Lowcountry Dog Magazine- June 2023

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The Stinky Pet Co. PetSafe& FriendlyProductsForTheLove ofFurBabies www.thestinkypetco.com

We believe that our dogs are our best friends, and that’s why we need a reliable source to turn to for information on all things “dog” in our community. Our mission is to be the number one Charleston area resource for dog owners regarding regional dog-centric and dog-welcoming events, health & wellness information, dog training, trends, and local news. We also strive to be a mouthpiece to the public for various Lowcountry-based pet non-profits, and we promote pet adoption and other responsible pet care practices.

Founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 2005 as a print magazine, we re-launched in 2015 as “Charleston’s Digital Dog Magazine” and added print back in 2020. We continue our mission to be the best dog friendly resource in the Lowcountry.

This and every issue of Lowcountry Dog Magazine is dedicated Peanut, our Chief Canine Officer, 2005



Canine Correspondent



Southern Vintage Photography

Jeanne Taylor Photography

Web and Design Consultant

Contributing Writers

The Swivel Group

For advertising and media inquiries please email contact@lowcountrydog.com

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NEW COLUMN: Lovey’s Lowcountry Livin’

Sit, Stay, Behave... Agility’s Obstacles

HEALTH & WELLNESS: Arthritis and Joint Health

FEATURE STORY: Summer Fun in Every Direction




Irish Greyhounds Come to the Lowcountry

GO GREEN: Adopt A Recycled Dog!

this issue
Cover Photo and Above Photo provided by Kristin Sullivan

A Dog Day at The Joe!

Well, I didn’t think I would find myself here, but here we are. Peanut was not just my boss, but also my mentor. And though I didn’t think I’d be filling her paws so soon (and never truly will), I’ll give it my best to make her proud. Welcome to Lovey’s Lowcountry Livin’. Each issue I will give you a taste of what it is like to be a dog in the Lowcountry, one of the most dog-friendly places. As Canine Correspondent, it’s my job. This should be fun.

Tuesday home games with the Charleston RiverDogs is Dog Day Tuesday and, my job, Lowcountry Dog is a sponsor. I make it out as much as possible, which is hard because I don’t really like people. But I do love chillin’ in our seats watching the game, ALL THE DOGS, getting snacks that my bosses give me, and if I am lucky, a pup cup of doggie ice cream.

Lovey's lowcountry livin’

Now to go a RiverDogs game as a dog, your humans have to sign a waiver and of course you must remain leashed and be a good pup. We have some amazing seats each game behind homeplate that we enjoy, as well as our Lowcountry Dog Society Members and readers that we give tickets to. You can get tickets at RiverDogs.com. OR, still reading? Win some for free on insta @lowcountrydog. The last two are June 20th and July 25th. Go Dogs!

You know the RiverDogs won the Championship the past 2 years? I like to think I helped win all the games I went to last year to cheer them on. We hope they pull off the win again this year.

There is also a new addition to Dog Days games. Czabin, the Bat Dog!!! The bosses tell me we featured her in the June 2019 issue of Lowcountry Dog but that was before my time and she hasn’t been there since the 2019 season. She is back for 2023 and she is amazing! She runs out and grabs the bats for the team and brings them back to the dug out. I can barely give a tennis ball back...working on it.

Hope to see you at The Joe, I’ll be the cutie in section 206! Stay tuned for the next adventure! ■

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www.lowcountrydog.com JUNE 2023 7

Agility’s Obstacles

Establishing the Foundations

It has been exciting to watch in recent years how rapidly dog sports have grown and evolved. New sports have surfaced in just the last few years. I am interested in where those sports lead us and what might be possible to do with man’s best friend. As the role and status of the dog has grown dramatically, dog sports are most definitely benefiting both the dog and it’s owner as a team, which is continually building the partnership.

Not only are dog sports growing rapidly, but information and videos on the different types of sports are also readily available and all at our fingertips. This is wonderful, but, at the same time, I have found over the years having in-person instruction is a great benefit and truly needed for identifying errors and making corrections on the part of the dog handler. I also believe it is important to have a group of friends you can train with that give comradery and can be in your corner to cheer you on when you are struggling or winning in your training. This leads me to a fantastic and exhilarating sport that my dog and I have come to thoroughly enjoy in the past year and one you might know. It has built confidence in my dog, added structure to my training and built a strong bond between us. This sport is one we have here locally in our back yard in Charleston, Dog Agility.

First, let’s look back at a little history on how agility came to be.

In 1977, England’s biggest dog show, Crufts, was looking to fill spare time between their obedience championship and their group judging. A committee member, John Varley, knew about horse show jumping and decided to develop the same concept, but with dogs. Not knowing anything about dog training, he reached out to Peter Meanwell, a trainer of the Working Trial dogs in the U.K. He was asked to create a dog jumping event to amuse the audience, and that he did! In February 1978, Crufts had their first demonstration of agility and it was a success. This led led to dog agility becoming a competitive event in 1979. Fast forward to 1986, and the United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA) was formed with their first competition held that year in Houston, Texas. In May of 1990, the first USDAA title, The Agility Dog® (AD) title, was achieved by Alaina Axford and her Portuguese Water Dog, Cooper.

Other organizations started to add on to this exciting sport a few years later. In 1993, The American Kennel Club (AKC) held a committee meeting to decide whether their organization would add agility to their performance events, and they did! The following year, AKC held their first competitive event, also held in Houston, TX.

Another association, the United Kennel Club (UKC) took over the NCDA program in 1995 and started to host their agility performance events. Their Total Dog® performance events are held in Kalamazoo, Michigan each year.

All different organizations around the world now hosting agility events gave rise to the International Federation of Cynological Sports (IFCS) in 2000, which was established by the Cynological Federations of Russia and Ukraine. Their goal is to unite dog sport organizations of different countries and hold international championships. In March of 2002, the IFCS held its first world championships with six countries participating. The USA team, USDAA, brought home the team gold and individual standard gold! (Fender)


I would say it has been an exciting journey for the sport of dog agility, regardless of what organization is putting on the event.

Are you curious to know more?

Whether you just want to have fun with your dog or want to compete in agility competitions, agility is a fast-paced and rewarding experience. There are weave poles, jumps, tunnels, tires, and more for you and your canine to navigate. Your dog will be mentally and physically challenged as well as yourself, and best of all, it is a great time shared with you and your best friend.

First and foremost, you’re going to need a dog that behaves around other dogs and people. If your dog can’t be around other dogs in a respectful manner, I would suggest finding a reactive dog trainer to get your dog in a balanced state of mind. This will serve you and your dog well, whether you do a sport or not.

You have a well-behaved dog; now how do you get started? Your dog must know and understand the stay command, whether it’s in a down or sitting position. So, your dog must also know how to sit and/or down. Your pooch will also need a release cue and a come command or what we trainers like to call as a “recall”. It should be noted that doing these commands only in your home is not sufficient for the agility field. Your dog must be able to do these skills in a distracting and busy environment. If you have to issue a command three, four, or five times... your team may need more practice.

Do you play with your dog daily or during your training sessions? If not, you’ll need to start. Play between you and your dog builds connection and makes you the best and most important, rather than everything else. The time you spend playing with your dog helps with training, and your dog will be more apt to work for you when you ask. Take some basic obedience classes to get your team on the right track. The Charleston Dog Training Club (an AKC non-for-profit affiliate club founded in 1959) has been teaching Charleston’s pet owners how to train their dogs in basic obedience and in

competitive sports for decades. Our members volunteer their time to help the community learn and compete in several dog sports. If you are interested in learning more about us and the classes we offer, check us out on social media and on our website at charlestondogtrainingclub. com.

Once your dog has achieved basic obedience skills, you are ready to begin an agility introductory (foundations) class. Foundation classes will start working on flat work and the concept of wrapping objects, two-on-two-off method and understanding our body signal cues. In agility foundation classes, your team might be introduced to the jumps and tunnels. By the end of your first 6- to 12- weeks of agility classes you will probably be hooked and ready for more, just like my dog and me.

If your team decides that agility is something you want to pursue, it will be time to start setting goals. You will need goals set to better your handling skills as well as training and class goals for your dog. Goals provide you with a path that will keep you, as the handler, and your dog motivated and moving forward as a successful team. The journey of agility training has its obstacles to master and a winding course to the top of that A-frame but once you’re there, there is no stopping either of you. (pun intended)

(Fender, 2004) History information was sourced from the journal Clean Run, article titled History of Agility, Part 1 written by Brenna Fender in 2004. ■

www.lowcountrydog.com JUNE 2023 11

Dealing with Arthritis and Joint Pain in Dogs

Similar to humans, dogs are capable of experiencing health issues as they grow older. One of these health issues that many dogs experience is arthritis, or joint inflammation. Like people, dogs can experience pain, stiffness, and mobility problems due to arthritis.

It is essential to detect the early signs of arthritis and joint discomfort in order to make sure the dog receives the proper care and treatment. This article will give you useful advice on how to treat canine arthritis and joint pain.

Causes of Arthritis in Dogs

Knowing the causes of canine arthritis is crucial because it can be used to prevent or lessen cases of the condition. The following are a few of the most typical causes of arthritis in dogs:


Some breeds are more susceptible to developing arthritis than others. These may include:

• German Shepherds

• Rottweilers

• Labrador Retrievers

• St Bernard

• Dobermann

• English Mastiff, etc.

These breeds are larger and heavier, which adds stress to their joints.


The deterioration of the joints builds up over time and gets worse as the dog ages. A dog’s connective tissues and cartilage start to deteriorate as the body progressively loses the ability to keep up with the healing of damaged cells.


Dogs who sustain joint injuries may develop arthritis. Torn ligaments, dislocations, fractures, and joint pain cause inflammation and discomfort. Joint injuries can become worse over time and result in permanent damage if left untreated.


Being overweight puts too much strain on a dog’s joints, which can hasten the deterioration of the cartilage. The weight of a dog needs to be under control because obesity can aggravate arthritis and make it challenging to manage.

Treatment Options for Arthritis in Dogs

Canine arthritis can be managed with a variety of treatments. The remedies all work to lessen discomfort, reduce inflammation, and increase joint mobility.



A skilled veterinarian should be consulted before administering any drugs to a dog to help reduce the pain and inflammation brought on by arthritis.

• Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

• Opioids

• Corticosteroids


Supplements can offer further assistance in managing canine arthritis. These supplements might consist of:

• Glucosamine

• Chondroitin

• Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Physical therapy and exercise

There are several ways to manage canine arthritis, including exercise and physical therapy. They may consist of:

Range-of-motion exercises: To keep joints mobile and increase flexibility, these exercises involve stretching and movement of the joints. Exercises for a range of motion should be done under a veterinarian’s guidance.

Give a massage: Dog massages will make your dog feel better and relaxed, increase your dog’s mobility and flexibility, help in blood circulation, while not putting direct pressure on the joints, kneading the stiff muscles. You can have a professional therapist help.

Low-Impact Exercise: Low-impact workouts that don’t put too much stress on the joints include walking and swimming.

Soft Bed: Orthopedic beds can help your dog cushion the effect of joint pain and arthritis; offer soft beds made especially for dogs with arthritis.

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Even with arthritis, daily exercise helps strengthen your dog’s muscles and ligaments and reduces the risk of injury.

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for preventing arthritis from progressing. Make sure you give a balanced diet to your pet; it must contain the right amount of protein and calories.

Other Treatment Options

Acupuncture: In dogs with arthritis, acupuncture can help with pain management, inflammation reduction, and mobility enhancement. The body’s many acupoints are penetrated with tiny needles during this alternative therapy.

Cold Laser Therapy: Dogs with damaged joints can receive non-invasive treatment using cold laser therapy, which employs low-intensity lasers. It can aid in reducing discomfort, edema, and inflammation.

Surgery: Surgery may be required in extreme situations to replace or repair damaged joints, which can help dogs with severe arthritis. The doctor will go over the advantages and disadvantages of surgery.


Several breeds of dogs have arthritis and joint discomfort, especially as they get older, and not all arthritic dogs may need medical attention. Understanding the origins, symptoms, and potential treatments will help owners manage canine arthritis.

Applying the above suggestions will help you pamper your sick furry friend and make him happy.

See your vet for professional recommendations, diagnosis, and treatments; he will guide you on how you can best manage your arthritic dog. ■

HEALTH & WELLNESS S T R O N G M I N D K 9 P r o f e s s i o n a l D o g T r a i n i n g P e t O b e d i e n c e S e r v i c e D o g s ( 8 4 3 ) 4 0 5 - 3 2 0 6 s t r o n g m i n d k 9 @ g m a i l c o m w w w s t r o n g m i n d k 9 c o m S t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e m i n d b e t w e e n h u m a n a n d d o g
www.lowcountrydog.com JUNE 2023 15

Fun in Every Direction!

While summer doesn’t officially begin until June 21, the increase in temperatures and traffic locally tell a different story beginning right around early spring! One of the best parts of the Lowcountry is the year-round access to outdoor recreation opportunities to enjoy – and our pets can appreciate it too.

Let’s “dive” into some summer fun options you and your dog can pursue!


Local waterways can be tricky to navigate with predatory wildlife. There are safe swim areas, and I personally consider the ocean to be safer than ponds or rivers when it comes to avoiding our gator friends. If you want to try your dog’s paw at dock diving, there are two very important things to know: (1) the first rule of dock diving is to be sure your dog knows how to swim and (2) he/she should have a toy drive so they will WANT to chase the object you are throwing for them. Interestingly, this trait appears to be more important than the dog actually loving to swim!

You can also pursue an indoor swim facility for lessons as well as to add as a regular, ongoing activity for your dog’s wellness.



One of the greatest things we can do for and with our pets is to bond tightly with them; we owe it to them to forge a relationship built on trust and understanding. Agility builds on this, further requiring the handler and dog to pay careful attention to each other’s cues to complete their course timely and accurately. It’s a wonderful mental stimulation for the dogs as they run the course, as it requires focus and consideration since use of their mental capabilities simultaneously with physical activity, which is ALWAYS a win.

Many local dog parks now have agility-inspired play equipment so try it out when you are next at the park and see if your dog is even interested in this type of activity. In all things, keep it fun! Check out Charleston Dog Training Club’s article in this issue for more information.


While the Lowcountry is well-known for its dogfriendly events, “read the room” before you head out with your pup. Events and festivals can be overstimulating and even stressful for some dogs. Also, if the forecast is for a 90-degree day, leave Fido at home in the comfort of the air conditioning. Pet-friendly shade areas can be limited in festival settings, so unless you are confident you can keep your dog protected and cool, it’s best to just go solo to your event. Chances are good your dog won’t mind a nice quiet house and a good long nap while you are out with your human friends.


We live in a gorgeous area with beautiful views in every direction. You can find walking trails that are natural or paved, and terrain that ranges from primitive to pristine that can accommodate every personality, endurance level and paw-type! Walking your dog is one of the best activities you can share as it marries bonding and training time with exercise and exploring. Always be mindful of the temperatures and remember that heat-rises, so Fluffy or Fido will feel the heat off the asphalt before it ever makes its way north to you. Early morning before the temperature really hits a high note, or late afternoon/dusk are optimal walk times if you can plan around Mother Nature’s schedule. Not sure if it’s too hot to go for that mile? Touch the BACK of your hand to the asphalt or sidewalk and see how tolerable it is. A simple internet search will bring up a number of trail options near you, and most websites will include their pet policies so you can plan accordingly.

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Oh, don’t we all love the many beaches nearby? Each has its own distinct crowd and vibe too. Not all dogs enjoy the beach or water, and you should never force an unsure dog to keep trying something they clearly are not comfortable doing. But, for those water-loving, sun-chasing furries, our local beaches afford so many opportunities for all-day smiles and result in long naps! Each beach has its own rules regarding leashed and off-leash hours too. Please respect these rules so that everyone who visits can let their dog enjoy their time, and not have to worry about being approached by an off-leash dog during leashed hours.

Remember also that the time of day is important. We have all walked on sand that is so hot it makes us do an embarrassing walk-into-a-spider-web dance all the way to the surf! If you are planning to spend an extended period of time at the beach, be sure you have a way to offer shade and

protect your dog’s paws and eyes. You may want to consider pet-friendly sunscreen for the top of their muzzles too, especially for white and red dogs. Dogs can get skin cancer too! There are cooling vests and even cooling mats that will help keep your dog comfortable at the beach (or anywhere outdoors) as well.

Always carry water for your pet. For so many reasons, you don’t want them drinking ocean water and the salt air is guaranteed to make them thirsty. Be ready with your water bottles! Local pet stores all carry light-weight silicone bowls and allin-one bottles that make convenient carrying a breeze for your adventures. Not convinced enough to carry water for them? Know that drinking salt water can create emergency medical scenarios such as dehydration, seizures, brain swelling, or cause kidney damage and even death. Also, consider that not only can swallowing water create a drowning scenario, but there is also something referred to as “near-drowning” which can be just as fatal and results from inhaling water (i.e., dogs


who play fetch in the water, etc.) only it doesn’t manifest immediately. So be smart, be safe. Take your own water and encourage your dog to drink from your bottle.

Whatever ways you choose to get out and explore this summer, keep your dogs safe and comfortable so everyone can have a great time! And please be sure they are wearing ID tags and microchipped on the outside chance they take their call to adventure a little too seriously!


Edisto Beach: May 1 – October 31: LEASHED dogs are allowed on Edisto Beach. November 1 – April 30: Dogs are allowed off leash.

Folly Beach: Pets must be LEASHED at all times. No pets are allowed on the beach between 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. from May 1 - September 30.

Isle of Palms Beach: Off-leash hours: April 1-September 14 from 5-9 a.m. and September 15-March 31 before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. Dogs must be LEASHED at all other times.

Kiawah Beachwalker Park: Dogs must be LEASHED at all times at this park.

Sullivan’s Island: Summer hours for dogs on the beach run from May 1st to September 30th. During that time dogs can be off leash from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and LEASHED from 6:00 p.m. to 5 a.m.  No dogs are permitted on the beach between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 pm. Winter hours for dogs on the beach run from October 1st to April 30th - dogs can be off leash from 5:00 a.m. to noon and on leash from Noon to 5:00 a.m. Dog licenses are required.

Pro-hack for beach days and keeping sand out of your car (this works for humans too): take baby powder and gentle baby wipes and a hand towel with you. Before you load up those sandy dogs, powder their feet lightly then towel rub to get the sand off. Then use gentle wipes to remove baby powder residue. Your car will thank you! ■

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All Photos by Jeanne Taylor Pet Photography
animal shelters across North America with every bottle sold
partnering with LEARN MORE

WRITTEN BY THE SWIVEL GROUP, Photography by Sarah Stone.

Meet Abaco (AB-AH-CO), a three ½ year old Portuguese Water Dog and the face of the new brand “The Stinky Pet Co.” This boy was born in Tennessee just after Hurricane Dorian struck the Abaco Islands as a Category 5 hurricane in September of 2019. Hurricane Dorian was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Category 5 Atlantic hurricane which became the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahamas, tied for strongest landfall in the Atlantic basin. It is also regarded as the worst natural disaster in the Bahamas’ recorded history. Portuguese Water Dogs were bred to be an all-around fisherman’s helper. His given birth name was “chum” as he was regarded the runt of the liter. Honoring those who lost their lives and livelihood in a place we were going to call home led me to gift him this new, forever name. It is quite fitting as Abaco loves anything and everything water, including puddles, lakes, rivers, and pools. Always being wet leads to always being stinky!

Now behind the brand name, Abaco’s Dog-Mom and Creator of The Stinky Pet Co., Kristin Sullivan has always been hyper-sensitive of the smell of her 4-legged bestie in her personal space. Whether it be her home, vehicle, hotel room, RV, or her Southern Georgia Boutique, where Abaco hangs out daily. She wanted to create a product line that would replace the pet odor with something pet safe, sustainable and would blend perfectly in her luxury boutique. Kristin wanted to make sure that Abaco and all of his furry friends were surrounded by only the best of the best. She had a mission and sought out the help and guidance of her colleague and friend, Helen McCue from the UK. Helen McCue is iconic in the scent world.

The birth of the luxury home décor line is launched in honor & memory of Abaco’s Gram-Mom. She was a big advocate of animal rescue and helping to give animals in need a voice. A portion of all sales will be donated to various organizations she loved such as Guardians of Rescue, Pilots N Paws and Beth’s Furry Friends, all in her name.

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The Stinky Pet Co. flagship store is Plum Southern located in LaGrange, Georgia. The new luxury line currently includes three signature scents which each has four products that include candles, room sprays, sanitizers, and essential oil blends.

Who Needs A Bath

“for the days you just want to snuggle up and realize there is no time for your fur baby to get a proper bath”

Calm Your Pawzzz

“providing you & your bestie peace of mind when you leave your fur baby alone”

No More Wet Fur Baby

“when even your fur baby wants to do away with the scent of outside elements”
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Sullivan already has plans for phase two & three to expand the products to include bath products for dogs, leashes, collars and more. There is an international launch, planned in the UK, this June. Kristin Sullivan will travel to kick off the celebration and to personally deliver the line.

When asked her about the launch and mission she tells, “It was important to me to create a legacy for my Mom; her kids and her grand-dogs meant the world to her, and she meant the world to all of us. Friends would fly my mom to their homes to dog sit for them. She was one of a kind.”

The brand also honors Abaco, as Sullivan shared a very personal part of their story and bond. During a recent dark time in her life after losing her biggest cheerleader, her entire business inventory, her RV, and her home in Hurricane Ian she found it extremely hard on most days to get out of bed. Knowing that Abaco needed her to feed, walk and love him gave her purpose. For this, she credits him for saving her life.

If you find yourself near LaGrange, Georgia please stop by Plum Southern to meet Kristin and Abaco. Abaco will gladly greet you, and show around the pet section that he oversees in exchange for some belly rubs and a treat from the cookie jar that sits on the shop counter. Visit thestinkypetco.com to get products now. ■

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www.southernvintagephotography.com | info@southernvintagephoto.com everyone a session for Mention this ad & receive 20% OFF your session! Don’t forget those four-legged family members! Reserve your session TODAY! follow us

Local Dog Events

06/06/2023 Paws for Effect: A Fundraiser for Dorchester Paws! Poogan’s Porch Nexton 3 to94 pm

06/10/2023 Schools out For Summer Adoption Pool Party Bash! Berkeley Animal Center 1 to 4 pm

06/20/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

06/24/2023 Dog Days of Summer Mystic Farm and Distillery Durham, NC 12 to 4 pm

07/08/2023 Saluda Condog Days Saluda, NC 12 to 2 pm

07/24/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

08/1/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

08/5/2023 Carolina boxer Rescue at Hollyweed in Cary, NC 12 to 2 pm

08/15/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

08/29/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com


09/23/2023 Lowcountry Dog’s Bark in the Park, Ashley River Park, Summerville

10/14/2023 Lowcountry Dogapalooza Festival, Hanahan Amphitheater

11/05/2023 Dia De Los Perros Festival Tattooed Moose Johns Island

12/09/2023 Home for the Holidays

Check out our Events page for even more local events and to check for date changes.


Dog abandoned outside of James Island pet shelter; owner charged

The owner of a dog found abandoned outside of a pet shelter on James Island this week is facing animal abuse charges.

Leslie Myers, 52, of North Charleston, was booked into the Al Cannon Detention Center Thursday on warrants for ill treatment of an animal and abandonment of an animal.

Injured puppy found in Berkeley County prompts animal abuse investigation

The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) is investigating after a threemonth-old puppy was found with “serious” facial injuries.

According to BCSO, an official with Berkeley Animal Center was notified of the injured chocolate Labrador Retriever, which was being rehomed on Facebook.

Over 30 dogs just seized, Dorchester Paws needs the community’s help

Over 30 dogs have just been found living in deplorable conditions, from a house in Dorchester County. Staff at Dorchester Paws are on the scene now seizing these dogs.

Upon arrival, dogs were found living in their own filth, locked in crates inside and outside, tied to trees with heavy chains, in crates that were too small for them and some.

Click images above to read the full story. For more top stories, visit www.lowcountrydog.com/top-stories

In The News

Irish Greyhounds Arrive in the Lowcountry

A few years ago, Lowcountry Dog reported about the closing of all greyhound race tracks in Florida. There was lots of concern and controversy about this subject. What was to happen to the over 10,000 dogs that were active or in training there? Luckily, greyhound rescues have been helping retired racers for years, but this influx caused stress on the rescue system for sure. Now that the situation with racing greyhounds is pretty much over, what are the various rescues doing now? You haven’t seen many greyhounds in the pages of Lowcountry Dog in quite awhile and we were excited to hear our friends, Greyhounds Pets of America-Charleston had some awesome news.

Greyhound Pets of America – Charleston is a nonprofit adoption group with the mission to find homes for retired racing greyhounds and support families. With the closure of tracks across the United States, it has become difficult to find retired racing greyhounds for adoption. Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) has a partnership with the Irish

Retired Greyhound Trust to bring Irish greyhounds to the United States. Our chapter received our first group of Irish hounds in October 2022 and a second group in May 2023. The British Airways Cargo flight arrives at the Hartsfield Atlanta airport and with the support and help of Southeast Greyhound Adoption/GPA-Atlanta group, the hounds are picked up and brought to the volunteers who are ready to welcome them to the United States. The retired hounds have their passports ready to start their lives in the United States. More dogs from Ireland are expected to come later this year, and find some adoptables greyhounds featured in this issue. For more information in Greyhound Pets of America, head to adoptcharlestongreys.org ■

Irish Greyhounds in their shipping crates awaiting transport from Ireland to Atlanta, GA
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www.lowcountrydog.com JUNE 2023 37 Over 35 Years Experience in the Pet Industry. One stop shop for food, treats, supplements, grooming, and self serve dog wash Certified in pet allergy and nutrition. Corn and wheat free store. Locally Owned 440 Old Trolley Road, Ste A Summerville, SC 29485 843-871-7977







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