1943 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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"Without me you can do nothing." St. John, XV, S.





















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When Angels filled midnight with song. announcing the birth of the Saviour, they, at the same time. proclaimed the gift which the Infant God came to givet-abundant life. "That men might live" was the purpose underlying the Incarnation, the central event in all history. This giving of life to men was the motivating force that resulted in the redemption of men from the shacldes of servitude to the powers of evil. "That men might live" is the propelling force le ading those, who, in imitation of the Divine Redeemer. seek to break the h old with which the enemies of our freedom would b ind us. Our young men and, of particular interest to us. the alumni of our high school, are living out this practical lesson of patriotism, and a re giving of their unselfish devotion that men may live in the peace and charity of Christ. To all La Salle men in camp or on the field of battle. we. in the gratitude and lawful pride of our hearts. dedicate this year book.

In Loving Memory of MARTIN


Who "Went Home" During His Sophomore Year.

As we revisit this beautiful shrine in future years, the modest statue of Our Lady of Lourdes will always recall to our minds our happy associations with a loyal friend , an outstanning ::.tudent, and a Christian gentleman, lor "Marty" was all these. May he enjoy rest eternal in the pleasant company of His Queen and Her Son.

BROTHER EMILIAN. F.S.C. President, La Salle College




'Pbyaical Educ:ation

BROTHER G. LEWIS. F.S.C. Librarian



Brother Auatin. Student Counaellor: Brother DaYid. Principal: Brother Clementicm. Prefect of Studiea,

FAREWELL The gayety of this moment is tinged with the sadness of our separation from the persons and things which we have loved and cherished four long years. We shall never forget our campus with its religious atmosphere, the happiness that was ours in the companionships formed

there, and the kindly, somehmes stern, devotion of the Brothers who taught and directed us . Feelings o f regret and gratitude well up in our brea sts ~ we bid all this a fond FAREWELL.



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THOMAS ABBOn BALDWIN, JR. Andalusia Po. St. Catherine Transfer from New Trier High School, 4路 lntramurals, 4.

JOHN EDMUND BAMBACH 00 1...Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Johnny" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Closs paper and yearbook, l; Catholic Action Club, 1.

723 E. Hajnes St.



FREDERICK JOHN BECKER00 909 Berkley Ave., Hollywood, Pa. St. Cecilia "Beck" Transfer from Abington High School, 4.


0 () ' /

St. Anne "Paul" Intramurals. 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3; Bowling Club, 4.


HENRY JOHN BENDER 410 W. Fishers Ave.





Freshman Basketball, I; I. V. Basketball , 2; Intramural Basketball, 2; Track, 1-2-3-4,

JOSEPH PHILIP BERG MAIER 2202 N. Second St. "Bergie" Wisterian, I; Rille Clu b, 2.


PETER THOMAS BERNOT o0 267 W. Sparks St. St. Helena "Pete" Scholastic " L," I; Catholic Action Club, I; lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Bowling Club, 2-4; Honor Medal, 1.


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HERBERT CHARLES BLOHM. Jlt0 0 () ~ 132 W. Apsley St. St. Francis of Assisi "Herb" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4.


00 b St. Boniface


JOSEPH AUGUSTINE BOLGER 0 0 816 E. Dorset St. Little Flower "Jay" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Catholic Action Club, 1; Class yearbook, 1; Track, 3-4; Rifle Club, 2; Latin Club, 2; Riding Club, 3; Senior Activities Committee,4.

CHARLES MARTIN BOYLE. JR. 0 / () 6114 Lenson St. Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Chuck" Varsity Track, 1-2-3-4; Senior Activities Committee, 4 .




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GEORGE JOSEPH BRENNAN I 5505 Matthew St. Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Mick'' Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Class Yearbook, I.

RICHARD FB.A.NCIS BRIDGEFORD 0 / Z 1219 Wagner Ave. Holy Child lntramurals, 1-2-3.



DONALD ROBERT BUCJO.EY 726 E. Price St. Immaculate Conception, Germantown uDon"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Latin Club, 2; French Club, 3; Classical Club, 4.

SIDNEY c. BURGOYNE 0 I~ 5803 Anderson St. Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Sid" Scholastic "L", 1; Wisterian, 1-2-3-4; Debating, 1-2-3-4; Archconfraternity, 3.

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WILLIAM H. BURNS. JR. 726 Kenilworth Ave.

o/ .) St. Helena

"Buffalo Bill"

Debating, 1-2-3-4; Wisterian, 1-2-3-4; lntramurals, 1-2; Art Club, 2; Riding Club, 2-3-4; French Club, 3; Hiking Club, 3.

LOUIS MI.CHAEL CACCHIO tf ~6 6558 Vandyke St. St. Leo "Reds" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3; Vice President; 1-2.

JOSEPH MICHAEL CALLAN 34.( 1 Friendship St.

o/7 St. Matthew


Swimming Manaqer, 4; Scholastic " L", 1-2; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.


JAMES FRANCIS CANNON. JR. 0 1111\ Stafford St. Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Jimmie" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Class Paper, 1; Latin Play, 1; Wisterian, 1-2; Classical Club, 3.

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JOSEPH LAWRENCE CARBERRY St. Stanislaus 1113 E. Moyamensing Ave. "Joe" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4

JOHN PATRICE CABR 3046 Belgrade St.

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Nativity "Spud" Scholastic "L", 1-2; Intramurals. 1-2; French Club, 3.


t) 2-tJ

6111 McMahon Ave.

Immaculate Conception, Germanto wn "Case" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Camera Club, 2; French Club, 3.


2705 E. Somerset St.

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Mother of Divine Grace

"Augie" Varsity Football, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3; Varsity Track, 3.


2327 Shelborne St.


St. William "Pud Varsity Football, 1; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Golf Team, 3.



0 2-3

St. Madeleine Sophie

450 Wellesley Rd. "Tom"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Scholastic "1.", 1-3; French Club, 3.

JAMES PATRICK CONBOY 0 ?..)-/ 5615 Larchwood Ave. Transfiguration "Jim"

Dramatic Club, 4; Wisterian, 4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Rifle Club, 2-3-4.


JOSEPH MICHAEL CONNELLY 0 5653 McMahon Ave.; Immaculate Concl!ption, Germantown

"Joe" Wisterian, 1-2-3-4 (Editor-in-Chief. 4); Latin Club, 1; Catholic Action Club, 1; Scholastic "L", 1; Blue and Gold Staff, 4.

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JAMES JOHN COUPE () '?/ b 56 E. Sedgwick St. Holy Cross uJim't lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Glee Club, 1; Track. 1-2-3; Class President, 3-4; Class Vice-Preside nt, 2; Debating Team, 3; Blue and Gold Staff. 4; Senior Activities Committee, 4.


JOHN JOSEPH CRUICE 6 Z, 2424 Carpenter St. St. Anthony "Rackets" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Track, 3-4.

JOSEPH THOMAS CURRY 5914 N. Leithgow St.

0 z,cf St. Helena


Intramurals, 3; Dramatic Club, 2; Orchestra, 2-3; Class Vice President, 4; Library Staff, 2-3.

JOHN LAWRENCE DAILEY 0 Zf 1015 E. Rittenhouse St. Immaculate Conception, Gin. "Jack" Transfer from Fenwick High School, 3路 Intramurals, 3-4; Blue and Gold Staff, 4; Wisterian, 4; Track, 4.

.. JOHN ANTHONY D'ALESSANDRO tJ.31l 2207 Hicks St. St. Monica "Dal" Debating, 3-4; Wisterian, 3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3.

JOHN PATRICE DEVITT. 2134 N. Gratz St. "Jack" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

JR. t? 6 I St. Elizabeth



JOSEPH EDWARD DJEBJ:ES, JB. 'l, 632 E. Locust Ave. Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Dulce" Intramurols, 1-2-3-4; Class Yearbook, 1; Track, 3-4; Catholic Action Club, 1.

GEORGE PATRICE DIFFINO.,] 7553 WC}olston Ave. St. Athanasius 路"Gawdge" lntramurals, l; Stage Electrician, 4; Senior Activity Committee, 4.

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JULES FRANCIS DIRAC 0 l.j Our Lady of the Holy Souls "Jules" lntramurals, 1-2-3; Scholastic "L", 1-2-3; Scholarship Medal, 1-2-3.

3420 N. 20th St.


CHARLES FRANCIS DONOHOE St. William 6227 Rising Sun Ave. "Charlie" Intramurols, 1-2-3-4; J. V. Basketball, 1-2-3; Track, 1-2-3; Varsity football, 2-3-4.

THOMAS ANTHONY DONOHOE. JR. 0 3 6 6227 Rising Sun Ave. St William "Huck" J. V. Basketball, 1-2; Track, 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Golf, 3; Football, 2-3-4; Class President, 4; Basketball, 4.

EDWARD JOSEPH DOONEY 0 .?? 58 W. Wyneva St. St. Frances of Assisi Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Tennis, 3.


13 Euston Rd., Garden City, L. 1., N. Y.

o38 St. Joseph

lntramurals. 1-2-3-4; Track Manager, 1-2-3-4.


PAUL DANJEL DURGIN Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown "Paul" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Rifle Club, 1-2; ~lee Club, 1; French Club, 3.

418 Maple St.


tJ '/()

7016 Ogontz Ave.

St. Athanasius "Bud"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.


0 t../ I Epiphany

2129 S. 13th St. "Dick"

Intramurals, 1-2-3路4.


6334 Ogontz Ave.

JR. 01/2.St. Benedict


In tram urals,. 1-2-3-4.


1806 N. Mutter St


St. Michael "Johnny" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Scholastic "L", 1-2; Footba ll, 4.

ROBERT JOSEPH FOSTER 0 ~ ~ 509 Wellesley Rd. St. Madeleine Sophie "Bob" lntromurals 1-2-3-4; Glee Club. 1-2; Catholic Action Club, l; Class Yearbook, 1; Bowling Club, 3; Track, 4.

863 E. Price St.

HARRY ROBERT FOX ()~ Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Hare"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Glee Club, 1-2; French Club, 3; Senior Activities Committee, 4.

. WIWAM DARCY FRASER. 2nd tJ~J 233 E. Meade St. Our Mother of Consolation "Bill" Intramurals, 3-4; French Club, 3; Senior Activities Com路 mitlee, 4.

JAMES MICHAEL GALLAGHER 0 4/;> 3412 N. 19th St. Our Lady of the Holy Sauls "Jimmy'' Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Catholic Action Club, 1; French Club, '3; Glee Club, 1-2; Football, 2-3-4.



810 Unruh St.

St. William "Joe" Scholastic "L", 1-2-3; Wisterian, 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; C lass Vice-President, 1-3; Class President, 2-4; Dramatic Club, 3; Senior Activities Committee, 4; Bowling Club, 3; Yearbook, 4; Class Yearbook and Paper, 1.


:l24 E.'Gowen Ave. 1

ol/? Holy Cross


Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

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8101 Cresco St.

St. Dominic

"Paul" Football, 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.


1173 Cedar Park Ave. "Frank" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4.

Q.S'/ St. Athanasius

~THOMAS JOSEPH GRACE. JR. 0~ 1350 Colwyn St.

St. Stephen "Tom"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Class Yearbook, 1; French Club, 3; Class President, 2.

JOSEPH GERARD GREENBERG0~~ 6918 Rodney St. St. Athanasius "Hank" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Varsity Basketball, 4.

VINCENT JOSEPH GREENFIELD ~~ ~ 705 Rodman Ave., Noble, Pa. Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown "Vince.,

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Glee Club, 1-2-3; Track, 2-3-4; Riding Club, 3.

747 Humphries St., Ardmore, Pa. "AI" Scholastic "L", 1-2; Religion Contest Medal, 1.

St. Denis



810 Unruh St.

St. William

Scholastic "L", 1-2-3; Wisterian, 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, l-2-3-4; Class Vice-President, 1-3; Class President, 2-4; Dramatic Club, 3; Senior Activities Committee, 4; Bowling Club, 3; Yearbook, 4; Class Yearbook and Paper, l.


:l24 E. Gowen Ave. l


1/9 Holy Cross


Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.



a_s1) St. Dominic

8101 Cresco St. "Paul" Football. 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.


7173 Cedar Park Ave. "Frank" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

QS'/ St. Athanasius

~THOMAS JOSEPH GRACE. JR. t>s-2 1350 Colwyn St.

St. Stephen "Tom"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Class Yearbook, 1; French Club, 3; Class President, 2.


JOSEPH GERARD GREENBERG 3 6918 Rodney St. St. Athanasius "Hank" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Varsity Basketball, 4.

... VINCENT JOSEPH GREENFIELD ~-',/ ~ 705 Rodman Ave., Noble, Pa. Immaculate Conception. Jenkintown "Vince" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Glee Club, 1-2-3; Track, 2-3-4; Riding Club, 3.

747 Humphries St.. Ardmore, Pa.


Scholastic "L". 1-2; Religion Contest Medal. 1.

St. Denis

JOHN FRANCIS HALEY 3016 E. Pierce St. "Spike"

(),fb St. Gabriel


HOWARD WIWAM HANNUM Holy Child 5309 Magnolia Ave. "Howie" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Wisterian, 2-3-4; French Club, 3.

VINCENT JOHN H.AUCJt 0~ 39 W. Gowen Ave. Holy Cross "Vince" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Track, 1-2-3-4 (Captain 4)~ Football, 4.


H.AVENs 0 S"f

2607 Amber St. "Chubby" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3.

St.路 Anne



JOSEPH HERMAN HOFMANN St. Ambrose 121 W. Tabor Rd. "Bill" Intramural Basketball, 1; Varsity Football, 2-3-4.



2325 S. 15th St.

St. Monica "Mole" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Wisterian, 3-4; Literary Magazine, 4.





WILLIAM FRANCIS JOHNSON I) Z 1818 Wynnewood Rd., Overbrook Our Lady of Lourdes "Bill"

Track, 4; lntramurals, 4.



JOSEPH ALPHONSUS IANE. JB.!J 301 Gravers Lane Our Mother of Consolation "Gus"

Glee Club, l; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3; Track, 4.


JOSEPH DANIEL KELLEHER, 3rd Holy Child 5232 N. 15th St. "Joe''

Intramurols. 1-2-3-4.

WILLIAM MATTHEW JELLY St. Monica 2350 S. 20th St. l "Kel" Intromurals, l-2-3-4; Cheerleader, 2-3-4; Track, 3-4.



Little Flower "Jock" Intramurals, l-2-3-4; Rifle Team, 1-2-3-4; Latin Club, 2; Blue and Gold Stoff, 4; Chemistry Club, 3; Wisterian, 3-4.

326 E. Upsol St.


1047 E. Price St.


Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Gentleman Jim" football , 1-2-3-4; Track, 1-2-3-4; Class Yearbook, 1; .ntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Clos~ Vice President, 2; Bowling Ckili. 3; Wist.. rion, l; Blue and Gold Stall, 4; Sanctuary Society, l-2-3; Latin Club, l-2.


THOMAS PATRICK LOWRY. m 212 Greenwood Ave. Immaculate Co nception, Jenkintown "Pat" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

CJ 6


JOHN JOSEPH MacDONALD. JR. 1948 S. Redfield St. Most Blessed Sacrament HMocH lntramurals, 1-2-3-4.




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WIWAM FRANCIS MAHER () 5659 Blalcemore St.; Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Bill" Scholastic "L", I; Sanctuary Society, 1-2; Catholic Action Club, l; Latin Club, 2; Class Yearbook and Paper, 1-2; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Track, 1-2; Freshman and Junior Var· sity Basketball, I; Varsity Basltetball, 2-3-4 (Captain 4); Varsity Club, 2-3-4; Senior Activities Committe~. 4; Class Vice-President, 3; Class President, 4; Blue and Gold Stall. 4 (Editor-in-Chief).


JOSEPH THOMAS MALONEY 0 405 Pepper Rd. Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown "Joe" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; French Club; 3.


JOSEPH GERARD MARIMANN 0 597 E. Alcott St. St. William "Bud" Junior Varsity Basketball, 2; Track, 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Blue and Gnld Staff, 4; Varsity Club, 3-4.


ANDREW JOSEPH McCOSKER, JR. 0 4832 N. Sydenham St. Holy Child "Andy" Dramatics, 1-3-4; Rifle Club, I; Wisterian, 3-4; Intramurals, 3.


FRANCIS PAUl, McCROSSEN 5823 N. Broad St. Holy Child "Frank" Scholastic "L", 1; Class President, 1-3; Tennis, 3-4.



CHARLES MICHAEL McDONALD 5211 N. 15th St. Holy Child "Chick" lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Football Manager, 2-3-4.


5256 Pennway Ave.



St. Ambrose uMac"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; Rifle Club, 2-3-4; Camera Club, 2-3; French Club, 3.



1707 Roselyn St.


St. Benedict "Mac"

Cheerleader, 1-2-3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

,. ~ .~ ....:'!" . ,.. ~ . ,路;"



31 Carpenter Lane



St. Madeleine Sophie

"Dick" Swimming Team, 1-2-3-4 (Captain 4); Glee Club, 3; French Club. 3.


2339 S. 17th St.



St. Monica "Mac"

Intramurals, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3.



0 <30

314 High St.

St. Vincent

''Joe" Football, 2-3-4; lntramurals, 1-2-3-4.



50 I Duncannon St.



l "Big Bill" Orchestra. 1-2-3; Glee Club, 1-2; lntramurals, 1-2-3; Bowl路 ing Club, 4.

JOSEPH FRANCIS MONAHAN 5638 N. Sydenham St. "Monk" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

0 ? 2...Holy Child


JOHN FRANCIS MOROSS 0 ~ 5647 Musgrave St. Immaculate Conception, Germantown ''Jaclt" Freshman Bas ketball; lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3.

THOMAS JOSEPH MORROW 7717 Ferndale St. ''Tom" Football, 1-2-3-4.

Otf'7/ St Cecilia

FRANCIS JOSEPH NATHANS () 8_) St. Leo "Franny" lntramurals, 1.

7028 Jackson St.


RAYMOND AUGUSnNE NOLEN, JR. () Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Roy" Track, 1-2-3-4; Basketball, 1-2-3-4; Sanctuary Society, 1-2-3; French Club, 3; lntromurols, 1-2-3-4.

5525 Chew St.



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6242 Pork Ave.

Q g'/

Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Joe_.

Dramatic Club, 4; lntramurols, 1-2-3-4; French Club, 3.


DOMINtC ANTHONY PEDICONE 2342 S. Bancroft St. St. Monica "Dom'' Latin Club, I ; Scholastic "L", 1-3; Intramurals, 1-2-3. Hobby: Model airplane construction

THOMAS MARnN REDANAUER 5139 N. 15th St. Holy Child "Red" Swimming, 1-2; Bowling Club, 3-4; Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.

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JOSEPH ANDREW RINK. JR. c) Our Lady ol Mercy "Joe" Scholastic "L", 1-2-3-4.

23.54 N. Gratz St.


CHARLES JOSEPH SCHAEFER 0 705 HoUnagle St. St. Cecilia "Mort" Football, 1-2-3-4 (Captain 4); Freshman and Junior Varsity Basketball, I; Varsity Club, 2-3-4; Senior Activities Committee, 4; French Club, 3.


0? '2-

St. William


lntramurals, 1-2-3-4; Wisterian, 1-2-3-4; Track, 1-2-3-4; Literary Magazine, 4; Blue and Gold Staff, 4; Varsity Club, 3-4.


WILLIAM JOSEPH SCHWANEBERG {) ~ 1404 Lindley Ave. Holy Child Terry" Bowling Club, 2-3-4 (Captain 4); Intramurals, 1-2.

' ARTHUR EDWARD SEIDL () 9 i f City Line and Belmont Ave. St. Madefeihe Sophie "Art"

lntramurats, 1-2-3-4.


JOHN JOSEPH SHEEHAN C) 3126 Diamond St. Most Precious Blood "Atlas" Intramurals, 1-2-3-4.


JAMES LEO SHOEMAXER 5 Elliott Ave., Bryn Mawr Mother of Good Counsel "Jim"

lntramurals. 1-2-3-4; Wisterian, 2-3-4; Scholastic "L", 1; Latin Club. 1-2; Bowling Club, 3; Dramatic Club, 4; Debating Club, 1-2; Class Treasurer, 3; C lass Yearbook and Paper, 1.


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THEODORE JOHN SIMENDJNGER. JB. 954 Foulkrod St. St. Martin of Tours l "Cy" French Club, 3; Rifle Club, 3-4; Bowling Club, 3; Intramurals, 3.

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JOHN ROBERT SMITH ~ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 64 McKean St. "Jack" lntramurals, 1-2-3; Latin Club, 1-2-3-4; Senior Activities Committee, 4.

W1LLlAM PAUL SMITH 6151 N. Lawrence St. lntramurals, I; Scholastic " L", 1-2-3.


St. Helena



257 Harvey St.

JAMES EDWARD SNYDER)4fr Immaculate Conception, Germantown "Jim"

Varsity football, 1-2-3-4; lntramurols, l-2-3-4.


6312 N. foirhill St.

"Ed" Scholastic "L", 1-2-3; Intromurals, 1-2-3-4; Wisterian. 1-2-3-4; Latin Club, l; Swimming, 2-3-4; Track, 3-4; Blue and Gold Stoff, 4; Senior Activities Committee, 4; Dramatic Club, 1-4; Varsity Club, 2-3-4; Class President, 1; Class Secretory, 3; Catholic Action Club, I; Sanctuary Society, 2.

JOHN DANIEL SPELLMAN ..(:,P . . -/~I 4711 Pulaski Ave. St. francis of Assisi Hobby: Reading Biological Subjects


2444 E. Huntingdon St. "Jim" lntramurals, l-2-3-4; french Club, 3. Hobby: Dancing

/8 /tJ "Z... St. Anne

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St. Matthew ''Charlie" Intramurals, 1-2; Scholastic "L", l; French Club, 3.

3327 Brighton St.

/IJ~/ JOHN JOSEPH TRJNirY Resurrection of Our Lord 7314 Loretta Ave. "Uncle Lemon" Dramatic Club, 3-4; Debating Club, 2-3; Latin Club, 2-3; French Club, 3.

JAMES FRANCIS WALSH 5019 Tacoma St. St. Francis of Assisi "Jim" lntramurals 1-2-3-4; French Club. 3.


THOMAS COOKE WALSH Holy Cross 439 E. Mt. Airy Ave. "Feet" Camera Club, 1-2; Model Airplane Club, 1-2; Riding Club, 3-4; Senior Activities Committee, 4.

/07 EDWARD AUSTIM WARREN Our Mother of Consolation 28 W. Evergreen Ave. "Ed" Wisterion, 1-3-4; In tram urals, 1-2-3-4; Closs Yearboolc and Paper, I; Latin Club, I; Catholic Action Club, I; Dramatic Club, 2-4; Bowling Club, 2; Scholastic "L", 3; Cheerleader, 1-2-3-4; Literary Magazine, 4; Blue and Gold Staff, 4.

1rotller F. Job. F.S.C. ha1or A . . . . . . . . . . Tdg IHt tomonow.

Brother ClemeDt, F.S.C, Selllor 1

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Brother De.U.. F.S.C. SeDior C

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A Front Row: Joaeph Martell, John Powell, Jamea Harvey, Joaeph Brown, Charlea Hlhba, lamu Rowley. Edward Mackel. Robert Clymer. Anthony Turco. Second Bow: John McCoy, Thomaa Byron. Daniel Maher. John Newa. James Colfer. Alaa Twohig, Jamn Scott, Guard Hagan. Third Row: John Nolau, DomiAic Marmo, Charles Mesaa, JohD Quiuu, Joseph OacheU, Augustua Scuaa. Drmiel CoaliA.

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B Front l'low: George DeRylce, Chart.. Anderaon. Carlo Salzano. William Hesaert, James Bugqy, Jamea McGinley, Jamea Reilly. Thomaa Conny. Edward Rigqln. John Mullahy. John Shellem, Second Bow: Charles Hodo... John Garve~. Thoma• Blake. John McLoone. Max Soreosea. DaYid BeD.D.ia. Joaeph Martiu. William Moloar. Jamu McGizmis. Bernard Cn•mllsh. Edioo Varaoi. Third Row: John Beaty. John CoDDor, John Nicholson, lobo WiUiama. Daniel Douqherty, Lawrence Straclc. Carl Lampe. George Thomaa. Joseph Berqan, Jamea Sulll•an. Missioq-Thomaa Dully, Alexander Hartnell.

Brother F. Vincent. F.S.C.

Brother D. Vincent, F.S.C.


u N I 0 R

c Froat Row: Ferdlaaad Boccella. Tbomaa Walab. Aatboay Pedicoae . Francia O tt. G e rald VatJ. Tbuyne. Daalel Wylde, John Drum, John Jr:elleber. Edward Geisel. Edward Kearne y, Robert Price. Second Row: Frank McNichol. Edward Scbwarta. Louis Goela, John E•aa•. Fraacio J:eboe, Loulo Mere nda. Francia Walton. William Meehan, Peter Yourl. John Ball, Joseph Wau 9b. Third Row: Albert Coyle. William D' Arey, Edward Suchy. AlexCUlder MlDder, JohD Schaub. Fraacia Ford. Matthew Onraaclc, William NolatJ., JohD Jr:ee'iCUl• Joseph Foote r. John ltlo tacb. Miooing-Tbomao Lawa.


u N I

0 R

D Front Row: Beraard Coaway, Joba HeilmCIDD. Walter Baumaoa. Joba C ulllD. loba Metager. Robert ltltao'o, Ro9e r Ke lle y, Allred Boua U. Anthony Walton. William Halb erotadt, Rob ert Rich. S.coad Row: Fraacia Fltapatriclc. Robert Bade. loaepb Doanelly, Willia m Stewart, lobo Leiohauaer, Tbomaa Zoller, Philip Bereoa, Jooepb Buqqy, Joseph HatJ.soa. Aathoay MianuiU. Third Bow: JohD Comyo. Paul Adams.· Edward Greea, Chart.. Denoa1;, Timothy DoaoYao, Chart. . Loferty, Robert Pigeoa. Dcrrid Jr:err, Fred Weigelt. William Dcrria, Mioa>aCl-(:b arl.. Daut, Lawreace QuiaD, Jooepb ReUly. Pa11l Watera.

Brother Robert. F.S.C.

Brother James, F.S.C.

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Front Row: William Bowen, Arthur Lee, John Carroll, Frederick Womiak, Joseph McKenna, Richard Murray, Robert Breen, John GaYin. Charles Miller, Joseph Sweeney, Louis Woyce, Francia Fink, James Begley. Second Row: Cha.r les Cauidy, William Seiger, Richard DeYine, Francia Donahue, John Whelan. Thomas Tucker, Robert Conrad, John Keller, William Taylor, Philip Dierkes, Gerald Pendergast, Paul Reuter, John Garrin. Third Row: John Moosbrugger, William Maher, John Graham. Michael Connors. William Rakus, James Smith. Th.o mas Hoban, Joseph Fox, Edward McConYille, Leonard Begley, Thomas McDermott, Thomas Daly, Francia Cooch, Alfred Boccella. Missing-Joseph Pickard, Thomas O'Neill. Brother Francia, F.S.C.


Front Row: James Martin, Daniel Eigo, Martin Smith, Charles Mahoney. Vincent Keogh, Robert McMackin, Joseph Learn· ing, Michael McGoldrick, Harry Rein, Vincent Hafner, Charles Horan, John Deasy, John Egan. Second Row: George Ban:ac, Thomas Mundy, Francis O'Brien, Daniel Santomero, John Mackin. Donald Ellis, John Kane, Francis Cauidy, Thomas Schalata. Robert Deevey, William Higgins, Joseph Meehan. Third Row: Charles Dunne, Fred Rehmus, Martin Teller, BenJamin Ventresca, Joaeph Dougherty. James Reagan, Leo Labeddewica, Williqm Gaynor, Quintin Mecke, Thomas SulliYan, Donald McGill, Francia Dunion. Missing-James Donnelly, George McDermott, Raymond Wall, Francia Spellman. Walter Petri. Brother Leo, F.S.C.


Front Row: Robert Ford, William Bogle, Samuel Nigro, James ~aloney, Frederick Waltera. Charlea Thompson, William Zink, James McFarland, John O'Brien, Francis Foley, Gerald Kehoe. Jamea Cathcart, DaYid McGrath. Second Row: Robert Tully, George Moock, James McGonigle, Peter Mueuiq, John Gallen, John Murphy, Edward Kline, Samuel Sleath, Paul Gillespie, Joaeph Klohocker. Remigio Primua, Thomas W elah. Third Row: Norbert Ciaaullo, Harry Perkins. William McAuliffe. Lawrence Ferro. John Haugh, James Gallagher. Robert Leddy, Lawrence Shaeffer, John Gray, Joseph Martin, Charles Custer. James Gannon. Milling-Henry Tebbs, Terrence Murdock. Brother Christopher. F.S.C.


Front Row: Joaeph McCreery, Joaeph Goela. Francia Burns, Eu!Jene DiRe. Brainerd Shull. Nicholas Sipa. Thomas tinahan. John Breanan. Joseph White, Edward Wood. Thomas W•YT• Willia.m Spillan. Richard Keller. Second Row: William Gallagher, Jamea Dougherty, John Kieffer. Jamea Jonea, Thomas Donnelly. Peter Carney, Gerald Nu!Jent. Edward Friel. William Loughery, Jerome Bradley, Edward Dnitt. Joaeph Trinity, John Hendri. Third Row: Robert Rainey, William O'Callaghcm.. Robert Lodea, Edward Na!Jle, William Gibbons, Thomas Howley, Robert Sabol, Francis Morriaon, John Drach. John St. Clair, Joseph Moran, Charlea Troia, John Flah'erty. Miuing-John McGrath. Joaeph Smith. Robert Darrach. Brother Albert. F.S.C.




s H .. M E


Brother Joaeph,

Brothera Patric:k and Albert dilc:uaa t!ae Vocational Exhibit a moment.

Freabmea lead a hand.


Front Row: Philip Jo.berger. John Bergin, Charlee Beatty, Richard Greenfield, William Burne, William Borbidge, William Bailey, William Pfaff. Jamee Dougherty, Donald Burke, Harry Reckner. Albert Meuanolle, Jamee Welah. Second Row: Carroll McCioekey, Corneliue Gaffey, Francia Gallagher. Michael Fox, John Weleh, William Cregan, Joaeph Toland. Jamee McMenamin. Joeeph Burke, Jamee Breiner. Howard Richard, Robert Sorenaen. Third Row: Richdrd Stober. William McCaueland, Frank l:eck. Charlee Bergan, Comeliua SulliYan, John Weglicki, Charlea D..,lln. Robert Morrissey. John Gillin, Martin Waleh, John Forbee. James Brown. Missing-Norman McVey, Thoma• Martin, Francie Price, Brother Stephen, F.S.C.


Front Row: Charlee Grech.• Joseph Moran, Francie Taylor. John Owena. Jamea Higgins, Joseph Steelman, Hugh Sweeney, John Callan, John Morriaaey, Henry Kiely. Walter Boehm, Michael Angelotti, Joaeph Yeoell. Second Row: Jamee Reidy. Carl Ehmann, Richard Bunker, Ernest Trois. Jamee Crane. Charles Wynn, John Bishop, Edwin MacNamara. John Rowley, Thomaa McAneney, Edward Stemmler. Richard Halpin. Third Bow: John Helwig, Francia Piperno, John Sabia, Joeeph Corcoran. Francie Griffin. Edward Rafferty, Harry Hauaer. John Donohoe. Joeeph Collins, Hugh Maguire, Peter McCorry. Miuing-Thomae Caaey, Robert McCarron, George Wharton. Brother Patrick. F.S.C.

Front Bow: George Shultz. George Yeager. John Land, William McNichol. Carl Schoepe. Joseph Cannon. Donald Palmer, Sebastian Barretta. John Heffron. John Connell, John Flannery. Albert Trottnow, Jamea Donnelly. Second Row: Diodoro Minuti. Joseph Ellaperman. LeRoy King. Bernard Schreiber, Joseph Ellis. Angelo Fanelli. Edwin Hol_l,rook. William Oschell John Donahue, Jamea Scanlin, Vincent Wolfinger. Third Row: Frank Kirk. William Lockett. Robert Regan. Bernard McManus, Joseph Fleming. Joseph Regan. James Ward. Donald Gates. Jnmes Connor. MiBBing-Tbomaa Haney, John Toland. Dwight Zink. Brother Paul. F.S.C.

The "giYe ua health" club.

Keya to Victory,

Brother Piua.

Front Row: James Moffet, James Wilson. Paul Kaufman. Her路 bert Kaufman. James Devlin. Joseph Grace, Charles Clark. Georqe Reiss. Thomas Sullivan. Daniel Cannon, Bernard Miller. William Scanlnn. Joseph Gillespie. Second Row: James McPeak. Joseph Calia, Louis Hahn. Den路 nis O'Connor. Thomas Crane. John Wanner, Paul Pirhalla. Robert Valenti, Nevin Finley, Albert Penillo. William Dailey. Third Row: Arthur Jacobs. Robert Noonan, James O'Neill. Michael Teqan. Bernard McNulty, Edward McGinley. Charles McElroy, Murt Nicholas. Francis Farnan. Missina-Edward Kelly. James McDonald. Joseph O'Callaqhan. Brother Eugene. F.S.C.



Front Row: Russell McLaughlin. John Moser. Anthony Montaqno. Joseph Sammon. Albert WoU. Paul DeFeo. Paul Sun路 dermann. Harry Reiss. James Doyle, William O'Connell. Charles Peissner, Robert Baney. John Boland. Second Row: John Smyth. Joseph Graef, Francis Crumlish. Joseph Mundy. Richard Hagan, James McCall. Edward Me路 Gee, John Hamilton. Charles Groux. Edward Lynch. Angelo Rossi. Third Row: Michael Flood, William Groux, James Kelleher. James O'Shaughnessy. John Kane. Charles O'Neill. Robert Neas. Richard Lance. James MacEachern. Henry Hettel. John O'Donnell. Missinq-Joseph Gibbons. Walter McCool, George Venne II.

s H

Brother Damian. F.S.C.

M Front Row: Paul Arizin. Robert Walton, Edward McDermott. Robert Hartley. Joseph O'Connor. James Maqarity, Robert Smith. Charles Lucker, James McMahon. John Murphy, Charles Heil, James McGroarty, Edward Knowlton. Second Row: Joseph Wolfington. William Geisel, William Grauer. Merle Charlton, Donald Larkin. William Whiteside. Richard O'Brien. Joseph Torrence. John Hoelzel, Raymond Loux. Charles Letier. James McGlone. Glenn Bennett. Third Row: Albert Exner, Richard Connor, Robert Duffy, Louis Klock, Ellwood Kieser. William Chase, Donald G eraghty, Charles Clay. Joseph McGowan, John Gaw. Donald Lappe, William Braun. John Fanuka. Missing-Raymond Teller, Robert Heller. 'Brother Denis, F.S.C.

"It's bound to work.H

A trustful soul.







The Revh·al of the fittest.

"These new penniea cnen"t dim... aonny.•


BROTHER FRANCIS REGIS, F .S.C. Principal, La Salle Central

Brothers Mark. Franci1. Ambro1e. and Euloqiu1 check La Salle Night returns.



Caesar again

A bit of social science

"I'm next.'' Seneslcy gaYe out more than lette111.

SOPHOMORE E Front Row: Harry Con.n or, James McGarvey, Reqinald Schwab. James Sinclair, Joseph Williams. Glendon Robertson, Edward Garcia, William Heitzman, Louis Waters. Second Row: Charles Syms, Joseph Gliwa, Huqh Walsh. John Owens. James Mulherrin, Edmond Sannini. Richard Merachen, Paul Daley, James Haqan. Third Jlow: Frank Lux, Harry Faah. Joseph Lampe, James Mynauqh, Peter Lubetic, John Dowda.

FRESHMEN G Front Row: Robert Walsh, George Coua, Francia Walsh. William Delaney, Robert Wogan. John McCue, Stanley Zalecky, Robert Polk. James Freeman. Second Row: Thomas Barbera, Nicholas Maguire. Thomas Summers. James Malloy, James De"'ine, Francia Foley, Frank Lopergolo, John McCloskey, Harry Sears. Third Row: Thomas Cermack. Frank ][)eckner. Joeeph Camp路 bell, Francia Perri. Joaeph Canning, John Curtin.

FRESHMEN H Front Row: Theodore Caniglia, James Dougherty, Joaeph Monotta. John Smith. James Bracken, Joseph Kirby, John Curley, Aloysius Bardaik. Michael CarrolL Second Row: Bernard Meyer. John Comerford, Francia Land路 9Jebe. Charlea ScheUhardt Francia Kane, William William路 aon, William Murphy, Stephen La Rocca, Gerald Wehr, Joseph HilL Thomas Drake. Third Bow: Thomas Voigtaberger, Stanley Lipski, Charles McKee, John Hochatuhl, Francia Momell, Michael Maacian路 tonio. John Hauamaninger. Francia O'Neill. Frank Cech. Donald Toal.

FRESHMEN I Front Row: Ralph La Porta, Eugene O'Drain. Michael Sweeney, John Kelly. Martin Ve18y, Joseph Erhard, William Kobierowaki, Edward Mahoney, William BaltL Second Bow: Francia Caultield. Francia Gorman. John Becker, Raymond Branigan. Raymond Bymea. Fred Haley. John Ford. Alfred Poplawski, Wi!Uam Connor. Edward Morgan. Third Row: Thomas McGo"'em, John Schaffer. Richard Gro"'ea, Joaeph Loughlin, Walter Fairbrother, Charfea Dinger. John Vena. Dmd Adams. Joseph Mackin.

I'acuity Members: Top to bottom: Brother Da"'id. F.S.C.; Brother Jerome, F.S.C.; Brot.h er G. John, F.S.C.; Brother D. Edwin. F.S.C.; Brother Fidelia, P.S.C.


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FOOTBALL The Blue and Gold football squad this year attained heights never before reached by a La Salle aggregation. Composed mostly of seniors, and led on by Captam Charlie Schaefer, the team was beaten but twice in the long season's grind. All-Catholic positions were secured by Aug ie Cifelli, tackle; Joe Hofmann, guard, and Tom Donohoe, end. Paul Gibbons, fullback, lim Snyder. center, and Tom Morrow, tackle, dominated t:le second team. Of the remaining players, Vince Hauck, Charlie Schaefer, Charles Donohoe, a nd Abe Reilly received honorable mention. LA SALLE, 25; SIMON GRATZ, 0 In this first encounter, Vince Hauck tallied around end, while Paul Gibbons plunged through center twice, and Tom Donohoe scored on a pass from Schaefer. Ha uck converted by placement. LA SALLE. 25; SOUTH CATHOLIC, 0 In the initial league contest, the Explorers scuttled South Catholic for another 25-0 victory. Gibbons tallied two touchdowns. Hauck, scoring after a 40-yard end run, garnered La Salle's third tally, while later in the third period , Pete Villari chalked up the final touchdown from the 10-yard stripe. Below: With perfec:t interference Gibbona make• a • w eeping end run. Lower Left: A 81lfe •ixty yarda with Donohoe punting. Lower Right: Crib· bona make• a YaUant try.


Upper Left: Morrow make• the tackle. Center: A bit out of reach. Upp er Right: Ball. ball. who baa the ball? Below: The apectatora at a tenae moment•

C. Donohoe


LA SALLE. 18; ROMAN CATHOLIC. 0 La Salle's hard-running and fast-stepping squad kept up the torrid pace against Roman. Pete Villari chalked up the first six-pointer on a 55-yard run-back of a punt. The famed triple reverse worked twice for scores with Hauck tallying from the 20 and then from the 35. LA SALLE. 25; ST. JOHN, 6 The Eagles scored the first tally of the season against La Salle after the Bondermen took an early lead. It was a rejuvenated team that came out in the second half to score 19 points through the effort of Vince Hauck, Charlie Schaefer, and Joe Hofmann. LA SALLE, 6; WEST CATHOUC, 6 Adding a storybook ending to a game that glistened with hard. thrilling action throughout, the Explorers of La Salle evaded a near-certain West Catholic victory when Char he Donohoe snatched a partially blocked pass from Charlie Schaefer and scampered live yards for the touchdown that knotted the count. A pass from Leo Dillon to Dan Brown from the twelve had put the Burrs in the lead.

T. Morrow

J. Galla g her

J. Me•a

J. Farrell

J. Logue

P. Gibbona

LA SALLE. 6; NORTH CATHOLIC, 7 North Catholic clawed us with seven pomts in the last period to snatch an apparent victory from our grasp. This was a tough one. Paul Gibbons and Jim Dugan, respective fullbacks, counted on line plunges from the one-yard line, but Jim Begley, stellar Falcon end, added the all-important point. LA SALLE, 19; ST. THOMAS MORE. 0 It was indeed a field day f0r La Salle as three advances ended in scores and a fourth was halted on the one-foot line. Tom Donohoe tallied on a pass from Schaefer. Vince Hauck. chalked up another on a reverse and Pete Villari scored the .. last marker of the day around left end. LA SALLE, 0; ST. JOSEPH. 6 A penalty, a long pass, and then a short plunge furnished all the scoring in the annual classic between the two schools. St. Joseph, with Jack Small carrying the hall, tallied from within the three-yard marker in the second period. After that, the game was nip-and-tuck with Tom Morrow, Gus Cifelli, Joe Hofmann, and Jim Snyder doing sensational work in the Explorer line. OUR SQUAD

J. GarYiD, M. Sorenaen. J. Aaaiatant Man~ger. Middle Row: J, Logue, P. Gibbona. J, Smith, E. l:eamev, C. Schaefer, Captain, P. Villari. J, Reilly. J. Hofmann. J, Meaaa. Back Row: C. McDonald. Manager, L. Bonder. Aaaiatant Coach, C. Donohoe. A. Hartnett. T. Morrow, A. Cifelli, D. Conlin, W. Gaynor, J, Farrell, V. Hauck. W. Kilroy. T. Donohoe, J. Bonder, Head Coueh.

LA SALLE, 12; HARRISBURG CATHOUC, 7 Roaring back with a last-minute score to offset a 7-6 deJicit, the Blue and Gold-clad Explorers snatched victory from defeat. With but seconds to go, Charlie Schaefer lunged over for the counter. Previously, Paul Gibbons had counted a score for La Salle. Brilliant in victory was La Salle's gallant line, wh1ch, led by Hofmann, Cifelli, and Morrow, continually staved off the thrusts of the opponent's powerhouse backfield. Thus it ended, a season packed with all the thrills and excitement ever desired. We had a team that fought best when the chips were down and marched on against the best of them. We will never forget this year's football team . _ . the gridders of 1943.

1'lae Preppen look worrt.cl aa Villari lut ....._ VUical lalla tlae tud. Donoho• awaita th• ball carri•r. Lou and Jim Bond•r.

A. CiJ•Ili


The La Salle High Basketball team, riddled by graduation, did not quite measure up to the standard set by last year's Catholic State Championship squad. The Blue and Gold, tutored again this year by Joe Meehan, and captained by Bill Maher, won five league encounters and lost the remaining eleven. finishing sixth in the final standings. Bill Maher, all-Catholic center again this year, was the high scorer on the squad and the leader throughout the campaign. Joe Greenberg. Ray Nolen, and Tom Donohoe were the other senior lettermen. Tom Byron, Gerry McGeehan. Vince O'Donnell, Chuck Thompson. and Jim Reagan were the underclassmen who received letters. The team did not start off auspiciously in practice tilts as they lost encounters to Central, Simon Grantz, and Southern before they achieved their first win-a brilliant 26-24 thriller over Trenton Catholic High on the home court.

"Coach Me•han Captain Maher



J. Gr. .nberg

T. Donohoe

T. Byron

CATHOUC LEAGUE GAMES W. Maher, Captain First Half St. Thomas More came to La Salle's court on December 18 to open the league campaign. The Golden Bears went home with a close 19-14 victory. In the next game, Salesianum edged out a 24-22 victory on La Salle's home court before West Catholic conquered our courtmen to the tune of 39-25. The Blue and Gold then showed its top form of the season in toppling Roman Catholic, league champions. in a close tilt by a 29-28 count. Bill Maher led La Salle's offense with 16 markers. The Explorers continued their winning ways with a surprising 28-26 victory over North Catholic on the latter's court. St. Joseph's Prep then engineered an impressive 34-22• triumph over our squad. In this encounter, the Stiles Street boys' height was just too much for La Salle. On Fnday evening, January 22, the "Men of Meehan" registered a brilliant victory over a highly touted five from South Catholic. Joe "Hank" Greenberg was the Blue and Gold star in this fray. To finish the first half of the league season, St James defeated La Salle. 49-35. It seemed that every shot the Chesterites took caught in the hoops. while La Salle just could not keep pace with their terrific scoring power. The Blue and Gold, however, produced their greatest scoring surge of the season Second HaU C. Thompson West Catholic, the team that eventually finished first in the regula r season. toppled the Explorers to the tune of 44-32 in the first game of the second half. After St. Thomas had jolted our boys, 25 20, an inspired La Salle quintet, led on by Bill Maher's great playing, edged out a 33-32 victory over the Falcons of North Catholic. In thP. next several games, Roman Catholic surprised with a 40-19 vict~ry. South Catholic avenged a previous defeat and won, 31-27, and St. James duplicated its previous showing with a 38-25 splurge. before La Salle won its fifth and last league encounter at Wilmington from Salesianum by a 33-31 score. St Joseph then beat out the basketeers in the final game , 33-20.

Greenberg tuq1 with a Prepper.

Maher geta off a quick one.

A mild acramble. Donohoe atretche1 for thia one.

The future Vanity prospects in action: Reagan gains possession. Chuck Th.o mpson drops in an easy one. Battle for control in Explorers-Pira tes clash. Maher loops one in. A b it of advice b etwee n halves.

Five wins and eleven losses may not be considered such a brilliant record, but it must be noted that La Salle did not fall in to any consistent losing streak. The team did not, a t any stage of the season, lose more than three .... games in a row. Whether that is an accomplishment or not is debatable, but it shows what a scrappy, fightingfor-every-win ball club we had. Next yea r our Alma Mater will have back Tom Byron, Jim Reagan, and Chuck Thompson for Mr. O'Brien to mold another championship outfit. The J.V. squad lost all but one game, but several freshmen showed signs of great p romise. Members of the J.V. team who stood out were Bill Gaynor, Johnny Ka ne, Paul Sundermann, John Donohoe, and Johnny Weglicki.




R. Foster, Dailey Front Row: C. Wynn. R. Deevey, F. Burns. A. Peuillo. J. Gallen. R. Keller. W. Burns. R. Lodes. Second Row: J. Dierkes. W. Maher. H. Schmidt, W. Spillan. J. St. Clair. C. Boyle, H. Bender. V. Hauck, J. Kane, R. Foster. J, Logue, J. McGowan. Third Row: "Obie" O'Brien, Coach. H. Niederriter. Assistant Coach, E. Speitel. R. Ford. J, Martin, W. Gallagher, P. Muessig. J. Kelleher, L. Woyce. E. Suchy. W, Geisel. Back Row: A. Hartnett. J, Williams. R. Rich. J. Nolan. W. Gaynor. D. Dougherty. J. Oschell. J. Dailey, J, Marlcmann. Brother F. Vincent, Moderc:xtor.




J. Marlcmann

The 1943 edition of the La Salle High Track team has high hopes for the coming league season. Six lettermen return to this group and Brother F. Vincent, indeed a track enthusiast, has taken over as moderator of the team. "O'Bie" O'Brien is again coach. Vince Hauck, senior speedster and captain of the cindermen, capably handles the I 00, the 220, and the shot put. Other lettermen are Joe Markmann in the discus, Joe Bolger and Vince Greenfield, hurdlers, Harry Schmidt, middle distance man, and Chuck Boyle, high ranking high jumper. Combined with these holdovers are seniors Jack Dailey, Bob Foster, Bill Kelly, Harry Bender, Ed Speitel, and Joe Kane.

John St. Clair, Ed Suchy, John Kelleher, Pete Muessig, Bill Gaynor, Al Hartnett, and Jack Gallen are the most promising of the underclassmen. This year there is a regularly organized league with each team meeting the others in triangular meets. The first meet brings together St. Joseph, West Catholic, and La Salle. At the finish of the season, the cbampionships will be held and many of the Blue and Gold squad should rank high in this annual tournament of champions. Brother Vincent also undertook to guide the destinies of our Cross Country squad, composed mostly of sophomores and freshmen. Sophomores John St. Clair, Frank Burns, William Spillan, and William Taylor won their letters while Charlie Mahoney, Pete Muessig, Lou Woyce, Al Pezzillo, Sam Keough, and Tom Linahan rounded out the squad and gained valuable experience.

H. Schmidt. C. Boyle, V. Hauck

Front: L. Woyce. Second Row: T. Linahan, A. Peuillo, P. Mueuig. Third Row: W. Taylor, F. Burna, J. St. Clair, C. Mahoney, W. SpiUan.

C. Boyle

J. Logue, J. Bolger,

SWIMMING B. Kitson. Bacbtroke Champion

Captain R. McGrath E. Speitel Front Row: E. Suchy, R. J:it•on. J. Sweeney. E. Speitel, Second Row: M. Ovemack. W. Baumann. L. Woyce. R. McGrath, Captain. W. Maher. W, D'Arcy. R. Loux. Third Row: Brother Jam••· Moderator. A. Coyle. T. Weyr. J, Cullin, J. Burke, M. Teller. Mana9er, T. Crane, P. DeFeo. F. Burke, Coach.

On October l, the candidates for the Swimming Team met at the Germantown YMCA . After two months' p ractice, the natators met several teams of the Public League. In these dual meets, La Salle defeated Germantown, Olney, and Simon Gratz. but suffered defeats from Northeast and West Philadelphia. In the Catholic League, competition was more spirited than ever. Nevertheless, La Salle finished in third place. In dual meets with St. Joseph, the champion, and West Catholic, the runner-up, the swimmers

lost by very close scores. All other teams were beaten and South and North Catholic tied once. The highlight of the season was the Individual Championships held at Penn's Hutchinson Pool, March 18. La Salle produced individual champions in Ed Speitel in the 100-yard breaststroke and Bob Kitson in the 100-yard backstroke race. Bill D'Arcy, who had been improving all season, annexed third place in the breaststroke. Joe Sweeney captured a second in the 50-yard freestyle and a third in the

J. Sweeney. W. Baumann, A. Coyle. L. Woyce, J, Sweeney, E. Suchy, W. D' Arcy. E. Speitel (diving), W. Baumann (looking Kitson (coming in).

century race. The Medley Relay team climaxed its streak of consecutive wins for two years stra ig ht by capturing the relay championship. The team, composed of Kitson, Speitel, and Walt Baumann, churned through the waters in the fast time of 1:32.7. This La Salle trio also holds the record for the 150-yard Medley relay: 1:32.4. In all, La Salfe finished second to North Catholic !n the championship meet. Following the January Commencement, the team lost its capable and congenial coach, Jim Kennedy, who left La Salle to pursue Medical Research at Penn. Kennedy, in his four years as coach, accomplished much in building up the sport here at La Salle. The Athletic Authorities then confided the destinies of the team to Wyn Brady and Frank Burke, members of the college team, who aided the team greatly. During the past season, the La Salle mermen were led by Captain Dick McGrath who showed the members the way by his devotion and competitive spirit.

Dick not only strengthened the team by his fancy diving, but also gained many need ed points in the backstroke. Ed Speitel, the other Senior, could always be depended upon to get his first in the breaststroke a nd to bolster up the relay team, He was likewise the high-scorer of the team for the second season. The Junior Clas') was well represented by Bob Kitson, yYal路t Baumann, Jack Cullin, Bill D'Arcy, Ed Suchy, AI Coyle, and Matt Ovemack. The Sophomores produced Joe Sweeney, the most +mproved swimmer in the League, Bill Maher, Lou Woyce, and Tom Weyr, as we11 as the efficient ma nager, Marty Teller. The Frosh came through with Tom Crane and Joe Burke, two mighty fine swimmers. Paul DeFeo, Ray Loux, Joe Barry, and Frank Kirk gained in experience and during the coming seasons should make La Salle proud of their accomplishments. In all, the past season will go down in history as the best an<;i the capable moderator, Brother E. James, confidently looks forward to next year as the路 y under the new leadership of COP.:tgilllf Kitson.

C. Messa. P. Reuter. D. Ellis. W. Schwaneberq. Captain, }. McGinley. F. Fitzpatrick.


Captain Bill Schwaneberg was the only returning letterman to hold the keglers together. This inexperience proved costly despite the efforts of Francis Fitzpat:'ick, a Junior, who, With Captain Bill. gained his letter. C. Messa and J. McGinley, juniors, together with P. Reuter and D. Ellis, sophomores, will help form the nucleus of a stronger outfit next year.


The Tennis outlook is not so bright for the present year, but who can say what v,;ill happen after we go to press. With practically an "All-Freshman Cast," w ith the exception of Bob Price, a junior, and Joe Smith, a sophomore, La Salle looks forward to greater success in the not-too-distant future. The prospects as they appear in the picture are:

W. Gibbons, L. Shaeffer. R. Price,

J. Smith, L. Hahn. D. O'Connor. F. Donahue. H. Kaufman, P. Kaufman. C. Grech. J. Foster. R. Donnelly.

Front Row: J, Carroll. J. Kelly. T. McGorry. E. Warren. J. Martin. Second Row! B. Valenti. M. Wal•h. J. Dougherty. E. Stemmler.

CHEERLEADERS The cheerleaders were once again, as in the past years, an important part of the La Salle athletic endeavors. Clad in their classy Blue and Gold uniforms, the "rah-rah" boys often brought out that extra something that turned a fighting Explorer squad from defeat to gallant victory. Tom McGorry, Ed Warren, and Bill Kelly were the senior cocaptains of the outfit. They were capably assisted by Jimmy Martin and Jack Carroll, sophomores. Others who brought rousing yells from the spectators were Ed Stemler, Marty Walsh, Jim Dougherty and Bob Valenti, all freshmen. Brother E. Francis continued to coach the boys who produced yells for the following . . . SENIOR LETTERMEN FOOTBALL August Cifelli Joseph Hofmann Charles Donohoe James Logue Thomas Donohoe Charles McDonald John Farrell Joseph Messa James Gallagher Thomas Morrow Paul Gibbons Charles Schaefer Vincent Hauck James Snyder Peter Villari BASKETBALL Thomas Donohoe William Maher Joseph Greenberg Raymond Nolen TRACK Joseph Bolger Vincent Greenfield Charles Boyle Vincent Hauck August Cifelli JoseJ:h Markmann Joseph Dougherty Harry Schmidt SWIMMING Richard McGrath Edmond Speitel

BROTHER D. JAMES Moderator of Athletia


Frank McCrossen CHEERLEADERS William Kelly Edward Warren Thomas McGorry











! I I

ARCH CONFRATERNITY Seated: B. ShulL R. Teller. J. Breanan, Preaident, D. Santomere. J, Shellem. Standing: M. Angeletti. T. Sulli-t路an, L. Goelz. J, Sabia.

The Archconfrate~ity of the Divine Child has completed its second year of revival under its moderator, Brother G. Patrick. The weekly meetings of the chapter consisted chiefly of study clubs, which had the Holy Mass as their subject of discussion. A talk was prepared by a student for each meeting, touching on the origin and significance of the various phases of the Holy Sacrifice. On March 14 and 15, during the annual Vocational Exhibit, the group presented a pageant depicting various religious orders of men. The students, garbed in the robes of their respective communities, gave brief descriptions of the history, work, and qualifications of "their" orders.

Neal poalere, aren't they?

J, Ward and C. Schoepe look things oYer. J. Cannon and J, Regan capitalize on the pamphlets. Seated: B. Shull, Vincenliaru C. Wynn, Jeauit: R. Teller. Christian Brother: J. Dougherty, Franciscan: J. Breanan, Maryknoll, Standing: L. Goelz. XaYeriaru D. Sanlomero, Norber路 line; C. DeYlin. Trinitarian; J. Shellem, Atonement Father; J. Burke, Oblate of St. Francis de Sales.

V. O'Donnell and G. Hagan assume a meditative air. C. McCloskey shows W. Burna the East, while J. Gillin, R. Morrissey, and T. Kiely look to the West.

... Charles Devlin, Trinitarian.

President of the Archconfraternity is John Bresnan, 2D; Thomas Sullivan, 28, is Vice-President; Secretaries are Daniel Santomero, 28, and Raymond Teller, IF. A specicil word of praise is due the students who continued their membership from last year, thus enabling the club to pass through its most difficult period of existence. Next year the club will have senior members and consequently will include in its ranks students from all classes. '


Front Row: L. Hahn. W. Scanlan. J. Toland. J. Breanan. R. Smith. G. Schultz. T. Linahan. Second Row: C. Schoepe. W. Zink, P. Pirhalla. J. McCalL C. McCloskey, C. McElroy. L. JOoc:k. Third Row: J. Land, J. Morriaaey, A. WoU. R. Teller. J. Magarity, A. Montagno.

Raymond Teller. Christian Brother. finds a candidate in William O'Connell.

DRAMATICS The La Salle Dramatic productions of 1942-43 were undoubtedly the greatest in the history of the school. Brother Denis and Brother Christopher combined to bring about this success, the former as coach, the latter in charge of the stage. The scenic arrangements by Mr. Charles Nicholas gave the productions the completeness characteristic of the professional touch. Warming up with a short comedy, "Net Results," and rolling along with "Our Lady's Tumbler" and "Why the Chimes Rang," the Dramatic Club really settled down for a long siege on Sheridan's "The Rivals." The memories of the students of St. Mary's Academy and of La Salle High School in their various roles during this season will always remain as pleasant ones. The leading roles went to John Beaty as Captain Jack Absolute and Rita Boyle as Lydia Languish; Joseph Trinity as Bob Acres amused us no end, while Loretta Daly as Mrs. Malaprop executed the King's English in elegant fashion. Supporting members of

"Hey i-Odd'a lifel Mr. Fagl-9i•e ua your hcmcL my old fellow aerYcmt." " To pre•ent the c:onfuaion that might a r i a -" Brother Denia c:onJera w ith Brother Chriatopher on juat how to a rrange the timing for lighta.

the cast were, in the order of their appearance, Gerald Nugent as Tag, Edward Warr~n as Thomas, Andrew McCosker as Faulkland, William Burns as Sir Anthony Absolute, Loretta Schriver as Lucy, Nancy Meehan as lulia Melville, James Conboy as Sir Lucius O'Trigger, Benjamin Ventresca as David and Teresa Finegan as Marie. Next came "The Tell-Tale Heart," acted in the Philadelphia Catholic Schools Forensic League One-Act Play contest. Andrew Me,. · Cosker received first prize lor the best acting in the contest. But this was not the end, lor our zealous theatrical group had yet another spectacle to present: "Born of the Spirit," a Passion Play in two acts, written by Brother Denis Wilfred, who continued his work as director. The play depicted the events of Our Lord's life immediately following the last supper: the Agony, the mock trials, the trial by Pilate, and finally the Crucifixion. Woven into the plot was the story of the loyalty of Nicodemus and his efforts to save Jesus from the villainy of the Jews. " Shea aa headatrong aa an allegory on the banka of the Nile." " Stay. Julia: atay but for a moment •.• but for one moment." G. Diffin. together with D. Santomero. M. Nicholaa. and T. Sulli•an. want to know where the Ziak brothera w ent.

T. Sullivan (Prolog ue), B. Ventresca, David, a servant: Lore tta Daly, Mnl. Mcdaprop; W. Bums. Sir Anthony Abs~te; Nancy Meehan. Julia; A. Me· Coaker, Faulkland; Rita Boyle. Lydia; J, Beaty. Cap·

tain Jack Absolute; J. Trinity, Bob Acres; J. Conboy, Sir Lucius O'Trigger; Loretta Schriver. Lucy, a maid; G. Nugent, Fag, a s ervant: Teresa Finegan, Marie. a servant. •E. Warren. a coachman.

... The cast is too numerous to be mentioned here. Suffice it to say that the men of La Salle and the young ladies of St. Mary's w~re well chosen for their various parts, and that the costumes and stage sets were beautiful. The "forgotten " men behind the scenes were the following: D. Zink, W. Zink, D. Santomero, T. Sullivan, M. Nicholas, and G. ·Diffin The Seniors, J. Conboy, W. Burns, A. McCosker. E. Wa rren, and G . Diffin have enacted their last roles for La Salle.

Opposite l'age, Seated: B. Morrilsey, Juc:ta; B. Ven· tresca. Phranuel: Doria Kamp, Veronica: Catherine Wil.aon, th e Most Ble•ed Vttgin; Margaret O"Neill, Claudia: Margaret Mary Collins, Mary Magdcd•a: J. O'Brie n, Pe ter; E. SpeiteL Annas; J, Mcl.oone. John: J. Metzger, Samuel. Standin9: E. Nagle, E1elcial: M. Nicholas, Ephraim: A. McCosker, Nicodemus; W. Higgins. J. Hamilton, soldiers; G. Nugent. Chriatus: C. Devlin. a ttOldier: J. Beaty. Pilato: ). Trinity, Judas: J. Moran, Micheas; W. Loug hery, Jared; j. Morriasey, James: W. McAuliUe, Oreb.

Nicod emus ple ads the cauae ot Christ before the court of th e hi9h priest.

Pilate greets Claudia. Crucitixua eat pro nobisl Ecce Homol

LIBRARY Day in and day out students pass through the library portal to study, to browse, and to search the "fountains" of knowledge. Little do they realize the work that is necessary to keep the books in circulation. In grateful appreciation, therefore, we dedicate this little page of the Blue and Gold to the Library Staff. The Library Staff was formally organized this year by Brother Godfrey Lewis, the present librarian. It is made up of a select group of students, whose job it is to assist the librarian in his work. Several of their duties are: a day's assignment behind the charging desk, preparation of books for circulation, distribution of library notices, and

the planning of exhibits. The members gain an intimate knowledge of the library collection through practical ex-路 perience. The Staff is made up of Edward Wood, John Shellem, John Evans, and Carlo Salzano, all of whom can be easily recognized by their distinctive arm-bands.

The library staff presents itseU: Brother Lewis,

J, Shellem., C. Salzano. and J. Evans. E. Wood m.ust have eluded the photographer, Senior A and aom.e underclassmen do aom.e reaeareh work.

CLASSICAL CLUB The purpose of the Classical Club is to foster interest in and promote acquaintance with the civilization of the Greeks and Romans and their influence on modern life. The club sponsored the showing of lantern slides this year and trips to museums. The members are James McGinnis, Consul, John Williams, Secretarius, John McLoone, John Shellem, George DeRyke, and John Kieffer. The moderator is Brother F. Vincent.

DEBATING Under the guidance of Brother G. Robert and Brother Denis Wilfred, the La Salle High School Debating Society claimed its fifth consecutive Forensic League Title. Debating both sides of the post war organization question, the defending champions met and defeated their first five adversaries, faltering only in the last contest against West Catholic. The brunt of the season fell upon two seniors, William Burns and Sidney Burgoyne, and a junior, Charles Laferty. This trio deserves hearty praise for upholding so successfully what has become a most cherished tradition of La Salle.

Seated: J, McGinni.a. Brother Vincent, Moderator, J. Williams. Standing: J, McLoone, J. Shellem. G. DeRyke.

S. Burgoyne, Brother Robert. W. Bums. Brother Denis, C. Lalerty.

POSTER CLUB C. Horan, Joseph Donnelly. President, C. Ma hon ey, Brother Leo, Moderator, F. Rehmus, J. Kieffer, H. Schmidt.

AIRPLANE CLUB ..... During the past semester, a new La Salle activity was introduced , embodying the construction and primary flight characteristics of airplanes. The moderator, Brother Denis Raphael. has a roused considerable interest in this topic among the students. At the present time this interest is of un doubted importance and it is hoped that in time this club will develop into a regular course. The spirit of the g roup was reflected in the activity shown in the meets held regularly each week. The club sponsored a glider contest in May, but results are not available as we go to press.

Front Row: C. Letier, W. Dailey, C. Schoepe, B. McManus, R. Teller. J. Burke. J. Owena. F. Keck, J. Welsh. B. Schreiber. Back Row: G . Re iss. D. Gates, D. Palmer, A. Exner, E. Troia. J. Connor, H. Reckner.

La Salle has been given occasional touches of color and inspiration by the. works of the Poster Club. The club was or- "' ganized to promote school activities and has fulfilled this function well. Streamers for pep rallies and campaigns, posters for football games, drives, dramatic activities, and many other events all challenged the ingenuity of club members. Meetings were held twice a week in a special club room, but when work was pressing, it was not uncommon for the boys to meet daily and even on holidays. Pictures of T. Martin, f. Wilson, VicePresident, and fames Donnelly appear on the Activities Divider page.

Prone: J, Quinn. L. McDonald, J, He ilmann, W. Scanlan. T. Schalata. Kneeling: P. Yourl. W. Stewart, J, Comyn. C. Troia, J, Lagan. D. Palmer, A. Mianulli,

Once again, the rifle team has concluded a highly successful season. The following club students earned their letters as members of the team: Jack Lagan, Captain, Larry McDonald, Walt Petri, John Comyn, and William Scanlan. Other members were Joe Reilly, John Quinn, John Heilmann, Thomas Schalata, and Peter Your!. This year the club sponsored a program, authorized by the National Rifle Association, to teach members of the senior class the fundamentals of rifle shooting. Four members of the club were entered in the Junior Outdoor Championship Pistol Match sponsored by the National Rifle Association: John Lagan, Lawrence McDonald, Wa lter Petri, and Thomas Schalata. Furthermore, we have entered a six-man team composed of John Lagan, Lawrence McDonald, Waller Petri, Thomas SchaTata, Hugh Maguire, and Peter Yourl in a match sponsored by the Open Road for Boys Magazine. In addition to this, the following have qualified as Sharpshooters or better: James Conboy, Thomas Donnelly, John Heilmann, John Quinn, and Joseph Reilly. All the member will participate in an intramural match sponsored by the Scholastic Magazine. Getting ready for Uncle Sam. We mi.ued Reilly in the other pictures. Here he keeps the score while Brother Damian gives a few instructions.

THE NEWSPAPER The editorial board which so successfully headed the WISTERIAN last year continued its guidance through 1942. Moderator of the paper is Brother Denis Wilfred who succeeded Brother Stephen. When many of the seniors left for college in January, the WISTERIAN lost two of its leaders in Joseph Gemgross and James Shoemaker. Sports editor Edmond Speitel also resigned to fill the same position on the yearbook staff. The new staff was headed by Joseph Connelly as Editor-in-Chief. Other important positions were filled by Joseph Hood, Managing Editor, Harry Schmidt, Sports Editor, Andrew McCosker, Feature Editor, and Charles Laferty, News Editor. May and graduation saw a third staff chosen with Charles Laferty as Editor-in-Chief. Other key jobs were filled by John McLoone, Louis Goelz, Thomas Linahan, and William Loughery. Though they are too numerous to mention, special merit is due to all the staff members, for it is through their efforts that the paper was made possible. Seated: E. Speitel, J, Shoemaker. J. Connelly, J. G em gross. J. Lagan. Standing: J, Hood, S. Burgoyne, E. Warren, J, D'Aleaaandro. Seated: F. Morri1on, C. Salzano, W. Lougherr. T. Linah a n. Standing: J, White, J, Bresnan , R. Lod es, J, Boland. Between the Wiaterian a nd th e Blue and Gold magazine i1 Brother Denis, ha rd -working moderator.

THE YEARBOOK As does every year book, the 19~3 Blue and Gold explains itself as the kind reader turns one page after another. Only the story of the labor and time consumed by moderator and staff is not told. We want the present year book to be but a collection of memories to remind the seniors of their days of high school fun and study. We want it to remind them of the associations formed here at La Salle and to inspire them to follow out to the letter the instructions, particularly the religious instructions, that they absorbed in this All-Catholic atmosphere. THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF W illiam Maher SPORTS EDITOR Ed mond Speitel ASSOCIATE EDITORS PHOTOGRAPHY Edward Warren Joseph Conne"lly James Coupe BUSINESS MANAGERS TYPISTS John Lagan James Logue Joseph Marlcmann Thomas Walsh John Dailey M ODERATOR Brother Stephen "How does that layout look to you. Jackr' Me anwhile Jack Lagan continues to type some more copy. Ed Speitel proposes a picture for mutual inspection. His companions are lost in thought. Shall we do it like this, or what? Editor-in-Chief Maher figures it out with Brother Ste phen.

SENIORThe two principal events sponsored jointly by the Alumni and Seniors were the Prom and Communion Breakfast. Innovations in each of these functions were necessitated by war conditions. .. Chronologically the Prom took place first at the Warwick Hotel Ball Room with "Chuck" Gordon leading his band. The words Khaki and Blue supplanted the usual Blue and Gold as the Service Motif predominated, decorations centering about the La Salle Service Flag. Bleued Mother, protect theml The King of Peace bestows His benediction. FestiYities of another sort. The Prom Committee and consorts, Members who escaped in the other picture.


ALUMNI The Annual Communion Breakfast took place on Laetare Sunday. As usual, the seniors were formally inducted into the ranks of the Alumni on this occas10n, but an unusual circumstance attending this event was the invitation tendered the parents and relatives of a lumni in the service who were unable to be present. Several members in uniform were also in evidence, especiolly ot the shrine where the entire group consecrated themselves to the Blessed Mother after Holy Communion. Their aoza and relati•ea aerYe Uncle Sam. On furlough. Of ~tal importance. Brother E. James. newly appointed moderator. second from the right. Prom Committee--stag.



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Front Row: Mrs. William Grubb, Mrs. L. Stapleton. Mrs. George Koehler, Mrs. J, Me· Coy, Recording Secretary, Mrs. P. J, McFarland. Vice· President. Mrs. F. Gemgross. President. Mrs. James E. Con· Yey. Treasurer. Mrs. Joseph Rich, Corresponding Secretory, Mrs. George Westerfelhous. Mra. A. J, Van John

Row: Mrs. Jomes Me· Ginley, Mrs. Edmond Speitel. Mrs. J, P. Connor. Mrs. J, Hagon. Mrs. William Burke. Mrs. Joseph Kelleher. Mrs. Frank Moran. Mrs. I. Gallagher. Mrs. J. Bresnan. Mrs. S. Minder, Mrs. T. W. Rogers, Mrs. J, Spillan. rhe Mothers receiYe their So..,iour. The Guest Tobie, goyly be· decked. Brother Emilian. President. greets the guest speolcer, Brother C. Edward. Vice-Presi· dent of Manhattan.

The year 1942-43 has been fraught with new burdens, anxieties and uncertainties. Yet despite the troublesome times the Mothers' Club of La Salle has added new successes to its already brilliant history. By any standard, this has been truly a banner year. Two weeks after the opening of school the Mothers' Club Board of Governors welcomed the mothers of the incoming freshmen at the Annual Freshman Tea. The fruits of this first meeting were seen a fortnight later when the Sophomore Mothers conducted Freshman Night. Mrs. Frederick J. Gemgross, the President of the Mothers' Club, delivered a heartwarming address of welcome, while Brother David, F.S.C., Principal of the high schooL acquainted the parents with the duties of the students and outlined the benefits they could expect to achieve. Parents then made the acquaintance of the Brothers who taught their sons and discussed with them the problems of the individual boys. Launching into the sphere of religious activities, the Annual Communion Breakfast was held on the first Sunday of November. Mrs. Dennis Fahy was the chairman of this activity. She was ably assisted by the Class Representatives. Brother C. Edward, F.S .C., VicePresident of Manhattan College, was the guest speaker. Outstanding in the memory of all friends of La Salle is the Variety Show, a novel entertainment for our Mothers' Club. This proved to be the social highlight of the year. Mrs. Joseph McCoy presided over the Variety Show Committee and a large measure of the evening's success was due to her untiring efforts. Of course, the climax of each year's social calendar is the affair we enjoyed Friday night, May 7. Five years have seen La Salle Night grow in extent and in popularity, and this year's event proved no exception. For the second time within the year another innovation took the fancy of all La Salle friends-the brightly painted card tables featuring the names of our patrons. The many successes of the Mothers' Club are in no little measure due directly to the unstinted generosity of Mrs. F. J. Gemgross, President, and her associates.

General view of the gymnaaium in all ita glory-Mothers' Communion


MRS. F. J, GERNGROSS President. Mothers' Club



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St. John Baptist de La Salle.


The work is done a nd now we wish to thank for her unselfish devotion and wholehearted our friends who lightened the task and made enthusiasm. MR. WILLIAM T. COOKE ... of the Campus the 1943 Blue and Gold possible. Publishing Co., for his kind advice and his paBROTHERS DAVID AND FRANCIS ... Princitience in handling numerous telephone calls pals of La Salle and "1240" respectively, lor concerning copy correction and layout. their sympathetic cooperation in allowing the MR. CARL WOLF . . . of Zamsky Studios, for photographers the freedom o f the school. his excellent portrait photographs, the numerBROTHER CLEMENT ... for u nlimited use of ous school and campus shots, and his suggeshts office facilities. tions. BROTHER PAUL .. . for his p roofreading. ALL THE BROTHERS . .. for their cooperation. TO ALL OUR FRIENDS . . . who in any way MISS ANNE McCARTHY . . . of Zamsky Studios, helped to produce the Blue and Gold. THE STAFF.

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