Belize Times e-paper

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The Belize Times 010101010100101010101010101010101010101001 010101010100101010101010101010101010101001 010101010100101010101010101010101010101001 010101010100101010101010101010101010101001


GOVERNMENT CURSE Last week a Christian Chairlady of the BDVCA was petitioned by a caller on the morning talk show, as to what the Government could do to fix their mess, her response was crisp and resolved. Her warning echoed with John the Baptist eeriness that the Prime Minister has to “get his life right” because if the head is out of line then the entire body will be. Dean Barrow is no “Honest Abe” despite his “ugly step-sister” fixation to force onto his “big pete” that glass slipper; nor is he even a shadow of one who is fit to tie Barack Obama’s laces. But my contention is not where in the ward for moral lepers the big D is. In that particular sickbay, Deano has his private bed. His severe and clinical moral favus is a tale full of sound and fury which will forever be told. No. The issue really is with the insults and curses that this polysyllabic obscurantist hurls in the chambers of the House of Representatives every opportunity he gets while cowering under the frock tail of parliamentary privilege. Now most Belizeans are peeved about his impish use of the word “jackass” but there was an even more obscene and profane word which he spat in our faces. In outlining the mirage of his Poverty Reduction programs, Deano was openly foul-mouthed. Yes, the man had the gall (not balls), to speak of “single mothers”. Shame! Bloody shame! He was talking about his disproportionate alms he was preparing to fling before those whom he called the “deprived and disadvantaged” particularly youth and “single mothers”. Disproportionate because he says he is allocating a meager four million to these unfortunate “single mothers” while he has already paid a hefty percentage of that figure, $1.5 Million, to just one single and fortunate single mother, Loisy. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Artificial Dictionary PM, you may be “ignorant” that the reason the “flippin” people are “deprived and disadvantaged” is because of the “collateral damage” by way of political victimization and ‘quitar’ policy of your “chancey” administration. It is about the “bukut” you have dished out in the Jewel to all but those on your glittering court! Look yah, “mi bally” to speak of “single mothers” is the most inexcusable stuttering of irreverent language by this prime minister. Now I am not being spurious or fanciful but, coming from the mouth of Barrow, “single mothers” is an insult - dah wah big fat “bad wud”. It is synonymous to Ike Turner decrying domestic abuse. We cruffy all know that what makes a cuss word a cuss word is not necessarily its recognition as an inductee into the English lexicon. The words “yo ma” are surely not defined in your Webster’s or KriolInglish Dikshineri dictionary as being contemptible. But I dare this loosetongued government to make the mistake of recklessly throwing that word across the Parliamentary floor. Family, did you know that the “F bomb”, and “retarded” are both words in the Oxford? But I don’t think we will see a sixty second sermon from Dr. Bob Roberts with those words anytime soon, “mi Bally”.

On the other hand a judge once ruled that the “F bomb” used against a police officer was not an insulting word but simply a colorfully descriptive adjective. Memba dat? So the profanity ascribed to a word is more contextual than literal. Right…. The Prime Minister use the words, “single mother” just days after his case against a publicly victimized single mother was hush hushed by the pack of salivating UDP lawyers he had earlier this year commanded to “sickem” is just vile. Back in September 2007 the UDP and Barrow Administration fired Sharole Saldivar - while this single mother was on sick leave. Remember that they came on national television admitting that she was sacked for the crime of talking to the wrong people politically. Well, that single mother marched them up to court and “tenk” God, the Chief Justice condemned the vindictive and illegal actions of the UDP government. Undaunted, this same Dean Barrow government sent a private UDP law firm in the person of Darrell Bradley, to try to “bax” up this poor lady some more by dragging her through the Court of Appeal on a point which he knows is wrong. This is the way he treats single mothers. Despite being wrong, Barrow’s Government has refused to honor the Chief Justice’s order and give the single mother the monies that are lawfully due to her. Instead they wasted monies with Bradley to delay her rights by sending the matter to the Court of Appeal only to withdraw the appeal in the dark of political night. Ah guess what? Dehn still no pay the lady yet! What makes this beyond bad to ‘aggravated’ is that Sharole Saldivar, who by all accounts is a soft spoken and reliable professional functionary has been tortured with the cruel and inhumane disruption of her life for three long years. Boss, three years is a lifetime for a single mother. Shame!! This lady has three young daughters. She has had to struggle to cradle over her daughters to absorb all of Barrow’s legal slaps, punches, “bax” and kicks. Respect to Ms. Saldivar. This is women’s month, unnu pay the uman!!!!! In fact is the UDP administration should give her a bonus as a courageous whistleblower because long before the criminal charges against Zenaida, she was pointing to the stench coming from the closet. Cho, no dis yah set. Where is Deano’s real respect for women, let alone single mothers? Ask Ms. Emma, Marissa, Hirian Good, even Anne Marie, Zenaida and even Loisy herself - if those last three want to be honest. Belizeans are a bit trusting. To be fair, Sharole Saldivar’s lawsuit was the first noted case of the political victimization of single mothers by this abusive Barrow Government. I mean, at that time, we had not yet had the benefit of piecing together the victimization of all the single mothers who were school wardens or the tragedy of now single mother Hirian Good. Nope. Sharole Saldivar was out there by herself. The very same zeal with which the UDP have publicly tried to humili-

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ate and persecute this single mother of three, should be the same zeal with which they should publicly make amends to her and her three daughters. In the words of Richie Spice “The world is a cycle”. God no sleep. Your retribution for what you have done to these ladies is not visited upon you and your government yet. How dare he cuss we, and then go on justify his hypocrisy by referring to “relief ” for “single mothers”? If you still want to go back to the use of un-parliamentary language, of “jackass”, I remember this Sunday’s homily, taken from the book of James 3:1-12. The scripture teaches from verse ten onward: “From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. These things should not be so, my brothers and sisters. A spring does not pour out fresh water and bitter water from the same opening, does it? Can a fig tree produce olives, my brothers and sisters, or a vine produce figs? Neither can a salt water

spring produce fresh water.” Now the spring of bitter water from the mouth of this UDP government has a well known and sordid history. They are consistent at least. Recall Patrick cussing the teachers as ‘ignorant’. Who can forget when Mr. Potty-Mouth, Finnegan, referred to the female speaker of the house using the word “bitch”. Ah but, by the way, those words are in the dictionary too. So I guess that was ok. At mass last Sunday, we were told to pray for our leaders. I did pray. I prayed that our present government leave office soon and that the damage that they have done to our Jewel will be fixable. I end by remembering the Sister who is a chairlady, and verse six of the Apostle James’s passage: “The tongue represents the world of wrongdoing among the parts of our bodies. It pollutes the entire body and sets fire to the course of human existence – and is set on fire by hell.”

For Sale

By Order Of The Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 9th day of January, 2004, between GUALBERTO HERRERA of San Jose Village, Orange Walk District, Belize, of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. of the other part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 1 of 2004 at folios 1159-1186; and the said SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD.

THE SCEHDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ALL THAT LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 169 situate in San Jose Village, Orange Walk District and bounded as follows:- On the Northeast for 90.983 metres by an Alley; On the Southeast for 34.444 metres by a road; On the Southwest for 96.961 metres by Lot No. 168 and On the Northwest for 39.090 metres by a road; containing 3869.181 square metres as shown on Plan No. 1701 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. This property has been subdivided and now referred to as Parcels 309/1 & 310/1 San Jose/San Pablo Registration Section. DATED this 2nd day of March, 2010.


91 North Front Street, Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

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