Annual Report 2014-15

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Scholarship Endowment in memory of their father, Burtis J. Dolan Jr. ’43, and supported the Ramblers Golf Outing and the Ramble.

James C. L. Arimond, SJ, Scholarship for Excellence Endowment. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan contributed to the Fine Arts Initiative, the Mothers’ Club and the Ramble.

Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue contributed a major gift to the Ramble and supported the Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Program, the Mothers’ Club Huffman III contributed to and the Women of Wisdom the Annual Giving Program, Society. the Mothers’ Club, the Fathers’ Network, the Mr. and Mrs. William J. Guardian Angel Fund, the Doyle ’68 contributed a President’s Dinner and the major gift to the Annual Ramble. Giving Program and contributed to the Rev.

The Estates of Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ’31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs contributed major gifts to the General Unrestricted Endowment. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Joyce Sr. ’83 contributed to the Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble. Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce contributed to the Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner and the Ramble.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just contributed a major gift to the Endowment for the Advancement of Tuition Assistance and supported the Annual Giving Program, the Mothers’ Club and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kramer Sr. contributed to the Guardian Angel Fund and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon contributed a major gift to the Robert Kubon Scholarship. continued on page 25

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