Lowcountry Dog Magazine- Feb/March 2019

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Issue No. 21 • FEB/MAR 2019 • DIGITAL

Athena, Lowcountry's Most Talented Dog! Cost of Animal Care Laws

Future of GreyhoundsADOPTABLE DOGS!

Greyhound Pets of America Steps Up

A Lowcountry Dog Music Festival


TYLER RAMSEY formerly of Band of Horses



Meet the Pack PUBLISHER Brian Foster brian@lowcountrydog.com CHIEF CANINE OFFICER Peanut SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTENT COORDINATOR Julie Murray julie@lowcountrydog.com COPY EDITOR Chelsea Bradford EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Alicia Williams AD SALES ASSISTANT Abbie Allen abbie@lowcountrydog.com STAFF WRITERS Izzy Selert, Intern Kelly Glasson PHOTOGRAPHER Southern Vintage Photography RESCUE SPOTLIGHT PRODUCER Palmetto Coast Media WEB DEVELOPER & CONSULTANT Laura Olsen CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Lisa Smithers Dr. Holly Mims, DVM Kelsey Futeral

We believe that our dogs are our best friends, and that’s why we need a reliable source to turn to for information on all things “dog” in our community. Our mission is to be the number one Charleston area resource for dog owners regarding regional dog-centric and dogwelcoming events, health & wellness information, dog training, trends, and local news. We also strive to be a mouthpiece to the public for various Lowcountry-based pet non-profits, and we promote pet adoption and other responsible pet care practices. Founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 2005 as a print magazine, we re-launched in 2015 as an online publication. In 2016 we updated our website to continue our mission to be the best dog friendly resource in the Lowcountry.

Sniff Us out!





Future of Page 24 Greyhounds




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's t u n Pea s Tip

People have often inquired about what kind of dog am I, and my response of PERFECTION is not always enough. With the improvements in Canine DNA testing we thought we would do a little experiment! We contacted 3 of the leading companies who manufacture and do DNA tests for dogs. While one company refused to participate, the other two did and we sent my test kits off at the end of January. We will be doing a full story in the April Issue about the results. Will the two tests have the same results? Tune in to find out! If you would like to take a guess as to my heritage, you can email your entries to peanut@lowcountrydog.com and a random winner will be chosen and receive a free gift!

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Written by Lisa Smithers Affordable Dog Training

Sit, Stay...Behave!

Frequently I encounter owners with dogs that are inappropriate for them and/or their situation. It is great for my dog training business, but I would rather owners avoid making an uninformed decision to prevent the dog from ending up at a shelter or stuck in the backyard and ignored. There are a variety of details to think about when choosing the right dog for you and your family. Your first consideration is your own situation and these are the questions you should ask yourself. Do you live in an apartment, townhouse or a standalone house? If it is an apartment, is it several floors up or on the ground floor? Do you have plenty of green space to walk the

slexeP yb segamI


dog or are you in a city? What regulations does your apartment or townhouse complex have regarding dogs i.e. size, breed and/or number of dogs. Many apartment complexes now ban Pit Bulls. How thin are your walls? Can you hear your neighbor’s music? How long will the dog be alone in the apartment every day? Some breeds tend to bark a lot more such as a Pomeranian or Dachshund. If it is a house, do you own or rent? If you rent, does the landlord allow dogs? Do you have a secure fenced in yard or will you have to walk the dog on a leash to “do his business” several times a day in rain or shine? I know from personal experience that Border Terriers are driven to get out lowcountry dog 6

of even the most secure fence. Some dogs will even climb fences. What rules does your homeowners insurance have regarding dogs and how could that affect your premium? Another important factor is your family situation. Do you have children and if so how young are they? Do your grandchildren visit frequently? Toddlers will often get knocked down by bigger dogs and puppies can be nippy with them. If that is the case it would be best to wait a few years before adding a dog to your family. Many dogs are given up due to surprise allergies in the family. It can be a good idea to offer to take care of a friend’s dog for two days or more to see if someone develops symptoms. Here in the Lowcountry, climate is an important factor to choosing the right breed. For example, dogs with pushed in faces are called Brachiocephalic. Due to the face shape, they have a much more difficult time dissipating heat and struggle to breathe in high temperatures and humidity. Dogs such as Pugs, French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs fall into this category. I have a friend who uses a stroller for her Pug during the hot summer months. How much time can you spend with your dog? High energy dogs that don’t get enough exercise can be destructive and can develop a habit of incessant barking out of frustration. I don’t believe it is fair to the dog to stay in a crate for ten hours, which also brings us to think about the

cost of owning a dog. The Charleston area has many excellent dog walking companies that can come to your house in the middle of the day to take your dog for a walk. There is also the annual/semiannual cost of veterinary care, monthly flea and heartworm control and the possibility of emergency visits if all the veterinarians’ offices are closed. And how much will a high quality dog food cost to keep your dog healthy and at a good weight? Last but not least is getting help training your dog. Look for a trainer who has had many years of experience training all types of dogs. Ask your friends who have dogs or have attended a class for recommendations as well as asking your local independent pet supply store. Often attending an AKC Canine Good Citizen class and earning the certificate will give you a discount on your insurance. Now let’s take a look at you, the potential owner. Just because you grew up with Great Danes doesn’t mean it is the best choice now. Consider your age and how old you will be in ten to twelve years. Are you healthy enough to give the dog a daily walk or do you have such bad knees that you worry about the dog pulling you over? How active are you? Would you rather go for a walk on the beach or sit on your couch and watch TV? Some dogs are really couch potatoes such as the English Bulldog, Lhasa Apso or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Are you a neat freak or can you tolerate some dog hair? Is your

life really chaotic so the dog will likely be ignored and becomes just another job to do? It is never a good idea to get a dog just to teach your kid’s responsibility. Ultimately the adult has to supervise and pick up the slack so the dog is consistently treated well. Finally we have to consider the dog and the many variables that come with that decision. Should you get a puppy or an adult dog? An adult dog could make a great companion and you avoid the house training and destructive chewing. Many lovely dogs can be found at shelters and rescue groups. If that is where you choose to get your dog, ask why the dog was given up and how many homes has the dog had? Is he good with children, other pets and friendly to people? Are there any health problems? Senior dogs are the newest residents to be dropped off at shelters. They can be a perfect fit for the less active person. If you get a puppy, you will have more control over his learning experiences and socialization. It is more work to house train a puppy and overall will require more attention. There are many nice mixed breeds in the shelters and rescue groups as well as the occasional purebred. If you do choose a purebred, do your homework and visit AKC.org. This site has a wealth of information on all the breeds and has lists of Breeders of Merit. There are also many breed specific rescues which you can find by Google and petfinder.com. Many breeders are happy to help you

learn about their breed as well as local owners. What size dog do you think is right for you that you can easily handle and transport in your car? It is probably not a good idea to get a Saint Bernard if your only car is a Mazda Miata! What is the energy level of the dog? This is where I see people make the most mistakes. A hunting dog is bred to have enough energy all day in the field and may require at least one to two hours of exercise every single day. A dog such as a Vizla or Brittany Spaniel is not for the less active person. How much grooming do you want to do or do you want to pay a groomer to do that for you? And along those same lines, how much do you like to vacuum? There are dogs that shed continually, some that shed very little and non-shedding dogs. And yes they don’t have to be a doodle! Some examples of non shedding breeds would be a Schnauzer, Coton de Tulear, Airedale, Havanese, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and many more. Breeds that will wear out your vacuum cleaner would be the German Sheppard, Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever. Temperament is critical for the right fit. Is the dog or breed protective or easy going and friendly? Is the dog intense and always needs a job such as a Border Collie or a Belgian Malinois? By the way, those two breeds are not for the first time dog owner. Is the dog playful or independent? A Shiba Inu is much more like a cat than a dog.

Your choice of gender depends on whether you are a first time owner or have owned dogs before. Males tend to have more behavior problems such as being protective and marking (urinating) where they shouldn’t, like on your couch. A first time owner should consider a female. Be sure to be aware of certain breeds that have tendencies towards health problems. For example, hip dysplasia in German Shepards and larger dogs in general, back problems in Dachshunds or the cancer rate in Golden Retrievers. Any dog can have health problems regardless of breeding but most live long and healthy lives. There are many details to take into account when choosing a dog for yourself and your family. Make a list of exactly what you want in a dog and how that would fit in with your lifestyle. Don’t choose a dog just because you like the way it looks. I hope this article will encourage you to do your homework and ask yourself questions. The friendship and joy you receive from your dog totally outweighs any amount of work and effort it takes to care for your dog’s needs. There is nothing better than coming home to a wagging tail and an exuberant greeting.


Written by Stacey Detlor slexeP yb segamI


JUST WALKING THE DOG... Everyone walks their dog, but does everyone know proper safety when walking your dogs. I went to our resident experts, our technicians Erin and Charlie, as they are not only in charge of walking patients outside but are also the first to greet pets from owners coming into the clinic. I was amazed at what they came up with! Right off the bat they both said, “no retractable leashes”! I assumed this was due to the fact that pets on retractable leashes always seem to circle around your feet, creating a tripping hazard for people. While this is one of the reasons that retractable leashes are not ideal, Charlie shared that they are dangerous from the standpoint of loss of control of your pet, which could result in a serious injury or even fatality.

While working an ER shift earlier this week Charlie witnessed a fatality when a dog that had been on a retractable leash ran out into the street and was hit by a car. Another common incident that the ER sees is a dog attack/bite. This can happen when a friendly dog on a retractable leash runs over to an unknown dog or when an aggressive dog is on a retractable leash and the leash malfunctions. In all scenarios, there is a false sense of security with these leashes; therefore, care should be executed when using them. Additional concerns when walking pets include temperature and situational awareness. Living in South Carolina, the weather can get hot! Ideal times for walking pets in the warmer months are earlier in the day and in the evening. lowcountry dog 10

Unfortunately, wildlife tends to be more active during these times as well so making sure that your pet will not bolt if they hear noises and keeping them on leash to avoid exposure to wildlife if on trails is advised. Additional reasons to keep your pet on leash when walking are to avoid exposure to trash, foreign material, mushrooms and contaminated water that they might ingest. The benefits of walking your pet are endless! Walking is a healthy form of exercise (for both you and your pet) and promotes joint health and mobility. It also strengthens the bond

between you and your pet and, in most cases, helps to promote relationships with others. How often has a stranger commented “how cute is your dog?” or “what is his/her name?!” Getting out and walking increases the chance of speaking with neighbors and in some cases helps initiate conversations to make new friends! Written by Dr Holly Mims, DVM Veterinary Specialty Care


benefiting EUNOIA RESCUE

$10 Oyster Buckets $3 HOT DOGS $5 Absolut

LIVE MUSIC CORNHOLE Tournament raffle adoptable dogs

FEB 17th 1 to 5 pm

Brace yourself; I’m going to write yet another opinion piece on how much I despise breeders and those who buy their dogs. I have written about this time and time again. To me, there is no such thing as “responsible breeding” when perfectly healthy and loveable shelter animals are being euthanized due to lack of space. Some call this way of thinking extreme, I call it being a decent human being. A lot of people opt out of choosing to rescue because they “just really love [insert breed type here].” Believe it or not folks, EVERY breed can be found in rescue; and if you love them as much as you say you do, wouldn’t you want to HELP them? lowcountry dog 14

For the last time ADOPT DON'T SHOP So that people understand, I have gathered a couple of ugly facts to help you understand why I feel the way I feel. FACT: Not all animals are humanely euthanized when their time is up. Gas chambers exist to “put down” multiple dogs at a time in a less expensive manner. FACT: Most times dogs that end up in the shelter become scared. What do these dogs do when they are afraid – they act out. When they act out, their time is up. FACT: The only answer to reduce these deaths and crowed shelters is to SPAY and NEUTER.

FACT: Only ten percent of animals received by shelters have been spayed or neutered. FACT: Only one out of 600 “pitbulls” will find a home. FACT: Twenty five percent of animals that enter local shelters are purebred. FACT: Many strays are lost pets that were not kept properly indoors or provided with identification (i.e. not properly taken care of). FACT: Only about twenty percent of animals who enter the shelter as a stray are returned to their home (i.e. no one came looking for them). FACT: Roughly 2.7 million animals that enter shelters within the United States are euthanized (aka killed) due to lack of space in the shelter and lack of adopters. (This means that about 5,500 dogs are euthanized in one day.)

If you can honestly read these statistics and continue to purchase from a breeder/pet store – please do yourself a favor and STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME. Also, please STOP writing Lowcountry Dog Magazine about how my opinion is bogus and you want me to see things differently, because I will NEVER agree with you. I, as well as many others, work too damn hard to try and end animal homelessness for you to just create more animals. Rescuers have spent thousands of dollars, hours, and tears for you to have such a lack of regard for our work. Those of you who are aware of the animal overpopulation epidemic and still decide to breed/buy from a breeder are selfish and most importantly, you are the problem.

DON'T MISS Sunday Feb 17th 1846 Old Folly Rd.

1-5 pm $10 oysters Live Music

About the Cover Athena, our cover model, won our PUPPIES GOT TALENT competition in Sept of last year and took the crown as "The Lowcountry's Most Talented Dog" Athena is a rescue from Louisiana who has many tricks up her sleeve. Check out her great pictures by Southern Vintage Photography and read more about Athena.

Athena, Lowcountry's Most Talented Dog!

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Photography by Southern Vintage Photography

If you made it out to our annual Magnolia Plantation Adoption Event in September you might have caught the PUPPIES GOT TALENT competition we had searching for the Lowcountry's Most Talented Dog! Well meet our winner Athena, a shepherd mix. Athena was a last minute entry in our contest and amazed our judges with her routine. Athena, formerly known as Leah and Blondie, was rescued by her mom and dad, Hunter and Sarah, from Friends of the Animals, a local humane society in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. When Athena came into Friends of the Animals shelter at 2 years old, she was 15 pounds underweight and heartworm positive. Unfortunately after several promising trial runs with potential adopters, Athena was returned to the shelter time and time again. Although Hunter and Sarah had initially intended to foster Athena until a foster home was found, the day they got her it was love at first sight and they couldn’t let her go.

She was named Athena after the Greek goddess of wisdom and skill because of her high intelligence. One of Athena’s many skills is being able to get out of her crate despite it being locked or ziptied. Luckily, she only escapes to lay on her parents bed. Hunter and Sarah have had Athena for 5 years and she is now heartworm negative and turning 7 years old in March! Shepherd mixes are known for their high energy levels and intelligence. When rescuing her at the age of 2, Sarah and Hunter knew that they would have their work cut out for them in training her so they started strong and consistent. They worked on agility training with her and she is now able to weave through poles, climb the A frame, jump through a hoop, run through a tunnel and balance on a see-saw. Sarah found that training with Athena helped them develop a special bond and she learns best when training with her mom. “I try to challenge her and pick a new behavior to train her on every month or so,” Sarah said. She also knows spin around, stay, give kisses, sit, lie down, paw, up, place, jump, other paw, put-em-up, play dead and can balance and hold a treat on her nose. Athena is loved by many and gives it back in return! Photos by J Michael Walker

Thanks Tito's Handmade Vodka for my prizes!


Palmetto Islands County Park 11-5 pm

Enter for FREE MARCH 30th at PET FEST entry photos will be taken by


Written by Julie Murray, Head-writer, Lowcountry Dog Magazine

Photo by Jeremy Reper


One of the issues that has been greatly discussed in the rescue world lately is the passage of Amendment 13 in Florida. This change to the state’s constitution banned greyhound racing and anyone from wagering on live dog races, effective December 31, 2020. As you can imagine, this drew out much discussion and many differing opinions on both sides of the issue. Lowcountry Dog Magazine has worked with the local chapter of Greyhound Pets of America for many years. Their national president, Rory Goree, released an official statement letting people know that GPA was pledging to work closely with the greyhound racing community and various adoption groups to ensure that all

greyhounds currently racing in Florida would have a safe place to go. Goree addressed the issue for those who were fearing an immediate crisis in greyhound adoption. He stated, “There is no immediate urgency to find homes for the canine athletes who will be dislocated in 2020. GPA has been working in the field of greyhound adoption for decades and we know how to prepare for this planned transition out of live racing. When the time comes, all greyhounds will be adopted or returned to their owners.” Fortunately, GPA works with rescues all over the country that will assist with this transition and they have dealt with this before when tracks in Massachusetts and Arizona also closed. lowcountry dog 24

Currently, there are approximately 3,700 canine athletes racing on the 11 dog racing tracks open in Florida. In 2019, 3 tracks did not open for racing so there are only 9 that are currently racing. Concerns for their welfare have been long-standing and bring up some of the more controversial aspects of this industry. The racing greyhounds are confined for long periods of time in small cages. There are many instances where trainers have been suspended and reprimanded for neglect and the use of steroids or other illegal drugs on the dogs in order to improve their performance. They are also reportedly fed “4-D meat” which, according to the FDA is meat from dead, dying, disabled, or diseased (4-D) animals. Sadly, they also state that this type of meat is “shipped for use by several industries, including pet food manufacturers, zoos, greyhound kennels, and mink ranches” and can pose a potential health hazard to these animals. Those who oppose the amendment say that these claims are overstated and the vast majority of greyhounds are healthy, well trained and treated well. Many trainers say that greyhounds are akin to elite athletes and could not achieve the feats they did if they were unhealthy or neglected. A representative from the Florida Greyhound Association also pointed out that racing generates revenue and provides thousands of jobs. Job losses are understandably a big worry for the employees of the tracks and so is Florida’s loss of revenue. In 2017, WUFT Florida reported that greyhound lowcountrydog 31

racing generated $11 million in state revenue. However, in an article by The Florida Bar Journal & News in September of 2018, it was stated that “aside from the well-documented negative impact on the animals, the current state of the law in Florida comes at a significant financial cost. The law requires tracks to hold dog races in order to be entitled to offer other types of more popular gambling.” This causes the tracks lose money on racing. The Bar Journal also quoted a study done by the Florida Legislature that found the regulatory costs associated with greyhound racing exceed the amount of revenue generated. Job losses also may not be as large as expected. According to the amendment, facilities that currently race greyhounds will be allowed to continue other aspects of their business, such as card rooms and slot machines - activities that generate a much larger amount of revenue for the businesses. Another corollary issue that has been discussed is the future of the greyhound breed in general. According to an article in Psychology Today, Dr. Stanley Coren reported that greyhounds are already on the list of dog breeds who are vulnerable to extinction in the United States. His research showed that greyhounds are part of the group of the 50 rarest breeds that account for only 1.2% of all the dogs in the AKC registry. It is a possibility that this gentle and sweetly stoic dog could slowly disappear when they are no longer bred for racing purposes. This is the double-edged

sword that has been plaguing this controversial issue from the start. The ban on greyhound racing in Florida, in this writer's opinion, is a step in the right direction towards the more humane and respectful treatment of these amazing creatures. With any issue like this, there will be losses on both sides of the coin. Dana Nutter, President of the local chapter of GPA summarized it perfectly: “...the passing of Amendment 13 presents challenges to track owners, kennel operators and Greyhound adoption groups alike. GPA's ultimate role in this process over the next two years is to find homes for as many Florida Greyhounds as possible. We remain committed to those Greyhounds, our future adopters and our current adopters and fosters.” If you would like to learn more about the Greyhound Pets of America organization, please visit their website at: http://www.greyhoundpets.org You can read their mission statement, donate to the cause and read about other ways that you can help.

2nd Annnual Oyster Roast for Valiant Animal Rescue

MARCH 9th 2-7 pm

AYCE Oysters & Brunswick Stew LIVE MUSIC DRINK SPECIALs Silent Auction Raffle

Cost of Animal Care Laws – Lifting the Financial Burden of Animal Abuse from the Shelters

Written by Kelsey Gilmore-Futeral, JD South Carolina State Director, HSUS

While Charleston County has declared itself a “no kill” community, other communities are still working towards this benchmark. In the middle of January 2019, Laurens County Animal Control posted a plea on its Facebook page for the rescue or adoption of two adoptable dogs to avoid having to euthanize the dogs because the shelter was out of space. Part of the reason Laurens County found itself in the position of having to euthanize healthy animals for space is because it has been holding 13 dogs for more than 100 days pending the outcome of court cases. In addition to forcing the Laurens County animal control lowcountry dog 28

administration to make a very tough call, it is extremely likely the county taxpayers will be left footing the bill for the dogs’ stay with animal control. Currently in South Carolina, the municipality that brings charges for ill treatment of animals, animal fighting or baiting is legally responsible for covering the cost of those animals’ care if the accused does not voluntarily relinquish the animals. Animals being held pending the disposition of criminal cases are provided food, veterinary care, shelter, medications, water and exercise. The cost to care for a dog in a South Carolina shelter ranges from $5 per day to over $60 per

day. If Laurens County’s cost to care for a dog is $10 per day, taxpayers will be left footing a bill of over $13,000 for these 13 dogs. The per diem cost would fluctuate for various animals, likely less for cats and birds and more for horses or pigs. The absorption of these costs is one of the largest barriers preventing law enforcement agencies from enforcing animal cruelty laws. So now we have a county that must euthanize adoptable animals because it is out of space while taxpayers are paying thousands of dollars to house defendants’ pets for an unknown length of time and law enforcement is consequently wary of making large-scale cruelty or fighting “busts”. Let’s also not forget about the animals who are being held “as evidence” in a shelter environment. Dogs living in a shelter environment for an extended period of time can suffer psychological deterioration and can develop reaction or aggression problems. The status quo is a terrible dysfunction for municipalities, taxpayers, adoptable pets and pets waiting for a determination by a court of whether they were cruelly

treated by their owner. This is why cost of animal care laws have been passed in neighboring states, including Georgia and North Carolina, and should be passed in South Carolina. A cost of animal care law establishes a legal process where anyone who has had his/her animal lawfully seized based on evidence of cruelty, neglect or fighting may be required to pay for the animal’s care, thereby relieving municipalities from incurring those costs. A civil process parallels the criminal case where an organization in possession of a seized animal petitions a municipal or magistrate court for what it will cost the organization to care for the animal. The court holds a hearing to determine first whether the animals were lawfully seized and second, what an appropriate bond is to cover the cost of the animal’s care pending the outcome of the case. In the event the accused is unable or unwilling to pay the bond for the cost of care, the owner forfeits his or her ownership rights and the animal can be made available for adoption or rescue, if appropriate. In states with cost of animal care

laws, municipalities have seen a consistent increase in fund to care for animals. Cost of animal care laws like that which is proposed in bill S. 105, place the financial burden of caring for abused and neglected pets where it should be – with the owner. A strong cost of animal care law in South Carolina is crucial to protect taxpayers, adoptable animals and animals who have been abused and neglected and will empower law enforcement officials to more fully enforce South Carolina’s laws against animal cruelty, neglect and fighting. Please contact your state lawmakers to express your support for bill S. 105 and its cost of animal care provision today. Kelsey Gilmore-Futeral is a Mt. Pleasant resident and the South Carolina State Director for the Humane Society of the United States. You can reach her at kfuteral@humanesociety.org.

March 23rd Brittlebank Park A Lowcountry Dog Music Festival

Lowcountry Dog Magazine along with Charleston Parks Conservancy, The Bridge 105.5 and 98 Rock are proud to present Woofstock: A Lowcountry Dog Music Festival. This event will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2019 at Brittlebank Park. This event will feature food trucks, local vendors and six local animal rescue groups, as well as music by: Tyler Ramsey, formerly of Band of Horses; Tyler Boone; Gaslight Street; Greg West Hanz Wenzel & the Eighty Sixers; Finnegan Bell and Sunflowers & Sin. Ticket prices are as follows: Early Bird Single Admission - $18.00 Standard Single Admission - $26.00 At the gate - $30.00 Child Ticket 12 and Under - FREE Purchase tickets and get additional information by visiting lowcountrydog.com/woofstock. Proceeds from this first of it's kind festival benefit Valiant: Animal Rescue & Relief, Pet Helpers, Eunoia Rescue, Bullies 2 The Rescue, Greyhound Pets of America (Charleston, SC) and Waters Edge Great Dane Rescue as well as Charleston Parks Conservancy. For media inquiries, please contact Brian Foster at events@lowcountrydog.com. Sponsored by Veterinary Specialty Care (Charleston), The Barker Lounge, Pet Supplies Plus, Boles Law Firm, LLC, Sweetgrass Animal Hospital, Hollywood Feed, Tito’s Vodka, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and Boone’s Bourbon.

This issue’s Animal Advocate is Julia Bobbitt. She currently works as the manager at Dolittle’s Kiawah - a wonderful store for pets and their people with three locations around the Charleston area. She was kind enough to speak with us and allow us to tell you a little bit about her journey into animal welfare. Julia’s first foray into the world of animal rescue was in 2012 when she began volunteering at Pet Helpers on Folly Road. She eventually ended up working at the front desk and helping hundreds of people find their perfect companion. She also found HER perfect companions, Chowder, a 4 year old Sol Legare dog and Aurora, a 3 year old pit bull. Julia told us that her dogs are a daily reminder of why she got into animal rescue. “At the end of a long day, I know that when I get home, my two rescue pups will be there to greet me with a grin and lots of slobbery kisses. They make me lowcountry dog 32

JuliabyBobbitt Written Julie Murray

Manager at Dolittle’s Kiawah

laugh every day, even on days when I really don’t feel like smiling. They are my best friends.” There have been many other memorable rescues to cross her path and it was hard for her to pick just one to share with us. “This was the hardest of these questions for me to answer...but I decided to throw it back to my first ever long-term foster, Blossom. Blossom came to Eunoia Rescue from an upstate shelter. She was about 6 months old by the time she landed in my care and she was covered from head to paw in demodex mange...her skin was so terrible we

couldn’t tell what color fur she had. Despite all that, she was sweet as could be.” She was given treatment for the demodex and much needed rest and almost immediately she began to improve. Julia said “Quite quickly she blossomed into the spunky, happy 6 month old puppy she should be. Once her hair started to grow in we learned she was a beautiful chocolate brown with a white patch on her chest.” Her struggles were not over completely though. She came down with skin, ear and urinary tract infections all at the same time. “Let me just say, that was a rough week for everyone in the household.” But, true to the resilient nature of dogs, Blossom powered through and now lives in her forever home where Julia says she is beyond spoiled every day. “She was my first leap into fostering, and I will always remember my crusty Blossom Possum.” For anyone looking to get into animal rescue, Julia wants you to know that there is always a way that you can help. “I get it,” she says, “not everyone can financially afford to donate money or take a foster animal into their home. A lot of people think that if they can’t do either of those things, they can’t help. Reach out to your local rescues and shelters and see what you can do

to help.” Julia says that one of easiest things you can do is share a post on Facebook or Instagram the next time you see things about rescue events, lost pets, etc… “It takes two clicks and about 15 seconds to help spread the word!” As a parting sentiment, Julia impressed upon us that even though animal rescue can be a lot of hard work, messy and stinky, heartbreaking and un-glamorous, “at the end of the day, those sweet faces make it all worth it.” Thank you for all that you do, Julia!


Valiant Animal Rescue

Mary Poppins

Mary Kate



sponsored by

Eunoia Rescue

Carolina Boxer Rescue









Edisto Animal Rescue

Furlife German Shepherd Rescue





Phoenix Rising Border Collie Rescue













Water Edge Great Dane sponsored by:





Pet Helpers sponsored by:





Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary sponsored by lowcountry dog 42






Carolina Connhound sponsored by: Bullies 2 the Rescue sponsored by:


Dolly Slim HF Help sponsored by: TAG Gas Works





event calendar Sniff out all events here

02/02 Paws and Pearls Oyster Roast for Dorchester Paws, Summerville Country Club, 6 to 10 pm 02/09 VALEN-DOG'S DAY, Magnolia Park, 2 to 5 pm 02/17 HAMILTON's for HAMILTON, Oyster Roast for Eunoia Rescue at Tattooed Senorita 1-5 pm

Rusty Rudder Mar 9 2 to 7 pm

03/02 Carolina Coonhound Oyster Roast, Riverfront Park 12 to 5 pm 03/03 Shuck Your Paws Off Annual Oyster Roast, The Washout Folly Beach 1-6 pm 03/09 MORE LOVE LESS CRUELTY, An Oyster Roast for Valiant Animal Rescue, Rusty Rudder 2-7 pm

Brittlebank Park Mar 23 11 to 7 pm

3/10 The Reckoning at James Island County Park 03/23 WOOFSTOCK: A Lowcountry Dog Music Festival featuring Tyler Ramsey from Band of Horses 11 to 7pm at Brittlebank Park 03/30 PET FEST at Palmetto Islands Park featuring Lowcountry Dog Cover Model Contest

Deepwater Vineyard May 18 10 to 5 pm

Featuring the Lowcountry Dog Magazine Cover Model  Contest

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