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It'seasytospeakupii youwanttobeheardaroundhere


I've learned a lot about this college in the past year, and I've learned even more about people in general.


Now I don't like to stereotype, but it does seem to me that most people like to avoid confrontation. It is easier to talk behind someone's back and express your views than to try to solve things constructively.

Chris Nielsen

Hello, I'm Chris Nielsen, the Loquitur's new perspectives editor.

I'm going to have three pages to fill in the paper every week. I promise that I will do my best to inform and entertain the good people who bother to read every once in a while.

I am just finishing up my term as SGA President, and it's been a mixed bag. Some of you may thinkI did a good job, some of you may thinkI didn't.

And apparently,some of you think I sucked.

Now, according to some people in highup places, many students feel that the SGA and Loquitur don't represent you. The silent majority of you feels that we are paranoid and don't really know what goes on in this school.

I even heard that there are students who want the school to fund their own separate newspaper, which will contain their openminded views. They feel that this is necessary, because Loquitur and SGA are unreceptive.

I have two questions for these students: WHO ARE YOU? AND WHAT'S YOUR DEAL?

I have been lead to believe that these students have petitioned Loquitur to have their voice represented and have been turned down. Likewise, they have supposedly come to the SGA and complained to us about our "negativity."

I haven't met these people, at least not formally.

Neither has Laura Casamento, the outgoing editor in chief, nor anyone else on the newspaper staff or SGA board.

So why would this silent majority feel that need to complain to the administration rather than to us?

You can say what you want about us, but we are basically nice people. We're approachable.

I know Joe Elliott and I are big guys. Maybe we are physically imposing. And yeah, Laura, Nicole, Jen, etc., could be seen as intimidating people also. But don't worry, we're all just big journalistic teddy bears.

I know that the administration doesn't always like when we criticize them.

I can understand that, now more than ever.

It stinks when people talk behind your back rather than being a man (or woman) and solving disagreements "mano y mano."

The key to understanding is communication. Not indirect communication, through hearsay or the notorious "Cabrini Rumor Mill."

If you feel that your student government or student newspaper doesn't represent you, get off your couch and tell us.

Part of your tuition is paying for us. We owe you the right to express your opinioa constructively.

I feel that we give you that right. If we don't, correct us.

It ain't hard.

Next year, I want the Perspectives section to represent the many voices of the student body.

If you want to graduate inside the Dixon Center, express your opinion.

If you like the housing lottery, give it your support.

Communication is a two-sided road. If you don't do your part, don't complain about us not doing ours.

ChrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/ communication.Heistheassistantperspectives editorof Loquitur.As SGApresident,hesurvived threeassassinationattempts.Expectmanymore.

Summer Horoscopes for the Cabrini Student

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Save are going that you owe . 18) m college. fthemcall meant to time and you have

Did you ever wonder why you always have such a weird horoscope? Well it's because just kidding. Have a good summer, stay off the smack, and think of things to help destroy the school next semester (I'm not kidding about that).

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)

You did well this past semester. You should be sure to celebrate and take a trip somewhere

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Make sure that you enjoy your summer, because this is the first time that you will have it all to yourself. Eat your Wheaties. and be the champ.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) t /'IE.E.D TO ~i ,4 -ro &e·r CAR" I Nt.€.t> 50.~ A C.AR.. /10 t,.)(:.Lf) I '7 MON~'-t. NGf-.D A ) ...)OE,, \

This will be a summer of great happiness. Have fun at )'()lit summer home. Make sure that you tell all your friends about your summer house and invite them to eomcdown when everIbeywant to.

Change is good. Not the type of change like changing your clothes, but the kind of change that is in your life. Be happy with change. It's for die best.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Follow your instincts, because they are usually correct. Do not let anybody tell you that you cannot accom• plish something. Don't ever give up!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

You ever wonder if that light in the refrigerator stays on when you close the door'? Well, don"t worry. This summer you will find out!

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)

Be sure to wear lots of sunscreen, because you burn easily and you do not want to spend the summer all burned up. That would suck.

-Joe Elliott

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Thursday, April 15, 1999