October 28, 2014: Volume 89, No. 9

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OCT. 28, 2014 VOL. 89 NO. 9 FREE



Exclusive: Both candidates speak to The Cardinal


PAGES 10-14


PAGES 15-18



LOUISVILLE CARDINAL Editor-in-Chief Simon Isham Asst. Editor-in-Chief Olivia Krauth Managing Editor Sammie Hill Copy Editor Alexandria Ruhs News Editor Jacob Abrahamson Asst. News Editor Lubna Hindi Features Editor Sarah Rohleder Sports Editor Noah Allison Asst. Sports Editor Sam Draut Opinion Editor Tyler Mercer Photo Editor Sasha Perez Faculty Adviser Ralph Merkel

Advertising Manager Natalie Ruark Advertising Clerk Kade Tambo Distribution Manager Kade Tambo Business Manager Lisa Potter



Crime Report: Bike thefts increase this month on campus DAVID CECIL


Someone is stealing bikes on campus — five bicycle thefts this month have police wondering why students do not lock up their valuable transportation. Police say if you are a bike owner, plan a trip to the shop this coming weekend. It could save you from hoofing it to school everyday. Beyond actually finding a space to park your bike, ensuring it’s secure while you are away in class is the next big check mark on the to-do list for every biker on campus. With at least five accounts of bike theft this month alone, that security might just become more of a priority. Lt. Col. Kenneth Brown, assistant chief of Police said the bike thefts are “more sporadic, with large groups happening at a time before vanishing. [Criminals] find a bike they want, then get it.” Brown said the thieves range in age, and often are the same people that go back to the crime after being incarcerated for a time, then released. Lt. John Tarter, the investigator in charge of

bike-related incidents, said most theft attempts occur at night, and that police patrols make sure to do rounds near bike racks to deter thieves. Both officers implore bike owners to purchase a U-Lock system for their bike, as there have yet to be any thefts from owners of that specific device. Placing the lock around the frame instead of just the tire (which often has a quick release feature holding it to the frame) is also recommended. Tarter said registering bikes with the University aid retrieval of the bike and prosecution of the thief. “We take note of the serial number, color and brand of bike to run it through a national database,” he said. This database, the National Crime and Information Center, provides the bike’s number and description to pawn shops and other second-hand sellers that would potentially see stolen goods. This way, arrests and bringing the bike to its proper owner can be made far more quickly. Registration for the service can be done via the University’s homepage by searching “Bike registration.”

OUR MISSION Our job is to serve the University of Louisville community. We hope to promote public discourse and act as a forum for it. We are dedicated to the pursuit of truth through fair, accurate reporting. Our coverage will represent the university in a way that advocates a culture of inclusivity. Our morals are of utmost importance, and we work hard to earn the public trust that is essential to journalism.

EDITORIAL POLICY The Louisville Cardinal, produced by students since 1926, publishes every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters. The Editor-in-Chief has final say over the content. The Cardinal enjoys hearing feedback from its readers; please write us letters, comment on our website or communicate with us on social media. Each reader is entitled to one copy of the paper, completely free of charge.

| 3 Editor’s Note: Make your voice heard this election OCT. 28, 2014 LOUISVILLECARDINAL.COM

The Louisville Cardinal is not endorsing any candidate in this year’s election. Our staff, like our university, is one with diverse political views. For this reason, the only thing we endorse this election is making your voice heard. The goal of this issue is to help students at the University of Louisville understand the candidates and find out what they believe in. By doing so, we hope to make this campus as informed as possible when it votes.

As the candidate questionnaires and Op-Eds held in this issue show, the candidates this year offer very different choices on issues like raising the minimum wage, student debt relief, tax reform and much more. Our generation will be affected by the decisions made in Washington about these issues. This election season has been negative, and 77 percent of Americans view Congress unfavorably, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll.

This statistic could inspire apathy among young voters, but it should give you even more reason to exercise your right to vote. We believe that college students should take advantage of the opportunity to make a difference through the ballot box. So no matter who you decide to support - Mitch McConnell, Alison Lundergan Grimes or David Patterson - make sure you get out and vote.

Who has the best shot?

Tweet us @TheCardinalNews and let us know who you think will win. #bestshot





CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRES: Each candidate in the U.S. Senate and Third Congressional district elections was given the opportunity to respond to a brief questionnaire. David Patterson (L), who is running for Senate and Michael Macfarlane (R), who is running for the House, did not respond.

ALISON LUNDERGAN GRIMES Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate

What do you think your plan and vision offers college students? The most important issue facing Kentucky is the lack of access to good-paying jobs. That’s why I have offered a comprehensive jobs plan to strengthen the economy and make sure every Kentuckian has a fair shot at success. Expanding opportunity requires diversifying our economy for the long term, building 21st century infrastructure, expanding entrepreneurship and investing in what’s best about Kentucky: our people. But at a time when Kentucky’s unemployment rate is higher than the national average and Kentucky students carry loan debt of over $20,000 on average, Washington is not doing its part. Families in the Commonwealth are devoting more of their income to tuition, and ever higher numbers of graduates are burdened by unsustainable student debt. The federal government can play a central role in helping students and families, but that will require a senator who puts our future generations before today’s partisan politics. My plan calls for the federal government to give students the same loan rate as Wall Street banks. For far too long, big Wall Street banks have gotten a great deal from our government, while our Kentucky students drown in debt. Secondly, we

must allow our students to refinance unsustainable, high interest loans. I strongly support legislation in the Senate that would help nearly 360,000 Kentuckians reduce their student loan burden. As Kentucky’s next U.S. Senator, I will also champion equal pay for equal work. This is a critically important issue for college students, because as the American Association of University Women points out: “Women and men pay the same amount for their college degrees, but do not reap the same rewards”. Due to the pay gap, women often have less money to pay back the same amount of loan debt. And finally, my plan calls for fully funding for Pell Grants. Providing adequate resources for and ideally expanding Pell Grants, while ensuring that working families remain eligible for the grants, are critical to reducing student loan burdens on Kentuckians. Each of these steps – all opposed by my opponent, by the way – will allow graduates to pursue their ambitions without the drawbacks of overwhelming debt and wage disparities.

Why should college students vote this November? As the chief election officer for the Commonwealth of Ken-


Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate

What do you think your plan and vision offers college students? I will continue to focus on real solutions that help students financially prepare for school, give them the support they need to obtain a degree, and help create an economic environment that provides them with the career opportunities they seek once they graduate. I have worked across the aisle to keep student loan rates down in the past and I recently introduced a new bill to expand access for lowincome families. I have been proud to support state qualified tuition programs, commonly known as 529 plans, and worked hard to ensure the earnings and distributions for these plans would be 100 percent tax free at the federal level. These plans help to ensure that our families can pay for their children’s higher education. Recently, I introduced a measure that would

cont. on page 5

tucky, you can imagine how important I think it is to participate in the democratic process. During my time as Secretary of State, we have worked tirelessly to ensure the voting rights of our military and victims of domestic violence. I am motivated every day to eliminate barriers to the ballot box. Not everyone is as fortunate as we are as Americans, not only to be able to cast votes which shape the future of our communities, state and nation, but also to have a free and open discourse on the issues of our day. Throughout this campaign, Kentuckians have had a chance to see two distinct visions for the future of our state. And on November 4, we will have an opportunity to make our voices heard and decide who will represent Kentucky in the Senate for the rest of this decade. No matter your political persuasion, I encourage each and every one of you to exercise this privilege. It is your opportunity to put your hand on the wheel of history, and take this state and this nation in the direction you hope we will go.






Democratic Candidate for U.S. House

(cont. from page 4)

What do you think your we can do to grow our economy, - particularly in our Commonplan and vision offers col- jump-start the middle class and wealth, where more than 500,000 empower Louisville families to be Kentuckians have obtained insurlege students? We should be creating opportunities for America’s brightest young people, not saddling them with debt. The average student loan debt right now in America is $30,000, and students and families in Louisville and across the nation are paying interest rates as high as 12 percent on private college loans. For a recent college grad trying to begin a career, start a business or continue to pursue their education, that is a hardship they should not have to face. Students and their families should be allowed to refinance those loans at lower interest rates currently offered to new borrowers, and I am cosponsoring legislation, the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act - to do just that. The average student carrying $30,000 in debt would save $4,000 under this legislation, which Congress should approve immediately. In addition, I believe students borrowing money from the government for college should have the same favorable interest rates as big banks. That is why I am cosponsoring H.R. 1979, the Bank on Student Loan Fairness Act, which would set interest rates on federal loans for undergrads at the rate given to banks at the discount window of the Federal Reserve. Inexplicably, Republican leaders in Congress have blocked both of these bills from becoming law. Congress should be doing all

successful. That begins by expanding access to education at every level, and I am proud to support strong, sensible policies to accomplish that goal.

Why should college students vote this November?

Americans - particularly young people - are frustrated with Congress, and they have every right to be. For the past four years, we have operated under a Republican House majority that has shut down the government and cost taxpayers billions of dollars, voted more than 50 times to repeal or undermine the health care reform law and approved a bill to sue the President for doing his job. They have routinely ignored legislation supported by huge majorities of the American people: ending tax breaks for companies that ship U.S. jobs overseas, raising the minimum wage and making college more affordable, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and reforming our broken immigration system. Our nation faces big challenges, but we also have great opportunities before us. We are climbing out of the deepest recession since the Great Depression, but by and large, the wealthiest among us are the ones truly benefitting, and the income gap in America is as wide as it has ever been. We have dramatically increased consumer protections and expanded access to affordable, high-quality health care

ance through Kynect, the state’s Affordable Care Act marketplace. But there are still Kentuckians who are uninsured. We have significantly improved infrastructure and broadband technology, and yet our roads and bridges are crumbling, and tens of thousands of Kentuckians still lack Internet access at home. And as a college degree is more critical than ever in determining future success, we see costs continuing to climb and an unresponsive Congress. The only way to change that, and to refocus Congress on the priorities we share here in Louisville and across the nation, is to participate in the process. I encourage you to make your voice heard in November, and I hope I can count on your support.

make these plans more accessible to lowto-middle income families who should be rewarded for paying for their child’s education, just like our students should be rewarded for their hard work.

Why should college students vote this November?

It is a privilege to live in a free country where we are given the right to choose who leads us and, as a UofL grad, I know that the students at our school take the responsibility that comes with it very seriously.

FIND FULL ELECTION COVERAGE AT louisvillecardinal.com

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Born: November 4, 1947 (Age 66) Hometown: Louisville, Ky. Education: Yale University Career: Newspaper Publisher Party: Democrat


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Will students vote in the midterm election? ADELINE WILSON


College students seem to be engaged in politics, but that might not translate into votes on Nov. 4. With the U.S. Senate race between Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes wrapping up this week, the college vote may help determine the outcome. “Essentially, at this point, the race is a dead heat,” said Dewey Clayton, a political science professor at U of L. With election day fast approaching, Belknap campus is nearly void of campaigners. Neither Grimes nor McConnell has campaigned in person on campus since the start of the fall semester. Grimes appeared once at the Red Barn on June 29 to speak about college affordability. “There is probably not as much concern as I would like there to be,” said Clayton. “It is because it is a midterm election, and it just tends to not motivate people.” According to the Pew Research

Center, less than 40 percent of those eligible actually vote in midterm elections. In Kentucky, the percentage of 18 to 29 year olds that vote in midterm elections is even slimmer - only 22.9 percent, says the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement. “It is wise for both parties to have visibility and, for lack of a better word, take advantage of college students’ low information levels to educate them, not only of the candidate’s point of view but the importance of the election and party issues that affect students,” said Jasmine Farrier, a political science professor. “The most effective way to get college students engaged in politics is to inform them that politics affects their lives,” said U of L senior Arsh Haque. “This can take the shape of special interest groups making infographics, campaign volunteers badgering students on their way to class or someone to sit down and talk to at a voter registration drive.” Sherman Brown, a political advisor at McCarthy Strategic Solutions in Frankfort, gave his views on col-

lege voters. “I think this generation is paying more attention not just to who they vote for but actually holding their leaders accountable,” said Brown. Dewey Clayton listed student loans, healthcare and the minimum wage as top issues for young voters. “The candidates of this race are well aware of the power of the voter, and especially of the young voter,” said sophomore Aaron Vance, who is the political coordinator for SGA. “If candidates and parties are not interested in college students,” said Farrier, “it is just a vicious circle, because then they will win without you. They will not feel any responsibility to you, and then you will be turned off because nobody seems to care about you, and you will not participate.” Besides the fact that this is a midterm election, college students may not participate because there are challenges to get to the ballot box. “There is the issue of voting absentee ballot or travelling back to their hometown and voting on that day,” said Clayton. “Every time you have to

add a layer that is requiring you to do something to vote, then that is going to discourage some people and hurt the actual turnout. “I would suspect that some students might not even be aware that you have to be registered in this state roughly 30 days before the election,” he said. “We burden the voters in America,” said Farrier. “They have to keep up with their registration, and college students move a lot.” “I think that, clearly, if millenials get out and vote, that will probably help Alison Grimes more than it probably will help Senator McConnell, because his base of voters traditionally tend to be 50 and older and white,” said Clayton. Clayton also noted that he would like to see millennials run for office themselves. “You get involved in politics. You make that change yourself,” said Clayton. In the meantime, the results of this midterm Senate race will depend on the Kentuckians who will cast their ballot on or before Nov. 4.





Op-Ed: McConnell’s college savings legislation would help Kentucky families prepare for the future MITCH McCONNELL U.S. SENATOR (R)

With another school year well underway for Kentucky’s students this fall, it is important they and their families understand the full range of choices available to them to make a higher education more affordable and accessible. One of those options is the 529 college savings plan, which is a tax-advantaged savings plan that is designed to encourage Kentuckians to pay for future college costs. 529 plans are so called because they are authorized by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. They allow families to save tax-free for college expenses. In 2001, I authored the Setting Aside for a Valuable Education (SAVE) Act to ensure that 529

plans would be 100 percent tax-free at the federal level. This measure was included in a larger tax package that became law, but only temporarily. In 2006, I helped make the tax benefits under these accounts permanent. Nearly all 50 states, including Kentucky, offer 529 college savings plans. According to a report recently released by the College Savings Plans Network, there are close to 12 million open accounts, with total assets of more than $224 billion. To expand Kentucky families’ access to 529 plans, and make it even easier for them to pay for their child’s higher education, I was proud to offer the Enhanced 529-Setting Aside for a Valuable Education, or Enhanced 529-SAVE, Act on the floor of the U.S. Senate last month.

The Enhanced 529-SAVE Act will make 529 plans more accessible by encouraging employers to contribute to an employee’s 529 plan. My bill would exclude up to $600 of an employer’s contribution from an employee’s gross income. This will help families and individuals save more for higher education expenses. The Enhanced 529-SAVE Act will also help lower-income families and individuals save money for college by allowing the individual that contributes to the 529 plan to qualify for the Saver’s Credit, which is an income-based, non-refundable tax credit up to $4,000. These are powerful savings tools that help students and their families afford college. Not only do we need to make

college more affordable, we need to make sure that our youngest and brightest are graduating into a strong economy. The Obama Economy has been particularly hard on our nation’s young adults. One of my top priorities as Kentucky’s senior senator is to continue to fight for job creation proposals so that the students who decide to invest in a degree are better able to get good-paying jobs. I will continue to focus on real solutions that help students financially prepare for school, give them the support they need to obtain a degree and help create an economic environment that provides them with the career opportunities they seek once they graduate.

Op-Ed: What I will do for Kentuckians if elected I will make leveling the playing field with China a top priority, to end currency manipulation and unfair When Mitch McConnell speaks trade practices that cost hundreds of to the Koch brothers and the other thousands of American manufacturbillionaires who bankroll his cam- ing jobs. paign, he pledges to them what he I will pursue public-private partwill not do. He will not permit votes, nerships to diversify the economy in or even debate, on raising the mini- depressed areas. mum wage. He will not permit votes, I will search tirelessly for the funds or even debate, on extending unem- needed to rebuild our infrastructure. ployment insurance. He will not perI will be an unwavering supporter mit votes, or even debate, on easing of a national farm policy that helps student loan debt. Kentucky agriculture to expand to its I prefer to tell Kentuckians what I full potential. will do. I will also work day and night to I will fight for you and for Ken- raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an tucky every day that I am in the Unit- hour. ed States Senate. I will put benefits for Kentucky ahead of partisan gain. End tax loopholes that ship KenAnd I will hit the ground running on tucky and American jobs overDay One. seas. I pledge that I will tackle these six Mitch McConnell votes for meaissues as soon as I take office: sures that offer firms actual encouragement to avoid taxes by moving Create jobs in Kentucky and raise American jobs to other countries. I the minimum wage. will fight relentlessly to end these tax I will push for research and devel- breaks and to replace them with inopment money for clean-coal tech- centives to bring jobs home. nology.


Protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare. I will never vote to reduce benefits or eligibility for Social Security or Medicare. I will never support means-testing for Social Security, which is a back-door route to reduced benefits. I will never vote to privatize Social Security or Medicare, or to convert either program to a voucher system.

every disabled veteran a business hires. I will also work in the Senate to push our officials to end the backlog in veterans’ compensation claims. Our veterans have sacrificed so much to preserve our freedoms. They were in the front lines for us. In the Senate, I will be in the front lines for them.

Fight to reduce Kentucky students’ loan debt. Champion equal pay for equal Kentucky students graduate with work. average loan debts of over $20,000, a Equal pay for equal work is not crushing burden. just a women’s issue; it is a family isIn the Senate, I will support legsue. Kentucky women earn only 76 islation proposed by Sen. Elizabeth cents for every dollar paid to men, Warren to give our students the same amounting to an annual gap of al- great deal on government loans that most $10,000. are given to big Wall Street banks. This is the agenda I will begin purSponsor legislation to provide ac- suing on my first day as your next cess for our veterans to good-pay- United States Senator. ing jobs. Where Mitch McConnell will I will work to make permanent serve only the needs of billionaires the VOW to Hire Heroes Act, which and partisan extremists, I promise provides businesses a one-time tax to fight for Kentucky families. I will credit of up to $5,600 for every un- fight for you. employed veteran they hire. The tax Thirty years is long enough. Kencredit rises to as much as $9,600 for tucky deserves a new senator.








Born: Nov. 23, 1978 (Age 35) Hometown: Lexington, Ky. Education: Rhodes College, American University Law Career: Attorney Party: Democrat

Born: Feb. 20, 1978 (Age 72) Hometown: Louisville, Ky. Education: U of L, UK Law Career: Politician Party: Republican

Ky. Secretary of State

U.S. Senator


Harrodsburg Peace Officer

Born: Aug. 9, 1971 (Age 43) Hometown: Harrodsburg, Ky. Education: EKU Career: Peace Officer Party: Libertarian





Op-Ed: Kentuckians should vote for Alison Grimes CONNOR ALLEN


The Senate election in Kentucky may possibly be the marquee race of the 2014 midterm cycle. Alison Grimes and Mitch McConnell are locked in a close race, which could conceivably decide which party will control the Senate for the next two years, and possibly longer. I’m sure that you have heard all the campaign rhetoric, the talking points, the scripted responses of both candidates, and seen the (mostly) ridiculous ads that have been plaguing the airwaves the past few months. If you’re like me, you know you have about as much chance of actually understanding the complexities of a campaign and policy through the campaigns’ rhetoric as you do emigrating to North Korea. Therefore, my argument that you should vote for Alison Lundergan Grimes on Nov. 4 is not going to be just a recycling of talking points, and is not going to be an exaltation of Alison Grimes. I want to be as real with

you as possible, so stick with me all the way through. Alison Grimes is the 35-year-old Kentucky Secretary of State, former Lexington attorney. She is the daughter of Jerry Lundergan, the former head of the Kentucky Democratic Party, and a big name behind the scenes in Kentucky Democratic Politics. The Kentucky Secretary of State has little to do with impactful policy, so I won’t delve into her time as Secretary of State. I’m not going to tell you Alison Grimes is a perfect candidate. In fact, she has a number of flaws. Based on her resume, it is clear that she lacks significant experience which you would like to see in a U.S. Senator. She sticks to talking points and campaign rhetoric when posed with difficult questions, often much to the frustration of her Democratic base. And finally, she has run a number of misleading ads against Mitch McConnell (although to be fair he and his allies have run more against her). But you should still vote for her. Why? Mainly because a Republi-

can controlled Senate and House of Representatives should scare the living s*** out of you. But also because 76-year old and 30-year incumbent McConnell is the antithesis of everything that a decent human being should stand for, and is the definition of an old crony Washington corrupt politician. His whole goal in life has been to accumulate as much personal power in the Senate as possible, without any regard to the actual impact of his policies on the people of Kentucky and the United States. You can see it reflected in his actions and policies as a U.S. Senator. He is against equal marriage, doesn’t believe in man-made climate change (seriously?), doesn’t care for the poor whatsoever, is willing to outright lie to Kentucky voters (i.e. Kynect is “just a website”). This is the same McConnell who ran ads saying he sponsored the Violence Against Women Act, while repeatedly voting against it. The Same McConnell who engineered Republican obstructionism to any-

thing Democrats have proposed, and then threatened any Republican who wanted to vote their conscience. The same McConnell who has decided it is more important to put the interests of the Republican Party before the interests of the people of Kentucky and the United States. The same McConnell who has made millions of dollars since entering office, but still believes that $7.25 is a living wage and that even those under the poverty line should have their government assistance cut, although around 20 percent of Kentuckians live in poverty. I encourage you to go online (or the newspaper but I know that is a crapshoot) and read as much on the election as possible before Nov. 4 so you can make the best decision for yourselves. Alison Grimes is a moderate Democrat, who, despite her flaws, will put the interests of Kentucky before her personal interests and those of the Democratic Party. And she isn’t McConnell, which alone is enough reason to vote for her.

Op-Ed: Stick with Mitch McConnell this election day SEAN SOUTHARD


Columnist George Will recently wrote an article and called the election between Kentucky Senate the most important election of 2014. Across the partisan spectrum, I think that nearly everyone agrees that this election has implications for Kentucky and the United States. The Democratic Party and Alison Lundergan Grimes would like you to vote for their party. Before you cast your ballot this Election Day, I ask you to consider how Sen. Mitch McConnell has looked out for Kentucky’s interests, supported Kentucky’s women and students and demonstrated that he is able to lead when the President and others cannot. McConnell has consistently looked out for Kentucky’s interests while serving in the Senate. His record includes securing funding for Kentucky’s universities, protecting the first amendment right to free speech and defeating legislation that hurts Kentucky. He led the charge with Sen. Rand Paul to allow Kentucky to

begin industrial hemp production. Upon learning of the harmful conditions at the Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Paducah, McConnell directed one billion dollars towards safe disposal of nuclear waste and health screening for employees. He is fighting the prescription drug epidemic that is sweeping Kentucky. All of these achievements are possible because McConnell is at the forefront of the political fray and Kentucky’s interests are with him. Democrats will tell you that a vote for McConnell is a vote against women and students. Grimes loves to cite McConnell’s votes against the Violence Against Women Act as evidence for the Republican Party’s “war on women,” but neglects the fact that he voted for several versions of the Violence Against Women Act in 1992 and 1993. He supported it when Republicans controlled Congress in 2005. They also like to say that he is against ‘equal pay for equal work,’ even though it has been illegal since the 1960s to discriminate because of gender. Critics claim McConnell doesn’t understand what it is like to deal

with student loan debt. However, the Senate under McConnell’s leadership voted on a bipartisan basis to keep student loan interest rates low in 2013 – a bill that President Barack Obama signed into law. McConnell also studied at the University of Louisville and earned a degree in political science and a law degree at the other big university in Kentucky (the blue one). Grimes did her undergraduate studies at a private school in Tennessee and acquired her law degree from the swanky American University – located in the heart of Washington, D.C. Who is more in-touch with Kentucky students paying for college: someone who chose the less expensive, in-state public universities or someone who paid for an expensive, out-of-state education? Democrats call McConnell the “Guardian of Gridlock,” as they try to pin Washington’s dysfunction on him. The last five years reveals that such an idea is false. When taxes were about to skyrocket in 2010, Vice President Joe Biden and McConnell negotiated an extension. Remember the government shut-

down in 2013? Biden and McConnell brokered a deal to re-open it. When the so-called fiscal cliff emerged as a threat to our national debt in 2012, they stepped up again to solve party differences. After McConnell and Biden reached their last deal, Lou Dobbs asked an important question: “McConnell was the adult here ... what would have happened had he not been there?” McConnell has shown that he does not represent gridlock, but that he is a leader capable of crossing the party line when leadership is needed – a rare act in our polarized political climate. A vote for McConnell will put Republicans in control of the Senate. History instructs us that a Republican Congress and a Democratic president can achieve great accomplishments. During the Clinton presidency, with divided government, the parties were able to balance the budget and reform our welfare system in ways that looked to the future. It is possible that with the re-election of McConnell, Kentucky can bring an era of healing to our nation’s lawmaking process. You won’t get that by voting for Alison Lundergan Grimes.




What’s the scariest thing to a U of L Student?

@TheCardinalNews and the TLC’s Facebook page asked its followers, and you replied. Happy Halloween from The Louisville Cardinal!




Recipe: Stuffed peppers gone jack-o-lantern



Halloween is upon us and there is no better What you will need: time to try creative new recipes than the month of 3 bell peppers October. The cold weather begins to ease through 2 teaspoon olive oil the Bluegrass and so does the eagerness of fall foods 1/2 lb. ground chuck that include chili, soups, casseroles and spices. 1 finely-diced yellow onion For this recipe, we are going to create a stuffed 1 teaspoon minced garlic bell pepper so bold in flavor that you won’t have 1 1/2 cups long grain white rice a choice but to make it again. But just to put a 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese Halloween flare on it, the peppers are carved to Grated Parmesan cheese look like jack-o-lanterns. Finely chopped cilantro If you are trying to impress someone with your 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms culinary skills — even though you don’t have any 1/2 cup Franks Red Hot Chili Sauce then this is the recipe for you. Let’s hit the kitchen. 1 lime Salt Pepper

Cooking Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. While everything cooks, use the time to hollow out the bell peppers for stuffing. With a small knife, carefully cut out triangular eyes and rigid mouth so that the peppers look like tiny jack-o-lanterns. Be sure to keep the top of the pepper to be used as a lid. In foil, place peppers into oven for 10 minutes in order to soften the skin. After the 10 minutes, take peppers out and place to the side until its time for stuffing. In a medium-sized skillet, cook ground chuck, veggies, garlic and onion on medium-high heat. While the meat is cooking add olive oil, salt and pepper to the mixture. In a medium-sized pot, bring to a boil about 1 1/2 cups of water. Boil rice until al dente. Add the chili sauce, cheese, cilantro, fresh squeezed lime, salt and pepper to the finished rice. Once everything has cooked, combine the meat and the rice mixture into a bowl. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and then begin stuffing each pepper to the brim. Generously top with cheddar cheese and place peppers in the oven for about 5-7 minutes or until the cheese has melted. Cook Time: 25 Minutes Prep Time: 5 minutes Feeds: 3-4 Cost: $10

| FEATURES Demonic discussion possesses students’ attention 12



Emily Rose, girl possessed, walked down the dimly lit hallway of her college dorm. A door suddenly slammed and nearly 20 students grasped their seats in U of L’s Floyd Theater. On Oct. 23, the U of L Student Activities Board presented “The Truth Behind Demonic Possession.” The event kicked off with a screening of the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose,” a movie based on the true story of a college-aged woman possessed by six demons. Throughout the duration of the two-hour film, the student audience sat on the edge of their seats in suspense, as the court case of a convicted priest played out. “It was a great take on a classic story - well written and very suspenseful,” senior biology major Cody Welch said. The film retold the story of a German girl by the name of Anneliese Michel, and her parish


priest who performed the exorcism and was later accused of negligent homicide. The latter portion of the demon-themed event focused on a presentation by Bishop James Long, an exorcist. He gave a 90-minute lecture regarding the reality of demons. He showed actual footage of demonic presences, and presented sound bites of past exorcisms, including Annaliese Michel’s. “He gave a great talk on the supernatural,” Welch said. “He was very fair and didn’t try to forcefully prove anything, but was very knowledgeable and passionate.” Long discovered his calling to the ministry when he was 9 years old. He currently serves as a Bishop of the United States Old Catholic Church, and as an exorcist to those whose loved ones are possessed. He takes his gift seriously, earning six degrees throughout his educational career. “It makes me so angry when people

who claim to be exorcists are shown on television,” he said. “It’s a disgrace to my practice.” Bishop Long talked of the three stages of demonic possession: invitation, oppression and possession. Invitation involves provoking demons, such as playing with Ouija boards or practicing séances. Oppression involves interaction between the demon and a person. Possession is when the demon takes over the body. In his lecture, Long expanded on topics such as how exorcisms work, why demons are real, how to tell if someone is mentally ill or actually possessed and other controversial subjects on the matter. He recommended Jason McLeod’s book “Dark Siege” for those wanting to acquire extended knowledge about demonic possession in real life. An in-depth question and answer session concluded the event. The priest in the film argued once

PHOTO COURTESY / IMDB you’re exposed to the darkness, it never really goes away. Bishop Long agreed, “I will always live in oppression. It’s the choice I make living as an exorcist.”

Review: Danger Run a hit, long wait times a miss SIMON ISHAM


This year, Danger Run’s 20th anniversary, the attraction sent The Cardinal complimentary tickets. My assistant, Olivia, agreed to join me on a rare free night. It seemed the stars had finally lined up for an unanticipated adventure. Danger Run is a scavenger huntstyle game played in a car, which will take one to various parts of the city in search of partnered haunted attractions. Players are given a set of cryptic clues at the beginning of their journey which they must follow in order to reach their destinations. The aim of the game is, by the end, to have the tripometer reading that is closest to that set by the course designers. Prizes are awarded to the winners, and admission to one of three haunts is free with the Danger Run. Of the three Lowe’s parking lots where a Danger Run can begin, the one in Clarksville, Indana. seemed most attractive. We arrived at 7:30 and were treated hospitably by the staff. After just a few minutes of waiting, we were well on our way. I remember reading the first page of clues and remarking to Olivia that two reasonably intelligent people such as ourselves should have no problems

navigating clues such as “Soon you’ll reverse the way that you drive / with two lefts in a row when at lights you arrive.” After about 10 minutes of driving, however, it was clear that we were well off track. After about 45 minutes, we were hopelessly lost in the dark in Cherokee Park. I flipped to the back of the booklet to find the name of the first haunted attraction. We typed it into the GPS, and much to our dismay, were informed that we were approximately half an hour away. Danger Run’s well-written clues stumped us, which is exactly what makes them fun. But it was the next leg of the journey where our experience really took a wrong turn. If you plan to attempt the Danger Run before it closes Nov. 1, and do not want to know what the haunted attractions are this year, stop reading here. Though I had never been, I had always heard rave reviews of the Asylum Scream Park, so we decided to make the 30-minute schlep out to PRP to see what the fuss was about. Situated smack in the middle of the boondocks, the Asylum stretches over plenty of land, so we had high hopes.

There are three haunted attractions to choose from at the Asylum, each with its own theme. The Danger Run representative at the front explained the process to us, and the Asylum guide told us that “the fastest moving line right now is for Zombie City.” “Zombie city” is a wonderful metaphor for how fast this line ended up moving. We stood there in the freezing cold from 8:45 p.m. until 1 a.m. That is four hours and 15 minutes. Luckily, I have the patience of a yogi. No one I know personally would have lasted that long. I think Olivia only stayed because she works for me. The Asylum attempted to make the situation slightly more bearable by employing the Blue Moon Circus, a band of sideshow entertainers, to perform periodically. The first time I saw a man twirling butcher knives on chains, I was wowed. By the fifth time, still languishing in line, I was utterly inured. And literally every act, at some point, involved the twirling or breathing of fire. It’s quite impressive the first time you see it, but it felt like bad showmanship to force a captive audience to watch a spectacle like that again and again. Many of our fellow queuers, who had been in line several hours already,

left. We learned there was a fast-pass lane, which gave express entry to those willing to shell out extra dough. By the time we were within spitting distance of the door, all of my original excitement was moribund. When at long last we were welcomed inside, I had to reach deep within myself to pull out some shred of enthusiasm. Wait time aside, the storyline of Zombie City makes a trip worthwhile, though earlier in the season is reccommended to reduce the line. The plot is essentially that the city of Blackwood has become infested with the living dead, and you must escape without being bitten. That story remains consistent throughout and the experience is truly immersive if you have the stamina and self-confidence to play along with the actors. Though it seemed to end a little abruptly, as the plot had no clear climax, the set design and acting was a cut above the standard set by many of Louisville’s more centrally located haunts. We were too exhausted to try to continue the Danger Run after that, though we had only completed the first third of it. And I guess, in a roundabout way, I got out of it what I wanted: a totally unanticipated adventure.




Is your costume racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive? GRAPHIC BY SARAH ROHLEDER


Does your costume depict an individual person or a TYPE of person?


Does your costume depict a human being or culture? (This could include celebrities, historical figures, fictional human characters, races, genders, religions or sexual orientations.)





Do you plan on changing your skin color, wearing clothing items sacred or inaccurate to YES the culture, etc.?



Is his or her culture of a race, religion or gender other than your own?

Is the person famous OR infamous?



Is this person famous for his or her effect on history, or for pop culture value?

Is this type of person a race, religion or gender other than your own?

Is he/she connected to current events?




You are probably offensive.


Err of the side of caution and don’t wear it at all. Ask a cultural diversity resource here at U of L if you would like to understand better.









Congratulations! You’re not offensive.




Halloween picks for your night in with Netflix TYLER HUDSON


Skip the Halloween parties for a night in with your closest companion, Netflix. Snuggle up to your partner with my picks for the best Halloween flicks you can stream to the small screen. These titles are all available on Netflix. Best Horror Movie with a Social Commentary: “American Psycho” (2000)

Best Mind Bending Horror Movie: “Donnie Darko” (2001)

Best Satirical Horror Movie: “The Cabin in the Woods” (2011)

On the surface, horror movies appear to have simple storylines featuring killers and their victims. However, films like “American Psycho “disprove this stereotype. On the surface, this film is about a man who kills people for pleasure. Under the surface, you find a film about the vicious aspects of capitalism, and a man who feels he must objectify and kill women just to stay sane. If you want to see Christian Bale before he ran around in a cape, watch this film, but prepare not to sleep for a few days.

Many may argue “Donnie Darko” does not fit the horror genre. While it does not include a slow-moving killer eliminating teenagers, its climax centers around Halloween. However, this movie is one that demands to be watched multiple times. This creepy, horror-esque film that will make you think. It adds humor and love to elements of darkness and the apocalypse. Also, it made the song “Mad World” by Gary Jules a hit. Definitely a film worth checking out.

The title itself is enough to show you why this movie is the top pick for this category. This film encapsulates horrible horror clichés, but all the trite roles are executed hilariously and intentionally. The overused cabin in the woods, jump scares and clueless teenagers are among the groan-worthy clichés this movie exploits. This film will give you the giggles and nightmares all at the same time.

Honorable Mentions: “Silence of the Lambs” (1991), “The Host” (2006)

Honorable Mentions: “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (1978), “From Dusk Till Dawn” (1996)

Honorable Mentions: “Scream” (1996), “Evil Dead 2” (1987)

Best Scary, but Unnecessary Sequel: “Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers” (1995) For any movie, a good rule of thumb is to avoid making a sequel. That being said, if there is one horror sequel on Netflix right now that I actually somewhat enjoy, it is this one. The “Halloween” franchise should have ended after the first movie, but I must concede, this movie provided a satisfying conclusion to a slowly dying franchise. Also, this features a young Paul Rudd, so you know you’re in for a good time. Honorable Mentions: “A Nightmare on Elm Street 2” (1985), “Insidious Chapter 2” (2013)

Best Classic Horror Movie: “Night of the Living Dead” (1968) With “The Walking Dead” having made its return a few weeks ago, it’s fitting that Netflix returned this classic film to the small screen. This is the film that inspired the zombie phenomenon. It remains great after being out for over almost 50 years, because it pushed the boundaries of what could happen on film in its time, earning its spot as a true classic. Honorable Mentions: “Nosferatu” (1929), “The Fly” (1958)

SPORTS | 15 Queen of her turf: Field hockey’s Sydney King OCT. 28, 2014 LOUISVILLECARDINAL.COM



“A monster in the goal cage,” “an unbreakable wall,” “a great leader”: these are all phrases that could be used to describe the University of Louisville’s field hockey goalie, Sydney King. However, that is not all she is. She is a hard worker in the classroom as well as on the field. King is a communication major and plans on possibly going to nursing school after her graduation in May. She has plans and aspirations just like every college student. King has led the Cardinals to a break out season in their inaugural year in the ACC, the nation’s top field hockey conference. She has shut out five opponents and has held six more opponents to only one goal so far this season. Her great play has helped the team to their impressive 13-4 record thus far this season. AlthoughKing is an excellent D-1 athlete, she also is just a normal college girl who grew up in Newport Beach, California. She was late to the field hockey scene, though. “I didn’t start playing field hockey until my freshman year of high school. I didn’t even know what field hockey was,” King said. She figured out the



Senior goalkeeper Sydney King has 74 saves on the season and has five shutouts to her name. The last line of defense has led the Cards to a 13-4 record in their inaugural ACC season.

PHOTOS BY AUSTIN LASSELL & RACHEL ESSA / THE LOUISVILLE CARDINAL game pretty fast, leading her high school team to three back-to-backto-back championship titles from her sophomore through senior season. These titles obviously caught the eye of college field hockey coaches all over the nation, like Louisville’s Justine Sowry, who was one of the main reasons King chose U of L. “Definitely the coaching staff. Justine is the best goalie coach in the country, if not in the world. She recruited me while she was at UMass, but then she ended up getting a head coaching job here. She asked me if

I wanted to come look at this school. The facilities are amazing, I liked the team chemistry. And, of course, the coaches,” King said. Not everything was handed to King. She had to work hard in order to get on the field here. King redshirted her first season. She worked on refining her skills and working hard in order to be the no-brainer choice goalie for the next season. Her love of the game, and sports in general, are what kept her going through all the practices and workouts, and now she is seeing that hard work truly pay off. “It reminds me a lot of soccer, and I think that might be why I am pretty good at it. I like team sports. I just like being with a bunch of girls. I don’t know; I just love sports. I’m a sports girl all the way,” King said. She is pleased with the work her and her teammates have done thus far this season, but she is not done working. She does not want the season to end as it did last year, with a 15-4 record and no NCAA tournament. “I hope that we finish out 15-4. I hope we do well in the ACC tournament. Most of all, I hope we make it into the

NCAA tournament and make it to the final four and possibly win a national championship,” King said. The seventh-ranked Cardinals look poised to have a chance to achieve all of these goals for their season. They have already beaten five ranked teams this season, one of which was the numberone-ranked North Carolina Tarheels. “We always say that there isn’t just one super star on this team. It is a ‘team’ team. We all bring something and we all need each other, whether that be the scout team helping the team learn the game plan and get better. It all counts, down to every little detail. We need every person on this team. Every person on this team counts, and when we all work together we are a really, really good team,” King exclaimed. The Cardinals will finish their season on a two game road trip at Indiana and Michigan State, respectively. Then it will be off to Durham for the ACC tournament to show the conference and the NCAA that King and her teammates are the real deal and deserve a chance to bring a field hockey national championship back to Louisville.




Ashley Peacock:

flew in to save the day now, leads U of L lacrosse into the ACC MARQUIS DRIVER


Upon meeting lacrosse’s sophomore goalkeeper Ashley Peacock, you’d find that she is a laid back and easy-going person. She is well spoken, polite and making conversation with her is an easy task because of how engaging she is. When she isn’t busy with 6 a.m. workouts and practices daily from 1 to 4 p.m., Peacock likes to “take the free time to just hang out with friends and relax like everyone else.” Don’t let the niceness fool you - she is all business when it comes down to the game that she loves. “I’ve been playing lacrosse since I was five, and I got switched to goalie when I was nine because I was the tallest on the team.” Peacock said. She never looked back after that. “When I went to high school, I stayed at goalie and I ended up being good at it.” She later earned a scholarship to U of L because of it. “As soon as I stepped on campus here I knew that I was going to come here. It just felt right.” On the field, she is a nonstop competitor and active communicator. This fits her role on the lacrosse team well. In order to be good at what she does, you have to have a level head and be able to analyze things before they actually happen. Communication and

preparation is what makes her good at her job, but consistency separates the good from the great. She wanted to improve on this year. “If I can be a consistently good presence on defense, we have a chance to go far this season.” In high school, Peacock was a four-time all-conference selection for her team in Crofton, Maryland. At first, the transition from high school lacrosse was difficult. To put us in perspective from the high school standard to college, Peacock was honest. “I was on a team that had three starters that never played lacrosse before. So transitioning from that to Louisville, who was ranked 11 nationally, was a huge difference.” She has continued to work hard and be recognized for her work on the field, earning rookie of the year honors for the 2013-2014 season after stepping up mightily in the team’s time of need. The Cardinals were 4-3 before senior starter Ashley Herbst went down for the season with an ACL tear against Villanova. Peacock then took over and the Cards took off on an historic twelve game win streak that ended in the sweet sixteen of the NCAA tournament to number five Northwestern. Louisville finished with a final record of 16-4 and that streak is the longest in school

Her freshman year, Peacock made 39 saves on the way to the statement season for U of L lacrosse.


Last year as a true freshman, lacrosse goalkeeper Ashley Peacock stepped in for an injured senior starter Ashley Herbst. Despite the lack of experience, Peacock started her career on a 12 game win streak before the Cards’ season ended in the Sweet Sixteen. history for lacrosse. Peacock is now 12-1 going into this the season and will be looking to add to her impressive record this spring. Peacock and the Cards want to make a big splash in their inaugural season in the ACC, one of the toughest conferences for women’s lacrosse in the country. Peacock will be an important piece in the Cardinals’ defense, seeing as how the team saw nine contributors leave at the end of the 2013-2014 season. The sophomore relishes the opportunity to fill out her now expanded role. Instead of just contributing she will have to be much more of a leader on this year’s team. The main thing she is concerned about at this point is solidifying the team’s defense

and making it into the postseason. Peacock loves being the underdog, something U of L will be more often than not this upcoming season. She and the team will have much to prove this season, but they have already shown signs that they can compete with the ACC, after turning in a couple of competitive outings versus conference opponents Virginia Tech and Boston College already this fall season. The young keeper who stood in at a time of need last year will now have a chance to be a staple in Louisville lacrosse, a program that aims to follow suit in the Cardinals’ splash onto the ACC scene.





Even those with limited soccer knowledge learned earlier this year that when it comes to the game on the global stage, Germany is the top class of soccer. At the University of Louisville, senior goalkeeper and German native, Joachim Ball has helped raise the reputation of the Cardinals at the collegiate level. In Germany, Ball played for several club teams at the semi-professional level, most recently for Borussia Mönchengladbach, both in the Youth Academy and the reserve team. He also was a team captain for FC 08 Villingen in the Junior Bundesliga, where he helped guide them to first place. “It was definitely a good experience for me,” Ball said. “We got exposed to really professional training facilities, habits, good coaching staffs. It definitely helped me prepare for Louisville.” He decided to come to Louisville as a means to both play soccer and continue his studies. “At the time, I was playing in a semi-professional team in Germany, and pretty much I was the only one on my team who was still studying at the same time,” he said of the dilemma. “It was just hard for me to play soccer and study at the same time because I wasn’t playing sports at the collegiate level; I was playing for clubs. That’s the reason why I looked into playing collegiate soccer in the US and finally came to Louisville. “I had a really positive interaction


IT’S JOE’S BALL Senior Goalie Joachim Ball

In an epic and rainy first round tournament game against Denver last year, Joe Ball made a crucial save in the game deciding, sudden death, penalty kicks. One highlight from a junior season where he set records for shutouts with five and consecutive minutes without allowing a goal with 506. with the whole coaching staff from the beginning on,” he said of his choice of Louisville. “I really felt like they wanted me here. I actually made the decision to come to Louisville pretty early. I just had a really good impression of the whole program, and I never regretted it. Louisville hasn’t regretted it, either. In his junior year at the University of Louisville, he set team records for

most consecutive shutouts (five) and most consecutive minutes without allowing a goal (506) and ranked 15th overall in goals against average. All totaled, he had eight shutouts and 53 saves on the year. “He’s very steady,” head coach Ken Lolla said. “He’s a calming presence for us in the back. He’s very mature in what he does.” But his recent success wasn’t always the case for the six-footthree senior. His first soccer memory was from when he was four, before he eventually moved to his current position of goalkeeper. He got the ball and made a strong charge culminating in a beautiful finish. “I just look around and my team was not celebrating so I was wondering what was going on. And apparently, I’d just scored an own goal.” This year, Joe Ball has recorded 42 saves while allowing 13 goals and has totaled five shutouts In his senior year Ball has been pivotal to the Cardinals success, posting five shutas the season winds outs and 42 saves on the way to U of L’s current 8-5-2. down. A turning point


for the senior may have been the one game he didn’t play. After allowing three goals in the loss to Indiana, Ball was benched at Notre Dame in favor of freshman Nick Jeffs. In the four games since then, Ball has only allowed two goals and recorded two shut outs as the Cards went 3-0-1. “I think for him, it was a chance to refocus,” Lolla said. “And if you talk to him, I think he’d say it was a positive experience because right now he’s playing as well as he has all season.” “Absolutely,” Ball said when asked if it helped him refocus. “I was aware of the fact that when things are not going well for our team, the coaching staff will want to make changes. Unfortunately it was me. But I think I responded to it in a good way. “I was just holding on too tight to certain ideas, and it just freaked me out, mentally,” he commented on what led to the slump. “I just came out in the following weeks and practiced really well and really hard and it helped me out a lot.” From scoring on his own team as a 4-year-old, to keeping other teams from scoring on him as a 24-year-old, Joachim Ball has developed into one of the top goalkeepers in the country and in U of L history.






Sophomore sensation leading beyond her years NOAH ALLISON


When gathering a team for a sport that requires a goalie, you can’t just pick one kid and tell them that they are going to do it. Those who play the goalie position naturally emerge and accept the role; they are simply born a goalkeeper. In Paige Brown, head coach Karen Ferguson-Dayes’ soccer team truly has a natural-born goalkeeper. “I started playing when I was five years old I think. I would play the field, but I always liked to go in the goal for some reason, so I was kind of a keeper from the start,” Brown said. “I was the only kid that really wanted to be in goal ever. By the second grade, I was really the only kid who would like to run out and get the ball on a break away or run out and make a tackle for the save. I was always pretty serious about it from the get go.” The sophomore keeper from Jackson, Missouri has played a pivotal role in the transition into the new era of Louisville soccer, given the opening of the grandiose Lynn Stadium and the entrance to the Atlantic Coastal Conference. While the Cardinals started the season with nine fresh faces to U of L soccer, the young sophomore GK was one of two returning starters for the team. “I knew I was going to have to do a lot more communicating because we are all new players and are not use to playing with each other, so organizing and making sure everybody is in the right position was going to be key,” Brown said. “I felt like that was going to be my presence in the game.”

So far, Brown’s presence has allowed the underdog Cards to go 7-7-2 in undoubtedly the nation’s best soccer conference. Brown has been on the upside of six Cardinal shutouts of which U of L won five and tied the other. For the young culture of Louisville soccer, Brown has been a veteran and necessary presence on the defense. Her uninterrupted focus and daunting determination to win has been key in the Cardinals’ organization and transition into the spectrum of night-in-and-night-out competition that is the ACC. “I feel like it instills confidence into the other plays when I go out and make a goal-saving tackle. It kind of pumps them up in a way,” Brown said. “But when it comes down to it, every goal I can do something better to prevent it. I could have told a person to step more this way, and they would have been in position to intercept the ball or something. “If you make one mistake as a keeper, you know, that’s a goal. But if you make one mistake as a field player, then someone should be there to cover for you. As a goalie, you’ve got to be like, ‘this is my ball.’” It isn’t hard to see her presence if you are a spectator at one of the women’s soccer games. You can watch the tone of the game and see who is giving it their all and who is being successful at it. But when you look back in goal, you know number one is setting the tone. “I think goalkeepers have to have that mentality, but I think it is also me. Like, even in practice, I’m not smiling, I’m not talking to anyone; I’m in my zone. I don’t know; I just don’t like to

be social when I am in the goal. That’s not my job.” No: Brown’s job is to keep the team in its best possible position at all times, bark out commands at a non-stop rate and throw herself in front of every cannon blast that is a shot on goal. “I feel like I’m more focused. Even when the ball is on the other side of the field, I’m seeing how the ball going this way can make a player of ours want to go that way, or just the little ways the ball can make its way toward me. I feel like I’m more aware of the game, and I try to stay engaged the whole game. I am moving with every pass now,” Brown said. “When we first got here in preseason, the first couple of practices I couldn’t last like thirty minutes of yelling. But obviously, as I kept doing it, my voice got in shape I guess you could say. You do it so much it’s kind of like running; it gets in shape.” Brown, while still young in her career, knows she can’t be immature in her performance. As U of L’s goalkeeper, she is willing to take blows so that the Cardinals’ loss column does not have to. She was willing to grow up faster than most third graders so that down the line she could do what she had to. And in a game like soccer, she knows it’s hardly for herself; it’s for her team. “Last winter, me and the assistant coach Andrew (Quinn) were working on just throwing myself at the ball, and ugh.. he nailed one right into my

stomach. And literally, I mean, usually when I get hurt, I get up and act like nothing is wrong. But I was rolling on the ground, and I almost had tears in my eyes. It hit me, and I couldn’t breath right for probably a couple days straight,” Brown recollected of her training for this season. “But in the game if you go hard, you are probably going to come up with it, and you won’t get hurt. So my thing is, if I don’t go hard, I tell myself I’m going to get hurt. So I just go….”







Every Halloween there’s that question of: What costume should I wear? There’s always the easy basic outfits that people do every year, like a superhero or the oh-so clever ghost, but what about the people that want to show off their assets and impress a certain someone? When girls ask me about wearing skimpy outfits like the naughty nurse or a sexy witch, the first thing I think of is the movie Mean Girls. Particularly, the scene when Cady walks into the party and she was the only one who wore an outfit that was not too revealing. Some girls use any excuse to show a little bit of skin especially around Halloween. Now, I’m not saying that everyone should be a prude and wear bell-bottoms and turtle necks, but there are ways to catch someone’s eye but in a way that covers more skin. You have to think of the message you are sending to “future prospects.”

First impressions are everything, and you do not want to start off with a guy thinking that you are easy. More often than not, if a guy sees a girl that is showing a lot of skin, they will automatically think that she is sending a message she may not be intending to. Girls, you want a guy to approach you for more than what your body looks like. Men are visual beings and sometimes cannot help but be attracted to the female body. If you want a deeper relationship with a foundation that has substance, then it is important not only to be more modest this Halloween but also throughout the year. This does not mean you cannot look cute; you can still be a nurse if that’s what your heart desires, but maybe instead of showing off too much leg, wear leggings under skirt or dress, and instead of showing a lot of cleavage, put on a tank top underneath your shirt. That would be better than revealing skin. Have fun and be safe this Halloween!


Delta Zeta exacts revenge, wins football title KELLI GERDING


In an intense flag football matchup late Thursday night, Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta battled for the sorority intramural championship title. The score was tied at 12-12 for the majority of the game, but Delta Zeta scored a touchdown late in the game to gain the win, along with being named 2014 female flag football champions. Julia Smith, a junior Delta Zeta, and the team’s center and middle linebacker made her presence felt throughout the primetime match. “We were just going in, playing the whole game like it was 0-0. It was tied the whole game so that was pretty much how it was, but it was our game. We forgot about the regular season, we forgot about the loss, we just played our hearts out,” Smith said. Rebecca Sears, a junior Delta Zeta, had similar thoughts going into the game. “My thought going into the game was that we were by far the best team,” said Sears. “We just had to play that way. We lost to Kappa Delta in the regular season, so we really had to focus on our game, that’s it. We had to play not like we lost to them, and we did that. We didn’t have our greatest game, but we won. My thought was to win and play our game.” The game was also somewhat of a rivalry. After Delta Zeta lost to Kappa Delta in the regular season, the team wasn’t satisfied with that and wanted more.

“The win was huge for us. We lost to them in the regular season, so coming back and playing them again for the championship meant a lot to us, and we really wanted to win,” Smith said. “I’m so proud of all of the girls and everyone that came out to support us. It was an awesome game. I couldn’t have asked for a better championship.” The game ended with a score of 18-12. The game was tied 12-12 for multiple minutes, but Delta Zeta was relentless in coming out strong each quarter and even stronger in the last minute of the game. Other games were also played Thursday night, along with club teams such as Louisville Dentistry, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and employees of the athletic department.

Delta Zeta beat Kappa Delta 18-12.





The Champs roll into town, ready for Florida State? competitor. I think he’s a total team guy,” Florida State head coach Jimbo Fisher said. “I think that’s a great tribute After a week off, Louisville (6-2) to him as a person and as a teammate to prepares for its biggest home game how much he cares and how much this of the season against second ranked team means to him.” Florida State on Thursday night. Winston’s top target is senior The Seminoles, who are also coming wide receiver Rashad Green. He has off a bye week, bring a 7-0 record and 52 receptions for 791 yards and four Heisman winner Jameis Winston into touchdowns. the nationally televised contest. Nick O’Leary can also open up the “They’re a great football team. passing game with matchup problems. They’re very strong offensively, The senior tight end has pulled in 27 defensively, special teams. It’s exciting catches for 288 yards and two scores. for us to prepare for a game like this,” Louisville’s defense, which has been Louisville head coach Bobby Petrino one of the premier units in the country, said. “This is the type of game you like faces its toughest test on Thursday to play in and prepare for. So we’re night. going to have a good time in doing it “Not many people get many points, and excited that they’re coming into and not many people get many yards. our house to play.” They’re very good. They’re multiple After a dominant run to the National up front, three down, four down, a lot Championship last season, Florida of blitz packages, mix the coverages State’s title defense hasn’t been as fluid up well, and have very good players,” as anticipated. Fisher said. Winston has dealt with issues off In the Cardinals’ last game, they the field and the defense has struggled faced a similar dual threat quarterback, at times during the year after losing N.C. State’s Jacoby Brissett. The a substantial amount of talent to the junior moved the ball better than most NFL. opponents this year and finished with During the National Championship 223 passing yards and two touchdowns. run last season, the defense gave up just He also ran for 40 yards. 12.1 points per game as opposed to this Louisville’s maligned offense did season where they are allowing 21.6 receive a boost in the 30-18 victory points per game. over N.C. State with the return of top But Winston and the offense have wide receiver DeVante Parker. carried the Seminoles, averaging 37.9 The senior tied his career high with points a contest. The sophomore nine receptions good for 132 yards quarterback has completed 70.6 percent in his first game back after breaking a of his passes for 1,878 yards and 13 bone in his foot in late August. touchdowns. Petrino was pleased with his progress Three running backs have run during the week and expects him to be for over 200 yards in the Seminole ready once again on Thursday night. backfield, led by Karlos Williams, “He had a big impact, probably more who has run for 378 yards and seven than I imagined he could. He did a great touchdowns. job running after the catch and getting “I think Karlos is the ultimate open, catching the ball in his hands. He



was sore after the game, obviously,” Petrino said. “But we’re real encouraged that the next day he felt better than he ever thought he would.” Two other Cardinals left the game last week with injuries. James Quick appeared to sprain his ankle, but the severity of the injury does not seem serious and he is expected to play. Lorenzo Mauldin injured his hamstring, but the senior defensive end is also expected to play. “We’re encouraged by where they’re at, and all indications are that hopefully they’ll be ready for the game,” Petrino said. Will Gardner took over the reins of the Cardinal offense last week after freshman Reggie Bonnafon started three consecutive games at quarterback. Gardner completed 21 of 36 passes for 203 yards and two touchdowns, while appearing more comfortable running the offense. Bonnafon did appear against the Wolfpack in designed power running packages. He had two carries for 13 yards. Louisville will debut new gray uniforms against Florida State and expects a tremendous turnout from Cardinal fans. In 2006, Petrino’s final year during his first tenure at Louisville, the Cardinals defeated third-ranked West

Virginia on a Thursday night 4434. Additionally, in 2002, Louisville defeated fourth ranked Florida State 26-20 in overtime on a rain soaked Thursday night. Petrino said he liked the Thursday night time slot and admitted it is a great opportunity for recruits to sit back and watch the game. “I’ve always enjoyed them because you do get a little bit of time to prepare for it. You’re able to get a couple of days off where players get to relax and rest,” Petrino said. “This is a good time for us because we haven’t had any byes.” Nationally-televised home games have been memorable for Louisville football over the years and the Cardinals will look to add another chapter to the legacy.

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