1 minute read

a note from the editor Whatdo you love...

We all love someONE, someTHING, someWHERE and that is typically where we put our energy.

When my family made the decision that we were no longer willing to WAIT to move to the lake, we concentrated all of our time and energy into devising a plan to make it happen.

Obviously, there were a lot of moving parts to taking our dream and making it a reality. My point is, when you love, you don’t let anything get in the way of that which captured your heart.

February is a perfect time to take inventory of where we are spending our energy and what we are doing to obtain the thing that makes our heart happy.

Spring is right around the corner, fill your life with the people, things and places that you love!

W: www.lostonthelake.us

E: hello@lostonthelake.us

P: 417-363-3030

Be Happy, Myra