Elections Nomination Form

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Student No: ______________________








POSITION APPLYING FOR:___________________________________________________ *If applying for a full time officer position you must also submit a Trustee Declaration Form which is attached.

NAME TO BE DISPLAYED ON THE BALLOT: ____________________________________ SOLGAN:__________________________________________________________________ N.B this will appear against your name on the ballot when people cast their vote

Important reminders • The candidates meeting is 3pm on Thursday 8th March in K607 Keyworth Building. Failure to attend without written apology will result in disqualification from the election. • Manifesto text and pictures must be mailed to makindo2@lsbu.ac.uk by 12th March 2012, 10am You must be nominated or seconded by two current members of London South Bank University who agree to you putting yourself forward as a candidate: Proposer Seconder Name:




Student No: ______________________

Student No: ______________________





I will abide by the Constitution, Election Rules and Equal Opportunities Policy of the Students’ Union. Candidates signature:____________________________ Date:___________________

This form should be submitted no later than 1pm on 7th March 2012 to the Students’ Union reception.


Election Candidates Diversity Questionnaire 2012 The following information is relating to the diversity of candidates running in the elections. You are not requested to leave your name and no attempt will be made at any point to identify you. This information will not be shared with any other parties. Age:




Ethnic Origin: Asian or Asian British: Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian background

White and Black African White and Asian Other Mixed background

Black or Black British Caribbean African Other Black background


Chinese Mixed White and Black Caribbean

Not Sure Prefer not to say Other (please specify) __________________________________

Gender: Male Female

British Irish Any other White background

Prefer not to say

Age: 18 – 25 26 – 30 31 – 35

36 – 40 41 – 45 45 +

Religion: Christian Catholic Jewish

Sikh Muslim Hindu

This form should be submitted no later than 1pm on 7th March 2012 to the Students’ Union reception.

Buddhist Rastafarian None

Other Religion, please specify ____________________________ Prefer not to say

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Bisexual Gay/Lesbian

Prefer not to say Other, please specify:____________

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?: Yes Prefer not to say No Recent mode of study undertaken: Undergraduate Postgraduate

PHD Prefer not to say

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey

This form should be submitted no later than 1pm on 7th March 2012 to the Students’ Union reception.

Trustee Declaration Form The Students’ Union is a charity with exempt status. There is a substantial body of government legislation and case law concerned with our activities and with the conduct of the Executive Committee, who are our trustees. Below is a list of circumstances which may prevent you from becoming a trustee. You are not allowed to be a trustee if you:• • • • • • •

Are under 18 years of age. Have been convicted at any time of any offence involving deception or dishonesty, unless the conviction is legally regarded as spent; or Are an undischarged bankrupt; or Have made compositions with your creditors and have not been discharged; or Have at any time been removed by the Commissioners or by the Court in England, Wales or Scotland from being a trustee because of misconduct; or Are disqualified from being a company director; or Have failed to make payments under the county court administrators’ orders.

You may not be employed as student staff during your term of office. If you are in any doubt about your eligibility to act as a trustee you should either seek your own legal advice or contact the Charity Commissioners. I have read and understood the criteria (above) for being a trustee and confirm that I am eligible to become a trustee in the event that I am elected. Name:


Date of birth:




Position standing for: ______________________________________________________ Signature:




This form should be submitted no later than 1pm on 7th March 2012 to the Students’ Union reception.

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