1 minute read


by Janice C. Funk assistant managing editor

Don't be alarmed by the thumping and bumping coming from your upstairs neighbors' room.


They are most likely kicking, punching and lunging their way into fitness with Tae-Bo, the latest craze to hit the world of working out. courtesy of the Internet

According to Tracy Greenwood, fitness director of the Dixon Center, "There is nothing special about Tae-Bo."

Greenwood attributes the popularity of Tae-Bo to marketing and advertising genius, stressing that the Tae-Bo workout is simply a combination of kickbox.ing and dance.

Greenwood believes that the popularity of Tae-Bo will be short-lived. "I'm not an advocate of buying it," she said.

The "'fae-Bo" videos are led by Billy Blanks, a seven-time World Martial Arts Champion.

The "Tae-Bo" video library, which can be ordered by phone or purchased at local video stores, generally costs about $60.

Tae-bo founder Billy Blanks leads a work-out on one of his popular Tae-Bo tapes. Tae-Bo combines kickboxing and dance moves for alternative exercise.

Greenwood suggests an alternative to purchasing the Tae-Bo videos.

The Dixon Center offers a kickboxing class every Thursday evening in the aerobics room. According to Greenwood, the classes are well-attended by both students and staff.

Greenwood says of the classes, "Kickbox.ing is fabulous."

Sophomore Angela Thornton is the instructor of the kickboxing do at home, unless you're highly motivated," she said.

Thornton feels that the only advantage in doing Tae-Bo versus a kickbox.ing class is that it is easier to move at your own pace through the levels with the video tapes.

First-year student Erika Nelson began doing the Tae-Bo workout about four weeks ago after hearing about it from friends.

Nelson, who follows the tapes about four times a week, has enjoyed the workout thus far. "I think it's a really good workout," she said.

-Angela Thornton sophomore classes. Thornton has not tried Tae-Bo, but is aware of its popularity.

She says that although it may be convenient to follow the tapes at one's leisure, she feels that the greatest aerobic benefit can be gained from a class.

"I don't believe in anything you

Nelson likes the Tae-Bo workout because "it's not the typical Jane Fonda workout tape."

She recognized that Tae-Bo is really not all that innovative a concept, but prefers the tapes to an actual class because she can do it at her own convenience.

Those interested in finding out more about Tae-Bo can visit its official website at www.taebo .com.

The kickboxing class at the Dixon Center has been temporarily cancelled but those interested in finding out about the rescheduling