Look on the Fields: January 2024

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Look on the Fields January 2024

ITEMS FOR PRAYER AND PRAISE With Daily Scripture Readings

‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel’ Mark 16:15


Brazil Scotland Botswana England N Ireland Peru Namibia Zambia Albania Angola Philippines South Africa Venezuela Wales Middle East Italy France Sri Lanka

Day: 1, 6, 12 Day: 2, 9, 16, 22 Day: 3, 4, 26 Day: 5, 24, 27 Day: 7, 14, 18 Day: 8 Day: 10 Day: 11, 15 Day: 13 Day: 17 Day: 19 Day: 20 Day: 21 Day: 23 Day: 25 Day: 28, 30 Day: 29 Day: 31


Gen 1-4

Monday 1st BRAZIL


Carlinhos (a bus driver in fellowship with the saints in Fátima Cachoeirinha) and I recently ended a 4 week series of gospel meetings in Mathias Velha, Canoas (350,000) where there is no assembly as yet. It was a time of sowing the seed of the Word of God. Several people attended consistently, including three ladies of the locality: Dona Gospel meeting Canoas, Sept Fátima, Dona Ivone and Dona Antônia. They listened well, but they don’t seem to have learned their need and danger. Please pray for them.

We are now in our first week of a series of gospel meetings in Jardim Betânia, Cachoeirinha (140,000) a town where there are two assemblies. A brother of the assembly in Fátima has made available a room that holds up to 50 people. Please pray for the salvation of precious souls. Seeing that Carlinhos works through the day as a bus driver, Beth comes out with me for the distribution of tracts and invitations every afternoon. We continue to have our gospel meeting every Saturday night where we live in Sapucaia do Sul (145,000). Our numbers are small, but in recent months some have professed to be saved for which we are thankful. Beth and I are in fellowship with the assembly in São Leopoldo. We make a point to be at all meetings due to the weakness of the testimony. Our gospel meeting on the Lord’s Day is small, but recently a man named Alceu has commenced to attend. He is not unknown to us, but, due to family problems, he seems to have a different perspective about life. Remember him in prayer. We were at the annual conference in Osório on the 2nd of November. Over 350 gathered for the various meetings of the day. We considered it very profitable. The conference will be on the 15th of November in Santa Maria. Please pray for the blessing of both saved and unsaved. We continue with the printing Osório conference 2nd November 2023 work. Thousands of tracts are printed each month as well as two magazines: one for believers (1200 copies) and one for children (600 copies). These magazines are printed quarterly. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing on this vital work. C. 1992



Tuesday 2nd

Gen 5-8



During October, I was in Stoke-on-Trent where I had a few nights in ministry with the Fletcher Road assembly. Saints from surrounding assemblies attended nightly and the saints seemed much encouraged. The week before, I was with the Prestwich Road assembly, Manchester for a series of ministry meetings. The Lord gave help as we considered the book of James, with its very practical challenges. Prior to that, I had a few nights in the gospel in the Portable Hall in Port William, following on from our two brethren, Craig Munro and Alasdair Baijal. We were very encouraged by the faithful support of the saints from Glenluce and Newton Stewart and a few unsaved attended; amongst them, a lady called Fiona and her two grandchildren, who attended each night. The seed has once again been sown and we look to God for the increase. During September, meetings in the Town Hall in Axbridge, Somerset, went very well with local unsaved attending. It was a joy once more to share the preaching with our son-in-law, Paul. His neighbour, John, from across the road came on four different nights. Kelly, whom we first contacted seven years ago and who is now saved, baptised and in fellowship, had the joy of getting two of her work colleagues and her gardener along to the meetings. A man from Bristol who attended almost every night made it known during the meetings that he now has the assurance of salvation. I first contacted Mike 15 years ago on the doors when having gospel meetings with the Bedminster Road assembly, Bristol. Just after the meetings concluded, Paul and Rebecca had a visit from a man who lives in the neighbouring village of Cheddar and who attended the meetings. He came to speak to Paul about baptism. He is from a Methodist background and has requested to be baptised, preferably in the open air! He is a very fit man, though in his seventies, being a farm worker (from NI) all his working life. He first came to meetings we had in Cheddar a few years ago. Do pray for Robert. He is also interested in assembly fellowship. Next Friday God willing we return to Shetland for some gospel activity on the West of the island, visiting the many crofts with calendars and tracts in fellowship with the small assembly at Selivoe. We visit mornings and afternoons, covering around 500 miles. A mixture of gospel and ministry meetings have been arranged with the other three assemblies in the evenings. We have been doing this for a number of years, so have got to know a few of the local people. I entered my 80th year last week and it is now almost 52 years since being commended to the grace of God for the work of the Lord. We thank God for His faithfulness and continual help over the years. How good is the God we adore! C.1972



Gen 9-12

Wednesday 3rd BOTSWANA


Towards the end of every year we are kept busy conducting prize-givings for the 11 Sunday schools in and around Gaborone. A dedicated group of sisters have been meeting almost every week throughout the year to sort, select and prepare over 1,500 prizes. They also help other Sunday schools in the town of Lobatse and the village of Shoshong. All of their hard work behind the scenes is rewarded with the smiles and visible excitement

The final Gaborone prize-giving this year with 60 parents attending of the many children when they receive their prizes. Such special days are few and far between in the lives of these boys and girls. The numbers attending Sunday School this year have been most encouraging. Our burden and goal has remained the same - the salvation of these precious children while they are still young. Over the years God has been pleased to save many and the local assemblies have all benefitted greatly. Please continue to pray for this valuable work. The Saviour loved the little children. C. 1982


Jesus said ‘suffer little children to come unto me’ Luke 18:16


Thursday 4th

Gen 13-17


Writing from N Ireland

We have just returned from, what was for us, a most significant visit to Botswana and South Africa. I had been back regularly until my own illness in 2019, but it was 10 years since Helen had been with the saints in Africa, many of whom prayed for her and kept in contact on a regular basis since her diagnosis in 2013. They were delighted to see her looking so well, and were encouraged to see evidence of answered prayer. We shared on arrival in the three day conference at Francistown in northern Botswana. Over 300 gathered with quite a few visitors from Zambia, including Evaristo Yamboto who is a commended worker just across the Zambezi border who shared with other speakers. Brother Dan Nguluka was well enough to share in the gospel sessions - which was a joy to all who attended, as both he and Stella have been unwell with differing cancer problems since May 2022 - and we had the joy of seeing a dear deaf sister being baptised. She wrote her testimony on ‘WhatsApp’ and it was read out by one of the elders at her baptism. We then spent some time in Maun, in the Okavango district, with Dan and Stella and the small assembly there. Good fellowship was enjoyed as well as a time of outreach to bush villages where Stella has contacts among the bushman ‘Khoi’ children. It was Believers at Maun Assembly, Okavango wonderful to see their appetite for booklets and to discuss the gospel. Pray for further opportunities in this work and in the 3 prisons that Dan has access to in Maun, Boro and Ghanzi. Napier Conference, Overberg Much of the literature work there is now in English, so the availability and uptake of booklets has greatly increased. We travelled down to the Western Province of South Africa where we had a week of meetings among the

‘Peninsula’ assemblies, in the southern part of Cape Town. None of these are strong by themselves, quite a few lack young families, but they all came together to support the ministry. Over 80 gathered on the closing night. Covid hit these small companies hard and getting together and supporting each other is slow to return. Pray for all the inner city Cape Town assemblies. We spent the last few days in the ‘Overberg’ a farming region eastwards, with a conference in Napier - where over 150 gathered - as well as a weekend of meetings in Hermanus, supported by upwards of 8 other assemblies. There is a good nucleus of younger people there, they need shepherding and direction in the things of God, but there is potential for which we should give thanks. We returned home quite weary, but most grateful to the Lord for new opportunities granted, and with invitations to return. I am quite busy now at home, and in calendar work door to door in the west of Ireland until Christmas, and in the north of Scotland and the Northern Isles again in the new year, God willing. C. 2004



Friday 5th

Gen 18-20



Both Christine and our daughter Sarah are struggling with health problems at present. Christine gets weary quickly each day after a mini stroke and a heart valve restriction caused a heart murmur. She awaits further treatment after recent tests. Sarah struggles with breathing and is waiting to get biological treatment for very severe athsma. We have our house on the market, which sold recently, and have had an offer accepted on a bungalow nearer to the meeting. We wait on the Lord as to completion of the contracts, in His will. The Christian Care and Share foodbank re opened recently in a more streamlined way, making it less labour intensive and easier to manage. It has been encouraging to see regular attendance of a family of 3 at our gospel meeting each Lord’s Day evening. They are contacts from the foodbank who have been coming for the last month. Others come too and most weeks we see up to 8 lost souls attending. Our earnest prayer is that there will be repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus among these dear ones. The Assembly is thankful to the Lord for seeing a brother, reached during our gospel outreach in August, recently received into fellowship and another older brother who was unable to attend meetings for nearly 2 years, (due to poor health) now recovered and able to attend. Both actively participate in the meetings. C. 2010



Saturday 6th BRAZIL

Gen 21-23

Santa Maria

It has been a great privilege for me to Children's prizegiving share in the work here in Santa Maria since the end of September. The local believers have worked hard in our absence and the fruit of their labours is evident in the meetings of the assembly. Two weeks after I arrived, the annual prizegiving was held and our hall was filled full. Around 70 children received prizes for having attended the Sunday School during this year. Normally we have around 30 each Lord's Day. Only four of these are from the homes of the believers. Each week, the assembly has an extra Gospel Meeting in the hall on a Tuesday evening. More folks from the area attend this meeting than the one held on Lord's Day evening. Some teenagers who were reared in the Sunday School attend well, and at times some show a measure of concern as they listen to God’s word. Please pray for these and others, that God may work in their salvation. On Wednesday past, the Santa Maria assembly hosted another annual conference. This always is the smallest conference held each year, and especially is convened for the spiritual help of the small assemblies located in the interior of the Rio Grande do Sul. This year around 75 people gathered and despite heavy thunderstorms and a hot sticky atmosphere, we all felt God’s presence and help. Brother Lindsay Carswell opened the Bible Reading on Psalm 22, and this proved to be most precious. The open ministry was shared by four of the workers and a local elder. Suitable ministry was given especially encouraging all to keep labouring in the Gospel for the salvation of souls and the upbuilding of assembly testimony. Presently along with the two weekly meetings in the hall, we have Gospel Meetings in the homes of two of the believers. Some years ago, we saw a young man saved called Eder. Due to problems in his life, he still has not been received into fellowship, but this has not hindered his burden for the salvation of his family and neighbours. On Monday nights recently we have had a Gospel Meeting at the front of his little house. His unsaved wife and a neighbour have attended and listened well. The other meetings are in the town of Restinga Seca in the home of Sr Burrman, a man in his eighties who is a lovely believer. His unsaved wife Dona Dalila recently wept when I spoke to her about her soul. She told me that she knows she needs salvation and requested the present meetings in her home. Their son, Lisandro is also a believer, but sadly due to mental health problems has not been to meetings for some months. Please pray that during the present meetings we may see souls saved and that they may help to recover Lisandro to usefulness for God. The assembly here feels keenly his loss. God willing, I plan to stay here until after the end of year Bible Readings,

held in the Gospel Hall in Porto Alegre during the week after Christmas. This year there will be six readings in all, studying the three epistles of John. I fly home at the end of December and return here late March DV. This will enable me to help in the two largest conferences held, firstly the Easter Conference in Porto Alegre and then on May Day in Novo Hamburgo. May God guide us in all of these plans. C.1988

Conference Santa Maria



Sunday 7th

Gen 24-25



After 57 years seeking to make known the Good News of the Gospel in Southern Ireland, we can truly say ‘God is faithful’. After an absence of five years due to health issues and Covid, we were able to spend a few very busy days recently visiting some of our contacts in County Gallway. It was a very precious time as we spoke of the Saviour to some friends as yet not saved, and tried to encourage some of the dear believers; a most unforgettable few days! Your prayers will be valued. Our monthly meetings in Carrigart and Creeslough, West Donegal, closed for July and August, but we resumed in Creeslough a few weeks ago when twelve locals were present. It was most encouraging. It is just over a year since the dreadful explosion occurred in Creeslough with such loss of life. It still remains a blight on the village. The area is visited each year with Gospel calendars. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated that God will be pleased to comfort the sorrowing and challenge many regarding the vital necessity of salvation. My health has improved somewhat and I am able to help a little in these monthly meetings. However, six weeks ago, I had another lesion excised on my head and skin grafted. A biopsy in a further area has come back positive; being a melanoma, it will be excised and skin grafted tomorrow. We trust it will heal quickly without any further bother. We have much for which to praise the Lord. ‘The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him’ (Nahum 1:7). C. 1966



Gen 26-28

Monday 8th PERU


We had the company of our beloved brother Benito from Tarma for 3 weeks. He was visiting his son in the area and was a great encouragement to us. He first started to attend our meetings last year and was overjoyed to see the Two Roads Chart. He was saved in the 1960´s through the visit of a Baptist Pastor who used the same chart to explain the Way of Salvation to him. He has gone on well and his convictions Mantara Valley - Priále regarding Scripture are really remarkable. He is now 88 years old and very frail but gave us great encouragement regarding the local district of Santa Clara and the great necessity to carry on the uphill work. His son continues to attend our local meetings and we hope that more of the family will join him. After medical treatment, Benito has now returned to his hometown and we miss his fellowship.

Jicamarca Sunday School

We plan to hold our end of year prize-givings in the month of December in the will of the Lord. It is a very busy time as we have more that 450 children who have gained prizes for their attendance throughout the year. Please pray for the works in Manchay, El Cinco, Pamplona Alta, Alto Prialé, Jicamarca and Las Arenas. We generally have large numbers at the prize giving and the responsibility for most of its organization is left with Michelle. School summer holidays are December to March here, so we look to the Lord to direct us as to where we should hold Gospel Meetings during this period of time. We continue with the publication of tracts and a bi-monthly magazine for believers. We hope to receive 5000 Joyful News Calendars for 2024 and we have designed a new invitation for the Gospel Hall in Prialé to accompany it. We trust it will draw more neighbours to attend our Sunday evening meeting. This will be my work for the month of January. •

After more than 6 years in Perú, we hope to apply for Citizenship. Yearly renewal of visas has become very complicated. Please pray that the Lord will grant the necessary permission.

Please remember the Calendar work, that many genuine contacts will be made.

Opening of new areas through open-air work (Cajamarquilla, Amauta and San Antonio)

C. 2017



Tuesday 9th

Gen 29-30



Up to Christmas I am mainly helping assemblies with gospel preaching and Bible teaching, the weekly open-air, school visits and our assembly outreaches. We are planning to launch a new ‘special event’ this month at New Cumnock, called ‘Food for Thought’ which will take place earlier than our normal gospel meeting and will consist of a ‘sit-down’ meal and short gospel message. We hope to invite people to this at the primary school Christmas fayre, where we have a table, and use these events to further invite them along to our various Christmas activities. In December we will begin distributing our calendars. These have drawings, provided by children in the village, on them and it is encouraging to visit homes in the village where they are hanging prominently. Over the next few weeks I will also be working hard to find sites for the portable hall work in the summer and looking for opportunities to make use of our new Bible Exhibition. This background work is often tedious and frustrating but, when done properly, makes all the difference. We value your continued prayerful interest in the work and trust that you will know God’s richest blessing on your own efforts. C. 2019



Wednesday 10th NAMIBIA

Gen 31-33


The gospel series here in Swakopmund is nearing the end of its second week. A group of five other brethren have been here sharing in speaking and outreach. We have been most encouraged with what we have seen. Truly the hand of the Lord is working in this location. There are six individuals that have come every late afternoon to hear the gospel. They have been faithfully coming and very attentive to what is being said. At the beginning of the meetings we did not have children’s work in mind but with many children coming to see what was going on, we have been able to do so. We have about 40 minutes with them before the gospel meetings start. Sunday school songs and verses have been taught to them along with a Bible story lesson daily. There are about 50 children that attend regularly. For the gospel meetings we set up two gazebo tents for shade every day. Plastic chairs have been purchased here and a tarp, that was brought down with us from Zambia, is laid on the ground for the children to sit on. We set up in front of Ericsson’s house, our contact here. He received a text when we did some seed sowing in

March of last year. He has since received eternal life and last week we had the privilege to baptize him in the ocean. Every day in the morning we are distributing texts in a shanty town called DRC. The inhabitants are poor. It is a large community just outside of town.

It is in DRC where the meetings are being held. There are many preschools and daycares that allow us to tell a bible story to the children. As a result, the teachers and caretakers hear the gospel as well. The interest in the gospel meetings has grown and we see an increase of attendance daily. Many come with their own ideas on how to get to heaven which normally include selfreliance of some kind along with tithing to the church/pastor. To break down the walls of false teaching takes time. We hear many of the same questions asked over and over again. Many of the pastors and false prophets/ witch doctors use fear to keep people from leaving their congregation. Many believe salvation comes from the pastor because they claim to be a mediator between them and God. One couple who have been coming out every day were kicked out of a church because they didn’t tithe for three months and with that they have been told that they are not saved now. In the month of October we were in a town called Oshakati for the first time. This town is near the border of Angola and has a high population of Oshiwambo people. We did lots of tract distribution and would like to visit again in the future to do more work in that area. It is a newer town and many people have roots that go back to Angola. Stories were told of parents leaving Angola during the war to find refuge in Namibia. With that we also have been able to go to a refugee camp in Namibia. Osire is a place that is located in the centre of the map of Namibia where about 7,000 refugees live. Most come from Congo but there are others that come from different African countries. The majority speak French or Swahili which at the time we didn’t have those languages in a tract. Since coming to Swakopmund, Stephanie has translated a tract in French and a friend has done the same in Portuguese. We are having 5,000 of each language printed and will be visiting the camp again in a little over a week’s time. While some of the men sharing the gospel here with us will be leaving in two days time, those of us remaining have made the decision to spend an additional week in Swakopmund. We would appreciate your prayers for the upcoming week as we consider whether to continue in daily gospel meetings or spend more time in one on one visitation. There is much to pray about here in Namibia, many open doors that are available to preach the gospel or give literature. There are people that are searching for the truth so please pray for those that have been under the sound of the gospel during these two weeks of meetings. Pray for wisdom for the future of the work here. We thank the Lord for ones like you that lift up the outreaches that we are engaged in both in Zambia and Namibia. C. 2021 (USA)



Gen 34-36

Thursday 11th ZAMBIA

Writing from the USA

Kayombo pupils We are thankful that the Lord opened the way at the end of September for Tim and our son Daniel to spend 5 weeks in Zambia. It was special for them to be back with our fellow missionaries there, those in the assembly at Loloma, and with many of the Zambian people we have come to know and love over the years. Zambia is greatly blessed to have so many opportunities to share the Word of God, especially when using one of the local languages. Here are some of the highlights from the trip.

Orphanage 1.

Being together with the Loloma Hospital management team again. The times of spiritual devotion together each Monday and Friday morning were a blessing,

Kayombo outreach together with opportunities to present the gospel to the patients and their relatives through the Public Address system and ward visitation. It was encouraging to see the good progress on a new male ward and a multi-purpose ward. 2.

Spending time with the local brothers with whom we have served throughout the area in the gospel for many years. As well as visiting a local village called Chiteve, two visits were made to Kayombo. Firstly for the funeral of someone in the assembly there where more than 400 people attended the burial, and so a wonderful opportunity to present the one who is “The way, the truth and the life”. Then the following week for 3 days of village outreach where so many people throughout that area listened well to the message of salvation using the 2 roads and 2 destinies chart in Lunda.


While at Kayombo, it was a blessing to be at the Church Managed Boarding School where the 390 students are exposed each day to the Word of God. They all attend the weekly gospel service in the assembly, so that was special to witness again, and also share with them at one of morning devotions. Please continue to pray for the Lord’s working in the lives of these students and for continued help for the administration and teachers at the school.


The annual ceremony for the local Chief brought thousands of people to Manyinga. It was therefore a privilege to share the message of salvation to many young people outside of the arena. Lots of scriptural literature was given out.


Sharing the gospel on the community radio during the Thursday afternoon Lunda sessions. Many people within a 15 mile radius listen to this program, so it is a wonderful opportunity. We are thankful for the local brothers who faithfully continue with this work.


Spending time with the 20 people living at the village for the elderly. It is always a privilege to visit them and encourage them spiritually, being amazed at their contentment despite the challenges of old age.

Please continue to pray for these different opportunities and those who faithfully devote themselves to this work. C. 1997



Gen 37-39

Friday 12th BRAZIL

Estancia Velha

National worker Roberto Ploia and I had a series of gospel meetings in the town of São Gabriel for 5 weeks. There was a lot of very wet weather during the first two weeks of the meetings, but thankfully we had a number of unsaved present each night. A 70-yearold lady called dona Maria attended nightly showing a definite interest in salvation, and it gave us much joy to hear of her trusting Christ. She said it happened in her bedroom after going home from the meeting reading Acts 16 about the jailor. She was very bright and happy, and we trust she will go on in the things of God. A 31-year-old man called Jonatas also got saved. His parents and 2 brothers are in the assembly, and for many years he had stopped coming to meetings. After Covid passed he started to attend the Sunday night meeting again and came to the series almost every night. It was the news of the conflict in Israel that God used to speak to him. That Monday morning when he turned on his computer at work and saw all that had happened during the weekend, he thought sure that the Lord was about to come. He got saved in the meeting that night and came to the little house behind the hall where we were staying the following afternoon to tell us the good news. Such a transformation! These cases are few and far between, but when we hear that kind of news it makes all the effort and sacrifice worthwhile. We had the responsibility of taking the funeral of a 76-year-old man called Vandarlei on the Thursday of the second week we were there. He and his wife both took the place of being saved and attended meetings in São Gabriel for over forty years. It was Wilfred Glenn that first made contact with them back at that time. They never were baptised or came into fellowship but were always faithful attenders. We had called with them Gospel Hall in São Gabriel the Tuesday of the first week and they both came to the meeting that night. Sadly, the next afternoon he suffered a heart attack, was taken into hospital and died a week later. Since then, his wife has been coming to the meetings with a daughter who hadn't been at meetings for many years. We trust that she will yet seek for salvation. C. 2014



Saturday 13th ALBANIA

Gen 40-41


The Assembly There are always reasons to be thankful to the Lord, especially for His directing and strengthening of the assembly. In July we had three further baptisms. Benjamin and Esther, along with Mateo, a 24-year-old man, testified their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by being baptised. We had many unsaved relatives in attendance and for some it was their first time at a Christian gathering or to listen to the Gospel preached. In the ensuing weeks many more interesting discussions arose with other relatives visiting Albania for their summer holidays and we were only too pleased to explain and help shine a light on their darkened souls. A consignment of written material has been sent to one living in France and we follow with our prayers that he may yet come to know the Saviour. During the third week of November we were present at the Tirana National Book fair for five days. Hundreds of leaflets, calendars and other Christian books were distributed during the time there, but the most encouraging aspect was the many dozens of meaningful conversations with our fellow kinsmen. They were of mixed faith backgrounds: atheists, agnostics, Muslims and nominal Christians, yet they all heard the same message “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”. Please pray for the contacts made and the literature distributed that it will bear fruit. I still meet to discuss the Bible with a young Muslim man that I met for the first time at the book fair four years ago. He now understands fully his position before God and is counting the cost. Do pray that he will find the strength to overcome the many obstacles in his way. Another young man from the assembly left the country a few weeks ago to work in Italy. As with the rest it was sad to see him go but we trust that he will continue to go on for the Lord. Publishing We have finally printed another two new books: “Elements of Eschatology” deals with truths such as dispensations and covenants, Daniel’s 70 weeks, the Rapture, the Tribulation and other topics related to end times while “Finding reality” by Peter Hedley is an excellent work that carries the reader from an atheistic worldview to the Christian commitment. We trust that they will both have a positive impact among believers and have a life changing impact on unbelievers. Prizren, Kosovo Continue to remember the M family who serve the Lord in Prizren. We visit them as often as we can but are in more frequent contact by phone. They often find themselves in front of difficult challenges and under frequent attack. The work is still in its infancy and the ground is hard, but do pray that the Lord will send a breakthrough and others to help. ABC Christian Clinic The clinic continues to operate albeit with a reduced number of staff. Weekly teaching and outreach with the local University medical, nursing and physio students continue, and Enri has been invited on a number of occasions to give a Gospel message. Children’s Home - The Hiding Place, Gjirokaster The dynamics at the home are changing as the oldest boy is now 15 years old and needs some of his own space away from the younger children and babies. The three new additions that arrived in spring, as a result of domestic abuse, are settling well

although they have had a difficult time learning to respect the house rules! Luke spent part of his summer with the children in Gjirokaster and accompanied them for a holiday camp by the sea. He enjoyed the company of the older boys, Dani (15) and Miri (13) who subsequently travelled up to Tirana to spend some time at our home with him. Miri will join his adoptive family soon and we trust that he will settle in well as it is a difficult age to move. Izabela will also leave to join her new adoptive family shortly. She has been with us since she was born in 2016 and although she has developmental issues, she has been a very happy child. We are praising the Lord for committed Christian parents! Finally Please continue to pray for our children as they continue with their studies in N Ireland. We would like to take this opportunity to express once again our gratitude for your prayerful support and to wish you all a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year! C. 2008



Sunday 14th

Gen 42-44



On Sunday 19th November I concluded four weeks of Gospel Meetings in the town of Strabane, County Tyrone. The Meetings were held in the Gospel Hall. Although the Assembly closed there a few years ago, thankfully the doors are still open for the preaching of the Gospel due to the faithfulness of the little Assembly at Sion Mills who took on the responsibility of maintaining the Hall and arranging Gospel Meetings. We thank the Lord for their exercise in this matter. During the four weeks, we were so encouraged by the support of other Believers and to see quite a number of unsaved people attending, some even on a few occasions, especially as some of them had never been in the Hall before. The Lord was gracious and gave help to tell out the best news of all. One dear Roman Catholic woman who had received a ‘Seed Sowers’, requested a Bible and was contacted and consequently came to the Meetings a few nights. Pray for Susan that the Lord will open her eyes and bring her into the knowledge of Salvation. The ‘Seed Sowers' drop had taken place just about a week before the Meetings began, when about 70 Believers from all over the Province, gathered in Strabane, giving out about 11,500 ‘Seed Sowers’, covering the town of Strabane and many smaller towns and villages round about, including Lifford in Donegal R.O.I. In each ‘Seed Sower’ pack an invitation to the Meetings was included. Neighbouring Assemblies, all of which are small, rallied around and gave great support. I very much appreciated the company of Alan Riley from the Donemana Assembly who joined me in visitation each day. The Lord will reward their faithfulness. I cannot tell what the results of the Meetings will be, but I feel that hearts were touched and still pray that we will yet hear of a soul or two getting saved. C.1978



Monday 15th

Gen 45-47



It is hard to believe that we have nearly come to the end of yet another year. With so many events and situations unfolding, we can’t help but think that the Lord’s coming for His church is so very very near. There are still so many without the Saviour and still so much to be done for Him. We have family here who are not saved…..they know the way but have not accepted the truth for themselves. We continue to pray for them and for many others as well. We have been to several conferences this year, mainly at assemblies in rather remote and ‘bush’ areas. Martin had been invited to speak at most of these places. Sound Biblical teaching is very much needed in order for the Christians to grow and to know how to tell others of the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Youth camps were also held, and it was so encouraging to see so many secondary school pupils anxious to come. Literally thousands have gone through the camps in the past years. Many have been saved and others restored to the Lord and encouraged to live for Him. We were at a wedding a couple of weeks ago and a man from another area had come. He told us that he had been saved many years ago at a camp and he is in assembly fellowship and very active in the work of the Lord where he lives. Such testimonies are very encouraging to us to carry on with this vital work. It is also nice to see many local teachers and others from the assembly with a great interest in teaching these young ones the true and simple Gospel. Some of the brothers from nearby assemblies continue to faithfully preach the Gospel daily at the hospital. Others go on outreach programmes to convey the message of hope to local and sometimes distant communities. How thankful we are for each one involved in these important aspects of spreading the Word. Of course, wherever a work is going on for the Lord, the devil is there to discourage and dishearten. Much prayer is needed, and we continue to thank the Lord for the freedom we have in this country for the Gospel. The small assembly at Katombi, where Margie used to live, joins with three other assemblies each month to go out for a few days to surrounding villages to share the Gospel. Please pray for these efforts. Martin was finally granted a visa to visit Canada this year, so we travelled to Winnipeg in September for a month. We were there for Margie’s mother’s 95th birthday. We thank the Lord for her alert and bright mind, even though her body is tiring out. What a blessing godly parents are! We were able to visit a few nearby assemblies and Martin gave reports of what the Lord is doing here in Zambia. We were pleased to get to Jasper for a couple of days and enjoy the wonders of God’s great creation in the mountains. A few days after we reached home again, we were back at Kabompo for another month of revising the Luvale Bible. Good progress is being made. Much prayer valued for this work as well. There are still a lot of books to be retranslated. Last Sunday we went to a small assembly at a village called Samushivi. There are many needs there, the biggest one being someone who can help with teaching. The only brother who could read well and seemed to be growing in his knowledge of the Scriptures, was killed a few months by a tree that he was felling to make a new field. Such things are very difficult to understand, but we trust the One who makes no mistakes. The Luvale

New Testament has now been recorded, so the small solar powered devices are a great help and asset for people to gather and simply listen to the Word. Literacy remains a big challenge in many of the small and more remote assemblies. MARTIN & MARGIE (GOULD) KAUMBA


Tuesday 16th

Gen 48-50



The end of September / start of October was spent with the family in Shetland. It was the first time in several years Lindsey had managed to be back ‘home’. It was really lovely to be with the saints in Scalloway for their Saturday conference, which I shared the teaching responsibilities with brother Nathan Anderson from Peterhead. It was a joy to share with him, and to see his evident enthusiasm for the Word. I took up the subject of ‘Suffering well’ from the book of Job over three messages, which was well received. As a familly we managed to spend a little time with Lindsey’s grandparents and cousins. It was also lovely to be with the saints in Sound Assembly, Lerwick. We got back to base in time for our annual conference in Culloden. The speakers this year were Andrew Grieve from NI and Garth Edwards, Perth. The conference theme was Paul’s companions and I thoroughly enjoyed the teaching given. The next weekend I was scheduled for a Bible teaching weekend with the Holburn Assembly in Aberdeen. It was great to be with the believers in Holburn – our focus being the Upper Room teaching of the Lord Jesus. My usual early winter cold/chest infection hampered me somewhat for the next week thereafter, but I was delighted to be involved in sharing my thoughts on Job again over three messages in Culloden in the latter half of October, into November. There has been encouragement with a couple of people who have professed faith in Christ quite recently and a number of good contacts from the street work. Last weekend we had Sean Parry from Wales with us – he spoke on lessons from the Wilderness. He was very enjoyable and he also applied the cutting edge of God’s Word to our flesh effectively. It was encouraging and challenging all at the same time! Lindsey continues with the home education of the children. Along with another Christian mother she is in charge of a co-op of ten families which meet a couple of times a month with their 20-30 children for education. She also continues with Little stars toddler group – again one or two other parents are becoming more involved in this. Looking ahead to December we hope to have a Christmas service this year again at Croy and perhaps one or two other outlying villages, along with our street carol singing. C. 2017



Wednesday 17th ANGOLA

Exod 1-4

Writing from England

We give thanks to the Lord for His help and strength in September and October when we were in Cavungo working for our sister Irene Cardoso in her home. We were able to wire in 23 electrical sockets and a hot water heater, and 23 lights. Along with tiling and plumbing in a visitor’s shower room, the plumbing from Irene’s shower room to the kitchen and hot water heater was also completed. Praise the Lord for His grace and patience given during the waits for resources being located and bought from Young folks recited Psalm 121 10+ hours away, and delivered to us by Irene’s brother Ricardo. It was a tough time as we were regularly without water and also electricity, which posed bigger issues as both were required for the plumbing and electric installations! We also had opportunity to visit the saints whose houses had been destroyed when the first wind and rains came in October, and Irene had been asked to help them. We thank God we had received a gift whilst we were in the country and were able to hand monies over to Irene for her to go ahead and help them at this desperate time. It’s a deep heartbreaking time when you live and fellowship among those who have nothing but a roof over their head, to see them have that torn away from them too. The level of poverty in this area of Angola in which the Lord has called our sister to work, and us to help her, is very severe. Both Irene’s wells dried up before the rains started so she had to ask local men to dig them deeper for her. Before we left Camundambala to go to Cavungo, 22 young folk would come to our home on a Sunday evening to read the Scriptures and recite again some of the passages they had learnt with us earlier in the year. We then mentioned it would be good to memorise Psalm 121. We were very encouraged on our return to Camundambala, when a young brother from the assembly came to our home and asked to recite Psalm 121 so he could get a blanket. Then 3 other young folk saw him proudly walking home to the village with it, and they turned up the next day and recited it individually for a blanket. Praise the Lord for the willingness of a sister in the UK to make these for us and for the young folk who are keen to learn the Word of God. We are now in the UK for health reasons and the fact that in the heavy rainy season very little building can be done and Jonathan is now finding the temperatures difficult to cope with outside and even inside with no air conditioning due to his heart condition. We look forward, God willing, to return during March 2024. Firstly, to replace the roof on the mission house in Camundambala, because the ceilings are coming down due to the

weight of 8” of wet bat dung! The hazard to health to remain in the house during the rains is severe, especially as the smell is getting stronger. Jonathan has already bought the steels to start fabricating the Mission House Camundambala framework for the roof on our return as the rains will still be present. This will probably take until the rains stop completely, when we then be able to remove the old roof, remove the bat dung, which has also impeded us being able to sort out why the lights in the room don’t work. Once this area is clear, we will then be able to assess which ceilings need replacing; repair or replacement of electric cables; and the construction of a concrete ring beam around the top of the house on which to put the new roof. All this will be done with the use of local brethren in the assembly who at present have little work. We then look to the Lord to provide help from the UK to assist us in the roofing of the house with the ring beam, steels and the roofing sheets. JONATHAN & RUTH SINGLETON


Exod 5-7

Thursday 18th N.IRELAND


I’ve just returned from some Gospel work in Hildenborough, Kent in England. This was my second visit this year to this assembly. We were very glad to see a lady from the area attending the Gospel meetings consistently. She had been an atheist for many years but, one night as she put her 8 year old son to bed, he asked her, “Mum, what happens to us when we die?” She answered “We just die.” He then said “Does it not seem a bit pointless just to live to die?” She then admitted that, while she and her husband believed that death was the end, there were many others who had different views. To satisfy his curiosity she began reading to him about what different religions teach of the afterlife. He told her that he liked what Christianity promised! This began a spiritual quest in the heart of Kelly which is still ongoing. She brought her son to children’s meetings run by the assembly in Hildenborough and then began to attend the Gospel meetings herself each night. Every night she was there she remained behind after the meeting to ask questions. She remains in contact and is, I believe, sincerely seeking salvation. Please pray for her salvation, and for the salvation of her husband, and young family. I continue the work around the city of Belfast and have been encouraged recently to hear of salvation. Please pray that I might have wisdom in encouraging and guiding those who have trusted the Lord in recent years. DAVID & JENNIE WILLIAMSON


Friday 19th

Exod 8-10



It has been several months since we returned to the Philippines. The monsoon rains arrived a little late but are here now and there is widespread flooding again. We had two typhoons last week that have put many towns into a state of emergency, but the Lord was gracious to us, and we did not have to evacuate the house this time.

As many of you know, Jingle’s Mother has been battling cancer for several years and earlier this year she passed into the presence of the Lord. We were grateful that the Lord waited for us to return so that Jingle could say goodbye. Mama loved the Lord and served Him for many years. I personally watched how she grew in Him and faithfully poured her life into the lives of younger women. The service to celebrate her life was packed out and I was privileged to preach on the Rapture from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, which was one of her very favourite subjects to talk about. She did not even try to hang on to this world or the things in it and during her final days, repeatedly asked us to pray that the Lord would take her home. The work in the Caluya Islands continues, and I hope to visit soon and renew fellowship with brother Angelo and the other missionaries in the region. He has been very faithful in sending photos and videos through to us and keeping us updated with the progress of Jeric and Jerry as they continue to prepare for full time service on the Island of Sibolo.

Caluya Islands Outreach

The work in Boracay is also encouraging as the literacy and feeding programs continue. Several young men have recently come to faith there and been baptized. We continue to run the outreach Bible Studies weekly. On Mondays we have our main discipleship group and are going through Revelation together. There are several new people attending now and we are thrilled to see how the Lord is working in their lives. Thursdays are busy for me as I get up early to beat the traffic and run the Businessmen’s Bible Study over lunch in the central business district known as BGC (Bonifacio Global City). I then rush home to get ready for the online Bible Study in 1 Thessalonians at 8pm.

Group one at the missionaries house Over the years the Lord has brought us certain individuals that we have formed a very deep bond with, and we continue to work with them one on one. There are three men that I work with very closely, Robby, Patrick, and Verlon. We are in contact all-day every day and the four of us are very close holding each other accountable. They are men of God who have stayed the course despite incredible challenges in their personal lives. They love His Word and consistently apply it to their daily lives. These men have been a great support to me over the years and are as much a part of my life as I am of theirs. Jingle also has three ladies that she mentors on Saturdays. Their names are Sheena, Ela, and Grace. They are also dealing with great trials in their daily lives and yet continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. One of our greatest prayer requests is that the Lord will lead them to godly men that want to marry them. We see so many of the singles struggling these days but getting the men to step up in a shame-based culture is a long-complicated process. Please pray for: •

Jingle’s family. They miss their Mum and Jingle’s eldest brother still does not know the Lord.

The ongoing work in Boracay and Caluya, especially for Jeric and Jerry.

Robby, Patrick, Verlon, Sheena, Ela, and Grace.

My upcoming trip to the Islands. For protection and a fruitful outreach there.

Us, that the Lord will keep us in good health and protect us during typhoon season.

Thank you for your continued prayers and practical support. C.2000



Saturday 20th

Exod 11-13



In 2006, an Indian lady passed away in Port Shepstone town. The family were staunch Hindus. Dorothy and I had visited them for a long time, reading the scriptures and praying with them, but were unsure of her spiritual status. When she suddenly died, early one morning, we were called to the home and the daughter told us that her mother had instructed the family that she was to have a Christian funeral. This was a great encouragement to us at the time. We had close contact with the family over the days leading up to the funeral and later when they asked me to speak at their 40-day function, which is their normal routine. Since then, we lost touch with the family. On Lord’s Day past, what a surprise it was to see this lady’s son and his wife at the gospel meeting! They greeted us like long-lost friends. They have recently moved to live not far from the Gospel Hall and have promised to come back to the meetings. The husband is a very staunch Hindu. His wife is more open. We have invited them to the carol service that will be held on 16th, God willing. Please pray with us for their salvation. Almost 40 years ago, we made contact with a coloured family and for years tried to be a help to them. The mother came into assembly fellowship years ago. Most of the five children have grown up and moved away from this area, except for the youngest boy, who is now a man and who was only born years after our first contact with the family. He used to attend the gospel meeting but for years has been living with his girlfriend and steadfastly refused to attend the meetings. About a year ago, Dorothy bumped into him and again tried to get him to come to the meeting. His response was that when he got married he would attend. Last Saturday, he was married and we were invited to the wedding. It was held in the Catholic Church where he and his girlfriend have been attending. I had been asked to give a speech at the wedding reception and it was a good opportunity to present the gospel. In chatting to them at the end of the reception, the bride promised that they would come to the assembly. She said they would alternate between the RC church and our assembly. Please pray for their salvation. C. 1968



Sunday 21st

Exod 14-16


Los Altos

The last week of September we ended the meetings in Tres Picos, Cumana; holiday season was over for our kids and we had to return home. The Lord allowed us to have 9 weeks open air Gospel meetings at the house of Mr. Agustín (not yet saved) and his wife Rosa, along with Mr McKeown and different brethren from the Santa Fe Assembly. Attendance was encouraging, most hadn’t seen the Gospel preached in a simple and orderly manner. One night Mrs. Milagros Lemus (older sister of Mr. Agustin) stayed to tell us that the previous night, after returning home from the meeting, she had received Christ as her Saviour. We were filled with joy and trust in the Lord not only that she may be genuinely saved but that the Lord may use her to bring salvation to others in her home.

In Los Altos, the brethren were exercised to start Gospel meetings in the Hall so, after a week of prayer and teaching, the meetings started and we are now beginning the third week. Some nights the rain has affected attendance (there are few cars so most people walk to meeting) yet there are still visitors arriving every night. We trust the Lord will continue to do His work and may we rejoice in the blessing of souls saved by His grace. On Sundays we try to visit the San Pedrito and Zurita assemblies, they are the youngest and smallest in the area but their faithfulness to the Lord is encouraging. Next week, God willing, we will be with Mr McKeown in Bible Readings in the Puerto La Cruz assembly, it is one of the larger gatherings in the area. We would also like to visit Piñantal the last week of the month. We ask for your prayers regarding the different activities, that the Lord may direct our paths and continue to bless His work. In the country, the situation continues as usual, most of the people struggle with low wages, subsidized fuel is nearly impossible to get but international fuel is generally easy. Despite all, we can’t complain, the Lord provides for all our needs. C. 2018 (Ven)



Monday 22nd

Exod 17-20



Following the closure of the assembly that gathered in Harley Street Gospel Hall, we have prayerfully undertaken the task of renovating the building, with a burden to have an ongoing gospel witness in the community of Ibrox. We are mindful of the words of our Lord, “others have labored, and you have entered into their labours.” John 4.38. We have already been able to engage in many good gospel conversations with local people because of their respect for the believers who were part of the assembly. Although the structure of the building is in good condition, significant renovation works are needed to get the building into a usable condition. So far, we have installed double glazed windows and doors, insulated the attic, changed the layout to make space for a disabled toilet, replaced the old electric wiring and painted the walls and woodwork. As the Lord provides, we will now look to fit floor coverings and a kitchen that will be suitable for serving people in need from the community. Although the hall isn’t ready yet, our desire is to start door to door work this month as we distribute gospel calendars and speak to neighbours about the planned work. God willing, the hall will be used for weekly gospel meetings, gospel based Bible studies with individuals and groups, feeding the hungry, Rangers matchday outreach, youth work, and work with existing contacts leaving prison and rehab. None of this is possible without the Lord’s help, so we are cast completely upon Him for all aspects of this work. Warm and friendly conversations have been had regularly with locals, but there are also reminders of the addiction, poverty and violence that still blights the area. Last week a young woman spoke to us about violence in the home and also about threats to her life from people in the community. How good it is to be able to listen to these fears and respond with the promises of the gospel. C. 2013



Tuesday 23rd WALES

Dear praying friends, 2023 is rapidly drawing to a close. It has been a great year for opportunities as well as challenges with its mixed bag of encouragements and disappointments. In September we used the second version of our Bible Experience. It was very time consuming yet rewarding to put together our new resource. The introduction was based on the life and work of the Bible translator from the 1500s, William Tyndale. Over 1000 pupils, teachers, parents and assistants attended BE2, they listened attentively. The Bible Experience was complimented by many and please pray that the access to schools will continue. Over the Summer months and into September the ‘Truth in a Trailer’ group put up marquees and used trailers to help spread the Gospel in various shows around South Wales. Many John 3:16 bags were given out, conversations had with parents as children sat to do crafts. Children’s books were given out along with Bibles and literature for adults. Last Saturday was the first of the Christmas Markets that we attend. The previous week a good number of believers joined us to pack 5,000 John 3:16 bags with Christmas tracts and they worked very hard and packed them in record time. Over 1,300 bags were given out at Blackwood Christmas Market and many children’s books were accepted as well as various other books aimed at adults, especially John’s Gospels. The highlight of the day was to have a conversation with a young Scotsman and his wife who had brought their baby to the market. He thrilled as he told us of his salvation and how he was an active believer after wasting the first part of his life to drugs and crime.

Exod 21-23


Stuart has been asked to write some children’s books for Ritchies, looking at ‘what Jesus said’, ‘what Jesus did’, and ‘the stories that He told’. Poems and stories are all available with downloadable sheets on www.scrollthroughthebible.com and have had, over time, some 60,000 views. The children’s work is good fun with a great group of children attending. The numbers are slightly improved and although we strive to get more along, we remember that each one is precious to the Lord. In HMP Usk the Bible class continues with around eleven prisoners making up the group. Many of these have trusted Christ as Saviour and are enjoying an Emmaus course on Gideon and growing as a result. There are more unsaved turning up and it is good to be able to bring the Gospel in through the questions that the saved prisoners purposely ask. Stuart is writing a short course aimed at the semi-literate, one of the inmates, who was a cartoonist, has agreed to illustrate this course, which will be very useful. Pray that as he does, he too will benefit from the material. Stuart continues to visit his old Sunday School friend Andrew. Andrew still struggles with addiction and although his father was an evangelist, he doesn’t know the Saviour. Please pray for him as he tries to address his addiction, that he would accept the Gospel message that he has heard so many times before. Stuart is supported well with a great group of people who go out on the homeless run. We usually have around 9 or 10 people, some forming walking groups that go through the city centre and others on the horsebox. We have become quite a fixture and when people spot us, there can be a substantial crowd waiting to be served. We distribute blankets and clothing along with the food and hot drinks. Now that the weather is getting colder and wetter the needs are greater, and it is more heart breaking to see the plight that these broken people are in. The acts of kindness reflect the love of Christ and open up to conversations about the Gospel. Bethan continues her work with the Ladies and has enlisted the help of some of the younger women in the assembly with the monthly Ladies outreach. Some of the mums from the children’s and youth activities have been showing an interest along with some grandmothers from toddlers. Bethan has many coming along next week for a preChristmas outreach and many are bringing friends from work. Pray that this will be the first step on the road to them finding the Lord as Saviour. Thank you for your prayers for us, these are greatly appreciated. STUART & BETHAN SCAMMELL


Exod 24-26

Wednesday 24th ENGLAND


During October and into early November I was busy with preparations for and then the actual period of the Yorkshire Bible Study Week, held once again at Cober Hill in Scarborough. 45 believers from all over the U.K. were present and enjoyed a happy week of teaching and fellowship. Phil Coulson was the speaker this year, conducting Bible Readings each morning in 1 Peter 2v11-3v22 and ministering each evening on ‘The Days of Noah.’ Many of the saints testified to being greatly blessed through being there.

Yorkshire Bible Study week Since returning from the time away I have been busy with another round of school assembly visits and also making arrangements with local schools to attend the Bible Exhibition which Gordon McCracken is bringing to Skelmanthorpe next March in the will of the Lord. He was due to bring the exhibition in March 2020 but it had to be cancelled at short notice due to the covid pandemic. So far, the interest amongst the schools has been encouraging with a number having booked their date and time and others indicating that they will do so shortly. I am also busy with meetings, including continuing from previous years a series in Blackburn each Thursday evening on John’s gospel. Opportunities to use a chart for teaching on prophetic subjects has been taken in a couple of assemblies recently. Prayer is valued for the ongoing work of the Lord and also in relation to Gillian’s health which continues to be unstable. C. 1991



Thursday 25th

Exod 27-29


We both want to thank you for your prayers and the many messages of love and support that you have sent us in recent days. We are truly touched by your concern for us personally and for the believers in the region. We know that true peace on a global scale will never happen until the Lord returns, but as believers, we are to be salt and light, and pray with compassion for Israelis and Palestinians affected by this war in Israel and Gaza, and for a halt to the killing on both sides. It grieves the Lord’s heart and ours as well deeply. We travelled to the States in mid-September to spend some time with our son and his family and to visit and share about the ministry at a regional conference and in some assemblies. We asked the Lord to direct our time there as He wanted, and He did much more than we ever expected (we shouldn’t be surprised – we are of little faith!). He opened many doors for us to meet and have fellowship with individuals and assemblies. We had planned to make a few days stopover on our return journey to visit some prayer partners and our colleague, who runs the Emmaus courses in South Sudan. However, the Lord had other plans and as these appointments fell through, we found ourselves invited to a Workers and Elders conference. We were truly blessed and refreshed by the teaching and fellowship there. We arrived back in Israel a few weeks ago and the country is still in shock from the events of October 7th. Thankfully it is calm here in this part of Israel and we pray that will continue. Shipments of courses We praise the Lord that the shipment of Emmaus courses, which had been ready to be sent from Egypt since 2020, arrived in Jordan in early August. This is an answer to prayer since the store in Egypt was full and another shipment from the UK is in the process of being sent. Pray that all the red tape for these shipments may be done without problems and for their safe arrival in Egypt and Lebanon. New daily devotions for 2024 (In Arabic) We were praying about making a new daily devotional series for recording and sharing on social media during 2024. While in the States I came across another daily devotional book by Jabe Nicholson, Seed Thoughts, which would be excellent for recording. We now have the files and will start translating them. These devotions are broadcast on radio stations locally and on social media. The Emmaus Bible Study App The Emmaus Bible Courses App includes 28 languages so far and more will be added soon. In Arabic there are about 43 adult courses and 6 for children. The situation in Israel We will share points for prayer and ask you to pray without taking political sides but “as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility” (Colossians 3:12)

Points for Prayer: • • • • • • • • •

for an end to the violence and that it would not escalate to involve other countries. for safe release of the hostages. for the safety of believers who are caught up on both sides of the conflict and that they would be a light of love and peace in the darkness. for those who have been bereaved, injured or made homeless, on both sides. for the Lord to dispel the fear, bitterness and thirst for revenge, again on both sides. for humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza and to reach the many people in desperate need. for peace and harmony between the two ethnic groups within Israel and a halt to the rise in racial discrimination. for the next shipment of Emmaus courses to arrive without problems in Egypt. for the translation and recordings of the new daily devotional book Seed Thoughts. G&R


Friday 26th

Exod 30-32



We send warm greetings to you all from the warm desert of Botswana.

We are feebly trying to plod on here. We continue to value your prayers for the work of the Lord in Serowe. As I type this letter, I am in a little village of Otse (having pulled into a local internet cafe) on transit to the next little village of Mokgenene where we hope to conduct some gospel meetings for the next four days; please pray for this little effort. Lord willing, we hope in the second week of December to conduct our annual trip to take the gospel to the five remote settlements inside the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. May you remember this endeavour in your prayers. We harbour a longing in our heart to go and find out what eventually happened to our dear friend Lefatshe, who we met when he was quite ill last December. His last words to us after listening to the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ in his grass hut were “I do hear what you are saying, and I accept it”. We are hoping we will find him recovered physically and renewed spiritually. My dear wife thinks this will be her last trip as the trips are taking a lot from her and our prayer is that the Lord raise a suitable companion on these annual trips. We hope to take our boys with us, and we are looking forward to seeing the impression that a young lady we have been staying with in one of these settlements, the settlement of Metsiamanong, and who has recently trusted the Lord, will make on their lives. Please pray for Batshabi Khumanego as she has now completed her studies and we are hoping that she secures temporary employment in Serowe while awaiting her exam results, so that she may continue to be exposed to the teachings of the word of God. SEABANYANE (SABS) & TSHEPI DICHABENG


Saturday 27th ENGLAND

Exod 33-35

Tyne & Wear

SUNDERLAND – 28 AUGUST Maureen (late 60s), stood outside the Salvation Army shop while her husband went inside. She listened to the preaching and became quite absorbed with the message. I was speaking about SEVEN THINGS THAT GOD DID AT THE CROSS and had reached the final point. Just then her husband came out and told her he was ready to move on. She told him she wanted to listen to the preaching. He again urged her to come with him, but she said she wanted to hear the conclusion Openair of the message. Ralph was able to pass on some literature to her and as she moved off with her husband, she said, “I could have listened all day!”

SUNDERLAND – 21 SEPTEMBER Lovely 20-minute chat with Nathan (20) doing a plumbing-electrician apprenticeship at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland. He believed there was a ‘higher power’ responsible for bringing the universe into being. I told him that we needed to prepare for departure from this life. He said he believed in enjoying himself and taking the rest as it comes. When told the rejector of Christ would perish eternally, he flatly refused to believe it. He told us he was in town to attend college every Thursday and was keen to look us up for further conversation. He took my tract about the football club and a copy of Amazing Grace. NEWCASTLE - 10 OCTOBER An interesting day in Newcastle! We’d put the board up and I was just about to start preaching, when a young man, Tom (23) approached to ask a question of David. He had just arrived in the town from Bristol and was visiting his sister who lived in north-east. His question – “Can you pray to God and get Him to stop all this trouble going on in the world?” “Is your God powerful enough to stop this mayhem?” This was the beginning of an hour-long dialogue with Tom who was very open to those things we responded with. We covered a host of topics he brought up. At times he would nod his head in approval and indicate he could understand what we were saying. He was so concerned that more people would be lost than saved. We told him that before he could help anyone, he himself needed to get saved. I read verses from Luke 13 about the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled with the blood of their sacrifices, and the eighteen people at Siloam on whom the tower fell and crushed them to death. In both cases the Lord warned, “Unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.” We all felt Tom was ‘not far from the kingdom of God’. DURHAM – 7 NOVEMBER Tony (60s) came right up to the board. With his shaved head and grand display of tattoos, he looked a rough, intimidating character. He turned out to be a gentle fellow

and a keen disciple of Charles Darwin. I must have spent 30 minutes with Tony, and we covered a variety of topics. He wondered why the Jewish people were hated so much. This opened up another channel for presenting the Gospel. The Jews crucified their long-awaited Messiah, but the cross and Christ’s resurrection have been turned into a means of eternal blessing to those who believe in Him. Tony took my booklet, A CASE FOR CREATION and gave me a hearty handshake, saying how much he’d enjoyed talking to us. We value your continued prayers for the ongoing work of the Gospel in the Northeast of England. IAN & BITTEN CAMPBELL


Exod 36-38

Sunday 28th ITALY


Exodus 15:2 The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him. We are grateful for your involvement with us in serving the Lord’s people here in Italy. The previous weekend we travelled up to Milan where I spoke at an assembly there on the Saturday and Sunday. It was very encouraging to see the large hall full of people, keen to hear God’s Word. Our next appointment in Milan is for 17-19 November at another assembly for a busy weekend of speaking. Please pray for this ministry that the Lord may use it for the strengthening of His church. Please also pray for ongoing responsibilities I have in meeting on a regular basis with leaders in three different assemblies here in the Naples area, that it will be of real assistance to them in their Christian lives and service. Bacoli and Pozzuoli are situated in the Phlegrean Fields which is a caldera, and earth tremors are fairly common. There has been an increase recently, and we have had a couple of tremors as high as 4.0 and 4.2, which is stronger than usual. This, understandably, is causing some concern, and evacuation plans are being reviewed and exercises done. Please pray for wisdom for the authorities, and the Lord’s gracious overruling hand. Please also pray for two full-time workers in the assembly at Bacoli: Francesco, who, apart from his commitments locally, is involved in outreach in the universities (GBU), he travels throughout Italy motivating and assisting students to live out their Christian lives and witness in the university environment. Also, Nunzio, who works in outreach among teenagers; please pray as he attempts to gain access to the local schools proposing programmes that would be acceptable to the authorities. The assembly at Bacoli is encouragingly full on a Sunday, we need to find a more suitable meeting place; please do pray for this, along with the various pastoral issues which keep Debbie and myself active. C. 1987/88



Exod 39-40

Monday 29th FRANCE


On a gloomy November evening, it feels like a privilege to be at home! We are thankful to be well here, apart from a tendency to be tired too often…. I think the autumnal weather doesn’t help, as the days grow shorter and the rain seems quite incessant.

Last month we enjoyed a few days in the south of France with Volunteer staff at the shop daughter Catrina, husband Tim and baby Emily. Gerry tied it in with a church retreat at Antibes. It was encouraging to see the student ministry they’re involved in at Aix-en-Provence and also to attend the recent, young assembly in Aix. Needless to say, the cherry on the cake was time spent with Emily! Work has started inside our assembly building to modify the rooms upstairs in order to facilitate the increased numbers of children on Sundays. By moving the partitions between two rooms, we now have rooms of a more equal size which is a lot better. Imagine fifteen 3-6 year olds in nine square metres! This had been a very practical subject for prayer and we are thankful to see the solution in sight. Thank you if you prayed about that issue!


November brings some special events to our calendar here. On Saturday 18th there will be a regional day, held for the first time in Nantes. We hope to have at least eighty people, representing around eight different assemblies. The two visiting speakers will be speaking about the prayers of Hannah and Mary and we look forward to a real time of blessing. Over and above the times of Bible teaching, the ladies who attend love the fellowship with each other. As most come from small assemblies where they can be isolated, this is a special day for them. Then, just one week later (November 24-26) our building will again be used for a regional activity, this time for youth leaders. This is an annual event with various subjects being taught connected to youth work. Our assembly at Beaujoire hosts the event which means providing beds and food for everyone. There will most likely be around 30 people to take care of. It’s a great opportunity for the local believers to serve God’s people in a wider sense than on a normal Sunday. Pray they will find joy in serving and that the Lord will bless them as they do so. C. 1985/88



Tuesday 30th

Lev 1-4


Naples Some of the adolescent group at our home for supper

Family news. Joy is settling in well to high school. She is coping well with the increased work load including what seems like endless homework. She has made some new friends, one of whom, Martina, has started to come to the teenager group. Patrizia has had some opportunities to share the gospel with her mum for which we give thanks. Please pray that the Lord might give us the opportunity to reach her father too. They have some relatives who are evangelicals, so are quite open to the gospel. Joseph is doing well at work. He is also good at reaching people with the gospel. Please do pray for his friend Angelo that the Lord might touch his life and speak powerfully into his heart. He comes along to the youth group as well as doing a bible study with me every week in Mark’s gospel.

Josiah is also getting on well at work and has been given a long term contract, for which we are all thankful! Please do continue to pray for his fiancé Rossana, who is now looking for a job teaching in the Naples area (which won’t be easy to find). Other news: The Lord has been blessing the prison ministry in a special way. One lady, Cira, who came back to the Lord last January through the Bible studies with Patrizia, has been witnessing to other inmates, which is a source of great joy for us. Usually they are only allowed to participate in the craft course for 4 weeks, but the Lord has wonderfully overruled to allow her to participate continually as a helper, meaning she gets to study the Bible every week with Patrizia. Another lady who was converted earlier in the year is also going on well. Please do pray that we might be given permission to hold regular bible studies with all those who wish to participate. It will be very difficult to get permission for this as the local catholic bishop holds much sway in the prison. As an assembly, for over 2 years we have been meeting daily to pray for the restoration of backsliders as well as the conversion of non Christians. Not much had changed and a few months ago I was starting to wonder if the Lord would answer. Just recently we have had the joy of seeing 3 ladies returning to the Lord, two young men baptised, and increasing opportunities to preach the gospel to people on a regular basis. Let me introduce you to some of them. I’ve already mentioned Angelo (23), Joseph’s friend, then there is Nicola (50), the husband of one of the ladies that was restored. Each Wednesday or Thursday we meet to study Mark’s gospel together. He seems really interested and comes to the meetings when he is free from work. Wednesday afternoon Stefano and I meet with Enzo (62). He has a serious problem with diabetes, having lost movement in his fingers, had a foot amputated, and is almost blind! Sometimes his wife Annamaria is also present as we study the signs in John’s gospel. It has been really encouraging how Marco (30) is again showing interest in the Lord. Antonio (58) is Stefano’s father in law. He is really an anarchic character, but since his grandson was baptised in September, has been showing increasing interest in the gospel. We have asked the local council if we can make a slight adjustment to the original plans for our building project which will make construction easier as well as costing considerably less. Here is an up to date image of what if should look like. As soon as we get the ok, we can start to ask building companies for quotes to build the concrete structure and roof. May the good hand of the Lord be upon you in all your ways! C. 1995



Lev 5-7

Wednesday 31st SRI LANKA

Writing from N Ireland

It has been wonderful to return to Sri Lanka again and to be encouraged by the response of the saints to the preaching from the Word of God. My first meetings was held in the Matugama area which is about two hours south of the capital Colombo. The assembly Sri Lanka

in that area had organized three consecutive nights of gospel meetings and it was great to see the interest despite the torrential rain in that area. I was also present on Sunday for the breaking of bread meeting in Matugama and it was very encouraging to listen to brother after brother worshiping in prayer. The assembly has been very consistent and stedfast in their testimony although facing constant persecution over the years. One dear brother was absent due to the fact he was a diabetic and hadn’t noticed for two days that he had stood on a nail and the wound was septic . The doctors had to amputate one of his toes to be safe which was painful. Please remember him and his family and the Lords work in Matugama in your prayers. There are many opportunities available to present the gospel but much wisdom is needed in how to proceed. "For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist:" Luke 21:15 CHARLES DAVIDSON (N Ireland)


Reading Plan Included is a Bible reading plan which will enable the entire Bible to be read in one year. This means that each day, just over 3 chapters will be read, roughly the equivalent of 5 minutes reading in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening. Whether we use this or another personal preference, may we all be richly blessed as we read and meditate daily on the Word of God.

May we all be divinely enabled and encouraged in 2024 The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

C=Date of Commendation Published by: LORD’S WORK TRUST 42 Beansburn, Kilmarnock KA3 1RL Tel. 01563 521098 E.Mail: lwtrust@lwtrust.co.uk www.lordsworktrust-kilmarnock.co.uk Charity No. SC008740 Alistair Buchan (Aberdeen) David Grant (Kilmarnock) Andrew Grieve (Belfast) Kevin Oh (London)

Stephen Trimble (Ballykeel) Raymond McNair (Glengormley) Alastair Sinclair (Crosshouse) Gordon Stewart (Wallingford)

Secretary: Leonard Currie (Kinross) Total gifts received during November 2023.

Total: £795,130

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