We are once again thankful for the prayers and support of the saints in the work the Lord has given us to do in Poland, Portugal and in the USA.
Poland and Portugal
Writing from the USA
In April, I had an encouraging time in Portugal and Poland. In Portugal, I spent time with Peter and Nelly Cerquera and spoke at 5 assemblies. In Poland, I had fellowship with 8 assemblies. One of those meetings was in the Warsaw area (Boza Wola). Please continue to pray for Jakub (18 years old) who is wanting salvation but has not yet come to faith in Christ. Another of those meetings took place near the Czech border (Bielsko), where there is an ongoing Ukrainian work. The assembly rented a house where Ukrainian mothers and children reside. Please pray for Natalia who, together with the Bielsko assembly, ministers to these Ukrainians, conducting Bible studies and sharing the gospel. Several have come to faith in Christ. A gospel meeting was organised on the Sunday I was in Bielsko where there were a good number of unsaved and saved alike gathered to hear the gospel.
A weekly Zoom Bible teaching ministry continues for Polish believers. A brother from the UK, another from Ireland, another from Poland and myself take turns teaching. Another trip is planned for September and October.
Each summer our family has been involved in the National Bible Bee, a Bible contest held across the USA since 2009. It was established by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation in memory of Shelby, who sadly died of cancer at the age of 23, having spent large parts of her young life studying the Scriptures. It seeks to promote and encourage children and young people to memorise the Bible. I host a local group in Pennsylvania. This year, 23 children are participating. We are studying John 12-20. Our son, Daniel, holds prayer and Bible Bee meetings over Zoom with many. Please pray for Joel (17 years old) who also wants salvation but has not yet come to Christ.
In May, our son, Zachary, graduated from Emmaus College. Also, Joel, our son with autism, graduated from High School, a major feat. We appreciate the continued prayer for Joel and Moriah as we continue to seek wisdom for understanding on how to help Moriah through the effects of the horse accident 2.5 years ago. Thank you again for your prayerful interest.
C. 1998 (USA) MARK & TAMI SWAIM 17/7/24
Monday 2nd
BRAZIL Sapiranga, Rio Grande Do Sul
It would be almost impossible to imagine the devastation that has been caused by the recent flooding in Rio Grande Do Sul. Over 600,000 people were initially forced out of their homes and temporary shelters had to be set up for around 80,000 who were not able to find other temporary accommodation. 182 people have died and, 10 weeks later, around 30 are still missing. Many roads and bridges were destroyed, leaving travelling very difficult and some towns were left completely isolated. In all of these circumstances, we are deeply thankful to the Lord for the measure of protection enjoyed by His people and their families. We know of 8 or 10 believers whose homes were flooded, but we recognise that the situation could have been much worse.
In the first days of the flooding, the believers in Porto Alegre prepared aid packages for distribution in the temporary shelters and we were glad to be able to include Bibles with these packages, which were very well received. The immediate needs of the believers and their families were met through direct deposits into their bank accounts even before road access was reopened to certain towns. In addition, we were able to support believers who had opened their homes to provide temporary accommodation for those who were left homeless. As water levels gradually subsided, people were able to return to their homes and the extent of the need became clearer. One couple, in fellowship in the Porto Alegre assembly, found that their wooden house had been completely destroyed after being submerged for 4 weeks. Instead of having to rebuild on the same site, the generosity of the Lord’s people meant that we were able to help them purchase a new house on higher
Flooding - only the rooftops showing above the water
Canoas - about 80% of this large city was affected
ground in a different part of the city.
While we are seeking to prioritise the needs of believers and their immediate families, we are also trying to support others who attend Gospel meetings and significant support has been provided to such families. In addition, we are currently helping the families of children who attended a Sunday School in an area of Porto Alegre almost completely destroyed by the flooding. We are very conscious of our need of the Lord’s guidance in all of this and would value your prayers that we might have wisdom in administering support to the Glory of God.
C. 1998 JAMES & JOY ARMSTRONG 17/7/24 Roads and infrastructure destroyed
Tuesday 3rd ENGLAND
Ezek 34-36
During the month of June, the three weeks gospel meetings in the tent in Wick, Scotland, with Paul McCauley, were very encouraging and many from the village came in to hear the gospel. One local man attended each night. He had no background in the gospel, but showed real interest and towards the end of the meetings told us he had accepted Christ as his Saviour.
In July, we had three weeks of gospel meetings in Prestwich, Manchester where a few unsaved were present every night. We had open-airs every day in the precinct of the village and door-to-door visitation. There is a large Jewish population who have little time for the gospel or the New Testament. We are thankful a young girl professed faith in Christ.
Over the last two weeks we have had opportunity to preach in Oxford in the open-air. Looking back over seven years of preaching in Oxford, the people have become harder and less interested in the gospel, sometimes openly hostile and aggressive.
In Oxford we were saddened to hear that one of our long-standing contacts who regularly came to the homeless table had been found dead outside McDonald’s. He had received many hygiene and cold weather packs with gospel tracts inside and heard the gospel preached in the open-air. We pray his death will be a voice to others.
C. 2011 JONATHAN & JOY BLACK 7/8/24
Wednesday 4th
Since last writing, I have been moderately busy, including three overseas trips. Sri Lanka is a regular, and Leonard Currie and I were there in February with a visit to the Jaffna peninsula included this time. Hundreds of unsaved people heard the Gospel in various centres. In April I was in Malaysia for a week and a half, the main event being the annual Bible Readings in connection with Paramount Gospel Hall. It was their fiftieth conference, and these were initiated by brother Tom Bentley all these years ago. Paul Andrews and Gideon Khoo shared the meetings and there was a happy atmosphere as the Scriptures were studied. The third visit was to the Gangseo assembly in Seoul, South Korea. There were a few nights of Gospel meetings followed by a conference weekend. Only a few ‘seekers’ came to the Gospel meetings, never more than five, but the conference attendance filled the hall on both days.
In June I was involved in three weeks of tent meetings in Bicester with Gene Higgins of the USA as a preaching partner. The start was slow with small numbers of outsiders attending, but attendances picked up somewhat. However, no one spoke of being saved.
Interspersed with the foregoing there have been series of ministry or Bible Readings in various places.
God willing, I am due in Wick for an annual visit soon. Then during September, when you will be reading this, the following are my plans for your prayers:
• Late August into September, Sri Lanka with Craig Munro. A presidential election has been called which interferes with our visit somewhat and curtails our activities. We won’t have any nights outside Colombo.
• Edinburgh Bible Readings with Alan Summers. This is a new venture taking the week that was formerly occupied by the Forres Meetings. The series will follow the same pattern as Forres, a Bible Reading each morning and ministry in the evenings.
• Ministry at Peterhead following the conference.
• Ministry at Perth following the conference.
• A Bible Study Weekend at Crosshouse at the end of the month.
Prayer for all these activities would be valued.
A few people like to know about family matters! In recent weeks two of our grandchildren have been married and the central belt has lost them to the north; in one case to Aberdeen, and in the other as far north as you can go, the town of Wick. Another two of our grandchildren have become parents again so that pushes the total of our greatgrandchildren up to seven.
C. 1972 JACK & LILLIAN HAY 8/8/24
Thursday 5th
Ezek 40-42
N. IRELAND Newtownabbey
After my return from India and Nepal this year I felt quite sick, and it turned out I had an infection which took a while to clear. It seemed to leave me quite depleted in energy. While I was able to keep on top of all meetings, I didn’t have much energy for anything else.
Over the past few months, I’ve been kept at it with Gospel meetings in Euston Street Primary School in Belfast, Bethesda Hall in Bangor, Hildenborough Gospel Hall in Kent, and open-air meetings on the seafront in Bangor in connection with Central Avenue Gospel Hall.
Regular ministry meetings have also been continuing in Kingsmoss Gospel Hall where Paul McClarty and I have been teaching consecutively through 1 Timothy together this year and hope to teach through 1 Peter starting in October again.
Door-to-door work in West Belfast also continues weekly as the Lord enables with Paul McCauley.
In August I’ve been asked to share with others and give teaching on Discipleship to a group of young believers mainly from Slovakia who are coming to Northern Ireland for a week. We are praying that this will be a profitable time.
In early September I travel with Paul McCauley to Poland for some Bible teaching among the assemblies there.
C. 2011
Over the last 4 weeks, we have been greatly blessed to be in Zambia as a couple, so as you may imagine, we have really enjoyed the time with our fellow workers and the extended family there. Here are a few highlights from that trip:
Writing from South Africa
1. Initially at Loloma, enjoying fellowship in the assembly and meeting friends at the hospital. We were reminded that Zambia is so blessed with the many opportunities to reach people with the gospel. The mission hospital continues to be a wonderful means of sharing God’s salvation through staff devotions, ward visitation and the use of the public address system each morning and evening. The Sunday School at the assembly continues to be well attended, so it was good to be with the children there and also spend time with the Sunday School teachers. So many of the saints gave us a special reception. Tim appreciated being together with the elders on two occasions, with the desire to encourage them.
2. A brief visit to Chavuma, then Zambezi and Chitokoloki. As Joy’s sister Martha needed to get back to Chavuma, we drove her there and spent a couple of days helping practically with checking vehicles and installing some solar panels at the hospital. Please pray for the 3 missionary ladies there (Tomako and Ayumi from Japan who both work long hours at the hospital, and Martha with many mission responsibilities).
3. Being at the senior boy’s camp at Samafunda, which was a 4-day long weekend attended by 115 young men from grades 11 and 12. It was a blessing to see many of the local brothers taking up the responsibility of running the camp. The main speaker, Dr Felix Chibwe from Chitokoloki, gave 7 excellent messages based on Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”.
Welcomed by the elderly
Boys camp
4. Visiting the Christian Boarding School at Kayombo to see again the faithfulness of the Lord since it opened in 2015. This year there are 464 students from grade 8-12 receiving good academic education on a strong spiritual foundation. Earlier this year they had the blessing of baptising 12 students for which we thank the Lord. Please pray for the Lord’s continued grace and help in running this school on behalf of the government, which still has some practical challenges due to its remote location.
5. Spending time with the dear old people at the village for the elderly. On our arrival we were very humbled by those who were physically able to come and greet us. What a joy to see them all again and appreciate together the Lord’s continued support to them all.
6. Gospel outreach in the Kalene area, that was arranged by local brothers we have worked closely with over the years. It was a 12-hour drive on a Saturday from Loloma due to the condition of the road and a couple of stops along the way, however the believers received us so warmly. We enjoyed fellowship with them in the assembly Sunday morning, then began village visitation that afternoon through to Wednesday afternoon. Each morning, we began with a bible study for the believers who could make it, laying the foundation of the gospel from the first few chapters of Romans. As usual we used the 2 roads and 2 destinies charts in Lunda, which enable the people to both see and hear the truth of the gospel.
Your prayers for the missionaries at Loloma together with the local believers the Lord is using, are appreciated.
We are currently in South Africa visiting Joy’s Uncle David Croudace, and another elderly missionary Joan Levengood. Following this we visit Kenya for 5-6 days, and then return to the US.
C. 1997 TIMOTHY & JOY BEER 23/7/24
Kayombo students
Kalene outreach
Saturday 7th
ANGOLA Camundambala
The Lord is our bountiful God who continues to provide for the work of the Angolan Literature Fund (ALF) and its role of supporting His work in providing the Scriptures and Bible Literature in Angola. The demand for Bibles in Angola continues, so please pray especially that the large Chokwe Bible order will soon be on its way from India.
The following are a reminder of various ongoing issues for prayer and thanksgiving in the wider work of the ALF.
1. Printing and distribution of literature and Emmaus courses continues in both Viana (Luanda) and Saurimo. Please pray that those working at Viana will know help in developing the work of the bookshop and Emmaus courses. Emmaus and other literature work are also being supported in Dundu, Luena and Cafunfu.
2. Premises and equipment – The print rooms continue to be well-maintained leading to better conditions for the equipment. Pray that when equipment is sent that it will be preserved on the long and difficult journey. Give thanks that the security of the premises is being maintained. Pray that those with the responsibility of guarding the property will be faithful in their work.
3. For the continued vision for tract distribution in various places. Thousands of new tracts were again delivered in 2023.
4. Continuing issues with currency fluctuations that make decisions regarding financing the local aspects of the work difficult.
5. Ongoing updating of materials to make them more attractive, as well as finding ways of using some older stock.
• Distribution is a problem to the wider country and many areas have very few Bibles and hymnbooks. Hunger for the Word of God is strong as seen when Brian Howden travels into the villages and the stock he takes is sold out very quickly!
• Some radio work is also being supported to encourage the spread of the gospel and interest in the scriptures.
6. The past year has been quieter as to the amount of literature sent due to the need to reserve funds for the completion of the Chokwe Bible Project (25,000 Bibles are ordered and waiting to be printed and delivered). Some items ordered or sent last year included:
• Portuguese Bibles, Quarterly Bible teaching magazine, hymnbooks, and supplies for the printing of Bible courses. Around 21,000 Portuguese Bibles have been purchased over the last 2-3 years and many more will be needed to maintain stock levels for the coming months.
7. Pray for the safe arrival of containers and that they get through the port smoothly without lots of extra costs. We are thankful for the help of the Ramsey family in providing storage facilities on their farm.
8. Thank God that the containers in 2023 arrived safely and got through customs with no loss of contents. Please pray that for the containers planned for 2024 (one currently on its way) and especially for the container with Chokwe Bibles and hymnbooks that will be going direct from India to Angola sometime in the next couple of months (hopefully!).
9. Pray for those who translate material into Portuguese. Pray also that the Lord would raise up those who can translate into some of the other languages used in Angola.
10. Pray that permission to print Bibles in some of the tribal languages will be granted or that we will be able to source Bibles in these languages.
Two Trustees visited Angola during April 2024. They were able to meet those Angolan believers who are directly involved in the work to ensure accountability and also others who have an interest in the work of the Fund. It was a profitable visit with many helpful conversations.
Please remember specifically:
• Brian and Debbie as they continue to teach various groups in Camundambala as well as wider afield among the many assemblies in Saurimo and surrounding villages.
• Paula and the rest of the team involved in the Emmaus work in Saurimo, that they will keep well.
• The staff at Viana as they further develop the Emmaus work.
• The Griffins as they are currently at home in Canada.
• Jonathan and Ruth Singleton as they travel at various times to Angola as circumstances permit.
• Guidance for future Trustees visits.
• Trustees, as we not only seek to meet the needs of the Angolan believers, but also discharge our responsibility faithfully in the management of the Fund.
Please join with us in prayer that the Lord’s blessing will abound as He promised: “My word…shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I shall please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
Update from MICHAEL BUCKERIDGE (Angolan Literature Fund) 15/7/24
Sunday 8th
Dan 1-3
As we continue in the work of the Lord, we appreciate the prayerful support of every believer at this very needy time.
All are aware of the recent devastation due to the flooding which swept through a large part of the Rio Grande do Sul, Candelaria being no exception. Thankfully, personally we have been wonderfully preserved, although others have suffered great loss, even to the extent of their homes and livelihoods. The devastation is beyond words, and we feel it will take a long time before things return to what they once were (possibly never in our lifetime here).
Please pray for the work and the workers as we look to the Lord for wisdom and guidance as we go forward in His fear.
We have just concluded five weeks of gospel meetings in Cachoeira. The numbers weren’t large, but we were thankful for at least six or seven unsaved who attended nightly. We trust that the seed sown will bear fruit even yet unto life eternal.
C. 1999 NOEL & HEATHER FLECK 10/7/24
Monday 9th
ENGLAND Bracknell
We are at that point again in the year where we feel like the “husbandman that laboureth” after eleven tiring months of toil in the Lord’s work. There have been numerous visits to assemblies in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, USA and Canada. It is a privilege to move amongst the saints and teach the word of God – we look to Him for fruitful increase.
In June we had the annual Bible Study Day at Bracknell. It was an excellent day of teaching with over 150 mainly young people gathered from all over the south of England. Mark Lacey (Bath) and I were responsible for leading studies in the Psalms, including a book overview, character study (Christ in the Psalms), chapter study (Psalm 119) and thematic study (House of the Lord). Many expressed their appreciation, and we trust the occasion will inspire a younger generation to study the word for themselves, “I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil” (Psa. 119.162).
During July, we hosted an excellent Bible exhibition in Bracknell (borrowed from the assembly in Hildenborough, Kent). The exhibition ran for two weeks with gospel meetings entitled “The Exhibition Explained” running concurrently in the last week. The exercise has proved a blessing to the assembly as well as to the community. It has been good to see many of the saints unitedly engaged in the work and the Lord’s good hand of blessing upon us – this is true fellowship indeed. In total, 103 different adults and 47 different children visited the exhibition, some of which visited numerous times. In the gospel meetings, we had 15 visitors. Some were professing believers from other churches, but most were hearing the gospel for the first time. We were also contacted by a believer from Florida who had recently discovered he had a 79-year-old aunt named Barbara living in Bracknell. He had been sharing the gospel with her by email and praying for
Bible Exhibition
Bible Exhibition
her daily. He was amazed when she told him there was a ‘Bible exhibit’ on her way to the dentist and she would drop in to see what it was like! It was good but sad to speak to her. In her own words, “I was raised a Catholic but now I’m a nothing”. Please pray for Barbara that we might see her again at the gospel meeting. There are numerous such little stories which reveal something of the hidden but persistent, powerful work of the Spirit of God. Many visitors were guided around the exhibition with profitable and detailed conversations. The literature table proved popular with many taking Bibles and copies of evangelistic material like “Christianity Considered” and “Ultimate Questions”.
At the end of July, we have an annual stall at the local primary school opposite the Gospel Hall. All our children attended this school, so we have developed good relationships with many members of staff. Over 100 families were given ‘information bags’ containing an A5 Bible text picture, a simple children’s tract and an invitation to our children’s meetings, amongst other things. Just before the end of term, Elisabeth was also able to go into the school and present the youngest children with copies of The Beginners Bible.
Tuesday 10th
Dan 7-9
It only seems a few weeks ago that our grandson (now 5) rang the bell in a hospital in London to announce that he had finished his treatment for cancer. That announcement was shattered two days ago when he awoke from sleep screaming and complaining of a sore chest and having trouble breathing. He was hospitalised and had a lot of tests done and then Jon and Tina, his parents, received the news that the cancer (Wilms tumour on his kidney) had metastasized. As a result, CT scans show that he has three tumours on one of his lungs and a small one on his liver. In a couple of days, he will start 22 weeks of strong chemotherapy as well as radiation.
Your prayers for Owen and his treatment would be appreciated, as well as for his parents who are quite devastated. You can imagine that the siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts, on both sides of the family are upset.
At a time like this, when this sort of news comes, we feel like good king Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:12 when a great enemy came against him. He prayed “O our God...we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You”.
(Richard and Nancy first went from New Zealand to Colombia to serve as missionaries 54 years ago. They spent the first 15 years planting new assemblies in the capital city of Bogota and in Bucaramanga. Many years later they spent 25 years living in Los Angeles, where half the population speak Spanish. There are currently four Spanish speaking assemblies in this large city. They “retired” back to their homeland of New Zealand about ten years ago but continue to make return visits to both Los Angeles and Colombia to encourage the assemblies and workers.)
C. (New Zealand) RICHARD & NANCYE YARRALL 17/7/24
Wednesday 11th
AUSTRALIA Queensland
The work of the Gospel Billboards continues, and we give thanks that we are still afforded this blessing in 2024. This year we have been permitted to erect signs in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth, in excellent locations. In Sydney, we have been able to place signs in various locations along the M5 motorway. The visibility is outstanding, with thousands of cars passing along this route every week. We also have two permanent signs on a main highway in Queensland. At the end of last year, we were contacted by another sign company offering to erect Gospel Billboards through them. They had seen our gospel signs and stated that they fitted their ethics as they were Christians. We met with them to discuss this and went to view one of the locations of their signs. We wonder if they are ‘nominal Christians’ but nevertheless, we thanked the Lord that this opened another door for the Word of God to be displayed. They are slightly more expensive, but when we consider that we have a Heavenly Father who owns the universe, these concerns are nothing to Him! Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
This year has been another busy year, but challenging to wonder what will be left when we pass through the Judgment Seat of Christ.
February began with a small series with our home assembly in Cooroy addressing the subject of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism. This error had disturbed the assembly and needed to be addressed. It highlighted to us the importance of doctrinal unity, “that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment”. The remainder of the month was spent in NZ with meetings in the assemblies in Tauwhare, Hamilton and Palmerston North. The time was concluded in the Miramar assembly, Wellington, with a weekend of meetings. Precious to experience the kindness and hospitality of the saints and witness their interest in the Word of God.
In March, we conducted a wedding in the assembly hall of a local couple. Matt and Emily have only been saved a short time, both from non-Christian backgrounds, so it was fitting they walked out to the singing of Amazing Grace. There were many unsaved family and friends in attendance, and we continue to pray for them. We then drove to Melbourne, to conduct another wedding the following weekend of another delightful young Christian couple. Whilst in Melbourne, Rachael and I spent a little time in the needy business of visitation. From Melbourne, we drove to Sydney for the Easter conference in the assembly in Bexley, before being in Lidcombe and Kingsgrove assemblies for meetings. We arrived home on 8th April, rejoicing in the goodness and preservation of God. May began with the annual conference at our home assembly in Cooroy. Edifying ministry from visiting brothers Stephen Baker and Jonathan Black (UK), along with various local Australian brothers. The Bible reading on Colossians 3 was to profit. Following, was a trip to New Zealand to attend the annual conferences in Palmerston North and Miramar, Wellington and June was spent travelling much in Australia visiting various assemblies for ministry.
I have been kept busy at my desk throughout this year writing consecutive articles for the Truth and Tidings magazine. This magazine, along with many others, are a valuable way of getting teaching to the saints.
I must pay credit to my beloved wife Rachael for her faithful love and tireless labour in the work of God. She continues to school the youngest 5 children, along with helping me in every aspect of the work of God. Our eldest two, Josiah and Nathanael, have now completed their schooling. Rachael has been teaching our children over the last 13 years, often whilst living out of a suitcase, in other people’s homes and in the environment of a squishy motorhome with other children to manage! May we seek to support wives and mothers and encourage them in the difficult and sometimes despised task of motherhood and homemaker. These things can only be accomplished as we look to our blessed Lord who has gone up. In Exodus 32, the children of Israel lost sight of Moses who had gone up the mount, and as a result, became apathetic and idolatrous. May we be ever preserved from losing sight of our Lord Jesus. He that shall come will come and will not tarry. Heb 10:37.
C. 2005 (Australia) CLIVE & RACHAEL BARBER 16/7/24
Thursday 12th SCOTLAND Orkney
The summer has been a whirlwind of activity in the Gospel. June saw a busy conclusion in the school visits for the year and looking back over the 2023/24 academic year it is wonderful to think of the thousands of youngsters who heard of Christ and received bible lessons. The Lord is really working in this area of outreach, with over 50 schools being visited in Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Lanarkshire.
When schools return, I will be launching a new curriculum for RE covering 10 subjects on the Old Testament and then 10 on the New Testament. This means all upper school pupils will leave with a knowledge of the whole bible. This has been agreed in 8 schools in Orkney so far!
Our first event this summer was the camp we run at Faskally. We host the TCYC senior camp which ranges from 13–17-yearolds. Many of these are believers, which gives them a great time of fellowship and bible teaching. We do have some unbelievers which again gives a great gospel opportunity. This year we had a full house, with only one spare bed in Faskally! We then moved straight to Shetland to speak at their third week of camp. Again, this is mainly teenagers and this time the majority are unbelievers. The attention and interest were remarkable. Perhaps the highlight was a family with devil worshipping parents asking for bibles, repeating the scriptures and being fully engaged in the meetings.
On return to Orkney, we held our second holiday club since moving up. This week certainly built on the previous one as we had around 30 children each day and made
great contacts with parents and guardians. We held a family prizegiving on the Sunday afterwards and had 25 children and 24 adults attending. This was a great encouragement to all the assembly to see the work progressing.
We also had our first baptism in Meadows Gospel Hall for over 15 years, which was a real joy. A teenage girl from Papa Westray who was saved at camp a few years ago was baptised and again the hall was full to witness this.
Last week was ‘show week’ and we concentrated on the largest show, the Orkney County Show. We were given permission to have our display trailer present and really had a wonderful response.
Over 300 John 3:16 bags, 80 framed texts and 14 bibles were given out. Many conversations were had with interest from both believers and nonbelievers. Pray for the Word of God that has gone out.
This week I head to the Island of Westray for a few days to distribute flyers for a week of kid’s meetings I plan to have at the end of August, and we also plan to have a monthly Gospel meeting there. I then head to Edinburgh for the bag outreach we organise. God willing, we plan to distribute 40,000 John 3v16 bags again this year.
I then head back to Orkney for schools and youth work. September will see the recommencing of various works we established this year; Toddlers, Community Lunch, weekly door-to-door, daily school visits, Sunday evening bible teaching, and a youth group. We are also planning a monthly after school club, football outreach and monthly gospel meetings in different community halls, along with monthly bible teaching to encourage the believers in Orkney.
Once again, your prayerful support would be appreciated as we commence so many new aspects of the work up here and continue what the Lord has allowed us to commence. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified” 2 Thess 3 v 1.
Friday 13th
This year we are enjoying the company of a dozen or so university and college students who have come to Gaborone for further studies. For most, it is their first time away from home. These are formative years for them, and it is our burden to encourage these believers in their faith and to pray for their preservation. There are also several local young men, children of believers, who will soon be leaving us to go elsewhere for further education. We arranged a farewell lunch for them recently.
Our annual conference over the July holiday weekend was a profitable time of feeding on the Word. Believers came from many other parts of the country. Our good brethren, Sandy Higgins from the USA and Andrew Grieve from the UK, helped us with the Bible teaching and gospel preaching. This year, we hired a team of experienced cooks to prepare the four main meals. This relieved our sisters of much of the hard work, especially managing the heavy cast-iron pots over wood fires. The arrangement worked well and freed up our sisters to attend most of the meetings. The young people slept in the classrooms adjoining the main hall and had further Bible teaching in the evenings. Older believers were accommodated in our own homes. We were all refreshed as we renewed fellowship with dear believers from other assemblies. For most of the year, we are hundreds of miles apart and so these times of conference are precious.
We were thankful for the safe arrival just a few days ago of a container of Sunday School supplies and Bibles. Every year, believers in Northern Ireland organise this and many assemblies and individuals throughout the UK are so kind in providing suitable prizes for the thousands of children. We greatly appreciate this labour of love. We often wish you could see the faces of the boys and girls as they receive their prizes. There are presently 13 Sunday Schools in Gaborone and the surrounding villages of Mochudi, Rasesa, Kopong, Tlokweng and Tsolamosese. Every
Speakers & Interpreters
Annual July Conference, Gaborone
week in Kopong, 20-30 adults attend the Sunday School as well. We long for the salvation of these children and older folks.
Points for Praise:
1. A well-attended conference
2. The recent salvation of a lady who has been attending well
Points for Prayer:
1. Continued peace and national stability in this election year
2. The spiritual preservation of those studying away from home
C. 1982
Saturday 14th
It was good to be back in Malawi again in April/ May for our first Bible Teaching Conference in several years. Last year’s conference had to be cancelled due to Cyclone Freddy, and previous years were interrupted due to Covid. It was truly thrilling to see the interest in the Word of God among the 50+ literature distributors who came, many of whom told us they had never experienced such a conference before.
On an earlier trip this year I made long-overdue visits to some of the schools and other projects that we are involved in – particularly at Dzaleka Refugee Camp, and at the Street Kids’ project in Lilongwe. Together with visitors I was accompanying, I also visited a few projects to see how poor farmers are helped to produce a reasonable living without the need for inorganic fertilisers. Fertiliser has now become completely unaffordable to most. The recent currency devaluation dealt a final, devastating blow, and a single bag of fertiliser now costs the equivalent of almost a month’s income for most Malawians.
I also had the opportunity to spend a weekend in Cape Town visiting brother David Croudace, now in his 90’s. Harold accompanied me, and we really enjoyed the few days together. The past year has been very difficult for Harold, having personally experienced
Joel 1-3
the trauma of the cyclone, his robbery at home, and more recently a mugging incident, so I was glad to be able to encourage him in the Lord. Several of his in-laws who live in Cape Town came to hear the Gospel while we were there – we pray for blessing.
To be Malawian means to be a (subsistence) farmer. I learned many years ago that you can’t really be taken seriously without knowing something about growing maize. You can’t really understand life in Malawi, unless you know the anxiety of anticipating the arrival of the rains, and the worry of wondering will they ever end! Visiting the various projects brought back good memories of the years spent working alongside local farmers, and rekindled the desire to share some simple technologies to both help dear brothers and sisters struggling to feed their families, and to draw alongside the lost and demonstrate a genuine concern for them in the midst of their difficulties. Pray that we will have wisdom in all this.
Other Activity
It was a happy privilege for me to be back in N. America for some conferences and other meetings. The warm welcome and interest in both the Word of God and the work in Malawi, is always an encouragement. In Oregon and Manitoba, it was really encouraging to see numbers at both conferences recover, and perhaps exceed pre-pandemic levels, and especially so to see a healthy cohort of young people, with evident interest in the Word of God. I’ve been impressed recently that the value of these conferences is more far-reaching than we sometimes realise. Privately, a number of young people shared how important it is for them to meet others who are navigating similarly difficult life situations, and even potential life partners. We should remember to pray for our young folks and the peculiar challenges they face as they try to honour and serve the Lord.
God willing, South Belfast Seed Sowers will be held on 14th September. In previous years we’ve had very encouraging distributions in West and East Belfast, so we look to the Lord for further blessing.
The past months have been personally challenging, but we have felt sustained by your prayers. Please continue to remember us in the months ahead, if the Lord has not come. C. 2003 STEPHEN & GAIL HARPER 15/7/24
Sunday 15th
CANADA Halifax, Nova Scotia
We held a week of Treasure Seekers (VBS / children’s meetings) in the hall in mid-July and were pleased with daily attendance of 35 children, most of whom were new contacts for us. Esther served lunch for all the children and several parents were in attendance daily. Our Bible lessons focused on people for whom the Lord Jesus cared. The children listened well and most of the group memorized Psalm 13:5-6 through the week. Please pray that we will see children from this summer outreach come to a weekly outreach in the fall.
The end of July, I travelled to Cleveland, Ohio, for a conference hosted by the Monticello assembly. Matthew and David Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) preached on the subject of Pursuing Holiness. It was an encouraging weekend - the assembly of sixteen had three hundred in attendance, two thirds of whom were under the age of 25.
At the time of writing, we have just commenced our annual mid-August Teen Bible Camp. We have thirty-one teenagers with us for a week. They will hear messages from David Zuidema morning and evening, as well as participate in Bible discussions nightly within their group. We pray that the seed will fall on good ground and produce enduring fruit, and that the youth will have a safe and enjoyable week together. With a team of almost twenty adults helping, Esther and her helpers will be preparing 50+ meals three times a day.
The ESL Bible class work has been going very well through the summer, sometimes with more than fifteen immigrants present, from China, Colombia, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, and Vietnam. We are presently reading through the Gospel according to Luke. Sometimes the Scriptures really seem to penetrate their understanding, and they realise they need to think about whether or not they will pursue the truth. Please pray that they seek the Lord instead of turning back.
C. 2005 (Canada) MATTHEW & ESTHER CAIN 12/8/24
First night of teen bible camp
Monday 16th
We have commenced a new Sunday School in an area called Las Violetas. We first visited this area around 3 years ago, though we did not receive a particularly warm welcome and were told that there were Pentecostal Christians already working in the area. Las Violetas is only 5 minutes away from the work that we continue in El Cinco. The work in El Cinco has grown to around 50 children, for which we thank God.
Las Violetas is a very bleak narrow valley with no water and limited electricity in the dry Andean foothills. I had felt exercised to return and asked permission to use their Community Hall, which they allowed me to use rent free. We had a week of children’s meetings there each morning during the July school holidays and had around 17 children. We were delighted when the parents asked us to continue the work with a regular Sunday School.
Whilst there are encouragements, another weekly work in Jicamarca has been rather disappointing this year. Previously we had around 12 parents who attended the Sunday School each week. There has been some disagreement in the soup kitchen where we hold the class, and most of the mothers no longer attend. From a very large Sunday School of 90, we are now down to 35 which is most disheartening. It is a sad example of the aggression and constant disputes that exist in Perú, even in one street. Please pray with us that these issues will be resolved, and the numbers will go back to what they previously were.
We are also presently engaged in negotiations for a piece of land near our present hall in Santa Clara. Our difficulty is that the owner wishes to sell the land without the due legal process. Please pray with us that the Lord would overrule this issue or show us another suitable site where we can begin building a new hall. Please also pray for new contacts, especially Señor Francisco who has shown a very sincere interest in salvation.
C. 2017
Las Violetas
Tuesday 17th USA Wisconsin
The gospel work here in the Midwest of the United States has been very active this summer. In the month of June, the gospel tent was pitched by the Jackson, Michigan assembly. Jon Procopio and I worked with the saints and there was an encouraging number of visitors most nights. The Lord gave help in the meetings, but it seemed there was no urgency in the hearers. I was caused to think of the times the Lord himself taught and there was no positive response by those that stood by.
A few days after Jackson, the gospel started again 45 minutes down the road in the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, Michigan. I joined Joseph and Amanda Baker in this work. They have distributed calendars in winters past to some homes in the area. They and a few exercised college students who attend the large University of Michigan have a special exercise for the area. Jackson and the Stark Road Michigan assemblies were very supportive. There was a large text and invite distribution with the help of Seed Sowers in this new area. About 90 people gathered from Australia, Canada, UK, and all across the US, to participate in the effort. 65,000 Romans 5:8 texts were delivered personally to doors. The gospel was preached in two places; one room on the southwest side of Ann Arbor for three nights and the other on the southeast side of Ypsilanti for 3 nights each week. It was difficult to find a place that was available for 5-6 nights in a row. The rooms were about 20 minutes apart. There were some from opposite sides that travelled to both places which was exciting. Several contacts were made during the work. Several believers came from different places and expressed a true appreciation and joy to hear a clear gospel. A few unsaved were out also. For a while, Joseph will try a weekly gospel meeting there with the help of the college brethren. The crown jewel of the work at this time was a teenage girl being saved, who had come with her mother to the distribution.
After the last meeting there on Saturday night, I drove 8 hours through the night to get to Crandon, Virginia to start the final series for me of the summer. A tent was pitched
again, and Joel Portman and I started with the assembly here on Sunday night. So far, several older couples and a young man have been along to the meetings.
Looking forward, in the will of the Lord, September and October are the Midwest conference season. Then late October into November a gospel series is purposed in Sherman Mi with John Meekin. Then December in Mt Sterling, Wisconsin with local brother Ken Baker. The first months of the new year we would like to work new villages in Wisconsin, as the Lord leads.
Brethren, please pray:
1) for the seed sown in these little works and souls to be saved, assemblies to be preserved in doctrine and glory brought to the Lord
2) for the encouragement of Joseph and Amanda Baker and their young family
3) for the encouragement of Ken and Kristin Baker (not related to Joseph)
4) for the Lord’s people everywhere to have a fresh appreciation of Christ
5) Lastly, for us. For the Lord’s guidance, presence, and power in the little things we try to do for Him.
Wednesday 18th
Jonah 1-4
On May 20th I was privileged to join the Cookstown assembly in County Tyrone for their annual outreach week of open-air gospel preaching and tract distribution in and around the town. It was a profitable week of witness.
On June 1st, Eunice and I attended the annual conference weekend of the Bedminster assembly in Bristol. It was a joy to renew fellowship with the saints there and to share in the ministry of the Word of God with other dear brethren to a full hall on the Saturday and then again to a lesser number on the Sunday afternoon.
Also, I was privileged once again to join brother Dan Gillies and the Kirkconnel assembly for the gospel tent in Kelloholm from June 16th to 27th. While numbers were not large, it was good to see those who did attend and listen attentively, and we were grateful for saints who supported us from other parts.
At the start of July, I made a final push to complete five messages on Romans chapter 7 for my website which are now available there in written and audio format. Over the past three weekends I have recorded three video messages on behalf of the Limavady assembly, for their online sharing of the gospel.
May each of you know the Lord’s blessing and every encouragement in your work and service for Him and His people. We appreciate your prayerful interest in us and the work of the Lord we are engaged in.
C. 2003
Thursday 19th
WALES Carmarthen
The drive-in gospel meetings commenced during the lockdown period and have gathered momentum since then. There has been great liberty in preaching across South Wales, with councils, hospitals and supermarkets allowing use of their premises for meetings. We are thankful to the Lord for the joy of serving him and we sow in hope and pray for a time of reaping.
Meetings have been held in fellowship with multiple assemblies across South Wales, as well as preaching in locations with no testimony at all. Places like Llandovery, Llandeilo and Pembroke Dock have a rich Christian heritage and experienced some of the Welsh revivals but are currently dominated by secular indifference.
The main format for gospel outreach is to leaflet a locality, follow up with open-air work and door-to-door evangelism, and then conduct a meeting in the evening. This is nothing new, but part of our evangelistic heritage in assembly life. The foolishness of preaching is currently out of fashion in the UK, and our heritage in evangelism has shifted away from the simple preaching of the Word. We would do well to get back to first principles. My own assembly in Carmarthen has been tireless in their support of the work, and I can’t thank them enough for their fellowship. Similarly, across South Wales there has been fellow-labourers aplenty, and their teamwork has been appreciated. I’d like to thank Robert Davies from the Llanelli assembly, who has been a tremendous help since taking early retirement. He is a brother in arms, and I’m thankful for his fellowship, and his good eye for a local coffee shop.
Some preaching ventures can be hard going with only one or two outsiders turning up. Other preaching ventures attract better interest. In Pembroke Dock there were Christians from a house group that appreciated the preaching. An unsaved man, called Jamie, was also there, listened well and took a Bible. I have had follow up contact with him, but he wanted to be left alone. There was good interest in Merthyr Tydfil recently, with a Polish man named Alex listening well and a Brazilian lady who listened intently. A young man named Billy drove in on the last night and had told his three friends to be there – they dutifully complied. Unusually for a young man in his 20’s he showed good interest and his comment at the end of the meeting was “He (the Lord Jesus) is coming
back, isn’t He?”, “yes” I replied, “I’ve always wanted to open my heart to Him but wasn’t sure what others would think”, he mused.
A special prayer request is made for Huwbert from Llanelli who is widely known to the saints in Bristol via family links. His wife Mair was saved through Joe Baxter years ago and continues as a tremendous witness. Huwbert heard the gospel on the three consecutive nights having been reticent to attend any meetings in the past.
Further prayer is also requested for lone wolf Christians we meet, or some stunted by their growth in denominational structures. We meet many of this description, who appreciate the gospel, but need to be taught. Wisdom is needed for knowing how to proceed. Specific prayer for Gogou (North East India) and Emmanuel (Nigeria) is requested. Both are good Christian men, that we met through drive in meetings, and continue to contact. Pray that the Lord would show them the truth of the assembly for their spiritual advancement.
Friday 20th
The weather is very hot in Albania just now. Hotter than usual and this will create a bit of difficulty for our holiday bible club. The club starts next week, and we hope to have 80+ children every night. We have already put the starting time back to 6pm, but even then, the temperature is in the very high 30’s.
Please pray that the club goes well and that there is much encouragement for those that serve. Moses is the subject for the bible lessons, and Joel and Tomas are both leading a group discussion with the teenagers. Elida will be busy with the children and also in the kitchen as we give the kids something to eat each evening.
We give thanks to God that the teenager’s camp went well in the South of Albania. We had 21 at the camp, and a lot of teens from non-Christian families. Some showed more interest than others, but the general attitude amongst them was that “this is a camp for a different religion from my own, so I will enjoy the games and activities and patiently endure the bible lesson”. However, the Word of God is going out and they are hearing it, and friendships are being made with the teens, so please pray that we will see a breakthrough, with interest in our Lord Jesus and true salvation.
Our nursery has two new teachers starting in September. Please pray that they will settle in well with the current staff and children. We are thankful that we almost have a full quota of children for the new start. Pray also for Stela, one of our teachers who is not a Christian, but is showing a keen interest in the gospel. She reads a gospel calendar every day and often discusses what she has read with one of our believers who is on the staff.
Pray also for a summer camp for schoolteachers. Please pray especially for Çesku and Djana who will be attending. Djana is involved in the studies we do here and shows an interest in the gospel, but her husband has no interest at all. Pray for God’s grace to be on their lives for salvation.
Loloma Mission Hospital is situated in the district of Manyinga, Northwestern Province and seeks to provide quality health care to the members of this district, based upon the truth and teaching of the word of God.
The medical work began in 1956, and by the grace and help of God has grown to a well-equipped hospital with 120 beds for in-patients, in wards for both medical and surgical cases. There is also a large outpatient department, and various programmes involved in primary health care. These services are available for the c.80,000 people within our catchment area, but also accessed by many others who come from other districts, provinces and neighbouring countries to seek further health care.
We are very thankful to God for another year where quality health care has been provided to the large community of Manyinga. Routine operations of the hospital have continued to improve and reach more people. However, we believe of even greater importance has been the spiritual impact of this medical work. We are very happy to confirm that the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ has been presented to both patients and staff members throughout each week in various ways, such as staff devotions, patient visitation and the gospel presented twice a day over the public address system throughout all the hospital. Only eternity will confirm the different people who were transformed through the power of the living Word of God.
Notable Achievements
We are thankful to be able to report the following over the past year:
• The continued faithfulness of our God in supporting the hospital work through both the Government of Zambia, and also generous donations from various sources, which have again been an important element in maintaining quality health care.
• God’s help has clearly been seen in the treatment of thousands of out-patients and in-patients; over 1,000 safe deliveries, many successful surgical operations, and the many people who have benefited from the public health activities.
• The hospital is being used more and more as a practical teaching facility for nursing, midwifery and clinical officer students from various colleges in the province.
Hospital devotion
• Visits from a paediatrician, eye team and orthopaedic team.
• The nutrition support program was able to provide nutritional supplements for 70 children, including babies.
• The donation of a new Full Blood Count Machine and other medical equipment including ECG machines, operating table, stretchers, delivery bed, wheelchair, monitors, mobility aids, linens.
• The purchase of an oxygen generator, anaesthetic machine, and neonatal resuscitaire.
• The purchase of a new vehicle to help with the transport of patients as well administrative needs.
• The creation of a High Dependency Unit (HDU).
• The ongoing construction of the new male ward and a multipurpose block.
Identified Challenges
We continue to seek God’s direction and provision in the following areas, in order to continue to improve the functioning of the hospital:
• A number of staff have upgraded their qualifications but have not yet been put into positions that reflect their training.
• The addition of an eye clinic as part of the services provided for Out-Patients.
• Additional equipment such as an endoscope and washing machine.
• Continued challenges with the consistent supply of blood during the year, and also drugs and other medical supplies within Zambia.
• The inadequate maternity block and physiotherapy department.
• The need for an ambulance for patient referrals and transport.
We greatly value the ongoing prayers and support of our partners, as with the help of God the hospital continues to provide the needed services to this community. In so doing we trust that this will further the Kingdom of God and so continue to glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Update from LOLOMA MISSION HOSPITAL 23/07/2024
Sunday 22nd
Hab 1-3
Lutsk Children’s Home
The building covers 2,700 sqm or 10,764 sqf over five floors plus a basement. At present we have 53 children and 22 adults. Some of our children are short-term as they try to adjust to normal life, having returned from captivity in Russia. The stories are horrific! Some have lost one parent and some two. Tragically, many of the young girls have also been abused while they were held captive.
We want to share with you the story of two little boys who are with us long term, Vova and Vlad. Rhoda is teaching them English. Wednesday, 23rd February 2022
was a cold winter’s day and Vova and Vlad’s mum was teaching her two boys how to make a pizza. As they went to bed all knew that war was not far away, but the boys were assured that they were safe. In the morning, they got word that the Russians had crossed the border and, rather than going to school, they would have to go down to the basement of their apartment block. The bombs fell and as the days progressed into weeks the weather turned colder, and life became a daily struggle to survive. Mum took sick and one night she died of hypothermia & starvation. The father, plus Vova (10) and Vlad (5), found an old wardrobe which they broke up to make a coffin. Mum was buried as the bombs continued to fall. After months of fierce fighting the Russians were pushed back and the town of Bucha was liberated. The father bought a better coffin and the boys’ mum was reburied. Sadly, the father became an alcoholic, found another woman and the boys are not wanted. The boys have so many problems, but they are ours to love and care for. Do pray for them as they settle in.
War in Ukraine
A few nights ago, Rhoda and I were wakened by the sound of jets, air-raid sirens and missiles overhead. We live at the orphanage and, while the children had to be wakened and taken to the basement, I went out onto the balcony, listened to and watched the gun fire as the local military tried to take down the overhead missiles and drones. The military succeeded this time, and it was only falling debris that caused injury and destruction. We have a military complex about 5 minutes’ walk from the orphanage and a military airfield about 10 minutes’ drive from the orphanage. That leaves us vulnerable, but God has kept us all safe. We are not leaving – God has given us a work to do. It is exhausting but rewarding. The war is horrendous and the effects on our young men, families, infrastructure and economy are devastating.
Lutsk Assembly Summer Camp
Despite the war, we decided to hold a summer camp for the children of our Sunday school and Ukraine Child Care. We commenced yesterday, and are delighted to have James and Nadia College with us again. Over 70 children are staying with us at the facilities we rent, many between the age of 13 and 18. Every morning and evening they will hear the Gospel. In Lutsk we have electricity only every 3 hours and every sleep is interrupted by air raid sirens. It will be so nice to be out in a forest with light provided by a generator and to get a quiet night’s sleep. We look to the Lord to save.
We really do appreciate your prayers. They are so valued. Rhoda and I are only doing what you enable us to do and together we are working for God to bless in salvation. Life is difficult and the workload demanding, but God has been good to us, and we are thrilled to be able to do something for Him in challenging times.
Monday 23rd
FRANCE Hanches
Encouraging personal Bible reading and organising group Bible studies has been at the forefront of our ministry in France down through the years. Without these essential disciplines, Christians’ lives are weak and vulnerable, unprepared for the storms of life and lacking what is needed to enable a fruitful God honouring life.
For many years Alan has led a daily Bible reading group on WhatsApp, (’Let’s read the Bible’) with the aim of reading through the whole of Scripture in about 3 years. The participants have the possibility of making comments or asking questions on the text. Alan provides very short guidelines to help each one to have a better understanding of the passage and some daily questions are designed to bring out the meaning and the main applications.
Two groups, totalling about 25 brothers and sisters, meet in the assembly building in Rambouillet monthly to follow Biblical Christ-centred courses. The first group has been following a survey of the Old Testament for some time now. After studying the Pentateuch and the historical books they are currently studying the prophets. The second group is studying basic Biblical principles. Locally, this is recommended for everyone who is currently, or desires to be, actively involved in Christian service.
A fortnightly Bible study on Zoom during Covid has continued by the grace of God until the present time. Last year’s studies were on the often-neglected theme of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.
According to need and demand, a discovery / growth group meets fortnightly in the assembly building. It was a joy to witness the baptism of a young man recently, from a non-Christian background, who had participated in both the discovery and growth groups. Three people have already asked to be part of a new discovery group that will begin in September, God willing.
We must briefly also mention the expository preaching on Sunday mornings in the assembly which alternates between the Old and New Testaments and the occasional theme. Recent series have been in Matthew, the Minor Prophets and, during the summer, the theme of the Lord with us in our trials. We are thankful too for the regular teaching given to children, teenagers and youth.
We ask for prayer for all those involved in these Bible reading and study activities. May God use them to build up His people! Please pray for those interested in learning more about the Bible and the message of the gospel, that they may experience saving faith in Christ. We also ask for prayer that God will give younger men the vision and the desire to become faithful and capable Bible teachers.
Finally, please pray that all that is taught will not remain merely head knowledge but that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit at work applying the Word and transforming lives!
Tuesday 24th
The usual weekly meetings have been continuing at our assembly. Every Saturday, we conduct four different meetings for youth between 10am and 6.30pm. Across these meetings, in our hall and also in the Dematagoda area, approximately 320-350 youth between the ages of 6-25 years hear the gospel each Saturday. The numbers have been steadily increasing over the last few years. Please pray that as the gospel goes forth, the seed planted will bear fruit.
The assembly at Palchchenai has been steadily growing since it was established 14 years ago. They have been meeting in a tin roof structure all these years. Recently, we were able to help them to build a meeting hall which is almost complete. The believers are looking forward to meeting in their new hall and are thanking God for the provision of it.
During the first two weeks in April, we organised residential conferences in the city of Vavuniya. The first, a Tamil language conference, was held over four days. John Dunlop (Crosshouse) spoke on Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles. Over 120 believers attended the second Sinhala language conference, which was held over five days. John Dunlop spoke for several hours each day on Lessons from the book of Numbers. The local believers in Vavuniya worked very hard to make those two conferences possible.
Recently ten new converts were baptised in Badureliya in the Southern province. The assembly there does not have a baptismal tank, so the baptisms were held in a spring between the rocks by the side of a small mountain. This assembly has suffered much persecution over the years, so they carefully selected this location as it is a remote area and discreet. On one occasion, local villagers who are opposed to Christians, tried to burn them down. On another occasion, saffron-robed Buddhist monks entered the meeting place and chased everyone away and prevented the meeting from functioning. Please remember those who were baptised, especially two who faced vehement opposition from their immediate family members.
New Nursery
It brought great joy to us to finally open our new nursery in the suburb of Jaela in May. It has been a long process to get to this stage. Jack Hay and Phil Coulson laid the foundation stone for the nursery building in 2019, but then the pandemic arrived and following that the economy of the country collapsed and we entered bankruptcy. This resulted in a people’s uprising with the president and the government being forcibly removed from office as there was no fuel, electricity, gas and essential food items across the country. Building materials were also in short supply. During the last year, as normality gradually returned, we were able to restart construction and complete the building.
Sisters from our assembly are working in this nursery and providing this as a free service to the community. Already, we have established many new contacts, and our prayer is that, as a result of the outreach efforts, many would repent of their sins and put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The parents are so pl eased with how their children are being looked after in the nursery, that they are introducing new parents and fa milies to us. We have invited several of the new contacts to the gospel meeting.
Wednesday 25th
During May, we helped organise ministry meetings in several areas around the country. These meetings were very well attended as there is a great thirst among the believers to study the Word of God. Over the last few years, we have been encouraged by the growth in the local assemblies and the interest in the study of the Word of God.
Sadly, in May one of the brothers in our assembly passed away. He had been a member of our assembly since he became a Christian seventeen years ago, and he was always witnessing to his family and friends, telling them about the Saviour. He had a wide network of friends and relations, and so over 500 people were present at his funeral. We had the opportunity of preaching the gospel in Sinhala and Tamil to all those that attended.
As the Lord provides, the believers in our assembly have been continuing to help poor believers who have been affected by the economic crisis. Even though our country is gradually emerging out of bankruptcy, food continues to be expensive, and many are struggling to feed their families.
During the month of July, we invited brother Hing Jee Teck from USJ4 Gospel Hall in Kuala Lampur to speak at several ministry and gospel meetings in villages across the county. An all-day conference was also organized at Valaichchenai Gospel Hall where about 400 believers attended.
School Work
We are continuing with our school work in several schools around the country. Keerthi, from the village of Vaddavan in Eastern Sri Lanka, has been faithfully teaching Christianity in two local schools. The local assemblies have been supporting her for the last six years. The government does not usually provide Christian teachers, but some of the headteachers in the local schools have accepted our offer to provide a teacher. This has given the local assemblies access to many children whom they have been able to witness to. Recently, another sister in the assembly named Luxshi, volunteered to help and began teaching in a small tamil village school. Please pray for these sisters who are engaged in this important work.
Thank you again for your kindness and prayers for the believers in Sri Lanka. We appreciate this greatly, and we give Him our heartfelt thanks for His goodness. “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 5:20)
Thursday 26th
We are thankful to God for taking care of all our children. This year has been the first in the last five years that they have been sick for just a couple of days. At the beginning of March three siblings, Florela, Elkida and Altion joined the home due to a tribunal verdict for immediate execution of the protective measure for children at risk.
During the day the twins, Ambra and Ajla, are the only ones at home, and Jona has been organising educational and developmental games and activities with them. There are nine teens and children attending school: Xhediola, Elkida, Samuel, Florela, Benarda, Emanuela, Adelaida, Ramadan and Miri. Mira has overseen the teaching during this year. It has been a tough year for her as most of the children need support. Samuel has difficulties in learning and dyslexia. Florela and her sister Elkida have a big gap, they have problems with writing, reading and math, meaning extra work. Xhediola, Emanuela and Benarda are doing quite well at school even though they need supervision. Samuel, Ambra, Dion and Paulina are the ones who are following the development sessions. This year Ambra has made good improvement, while the others have not. The six oldest have continued to attend the teens meeting and the Sunday meetings. Sometimes Ola, Samuel and Elkida have been coming with us. Emanuela, Benarda and even Adela have been asking good questions about faith, and Petrit has been explaining the answers to all their questions. We continue to pray that God will continue planting in them His word and will use us to help them realise the truth of our belief. In the end, God’s love is the only thing that will be with them forever.
At the beginning of the year, we completed some small projects: renewing the playground, a new wooden front door and some new furniture for the houses with the help and kind support of others. Furthermore, other maintenance needs have emerged. We need to repair the bathroom on the third floor and the toilets on the first floor as they are leaking.
We are thankful to God that He is continuing His good work at the Hiding Place. We are going through challenges, but He is the one who finds solutions. Thank you so much for all your support during this year! As I have said before, all of this wouldn’t have been possible without your generous support spiritually and financially. We are thankful to each one of you that, even in these difficult times, are still giving with love.
Prayer Points
• Give thanks to the Lord for all the things He is continuing to do here. May God plant His love and Word in the children’s hearts and may they learn to rely on Him.
• Pray for the children’s situations that God may find the best solutions for their lives, and may they have His peace in their hearts.
• Pray that our hearts be open every day to receive His guidance and let Him work in our lives.
• Pray that God will help and guide us to search and find new ways to support these
children in their different traumas. May He give us wisdom and ability to deal with their daily reactions.
• Pray for our ladies’ health as during the last two years some of us have been having health issues. Continue to pray for Roza, even though the leg surgery went well, she still feeling uncomfortable. Also, Alda had liver surgery two months ago and she is still recovering.
Friday 27th
Zech 10-14
We returned from a week in Donegal yesterday where we had organised a week of children’s tent meetings in a field at Cashel. Brother Benjamin McAllister spoke to the young folk each afternoon and although the numbers were not large, we were glad of local children who attended almost every afternoon. On four of the evenings brother David McAllister and I shared in gospel meetings in the same tent and were very encouraged. On the final evening, we had 35 people into the tent with 12 or so being local folk. We also appreciated the support of the assembly at Letterkenny and Christians from further afield who were holidaying in the area. Please pray for Cashel. It has been laboured much for decades and there is an ongoing monthly meeting organised by our dear brother Sam Patterson which is attended regularly by some unbelievers. We desire their salvation. Do pray for this area.
Remember also upcoming meetings previously mentioned during summer months. In July we hope to share gospel meetings in Tralee area with Timothy Stevenson, and in August we are planning to share meetings in Fermoy with David McAlister.
This week we have secured further large billboards for scripture display in the Republic of Ireland. Some of these will be displayed in the areas planned for the meetings, to advertise them. We pray that hearts would be prepared, folk would attend, and God would be pleased to bless His Word. It is precious and it is powerful! We are thankful for those who plan to help us with distribution of literature and invitations. Do pray for those who would seek to help us with this, as well as preaching in the open-air over the coming months. Pray that they would be preserved and encouraged as they serve the Greatest of all Masters.
In your prayers, do remember also Gospel meetings planned in September outside the town of Ballymahon, where John and May Sweetnam and their family have lived for many years. Brother Edmund plans to join us there. Pray that we might know the hand of God there and that hearts would be prepared to receive His Word.
Saturday 28th SCOTLAND Ayrshire
For a number of years I have had the desire to conduct a large Ayrshire Gospel tent campaign and on 28th July Roland Pickering and I began a two week Gospel campaign in a large tent at the Kilmarnock Rugby club. Prior to it starting, weekly prayer meetings were held in the grandstand of the Kilmarnock Rugby club each Saturday morning, over 45,000 invitations were distributed by Royal Mail throughout the surrounding area, banners and boards were displayed throughout Kilmarnock and we widely advertised on social media. Hope by the Roadside has a van that is vinyl wrapped with Bible verses, but it had temporary wraps applied advertising the tent meetings and most days was parked in busy areas of Ayrshire as a mobile billboard advert. Daily prayer meetings were held throughout the campaign in the tent every morning and evening. The Lord was incredibly faithful and every night there were between 120-200 people present, including a large number of unbelievers, who had either been brought by someone, or the Lord had used the advertising to speak to them and draw them in. Over 100 Bibles were taken by those who attended along with many other booklets and tracts. The meetings were due to conclude on Friday 9th August, but the Lord laid it on our hearts to continue the meetings for another two evenings. We are so thankful that the Lord blessed in salvation and are trusting that those who have received new life in Christ will grow in their faith. Throughout the course of the campaign several people waited behind after the meeting to talk and we trust that the Lord will continue to work in their hearts and lead them to salvation. There was wonderful support from the believers in Ayrshire, and beyond, every night, with several assemblies putting off their own midweek meetings to come and support at the tent. We are very grateful to all who supported the tent and who helped practically.
In August 2023, Huw Rees and I shared in a fortnights drive-in gospel meetings with the small assembly in Thornton Clevelys. They were delighted to report that the Lord moved during these meetings and saw new members added to the assembly. God willing, Huw and I will return for another series of drive-in gospel meetings from 19th – 30th August. We would greatly value your prayers for all those who heard the gospel throughout the tent campaign, that the Lord will continue to speak to their hearts and also for those who will hear the good news preached at the drive-in meetings in Fleetwood.
Sunday 29th
Los Altos
For five weeks, alongside Mr Noel McKeown, we accompanied the believers from Los Altos assembly preaching the Gospel in an area of the town called El Saco. Some friends and relatives of the believers attended regularly and there was enthusiasm in sowing the Word. We trust the Lord will do His work in those who heard the Good News. During these meetings, we traveled to visit Mr. Bernardo Chirinos, who was battling stomach cancer. Although he was very weak, we were able to spend some time with him and his family. Four days later, the Lord called him to His presence. We can say that he finished his race joyfully and will be greatly remembered by the Lord’s people. His wife and daughters need divine comfort; let us pray the Lord gives them strength.
Upon finishing, we visited the assembly in Santa Fe, where we were invited to share a week of ministry. Mr McKeown led us through the life of Joseph, reminding us of practical lessons and showing its similarities with Christ. We concluded the week with the monthly meeting of the assemblies in the Northeast.
Since last week, we have been visiting the believers in Piñantal. The road is in poor condition; it is very difficult to enter with the pickup, so we are going by motorcycle. It’s a two-hour journey from home, struggling not to slip in the mud, but it brings joy to arrive and find the group of believers and friends in the village ready for the meeting. During this visit, we want to share doctrinal teaching alongside the Gospel, as some unsaved friends are arriving. We will also take advantage of the visit to build steps and a pathway to access the Hall; when we built the premises a couple of years ago, we were unable to do so.
We ask for your continued prayers for the work of the Lord in Venezuela, especially in the Northeast of the country. There are many fields, and our capacity is limited, but our God is sovereign.
C. 2018 (Ven) PEDRO & LOIS MALAVE 24/7/24
Monday 30th
ENGLAND Lancashire
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8.
This verse has certainly become a reality for us so far this year, with planned activities having been changed. We do carefully seek the will of the Lord in decisions as to what we do in God’s service, and where we go. Suddenly, plans made particularly for summer activities had to change, and so did our roles regarding supporting one another.
As you will be aware Christine suffered prolonged exhaustion after a major health crisis last summer. She had to step back for the early part of the year from food bank duties, and with great support from assembly saints and other volunteers, Neal was able to run the foodbank. In June, Neal unfortunately sustained a slipped disc in his back, which put him out of action completely. He couldn’t even get to meetings, let alone do any work as he could hardly move. After a few weeks of physiotherapy including traction, Neal is very slowly improving, however he will need to be very careful in the future.
The Lord closed doors to two summer events we’d planned to attend, but to His praise and glory, sufficiently strengthened Christine to continue with the extra work at the foodbank and the extra pressures of supporting Sarah and Neal. Sarah is still very ill and unable to get out to assembly meetings or get to work, recovering from a broken ankle as well as breathing difficulties. Please remember her in prayer for full restoration in the perfect timing and will of God.
The Cleveleys assembly had a profitable Gospel outreach effort in August last year and we propose again, God willing, to hold Drive-in meetings and open airs in Cleveleys and Fleetwood with door-to-door visitation, this August (Monday 19th - Friday 30th DV). We especially value your prayers for blessing and fruit for the glory of God in souls saved and continuing for Christ in the truth of scripture. Pray especially for Paul Jenkinson and Huw Rees as they come and help us in preaching, open-airs and door to door work.
Other prayer points:
• Saturday open-airs and street work in Cleveleys
• Tony, who volunteers at the foodbank, is showing much interest in spiritual things
• Derek, who was frequently at Gospel meetings and coffee morning, but recently verbally rejected the gospel and told us he would not be back
• The gospel tracts given away with every food parcel and the free bibles
• For a family of believers from Blackpool who have recently started coming to some meetings
• Praise - For two added saints now in fellowship and health restoration for a brother back with us after long illness.
Thank you for your prayerful support which we really do appreciate and value.
C=Date of Commendation
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LORD’S WORK TRUST 42 Beansburn, Kilmarnock KA3 1RL