February 2023 - Issue 3

Page 20

Lost on the Lake TABLE ROCK



Fishing - Early Spring Butterfly Dreams Day Trippin’ - Brew Tour Doe, A Deer

2023 ISSUE 03
LovingLake Life


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4 - Lost on the Lake 10 16 18 22 24 Early Spring, Bass Fishing Local Marinas Ask An Expert Financial Focus Day Trippin’ - Eureka Springs Doe, A Deer Day Trippin’ - Finley Farms
Inside contents
Lost on the Lake - 5 The Rogue Chef - Recipe Butterfly Dreams Day Trippin’ - Brew Tours Resorts, Lodges & Rentals Charcuterie? Yes, Please! 28 32 38 42 44

Living on the lake makes you appreciate the unique offerings and experiences that come in a seasonal tourist community. The communities that surround the lake each offer their own experiences. Every season on the lake is special and memorable.

Table Rock Lake offers residents, 2nd homeowners & visitors so many opportunities. Lost on the Lake-Table Rock, the Lake Lifestyle Magazine, is our labor of love.

Our goal is to share experiences, activities and lifestyles of the residents and visitors. Spending time on Table Rock Lake is priceless. Build memories with us.

Have ideas or photos to share? Send us a message, we love your input.

SUBSCRIBE TO RECEIVE A FREE DIGITAL COPY OF OUR MONTHLY PUBLICATION hello@lostonthelake.us 417-363-3030 www.LostOnTheLake.us

February is for Love


Myra Thornton

hello@lostonthelake.us Eric Prey


Christal Valbracht - AireServ

The Rogue Chef


Myra Thornton

Eric Prey


a note from the editor

Whatdo you love...

We all love someONE, someTHING, someWHERE and that is typically where we put our energy.

When my family made the decision that we were no longer willing to WAIT to move to the lake, we concentrated all of our time and energy into devising a plan to make it happen.

Obviously, there were a lot of moving parts to taking our dream and making it a reality. My point is, when you love, you don’t let anything get in the way of that which captured your heart.

February is a perfect time to take inventory of where we are spending our energy and what we are doing to obtain the thing that makes our heart happy.

Spring is right around the corner, fill your life with the people, things and places that you love!

W: www.lostonthelake.us

E: hello@lostonthelake.us

P: 417-363-3030

Be Happy, Myra

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Early Spring Bass Fishing on Table Rock Lake

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Let’s admit it; it’s been cold, you’ve looked at your tackle, rods and reels all winter, a couple of nice days in the forecast and you’ve got a fullblown case of cabin fever. This happened before, last year as a matter of fact, a couple days at the end of February where it hit 60 degrees and you took off to the lake like a running back through a hole in the defense. A few hours later you were scratching your head wondering where you went wrong and why the fish didn’t bite.

Don’t beat yourself up too much, early spring fishing can be tough and most anglers look for fish where they should be later in the spring. While a couple of days of warm weather can turn the fish on, it’s unlikely they will move up into your favorite fishing spots in such a short window of time. Before you make a mad dash to the lake this year let’s look at how and where to be successful in the early spring.

Depth and Deep Water

During early spring deep water access is extremely important particularly to bass. On brief warm ups the water temperature in the shallows

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will rise a degree or two but colder nighttime air will cool this water back down in a hurry. Bass will move up into the shallows briefly to chase bait in the early spring but they prefer to stay in or near deep water due to temperature stability and safety.

Table Rock Guide Phillip Stone is known for being a Jerkbait expert, he is one of the first to throw a jerkbait in late winter and his success in local tournaments cannot be denied. “A Megabass Vision 110 is usually my go to bait early in the year. I like to find deeper banks in feeder creeks, position the boat around 18’ – 25’ deep and cast toward the bank. I’ll use a jerk, jerk pause retrieve allowing the bait to suspend motionless for 10 – 30 seconds between jerks.” Stone said. “Areas near a creek channel are very important to bass this time of year, they move up shallow to feed but like to have an area for a quick retreat when temperatures drop, or they feel threatened.”

Targeting shallow flats with standing timber, brush piles and docks that are on the edge of a channel swing or deep drop off are critical to early spring success.

Take advantage of warming trends

“If you don’t like the weather in the Ozarks, wait a day, it’ll change….” That is especially true later into spring. The Ozark Plateau is known for wide temperature swings as spring approaches, watching the weather forecast can certainly help angler success. Watch for warming trends and plan accordingly, the first warm day is rarely the best, the end of a three- or fourday warming trend is ideal. “Three days of warm weather can be amazing, especially if you have a 10 MPH south wind.” Stone stated. “Not only do warmer air temps heat the water but a south wind will concentrate warmer surface water on the north side of

the lake, causing an additional increase in water temperature. On these days I will put down the jerkbait and pick up a 3” soft plastic swimbait on a ¼ oz. jig head and target fish on gravel and rock mixed flats around the mouths of creeks. The warmer water in the shallows combined with wind will move shad up and the bass will follow them. When conditions are right you can stay on one flat point catching fish for several hours as more and more fish move up throughout the day.”

Sleep in, Catch More

You don’t have to be at the lake at the crack of dawn this time of year, as a matter of fact, fishing in the afternoon with the heating of the day can be much more productive than first thing in the morning. “Being a late riser can be an advantage in the early spring.” Stone said. “Take your time going to the lake, stop and eat breakfast, maybe even lunch before you fish. On sunny days the water is going to warm up throughout the day and the fish will get more active later than they are in the morning. This is one time of year that the afternoon and early evening hours are best.”

Big Baits equal Big Fish

The biggest fish caught every year on Table Rock always seem to show up in February and early March. Targeting those big fish is one of the reasons why anglers fish this time of year. If you’ve got ambitions of catching a true Table Rock Trophy fish now is the time. “All of the big fish I have caught over the years on Table Rock have been in late February and March. Big fish become more aggressive this time of year because they are starting to feed up in preparation of the spawn later in the spring.” Stone said. “I like to throw an Alabama Rig (A-Rig) when searching for big fish in the

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Get out and Fish!

A few warm days in February can trigger cabin fever in even the most casual angler. Having a plan and a little expert advice can make all the difference between getting out and just taking a boat ride or putting a few fish in the boat. When cabin fever sets in this year; watch the forecast, pick the right lures, and listen to the advice from a Pro and you could add a few more fish to your day on the lake.

late winter. A fish over five pounds is looking for a meal, not a snack and an A-Rig looks like a small school of shad that a big fish can eat in one gulp.” Stone added. “I like to target deeper trees with an A-Rig when searching for big bass on Table Rock. Trees that top out around 25’-35’ deep over deeper water but are close to channel swings always seem to produce big fish. The bigger fish will move up in the water column to feed and back down when they are inactive, a lot of times bringing an A-Rig over top of a tree will be the thing that will trigger them to bite.”

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Table Rock Project Office 4600 State Highway 165 Branson, Missouri 65616-8980 www.swl.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Lakes/Table-Rock-Lake Phone: (501) 340-1950

Local marinas


1363 Campbell Point Rd, Shell Knob


Opening Mar 2023



26111 Big M Campground, Cassville (417)271-3853

Opening Mar 2023



380 State Park Marina Rd, Branson




1810 Hideaway Rd, Galena




3443 Indian Point Marina, Branson




201 Marina Way, Kimberling City 417-739-2315



31170 State Highway 86, Eagle Rock


Opening Mar 2023



1500 Shadrack Rd, Cape Fair 417-538-4163

Opening Mar 2023



20515 Boat Dock Rd, Omaha, AR 870-426-3474



363 Harbor Lane, Branson



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Ask an Expert: Home and Property Maintenance

Welcome to Ask an Expert: Home and Property Maintenance

Each month our featured home and property expert will answer questions that provide information, tips and advice on a medley of homeowner topics. We hope to help our readers gain new insights into a variety of local home service professionals, services and products. Our goal is to make maintaining your home easier and empower you with the knowledge that you need to be a successful homeowner in the Table Rock lake area. Let’s get started.

Who is our February expert?

“Dryer Vent Wizard of Springfield/Branson”

What services do you offer?

“Dryer Vent Wizard provides professional dryer vent cleaning for residential and business properties in the Springfield and Branson area.”

What happens when your dryer vent is blocked?

“If your dryer vent is blocked, all of the builtup lint can become a fire hazard. The heat from your dryer could cause the lint to combust, potentially catching your dryer and parts of your home on fire. You will also find

that a clogged dryer vent will cause your dryer to work less efficiently causing prolonged drying times.”

How common are fires from dryer vents?

“According to the National Fire Protection Association, dryers and washing machines cause an average of 15,970 fires each year, with dryers causing 92% of them.”

What are the signs that you should clean your dryer vent?

“There are several. Your clothes will take longer than normal to dry, your clothes will be unusually hot to the touch, the room is warmer than normal when the dryer is running. Do you notice burning smells, does the lint flap not open, are your clothes still damp after one drying cycle or has your dryer stopped working? If you know what to look for, the dryer tells you there’s a problem.”

What causes a dryer vent to clog?

“Many things can cause your dryer vent to become clogged. Most of the time, it’s lint that becomes trapped in the vent. Over time, this accumulates and begins to block the nearby airflow. Other times, nests and other debris can cause a clog. Chances are there is too much debris present, the vent cover is blocked, or you have a nest. Fabric softener

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build-up and a kinked vent duct could also explain the issue.”

Are there ways to prevent your dryer vent from clogging?

“Cleaning your lint trap after every drying cycle will reduce buildup in these areas.”

How often should you clean your dryer vent?

“Dryer exhaust vents should be inspected and cleaned every 1-2 years depending on the size of the household and dryer usage.”

What services does Dryer Vent Wizard offer?

Can you also repair my broken dryer?

“We offer everything “dryer vents”. Inspections, cleaning, installation and repair. We can handle all of your dryer vent needs. We do not offer other dryer repair services.”

Can Dryer Vent Wizard also clean other vents in my home?

“We only service dryer vents. We do not offer any other vent cleaning services. However, our friends at AireServ Heating and Air Conditioning offer exceptional residential duct cleaning services.”

How can you get your dryer inspected?

“Call (417) 685-4181 or visit our website www. DryerVentWizardSpringfield.com to schedule your inspection and cleaning.”

Are you offering a special this month for our readers?

“Dryer Vent Wizard of Springfield makes your home safer while saving you time, money, and energy. Mention this “Lost on the LakeTablerock” article and receive $15 off your dryer vent inspection.”

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Coming Soon: Unique Gardens and Raising Chickens on the Lake

Follow us this Spring as we design and create a safe community to raise chickens and explore new ideas for gardening. We will be featuring the design hits and misses of preparing a homestead for our fluffy butts and some ideas for gardening in a difficult environment.

Living in an area that only seems to grow more rocks is a challenge for gardening. And of course, every predator in the Ozarks would love to eat our chickens. So, how do we do it? We’re not sure, but we are going to make an effort and you can follow along!

Celebrate our wins with us, and prepare to laugh at our tremendous fails! We will update here and you can follow along on our website blog.

We are excited for this journey, and hope to learn along with you. Please feel free to share any advice and experience you may have had with your own attempts. We can be reached at: hello@lostonthelake.us

Lets do this - Coming Spring 2023

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financial focus


As you know, inflation was big news throughout 2022. But will it continue in 2023? And looking even further ahead, how should you account for inflation in your long-term plans?

In regard to the first question, many experts predict that inflation will cool off this year, though there are no guarantees. The high inflation of last year is thought to have been caused by some unusual factors, such as a spike in the demand for consumer goods as the world came out of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to supply chain issues. Also, the war in Ukraine drove up oil prices, increasing the cost of manufacturing and shipping and driving up the price of wheat and other commodities.

In any case, last year reminded us that inflation needs to be reckoned with as you work toward your financial goals. But how you respond to inflation will depend somewhat on your stage of life. So, here are some suggestions to consider:

If you’re still working …

• Contribute more to your retirement plans. If you can afford to put more money away in your IRA and 401(k), you may want to do so. The more resources you’ll eventually have available in retirement, the better protected you are against the rising cost of living.

• Adjust your portfolio objectives with your financial professional. Using tools such as “hypothetical” illustrations, a financial professional can show you some different paths you might take with your investments, given different rates of inflation. So, for example, if you feel that inflation may be higher for a longer period than you once thought, you could request a hypothetical showing how you might need to adjust your investment mix to achieve your long-term goals, given your risk tolerance and time horizon.

If you’re already retired …

• Consider part-time work or consulting. Once you retire from your career, it doesn’t mean you can never do any paid work again. If you’ve accumulated years of experience and expertise, you could use your skills as a consultant. Also, many part-time jobs are available for retirees. With the added income from employment, you may be able to delay taking withdrawals from your retirement accounts and other investments, possibly extending their longevity. (Once you turn 72, though, you will need to begin taking money from your 401(k) and traditional IRA.)

• Delay taking Social Security. You can begin taking Social Security when you’re 62, but your monthly checks will be substantially bigger if you wait until your full retirement age, which will likely be between 66 and 67. (You could even wait until 70, at which point your monthly benefits will max out.) Of course, the ability to delay taking Social Security depends on whether you can afford it, but it may be possible if you work longer than you once planned or if you work part time in retirement. But even if you do need to take Social Security before your full retirement age, your payments will be adjusted annually for inflation — in fact, for 2023, benefit checks will rise 8.7% over 2022.

We’ll always have to deal with some level of inflation — so it’s a good idea to be prepared.

Contact: Grant Beasley 1 Lakeshore Drive Suite 1 PO BOX 1373 Kimberling City, MO 65686 417-739-5575
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Doe, a deer

White Tailed Deer - also known as the reason you don’t have flowers! Seriously, deer do devour everything in the spring and summer. While it may feel like they are targeting your favorites, they actually are targeting anything and everything growing.

Personally, this is the only compaint I have with having them around. And I have learned to utilize my deck for the precious favorites. Everything else is free game. Its just easier than fighting it.

Deer are foragers, looking for leaves, fruits of trees, twigs, shrubs and the foliage of plants. They will also eat fungi, moss, grasses, seeds, farm crops and lichens.

They live in the woods, typically at the edge of clearings where they will find a variety of the foods they like. Their coat is a reddish-brown in spring and summer and turns greybrown in the fall and winter. It can be recognized by the white underside to its tail, which

it raises when it is alarmed.

Mating (Rutting) season peaks in November. Thus, most babies are born in late May or early June and usually a doe gives birth to twins. The twins usually weigh just 4-7 pounds each, The babies will generally stay with their mom until they are old enough to breed. Some breed within their birth year while others within the first 1-1/2 years of age. Prime age for deer is 2-1/2 to 7-1/2 years of age, but they can live for 15 years in the wild.

Male deer regrow their antlers every year and the length and branching of the antlers are typically determined by age, nutrition and genetics.

White-tailed deer are a valuable resource in Missouri. Hunters contribute over $1.1 billion annually to the economy and they support over 12,000 jobs. Deer hunting is a popular form of recreation with long-time traditions.

The Missouri Department of Conservation provides the legal framework in managing the

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populations of white-tail deer.

Ending on a good note ~ My favorite deer encounter was during the summer. We were floating in a cove when a few does’ and their babies came down from the woods and the fawns started splashing and running through the water. It was so adorable to watch! An interesting fact is that deer are actually good swimmers and have been seen crossing parts of the lake.


1. https://mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/fieldguide/white-tailed-deer

2. https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/ g9479

3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-tailed_ deer

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Grant Beasley Financial Advisor 1 Lakeshore Drive Suite 1 P O Box 1373 Kimberling City, MO 65686 417-739-5575

Favorite Recipes with The Rogue Chef

Tequila Lime Marinade

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 1 ½ Cups

3T Tequila

3T Fresh Lime Juice

1C Canola Oil

1T Chopped Garlic

½ T Chopped Shallots

¼ tsp Salt

¼ tsp Fine Ground Pepper

½ tsp Thyme

½ tsp Oregano

Combine all ingredients in a blender until fully incorporated.

Store for usage in the refrigerator for up to 14 days.

To Use Marinade:

1. Take Chicken Thighs (or other meat) and place in a One Gallon Zip Lock bag.

2. Add ½ cup of marinade for 8 Chicken Thighs.

3. Remove air and seal.

4. Move meat around in the bag to cover it with Marinade.

5. Let rest for at least 2 hours and no more than 4 hours.

6. Grill or Bake until the internal temperature of Chicken Thighs is 165 degrees.

If you’d like The Rogue Chef to make this Marinade or any other food items, contact him at 618-977-3156 or www.TheRogueChefBranson.com .

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MeetThe Rogue Chef

While at Big Cedar Lodge in Ridgedale, Missouri, Chef Jeff managed kitchens, developed specialized menus for events, and organized catering parties. During the Legends of Golf Tournament, Chef Jeff would serve private events, presenting only the highest level of food to many top-level athletes, entertainers, and business professionals. One of his all-time favorite events was making breakfast for Peyton Manning and his family each morning. Chef Jeff also served as the Chef de Partie and created meals for many celebrities including Mark Wahlberg, Justin Timberlake, and St. Louis Blues hockey legend, Chris Pronger.

In Branson, Missouri, Chef Jeff worked for America’s Top Theme Park: Silver Dollar City. He created many of the rubs and sauces for the Bluegrass and BBQ festival, while running the Production Kitchen which served food to the entire park. Based on his gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, originally created for The Spring Festival, a new food shop was added called The Traveler’s Stop, near The Time Traveler ride. As one of the head chefs at Silver Dollar City, Chef Jeff prepared various meals for The Harlem GlobeTrotters during their summer exhibitions. He also developed the recipes for the gourmet style tacos and nachos at the Hula Hula Taco Stand at White Water aquatic park. The Bacon-Cheeseburger Pizza at Crossroads Pizza was Chef Jeff’s first paid menu creation for Herschend Entertainment. Pete and Jack Herschend have welcomed Chef Jeff to provide private meals in their home.

Chef Jeff is well-known for his Grilled Lemonade and Miss Emma’s Mac-n-Cheese. To make Grilled Lemonade, Chef Jeff cuts lemons and grills them on a flat top, collecting the unique flavor for Grilled Lemonade. Miss Emma’s Mac-n-Cheese was created for Chef Jeff’s granddaughter, Emma. Miss Emma Grace Woodward is the only grand-daughter of Chef Jeff Woodward. She had a traumatic entrance to the world on August 16, 2018, where she spent the first 72 days of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. She was born with a hearing impairment and had a G-tube implanted in her stomach for two years. The only food she would enjoy eating was a special mac-n-cheese blend created by her Papa. Today, she still enjoys this unique 6-cheese delight, known by many clients as “the best mac-n-cheese ever eaten.”

As a private chef, Jeff enjoys working with individuals and groups to create a unique menu that will exceed the guests expectations and their taste buds. He can create a menu to fit any event, from small 2-3 person intimate gatherings to extravagant 150-200 people weddings and conventions. Without a doubt, Chef Jeff has taken food to a whole new level. He can take an average meal and turn it into an extraordinary experience. He is well-known in the Branson area, and across the country, as The Rogue Chef.

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Sometimes we just need to connect with nature . . . The Butterfly Palace & Rainforest Adventure is one of the most unique places to visit.

When the lake is too cold or the kids are sunburnt or you just need a mental break, wandering among the tropical exhibit puts you in a zen state. The soft background music, tropical birds singing and the BUTTERFLIES!

Butterfly Dreams

As you first walk into the exotic, butterfly aviary, you can pick up some nectar to attract them. I was surprised at how well this works, they were flying in from all directions. With over 1000 butterflies throughout the aviary you would be hard-pressed to count them all. They rest in the trees, fly up in the sunlight and swoop from flowers to feeding trays. You do have to keep a watch out, as they tend to be on the path as well.

The Butterfly Palace receives their chrysalis from specialized farms all over the world. Working with the butterfly farms creates a sustainable way of life for locals in the rainforests. With the rainforests being destroyed at such a rapid rate, these farms offer jobs and provide a reason to preserve the rainforests instead of destroying them.

Butterfly farms provide a protected environment for the butterflies to be raised in. Some

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are exported to exhibits, some are released into the wild and some are kept for breeding. Butterflies in the wild have a 7% chance for survival, while ones from the farm can be as high as 90%.

The lab on-site receives shipments of chrysalis several times a week, releasing them daily as they unfold their wings and are ready to take their first flight. At any given time there are 4060 different species in the aviary.

Throughout the day the team releases newly emerged butterflies into their new tropical world. Some guests get to participate in this exciting and special release.

Along with the Butterfly Exhibit, there are many other places to explore on site. The Living Rainforest Science Center has over 25 live reptiles and amphibians from the rainforest. There are interactive kiosks and critter encounters held

throughout the day.

Onsite, in the Rainforest Theater there are short educational videos playing throughout the day. The videos are appropriate for even the youngest guests.

Another fun exhibit for the young explorers is the Emerald Forest Mirror Maze. Step into a world where everything is not exactly as it appears.

The Banyon Tree Adventure is a favorite of kids and adults alike. Explorers weave their way on a unique adventure with plenty of obstacles.

The Base Camp Gift Shop offers hand picked souvenirs and personal treasures. Many are hand made items from local vendor’s from the Ozarks.

If you visit in the next month or so, you will no -

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tice that there are some awesome new adventures coming. The Butterfly Palace is constantly looking for new ways to offer special interactive experiences.

After visiting the rainforests in Costa Rica recently, the team decided to bring to life the sights and sounds of traveling through the canopies. They are adding interactive murals along the walkways to the 2nd level. Using new technology, the murals will come to life as you climb the ramp to the exhibit. This will offer a glimpse into the forests where the butterflies are native.

The Butterfly Palace works diligently to preserve and conserve the rainforests. My hope is that everyone that visits understands that the facility is far more than a fun, educational place to see pretty butterflies. While they surely meet that description and more, they do so much behind the scenes to promote conservation of the forests and to provide a future for the people that inhabit them.

Please check the website for resident specials through February 2023 and other news and information.

The Butterfly Palace

4106 W. Hwy 76, Branson, MO 65616 417.332.2231


(closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day)


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“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
– Maya Angelou

Day Trippin ’ Springfield Brew Tours

Great Escape Beer Works

4022 S Lone Pine Ave, Springfield (417) 824-4043


Opened in 2017, Great Escape Beer Works brews in-house and serves only the highest quality beer. They have seasonal offerings and love to experiment with different flavors.

The environment indoors is friendly and open. There are games to play and large tables to visit with friends. They have an outdoor patio that is inviting and large enough for big groups.

This is our recommended 1st Stop for you to sample their newest varieties. You may find your new favorite beer!

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4 By 4 Brewing Company

2811 E Galloway St ste a, Sprinfield (417) 861-6400


4 by 4 Brewing Company was started in 2017 by 4 guys and their 4 wives (thus 4 by 4). The dream started in a garage while home brewing, and grew into the passion of the owners of this 2 location brewery.

The Galloway location is their small-batch micro brewery with plenty of space for community to gather, and the 2nd Stop on this tour. They specialize in creative & innovative beer, offering something for new craft beer drinkers and pros alike.

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Tie & Timber Beer Company

1451 E Cherry Street, Springfield (417) 429-9131


When arriving at this brewery I was amazed at the artistic, urban feel. The outdoor space is inviting and enticing with shade and art all around. We were pleased to find the same feel throughout the interior, and immediately felt welcome.

Started in 2018, they brew premium, fresh craft beer and serve it in a neighborhood environment, with a community feel. They often have live music and they have a heated outdoor area to gather. Enjoy our 3rd Stop on the tour!

Hold Fast Brewing

235 N Kimbrough Ave, Springfield (417) 761-2318


Hold Fast Brewing, established in 2019, is a family affair. Operated in an decommissioned Firehouse, the space is a fantastic indoor/outdoor experince. In addition to their tasty craft beers, they have rotating food trucks onsite offering snacks and meals, necessary during a brew tour!

Specializing in unique, out of the box recipes, Hold Fast gives you plenty of tastes to come back for. This is the 4th Stop in our Brew Tour.

Springfield Brewing Company

305 S Market Ave, Springfield (417) 832-8277


This brewery is a staple in the downtown area. Known locally as “BrewCo” and “SBC”, they have been a staple of the community since 1997. Operated as a local brew pub, they also provide delicious food and spirits in house.

Our 5th Stop on the Brew tour presents a larger, restaurant style experience. Not as intimate as the other breweries, but every bit as enjoyable. They offer many local favorites on tap and canned to go.

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Mother’s Brewing Company

215 S Grant Ave, Springfield (417) 862-0423


Mother’s Brewing is the 6th stop on our Brew Tour and it offers the most unique environment. When I first visited, I immediately felt I had stepped back onto the playground at school and was hit with nostalgia. The field onsite provides a playground and games for guests and their families. There is a cute covered patio and plenty of grass for relaxing in the sun.

They offer brew tours on Saturdays, providing one of the most comprehensive back scene tours I have experienced. They have a handful of their popular beers available around the lake in stores too.

White River Brewing Company

505 W Commercial St, Springfield (417) 600-2739


This final stop on our Brew Tour has been brewing since 2012 in downtown Springfield and has a “Cheers style” atmosphere. Everyone seems to know each other and the sense of belonging is contagious.

This brew house has their year round favorites as well as ever changing seasonal beers. The mission here is “making beer we like to drink for folks we like to drink with”. They have a nice outdoor area and a large back room for events.

While there are many breweries in the area, we chose these based on their close proximity to each other, which allows for an easy day trip. Please be sure to check websites for hours of operation before going.

Always have a designated driver and drink responsibly.

Resorts, Lodges & Rentals

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Charcuterie? yes, please!

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When Boards by Haley began in June 2022, they shared a commercial kitchen with a local bakery. Fast forward a quick 5 months and they have expanded into a storefront shop. Not many businesses experience this kind of growth in such a short time. Chock this up to Haley’s drive and commitment to excellence.

This store specializes in providing beautifully designed and uniquely arranged food such as curated meats & artisan cheeses, & more!

Ranging from charcuterie & cheese boards, to luxury grazing tables they are quickly dominating the market! They help elevate your food aesthetic for any and all events using only high quality and artisan ingredients.

With customization at their centerpoint, they create the perfect menu for any event. Did someone say GO CHIEFS??? Head over to www.boardsbyhaley.com/order to inquire now about game day orders!

Follow us on our socials, FB @boardsbyhaley and IG @boardsbyhaley

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