Vanguard Quarterly Spring 2019

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Courage to Dream 6 Revolution by Example Sweet Dreams Are Made of This 16 ProďŹ les of Generosity Spring 2019










Gratitude. Awe. Pride.

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hat’s how I feel as 13 years of blood, sweat, and tears is about to become a reality. The Anita May Rosenstein Campus is the capstone to the most ambitious strategic plan ever attempted by an LGBT organization. And we’ve succeeded beyond our wildest imaginations. The story is so compelling and historic that it’s worth telling in detail. In October 2006 our Board of Directors appointed a committee to develop a new Long Term Strategic Plan. This wasn’t a typical three-year strategic plan with a chart of specific programmatic milestones to be accomplished in identified quarters of each year. This was a visionary exercise—determined to ascertain our community’s greatest needs in the coming decades and develop plans for meeting those needs. And this was no small feat. We surveyed thousands of community members to see what they thought. We assessed the landscape to understand other resources available to LGBTQ people. In addition to participation by every board member, each member of the staff was given the opportunity to provide input, as they are in daily touch with more of the LGBTQ grassroots than any other organization on the planet. The committee, led by the then-cochairs of our board, LuAnn Boylan and Loren Ostrow, included Board Members Marki

Knox, Eric Shore, and Glenn Tan, as well as three executive team members: me, Chief of Staff Darrel Cummings, and Chief Administrative Officer Kathy Ketchum. We worked hard for more than a year, meeting on the weekends to review, discuss, and dream. The key components of our ultimate plan were: • To provide primary medical care to all, regardless of HIV status; • To build affordable housing and support services for youth and seniors; • To dramatically expand Senior Services programming; • To develop services for non-homeless LGBTQ youth, including foster youth; • To create a public policy department focusing on advocacy and funding streams; and • To grow the Center’s substance use prevention and treatment work. Additionally, the plan included: • Expanding the geographical areas in which our services are provided; • Ensuring that managerial capacity keeps up with program growth; and • Requiring that all initiatives be financially feasible and sustainable. Finally, the plan expressly acknowledged Continued on next page i

Spring 2019




that its achievement would require the Center to acquire additional space, which would necessitate a new capital campaign. The planning process wasn’t always smooth. In fact, as the outlines of the Center’s comprehensive new vision became clear, it was a little terrifying. Our community had staggering needs and we were actually setting our sights on trying to meet the most significant among them. We knew the plan would require some herculean lifts. A number of its goals had never before been attempted in our community. And how would we EVER pay for it all? Plus, the idea of another capital campaign (the Center’s third) was intimidating. Wouldn’t it just be easier to stick with the status quo? After all, we were already the world’s largest LGBT organization of any kind, serving more LGBTQ people than anyone else. Wasn’t that enough? No, it was not enough. Neither the Center nor Darrel and I could turn our backs on what we knew were critical community needs. Moreover, we were incredibly inspired by the vision that the strategic planning committee had developed after more than a year of hard work. So, at its annual retreat in February 2008, the Board of Directors approved our bold plan. Then, almost before we could get anything off the ground, the world economy collapsed. We paused in taking any huge steps while we assessed how the Great Recession would impact the Center. But we were undeterred, and soon we continued implementing the plan, even as construction costs in Los Angeles skyrocketed. How’d we do? Today, just more than 11 years since plan approval, in addition to continuing our vital, ongoing work, we’ve fully achieved or


Spring 2019

made progress on every single goal: • We became a Federally Qualified Health Center and now provide the highest quality medical care to anyone in our community who needs it, including operating one of the nation’s most renowned transgender medical programs; • Triangle Square—the pioneering affordable housing complex for seniors—is now a part of the Center, and we’re building 99 additional units for seniors with a robust array of attendant support services; • Today’s Senior Services Department has grown dramatically, offering a wide array of programs and housing for 6,000 LGBTQ seniors, the largest program of its kind anywhere; • Our LifeWorks program provides invaluable mentoring and leadership development primarily for non-homeless LGBTQ youth; • We were the recipients of the largest federal grant ($13 million) ever given to an LGBT organization to spend six years studying the plight of LGBTQ youth in the foster system. We now operate the nation’s pioneering program for such youth; • We’ve expanded our beds for homeless youth from 24 to 64 (plus 75 rapidrehousing slots), in preparation for the 100 emergency and transitional living program beds at the new Campus, and are adding 25 “micro unit” apartments for youth; • Our Policy & Community Building Department is now comprised of 13 staff (plus seven in China). Its local, national, and international programming involves thousands of people (our Resistance Squad alone boasts over 700 participants)

across the country and around the globe (mostly in China); • Our number of substance use recovery staff has tripled in the last five years and we’ve implemented numerous new programs, including medical intervention for addiction recovery and prevention programs for homeless youth; • We now provide programs and services in eight locations across town (and tenant improvements are underway at a ninth location), including Boyle Heights, Koreatown, and South Los Angeles; • While we’re still lean, we’ve grown our managerial capacity to keep up with program growth; and • The Center has never been stronger financially. Since the plan was approved in 2008, the Center’s budget has tripled! We’ve ended every fiscal year in the black and have built a critical strategic reserve fund. Last, but certainly not least, this issue of Vanguard commemorates the crowning achievement of our plan: the opening of the Anita May Rosenstein Campus. As those who have already toured this innovative intergenerational campus know, it’s gorgeous! And, it’s huge. Our new headquarters includes 180,000 square feet of office and program space and housing as well as parking. Phase II, which will be completed in the first half of 2020, is two affordable housing buildings: 99 units of senior housing and 25 units of micro-housing for youth. In 2008, we estimated the campus would cost approximately $40 million. As both the scope of the project and construction costs grew, today we know that our total costs will exceed $141 million. If we’d known that at the beginning, I doubt we’d have had the

the uncertainties, some even asked if it was Inspired by early seven-figure gifts by Board courage to attempt it. Members Loren Ostrow and David Bailey prudent to continue with the project. Our How are we paying for it? That’s the REALLY impressive part. The affordable (and their respective husband and partner, answer never wavered from a resounding, Brian Newkirk and Ron Shalowitz), and by “Yes!” In addition to providing vital services housing costs ($63 million) are covered by government and other funding streams Anita May Rosenstein’s lead gift (now $8 mil- and housing, we always believed that the (some of which the Center helped to raise). lion), over 165 people (including many staff) new Campus would serve as a beacon to contributed to our cam- those who need courage and hope in these The rest has been solely disquieting times and a rejoinder to those paign. This includes a the Center’s responsir e c o r d - b r e a k i n g who would seek to reverse our commubility. I’m proud to tell When I step back nity’s progress. Now that it’s about to FIFTEEN seven-figure you that—thanks to open, we see the truth of that belief. commitments. Please the leadership of Cap- and think about what read the donor list ital Campaign Chair the Center and our So, what lessons have we learned from in this issue so you’ll David Bailey—by the all of this? supporters have know who the genertime we open we hope • We should never hesitate to dream big. ous people were who to have raised more accomplished, it’s truly made gifts of all sizes to than $65 million in amazing. It’s even more • We can achieve more than we ever enable our campaign gifts from wonderfully thought was possible. to succeed. generous individual amazing when one • Never underestimate the power of When I step back and foundation donors realizes that nothing LGBTQ people and those who love us. and think about what (including New MarNo wonder I feel so much gratitude for the Center and our ket Tax Credits)! Our like the Anita May supporters have ac- everyone who played any part in the success feasibility study, com- Rosenstein Campus has complished, it’s truly of our efforts over the last 13 years. No wonpleted in August 2012, ever been attempted der I’m in awe of what we’ve accomplished amazing. It’s even indicated that we could together. No wonder I’m prouder than I’ve more amazing when raise $18 to $20 mil- anywhere else in the one realizes that noth- ever been of any achievement of which I’ve lion. We always knew entire history of our ing like the Anita May been a part. we had to overachieve, Thank you. Whether you’re new to the Rosenstein Campus but we NEVER an- movement. has ever been attempt- Center or a long-time supporter, thank you ticipated the kind of success that we’ve had. And here’s the best ed anywhere else in the entire history of our for caring about the health and well-being of our community, and thank you for supportnews of all: thanks to the generosity of our movement. Nor is such a huge effort even ing the Center. contemplated by any LGBTQ organization wonderful Capital Campaign donors and anywhere. We’ve been able to do it here the contribution the Board approved from thanks to 50 years of leadership by our Cenour strategic reserve fund, if we achieve that number, once everyone pays their pledges, ter and 50 years of amazing support by our the Campus will be mortgage-free! That dedicated and determined community. It’s even more remarkable to think that means every dollar we raise will go directthis Campus has been completed at a time ly to services and not to a mortgage. (We also are mortgage-free on The Village at of great challenge for our community given the attacks we are suffering from current Ed Gould Plaza and the McDonald/Wright political leaders in Washington, D.C., and Building.) in many states around the country. In fact, I am deeply grateful to everyone who contributed to the Capital Campaign. shortly after the 2016 election, given all

Spring 2019


The Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Anita May Rosenstein Campus is the next chapter in a story that began 50 years ago as an idea of how to change the world for LGBT people.

Clockwise from upper left: McDonald/Wright Building, ďŹ rst headquarters on Wilshire Boulevard, a Liberation House, and headquarters on Highland Avenue.


Spring 2019


os Angeles: Movie stars. The Sunset Strip. Pop culture. The rocker scene. Fusion food. Street art. Surf's up. Please add gay liberation to that list. How is it that Los Angeles—which was smaller than Philadelphia (!) in the 1950 census—became the hotbed of the burgeoning LGBT rights movement? Let’s be clear: New York and San Francisco would like to make that claim. But, the opening of the Anita May Rosenstein Campus should prove beyond a doubt that Los Angeles stands at the forefront of the queer march through history. And for 50 years, the Center has played a critical role in providing a foundation for the rare blend of ingredients that put Los Angeles at the center of queer culture and politics. The first LGBT uprising in modern history happened in downtown Los Angeles in 1959, when LGBT customers of Cooper Do-nuts rioted to protest police harassment. On New Year’s Eve 1967— two years before Stonewall—police used excessive force while raiding the Black Cat Tavern, a Silver Lake gay bar, sparking a riot and the arrest of 14 people. In response to the raid, six weeks later more than 200 demonstrators gathered outside the tavern to protest the raid and ongoing police brutality. That was the spark that ignited the fire of gay liberation—the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) to be exact, a group that advocated not just for sexual liberation, but also for the transformation of society into a more just and equitable place for LGBT people. In late 1969, a group of seven men and women active in the GLF gathered to discuss the growing needs of the community and how to help. And, with that, the Center began. Liberation Finds a Home

As the idea of the Center began to coalesce, so did the profile of the burgeoning LGBT community in Los Angeles.

“In terms of genesis, it’s absolutely critical people know that we have moved away from the focus on crisis after crisis, oppression after oppression,” said Center co-founder John Platania at the time. “We have gained strength, personal commitment, and resources to live free and ecstatic lives. Now we’re beginning to effect substantial change.” Volunteering their time, the Center’s founders had been providing direct services to the community, including information referrals and mental health support. Still, something more—and new—was needed. “The need that was staring us right in the face was brothers and sisters living on the streets with no place to go,” said Don Kilhefner, one of the Center’s founders. At that time, some 60 homeless LGBT youth were sleeping at a coffee shop run by the GLF on Melrose Avenue. By early 1971, the founders had rented what would become the nation’s first facility for LGBT homeless youth and adults. Called the Liberation House, residents paid $1.50 a day for room and board. “The first Liberation House was a really freaky experience—it was such a new concept,” said co-founder June Herrle. “Things started building around that, relating to the needs of that house. As we all developed, so did the concept and our services. We knew that there was something more that had to be provided under some sort of structure, instead of as loosely organized as it had been.” We’re here. We’re queer. And we have a sign on Wilshire Boulevard.

In October 1971, with $35 in the bank, the Center incorporated and opened its first headquarters on Wilshire Boulevard. The sign out front proudly proclaimed, perhaps for the first time in history, the word “gay” on a public building for all the world to see. By the end of 1972, six Liberation Houses were serving the growing LGBT community in Los Angeles. The founders

also opened the “Funky Gaywill Shoppe and Recycling Center” to provide employment and training opportunities for Liberation House residents. The Center also was providing a wide range of free human services to nearly 6,000 men and women, with 7,000 more individuals accessing help through the Center’s 24-hour telephone helpline. Clearly, the founding principle of integrated services was becoming part of the new organization's DNA. A Beacon of Hope for 50 Years… and Counting

A number of buildings have followed since the first shingle was hung on Wilshire Boulevard—most notably on Highland Avenue and then the headquarters on Schrader Boulevard (a product of the first out LGBT capital campaign in history). The Village at Ed Gould Plaza soon followed. Amid continued discrimination and the horrors of the AIDS epidemic, it took guts and determination to even imagine such achievements were possible. And yet, the possible somehow became the actual. Nonetheless, despite these many successes, the very idea of the Anita May Rosenstein Campus still defied the imagination. Until it became a reality. The fearlessness required to dream big and the brains necessary to turn those dreams into reality are gifts the founders bequeathed to those who have followed in their footsteps. It’s in the DNA. And that driving force— embodied by the people directly served at the new Campus and the pride it engenders in the Los Angeles LGBT community—is a gift to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people everywhere. Editor’s Note: Quotes from the Center’s founders are from a 1972 article in Gay Sunshine, a Berkeley, California,-based magazine chronicling the burgeoning gay liberation movement.

Spring 2019


-Center CEO Lorri L. Jean


Spring 2019

More than a decade ago, leaders of the Los Angeles LGBT Center began discussing a project that was unlike anything ever imagined for the LGBT community: a new complex that would bring together a multitude of youth and senior services and housing in a uniďŹ ed campus setting. Expanding across nearly one full city block in the heart of Hollywood, the Anita May Rosenstein Campus stands as a beacon of hope for the LGBT community in Los Angeles and beyond. The Campus is the product of more than a decade of dreams and hard work, a public gathering place that brings the generations together to celebrate and learn from one another. It will provide expanded employment and educational opportunities for LGBT youth and seniors and offer them safe, affordable housing in a community built on the pillars of pride, strength, and love.

Spring 2019


Capital Campaign Launch May 27, 2014 At a press conference held on the future site of the Campus, the Center launches the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the history of the LGBT movement. “My grandparents taught us that ‘family values’ mean you give back to your community. If you can give, you must give. And because the Center has an unmatched record of effective programs to help make the world a better place for LGBT people, this isn’t just a gift, it’s a solid investment in the entire community’s future. I’m especially proud to support their innovative approach of combining services for youth and seniors on one campus. They’ve seen the great synergies that this can create.”

-Anita May Rosenstein

Center supporter Lily Tomlin (left) and lead Campus donor Anita May Rosenstein (right) at the launch of the Capital Campaign.

Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Approves Campus Project December 7, 2016 The vote cleared the way for construction to begin on the project. "I am incredibly proud to support the Los Angeles LGBT Center's Anita May Rosenstein Campus project. Over the last year, the Center has worked closely with my office and the adjacent residential community to develop the best possible project for this area. This new campus will play a critical role in combating our city's homeless crisis. Having worked on homeless strategies and social services for over 10 years, I know the Center will impact even more lives because of this project. Angelenos owe a debt of gratitude to the Center for their life-saving work.”

-Los Angeles City Councilmember David Ryu 10

Spring 2019

Center CEO Lorri L. Jean (left) and Los Angeles City Councilmember David Ryu (right) at the Campus groundbreaking ceremony.

Campus donors and members of the Center’s Board of Directors were invited to “dig in” during the groundbreaking.

Groundbreaking March 18, 2017

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was among the local dignitaries who attended the Groundbreaking Ceremony.

“Nearly a decade ago, we began to dream of a project unlike any other: a beautiful intergenerational campus with new and expanded social services, together with affordable housing for seniors and youth. More than that, we dreamed of uniting it with The Village at Ed Gould Plaza, our arts, cultural, and educational facility. Combined, the two locations will offer more integrated services for LGBT people than any other place in the world. I’m enormously grateful to the many donors, community and elected leaders, and financing partners who are making the dream a reality. The need for the Anita May Rosenstein Campus has never been greater and so is the need for the health and mental health services that we’ll be able to expand in our McDonald/Wright Building when we relocate staff and programs to the new campus.”

-Center CEO Lorri L. Jean Spring 2019


2017 2017 February

The former state offices of the Employment Development Department (EDD) are razed to make way for the Campus.


Spring 2019


Construction of the Campus’ foundation is underway. The foundation—located hundreds of feet below ground—would eventually become the framework for the Campus’ subterranean parking spaces.

2018 May

Construction above ground continues at a steady pace.




Steel beams are now in place that frame-out the Campus’ three floors.



Portions of the dazzling exterior glass are installed.


Interior components of the Campus, such as stairwells and floor-toceiling window frames, are now in place.

Spring 2019


Final Steel Beam Raised May 24, 2018 A traditional event held by builders when the last beam is placed atop a structure during its construction, the “topping off” ceremony for the Campus was attended by more than 200 guests, including donors, staff, and members of the construction team. “The topping off ceremony is a rare opportunity when the suits get to honor the boots. We get to honor these people in the trades that are helping us create this incredible Campus. There’s a tree that’s on the beam and it’s a symbol of bringing life to our new building; it’s a symbol of appreciation with good luck, future growth, and activity.”

-Rodney Freeman of Freeman Group, Inc. 14

Spring 2019

Sunday, April 7

11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

12 p.m. Ribbon Cutting

Tours • Entertainment • Refreshments

Updates and RSVP at Los Angeles LGBT Center Anita May Rosenstein Campus 1118 N. McCadden Place • Los Angeles, CA 90038 Spring 2019





rowing up, my siblings and I were raised to understand that everyone is created equal and should be loved just the same.

So, when I approached my family about making a donation to the Center to help build its newest facility—a multi-generational campus with new and expanded social services, plus affordable housing for seniors and youth—they supported the idea wholeheartedly. I knew they would be as passionate as I was about this philanthropic opportunity. My connection with the Center dates back more than two decades when I began giving small amounts. The Center’s influential role in Los Angeles—and in the world—intrigued me. I decided to learn more about the organization by becoming a volunteer. One of my first duties was to stuff gift bags for some of the various events. Through the months, I became familiar with the Center’s programs and services for youth. I gradually increased my financial support for them because—from a mother’s perspective—I couldn’t imagine rejecting my children simply for being LGBT and wanting to live their authentic lives. It was about the same time when I was invited to attend a special dinner: 16

Spring 2019

Center officials were announcing ambitious plans to raise $12 million to build a space in the middle of Hollywood. It was tentatively called “The Village” and would be a space where LGBT people from all walks of life could attend theatre productions, view art exhibits, and interact with other members of the community.

I couldn’t imagine rejecting my children simply for being LGBT and wanting to live their authentic lives. Honestly, I thought the Center folks were out of their minds! To raise that amount of money in the mid-1990s, in my opinion, sounded unattainable. I was proven wrong when The Village at Ed Gould Plaza opened with great fanfare—and on schedule—in 1998. And now, here we are celebrating the opening of the Campus named in my honor. I have to tell you: I did not want the recognition—I wanted to remain anonymous. Lorri Jean

convinced me otherwise. She said it was important to put my name on the Campus, in part because I’m a woman. When girls see a woman’s name on an iconic landmark—Lorri attested—then they, too, will become inspired to be generous, selfless, and compassionate. Besides the fact that it is impossible to say “No” to Lorri, she was right! Looking at the Campus now, I am proud of what the Center has and will accomplish. It is going to become a safe haven for youth experiencing homelessness. It will become a unique experience for youth and seniors to live together and learn from each other. It is the first of its kind and I hope it will serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for people around the world. Be clear: this is not my Campus. It’s our Campus. Let’s celebrate—and let’s continue to build a world where LGBT people thrive!

Through the generosity of the Anita May Rosenstein Foundation, Wilbur D. May Foundation, and the Anita and Arnold Rosenstein Family Foundation, the $8 million pledge from Anita to build the Campus is the largest gift by a living person to an LGBT organization.


“ The Center has come a long way









since the days when I first started supporting our headquarters located in a renovated Victorian house on Wilshire Boulevard. Back then, it was a place to hang out, have functions, connect, and provide support. Ron and I see our new Campus as not only continuing to be what our original Center was—but so much more. It will truly be a shining beacon, not just in Los Angeles, but in the world. Most importantly, it will be a home for everyone, young and old alike. We all need a place we can call home. ”



“ As Latinos we’re proud to support spaces that allow our diverse LGBT community to thrive. We feel that, through the Campus, we’re investing in providing an opportunity for the LGBT community to prosper and feel comfortable in who we are. And it shows that our community deserves a beautiful space that will offer them a home, full of compassion and inspiration, here in Los Angeles. ”

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Spring 2019

“ When I moved to Los Angeles in 1997, I was lost, lonely, and broke. Someone suggested I check out the Center and, when I did, I was assigned to a wonderful therapist who helped me get my life back on track. After learning about the Campus project, I pledged to support it because it would be able to provide services to so many more youth and seniors. When I paid off my capital campaign contribution, I doubled my annual support as a Sustaining Donor because we’re saving lives. Know that the Campus will be there for anyone who needs it—and they will be treated with the same dignity and kindness given to me. ”

“ The Campus will become a SANCTUARY for every LGBTQ youth and senior who wants to be themselves without any shame. Within this vibrant learning environment, mutual connections will be formed, and futures will be built together. All of us should be proud of this landmark—it will nurture the compassion, community, and support needed to propel our community toward a more positive and inclusive future. ”


“ The Campus symbolizes community—a dream I’ve envisioned for many years—where people smile and feel loved. Seniors, who still often experience discrimination and homophobia in care facilities, now have a place where they can thrive, be supported, and be out. Youth, who have been rejected by their families, now have a sanctuary where they will be validated as worthy, valuable members of our communities and be given the tools to successfully build their lives on their terms. The Campus is proof that Los Angeles cares. ”




Schmider FAMILY

“ Having different generations interact inside the Campus is a win-win for Los Angeles: It gives isolated LGBT seniors and young people a sense of aspiration to learn from each other. Our support for this project is a form of civil strength during an era of great social and political upheaval in America. We’re taking a stand for our community. It’s time to get together, live together, work together—it makes us stronger! ”

Spring 2019



John Anil and



“ Our dream for this Campus is that it fulfills hope across all spectrums of our community, from the homeless youth who can’t see a future to our elder folks who feel abandoned, that there can be a bright future ahead and in the knowledge that you are not alone. ”

“ The Campus is the proud manifestation of the kind of progress our community has made and a sobering reminder that we still need places like this because there are too many people who need it. It will become a safe space for people across the spectrum of our rainbow, no matter where they are in their journey. I grew up in a time and a place where I could have used a safe space like this, but knowing that I played a very small part in the creation of a facility that will help people with struggles that far exceed any I may have gone through is an invaluable honor. ”


“ The Anita May Rosenstein





Campus is a beacon of hope in a world where so much darkness still prevails. We are thrilled to contribute to this project which will bring opportunity and resources to a population who need and deserve all of our support. ”



Spring 2019




$250,000 - $499,999

$100,000 - $249,999 (cont.)

Anita May Rosenstein Foundation, $7,770,000 Wilbur D. May Foundation and Anita May Rosenstein Foundation, Arnold & Anita Rosenstein Wilbur D. May Foundation and Family Foundation Arnold & Anita Rosenstein Family Founadation

Reid T. Rasmussen, Calvin The Fran & Ray StarkM.D., Foundation Cottam, M.D., & The Los The Estate of Robert Ward Angeles Wells FargoPrime Timers, Inc. John August & Michael August Neil Beecher- In$499,999 Memory $250,000 of Vern Richards John August & Michael August Suzie Brown & Marki J. Knox Neil Beecher In Memory BG=Qà !͹EE:G=à à GGB>à "FA͹˒à BGà of Vern Richards Memory of Judy Petersen Suzie Brown & Marki J. Knox W.M. Keck Foundation BG=Qà !͹EE:G=à à GGB>à "FA͹˒à BGà Thomas Kraemer & J. Adam Miller Memory of Judy Petersen Gordon S. Morris W.M. Keck Foundation Thomas Safran & Associates Thomas Kraemer & J. Adam Miller John R. Sealy, M.D. & Ron Hills Gordon S. Morris Eric Shore & Fred Paul Reid T. Rasmussen, M.D., Calvin Thomas J. Swan III Cottam, M.D., & The Los (˕<>à ͹?à %͹Kà G@>E>Kà ͹MGLQà Angeles Prime Timers, Inc. Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky Thomas Safran & Associates John R. Sealy, M.D. & Ron Hills $100,000 $249,999 Eric Shore &-Fred Paul The Estate of William Thomas J. Swan III Randall Dawson The Estate of Duncan Donovan (˕<>à ͹?à %͹Kà G@>E>Kà ͹MGLQà The Estate of Robert Barron Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky Brenda R. Potter Karim Abay & Todd Harvey The of Arthur Flores LeonEstate Alexander The Alex Wexler TessEstate Ayers of & Jane Anderson The May Sisters in Honor of Anita May-Rosenstein $100,000 $249,999 Alexandra Glickman & The Estate of Robert Barron Gayle Whittemore Gary Booher Karim Abay & Todd Harvey LuAnn Boylan Leon Alexander Denis Cagna & Carlos Medina Tess Ayers & Jane Anderson Gary A. Carnow & Barry I. Soroka Gary Booher Andi Corrigan & Tigerlily Rosen LuAnn Boylan Darrel Cummings & Tim Dang Denis Cagna & Carlos Medina The Estate of Duncan Donovan Gary A. Carnow & Barry I. Soroka The Estate of Arthur Flores Andi Corrigan & Tigerlily Rosen Alexandra Glickman & Dean Hansell & Eric Kugler Gayle Whittemore Steve & Kathy Kloves Dean Hansell & Eric Kugler Barton H. Kogan Lorri L. Jean & Gina M. Calvelli Barry Kummer Steve & Kathy Kloves The Ernest Lieblich Foundation Barton H. Kogan Arthur Macbeth Barry Kummer The Estate of Daniel Moeller The Ernest Lieblich Foundation Stanley Newman & Brian Rosenthal Arthur Macbeth Brad Ong & Brian McGowan The May Sisters in Honor of Scott Poland & Eddie Nestlebush Anita May Rosenstein

The Barbara-&$249,999 Brian $100,000 (cont.) Rosenstein Family The Estate of Daniel Moeller Elliott & Larry Falconio StanleySernel Newman & Brian Rosenthal Axel Shalson Brad Ong & Brian McGowan Dennis Strum&&Eddie Gerald Tecson Scott Poland Nestlebush Thomas R. Voeller in Honor of Brenda R. Potter Anita May Rosenstein The Barbara & Brian Lee Wallace Family Rosenstein David Williamson Elliott L. Sernel & Larry Falconio

$4,000,000 - $5,999,999 Daniel H. Renberg & $4,000,000 - $5,999,999 Eugene Kapaloski Daniel H. Renberg & The Ariadne Getty Foundation Eugene Kapaloski The Ariadne Getty Foundation

$2,000,000 - $3,999,999 The Estate of Lubelle Boice $2,000,000 - $3,999,999 Barry McCabe The Estate ofHorne Lubelle Boice Michaeljohn & Thomas Barry McCabe Eugene Jones Michaeljohn Horne & Thomas Eugene Jones $1,500,000 - $1,999,999

Loren Ostrow & Brian Newkirk $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 0BEEB:Fà à BG=Qà ,A͹H͹˒ Loren Ostrow & Brian Newkirk $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 0BEEB:Fà à BG=Qà ,A͹H͹˒ The David Bohnett Foundation David Bailey &-Ron Shalowitz $1,000,000 $1,499,999 David Mizener & Arturo Carrillo The David Bohnett Foundation The Estate of Emily Gochis David Bailey & Ron Shalowitz John Cambouris, Cass Brink The Estate of Emily Gochis & Zachary Cambouris David Mizener & Arturo Carrillo Mike Mueller & Nick Bode John Cambouris, Cass Brink Pamela Schmider, & Zachary Cambouris Ernest Schmider & Mike Mueller & Nick Bode Omar Rodriguez Pamela Schmider, The Harry & Jeanette Ernest Schmider & Weinberg Foundation Omar Rodriguez The Harry & -Jeanette $500,000 $999,999 Weinberg Foundation The Estate of Joseph A. Levy The Estate of Michael Peter Colefax $500,000 $999,999 The Estate of- Robert Ward Tyler Cassity / Hollywood The Silva Moonwalk Fund Forever The EstateCemetery of Ron Morrison Tyler Cassity Hollywood The Estate of /Michael Peter Colefax Forever The EisnerCemetery Foundation The Foundation Van Eisner Fletcher & Skip Paul Van Fletcher & Skip Paul Michael J. Lombardo & Charles Ward Michael J. Lombardo & Charles The Estate of Joseph A. Levy Ward Frank Pondof Ron Morrison The Estate Rob Saltzman Frank Pond & Ed Pierce Wells Fargo & Ed Pierce Rob Saltzman And thoseMoonwalk who wish Fund to The Silva remain anonymous

Axel Shalson $50,000 - $99,999 Dennis Strum & Gerald Tecson The Estate of Marshall Kendzy Thomas R. Voeller in Honor of Thomas Herrera Anita May Rosenstein Lorri L. Jean & Gina M. Calvelli Lee Wallace Susan Feniger & Liz Lachman The Estate of Alex Wexler Robert John Floe David L. Williamson Rick Garman $:J>GĂ JBË•LAĂ Ă Í°>;;B>Ă )>L>JK $50,000 - $99,999 Michael Koch & Andrew Kohler Susan Feniger & Liz Lachman Mark & Terri Lisagor Robert Floe Stephen Seiferheld May & Rick Garman Edward B. Casson $:J>GĂ JBË•LAĂ Ă Í°>;;B>Ă )>L>JK -J:<QĂ % Ă '>Ë’ Thomas Herrera Jayzen Patria & Joe Keenan The Estate Kendzy M.D. Jim Petroneof&Marshall Keith Kauhanen, Michael Koch & Andrew Kohler Mariette & Alexander Sawchuk Mark & Terri Lisagor John Wacker & Kevin Ripley Stephen Seiferheld May & The Estate of George Walker Edward B. Casson Marley Yanow -J:<QĂ % Ă '>Ë’ Jayzen Patria & Joe Keenan $25,000 - $49,999 Jim Petrone & Keith Kauhanen, Tad Brown & Jonathan Daillak M.D. Mariette & Alexander Sawchuk Roger Coggan John WackerChambers & Kevin Ripley Jon Charles The Estate of George Walker Michael Mooney & Mitchell Hollander Marley Yanow Charlotte Stone Bruce Vilanch $25,000 The Ronald-D.$49,999 Frazier Trust Alan Acosta & Thomas Gratz (Floyd Frazier & Donald Thomas) FredHorwin Arens & Jason Duguay (“Frasonâ€?) Lee Tad Brown Jonathan Anil Mohin,&M.D. & JohnDaillak Scholz Stephen Burn & Stephen Burton Mike Holtzman Roger Ketchum Coggan & Gay Linvill Kathy Comcast NBCUniversal Alan Acosta & Thomas Gratz Gregory Davis& Richard Klug Lane Adams The Ronald D.Jason FrazierDuguay Trust (“Frasonâ€?) Fred Arens & (Floyd Burn Frazier & DonaldBurton Thomas) Stephen & Stephen G. Scott Halloran & Peter J. Rusch Comcast NBCUniversal Nicolas Hamatake & Kenneth Mariash Gregory Davis


ANITA MAY ROSENSTEIN CAMPUS DONORS $10,000 - $24,999 (cont.)

$10,000 - $24,999 (cont.)

Paul Drooks Robert W. Hanna, Ph.D. G. Scott Halloran & Peter J. Rusch Diane Marie Hansen Nicolas Hamatake & Kenneth Mariash Jack Haynie Robert W. Hanna, Ph.D. Alan Hergott & Curt Shepard Diane Marie Hansen Mike Holtzman Jack Haynie Lee Horwin Alan Hergott & Curt Shepard Kenneth Jamison Steven Steven J. J. Kay Kay Kenneth Jamison Kathy Ketchum & Gay Linvill Eric Kranzler Eric Kranzler Cary Cary Lowe Lowe & & Allan Allan Ames Ames William J. McDermott, William J. McDermott, Jr. Jr. John McDonald & Robert Wright John McDonald & Robert Wright The McPherson Family The McPherson Family Charitable Trust Charitable John W. MilesTrust John W. Miles Kenneth Navran Anil Mohin, & John Scholz George PaoM.D. & George Schulman Michael Mooney & Mitchell Hollander Wallace Sellers, Jr. Kenneth Navran Benjamin Squire & John Latimer George Pao&&Ed George Schulman Bob Stiefel Imparato Wallace Sellers, Jr. Benjamin Teller, M.D. & Benjamin Britt Benjamin Squire & John Latimer Len Wechsler Bob Stiefel & Ed Imparato Richard Allen West & Eric J. Fischer Charlotte Stone Amy Gordon Yanow Benjamin Teller, M.D. & Benjamin Britt Bruce Vilanch $10,000 - $24,999 Len Wechsler Connie Armijo Richard Allen West&&Tim EricDang J. Fischer Darrel Cummings Amy Gordon Yanow Carolyn Dye & Hope Faust

DavidKawaja Carl Garcia & Gwendolyn Holcombe JamesIngram Daryll D. Key & Ron Comer Brad Lamm Adam Jones && Scott Timothy Sanders Snead Paul D. D. James Lerner Key & Stephen Reis LionelLamm Brad Levin & Scott Sanders Robert Paul D. Loving Lerner in & Honor Stephen of Reis Angelyn Gates, Esq. of Robert Loving in Honor James Angelyn McGruder Gates, Esq. Joseph McGruder James Miller & Craig Larson Jay Olson Joseph Miller In Memory & Craig of Larson Eric D. Weber KariOlson Jay Pacheco-Ilan In Memory & Shelby of Eric Pacheco-Ilan D. Weber

PeterPacheco-Ilan Paige Kari & Shelby Pacheco-Ilan JamesPaige Rayton Peter CynthiaRayton A. Robertson James Arlene Sanford Sanford & Arlene & Devra Devra Lieb Lieb Steve Schleier Schleier Steve #>˒Á,ͱJ>?Á Á):MEÁ%ͱF;:J=B #>˒Á,ͱJ>?Á Á):MEÁ%ͱF;:J=B $:J:Á& Á,L>˒>GÁ Á+:<A>EÁ ÁͰ:P $:J:Á& Á,L>˒>GÁ Á+:<A>EÁ ÁͰ:P Ed Traynor Traynor Ed

Caron Barrett $10,000 $24,999 Cynthia A. -Robertson Connie Armijo Carl Kawaja & Gwendolyn Holcombe Caron Barrett Lionel Levin Joseph Becci & Mark Denton Sharon-Franklin Brown Christopher Brown Jon Charles Jordan BuddChambers & Jan Donsbach Tommy Chambers & Todd Kusy Kin Cheng-Lepand & Hervé Cheng-Lepand Ron Comer & Daryll Ingram Simon Costello & Utsuro Ueda Simon Costello & Utsuro Rick Davis & Barry Ward Ueda Cheryl Groves Cameron Faber& Kathleen O’Kane Bruce Gajda N. Davidson Quang B. Nguyen David & Jose&Malagon CarolynGroves Dye & & Hope Faust O’Kane Cheryl Kathleen KristinN. M.Davidson Flickinger& Quang B. Nguyen Bruce MichaelM. Gapinski & Kevin Hamilton Kristin Flickinger David Garcia Michael Gapinski & Adam Jones Timothy Snead Kevin Scott&Hamilton


$25,000 - $49,999 (cont.)


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For your ongoing

SUPPORT! 2018 CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS 102.7 KIIS FM 104.3 MYfm 20th Century FOX 21st Century FOX 3 Arts Entertainment Acqua Panna The Advocate The Aerospace Corporation AirBnB Amazon Studios American Airlines Anita May Rosenstein Foundation Ariadne Getty Foundation ARUP Audi of America, Inc. Bank of America Bank Bank of the West Barefoot Wine & Bubbly BCG Digital Ventures Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Association of Realtors Bloomingdale’s BNY Mellon California Community Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council Central Intelligence Agency Charitybuzz Citi Private Bank City of Los Angeles Comcast NBCUniversal Community Partners County Of Los Angeles Creative Artists Agency Crunch The CW

The David Bohnett Foundation Edison International EndemolShine North America Equality Vodka Ernst & Young The Fight Magazine Gender Odyssey Gilead Sciences Hanz De Fuko HBO Hollywood Forever Cemetery imre Innogive Foundation Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Inc. Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Jersey Mikes Subs JP Morgan Chase & Co JP Morgan Chase Foundation June Street Architecture Just Food For Dogs Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Keller Williams Realty KOST 103.5 The Kroger Co. Foundation L.A. Taxi Cooperative, Inc. Laboratory Corporation of America Lesbian News Liberty Hill Foundation Lionsgate Films The Los Angeles Blades The Los Angeles Lakers Macy’s West Mattel Foundation McMaster-Carr Supply Company Media Rights Capital Studios Microsoft Corporation National Philanthropic Trust

Netflix Ouai Haircare Pacific Federal Insurance Corp Pandora Media Paper Multimedia, LLC Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water Philippe’s Planned Parenthood of the Greater Northwest SEIU Local 721 Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. Shoudout! Smart & Final Southern California Gas Company Starz Entertainment Swinerton Sysco Los Angeles, Inc. Target Corporation Tie the Knot Foundation Tito’s Handmade Vodka Tommy Chambers Interiors TOMS Shoes Toyota Financial Services U.S. Bank Uber Technologies Inc. Union Bank Uniworld Travel International US Bancorp Foundation Variety The Walt Disney Company Warner Brothers Entertainment, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank William Morris Endeavor Entertainment

2018 FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTIONS The Ahmanson Foundation Amy Phillips Charitable Foundation Andrew and Corey Morris-Singer Foundation The Annenberg Foundation Archstone Foundation Astraea Lesbian Foundation Audrey Irmas Charitable Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Blue Shield of California Foundation Boeschenstein Family Foundation Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS California Community Foundation The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation Cedars-Sinai Center for Care Innovation/Tides Foundation Chevron Foundation Citi Community Development – Los Angeles Citi Foundation Comcast NBCUniversal David Geffen Foundation Draper Community Investment Fund Dwight Stuart Youth Fund Edison International Foundation Elton John AIDS Foundation

Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund Felice Samuel Greene Scholarship Fund Gilead Sciences Goodwin Family Memorial Trust Happy Hippie Foundation Hollywood Foreign Press Association Trust Hugh J. Andersen Foundation James Irvine Foundation The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation JMS Foundation John F. Calley Foundation Fund Joseph and Fiora Stone Foundation L.A. Care Health Plan LA Justice Fund Liberty Hill Foundation Los Angeles County Arts Commission Los Angeles Trial Lawyers’ Charities MAC AIDS Fund Macy’s/Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation Marnie D. Elridge May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust The Morrison & Foerster Foundation National Endowment for the Arts Neighborhood Education Project

Open Society Foundations Pacific Life Foundation PhRMA QueensCare Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Rite Aid Foundation Robert Ellis Simon Foundation Rotary Club of Hollywood Sawchuk Family Foundation Silva Watson Moonwalk Fund Smart & Final Charitable Foundation Target Foundation Toyota USA Foundation Union Pacific Foundation UPS Foundation Weingart Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation

6000 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90038

SATURDAY APRIL 27, 2019 6-9 P.M.

McDonald/Wright Building 1625 N. Schrader Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028

Sunda ay, April 7 11 a..m. – 5 p.m. m 1 p.m 12 m. Ri Ribb b on Cut bb utti ttiting ng

Tours • Entter e tainment • Reffre esh shme mentts Updates and RSVP at

L s An Lo Ange ele le LG les LGBT Center Anita Anit a May Ro osensste ein Cam ampus 1118 11 18 8 N. McCa adden Place Los Angeles, Lo An s, CA A 90038

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