Inspiring Hearts and Minds L o yo l a A c a d e my A n nu a l Rep o r t 2014 –2015
Number of years that Loyola Academy has been preparing young people for success and leadership while inspiring them to lead lives of faith and service
In This Report 2 Nurturing Hearts and Minds: A Message from Our Leadership 4 Beginning the Rambler Journey: A Report from the Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment 6 Inspiring Ramblers to Learn, Lead and Serve: A Report from the Principal 8 Preparing Global Citizens for a Wired World: Highlights from the School Year 10
Opening Doors to the Arts: Helping Ramblers Develop Their Gifts and Talents
Life After the Bell: Athletic and Cocurricular Highlights
Guiding Our Ramblers Through Life’s Passages: Highlights from a Year of Caring for the Whole Person
Living the Ignatian Vision: A Report from the Vice President of Mission and Ministry
Growing Closer to God: Highlights from a Year of Faith and Service
Advancing Our Jesuit Mission: A Report from the Vice President of Advancement
Inspired Philanthropy: The Major Gifts That Make Our Mission Possible
A Caring Community: The Loyola Network of Women and Men for Others
The Gift of Opportunity: Scholarships and Educational Excellence Funds
A Year of Careful Stewardship: A Report from the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer
Financial Statement
Honor Roll of Donors
Every day at Loyola Academy, our Ramblers are inspired to excel academically, to expand their horizons, to grow closer to God, to work for justice and to reach out to those in need at home and around the world. During the academic year, as our Ramble chaircouples and their committees were planning Ramble 2015: Inspiring Hearts and Minds, they reached out to our students and their families with this simple question: How does Loyola inspire you? You’ll find their responses—which inspired the theme of this annual report—on the pages that follow. One Rambler wrote about the perspective that she gained from praying the Daily Examen, while another reflected on the fellowship and personal growth that he experienced as a member of the Loyola Hockey Team. As diverse as their answers were, they had one thing in common. Their Loyola experiences would not have been possible without the vision and commitment of our board members, benefactors and volunteers. For those of you who gave generously of your time, talent and treasure to inspire our Ramblers in FY15, thank you for your support!
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Nurturing Hearts and Minds A Mess a ge f ro m O u r L e a d e rs h i p
As our fiscal year began, Jesuits around the globe
Celebrating Chicago’s New Archbishop: Chicago Archbishop Blase J. Cupich (below) shared an evening of faith and friendship with the Loyola community in January 2015 as he wrapped up his tour of Chicago-area Catholic schools during National Catholic Schools Week.
were commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus after 41 years of suppression. The bicentennial prompted a good deal of reflection at Jesuit institutions near and far. For without the Restoration, there would be no Jesuit mission of faith and service, no Jesuit pope, no Jesuit retreats, no Jesuit Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, (left) and Board Chair Bruce A. Lee at Loyola Academy’s 105th schools—and no Ramblers. Commencement Exercises in May 2015. “In 1814, at the time of the Restoration,” noted Pope Francis during a liturgy of thanksgiving marking the bicentennial, “the Jesuits had a small flock, a ‘small Society,’ which knew how to invest in the great mission of bringing the light of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. This is how we must feel today therefore: outbound, in mission.” As we gave thanks for 200 years of Jesuit tradition, we also welcomed Chicago Archbishop Blase J. Cupich—one of the first high-ranking officials appointed by our Jesuit pope—to Loyola during National Catholic Schools Week. Archbishop Cupich blessed our retreatants at a Kairos closing ceremony, shared a meal with teachers and staff and led the school community in St. Ignatius’s Prayer for Generosity before the Loyola vs. St. Ignatius Jesuit Cup basketball game. We also incorporated prayer more fully into the fabric of Loyola life by praying
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
St. Ignatius’s Daily Examen of Consciousness each school day. During the recitation of the Examen over the public address system, our entire school community paused and prayed as one—carrying on a tradition that began 400 years ago, when St. Ignatius first encouraged his followers to engage in this prayerful reflection to detect God’s presence in their lives. While we deepened our faith traditions, we also celebrated our designation as an Apple Distinguished School, laid the groundwork for a new student leadership program and a schoolwide cultural conversation about what it means to be a “Real Rambler,” launched a dozen new cocurricular clubs, introduced new resources for students engaged in the college search and selection process, added new opportunities for Ramblers to serve others and raised a record $9.5 million—thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our loyal benefactors. Every dollar donated was an affirmation of one of our strategic priorities, from scholarships to ensure that no student will ever be denied a Loyola education for financial reasons to support for the critically needed capital enhancements outlined in Our Second Century of Excellence: A Strategic Vision for Loyola Academy in the 21st Century. What we accomplished with the support of the Loyola community in FY15 is nothing short of remarkable. Loyola Academy stands strong in its second century because of the passion, energy and vision of supporters like you. Thank you for making our mission possible!
How does loyola inspire you?
Loyola inspires me to be a better version of myself each and every day. While praying the Daily Examen, I get the chance to reflect on my life and acknowledge the good and the bad.
A L oyola S t u dent
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President
Bruce A. Lee Board Chair
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Beginning the Rambler Journey A Repo rt fro m t h e Vice Presi d en t of Ad missio n s a n d Enrol l men t
Ramblers by the Numbers Fast facts about our diverse population of 2,000 students
Zip codes represented by Loyola’s Ramblers
Ramblers from the suburbs
Ramblers from Chicago
24.1% Minority students
Ramblers who received tuition assistance
Ramblers with a parent who attended Loyola Academy
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
During Fall 2014, the Office of Admissions offered many opportunities for prospective students and their families to learn more about Loyola Academy’s Jesuit mission. Thousands of young people from all over the city and more than 50 suburbs flocked to our Wilmette Genevieve Baisley Atwood campus for admissions events that ranged from our Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment Junior High Fine Arts Nights and Junior High Sports Nights to our Middle School Choral Festival and Open House. More than 1,000 eighth graders also spent a school day shadowing Loyola students to experience the life of a Rambler firsthand. By January 2015, nearly 900 students had applied for admission, and 541 were enrolled in the Loyola Academy Class of 2019. These incoming freshmen matriculated to Loyola from 125 different feeder schools and 88 urban and suburban zip codes. Seventy-seven percent of our freshman class came from Catholic elementary schools, 20 percent from public schools and 3 percent from private or independent schools. Nineteen percent were minority students. Ten percent were enrolled in our O’Shaughnessy Program, which serves Ramblers who need additional academic support to succeed in a college preparatory environment. Nearly half had legacy relationships at Loyola (a relative who attended or is currently attending the Academy), and 16 percent
had a parent who attended Loyola. In keeping with our longstanding tradition of providing a high-quality Jesuit education for young people from all socioeconomic circumstances, we awarded nearly $895,000 in tuition assistance to 24 percent of our freshman class. Ten members of our Class of 2019 received Bellarmine Scholarships, which are awarded to incoming freshmen who score a 99 local percentile on the Loyola Academy entrance exam. Each of our Bellarmine Scholars received a $3,500 monetary award toward their freshman-year tuition. These scholarships will be renewable each year if our Bellarmine Scholars maintain a 93 percent weighted cumulative grade-point average. On the first day of school in August 2015, these bright, talented and highly motivated new Ramblers began a four-year journey of faith, scholarship and service at Loyola Academy. We look forward to helping them discover their passions and develop their gifts and talents as they grow into women and men of competence, conscience and compassion who will go on to build a better world.
The first step in a journey that will last a lifetime: Hundreds of prospective Ramblers and their families toured Loyola Academy; learned about our Jesuit mission of educating the whole person; and chatted with Loyola teachers, administrators, athletic coaches and cocurricular club moderators at our Open House in November 2014.
Genevieve Baisley Atwood Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Inspiring Ramblers to Learn, Lead and A Rep o r t f ro m t h e Pr i n c i p a l
Rambler Report Card A shortlist of achievements by the 454 Ramblers in our Class of 2015
Summa Cum Laude Honors Graduates (94.7 and above)
National Merit Scholarship Winners
National Honor Society Inductees
llinois State Scholars
AP Scholars
Dumbach Scholars
Clavius Scholars
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
It has been an ambitious and invigorating year at Loyola Academy as we have asked ourselves, “What more can we do to inspire our Ramblers to learn, lead and serve?” As we strove to do more for our students, we embarked on an exciting new partnership with Creighton University’s business school to develop The LA Way—a more intentional program for student leadership. The Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal program, which was developed in FY15 for an FY16 launch, has its roots in the leadership principles that have guided the Jesuits for more than 450 years: self-awareness, ingenuity, love and heroism. I am excited about this opportunity to partner with a world-class Jesuit university and to give our students a better sense of what it means to be a Rambler and to lead — The LA Way. This leads us to a related endeavor: the creation of a more explicit and intentional culture in which our students understand what it means to be Real Ramblers. Because we have an opportunity to elevate the hearts, minds and behaviors of our students at a time when a multitude of external forces are pulling them in other directions, this cultural conversation will focus on the “whole Rambler”—from the positive characteristics that we hope to instill in our students by graduation day to the negative lifestyle choices that can compromise their well-being, such as substance abuse. This schoolwide cultural conversation was kicked off in FY16 with an awareness campaign and a series of events and activities that encourage students to show through their words and deeds what it means to be Real Ramblers.
Serve In keeping with this Jesuit tradition of care for the whole person, we also invited Dr. Julian Bailes of the NorthShore Neurological Institute to talk about the silent epidemic of concussions among high school athletes and followed up with a faculty workshop on accommodations for Ramblers returning to school after a concussion. To develop a learning experience that is more explicitly Ignatian in its content and processes, we completed reviews of our English and math curricula and initiated a review of our science curriculum. Meanwhile, we continued to transform our instructional practices to reflect the latest research on best practices in secondary education. We incorporated Kagan Cooperative Learning techniques into our classroom instruction to create a richer, more interactive learning environment; revised our O’Shaughnessy Program curriculum to improve the reading, literacy and executive function skills of our O’Shaughnessy students; enhanced our Induction Program to provide more coaching and feedback for new teachers; and continued our Instructional Coaching Initiative, which pairs veteran faculty members trained as instructional coaches with small groups of teachers to improve classroom instruction and enhance student learning. You’ll find more highlights from the 2014–2015 school year in the pages that follow. All in all, it has been a year of new beginnings, exciting partnerships and exceptional progress—a year of doing more for the greater glory of God!
Dr. Baal’s Morning Brew: Loyola parents joined Principal Kathryn M. Baal, PhD, for coffee, a light morning repast and conversation at our 2014–2015 Coffee with the Principal series.The morning get-togethers covered a variety of topics, from service opportunities for Ramblers to the myths and realities of the college admissions journey.
Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13 A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
5 7
Preparing Global Citizens for a Wired Hig h l ig h t s f r o m t h e S c h o o l Ye a r
How does loyola inspire you?
My teachers inspire me to try my hardest— even when I would rather take the easy way out.
a L oyola sophomore
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
We’re an Apple Distinguished School! We are proud to announce that Loyola Academy was selected as a 2014–2016 Apple Distinguished School in November 2014. This two-year designation recognizes Loyola Academy for its W e b E x tra > See visionary leadership, how the iPad has transformed teaching innovative teaching and learning at Loyola. View and learning, Our iPad Journey Continues and Ramblers in a Digital ongoing professional World at development, flexible annualreport. learning environment and compelling evidence of success as a Oneto-One iPad School. We are honored to be among the select group of schools that Apple has recognized as centers of educational excellence.
Flipping Physics Loyola’s award-winning One-to-One iPad program has also made it possible for faculty members like physics teacher Steven Lowe to adopt the flipped classroom model of teaching. How W e b E x tra > View does the flipped a video featuring the classroom flipped classroom work? Instead of of physics teacher Steven lecturing in class, Lowe at annualreport. teachers create video lectures and post them online for students to view on their iPads as homework. Students then apply the lesson in the laboratory or classroom, with the teacher guiding the learning experience. Lowe and his fellow Loyola instructors have found that moving direct instruction outside of the classroom frees up class time for in-depth concept exploration and more engaging interactions between teachers and students.
World The GLOBAL Classroom
cores of Ramblers left the classroom behind in FY15 for learning experiences in distant lands. Following are just a few highlights from their intellectual and cultural adventures around the globe.
Exploring the Cradle of Civilization During our three-week Classics Tour in June 2015, 40 Greek and Latin honors students immersed themselves in the art, archaeology, history, languages and literature of Greece and Italy to better understand the ancient civilizations that set the stage for the development of Western culture.
A Scholarly Sojourn in the Birthplace of British Lit British Lit students traveled to the locations that inspired some of the world’s great literature during our April 2015 British Literature Tour of England. The eight-day tour included a visit to Cambridge, the former university home of Byron, Dickens, Milton, Tennyson and Wordsworth; a literary workshop at Dove Cottage, the home of William Wordsworth; and a stop at the seaside village where Bram Stoker wrote Dracula.
Springtime in Seville Fifteen AP Spanish Language and Culture and AP Spanish Literature students traveled to Seville, Spain, in April 2015 to participate in a 10-day intensive Spanish language and cultural immersion program. The students spent their mornings studying Spanish and their afternoons visiting the city’s awe-inspiring cathedrals and palaces, attending a flamenco show, taking a flamenco dance class and exploring the architectural wonders of the ancient city of Cordoba, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
A Face-to-Face Conversation about Faith Imagine videoconferencing with other teens as far away as India and Pakistan. Or engaging in dialogues about faith and values with Hindu and Muslim high school students. Ramblers enrolled in Loyola’s new World Religion course had the opportunity to do just that—thanks to the Tony Blair Foundation’s Face to Faith program, which was created to help prevent religious conflict and extremism by promoting dialogue between young people around the world through videoconferences.
> View our Ramblers’ Face to Faith videoconferences with students in India and Pakistan at W e b E x tra
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Opening Doors to the Arts He l p i n g R a m b l e r s Dev e l o p T h e i r Gi f t s a n d Ta l e n t s
A Message of Kindness and Love In March 2015, the Loyola Academy Thespian Troupe performed its spring musical, Godspell, the story of Jesus teaching his parables to his disciples. The dazzling display of song, dance, comedy and love showcased the talents of 23 student performers and more than 50 student musicians, set and costume designers and lighting and sound technicians.
Web Ex tra >
View The Making of Godspell at
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
A Night of Soulful Expression Martha Graham once described dance as “the language of the soul.” Had she been in the audience in May 2015, when the Loyola Academy Dance Company, Dance Company B and the students in our intermediate, advanced W e b E x tra > and honors dance classes Meet the dancers took to the stage at the as they reflect on their journey to opening North Shore Center for night. View our 2015 Spring Dance Concert the Performing Arts, she video at would have deemed it a annualreport. soulful night indeed. More than 90 Ramblers participated in the spring dance concert, which featured student-choreographed performances inspired by forces as diverse as love, fire and stormy weather.
How does loyola inspire you?
Loyola inspires you to find your niche in life, which makes you want to inspire someone else.
A L oyola dancer
My dear young people, do not bury your talents.
An Improv Legend Returns to Loyola Pat Finn ’83 (below) regaled our thespians with tales about his experiences in the theater and on star-studded soundstages. Finn urged the students not to let small failures stop them from pursuing their creative passions, recalling the time that he was cast in Loyola’s chorus and failed to execute his only line.
W e b Ex tra > View a video of Pat Finn’s inspirational visit with Loyola theater students.
P ope F rancis
A Loyola Christmas In December, the Music Department staged its first-ever lessons and carols performance at Loyola’s annual Christmas Concert. Nearly 1,000 people attended the event at the Techny Towers chapel, which showcased our choirs, bands, W e b E x tras > View our Christmas orchestra and guitar Concert photo ensemble. The lessons gallery and video highlights at and carols format annualreport. was created in 1880 by Edward Benson, who later became the Archbishop of Canterbury, to tell the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah and the birth of Jesus through bible verses interspersed with Christmas carols.
Art with a Higher Purpose Loyola’s Honors Studio 3 and AP Studio artists channeled their creativity in FY15 to raise awareness of poverty in America. The impetus? A multimedia art contest sponsored by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, an antipoverty initiative developed by the Office for Peace and Justice of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Students from all over the nation submitted entries to the contest, which is held annually to encourage young people to explore the root causes of poverty in the context of their faith. Rambler artist Erin Armstrong ’17 won first place in the Chicago area and second place nationally for her painting depicting impoverished Americans whose voices are not heard.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Life After the Bell At h l et i c a n d Co c u r r i c u l a r Hig h l ig h t s
How does loyola inspire you?
The Loyola Academy Hockey Club has inspired me to be more open to growth and to forming new friendships. It has truly changed my life.
A rambler athlete
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Athletes for Others Our Rambler athletes were a force to be reckoned with in the athletic arena — and a force for good in the larger arena of life. We’ve listed just a few of their altruistic endeavors below: In July 2014, the Rowing Team partnered with St. Joseph Services to host 60 children from Chicago’s West Side for an all-day learn-to-row clinic. In September and October 2014, our Field Hockey Team hand packed meals at Feed My Starving Children for malnourished children around the world. In January 2015, the Basketball Teams raised more than $7,500 at their 10th annual free-throw shoot to benefit the Marillac Social Center. In April 2015, the members of the Boys’ Lacrosse Team joined forces with their New Trier rivals to raise $70,000 for Misericordia and people with disabilities. In June 2015, the Football Team welcomed 50 Misericordia residents to Loyola and taught football basics such as kicking, passing and touchdown running.
61 Roads to Enrichment
oyola Academy offered one of the most comprehensive and innovative cocurricular programs in the nation in FY15. With 61 cocurricular activities to choose from, students expanded their horizons, developed new skills and formed friendships with like-minded Ramblers.
New on the Cocurricular Menu Adventure Games Club — A club for tabletop adventurers who enjoy playing board, war/strategy, card and role-playing games Coding Club — A team of tech-savvy teens who work together to master the challenges of computer programming Economics and Wall Street Journal Club — Using the Wall Street Journal as a resource, members discuss the role of economics in everyday life. Fair Trade Committee — A group of students dedicated to eradicating sweatshop labor practices and promoting the sale of fair trade merchandise at the LoyolaWear store Film Club — A fellowship of film buffs who view films from a variety of genres and eras and engage in conversations about film as an art form
The Year’s Top Athletic Achievements Boys’ Highlights Basketball — IHSA Regional Champions Cross Country — CCL Champions Football — Prep Bowl Champions Lacrosse — CCL Champions Tennis — CCL Champions Track and Field — CCL Indoor Champions Volleyball — CCL Champions and IHSA Regional Champions
Girls’ Highlights Crew — Freshman 8+ Boat Third Place at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America National Championship Golf — IHSA Second in State Hockey — IHSA Second in State Lacrosse — IHSWLA State Champions for the seventh consecutive year Soccer — GCAC Champions and IHSA Regional Champions Swimming and Diving — IHSA State Champions for the first time in Loyola history Track and Field — GCAC Indoor Champions Volleyball — IHSA Second in State
W e b E x tra >
View a Student Story Corps video about the Fair Trade Committee at
Microfinance Club — These global do-gooders empower people living in poverty by making microloans through Opportunity International.
Misericordia Club — The big-hearted teens in this service club help people with developmental disabilities maximize their potential. Model United Nations Club — Ramblers take on the roles of ambassadors from different countries in this club that introduces members to the world of diplomacy, negotiation and decision making. Photography Club — An opportunity to explore the world of digital photography, from creating images with iPads and cameras to digital editing with Adobe Photoshop in Loyola’s Mac Lab Rambler Rousers — A school spirit club dedicated to increasing attendance at Loyola events and keeping our Rambler spirit running high Student Story Corps — A band of student storytellers who produce webcasts, video documentaries and Today@LA homeroom programs Young Republicans — A forum for young Republicans interested in debating current political issues and getting involved in local, state and national politics
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Guiding Our Ramblers Through Life’s Hig h l ig h t s f ro m a Ye a r of Ca r i ng fo r t h e W h o l e Pe rso n
Empowering Teens to Speak Up and Reach Out As we prepared Loyola’s Ramblers for lives of leadership and service, we also tended to their social-emotional needs. Because the teen suicide rate in the U.S. has doubled in the past decade, our Counseling Department provided depression screening and suicide prevention training through the Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program. The SOS program, which was integrated into our Formation curriculum, schooled students in the signs of depression, self-injury and suicidality and empowered them to reach out to a responsible adult if they experienced these symptoms or observed them in a friend.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Starting a Courageous Conversation Drinking and driving. The silent epidemic of concussions in high school sports. How to help teens achieve their full potential. These topics have real relevance in the lives of Loyola families, but they’re not always easy to talk about. Our Courageous Conversations book and speaker series got the conversation started with presentations on topics such as the eight essential cognitive skills every teen needs to thrive, the impact of concussions on high school athletes and the tragic consequences of impaired driving.
Getting to Know the Nation’s Colleges At our September 2014 College Fair, 1,200 Loyola juniors, seniors and parents met with admissions officers from 200 colleges and universities and attended breakout sessions on Jesuit Schools, NCAA and College Athletics, ROTC, Students with Disabilities, Students with Learning Differences and The Undecided Student.
> View our 2014 College Fair video at W e b E x trA
Destination: Higher Education! The top 26 colleges and universities attended by our 2015 graduates
Resources for College-Bound Ramblers To help Ramblers successfully navigate the college search and selection process, our College Counseling Department added a fifth college counselor in Fall 2014; presented a First to College panel discussion featuring Loyola alumni who were the first in their families to pursue higher education; launched College Connections, a quarterly digital newsletter for Ramblers engaged in the college discovery and discernment process; and debuted a three-day College Jumpstart Workshop featuring guest speakers, information sessions and campus tours.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Marquette University
Saint Louis University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Loyola University Chicago
Miami University, Oxford
University of Dayton
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Xavier University
University of Notre Dame
Boston College
DePaul University
The University of Iowa
University of Colorado at Boulder
DePauw University
University of Illinois at Chicago
Santa Clara University
Illinois State University
Southern Methodist University
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Southern California
Fordham University
Purdue University
Texas Christian University
University of Michigan
Villanova University
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Living the Ignatian Vision A Rep o r t f ro m t h e Vi ce Pres i d e n t of Mi ss i o n a n d Mi n i st r y
Mission and Ministry by the Numbers
Spiritual retreats offered for students, parents, board members and alumni
Juniors who served others at summer service sites in the U.S. and abroad
Members of our Class of 2015 who participated in voluntary service work
Ramblers who served at Chicago-area community service sites through our Arrupe Service Program
Loyola community members who participated in spiritual retreats
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
The spirituality and vision of St. Ignatius Loyola was at the heart of all of our endeavors in FY15 as we invited our students, faculty, staff, board members, parents and alumni to grow in their commitment to faith, service and social justice. We hosted 29 spiritual retreats, ranging from our Silent Retreat for faculty and staff prior to the Gary A. Marando Vice President of Mission start of the school year to our Kairos Retreat, which and Ministry gave upperclassmen an opportunity to reflect on their relationship with God and experience faith in community. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 students participated in voluntary service work through our Arrupe Service Program, which provided local opportunities during the school year to reach out to those in need. These Ramblers for others taught English and citizenship classes to immigrants, assisted children and adults with disabilities, tutored children in homeless shelters and after-school programs, visited with the elderly in senior citizen centers and served in soup kitchens and food pantries. Because faith is a deeply personal journey, we introduced a more personalized approach to the spiritual development of our faculty and staff by offering a series of options to choose from, including a three-day retreat, an evening of reflection, a one-day Mass and reflection led by Fr. McGrath and service opportunities. New faculty members attended a series of Ignatian Themes Workshops to gain deeper insights into Jesuit education and Ignatian spirituality. We also nurtured the spiritual development of Loyola parents with Lenten
programming based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and a six-week series of parent faith and theology programs on topics such as St. Ignatius and His Legacy, Different Ways to Pray and Making Moral Decisions. In March 2015, we welcomed Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, to Loyola to speak to our school community. Widely known for his groundbreaking work in gang prevention in East Los Angeles, Fr. Boyle spoke to our students about the Gospel theme of kinship and the lessons that he learned from his two decades at the helm of Homeboy Industries, a gang-intervention program in Los Angeles County. His powerful message that justice can only be achieved through kinship resonated deeply with our Ramblers and their parents. After the school year ended, 247 juniors—nearly half of our Class of 2016—participated in 26 service trips throughout the U.S. and across international borders. During these trips, which took place in settings that ranged from urban soup kitchens to Appalachian day camps to impoverished villages in Central America, they fulfilled the Ignatian imperative of “helping souls” while learning about social inequities and reflecting on social justice issues. Whenever I have the privilege of visiting our summer service sites, I am always inspired and gratified by the generosity and kindness of our students. If you are a parent reading this, thank you for entrusting us with the faith formation of such amazing Ramblers!
A Night of Solidarity with Chicago’s Homeless: It was the fourth coldest November on record, but the plummeting mercury didn’t stop 65 Ramblers from distributing food and clothing to Uptown’s homeless and camping out in cardboard boxes to experience the plight of homelessness firsthand. After a sleepless night, the chilled and weary campers were encouraged to reflect on the sobering realities of life on the streets and ask themselves: What more can I do to help the world’s hungry and homeless?
Gary A. Marando Vice President of Mission and Ministry
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Growing Closer to God Hig h l ig h t s f ro m a Ye a r of Fa i t h a n d S e rv i ce
A Call to Action in Appalachia Ramblers had an opportunity to help build healthier, stronger and more sustainable communities in Appalachia through a new spring break service and immersion program at Wheeling Jesuit University’s Appalachian Institute in West Virginia. Students worked in a community garden, served in a soup kitchen, sorted donations at an emergency distribution center and participated in community revitalization projects while learning about the issues that affect the lives of local residents, from generational poverty and access to quality education to environmental exploitation.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
A Summer of Serving Others During Summer 2015, 247 Ramblers fanned out across the U.S. to learn about the world’s diverse cultures while serving others. Some pitched in to serve in our nation’s cities, tending to the homeless in soup kitchens and senior centers, tutoring refugees in resettlement programs, planting urban gardens and performing other acts of kindness during one-week Urban Plunges in Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukee and St. Louis. Others served in more rural settings, participating in community development projects in Kentucky and West Virginia, working at an Appalachian summer camp and building houses for Habitat for Humanity.
> View a video of Ramblers reflecting on their summer service experiences at
Web Extra
How does loyola inspire you?
I love being a part of Campus Ministry because I always feel welcome. When I graduate from Loyola, I want to welcome others just as openly as Campus Ministry has welcomed me.
A M ember of the C lass of 2 0 1 6
Students, in the course of their formation, must let the gritty reality of this world into their lives, so they can learn to feel it, think about it critically, respond to its suffering and engage it constructively.
Advocating for Social Justice Fifteen Ramblers, their adult chaperones and more than 1,300 fellow justice seekers converged upon the nation’s capital in November for the 17th annual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, which is sponsored by the Ignatian Solidarity Network to effect positive social change. Our Rambler delegation attended workshops, policy briefings and networking events; listened to inspiring speakers; and lobbied Illinois Senator Mark Kirk to support humane immigration reform and human rights policies in Central America.
V ery. R ev. P eter - H ans K olvenbach , S J
29th Superior General of the Society of Jesus
Learning about the Power of Compassion Loyola students and parents met a living example of the Jesuit mission in March 2015 when Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, spoke to the school community about his work as the founder of Homeboy Industries, which offers job training, tattoo removal and employment W e b E x tra > View a video about Fr. to members of enemy gangs. Fr. Boyle’s message of Boyle, who shared some of the compassion at annualreport. powerful lessons in compassion and forgiveness that he has gleaned from his ministry in the gang capital of the nation, gave another presentation that evening at our Courageous Conversations series for Loyola parents. Prior to Fr. Boyle’s visit, our Mothers’ Club and Fathers’ Network hosted a Rambler Parent Book Club discussion about Fr. Boyle’s memoir, Tattoos on the Heart, which won the 2011 PEN Award for Creative Nonfiction.
A Helping Hand for Families in Need As Christmas 2014 approached, our Ramblers and their families raised more than $40,000 to purchase gifts for 384 individuals and procured and packed 205 boxes of donated food during our Gonzaga Christmas Drive. The Loyola Academy President’s Leadership Council, a board of young alumni leaders, pitched in by donating all of the items on the holiday wish lists of two local families.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Advancing Our Jesuit Mission A Rep o r t f ro m t h e Vi ce Pres i d e n t of A dva n ce m e n t
Advancement by the Numbers
$9.5 million Gross advancement revenues for FY15—an all-time high at 9 percent over budget
$1.37 million Amount raised at Ramble 2015
$358,000 Amount contributed by the Class of 1964—the largest class gift in Loyola history
$153,751 Amount contributed by 282 Loyola community members on Giving Tuesday—a 41 percent increase over FY14
$32,275 Amount raised at our 2014 Ramblers Golf Outing for tuition assistance and the Loyola Academy Needy Family Fund
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
In 2014–2015, Loyola Academy advanced its standing as one of the nation’s preeminent Jesuit secondary schools— a place where young people from families of all income levels were challenged and inspired to grow closer to God, strive for excellence, serve others, work for justice Robert O. Miller and build a better world. None of this would have been Vice President of Advancement possible without the generosity of our alumni, parents, faculty and friends. Thanks to the loyalty of these women and men for others, we ended the fiscal year with net Advancement revenues of $6.97 million, which exceeded our projected FY15 goal by 4.4 percent and outperformed FY14 revenues by 4.5 percent. These higher than anticipated revenues were driven by a recordbreaking performance in major giving, with 43 major gifts totaling $5.56 million, and another record year for our Annual Giving programs, which generated $1.9 million, the highest year-end total in Loyola history. Meanwhile, we continued to raise awareness of the six initiatives outlined in Our Second Century of Excellence: A Strategic Vision for Loyola Academy in the 21st Century. As fundraising for new aquatic and fine arts centers, stateof-the-art science labs, a tuition assistance endowment, a faculty development fund and an operating reserve fund gained momentum, we continued to communicate the need for these initiatives to the Loyola Academy community
through a series of donor cultivation events. While we raised funds to carry Loyola’s longstanding tradition of excellence into the 21st century, we reached out to our global network of nearly 30,000 alumni, parents and friends. We hosted eight home, regional and college reunions; held our first annual Football Alumni Club luncheon; launched a Graduate Parents Network; and expanded our College Mentor Program, which pairs recent alumni graduates of Jesuit colleges and universities with Loyola students about to matriculate at these schools. As we cultivated these connections, we also developed new ways to communicate with the Loyola community. We continued to publish LOYOLA magazine, which premiered in FY14 to rave reviews; produced our first Inscapes wall calendar featuring the artwork of Loyola students and alumni; launched more mobile-friendly versions of our website and PrayLA app; expanded our online news management system; enhanced our alumni enews; added a YouTube video-sharing site; established a presence on Instagram to stay connected with Loyola students on their social media platform of choice; and surpassed 6,100 followers on Facebook, 2,800 on Twitter and 2,880 on LinkedIn. You’ll find out more about our progress in the highlights that follow. Thank you for making this extraordinary year possible!
A Record Year for Annual Giving: Nearly 2,000 Loyola Academy alumni, parents and friends contributed $1.9 million in annual gifts to support our Annual Giving programs in FY15— the highest year-end total in Loyola’s history.
Robert O. Miller Vice President of Advancement
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Inspired Philanthropy Th e Ma jo r Gi f t s Th a t Ma k e O u r Mi ss i o n Poss i b l e
How does loyola inspire you?
When I look at our Rambler community and see how accomplished our students and alumni are, I am inspired and challenged to make a greater impact.
a L oyola benefactor
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 0 15
We are deeply grateful to the generous benefactors listed below for their major gifts of $25,000 or more to support a second century of excellence at Loyola Academy. Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton contributed a major gift to the Second Century Reserve Fund and supported the President’s Dinner and the Ramble. The Helen V. Brach Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon contributed a major gift to the Technology Fund to revamp the audiovisual
system in the Loyola Chapel and supported the President’s Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune contributed a major gift to the Second Century Reserve Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini contributed major gifts to the Annual Giving Program and the Guardian Angel Fund and supported the President’s Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ’50 contributed to the Denten Family Scholarship and the Annual Giving Program. Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ’77 and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan ’79 established the St. Jude
Scholarship Endowment in memory of their father, Burtis J. Dolan Jr. ’43, and supported the Ramblers Golf Outing and the Ramble.
James C. L. Arimond, SJ, Scholarship for Excellence Endowment. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan contributed to the Fine Arts Initiative, the Mothers’ Club and the Ramble.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue contributed a major gift to the Ramble and supported the Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Program, the Mothers’ Club Huffman III contributed to and the Women of Wisdom the Annual Giving Program, Society. the Mothers’ Club, the Fathers’ Network, the Mr. and Mrs. William J. Guardian Angel Fund, the Doyle ’68 contributed a President’s Dinner and the major gift to the Annual Ramble. Giving Program and contributed to the Rev.
The Estates of Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ’31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs contributed major gifts to the General Unrestricted Endowment. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Joyce Sr. ’83 contributed to the Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble. Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce contributed to the Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just contributed a major gift to the Endowment for the Advancement of Tuition Assistance and supported the Annual Giving Program, the Mothers’ Club and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kramer Sr. contributed to the Guardian Angel Fund and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon contributed a major gift to the Robert Kubon Scholarship. continued on page 25
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Supporting and celebrating our Jesuit mission: President’s Dinner Chaircouple Mary S. and Roger P. Hickey ’79 (right), Co-Chaircouple Susan H. and Thomas E. Gordon and Fr. McGrath welcomed the Loyola community to our 57th annual President’s Dinner on November 7, which raised $257,000 to support Loyola’s mission.
5 7 th A nnual P resident ’ s D inner
A Tribute to Two Extraordinary Men for Others
T’S OUR PRIVILEGE TONIGHT TO CELEBRATE WHAT’S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD—and to celebrate two men who have dedicated themselves to making the world a better place, especially for young people,” Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, told the 468 guests gathered in the Chicago Hilton’s Grand Ballroom for our 2014 President’s Dinner in November. Fr. McGrath and the Loyola community honored W e b E x tra S > View a video of William T. O’Donnell Jr. ’67 with the President’s Medal for his Rev. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ, receiving the Lord Award in October distinguished leadership and service as a trusted advisor to and our 2014 President’s Dinner photo gallery several Loyola Academy presidents and his generous support at as a longtime Loyola benefactor. Rev. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ—the recipient of our 2014 Rev. Daniel A. Lord, SJ, Award for Distinguished Service in the Cause of Youth—was in Paris on the night of the President’s Dinner, serving in his new role as secretary for higher education for the Society of Jesus. Although he was an ocean away, we are sure that Fr. Garanzini was with us in spirit as we celebrated his service to youth through higher education.
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Ma jo r Gift Hig h l ig h ts
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee contributed a major gift to the Annual Giving Program and supported the Mothers’ Club, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ’75 contributed a major gift to the Fine Arts Initiative. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ’79 established the James W. Lyman ’79 Family Scholarship Endowment and supported Alumni Relations, the Graduate Parents Network, the Women of Wisdom Society and the President’s Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera contributed a major gift to the weight room renovation and
continued from page 23
supported the Guardian Angel Fund, the Mothers’ Club, the Graduate Parents Network and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Marineau ’64 celebrated Philip’s 50th class reunion by establishing the Marineau Family Scholarship Endowment and supported the Annual Giving Program. The Robert R. McCormick Foundation contributed major gifts to establish two endowed scholarships in memory of James C. Dowdle ’52. The scholarships support students from Big Shoulders Fund schools. Mr. William A. McIntosh ’57 contributed major gifts
to the Rev. James C. L. Arimond, SJ, Scholarship for Excellence Endowment and the Chicago Jesuit Academy Graduates Scholarship and supported the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ’81 contributed a major gift to the Ramble and supported the Annual Giving Program, the Mothers’ Club, the Graduate Parents Network, the Women of Wisdom Society and the President’s Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ’72 contributed a major gift to the Fine Arts Initiative and supported the President’s Dinner and the Ramble.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ’67 contributed a major gift to the President’s Dinner, supported the Ramblers Golf Outing and the Athletic Hall of Fame and hosted a golf outing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott contributed a major gift to the Chicago Jesuit Academy Graduates Scholarship and supported Alumni Relations. Mr. David P. Purcell ’82 and Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Purcell ’88 contributed a major gift to the Canisius Professional Development Program and the Needy Family Fund. Michael Purcell also supported the Kyle continued on page 26
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Ma jo r Gift Hig h l ig h ts
Shellberg ’96 Scholarship and the Fathers’ Network. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz established the Hilary and Frank Schmitz Family Scholarship for non-Catholic students and contributed a major gift to the O’Shaughnessy Program. The couple also supported the Annual Giving Program, the Guardian Angel Fund, the Mothers’ Club, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Schreiber contributed a major gift to the Guardian Angel Fund and supported the President’s Dinner and the Ramble.
continued from page 25
Mr. James R. Schufreider ’79 and Mr. Christopher Mario supported the Annual Giving Program and established the Jack and Margie Schufreider Family Scholarship to honor James’s parents and his sister-in-law, Mary Schufreider, who served as Loyola’s school nurse for 17 years, and to recognize the many Schufreiders who have graduated from Loyola Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ’83 contributed a major gift to the Second Century Reserve Fund and supported the Annual Giving Program, the Women of Wisdom Society and the Ramble.
Br. James E. Small, SJ, now in retirement, carried on his annual tradition of contributing a collection of his oil paintings for our Ramble auction. His in-kind contribution in 2015 included 81 paintings, as well as an opportunity to commission a custom painting by Br. Small. Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ’55 contributed a major gift to establish the F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ’55 Ignatian Educator Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan contributed a major gift to name a science lab in honor of Rev. Peter W. Breslin, SJ, for his contributions to science education at Loyola
Academy. The lab will be built in the summer of 2016. The Sullivans also supported the Big Shoulders Annual Scholarship, the Guardian Angel Fund, the Graduate Parents Network and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thuet contributed to the O’Shaughnessy Program, the Athletics Program, the Annual Giving Program, the Mothers’ Club, the Women of Wisdom Society and the Ramble. Mr. Patrick J. Tierney ’02 established the Mary D. Tierney Scholarship in honor of his mother and supported the renovation of the Loyola Academy weight room. continued on page 29
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Ramble Chaircouples Francis W. and Loretta A. O’Malley LdM’83 (left) and Anne P. and Robert L. Michels ’81 with Fr. McGrath
An Evening of Celebration to Support Ramblers in Need
ore than 700 Loyola supporters gathered in our West Gym on May 2 for Ramble 2015—a night of dining, live and silent auctions and dancing to the music of DJ Marz to generate support for tuition assistance. Our 2015 Ramble theme, Inspiring Hearts and Minds, celebrated Loyola’s mission to nurture the hearts and minds of a diverse population of W e b E x tra S > Meet three Ramblers whose lives were transformed by their young people and inspire them to use their skills and Loyola experience in our Ramble 2015 talents to build a better world. video, view a time-lapse video of the Ramble from setup to teardown and see photos from the Chaired by Anne P. and Robert L. Michels ’81 evening in our Ramble 2015 photo gallery at and Francis W. and Loretta A. O’Malley LdM ’83, Ramble 2015 raised more than $1.37 million for tuition assistance in a single night—nearly 40 percent of the $3.5 million that was awarded to qualifying Ramblers during the 2014–2015 academic year.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Marking a 50-Year Milestone with a Record-Breaking Gift
he Class of 1964’s 50-year reunion in September 2014 was a weekend defined by superlatives: a spectacular turnout, glorious September weather and an extraordinary act of collective generosity as class members commemorated the milestone with contributions totaling more than $308,000—the largest class gift in Loyola history. With 93 class members making gifts to our Annual Giving Program, the Class of 1964 also won the ViBern Challenge. This $50,000 ViBern Foundation challenge grant for the class with the highest annual giving participation rate brought the Class of 1964’s Philip A. Marineau ’64 commemorated total to a whopping $358,000. his 50th class reunion by establishing the We are deeply grateful to reunion committee Marineau Family Scholarship Endowment with a generous major gift. chairs E. Paul Dunn and Gerald F. Waldron and their committee members for organizing this memorable weekend, as well as the members of the Class of 1964 for giving so generously to carry Loyola’s longstanding tradition of excellence into the 21st century.
w 28
Web Extra
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
> View our 1964 50-Year Reunion photo gallery at
Ma jo r Gift Hig h l ig h ts
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin established the Tobin Tuition Assistance Fund. Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ’81 contributed a major gift to the O’Shaughnessy Program and supported the O’Shaugnessy Program Endowment, the Needy Family Fund and the Ramble. The ViBern Foundation contributed a major gift to the ViBern Foundation Scholarship and matched gifts to the Annual Giving Program through the ViBern Challenge.
continued from page 26
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ’72 and Wintrust Financial Corporation supported the Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble. Thomas R. and Susan G. Wenzel contributed a major gift to name a photography lab in memory of Susan’s parents, James and Elizabeth Garner. The Wenzels also contributed a major gift to the Canisius Professional Development Program and supported the Guardian Angel Fund, the Fine Arts Program, the Mothers’ Club, the Women of Wisdom Society and the Ramble.
Building Stronger Rambler Athletes
ore than 100 Rambler football alumni, parents and coaches gathered at Gibsons Bar & Steakhouse in September 2014 to listen in as Michael A. Lowe ’97 interviewed Head Varsity Coach John Holecek about his NFL days, Loyola’s football team and the upcoming football season. The occasion? Our Football Alumni Club’s inaugural Coach’s Kickoff Luncheon. “It’s an amazing fraternity,” Coach Holecek marveled as he gazed out at the gathering of football alumni from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s and asked them to continue to help build stronger Rambler athletes by funding the renovation of Loyola’s weight room. The fiercely loyal club members responded with an outpouring of support. Their generous gifts, combined with proceeds from the luncheon and corporate sponsorships by Frontage Search and Northwestern Mutual, totaled $25,000.
W e b E x tra S > Watch Loyola football players and coaches express their gratitude for the new weight room and view a time-lapse video of the renovation at
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
A Caring Community Th e L o yo l a Netw o r k of Wo m e n a n d Me n fo r Ot h e rs
Lunching with Loyola’s Legal Eagles More than 200 Loyola Academy alumni, parents and friends in the legal profession flocked to the University Club of Chicago for the second annual Loyola Academy Bar Association Luncheon in February 2015. Guests honored the Loyola Academy Mock Trial Team for its awardwinning legal maneuvers at the 2014 Howlett Cup Mock Trial Tournament and paid tribute to the late Judge Michael J. Howlett Jr., a Loyola graduate parent.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Insights from the C-Suite Three business leaders from the Loyola community offered their perspectives on the evolution of corporate culture at Insights from the C-Suite—a Spring 2015 networking event sponsored by the Loyola Academy President’s Leadership W e b E x tras > Council and hosted by Jenner & Block LLP. View Insights from the C-Suite Moderated by Matthew R. Devine ’85, the video highlights and panel featured Loyola Academy Trustee and Ulta an online photo gallery at Beauty CEO Mary N. Dillon, who organized the annualreport. event; Tierney E. Remick, president of global consumer markets at Korn Ferry; and Harry M. J. Kraemer Jr., clinical professor of strategy at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and former chairman and CEO of Baxter International.
A Lifelong Faith Community for Loyola Parents In June 2015, more than 160 graduate parents gathered for cocktails and fellowship at the kickoff event of our new Graduate Parents Network. After Fr. McGrath greeted the group and shared his vision of Loyola Academy as a lifelong spiritual center for Rambler families, trustee Louise Sanborn gave an overview of the Graduate Parents Network, describing it as a “welcoming connection” that offers parents a wealth of ways to stay connected to Loyola through spiritual programming, social events, intellectual pursuits, philanthropy and service opportunities.
Talking about Race Relations in America Five accomplished alumni returned to Loyola during Diversity Week 2015 to share their perspectives on the W e b E x tra > View a video of ways that the law, media our Diversity Week panel discussion at and politics collided in Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer. The panel, entitled Beyond Ferguson: Race, Media and Law, featured communications professional Sarah A. Hamilton ’99, news anchor and reporter Michael A. Lowe ’97, Chicago police sergeant Sean M. Ronan ’88, community organizer Jesse R. Hoyt ’06 and U.S. District Court clerk Colette L. Kopon ’05.
Honoring Loyola’s Athletic Legends In October, more than 300 sports fans witnessed history in the making as eight individuals and two teams were inducted into the Loyola Academy Athletic Hall of Fame. WGN-TV reporter and anchor Michael A. Lowe ’97 served as master of ceremonies and conducted onstage interviews with the inductees, as well as Jennifer A. Morris, our 2014 Frank J. Amato Excellence in Coaching Award recipient, and John A. O’Loughlin ’59, who received the John E. Hoerster Athletic Medal of Honor.
> View video profiles of our 2014 Athletic Hall of Fame inductees at W e b E x tra
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
The Gift of Opportunity S ch o l a rs h i ps a n d E d u c a t i o n a l Excel l e n ce Fu n d s
Named and Endowed Scholarships Since the founding of Loyola Academy in 1909, thousands of donors have made gifts to establish or contribute to 156 different scholarships at Loyola Academy. The list below includes scholarships established through June 30, 2015. Fully endowed funds are indicated in bold print. Over the years, the dollar amount for establishing an endowed scholarship has increased. Fully endowed scholarships are recognized according to Loyola’s history of funding requirements. John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship Rev. James C. L. Arimond, SJ, ‘57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment Brian Baker Scholarship Endowment Br. Paul Becklenberg Scholarship Endowment Berner Hoyt Scholarship Endowment Paul W. and Catherine A. Boltz Scholarship Julia G. Boyce Scholarship Endowment John A. Breen Sr. Scholarship Endowment Mary Cagney Scholarship Endowment Richard Cagney ‘30 Scholarship Endowment Rev. Raymond J. Callahan, SJ, Scholarship Endowment The Bruce and Kathryn Carbonari Scholarship Endowment Centioli Family National Italian American Foundation Scholarship Jaemo Chang Scholarship Endowment Chicago Jesuit Academy Graduates Scholarship Nora and Daniel Clarke Scholarship Endowment Class of ‘51 Scholarship Class of ‘52 Scholarship Class of ‘59 Scholarship Class of ‘60 Scholarship Class of ‘61 Scholarship Class of ‘63 Memorial Scholarship
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Class of 2013 Scholarship Senior Class Gift Robert J. Corboy Scholarship Endowment Stuart D. Corboy ‘43 Scholarship Endowment Fran and Jean Corby Scholarship Endowment The Corcoran Family Scholarship Rev. Walter Crane, SJ, Scholarship Endowment David and Mary Lou Decker Family Scholarship Denten Family Scholarship Tony DeRosa ‘90 Scholarship Endowment Edward J. Detmer Memorial Scholarship Endowment William G. Diederich III Scholarship Endowment Richard and Ruth Dooley ‘24 Scholarship Endowment Robert J. Dooley 1927, 1955, 1981, 2012 Scholarship Endowment The William F. Dooley ‘56 Scholarship Dorschel Scholarship Endowment The James C. Dowdle ‘52 Memorial Scholarship I The James C. Dowdle ‘52 Memorial Scholarship II John A. and Julie Dowdle Scholarship Endowment Eileen T. Doyle ‘06 Scholarship Dumbach Classics Scholarship Endowment Catherine A. Dwyer Scholarship E. A. and H. S. Egan Scholarship Endowment
Patrick and Jana Eilers Scholarship Endowment Endowment for the Advancement of Tuition Assistance Rev. Michael English, SJ, Scholarship Endowment David Fear ‘70 Scholarship Endowment Laura Fieberg Scholarship Endowment Christopher Fink Scholarship Endowment Kevin Michael Fink Scholarship Endowment Michael E. Finnegan Scholarship Thomas J. Fitzgerald Scholarship Augustine A. Flick III ‘47 Scholarship Endowment Floberg Family Scholarship Endowment Joseph S. Flood Memorial Scholarship Endowment Forsyth Family Scholarship Michael Ganey Scholarship Endowment General Scholarship Endowment Hugh P. Hackett Scholarship Rev. Norman E. Harland, SJ, Scholarship Endowment R. G. Harrington ‘44 Scholarship Endowment Rev. Donald J. Hayes, SJ, ‘43 Scholarship Endowment John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 Scholarship Endowment Lawrence and Ada Hickey Family Scholarship Endowment Edward J. and Grace V. Hirsch Scholarship Endowment
Albert A. Hoffman ‘45 and Rev. John C. Hoffman, SJ, ‘48, Scholarship Endowment Robert H. Huffman Jr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, Scholarship Endowment The Jennings Family Scholarship Endowment John R. Jozwiak ‘45 Scholarship Endowment Raymond J. Kavanagh Scholarship Minnie R. Kehl Scholarship Endowment James Kennedy Scholarship John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 Scholarship William T. Kernan ‘02 O’Shaughnessy Program Scholarship The King Family Scholarship Mathias A. Klein Jr. Scholarship St. Stanislaus Kostka, SJ, Scholarship Robert Kubon Scholarship Lafferty Scholarship Endowment Langley Family Scholarship Endowment The Joan F. and William J. Lavezzorio ‘46 Scholarship Peter John Leemputte Scholarship Endowment Gerasime M. Legris, SJ, Scholarship Endowment Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship Endowment Loyola Jesuit Community Scholarship
James W. Lyman ‘79 Family Scholarship Endowment Patrick Lynch ‘87 Scholarship Endowment Suseela and Prasad Madhavareddy Scholarship Endowment Rev. Robert G. Mair Scholarship James J. Maloney ‘47 Scholarship Endowment Gregory J. Mann ‘35 Scholarship Endowment Marineau Family Scholarship Endowment Mazza Foundation Big Shoulders Endowment McDonald Brothers Scholarship Endowment McDonnell Family Memorial Scholarship Betty McGarrity Scholarship Endowment John Michael McKechney Scholarship Endowment John F. McKerr Jr. Scholarship Endowment Elizabeth D. and William B. McNulty ‘38 Scholarship Endowment Rev. Edward F. Mulhern, SJ, Scholarship Endowment The Mulvihill and Mohr Family Scholarship Rev. Theodore G. Munz, SJ, Scholarship Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund John and Mary Naughten Scholarship Endowment Edward J. Nesbitt ‘35 Scholarship Endowment Nesbitt Family Scholarship Endowment Ray O’Keefe Memorial Scholarship Endowment The James M. O’Loughlin and the Class of ‘62 Scholarship Endowment Arthur and Barbara Pantle Family Scholarship Perkaus/Reed Scholarship Endowment Robert P. Perkaus III ‘77 Memorial Scholarship Endowment PotashCorp Scholarship Endowment Henry A. and James V. Proesel ‘39 Scholarship Endowment Quaker Oats Co. Scholarship Endowment Michael Rebarchak ‘79 Scholarship Endowment Thomas A. Reynolds Jr. ‘45 Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ritten Scholarship Endowment Bridget F. Walsh Rochford Scholarship Endowment
The Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Memorial Scholarship Jarett Romanski ‘94 Scholarship Endowment Patrick and Shirley Ryan Minority Scholarship Endowment St. Jude Scholarship Endowment St. Thomas of Canterbury Scholarship Endowment Alyce Salerno Minority Scholarship Endowment Vincent Savage, SJ, Scholarship Endowment Michael J. Schaefer ‘96 Memorial Scholarship Francis E. and Mary R. Schlax Scholarship Hilary and Frank Schmitz Family Scholarship Scholl Foundation Scholarship John and Kathleen Schreiber Scholarship Jonathan J. Schwabe ‘00 Memorial Fund Raymond A. Seng ‘21 Scholarship Endowment William J. Sennott Scholarship Endowment Marc and Grace Shantz Scholarship James M. Sheerin ‘72 Scholarship Endowment Kyle Shellberg ‘96 Scholarship Smithereen Scholarships Endowment Constance Staffileno Scholarship Rev. John Stejskal, SJ, Memorial Scholarship Endowment Philip J. Stelnicki Scholarship Endowment Mim and Neil Sullivan Family Scholarship Endowment Joseph C. Thomas ‘02 Memorial Scholarship Thompson Family Scholarship Mary D. Tierney Scholarship Tobin Tuition Assistance Fund Joseph and Marcelline Valenti Family Scholarship Endowment I Joseph and Marcelline Valenti Scholarship Endowment II Stewart Vergne ‘76 Scholarship Endowment ViBern Foundation Scholarship Rev. A. F. Walker, SJ, ‘34 Scholarship Endowment William and Margery Weiss Scholarship Endowment Anna and Michael White Scholarship Endowment Raymond M. White ‘32 Scholarship Endowment
To learn more about establishing a named or endowed scholarship or to contribute to an existing scholarship, please contact Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller at 847.920.2428 or
Educational Excellence Funds Frank J. Amato Excellence in Coaching Award Endowment The Frank J. Amato Track and Field Endowment Award Boltz Debate Fund Thomas E. Caestecker ‘49 Chair of American History Canisius Professional Development Program Fund Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ‘67 Family Guidance Endowment The Philip H. Corboy Chair in Social Studies J. C. Daniel D’Ambrosio Retreat Endowment The Endowment for Jesuit Identity Engels Baseball Endowment Enrichment for Learning Differences Endowment Tim Foley ‘66 Football Endowment The John T. Geldermann ‘43 Chair in Computer Science James T. Glerum Jr. and Mary E. Glerum Classics Tour Scholarship Great Teaching Endowment Frank and Monica Hogan Performing Arts Endowment Allen J. Hoover ‘58 Science Award Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, Chair for Religious Study Endowment Ignatian Programs for Faculty Enhancement Klein Tools Endowment for Computer Study Latousek Chair of English Endowment Mandarin Chinese Language Endowment Rev. William Moran, SJ, and Rev. Robert Mulligan, SJ, Award of Excellence Rev. Edward F. Mulhern, SJ, Guidance Fund Kay and George Penman Sullivan Catholic Action Endowment The Dr. William M. Scholl Chair in Science F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 Ignatian Educator Fund Student Formation Program Fund Woodward Classical Studies Chair Endowment
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
A Year of Careful Stewardship A Rep o r t f ro m t h e Vi ce Pres i d e n t, Ch i ef Fi n a n c i a l O f f i ce r a n d Ch i ef O p e ra t i o n s O f f i ce r Finance and Operations by the Numbers
$39.2 million Revenue generated in FY15
$37.2 million Total expenses in FY15
$3.5 million Tuition assistance awarded in FY15
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
In 2014–2015, Loyola Academy continued to grow and thrive— thanks to a powerful partnership with the extraordinary network of alumni, parents, Jesuits, staff, faculty and friends honored in this annual report. Through the resources that these benefactors entrusted to us, as well as income from tuition and Terence K. Brennan investments, we generated overall revenues of $39.2 Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and million in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015—a 4.9 Chief Operations Officer percent increase over the prior fiscal year. The primary contributors to this increase were higher fundraising revenues (+9.0 percent) and tuition and fees (+4.2 percent). FY15 expenses were $37.2 million—a 3.7 percent increase over FY14 due to higher than anticipated costs associated with the Loyola University Employee Retirement Plan, which our employees participated in prior to 2006, when the plan was frozen. Despite the plan’s dormant status, we are still obligated to make contributions to preserve benefits earned by our employees when the plan was active. Expenses also increased in Education and Other Related Activities when our bookstore began handling orders for athletic uniforms and team spiritwear to better control the school’s registered trademarks. This increase was offset by sales revenues when the uniforms and spiritwear were resold to the athletic teams at cost. Increased expenses in both areas were offset by declines in Advancement (4.7 percent) and Student Services (4.3 percent) and lower interest
expenses (3.3 percent). To create a state-of-the-art learning environment for the 21st century and support Loyola’s mission of educating the whole person, Loyola invested $1.56 million in capital enhancements in FY15. Over the summer, we upgraded the audiovisual system in the Loyola Chapel and commissioned artist Vladimir Kharitonsky to paint a mural behind the chapel’s altar. Other capital projects included the renovation of our south tennis court, the replacement of the floor and bleachers in our East Gym and the installation of outdoor benches in our athletic entrance courtyard. To safeguard the school community and protect our school’s assets, we continued to upgrade the fire alarm, security lighting and surveillance systems at our Wilmette and Glenview campuses. We also enhanced the security of our information technology systems as 21st-century computer technologies continued to transform teaching and learning at Loyola. To prepare for the rollout of our One-to-One iPad program in FY14, we enhanced our computer network to accommodate hundreds of wireless devices. In FY15, we began to monitor the security of this network on a regular basis and perform system upgrades when necessary to prevent security breaches that could potentially disrupt the school’s educational activities.
Terence K. Brennan Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer
Sacred Art: In Summer 2015, Fr. McGrath commissioned Russian artist Vladimir Kharitonsky to create a dramatic floor-toceiling mural for the Loyola Chapel. The artist spent three weeks painting the scene, which graces the wall behind the chapel’s altar.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Financial Statement fo r t h e fisca l yea r beg inn ing Ju ly 1, 2014 a n d en d ing Jun e 30, 2015
Income: $39,208
Expenses: $37,218
( in tho u sands )
( in tho u sands )
Tuition and Fees 81.6% / $31,975 .
Instruction 36.9% / $13,725
Student Organizations .7% / $264
Student Services 8.9% / $3,313
Administration 12.6% / $4,673 Development 2.7% / $999
Education and Other Related Activities 8.2% / $3,236*
Plant Maintenance 9.8% / $3,658
Bonds and Interest 1.0% / $352
Annual Fund, President’s Dinner, Ramble and Restricted Gifts 9.5% / $3,733
General School 4.8% / $1,796 Student Financial Aid 10.5% / $3,919
Education and Other Related Activities 12.8% / $4,783*
* Summer Camps, Cafeteria, Bookstore
History of the Endowment Fund and Debt (1980–2015)
55 50 45
( in millions )
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 $0
1980 1985 1990
1995 2000 DEBT
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ENDOWMENT
S u pport for o u r J es u it M ission
Development Contributions ( in tho u sands )
To Operations
Annual Fund Alumni $ 697 Parents 391 Graduate Parents 159 Friends, Corporations, Foundations 671
Total Annual Fund Contributions
Loyola’s mission is generously supported by a loyal community
President’s Dinner and Ramble $ 1,665 Restricted Gifts 150 ___________ Total Contributions to Operations
of students, parents, graduate parents, faculty members, administrators, alumni, Jesuits and friends, as well as local and national foundations, businesses and corporations.
To Endowment Restricted $ 5,192 Unrestricted 576 ___________ Total Contributions to Endowment
$ 5,768 ___________ ___________
Development Contributions over a Five-Year Period ( in tho u sands ) CONTRIBUTION SOURCE
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
To Operations
Annual Fund
$ 697 $ 862 $ 646 $ 715 $ 658
$ 391 $ 505 $ 336 $ 294 $ 270
Graduate Parents
$ 159 $ 309 $ 232 $ 104 $ 96
Friends, Corporations, Foundations $ 671 $ 43 $ 426 $ 185 $ 170 Total Annual Fund Contributions
$ 1,918 $ 1,719 $ 1,640 $ 1,298 $ 1,194
President’s Dinner and Ramble
$ 1,665 $ 1,457 $ 1,487 $ 1,495 $ 1,487
Restricted Gifts
$ 150 $ 133 $ 115 $ 64 $ 108
Total Contributions to Operations $ 3,733 $ 3,309 $ 3,242 $ 2,857 $ 2,789 TO EN DOW MENT
$ 5,192 $ 3,648 $ 2,196 $ 1,125 $ 911
$ 576 $ 2,137 $ 1,533 $ 1,125 $ 1,119
Total Contri b ut i o n s to E n dowme n t
$ 5,768
$ 5,785
$ 3,729
$ 2,359
$ 2,030
T O TA L DEV E L O P MEN T C O NTRIBU TIO NS $ 9,501 $ 9,094 $ 6,971 $ 5,217 $ 4,818
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
L o yo l a A c a d e my
Honor Roll of Donors
Lifetime Benefactors
Lifetime Benefactors are donors who have made cumulative gifts to Loyola Academy totaling $100,000 or more. We are deeply grateful to these generous benefactors for their lifelong commitment to Jesuit education. I gnatius L oyola
Anonymous (3) Helen V. Brach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. John J. Dwyer RIP and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dwyer Esprit Foundation Mr. Thomas “Tim” D. Foley ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Foley RIP Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lavezzorio ‘46 RIP and Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Loyola Academy Jesuit Community Mazza Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Sr. ‘40 RIP Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Br. James E. Small, SJ Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 F rancis Xavi e r
Anonymous Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher ‘40 RIP Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Hackett Jr. ‘69 Jem Foundation Mr. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 Dr. Scholl Foundation Stepan Company A lphonsus R odrigu e z
Charles and Marie Caestecker Foundation Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker ‘49 Philip H. Corboy Foundation Mr. Philip H. Corboy RIP Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ‘75 Mr. John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Joanne K. Hickey Illinois FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. Robert B. Latousek ‘50 RIP and Mrs. Robert Latousek Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II Estate of Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ‘83 Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 Smithereen Pest Management Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 Valenti Charitable Foundation Mr. Joseph E. Valenti Sr. RIP and Mrs. Marcelline Valenti ViBern Foundation A lb e rto H urtado
Anonymous Mr. John C. Altman ‘71 RIP American Airlines Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cotter ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ‘50 Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mrs. Mary N. Dillon Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. RIP and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. Ralph E. Doane RIP Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Wilma and William F. Dooley ‘56 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dooley ‘56 Mr. James C. Dowdle ‘52 RIP and Mrs. Sally Dowdle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Dowdle ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doyle ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Egan ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gallagher ‘45 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. John T. Geldermann ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Jane Geldermann Mr. David F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graf ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Estate of Grace V. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ‘31 RIP and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs RIP Estate of John R. Jozwiak ‘45 Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Mathias A. Klein Jr. RIP and Family
Mathias A. Klein Memorial Klein Tools, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Marineau ‘64 Mr. William A. McIntosh ‘57 Mr. J. Barry McRaith Sr. ‘57 RIP Mr. John D. Norcross ‘54 RIP and Mrs. Joanna Norcross Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Family Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry PotashCorp Sanborn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ‘64 Estate of John B. Seng ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon The Siragusa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Valenti Jr. ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ‘72 Thomas R. and Susan G. Wenzel E. L. Wiegand Foundation L if e tim e F ound e r
Anonymous (6) Abbott Laboratories Fund Matching Grant Plan Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Mrs. Misook Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Akey Aon Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner Jr. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill Jr. Mr. James B. Blacklidge ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders Borg General Sales, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Briggs Sr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Mr. William J. Caffrey and Mrs. Paulette Gagliardo Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Carroll RIP Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro M. Cena ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Cole ‘48 RIP Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Couri Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crane ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Croghan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Crotty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Daly ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Daly ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ‘86 Dearborn Capital Management, LLC Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford The Tony DeRosa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan Jr. ‘43 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dooley Jr. ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Feeley Jr. ‘59 The Fieberg Family Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Fink Sr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. Donald L. Fortunato RIP and Mrs. Lynne Fortunato The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Mr. A. James Gallagher Jr. ‘39 RIP and Mrs. Marie Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Globe Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Haggerty ‘81 Mr. William J. Halligan Sr. RIP Mr. James E. Hayes ‘48 RIP and Mrs. Marie Hayes Mr. Richard M. Hector ‘48 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John R. Heller ‘68 Eileen L. Heyd, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Jr. ‘70 Lawrence and Ada Hickey Foundation Mr. Lawrence Hickey ‘41 RIP and Mrs. Ada Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Higgins ‘85 Mr. Albert A. Hoffman Jr. ‘45 RIP International Auto Group J. P. Morgan Chase Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Jaunich
Mrs. Gwyn Jennings Mr. Richard E. Jennings RIP Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. John C. Joyce Sr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Keller George R. Kendall Foundation Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mr. John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Mr. K. Frederick Kleiderer RIP and Mrs. K. Frederick Kleiderer Mrs. Gwenda S. Klein Mrs. William R. Kohl Jr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Robert Kubon Foundation Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Langley Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mr. Homer J. Livingston Jr. RIP and Mrs. Margery Livingston Loyola Paper Co. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ‘77 Mr. James J. Maloney ‘47 The Marineau Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Marotta ‘35 RIP Mr. Thomas J. McDonald ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McGarrity ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McKeever ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Jr. McNamara Purcell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty ‘67 James J. and Jamie Thorsen McNulty Foundation Mr. James J. McNulty ‘69 and Ms. Jamie K. Thorsen Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meenaghan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. James M. Moran ‘36 RIP and Mrs. James M. Moran Motorola Foundation Mr. Richard Nash Jr. RIP and Mrs. Charlotte Nash Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Nesbitt ‘73
Rev. Henry J. Dumbach, SJ, Society of Planned Giving Donors Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. John B. O’Connor ‘39 RIP Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Connor ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara Mr. John M. O’Meara ‘63 RIP and Mrs. Cheryl O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy ‘58 RIP and Mrs. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi ‘62 The Patrick Group Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Poden ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Proesel Sr. ‘39 RIP Quaker Oats Company Mr. and Mrs. David P. Radelet Mr. and Mrs. Maynard L. Reuter RIP Mr. Thomas A. Reynolds Jr. ‘45 RIP and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds III ‘70 Dr. Shirley A. Roy and Dr. J. Fred McLimore RIP Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Ryan Jr. ‘48 Mr. Edward J. Sackley ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Lois A. Sackley Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Schuba Jonathan Schwabe Memorial Fund Mr. James R. Schufreider ‘79 and Mr. Christopher Mario Mrs. Beverly Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Singer ‘54 Fred B. Snite Foundation Estate of Harry Staffileno Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tarchala ‘32 RIP Dr. Charlene Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Valenti ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wambay Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Wanandi Mr. and Mrs. William B. Weiss RIP ‘37 Robert L. Wenger Trust Mr. Raymond M. White ‘32 RIP Wintrust Financial Corporation Mr. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. Garry A. Woodward ‘62 Mr. James F. Woodward Jr. ‘60
This giving society is named in honor of Loyola Academy’s founder, whose vision of Jesuit education is being carried on through the generosity and foresight of our planned giving donors. The Dumbach Society builds on the excellent work of the late Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, and the Loyola Academy Wills Society, which was the first formal society established at Loyola to recognize planned giving donors. Anonymous (72) Mr. William A. Abrams ‘47 RIP Estate of John C. Altman ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Anger ‘45 RIP Mr. John L. Baldwin ‘40 Mr. William A. Barnett ‘34 RIP Mr. G. Duncan Bauman ‘30 RIP Mrs. Dorothy Becklenberg Estate of Louise K. Berner Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bishop ‘40 Mr. Ward Bourn Estate of Julia G. Boyce Estate of Jane M. Breen Mrs. Nancy Bruzzini Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden ‘51 Mr. Frank X. Cagney ‘32 RIP Mr. Francis J. Calkins ‘28 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cassin, CLU, ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro M. Cena ‘81 Mr. Charles J. Chapin ‘36 RIP Mr. Francis E. Clarke ‘40 RIP Estate of Mary Clarke Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Cole ‘48 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Conley ‘26 RIP Mrs. Doris Corboy RIP Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corboy ‘48 Mr. Philip H. Corboy RIP Mr. Theodore E. Cornell Jr. ‘38 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cotter ‘53 Mr. Frank M. Covey ‘50 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Crean ‘58 Dr. Sidney R. Cruz Rev. John J. Cullinan ‘23 RIP Mr. John P. Cunneen ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Cuny ‘27 RIP Mr. Robert A. Curley Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Curran ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Curran Jr. Mr. Robert M. David ‘28 RIP Mr. Robert J. Dixon ‘62 Mr. Ralph E. Doane RIP Mr. Terrence P. Doyle ‘62 Mr. John J. Dwyer RIP and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dwyer Mr. Ralph W. Emerson ‘14 RIP Mr. and Mrs. William O. Feeley ‘43 Mr. Albert C. Fellinger RIP and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Fieberg III ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. F. Barry Fitzgerald ‘28 RIP Mr. George W. Fitzgerald ‘23 RIP Mr. J. Raymond Fox ‘28 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gavin ‘64 Mr. John T. Geldermann ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Jane Geldermann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Geldermann ‘44 Mr. Joseph C. Geraghty ‘41 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerlach ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Glueckert ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimes ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen Mrs. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. William J. Halligan Sr. RIP Mr. Richard G. Harrington ‘44 RIP Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harris ‘21 RIP Hon. Neil F. Hartigan ‘55 Mr. James E. Hayes ‘48 RIP and Mrs. Marie Hayes Mr. Lawrence J. Hayes ‘44 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon W. Hayes ‘41 RIP Mr. Richard M. Hector ‘48 RIP Mr. Lawrence Hickey ‘41 RIP and Mrs. Ada Hickey Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. William J. Hoffman ‘38 RIP Mr. Donald E. Horton ‘63 Mr. Bruce W. Hunt ‘65 Mr. James L. Hurley ‘33 RIP Mr. William G. Hurley ‘42 RIP Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ‘31 RIP and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs RIP Cmdr. and Mrs. Jay B. Jans ‘65 Mr. Joseph S. Kearney Sr. ‘26 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. ‘51 Mr. John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Kurkowski Mr. Donald E. LaVigne RIP ‘42 and Mrs. Patricia LaVigne Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leander Mr. Anthony F. Loritz ‘29 RIP and Mrs. Angela F. Loritz RIP Mr. George C. Lyman Jr. ‘50 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mann ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Marschall ‘56 Mr. Emil G. Matz ‘32 RIP
Mr. Robert L. McCarthy RIP Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. McPartlin ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meenaghan Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Morrissey ‘61 RIP Mr. Richard E. Murphy Jr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Naphin Sr. ‘23 RIP Mr. William J. Nugent ‘30 RIP Mr. James C. O’Connor ‘24 RIP Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw ‘54 Mr. William E. O’Neil Jr. ‘33 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Malkan A. Pearlman ‘31 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Peterson ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Polk Rev. Richard K. Pusch ‘56 RIP Mr. and Mrs. James P. Quinn ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. B. Reed Jr. ‘49 Mr. J. Philip Reichmann Jr. ‘47 RIP and Mrs. Ellen Reichmann Mr. James P. Reichmann ‘20 RIP Mr. John F. Revell ‘47 RIP Mr. Edward F. Robinson ‘39 RIP Estate of Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Ms. Susan D. Romanski Rev. George N. Ross ‘55 RIP Mr. George K. Ryan Jr. ‘47 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schinler ‘64 Mr. Thomas G. Schleiter ‘47 Mr. H. M. “Bud” Schnitzius ‘41 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schriver III ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Schwartz ‘65 Estate of John B. Seng ‘57 Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 Mr. Charles W. Severn ‘34 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Sextro ‘26 RIP Estate of Mr. John W. Somers ‘48 Estate of Rose Stejskal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tarchala ‘32 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan ‘61 Mr. George W. Vander Vennet Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wagener ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wambach Mr. Robert L. Wenger RIP Mr. Raymond M. White ‘32 RIP Mr. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Woythal ‘51 Mr. Harold F. Yegge ‘17 RIP Mr. Richard A. Youhn ‘55 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Ziebell RIP
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
FY15 DONORS The donors listed in this section include unrestricted and restricted gifts received during the 2014– 2015 fiscal year. Annual donors support Loyola in many ways, from gifts to the Annual Giving Program and support for endowed scholarships to participation in yearly fundraising events such as the President’s Dinner and Ramble. Each year, we depend on the generosity of these donors to help us shape the hearts, minds and spirits of 2,000 young people from many Chicago-area communities.
Loyola Academy Giving Societies I gnatius C ircl e
Named for St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Ignatius Circle recognizes our most generous benefactors who make annual gift commitments of $50,000 or more.
I gnatius C ircl e
Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune Mrs. Mary N. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Purcell ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81 Thomas R. and Susan G. Wenzel Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan Mr. Gary M. Holihan ‘77 and Mrs. Andrea L. Holihan LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Joyce Sr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kramer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thuet D umbach C ircl e
Named for Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, who spent 35 years serving Loyola Academy as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, headmaster and development and alumni officer. Includes gifts of $10,000 to $14,999.
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Akey Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. D’Arrigo Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nolan Mr. Francis W. O’Malley and Mrs. Loretta A. O’Malley LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. O’Malley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Shea ‘83 Mr. John D. Shugrue and Ms. Elizabeth A. Price Dr. and Mrs. John N. Simons Mr. and Mrs. W. Fritz Souder Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Talanges Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Thompson ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Van Kirk
L e gris C ircl e
H umb e rt C ircl e
Named for Rev. Gerisime Pere Legris, SJ, who served as a teacher, counselor, day camp and alumni director and chaplain at Loyola Academy from 1940 to 1994. Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999.
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. Ford S. Bartholow and Dr. Cynthia L. Bartholow The Bokhari Family Mr. and Mrs. David J. Braun Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Deering Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Goldberg ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kolada Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ladurini Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Magner ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Odle Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Reed Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ‘75 Mr. James S. Rowe and Dr. Cynthia L. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sargent ‘88
Xavi e r C ircl e
Named for Francis Xavier, Ignatius Loyola’s closest companion and great apostle to India and the Far East. Includes gifts of $25,000 to $49,999. D umbach C ircl e
Named for Loyola Academy’s founder, Rev. Henry J. Dumbach, SJ. Includes gifts of $15,000 to $24,999. H umb e rt C ircl e
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Includes gifts from $2,500 to $4,999. F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Includes gifts from $1,250 to $2,499. P rincipal’ s C lub
Includes gifts of $750 to $1,249. D e an ’ s C lub
Includes gifts from $500 to $749. Maroon and Gold Club
Includes gifts from $350 to $499. rambl e r ’ s C lub
Includes gifts from $150 to $349.
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Mr. Terrence P. Bannon ‘71 and Ms. Barbara A. Kilian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Drs. Scott C. and Regina P. Brun Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Butler Mr. William T. Caffery Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Callison Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Donato ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Falkenhayn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Finegan Mr. and Mrs. Justin C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hagedorn ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. Charles L. Heekin II Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kariotis Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Kavanagh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kosinski Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Kryscio Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Mr. Peter J. Langas and Mrs. Jacqualine E. Langas LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lyman III ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. McNabola ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Moran Mr. Thomas A. Morehead and Ms. Jean Y. Lin Mr. James J. Morici Jr. and Ms. Patricia M. Naujokas Mr. James Mueller and Ms. Catherine Balentine Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. David M. Neenan Mr. Brian Norton and Dr. Kathryn Grace Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Palmersheim Mr. Michael Parker and Dr. Meredy Parker Mr. and Mrs. William H. Phelan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ross Mr. Mark F. Santacrose ‘77 and Ms. Margaret M. Fiorenza Mr. and Mrs. W. Brennan Smith Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Stadler Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Torain Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Visconti Dr. Nicholas J. Volpe and Dr. Francesca Mattone Volpe Ms. Amy M. Welzer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Zidar P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ashley IV Mr. and Mrs. David A. Balestrery Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. James B. Biery Mr. James W. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Bloomer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braasch Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bredemann ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Callahan Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carlotti Dr. Howard Chrisman and Hon. Amy St. Eve
Mr. Douglas J. Clingan ‘85 and Dr. Beth A. Clingan Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Collins ‘86 Mr. Diarmaid A. Collins and Ms. Sarah N. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Connolly Mr. James R. Cruger and Ms. Marie F. Osadjan Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Larkin S. Flanagan ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Greg S. Fullman Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Funck Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Germano Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Giella Mr. and Mrs. William F. Gilroy Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Graf Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Graham Mr. David E. Haracz ‘79 and Ms. Mary S. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harrington Jr. ‘77 Mr. Brian M. Hayes ‘88 and Mrs. Kathy S. Hayes LdM ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John I. Holton Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Huffman Mrs. Mary A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Johnston Mr. Jeffrey A. Jung and Ms. Lisa Winger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Karlson Dr. William B. Keenan and Dr. Denise K. Au Mr. and Mrs. Jeff A. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kreb Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Largay Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Gerard S. Leider Jr. ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mallahan ‘82 Ms. Karen S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Marwede Mr. and Mrs. Rob McCall Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McDermott Ms. Maureen M. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Meehan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Metzger Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 and Dr. Karin Ulstrup Ms. Kelly Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien ‘84 and Ms. Aimee M. Meccia O’Brien Mr. Ben J. Parma and Mrs. Rowena T. Parma LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Leonel Peralta Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Petersen ‘80 Mr. Andrew C. Ray and Ms. Sara Buchen Ray Mr. and Mrs. Lazar P. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Rider Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rushin Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. San Roman Jr. ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schultz
Ms. Laura J. Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. James A. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Starr IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Starshak Jr. ‘84 Mr. Charles K. Stevens ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sullivan ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Wetoska ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Brent C. White Mr. and Mrs. David R. Yaccino F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan B. Ashurst Dr. and Mrs. Carl Backer Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Beck Mr. and Mrs. John M. Berens ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Birchard Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bodkin Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Boesen ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pierre P. Boustany Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Calk Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Capitani ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Carini ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cichon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coleman ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Costello Dr. and Mrs. John J. Cudecki ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cutler Capt. and Mrs. Michael J. Darcy Mr. Dante L. Domenella and Ms. Ann E. Tenbrunsel Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. Glynn J. Elliott III ‘85 Ms. Francesca M. Fiorante Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Flanagan Sr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Todd Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Glavin Jr. ‘87 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heywood Mr. David G. Hill and Mrs. Theresa A. McGeary Hill Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hoover Dr. and Mrs. Edison Ishaya Mr. and Mrs. Kreg J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. James Kanellitsas Mr. and Mrs. Andy M. Kohl ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Krizman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kubicek Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Leiser ‘79 Mr. Glenn V. Lombardi and Ms. Mary K. Brinati Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne K. MacEwen Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Maschmeyer Mr. Richard McDermott and Ms. Jane E. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Sean H. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Michalek ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mlynek Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Morales
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. O’Brien ‘82 Mr. David Oliveira and Ms. Susan Bermingham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. David P. Pasulka Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mr. Jim Petit and Mrs. Mary F. Petit LdM ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis J. Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Roche Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Roddy ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ruark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan Ms. Catherine M. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick J. Schaupp Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Schoenheider Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan ‘77 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stensby Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John Talaga Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Tata Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tritsis Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Vance Mr. Blase Viti and Mrs. Kristine Viti LdM ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Walker IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiertel Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Wimbiscus and Mrs. Maureen A. Wimbiscus LdM ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Witkowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmermann Jr. ‘83 P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldrich Mr. Paul L. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Stan J. Banas ‘74 Mr. Jonathan M. Booth and Dr. Brenda E. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Michael Borkowski Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Brennan Sr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Broccolo ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Buffo Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Burden ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Burns ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Busscher Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Carlin ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cashion Mr. and Mrs. John G. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Coughlin Mr. Niall M. Cullinane and Ms. Elizabeth A. Crimmins Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Daly ‘80 Mr. Timothy Darragh and Ms. Lynette N. Kerrane Darragh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Davies Sr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Easom Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Ehlman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Evans Margaret and Joseph P. Flanagan ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Foy Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Franke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freda Mr. and Mrs. David L. Froede Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Goodworth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hanhardt ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy Dr. and Mrs. Hector M. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Joel P. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Howard Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Huettl Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Iglar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelly ‘83 Lt. Col. and Mrs. William B. Kelly ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelsh Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Kitchie Mr. Joseph J. Kovera and Ms. Vickie Deanda Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kozloski Mr. Jeffrey P. Later and Ms. Betsy Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. LeBrun Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martinus Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Art W. Mergner Drs. John and Christine Michael Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moran Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moriarity Mr. Mark E. Mullins and Dr. Mindy Nora Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Murphy Jr. Mr. John M. Murphy and Mrs. Catharine Brault Murphy LdM ‘81 Dr. Jane Nani, USN, and Mr. Gary Rogaliner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Naughton Mr. and Mrs. David W. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nickele Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. O’Brien Mr. David M. O’Donnell and Ms. Cheryl A. Collins O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Pasco Mr. and Mrs. James N. Perry Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Phelan ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Phelps Mr. John J. Pikarski Jr. ‘84 Ms. Teriann Pikarski LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. P. Marc Poggioli Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rempe Mr. Ross A. Richards and Mrs. Jean K. Richards LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rourke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Rule ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Schafer ‘87 Mr. Dieter A. Schmitz and Ms. Megan C. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Sexton III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Shearson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Spina ‘80 Mr. Peter Stack and Ms. Lorna Scott Mr. and Mrs. John S. Staley ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stauder Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stoll Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tallis Mr. and Mrs. D. Christopher Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Tilmont Mr. Paul A. Tyska and Mrs. Patricia A. Maher Tyska LdM ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. James Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vanecko ‘83 Ms. Nancy Y. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Zinkula D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Andrew ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anton Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Avery Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Ken J. Bertolucci Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Blockovich Mr. Peter T. Bowen ‘88 and Mrs. Katie L. Bowen LdM ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. James Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Collopy Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cornelison Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Dettling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. DuMez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Dunham Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Fedorak Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Feldheim Mr. Harry D. Foley Drs. Stephen and Anna Folga Mr. Nicholas R. Ford and Ms. Callie l. Baird Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. Christopher W. Gardner ‘80 and Ms. Eileen McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. William G. Harlan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Henning Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Hoover ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hovanec Mr. and Mrs. Deta Itaya Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jarett Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. Rik Lantz and Ms. Ann C. Logue Mr. Donald J. Law and Dr. Teresa M. Law Mr. and Mrs. William H. LeCompte Mr. and Mrs. Grant J. Leech Dr. Timothy M. Lestingi ‘80 and Ms. Mary Jo Janezic Mr. Vincent P. Loeffler III and Mrs. Susan A. Loeffler LdM ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Magee Mr. and Mrs. David Manna Mr. and Mrs. George Marks Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Ms. Sharon A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moran Ms. Jeannette Needham-Semaca and Mr. Nick Semaca Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ogorzaly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Paquin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Petrich Mr. and Mrs. James J. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Pinelli ‘71 Mr. Matthew S. Ponzi and Ms. Ann M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Post Mr. Jay J. Poydence and Mrs. Eileen M. Poydence LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Prassas ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Quackenbush Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Reardon Ms. Jeanne M. Reynolds LdM ‘79 and Mr. Thomas R. Fallon Mr. Jeffrey Richmond and Dr. Mary Beth Richmond Mr. John Rux and Ms. Angela Lapid Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saletta ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. John Saliba Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Salter Dr. and Mrs. Jorge F. Saucedo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Savarie Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Schermerhorn ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Anton T. Schirmang Sr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shiel Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sullivan ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tamisiea Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thies Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Topping Dr. and Mrs. George F. Warga ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watts M aroon and G old C lub
Dr. and Mrs. Ghassan Aldurra Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Alvarado Mr. Phil C. Angotti and Ms. Kathleen McElderry Mr. and Mrs. Royce R. Bedward Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bigus Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Bish Mr. and Mrs. James C. Brennan Mrs. Elizabeth Brombach Mr. Ben A. Buettell Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Burke ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Rafael S. Carreira Ms. Emma C. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cirignani Mr. and Mrs. Neal Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ian de Hueck Mr. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 and Mrs. Danielle L. Desherow LdM ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic D. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dooley III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Carey M. Dowdle ‘74 Mr. John A. Dunkas and Dr. Teresa A. Hubka Dunkas Mr. Michael W. Edwards and Dr. Lori W. Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Egan Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Colin J. Gubbins Mr. Young Taik Ha and Ms. Sunghee Bang Mr. Steven G. Hall and Ms. Claudia L. Dawley Ms. Mevlo Hoxha Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huber Mr. and Mrs. David W. Johnson Ms. Patricia A. Kalal-Guanci Ms. Beth O. Kane Mr. Michael J. Kane Sr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kielba Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kilian Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Koerner Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lalor Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Lazar Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lazzaretto Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKeough Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQuillen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Menconi Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Migely ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Moran Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Niewiarowski Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Gara ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Norton F. O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pieroni Mr. Jeffrey J. Preston and Ms. Janet C. Davies Mrs. Julie P. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Repp Mr. and Mrs. William F. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Tony M. Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rockhold Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Roder Jr. Mr. Edmund J. Rossini ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Rueth Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russell Mr. Vernon Sebby and Mrs. Mary Anne Nash Sebby LdM ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Sheble ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. John O. Stanton ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Tessier Dr. Leonardo Vargas and Ms. Irene Valerio
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Waltman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Wetoska ‘87 R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Achtel Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ahearne Mr. Jason J. Alcazar and Ms. Lynda Olivera Alcazar Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Arkus Mr. and Mrs. William L. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Badovinac Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ball Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Ms. Florita Barros-Kilroy and Mr. William Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bennett Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bergin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Betz Sr. Mr. Jerry D. Bischoff and Ms. Toi D. Houston Mr. Antonio A. Bismonte Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Boersma Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boleky Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Boos Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bright ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Buhrmaster Ms. Ellen Burke LdM ‘74 and Mr. Douglas J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mike J. Burton Mr. and Mrs. William Capodanno Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Carr ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Cassidy ‘82 Mrs. Eileen M. Castrovillari Mr. and Mrs. Joonho Cheon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Choate Mr. and Mrs. H. Glen Clarke III ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Luis Collado Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Conway ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Crilly ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Divane ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dooley ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dormin ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dowdle ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dreher Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Drury Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dwyer ‘80 Ms. Lynn M. Egan Mr. Michael E. Elisha RIP Mr. Don J. Engels Jr. ‘81 and Mrs. Julie A. Engels LdM ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Eshoo Mr. and Mrs. Christian W. Fabian Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frisch Mr. and Mrs. John Furton Mr. Austin Garfield and Ms. Claudia Learned Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Geary Mr. John George and Ms. Jennifer Lampshire Mr. Robert B. Goldman and Ms. Anne M. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Gombac Mr. Yesid H. Gonzalez-Rodriguez and Ms. Monica Velez Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Goss Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Grande
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Parents continued
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Murnane ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Nash ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Neumeyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Green Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Greisch ‘77 Mr. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Olds Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Gurda Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Malley ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Todd B. Haitz Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hartsig Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Paden Jr. Ms. Kathleen Harwood Mr. Kenneth W. Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hebson ‘81 Ms. Concepcion A. Borbon Ms. Anne F. Heekin Dr. and Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hess Paxson ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Mr. Ralph A. Pergams and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hitt Jr. ‘83 Ms. Margaret M. Wilhelm Mr. William F. Hough and Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Ramsay Dr. Margaret A. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reger ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Ken M. House Mr. Gregory P. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Richmond ‘82 Mrs. Patricia Hyland-Bowman Mr. Brian E. Ritzenthaler and Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson Mrs. Ann M. Ritzenthaler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jardeleza LdM ‘85 Dr. Carrie A. Jaworski Mr. and Mrs. Ismael E. Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Don Jenkins Ms. Maria L. Rodriguez-Mandeville Ms. Mary Ellen Jobczynski Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Russell Sr. Mrs. Vicki R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Satter Mr. and Mrs. John O. Joyce Mr. Peter Schlossman and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Joyce ‘84 Ms. Sara Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Juhasz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Schueler Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Kalayjian Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Scott Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kaminski Mr. Stephen J. Serio and Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kane Jr. ‘87 Dr. Michelle P. Serio Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly ‘83 Mr. Mark G. Sheridan and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Kennedy Dr. Mary M. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Kindelin Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Shortal Mr. and Mrs. Henry King Mr. Len Siegal and Ms. Cathy Stix Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Koehn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slusher Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sneed Jr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Krysa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sowa Mr. Kuaku O. Kwakye and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spallone ‘85 Ms. Angelina Kubi Kwakye Mr. Dan Steenstrup and Ms. Catherine La Plante-Guin Ms. Maria Mooshil Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. LaTorraca ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Laughlin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Swenson Mr. William L. Lederer and Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Symank Mrs. Mary O. Lederer LdM ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Leinenweber Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Tazioli ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Trapp Ms. Diana Lin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Udelhofen Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Lodarek Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weschler Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Lynch ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John Wijas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Hon. Thomas V. Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Wilson Mrs. Margo T. Lyons LdM ‘77 Mr. Roger L. Worrell and Ms. Sandra Marinic Dr. Deanna L. Monroe Ms. Debbie N. Marland Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Yapp Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Mathewson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McCabe ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCabe Zigmond ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. James G. McCarthy ‘84 O th e r D onors Mr. and Mrs. William T. McCormick Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McFadden III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allen Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Steve C. Andolino Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McHugh Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Angelus III Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Arman Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Mellin Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Arroyo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merucci Mr. and Mrs. Jorge L. Asencio Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Milsky Mr. Richard Ashbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Heath Mitts Mr. Benjamin B. Atakora and Mr. and Mrs. John Montaquila Mrs. Lucy Asare Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Moorehouse Ms. Gloria K. Athanis Dr. and Mrs. David Morgan Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Avalos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Morrill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bachert Mr. and Mrs. John Mouflouzelis Mr. and Mrs. Hootan Bahmandeji Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mulcrone Dr. and Mrs. Julian E. Bailes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mullen
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Balsam Dr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Barger Mr. Patrick G. Barrett and Mrs. Bridget M. Barrett LdM ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bascon- O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baumeister Mr. James M. Beck ‘82 and Dr. Julie A. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Beresheim Ms. Leanne M. Bertucci Ms. Agnes Bieniek Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Blindt Mr. and Mrs. John A. Blomquist Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Boehm Mr. and Mrs. James Bolotin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Bonner ‘80 Ms. Natalie Boscia Ms. Erin M. Bourke Mr. John J. Bourke Sr. ‘80 Ms. Deirdre C. Brekke Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brown Jr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. John Bruckner Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Ms. Stephanie M. Buettell Ms. Karen Burey Mr. and Mrs. Mike J. Byron Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker Jr. and Ms. Donnelly D. Devereaux Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callans Ms. Christa E. Callies Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Cannizzaro ‘76 Ms. Kelly Capek Mr. and Mrs. Richard Capra Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cassier Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Celio Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cheaks Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cherian Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chesney Mr. Christopher F. Chmelar ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Cloherty Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Coco Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Comerford Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Conley Drs. Peter and Elisabeth Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Craddock ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cullen Ms. Jeanne M. Cushing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cushing ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cusick Mr. and Mrs. James V. Daffada Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. D’Aloia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Daly ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. James D. D’Amico Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Daniels Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Dare ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Decwikiel Mr. and Mrs. Alberto M. De Gala Hon. and Mrs. James A. DeLeo Mr. Orlando J. Delgado Jr. and Ms. Diane M. Laborde Delgado Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Demakos Mr. and Mrs. Dante C. De Vera Mr. and Mrs. John DiSilvestro Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. DiSilvestro Mr. and Mrs. David M. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Ashor Elia Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ellingsen Mrs. Susan I. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. John L. Enghauser
Mr. Alvaro Escalante and Mrs. Olga M. Robaina Escalante Mrs. Angela C. Estey Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Fahrenbach ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Faoro Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Felish Ms. Joan Ferraro Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Ferstel ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Bryan M. Foley ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen X. Foley Jr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Foley ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fox ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fox ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Franco Ms. Ann B. Galassini Mr. Timothy R. Galassini Mr. John Gallagher Ms. Kathleen A. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gapp Mr. and Mrs. John Gariti Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Gaughan Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gerbel Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gierut Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Gordon III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Javier Gorostiaga Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Grant Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Greener Drs. Roop and Anupam Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hadley Mr. Jack Hagerty and Mrs. Ann L. Hagerty LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hagman Mr. Michael Halaseh and Ms. Mariana Alfar Mr. Joseph W. Hanafee and Ms. Elizabeth V. LaPlante Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Hand Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hanley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shamus Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. James F. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James Haughey Mr. and Mrs. Sean L. Heffernan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Heldring Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Henn Mr. John M. Hermanek and Ms. Mary M. Drill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hession Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Ralf Hilpuesch Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Hines Mr. and Mrs. James Hoban Mr. William M. Hoffmann and Ms. Beth M. Linnen Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrvojevic Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hughes ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Ingrassia Mrs. Lucia Jakubow Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Jalloway Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Janson ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. Jaros Dr. Marion G. Jelcz and Dr. Nancy A. Nora Mr. and Mrs. Nick A. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Dragomir Jovanovic Mr. and Mrs. John R. Joyce Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kane ‘86 Mr. Karlo M. Karacic and Dr. Theresa L. Karacic Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Kebr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Keefe ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Kelly Mrs. Stephanie C. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Kempf III Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Klauke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kory ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Kotowski ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koziol Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Krackenberger ‘94 Dr. and Mrs. Chris E. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. John E. Krzeczkowski Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kummerer Mr. Brantley S. Kustwin and Ms. Esther A. Casey Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lamoree Jr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. LeClercq III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. LeVert Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Licudine ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Liebers Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Lifvendahl Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Littau ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Loper Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Loquercio Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ludwig Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Lyman III ‘76 Mr. Patrick M. Lynch and Ms. Mary C. Cadigan Mr. Jack E. MacIntosh Dr. and Mrs. Richard Maddalozzo Mr. and Mrs. James C. Malles Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Marchiori Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Marquez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Martin III Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Kazimierz Mazurek Ms. Bernadette M. McAloon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Jordan E. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. McGann Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McKermitt Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. John K. McMahon Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terence L. McTague Mr. and Mrs. David Melsheimer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Melson Mr. and Mrs. Ashish Merchant Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Miller Mr. Wade Miquelon Mr. and Dr. Thomas Molloy Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Mugnolo Mr. and Mrs. John B. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Murphy Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murray ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Bartley J. Nee Mr. Gregory Neff and Mrs. Jane Reinhardt Neff Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nichol Mr. John F. Norton and Dr. Michele T. Bogacki Mr. and Mrs. John Novi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Colm T. O’Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Oddo Mrs. Mary L. O’Doherty Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Donoghue ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. O’Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Olavarria Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Olivera Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John K. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Owen Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Papakyriacou Mr. Jeff W. Peistrup Ms. Margaret A. Pereira Mr. Ramon Perez and Ms. Alison R. Cassity Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Pesmen Mr. and Mrs. Remo Picchietti Mr. and Mrs. Arnelio Pilac Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pinkerton Mr. and Mrs. Emil Piro Ms. Rosie Portera Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Power Mr. and Mrs. George J. Powers Mr. Gerard E. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. Antonio M. Prieto Mr. and Mrs. P. Timothy Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rahlfs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Rascia Mr. and Mrs. John Regnier Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Rejebian Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rios Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Juan J. Rocha Mrs. Maria P. Rominger Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Roti ‘76 Ms. Julie M. Ruddy Mr. Thomas M. Ruddy Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Russell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Rutkowski Drs. Benny and Natalia Ruz Mr. Paul T. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Sadera Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Sajnaj Mr. and Mrs. Francis Samuelson Mrs. Carmela Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Vince A. Sanfratello Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Saperstein Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Sassen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Scala Dr. Robert A. Scheidt and Dr. Laura M. Haugh Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Scolaro Ms. Cecilia M. Shave Mr. John T. Shave Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Ali Shilati Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sidkey Mr. Byron P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Smith Mrs. Kathleen A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Smolinski Mr. and Mrs. Don O. Spagnolo ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Stanton ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Stanton ‘86 Ms. Laura Stempien Ms. Monique Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. James B. Sugrue Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sullivan Mr. Harry T. Swanson and Mrs. Bettina E. Swanson LdM ‘85 Dr. Michal C. Szczupak and Mrs. Iwona B. Sikorski Szczupak Mr. Andrew C. Szymanski Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tiongson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Tom Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Totaro Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Travers Mrs. Jennifer Trimble Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Troiano Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tsakalios Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tully Ms. Jennifer Turner Mr. Joseph H. Ulowetz and Ms. Mary R. Savitsky Ulowetz Mr. and Mrs. Steven VanDusen Mr. and Mrs. Mikhail G. Vatchko Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Elias A. Voulgaris ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wehman Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John Wills Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Evan M. Wolf Mrs. Laura A. Yasko Mr. and Mrs. David R. Zahn Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zapart Ms. Kimberly M. Zeman-Walker Mr. and Mrs. John G. Zern
Class of
1931 Xavi e r C ircl e
Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs RIP
Class of
Class Participation 2.3% M aroon and G old C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. J. Michael Hartnett Mr. Edmund B. Josler Mr. F. Vern Lahart O th e r D onors
Mr. Richard J. Garrity Dr. Bruce R. Jagor Mr. Francis J. Maloney Dr. John C. Tobin
Class of
Class Participation 8.1% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Daniel J. Kehoe Mr. Robert K. Murphy O th e r D onors
Mr. Nicholas E. Bedessem Mr. Joseph B. Connolly Mr. William D. Driscoll Mr. Robert J. Haselsteiner Mr. John G. Marhoefer
Class of
Class Participation 13.5% L e gris C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. John B. Barranco Mr. Jerome N. Groark Mr. Thomas J. Hebson Mr. Gerard C. Hillsman Mr. John E. McCann Jr. Mr. Donald W. McKenzie Dr. William J. Newell Mr. B. Michael Pallasch Mr. John C. Pinter Jr. Mr. James J. Schumann O th e r D onors
Mr. James A. Coleman Mr. Roy L. Fabbrini Jr. Mr. Peter D. Fitzgerald Dr. James M. Killian Mr. Daniel J. McMahon
Mr. George M. Baker
Mr. Robert L. Berner Jr. Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker
D e an ’ s C lub
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Richard W. Larkin
Mr. Francis J. Gerlits
M aroon and G old C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Class Participation 5.0%
Mr. Louis A. Lehr
M aroon and G old C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Joseph L. Waldvogel
Dr. Thomas A. McDermott
Mr. Arthur R. Greenwood Mr. Michael J. McNulty Mr. Albert E. Pyott Mr. Richard N. Theriault
O th e r D onors
O th e r D onors
O th e r D onors
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Philip A. Schaack
Mr. James E. Brennwald Mr. Eugene L. Mitchell Jr.
Mr. Cushman B. Bissell Jr. Mr. James J. Lesniak Mr. James W. Martin Mr. Robert C. Simon Mr. James B. Strong Mr. Gerard J. Theisen
Mr. Marshal I. McMahon
Mr. Larry Donoghue
Class of
Class of
Class Participation 3.1% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. James W. O’Hara
Class of
Class Participation 16.9% D umbach C ircl e
Mr. J. Philip Reichmann Jr. RIP
Class of
Class Participation 6.1% M aroon and G old C lub
Rev. Joseph F. O’Reilly R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Charles J. Mennes Mr. Leonard R. Niemiec
Class of
Class Participation 5.8% R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Robert F. Stephan
Class of
Class Participation 1.3%
Mr. F. Robert Kerrigan R ambl e r ’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
Dr. James J. Bransfield Dr. Frank J. Seidl
Class of
Class Participation 13.1% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Edwin L. Ryan Jr.
Mr. Fred R. Egloff D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. John J. McHugh Mr. Thomas L. McRaith Jr. Mr. Philip O. White Jr. R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Ralph D. Considine Mr. John A. Degnan Mr. James H. Ferguson Mr. Dennis J. Price Mr. Alan E. Samuelson Mr. James J. Ward
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Raymond E. Fink Sr.
Mr. Robert J. Foley Mr. James G. Gannon Mr. Thomas G. Schleiter Dr. John A. Striebel Mr. Michael P. Wrenn
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
O th e r D onors
P rincipal’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Thomas P. O’Malley
Mr. Robert D. McHugh
Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. John A. Hafner
H umb e rt C ircl e
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Louis J. Glunz III Mr. John J. Schornack Mr. Richard H. Vlerick Mr. James J. Maloney Mr. Charles A. Whittingham
Class Participation 16.3%
Mr. Edward G. Denten
Class Participation 10.5%
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Dr. Gerald R. Blake Mr. Leo P. Finn Dr. Warren W. Furey III Mr. Theodore P. Kral Mr. James T. Revord
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
O th e r D onors
Mr. Joseph C. Fenner Mr. Robert T. O’Brien RIP
Class of
Class of
O th e r D onors
Mr. Richard M. Citti Mr. Charles M. Collins Jr. Mr. James M. Daly II Mr. E. Ralph Egloff Mr. James C. Martin Jr.
Class of
Class Participation 20.5% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Dr. James J. Burden Mr. Paul J. Gerlach
Class of
Class Participation 21.4% L e gris C ircl e
Mr. John Paul Glunz Sr. Mr. Richard A. Shantz P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. James J. O’Sullivan Jr. M aroon and G old C lub
Adm. Robert B. Abele, USN (Ret) Mr. Edwin B. McConville R ambl e r ’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Jerome R. Prassas Mr. Richard E. Shea
Mr. Ronald A. Carr Mr. George J. Dramis Jr. Mr. Peter F. Gamber Mr. George B. Kearney Mr. John T. Kennedy Mr. John C. Koller Mr. Robert M. Niesen Mr. Lambert J. VonBank
Class Participation 10.8%
Mr. John J. Lane
M aroon and G old C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Frederick H. Pape
Mr. Donald J. Dodereau
Mr. Ronald M. Pontius Mr. G. Gale Roberson Jr.
O th e r D onors
M aroon and G old C lub
O th e r D onors
Mr. Louis J. Desmet
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Raymond L. Berry Jr. D e an ’ s C lub
Class of
Dr. James B. Cloonan Mr. William J. Corbett III
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. Mr. Richard J. Mizerny D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Eugene D. Feit Mr. Thomas M. Finnegan
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Class of 1953 continued
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Jerome E. Hickey Mr. Frank J. Hogan Mr. Earl J. Freise Dr. Kevin P. Glynn Mr. Thomas J. Henry Dr. William E. Marshall Col. John W. Peters Mr. Joseph A. Rice III Mr. John H. Scheid Mr. Leo J. Sheridan Mr. Richard H. Whelan
Class of
Class Participation 25.7% H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. William L. O’Bryan P rincipal’ s C lub
Dr. James T. Bolan Mr. Jerome L. Duffy Mr. Kurt F. Lang Mr. Terrence J. MacLean Mr. John E. Owens Jr. Dr. Eugene P. Sinclair Mr. Peter J. Wrenn D e an ’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Edward A. Heberg Jr. Mr. David S. Mann Mr. Robert P. O’Meara Mr. William M. Plante D e an ’ s C lub
Dr. John R. Griffin Mr. William C. McFarland M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. David G. Burden Mr. Gerald J. McGivern R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. John T. Dempsey Mr. Edward A. Jackson Mr. Norman P. Lind Mr. John F. Littau Mr. Peter M. Marino Mr. Dennis J. McDermott Mr. Ralph W. Murphy Mr. William J. Nellis Dr. Jerome E. Schoen O th e r D onors
Mr. John C. Brons RIP Mr. John B. Cashion Mr. John R. Macnamara P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. F. Quinn Stepan Sr.
Mr. H. Patrick Kelly RIP M aroon and G old C lub
Dr. Kenneth J. Printen Mr. William J. Rooney Mr. R. James Seeberg R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. John T. Bycraft III Mr. Frederick P. Geyser Jr. Mr. Frank A. Healy Mr. J. Peter Irmiter Mr. Kenneth R. Jansen Dr. J. Kimball Kehoe Mr. Robert E. Moroney Mr. Duane J. Murner Mr. Timothy J. Murtaugh III Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw Mr. Edward G. O’Malley Mr. John W. Philbin Mr. Philip G. Prassas O th e r D onors
Rev. M. Joseph Casey, SJ Mr. Charles F. Caufield Mr. Samuel T. Cowling Mr. Albert J. Glueckert Mr. Lawrence F. Loughlin Mr. Walter A. Ovaert Mr. Hugh P. Plunkett Mr. John C. Schaffer Mr. John F. Smith III Mr. James F. Walsh
Class of
Class Participation 17.1% H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. William F. Dooley
Class Participation 15.1% I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. L e gris C ircl e
Mr. John T. Nugent
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Dr. John R. Durburg Dr. James P. Tasto
Class of
Class Participation 11.7% I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. William A. McIntosh D umbach C ircl e
Mr. Patrick J. Kearney F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Henry E. Mawicke Mr. Thomas J. O’Keefe Dr. Donald C. Parker RIP Mr. Brian B. Whalen Mr. G. Daniel Zally D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. John J. Garvey Mr. Vincent D. Vinci Sr. R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. David R. Bryant Dr. Edward M. Colbach Mr. Richard F. Geimer Mr. Philip R. Murtaugh O th e r D onors
Mr. Denis J. Owens Mr. Michael T. Wiegand
Class of
Class Participation 16.1% F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John E. Callahan Mr. Henry J. Feeley Jr. P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. John A. O’Loughlin M aroon and G old C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Hon. Michael B. Bolan
Mr. Richard A. Devine
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
D e an ’ s C lub
Capt. James A. Biggins Mr. Edward W. Fitzgerald Jr. Mr. Richard W. Glueckert Mr. Martin J. Harty Mr. James H. Hughes Mr. Philip J. Jones Mr. Richard J. Kenney Mr. John A. Stemwedel
Mr. Dennis M. Amaturo Mr. Lawrence J. McPartlin Mr. John J. Oelerich
O th e r D onors
Mr. Vincent J. Graham Jr. Mr. Michael L. Griffin Mr. Charles R. Harrity Mr. John F. McCormick Mr. James R. McDonnell Mr. William R. Otter Jr. Mr. Stephen J. Sennott Mr. Robert J. Thornton
Mr. Richard H. Balog Mr. Charles “Pat” A. Boyle Col. Dennis M. Cunneen Mr. Ralph J. Kownacki Mr. Dale C. Leonard Mr. Robert A. Lloyd Mr. Bruce E. Noble Dr. Robert S. Rohde Mr. Peter Shepherd
Class of
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Jay L. Doty Mr. James S. Hogan Sr.
Mr. P. Wayne Ziebell
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Thomas J. Cavanagh
Mr. Dennis M. Crean Mr. Gerard A. Swick
P rincipal’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Frank J. Cihak Mr. Thomas E. Kneafsey Mr. Edward J. McAdams III Mr. Robert F. Toland Mr. William J. Trapp
Mr. James R. Dempsey Mr. John E. Grimes Mr. Anton R. Iberle Mr. William H. Kelly
Anonymous Prof. Thomas M. Pendergast
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Patrick J. Barry
Mr. James H. Cronin Jr. Mr. Edward T. Kennedy III
M aroon and G old C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Bruce R. DeMaeyer Mr. Lawrence Z. Greenley Rev. Thomas P. Henehan, MM Mr. Robert J. Stankiewicz Dr. Gary K. Burger Mr. Arthur N. Cordell Dr. Alexander J. De Grand Mr. Thomas A. Kloempken Mr. Richard P. Merrill Mr. Jerome C. Neyer Mr. William P. O’Keefe Jr. O th e r D onors
Mr. James Allan III Mr. James T. Ferrini
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. John T. Crilly Mr. Wilbert F. Crowley Mr. Vincent R. Daley Jr. Mr. Joseph B. Glunz Sr. Mr. Michael A. Hanlon Mr. Robert J. Isbell Mr. James P. McCarthy Jr. Mr. Raymond A. Mitchell Mr. William C. Weinsheimer O th e r D onors
Mr. Charles J. Budinger Mr. Bernard A. Hennig Jr. Mr. Sheldon H. Moore Dr. Kenneth A. Potocki Mr. Jeffrey R. Vertenten
Mr. James B. Blacklidge
Class Participation 14.4%
Dr. John J. Kottra
Class of
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. James J. Salvatore Mr. Joseph A. Toland Jr.
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. William J. Braasch
L e gris C ircl e
P l e dg e Paym e nts
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
P l e dg e Paym e nt
Class Participation 12.7%
Class of
Mr. Thomas T. Hoskins III Mr. F. Michael Stockreiter
Mr. Richard F. Dooley Jr.
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Class of
Mr. A. Michael Kakuska Mr. Hugh A. Sweeney
Class Participation 11.6% Mr. Timothy J. Leahy
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Carl E. Moore Jr. P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Patrick T. Driscoll Jr. D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Carl M. Buss Mr. George T. Coleman
M aroon and G old C lub
Dr. Michael J. Hogan Mr. Francis F. Roti R ambl e r ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
Mr. Paul M. Drucker Mr. James M. Hayes Mr. Patrick W. Kennedy Mr. John E. Mack Mr. J. Brian McDonnell Mr. Andrew W. Runge Mr. William R. Sullivan Jr. Mr. Robert W. Tarjan Mr. Alexander J. Topp III P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Ronald V. Berger Dr. Paul W. Boltz RIP Mr. Richard A. Devine Dr. Patrick C. Gibbons Mr. Michael L. Griffin Mr. Jay S. Kramer Mr. Martin J. Lane Mr. Denis B. O’Keefe Mr. Robert A. Schultz Dr. George F. Seidenbecker Mr. Cornelius J. Sullivan Mr. Robert W. Tarjan
Class of
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. William S. Barranco Jr. Mr. George T. Cenar Jr. Mr. Michael K. Cox Mr. Paul W. Hitzelberger Mr. J. Douglas Hofherr Mr. Patrick D. Kelly Mr. George W. Luetkemeyer RIP Dr. William R. Pendergast O th e r D onors
Mr. Thomas M. Blake Mr. William T. Breen Dr. Warren J. Busscher Mr. John D. Byrnes Jr. Mr. Richard O. Castro Dr. Francis V. Cook Capt. Dwight David Fisher Mr. John E. Flatley Mr. John P. Gottschalk Mr. John F. Hamilton Mr. A. Joseph Harrison Mr. Frederick D. Keady Mr. Stephen R. Kennedy Mr. Robert W. Kepner Jr. Mr. James L. Lyons Col. James M. Murphy, USAF (Ret) Mr. Robert J. Murphy Jr. Mr. Thomas K. Plunkett Mr. Michael P. Scott Mr. Clifford J. Smoluch Mr. James K. Toohey Mr. John T. Walsh P l e dg e Paym e nts
Dr. Edward W. Bough Mr. William T. Breen Dr. Edmund R. Donoghue Mr. Terrence P. Doyle Mr. John E. Flatley Dr. Carl J. Gebuhr Mr. J. Joseph Griffin Mr. John F. Hamilton Mr. Edward D. Meintzer Mr. Donald A. Pantle Mr. Joseph M. Robinson Mr. Robert F. Sennott Jr. Mr. Clifford J. Smoluch Mr. James R. Voss Dr. Robert H. Wozniak
Class of
Class Participation 7.4% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Daniel V. Considine F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Lee T. Polk P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Arthur B. Collins
Class Participation 14.8%
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
D umbach C ircl e
Capt. James S. Baumstark, USN (Ret) Mr. Martin L. Durlacher Dr. John H. Gerding Hon. Arthur H. Gross Mr. Patrick H. Hughes Mr. Thomas K. Leahy Mr. John D. Mitchell Mr. Michael M. O’Brien
Mr. James R. Voss
Mr. Phillip J. Butzen Mr. Robert D. Riedy Mr. John A. Stevens Mr. Anthony E. Valentino Mr. Lorin E. Volberding Sr.
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
D e an ’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
O th e r D onors
Mr. Edwin R. Dunn
Mr. Edward A. Oehler F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. L. Robert Pasquesi Mr. George P. Sullivan Jr. D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. J. Joseph Griffin Mr. James A. Quinn
Mr. Richard M. Jordan Col. Jeffrey H. Markey Mr. Norman X. Raidl M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Charles H. Ketteman R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Edward J. Murray Mr. James C. Runkle
O th e r D onors
Mr. Raymond F. Ferrara Mr. Robert E. Gorman Mr. John R. Graham Dr. Robert J. Hartman Mr. Francis T. Kirwin Mr. James J. Nagle Mr. Robert W. Thomas
Class of
Class Participation 23.4% I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. Philip A. Marineau H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Daniel J. O’Donovan III Mr. E. William Rugen Mr. Robert J. Weskamp L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Daniel J. Callahan Mr. John N. Gavin P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Thomas F. White F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Philip E. Collins Mr. George C. Delaney Jr. Mr. William H. Edwards Jr. Mr. James F. Foley Mr. Raymond J. Heinz Hon. Michael J. Hogan Mr. Douglas R. Kaiser Mr. James L. Lubawski Mr. Thomas J. Mikos Mr. Barry J. Mitchell Mr. Vincent Charles Scully III P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Thomas M. Kennedy Mr. Alexander T. McIntosh Mr. Robert G. Ratcliffe Jr. Mr. Allan C. Versino D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Dennis J. Cech Mr. Charles J. Conrad Mr. Brian F. Crowe Mr. Alvin G. Dempsey Dr. Daniel E. Gewartowski Mr. Michael D. Groark Dr. James C. Kleeman Dr. Joseph R. Lentino Mr. Robert D. Leydon Mr. James M. Mann Mr. William J. McDermott Mr. Kevin W. Rassas Mr. Ralph C. Spooner Mr. Gregory D. Stevens M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. J. Terry Franke Mr. William J. McDonnell Mr. John J. Murphy R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Rev. Mr. John A. Baier Mr. Gerald J. Black Mr. Michael C. Conway Mr. Joseph P. Dunne Mr. Barry K. Evans Mr. Richard J. Fleming Mr. Robert G. Hammer Mr. Robert A. Innocenzi Mr. David L. Kabat
Mr. J. Peter Maloney Mr. Brian R. McCormick Mr. Patrick W. O’Brien Mr. John P. O’Callaghan Mr. Ronald A. Papini Mr. Michael J. Pettinger Mr. Robert C. Phillips Dr. Philip J. Rettig Mr. James A. Roche Mr. Mel J. Thillens Mr. James E. Vahey O th e r D onors
Dr. Richard N. Altieri Capt. Stephen R. Arends Mr. James E. Degnan Jr. Mr. David R. Delano III Mr. Robert B. Foreman Mr. Brian M. Henehan Mr. Charles P. Kelsey Mr. Richard L. Krause Mr. Robert J. Krueger Mr. Richard V. Lynch Jr. Mr. Eugene A. McEwen Jr. Mr. Robert F. McIntyre Mr. John H. Moran Jr. Mr. George M. Quinn Mr. Richard J. Schinler Mr. Donald T. Sheridan Mr. John M. Struhar Jr. Mr. Charles K. Swanson P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Philip A. Marineau Mr. John G. Schreiber
Class of
Class Participation 5.6% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Dr. Christopher Jordan F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. James R. Flaherty P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. C. Lawrence Connolly III Mr. John J. Langdon D e an ’ s C lub
Dr. Glenn S. Forbes Mr. Stephen D. Killian Mr. Joseph W. Koss Mr. Thomas M. Lera R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Arthur F. Morelli Mr. John T. Rank Mr. Timothy M. Rose O th e r D onors
Mr. Paul D. Buckley Mr. Patrick J. Deeley Jr. Mr. Brian P. Kozlowski Mr. Michael E. Roeder Mr. James B. Russo Mr. Norbert J. Wojtanowski
Class of
Class Participation 9.2% L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Thomas D. Foley
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John D. Marshall Mr. Christopher Q. Stephan F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Dr. Charles A. Thorsen III P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Adrian Ivancevich Mr. Peter J. McMenamin, PT Mr. William E. Muno Mr. Howard Pritchard Mr. Richard C. Rushkewicz O th e r D onors
Mr. Paul T. Prikos Mr. James A. Smith Jr. Mr. John A. Sullivan
Dr. Patrick J. Fahey Mr. Marshall V. Kearney III Mr. John J. Venet Mr. John E. Zarek
D e an ’ s C lub
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Dr. Anthony W. Savino Mr. Mark D. Steffens
Mr. William T. O’Donnell Jr.
M aroon and G old C lub
Class of
Mr. Lawrence J. Eiden Mr. Mark G. Jacobs Mr. Patrick B. Nuccio Mr. Keith P. Schoeneberger
P rincipal’ s C lub
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Dr. James L. Fox Jr. Mr. Michael J. O’Rourke Mr. William H. Schniedwind
Mr. Timothy J. Cooney
Dr. Charles L. O’Brien Dr. John M. Ortinau Dr. John L. Vander Schilden Mr. Robert E. Hamer
Mr. Timothy L. Flanagan Dr. Michael P. Kennedy Mr. Donald P. Keuth Mr. Ferdinand M. Minelli Mr. James J. O’Keefe Mr. Michael J. Samis Mr. James A. Tracy
Mr. William J. Doyle
Mr. Kevin C. Amhaus Mr. Peter J. Chaput Mr. John A. Dore Mr. Thomas M. Kent Mr. James R. O’Connor Mr. Robert J. Schmalfeld Mr. John T. Spellman
O th e r D onors
Mr. James R. Flood Judge John L. Huff Mr. James E. Hussey Mr. John P. Hussey Mr. James L. Jackson Mr. Brian P. McIntyre Mr. W. Kurt Meier Mr. Robert M. Rushkewicz Mr. Richard M. Schmalfeld Mr. John Q. Springer Mr. Richard E. Sullivan
Class of
Class Participation 8.6% Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. William T. O’Donnell Jr. H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Mark K. Lahey P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John W. Amberg Mr. J. Jeffrey Geldermann Mr. Mark S. Seeberg F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John B. Sheridan P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. Mr. David K. McNulty D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Vincent P. Cook Mr. John E. Dwyer III Mr. Robert B. Hamilton M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Michael S. Meyers Mr. William F. Poland
Mr. John E. Benz III P rincipal’ s C lub
Dr. Daniel J. Culkin Mr. Joseph T. Daly III Mr. Bradley N. Edwards D e an ’ s C lub
Anonymous Mr. Joseph H. DiClementi Mr. Donald J. Goschy Mr. Donald J. Healy Jr. M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. John F. Goldrick Mr. John C. Schniedwind R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. R. Dennis Donoghue Mr. Patrick B. Kenny Dr. Thomas J. Kuehn Mr. William F. Masterson Jr. Dr. Paul D. Moore Mr. John M. Phillips O th e r D onors
Dr. Peter D. Donofrio Mr. Robert W. Hunt Dr. Edmund J. Jung Dr. Thomas R. Malek Mr. Michael R. Mals Mr. James M. McMenamin Mr. David W. Morrison Mr. James S. Stanis Mr. Gary G. Stanton Mr. J. Gregory Theisen Mr. William B. Von Holdt Mr. Richard J. Witry P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. Mathias A. Klein III
Class of
Class Participation 7.0%
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. James W. Ford Mr. Jerome L. Gavin Mr. James C. Hayes Mr. Mark D. Hinchy
Mr. Robert J. Bates Jr. Mr. James G. Grafft Mr. James J. McNulty
Mr. John L. Donnelly Mr. Vincent D. Pinelli Mr. R. Frederick Seebeck Jr.
Mr. John F. Kelly III Mr. John C. Naughton Mr. Patrick J. O’Rourke Mr. James L. Powell Mr. Philip K. Serwich O th e r D onors
Mr. George M. Baker Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Garrity Dr. Robert C. Kissel D e an ’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Xavi e r C ircl e
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
P rincipal’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
Class Participation 9.0%
Mr. Joseph E. Valenti Jr.
Mr. John C. Altman RIP Mr. Henry A. Proesel II
D e an ’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
L e gris C ircl e
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Kevin M. Finley Dr. Raymond A. McDermott III Mr. T. Gregory Mieczynski Mr. David J. Moore Mr. John E. Musker R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Gerard A. Brost Mr. David G. Gleason Dr. Thomas F. Gleason Mr. Robert E. Hyde Dr. Brian J. Krakora Mr. Michael J. Miotti Mr. Patrick M. O’Day Mr. Charles F. Scholl Jr.
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Michael J. O’Rourke
Class of
O th e r D onors
Class Participation 5.3% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John T. Hickey Jr.
Mr. Mark F. Danielak Mr. Thomas J. Kearney Mr. David A. Konsler Mr. Vito A. Mastrangelo Mr. John P. Sanders Mr. Rick D. Stone
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Mark E. McGuire
Class of
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. John R. Brinkman Mr. John P. Sullivan Mr. Thomas P. Valenti
Class Participation 8.4%
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Peter J. Brennan Jr.
I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. John W. O’Brien Xavi e r C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Edward J. Wehmer
Mr. Joseph T. Cipolla Mr. Mark K. Proesel Mr. Geoffrey C. Steger
H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. William E. Sullivan
O th e r D onors
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Joseph J. Bredemann Mr. Donald J. Christ Mr. Darrell G. Coppin Mr. William J. Deevy Mr. David A. Ebert Dr. Allen V. Lentino Mr. Martin J. Lyon Mr. Thomas E. McAndrews Mr. Edward W. Thomas Mr. Peter J. Tracy
Mr. John P. Bredemann Mr. Mark F. McAndrews
P l e dg e Paym e nt S
Mr. Charles W. Bidwill III Lt. Col. Michael S. Sackley (Ret)
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Todd T. Ford Mr. Peter A. Minwegen Mr. Robert E. Otter Mr. Martin J. Perry P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Joseph E. Morahan III Mr. Thomas A. Reynolds III
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Philip A. Delaney Jr. Mr. Philip J. Ryan Mr. William C. Schindler
Class of
M aroon and G old C lub
Class Participation 8.3% L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Raymond J. Dowdle Mr. Timothy J. Schlax
Mr. Terrence P. Bannon Mr. John H. Kehl Jr.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Class of 1972 continued R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Anonymous Mr. E. Anthony Broccolo Jr. Dr. Paul J. Carry Mr. William J. Dunn Jr. Dr. Kevin J. Kirby Mr. Michael C. McIntyre Mr. Richard W. Mortell Jr. Mr. John P. O’Brien
Mr. Thomas D. Murray Mr. Joseph J. Nimrod III Mr. Christopher E. Pfannkuche Dr. Robert F. Sasso P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. David B. Kennedy
Class of
Mr. J. Hobie Murnane Jr. P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Mark R. Muench P rincipal’ s C lub
Dr. Michael F. Burns Mr. Thomas A. Minwegen Mr. William H. Schramm Jr. D e an ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
Class Participation 9.5%
Mr. Thomas M. Feifar Mr. James M. Valenti
Mr. Carey D. Brunelli Mr. Thomas M. Lynch Mr. Charles F. Mascari Mr. Michael P. McKiernan Mr. Daniel P. Nolan Mr. John R. O’Connell Jr. Mr. Peter Potwen Dr. Christopher M. Sullivan
H umb e rt C ircl e
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Joseph C. Zuercher Jr.
Mr. Peter F. Steger Sr.
L e gris C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Peter J. Broccolo
Mr. Michael J. Bates Mr. Patrick J. Cotter Mr. Patrick J. Foley Mr. Timothy J. McNulty Dr. John C. Quinley
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Todd T. Ford Mr. William E. Sullivan Mr. David P. Wagener
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Richard G. Daly Mr. Michael R. Denten F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Ronald J. Herte Mr. Bruce A. Luecke P rincipal’ s C lub
Class of
Class Participation 8.8%
Mr. Stan J. Banas Mr. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. Mr. Gregory J. Eisinger Mr. James E. Hughes Mr. Richard J. Wynne
D umbach C ircl e
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. David B. Kennedy
Mr. William B. Cerney Mr. Sherman F. Reynolds Mr. Douglas E. Wambach
H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Stephen P. Donahue L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Timothy E. Broccolo F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Erhard R. Chorle Mr. Matt J. Matthews Mr. Andrew W. Nieman Mr. John A. Ouska III Mr. James F. Rollings Mr. Patrick E. Sullivan
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Carey M. Dowdle
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Timothy J. Daly Mr. John F. Ewen Mr. Michael M. Forester Mr. P. Kent McLaughlin Col. Steven R. Petersen, USAF Mr. Gregory J. Schlax Mr. Michael J. Wrenn O th e r D onors
Mr. John F. Amari Mr. Michael P. Burns Mr. James P. Doherty III Mr. Gregory M. Gormaly Mr. Thomas C. Hillsman Mr. Jerry J. Kane Jr. Mr. Michael B. Kilgallon Mr. James B. Leet Jr.
Mr. Ralph J. Gesualdo Mr. Peter G. Leemputte Mr. Mark R. Muench
Class of
Class Participation 9.7% D umbach C ircl e
Mr. Michael P. O’Brien H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Kevin G. Dowdle
Class of
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. William H. Phelan Jr. Mr. Timothy C. Reynolds
Class Participation 10.9%
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. Brian G. Callahan Sr. Mr. John R. Perkaus Sr.
Xavi e r C ircl e
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Burtis J. Dolan III Mr. Gary M. Holihan
Mr. Daniel A. Byrne Mr. David J. Fox Mr. George J. Kaiser Mr. Peter A. Meister Mr. Keith J. Morgan Mr. John R. Smith Jr.
D umbach C ircl e
Mr. William V. McMenamin L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Mark E. McNabola Mr. Mark F. Santacrose P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John A. Graf Mr. Robert E. Harrington Jr. Mr. Sean M. Madden F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John C. Nicolau Mr. Leo J. Sheridan Mr. Louis L. Weinzelbaum Mr. Thomas D. Whalen P rincipal’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Richard J. Adler Jr. Dr. John E. Croghan Mr. Frederick J. Proesel Mr. Kent A. Swanson D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. David T. Erie Dr. Michael H. Filippini Mr. Donald P. Leighton Mr. Mark T. O’Toole Dr. George F. Warga R ambl e r ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
Mr. Christopher J. Broccolo Mr. Kevin M. Casey Mr. John C. Cassidy Mr. Patrick J. Dwyer Mr. John P. Galante Mr. Michael J. LaVaccare Dr. Philip H. Sheridan Jr.
Mr. Daniel M. Cotter Mr. Robert A. Curley Jr. Mr. L. P. Tracy Finn
Mr. Christopher P. Dolan Mr. Jerry J. Gahard Mr. Jeffrey T. Greisch Dr. William C. Holohan Mr. Martin G. Laughlin Mr. John P. Murawski Mr. James P. Nally Mr. Ronald J. Nierzwicki Fr. Brian G. Paulson, SJ Mr. John S. Sneed Jr. Mr. Christopher W. Ziegler
M aroon and G old C lub
O th e r D onors
P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. Ronald W. Sheble
Mr. Peter J. Broccolo
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
Mr. Terrence R. Brady Mr. Richard A. Carlson Mr. Mark E. Carr Mr. Thomas M. Condon Mr. James A. Dollard Mr. Patrick C. Dowd Mr. Stephen X. Foley Jr. Mr. C. Griffith Gehrke Mr. Daniel C. Kusswurm Mr. James M. Lamoree Jr. Mr. Gregory Servatius Mr. Robert B. Wish
Mr. Jeffory T. Adams
P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. James E. Constable Mr. Robert E. Egan Mr. John P. Fox Mr. George A. Kowalik Mr. Richard J. Lamermayer Mr. Robert E. Leary Mr. James E. McAvoy Mr. David K. McHugh Hon. Michael T. Mullen Mr. John R. Taylor Mr. Richard M. Varchetto Mr. Paul A. Zieske
Mr. Michael T. Joyce Mr. James E. Whalen
P l e dg e Paym e nts
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Andrew J. Annes Mr. Kurt M. Freund Mr. Thomas M. Hupp Mr. Joseph P. Karlovich Mr. Laurence C. McMurray Dr. Arturo Olivera Jr. Mr. John P. Schermerhorn Mr. Richard H. Wehman Jr. Mr. David J. Wuertz
Class of
Mr. William L. Davis Mr. Frank J. Ungari
Mr. Thomas M. Arens Mr. David R. Barry Jr. Mr. William E. Bransley Mr. Gary M. Feiereisel Mr. John D. O’Brien Hon. Terrence J. O’Brien Mr. James P. Reichmann III
Mr. Patrick L. Dowdle Mr. Robert W. Hart Mr. Terrence J. O’Laughlin
O th e r D onors
Mr. Mark R. Brice Mr. Martin J. Burns Mr. Sam F. Cannizzaro Mr. Daniel J. Durkin Mr. William C. Horne Mr. Thomas J. Lyman III Mr. Michael F. Roti Lt. Thomas R. Sanders Mr. Bernard J. Widera
Mr. John J. Compernolle Mr. Martin R. Curry Dr. Robert De La Torre Mr. Michael G. Frey Mr. John M. Gambacorta Mr. Herbert C. Gresens Mr. Paul J. Hulseman Mr. Thomas A. McKnight Mr. Daniel J. Wolf
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub D e an ’ s C lub
L e gris C ircl e
Class of
Class Participation 7.1% I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. Peter G. Leemputte H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Ralph J. Gesualdo Mr. Gabriel M. Rodriguez
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Class Participation 8.4% P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John W. Person Mr. Peter D. Sullivan F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Brian R. Bidwill Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. Mr. Richard M. Tsoumas Mr. Michael J. Warga P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. David G. Klick D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. James D. Arden Mr. Mark Daniel Mr. Thomas J. Dormin Mr. Kenneth J. Kadleck Mr. Jeffrey P. Kelly Mr. Michael J. O’Keefe Dr. John M. Phelan Mr. S. Thomas Rill
Mr. Joseph Paul Davies Sr. D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Anthony M. Mallerdino Mr. Anton T. Schirmang Sr. M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Burtis J. Dolan III
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Kevin G. Dowdle Mr. Paul J. Hulseman
Class of
H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Roger P. Hickey L e gris C ircl e
Mr. David L. Hill Mr. William M. Sneed Mr. Daniel L. Timm P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. James L. Brault Mr. David E. Haracz Mr. James P. Walsh III F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John M. Berens Mr. Joseph S. Capitani Mr. John P. Jennings Mr. Michael W. Leiser Mr. Timothy J. Maher Mr. Fred J. Osborne Mr. Daniel B. Peterson P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. James J. Barrett Mr. Paul J. Kilgallon D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Steve A. Michels Mr. Walter J. Weglinski M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Terry E. Burke Mr. Timothy P. Sheridan Mr. John A. Thursby R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Dr. David E. Blume Mr. Jose L. Ferrer Mr. John R. Mech Mr. Thomas K. Nash Mr. Christopher J. Paxson Mr. Daniel C. Powers Mr. John M. Saletta O th e r D onors
Mr. Thomas M. Cushing Dr. Paul V. Fahrenbach Mr. Timothy F. Foley Mr. Thomas C. Fox Mr. Anthony E. Good Mr. Kevin C. Hughes Mr. Gary A. Michalek Mr. Francisco P. Quintanilla Mr. Elias A. Voulgaris P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Patrick J. Dolan Mr. James W. Lyman
Class of
Class Participation 12.0% L e gris C ircl e
Mr. George C. Lyman III
Class Participation 11.8%
Mr. Steven P. Petersen
I gnatius C ircl e
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. James W. Lyman Mr. James R. Schufreider
Mr. Patrick J. Coleman Dr. John J. Cudecki Mr. Daniel W. Grombacher Mr. Robert E. Zahorik
Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. Patrick J. Dolan D umbach C ircl e
Mr. Robert T. O’Brien Jr.
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Michael Scott Carlin Mr. Robert M. Daly
Mr. Michael J. Kelly Mr. Kenneth P. Spina D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Christopher W. Gardner Mr. Terence P. Kane Dr. Timothy M. Lestingi Mr. William P. O’Keefe III Mr. Daniel T. Schermerhorn M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. D. Kevin Houlihan Mr. Anthony J. McKerr Mr. Mark J. Modzelewski R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Richard F. Baylaender Mr. Thomas E. Blaige Mr. James X. Bormes Mr. Richard J. Dowdle Mr. Michael J. Dwyer Mr. William S. Galliani Mr. Louis J. Glunz IV Mr. Mark T. Horton Mr. Michael R. Huspek Mr. Thomas G. McCabe Mr. Fred J. O’Connor
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Robert J. Dooley III Mr. Daniel J. Kelly R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Christopher A. Baer Mr. David A. Bruhn Mr. George S. Connor Jr. Mr. Robert J. Conway Mr. William C. Doyle Mr. Don J. Engels Jr. Mr. Kevin P. Garvey Mr. James E. Hebson Mr. Salvatore J. LaTorraca Mr. Joseph A. Scopelliti Mr. Michael J. Sullivan Mr. Richard D. Tazioli O th e r D onors
Mr. Timothy H. Daily Mr. Thomas L. Harte Mr. Robert R. LeClercq Mr. Kurt J. LeVitus Mr. David G. O’Donoghue P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. Bradford B. Couri
O th e r D onors
Mr. John J. Betterman Mr. Thomas B. Bonner Mr. John J. Bourke Sr. Mr. Edward L. Cooper III Mr. Christopher C. Furth Mr. Thomas E. Ganfield Mr. John D. Mitchell Dr. Thomas E. Murray Mr. William J. O’Brien Col. Robert C. Schwarze, USAF (Ret) Mr. James P. Smith Mr. Don O. Spagnolo Mr. John O. Tuohy II
Class of
Class of
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Class Participation 10.4% I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. Tim J. Dare Mr. Mark W. Ferstel Mr. Robert E. Hackett Mr. Mark F. Hayes Mr. Thomas P. Kelly Mr. A. Craig Kirby Mr. John G. Kyle Jr. Mr. John J. Masters Mr. Mark A. Mazur Mr. Lawrence G. O’Connell Dr. Walter R. Petri Mr. Thomas J. Seeberg Mr. James G. Stanton Mr. John A. Tarvardian
O th e r D onors
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Joseph F. Scoby Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. John C. Joyce Sr. D umbach C ircl e
Mr. Patrick G. Shea Mr. T. Sands Thompson F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Michael S. Flanagan Sr. Mr. Eric J. Savage Mr. Christopher P. Valenti Mr. John J. Zimmermann Jr.
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John H. Compall Mr. Edward L. Hocter Sr. Mr. Michael R. Mallahan
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Thomas N. FitzGibbon Mr. Edward W. Hanhardt Mr. John F. Kelly Mr. Michael P. Rourke Mr. Robert G. Vanecko
I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. James C. Dowdle Mr. Daniel Michalek Mr. Sean C. O’Brien Mr. Joseph P. Roddy Mr. Daniel J. Sullivan
Mr. T. David Van Zelst
P rincipal’ s C lub
Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr.
Mr. Anthony N. Florek Mr. Peter G. Haracz Mr. John J. O’Donnell Mr. Timothy J. O’Donoghue
Mr. Robert L. Michels
D e an ’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Charles E. Collopy Jr. Mr. David A. Happ Mr. John L. Simpson
Mr. Michael J. Kane Mr. Brian A. Rubey Hon. David C. Sullivan
M aroon and G old C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Chris Ditton Mr. Enrique Guevara
Mr. Joseph E. Auer Mr. Timothy E. Bourke Mr. D. Scott Carr Mr. Michael J. Haughey Mr. John C. Hitt Jr. Mr. Brian J. Kelly Mr. James W. Lambert Mr. Anthony Luzin Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Lynch Mr. Daniel L. Lyne Mr. T. Reid Mackin Jr. Mr. Patrick G. Meehan Mr. Daniel J. O’Brien Mr. Raymond C. O’Byrne Mr. John P. O’Malley Mr. Timothy J. Reger Mr. John B. Sadler III
Class Participation 10.4%
Mr. Ronald E. Banas P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Christopher S. Canning Mr. Joseph B. Carini III Mr. Robert D. Horne Mr. Frank J. San Roman Jr. F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. James P. Boyle P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Thomas S. Foust Jr. Lt. Col. William B. Kelly Mr. Thomas W. Sexton III D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Joseph X. Cushing Mr. Timothy J. Haggerty Dr. Mark J. Humenik Mr. Michael T. Rollings Mr. Thomas J. Saletta Mr. Mark G. Schmitz
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Luke F. Baum Mr. Mark F. Cassidy Mr. H. Glen Clarke III Mr. David E. Conry Mr. Christopher J. Degenhardt Mr. Michael F. Dooley Mr. Kevin M. Kissane Mr. John A. Newman Mr. M. Todd Richmond O th e r D onors
Dr. William J. Andrew Mr. Raymond F. Armstrong II Mr. James M. Beck Mr. Edward F. Bowen Jr.
D e an ’ s C lub
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Brian L. Collins Mr. Larkin S. Flanagan
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Matthew R. Devine
Mr. Nikolaos A. Vlahos
P l e dg e Paym e nt
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John J. Concannon
D e an ’ s C lub
Class of
Mr. Robert J. Braasch Jr. Mr. Douglas J. Clingan Mr. James J. Higgins Mr. Robert E. Largay Jr. Mr. Michael L. Monticello Mr. Charles Keber Stevens
Mr. John T. Buckman Mr. Allen E. Hoover Mr. K. Michael Kane Mr. Christopher J. Prassas
Class Participation 10.2%
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Class of
I gnatius C ircl e
Class Participation 12.0%
L e gris C ircl e
L e gris C ircl e
Class Participation 12.0%
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John P. Gavin Mr. Daniel Q. Herbert Mr. Andy M. Kohl
Class of
Mr. Andrew C. Goldberg
Mr. Mario J. Donato Thomas J. McDonald Mr. David P. Purcell
Mr. David P. Purcell Mr. Mario J. Donato
Mr. Edward J. Brown Jr. Mr. Joseph P. Daly Dcn. Michael J. Ellis Mr. Bryan M. Foley Mr. Joseph M. Klauke Mr. Thomas J. Krauss Mr. Michael J. Littau Mr. T. Reid Mackin Jr. Mr. Michael P. Murphy
H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Anthony R. Donato Mr. John L. Kurkowski Mr. Edward W. McNabola
Anonymous Dr. Glynn J. Elliott III Mr. Daniel A. Kim Mr. John W. Schmitt
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Thomas J. Jackson Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien Mr. Michael J. Starshak Jr. Mr. Stephen R. Wetoska
Mr. Matthew B. Brennan Sr. Mr. Mark M. Burden Mr. Michael P. McCarthy Mr. John S. Staley Mr. Mark G. Vanecko
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Raymond W. Boesen P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Andrew J. Broccolo Mr. James T. McIntyre Mr. Javier A. Nunez Mr. Michael J. Phelan Mr. John J. Pikarski Jr. D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. John W. Fitzgerald Mr. Daniel M. McGowan M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Robert T. Bielinski Lt. Michael E. Engels Mr. David J. LeClercq Mr. Peter B. Migely Mr. James J. O’Gara Mr. Philip J. Spagnolo Mr. Daniel V. Waters R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Charles R. Catalano Mr. John J. Gatti Mr. John T. Joyce Mr. James G. McCarthy Mr. Michael J. McCarthy Mr. Jeffrey R. Rode Mr. Vincent D. Vinci O th e r D onors
Mr. Thomas J. Boyle Mr. Ruben M. Garcia Mr. Dennis J. Linehan Jr. Mr. Thomas C. Manning Mr. David J. Matousek Mr. John J. McDonald Mr. Terence J. Murphy Jr. Mr. J. Duke Niedringhaus Mr. Edmund A. Stephan III Mr. Michael H. Wysockey
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. David L. Eggers Mr. James W. Ostry R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Michael J. Divane Mr. Timothy J. Flood Mr. William J. Zigmond
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Philip J. Andrew Mr. Kevin A. Krakora M aroon and G old C lub
Anonymous Mr. Matthew X. Engels Mr. John H. Mawicke Mr. Michael T. O’Regan Mr. Edmund J. Rossini
O th e r D onors
Mr. Martin L. Bartman Mr. Christopher F. Chmelar Mr. Christopher W. Helt Mr. Timothy P. Kane Mr. Charles L. Kory Mr. Michael J. Latousek Mr. Richard Keane O’Dwyer Mr. Patrick T. Purdy Jr. Mr. John Henry Scheid Mr. Timothy P. Seeberg Mr. Michael H. Stanton Mr. Nikos D. Tsonis
Class of
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Mark A. Bernhard Mr. David J. Bright Mr. Steven J. Habeck Mr. Michael A. Herbert Mr. William J. Kane Dr. Reinhold H. Llerena Mr. Thomas J. McHugh Jr. Mr. Mark C. Murnane Mr. Christopher H. Pickering Mr. John A. Quigley Mr. William J. Spallone Mr. Richard E. Zielinski
Class Participation 6.9% F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Daniel J. Carini Mr. Bernard W. Glavin Jr. Mr. Christopher M. Novy P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Michael R. Gervasio Mr. Christopher W. Rule Mr. Brian M. Schafer D e an ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
Dr. James H. Black III Mr. Phillip A. Pinello
Mr. Thomas J. Cleland Mr. Michael J. Craddock Mr. Christopher J. Dean Mr. Edwin R. Dooley Hon. Daniel W. Kotowski Mr. Eugene M. Pilawski Mr. Thomas M. Prommer Mr. Michael K. Pyle Mr. Michael P. Sullivan
M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. Lawrence J. Mongoven Mr. Jeffrey J. Reichenbach Mr. Andrew J. Runge Mr. Timothy D. Spillane Mr. John O. Stanton Mr. Peter R. Vlerick Mr. Matthew J. Wetoska
Class of
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Class Participation 8.1% Mr. Douglas T. Thompson
Mr. Michael F. Borkowski Mr. Neal R. Brauweiler Mr. Phillip A. Couri Mr. James W. Crilly Mr. Richard J. Kane Jr. Mr. Mark T. Ruckdaeschel
L e gris C ircl e
O th e r D onors
Mr. Hanley Dawson IV Mr. James G. Hagedorn
Mr. Daniel P. Dowling Mr. Kevin J. Keefe
D umbach C ircl e
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Class of 1987 continued
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class Participation 6.0%
Class Participation 5.7%
Class Participation 5.1%
H umb e rt C ircl e
L e gris C ircl e
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Patrick C. Magner
Mr. Thomas L. Benedict
Mr. Daniel I. Burns
Mr. David A. Decker Jr. Mr. Michael R. McDonald
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Erik E. Maurer Mr. Henry J. Munez
Mr. John M. Carr
Mr. William D. Drehkoff Jr.
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Dr. George T. Chiampas Mr. Brian K. Stearney
Mr. Nicholas Demling Mr. John J. Hirschle Mr. John D. Nimesheim
Mr. Sean L. Cunningham Mr. Simon P. Yohanan
Class Participation 8.9%
P rincipal’ s C lub
D e an ’ s C lub
I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. Richard W. Malek Mr. Brian D. Murphy Jr.
Mr. William H. Kelly
Mr. Michael J. Purcell H umb e rt C ircl e
Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. George E. Sargent
Mr. Richard E. Carrigan Mr. Casey M. Kenny
Mr. Timothy M. Duet Mr. Michael Q. English
Mr. Michael M. Callahan Mr. Robert M. Desherow Mr. Jeffery J. Johnson Mr. Mark Kocovski Mr. John M. Lafferty Jr. Mr. Ziv G. Lalich
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
O th e r D onors
Mr. Dimitrios K. Konstantopoulos Mr. Huy Q. Tran Mr. John M. Vander Vennet Mr. Dennis J. Verdico
Mr. Ryan E. Agulo Mr. Henry P. Baby III Mr. David R. Brown Mr. Daniel J. Dunn Mr. Jason P. Jimenez Mr. Michael T. Roche Mr. Andrew P. Skoglund Mr. Lance M. Thomas
1989 Mr. Michael C. Kotowski Mr. Thomas E. Nowak
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Daniel J. Hoinacki P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Brian M. Hayes Dr. George D. Tsonis F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Anonymous Mr. David N. Fritzsche Mr. James B. Novy P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Robert A. Michael Mr. Lesley J. Seitzinger D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Peter T. Bowen Mr. Matthew J. Keefe Mr. Yung D. Kim Jr. Mr. John C. Kinsella Mr. James R. Sullivan Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. John E. Benz IV Mr. Patrick J. Heneghan Mr. Michael J. Kadlec
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Matthew T. Abrams Mr. Michael M. Cabonargi Mr. Michael P. Kailus Mr. Daniel J. Langrill Mr. Mark J. Momongan Mr. James B. Murray Jr. Mr. Jeffrey J. Winterkorn Mr. Thomas A. Zimmermann O th e r D onors
Mr. Gilbert M. Licudine Mr. Patrick D. Nimrod Mr. Todd S. Poulos Mr. Peter M. Spingola Mr. James X. Sullivan
Maroon and Gold Club
O th e r D onors
Mr. Scott B. Baby Mr. Patrick J. Bourke Mr. James M. Glascott Mr. Terrence D. Glavin Mr. Benjamin C. Zorn
Class of
Class Participation 7.3%
Mr. Bennett W. Dixon Mr. Brian P. Doherty Mr. Dennis R. Stonequist
Maroon and Gold Club
Maroon and Gold Club
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Christopher J. Bender
Mr. David A. Behof Mr. Christopher T. Collins Mr. Thomas J. Craddock Mr. Brian R. Fluno Mr. Brendan G. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. William C. Perlitz Mr. Clancy E. Ryan Mr. Peter E. Shin
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. Brendan R. Collins Mr. Eric D. Lussen Mr. Jimmy Samartzis Mr. Jason E. Schmitt
Mr. Paul R. Joseph Mr. Joseph F. Taylor
O th e r D onors
Mr. Steven D. Baker Mr. T. Patrick Byrnes Mr. Edward F. Fitzpatrick Mr. Christopher S. Griesmeyer Mr. Thomas S. Heidenrich Mr. Michael L. Regan Mr. Michael H. Seitzinger P l e dg e Paym e nt
Mr. David A. Behof
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Daniel M. Braasch Mr. Robert B. Flannery III Mr. Daniel C. Heidkamp Mr. Brian J. Leydon Mr. Paul J. Lisowski Mr. Christopher D. McHugh Mr. Daniel Raymond Moll Mr. James V. Tomaska O th e r D onors
Mr. Adrian R. Autry Mr. Ryan D. Bergin Mr. Peter F. Krackenberger
Class of
Class Participation 5.4% P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Brian K. Dwyer Mr. Aaron R. Massey
O th e r D onors
Mr. Miles M. Baltrusaitis Mr. John P. Basbagill Mr. Andrew C. Brennan Mr. Scott J. Dolan Mr. Rock P. Dudek Mr. Daniel A. Frenzel Mr. Michael A. Gayton Mr. Peter M. LoGiudice Mr. John F. McKinney Jr. Mr. Robert A. Musiala Jr. Mr. Hagen P. O’Brien Mr. Michael J. West Mr. Fritz V. Wilson
Class of
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Patrick V. Cook Mr. John R. Roney
D umbach C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Timothy L. Epstein
Mr. Erik J. Schnotala Mr. Todd W. Vender
Mr. Mark C. Baby Mr. Michael T. Driscoll, USMC Mr. John K. Dulay Mr. Stephen L. Goering Mr. Conor J. Heaton Mr. Justin O. Kay Mr. Bradley J. Kreutz Mr. Sean P. Meehan Mr. Timothy W. O’Rourke Mr. Steven C. Schick Ms. Elizabeth M. Schillen Mr. Jeffrey W. Wendt
Mr. Jason S. Baine Mr. George A. Lane
D e an ’ s C lub
Maroon and Gold Club
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Michael J. Purcell
Mr. Matthew C. Brett
Mr. Kevin W. Willer
Mr. Nicholas A. Belcore
Mr. Jon P. Hirsch Mr. James M. McKeag Mr. James P. Moorhead Mr. Christopher M. Murray Mr. Michael O’Shaughnessy Mr. Christopher Phenner Mr. Christopher M. Priebe Mr. Steven M. San Roman Mr. Brian C. Tedeschi
P rincipal’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Stephen A. Andrin Mr. William C. Berghoff Mr. William R. Brandstrader Mr. David J. Burden Mr. Kevin E. Cogan Mr. William H. Dale Jr. Mr. Timothy P. Devine Mr. John P. Gallagher Mr. Leo T. Mahon Mr. Thomas M. Pasquesi Mr. Peter J. Prommer Mr. Sean P. Whalen
O th e r D onors
Mr. John M. Michalik
Mr. Jonathan J. Nolan
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
P l e dg e Paym e nt
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Jonas J. Allian Mr. Roger J. Grabowski Jr. Mr. Chris P. Janson Mr. Timothy P. McGrory Mr. Mark A. Meccia Mr. Jason P. Pompeii
Class Participation 8.3%
Mr. James M. Baisley Jr.
Mr. William P. Gillespie
O th e r D onors
Class Participation 5.2%
P rincipal’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Paul E. Bambrick-Santoyo Mr. Stephen B. Crilly Mr. John H. Fiore Mr. Charles A. Giglio Jr. Mr. Michael J. Loiacano Mr. Patrick M. Mahoney Mr. Thomas J. Ratcliffe Mr. Edward D. Webler
Class of
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. Gerard S. Leider Jr.
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Class of
Mr. Gilbert Bailey II Mr. Michael R. Cagney Mr. Sean M. Connolly Mr. Timothy J. Drehkoff Mr. Ryan J. Gibbons Mr. Theodore C. Kalmbach Mr. John V. Loiacano Mr. Justin D. McCarthy Mr. Brian T. Monico Mr. Barry C. Owen Mr. Michael J. Staff Mr. Richard Finn Stepan Mr. Paul M. Thomas Mr. Brian M. Tracy
Mr. Robert J. Tierney
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
D e an ’ s C lub
Maroon and Gold Club
O th e r D onors
Mr. Michael J. DiBella Mr. Patrick J. Lahey Mrs. Meredith A. Lavender-Wilson Mr. Michael T. Maloney
Class Participation 6.3%
Class of
Mr. George R. Kearney Mr. Ryan M. O’Donnell Mr. Michael T. Roth Mr. Michael A. Sullivan
Class Participation 6.6% Mr. Peter C. Lee
L e gris C ircl e
Mr. William F. Schwartz F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. John L. Hammond III Mr. Michael P. McHugh P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Jason R. Gilboy Mr. Padraic F. Stanton Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. Marc Zahr R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Matthew F. Bradley Mr. Kevin T. Carroll Mr. Joseph D. Cook Mr. Thomas J. Dammrich II Mr. William R. Mooney IV Mr. Michael P. Moran Mr. Kevin R. Murphy Mr. Michael W. Nowak Mr. James Scordo Jr. O th e r D onors
Mr. Terence D. Brennan Mr. Thomas G. Cronin Mr. Daniel F. Hengelmann Mr. James J. Hennessey Ms. Manthy Hlepas Mr. Christopher M. Hunt Mr. Mark A. Javier Mr. John Paul LaCorcia Mr. Michael A. Lowe Mr. Michael W. Lucas Mr. Andrew M. Mitchell Ms. Sally A. O’Brien Mr. Timothy F. Shanahan P l e dg e Paym e nts
Mr. Jack R. Jennings Mr. Peter C. Lee
Class of
Class Participation 4.3% P rincipal’ s C lub
Mrs. Courtney L. Murphy D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Sean P. Eirich Mr. Jonathan D. Goering R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. John D. Bodnovich Mr. Vincent P. Duet Maj. Patrick J. Fahey, USMC Mrs. Christine D. Gowski Mr. Martin G. Jennings Mr. Colin P. O’Donovan Ms. Elizabeth A. Suffredin Ms. Kelly A. Sullivan O th e r D onors
Mr. John M. Duggan Mrs. Alexandra J. Gantner Ms. Colin C. McCourt Mr. Dennis M. McGann Jr. Mr. Michael B. Murlas Mr. Christopher R. Proesel Mr. Wayne E. Rapp III Mr. Kevin C. Rynes Ms. Joan E. Spiotto
Class of
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Class of
Class of
Class Participation 4.9%
Class Participation 2.8%
Mr. Matthew B. FitzSimons
Class Participation 3.3%
Mr. Michael J. Neville
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
D e an ’ s C lub
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Evan J. Hoobchaak
Anonymous Mr. Mark A. Lewandowski
Mr. Robert J. Smith III
Mr. Joshua A. Dunn Mrs. Margaret Mary A. Hammond
Ms. Evonne E. Abou Mourad Mrs. Nell C. O’Connor Mr. William G. O’Connor Mr. Christopher T. Storey Mr. Daniel J. Valenti
D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Douglas Kadison
Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. Brian F. O’Grady Ms. Kate E. Valenti
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. James C. Wilhelm
Mrs. Caroline F. Newell Ms. Katherine T. Vega Mr. Michael M. Viglione
D e an ’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Justin B. Jurasz Mrs. Colleen G. Walsh O th e r D onors
Mrs. Jennifer R. Corridon Mrs. Victoria A. Curry Mr. Christopher S. Demas Ms. Sarah A. Hamilton Mr. Ryan P. Hanley Mr. John M. Keller Jr. Mr. William C. Pragalz Mrs. Gina E. Roper Mr. William D. San Hamel II Mr. Jordan D. Shea
Class of
Class Participation 5.1% F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Patrick J. Collins Mr. Adrian Guerrero P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. Michael A. Gramins Mrs. Maura M. Neville D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. Christopher W. Stephens Maroon and Gold Club
Mr. Matthew A. Cook R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Brian C. Baker Jr. Mrs. Kelly A. Caruso Mr. Michael P. Caruso Mrs. Isabelle Mason Ms. Kathleen McCabe Mrs. Mary Jean Serene O th e r D onors
Ms. Mary Anne Guediguian Mr. Mike P. Hengelmann Mr. Bernard A. Henry IV Mr. O’Donavan D. Johnson Ms. Lia Marie La Monica Ms. Courtney M. Magnuson Mrs. Sarah A. Mayhew Ms. Jennette C McCloskey Mr. Grant Pollworth Mr. Daniel P. Skoglund Mr. Martin D. Syvertsen Mrs. Mairghread R. Wycklendt
Class of
Class Participation 5.4% H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. Conor F. LeFevour
P rincipal’ s C lub
Maroon and Gold Club
Mrs. Danielle M. Kelly Mr. Michael B. Killackey
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Ms. Kimberly A. Clark Mr. Donal B. Falls Mr. William M. Karnes Mrs. Colleen M. Kuhlmann Mr. Terence J. Kuhlmann Ms. Katherine K. Seeberg
Ms. Amy E. Babington Mr. David Baine Mr. Michael J. Ireland
O th e r D onors
Ms. Jacqueline M. Zur Ms. Cathleen M. Cramer Mr. Matthew T. Danielak Mr. Brian T. Edwards Mr. Matthew F. Lunkes Ms. Carolyn M. Noon Mr. Sean F. Sloan Mr. Timothy J. Smith
Class of
Class Participation 5.4% I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. Patrick J. Tierney P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Christopher R. Reynolds F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
O th e r D onors
Ms. Laura Abbruzzese Mrs. Chante M. Blough Mr. Matthew T. Coffey Mr. John C. Criezis Ms. Catherine M. O’Donoghue Mr. Colin J. Falls Mr. Matthew C. Jamieson Mr. Kevin J. Johnson Mr. Sean Jules Ms. Rachel C. Kopczyk Mr. Timothy A. Libaris Ms. Jessica M. Mastalski Mr. Joseph J. Nimrod IV Mr. Bryan M. Tews Ms. Mallory M. Ulaszek
Class of
Class Participation 3.6% D umbach C ircl e
Mrs. Sarah LeFevour Meiners
Mr. Daniel W. Cagney
D e an ’ s C lub
D e an ’ s C lub
Ms. Gabriella I. Lenzi Ms. Kelly A. Smith
Mr. Brian C. Langs Mrs. Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor Ms. Heather J. Scoby R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mrs. Hillary A. Bufalino Mr. Michael P. Bufalino Mr. Patrick C. Craig Mr. Matthew T. Fletcher Ms. Shannon D. Kenny Mr. Owen J. Kopon Mr. Brian R. Martin Mr. Richard W. Mortell III Mr. Daniel E. Solari Mr. James R. Toohey O th e r D onors
Mr. Darcy R. Bonner III Mr. Richard J. Brennen Mr. John C. Mitchell Ms. Katherine A. Neville Mr. Jonathan A. Perez Mr. Vincent J. Porter Dr. Patrick J. Ryan Mr. Patrick B. Schweihs Mr. James P. Suehr Mrs. Katherine E. Valerugo Ms. Jaclyn P. Warrick
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Maroon and Gold Club
Ms. Natalie Elena Cappiello Ms. Colleen M. Desmond Ms. Caroline L. Hickey Mr. John Z. Kosir Mr. Michael L. McIntyre Mr. Christopher J. Nicolau O th e r D onors
Dr. Caroline A. Ball Mr. John T. Barr Jr. Mr. Conor Gaughan Mr. James H. Nutter Ms. Martha S. Ortinau Ms. Meghan C. Tighe
Class of
Class Participation 2.0% R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Matthew D. Kendzior Ms. Lauren N. Kus Mr. Kevin G. Tazalla Ms. Kimberly F. Weisenberger
Class of
Class Participation 1.8% L e gris C ircl e
Ms. Jane M. Sagui
O th e r D onors
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Ms. Claire T. Dooley Ms. Kathleen R. Ford Mr. Matthew D. Gabinski Mrs. Michelle M. Keenan Ms. Nora O. Lucas Ms. Megan E. Lyman
Mr. Robert T. Kus
Class of
O th e r D onors
Mr. Michael M. Manhard Ms. Lauren R. Marino Ms. Shea M. Maunsell Ms. Estelle A. Pappas Mr. Andrew J. Seymour Mr. David Wisdom
Class of
Class Participation 2.7%
Mr. Alec J. Kosminskas
Maroon and Gold Club
Maroon and Gold Club
O th e r D onors
Mr. Rory P. Kenny
Mr. Brian P. Johnson
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Ms. Kathryn M. Hughes Mrs. Katherine C. Kragh-Buetow Ms. Colleen A. Pastuovic
Ms. Caitlin E. Desmond
Ms. Bridget R. Galassini Ms. Christine R. Johnson Mr. Matthew E. McBride Mr. Kyle D. Simpson Mr. John K. Witry
O th e r D onors
Mr. Peter M. Berg Mr. Kevin A. Bufalino Mr. Patrick J. Cagney Mr. Thomas R. Clifford Ms. Mary K. Dwyer Mr. John D. Kendzior Ms. Kara A. Krueger Ms. Elizabeth J. Maddock Ms. Saly M. Sebastian Mr. Paul F. Weaver Jr.
O th e r D onors
Mr. Conor J. Dwyer Ms. Meghan E. Huffman
Robyn Jennings
Class of
Class of
P l e dg e Paym e nt
Ms. Audrey M. Gaughan Ms. Anne D. Hartmann Mr. Edward L. Hocter Jr. Ms. Elizabeth N. Ireland Ms. Carleigh J. Thalmann Ms. Eileen M. Waris
Class Participation 3.7%
Mr. Kevin Binder Mr. Thomas W. Keenan Mr. Ante P. Kosir Mr. Michael O’Connell Mr. Steven Tazalla Mr. Rick Tsakalios Mrs. Emily C. Fiorilli Mr. Patrick Hickey Mr. Daniel Kozlak Mr. Paul J. Laughlin Jr. Mr. Andrew Mathews Mr. Sean McLaughlin Mr. Alexander Rek Mr. Andrew Y. Seo Mr. David Zulkey
Ms. Carolyn Neville Ms. Mary A. Wehmer Ms. Elizabeth Wheeler
Class Participation 4.1% D e an ’ s C lub
R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. John M. Joyce Mr. Edmund J. Orr III Ms. Laura Schramm
D e an ’ s C lub
Class Participation 1.0%
O th e r D onors
Mr. Daniel R. Ampon Mr. Burtis J. Dolan IV Ms. Brittany E. Haracz Mr. Patrick J. Hechinger Ms. Irene E. Hickey Mr. Michael K. Johnson Mr. Thomas J. Kaminski Ms. Ann E. Lyman Mr. Donald E. Manhard III Ms. Lindy C. Navarre Mr. Andrew D. Nigh Mr. Mark V. Puch Mr. James R. Quinn Ms. Claire B. Sullivan Mr. Lawrence J. Thalmann IV
Class of
Class Participation 3.0% P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. James P. Walsh IV D e an ’ s C lub
Class of
Class Participation 1.9% R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. Thomas J. Groden O th e r D onors
Ms. Katherine L. Eilers Ms. Charlotte A. Griffith Mr. John H. Hocter Mr. Daniel B. Huffman Mr. Ian P. Pappas Ms. Casiana E. Rocca Ms. Christina Ulowetz Mr. Richard H. Wehman III Mr. Gabriel Yousif
Class of
Class Participation 0.8%
Mr. William Phelan
O th e r D onors
O th e r D onors
Maroon and Gold Club
Ms. Lara R. Barger Ms. Abigail R. Carney Mr. Alan P. Devey Mr. Brandon M. Groth Mr. Timothy J. Heller Mr. Kyle F. Janczak Mr. Michael P. Juettner Mr. Daniel T. Kearns Ms. Carly G. Levison Mr. Malcolm A. Maier Mr. Peter McMenamin Mr. Matthew T. Mulroe
Ms. Maureen S. Nierzwicki R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Ms. Cara M. Dowdle Mr. Sean E. Kelly Mr. Christian A. Kreb
Ms. Nora M. Hughes Mr. Gregory M. Kulis Ms. Lauren M. Lyman Ms. Mary Lee Sperl
O th e r D onors
Ms. Jacqueline M. Boratyn Mr. Brian R. Daly Ms. Colleen A. Fitzgerald Mr. James K. Ford
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Graduate Parents I gnatius C ircl e
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mrs. Mary N. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Marineau ‘64 Mr. William A. McIntosh ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81 Thomas R. and Susan G. Wenzel Xavi e r C ircl e
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ‘72 D umbach C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. RIP and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O’Brien ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien Jr. ‘79 Mr. Francis W. O’Malley and Mrs. Loretta A. O’Malley LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. O’Malley Jr. Mr. J. Philip Reichmann Jr. ‘47 RIP and Mrs. Ellen Reichmann Dr. and Mrs. John N. Simons Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomas Ms. Suzy F. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ‘62 H umb e rt C ircl e
Anonymous Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kolada Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Lahey ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Malin Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Odle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Donovan III ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. O’Malley ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner Jr. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Broccolo ‘73 Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Donato ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Ms. Deborah A. Golden LdM ‘72 and Mr. David Kendle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hagedorn ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. Charles L. Heekin II Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kariotis Mrs. Elizabeth I. Keyser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Leahy ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. Brian Norton and Dr. Kathryn Grace Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. and Mrs. William H. Phelan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Mr. Mark F. Santacrose ‘77 and Ms. Margaret M. Fiorenza Ms. Marguerite Schaefer Mr. Martin J. Stock Mr. and Mrs. David W. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Timm ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Valenti Jr. ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Zidar
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garrity Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey Geldermann ‘67 Mr. Louis J. Glunz III ‘47 and Mrs. Jean Madden Glunz RIP Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Graf Mr. David E. Haracz ‘79 and Ms. Mary S. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harrington Jr. ‘77 Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Havey Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Jr. ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Huffman Mrs. Mary A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kreb Mr. Homer J. Livingston Jr. RIP and Mrs. Margery Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarthy Ms. Maureen M. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McNamara Mrs. William B. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Meehan Ms. Kelly Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy III Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Newell Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Ms. Sarah J. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Person ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Petersen ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Lazar P. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rushin Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. San Roman Jr. ‘81 Mr. David E. Scherer and Dr. Martha Scherer Mr. and Mrs. James A. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shellberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Q. Stephan ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sullivan ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Ulaszek Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Vender Mr. Richard H. Vlerick ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Wetoska ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. White ‘64
P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Baker ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. Donal P. Barry Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. James W. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braasch Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Bufalino Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden ‘51 Mr. William J. Caffrey and Mrs. Paulette Gagliardo Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Callahan Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini III ‘81 Mr. Diarmaid A. Collins and Ms. Sarah N. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Considine ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Crotty Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Daly ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Denten ‘74 Mrs. Elizabeth Finzer
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Bednar Mr. and Mrs. John E. Benz III ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Berens ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Berry Jr. ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bindley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Boesen ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pierre P. Boustany Mr. and Mrs. James P. Boyle ‘81 Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Calk Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cichon Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Collins ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ‘75 Dr. Shirley A. Roy and Dr. J. Fred McLimore RIP Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zuercher Jr. ‘74 L e gris C ircl e
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Cudecki ‘80 Ms. Sharon DeRosa and Mr. Rich Ostrom Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Feeley Jr. ‘59 Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Glavin Jr. ‘87 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heywood Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Hickey ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hoesley Hon. Michael J. Hogan ‘64 and Mrs. Margaret Troka Hogan RIP Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kadison Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kaiser III ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kosminskas Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Krizman Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle Mr. Glenn V. Lombardi and Ms. Mary K. Brinati Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher ‘79 Mr. James J. Maloney ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marut Mr. and Mrs. Matt J. Matthews ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Mawicke ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Sean H. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Michalek ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Mitchell ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Moore Jr. ‘60 Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Morales Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murton Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Neill Mr. Fred J. Osborne ‘79 and Dr. Sara Jane Osborne Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Pasulka Mr. and Mrs. Ken E. Paxson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Polk ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Proesel II ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Radelet Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rollings Ms. Susan D. Romanski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Shewchuck Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Spiotto Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan ‘82 Mr. George P. Sullivan ‘62 and Ms. Dorothy Turek Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Sullivan ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thorsen III ‘66 Drs. James and Deborah Toraason Mr. Blase Viti and Mrs. Kristine Viti LdM ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. William D. Yurek Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmermann Jr. ‘83
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Adler Jr. ‘78 Mr. Paul L. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Stan J. Banas ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Banuelos Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baudhuin Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Drs. Thomas and Josephine Bordignon Mr. and Mrs. David A. Buffo Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Burns ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Busscher Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Clingan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. ‘74 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Croghan ‘78 Mr. Timothy Darragh and Ms. Lynette N. Kerrane Darragh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Davies Sr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Devine ‘61 Mr. Richard F. Dooley Jr. ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Dowdle ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Driscoll Jr. ‘60 Mr. Gregory J. Eisinger ‘74 and Mrs. Jeanne G. Borscha Eisinger LdM ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Charles Falcone and Family Mr. Raymond E. Fink Sr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick Jr. Margaret and Joseph P. Flanagan ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. James L. Fox Jr. ‘69 Mr. David F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Goodworth Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hanhardt ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy Mrs. Kathleen Howlett Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. Ralph J. Iacono Mr. and Mrs. John D. Iglar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson Mr. Francis Jules Lt. Col. and Mrs. William B. Kelly ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly Jr. ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leaman Ms. Alice Lee Mr. Justin L. Lee Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Marruenda Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martinus Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. McGuire ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McHugh ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. McIntosh ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moriarity Mr. John M. Murphy and Mrs. Catharine Brault Murphy LdM ‘81 Dr. Jane Nani, USN, and Mr. Gary Rogaliner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Naughton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nickele Dr. Joseph R. Nora RIP Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Sullivan Jr. ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Owens Jr. ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Plante ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Prikos ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ratcliffe Jr. ‘64
Mr. Ross A. Richards and Mrs. Jean K. Richards LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rourke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Ryan Mrs. Claire Schermerhorn Mr. Dieter A. Schmitz and Ms. Megan C. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schramm Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Lesley G. Seitzinger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Shearson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Spina ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stauder Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sullivan ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tallis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Tilmont Mr. Robert F. Toland ‘56 Mr. Paul A. Tyska and Mrs. Patricia A. Maher Tyska LdM ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. James Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vanecko ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Weber Mr. and Mrs. William P. Wennington Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Zadina Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Zinkula D e an ’ s C lub
Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Annotti Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anton Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Baby Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Baisley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry ‘58 Mrs. Mary Boyle Estate of Robert D. Boyle RIP Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cerney ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Cook ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph X. Cushing ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Davis Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Doody Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Falls Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Fedorak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Feifar ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Feldheim Mr. and Mrs. Mark Flinchum Drs. Stephen and Anna Folga Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Galanis Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hamilton ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Haracz ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hovanec Mr. and Mrs. P. Nicholas Hurtgen Sr. Mr. H. Patrick Kelly ‘54 RIP and Mrs. Barbara Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert Kerrigan ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. K. Frederick Kleiderer RIP and Mrs. K. Frederick Kleiderer Ms. Joan A. Kram and Mr. Philip McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Larkin ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. William H. LeCompte Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lee Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lentino ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leone Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Leydon ‘64 Mrs. Katherine Maloney Mr. and Mrs. James V. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDermott ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Ms. Sharon A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Neckermann Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Neville Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Loughlin ‘59 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Ortinau ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Pinelli ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Post Mr. Jay J. Poydence and Mrs. Eileen M. Poydence LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Prassas ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Sherman F. Reynolds ‘74 Mr. Jeffrey Richmond and Dr. Mary Beth Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rogoz Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf Mr. John Rux and Ms. Angela Lapid Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ryan ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saletta ‘81 Dr. and Mrs. Jorge F. Saucedo Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Savino ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Anton T. Schirmang Sr. ‘77 Mr. Bernard Shapiro and Ms. Mary McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Shea ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Skoglund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sobieszczyk Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thies Mr. Thomas P. Valenti ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Vinci Sr. ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Wambach ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watts Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Kenn A. Wolf M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. and Mrs. David Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Berg Ms. Patricia M. Bidwill Mr. and Mrs. James C. Brennan Mrs. Elizabeth Brombach Mr. and Mrs. David G. Burden ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Burke ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Casey Ms. Emma C. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cirignani Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Collins ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dahm Mr. and Mrs. Ian de Hueck Mr. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 and Mrs. Danielle L. Desherow LdM ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Donoghue ‘37 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dooley III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Carey M. Dowdle ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Dowdle ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drouillard Mr. Thomas E. Festle and Ms. Jackie A. Hair Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Floyd Mr. John F. Goldrick ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graham Ms. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Johnson Mr. Michael T. Joyce ‘73 Ms. Beth O. Kane Mr. Michael J. Kane Sr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kilian Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kus Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lipton Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. Manis Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. McDermott III ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKeough Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. McKerr ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQuillen Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Melbinger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Miller Mrs. Kathryn Murphy Mrs. Mary Anne Nash-Sebby LdM ‘71 and Mr. Vernon Sebby Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Gara ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. G. Gale Roberson Jr. ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rooney ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. Schoeneberger ‘66 Mr. R. James Seeberg ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Steger Sr. ‘75 Hon. and Mrs. David C. Sullivan ‘83 Dr. and Mrs. Donald Szachowicz Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Thalmann III Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Wetoska ‘87 R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Achtel Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Mr. Stephen A. Andrin ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angarone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Arens ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Ball Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Ms. Florita Barros-Kilroy and Mr. William Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bergin Mr. and Mrs. Andrzej Bil Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boleky Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Boucher Mr. William R. Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. James J. Bransfield ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bright Mr. and Mrs. E. Anthony Broccolo Jr. ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bryant ‘57 Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Ms. Virginia A. Burns Mr. and Mrs. William Capodanno Mr. Ronald A. Carr ‘53 Mr. Domingo J. Carreira Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Casey Dr. and Mrs. Jean Baptiste M. Chavannes Mr. and Mrs. H. Glen Clarke III ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cogan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Compernolle ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Conway ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conway Mrs. Nancie Coogan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. John T. Crilly ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Dancer Mrs. Barbara Davis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew de la Chapelle Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dempsey ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Dino C. DiGiovanni Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Donofrio Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dowdle ‘80 Ms. Lynn M. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Erlenbaugh Jr. Mr. William M. Fausone and Dr. Mary Ellen Fausone Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Finn ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Flanagan ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Foley ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ford ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Forester ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Frey ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Funkhouser Mr. and Mrs. John Furton
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gambacorta ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Gamber ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Gavin ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Gebien Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Geimer ‘57 Dr. Thomas F. Gleason ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Glunz Sr. ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Goodwin Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Grande Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. John C. Guy Ms. Anne F. Heekin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hengelmann Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hinchy ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Hughes ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jardeleza Mrs. Patricia Jennings Mr. and Mrs. John O. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. John T. Joyce ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Juhasz Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kearney ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelly III ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly ‘62 Ms. Karen Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Kindelin Mr. and Mrs. Konstanty E. Krylow Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kuehnle II Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Kurkowski Mr. Kuaku O. Kwakye and Ms. Angelina Kubi-Kwakye Mr. and Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ‘45 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Langrill Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. LaPata Ms. Catherine La Plante-Guin Ms. Margaret L. Largay and Mr. Stephen C. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Laughlin ‘77 Mr. William L. Lederer and Mrs. Mary O. Lederer LdM ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Leinenweber Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Linke Mr. and Mrs. John F. Littau ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Lodarek Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons Hon. Thomas V. Lyons and Mrs. Margo T. Lyons LdM ‘77 Mr. J. Peter Maloney ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marren Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Mathewson Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McDermott ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McIntyre ‘72 Mr. P. Kent McLaughlin ‘73 Mr. Michael J. McNulty ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Merrill ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mitchell ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Moorehouse Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Moroney ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mortell Jr. ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mulroe Mr. and Mrs. William P. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Murtaugh III ‘54
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nally ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Nash ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Naughton ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Neumeyer Mr. John Nickele and Mrs. Mary Gomez Nickele Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Nierzwicki ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Niesen ‘53 Hon. and Mrs. Terrence J. O’Brien ‘74 Mr. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. O’Connor ‘80 Mr. William P. O’Keefe Jr. ‘56 Mr. Carey Orr and Ms. Colleen M. Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Sullivan Mrs. Theresa P. Padua Dr. and Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Mr. John T. Rank ‘65 and Ms. Linda Prasil Mr. and Mrs. James T. Revord ‘52 Ms. Laura A. Reyes Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Richmond ‘82 Mr. Brian E. Ritzenthaler and Mrs. Ann M. Ritzenthaler LdM ‘85 Mrs. Carita Rothing Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Russell Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Saksena Mr. Michael J. Samis ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Sarthy Mr. Robert Scesniak Mr. and Mrs. David Schaefer Mr. Frank D. Schnotala Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Schoen ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Schueler Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schurer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Spoeri Ms. Joanna M. Stein RIP Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Studdert Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Suhey Mrs. John D. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Tan Ms. Katherine A. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tuteur Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Udelhofen Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vanecko Mr. and Mrs. William C. Weinsheimer ‘58 Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weschler Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Mr. Scott Williams Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Wilson Mr. Kenneth C. Witry Mr. Michael P. Wrenn ‘47 O th e r D onors
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Rajan S. Ahmad Mr. Ernest R. Akemann and Dr. Sandra Akemann Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allen Mr. and Mrs. David Ansani Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. David F. Arreguin Mr. and Mrs. Jorge L. Asencio Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Avalos Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Babcock Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Hootan Bahmandeji Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Dr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Barger Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baumeister Mr. and Mrs. John S. Benway Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Ms. Julia C. Biasco Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bielinski Mr. Cushman B. Bissell Jr. ‘49
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Graduate Parents continued Mrs. Joyce Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bliss Mr. and Mrs. John A. Blomquist Mr. and Mrs. James Bolotin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Bonner ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bowen Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Braunhold Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bredemann ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Breen ‘62 Ms. Deirdre C. Brekke Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brennwald ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brown Jr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Carey D. Brunelli ‘72 Ms. Ann T. Brunett Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Buckley ‘65 Ms. Karen Burey Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. John D. Byrnes Jr. ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callans Mr. and Mrs. Michael Candioto Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Cannizzaro ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Capra Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cashion ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Caufield ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cheaks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Christ ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cleland Mr. and Mrs. James A. Coleman ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Condon ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cook Drs. Peter and Elisabeth Cormier Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios A. Criezis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cushing ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Daffada Mr. and Mrs. James M. Daly II ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Alberto M. De Gala Mr. James E. Degnan Jr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Demakos Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford Mr. and Mrs. Marty DeRoin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dessent Mr. and Mrs. Ronald de Vlam Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. DiSilvestro Mr. James P. Doherty III ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Dudek Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Dunn ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Durkin ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dwyer ‘78 Dr. and Mrs. James D. Eggers Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ellingsen Mr. William J. Erwin Mrs. Angela C. Estey Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Fahrenbach ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Faoro Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Farina Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Farrell Jr. Mr. Carl A. Favaro RIP and Mrs. Joan L. Favaro Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Fear Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Felish Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ferrini ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Flatley ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Foley ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Fordon Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fox ‘74 Mr. Michael Frehe Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fridman
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Ms. Ann B. Galassini Mr. Timothy R. Galassini Mr. and Mrs. Petar Gataric Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Gaughan Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gibson Mr. Douglas Gleber and Ms. Margaret Masterson Ms. Marianela S. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Gordon III Mr. and Mrs. Javier Gorostiaga Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Grabowski Mr. John R. Graham ‘63 and Dr. Carol Foy Graham Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Grant Mr. Paul B. Grant Dr. and Mrs. Gavin J. Green Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Greener Drs. Roop and Anupam Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hagman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hagnell Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hamilton ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ‘81 Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hartman ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Sean L. Heffernan Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Henn Ms. Deborah A. Henslee LdM ‘75 Mr. John M. Hermanek and Ms. Mary M. Drill Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hipskind Mr. William M. Hoffmann and Ms. Beth M. Linnen Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Hollander Mr. Thomas J. Holmberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Holy Mr. and Mrs. Dean Honda Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hunt Jr. ‘68 Mr. James E. Hussey ‘66 Ms. Rosemary A. Janczak Dr. Marion G. Jelcz and Dr. Nancy A. Nora Dr. and Mrs. Dragomir Jovanovic Ms. Georgette M. Joyce Mr. J. Michael Joyce IV Mr. and Mrs. John R. Joyce Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaczmarek Mr. Frederick D. Keady ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Kearney III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kearney ‘71 Mrs. Joan Kenny RIP Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kilgallon ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Kinzel Mr. and Mrs. A. Craig Kirby ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Klauke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Klemmer Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Komelasky Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kopczyk Mr. and Mrs. Casimir J. Kotowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Kotowski ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kowalczyk Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Koziol Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Krause ‘64 Ms. Susan S. Krieg Dr. and Mrs. Chris E. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kucera Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kummerer Mr. Nana O. Kwakye Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaCorcia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. LaPlaca Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. LeClercq III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. LeVert Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Lifvendahl Mr. Thomas A. Loftus and Mrs. Kathy Madden Loftus LdM ‘75 Dr. and Mrs. John A. LoGiudice Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Loiacano Mrs. Laurie Ann Lorig
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Lovcik Mr. Thomas J. Lyman III ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Lynch Jr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Macnamara Mrs. Sharon L. Marlin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. James W. Martin Jr. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Kazimierz Mazurek Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. William E. McClintic Mr. and Mrs. Jordan E. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGarrity Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGuire Mr. and Mrs. David K. McHugh ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McIntyre Sr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. John K. McMahon Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Terence L. McTague Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Melson Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Michalek ‘79 Ms. Jean Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Miller Mr. Eugene L. Mitchell Jr. ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Moeller Mr. Wayne T. Montague and Mrs. Julie D. Montague LdM ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Monticello Dr. Dan P. Moritz Mr. and Mrs. David W. Morrison ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Mugnolo Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Murphy Jr. ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murray ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nichol Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Nigh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Nimrod III ‘73 Mr. Robert T. O’Brien ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Helen M. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Brien Mr. Daniel J. Obringer Mr. and Mrs. Colm T. O’Callaghan Ms. Margaret M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. James M. Oddo Mrs. Mary L. O’Doherty Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Donoghue ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. O’Donohue Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Olivera Jr. ‘75 Mrs. Kathleen O’Regan Mr. Walter A. Ovaert and Ms. Joyce Collins Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Palicki Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Papakyriacou Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Partyka Mr. and Mrs. Remo Picchietti Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Plunkett ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Pollina Mr. Christopher B. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rahlfs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Rascia Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Rejebian Mr. Ernesto Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Juan J. Rocha Mr. Paul M. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ropp Dr. Albert J. Rotermund and Ms. Carol Willson Ms. Joan K. Rowland Ms. Julie M. Ruddy
Mr. Thomas M. Ruddy Mr. Andrew W. Runge ‘61 and Ms. Susan Kozlowski Runge Mr. James B. Russo ‘65 Drs. Benny and Natalia Ruz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Sajnaj Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Samuelson ‘52 Mrs. Carmela Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Saperstein Dr. and Mrs. Bala Sarma Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Sassen Mr. and Mrs. John H. Scheid ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Lohtar Schick Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Schuering Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan Jr. ‘53 Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Slowiak Mr. Byron P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith III ‘54 Mrs. Kathleen A. Smith Mrs. Joan Solari Mr. and Mrs. Don O. Spagnolo ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Ms. Luzviminda L. Sucaldito Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sullivan Jr. ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. John Sutehall Mr. Harry T. Swanson and Mrs. Bettina E. Swanson LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Switski Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Tidei Dr. and Mrs. John C. Tobin ‘45 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomaska Mr. and Mrs. James K. Toohey ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Totaro Mrs. Jennifer Trimble Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tsakalios Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turro Mr. Joseph H. Ulowetz and Ms. Mary R. Savitsky Ulowetz Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ungari Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Wagner Mr. James J. Ward ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Webler Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wehman Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. White Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wuertz ‘75 Mrs. Laura A. Yasko Mr. and Mrs. David R. Zahn Ms. Ann Zdeb Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zdeb Ms. Kimberly M. Zeman-Walker Mr. Joseph C. Zummo
Friends I gnatius C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Br. James E. Small, SJ D umbach C ircl e
Mr. Harry Staffileno RIP H umb e rt C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Smith L e gris C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Livaditis Mrs. Celinda Miller Ms. Mary Jane O’Connor Ms. Rosemary O’Neil P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
Ms. Julie Aiello Vincent and Mr. Paul Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gordon Mrs. Beverly S. Hayford Drs. Robert and Elaine Lee Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. Matthew T. Regan and Dr. Julie M. Talano Mr. David Schmitt Mr. Drew Scott and Ms. Patti Richmond F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. Gerald Bagnowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Bousis Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Friedstein Ms. Mary Gauntner Dr. and Mrs. Alex C. Guira Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kukla Mr. and Mrs. Andy LeFevour Mr. Tedd Smith Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vitanovec Mr. Thomas M. Zollo P rincipal’ s C lub
Ms. Sharon Bourke Ms. Stephanie Brennan Mr. and Mrs. James Cranley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daverman Mr. Steve Donisch Mr. Mike Donovan Mr. Andrew LeFevour Ms. Bridget LeFevour Mr. Emmett LeFevour Ms. Kathleen LeFevour Ms. Mary Clare LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lobner Mr. and Mrs. Roderick E. Mac Rae Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson Mr. Kevin O’Hara Mr. Van Salmans Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mr. J. Albert Smith Jr. D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cassady Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cogbill Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Doherty Mr. Robert B. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Fiore Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fortune Ms. Joan F. Groneman Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gunn Ms. Suzanne H. Howell Mr. Neil Jenkins and Ms. Adelaide Reynolds Ms. Carolyn Liptak Ms. Rosemary Mete
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morand Mr. John A. Morrissey Ms. Carole F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. George Ruff Dr. and Mrs. Edward Scherder Dr. Phyllis W. Shafron Mr. Charles Skopp and Ms. Theresa J. Andreotta Mr. John F. Smith Ms. Denise Stefan-Ginascol Mr. Richard Waris Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Weatherhead M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Beale-Delvecchio Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hogan Ms. Colleen Collins Josellis Mrs. Patricia Keeley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Marschall Mr. Philip Rowe Ms. Mary P. Tracy R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Ms. Ann Acker Mr. Stephen Baine Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Barney Jr. Ms. Deborah M. Barr Mrs. Wendy Becker-Payton Mr. and Mrs. Branko Beronja Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bishop Mr. Matthew Braasch Ms. Korinne Carroll Mr. Edmund Chadd Mr. John R. Chadd Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cohen Mr. John Comeau Mr. Thomas J. Curnes Mr. Patrick Dahl Mr. Michael Dorgan Ms. Susan Eaton Ms. Kristen Erickson Mrs. Jan Feldman Ms. Elizabeth B. Ganitopoulos Mr. Rick Gayeski Mr. Neil Gorman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graham Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Helderle Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holand Mr. Clayton Jernigan Ms. Deena Katz Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kearns Mr. Mark Kutsch Mr. James A. Langan Mr. Larry Latko Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lombardo III Mr. Vince Macari Mr. James MacIntosh Mr. and Mrs. David S. Majewski Mr. Timothy Malz Mr. Peter Martay Mr. and Mrs. John H. Matheson Ms. Marlee Matlin Ms. Alice E. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maziarka Dr. and Mrs. Mike McCoy Ms. Mary McDermott Ms. Mary A. McGee Mr. Michael McGreal Mr. William C. Melsheimer Ms. Patricia Moran Mr. and Mrs. Nick F. Parigi Mr. John Patience Mr. and Mrs. David S. Richter Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ring Mr. William J. Ring Mr. Jeffrey R. Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Ruscitti Mrs. Vianne Sanders Dr. Arnold Shkolnik and Ms. Carol L. Waugh
Mr. Matt Skoglund Mr. William J. Steciak Ms. Linda Suttenbach Mr. Matt Walker Ms. Janet L. Weglarz Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mr. Steven Wolf O th e r D onors
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abramchik Ms. Shayne C. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Mr. Mark Agnew Dr. Goesel Anson Ms. Lisa Bachmann Mr. Paul Baldwin and Ms. Meighan O’Rourke Baldwin Ms. Diana Barr Mr. George Benson Ms. Louise M. Beuder Dr. Brian Birmingham Ms. Molly Bittrick Ms. Mary Block Mr. Stephen Blonsky Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boerke Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Brynda Rev. Robert J. Bueter, SJ Mr. Aaron M. Bukta and Ms. Shannon Pope Ms. Carol Burke Ms. Elizabeth Burke Mrs. Shelly Carlin Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers Mr. Kapil Chaudhary Ms. Cindy Chick Mrs. Michelle Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coduto Mr. Pat Conway Mr. Jack Cook Ms. Christy Corrigan Ms. Amy Cramer Mr. Michael Dallia Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Daniels Sr. Ms. Annette F. Dattulo Mr. Benjamin Daverman Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Delahanty Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Delaney Mr. Joe Donnelly Mr. Robert Dore Mr. and Mrs. Denis Dowling Ms. Joan Draths Ms. Donna Dunworth Ms. Lisa Dupre Ms. Kerry Durham Dr. Samuel Eaton Mr. Shane Elliott Mrs. Susan I. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Engelhardt Mr. Frank English Mr. Manuel Enriquez Mr. Gerald Entman Mrs. Kathy Erlenbaugh Mrs. Daisy Esparza Mr. and Ms. Rob Etheridge Ms. Jane Farver and Mr. John Moore Ms. Julie Fergus Mr. Ed Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaillard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Garlick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Girardin Ms. Nancy Gonzales Mr. Chris Grady Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham Ms. Catherine Gray Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Grinstead Hon. and Mrs. John B. Grogan Mr. Richard Grubin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gullen Ms. Meghan Halleron
Ms. Meghan Hannes Ms. Karen Hanover Ms. Carol Harrison-Panek Mr. Bill Hassett Mrs. Ann Hillenbrand Ms. Margie Horvath Mr. Thomas Huffman Mr. Stephen Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. James P. Johannsen Mr. Mike Joyce Ms. Karen Kalichman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kehoe Mr. Robert J. Keith Mr. Ronald F. Kelly and Ms. Mary T. Donoghue Ms. Patricia Keys Mr. Joshua Knight Mr. Terry Knight Mr. Tres Knippa Ms. Sherry Kopka Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kracik Ms. Carol Krein Dr. Vincent Kucich Mr. Michael LaFontaine Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laken Ms. Shirley Lampshire Mr. Patrick Landry Ms. Lindsay Landsberg Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lane Ms. Christine M. Lang Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lang Mr. Scott Larson Mr. and Mrs. John Lattner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Lawrence Mr. Beau LeMire Mr. Brian Lewin Ms. Alicia Little Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Livery Mr. and Mrs. C. David Lohri Mr. Carlos Lopez and Ms. Anne Reed Lopez Mr. Jeremy Lovett Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch Mr. Christopher Madden Mr. and Mrs. William H. Martay Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Ms. Linda K. Martin Ms. Marissa Martin Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Massey Mr. and Mrs. George F. Matheson Mr. Jerry W. Maurer Mr. Benjamin D. Maxwell Mr. Richard McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. McGrath Mr. Rick McGrath Ms. Jennifer McGuire Ms. Tricia McLeod Ms. Ann C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Duschan Milojevic Mr. and Mrs. Gilles R. Morin Ms. Marie Morrison Ms. Polly Morrison Ms. Sarah Morrison Capt. John Mosier Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mowry Ms. Gloria Mueller Mr. Mark Murnane Mrs. William D. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jon Nagode Ms. Mary A. Naimie Ms. Jeannine Nardulli Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nardulli Ms. Louise Neidorf Mrs. Richard Nell Mrs. Sara Newens Mr. Patrick Nicholson Mr. Michael Niedzwiadek Ms. Winifred Nimrod Mr. and Mrs. James L. Noteman Jr. Mr. Kyle Olund
Mr. Ronald W. Orbaugh Mr. Eric Ottoson Mr. Jack Palermo Mr. Joseph J. Palermo Mr. Matthew Passen Mr. Rolly Peckus Mr. Bruce Pedigo Ms. Deborah B. Pennings Mr. Jack Philbin Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Mr. Tony Powe Mrs. Mary Ann Poznar Mrs. Maureen Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Quirini Ms. Barbara M. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Resek Ms. Mary Kay Ring Ms. Mollie M. Ring Mr. Richard Ring Mr. Larry Roberts Ms. Linda Rodgers Mr. Philip Rodrigues Ms. Elaine Rucker Mr. Thomas Russell Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan Ms. Kathy Ryan Ms. Andrea Saewitz Mr. Robert St. John Mr. Carl Sanders Mr. Safet Sarich Mr. and Mrs. James Sassen Mr. Benjamin Sauer Mr. Brian J. Schierloh and Ms. Karen M. Devine Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schloss Mr. William Schmidt Mr. Andy Schwarcz Mr. and Mrs. David Sellke Mr. Thomas Sharp and Ms. Ursula Ross Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Sheedy Mr. Howard Shellberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Shute Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smith Mr. Ronald S. Sonenthal and Dr. Kathy R. Sonenthal Mr. and Mrs. William M. Speth III Ms. Isabelle M. Staffeldt Mrs. Mary E. Stanton Ms. Elizabeth Stark Mr. M. Starshak Mr. Michael P. Stenson Mr. Jeff Supiner Mr. Todd Swanson Mr. David Tarlach Ms. Kelly Tarzian Mr. Joseph Thomas Mrs. Victoria Toter Ms. Rosemarie Tracy Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trimberger Ms. Susan Tryba Mr. Andrew Turner Mr. Marc Uible Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vender Ms. Mary K. Wagner Mr. Daniel Waitzman Mr. Howard Waitzman Ms. Alison L. Walsh Mr. and Mr. John Wavro Mr. and Mrs. William Weimer Jr. Mr. Nat Wilburn Ms. Kathleen Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. David M. Witek Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wrenn Jr. Ms. Laura Zaroski
Employees Xavi e r C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Breitzman Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Ms. Catherine A. Kendrigan Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Taylor P rincipal’ s C lub
Ms. Gineen L. Hecht Mr. Christopher K. Howe Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Shon Morris Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schniedwind ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Lesley J. Seitzinger ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witt D e an ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cerney ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Flinchum Ms. Meghan E. Huffman ‘07 Ms. Mary Just Ms. Melissa Krein Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Nieman Mrs. Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ‘02 and Mr. Benjamin R. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Loughlin ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Penna Mr. Christopher W. Stephens ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Atwood Ms. Rosanne Coury Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dahm Mr. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 and Mrs. Danielle L. Desherow LdM ‘93 Mr. Joseph Haney Mr. Charles W. Heintz and Ms. Erin Melley Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. Manis Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Miller Mr. Timothy S. Mitchell Mrs. Colleen M. Whelan R ambl e r ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Dr. Kathryn M. Baal Mrs. Susan Beerhorst Mr. David Behof ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bennett Mr. William R. Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Ms. Lynn M. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Gombac Mr. and Mrs. John Holecek Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. LaTorraca ‘81 Mr. Thomas Livatino Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. McNulty Mr. Kevin J. Mistrik Mr. and Mrs. John Mouflouzelis Mrs. Elaine Mueller Dr. Elizabeth O’Shaughnessy and Mr. Kevin O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Ademola Popoola Mr. John T. Rank ‘65 and Ms. Linda Prasil
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Employees continued Ms. Katherine K. Seeberg ‘01 Mr. Craig Snower Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner Ms. Sophronia Streeter Mrs. Colleen G. Walsh ‘99 O th e r D onors
Mr. Jeffrey D. Sullivan, SJ Ms. Sandra M. Taggart Mr. and Mrs. James V. Tomaska Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tsakalios Ms. Elizabeth A. Waid-Prince and Mr. Randall Prince Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wesley Mr. and Mrs. David Wick Mrs. Laura A. Yasko Mrs. Stacey Zupec
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David F. Arreguin Mrs. Colleen Aufderheide LdM ‘85 and Mr. Michael Aufderheide Mr. Gilbert Bailey II ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Ms. Julia C. Biasco Mr. and Mrs. Keilan Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Candioto Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Cherne Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cleland Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Coco Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dabu Mr. Jeff A. Dees Ms. Karen Diener and Mr. Steve Pribyl Ms. Joan M. Dowdle Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Drucker ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Rob Etheridge Mr. Carl A. Favaro RIP and Mrs. Joan L. Favaro Mr. Daniel J. Finlayson Rev. John J. Foley, SJ Ms. Caroline Gajzler Mr. Ryan J. Gibbons ‘95 Mr. Douglas Gleber and Ms. Margaret Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gorman Ms. Patricia A. Griffith and Mr. Thomas Moore Mr. Daniel F. Hengelmann ‘97 Mr. Michael P. Hengelmann ‘00 Ms. Deborah A. Henslee LdM ‘75 Mr. Greg Jacobson Mr. O’Donavan D. Johnson ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kane ‘86 Ms. Katherine Klein Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Komelasky Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Kotowski ‘87 Ms. Anneliese M. Kranz Ms. Allison Loecke Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Lovcik Mr. and Mrs. Dan Love Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. McDonough Mrs. Inna McNally Mr. and Mrs. James A. Moeller Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Myslinski Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Nold Ms. Martha Sturgeon Ortinau ‘05 Mr. John Osowski Mr. Gregory Ostdiek, SJ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Pollina Mrs. Janet N. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan Mr. William D. San Hamel II ‘99 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Sassen Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Schoenecker Ms. Therese M. Schreiner Ms. Kristin Seske Ms. Beatrice Shoular Mrs. Jacalyn R. Smith Ms. Sandra Smycz Mrs. Joan Solari Mr. and Mrs. James G. Stanton
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Organizations I gnatius C ircl e
Custom Cares Charities, Inc. The Marineau Family Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation McNamara Purcell Foundation The Scoby Family Foundation ViBern Foundation Xavi e r C ircl e
C2 Foundation Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Emerson and Barbara Kampen Foundation Bruce and Laura Lee Family Foundation Souder Family Foundation Wintrust Financial Corporation D umbach C ircl e
Anonymous Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust The Tom and Mary Joyce Family Foundation Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Minann, Inc. Fred B. Snite Foundation H umb e rt C ircl e
Autobarn Subaru of Countryside Elite Island Resorts International Subaru of Orland Park Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Terrence P. LeFevour Attorney at Law McNabola Law Group, PC Perry Family Charitable Foundation Sargent Family Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Weskamp/Stephen Foundation L e gris C ircl e
Anonymous Amesol Corporation Ayco Charitable Foundation Bessemer Trust Camp Cody Harold F. & Suzanne D. Falk Foundation Halo Laser & Aesthetic Medicine Jenner & Block, LLP Kardos Family Foundation Loyola University Chicago Michael’s Mission The William F. O’Connor Foundation PepsiCo Silicon Valley Community Foundation S.R.B.F. Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus The Joseph Valenti Jr. Family Foundation Villa Terra Nova Vista Foundation P r e sid e nt ’ s C ircl e
AbbVie Foundation Chicago Community Foundation Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Four Seasons Hotel Prague Frontage Search Partners, LLC Gemini Bistro Group, LLC Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation Jocarno Fund Klein Tools, Inc. Loeb Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Loyola Academy 1995 State Championship Hockey Team Marshal McMahon & Associates Law Offices Memoir for Me
Polk Brothers Foundation The Robison Family Foundation Charles H. & Beverly E. Shaw Foundation Sidney’s Valet Services U.S. Cellular Wells Fargo Foundation F ound e r ’ s C ircl e
1 Plus 1 Funding, LLC 29 W. Hubbard Corporation Barclays Educational Gift Matching Program The Thomas L. & Kathleen G. Bindley Charitable Trust Ginny Blasco Design Studio, Inc. Chicago Blackhawks Foley Family Foundation Geneva Trading Lambrecht Jewelers, Inc. LifeSource Mathnasium of the Glen Moller Financial Services Neiman Marcus Nuveen Investments, LLC O’Bryan Foundation Olson Transportation Pat The Manager, LLC Pinstripes Raphael Jewelers Sauganash Community Association Shewchuck Insurance Agency, Inc. Phil Stefani Signature Events Tiffany & Company Unforgettable Edibles Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus The Waldorf Astoria Wessel Family Foundation Wilmette Optimist Club Foundation P rincipal’ s C lub
AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Andaz Napa Bloomingdale’s Chicago Bordignon Dental Associates Brickman Burke Sound & Security Corp. Burners, Boilers & Controls Canning & Canning, LLC Chalet Landscape, Nursery & Garden Center Chicago Blackhawks Charities Creighton University The Custom Companies, Inc. The Robert J. Daverman Foundation Del Rio’s DiVinci Painters Draper and Kramer, Inc. Duckhorn Wine Company Fairmont Copley Plaza Thomas Fallon Photography Flanagan Vineyards Peter E. Goschi Attorney at Law Handcrafted Portraits Heinen’s Fine Foods The Joseph and Catherine Johnson Family Foundation Knight Partners, LLC Kroeger Family Charitable Foundation KSR Capital Lafayette 148 Lorraine and John Langdon Foundation Lawlor Foundation Loyola Academy Dean’s Office Loyola Academy Parents of the Class 2016 Maday Auto Service, Ltd. Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC
Marco Beach Ocean Resort John & Martha Odle Family Foundation, Inc. Park Central Hotel Preferred Hotels and Resorts Racconto Foods Results 22, LLC RMG Hoops, LLC Louis H. Scherb Attorney at Law Sewer Equipment Stormy’s Tavern & Grille Sutton Studios Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP Tangerine Meetings & Events Visa Matching Gift Program D e an ’ s C lub
Abt Electronics Advanced VTech Akers Packaging Service Group Alta Packaging, Inc. Barnett Vineyards Boeing Matching Gift Program Michele T. Bogacki DDS, Ltd. Bredemann Lexus in Glenview Bredemann Toyota Burling Bank Celtic Chicago, Inc. Chicago Partners Investment Group, LLC Cleonardo Studios, Inc. Colliers International Commanderie de Bordeaux A Naples Alvin G. Dempsey Insurance Agency, Inc. E. J.’s Place FGMK, LLC Foley Family Wines Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. Glenview Car Wash, Inc. Glenview Prairie Club Glenview State Bank Louis Glunz III Family/ Regis Technologies Foundation Grand Hotel Mackinac Gyde Supply Company Hair Couture Hall’s Complete Rental Service Harbor Shores Evergreen Real Estate J. Hovanec Group, LLC JRI Interior Design Kearney & Phelan Kidney & Hypertension Consultants SC The Langham Chicago Loews Chicago Hotel Loyola Academy Boys’ Lacrosse Club Loyola Gold Hockey Club Alejandra MacLeod Interiors Marquette University MB Financial Bank McDermott Construction, Inc. J.F. McKinney and Associates The McShane Companies Micontroller, LLC Timothy J. O’Donoghue, PC Kate Oelerich Photography Oral Surgery of the Glen Orrington Jewelers, Ltd. Pasquesi Sheppard, LLC PayNet, Inc. Peachtree Place Polish and Pour Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Queen of All Saints Basilica Riordan & Scully Insurance Service, LLC Rocco Fiore & Sons St. Regis, Monarch Beach Sandman Levy & Petrich, LLC Scientific Control Laboratories, Inc. Skokie Valley Beverage Co.
Smith Corcoran Funeral Homes Stephen V. Speranza Attorney at Law Sports Made Personal Taryn Laughlin Coaching, LLC Tiffany and Company Top Driver TPM Graphics United Equitable Group, Ltd. Ventas Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program Wildcat Golf Academy Wilmette Park District Wilmette Wine Cellar Winston & Strawn, LLP Worsek & Vihon, LLP Zlan Partners M aroon and G old C lub
Body Science Personal Fitness Training Chicago Center for the Print Classic Kids Clorox Gift Campaign Club Lucky Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center Expert Driving School Furla Photography & Video Glenview Cycle Inliten, LLC Jimmy John’s Teddie Kossof Salon and Spa Kosta Browne Winery Light Up Your Holidays Palmer Printing St. Paul Chong Ha Sang Catholic Mission Salon Pure Stuart Rodgers Photography Limited Tice, Inc. Valley Lo Sports Club R ambl e r ’ s C lub
1808 Glenview, Inc. Abco Electrical Construction & Design, LLC Andersen Office Interiors, Inc. Ann Advantage, Inc. Apple, Inc. Arifi, Inc. Arkenstone Vineyards The Art of Organization Balance in Motion Pilates Be Healthy Within Bearse Manufacturing Co. Inc. The Benevity Community Impact Fund Bikram Yoga Studio Blyth & Associates, Inc. Bumblebee Properties, LLC The Caves at Soda Canyon Sara Campbell, Ltd. Chicago Bears Football Club, Inc. Chicago Bears Youth Football Camps Chicago Shakespeare Theater Commercial Plastics Company Conway Construction & Design Cooking & Wine @ 909 Country Music Association The Dailey Method Northbrook The Dailey Method North Shore Dana Hotel and Spa de Giulio Kitchen Design Deloitte LLP DiFranco & Associates, PC Dingle Golf Links Dino’s Sports Fan Shop Effective Educators, Inc. Forever Digital Memories The French Pastry School Friends of St. Norbert Garvey’s Office Products Golftini
Goshy Photography Handy Works Home Improvement, Inc. The Happ Inn Harrison’s Poultry Farm High School Cube, LLC Hilton Chicago Hip Threads Paul Hobbs Winery Holton Brothers, Inc. Illinois Bone & Joint Institute, LLC Indestructo Rental Co. Interior Design Incorporated Jayson Homes Jennings Chevrolet Volkswagen, Inc. The Joffrey Ballet Patricia A. Kalal Attorney at Law Kaloco Company Kingston Mines Nancy Krause Floral Design Kudos Collections, Inc. L. Woods Restaurant Laughing Acres Family Foundation, Inc. The Lax Shop Le Colonial Loyola Academy Class of ‘52 Alumni Loyola Academy Cross Country Program Loyola Academy Varsity Cheerleaders Loyola Academy Women of Wisdom Lucci Restaurant Group, LLC Marlowe Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. MerLav, Inc Montrose Deli Morgan Stanley Nickel & Nickel Winery Nick’s Bar and Grill Nicole Thomas Photography Nike Golf NorthStar Heating and Air Oceanique Office of CPA and Associates, Ltd. The Patrick Group Penco Electric P.R.P. Wine International, Inc. Quick Kill Exterminating Company Renaissance Chicago North Shore Road America St. Martha Catholic Church St. Mary School Schoolhouse 4 Math, LLC Scott Simpson Builders, Inc. SERVPRO of Glenview SMARTCars, Inc. Soul Cycle Spina Oral, Maxillofacial & Dental Implant Surgery Stefani’s Restaurants Rodney Strong Vineyards Three Tarts Bakery & Cafe Time, Inc. Toraason Dental Associates, Ltd. Trunk Club Turtleson Golf Apparel Valley Lodge Corp. Weiss Ace Hardware Wildfire Corporate Williamson Wines Wilmette Bicycle & Sport Shop World Team Tennis Zanies Comedy Clubs O th e r D onors
Alex’s Washington Gardens Allstate Giving Campaign Al’s Market American Express Gift Matching Program America’s Custom Home Builders Inc. Anteprima Bagel Restaurant and Deli
Bake 425 Barnaby’s of Northbrook Bella Via Ristorante & Banquets Belton’s Catering Big Tomato Pizzeria Bistronomic Bluestone The Boarding House The Bottle Shop Brunswick Zone Niles Burhop’s Seafood of Glenview Cannizzaro Law Offices, PC Card & Party Giant VI, Ltd. Carriage Hill Kennels Catholic Bishop of Chicago CEB Matching Gifts Program Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Botanic Garden Chicago Wolves Chicago Zoological Society Chuck Wagon Restaurant Cookies In Bloom Cora Lee Candy, Inc. Country Classics Curragh Irish Pub DePaul University Merle Reskin Theatre Dinkels Bakery Eccentic Dental Laboratory, LLC Edwards Florist, Inc. Richard F. Egan, DDS, LLC Egg Harbor Cafe Enaz for Life eScrip Farmhouse Evanston Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts Five Guys Flexera Software Flight Restaurant & Wine Bar The Fresh Market Froggy’s French Cafe Fuel Galoney Strubbe Charitable Foundation GE Capital Glenview Grind Coffee House Glenview House Goode & Fresh Pizza Bakery Gordon New Talent Salon Gourmet Frog Bakery & Gifts Grasshopper Golf Tours Graziano’s Gavin J. Green, DDS Hayes Funeral & Cremation Service, LLC Heidel House Resort & Spa Heinen’s Fine Foods Hel’s Kitchen High Touch High Tech Hlavacek Florist The Howard Street Inn Insignis Inc. Irving’s Red Hots Ivy Court Inn & Suites J. McLaughlin J. Parker Jack & Jill Jazzercise Glenview Fitness Center Kentucky Jesuit Mission Koi Fine Asian Cuisine and Lounge KSMB Associates, Inc. La De Da! Lake Geneva Cruise Line Lakeside Foods Inc Lawrence Deans Leinenweber, Baroni & Daffada, LLC Lifeline Theatre Lobster Gram Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria Loyola Academy Athletic Department Loyola Academy Fine Arts Department
Loyola Academy Junior Varsity Cheerleaders Loyola Academy Lacrosse Club Richard V. Lynch Family Foundation Maggiano’s Mandarine, Inc. Market House on the Square Mayer Huls Properties, Inc. J. Brian McDonnell Attorney at Law Meier’s Tavern Metropolis Performing Arts Center Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mingle Juice Bar Richard W. Mortell Jr. Attorney at Law, PC Mosaicos, Inc. Museum of Science & Industry NBC Chicago NBC Studios Newedge USA, LLC Nimrod Maintenance & Construction Co. Nonna Silvia’s Trattoria & Pizzeria Norshore Meats and Deli Northlight Theatre Nothing Bundt Cakes Oil Lamp Theater Old Town Oil One Three Digital Ozzie’s Outreach Palm Court Restaurant Pappy’s Smokehouse Pasta Darte Trattoria Italiana Performance Learning Services, LLC Michael J. Phelan Attorney at Law The Pin Wizard Piven Theatre Porchlight Music Theatre Prairie Moon All American Dining Real Urban Barbecue Ridgeview Grill The Rock House Rose Packing Rosebud Restaurants St. Louis University St. Thomas Friary Salerno’s diLucca Scandanavian Ski Shop, Inc. Scandia Catering Co. John G. Shedd Aquarium Shrimp Shop, Inc. Stalker Sports Floors Summer House Sun Cleaners Glenview, Inc. Taco Nano Tommy Bahama Trifecta Grill True Juice Trueman Catering Tulsa Community Foundation Twisted Trunk University of Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Cheerleaders Urban Initiatives Valley Lodge Tavern Vigo Importing Company Village Dermatology Walker Bros. Original Pancake House P. Walker Brothers, Inc. West End Florist and Garden Center Wild Birds Unlimited Wilmette Tailors & Cleaners World of Beer Yard House Restaurant
St. Louise de Marillac Giving Societies S r . C onstanc e C ircl e
Named for Marillac High School founder Sr. Constance Dahinden, DC, for her spirit, dedication and foresight. Includes gifts of $10,000 or more. S r . C yrilla C ircl e
Named for Sr. Cyrilla Verhalen, DC, who presented freshmen with the Miraculous Medal in a special ceremony each year and who is remembered for her loving care of Marillac’s rose garden. Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. L ouis e C ircl e
Named for St. Louise de Marillac, DC, who founded the Daughters of Charity with St. Vincent de Paul in Paris, France, in 1633. Includes gifts of $2,500 to $4,999. F ound e r ’ s C lub
Includes gifts of $1,000 to $2,499. N orthstar club
Includes gifts of $500 to $999. G r e e n and blu e C lub
Includes gifts from $250 to $499. L d M club
Includes gifts from $100 to $249.
S r . C onstanc e C ircl e
Mrs. Andrea L. Holihan ‘80 Mrs. Loretta O’Malley ‘83 S r . C yrilla C ircl e
Ms. Deborah A. Golden ‘72 Mrs. Jacqualine E. Langas ‘83 L ouis e C ircl e
Mrs. Kathy Sheridan Hayes ‘88 Mrs. Rowena T. Parma ‘85 F ound e r ’ s C lub
Ms. Maria S. Bendery, ‘91 Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jennings ‘75 Mrs. Leslie P. Kennedy ‘71 Mrs. Catharine B. Murphy ‘81 Mrs. Mary F. Petit ‘81 Mrs. Jean K. Richards ‘80 Mrs. Patricia M. Tyska ‘76 Mrs. Kristine A. Viti ‘73 Mrs. Maureen A. Wimbiscus ‘86 N orthstar C lub
Anonymous Mrs. Jeanne Gerard Borscha Eisinger ‘77 Mrs. Katie L. Bowen ‘88 Mrs. Julie Delaney ‘76 Mrs. Susan A. Loeffler ‘78 Ms. Teriann Pikarski ‘85 Mrs. Eileen M. Poydence ‘80 Ms. Jeanne M. Reynolds ‘79 Mrs. June Rzepczynski ‘79 Mrs. Alison M. Silk ‘88 G r e e n and B lu e C lub
Ms. Ellen Burke ‘74 Mrs. Danielle L. Desherow ‘93
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
St. Louise de Marillac Giving Societies continued
Commemorative Funds
Mrs. Julie A. Engels ‘82 Ms. Margaret A. Pasquesi ‘89 Ms. Nancy A. Ross ‘73 Mrs. Mary Anne Nash Sebby ‘71
J ohn D . A i e llo Endow e d S cholarship
L D M C lub
Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader ‘84 Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley ‘74 Ms. Mary Ellen Chabalowski ‘73 Ms. Diane E. Duffy ‘78 Mrs. Karen Eiten ‘76 Ms. Patricia A. Heffernan ‘83 Mrs. Mary O. Lederer ‘78 Mrs. Margo T. Lyons ‘77 Mrs. Carolyn D. Marsan ‘82 Mrs. Carolyn B. Ress ‘73 Mrs. Ann M. Ritzenthaler ‘85 Mrs. Jennifer L. Snyder ‘90 O th e r D onors
Mrs. Colleen Aufderheide ‘85 Mrs. Bridget M. Barrett ‘92 Mrs. Mary Ann Galassini Casey, ‘78 Ms. Kathryn M. Gallagher ‘78 Mrs. Jaymi N. Griesmeyer ‘92 Mrs. Ann L. Hagerty ‘85 Ms. Jennifer L. Harty ‘87 Ms. Deborah A. Henslee ‘75 Mrs. Kathleen M. Loftus ‘75 Mrs. Julie D. Montague ‘76 Ms. Mary E. Murphy ‘83 Mrs. Bettina E. Swanson ‘85 Mrs. Peggy A. Tameling ‘75 Ms. Lisa A. Weber ‘83 Mrs. Maureen Wilde ‘83
Ms. Julie Aiello-Vincent and Mr. Paul Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Breitzman Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bright ‘85 Ms. Cindy Chick Ms. Rosanne Coury Mr. Burtis J. Dolan IV ‘09 Mrs. Daisy Esparza Mr. Michael P. Frisch ‘16 Ms. Mary Gauntner Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Ms. Mary Ellen Jobczynski Mr. Donald E. Manhard III ‘09 Mr. Jerry W. Maurer Mr. Richard McDermott and Ms. Jane E. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McNamara Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 and Dr. Karin Ulstrup Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Dr. Elizabeth O’Shaughnessy and Mr. Kevin O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rollings Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schmitt ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thorsen III ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. David Wick
The Timothy and Susanne Sullivan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan G e rard B rost A ward
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Brost ‘71 R e v. R aymond J . C allahan , S J , S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. David Baine ‘03 Burners, Boilers & Controls Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Morelli ‘65
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Blake ‘52
R e v. J am e s C . L . A rimond , S J , ‘ 5 7 S cholarship for E x c e ll e nc e Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Concannon ‘83 The William & Kathy Doyle Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doyle ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Kelly ‘76 Mr. William A. McIntosh ‘57 Louis H. Scherb Attorney at Law Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Whalen ‘57 B oltz D e bat e F und
Dr. Paul W. Boltz ‘61 RIP and Mrs. Catherine A. Boltz Paul W. and C ath e rin e A . B oltz S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Mrs. Wendy Becker-Payton Mr. George Benson Mr. and Mrs. Branko Beronja Dr. Paul W. Boltz ‘61 RIP and Mrs. Catherine A. Boltz Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cohen Commanderie de Bordeaux A Naples
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
S ci e nc e L ab
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Spellman
R e v. P e t e r W. B r e slin , S J ,
T h e F rank J . A mato T rack and F i e ld Endowm e nt A ward
A quatic C e nt e r C oach ’ s O ffic e / P hil S t e lnicki B ust
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Delahanty Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Engelhardt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fortune Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaillard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Garlick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Girardin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Greene Ms. Carol Harrison-Panek Mr. and Mrs. James P. Johannsen Mr. and Mrs. C. David Lohri Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Resek Dr. and Mrs. Edward Scherder Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smith Ms. Isabelle M. Staffeldt Mrs. Victoria Toter
C lass of ‘ 5 2 S cholarship
C lass of ‘ 5 9 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Salvatore ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Toland Jr. ‘59 C lass of ‘ 6 0 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Braasch ‘60 C lass of ‘ 61 S cholarship
Mr. John F. McCormick ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan ‘61 C lass of 1 9 6 2 S cholarship
See the James M. O’Loughlin ‘62 and the Class of ‘62 Scholarship Endowment on page 57. C lass of ‘ 6 3 M e morial S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Butzen ‘63 C lass of ‘ 6 4 5 0 th R e union G ift
Capt. and Mrs. Stephen R. Arends ‘64 Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baier ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bassing ‘64 Mr. Thomas H. Baur E’64 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Black ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brice ‘64 Mr. Daniel J. Callahan ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Cech ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cleary ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Collins ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Conrad ‘64 Conway Construction & Design
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Conway ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Crowe ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Delaney Jr. ‘64 Mr. David R. Delano III ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin G. Dempsey ‘64 Alvin G. Dempsey Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donnelly ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Dunn ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dunne ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Edwards Jr. ‘64 Mr. Richard J. Fleming ‘64 Foley Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James F. Foley ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry Franke ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gavin ‘64 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Gewartowski ‘64 Mr. J. Joseph Griffin ‘62 Mr. Michael D. Groark ‘64 Mr. Robert G. Hammer ‘64 Mr. Raymond J. Heinz ‘64 Mr. Brian M. Henehan ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hoversen ‘64 Mr. Robert A. Innocenzi ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kabat ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Kaiser ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kelsey ‘64 Mr. Thomas M. Kennedy ‘71 and Mrs. Leslie P. Kennedy LdM ‘71 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Kleeman ‘64 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lentino ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Leydon ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Liess ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lubawski ‘64 Mr. J. Peter Maloney ‘64 Mr. Brian R. McCormick ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDermott ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. McEwen Jr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. McIntosh ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McIntyre Sr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Horst J. Metz ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mikos ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Mitchell ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moran Jr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Nugent ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. O’Brien ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Callaghan ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Papini ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pettinger ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Phillips ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Quinn ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Rassas ‘64 Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Rettig ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roche ‘64 Mr. E. William Rugen ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Ryan ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schinler ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Stevens ‘64 Mr. William M. Stover ‘64 and Mrs. Mary T. Stover LdM ‘71 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Sullivan ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Mel J. Thillens ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vahey ‘64 Mr. Allan C. Versino ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Waldron ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Weskamp ‘64 Weskamp/Stephen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. White ‘64 C lass of 2 0 11 S e nior G ift
Ms. Lauren R. Marino ‘11 C lass of 2 0 1 5 S e nior C lass G ift
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldrich Mr. Tyler J. Aldrich ‘15 Ms. Amelle C. Aldurra ‘15 Dr. and Mrs. Ghassan Aldurra
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allen Ms. Kathryn I. Allen ‘15 Mr. Andrew C. Amesbury ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anton Ms. Kacey E. Anton ‘15 Mr. John D. Baker ‘15 Ms. Catherine B. Barr ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Ms. Florita Barros-Kilroy and Mr. William Kilroy Ms. Maryclare B. Bartik ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Bernstein Ms. Olivia J. Bernstein ‘15 Mr. Courtney T. Bingham ‘15 Mr. William R. Boesen ‘15 Ms. Megan A. Bonner ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Bonner ‘80 Ms. Claire K. Burke ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. Jack E. Burns ‘15 Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Burns ‘75 Ms. Elizabeth C. Canning ‘15 Ms. Christina A. Capodanno ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. William Capodanno Ms. Grace K. Carpenter ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. James Carpenter Mr. John M. Carroll ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Carroll Ms. Blythe A. Chesney ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chesney Ms. Sarah E. Choate ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cichon Ms. Kathryn M. Cichon ‘15 Ms. Anna L. Clark ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Neal Clark Ms. Alexa M. DeLeo ‘15 Hon. and Mrs. James A. DeLeo Mr. Patrick E. Dillon ‘15 Ms. Laine E. Dolan ‘15 Ms. Amy L. Dormin ‘15 Ms. Megan P. Dormin ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dormin ‘76 Ms. Maeve K. Dowdle ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dowdle ‘80 Ms. Kiernan E. Dunham ‘15 Mr. Eric A. Elia ‘15 Mr. Griffin R. Elliott ‘15 Ms. Sarah K. Elston ‘15 Ms. Danielle M. Eng ‘15 Mr. Alvaro Escalante and Mrs. Olga M. Robaina Escalante Mr. Jose P. Escalante ‘15 Ms. Caitlin M. Flanagan ‘15 Mr. William E. Fox ‘15 Ms. Jacqueline E. Gariti ‘15 Ms. Marguerite G. Geary ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Geary Mr. John E. George ‘15 Ms. Luwam G. Girmai ‘15 Ms. Katherine A. Gittings ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gruber Mr. Zachary D. Gruber ‘15 Ms. Nandita Gupta ‘15 Drs. Roop and Anupam Gupta Ms. Sarah M. Hagedorn ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hagman Ms. Eva P. Hagman ‘15 Mr. Brock T. Hardwick ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Hardwick Ms. Maeve O. Harrington ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ‘81 Mr. Tim Harte ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. John P. Hartmann ‘15 Ms. Anne M. Hasson ‘15 Ms. Caitlin J. Haughey ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Henn Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy Mr. William M. Hennessy ‘15
Ms. Susanna K. Hick ‘15 Ms. Mary Kathryn K. Hocter ‘15 Ms. Aubrey M. Horton ‘15 Ms. Grace E. Howington ‘15 Ms. Kathleen M. Hulseman ‘15 Ms. Ayeon C. Joeng ‘15 Mr. Karlo M. Karacic and Dr. Theresa L. Karacic Ms. Nicole I. Karacic ‘15 Mr. Spencer C. Kelly ‘15 Ms. Catherine A. Kendrigan Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Kindelin Ms. Tessa M. Kindelin ‘15 Ms. Madeline S. Kovacevic ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koziol Ms. Sophie E. Koziol ‘15 Mr. Connor W. Kreb ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kreb Mr. and Mrs. John E. Krzeczkowski Mr. Michael A. Krzeczkowski ‘15 Mr. Andrew J. Kubicek ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kubicek Mr. Paul C. Kubicek ‘15 Ms. Erin C. Kurtz ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lalor Mr. Ulysses Lalor ‘15 Ms. Sarah R. Langill ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Laughlin ‘77 Ms. Molly E. Laughlin ‘15 Ms. Anne C. Lawler ‘15 Ms. Mary Katherine Lederer ‘15 Ms. Ashley N. Lodarek ‘15 Ms. Haley G. Loquercio ‘15 Ms. Laura A. Mahoney ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan Mr. Michael P. Mangan ‘15 Ms. Devan T. Markham ‘15 Ms. Rebecca E. Marquez ‘15 Ms. Keeley A. Martell ‘15 Ms. Nicole M. Matousek ‘15 Mr. Jakub Mazurek ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Kazimierz Mazurek Ms. Caitlin E. McEnery ‘15 Ms. Margaret R. McPike ‘15 Ms. Oriana A. Mejia ‘15 Ms. Krysta L. Migala ‘15 Ms. Claire M. Monticello ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘15 Mr. Peter A. Muench ‘15 Mr. Cameron J. Mulhall ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. Ragen T. Murphy ‘15 Ms. Megan T. Murtagh ‘15 Mr. Ryan A. Nash ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nichol Ms. Ann P. Nick ‘15 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. Brian A. O’Brien ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. O’Brien Mr. John M. O’Brien ‘15 Mr. Kevin P. O’Brien ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. O’Brien Ms. Morgan L. O’Doherty ‘15 Ms. Eleanor O’Meara ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Norton F. O’Meara Ms. Kathleen N. Otter ‘15 Mr. Jim Petit and Mrs. Mary F. Petit LdM ‘81 Ms. Kara A. Petit ‘15 Ms. Emily E. Phelps ‘15 Ms. Alyssa M. Pilac ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Emil Piro Ms. Sonia Piro ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. P. Marc Poggioli Ms. Rosie Portera Ms. Samantha R. Portera ‘15 Mr. Trevor J. Rahlfs ‘15 Mr. Kurtis W. Reichert ‘15 Ms. Caitlin P. Riley ‘15
F ol e y O ’ D onn e ll Athl e tic C ommons
Ms. Sharon DeRosa and Mr. Rich Ostrom The Tony DeRosa Foundation
Mr. Gilbert Bailey II ‘95 Mrs. Susan Beerhorst Mr. David A. Behof ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Ms. Julia C. Biasco Mr. and Mrs. Keilan Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Buckley ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cleland Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cogbill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dahm Ms. Joan M. Dowdle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Mark Flinchum Ms. Caroline Gajzler Ms. Patricia A. Griffith and Mr. Thomas Moore Ms. Deborah A. Henslee LdM ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John Holecek Mr. Daniel Kozlak ‘04 Ms. Melissa Krein Mr. Thomas Livatino Ms. Allison Loecke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maziarka Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. McDonough Mrs. Inna McNally Mr. Kevin J. Mistrik Mr. Timothy S. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Shon Morris Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Myslinski Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Nold Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. O’Connor ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Loughlin ‘59 Dr. Elizabeth O’Shaughnessy and Mr. Kevin O’Shaughnessy Mr. John Osowski Mr. Gregory Ostdiek, SJ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Pollina Mr. John T. Rank ‘65 and Ms. Linda Prasil Mrs. Janet N. Rothwell Mr. William D. San Hamel II ‘99 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Sassen Ms. Therese M. Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Lesley J. Seitzinger ‘88 Ms. Kristin Seske Ms. Sandra Smycz Mrs. Joan Solari Mr. Michael P. Stenson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Taylor Ms. Elizabeth A. Waid Prince and Mr. Randall Prince Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witt Mrs. Laura A. Yasko Mrs. Stacey Zupec
T h e W illiam F. D ool e y ‘ 5 6 S cholarship
D avid F e ar ‘ 7 0 S cholarship Endowm e nt
H onor and M e morial G ifts F und
William and Wilma Dooley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dooley ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Fear
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bredemann ‘70 Bredemann Toyota Mrs. Michelle Ciabattari Mr. Thomas J. Curnes Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Deloitte, LLP Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford Mr. Robert B. Egan Galoney Strubbe Charitable Foundation Ms. Nancy Gonzales Grove Partners, Inc./EGEA Spa Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hartman ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Klemmer Mr. James B. Leet Jr. ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Massey
Ms. Claire C. Rushin ‘15 Ms. Olivia R. Ryan ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Ms. Abigail J. Samuelson ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Samuelson Ms. Jessica B. Scesniak ‘15 Mr. Robert Scesniak Ms. Samantha B. Scesniak ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick J. Schaupp Mr. Robert F. Schaupp ‘15 Mr. Joseph R. Scheidt ‘15 Dr. Robert A. Scheidt and Dr. Laura M. Haugh-Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Schoenheider Mr. Jonathan J. Schoenheider ‘15 Ms. Megan R. Schulte ‘15 Ms. Erin D. Shiel ‘15 Ms. Emma R. Siegal ‘15 Ms. Mary U. Simons ‘15 Ms. Jacqueline A. Sowa ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sowa Ms. Lillian R. Speranza ‘15 Ms. Madeline A. Stadler ‘15 Mr. Connell O. Stanton ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Stanton ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John Talaga Mr. John P. Talaga ‘15 Ms. Emma E. Thomas ‘15 Mr. Christopher R. Tower ‘15 Ms. Isabelle C. Trimble ‘15 Ms. Hannah G. Trueman ‘15 Ms. Lena J. Volpe ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Wilson Mr. Nigel H. Wilson ‘15 Ms. Abigail A. Witkowski ‘15 Mr. Aaron M. Yasko ‘15 Mrs. Laura A. Yasko Mr. and Mrs. David R. Zahn Ms. Megan P. Zahorik ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 Ms. Caroline C. Zaworski ‘15 Mr. Joseph A. Zigmond ‘15 Ms. Caroline F. Zimmermann Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmermann Jr. ‘83 D avid and M ary L ou D e ck e r Family S cholarship
Mr. David A. Decker Jr. ‘87 D e nt e n Family S cholarship
Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ‘50 T ony D e R osa ‘ 9 0 S cholarship Endowm e nt
T h e J am e s C . D owdl e ‘ 5 2 M e morial S cholarship
Robert R. McCormick Foundation T h e J am e s C . D owdl e ‘ 5 2 M e morial S cholarship I I
Robert R. McCormick Foundation C arl A . Favaro ’ s M e morial T r e e P lanting C e r e mony
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David F. Arreguin Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Atwood Dr. Kathryn M. Baal
M icha e l E . F inn e gan S cholarship
Mr. Andrew LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. LeFevour Ms. Bridget LeFevour Mr. Conor F. LeFevour ‘01 and Ms. Margaret C. Russell Mr. Emmett LeFevour Ms. Kathleen LeFevour Ms. Mary Clare LeFevour Terrence P. LeFevour Attorney at Law Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mrs. William B. McNulty Mrs. Sarah LeFevour Meiners ‘04 PepsiCo Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nally ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morand Mr. John A. Morrissey Mrs. William D. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas The Patrick Group Mrs. Maureen Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Quirini St. Thomas Friary Mr. William F. Schwartz ‘97 Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mr. Ronald S. Sonenthal and Dr. Kathy R. Sonenthal Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Spooner ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trimberger Mr. John J. Venet ‘67 Ventas Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wisniewski
R e v. D onald J . H ay e s , S J , ‘ 4 3 S cholarship Endowm e nt
R e v. R ob e rt G . H umb e rt, S J , S cholarship Endowm e nt
Hayes Funeral & Cremation Service, LLC Mr. Mark F. Hayes ‘82 and Ms. Donna Russ Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kneafsey ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Sweeney ‘56 Dr. and Mrs. James P. Tasto ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Trapp ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 F orsyth Family S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III H ugh P. H ack e tt S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. David S. Richter Mr. Jeffrey R. Rosenthal R . G . H arrington ‘ 4 4 S cholarship Endowm e nt
J ohn T. H ick e y S r . ‘ 4 3 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bishop Ms. Jane Farver and Mr. John Moore Rev. John J. Foley, SJ Ms. Elizabeth B. Ganitopoulos Ms. Suzanne H. Howell Mr. James A. Langan Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC Richard W. Mortell Jr. Attorney at Law, PC Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mortell Jr. ‘72 Polk Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Rollings ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Sheedy A lb e rt A . H offman ‘ 4 5 and R e v. J ohn C . H offman , S J , ‘ 4 8 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Ms. Annette F. Dattulo Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Erlenbaugh Jr. Ms. Christine M. Lang Ms. Mary A. McGee Ms. Mary A. Naimie Mr. John W. Philbin ‘54 F rank and M onica H ogan P e rforming A rts Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hogan III ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Sr. ‘56 Hon. Michael J. Hogan ‘64 and Mrs. Margaret Troka Hogan RIP
I rish F e llowship F oundation C urr e nt S tud e nt A id F und
Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation T h e K ing Family S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King R ob e rt K ubon S cholarship
Robert Kubon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon T h e J oan F. and W illiam J . L av e zzorio ‘ 4 6 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schniedwind ‘69 G e rasim e M . L e gris , S J , S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Otter ‘72 J am e s W. Lyman ‘ 7 9 Family S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Patrick Lynch ‘ 8 7 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch M azza F oundation B ig S hould e rs Endowm e nt
Mrs. William J. Lavezzorio RIP Mazza Foundation Elizab e th D . and W illiam B . M c N ulty ‘ 3 8 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty ‘67 Mrs. William B. McNulty USA Midwest Province of The Society of Jesus T h e J am e s M . O ’ L oughlin ’ 6 2 and th e C lass of ‘ 6 2 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Blake ‘62 Dr. Edward W. Bough ‘62 and Ms. Joan Merdinger Mr. and Mrs. William T. Breen ‘62 Mr. George T. Cenar Jr. ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Cox ‘62
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Commemorative Funds continued
H ilary and F rank S chmitz Family S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Donoghue ‘62 Mr. Terrence P. Doyle ‘62 Capt. and Mrs. Dwight David Fisher ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Flatley ‘62 Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gebuhr ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hamilton ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Harrison ‘62 Mr. J. Douglas Hofherr, ‘62 Mrs. Joan Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly ‘62 Mr. Robert W. Kepner Jr. ‘62 Mrs. Katherine C. Kragh-Buetow ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krueger ‘64 Mr. George W. Luetkemeyer ‘62 RIP and Mrs. Patricia Luetkemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Meintzer ‘62 Mr. Edward A. Oehler ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Plunkett ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Quinn ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sennott Jr. ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Smoluch ‘62 Mr. George P. Sullivan ‘62 and Ms. Dorothy Turek Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ‘62 Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wozniak ‘62 A rthur and B arbara Pantl e Family S cholarship
Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62 R ob e rt P. P e rkaus I I I ‘ 7 7 M e morial S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Casey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kloempken ‘56 Mr. Carlos Lopez and Ms. Anne Reed Lopez Ms. Ann C. Miller Dr. Joseph R. Nora RIP Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Ms. Barbara M. Reed Ms. Carole F. Reed Sauganash Community Association Ms. Mary P. Tracy Ms. Rosemarie Tracy Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vanecko P e rkaus / R e e d S cholarship Endowm e nt
Ms. Karen Kalichman Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54 M icha e l R e barchak ‘ 7 9 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Powers ‘79 T homas A . R e ynolds J r . ’ 4 5 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 J ar e tt R omanski ‘ 9 4 S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Matheson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Matheson Ms. Susan D. Romanski M icha e l J . S cha e f e r ‘ 9 6 M e morial S cholarship
Michael’s Mission Ms. Marguerite Schaefer
J ohn and K athl e e n S chr e ib e r S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ‘64 The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation K yl e S h e llb e rg ‘ 9 6 S cholarship
Ms. Shayne C. Adams Mr. Mark Agnew Dr. Goesel Anson Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Baby Jr. Mr. Henry P. Baby III ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Baby ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Baine ‘92 Mr. Stephen Baine Mr. Paul Baldwin and Ms. Meighan O’Rourke-Baldwin Mr. Miles M. Baltrusaitis ‘96 Dr. Brian Birmingham Ms. Molly Bittrick Mr. Stephen Blonsky Blyth & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Boersma Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Braasch ‘94 Mr. Matthew Braasch Mr. and Mrs. John E. Braunhold Mr. Andrew C. Brennan ‘96 Mr. Aaron M. Bukta and Ms. Shannon Pope Ms. Elizabeth Burke Mr. Kevin T. Carroll ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Carroll Mr. Edmund Chadd Mr. John R. Chadd Chicago Blackhawks Charities Commercial Plastics Company Mr. Patrick Dahl Mr. Michael Dallia Mr. Benjamin Daverman The Robert J. Daverman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Daverman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Decwikiel Mr. and Mrs. Denis Dowling Mr. Michael T. Driscoll, USMC ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Dudek Jr. Mr. Rock P. Dudek ‘96 Mr. Daniel J. Dunn ‘93 Ms. Donna Dunworth Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Dwyer ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Dr. Samuel Eaton Ms. Susan Eaton Mr. Gerald Entman Mr. Timothy L. Epstein ‘95 Mr. Michael A. Gayton Ms. Catherine Gray Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Grinstead Mr. Richard Grubin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gullen Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hammond III ‘97 Mr. Ryan P. Hanley Ms. Karen Hanover Mr. Conor J. Heaton ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huber Mr. Christopher M. Hunt ‘97 Dr. Carrie A. Jaworski Mr. Stephen Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jennings Mr. Clayton Jernigan Mr. Mike Joyce Mr. Justin O. Kay ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kearney ‘95 Mr. Robert J. Keith
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Mr. John M. Keller Jr. ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Kempf III Mr. Joshua Knight Mr. Terry Knight Ms. Sherry Kopka Dr. Vincent Kucich Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kukla Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaCorcia Mr. John Paul LaCorcia ‘97 Mr. Michael LaFontaine Ms. Lindsay Landsberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lang Mr. Scott Larson Mr. Beau LeMire Mr. Brian Lewin Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Lifvendahl Ms. Alicia Little Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Livery Mr. Peter M. LoGiudice Mr. John V. Loiacano ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Loiacano Mr. Michael J. Loiacano ‘90 Loyola Academy 1995 State Championship Hockey Team Loyola Gold Hockey Club Mr. Jack E. MacIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Roderick E. Mac Rae Mr. Christopher Madden Mr. Peter Martay Mr. and Mrs. William H. Martay Ms. Linda K. Martin Mr. Benjamin D. Maxwell Ms. Alice E. Mayer Mayer-Huls Properties, Inc. Mr. Richard McCallister Mr. Justin D. McCarthy ‘95 Dr. and Mrs. Mike McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McHugh ‘97 J. F. McKinney and Associates Mr. John F. McKinney Jr. ‘96 Mr. Sean P. Meehan ‘96 Ms. Jean Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Duschan Milojevic Mr. Kevin J. Mistrik Mr. Andrew M. Mitchell ‘97 Ms. Polly Morrison Ms. Sarah Morrison Mr. Kevin R. Murphy ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Murray ‘90 Mr. Robert A. Musiala Jr. ‘96 Mrs. Sara Newens Mr. Hagen P. O’Brien Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien ‘84 and Ms. Aimee M. Meccia O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. O’Donnell ‘95 Mr. Ronald W. Orbaugh Mr. Timothy W. O’Rourke Mr. Matthew Passen Mr. John Patience Penco Electric Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Purcell ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Rascia Mr. Andrew C. Ray and Ms. Sara Buchen-Ray Mr. Larry Roberts Ms. Linda Rodgers Mr. John R. Roney ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Ruscitti Ms. Andrea Saewitz Mr. Robert St. John Mr. Michael J. Samis ‘66 Ms. Elizabeth M. Schillen ‘96 Mr. Erik J. Schnotala ‘96 Mr. Frank D. Schnotala Mr. Andy Schwarcz Mr. William F. Schwartz ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. David Sellke Mr. Thomas Sharp and Ms. Ursula Ross Mr. Howard Shellberg
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shellberg Dr. Arnold Shkolnik and Ms. Carol L. Waugh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Skoglund ‘93 Mr. Daniel P. Skoglund ‘00 Mr. Matt Skoglund Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Skoglund Mr. Charles Skopp and Ms. Theresa J. Andreotta Mr. Michael J. Staff ‘95 Ms. Elizabeth Stark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finn Stepan ‘95 Ms. Kelly A. Sullivan Mr. Michael A. Sullivan ‘95 Mr. Jeff Supiner Tangerine Meetings & Events Mr. Paul M. Thomas ‘95 Mr. Brian M. Tracy ‘95 Mr. Andrew Turner Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Vender Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vender Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Vender ‘96 Mr. Daniel Waitzman Mr. Howard Waitzman Mr. Matt Walker Ms. Janet L. Weglarz Mr. Michael J. West ‘96 Mr. Daniel R. Wirtz ’96 Ms. Kathleen Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. David M. Witek Mr. Steven Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wolfe B r . J am e s E . S mall , S J , F in e A rts G uild
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murray Ms. Margaret A. Pasquesi LdM ‘89 C onstanc e S taffil e no S cholarship
Mr. Harry Staffileno RIP F. Q uinn S t e pan S r . ‘ 5 5 I gnatian Educator F und
Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 M im and N e il S ullivan Family S cholarship Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Donovan III ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 M ary D . T i e rn e y S cholarship
Mr. Patrick J. Tierney ‘02 V i B e rn F oundation S cholarship
ViBern Foundation W ilm e tt e O ptimist C lub A ward
Mr. and Mrs. Ken E. Paxson Sr. Wilmette Optimist Club Foundation
Special Funds A quatic I nitiativ e
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Todd T. Ford ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gross Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. William H. LeCompte Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Levison Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Mr. R. Frederick Seebeck Jr. ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Athl e tic D e partm e nt F und
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Andrew ‘85 Mr. Darcy R. Bonner III ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Breitzman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Deeley Jr. ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Duet ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Gavin ‘67 Mr. Stephen L. Goering ‘96 Ms. Mary McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Shon Morris Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. Michael M. Viglione ‘01 Athl e tic T raining C e nt e r
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 B ig S hould e rs A nnual S cholarship F und
Fred B. Snite Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan The Timothy and Susanne Sullivan Family Foundation B oys H op e G irls H op e F und
Mr. Carl A. Favaro RIP and Mrs. Joan L. Favaro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Munez ‘89 Mr. J. Hobie Murnane Jr. ‘75 Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan C hicago J e suit A cad e my G raduat e s S cholarship
Anonymous Higher Path Foundation Mr. Thomas J. Holmberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott C ouns e ling S e rvic e s F und
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomas Endowm e nt for th e A dvanc e m e nt of T uition A ssistanc e
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just F in e A rts I nitiativ e
Drs. Scott C. and Regina P. Brun Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Deering Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerlach ‘51 Jocarno Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ‘72 St. Martha Catholic Church
F ishing C lub F und
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kubicek G e n e ral S cholarship Endowm e nt
John J. and Barbara L. Schornack G e n e ral U nr e strict e d Endowm e nt F und
Mr. John C. Altman ‘71 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Feifar ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Globe Foundation Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs RIP and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs RIP Mr. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 G raduat e Par e nts N e twork
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Babcock Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Boehm Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Burns ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Condon ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Dancer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dwyer ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Feldheim Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gambacorta ‘78 Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hagedorn ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinen Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hipskind Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Kinzel Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kosminskas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Koziol Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kreb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. LaPlaca Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Michalek ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. John Nickele and Mrs. Mary Gomez Nickele Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Nigh Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Donoghue ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Papakyriacou Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas Mr. Jim Petit and Mrs. Mary F. Petit LdM ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Jr. Ms. Susan D. Romanski Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick J. Schaupp Mr. David E. Scherer and Dr. Martha Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ‘77 Dr. and Mrs. John N. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Jr. ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Steger Sr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sutehall Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Thalmann III Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow G uardian A ng e l S tud e nt A id F und
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Alvarado Mr. and Mrs. David Ansani Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ashley IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Atwood Dr. and Mrs. Carl Backer Mr. James M. Baisley Jr. ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Balestrery Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ball Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. Terrence P. Bannon ‘71 and Ms. Barbara A. Kilian Mr. Ford S. Bartholow and Dr. Cynthia L. Bartholow Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Beale-Delvecchio Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Bernstein Ms. Leanne M. Bertucci Mr. and Mrs. James B. Biery Mr. and Mrs. Steve Birchard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Boersma Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braasch Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bredemann ‘72 Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Broccolo ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Buffo Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. and Mrs. Mike J. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. John T. Calk Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Dr. and Mrs. George T. Chiampas Dr. Howard Chrisman and Hon. Amy St. Eve Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cichon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coleman ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Collins ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Crotty Mr. James R. Cruger and Ms. Marie F. Osadjan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Daly ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. D’Arrigo Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Dean Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dempsey Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. RIP and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Dunn Dr. and Mrs. John R. Durburg ‘56 Ms. Lynn M. Egan Dr. and Mrs. Glynn J. Elliott III ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Erie ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Falkenhayn Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Ferstel ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Larkin S. Flanagan ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Foy Mr. and Mrs. Greg S. Fullman Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Funck Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Germano Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Giella Mr. and Mrs. Todd Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Glavin Jr. ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Goldberg ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Goodworth Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Gordon III Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Gray Mr. Jerome N. Groark ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Gurda Ms. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hanhardt ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harris Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. Brian M. Hayes ‘88 and Mrs. Kathy S. Hayes LdM ‘88 Mr. Charles W. Heintz and Ms. Erin Melley Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Henning Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huber Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Huettl Ms. Meghan E. Huffman ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Kreg J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Johnston Mr. Jeffrey A. Jung and Ms. Lisa Winger Ms. Patricia A. Kalal-Guanci Mr. and Mrs. James Kanellitsas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kariotis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Karlson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelsh Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kennedy Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kilian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kramer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kreb Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Krysa Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Kryscio Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ladurini Mr. Peter J. Langas and Mrs. Jacqualine E. Langas LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Largay Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. LeBrun Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Leighton ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Leiser ‘79 Mr. Mark A. Lewandowski ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski LifeSource Mr. Homer J. Livingston Jr. RIP and Mrs. Margery Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lobner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ludwig Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lyman III ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Marchiori Ms. Karen S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Marwede Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Maschmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Rob McCall Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKeough Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. McKinley Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Meister ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Menconi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. William L. Metzger Drs. John and Christine Michael Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Michalek ‘82 Mrs. Celinda Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mlynek Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 and Dr. Karin Ulstrup Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Morales Ms. Patricia Moran Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. David W. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. Brian Norton and Dr. Kathryn Grace Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O’Brien ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. O’Brien ‘82 Mrs. Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ‘02 and Mr. Benjamin R. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Odle Mr. and Mrs. John K. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Palmersheim Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Paquin Jr. Mr. Ben J. Parma and Mrs. Rowena T. Parma LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Leonel Peralta Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Petersen ‘80 Mr. Jim Petit and Mrs. Mary F. Petit LdM ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Prassas ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis J. Reichert Ms. Jeanne M. Reynolds LdM ‘79 and Mr. Thomas R. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Richmond ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Rider Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ‘75 Mr. James S. Rowe and Dr. Cynthia L. Rowe Mr. Philip Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Rueth Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rushin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. San Roman Mr. Mark F. Santacrose ‘77 and Ms. Margaret M. Fiorenza Ms. Catherine M. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Schafer ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick J. Schaupp Mr. Dieter A. Schmitz and Ms. Megan C. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schniedwind ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schramm Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schultz Ms. Laura J. Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. James A. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Shea ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Shearson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shiel Mr. and Mrs. Ali Shilati Mr. John D. Shugrue and Ms. Elizabeth A. Price Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sowa Dr. and Mrs. Walter Stadler Mr. and Mrs. John S. Staley ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Starr IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Starshak Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Swanson ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John Talaga Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Tata Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Tazioli ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Tessier Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Thompson ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Torain Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Sr. Mr. Rick Tsakalios Ms. Katherine T. Vega Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Visconti Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ‘62 Ms. Amy M. Welzer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Wetoska ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Brent C. White Mr. Nat Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Willer ‘92 Mr. Thomas J. Wimbiscus and Mrs. Maureen A. Wimbiscus LdM ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Evan M. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. David R. Yaccino L across e P rogram F und
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stauder L anguag e D e partm e nt F und
Kardos Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Kavanagh L oav e s and F ish e s F und
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Breitzman L oyola A cad e my B ig S hould e rs S cholarship Endowm e nt
Couri Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 M andarin C hin e s e L anguag e Endowm e nt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 M unz C ampus G e n e ral F und
Mr. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 N e e dy Family F und
McNamara Purcell Foundation Mr. David P. Purcell ‘82 O ’ S haughn e ssy L e arning C e nt e r Endowm e nt
Minann, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 15
Special Funds continued
T h e R os e C atharin e S chuba T e nnis Park R e construction
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick S ci e nc e I nitiativ e
Drs. Scott C. and Regina P. Brun Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Patricia & Albert C. Buehler Jr. Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Louis Glunz III Family/ Regis Technologies Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. Stepan Company Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 S e cond C e ntury R e s e rv e F und
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Drs. Scott C. and Regina P. Brun Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Mary and Ralph Gesualdo Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ‘75 International Autos Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Bruce and Laura Lee Family Foundation The Scoby Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ‘83 S umm e r S e rvic e P rogram F und
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hammond III ‘97
Multiyear Pledge Donors Ms. Lynn M. Egan Ms. Mary Ellen Jobczynski Mr. Justin B. Jurasz ‘99 Mr. Michael B. Killackey Mr. Alec J. Kosminskas ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kosminskas Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Lee ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Marwede Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCarthy ‘85 Mr. William C. Melsheimer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Gara ‘84 Mr. Francis W. O’Malley and Mrs. Loretta A. O’Malley LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Pinelli ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Polk ‘63 Mr. Howard Pritchard Mr. Michael T. Roth Mr. Michael H. Seitzinger Mr. Patrick J. Tierney ‘02 Mr. Mark G. Vanecko W r e stling P rogram F und
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation
Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Akey Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Mr. David A. Behof ‘92 Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. Ronald V. Berger ‘61 Dr. Paul W. Boltz ‘61 RIP and Mrs. Catherine A. Boltz Dr. Edward W. Bough ‘62 and Ms. Joan Merdinger Mr. and Mrs. William J. Braasch ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Breen ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Patricia & Albert C. Buehler Jr. Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune Mr. and Mrs. John J. Concannon ‘83 Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Couri Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. David A. Decker Jr. ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Deering Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Devine ‘61 Mrs. Mary N. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Donoghue ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 Mr. Terrence P. Doyle ‘62 Dr. and Mrs. John R. Durburg ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. John E. Flatley ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Todd T. Ford ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gebuhr ‘62 Mary and Ralph Gesualdo Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Dr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Gibbons Globe Foundation Mr. J. Joseph Griffin ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Griffin ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gross Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hamilton ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 International Autos Mr. Jack R. Jennings ‘97 Ms. Robyn Jennings ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just Mrs. Joan Keefe Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. Mathias A. Klein III ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Robert Kubon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Lane ‘61 Mrs. William J. Lavezzorio RIP Mr. and Mrs. William H. LeCompte Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Bruce and Laura Lee Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Lee ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Levison Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 The Marineau Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Marineau ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Marwede Mazza Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation Mr. Michael R. McDonald ‘87 and Ms. Rebecca Wright Mr. Thomas J. McDonald ‘82
McNamara Purcell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Meintzer ‘62 Mr. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Denis B. O’Keefe ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. Mr. David P. Purcell ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Purcell ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds III ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Salvatore ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ‘64 Mr. Robert A. Schultz ‘61 Dr. and Mrs. George F. Seidenbecker ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sennott Jr. ‘62 Smithereen Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Smoluch ‘62 Stepan Company Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Sullivan ‘61 The Timothy and Susanne Sullivan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan ‘61 Dr. and Mrs. James P. Tasto ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Toland Jr. ‘59 ViBern Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wagener ‘72 Thomas R. and Susan G. Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wozniak ‘62
S wimming P rogram F und
Kardos Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Kavanagh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stauder T e chnology F und
Helen V. Brach Foundation Clorox Gift Campaign Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon Mr. and Mrs. Nikolaos A. Vlahos ‘86 V e stm e nts for M ass F und
Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. RIP and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci W e ight R oom R e novation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Akey Barclays Educational Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. David G. Burden ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Costello Custom Cares Charities, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Deering Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Demling ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Denten ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘82 Mr. Vincent P. Duet ‘98
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 014 – 2 015
Editor’s Note We make every effort to ensure that the donors who support Loyola Academy’s mission of Jesuit education are appropriately recognized for their generosity, foresight and commitment. This Honor Roll of Donors includes contributions received between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. If you have not received proper recognition for your gift in this annual report, please accept our apologies and notify our Development Department at or 847.920.2766 as soon as possible so that we can correct our records.
ACADEMY our mission
To form young women and men for meaningful lives of leadership and service in imitation of Jesus Christ through a college preparatory education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.
Loyola Academy Board of Trustees 2014–2015 CHAIR
Bruce A. Lee
Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Treasurer Accenture Terrence M. Belton, PhD Managing Director Global Portfolio Strategy JP Morgan Chase Gerald F. Corcoran Chairman and Chief Executive Officer R.J. O’Brien and Associates
Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ’76 President Loyola Paper Company Peter C. Lee ’97 Director Wealth and Investment Management Barclays Roseann F. LeFevour Midwest Regional Director The American Ireland Fund Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President Loyola Academy Patricia M. O’Brien
President’s Executive Leadership Team Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President Genevieve Baisley Atwood Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal Terence K. Brennan Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer Gary A. Marando Vice President of Mission and Ministry Robert O. Miller Vice President of Advancement Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Special Assistant to the President
Br. Ralph Cordero, SJ Faculty St. Ignatius High School
Rev. James S. Prehn, SJ Rector of the Jesuit Community Loyola University Chicago
Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ Vice President for Development Loyola University Chicago
Hon. Amy J. St. Eve District Judge Northern District of Illinois United States District Court
Robert O. Miller Vice President of Advancement
Louise V. Sanborn
C omm u nications D epartment
Mary N. Dillon Chief Executive Officer Ulta Beauty Patrick C. Eilers Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners Rev. Raymond P. Guiao, SJ Provincial Assistant for Formation Chicago/Detroit and Wisconsin Provinces Society of Jesus Roger P. Hickey ’79 Chief Executive Officer Global Economics Group
Kyle K. F. Shinseki, SJ Regent Creighton University Jesuit Community Timothy P. Sullivan Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC William E. Sullivan ’72 Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Purdue University
Margaret Kenny
Rev. Eric M. Sundrup, SJ Campus Minister St. Mary’s Student Parish
Andrew Kopon Jr. Attorney Kopon Airdo, LLC
Kevin W. Willer ’92 Partner Chicago Ventures
Paul J. Laughlin
Office of Advancement
Lynn Egan Communications Manager Robin Hunt Director of Public Relations O’Donavan Johnson ’00 Campaign Manager and Director of Social Media
Meghan E. Huffman ‘07 Special Events Manager Martha Ortinau ‘05 Director of Annual Giving Joan Schniedwind Special Events Coordinator Lesley J. Seitzinger ’88 Principal Gifts Officer Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Director of Alumni Relations
D evelopment D epartment
Thomas J. Cramer Principal Gifts Officer Karen Diener Associate Director of Database Management
Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color and national origin or ethnic origin.
Sophie Streeter Director of Special Events Tammy Tsakalios Gift Processor
Have courage. Go forward. Make noise. — P o p e F ra n c i s
Inspired Graduates At our 105th Commencement Exercises in May, Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, urged the 454 members of the Class of 2015 to be “ambassadors of hope and bearers of light” as they used their knowledge, skills and talents in service to the world.
W e b E x tra > View our Commencement 2015 photo gallery at
l aram i e
a v e n u e
w i l m e t t e ,
I l l i n o i s
6 0 0 9 1 – 1 0 8 9
t e l e p h o n e
8 4 7 . 2 5 6 . 1 1 0 0
g o ram b l e r s . o r g