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Last Week in the World of News

4/7, Yugoslavia

President Clinton spoke out, saying NATO would not stop the bombing campaign after President Milosevic asked for a cease-fire. The agreement was short of the NATO requirements.


4/9, Washington D.C.

President Clinton met with Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji to talk of human rights and trade. They agreed that it was important to maintain a good relationship.

4/6, Egypt

After more than a decade, the Lybian government handed over two men suspected in the Pan-Am flight 103 explosion to the Netherlands. The bombing, which happened over Scotland, killed 270 people.


According to Yugoslavia, the war is over in Kosovo and the refugees should return to their homes, where the ethnic cleansing took place. NATO officials decided not to stop bombings because there are no signs that the cleansing had ceased.

4/12, Yugoslavia

The United States sent 82 more warplanes to meet up with the aircraft that are already helping the strikes against Yugoslavia.