Lowcountry Dog Magazine Feb/Mar 2018

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Issue No. 15 • FEB/MAR 2018 • DIGITAL

growing up with dogs! W WH HY Y EE V V EE R RY Y K K II D D N N EE EE D DS S A A D DO OG G !!

How much is that Doggie in the Window? (The Hidden Costs of Puppy Mills)


Rescue Spotlight: Pet Helpers

Meet the Pack PUBLISHER Brian Foster brian@lowcountrydog.com CHIEF CANINE OFFICER Peanut EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Alicia Williams alicia@lowcountrydog.com SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANT Izzy Selert STAFF WRITERS Julie Murray Kelly Glasson Jessica Harrell COPY EDITOR Chelsea Bradford PHOTOGRAPHER Southern Vintage Photography

We believe that our dogs are our best friends, and that’s why we need a reliable source to turn to for information on all things “dog” in our community. Our mission is to be the number one Charleston area resource for dog owners regarding regional dog-centric and dogwelcoming events, health & wellness information, dog training, trends, and local news. We also strive to be a mouthpiece to the public for various Lowcountry-based pet nonprofits, and we promote pet adoption and other responsible pet care practices. Founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 2005 as a print magazine, we re-launched in 2015 as an online publication. In 2016 we updated our website to continue our mission to be the best dog friendly resource in the Lowcountry.


Sniff Us out!




This issue is dedicated to Captain Jack. Rest In Peace!

















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's t u n Pea s Tip

You may not know this about me but I have had close to 100 babies and brothers and sisters! Yeah that's right! Back in July 2009, when I was 3, I was found at a dump with my eight babies, and later that month my daddy found me at Pet Helpers and took me home. A few months later he came home with 3 little babies that needed a mama. I stepped up to the task and my side job of foster mama/sister took off. Since that day, I have lost count of the number of puppies, dogs, and even a few kittens have come into my care.

The number is around 15 in 2017 alone. My guess is its around 100. Regardless, my job is easy: I give puppies a parental figure and for the scared adult dogs, I teach them how to be a dog. I know a few tricks and definitely teach them right from wrong, so the job is not so hard. I have fostered for several rescues and shelters. Some people say the hardest part is saying goodbye, but for me its easy. I know that the homes where these dogs are now living are loving them as much I as I do so that makes me happy. I have made some great friends with these adoptive families, and sometimes I get to see my old foster babies who remember and get excited to see me again. My credo is FOSTER OR ADOPT THERE IS NO BUY! Everyone one should try fostering cause for you it may be a little bit of time for them it means a lifetime! lowcountry dog 4

Sit, Stay...Behave! How to House Train Your Dog Quickly

Depending on your dog, your family and your lifestyle, house training a dog can be anywhere from easy to almost impossible. There is a way to house train your dog quickly so that you can move past this difficult stage of owning a dog. It may take planning, dedication and patience, but your dog can get house trained in a short amount of time. lowcountry dog 6

Get rid of residual odors in your home. Before you start your house training plan, you need to ensure that your home is free from urine stains and residual odors. Once you’ve rid your home of odors and stains, your dog will not be attracted to certain areas of the house to use as a potty. - Purchase a black light and a pet odor remover from your local pet store. When it is dark, turn off all the lights and thoroughly inspect your home including furniture, floors and carpets. The black light will reveal any old stains so you can effectively clean and remove them. There are many effective pet stain/odor cleaning products available on the market. Assemble your supplies. Having your supplies on hand will make it easier for you to focus on house training your dog without needing to run to the store. Gather the following supplies: - Wire crate: Get a good quality wire crate that is large enough for your dog to stand up, lie down and turn around in. Position the crate in a quiet (but not isolated) part of your home. - Collar and leash - Chew toys and squeaky toys Arrange for help if you aren’t home during the day. In order to get your dog house trained in 10 days, you need to follow a strict schedule of potty breaks, meals, play time and crate confinement.

If you can’t come home for certain parts of the day, then arrange a dog walker or pet sitter to visit your house to take care of the midday break. Follow a 24-hour schedule. In order to house train your dog in 10 days, you need to strictly follow a schedule. This will establish a routine for both you and your dog. Your dog needs to go out first thing in the morning, after meals and play times, and before bedtime. Every moment should be accounted for. Choose a designated spot for toileting. Select a place in your backyard that is suitable for your dog’s toileting. The base of a tree or a green patch of grass is ideal. Use this spot every time you take your dog to the potty. Use consistent language to refer to this place. For example, when your dog reaches this spot say “Go potty,” or use a similar verbal cue. This will cause your dog to associate this spot with toileting. Make the dog’s crate a safe place. Your dog will stay in his crate for a few hours during the day as well as overnight. Dogs like to have a small “den” to sleep in. A crate is a good place for the dog to feel safe.[1] Make the crate comfortable with a blanket, chew toys and squeaky toys. Don’t use the crate as a punishment. Otherwise, your dog will associate this place with fear or anxiety rather than safety and comfort.

This is a sample schedule for someone who is home all day: -7:00 a.m.: Wake up and take dog outside. - 7:10-7:30 a.m.: Free time in kitchen - 7:30 a.m.: Food and water - 8:00 a.m.: Go out - 8:15 a.m.: Free time in kitchen - 8:45 a.m.: Crate confinement - 12:00 p.m.: Food and water - 12:30 p.m.: Go out - 12:45 p.m.: Free time in kitchen - 1:15 p.m.: Crate confinement - 5:00 p.m.: Food and water - 5:30 p.m.: Go out - 6:15 p.m.: Crate confinement - 8:00 p.m.: Water - 8:15 p.m.: Go out - 8:30 p.m.: Free time in kitchen - 9:00 p.m.: Crate confinement - 11:00 p.m.: Go out and crate confinement overnight

Learn your dog’s signs. Pay close attention to your dog so that you learn when he has to go. This might include the dog walking around stiffly or in circles, sniffing the floor like he’s searching for somewhere to pee, or letting his tail rest in a strange position. If your dog looks like he needs to relieve himself, take him out to his designated spot right away. Write down your dog’s eating schedule and bathroom habits. Note when your dog urinates and defecates. Note the exact time your dog eats and any other treats it is given during the day. Your journal will help you determine how long after eating and drinking your dog typically needs to relieve himself. Clean up messes immediately. If your dog has an accident in the house, clean it up as soon as possible. You don’t want your dog associating relieving himself with being inside the house. Don’t use an ammonia-based cleaner. Urine has ammonia in it, so your dog might associate the cleaner’s smell with urinating. Instead, use an enzymatic cleaner on soiled areas. Don’t punish your dog for having an accident indoors. Give lots of praise. When your dog has relieved himself outdoors, give him lots of attention and pats. Say, “Good dog!” and other praise. Have a little celebration with your dog. This lets your dog know that its behavior is remarkable and deserves praise. Lastly, If you catch your dog in the middle of an accident, make a loud noise or clap to startle him. Then he will stop urinating or defecating, and you can take him outside to finish up. source: wikihow



QUIT SMOKING! DO IT FOR YOUR DOG! Written by Jessica Harrell

By now, most of us know that cigarettes can cause harmful effects that may even lead to death through both first and second hand smoke. For example, according to Dr. Karen Becker an estimated 50,000 Americans lose their lives to secondhand smoke annually. However, many are unaware that cigarettes pose another danger through “third hand smoke.” A 2009 study from Harvard Medical School found additional health risks associated with what they termed “third-hand smoke,” or the toxins that cling to smokers’ hair, clothing, cars, carpeting

and furniture long after the smoke has cleared the room. Both second and third hand smoke are detrimental to the health of humans; however, our dogs’ lounging and grooming habits may increase both the intensity and duration of their exposure to the toxins in cigarette smoke, causing diseases and in extreme cases, death. Since dogs and humans share common physiology, we additionally share many of the same health effects of cigarette smoke. lowcountry dog 10

According to Dr. Karen Becker, exposure to the toxins from cigarette smoke can cause a variety of health problems in dogs, including respiratory problems, allergies and even nasal and lung cancer. Additionally, many dogs face the risk of nicotine poisoning. Ingesting cigarette butts or nicotine replacements (such as gum and patches) and drinking water contaminated with cigarette butts can cause dogs can be exposed to toxic levels of nicotine ( 0.5-1.0 mg of nicotine per pound of body weight). Many dog owners who use nontraditional forms of smoking such as e-cigs and vape pens believe that their dogs are in the clear, as there is no actual smoke being emitted, but they may be even more prone to contracting nicotine poisoning. Refill cartridges can contain anywhere from 2-10 times the amount of nicotine found in one cigarette and the scents and flavors of the liquid in these cartridges is especially attractive to dogs, increasing their risk of ingestion. The signs and symptoms of nicotine poisoning may include tremors, seizures, drooling,

constricted pupils, hallucinations, vomiting, and diarrhea and if not caught in time could potentially lead to death. Ingesting one e-cig or vape pen refill cartridge could lead to fatal nicotine poisoning in just 15-30 minutes. If you know or suspect your dog has ingested any amount of nicotine, seek immediate veterinary help. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs in the world, so it’s understandable that quitting smoking or vaping is a long, complicated process. However, there are ways to minimize this habit’s risks to your dogs while working your way towards quitting. For those who smoke using traditional cigarettes, the best way to keep your dogs healthy is to smoke outside. Smoking only outdoors will prevent a large amount of second and third hand smoke from settling into your home or car, minimizing your dogs’ contact with harmful toxins. Other ways to reduce your dogs’ contact with second and third hand smoke include using an air purifier in your home, cleaning any furniture and carpets that may be contaminated, bathing your pet frequently and changing your clothes and washing your hands after smoking.

Similar to keeping your dogs protected from second and third hand smoke, there are ways to prevent them from nicotine poisoning as well. For those who use traditional cigarettes, keeping ashtrays clean and disposing of cigarettes far away from the accessibility of dogs are the best ways to keep them from ingesting or coming into contact with cigarette butts. Likewise, those who use other forms of nicotine, such as patches, gum, or vape pen refill cartridges should both store and dispose of these items in receptacles that cannot be accessed by dogs in order to avoid possible fatal nicotine poisoning.

After learning about the health consequences of smoking, most people who smoke want to quit, which can seem like a daunting task to do alone. However, there are a variety of resources available for those who are trying to quit smoking. For example, Project Quit at MUSC has made it their mission to investigate ways to advance medical science that can help smokers quit.  Participating in research for Project Quit is a free, compensable way to begin your journey to quit smoking. Additionally, not only is it a resource to help you quit smoking, but it could also potentially benefit your community. Taking part in research increases knowledge of tobacco/nicotine behaviors, which could lead to helping countless other smokers quit as well. Smoking is not only detrimental to your health, but your dogs’ as well. Therefore, certain precautions must be made to ensure their safety. Following the steps above and regularly taking your dogs to the vet will both increase the likelihood of your dogs staying happy and healthy. Also, keep an eye on what your dog is sniffing and eating, as nicotine poisoning is a very real risk with possibly fatal consequences. Finally, if you are looking to quit smoking, participating in research at organizations such as MUSC’s Project Quit is a great way to begin this journey. Not only will it help you kick your habit, but the knowledge you provide researchers will benefit the greater community as well, including your dogs.

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge These past couple of months have been incredibly challenging for rescue. The challenge this time isn’t about the extremities we have to go through to save them, but the extremities we have to go through to let them go. When we “pull” these animals into safety, we always dream of them going on to their forever homes and living happily ever after. However, that isn’t always the case; sometimes their journey starts and stops with us. Recently, Eunoia Rescue had to say goodbye to several of our animals. A few crossed over due to irreversible behavioral issues and others were due to health issues lowcountry dog 14

that were beyond our repair. Making the ultimate decision isn’t easy. Is there something more we can do? Are we doing the right thing? There are no true answers, just a feeling in the pit of your stomach signaling that you have to do what you ultimately couldn’t even fathom of doing in the first place. The worst part about putting an animal down while they are still in the rescue’s care is knowing that they never had a chance. They never had an owner who cared, they were dumped and left to die in a shelter or out on the streets. Our emotions take a turn from sadness to downright anger.

Who did this to you and why aren’t they suffering the way that we are when it comes to letting you go? Fortunately, thanks to some amazing people these animals at least come to know what love is. It may be for a limited amount of time but these animals know what it was like to not have to worry about their next meal and they had a warm place to stay. These animals knew that they had a person who looked out for them and called them “baby” from time to time. We have also had adoptive parents reach out to us and let us know that they too have had to make the decision to let their beloved pet go. This doesn’t hurt any less, the same emotions of melancholy and fury are still there. Why couldn’t we have just one more day?

Personally, I still haven’t been able to bounce back from not only Eunoia Rescue’s losses but the losses that other rescues have experienced and are currently experiencing as well. It’s a vicious cycle and quite frankly, the absolute “suckiest” part of rescue. Although we do not have all the answers and although we miss our animals that left us too soon, there is a little bit of peace knowing that these animals are finally free and no one can ever hurt them again.

The Galactic Dog Festival Returns!

May 5, 2018 1 to 5 pm

About the Cover "Growing up with dogs!" We recruited two kids and their dogs to be our models for this issue. First off was Harper, our cover girl, and her two dogs, Elle and Rondo. Harper is 3 and was born into a house of animals, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Next was Jonathan, 5, and his rescue greyhound, Mickey. Jonathan is an avid Star Wars fan as shown by Mickey's custom collar! Turn to page to see their pics and read about kids and dogs!

Written by Izzy Selert Photography by Southern Vintage Photography

growing up with dogs! W WH HY Y EE V V EE R RY Y K K II D D N N EE EE D DS S A A D DO OG G !!

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Dogs are sweet, cuddly, and playful, and that's why kids love them! Having a dog growing up not only creates some sweet memories, but also benefits the child in more ways than one. Here are four reasons why it is beneficial to have a dog in the house with a child: 1. Teaches Responsibility By having to take care of a dog, children learn how to take care of their responsibilities at a young age. These responsibilities include, having to water, feed and walk their dogs. Younger kids can help with brushing the dog, and feeding them whereas older children can help with training, walking, and exercising the dog. Kids know that they can not live without food, water, and love from their parents, and if they are taught that dogs are the same way, it will help them understand why they have to be so responsible when owning a dog. Having a dog teaches kids responsibility that will follow them for the rest of their lives. Kids see what it is like to have a living creature rely on them, which will help them when they have a relationship or kids of their own. By having a child learn responsibility at a young age, it makes them a more reliable person, and pet owner.

2. Gives them Companionship Whoever said that dogs are a man’s best friend was not kidding. Dogs are the most loyal companions, especially to their little humans. There is nothing that a dog would not do for a child, whether it be playing dress-up or just playing outside. 33% of families have chosen dogs as their companion animal, not only for them but also for their children. It is hard to have companionship as a child when you are the only one in the family, so dogs are perfect for only children. They are also very good at making people feel better when you are having a bad day. Therefore, having a dog with a child that may be getting bullied or is struggling in school is very beneficial because dogs will always be there to kiss the tears away.

3. It Allows the Child to be Active It is known that having a dog generally makes a person more active, and that is not just adults, it's kids too. Studies in England have shown that when having a dog children are more active, whereas children are not without a furry friend. Research has also shown that kids with dogs spend on average more than 5 hours a day doing physical activity with their dogs; this includes going on walks or runs and playing in the yard. Not only is going out on walks around the neighborhood good for the child, but also for the dog. Child obesity and canine obesity are real issues in America, and a good way to cure that is going out and playing with your pup. 4. It Makes Them Feel Safe Dogs are known to be very protective animals, especially over little ones. Dogs have a tendency of of getting an instinct of protection over kids. Kids love to love on their puppies, and when the dog is feeling all that love, they want to reciprocate it somehow, and do so by protecting the ones they love. Whenever a dog feels like their little human is being harmed or threatened, their first instinct is to protect. Studies have shown that kids feel more safe at night when they have their dog in bed with them.

HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW? (The Hidden Costs of Puppy Mills)

Written by Caitlyn McCracken

lowcountry dog 26

cover photo not affiliated with any valiant case

At some point in your life, you have probably walked by a pet store and seen cute little puppies sitting in windows. You may have begged your parents to buy you one, and may have even gotten one. It seems harmless to buy a dog, but what actually goes on behind closed doors is frightening. In late November of 2017, Valiant Animal Rescue and Florence County Environmental Services collaborated on a case concerning a large scale commercial breeder. Over the next few days, they removed over 130 animals and transported them to an undisclosed location. Valiant Animal Rescue and Relief has been operating in the Lowcountry and across North and South Carolina for over a decade. Lead by executive director and animal cruelty consultant Michelle Reid, Valiant has tackled some of the most urgent and challenging animal crisis situations in the Carolinas. In 2017 alone, Valiant aided over 1,500 animals. I met Michelle on April 18, 2016. Valiant listed a small red dachshund named Rudy on their Facebook account. I fell in love with him and went to meet him and Michelle. I was immediately impressed with Michelle and how she presented herself.

She asked all the right questions that someone should to a prospective adopter. I could tell right away how genuinely she cared for animals. After a home visit and some paperwork, Rudy came home. He came from another cruelty case where over 100 animals were living in a backyard. Ever since he came into my life I have followed Valiant’s rescue efforts. Michelle is the helm, the anchor, and the sail of this operation who works countless hours tackling these cases and bringing the abusers to justice. On December 9th I got a text from Michelle pleading for help related to the Florence cruelty case. With the influx of animals, she needed all the volunteers she could get. I went to an undisclosed location to help document the conditions and care for the dogs. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. While I am familiar with the work Michelle does, I had never really seen it up close. There were over 100 dogs- crying, barking, shaking, and terrified. Some were matted so heavily they were unrecognizable. Others were blind and had growths coming off of them.

There were pregnant dogs with their teeth rotting out of their heads. This particular case involved small ‘desirable’ breeds- Dachshunds, Yorkies, Pugs, Boston terriers, Pekingese, Poodles, you name it. When I started helping, Michelle had only lost one dog, which is incredible considering where they came from. I got a small glimpse of the terrible conditions the animals were living in and it was something no animal should ever be subjected to. As of today, a few more have sadly passed, mostly the newborn puppies, from health complications, but most of the dogs are on the road to recovery with the help of Michelle and her team.

What I found to be most profound from helping with this rescue was the resilience the animals displayed. While many were scared and not very trusting of humans, others were constantly wagging their tails, jumping, and excited any time one of us walked into the room. It is likely they never had positive contact with humans, if any contact at all. They were so grateful to have someone taking care of them and to have a warm place to sleep. There is no telling how many puppies the ‘breeder’ sold out of her backyard operation. It is always important if you are absolutely set on buying a dog to do so from a reputable breeder. You should insist on seeing the conditions they are kept in. A breeder who refuses to give this type of information is most likely not following proper regulations that they should. Backyard breeders don’t care about the shape their animals are in, which is why the puppies they produce often end up sick.


Bee r&W ine Tas ting

s e z ri P d n a e l ff a R

Awa rd W innin Chi g AY li an CE d Oy sters

MARCH 3. 2018 2 to 6 pm

If you want to add an animal to your family, a local rescue is the best option. The animals get fully vetted before going to their homes and a good rescue always makes sure they are placed into good hands. The animals from the Florence case are slowly but surely getting put into loving foster and adoptive homes. If you are interested in fostering or adopting one of these sweet dogs, go to valiantanimalrescue.org and fill out an adoption application. I have a foster in my home at the moment, and her demeanor from day one to a few weeks later has been night and “Anyone who says money can’t day. A good home can make all the buy happiness has never paid an difference! adoption fee.”

Help stop animal cruelty with a MORE LOVE LESS CRUELTY SHIRT! CLICK TO BUY NOW!

Thanks to all who came out. We raised $1500 for local rescues

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! lowcountrydog 31

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Pet Helpers began its journey when Carol Linville realized that there was a crisis going on in the animal rescue community. Back in 1976, she read an article in the Post and Courier that said over 8,000 animals per year were being euthanized. Animal shelters were very different places back then. “There was no medical care, nor spay and neuter – no one knew.” She had no experience in animal rescue and had no clue where to start, but knew that she had to do something to address this issue. With the help of editor Charlie Diggle, Carol started a column called Pet of The Week in the James Island Journal where she publicized animals available for adoption at the John Ancrum SPCA. She also began her crusade to end the euthanization of all adoptable animals in the

Lowcountry Dog Magazine

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Over the past two years, I have been able to share with you some of the many wonderful rescue organizations we have in our community. From basset hounds to bulldogs, we’ve learned so much about kindness, love for animals and the drive to do whatever it takes to save them. In this twelfth and final installment of the Rescue Spotlight, I’ll be talking about Pet Helpers Adoption Center and Spay Neuter Clinic. I have been a volunteer at Pet Helpers for about 7 years, and they have given me the opportunity to adopt and foster the loves of my life – Martha Ann, Lincoln, Nikki, Bullet, Harry and Zelda. This year, they are celebrating their 40th Anniversary, and I spoke with founder Carol Linville, a woman who embodies the very spirit of animal rescue.

Charleston area. “Over time I involved the local media…I was the lone ranger for many years, speaking the No Kill message, and building a small shelter. I became the squeaking wheel… calling for animal welfare legislation.” She also started pursuing animal cruelty charges against people who abused animals even though there was little to no assistance from law enforcement at that time. “I successfully initiated several local animal welfare ordinances beginning in 1988, and working on statewide animal welfare.” Her tireless efforts to save animals were recognized when she was named Humanitarian of the Year by the South Carolina Association of Veterinarians (SCAV). Starting a No Kill shelter and defying the status quo presented many obstacles. “The greatest challenge [was] never giving up and changing the mindset that euthanasia of adoptable and treatable animal was never going to change.” Carol started by rescuing a few pets here and there in her home. She was also working constantly, trying to build a local business all while fronting the costs of vet bills, food and medicine for the animals in her care. “There were some tough times, but persistence and determination

prevailed!” she said. “Dr. Jerry Murray…and Dr. Johnny Ohlandt… gave 200% to helping me saving animals, getting them spayed and neutered and were a major part of Pet Helpers,” and Carol said she could not have done it without them. After all the sacrifices, late nights and constant work on behalf of homeless pets, Carol still has a positive attitude. “Obviously, the greatest joy [is] being the first successful 40-year No Kill rescue shelter organization in Charleston after many hard years of being the ‘squeaky wheel’, and being a major voice and part of a no kill Charleston community. I am equally proud of our wonderful, state of the art, 14,000 square foot Pet Helpers Adoption Center and Spay Neuter clinic…knowing we have saved over 40,000 animals and proving that one person can make a difference.”

Over the years, there have been many memorable animals in and out of Pet Helper’s doors, but Carol will never forget the first one. “My first rescue was Trouble, a little ‘Benji’ dog I saw crawling along Folly Road on my way to work in 1978. I chased him down [and] as it turned out, both back legs were broken.” (He had been hit by a car some days earlier.) “Dr. Ohlandt and I worked on that little dog for a year, finally amputating a leg; it was my first dog adoption.” There have been so many other dogs and cats who had the course of their lives altered for the better due to crossing paths with Carol. She also told me about Clementine – a little terrier she rescued off the top of a roof during Hurricane Irma. This dog first came up on Carol’s radar when she noticed that Clementine was being kept outside in a miserable housing situation. She had been trying to do something about it when the storm blew in. Carol knew of the conditions that this little girl was being kept in and became worried, so she decided to check on her. She called a neighbor and was told that Clementine’s

small kennel had flooded and left her stranded on her own during a terrifying storm. “To say I was angry is an understatement. I called Charleston County Police and said I needed them to meet me – I wasn’t leaving the dog! After a blistering discussion with the owner, I left with Clementine. After several weeks at Pet Helpers, she went from being a terrified little mess to a wonderful, happy and much loved little dog.” Even with the tireless efforts of someone like Carol, an organization such as Pet Helpers cannot exist without help. I asked her what the public could do to aid in her mission to save animals. “Support us financially, volunteer, foster animals so we can save even more and adopt! Our monthly operating expenses now exceed $165,000 a month. We are not government supported and must raise these funds.” In the future, Pet Helpers plans to start a campaign to pay off the debt on the existing shelter and complete the work on the 3,000 square feet of unfinished space. “We need more dog and puppy kennels, cat intake and quarantine space, administrative space, etc.…


Lowcountry Dog Magazine

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2 Locations to serve you! 9500 Dorchester Rd, Summerville & 208 St. James Ave, Goose Creek

There are some great naming and sponsor opportunities for the public in helping us do even more to help animals and expand on some of our programs [such as] Unchain Charleston, Dixie’s Emergency Medical Fund for injured and abused animals and our Spay Neuter Trap and Release Fund.” You can also stop by the shelter, located at 1447 Folly Road and see all the good work being done, first hand. As mentioned before, Pet Helpers is also celebrating their 40th Anniversary this year. Carol said, “[We] will be planning several special fun events throughout the year, culminating in our big 14th Annual Fur Ball Gala!” For those readers who are unfamiliar with this popular and long-standing fundraising event, you can read more about it here: https://pethelpers.org/fur-ball/. This year, the Fur Ball will be on November 10th at the Francis Marion Hotel. “It will be an amazing night filled with entertainment, food, drink, auctions, a band, dancing and some additional surprise animal visits…a true night to remember!” My loyal readers know how much I love and support all animal rescue organizations in the Charleston area. However, Pet Helpers is a place that is very dear to me and has truly changed my life. When I began volunteering, I was extremely depressed and felt as though my life had no meaning. Things began to change when I realized that even as one person, I could make a difference in an animal’s life. It’s easy to get discouraged these days – a lot of scary and sad things are going on in the world right now and you may feel powerless.

Learn more by clicking below

“Saving one animal won’t change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever” -Carol Linville


Hopper sponsored by


Lucy Piggy

Rayne Rocky

Moose Boone Dallas

Baby Stella





Hallie Hill sponsored by:





Valiant Rescue sponsored by:





Berkeley Animal Shelter sponsored by:

Thanks to our Rescue Dog Sponsors





Sinbad Sadie sponsored by: H.F. Help sponsored by:



Lovebug Dragonfly

Posey & Lily

Eunoia Rescue sponsored by: TAG Gas Works






"Does your dog have what it takes to fill my shoes?" Stout, 2017 winner Come and enter on March 25th from 10 to 5 pm at Pet Fest at Palmetto Islands Park!

event calendar Sniff out all events here 02/03 Paws and Pearls Oyster Roast, Dorchester Paws, Summerville Country Club, 6 to 10pm 02/03 PUPPY BOWL, Towne Centre 12- 3pm 02/11 PAWDI GRAS featuring Lowcountry Dog Magazine and Bullies 2 the Rescue, Hampton Park 2 to 5pm 02/25 MARDI GRAS PAWRADE, Waters Edge Great Dane, Palmetto Island Park 1 to 4pm 03/03 MORE LOVE LESS CRUELTY Oyster Roast for Valiant Animal Rescue, Smoky Oak Taproom 2 to 6pm 03/10 Carolina Coonhound Oyster Roast, Riverfront Park 12 to 5pm 03/25 PET FEST featuring the Lowcountry Dog Annual Cover Contest, Palmetto Islands Park 10 to 5 pm

ADOPTION EVENTS EVERY SATURDAY at both Pet Supplies Plus locations!

Featuring the 2018 Lowcountry Dog Magazine Cover Contest!

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