Loughs Agency - Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors Programme (School)

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A Loughs Agency Education Programme

School Information Pack


DISCOVER more this year with Loughs Agency’s Foyle and Carlingford Ambassador Programmes. The programme is an opportunity for pupils to EXPLORE their local river and the surrounding area through watersports and environmental activities. Pupil and school participation will help CONSERVE these important natural resources so that they can be enjoyed for generations to come. Together, we can SHARE your experiences with the wider world illustrating how everyone can respect the WILD and wonderful places on our doorstep. Loughs Agency has been running the Ambassador programme for several years, with close to 200 young people graduating. During the programme, young people complete activities that enable them to discover the natural beauty of the local environment while

at the same time learning about its social, economic, and environmental value.

In the 2022 programme, we will be delivering five programmes focused on five river systems throughout the cross border catchments of Foyle and Carlingford. In each programme, a total of 24 pupils (year 10/2nd year) from two schools* will partner up and work collectively to learn more about their local waterway.

*Located on different segments of the catchments’ (Foyle and Carlingford) mainstem rivers.

Please click here to complete an EXPRESSION OF INTEREST

more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org


What’s involved?

5-day programme:

This will be delivered on a joint school sub-catchment basis (24 pupils from across 2 schools), focusing on a range of environmental workshops and activities.

1-day climate action project:

This will be delivered approximately 2 weeks after the initial 5-day programme. A sub-climate specific issue will be identified and addressed through action.

Graduation event:

An evening event to celebrate the completion of each programme.

Ambassador conference:

A 1-day conference where all schools come together to present the outcomes of their climate action project. There will be a pre-conference school visit.

Ambassador Youth Council:

A youth council will be formed from Ambassadors who have previously graduated. This council will be a forum for young people to identify and take action on environmental issues such as climate, invasive species, pollution, etc. The youth council will also participate in training, volunteering and recreational experiences that sustainably utilise the natural resources of the catchments. (This is an option for Ambassadors to progress after the programme, however, it is not mandatory).

Our Commitment:

• To provide a carefully planned and resourced programme that will help the young people develop an increased understanding of the importance of our waterways, have new experiences, meet new people and become more equipped to make decisions that may affect their future.

• To provide all equipment.

• To support transport costs if needed.

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org

Schools’ Commitment:

• To select up to 12 year 10 or 2nd year pupils. To allow the pupils to take part during school time.

• Provide at least 1 member of staff (teacher or classroom assistant) to accompany the pupils during the programme.

• To help with communication with the pupils and their guardians.

• To work jointly with your catchment partner school.

Project Aims

To discover the social, economic, and environmental importance of the catchment areas and mainstem rivers while at the same time providing young people with the opportunity to engage and build cross-community relationships.

Programme aims:

• To enhance participants’ personal development, building their confidence and life skills.

• To promote broader and more positive perceptions of the rivers within the catchment areas among participants, raising awareness of their importance as a local resource - economically, environmentally, and socially.

• To encourage participants to think about their role in conserving and engaging with the rivers.

• To facilitate participants to meet and work with peers from different backgrounds, locally and cross-border, developing positive relationships and deepening their understanding of other cultures and identities.

• To improve the environment through delivery of climate action projects with more citizens making informed environmental decisions, leaving a lasting legacy.

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org

Catchment Maps

To participate, schools must be located within the Foyle or Carlingford catchments.

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org

Foyle Catchment

Catchment Maps

To participate, schools must be located within the Foyle or Carlingford catchment.

Carlingford Catchment

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org


Will there be a cost to participating schools?

There is no charge for schools to participate. The Agency can support transport costs associated with the programme if needed.

How many schools will be involved in the overall programme?

We are recruiting eight schools in the Foyle catchment and two schools in the Carlingford catchment (i.e. five pairs of schools). Two schools will be selected per sub-catchment within the two main catchment areas (Foyle & Carlingford). Each pair of schools will be associated with one local river system.

How do you plan to partner up schools?

Each school will be partnered with another school within the same sub-catchment area. There will be an ‘up-stream’ school and a ‘down-stream’ school. For example, in the River Roe subcatchment, a school from Dungiven (upstream) could be partnered with a school from Limavady (downstream).

What will the programme involve?

The programme will consist of activities and workshops along the river and coast which include angling and habitat surveys, citizen science projects and water activities. Water-based activities will be focused on the local catchment area (e.g SUPing, kayaking, or surfing). There will be opportunities throughout the programme to meet Loughs Agency conservation and protection teams to find out more about the work of Loughs Agency.

Where will the programmes take place?

The programme will focus on the local river assigned to the school. However, there will be trips to other locations around the catchment during the week-long programme. The majority of the programme will be outdoors.

What will the graduation involve?

The graduation will be a fun-filled evening event that will celebrate the achievements and experiences of all the pupils.

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org



Leo Deehan

Foyle Ambassador 2015

I took part in the Foyle Ambassadors programme in 2015, it was an unbeatable experience and I met an amazing group of people from a variety of backgrounds who I wouldn’t have met had I not participated. I am still friends with many of them four years later.

Not only did I have a great time and learn some valuable new skills, but it also gave me an acute awareness of our environment, particularly the River Foyle and its tributaries. I was unsure what career path I wanted to take but the programme helped me spark an interest in the environment and made me aware of all the opportunities that are out there in this field.

Being a Foyle Ambassador inspired me to choose to study Environmental Science at University.  I have completed two years and now I am in the middle of my placement year working for Loughs Agency as an Assistant Scientific Officer and loving every minute of it!

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org



Lisneal College (participated in the programme in 2015 & 2019)

Lisneal College values the working partnership we have developed with Loughs Agency over the past few years. Pupils at Lisneal are provided with the opportunity to learn about the important role our waterways play in sustaining the ecosystem of our city and beyond. Although our students see the rivers and waterways almost every day, it is fair to say that many of them take our amazing natural resources and environment for granted. Working alongside Loughs Agency has allowed the project participants to connect with our environment and recognise the value of conservation and protection of our natural resources and wildlife.

One of the most positive aspects of the programme has been watching our students develop both personally and educationally. A number of the young people who participated in the programme were considered at risk of disaffection and educational underachievement; however, the project allowed these students to engage with one another in a positive, non-competitive setting, and develop lifelong skills that can be applied to all aspects of school. The NI curriculum recognises the importance of developing pupils’ thinking skills and personal capabilities; however, schools are often not well equipped to provide ‘real-life’ learning opportunities that make skill-based learning explicit. This programme changed that for us. The outdoor learning environment challenges our students to problem-solve, work in teams, negotiate and manage a range of information to make decisions: all essential for life and academic success.

As professionals in education, we have to learn from our pupils’ successes and failures. This programme clearly demonstrated that Lisneal College must rethink our Key Stage 3 curriculum to provide better skills-based learning opportunities that allow pupils to develop personally and academically. As a result, we are exploring how we can enhance our statutory curriculum to include outdoor learning and care for our environment.

I cannot recommend the project highly enough.

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org

The Ambassador programme is a fantastic opportunity for pupils to learn about their local environment outside the classroom through hands-on participative experiences. The experience will enable pupils to gain the John Muir Discovery Award. As well as complementing their learning in subjects such as geography and science, the programme will provide the opportunity to build friendships and embark on adventures with people from different backgrounds.

If your school is interested in taking part in the Ambassador programme, please complete the expression of interest form.

For more information about Foyle & Carlingford Ambassadors, please email: education@loughs-agency.org

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