with more credit unions preparing to join the network. This recent development is part of the Central Bank’s work to increase access to financial services to all Belizeans. Credit union members who transact in payments to and from banks are encouraged to contact their credit union for details on this new feature
As at launch, three of Belize’s eight credit unions Holy Redeemer Credit Union Ltd., St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Ltd., and St. Martin’s Credit Union Ltd. are already connected to the SSN, with more credit unions preparing to join the network. This recent development is part of the Central Bank’s work to increase access to financial services to all Belizeans. Credit union members who transact in payments to and from banks are encouraged to contact their credit union for details on this new feature
The Central Bank of Belize is committed to ensuring the continuous development of Belize’s national payment system and to facilitate the reliable and efficient flow of money in the country.
The Central Bank of Belize is committed to ensuring the continuous development of Belize’s national payment system and to facilitate the reliable and efficient flow of money in the country
On June 12, the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Government joined the global community in commemorating World Day Against Child Labour at an event at Escuela Secondaria Tecnica Mexico (ESTM) in San Roman Village, Corozal District, under the theme "Social Justice for All. End Child Labor!"
The commemoration of World Day Against Child Labour serves as a reminder of the importance of ending child labour and providing a better life for children worldwide. The event highlights that Belize’s Ministry of Labour is determined to promote child welfare and development.
Hon. Ramiro Ramirez, Minister of State in the ministry, noted the importance of eradicating child labour. He underlined the Government of Belize’s commitment to working with communities, schools, and other stakeholders to establish a society where all children are free from exploitation.
"We must protect our children and provide them with access to education and opportunities to reach their full potential," Hon. Ramirez stated. "We remain committed to collaborating with all of our partners to end child labour and promote social justice for all."
A key feature of the event was the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Labour and the Progressive Sugar Cane Farmers Association. The MOU commits both the ministry and the association to collectively address child labour issues by 2025, including jointly addressing child labour education and sensitization as well as developing and
advocating for social protection opportunities for children.
During the event, students from ESTM who had participated in the ministry's video competition were given prizes for their creativity. The videos highlighted the negative effects of child labour and the positive approaches to eliminating the issue.
Also present at the ceremony were Mr. Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Labour; Mrs. Rissela Dominguez-Patt, Labour Commissioner; members of the Progressive Sugar Cane Farmers Association, and Mr. Oscar Santana, Principal of Escuela Secundaria Tecnica Mexico.
Operation Data
Country: Belize
Operation: Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP)
Operation No: 2147
Consulting Data
Name of the Consultancy: Final Infrastructure Design for the National Forensic Science Service
Selection Method: Quality and Cost-Based Selection
Reference number: Nº CABEI-CS 005-2147/2023.
The Government of Belize has received financing from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration for the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP), and it is intended to use a portion of the funds for consulting service contracts.
The Consulting services (“the services”) include: a) Needs assessment report; and b) Design of a National Forensic Science Services Complex.
The Ministry of Economic Development invites eligible consulting firms to express their interest in providing the requested services. Interested consultants shall provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services and may partner with other firms in the form of a Joint Venture (JV) or subconsultants to improve their qualifications. The criteria for shortlist selection are found within the respective Terms of Reference.
Interested Consulting Firms can obtain the Terms of Reference at no cost by requesting them by email:, or by accessing the electronic portal ( or or https://devbusiness. before the deadline date indicated below.
Consultants will be selected using the method of Quality and Cost Based Selection described in the Regulations for the Application of the Procurement Policy available at
Interested consultants can obtain more information at the address indicated at the end of this invitation, during business hours of 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Expressions of interest package together with the information indicated in the Terms of Reference must be hand delivered at the address below, no later than Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
Elvis Requena Project CoordinatorBelize Integral Security Programme (BISP) Programme Executing Unit
1904 Constitution Drive 2nd Floor, Unit #3 Belmopan City, Belize C.A.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved two complementary programs to enhance the quality of water services in rural and peri-urban areas of Belize.
The two operations, totalling $10.64 million, will bring safe drinking water to over 20,000 households in 44 rural communities in the country's six districts and nearly 400 households in peri-urban areas. Program beneficiaries include vulnerable populations such as migrants and Indigenous people.
In addition to expanding and improving water services, the programs include energy efficiency, smart micro-metering, and renovation initiatives, as well as the installation of disinfection equipment, especially in rural areas.
The two operations help strengthen Belize's water and sanitation sector. Among other objectives, they aim to improve the operational and financial performance of service providers in both urban and rural areas. To ensure high-quality services and drinkable water for 44 rural communities throughout Belize, the project will fund innovative disinfection technologies, as well as capacity building for village water boards on how to operate and maintain water services and manage their finances. It will also finance minor system renovations to replace pipes, electromechanical equipment, and storage tanks, in addition to a pilot project to test how micro-metering effects water consumption and water bill payments.
The program will work to in-
Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.
God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.
Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.
With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.
We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.
And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.
crease the share of women on water boards. It will also launch a campaign to change household behaviors around conserving water, using and consuming tap water, and paying water bills, so water resources can be used more efficiently. The program will also finance policy proposals to change how the rural water sector is managed and incorporate gender and diversity considerations into service delivery.
increase access in peri-urban areas through the beneficiary Belize Water Services Limited (BWSL), the national water utility. The operation is also designed to enhance BWSL's operational and financial performance by installing new disinfection equipment, implementing an energy efficiency program, and installing smart micro-meters in San Pedro, Caye Caulker, and Placencia.
Additionally, the program will finance an informational campaign to support implementation of the new disinfection technologies and installation of meters.
The loans will have a 4-year disbursement period, a 25-year repayment term, a 5.5-year grace period, and an interest rate based on the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR).
The program will help
The IDB will also provide a $1.64 million grant component to finance these programs from the IDB's migration facility.
Resilient Rural Belize Programme
Assignment title: Rural Organization Development Officer
Reference no: RRB.CS.73
The Government of Belize has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) towards the cost of the Resilient Rural Belize Programme, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of consulting services provided by an individual consultant as part of the post of Rural Organization Development Officer
The Resilient Rural Belize Programme now invites eligible Individual consultants (“consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD’s Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process
The Rural Organization Development Officer (RODO) will be responsible for the successful strengthening of rural producers’ organizations. She/He will supervise and receive support from a consulting firm that has been contracted to help carry out the capacity building programme. The RODO and consultants will work closely together with officers from the Department of Co-operatives in order to strengthen the officers’ capacities and create synergy with other activities being carried out by the department. The RODO will lead the implementation of the programme´s strategy for Social Inclusion and Gender Equality, including identifying and implementing affirmative actions designed to address gender inequalities and help members of disadvantaged or more vulnerable groups to overcome obstacles to equal access to development opportunities.
Qualification and Experience:
• At least three years’ experience in community and rural development, strategic planning for small organizations, participatory methodologies and applied and practical training method:
• At least three years’ experience working with gender equality and inclusion of rural youth in rural organizations;
• At least three years’ experience working with rural organizations (producers’ groups, associations, cooperatives, women’s groups) in the agriculture sector, specific to the Belize context.
• Excellent command of the English language, spoken and written. Spanish language proficiency is required
Individual Consultants interested in receiving the completed Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) document for this consultancy should register their interest by sending an email (with subject: Request for REOI – Rural Organization Development Officer to the Procurement Officer at giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that the Consultants receive updates regarding this consultancy.
Any request for clarification on this REOI should be sent via e-mail to the address below, no later than June 16, 2023. The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by June 26, 2023.
The REOI must be delivered/submitted to the address below (in person, or by e-mail) by July 7, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
Resilient Rural Belize Programme
Attn: Geraldo Flowers, Programme Manager
Resilient Rural Belize Programme
National Agriculture Showgrounds
Belmopan City, Cayo, Belize
The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of the Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI), through the Second Road Safety Unit, now wishes to invite sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Supply of Road Safety Equipment.
Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organized in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country and are either:
a.) more than 50% beneficially owned by citizen or citizens and/or bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements; or
b.) owned or controlled by the government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the CDB Guidelines for Procurement (2006).
Eligible countries are Member Countries of CDB.
Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Document. Submissions that do not provide the information required or that do not demonstrate the prospective supplier’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation.
Interested eligible firms may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents by contacting the office of the Second Road Safety Project at the first address below between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday until June 16th, 2023. A complete set of the bidding documents (electronic copy) may be obtained on the submission of a written application to the office of Second Road Safety Project, at the first address below. The documents will be promptly dispatched, but under no circumstance will Second Road Safety Project be held responsible for late delivery, loss or damage to the documents.
One (1) original and five (5) hard copies of each submission must be received at the first address below no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Monday, July 3rd, 2023. The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF ROAD SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR SECOND ROAD SAFETY PROJECT – BELIZE”. Bids will be opened, immediately thereafter at 3:15 p.m. (local time) on Monday, July 3rd, 2023, at the first address below in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Bids received after the prescribed time and date will be rejected. Qualification information only must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second email address below.
MFEDI reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for MFEDI’s action. MFEDI will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.
1. Project Manager
Second Road Safety Project #1904 Constitution Drive, Second Floor Belmopan City
Cayo District
Tel: +501-822-3517
Amendment and Republication of the notice published on June 9, 2023
The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of Eligible Sub-projects and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under this contract. Payment by CDB will be made only at the request of (GOBZ) and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than (GOBZ) shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Project is being implemented by the Ministry of Finance through the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF). BSIF has contracted Consultants who will assist the GOBZ with delivering the Project. The Consultants have prepared designs and contract documentation and will assist in tender administration and evaluation and supervise Project activities.
BSIF now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Gales Point Government Preschool Building Construction and Primary School Rehabilitation, Gales Point Village, Belize, District, Belize
The works include, but are not limited to the following:
Construction of an open concept single storey preschool building with a useable floor area of approximately 1,600 ft2. The building shall house an open concept classroom area, kitchenette, teachers’ and students’ restroom facilities, a shower, covered verandah, storage facilities, access ramp for persons with diverse disabilities, etc. The building includes provisions for furniture in the form of child-friendly tables and chairs along with preschool toys and equipment. The construction of site fencing, walkways, earthworks, and the provision of landscaping services shall also be provided.
The scope of the construction works also includes the rehabilitation of an existing three (3) classroom ferro-concrete building with a floor area of approximately 2,600 ft2. The scope of works shall also include playground equipment for the entire school compound.
Firms whether bidding individually or in the form of a Joint Venture, shall:
(a) be legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in an Eligible Country;
(b) be more than fifty (50) percent beneficially owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an Eligible Country, or by a body corporate or bodies meeting these requirements, as far as the ownership can be reasonably determined; and
(c) shall have no arrangement and undertake not to make any arrangement whereby the majority of the financial benefits of the contract, i.e. more than fifty (50) percent of the value of the contract, will accrue or be paid to sub-contractors or sub-consultants that are not from an Eligible Country. Eligible countries are member countries of CDB1 Bidders are advised to review the detailed eligibility criteria detailed in Section 4 and conflict of interest provisions in Section 5 of the Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January, 2021), as published on CDB’s website.
Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Documents. Submissions that do not provide the information required, or do not demonstrate the prospective contractor’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation.
Qualification requirements include, inter alia:
(a) an average annual turnover (defined as certified payments received for works in progress or completed) within the last five years of at least seven hundred thousand Belize dollars (BZD $700,000.00 mn);
(b) a demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) of sixty thousand Belize dollars (BZD $60,000.00); and
(c) experience as prime contractor in the construction assignments of a nature, scope and complexity comparable to the proposed project activity within the last five (5) years (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete).
Bidding Documents may be obtained by eligible bidders from the first address below for a nonrefundable fee2 of BZD $150.00. Requests may be made by written application including email. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Request for Bidding Documents for the Gales Point Government Preschool Building Construction and Primary School Rehabilitation, Gales Point Village, Belize District, Belize.”, along with the name, address and contact information of the bidder for which Bidding Documents are being requested. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to the Social Investment Fund’s bank account only. A request for the Social Investment Fund’s banking details can be made at the address below. The Social Investment Fund is not accepting cash payment currently.
Submissions in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Bid for the Gales Point Government Preschool Building Construction and Primary School Rehabilitation, Gales Point Village, Belize District, Belize.”, must be received at the address below not later than 10:00 a.m. on 10th July 2023. Bid opening will take place immediately after the deadline for submission at the address below in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of BZD $7,000.00. Late bids will be rejected.
A Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 am. on Thursday, 22nd June 2023 at Gales Point Primary School, Gales Point Village, Belize District, Belize. Bidders can participate in the meeting; whereby, queries will be addressed. Bidders are urged to attend.
The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for the Government of Belize’s action. The Government of Belize will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.
1 Occasionally contracts may be nanced out of special programs that would further expand or restrict eligibility to a particular group of member countries. When this is the case, it should be mentioned in this paragraph.
2 e fee chargeable should only be nominal to defray reproduction and mailing costs. An amount between US$50 and US$300 or equivalent is deemed appropriate.
1. Address for Correspondence
Tel: (+1 246) 539 1600
The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government is launching a call for proposals from interested legal professionals to support the review of the Labour Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 with the objective of the enactment of a modernized Act.
The main objective of the Consultancy is to provide support and technical expertise to the primary consultant of the project for the research, analysis and preparation of key recommendations and the legislative drafting required for a comprehensive review and modernization of the Labour Act, Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 and to support the consultations thereon.
(i) Work plan/schedule:
The consultant will, at the outset, prepare and submit a work plan (schedule of tasks and activities) based on the agreed date of commencement of the consultancy
The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government is launching a call for proposals from interested legal professionals to support the review of the Labour Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 with the objective of the enactment of a modernized Act.
(ii) Situational and policy analysis report:
The situational and policy analysis report will be based on consultations, interviews and a thorough desk review of key documentation, national and international legislative records and any other relevant materials obtained through independent research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies
(iii) Consultation with stakeholders:
The consultant, in coordination with the Labour Advisory Board, the designated Ministry officials and representatives of the ILO, will support consultations with social partners and national stakeholders. The consultant will prepare an updated situational and policy analysis report incorporating feedback and recommendations of the stakeholders, and a summary report of the consultations. The consultant will also provide support for consultations on the draft legislation.
(iv) Provide input and assist with the drafting of the legislation, and prepare a white paper:
The main objective of the Consultancy is to provide support and technical expertise to the primary consultant of the project for the research, analysis and preparation of key recommendations and the legislative drafting required for a comprehensive review and modernization of the Labour Act, Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 and to support the consultations thereon.
●Provide support and input with respect to the preparation of various drafts of the new Labour Act, as well as the consultations held on the drafts
●Prepare a White Paper in the format required by the Ministry of the Attorney General for submission to Cabinet and ultimately the National Assembly.
Candidates seeking to undertake this consultancy should possess the following:
• LLB degree with at least ten (10) years post qualification experience of practicing law in Belize including experience of advising on employment law matters in Belize.
(i) Work plan/schedule:
• A member in good standing with Belize Bar Association.
• Knowledge of and experience in legislation drafting, Rule of Law, legal framework and CARICOM Model Laws.
• Practical knowledge of government processes, social dialogue and industrial relations.
The consultant will, at the outset, prepare and submit a work plan (schedule of tasks and activities) based on the agreed date of commencement of the consultancy.
• Knowledge of ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and ILO supervisory system.
(ii) Situational and policy analysis report:
• Ability to interpret, simplify and translate complex legal issues and conduct qualitative and quantitative research.
• Highly skilled in business judgment, law, analytics, communication, and research.
• Has strong computer skills, fluency in English, and can work both as a team and independently
• Adaptable to diverse cultures, genders, religions, ethnicities, ages, and can produce high-quality output within budget and on time.
The situational and policy analysis report will be based on consultations, interviews and a thorough desk review of key documentation, national and international legislative records and any other relevant materials obtained through independent research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Each proposal should consist of:
(iii) Consultation with stakeholders:
1. A short cover letter (2 pages maximum) summarizing references to the consultant’s experience with similar undertakings.
2. The proposal will specify in detail: (i) experience with practicing law in Belize including experience of advising on employment law matters in Belize; (ii) Experience in of legislation drafting, Rule of Law, legal framework and CARICOM Model Law and practical knowledge of government processes, social dialogue and industrial relations and (iii) Knowledge of ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and ILO supervisory system;
3. Relevant samples of work and/or hyperlinks to published material;
4. Tentative calendar for carrying out the various phases of the process (see section VI, paragraphs (i) to (iv) of the Terms of Reference). With regards to the calendar of activities, please note:
The consultant, in coordination with the Labour Advisory Board, the designated Ministry officials and representatives of the ILO, will support consultations with social partners and national stakeholders. The consultant will prepare an updated situational and policy analysis report incorporating feedback and recommendations of the stakeholders, and a summary report of the consultations. The consultant will also provide support for consultations on the draft legislation.
a. The consultant is expected to start working during the month of June 2023 and conclude the exercise at least, by June 2024.
b. The full stakeholders’ consultation schedule and modality will be jointly determined after selection of the candidates in line with the stakeholders’ availability, and available resources.
5. Curriculum vitae and current affiliation of consultant;
6. A price proposal that includes all consultant fees and related expenses. Meetings and workshop costs will be covered by the Ministry.
7. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
8. The full Terms of Reference may be requested from
Proposals must be submitted to:
Mrs. Rissela Dominguez-Patt Labour CommissionerMinistry
ofRural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government 5163 University Boulevard Belmopan City, CAYO
All submissions must be made by June 23rd, 2023 at 4:00pm